A wild week of celebrity SADS; shots fired in the gender wars; and the best news you'll get all week from the House of Representatives. Plus more in the roundup.
“She provided links to a study discussing the issue and assured Collins that she would keep Dr. Anthony Fauci fully briefed on the issue.”
The fox assured the coyote that she would keep the wolf fully briefed on the threat to the henhouse.
“But the emails show that Walensky knows that’s a lie, and she knew it was a lie in 2021.”
That is so Solzhenitsyn:
“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.”
I still don’t understand how more is not being done about this. We have utterly feckless people representing us in Congress.
We need to dismantle EVERY ‘agency’ in the federal government. We no longer need the EPA, Dept of Education, Energy and the other 600 agencies! We are crippled by the pensions of all these, including Congress.
And Social Security and Medicare needs to be overhauled. We spend WAY TOO MUCH on administrative costs. If we spent less to administer them, the recipients would get more!
💯%! I think we’re tired of this nonsense! We have to stop talking about it and do it. AND we desperately need term limits - Period. It is a joke already.
but also pension limits! You get one clown sitting in for one term and gets a cushy pension for the rest of his or her (so far only his and her) lifetime. You leave a job and you have to wait until your mid 60's to get a meager pension
I am sure millions of Americans would do a way better job than the one in office right now, and even better than the former and the former and the former....
There actually is a law. It's right in the constitution. If only we could find someone with the testicular fortitude to prosecute that. MTG seems to have more than most.
As a Northern Californian, I was fortunate enough to get to vote for Kevin Kiley. So far, I'm favorably impressed by him. He sends his constituents updates quite frequently, and he has town halls with various subjects, most recently one for Veterans. So far so good with him, and he's young and enthusiastic. He seems concerned about the right issues.
I also like him quite a bit. Ever since he made his pitch for CA Gov. Although I'm in SoCal, we did contribute to his campaign when he decided to run for Congress. We also enjoy the regular updates by email. I was surprised he took the time to explain his first vote against Censuring Schiff, saying some points were not constitutional and therefore could have proven problematic. He asked for a re-write and then voted YES! Well done Congressman Kiley!!!
and start with not giving all the politicians such heft pensions! Us "deplorables" make a simple pension, no matter how much we have paid in. They make the same salary as when they were in office. WHY?
Because they voted for it, silly. Didn't ask their constituents, just voted of themselves, by themselves, for themselves. Like it sez in the Constitution. 🤬
And that right there is why there will never be a term limits law. Congresspeople may be fools, but not fool enough to vote themselves out of a lifelong cushy sinecure.
I'm utterly disgusted by paying 40% of my income to federal pensions while I have none. And I cannot free what I do have from the insane risks of extreme inflation and CBDC threats or Vax Passports. When I refuse that, i bet the fully vested 401ks will even become inaccessible. That's EXACTLY what United did to their Vax refusers...trial balloon succeeded enough. They'll try it again.
There are about 15 real conservatives out of 535 elected bozos that would be the ones to bring that up. But we don't need a new law. We need to follow the ones already written. That means hood every elected representative in whatever office to the rules if that office. And yes, crackhead sons of faux presidents count.
You are so correct that every law we need is already on the books. Just no one is enforcing them, other than for political purposes.
I remember Some sane people were making a hard push trying to wake the country up to this truth some 25 or 30 years ago. It didn’t happen.
I think every new law they pass that won’t get enforced serves to weaken and confuse the legal system. And at some point that became a deliberate strategy.
Most of what is done to us by these thieves (of our money and our freedom) is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Can anybody imagine all these thieves controlling citizens via these outrageous contrived means in the early days of our Republic? Do not comply.
That, is the secret to all of this, including the plandemic. Otherwise, we will have the Great Reset crammed down our throats, at least those they do not murder. As Juan O Savin keeps saying, everybody is going to have to pick a lane. The days of go along to get along are over forever.
