Thank you for the great round up again!! How interesting there were only 422 comments regarding the covid vaccine addition to the childhood vaccine schedule. There were 422 comments BEFORE I left my comments yesterday afternoon. I wonder what "approved comments" even means. Something seems fishy!!!

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Beyond a shadow of a doubt

This process has been corrupted!!

I was involved in CT’s fight to keep our pediatric religious vaccine exemption for schools in the state of CT

Nearly 2,000 people signed up to speak at a public hearing that lasted 24 hours. Leaders of the Public Health Committee imposed the 24 hour time restriction, saying that if everyone who signed up to testify were permitted to speak, the hearing would last for DAYS. Each speaker was limited to three minutes.

CT lost their religious exemption for vaccination… like CA, NY, they are excluding kids from access to public school if Parents don’t comply with the AAP pediatric vaccine schedule …

The Dems in CT are completely corrupt on the issue of vaccines. Ned Lamont needs to be voted out of office.


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Remove them. Vote for Medical Freedom, & Accountability for CDC, FDA, NIH, Fouci, etc. Specifically attack them on the Child Gender Mutilations, ALL the Covid Lies, and the push for "Armageddon."

If those 3 issues don't bring down the modern "Democrats" (which seem more like "Demo- Rats") I do not know what will....

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And if your state doesn't turn around in November, my personal response would be to move.

Life is too brief to spend it inside an insane asylum with the worst of the inmates in charge.

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good renaming.

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Evil agenda as always, but excluding kids from access to public school is no longer a frightening threat. It may save the child’s sanity, not to mention their soul.

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My daughter lives there. Hates the crazy democrat mentality and Lamont. Loves visiting me in Florida. She says it feels like the good old US of her younger years..aka: normal.

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And polls showing stephanowsky isn’t going to beat King Ned 😢

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I agree. Didn't receive acknowledgement of my comment two days ago and the count was 162 at that time.

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Hmmm.... have you gone back to look for yours, to see if it was posted? I submitted mine last night and received email confirmation that it was “received” and is under review. Did you check the box asking to receive notification?


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Just checked on mine. Email said received and being reviewed for approval. I decided realize our comments gad to be approved. What’s up with that?

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sounds like all the rest. censoring.

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Yup ~ I did ask to receive notification. Haven't gone back to look for it yet...

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I got an email that they received it. Don’t know if it was posted. I did remark that pharmaceuticals will love you but history will shred you.

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I also said they would find themselves on the wrong side of history.

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Sounds like the 2019 election!

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I think my comment will be that more and more people know their corruption and don't believe them anymore. We will not be vaxxed or let our children be vaxxed.

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That’s a nutshell what I will tell these monsters in my personal emails. Going out soon.

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If you look at their "criteria" for approval, it's pretty slim and totally subjective. I'm not surprised so few have been approved.

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They recommend giving "opposing viewpoints". Wth? Why? So they can use those to help them write their approval??

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The comment count is updated once a day, and it's at 31,000+ now.

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Yay! Looks like the C&C crew got to work! 😏

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sounds like some places where more people voted than live there but in the opposite direction. Or like the comment you could give on a reorganization of a local road, only they had already decided and mocked all comments. That is government for you.

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I suggest that every single C&C reader calls CDC, and FDA, and the White House, and their Representatives in Congress, to say--- "if you put these unnecessary and all too often deadly shots on the Reccommended Childhood Immunization Schedule, WITHOUT a full safety investigation comparing the health of the Covid vaccinated to the Covid unvaccinated, carried out by a none-pharma funded Independent Research Group, I will never, and my children will never, take another CDC Reccommended injection again.


Specifically Anthony Fouci and Pharma, who have worked together for 50+ years to destroy our regulatory agencies, and loose endless disease upon our Nation."

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Katherine - I agree, well said. But even without them adding it to the schedule, everyone definitely needs to look at the current shots already recommended and think long and hard about whether they ever want or need to get any of them ever again. I can tell you, as a former nurse who spent over a decade giving thousands of these shots to people and getting basically whatever my doctors told me I “needed” because either it was on the schedule, or because I have multiple chronic disorders and am immunocompromised, I just never questioned anything but I sure don’t make that mistake now! Because I am on immunosuppressive therapy, I actually used to get two flu shots a year, one in October and one in January. I was never told I didn’t mount a normal response to vaccines and wouldn’t be fully protected, nor that the flu vaccine isn’t actually that effective to begin with. It can only be 20%, at best 50% and that’s in a healthy person. So I was basically pumping myself with two of these shots a year for little to no benefit at all. Never again! I also discovered that America is the only place in the world pumping people with a tetanus shot every 10 years. It’s not even on the adult schedule in most other countries. OHSU did a study in 2016 that said we should revise the schedule to 30 years. They stated it it’s not needed that often and also would save the US approx. $1 billion dollars in healthcare costs over 4 years. Obviously nothing was done with their research and nothing will be done because, clearly…💰💵💰💵. But I’m certainly done with TD shots.

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My grandkid was injured substantially by the HPV. neurological damage. OCD, ADHD, mild Tourette’s, thoughts of harm. Now she is transitioning to a boy. Did not the counselors think this could be an outcome of the mental damage? I know now they are in on it now— woke snd for the $$$$$. I can’t say anything to the parents. Just watch and pray no further damage happens. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Sorry to hear about your grandkid. I am more thankful everyday that I declined those shots for both my kids. Also, thankful everyday that now that they are adults, they were smart enough to side with their mother against the jabs and trust their own immune systems!!

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Janet - so sorry to hear that. I am very familiar with the reputation of the HPV vaccine, especially as someone who has POTS and IBD. It’s been well known to cause onset of neurological disorders, as well as cases of Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis. The doctor who wrote this was just awarded ‘Doctor of the Year’ at this years Dysautonomia International Conference. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24102827/

My sister has two girls and they absolutely did NOT get that shot. There was multiple reasons but, especially with our extensive family history of genetic, autoimmune, and neurological disorders, no way!

