Oct 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, you asked "when have you EVER, in your entire life, seen a candidate persist after a stroke that plainly damaged his cognitive and sensory abilities?" I have not. However, I am quite reminded of our president.

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We've reached the point where the hidden gov't no longer cares or tries to hide.

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Because they know they have the election in the bag thanks to Philadelphia....

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Oct 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Biden is the precedent. Clearly not up to the task BEFORE the election, but elected anyway (if we ignore all the many indications he wasn't).

The positive view is that the electorate is so polarized, the candidate doesn't really matter nor does convincing voters (hence many avoiding debates), they just need to focus on getting their voters out.

The negative view is that Democrats don't rely on actual voters for their victories. Elections are "fortified" to assure the correct candidate wins no matter what.

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Oct 12, 2022·edited Oct 14, 2022

Nancy just said yesterday, that "they have a plan... and yhey will NOT allow the Republicans to take power, as we'll surely lose our "democracy". Someone needs to tell these folks the US is NOT a democracy, but a Constitutional Republic. Edit: She said this 7 mo ago, so they're even more prepared now.

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The millions who vote "D" over and over and over again, do not care about such niggling distinctions.

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Tom Sullivan just said on his show how he had wondered who are the 35% or so who still support Biden. Then he mentioned several people he knows who said they "checked out" of following politics long ago, so if these people don't follow what is going on, and if they were traditionally Democrats, then they just automatically vote for anyone with a D by their name without even thinking or knowing about what those people actually stand for, and probably without knowing how the Democrat party has been taken over by radical leftists.

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Those people are just as dangerous as the activists in a way because they are useful idiots. They don’t pay attention to anything and make the problems worse.

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And the democrat elitist oligarchs are definitely not a democracy!

A demo (n)cracy perhaps.

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Also known at DEMONRATS!!!

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Being on that side for years we had some very derogatory terms for the visible opposite oligarchy. With some truth to it. Why I repudiate the uniparty we are saddled with.

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Lol! So sad, but so true.

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“Demo”-lition and mockery by crazies. AKA: Democracy.

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first thing to do is check how many of our politicians know the constitution !

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Not just know, but believe in and abide by.

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If they lose, she's out a job, and stuck riding shotgun with her schlitz-soaked husband.

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Haha! So true. If she’s suddenly home every day can you imagine how much more he’ll drink! 😂

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I know I would...

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I other words: Soros has us covered.

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She sounds like Biden.

What’s her plan?

To blow us up too….🧐

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One of the few truthful comments Joe has ever made. "My team has created "the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics". No doubt about that. They've been perfecting it for decades.

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That is why they call themselves Democrats, they want democracy not a constitutional republic.

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Link to Nancy, please? I'd love to share it!

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I can't find the video, but here's a written article quoting her. She said this 7 mo ago, so we know they're even more scared and "prepared" now.


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I saw it on a Benny Johnson post on FB, I think. I'll try to find it again.

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More Nancy:

Nancy Pelosi: ‘Glass of Water Would Win with a D Next to Its Name’ in Districts Like Mine and AOC’s


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Brandon was ‘installed’ just like a toilet!!!

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When I was a Democrat (up until summer of 2021) we said the same thing about the GOP. and there was some proof of that also Current GOP is just as corrupt but hurts us in different ways. But I’m not in any tribe now. I will be punishing Dems tho this election. Then I’ll see what informs me before the 2024 possible debacle.

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LOL Janet, same here. All the same corruption wherever you look. I like senator Johnson from Wi for what he did during the scam, but he is also an anti Russian (so I guess pro Ukraine). So what to do? Put him in health and shut him up on international politics ? I might just stop voting altogether but for a very select group. (this time I will vote governor because I absolutely do not want Abrams)

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I hear ya on Abrams. That pic of a classroom of little kids muzzled and faceless and that stupid moronic smile on her face said it all for me. All. I. Needed. To. Know.

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she would have locked down forever, ruining all small businesses, mandated the shots even though she was sick from her 2 first ones for a few days (and dumbly commented that not everyone can miss 3 days of work) She considers GA the shittiest state to live (then why doesn't she go back to where she came from, because she is not from here) and then that comment on heartbeats.... yuck that woman.

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I actually am at the point that I wouldn't put it past republicans to have fraud at play, especially in primaries. However, democrat candidates have historically been involved with much more election fraud.

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Not sure about that. Perhaps but 2000 snd 2004 tell me differently. Just more recently. But let’s be honest. The entire process hasn’t been honest for a very long time.

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Ummm, yep, Republicans are right there in the mix. Look at this data from the red state of Indiana. https://rumble.com/v10e8zh-indiana-2020-election-results-indicate-controlled-system.html

Other videos also by that group raising concerns about election integrity in the state.

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Yep! Same.

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It appears in PA they are using the Biden in the basement model but prayerfully it won’t work! Look where that got this country! LETS GO BRANDON!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬

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(flushes the toilet)

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Did the "stuff" flush away ?

I'm guessing not....

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unfortunately. if something happened I would have to call the plumber LOL. If it just were that simple !

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....wishing Roto Rooter could 'drain the swamp' , aren't we ? 🙏

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I would like to see an election with all worthy candidates, and then not vote between 2 but between ALL the candidates. For some reason it seem to be the most invalid candidates that win.

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The 2 party system in the US is just theatre. They spend their time pointing fingers at each other, causing division amongst the people, distracting us into fighting over whatever issue is at hand, all while robbing us blind while we're not paying attention. The system is definitely rigged. I say we vote for who ever is best for the job, not who they pick and put before us, like we really have a say in the outcome.

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distract the cows while milking them !

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That, and this perspective which I found thought provoking.


