Dec 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Seriously, hats off to the Muslims in Minnesota for fighting this. They apparently have no problem standing up for their religious beliefs and I agree 100% that children should not be offered material that is sexual in nature. Not just gay, though, all indoctrination of children about anything sexual ahold be completely off limits. I think that's a push to normalize pedophilia, which is - luckily - still a hard NO by 99.99% (I believe) of the citizens of this country.

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Yes. But how could parents request merely to *opt out* of a thoroughly perverted school culture, and why should the exemption be only a religious one. How parents can continue to send their kids to public or private schools that perpetrate these moral atrocities, is beyond me. There needs to be a tidal wave of homeschooling across the nation (and mine, which is Canada. The system is rotten to the core. But the muslims' lawsuit is better than nothing of course.

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I'm no lawyer, but I bet that if the Muslims win this one, it should logically go that any parent could object based on their religious views. I agree that it should not be based on religion, it's based on morals. And of course porno material does not belong around children in the first place.

I think the only way to truly "opt out" is to remove your child and I'm all for pulling kids out if possible. But, there are parents who absolutely can't do that. They work 2-3 jobs to keep their family living inside. Homeschool and private school is out of the question. So, I'd like to see all of these perverts voted out of school boards and that crap removed from libraries.

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A parent should not have to "opt out" - that is unfortunate, if an " only option " - and ridiculous.

Parents should be able to voice their opinions, and have said opinions actually listened to and any reasonable concerns acted upon, at the ever-popular School Board meeting......of course, in our current 'woke world' - THAT parent becomes a Domestic Terrorist, who only wants to burn books.

What a terrible 'left turn' the US has taken. How do we 'right's the ship ?

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Yes, but parents can always team up to create their own group homeschooling possibilities. See also my former response in this thread.

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I believe we are slowly moving towards communities creating their own schools, medical centers and food growing collective. Keep sharing your message, it's moving in the right direction.

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Now that would be nice. As I understand it, the Amish have been doing just that for centuries. I think they are on to something.

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There are also a lot of self sustainable living communities that do this as well. They are all over the world. The best thing would be for people to seek them out and join them to help the collective grow and spread.

But I have a feeling that the government is going to do something drastic and we will all be forced to do this. They didn't get their recipe right for covid and what ever they release next is going to impact everything as their AI isn't ready to handle the change. I hope I'm wrong but Im planning for the worst and hoping for the best.

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They can do this because they have formed a "separatist society" - totally off the grid power wise and they have their own "governance group" within each community. I live in a HUGE Amish conclave area called Lancaster, PA!

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This is how it used to be before the government controlled schools. It really is how it should be now. Of course that terrifies the teachers’ union. They would have a lot less power as a result. In the long run, that would be the best thing for schools I believe. Many of these teachers are part of the problem. Not all of them, of course. There are a number of outliers who actually care about the kids unless about teaching their own ideology to them. Someday, I hope we will get back to teaching kids how to think and not what to think. That is how our country will thrive again.

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The teacher unions are funded by the Rockefellers and all the teachers that fought for school closures should be fired, as a first step.

Good teachers will continue to leave this profession until things change, so in order to keep our best teachers, they need help exposing the root of the problem. It will happen, but these evil people unfortunately are very manipulative and it takes a lot of strength to challenge them. This can only happen by many people helping. I see so many people in these threads praying for their own soul to be saved when they should be praying for guidance on what they should be doing to help create heaven on earth. God isnt going to give us a miracle without us doing the work of God, humans are the infinite light and only by asking for giving the strength to others, can we collectively be the catalyst for change.

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I like the sound of that, very much.

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🌟💯. Absolutely!!

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deletedDec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023
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As long as I faction off with the sensible ones, I'm okay with that! One thing is for sure there are benefits to living with red neck hunters, I won't go hungry.

Speaking of which, I am hot on the trail of the lockstep program to limit people to 4 chickens. That's one egg a day per person - they are trying to starve us out with regulations.

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Yeah, but all homeowners are FORCED to pay taxes for public schools, as part of their property taxes. So this is all wrong!

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

In AZ parents can use the taxes that are spent on each child’s education to pay private school tuition and homeschool expenses. As a violin teacher, some homeschooling parents pay me with this fund. Also, citizens can designate their state tax to go to a particular student who is not in their household.

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We can only use state funds if we enroll our children in charter schools here in California. I did that with my child when I homeschooled her but the state still had certain requirements that we had to meet.

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Yes it is - that's why it's very important to support the VOUCHER SYSTEM so that you can choose to use those TAXES to send your children to a school that is following a moral code and NOT that of the Marxist/Progressive persuasion.

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Most certainly is.

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They keep this shit up and I will not pay for it. We will have a tea party 🎉

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Agreed parents need to get ‘resourceful’ and team up with other parents...wake up..the Government and the free child care Education System is a total ‘dead end’ for your children.

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Freedom of religion includes personal moral beliefs- according to case law- such as young men drafted during Vietnam era could have a personal moral belief against killing people without belonging to any formal religion.

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Exactly, PermieGeek.

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Don't vote them out, recall and/or fire those responsible. Letting them serve out their terms only encourages more of this. While you're at it, fire the librarians as well. They could restrict access to inappropriate materials.

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I don’t see why it should only be religious views. I am not particularly religious, but I wouldn’t want them to be teaching this to my child without my knowledge. They are teaching us at a very young age. Way too soon.

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I agree totally. I'm 65, and parents who aren't involved with their children's schools are letting their own children down. The bottom line is that every parent needs to be involved in their children's education. That's so important. My three Grandsons go to the same School. I call that School as a Grandparent, and their School is doing the right things. Pledge everyday. Recess everyday, Gym, Music Programs, and Plays. Ive been so impressed with their Country School. No 5G!! No Cell Towers are on their property. We have been asked to think of Humanitarian Projects if money were no Issue. I want to Start Gardens at every School. The kids need to learn to plant, grow, and Harvest everything that we can. They need to learn how to wait and be patient and growing is a good way to start. The Canning process too. I know how to do it all. I want to set a presadence for every school to do the same thing. With as many retired gardeners that would love to Volunteer. I can't wait to make it happen. What kind of project is God asking you to do? Just ask Him. He will let you know, if you ask. God Bless

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Gardening isn't for sissies. 😉

Don't forget that kids will learn some chemistry (soil acid balance and mixing stuff), math (measuring rows and production quantities), climate (rain amounts needed, snow and sunlight needs). Science (pests and photosynthesis). Just to name a few. ❤️

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So true! There is every subject in the classroom that can be learned in a Garden.

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Our Creator God is always close by in ANY garden. "In the Garden" is my very favorite hymn of all. There'll be no thorns on heaven's roses--so I'm praying Jesus assigns me to be one of his "rose tenders".

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Thank you for your spot on encouragement, Susan--I'm a Granna too and I have a 21 year old granddaughter who is training to become a kindergaraten teacher. I will pick her brain to see what she will do when "pushed" to allow this perverse material to enter the curriculum of the school where she'll be a teacher. I keep praying she'll migrate to a private school setting.

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Well I will be praying with you for your beautiful Granddaughter!! Thank you for your compliment! God Bless you Granna and I hope you are staying encouraged during these awful hard times.