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Please can someone tell me what to advise my daughter to do as far as vaccines for her baby due in two weeks, and will be 3 weeks early and lower birthrate because of that. (placental issue).

She lives in the horrible state of Ct. I told her to not allow hepatitis vaccine for newborn. Am I right? She and her brother didnt get them until they were 12.

Also I told her to have a comparison graph of her vaccines 1986 and then 2022. and to try to have doctor abide by that protocol and to have him space apart as much as he can.

Is choosing even an option?

I am so worried.

Thanks for any suggestions.

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

Suzanne Humphries’s book Dissolving Illusions is a must-read! Unfortunately, when it comes to family, you have to offer the facts and pray they choose to do their own research. Far too many feel that it isn’t a big deal, or aren’t willing to deal with constant pressure - doctors, daycare, schools, friends, even churches and such. Check out Del Bigtree’s show and website - The Highwire - he goes pretty in depth on vaccines too.

Like someone else said, this is a huge rabbit hole - more like a rabbit warren, or one of those massive underground ant kingdoms - where you have to be willing to dig, and research, and ultimately make truly informed choices (something western medicine fails to actually provide). And nearly always that will include finding “alternative” practitioners to provide actual *health care* for your family.

The biggest, most important thing I wish someone had told me when I started questioning vaccines for my kids and looking into them, is there is no reason to start vaccinating a child before you feel you have made the uncoerced choice to do so, being fully informed. You can always vax a kid later. You cannot unvaccinated them, a lesson I learned the very hard way.

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Look up Dr Kevin Stillwagon's substack. He's doing a multi-part series about childhood and other vaccines. It's difficult to believe, but NO childhood vax has EVRR been trialed against a true placebo. They are trialed against other approved vaccines, so if they're "as safe" as the others, they get approved. The problem with that is the followup on these trials is as short as 3-4 DAYS, but none have been observed for even a year. So, it's quite easy for them to not blame any true vax injury on a vax due to these short follow-up periods! The corruption in this process is maddening!

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Wow. Thanks for recommending this substack.

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In this video, the doctor from Oregon who has a lot of unvaxxed pediatric patients talks about hep b vaccine. I think he wrote a book on childhood vaccines. The same doctor has a channel on children's defence fund site.


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Yes! It was this study Dr. Thomas did in his practice that I was referring to in my comment above. I had thought it was 15 years and it looks like it was actually 10. I saw it shared in a slightly different video but it was the same presentation/slides of that study, ‘Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnosea Along Axis of Vaccination.’ It’s all extremely fascinating to me not only as a former medical professional but also as a chronic disorder patient. I was born with a genetic connective tissue disorder and also had other complicated family genetic phenotype involved and I am convinced childhood vaccines, even the more limited schedule of the early 80’s was not a wise idea to pump into my system. Very promptly into my teens I developed Crohn’s disease, and now I also have Dysautonomia/POTS and Mast cell disorder.

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022

Yes. I refused that for both my boys, it’s totally unnecessary in the vast majority of cases. Hep B is what they give at birth and it can only be contracted through bodily fluids so drug addicts and sex workers are most at risk. But most nurses and doctors won’t tell you that of course.

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There was a very well designed research study that I read several years ago where the researchers simply compared the autism rates for kids who got the hep B at birth versus kids who got the hep B. 3 months or so later. There was very statistically significant higher rates of autism in the vaccinated at birth group. sorry, I don’t have the reference but certainly waiting a little while should be easy to talk folks into.

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Eli - I really wish I could remember where I saw it, I may actually have the video saved somewhere but, I had watched a video about a general practitioner who actually did a real world experiment in his own practice over I believe about a 15 year span. He actually compared the vaccinated patients with the unvaccinated patients and basically counted the number of office visits they had and for what reasons they were being seen over the years (i.e. ear infections, colds, pain, autoimmune disorders, gastrointestinal symptoms etc.) and the results were pretty staggering. The unvaccinated patients were basically the healthiest in the practice who seldom were seen for anything other than a yearly physical if they wanted to. I don’t think it’s any secret that the younger generations who have been getting more and more added to their vaccine schedules as the years go by are having higher rates of diagnoses such as autism and attention deficit disorders, autoimmune disorders, food allergies, etc. There’s definitely more than just vaccines contributing to these issues but, I believe they are a large portion of the problem.

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Angela - it’s definitely a very in depth topic. I’ve researched a lot and have gone down so many rabbit holes and sourced so many places to remember them all now would be difficult for me. I found a good person to follow who keeps all the information together is on Instagram, @thenaturalmindedmomma. She also has a Facebook group by the same name. Mom’s on there absolutely have chosen no to the Hep B vaccine at birth. Lots of nuanced discussions about vaccines on there, however it’s done by bypassing trigger words that can get your group flagged. I believe it’s Dr. Green Mom, but she is the one who has resources to help parents find “vaccine friendly” doctors, meaning doctors who will accept parents choice or help do adjusted scheduling if that is what parents want.

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This is from a website focused on hepatitis, with regard to transmission of Hep B

Sex with an infected partner

Acquired at birth from an infected mother

Sharing injection drug equipment (including needles, syringes, cookers, drug-preparation equipment)

Contact with blood or open sores of an infected person

Needle stick or other skin puncture

Sharing items such as glucose monitors, razors or toothbrushes with an infected person.

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Can you direct me to the best article, if you know of one, that tells of efficacy and harms of flu shots? I myself have never had one (60 years old) nor my husband. Never took one because I have never had flu my whole adult life. But my daughter takes them because pediatrician said she should have them because she has asthma, but only from allergies from pet dander, which she avoids by taking antihistamine when needed and has inhaler if needed. But now from everything I’ve learned since start of this plandemic, I am trying to convince her to not take it anymore. My husband also has pet dander allergies and yet he never gets flu shot and he has been fine. TIA if you can direct me to a good article.