Exactly right. I keep saying that. Every single thing they come up with, we have to reject and reject it hard. Want us to give up our stoves? No. Our cars? No. Beef? No. Every single answer has to be an emphatic and very loud No.
Must see through their linguistic deceptions about everything. Like way back in 2019 a "breakthrough infection" was called "vaccine failure." Linguistics. The lies of the clever. Pandemic. Gender. Climate. Elections. War. Race. Presidential records. All of the largest fractures in society today are products of linguistic deceptions. Words matter. It's why Marxist totalitarian Noam Chomsky is a professor of linguistics. Orwellian war is peace, ignorance is strength, freedom is slavery is the natural evolution of clever linguistics.
right you are. It's why I absolutely refuse to play their game. When liberals rebranded circa 2003 as Progressives, Conservative Bill O' Really fell into that trap and that's how her referred to them. I refused. Now, I take it one step further . They have long stopped being liberals, or progressives. They are full out bolsheviks, and that is what I call them. Satanists works too. So, good for you
So far, my very favorite linguistic deception is "domain awareness gap". This was used by the DoD during the Russia spy balloon debacle. In other words, we missed what we shouldn't have missed.
By the way, if Biden releases classified information isn't that a violation of the Espionage Act? He did that yesterday.
Now the FDA has approved lab crated beef and chicken for human consumption. Will they at least label it like that so we can chose or simply cram down our throats?
I don't know the answer to your question. I would/will make it a practice to always ask what I am ordering or buying. I don't know the consequences for fibbing, ok, lying, to customers about food products but I'm guessing there's some recourse. The death of a restaurant used to be something like hepatitis C in a worker. Maybe the new death is serving fake meat, including retailers. Coming to Amazon-Whole Foods next? Yet another opportunity to Just Say No!
They even want us to give up a God-given at birth DNA ... for their genetically engineered alteration. And have you noticed in the news that 'they' (whoever they are) want to 'inventory' every plant and tree on the earth for its profile? Every human being?
When they say Radical Transformation, they mean it. And it's literally EVERYTHING.
Except manufacturers of gas stoves, say, will toe the line and stop making them. Because they will be subject to fines etc. it’s all top down control. We have to break the “leadership”.
I had some fun on Tuesday. I just got a new MAGA hat delivered, which inspired me to wear my MAGA gear to my Goodyear appointment.
That turned out to be such a blast that I decided to put ‘81 Million Votes, My Ass’ on full blast and do some more errands in my special lefty neighborhood.
I went in a Tuesday Morning Store, sadly closing down in 5 days. Sad, but I warned them, when the staff turned into the nastiest little dictators you ever saw during Covid madness. I went to Pet Smart. I went to the credit union. Most fun of all, I went to my local library, browsed the children’s floor, asked some ‘innocent’ questions about Family Pride reading event, basically walked through every corner of the place, discovered areas I didn’t know existed.
So much fun I may need to make it a weekly occurrence.
Where did you get the "81 Million Votes, My Ass" T-shirt? I hand-painted " Real Women Aren't Men" on a t-shirt and wear it when and wherever I can. Cudos to you!
The Rinos only pull out the Constitution, when they need an excuse for their yellow bellied evil non actions. Like they give a crap. They know the vast majority of us have no idea what the Constitution says and aren’t about to bother to read it. They think we’re stoopid. We prove them right on a regular basis.
The vast majority don’t know the Constitution because the schools have been teaching communist crap for years. My brother, who is 62 this year, had a professor in college who was very anti-2nd Amendment. The professor said the same crap you hear in the media all of the time. My brother had to write a paper on gun rights. My brother got a C on his paper with no comments on it. When he confronted the professor, the professor told him that he was wrong, that wasn’t what the Founding Fathers meant. My brother told him he was quoting The Federalist Papers. The professor called him a liar.
This was 40+ years ago. They have been working on this for a very long time. It’s going to take a while to undo the damage done.