Also recently heard an everywoman posit that technology has potential to change our system. We could eliminate the middleman electeds, something not doable in the 18th c. We vote on legislation ourselves. We write bills ourselves (with legal consultation: wouldn’t want to pull embarrassing Senator Pans now would we?) Nothing fleshed out but dang, the idea of getting rid of the lobbyist-loving, last-minute-pork-insertions-that-have-nothing-whatsoever-to-do-with-the-substance-of-a-piece-of-legislation middleman sure sounds appealing. We would all have to become schooled but, the price of liberty is high, as is in our face so plainly now.

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Sounds like rank choice voting, like in Alaska, where a Democrat just won a congressional seat despite Republicans getting 60% of the vote.

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I think political parties are a disaster. How can you agree with all of one party, I agree with about 50 - 50. One should be able to choose the best person for the job. But as you say, even that does not promise a good outcome. Most European countries have a multiparty system at that plans for disaster as well.

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It's tough. There's no perfect system for representation in this imperfect world.

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Ranked-choice voting is just another way to disenfranchise voters...

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It might sound like a nice idea, but this kind of thing is disaster in California, and has led to a state government entirely controlled by Democrats in a supermajority because there are so many more voters who reflexively vote Democrat. Republicans have very little chance of getting elected in most areas, and 3rd party candidates have almost zero chances except in a few small areas that are not Democrat dominant. The CA state legislature has 60 Democrats, 19 Republicans and 1 Independent. The CA state senate has 31 Democrats and 9 Republicans. This tells you everything you need to know about this rank choice voting system. In many contests, the choice from primaries ends up being Democrat vs. Democrat. As long as this system continues, it's a one party state.

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I'll also mention that in our recent primary in June, there were a crazy number of candidates for Governor...two pages worth. Some people were clearly running as a joke. In any case, with so many candidates on the ballot it's no wonder the Democrats always prevail as the vote is so diluted. And then there's the fact that despite having a population of around 41 million now, only about 30% actually vote.

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Originally from Belgium, a multiparty country, where there is voting duty (so almost everyone votes) I don't know if that makes for a better system. What they have been doing in the last 30 or so years, is when no party has a majority, they flock together. Years ago a party the rest did not like got a majority. All other parties joined forces to block this party from governing. I think lots of voters were desparate, because whomever you voted for, the parties would choose their people, and no one you voted for made it to the government.... they do as they please. If you were to let belgians free, I don't think 30 % would vote !

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I remember when it was a choice between Kamala Harris and some other shitty corporate Democrat for Senator. I only voted for Harris as a vote against incumbency.

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thank you for the update. Indeed CA is a disaster. May be it would be best to have a more or less consistent number of each. I think the whole party system is bad though. It might be better if we had just small groups of more or less converging people? I don't know. May be we have to get back to the tribal system in Africa !!!

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We actually have a lot of conservatives in California, although you wouldn't know it. They are in a few places in Southern California, but mostly they are in Northern California (non coastal California). There are also a lot of Independents who I suspect will vote Republican at this point in time. However, the Democrats have worked hard to fix voting districts so that Democrats can always prevail over Republicans. I live in a Northern California area in the mountains, and when I moved here in 1987 it was very conservative and strongly Republican. It's a highly desirable area, and over the years a lot of left leaning people moved up here from the Democrat strongholds of L.A. and the SF Bay area, and they brought their politics and voting patterns with them. Very distressing for a great many of us here. For years Northern California has had an active movement to separate off from the South and become a separate state, but of course the state government will always try to squash that because the water needed by dry Southern California comes from up here, and they don't want to lose that. We're stuck.

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Oct 12, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022

I live in GA and most regions are rather republican. I think the biggest blue is Atlanta. It is only in the last 2 years I am leaning Rep. I became a citizen 10 years ago and my few friends are mostly Dem. I paid little attention to politics until this disaster with the jabs. I did not like Trump but I like Biden even less. I think even Bernie would have done better (I was planning to vote for him but then he was 'eliminated') I read last year that there was a same problem with Oregon, where part would have preferred to split off and join Idaho ?

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Yup, they just want bodies who will do what they are instructed to do. Mental ability beyond that is not required.

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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 ability beyond that is not required.

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Will NEVER refer to that man by a title you must be legitimately elected to by the (real) voters of this country. He will NEVER be referred to in that way as long as I breathe air. I will never acknowledge him in any way other than as an Alzheimer’s patient who was used by his corrupt wife and crime family and who was corrupt long before he was placed into a position.

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he's The Resident living in the White House.

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Oct 12, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022

Has he even spent a full week in the WH? I cannot remember one.

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He just said we were close to Armageddon and then promptly went back to Delaware for another R&R.

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I could not agree more! Perfectly stated! 🤬🤬🤬

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I wouldn't trust Biden alone in a room with scotch tape.

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Because he would try to sniff it?

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as he whispers sweet nothings into its ear

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Not certain which of the two is more stuck on themselves.

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The tptb know that critical mass is being reached and that time is of the essence to implement their agenda. Desperate people do desperate things.

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They managed to poison and impoverish a hefty portion of the population. Thats a win for them, tragic for most, and I suspect just the beginning.

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If Republicans take over the House and/or the Senate, the question becomes one of: What will or can they do to reverse the damage Biden has done?