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No articles to share, but I used to get flu shots every year only because I hate to get a cold so I know I would absolutely HATE getting the flu. I heard/read some time ago that the senior dose had some nefarious ingredients in them pointing to reducing immunity and the need for more and more shots. IDK and I never investigated fully. I just decided I wouldn’t get the senior dose - over 65. I would be urged to get the senior dose because “I’m eligible”. I declined and said I’ll do just fine with the standard dose. Never got the flu. HOWEVER, I will never ever get another flu shot. I don’t trust them anymore. Vitamins are my best friend.

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My parents doctor just recommended against the flu shot for them. They are 85. Maybe there still are good doctors out there.....

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M2 - while I don’t think any of my doctors would be this honest, I will say that these past two years that I have been declining the flu shot none of my doctors seem to be all that concerned or care that I’m not getting it. You’d think if they were that horrified that my chronically ill, immunocompromised self was not going to “protect myself” they’d have offered much more vocalized objections but, nope, not much a word. A couple tried a slight COVID jab guilt trip or subtle sarcastic undertone in my office notes but, most just accepted that I was not interested in getting it with my anaphylaxis and mast cell disorder.

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Yes, on vitamins. I have been taking multivitamin since high school and have added in many others about 10 years ago. My best friend also.

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022

Hendrick, see my above comment

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The senior dose is actually a higher dose: Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent contains four times the amount of antigen as the regular dose flu vaccine. As we get older, our immune systems have a harder time fighting off infections and learning from vaccines. The higher amount of antigen in the high-dose flu vaccine helps an older adult’s immune system better recognize and react to the vaccine.

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022

There are no good vaccines. Read the book "Dissolving Illusions" by Suzanne Humphries and you will realize all vaccines are a scam. They DID NOT eliminate childhood diseases. And they are ALL harmful. We have been duped and manipulated. The videos in the post below will probably give you the same perspective.

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I have been working my way through this book. 👍🏻

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Gabriella - Now, let me preface this by saying that I am not by any means encouraging you to necessarily share this particular article with your daughter and I’ll explain why. While the data they shared about the efficacy may be accurate, it’s from CDC MMWR who are clearly extremely biased and no matter how bad the efficacy or side effects, etc., they are still going to praise up the shots, tell you how much you still need them and how good they are for you, and recommend everyone still take them, which is what they proceed to do in the article. However, they reported that for the 2019-2020 influenza season, the shots were found to be only 45% effective, with the numbers at 50% for influenza B and only 37% for influenza A. As I mentioned in my original comment, I personally have less seroconversion to vaccines, sometimes 3x less so, that for me basically meant I was only at about 15% efficacy that year. Pair that with the risk, any vaccine can cause me anaphylaxis, or an inflammatory response with my immune system which can throw my POTS, Crohn’s, MCAS into a flare…the benefit does NOT outweigh risk. But they never explain this to you. I also have asthma but, it’s always under control with my MCAS treatment and lifestyle changes. It doesn’t make me any higher risk than anyone else and I don’t need a shot just because I hold the diagnosis. Same with Pneumonia vaccines. My mother is 67 and was insistent that now she was older surely she must be high risk and “had” to have one. But pneumonia is caused by multiple things, bacteria, viruses, fungus. The Pneumonia vaccine only protects you from the Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria, and only 23 strains of it…there are 80. Now, while they say that the 23 they have put in the vaccine are what causes most cases of bacterial pneumonia, that’s 50% of cases, at best, and you are not protected against pneumonia caused by any other microbe, including viruses. People get hospital acquired pneumonia from E. Coli, Enterobacter, Staph, Klebsiella pneumoniae, etc. Also there is ventilator acquired pneumonia. Or pneumonia from having allergies and asthma and then living in a house with mold or an animal you’re allergic to. I could go on. I mean, if people know this and still want one that’s there prerogative but, they deserve to know it’s not “protection from all pneumonia”. And again, certain genotypes or immune systems will be prone to overreacting to any foreign substance, including vaccines.


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Not an article but videos. One of these 3 on the list addresses flu shots specifically and their mercury content. Sorry not to be more specific. I am watching a list of 32 vaccine videos to curate a shorter list for my daughter who is entering the nursing field and asked for data on why she shouldn't take all the recommended ones. Anyway, I watched the first 3 and know I saw lots of flu shot info in one...

1. Vaccination – The Silent Epidemic –https://www.bitchute.com/video/Aasn9wsFv23c/

2. The Greater Good – https://www.bitchute.com/video/urJbeBjGnYBT/

3. Shots In The Dark – https://www.bitchute.com/video/tLPWqVLzSVh4/

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And don't forget the formaldehyde in the flu shots:)

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Thank you so much for these.

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

Here's one. https://drkevinstillwagon.substack.com/p/the-silent-killers-99a?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

Dr Kevin is pretty good at responding to his followers questions.

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Thank you.

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I recently found out that NO childhood vaccine has EVER been tested against a true placebo, NOT ONE, EVER! The entire childhood vaccine industry is built on false data, using other chemicals (poison) or other vaccines used as "placebos"! So, if "X vaccine" is "as safe" as already approved "Y vaccine" used as a placebo in trials, then it's approved!

It's absolutely NUTS, it's literally a very profitable house of cards! Dr Kevin Stillwagon is doing a multi-part substack on "vaccines" of all kinds. It all just passes me off so badly!