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Participating on C & C Group always helps my "hope quotient", Susan (smile)!

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Some people have no choice but to send their kids to public schools.

Like having a job...or two jobs...or both parents having to work.

Biden's economy.

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When the stakes are this high, it's imperative to find a way out. People also argued they "had no choice" to take the poison shot. No. There is always the heroic decision to buck the tide and deal with the consequences, which in the end are much less impactful than the harms of complying.

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So many people were brainwashed.

A woman I know who only buys organic fruits and vegetables was ecstatic to be one of the first to be injected with the covid death shot.

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They refused to believe that they themselves were now rendered genetically modified.

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I just read an article that even the unvaxxed blood is showing signs of the nano particles from shedding, getting Covid or from the Covid test swabs. Ugh!!

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I know lots of those people, it's so sad. I also know people who go to Whole Foods in their fur coats in (not so cold weather) and have cards full of junk processed foods full of sugar and all other toxins but "it's organic" ... blah, blah, blah - talk about "virtue signalling".

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Marketing. It works.

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Same here. One so afraid of falling she would not come into my house up 3 steps without a hand rail. But she jogs outside 3 miles most days and yes, took the untested jabs.

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Vaccine has been a Natural Selection ?

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Many of the ‘new age, alternate lifestyle, health food’ crowd, dutifully lined up and got the shot.

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Nothing like a GMO human eating ‘clean’ 😂

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Unfortunately, the "consequences" could be CPS taking children away from a family who lost their stable housing due when they lost their job for non-compliance. The "heroic decision" looks different when children are involved.

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I have a very big fear for what is going to happen to the children of parents who dissent. I fight corruption in CPS and literally just wrote Florida CPS and the governor and told them that I 100% support parents opening the door with shotguns and using their 2a rights to protect their children from being stolen. In Florida, and many areas globally, if an abusive father returns to the home, they take the children instead of arresting the man and giving the mother support. As simple as that - it's all they need. There was one case where a Republican school board member wanted to treat her child with herbs not medicine and 4 police officers showed up at the hospital to take the child. I'm sure in this case it was stopped due to community support, but this happens all the time. It is very hard to believe that CPS can take a child without even interviewing the parent and child together and looking at the whole picture but they can and they will. It's estimated 700k children are removed wrongly from American parents each year.

These criminals in the family courts already have a system in place to illegally kidnap children and profit off it.

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I would have moved to a sensible state first before taking the gene modification injection. There’s always a way. And unfortunately for them now, too many people weren’t brave enough to stand up. I have more than a few friends and fam in that category. Most of them with new and unusual ailments. Only a couple will admit their regret.

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Yup, I can't imagine what I would do right now if I had children - I feel for every parent out there...

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Excellent point.

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That maxim works both ways.

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Here is Dr. Dave Martin explaining just how deep the "jab" corruption goes - so worth watching...https://www.bitchute.com/video/MMXfRHgFybqK/

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Thanks Melanie, but there are far deeper criticisms than Dave Martin is now fearing to tread.

May I recommend Sage Hana's Newsletter.

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Joanie, If the network that carried the GOP debate can pull the plug on the one simple question that dealt with the jabs, then where are we in December 2023 that the whole "unsafe and ineffective" narrative will achieve common knowledge? The work of Katherine Watt, Sasha Lapatova, Baliwick etc that Sage has focused. All the questions that Sage brings attention are not occurring except in small circles not controlled by the media. Even the UK Covid Inquiry is not touching the real issues; just vaguely referring to suffering, but not more.

People will often write that people are waking up--Not.....in.....Oregon.

Not my congressman. He won't touch the jab issue other than to say no mandates.

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Thanks for the recommendation - I'm not aware of this Newsletter - is it on Substack?

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Well I looked up Sage Hana and I couldn’t make heads or tails of that conglomeration of “news,”. So, please upload something that makes sense from Sage Hana.

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So true. I still find it unbelievable that so many just folded when they were told to get the jab or else. Some were even proactive, begging for it. Remember the "just say no".

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Wow! Joanie is truthing now! Thank you!!!!

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Have been doing so since my political 180 in 2017 🧑🏻‍🦳

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COURAGE is what we are lacking - there will always be fear mongers amongst us.

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Totally agree. I live in the country and the cost of living is incredibly cheaper!

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And and you can see the stars at night.

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The stakes are that high! 😱 We are a 24 year homeschool family… We have been a one income family for that long… It’s been tough, but you make your choices based on your priorities… if we can do it… Anyone can! I don’t say that to brag… I say this to encourage EVERYONE to start down this wonderful path! And no, my husband is not some fancy engineer with a six figure salary…

And I say this again! It’s very tough, but absolutely worth it! We live in a small house… We have old cars… My car has 296,000 miles on it and it’s held together by heavenly duct tape! 💖😁🥰 we are recycling our books down through the children… Personally, math doesn’t change and history shouldn’t either!

1. Pray! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 then get onto HSLDA and find out your State’s home school rules and laws.

2. Contact people that can help you get started… People at church, friends, family members, etc.

3. Remember to not put your kindergarteners through college… 😱 allow a period of transition for your home and school.

4. Talk to your kids! Give reasons why this needs to happen…

5. Make sure you take all of this with a sense of humor! We have a very good friend right now who pulled his daughters out of public school in the 10th grade. He is now trying to repair their bad study habits… It’s very frustrating but we are encouraging him to have a sense of humor through all of this!

6. I’m sure there are other people who can add to this list… I’m encouraging them to chime in…

🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 you can do this! I’m speaking to EVERYONE out there! 😊

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God Bless (same for us in Canada).

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That's why school choice laws, allocating the taxpayers' money for education to families instead of to government school systems, is so important.

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That’s why they hated Trump’s choice for Education Secretary (I think that was her title). She was for school vouchers so people could homeschool, or choose private schools if I’m recalling correctly.

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Karen, exactly.

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Fla Mom, I used to agree with what you are saying until I learned more about that argument. As a homeschooling family, I now believe it’s critical to not depend on ANY money from the government and look for ways to help those in need without relying on the government to be the solution. This is short video does a great job presenting an alternative argument to homeschoolers and other alternative schools accepting taxpayer $ - https://youtu.be/13YdgSfV_gE?si=qddlvfl7z0TE_ldB

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I write this personally knowing a couple of single mamas who have homeschooled for years while working full-time and manage to make it work. We need the help of family, neighbors, friends and churches who don’t want to be part of the corrupt gov’t school system to work together to be the solution - NOT government/tax-payer money! It takes a village - and we all need to be looking for ways to help one another with alternative solutions.

and support that don’t want their kids in government schools and can’t afford or don’t wish to send their kids to private schools.

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The argument he summarizes, that his friend gave, has the problem that we already all pay into universal government education through our taxes. His other two examples are new areas where leftists are trying to get taxpayer money involved, but have not yet succeeded. The two situations are not comparable. Since we already pay into the government school system, the question is whether the money will support students or systems. I find it hard to believe, even these days, that anyone would be forced to take money that must be applied for by intentional action on the part of the family. The system would rather that the money stay in system, not be given to families.