Yes. I have been studying them for 50+ years now. An awful lot of what’s happening today reminds me of the 70s. Nixon did some good things. We were able to send them into retreat for a time. Ronald Reagan did some very good things, but left a couple of time bombs. Phyllis Schlafly was an unsung hero. But they never quit and come roaring back, when we are weak.
Interesting. Colleges are such crap. I wish my husband didn’t feel a degree was needed for a job!
I just talked to a woman last week who tols me almost the same story but 30 yrs difference. She said she was writing papers that were conservative in college and got Cs and then said hey wait what If I write it from a liberal democrat view. Sure enoigh got an A and continued to do so going forward! 😡
No, it all comes down to citizens, and very few have any idea what's in the Constitution at all, or why. Fewer understand the principles of the Declaration that inform the structure and content of the Constitution. It's us; we just need to look in the mirror. That's the cavalry.
There's been a small movement of church-going people who have gone into their city's civic centers and demanded their elected officials uphold the oaths they swore. They've served them with papers demanding, either uphold your oath or vacate your office. All constitutional. I need to look into it further...
Also effective is hitting them in the wallet. Bonds For the Win https://bondsforthewin.com/ has had some successes. Started by an angry mom over mask mandates at schools. All public officials must be bonded upon taking office. Their office/contract places limitations on their official actions. It's beyond oaths. A complaint filed with the bonding company, which is like insurance, if substantiated upon investigation spells not only major financial penalties but job loss and is career ending because the violator won't be able to get bonded again for another public office. Haven't needed it locally but it's in my hip pocket. Look into it and spread the word!
*edit - PS, all actions re bond claims are outside the court system. No lawyers needed. Just self-education, time and effort.
Yes, and it's truly outstanding. I wish more people would take it. I think there's such a void of such knowledge that now it starts with not realizing the void exists and that it needs to be filled in order to be a knowledgeable, effective citizen.
Schitt is a pedo. They have that over him. He won't squawk. Believe me when I say 90% of this admin is so corrupt, and so easy to blackmail, that none will ever be prosecuted.
I recommend Whitney Webb's One Nation Under Blackmail. The web of criminality goes back 100 years, probably more. She only traces back that far. Organized crime/the mob, politics, business/banking and the church. Two volumes, 1,000+ pages. Sobering. What we see on the surface is all theater. Figured that one out when they [s]elected a trained actor as president in '80. Just never had the wherewithal to dig the depths. Whitney Webb. Her website: https://unlimitedhangout.com/
If we could prove Nanzi paid Chinah for the virus with our military hardware and blood left in Afghanistan, we could watch that glass eye pop out like a bullet.
Schiff’s not going to have to give up any power. I’m shocked McCarthy took his committee position. I’m sure there was back room discussion about how this was necessary, but no worries, it’s all just temporary. No hard feeling, Buddy. The Uniparty’s got your back.
The federal government needs to be trimmed way back. Not saying some state governments aren't just as bad but if they didn't get the bailouts from the feds, they couldn't keep running.
Yes, there is a lot of corruption at the state level...and we can see it even in our school boards. Sad how power and money corrupts. But still, we simply must decentralize and tear this down. That's the key to crumbling all of this agenda.
I feel so bad for you guys in blue areas. I don't know how y'all are coping. I was in DC when Omicron hit and it was like overnight they turned into pod people...yelling at kids to pull up masks, standing in 300+ people lines just to get tested. They became insane instantly. I could not breathe again until my plane touched back down in SC.
My son was invited to go to a basketball camp (north of San Jose) …the college still has it posted on their website you have to wear a mask if not vaccinated. Don’t know if they’re enforcing…but regardless, it makes me blue living in blue lol 😂
I'm no constitutional expert but wasn't original intent intent that states were to be the voice of the people? The people were the government? Guess that went away in 1912 with the 17th amendment. Ever since then it's been a game of fooling the people to believe they run government through elections...then they stole elections from us.
I'm in Oregon, the REAL state of hell. Without legal, untampered with elections, nothing will ever change no matter what we do. Oops sorry, we are suppose to be hopeful.