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There’s so many red flags that people just willfully ignore. When the COVID jab was first coming out, I was already not interested because I have anaphylaxis and mast cell disorder which causes inappropriate and variable reactions to triggers. I’ve also reacted to a past vaccine before. Then as time went on of course I saw the persistent campaign towards immunocompromised individuals such as myself about how not only do we need to get this shot immediately, but now we need to get a third dose because of our immunosuppressive medication. Obviously they then discovered that *everybody* needed to get more than two shots because the two didn’t work. It now won’t be long before my population is lining up for shot #6 I believe. I saw so many of my fellow chronic disorder friends not question anything and just go along with the fear mongering that they would be a 100% death sentence if they got COVID simply because they had an autoimmune disorder or were immunocompromised. But guess who was excluded from all the vaccine trials? Yup…anyone taking immunosuppressive medication. They have no clue what all these doses are going to do to our immune systems. They just emphatically exclaimed that it was safe and effective for this population but, how? When I saw that it was just another checkbox solidifying my reasoning not to get it. And now look what’s happening. It’s causing onset of neurological and autoimmune disorders, flares of current disorders, wrecking immune health the more you pump in you. And check this. Before the shot came out, I saw an ME/CFS specialist call them “hyper-reactive vaccines that would cause all her patients to flare”. It’s certainly a well known phenomenon that vaccines can cause autoimmune autonomic neuropathy and new onset of other neurological and autoimmune symptoms. Fast forward to now, with all the Long COVID stuff, you have this huge population of people that believe they are suffering purely from post-viral symptoms. NONE of these symptoms are being blamed on the fact that any of them have been vaccinated. And what is one of the biggest LC diagnoses that I have been seeing written about….? ME/CFS. Coincidence? I think not. I think a huge proportion of people who have “Long COVID” are vaccine injured as well.

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Exactly. Like suddenly "mon(k)eypox" is worldwide...because it's shingles renamed. Shingles happens to be a listed adverse reaction to the vax. This goes back to polio, too. Polio's been renamed so many times, I believe it's now mostly called acute flaccid myeolitis. Which, "coincidentally", spikes during August through November each year. What happens during that time? "Back to school" childhood vaxes are updated. There are NO coincidences.

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Yeah I especially liked how during the lockdowns, when parents couldn’t or weren’t, taking their babies for well child checks and they were all missing their vaccines, the incidence of SIDS plummeted. No coincidences.

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I remember when I first learned of this data. It immediately took me back 40 years, remembering the sheer terror we experienced at just the thought of finding my babies, dead in their cribs. Learning that SIDS is undeniably linked to childhood vaccines absolutely INFURIATES me! I've heard of many families losing more than one infant to this and the doctors just throw up their hands, or worse, blame it in "genetics". They're doing the same to explain the rise in autism, "it's gotta be something wrong with the parents" 😡. I'm not certain they'll ever pay the price for these murders on this earth, but I'm thankful that the eternal lake of fire awaits them.

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Right on point. I am going to do exactly as you suggest and contact my gov reps and let them know.

It's become personal now that I am older and need health care. I am almost terrified thinking what will happen to me when it becomes necessary. I have already had horrible experiences with every single health care provider I've encountered in the last two years.

I never imagined that the government/pharma would completely take over individual health care. I thought my right to control my individual care was absolute. WOW. What a sucker I am. Paid all those premiums and now afraid to go to the doctor or hospital. Sort of like me thinking that freedom of speech was a real right.

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022

Look for a "Functional Doctor" to guide you in your health care decisions. I found a great one in my town in Oregon by looking on the FLCCC (Frontline Covid Critical Care)website for doctors that embrace their covid early treatment protocol. Here's the link


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I've found most of these doctors don't participate in health insurance plans.

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Agree, Katherine, re voting only for those who support the basic human right to medical freedom.

As for the rule of law--yes to that, too, of course. If that includes the dismantling of statutes such as the U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. A.C.T., the "PREP" Act, the "CARES" Act, the 1986 product liability immunity for the scum pharma companies act, etc., etc., that have given "legal" cover for some of the most egregious, destructive, anti-freedom, unlawful, unconstitutional legislation, then yes.

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well said!

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Absolutely agree. Additionally, each running candidate must understand choice.even better - follow the smart nations and be rid of them. Praying for voter integrity 🇺🇸

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I already made the decision that I will never take a vaccine again but I’ll still make my message very clear to my representatives that they have no right to force vaccines on anyone, particularly children! That is a parents right to make the decisions regarding their children’s health!

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Well, there were 422 comments at 10:30pm last night when I submitted my comment. And the same 422 this morning. I bet there is a tidal wave of comments they have not yet “approved.” As though the people whose salaries WE PAY!!! (they work for US) should have the authority to APPROVE our feedback on how we want them to do their jobs. Remind me why we fought the Revolutionary War again?

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They MAY be "losing" the public comments like they lost thousands before. "Human error". Post everywhere! Masses must submit and horrible media can help.

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I have NOBODY to send this to. Everyone is busy heading for the cliff or Hell.

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I can understand them not approving the "mass reproductive" emails, but I haven't gotten any of those to send to them. I've seen at least four emails from different entities telling me to put in my comments, but not one has given me a "duplicate" form letter. The criteria is narrow and totally subjective, which is wrong. As you say, our comments should ALL carry the same weight!

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IMHO We fought the revolutionary war because rich men in power wanted to expand their property ownings beyond a line set by England’s King (George III) that he told them not to go beyond (westward). So they whipped up the colonies populace to think they were fighting for themselves and their own freedom, which they never were. No different from modern wars.

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I have found myself questioning everything I was ever taught about history since waking up in 2020. Over the weekend I happened to see a story about the USS Maine and its "spontaneous combustion" which led to the death of 268 sailors, a catchphrase "Remember the Maine" and the Spanish-American War. Immediately I thought this was just 'another setup' to garner public support for a war which was intended to create more wealth for the elites. The deaths of men mean nothing to them. - they are only interested in wealth and power.