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I watched Fetterman struggling with the same exact issues that I deal with as someone with significant cognitive dysfunction. Mine is due to Mast cell disorder, Dysautonomia/POTS, and I was worsened in 2020 by a hypoperfusion stressor/brain injury. I have extreme word finding difficulty, I know that what I’m looking at is a table but I can’t recall the word “table”, or I can’t recall simple words or phrases. I once asked my sister “what’s that word you say when you do something to someone and then you feel bad about it?” I couldn’t recall the word “sorry”. I can read a recipe and follow it but if you try to read it verbally to me, forget it. That’s where Fetterman’s screen obviously made sense to me as someone who can read a book but wouldn’t process an audio book properly. It’s nothing to do with hearing, it’s your brain connecting and processing what your hearing. With all that said….this is just one of the contributors to exactly WHY I cannot work anymore! I can’t be relied upon to do my job properly anymore, and I was a nurse so, needing a sharp working brain was kinda a big deal. Gee, what other kinds of jobs should probably require rational though processes? Fetterman, as well as Biden, are not fit to work now because they clearly cannot be relied upon and a huge part of the country willfully just wants to just ignore that.

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It says a lot about Fetterman that he doesn't think all that is disqualifying. His concept of the job is to just vote the way he's told, not to listen to debate or constituents.

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I know a huge part is denial. When you become disabled or get a significant life changing illness, you don’t want to admit to yourself at first that you have to give things up and can’t live the same way you lived before. Some people accept their reality and adapt quickly, I did, others continue on trying to pretend nothing happened to them. But you obviously can’t do that when your job affects so many others. I’m not sure what he thinks is going to happen *if* he happened up get elected. Does he honestly think he’s going to show up in the Senate chambers wearing an oversized black hoodie sweatshirt and that every single interaction he has with a constituent or fellow Congressman will be planned ahead with a television captioning screen?

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Oct 12, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022

Fetterman is just there to cast a reliable Democrat party vote as directed by Chuck Schumer. He won't contribute any more than that, and he doesn't have to hear or discuss anything. He could serve as Senator even if he were in a coma. The new thing in the D. party seems to be to put mentally compromised people in office because they can be more easily controlled.

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Maise Hirono. She thinks she's smart, though.

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Oct 12, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022

And the man in the WH seems even more impaired than Fetter and then there is Kamelface and Peloser not too far off.

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Well, Biden did have at least one brain aneurysm surgery in the 80s. Some say, two. Not many are aware of that. Or his history of plagerism and just outright lying. That's what got him kicked the FIRST time he ran for president in 1987.

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John MccAIN HAD BRAIN CANCER AND he held on to his job like a despotic prince.

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Hahah! Hewas my first thought

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I want to know more about these French ministers that did not get jabbed while they encouraged others to do so. Is that still the case? Hypocrites!

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I would imagine that everyone in our own government who said that they got the clot shot did not because they knew how dangerous they were! But they certainly pushed it on us which is of course, their agenda! There are a lot of hypocrites around these days!!

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I’ll put them not just hypocrites but attempted murderers. If they didn’t get them, then they had to have known SOMETHING.

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Attempted murderers? Clearly CONSPIRACY to commit Murder.... “where two or more persons CONSPIRE to commit murder”..... um... mass murder with a timeline of evidence.... Gates 201O depopulation TedTalk... “if we do a really great job on new vaccines and reproductive health services, we could lower that (population!!!) by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent”... this combined with his beyond any reasonable doubt conspiring with FrankenFauci for decades with in multiple NGO’s... FrankenFauci who publicly warned the Trump administration in 2017 “expect a “surprise outbreak” QUOTE: “There is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases,".... there is so much evidence of a conspiracy to use a plannedemic, aka testdemic with untested serum and a PCR never intended to diagnose, the test shots killed the lab animals and they approved it anyway!?! then forcing citizens, military and healthcare workers a “no jab no job” unconstitutional mandate that is still in effect!?!? Omg.... the lists of intent is so long, mind boggling and insane it’s just beyond unconscionable...

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Yup. I was going to change that. Fauci is an outright psychopath murdering at will without remorse. Behind those cockroach eyes is nothing but evil. Gates and many others also. spiritual warfare is being used to cancel humanity in every way.

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Thank you Janet, yes absolutely agree... he is the epitome of malignant psychopathic narcissist on such a grand scale of evil... it’s just mind boggling.... and how anyone with a brain could appoint this megalomaniac to an unelected bureaucratic “health” position after being known to be publicly responsible for millions of deaths in the 90’s with his AZT failure and scandal which killed the unfortunate faster than the natural progression of AIDS if left untreated, Covid injections are AZT 2.0, and another perfect storm of windfall profits for Fauci’s failures in science.... when are people going to wake up?

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I meant both Gates and FrankenFauci.... the epitome of malignant psychopathic narcissists

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Agreed. They have committed crimes against humanity!

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I think you are right. I have seen pics of Belgian and Austrian politicians having parties while their countries were in lockdown. The Dutch royal pair were on holiday. Johnson had house parties. They all knew the virus to be mild and totally not as dangerous as depicted. They all knew the shots were meant for another reason. They all knew the shots were far more dangerous than the illness. They are all groomed to play along. But they failed miserably because lots of people realize now they have been had.

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That and the un-hideable fact that the mortality across the world had only risen by 4 percent, inspite of the claims of record deaths in 2020, prior to the jab.

Now in 2021 it had risen to nearly 40 percent, and a strong slide to the younger age group. In 2022 we are still at 17-20 percent, with a cold in circulation

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Desantis-Gabbard in 2024!

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she used to be WEF. It seems like her profile has been deleted though. Putin;s has as well. I have no idea what that means, but may be I have to change my mind about her.