His next example is of a woman who already homeschools and who was able to stay at home full time instead of work part time. That is not the group the money will help the most. The people that the school choice money is most helpful for are inner-city families whose children are trapped in government schools that fail to the extent that their children 'graduate' without knowing reading, writing, and arithmetic. When there are programs made available to those populations, they typically have waiting lists, but there have never been enough programs to undercut the existence of the (criminal, really) government schools that do not educate. These are the people who are more likely to already take government money in other areas of their lives anyway, so adding these funds will not turn them into apostate Christians on this one point.

Finally, I think it's amusing that it's Robert Bortens making this case. We tried CC for one semester and were sorely disappointed on several counts. It's very expensive; the curriculum isn't that good; the tutors are not necessarily effective (ours *really* wasn't); and the attempt to cover all areas ended up meaning that students were on very different levels of Latin and math, so those sessions were mostly a waste of time. Finally, I later found out that there are legitimate concerns about the business model and contracting practices while using tax-exempt churches for a profit-making enterprise.

For *many* families, particularly inner-city families, school choice dollars are the fastest, most efficient way to rescue their children from dead-end school systems while providing competition for government schools. School choice programs are not perfect and are not the final end, but they are a good beginning for those who choose to use them, for now, at least. We should not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. As the programs begin to decay and become corrupted, as is very likely, then we can cross that bridge. Meanwhile, get people used to the idea that families are in charge of decisions about education and that there are many valid alternatives to government schools.

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I was a part of 3 different CC communities for 5 years, and we are currently taking a break from community this year for personal reasons. I can see the pros and cons to Classical Conversations and there is no perfect curriculum or homeschool community. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and I get it, but I personally see the value of it - especially in a great community (not all are) but we’ve been blessed to be a part of a wonderful one the past several years. Good biblical leadership makes a huge difference. If you haven’t fully experienced all they have to offer or understand the logic behind what the program is and how the curriculum builds on itself, it’s easy to see how some think poorly of it and miss what I think is the heart behind it. All that being said, we follow where God leads us and aren’t tied to CC or one way of homeschooling. We are responsible for our kids’ education, the question is how much we’ll outsource and what things align what the Lord is calling us to do for our children. The curriculum should serve us, not the other way around. So for me, I’ve seen it as one of many tools to reach my kids and been in community with other faithful families who support one another in educating our kids. CC is a for-profit business (I’ve never heard them claim they weren’t) and anyone is free to choose whether or not they see the value in paying for this resource. I hope you found a better fit for your family, Fla Mom. And I don’t know the answer to the inter-city issues (you bring up good points) but do believe those of us who follow Jesus, the church, can and should be part of the solution.

I personally saw what happened in 2018 when I lived in TX - how a group that was against CC anonymously sent letters to churches (this included the one we met out of) about the possible issue with their tax-exempt status. I personally don’t think that came from a group with godly motives. I have friends who have left CC and I know disagreed with their business practices. We all have different opinions and that’s ok. I’ve extensively researched the issues that have been voiced. I’m a CPA and can see where some have concerns but ultimately don’t agree that CC is doing anything unethical and it’s just one of many homeschooling support options.

All that being said, Robert Bortins arguments aren’t the only ones that have led me to believe what do about taking taxpayer money. That was just a brief clip that I thought made some good points. There’s so much more to consider. A friend told me that “In CA homeschooling, 97% of CC families were publicly funded by the gov’t. The state statue states that they are not to teach religious content. It IS a battle.” A statistic she learned in 2018 was that 3% of the US K-12 population were registered as homeschooled and only 10% of that 3% were completely independent from public curriculum (funded or unfunded). There are underlying forces at work - the enemy doesn’t want parents to rely on the Lord for the their children’s education. If you have a few minutes - this is worth watching and considering what forces are at work in this broken world - https://youtu.be/8w4TQd_c85I

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I think school choice is wonderful AND I think it is a Trojan Horse. The money will most likely come with strings that are unacceptable at some point. IMO take the money until there are strings, but don't ever become dependent upon it.

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I agree. If at all possible, and it's often a lot more possible than people imagine it to be, have only one income and homeschool. It typically requires frugality and giving up luxuries, but I know many people who do just that. The 'wealth' and richness comes in the human connections within the family and with others in the community. I see school choice money as a bridge away from government schools. Any pile of money will be a target for the usual suspects, so the school choice programs will go off the rails eventually.

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Homeschoolers in NC already have to report vaccine status to the state in order to be in compliance. We do have the religious exemptions, but I always wonder how it would play out if no religious exemptions were available. Accepting gov money would certainly tie in.

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Ugh… 😱🤦🏽‍♀️

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Wow. That’s crazy- here in Wild West we don’t have to do anything

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Whose money funds public schools? Imagine that THAT money followed the student and that parents had real choice. The problem is NOT that parents can "only" afford public school. The problem is that the county and state take taxpayer money and spend it solely to meet political ends. Children are not educated to meet the children's needs; children are "educated" to meet politicians' "needs."

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

Pittsburgh public schools spends my property taxes for some bogus nonsense about "white supremacy" in math class.


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Sad this ever had to be made, but well done: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh3Yz3PiXZw

There has to be a way to untwist this pretzel logic with *math* for Pete's sake.

Still nonplussed.

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I just want to ask the idiots in the Pittsburgh public schools, what part of math is racist?

Is it the fractions?

Maybe algebra?

Thanks for the link to the video.

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Then enlist grandparents to help, form a group where parents work together to provide a solid core education. If you ever sat in a public school classroom for a day you would be shocked at the amount of time wasted. The public school system is broken, just like healthcare is, and needs to be dismantled from top to bottom.

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We have hired teachers, formed PMA and are doing it right

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Private membership association

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Not everyone live in close proximity to grandparents.

I was in the military and lived away from my own parents and other family members for 23 years.

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Sadly, we don’t live in close proximity to our grandchildren either but when we’re there we do whatever we can to help.

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The job market, or lack of, will often determine where a family has to live.

It would be nice to stay close to be able to help, but the reality is different.

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Then make friends with others who HS and do some trades in time , etc. People need to get creative first the sake of the kids. Get rid of one car, buy a smaller home, trim the budget. I’ve seen this work and was there as a friend to help other friends do these things.

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I was a single mom who homeschooled my daughter. I felt I was called by God to do it and although it wasn't without it's struggles, it can be done.

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Many claim they “can not live on one income”. Unless you are a single parent, there are ways to make it happen. Even if it means moving to a more affordable home or state. I’m sure there are some with very legit reasons. But there are far more, IMO, who with a little creativity and sacrifice could homeschool.

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I stayed home with my boys. We all sacrificed!! But, when you raise your children without working, you have to be willing to do whatever it takes to conserve. My boys still cut open toothpaste tubes to get every bit of the paste out. Water off while brushing, turning water off when washing in the shower, (if warm enough), Waste not, want not.

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We lived on one income a long time--until way after our daughter was out of college, which we paid for. Then I went to school and got a decent job with a pension. We still had nice things but nowhere near what younger people THINK they need.

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This is reminding me of how my daughter (RN working in a hospital) had to use a religious exemption to avoid getting the goddamned Covid19 injections. We shouldn’t have to use religion as a reason for maintaining our civil rights. We should simply have to say ‘no’. I think this is a dangerous road (using religion as the only justification for maintaining our individual rights).