I feel like I'm living in the sewer, surrounded by lies and deception, greed and corruption, evil and debauchery....with no end in sight.

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I can relate to this...I feel like we all awoke to a very unhappy reality in 2020. We really just didn't know before then.

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Many of us have known for nearly our whole lives but just couldn't get the word out.

Today anyone who wants to wake up can.

The one Covid Silver Lining. But hard on the newcomers. Personally I can't even imagine trying to "grok" all of this in 2 years!

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I'm glad to be awake, but it's overwhelming and has left me quite stunned. I relate the feeling to the final realization of a lifelong betrayal. It's like being on the outside, looking in, while everyone goes about their business like there is nothing to be concerned about. My whole life has changed, and not for the better.

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Absolutely. I can see around me, newly awakened people going through many stages of dawning awareness. They express thinking processes that I recognize from my ‘grokking’ twenty or more years ago. My thinking in regards to the danger we face has evolved gradually. I feel deep compassion for those having to process so much, so quickly

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Yes, that is exactly what I'm witnessing too, and I do have a lot of compassion for them too!

We need to help them through this. I truly cannot comprehend having to take all of it in during a one, two, or even three year span.

Personally I grew up with Vietnam, and all that went with that time, so knew from early childhood that the military industrial complex was not to be trusted.

When 911 came along that was at the same time as my daughter's serious vaccine injury, so I didn't really look into it as I should have.

But the damages to my girl made me really look long and hard at vaccines, and once I knew they caused autism, plus a host of other issues, and additionally knew the government continued to force more, and more and more on our helpless children, I knew something very evil was at the helm of our nation.

One September 11, 5 or 6 years after the event, I saw a group of people standing in my town Square with 911 information. It struck me as strange. Small city, in Florida; if that was going on all over my country I needed to pay attention, or so I thought. I took a bunch of their material home. Wow, just wow. The scales fell from my eyes. There are many other pieces to the puzzle that fell into place throughout the years, but I see through the lies of the "enemy" pretty clearly, on a daily basis. When everyone bought the insanity that was the "Covid19 Response" I was stunned. Nothing they said was true, and that was obvious from very early on.....

So for me it's been more "who is it, really,?" rather than "what's happening,?" for a long time now.

I've come to some concepts I'm comfortable with, for now, but they are not "orthodox" in mainstream society today, shall we say?

This is a journey each of us has to take, in order to wake up.

But to try to wrestle all of it in a short time? Good grief! Poor people.

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I have come to realize over the past 20 years or so that much of history has been "directed" and events depicted may very well be quite different than what actually happened.....to put it mildly. Some of the theories I have encountered seemed a bit out there at first, but when compared to the official version they make a great deal more sense. So often the things we are told to believe have little to no evidence to support them. All it takes is a little digging....

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I agree. It's like the scales have fallen from my eyes and I can see clearly - all the evil, lies and deceits. I thank God that I can see it. 🙏❤

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Yes, despite the shock it's better to be aware you are walking in the valley of the shadow of death, then to be delusionally thinking it's just Disneyland.

Perhaps they will not capture your children if you are actually aware of the dangers.

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Plus even though we know these perils, our Lord is with us. We have that comfort.

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Remember, there are thousands, perhaps millions, of good human beings giving their all to stand against these wicked agendas!

It's just that up until now we never heard of one another, or the fights for the truth, on subject after subject.

This is the great unveiling of all the wickedness that previously was hidden from view.

Rejoice; the cat is out of the bag now, and soon the "elites" won't know what hit them!

Listen to Kevin Jenkins and Dr. Christine Northrup on Rumble recently. That will give you some positive vibes for certain!

(Sorry I have forgotten the interviewer's name.)


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Have you watch "Europa: The Last Battle"? That'll set your hair on fire! It's long (10 part series) but truly enlightening about the backstop never told about pre-WW1 &2.

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I have not, but have wanted to see it. Thanks for reminding me of it! The real history of the Wars, and Revolutions in Europe are really interesting.

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Source? I have read a lot of US history from this era. and a lot of people lost their lives and/or fortunes in taking a stand for the ideal of self-determination. Not everyone was on board, plenty were OK with the status quo. Not trying to start an argument, genuinely curious. Can certainly agree that history is complicated, and no one can really convey the full context of what the times were like as they weren't THERE. Similar awakening after reading Thomas Sowell's Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality? Many of the civil rights leaders were really about stirring up the masses to build their own power base vs truly caring about the betterment of the people they purported to represent.

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Donna, not one source but an opinion I formed from a myriad of sources, many of them primary sources. What I do for a living is write books about history and I’m known for accuracy. I mostly use primary sources, and always question secondary sources (many of them are amazingly inaccurate). I was encouraged to write a book about the American revolution and when I began my research process I was shocked by what I saw. During that time I found myself speaking at a school in Boston (Boston!) and they asked me what I was working on next. When I began to rant about how much brainwashing and false hoods were fed to the colonists, getting them to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the wealth of the elites, and I saw the looks on the faces of the teachers, I realized I better not write that book at all. And I better keep my mouth shut too. I had already spent a lot of money on research, but I dropped it like a hot potato. That’s why I prefaced my comment with IMHO, because it’s just my opinion, and the question this morning brought out a bit of the old rant lol.

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And, not simply self-determination. It was the freedom to live freely before Almighty God, according to the dictates of one’s conscience lived in submission to God. May seem like hair-splitting, but it is the difference between living for oneself vs living under God the Creator.

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I sent mine in late Monday night. Was my own words. Got my document submission #... Looked it up this morning. " No results"... So what happened to it,?? I followed the guidlines

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Well, I didn’t look at the guidelines [The Guidelines]. But saw lots of comments that were just simple and [obviously] got approved. Stuff like “I do not consent.”

So, if that passes, then seems good. But, yeah, weird.

And who are THEY anyway to “approve” our free speech anyway.