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Oct 12, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022

She just came out with a very interesting podcast detailing why she has left the Democrat party, and really slamming them in a major way. She sounds good, I like what she says, but knowing her WEF history I'm in wait and see mode. I do know that in the earlier days Schwab was recruiting all sorts of new, younger politicians and luring them into the WEF in his Young Leaders program, when it might have seemed like a good thing, and good for your emerging profile as a politician to get such international attention. So I can see why a lot of people got sucked into that at the time. The question now is this: Did Gabbard (and others) become disillusioned or disinterested in the WEF and when did that happen, and most important, are they still involved in any way? What I want to see is a very public denunciation of the WEF from Gabbard, like the one she just did for the Democrat party. I think she must address her past association with the WEF before she goes any further.

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Yes, exactly!

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I'd seen that as well. A while back I tracked on to one of her posts asking her to address it. Note you say her profile is deleted. Maybe she saw the light out is she being sneaky. I'm leaning towards awakening. 🤞

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still wary though. Putin is probably not be awakening or is he? or is everyone in on the game? Who knows! Sitting here with dog and cats in the boonies and watching as the show goes on.

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I like that combo!!

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Right? I’ve said all along that those elite globalist evil politicians did NOT get jabbed with anything but a fake retractable syringe and/or saline filled syringes. They all knew it was experimental and poisonous to achieve depopulation. This needs to be shouted from the roof tops for the people to know.

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You are SO right, Sunnydaze!!

Outrage. White hot outrage is required now!!

We need these monsters in prison and stripped of all their "war on humanity" profits!

Businesses Bankrupted and sold off to multinational corporations. Children killed or disabled for life!

Women and men severely injured.

And Bio-weapons! Dear God the things are illegal.

As is making war without just cause.

Criminals run our Government. Read Whitney Webb, "One Nation Under Blackmail. "

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Once the Karen Army realizes that little Timmy’s heart attack was because of the shots….there will be blood

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What really got me was the OSHA mandate. People should not forget how evil that was! People should not forget the lies about the vaccine being voluntary, and months later, the Pres of the US telling us unvaccinated off on live tv!

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Right up there with the CDC cancelling rental payments! Oh and the pre-Covid OSHA guidelines on masks? Right out the window. If it comes up I have a prepared statement: “Do you find it acceptable to coerce people into having exploratory medical treatment?” It’s like the whole scenario is an evil clown world offshoot…

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For a bit of much needed humour: A workman in the parking lot of our supermarket was unloading his truck when a sign on one of the doors caught my eye peripherally with the word 'mask'..so I walked a bit closer to read it: "if you are wearing a mask while driving alone in your car, you dont need to put a Biden sticker on your car. I already know that you voted for him!"


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I sincerely hope so. Accountability actually. Not real Blood. God knows they deserve it, but I actually am a Christian in my heart, "Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord. I will repay."

Every time humans believe they can "repay" it does go badly wrong, imho.

But exposing them, heck yes! And stripping their ill-gotten gains and illegal power, ABSOLUTELY!!!

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And using a real justice system for trying, convicting and executing them.

Vigilante justice, God forbids. A just government that administers justice, including capital punishment is part of God’s plan.

I pray for that justice.

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You’re so right Katherine, and God’s vengeance is perfect, perfectly timed and executed. Knowing that keeps us from going down a path of futility and alleviates a lot of angst. While I can’t help but feel some frustration, I know without a doubt that God’s Justice is as sure as the morning sun, it WILL be done; and Hell is not symbolic or figurative, it’s real, and it’s eternal.

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I think we must do "God's will," as we are taught. "For evil to prevail all that is required is for good men, (and good women,) to do nothing."

It's a difficult balancing act, certainly, but one we are called to, imho.


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So well said! ✝️💜

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Question is, can that brainwashing be overcome by anything? Even the death of one’s child? How strong and pervasive it is amazes me.

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I know someone who is living a very painful, excruciating, slow death, no quality of life since April this year. After getting jabbed and boosted. Healthy before…death bed and numerous hospital trips, blood clots and bleeding out simultaneously, cancer now and kidney failure on dialysis daily now. In 7 months! All of this!! Every single thing since being jabbed and boosted. Not one of these was present before. The doctors can’t explain it and have no help for him. The primary doctor says it has nothing to do with the shot. Some of his covid crazy family clueless and in denial - the other half has researched and knows exactly what this is. He, will not admit it came from the shot because his doctor says so. 🤦🏼‍♀️

He REFUSES to admit it because he was so convinced covid would kill him he went all in on the shots. Well. Covid don’t kill him but the shots will be the death of him.

The brainwashing is real and worse than anything I’ve ever witnessed. It really is a cult. I never understood that before.

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I was in a religious cult for 20 plus years. I know what a cult is and does to its victims. Covid is a cult.

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I really wonder what makes some people so susceptible to brainwashing whereas others are not. I remember back to the Jim Jones suicide kool aid all those years ago, and how astounding it was that so many people could be brainwashed into knowingly killing themselves and their children. It just blew my mind.

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After what we’ve seen, I have doubts. Unless some idolized Democrat leader or a smoking gun Pharma letter is issued, AND broadcast on MSM, they will never accept it. Assume responsibility for harming their own family members? Never.

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100% correct on all of it!

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I always wondered if Pres Trump and his family really got it. I remember a photo of Ivana at a CVS in Miami preparing to get jabbed. 🤷

In any case, if they did, I am glad that they are ok. My jabbed co-workers and coparishioners all are too.

Never the less, I did too much research to want it. I remembered the swine flu vaccine disaster of which I was almost a statistic...then, in more honest times, they pulled it off the market.

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Yup. And who knows if we’ll ever know the truth about Trump and why he pushed this. Lots of theories but none I find believable yet.

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Imho, I think he was as caught up in the covid scare and 'threat' as everyone else and as an old fashioned American who grew up trusting the medical industry, believed a vaccine was the only miraculous way out of this unknown bioweapon. I find that logical.