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Glad to hear you say this, as I've maintained exactly that throughout. And even the Nuremberg Code that everyone thinks is the final word, isn't because it only stipulates "experimental" medical procedures. Whether a thing is deemed experimental or approved, ALWAYS there must be individual informed consent and choice.

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Yup. We need to bring back ‘philosophical vaccine exemptions’… which many states used to have also… a few still do.

But really… the philosophical exemptions were the first to go… then they moved on to removing the religious vaccine exemptions… and now it’s perfectly clear why.

They always meant to remove a person’s ability to choose… they want no personal choice on the vaccine issue.

And given the Pope’s vaccine position 🤨 … the way the Catholic Church is positioning themselves on the vaccine issue … they’re undermining the religious exemption- certainly for Catholics … which was very upsetting for me.

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I agree on the homeschooling...the ‘public school education system’ is seriously broken...just like every other ‘system’...Industrial Medical Healthcare Delivery System, The Government, media, et. al.

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In a sanely moral society material such as this wouldn’t even be considered for youngsters at all! But considering the degeneracy of society today any such material should be an “Opt In” proposition rather than any “Opt Out.”

The elitist education establishment (on any level) is so out of control any laws passed (which is what it may take) should require “opt in” for any materials - sexual, SEL, CRT, Common Core (which basically opened doors to all this madness), revisionist history, etc.

“Education” today has become indoctrination into collectivist ideology.

And all I see being done by our “leaders” is more money thrown in & more programs created. Oh the growing bureaucracy!

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I understand where you're coming from on the "opt in" point but seriously, would you even want your kids or grandkids sharing recess with classmates who were so opted? Filth has no place in any school, period.

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Genius! "any such material should be an "opt In" proposition rather than any "opt out."

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Spot on Joanie....hope you are running for a seat on your local school board...or city council at least! You would have all the votes in my family....which is becoming quite large and conservative.

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😄 In fact, I did just get myself, and two others of like mind elected to our local community planning committee, which doesn't have actual legal teeth but it's a start, as we can monitor and maybe have some influence on city council members. Our school board elections aren't for another two years unfortunately, and I'm known too widely as a black sheep, to make any inroads there. But am encouraging others in that direction.

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I’m totally with you Joanie. What EVER will it take for Christian parents to remove their children from these filth-laden indoctrination centers? Where is the red line? I’m afraid the answer is that there is none. To home educate is a huge sacrifice for normal working people. It means a lower standard of living. Maybe a modest home with no hardwood floors, granite countertops, etc., all the really important things in life. Our values have been subtly shaped by our prosperity. We pay lip-service to Christian values but we don’t walk the talk. The Muslims seem to care more about the grooming of their children than we. This is to our shame. But big respect to them for taking the lead.

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Who started thinking that "educating" youngsters about deviant sex was appropriate? I am still trying to wrap my head around it. It won't get them a good job. Especially if they can't read or write.

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Still trying to wrap my head around society thinking schools should talk about sex at all.

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Canadians of every nationality, with a very large percentage of Muslims, marched together this summer in the Million Person March to protest against Drag Library shows, sexualized school programs, CRT, and the filth found in our Libraries. Our schools have become cesspools of sex promotion. The NORMAL school Administrators and faculty should be cleaning this absolute mess up. Children do NOT need to be taught this 100% inappropriate crap. It caught the news and counter protesters with the usual rainbow gear, Antifa with their umbrellas and the Trans screamers but the Parents far outnumbered them so Trudeau could at least not close down bank accounts but accused the parents of being transphobes and all his usual name calling, I think Colonizers was in there.

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Kind of like a dystopian circus.

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Good news! Religious exemptions don’t apply only for those who are religious. They apply for atheists as well and conscious objectors. I learned this when doing my research for refusing the vaccines.

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I agree, Joanie. This is just one issue among many. Public school is socialist school and you are sending your kids off to indoctrination camp. *Free* government school cannot be assumed to be of high standards or morality. Parents are sending their impressionable kids off for many hours and have absolutely no idea what is being taught or what the world view of the teachers are. Then one day they see a book they don’t like and act as though they are completely shocked in the decisions of the administrators. Never mind all the other vast issues and social ideas forced upon your kids every day.

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In Europe they are putting in laws to prevent any opting out.

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Well, that is terrible.

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It is. But it's also a good thing because say for example all the re were made for the vaccines - all the people who wanted to opt out would have stopped fighting for others. When they don't give people the option, it will be their downfall as the people that have no clue and trusting in blind faith will be informed as to why people are wanting to opt out. Everything works against desperate people who seek total control.

I've watched training videos of these teachers who say they will find a way around it no matter what. One school is even getting someone to come in for 3 days to avoid permission slips and all sorts. What I have also seen is kids videoing their teachers bullying them to force them to watch it. Kids are protesting against this too and they might be creating a bigger problem then they know as they can deceive parents but kids are smart and as they grow older may form an internal resistance of their own.

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

Granted, it was eons ago but we had a science teacher offer a basic human sexuality course to us in 8th grade, girls separate from boys, and it was only after parents signed a permission form allowing the "talk". It covered human anatomy and how it all worked. I would bet very few of those permission notes would get signed if this was still required. Of course back then the word gay was not even around yet. Too bad we do not have a time machine. I'd go back to those days in a heartbeat.

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I remember all that so well. Yep that’s how they taught it (and I grew up in San Francisco in the 60’s)

Can’t remember much about the class but it was the gym teacher teaching the class. Teachers overlapped in teaching classes in a couple subjects back in the day.

We also had wood and metal shop along with drivers Ed.

Boy drivers Ed would be great to bring back.

Long ago when my son was 10 he delved into building a Time Machine. Wish I could post a picture. He worked on this little metal contraption for years on and off. Using old household parts, chicken wire and an “on and off” light switch

We would talk about what time periods we would like to go visit.

I always stuck with the 70’s.

He wanted to see the 1400’s.... yikes

We had an aviator friend stop by one time and he saw that “machine” and said “oh yeah don’t try and take that through an airport TSA when you go fly to see grandma”


He did take it into class to show the kids once.

Boy did it spark lots of conversations. Little kids with all kinds of times they wanted to visit.

Ok well my son really tried.... he poured his little heart into the whole idea and the making of it..... that’s no lie.

He believed with all his being it was going to work and people would be overjoyed.


Memory lane and Time Machine ramble all done 😎

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5th grade teacher here. We give parents the option to 1) watch the film before the lesson, 2) sit in on the lesson, 3) opt their child out of the lesson. Simple. Respectful. No judgement. The parents knows best. (But this is NE, and we are still red)

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That's the way it should be everywhere!

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I love this story!! It’s in your family legend story now and that’s important.

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What a great kid you have. I think a lot of problems arise with kids when their creativity is hampered and they don't use that wonderful gift. Who knows, he may get that machine to work one day! I was a 50's kid in San Jose so same area. Wow how it has changed there. Moved to the South and no regrets. Thank you for sharing the story of your son's machine.

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50’s kid here. We would wander around, build huts back of the barn, sneak in the interesting back yards off the alleys where grandparents lived, rode our used bikes we painted ourselves to look sharp down all sorts of paths and roads. Laid in the back yard on a summer night and saw ALL the stars. Although there are children living around us, our neighborhood is silent even on nice days.