The bills are written by lobbyists. All the hot air spilling grandstanding in all these hearings is all our ‘representatives’ actually do. Besides fundraising and campaigning. Such an easy, lucrative gig. No wonder so many throw their hats in the ring. This raping and pillaging is like winning lottery.
I actually would like to get rid of social security or at least make it opt-in. Having the government manage your retirement funds is idiotic imo. They never manage money judiciously.
Or, in fairnness, tighten the standards for disability. My aunt was severely disabled for work with lupus and it only took about 10 years to get SSI. It was legit. I do think some people need it but they need better standards for what qualifies.
I don’t know, I personally know several young people who can’t work full time because they are actually disabled. I don’t know how they would get along without that extra help, particularly if their families aren’t well off 😕
Agree that we shouldnt be intolerant because of a few. some young people are truly suffering with really messed up health and backs probably thanks to the horrible food we have and too many childhood vaccines and antibiotics which have messed up their gut health. All health comes from the gut. Some doctors are finally realizing it.
It's not intolerant to demand control over my own donation money though. The government becomes the "hero" and grows to infinitecrushing size... whereas private donors through churches usually seek to remain anonymous...and are far more effective at actually helping. Minority families had better lasting marriage rates than majority race families until the guvt got into incentives for fatherless "families."
Yes you’re right, I don’t think we should rely on the government for those programs. I was more just pointing out that not everybody receiving disability is faking it. I didn’t say the extra help should necessarily come from the government, just that they needed it.
It's the responsibility of the church and private social organizations...they are 85-90% dollar efficient too...the government is below that by far. I've seen credible reports as low as 30% of our allocated tax dollars for a program actually reaching the destination.
I agree, government is highly inefficient. Government programs are the worst solution. Private is better. With that said, I just think there would have to be some sort of transition between systems to make sure the people who really need help can still get it. I wouldn’t want to just cut this help off cold turkey which I think we could do with the department of education for example.
“She provided links to a study discussing the issue and assured Collins that she would keep Dr. Anthony Fauci fully briefed on the issue.”
The fox assured the coyote that she would keep the wolf fully briefed on the threat to the henhouse.
“But the emails show that Walensky knows that’s a lie, and she knew it was a lie in 2021.”
That is so Solzhenitsyn:
“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.”
I still don’t understand how more is not being done about this. We have utterly feckless people representing us in Congress.
We need to dismantle EVERY ‘agency’ in the federal government. We no longer need the EPA, Dept of Education, Energy and the other 600 agencies! We are crippled by the pensions of all these, including Congress.
And Social Security and Medicare needs to be overhauled. We spend WAY TOO MUCH on administrative costs. If we spent less to administer them, the recipients would get more!
AND make every congress critter subject to the same laws and regulations they pass for the rest of us. No exceptions.
💯%! I think we’re tired of this nonsense! We have to stop talking about it and do it. AND we desperately need term limits - Period. It is a joke already.
TERM LIMITS - all around - RandiG for president...
but also pension limits! You get one clown sitting in for one term and gets a cushy pension for the rest of his or her (so far only his and her) lifetime. You leave a job and you have to wait until your mid 60's to get a meager pension
I am sure millions of Americans would do a way better job than the one in office right now, and even better than the former and the former and the former....
Completely agree!!!
There actually is a law. It's right in the constitution. If only we could find someone with the testicular fortitude to prosecute that. MTG seems to have more than most.
We should tap into the representatives that have shown fortitude and determination. Kevin Kiley comes to mind, as well as Anna Luna, and yes MTG.
Add Matt Gaetz to that (sadly) short list.
As a Northern Californian, I was fortunate enough to get to vote for Kevin Kiley. So far, I'm favorably impressed by him. He sends his constituents updates quite frequently, and he has town halls with various subjects, most recently one for Veterans. So far so good with him, and he's young and enthusiastic. He seems concerned about the right issues.