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I wholeheartedly agree! I also suspect, that like most of us, PDJT "trusted" those around him to not do anything to harm the American people. We now know that isn't true. It just doesn't seem possible that he has no clue about the latter...

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Someone needs to compile a running list of all these politicians. There was one in some European country who got caught w a fake vac card.

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Me too. And how many of our Congress people didn’t get the jab either since they exempted themselves? I’d bet many in government who advocated for the gene therapy didn’t get the jab themselves or allow their family members to get them. 🤔

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Oct 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Remember this?

Joe Rogan: Dr. Pierre Kory Said 200 Members of Congress Were Treated With Ivermectin


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Thanks.... I had forgotten about that

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Congress was exempted from the shot mandate of course.

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Oct 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Check out Operation Jenner in Spain last February 2022. They caught loads of elites ( incl their big pharma ceo) who faked it

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Bastards. Prison I say!

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Gitmo had one rooms I hear.

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WOW I completely missed that

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Did Macron ever say he was vaxxed? Or was it just implied? I wonder. I'm pretty sure no "important" people really took the damn shot.

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Perhaps that's the first thing they need to do before their sentencing

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Some U.S. politicians clearly got real shots. Fetterman had his stroke, as did that New Mexico senator. A congressman's teenage daughter died. Newsom had GBS. I'm sure there's more injury examples.

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Hedley Rees, a pharma quality expert has a great substack titled "Inside Pharma" that addresses the quality issues associated with the shots. There is a good chance that the shots vary from batch to batch and dose to dose for multiple reasons. This variability adds to the biological uncertainties associated with reactions.

Here is a link to his substack - https://hedleyrees.substack.com/

The bottom line is that until the manufacturing process undergoes a quality certification, the product cannot be considered licensed, so the bio-equivalency statement that the pharma companies are floating to substitute the EUA products for the Licensed versions is a deceptive play. There are no licensed vaccines available in the U.S. yet you can't turn on a TV or radio station without hearing a vax ad. Pharma companies are not allowed to market EUA products and they are getting around this by marketing a licensed product and inducing product substitution at the point of sale/administration. I'm no lawyer, but it seems like this area is ripe for lawsuits.

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He did say “I want to piss off the unvaccinated” in reference to his mandates.

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Did Trump? 🤔

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I think he got COVID so he didn't need the vaccine. In Europe recovering from COVID gives you the same privileges as getting the vaccine.

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Well that’s reasonable!

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The White House (whoever that is) forced the shots on all federal workers and contractors....HOWEVER congress was exempt. Kinda like legal draft dodgers. For those paying attention it was a big clue, the rest continue to happily stay clueless and queue for more.

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"Encouraged" is not the right word. I am in France and refused to get injected.

I was stigmatised, oppressed and discriminated against as a modern day leper.

Was banned from entering a cafe or restaurant or getting on a train. (Thankfully, a couple of rebel bar-cafes around me kept the underground resistance going.)

Macron notoriously said he wanted to "emerder" the un-injected. Politely translated this could mean "really annoy". The literal translation is "drop them in the sh*t".

I seriously suspected that all top government folk are un-injected. Have you wondered why there has not been a corresponding cul in politicians and government folk like we have seen in sports, media and everywhere else?

But suspecting it, not matter how strongly believing it, is one thing. Seeing the verification before your eyes is something else. The ANGER at these despicable people.

They all faked it. They are all frauds.

The worst part about this? Nothing will happen.

Trump was impeached because he asked for a political favour against a rival from a foreign government. What should happen to a head of state who bullies and blackmails his subjects into taking a dangerous experimental genetic concoction that kills and maims them and does not even do what it is supposed to do - and lies about taking it himself?

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Good for you for standing up for what is right and we all know that it is not easy! It takes strength and fortitude and the knowledge that if we bend to their will, it will only exponentially get worse!! They want total world domination and I for one, am going to go down fighting!!

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Yes, that story sounds verifiable - would LOVE to see a piece on this - quite credible, quite reprehensible.

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Im sure its detectable, with a simple test, getting these people to sit still whilst taken is another thing.

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Oct 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff - After I watched your interview, I felt ever so slightly vindicated. I work in a Trauma 2 ER as a medical technician. I was an EMT, but as a 60 yr old felt this was the next step in my career. I am the only one in my department that refused the jab. Countless times I have been cornered in empty pt rooms by doctors trying to coerce me to get the jab “out of love for me.” When that didn’t work, they tried to make me feel inferior for my “lack of knowledge and mumbo jumbo belief system.” When that didn’t work, they filed a complaint against me stating that I was a threat to their health and well being.

I pulled my shoulders back and put on my best smile and told them “thank you for your concern. Yes, of course I see people die. Of course I know the risks.”

I was alone on an island and swimming with sharks. They wanted me to get Covid and die to prove they were right and honestly I smiled inwardly every time another one got Covid and stayed home. I never have had Covid and I have coded people that have died from it.