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Sounds very much like my 50's child hood. So wholesome.

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JW, Thanks. Most of the family is in the North Bay now. Our family left SF in 1980. Family on both mother and fathers side lived in SF since 1907. I left the North Bay/CA around 2015. (Moved to AZ) When visiting anywhere in the Bay its just so strange these days..... And I refuse to put the SF "poop app💩" on my phone so I can watch where to step if I ever have an itching to go across the Golden Gate .............. (NOPE).

Yes so glad my son he had that creative flair about him.

As kids we were always doing all kinds of crafts and building stuff too.

Semi retired and travel the west full-time now. We meet SO many folks out here and I will say 98% of them think all this new "re-set" crap is just that Crap! Most are not buying it. (Most people we talk or chat with are not all retried folks, we talk to all ages)

So I try to hold out faith you know.......

Best to you and all your good comments here.

Ok back to watching the Saguaros 🌵and the clouds drift by every so often out here in the sunny SWest~ 🌄

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First season of 'King of the Hill' there was a big hoopla over Peggy teaching Sex Ed.

I don't understand how it got here so rapidly where they are allowed to discuss whatever they want without parent input?

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Yes. I remember . . . “The pen is mightier than the sword. The pen is . . . “ 😆

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Apathy. Frog in water. The leftists never rest but push little by little, then there’s the tipping point.

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Some schools bring in Planned Parenthood speakers to present the sex ed info.

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It is now in 5th grade. The genders (boys and girls) are separated and taught human growth curriculum about their bodies.

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I remember it well

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That's a 5th grade talk now.

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Joke is on, they marry children. This goes on in the US. They subjugate women. They bring their hatred of infidels right into our country and we have raised the tent flap....

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Ya it's hard to call this a W.

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I see that, but I am grateful SOMEONE is trying to fight this. I think Jeff is on track - at least no one can use the usual arguments and prejudices against a group of Muslim parents.

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I hear you. We gotta work with what we can.

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"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

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No, not always.

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That may be the case, but I see them doing what no one else is right now. I have respect for that. As for the rest of the culture, I am not commenting because I don't know enough to do so.

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Read about the culture. What’s happened in Finland, Sweden, Ireland, and other EU countries. It will really open your eyes. There is danger coming with all the single, fighting aged men coming through the southern border.

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You need to educate yourself on the culture. It is just as devoid of morals as the progressive movement and they are working to take over the schools. I’d like to know what the details are in that lawsuit

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Right. I feel so, so 'enriched!'

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Not all do that but it is accepted in some sects and clans. The irony of your point, however, is not lost on me.

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I grew up around a lot of Mormons. I personally never knew anyone that was involved in a cult--all Mormons I knew were just good hearted family people--yet there is some very dark stuff that happens in Mormonism and is allowed by the higher structure. My best guess is that it's similar with Muslims in our country.

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I would also add the Catholic Church. Many times it's not the people it is their leaders that are the trouble.

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As I recall the Somalis are guilty of FGM (female genital multilation.

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And raises serious concerns about Christians!

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One of the issues is that “you can’t hate on Muslims”, but it’s okay to hate on Christians.

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We've had brilliant protests near where I am, and for similar reasons, which managed to bring Muslim, Christian and Jewish parents together.

The media finds this confounding, and rather frustrating, it seems. They can't blame it on white, right-wing, Christians

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Jaye, right - it so confuses people when they can't figure out who to blame and hate.

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Spot on Ralph!

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And nobody raises the issue of reverse discrimination. The door swings both ways!

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True....because Christians haven’t received the most favored status of “victim” in the leftist lexicon....therefore we are “oppressors” and by their definition irredeemably evil. Jeff made an excellent observation that the Muslim community has political armor plating thanks to the left’s warm embrace... makes me chuckle. Next the left will try to define “good Muslims” as distinct from bad “Muslims” in an effort to maintain ecumenical unity around the Marxist narrative.

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Like the Hamas Muslims compared to the Minnesota Muslims.

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You are correct that this needs to be addressed not as a gay issue but as a sexual content issue. They carefully planned this so that people could be called bigoted and homophobic and we need to rise above this and address the real issue that they are coming after all children to indoctrinate them into a minor attracted people agenda. This is clearly understandable by the WHO guidelines that aim to teach children to masturbate by the age of 4. This advice is being presented to all professionals in child protection services through charities like the corrupt international center for missing and exploited children. There is a pattern of schools attempting to have self touching rooms since 2016, as one example of how far this goes back. Everytime someone makes this a biblical issue, we loose sight of the real problem.

From my research the twerking drags is connected to an elite ritual where they train young boys to dance to prepare them for a sexual sacrifice.


I have also extensively tested meta in their sexual content the past two years. For example, they allowed a video of a child dressed as a vampire sucking the breast of a woman in fetish clothes however my hash tag #pedopayroll which collected the clips from school board hearings and books was blocked. What's interesting is they didn't do the coding correctly and as I discussed with people what they could see, meta took the time to ensure it was blocked for everyone in real time. It now has the same message as #pizzagate. Worth a note, 2 years ago #pizzagate has a warning that it was a domestic terrorist group who was spreading this information, Qanon. And we now know Meek the journalist who debunked pizzagate has been arrested for child sex charges.

Many of us know that they have the software to censor content such as COVID within seconds and it is a selective choice not to censor child exploitation material - we can be thankful to the pandemic for exposing this. I have experienced the same level of censorship for posting anything about elite pedophilia and even on topics such as fluoride.

The committee hearing meeting notes on Zuckerbergs response to controlling pedophiles on his platform date back since 2017. None of this is new to the government, just like our government knows the UN is part of the human trafficking problem.

For me, I see the threat of a digital currency and social credit score controlled by pedophiles a huge threat to our ability to speak out on these issues. This is why it's so important that we get the message right and respect religious freedom for all as this gives the leaders of this agenda ammo to reject claims. It also further creates divide. You are never going to convince a gay person that your God thinks their love is sinful and change who they are. It doesn't work.

Many people in the LGBT community are fighting against the sexualizing of children. Once they become educated, without shaming them as adults as many of them this is about love is love, they are able to influence others in their community which only strengthens the argument as no one can call them bigoted when they fight to remove this content. Many of the people online you see are paid trolls or heavily brainwashed, so please don't buy into the psyops of the government to think the entire LGBT community supports this, as they don't.

We are stronger in numbers and it's too important for all children of future generations for us not to focus on the real issues... Protecting all children from sexually exploiting content and big pharma experimentations.

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100%--this->"needs to be addressed not as a gay issue but as a sexual content issue"

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I was shocked when the AG of Florida office told me they could not investigate the fetish show at universal and how it was advertised as it's a political issue and the AG has a choice on what issues she defends as a matter of legal statue. As soon as we remove any debate around the sexual orientation of it, it removes any political agenda and becomes solely about protecting children from harmful content. The governors office told me there was no reporting system they had to track any of it too. Nothing. No way for them to put on a spreadsheet the complaints of sexually - it all seems like a way to create civil war to me.

I watched a music video channel the other day for the first time in probably 20 years and all that content should have warnings and need parental consent - this issue is much greater than just schools, it's what they are putting online as well. I am not a prude person and I was shocked by what any child can access without warning especially in regards to their mental health to think it's normal.