I also like him quite a bit. Ever since he made his pitch for CA Gov. Although I'm in SoCal, we did contribute to his campaign when he decided to run for Congress. We also enjoy the regular updates by email. I was surprised he took the time to explain his first vote against Censuring Schiff, saying some points were not constitutional and therefore could have proven problematic. He asked for a re-write and then voted YES! Well done Congressman Kiley!!!
and start with not giving all the politicians such heft pensions! Us "deplorables" make a simple pension, no matter how much we have paid in. They make the same salary as when they were in office. WHY?
Because they voted for it, silly. Didn't ask their constituents, just voted of themselves, by themselves, for themselves. Like it sez in the Constitution. 🤬
And that right there is why there will never be a term limits law. Congresspeople may be fools, but not fool enough to vote themselves out of a lifelong cushy sinecure.
I'm utterly disgusted by paying 40% of my income to federal pensions while I have none. And I cannot free what I do have from the insane risks of extreme inflation and CBDC threats or Vax Passports. When I refuse that, i bet the fully vested 401ks will even become inaccessible. That's EXACTLY what United did to their Vax refusers...trial balloon succeeded enough. They'll try it again.
Unconscionable!! You aren’t alone.
I’m very concerned about all you pilots. You’re damned if you do & damned if you don’t.
Meaning the airlines should have thorough checkups using the d-dimmer for micro clots. That’s fixable once one knows about it.
Don’t punish pilots for having them; get them back to par! At airline expense bc you dummies caused it.
Jeff Childers, PLEASE PLEASE help when this hits us pilots.
(I know you are; you're doing more heavy lifting than anyone...still just crying out for the coming storm).
I don't ever want a "pension." I just don't like giving up my bucks to fund fed retirements either...
That’s an idea probably as old as our Republic that would work very well if ever practiced.
There are about 15 real conservatives out of 535 elected bozos that would be the ones to bring that up. But we don't need a new law. We need to follow the ones already written. That means hood every elected representative in whatever office to the rules if that office. And yes, crackhead sons of faux presidents count.
You are so correct that every law we need is already on the books. Just no one is enforcing them, other than for political purposes.
I remember Some sane people were making a hard push trying to wake the country up to this truth some 25 or 30 years ago. It didn’t happen.
I think every new law they pass that won’t get enforced serves to weaken and confuse the legal system. And at some point that became a deliberate strategy.
double here here
Most of what is done to us by these thieves (of our money and our freedom) is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Can anybody imagine all these thieves controlling citizens via these outrageous contrived means in the early days of our Republic? Do not comply.
Do not comply.
That, is the secret to all of this, including the plandemic. Otherwise, we will have the Great Reset crammed down our throats, at least those they do not murder. As Juan O Savin keeps saying, everybody is going to have to pick a lane. The days of go along to get along are over forever.
Exactly right. I keep saying that. Every single thing they come up with, we have to reject and reject it hard. Want us to give up our stoves? No. Our cars? No. Beef? No. Every single answer has to be an emphatic and very loud No.
Must see through their linguistic deceptions about everything. Like way back in 2019 a "breakthrough infection" was called "vaccine failure." Linguistics. The lies of the clever. Pandemic. Gender. Climate. Elections. War. Race. Presidential records. All of the largest fractures in society today are products of linguistic deceptions. Words matter. It's why Marxist totalitarian Noam Chomsky is a professor of linguistics. Orwellian war is peace, ignorance is strength, freedom is slavery is the natural evolution of clever linguistics.
right you are. It's why I absolutely refuse to play their game. When liberals rebranded circa 2003 as Progressives, Conservative Bill O' Really fell into that trap and that's how her referred to them. I refused. Now, I take it one step further . They have long stopped being liberals, or progressives. They are full out bolsheviks, and that is what I call them. Satanists works too. So, good for you
So far, my very favorite linguistic deception is "domain awareness gap". This was used by the DoD during the Russia spy balloon debacle. In other words, we missed what we shouldn't have missed.
By the way, if Biden releases classified information isn't that a violation of the Espionage Act? He did that yesterday.