This is my journey and you all unknowingly walked with me. Jeff, you and all of your readers have given me strength and courage to keep going. You are my people! Keep up the great work!❤️

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I used to work in the nursing field in but, no longer work due to health issues so, I’m actually speaking more from my “patient experience” side of things. It’s been appalling how much medical professionals decided to just ignore years of training, knowledge, and experience in medicine/patient care to adopt basically just a “fall in line and do what everyone else is doing or else!” attitude. There is no regard to anyones personal health situation, whether we actually need the shot, whether it could harm us, etc. I have Mast cell disorder, idiopathic anaphylaxis, Crohn’s, POTS, hEDS, and am on immunosuppressive therapy and instead of even daring to consider whether that jab maybe isn’t the best idea for someone in my situation, of course all my doctors just went with the blanket rhetoric about how safe it would be and how much I needed to be “protected”. I have had dozens of episodes of anaphylaxis and I’ve also reacted to a past vaccine, yet my MCAS specialist was trying to convince me that getting it with anaphylaxis was super safe and even took the manipulation to the point where she tried to guilt me by saying, “you know if you catch COVID there’s nothing that can be done for you.” This was at the time when monoclonal ab were available to me. I called her out on her overt lie and she ended up admitted that well yes, there was treatment but, she just thinks everyone should get the jab instead. I’m not sure how these people sleep at night. She went from telling me pre-vaccine that good news, my MCAS is likely actually protective against the virus, which I found research has now proven to be true, to post-vaccine telling me that it’s the only thing that will “save me”. Can they be anymore obvious who they are in bed with here? I watch all my doctors like a hawk and make sure I’m always researching. Turns out my high doses of antihistamines, mast cell stabilizers, and even my immunosuppressive med are actually protective against COVID. I’ve also still never had it and I’ve been exposed for sure twice that I know of.

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Great job standing up to them. You rock!

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I'm so glad you stood strong!!!

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What a great story (You know what I mean. 😊). Are those actual quotes from these losers???

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This only verifies what they teach you in medical school. Massive amounts of information and memorization and long hours. The true lesson though is “fall in line, go with the dictates, and never question authority”. What a great medical system we have, don’t you think?

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Yes. Actual quotes from medical doctors.

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Blessings and kudos to you.

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You have guts! I wish there were more people like you in the medical field.

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You should be so proud of yourself! You stood your ground. I live in a deep blue state and the last year has been extremely difficult. But I stood strong as well and protected my kids.

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THank you for standing strong, however were you able? So happy for you. Brava!

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Natural selection and only the strong survive at work.

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Oct 12, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm still trying to decipher the difference between an "essential" and "non-essential" business, and you want me to define "speed of science?" You tax me. I'm 95% sure it means whatever anyone wants it to mean. Regardless, it's going too fast for these morons.

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From what i can tell it the Covid definition of 'essential' has something in common with 2008's 'Too Big To Fail'. Both incidents (controlled financial demolitions?) saw vast sums transferred upward, and small to medium players left out in the cold, or as in recent cases "locked down". Hard to keep a business valid when you cant operate it. As far as the Speed of Science.just file it under all the idiotic non-scientific claims these jokers have made....its. along list.

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I'm wondering if we can mount anywhere near as good a recovery this time around. There were many small businesses that got their start because of the last recession. People who lost their jobs and couldn't find another one became entrepreneurs. Some of them even said without the recession they wouldn't have tried to start their own business.

I'm sure there are some who will try this time too, just not as sure that many will be successful.

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It's the fulfillment of the "Idiocracy" prophecy.

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I HAVE to watch that movie!

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Watched Idiocracy about 3 months ago. Recommend it highly. Only problem is it was obviously intended as a farce, but all these years later plays as a sober documentary.

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Everyone should. But you can just look West to CO and see it in real time... 🤪

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The "speed of science" is like the fake moon landing.

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Ssshhh, dont jostle the unshakable faith!!

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Getting rid of small business seemed to be their goal and part of their great reset model.

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It's difficult to control small businesses. They need a simple and effective control techniques to drive compliance. Small businesses are antithetical to stakeholder capitalism, which is communisms with Chinese characteristics on which bozo campaigned.

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Here in Oregon art galleries were essential but not other small local businesses like clothing stores, furniture and decor, or specialty lotions stores. Crazy logic.

I had a small custom jewelry store and also had my paintings on display so was technically a gallery but didn’t bother going in for regular hours, downtown was dead as a doornail. Who knows how much I could have made those weeks, ya can’t prove a negative. But the year came out great... I canceled my pre-planned (since 2019) May retirement sale and moved it to December... a smart move.

I guess I was essential after all 🤣

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"It means what it means"

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If the "speed of science" could be said to be a "thing" at all, then surely such speed would be painstakingly slow, since science is supposed to be all about extremely thorough and methodologically airtight falsification by considering as many variables and confounds as possible.

This new slogan is a loser right out of the gate. It's not even as good as "flatten the curve" and that one was hardly brilliant either.

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The "speed of science" is like the fake moon landing.

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The "speed of science" is actually very slow and incremental.

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Oct 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Strange, and I know in this day and age relatively rare, is that if you tell the truth from the get-go, you usually do not need to backtrack. That 95% was the RRR or relative risk reduction which means nothing in the real world. The accompanying ARR or absolute risk reduction which means everything in the real world was at best 1%. This is true for many drugs as big pharma always uses the RRR because it helps to promote the smoke and mirrors foundation that supports most of its drugs including vaccines and statins.

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Exactly it was always known these jabs weren’t studied for transmission prevention. I think it’s only blown up now because it’s straight from the horses mouth by my argument to my family from December 2020 was they won’t prevent transmission so I won’t bother. And if they end the pandemic that will purely be because the pandemic was political and they’ve given up with it or done what they needed with it (ie nearly everyone got jabbed)

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I just wish the people who got jabbed would realize it was all for control and they fell for it. I was shamed for not taking it. I need to hear some regret.

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Oct 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

AMEN!! Some neighbor put a sign in my yard that said “DANGER ANTI-VAXER LIVES HERE” this was in August 2021, at the heart of vax mania! Just couldn’t believe someone would do that. NOW I should put my own sign “UNVAXXED AND PROUD OF IT” love to hear the retort from “them” (never found out who did it) now.

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Put the sign back up for Halloween.

It will win the blue-pill contest for the “scariest sign” in the neighborhood.