We need to keep repeating the message...

100%--this->"needs to be addressed not as a gay issue but as a sexual content issue"

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Niki, re: "...solely about protecting children from harmful content." Maybe the issues is legally defining "harmful content."

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Agree this seems to be a problem. But there is enough evidence that shows that sexualizing children too early is harmful to their brain development. My biggest concern with all of this is that parents are not receiving informed consent rights. Like with the fetish show. Not one warning for parents what their kids would be seeing. I feel traumatized that I had kids around me and they weren't even my kids. A man who took his nieces couldn't see anything wrong with it. The 12 year old was telling him the 8 year old said it was too much for her and he ignored it. so yes, people can't see what is harmful. In the opposite end we have mothers who dont want their girls to learn about periods as they think this is harmful. There is no middle sanity it seems. And 100% their is no trusted board of experts either to guide people. All extremist.

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Nicki, - the same with physical violence. Children are awash in it from every direction - as is our entire culture. What could possibly be wrong with that!?

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This is a wonderful post. I just pulled out my last year's leftover Christmas cards, a madonna and child from Unicef, and my first thought was "Trick or treat for pedophilia' since the UN is full on grooming and pedophilic, and in my day we collected change for hungry kids on Halloween. A lot like Iran being head of the Human Rights Committee at the UN.

I don't know what it is about human beings that we try to force others to believe what we believe.

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I love that idea of collecting change for hungry children instead of candy.

Humans seem to have a survival savior complex that lacks the understanding that we are all unique and independent in our life journey. What is good for me, is not necessarily good for another. I was writing something about my political stance that I am non partisan as my beliefs are focused on the human rights of others to be safe and secure and there is no party that represents this - as you say, its just two different groups trying to force the other what they belief is best for all.

I don't know what needs to happen to shift the focus towards a more loving society that nurtures others but I hope it happens soon.

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I completely agree with you that “indoctrination of children about anything sexual should be off limits!”

I live in a small rural town in Texas. Our local Walmart was recently remodeled, and on my first excursion through the store i was completely taken back (shocked is more the term) to see the new addition of adult sexual toys (pictures on the boxes) right in plain sight on the store shelves.

I am currently standing firm on my community proposal to boycott Walmart for their new “sex toys” display in plain sight of young children to see. It’s sad to think that a huge percentage of parents don’t see that Walmart is fully (knowingly) participating in the sexualization of our kids!

Where is it ever going to end if nobody stands to protect our little ones!!

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IN RURAL TEXAS? Completely blown away by this one. What isle is this even in.

While we travel we are at the mercy of Walmart at times. Especially when way out there in nowhere land.

Out yonder so many times all we see in the distance is a Walmart.

I thought maybe they would refrain from porn on the shelves.

I know, I'm naive 😭

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The aforementioned items were located near the pharmacy in an area that adjoins to personal items like deodorant, toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, etc.

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That Walmart beacon in the distance can be a lifesaver. It reminds me of returning to the US in mid 60’s from a four year tour of duty in Germany. (My dad served) Howard Johnson’s and HoJo cafe’s were everywhere in the vast, sometimes desolate, midsection of the US.

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The Walmarts of yesteryear were great before China took over!!!!

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I am shocked this hasn’t happened before. Its so obviously an infringement of a core constitutional right.

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A No for sure, but sadly not hard. If so, more normies would be willing to put their heads above the parapets.

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Children shouldn't be offered the bible?

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I'm at a loss here because I'm not religious and confess I haven't read 90% of the bible. Just some Exodos, some Genesis, some Revelations. I don't seem to remember anything blatantly sexual in those books, plus I'll go out on a limb and bet that the bible does not have descriptions of anal sex for children. To answer your question, if the bible does have graphic descriptions of sexual activity (which I SERIOUSLY doubt), then no, children should not be exposed to that.

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The Bible is full of stories about flawed humans because that's the only kind there is. But thankfully God's story is of redemption of those flawed humans because that's our only hope.

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The Old Covenant was very demanding (Wrath of God).

The New Covenant (Blood of Jesus) is faith, hope and love.

Step 1) Accept Jesus as your savior .

Step 2) Ask for forgiveness and repent from sin.

Step 3) Love one another.

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It's better for me to just skip to number 3 - love one another. But if other people need steps 1&2 to get to 3 - I'm just glad they got to 3.

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Niki, Agreed - fast forward to #3 and develop deep insight into the meaning of each of those three words.

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That is a false distinction between the two covenants. Both covenants exemplify God's love and grace as well as God's judgement and wrath. In fact, all of the Old Covenant is but a foreshadowing pointing to the coming of the Messiah, the Final Sacrifice. We have heard this characterization of God's Word so much that we accept it without even thinking. Read the Psalms and you will see the story of God's love, grace and mercy as well as his judgement. Jesus exemplified God's love and mercy and He also exemplified God's judgement for apostasy and rebellion against God. He had many harsh words to say against the apostate religious establishment of His day and warned His followers of the destruction to come upon Jerusalem both in the Gospels and in the vision He gave John in Revelation, just as He, the Word, warned them previously through the OT prophets. There is only one God in the Bible and He changes not. The acceptance of this dichotomy between the OT and the NT only leads to Gnosticism and heresy.

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The bible is very clear about what should be done to men who lay with men as they would lay with women.

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The bible is also clear what should happen to members of the church who harm these little ones. A millstone wrapped around their neck and thrown to sea. Unfortunately the church just transfers pedophiles who lay with children as they should women and through action this all respect has been lost.

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I guess the writers couldn't see a time when millstones would become as rare as they are today.

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I've got a solution... Load them into cargo containers and tie one milestone around the whole thing.

I'm guessing the writers also couldn't see a time when procreation wasn't as important as life companionship and support, one could argue.

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I think the stories most are concerned about are the stories of the villages being raided and the women and children abused or how they treat slaves. There is a lot of graphic violence in the bible and it's very fear based. This is the reason I object to it. Not to mention the hate it teaches for people who divorce and who love the same sex as an example. It's very hypocritical in terms of not judging others and it empowers people to act as the mouthpiece for tyranny. The message of Jesus is good, but a lot of the other stuff is questionable propaganda. The slaves had a completely different version that oppressed them and the authentication of it not being altered to create a deep level of mind control is very questionable. People who follow the book rules for radicals and other text talk extensively on how to use religion to create their control.

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023

Niki: Fast forward to focus on the teachings of Jesus - that's more than enough.

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What happened to getting written consent from parents to allow children to receive sex education? That’s how it was when I was in school. When did all of that change and why did it change? Of course, that’s so the far left can push their ideology.

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The Muslim factor is fine with me on this one. Whatever it takes and if they go jihad on twisted school admins who distribute these filthy sex materials that's none of my business.

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I agree that people should stand for something, but my hat will never come off to a Muslim. I am a Christian and I know what they want for me. We need to better stand our ground.

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As a retired teacher , all I can tell you is OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND SAY IT TO THE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, TO THE TEACHERS, TO THE OTHER PARENTS AND ULTIMATELY TO THE HOMOSEXUALS THEMSELVES. it is an abomination that will destroy so many minds and bodies of children....its the adults, such as their biological parents, who must protect them from the demonic who seek to destroy life itself.