Oh, wait, we no longer have a First Amendment. I forgot.

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There are 736 now, 811am PST...

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So we fools today could give it all away, turn, realize the error of our ways, and Live To Fight Another Day, against Tyranny--- the endless lust of MAN.

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We are going to have to fight it again as apparently, our modern tyrants have forgotten the lesson.

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And unfortunately a lot of the people were not taught that tyrants exist and must be restrained. People have become complacent. Not actively working to maintain this great Republic with which our nation was blessed.

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Ruby Rippey-Tourk. Even Charles Dickens could not top that name for a female character of "loose morals".

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Sounds like the name of a race horse. 🐎

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

47Yinzer that is an absolutely hilarious comment!! 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 And quite an apt comparison as well 😆😁

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I am grateful for not watching the news over the last 20 years. It is such a waste of time and most of it all lies. So, I get bits and pieces from sites like this and realize I have made the right decision. I filter out 98% of the news garbage that is virtually useless.

It's doesn't matter what the comments are...the CDC will approve the mRNA poisons no matter what because that is what big pharma demands. There is no other option for the CDC and FDA, both extreme criminal agencies and strictly anti-humanity.

By the end of the 2020's, there will be over 100 vaccines/mRNA poisons in the childhood vaccination schedule. And every death of a child after injection will be blamed on something else. And every injury after any vaccines is always blamed on something else.

Read the fantastic book "Turtles All The Way Down" about vaccine myths to get a birds eye view and understanding of the total corruption created by big pharma within its vaccine empire. This was written in 2019 so there is no mRNA injection references. Nonetheless, we have seen the complete deceit and propaganda surrounding mRNA gene altering injections and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to extrapolate that the same lies apply to all vaccines.

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Dissolving Illusions did the same thing to me. Proud anti-vaxxer here!!

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Good on you. Me too.

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Mommy or Daddy (whichever fits) what did you do during the war?

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I am not sure which part was the most nauseating. They all turned by stomach. My hat goes off to Jeff and his writers, for the research, the time and filth they have to emerge themselves in. The pharmaceutical industry and the US government are in the same hot tub of filth, wanting to sacrifice our children, our country and the world, to Satan. All for personal gain. Make no mistake. It's all about money. WWWIII will come, sooner, than I ever thought, or imagined. The "drag queens' and filth mongers are mind blowing, & it is amazing that these pedophile groomers are teachers in the school. God save our country, and the world.

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As someone I know has said,

"To have the world, "they" had to have the United States (America).

"To have the United States, "they" had to have Cornell." (Cornell University -- the premier life sciences university in the world. To get that place to go along with this crime, you know scum is running it.)

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022

Following is the proper childhood vaccination schedule, as prepared by folks who have studied the oft-denied longterm effects of such inoculations on young bodies and brains:


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There are no good vaccines. Read the book "Dissolving Illusions" by Suzanne Humphries and you will realize all vaccines are a scam. They DID NOT eliminate childhood diseases. And they are ALL harmful. We have been duped and manipulated. The videos in the post below will probably give you the same perspective.

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Exactly perfect comment, IMHO!

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But, they ARE no longterm studies to be found on childhood vaccines. By design. Some have followup as short as 3-4 DAYS! Can't find anything if you never keep track.

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I so appreciate your wisdom, Jeff. Trust me, if I copied and pasted your comment, they'd know I didn't write it. I'll have to write a much more "dumbed-down" version, and I will.

I just don't understand why women are taking their children to see the drag queen shows. Where's their maternal innate "I have to protect my child" sense? Such a sad, sad world we're in.

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Munchausen by proxy is at epic levels.

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Yes. The sooner more people understand that the better.

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Munchausen syndrome is a psychological condition where someone pretends to be ill or deliberately produces symptoms of illness in themselves. Their main intention is to assume the "sick role" so that people care for them and they are the centre of attention.

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Munchhousen by Proxy is when you intentionally harm, make ill, or even kill, the person(s) under your care, so everyone will fuss over you!

Fouci arguably caused the deaths and injuries of millions in order to gain attention, pretend to be the "hero" of a HUGE crisis, and to SWELL pHarma's budgets by the 10s or 100s of Billions.

That is why some of say, "Munchhousen by Proxy is running rampant on Earth."

Or at least this is my understanding.

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People are sheep.

It's very sad but also very true. I cannot reach my own daughter on a lot of this madness.

Brainwashing works.

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You are hot today, Katherine!

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes, I wrote those Pharma Whores last night.

Pissed does not cover it. Of course I threw endless studies and data points, not emotion, at them.

This is my "release" lol! But seriously, we need to let them have it!

Yesterday I called one of my two insane Senators' offices and gave some poor little staffer a piece of my mind.

She actually listened. And I believe the truth of the fury of the American People is starting to finally sink in to those drenched in the "Deep Blue Goo," as I call the specific Mass Formation currently afflicting America.

But here's the real point, imho. We, by dropping the proverbial ball, allowed all this insanity to take place.

Politics, Science, Government and Health need to be our Interests, not football or shopping, etc.

But stopping WW lll is the Real Issue Today.

Sorry folks, but we have this entire Parliament of Whores because we allowed it to happen. Did not ask enough questions, did not do our own research, did not look hard enough for underlying causes, and because, frankly, the average American is just too nice and too naive.

They do not understand the wickedness in men's, and women's, hearts.

Sadly after my only child nearly died after her second set of "well baby" shots, I became traumatized, as did her health, but CDC and the brainwashed Pediatrician, and the corrupt little "Christian" school she attended forced the whole schedule on us anyway, and I was too nice and too naive to protect my girl.

It is a lesson I will remember for 100 lifetimes, I believe.

So, when I bark like that crazy German Shepherd next door at everyone, trying to get them off the sofa and over to their computers, their phones and their pens to object there's a reason.