Won’t need much candy either as no one will come a knocking.

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Money saver!!!

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WOW! Where in the heck do you live?

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I live in the South Suburbs of Chicago...otherwise known as woke central to many of us 🤦🏻‍♀️ I will say at the time it happened I was really quite upset, now, I want to tell them all to go to H.LL!!

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You should put up a new sign that says "I WAS RIGHT!"

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A sign that says "Pure Blood lives here" or "Still No Regrets" or "Still Living with Faith Over Fear"

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"We didn't drink the kool-aid but the neighbors did"

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Or just one that says "Yep"

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Oct 12, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022

I feel the same way but I try to remind myself that those who won't openly voice their regret are probably secretly and fearfully questioning it. I have a few friends who took the first two shots but then openly said no to the boosters. Now...if someone shamed you for not getting any of the shots, then you should consider the fact you might be better off without such people.

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Mattias Desmet's book might be a nice Christmas gift, don't you think?

Or either Kennedy' "Letter to Liberals" Peter McCullough, or Naomi Wolf's "The Bodies of Others."

Or go all the way and give them "The Real Anthony Fouci!"

; ))

A few more may now be ready......

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My mom won’t read the copy of The Real Anthony Fauci I sent her. Says the print is too small. I thought SURELY since it was written by a Kennedy she’d at least attempt a chapter or two. Not holding my breath.

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You can get it on Amaz in the audio version.

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I read The Real Anthony Fauci, stunning amount of footnotes. I’ve never seen that in any other book.

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That info was in the studies and trials in documents that were released summer of 2021. Of course this was ignored. I heard about this deceit and

misrepresentation from my alternative health sources who caught this.

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I suggest everyone ensure they have alternative health sources. Your very life depends upon it!

It takes some work to search for the remnant of health professionals that aren’t morally corrupted, but they are out there. I found them via teleconferences, recommendations by like-minded patriots, and locally available, even in rural SD.

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Yes. I’ve been plugged into that realm for 11 years and using good natural lifestyle practices, real food, exercise and common sense treatments have served me well. That is where I began to hear the Covid truth. I’m never sick. No vaccs in years. Done with any. I was in an accident and needed a hip replacement. 4 weeks later I’m walking normal using no mobility aids. I’m 74 yo. My docs said my good condition helped enormously. I have seen a functional medicine doc to look at something which has improved. It’s expensive so I won’t see her unless I feel I really need it. Good treatment is out there. After this hip thing is over I’m backing out of the invasive nature of the large medical system I had to enter. They did a great job on me however.

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When people backtrack, bury evidence (or take 75 years to release it) or outright lie, there is a very high probability that they are guilty of something. As much as I hate the DubyaSpeak "The innocent have nothing to hide" I would like to see it applied to the PharmaCorps and their lackeys. Like Stevie-K says: The best way to dispel disinformation is to offer up counter evidence in a hearty debate in order to debunk it. I conclude that if the parties making the accusations wont offer up a counter view, it is because the cannot....period.

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I'm an SLP (well, former SLP, current homeschooling mama) and I would guess he's suffering from Broca's aphasia, which originates in the frontal lobe, without question. That's why he's having so much trouble with word-finding. I'm not convinced he's having problems hearing so much as auditory processing, which would also indicate temporal lobe involvement. He should be focusing on rehabilitating with intensive speech therapy (the earlier the treatment the better the outcome) rather than hiding what's going on.

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SLP here as well and I concur 100%!

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I’m not an SLP, however my mother had a major stroke in 2004 and has suffered from aphasia ever since. When I first saw Fetterman speak post stroke, I thought he sounds just like mom. I concur with the SLP. He should be getting speech therapy and group discussion sessions to help improve his obvious processing issue.

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Oct 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you Jeff again for the time you take out of your day to keep us up to date on world events including the jab!

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Oct 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

For those late to the vaccine truth party, the vaccine trial designs published publicly from day one clearly stated they would test for symptom and severity reduction only. But you had to read beyond the abstracts.

For the record, the trials also excluded all high risk categories, pregnancy, etc. i.e. - anything where we've seen it's dangerous was excluded. I wonder if it's because they already knew?

Another way to find the truth was to review the actual results of any/all mRNA vaccine trials before that made it to animals. Every one, 100%, were cancelled due to safety signals. What signals? Well, gee, same exact ones we've seen and screamed about... clots, heart attacks, vaccinated reaching "ICU criticality" status after exposure to the intended virus, 10% of exposures dying.

So, the "speed of science" showed in 2012 what the future would hold. If only someone knew to look before running a half assed test on billions of people. Weird, huh?

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They knew. The injections are working as designed. Your biggest clue is that dosages were randomized, among all companies, so as not to kill off too many in one area at a time, lest people might catch on to the genocide. It produced a distorted pattern, instead. This alone, required much planning and coordination.

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I'm leaning in your direction. The spike protein was a manufactured bioweapon. mRNA therapies have been in trials for decades. There was a handful of people in powerful places who knew exactly how this was going to play out. I truly believe that.

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Makes one wonder if they had something more than just profits in mind. Expressions like ‘useless eaters’ and ‘population reduction’ come to mind…

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My understanding is that it’s pretty standard to exclude pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and people with chronic health conditions from new drug studies.

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That may be so, but you don't then, expound on the safety of a drug in that demographic

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That's true, but it's not standard to then have overall broad approval (and coercion) of those same groups to go get the same drug the trials excluded them from. We all watched as it was pushed on pregnant women to get the shot. Protect themselves AND their baby. The stats on the outcome of those recommendations are heartbreaking.

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Do other trials then follow up and do trials on the excluded high-risk populations? My logical brain thinks that might be a pretty good idea!!