Like with toddlers… 😬
Now the FDA has approved lab crated beef and chicken for human consumption. Will they at least label it like that so we can chose or simply cram down our throats?
Let's not forget, our "government" IS trying to kill us....
My guess? Cram down. Their goal is to make us sick/weak.
I just read how lab meat will start being in markets and restaurants soon. Will it be labeled?
I don't know the answer to your question. I would/will make it a practice to always ask what I am ordering or buying. I don't know the consequences for fibbing, ok, lying, to customers about food products but I'm guessing there's some recourse. The death of a restaurant used to be something like hepatitis C in a worker. Maybe the new death is serving fake meat, including retailers. Coming to Amazon-Whole Foods next? Yet another opportunity to Just Say No!
They even want us to give up a God-given at birth DNA ... for their genetically engineered alteration. And have you noticed in the news that 'they' (whoever they are) want to 'inventory' every plant and tree on the earth for its profile? Every human being?
When they say Radical Transformation, they mean it. And it's literally EVERYTHING.
It’s started in Canada. There are now requirements to register every animal. If u have 3 chickens they must be registered.
Looks like the Beast System from the Biblical Book of Revelation.
Except manufacturers of gas stoves, say, will toe the line and stop making them. Because they will be subject to fines etc. it’s all top down control. We have to break the “leadership”.
Exactly why they don’t want gas stoves. You can get your own fuel.
Throw sand in the machinery!
I had some fun on Tuesday. I just got a new MAGA hat delivered, which inspired me to wear my MAGA gear to my Goodyear appointment.
That turned out to be such a blast that I decided to put ‘81 Million Votes, My Ass’ on full blast and do some more errands in my special lefty neighborhood.
I went in a Tuesday Morning Store, sadly closing down in 5 days. Sad, but I warned them, when the staff turned into the nastiest little dictators you ever saw during Covid madness. I went to Pet Smart. I went to the credit union. Most fun of all, I went to my local library, browsed the children’s floor, asked some ‘innocent’ questions about Family Pride reading event, basically walked through every corner of the place, discovered areas I didn’t know existed.
So much fun I may need to make it a weekly occurrence.
Willing Spirit,
I admire you! I am so glad you did that and I am sure it was a lot of fun!
We need more Willing Spirits in this world! <3
Where did you get the "81 Million Votes, My Ass" T-shirt? I hand-painted " Real Women Aren't Men" on a t-shirt and wear it when and wherever I can. Cudos to you!
Wow! What a day you had! Awesome!
Just be careful lest you get attacked by some fringe lunatic
Or dried turds. Bigger mess for TPTB to clean up.
Well, I do have two cats with litter boxes😂🤣
better yet sugar, renders the machine not only inoperable, but also cannot be repaired
More appealing than turds, too🫤
The Rinos only pull out the Constitution, when they need an excuse for their yellow bellied evil non actions. Like they give a crap. They know the vast majority of us have no idea what the Constitution says and aren’t about to bother to read it. They think we’re stoopid. We prove them right on a regular basis.
The vast majority don’t know the Constitution because the schools have been teaching communist crap for years. My brother, who is 62 this year, had a professor in college who was very anti-2nd Amendment. The professor said the same crap you hear in the media all of the time. My brother had to write a paper on gun rights. My brother got a C on his paper with no comments on it. When he confronted the professor, the professor told him that he was wrong, that wasn’t what the Founding Fathers meant. My brother told him he was quoting The Federalist Papers. The professor called him a liar.
This was 40+ years ago. They have been working on this for a very long time. It’s going to take a while to undo the damage done.
Yes. I have been studying them for 50+ years now. An awful lot of what’s happening today reminds me of the 70s. Nixon did some good things. We were able to send them into retreat for a time. Ronald Reagan did some very good things, but left a couple of time bombs. Phyllis Schlafly was an unsung hero. But they never quit and come roaring back, when we are weak.
Rust never sleeps. Neither do progressives. Or termites. Or communists.