No child should suffer as mine did. NOT ONE!

But Armageddon? That will take the children of the whole planet.

We must stop the insanity in D.C. They are "barking mad," and heading down the path to destruction for us all.

Many people today do not remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki or all the nuclear tests in Nevada and the South Pacific. I grew up with Armageddon being expected any moment and I damn well refuse to play that game again. These bastards can torture a child, but with actual adults it's a very different story indeed.

Stand up, take this Nation back. Our lives and many other lives depend on us.

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The post of the day! May your righteous anger, and consequent action be contagious.

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Hear, hear!

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As I've called the D.C. swamp for decades -- the world's largest and deadliest organized crime syndicate. (And that means we must acknowledge that a very large number of our fellow "Americans" are outright criminals.)

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It’s the emergence of fighting spirit from pissed off people like yourself that gives me hope!

I am so sorry for what the evil beings did to your daughter.😢

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“One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” - Plato

Plato was kind to call them merely our "inferiors."

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Because they are awful people. 😖 I am surrounded by them. They are not good people.

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Move if you can, "socially distance yourself" if you cannot.

And many Blessings to you on your path!

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💕The info on the shots was especially affirming. Thank you.

🎈I am very tempted to send it to my brother in Australia who negates everything I send. Actually, it is too late for him. He has done the deed and I do not need to rub it in.

💉It absolutely shocks me that the CDC has the authority to mandate the children's schedule. It does not take much of an IQ to see what effects this has had on the autism explosion, but then again, the CDC does not have to care for the consequences...kinda like the virtue signaling Martha's Vineyard folk.

🙏🏼I submitted my two sentence objection, but left the site without giving more personal information. I have gotten spooked that many surveys are nothing more than a way to find out my views and then punish me for them at a later date.

🔥My husband turned on the TV to see a show called Purge...a race war. How is this show allowed? Seems hate is allowed on TV, social media, and everywhere to influence.

👍Stand strong, neutral and detached is not easy, but we have to realize the agenda will fail, our courage and perseverance has increased! God wins and, should I die standing up for what is moral and ethical, so be it.

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Tried to warn my daughter just about the boosters with a link. Hardly ever do that. She texted her dad to tell me to stop it. And he ripped me up one side to the other yesterday. Like I just ruined her and her family’s lives. While they help their daughter become a boy. Drugs and a mutilation so far.

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🫂 😢

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I am so sorry. This must be so painful for you. Praying God gives you peace beyond understanding.

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Oh dear lord, I am so very sorry. Hold onto your sanity and keep the Mass Formation Zombies at bay, if at all possible.

You can "love someone" from a distance.....

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I am so sorry. You need support. Thankfully we have long distance support from each other.

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Substack has saved my sanity. Thanks for the support dr Linda and everyone else. ❤️ I support all of you as well and 🙏🏻

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Mine too.

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I feel for you. My husband wouldn't dare tear into me for anything.

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I am so sorry! That must be so difficult. Interesting that she would run to daddy.

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Yeah. I’m a villain but he called her a slut once for dating a black boy in the 90’s. My hubby has a mouth problem. Worse now. 56 years married. I can get him to back off when I tell him “whose going to take care of you honey when your bad health really kicks in”. We get along mostly. SECRET to long marriage: he watches tv in his man cave with his own heat thermostat (blaze hot) and I watch in another room with my own heat thermostat (cooler). Old house with newer addition requiring 2 furnaces. ). I swear that’s works if you can do it. 🤣👍🏻😳

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Lol! It is true in my humble opinion that men and women need time away from one another as well as time together ❤.

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how about you let her know that you do no longer have a daughter?

and while you are at it, tell her father that you do no longer have him for a husband?

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That's heartbreaking, Janet. I'm so sorry. I have no relationship with my 2 grown kids or my grandkids due to mind-boggling brainwashing by my ex and his "Baptist" family. I have no idea what they are or are not doing with all this. With stories ike yours, I'm kinda glad I don't know. They all live in Austin, Texas. God bless you.

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I’m so sorry this happened to you. Horrific. It’s just so heartless. My only child and her family lives 1000 miles away and still visit with us. We just don’t talk about this or other things. I only sent 2 advices to not boost and a screenshot. Ragged on FJB some. Told her dad who then blew it all out of proportion. That I did this out of love and desire to protect them meant nothing. That MOMS will do that duh. My sister shunned me but has since apologized 😀. But damage has been done. Planet wide and I’m in the mood for revenge but JUSTICE will work. 🙏🏻🙏🏻 For reconciliation.

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I've prayed for reconciliation daily for almost 5 yrs now. I still send birthday and holiday cards to the grandkids, sometimes presents, with zero acknowledgement, so I'm not sure if they ever even get them. Someday, hopefully the grandkids will learn the truth and of my efforts at a continued relationship. It's different with my husband's family (also in Austin) but damaged just the same. In Dec 2020, my husband texted his 38 and 42 year old daughters and told them "Please DO NOT get this "vaccine"." Their mom (his ex-wife) told them they weren't allowed at her house if they didn't get jabbed, so both daughters got at least one. The older one (who is gay and SUCH a follower of all her gay friends) got a $500 bonus (bribe) at work, too. About 3 mo ago, she fainted, had a several minute long seizure, ended up at the ER. Docs "couldn't find anything wrong", told her she was just dehydrated and sent her on her way (sounds like this girl in this article). Even she thought that was "weird" because she'd not been doing anything differently. The ex has become a literal 3 mask wearing recluse with several developing medical problems, huge weight gain, massive hair loss, memory issues, non-healing injuries, etc. I'm certain she's lined up for every injection possible. The excuse is "well, she's just not aging well". My 92 yo MIL's feet turned BLACK and swelled up like loaves of bread TWICE, each time after her injections, heavily pushed by my SIL (her daughter, hub's sis). MIL's also now on heart meds and blood thinners, she never any heart problems prior. SIL's having other new "odd" medical issues developing just this summer. I could go on and on, with each jabbed family members' recent health decline. Of course, not a one of them will even consider the true cause, they just all says its must be just the effects of getting older. (FYI people - old age isn't a disease!) Hubs and I are the only ones that aren't jabbed and we've taken hell over it, being shunned/physically pushed away/almost "accidentally" not invited (oh, we thought we told you...) at family get togetherings, nasty texts ending with #IMaskUpForMom, etc. We lives 3.5 hrs away and don't bother even going now, unless we just have to. My family's always been dysfunctional, but I never dreamed his family would act like they have. That's one of the things I always admired about his family was their closeness and love of one another, despite their differences. Ever since we've been married (24 yrs), he's called his mom EVERY single Sunday night, just to check in. He's 68 ❤️.These demons planned for this breaking of the family unit and the propaganda has worked well. In my mind, only satan could be so coordinated, devious, calculating and evil. His goal is to kill, steal and destroy. It truly is a spiritual battle, good vs evil. A battle for our eternal souls. I'm anxiously awaiting Christ's return! 🙏