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In theory, yes.

In reality, often not.

And yes, that IS a really good idea. Indeed.

My understanding of pregnancy trials is that usually any data is based on use of said product in women who didn’t know they were pregnant whilst using the product. After that has happened “x” number of times, without apparent untoward effects, it becomes generally acceptable to use the product during pregnancy, assuming the dr “weighs risks and benefits.” And we all know how that turns out nowadays.

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I love DeSantis. He is my superhero 🦸‍♂️

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I agree. I’ve never seen such a swift and targeted response after a natural disaster to getting much needed infrastructure back in place. DeSantis is a superhero!

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Love him too, but he's not a superhero, just competent, understands the importance of planning, and actually does his job. Most executives in this age of lies think their role is to manage image and expectations rather than actually fix the problem (Newsom being the poster child). DeSantis understands an executive must actually execute, not just send out PR and call press conferences. It's probably from his military background.

Not to knock on DeSantis as he's great, but look at the buffoons we're comparing him to.

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And as Jeff Childers recently pointed out, DeSantis is blessed by having a strong conservative legislature to support him. He is not fought at every step like many Governors would be. The people of Florida voted in that legislature. They also chose DeSantis without enthusiasm at the time. He beat a crackhead, deviant opponent by a mere percentage point. DeSantis has grown and flourished in the position, after a slow start. I applaud much of what has occurred under his leadership.

But Florida has to move away from being fast tracked to become the abortion capital of the nation. Abortions are on the rise at an alarming rate in 2022. This must change or disaster is ahead even bigger than Ivan.

And why can’t we purchase Ivermectin over the counter as some states now allow? I know people who have gotten prescriptions, but then find it unaffordable. This is wrong!

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According to this video, DeSantis takes $$ from Pfizer just like the rest of them. HB6003 should alarm people.


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He is amazing! His surgeon general too!

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I like him to, but this came across my desk today regarding Bill HB6003. I don’t know much about it but I’d like to find out more.


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Oct 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

For some reason, the visual of Fetterman as a senator keeps reminding of Caligula appointing his horse to the Roman Senate. When a republic collapses, it does so in very strange and absurd ways.

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Thank you, Jeff Childers, for presenting the most essential news in an honest, forthright, sarcastic, snarky, and absolutely on-target 🎯 manner! I hope you win many more court cases for humanity while helping to keep the rest of us semi-sane 😜.

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Here is a must see video interview of Colonel MacGregor updating the status of Ukraine war:


A much different portrayal than what we get from MSM propaganda. Horsey and the Benjamins hair will be on fire if they get through this one! :)

Added Bonus: The last few minutes of the video is Tulsi Gabbard’s Democratic party resignation statement. Don’t miss.

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Thank you; the video is excellent

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Not surprised about Fetterman - my 15 year old daughter had a brain hemorrhage 6 years ago - it resulted in expressive AND receptive aphasia (she is 95% recovered thanks to prayers, medical technology, her young and still recoverable neuron pathways, and plain old stubbornness). When Fetterman can't understand words said, it's not his ears not working, it's his brain not working and likely never will. At his age, he likely will not recover his receptive communication ability - and when one cannot understand words, then one cannot legislate. I hope the good voters of PA understand that.

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It's hard to believe a healthy physician like Dr. Drew would say he was eager to get an experimental vaccine that was produced, tested and released for public consumption in less than a year. It raises questions to me about Dr. Drew's judgement. Apparently he was unaware that thalidomide was approved for use in more than 40 countries over a period of 5 years before it was discovered to be a teratogen. Or Vioxx was FDA approved and used to treat pain for 5 years before it was withdrawn from the market after having caused thousands of heart attack deaths. Later we learned that the Vioxx manufacturer knew of these risks but kept the data secret. Welcome to the real world, Dr. Drew. You are a bit late, however.

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More evidence that it was an IQ test.

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It's worse than that. I don't pay that much attention to him, but I do remember that early on Dr. Drew was promoting the shots and at the same time admitted that a friend had gotten the Covid shots and was having a hard time of it. Why didn't it occur to the doctor then that there might be a problem? Was he being paid off by the Feds like so many others?

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Oct 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Whenever I see Fetterman now, the mid 90s song "Lump" pops into my head lol.

I disagree that the US interest rates are not targeted at US/EU. I believe the rate increases were targeted directly at Europe, and Le Maire simply stated the obvious. This goes back to the LIBOR scandal from 2012, and the US's very recent creation of a new SOFR overnight rate. Several months ago, before the Russian invasion, President of the EU central bank said at a big central banker meeting that the central banks of the world needed to 'use their tools' to fight climate change, and Jerome Powell told her flatly NO. Remember Jamie Dimon's response to Rasheeda Tlaib a few weeks ago? He said that banning all investment in oil/gas projects would be the "road to hell" for America and JP Morgan would not agree to it. And 2 weeks ago, Al Gore called the head of the World Bank a "climate denier". Europe and UK are about 10 years further along into this zero carbon BS than we are. If you see the elites of US/EU/UK all working within the WEF and other globalist organizations to form some kind of global fascist corpo-government, don't you think they would also each be vying for dominance of the new power structure? That's what has been happening for the past year. And go back and remember why we really locked down in March of 2020 and think about the sequence of events. Did we lockdown because that's what China did or because that's what Italy and the rest of Europe did? The Europeans don't value freedom the same way most Americans do, and luckily we still have some Americans in power who refuse to be subservient to European overlords. Unfortunately, Joe Biden isn't one of them.

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“His lump, his lump, his lump is in his neck....” now I’m going to have this stuck in my head🤣

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I've heard people calling him John Goiterman. Fits.

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