They have infiltrated the schools. If we want to stop it, we either have to start homeschooling our children and/or get it out of the schools.
Interesting. Colleges are such crap. I wish my husband didn’t feel a degree was needed for a job!
I just talked to a woman last week who tols me almost the same story but 30 yrs difference. She said she was writing papers that were conservative in college and got Cs and then said hey wait what If I write it from a liberal democrat view. Sure enoigh got an A and continued to do so going forward! 😡
unfortunately no one seems to uphold the constitution. Isn't that the job of the courts?
No, it all comes down to citizens, and very few have any idea what's in the Constitution at all, or why. Fewer understand the principles of the Declaration that inform the structure and content of the Constitution. It's us; we just need to look in the mirror. That's the cavalry.
There's been a small movement of church-going people who have gone into their city's civic centers and demanded their elected officials uphold the oaths they swore. They've served them with papers demanding, either uphold your oath or vacate your office. All constitutional. I need to look into it further...
Also effective is hitting them in the wallet. Bonds For the Win https://bondsforthewin.com/ has had some successes. Started by an angry mom over mask mandates at schools. All public officials must be bonded upon taking office. Their office/contract places limitations on their official actions. It's beyond oaths. A complaint filed with the bonding company, which is like insurance, if substantiated upon investigation spells not only major financial penalties but job loss and is career ending because the violator won't be able to get bonded again for another public office. Haven't needed it locally but it's in my hip pocket. Look into it and spread the word!
*edit - PS, all actions re bond claims are outside the court system. No lawyers needed. Just self-education, time and effort.
*Exactly* what needs to be done! Oath-breakers abound these days.
Hillsdale College has Constitution 101 and other courses free online.
Yes, and it's truly outstanding. I wish more people would take it. I think there's such a void of such knowledge that now it starts with not realizing the void exists and that it needs to be filled in order to be a knowledgeable, effective citizen.
As if the courts didn’t stop doing their jobs about a hundred years ago.
Then the IRS shows up with "armed" agents. They're raiding law-abiding guhhn stores now for customers data...the IRS!?
They want an insurrection!
Saw that. In MONTANA! 😠
What about censoring Schumer and Pelosi? The tearing up of Trumps speech comes to mind.
Pelosi and her crew all lied repeatedly about Russian collusion. Why it s only Schiff being censured?
How about Clinton get investigated? I thought she was the one who started the whole Russian collusion crap!
Schitt is a pedo. They have that over him. He won't squawk. Believe me when I say 90% of this admin is so corrupt, and so easy to blackmail, that none will ever be prosecuted.
And let me add that there is no admin that isn't. Look at what trump got done without any help from republicants.
I recommend Whitney Webb's One Nation Under Blackmail. The web of criminality goes back 100 years, probably more. She only traces back that far. Organized crime/the mob, politics, business/banking and the church. Two volumes, 1,000+ pages. Sobering. What we see on the surface is all theater. Figured that one out when they [s]elected a trained actor as president in '80. Just never had the wherewithal to dig the depths. Whitney Webb. Her website: https://unlimitedhangout.com/
One look at Adam's eyes, and I believe you are correct with that pedo charge.
Because the D has majority in the Senate. No chance NanPe or Scummer are ever brought to censure.😖
If we could prove Nanzi paid Chinah for the virus with our military hardware and blood left in Afghanistan, we could watch that glass eye pop out like a bullet.
those two can never give up power because of what will happen to them out of office. Like having to pay their own legal fees.
Schiff’s not going to have to give up any power. I’m shocked McCarthy took his committee position. I’m sure there was back room discussion about how this was necessary, but no worries, it’s all just temporary. No hard feeling, Buddy. The Uniparty’s got your back.
That should only take about another 30 years.
The federal government needs to be trimmed way back. Not saying some state governments aren't just as bad but if they didn't get the bailouts from the feds, they couldn't keep running.
Yes, there is a lot of corruption at the state level...and we can see it even in our school boards. Sad how power and money corrupts. But still, we simply must decentralize and tear this down. That's the key to crumbling all of this agenda.