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I have no relationship with my only child. It was never explained as to the why of his actions.

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So sorry. Really. ❤️

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TV shows and movies are filled with race-mongering propaganda, as well as other propaganda. Gotten much worse in recent years.

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Speaking of which, how are things shaping up DownUnder? I'm hearing about some serious pushback against the shots as well as some noise about vaxx-death funerals being paid for by the state....

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Yep…little bro is going to have a few awakenings plus banks failing. My prayers for all who will be struggling with the truth!

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I'm sure they'll have to prove the death was directly from the vax to qualify. I don't see that happening as no dr or medical examiner is gonna step out that far. Just more propaganda. Like having a paid for funeral will solve vax hesitancy? Sure! Smh

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Woo hoo! My mom, Holly, and I will be there Friday! So swag in tow!

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Me, too, Seavy! Can hardly wait!

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I envy both of you, wish I could be there!!

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Wish you could, too! Thinking I might just write a piece about it for my newsletter. I'll have to take copious notes! :)

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That would be great!

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✔️✔️ 😊 (Pressure's on now! 😂 )

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"Their tragic personal lives suggest they should be minding their OWN business. Not ours."

I'd have thought their tragic personal lives suggest they're not fit to mind EVEN their own business, much less ours...!

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Reminds me of my ex. I was leaving him due to his addiction to pornography. I saw him a few months later and he told me how he wanted to become a pastor.

I asked, "How are you going to help somebody figure out their home when YOU cant figure out your own??" He refused to answer and pretended like he didnt hear me.

He ended up remarried within a year, and eventually divorced again. He apparently never learned how to keep a home. I dont think he ever became a pastor, either.

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Wonderful roundup - the Weinstein / Jennifer Newsom story has my stomach turned! I’ve submitted a comment - will be interesting to see if any more comments are approved. As a mom of two young boys who live in California - I know if this is approved our state will be the first to implement & major life decision will need to be made for our family. Praying for so much these days. Thank you for keeping us in the know!

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022

It was hard to leave my home state after 50 years but to keep my sanity left CA. Best move ever. Crazy people everywhere but on a much lesser scale than there.

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Same. Blue state.

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Newsome, weinberg and Cali elites et al are damaged goods. L on their forehead.

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Wow. That Bill Maher clip...and the “scientist” (that dude deserves the quotes around scientist) blustering that “we don’t know how it would have turned out differently in America...” still desperately clinging to any shred of narrative left. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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And he got smacked down!

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Neil Degrasse Tyson. . . I always thought he was smarter than that, and more measured, and more scholarly. But clearly I was wrong. His gigantic ego won't even allow him to listen politely and respond in kind. Smh.

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

I know many people have a lot of regard for him but I have found him to be a pompous a**. Very full of himself.

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

I loathe Neil thegrass tyson who tweeted "Right now in the USA every 10 days, more than 8,000 (unvaccinated) republican voters are dying of Covid 19. Thats 5 times the rate of Democrats.", then deleted the tweet.


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I’m still here.


Missed my winter of darkness I guess

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He's the one that kicked Pluto outta the solar system.😡

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022

Bill Maher has been filed in my "occasional smart things famous liberals say in between all the dumb things they say" file. Bill is in good company with Kanye. I never take anything they say seriously but I do enjoy a tiny bit of entertainment.

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Jeff, there's been a lot of (deliberate) confusion between Case Fatality Rate (CFR) and Infection Fatality Rate (IFR). It is the CFR that's the (number of fatalities due to X) divided by (the number of confirmed cases of X). The IFR is the (number of fatalities due to X) divided by (the total estimated number of cases of X in the population, whether confirmed or not). The WHO and CDC conflated the CFR of Covid-19 with the IFR of seasonal flu. Of course, the CFR of Covid was much higher than the IFR of flue, but then so was the CFR of flu. This comparison was used to drive panic into the population.

Ben Swann did a YouTube video on this, which has since been deleted. I downloaded a copy and am trying to upload it to Bitchute. If it becomes visible on Bitschute, I'll try to post the url in a reply.

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All of this news has turned my stomach, but I am most sick over the vax for the kids. They just won't stop. I am hoping this is all about liability protection and not because they're continuing to try to force this on every child. I am curious to know what our next steps are...once it goes on the schedule, what happens next? We still have religious exemptions in my state. And my state (SC) also passed a law banning every school, company, etc. from requiring this shot. Will that law hold up? I am so sad to think of my kids losing the public school that they love and all of their friends.

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This is going to be the last straw... Footage of grieving parents in a Filipino morgue was tragic....

I suppose you can form your own collective homeschool, and heck...there might even be some out of work teachers to help out!

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