Sex is the homosexual primary pleasure and desire. one cannot leave children in their midst. Homosexual lifestyle is not conducive to a normal life with family and children. If they want to have a marriage of same sex people then fine. Children should never be allowed to live with them sanctified by the state. But once the children who had no say about their choice are involved, then they are at risk and then it’s up to YOU to help the children..SPEAK UP AND DON’T STOP. They must be stopped from any interference in any school any where.

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"Gay parents argue that every grocery magazine cover glorifies heterosexual content, and nobody complains about that, so giving school kids cartoons showing little boys performing oral sex on each other is only fair."

These people are such twisted, disingenuous liars. First off, there's a huge difference between something displayed at supermarket counter versus being forced on kids as indoctrination against their parent's will. Second, supermarkets don't display outright pornography, you have to go actually looking for that if it's what you want. Third, many of us are disgusted by the constant hypersexuality of pop culture and want nothing to do with it. These homosexuals act if every heterosexual is as depraved and sex-obsessed as themselves.

Folks, you have been warned over and over, if your kids are still in public school then you are endangering them. These people are raising your kids and they cannot be trusted. And grandparents, how about skipping the Mediterranean cruise and instead offering to help pay for your grandkid's tuition to a biblical Christian school. I guarantee that will be more fulfilling than the cruise ship all-you-can-eat buffet.

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I am now firmly in the camp that pulling them out of school and just having them read good books at home is a far better education than anything the public school is offering. Plus, you can get so much content on-line to teach your kids and even older kids have access to on-line instruction for advanced subjects. My son is THRIVING at home (it took me too long to figure this all out) and we are reading good books, studying real history and he is even doing pre-calc and chemistry through an asynchronous, on-line program through our local community college. Parents - check out your options. You will be surprised.

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Good for you!!! Completely homeschooled my son on a shoestring. True! There are soooo many resources out there! We started with Saxon Math (after I taught him to read and basic math) with the Robinson Curriculum. Then we streamed online or used on CD: AP Prep courses/Advanced Physics/Biology/Calculus/Chemistry taught by a Christian with a PhD and degrees in science and engineering (check out Dive Into Math). It CAN be done! (He was also asked his freshman year in college to be a TA for a Botany class he was taking! Later, his economics professor wanted to nominate him for a Fulbright Scholarship - but after I explained to him what that REALLY entails - he declined.) My son graduated cum laude in Mechanical Engineering and bought his first home the day before he turned 24. He's a successful engineer who just married a homeschooler with a Biology degree.

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Awesome story!

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I home educated mine and now my daughter has hers at home. Would not every consider differently

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No regrets, except to say I would make a lot of changes in how I did it

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Family member strongly considering for the future; any insight on your changes in “how I did it?” TIA!

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Well, homeschooling in the 90's meant that it was really the first generation of legal but still sketchy homeschooling. So there is that. I would be much more relaxed about what we call 'schoolwork'. I tried to mimick school. Aacckkk. And then there was the homeschooling groups and magazines that said this is what it should look like. Acccckkkk.differently:

I would not compare our family and style with other families

I would not read homeschool magazines

I would spend majority of time hiking, gardening, camping, and as I already did...reading. more books, more music, more adventures, more charity opportunities. Always pointing to God and Christ, but not shoving down the throat.

Not worry about educational milestones. NO one learns all the things in the first 18 years of their lives. I learned more from 30 years ol to 58 than every in my school days.

Basically, delight directed and leaning more to unschooling

Go by the motto: education should be the lighting of a fire, not the filling of a bucket.

If that is done then they will learn all their lives into old age

Relax, enjoy, inspire, step back

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

I homeschooled my daughter with a more laid back style--unschooling with some structure--until high school when I was very sick and couldn't give her much structure (single mom) but although she didn't learn much traditional stuff in high school she went to community college at 17 and got straight As-no problem. As far as I can see colleges are teaching the same material as high school at just a bit higher level. I believe most important things can teach are curiosity, love of learning, logical thinking, morals etc. I agree with Renea, relax, show them learning is fun. I taught my daughter not to think of things as "hard" but as a fun challenge to be conquered.

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Wow!!! What a good word from a home school veteran. Seeing my daughters in law grappling with those very issues and cheering them on emotionally and financially. I thank God every day for the courageous sacrifice they make and rejoice every time I talk to those kids ...8 grandchildren (ages 17-6) who are FLOURISHING as godly, intelligent, vibrant, and service oriented human beings.

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Love all of this.

We are homeschooling, and all these things are mantras I repeat multiple times in a school year to myself.

Keep relationships #1.

You don’t have to learn it all. (So if he is enjoying a long adult chapter book about Sitting Bull, that’s great and who cares if we don’t get to studying the California Indians - nobody knows it all.)

And yes, 100% to the truth that education is about igniting a spark that kindles a fire of lifelong learning.

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Perfect answer! Thanks for taking the time to share!

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Excellent! Our world would be a better place if more learned from your experience.

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Find like minded parents… form a co-op or hire a teacher. Form a PMA… have the smartest happiest kids around

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Every child needs to be protected! As a teacher I have taught at both private and public schools. One city school I taught at, the meals at schools were the only meal theses children got during the day. A lot of their parents were on drugs or in prisons. Very few had fathers at home. You think these parents care if their children is reading sex books?

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I grew up in a VERY dysfunctional home and school was my refuge. Truly. So I do appreciate that this is the reality for many kids especially those in the inner-cities. My mom worked as a head cook in the Syracuse city school district and she would give some of her kids extra meals to take with them for the weekend. I'm not sure where to start for truly vulnerable kids, but I still think those who can pull their kids out of school, should.

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Closing the schools down was the worst decision ever.

Randi Weingarten, head of the teacher's union, is evil.

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

Yes. So true

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I used to live in Weedsport and Baldwinsville. (&a typical alcoholic family system here..)

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& when I was a teaching assistant near Albany, we’d pack their backpacks with food for the weekend and let them eat as much as they wanted on Monday morning. Many were non verbal.

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Yes, Ros. That's what my mom would do too. She had a whole bunch of kids who came looking for her on Friday afternoon and Monday morning.

Speaking of Baldwinsville - I worked as a waitress in a diner located inside the Tri-County Mall. Wow. That's a blast from the past. My mom was a short-order cook there before she went to the school district. We drive through Weedsport on our way to see family who still live in Syracuse.

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Wow... that all sounds amazing. Best to him and his schooling. Good for you and your family

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Yes, 3 graduated and 2 more almost finished with a home education predicated on the works of great authors under the educational philosophy of Charlotte Mason. See amblesideonline.org for a free and wonderful K-12 educational plan. You won't be sorry!

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NAB - What a concept! Plus, the adults add to their own education along the way.

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I was talking to my son's girlfriend who attends public school and was shocked to hear about how bad student conduct is - even in a well-to-do suburban district - the level of drug use during the school day and the self-censoring of speech which is required so as not to offend the transgender victim group. Absolutely insane!

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It is really bad. My son's aide at school said student behavior is off the charts because nothing is done about it.

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We completely ripped what was left of the social fabric apart with Covid school closures and I don't think schools will ever recover.

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Masking children was torture.