Check out how bad things are in Oregon. I live it every day. But we do not have fair and legal elections.
I feel so bad for you guys in blue areas. I don't know how y'all are coping. I was in DC when Omicron hit and it was like overnight they turned into pod people...yelling at kids to pull up masks, standing in 300+ people lines just to get tested. They became insane instantly. I could not breathe again until my plane touched back down in SC.
My son was invited to go to a basketball camp (north of San Jose) …the college still has it posted on their website you have to wear a mask if not vaccinated. Don’t know if they’re enforcing…but regardless, it makes me blue living in blue lol 😂
I'm no constitutional expert but wasn't original intent intent that states were to be the voice of the people? The people were the government? Guess that went away in 1912 with the 17th amendment. Ever since then it's been a game of fooling the people to believe they run government through elections...then they stole elections from us.
The idea of self-government is a unique American idea and it’s in the first three words of the Constitution “ We the People”
I'm in Oregon, the REAL state of hell. Without legal, untampered with elections, nothing will ever change no matter what we do. Oops sorry, we are suppose to be hopeful.
lol 😂 I love this
Ya think?
Not just trimmed, but dissolved
And Social Security only for retirees. Not for Disability. No more 22 year olds getting $800 checks for 'oh my back'.
And only for American Citizens, who have paid into it all their adult lives. We can dream.
or at least have paid in to social security and receive as much as allowed based on their payments
Certainly worth consideration while we’re dreaming.
BFM, couldn't agree more.
I think a lot of people feel the way we do. Perhaps WE THE PEOPLE need to draft the laws to be passed for TERM LIMITS, Social Security and Medicare.
WHY do we need bills passed that are hundreds and hundreds of pages that no one reads?
The bills are written by lobbyists. All the hot air spilling grandstanding in all these hearings is all our ‘representatives’ actually do. Besides fundraising and campaigning. Such an easy, lucrative gig. No wonder so many throw their hats in the ring. This raping and pillaging is like winning lottery.
All by design, in order to sneak some bad stuff
I actually would like to get rid of social security or at least make it opt-in. Having the government manage your retirement funds is idiotic imo. They never manage money judiciously.
Or, in fairnness, tighten the standards for disability. My aunt was severely disabled for work with lupus and it only took about 10 years to get SSI. It was legit. I do think some people need it but they need better standards for what qualifies.
Disability should be a different funding source. Not from retirees.
My understanding isbthat it is a different pot. You put into SSI like you put into SSA.
I don’t know, I personally know several young people who can’t work full time because they are actually disabled. I don’t know how they would get along without that extra help, particularly if their families aren’t well off 😕
Yes! I agree!
When we as a society stop caring for the least of these or feel the least of these are taking up too many resources…. Woe to us!
Agree that we shouldnt be intolerant because of a few. some young people are truly suffering with really messed up health and backs probably thanks to the horrible food we have and too many childhood vaccines and antibiotics which have messed up their gut health. All health comes from the gut. Some doctors are finally realizing it.
It's not intolerant to demand control over my own donation money though. The government becomes the "hero" and grows to infinitecrushing size... whereas private donors through churches usually seek to remain anonymous...and are far more effective at actually helping. Minority families had better lasting marriage rates than majority race families until the guvt got into incentives for fatherless "families."
Ask Thomas Sowell...
Yes you’re right, I don’t think we should rely on the government for those programs. I was more just pointing out that not everybody receiving disability is faking it. I didn’t say the extra help should necessarily come from the government, just that they needed it.
It's the responsibility of the church and private social organizations...they are 85-90% dollar efficient too...the government is below that by far. I've seen credible reports as low as 30% of our allocated tax dollars for a program actually reaching the destination.
I agree, government is highly inefficient. Government programs are the worst solution. Private is better. With that said, I just think there would have to be some sort of transition between systems to make sure the people who really need help can still get it. I wouldn’t want to just cut this help off cold turkey which I think we could do with the department of education for example.