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deletedDec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023
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And as the wife of a preacher, how did she possibly justify the dehumanizing aspect of masking?? We literally covered the Imago Dei which was one of the most galling aspects for me as Christian.

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It really is a crime what they did to our children.

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Looking forward to a documentary coming out focused on this very issue. Jennifer Sey is producing it. I think it is called Generation Covid. Something like that.

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Those kids will be traumatized for life.

Ticks me off when I hear people say the kids will be OK because they are resilient.

I am an adult and I swear some sort of PTSD kicks in when I see photos or watch videos of what they did to us.

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The ‘nothing being done about it’ begins at home. Schools are not disciplinarians. Parents are.

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

It's both. Schools act "in loco parentis" (in place of the parent) under the law. Schools have a legal obligation to enforce discipline. Please don't try and slough this off by blaming it on bad parents when the school administration refuses to do their job. There are kids in school who do behave themselves, yet the schools unwillingness to punish bad kids harms them. The schools have completely abrogated their responsibility.

Bottom line though, this is why we have our kids in a *biblical* Christian school. It's not just having good teachers but good kids too. Parents have to sacrifice to send their kids there, it's not just a babysitting dumping-ground while both parents work. My kids are surrounded by kids from good homes who do behave themselves. And if they misbehave they get disciplined and ultimately expelled if they don't turn it around.

My son started in middle school here after attending public elementary school. After two weeks I asked him what the biggest difference was. "The kids at the Christian school don't cuss" was his answer. Quite telling in hindsight.

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My son transferred into a small, Catholic grade school in 5th grade. When asked about he biggest difference, he said, "it's like being in a family."

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I agree that discipline begins at home but the schools are allowing the bad behavior because the adminstrators are not holding students accountable for their actions. The school board actually told the administrators not to do anything about bad behavior. It really is just a snapshot of our society in general, though.

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"Divide and Conquer" takes on many forms.....well done, Brandon.

They have torn us up, turned us inside-out.

Family, education, the workplace, the economy and even so many of our fine cities - to name a few of the negatively impacted areas where our lives have been harmed.

Easier, at this point, to make a list of that which their 'magic touch' has not fubar'd.... because THAT list is but a blank page. Imho.

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My homeschooled son won't have much to do with most public school kids he knows. He said they all act horribly.

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“Folks, you have been warned over and over, if your kids are still in public school then you are endangering them.”


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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

Yeah, and it will most certainly beat being quarantined on a cruise ship the next time TPTB invent another scamdemic. But seriously, get your kids out of public schools. Home school, private school, whatever. But get them the heck out.

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I love the comment about cruise and education. My parents very kindly offered to help put my one child thru Christian private education because we are living in one income. I am very grateful for their offer even though it would only be partial. We refuse to do Public.

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God bless you Lisa, this warms my heart.

I've been on a mini-crusade to get older folks to look at the bigger picture, seems they are completely oblivious to what is going on around them. Not all of course, but many have substantial retirement savings and huge home equity (half a million or more). Yet they sit on that while their grandkids are stuck in lousy schools, with rampant drug use, violence, and propagandized to change their gender.

You can't take it with you as they say. And that Winnebago or Mercedes is just more stuff in an attempt to fill emptiness that comes from material pursuit. How about instead using that money to change your loved one's lives?

Don't make your kids come begging for it, make the first move.

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Amen! And thank you for working to try to enlighten and change that. Thankfully my parents are as horrified as we are of the things they are teaching. My father has tried to delicately share some with me of which I just quickly say yes I know. The disgust on his face is precios to me because I know he cares. He turns 77 today.

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"Public" school is a euphemism. These are government schools, run by the government, of the government, and for the government.

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And originally set up in the Prussian model by industrialists like Carnegie and Rockefeller to create good factory workers.

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I completely agree. But our little town doesn’t have any private schools, Christian or otherwise. If my daughter decides to homeschool, I will help in whatever way I can.

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Private schools are not necessarily better…

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I'm pretty sure most LGBT people agree with you. I really do think it's rare that the members of this community agree that porn or this level of sex education should be in schools. One of the problems is, most people who are liberated from the brainwashing of society, don't even know this is happening as they don't watch the news. Yes, there are some weird people out there that have totally lost the plot, but if they have done, it's because it's infuriating to have other people's religion inflicted on them. Sadly they don't have the emotional resilience to separate the cognitive dissonance. But in the same token people like yourself can't step back and see the bait in the line of comparing glossy magazines to teaching oral sex. It's just bait. The number of people who would make this connection is low yet it achieved what it intended, to distract you from the real problem that sexualizing our children is in every school institution. Church schools aren't the answer, addressing the issues of the WHO and UN and their guidance over our childrens education is. or home school. That's the best direction.

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We probably agree on some things but I do want to touch on a few items where I profoundly disagree.

Most LGBT may agree with me but they sure are quiet aside from Gays Against Groomers (who is a treasure). So where are they? They aren't at school board meetings saying, "these people claim to speak in my name but they are wrong (and frankly evil)". Nope, just silence from them.

I never said that church schools were they answer, there are plenty of church schools out there where I'd never send my kids. The Catholic High School I attended (against my will FWIW) has gone completely woke and is a laughingstock. The ELCA schools promote every perversion the Bible specifically condemns under the guise of "love". I specifically said a "biblical Christian school", i.e. a school where the Bible forms the basis of all school decisions and policy; morality, curriculum, discipline, respect for others, forgiveness, and of course Christ's love. We are fortunate that we've found such a school, otherwise my kids would be homeschooled.

As to addressing WHO and UN guidance, good luck with that. You can go on the warpath and take on the local public school district and after five years of hard work *maybe* things change a little. In the mean time your children have suffered five years of relentless indoctrination. Nope, not worth it, I'm a realist and my kid's aren't going to suffer why I go on some Quixotic campaign to change the world. That stinking ship can go down, my kids are my highest priority. This is despite the fact I pay twelve grand a year in property taxes to pay for those schools.

Regarding the glossy magazine comment I specifically said, "many of us are disgusted by the constant hypersexuality of pop culture and want nothing to do with it." So your comment that "people like me can't step back and see the bait" is outright wrong. I know exactly what's going on. We don't have cable, we have strong blocks on the internet, my youngest (16) still doesn't have a phone, and we almost never listen to secular music, instead listening to worship and praise. My kids are active in the church youth group and enjoy going to church, they bug me to take them to mid-week events. They could not care less about Taylor Swift or whatever bilge Hollywood is pumping out. They know that pop culture is a sewer of filth that leads to no place good. My kid's are designed by God for so much more than all that.

From your comment I get the distinct impression someone claiming to act on God's behalf hurt you deeply. I get it as I've been there too. There is hope In Jesus, and not all of us are Bible-thumping hypocrites but actually try to walk the walk. There are good churches out there too. God bless.

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Also I should say that I don't go to school board meetings. But I've probably called at least 50 democratic senators and reps to explain to them what I have discovered in my research, such as drags twerking in bikinis or homework on masturbation and how Facebook blocked my hashtag with all of this evidence. Or I mention the Danish studies and how the trans big pharma is all experimental.

The people I speak to are in absolute disbelief that this is happening. They try to correct me and say it's not widespread or a global agenda, but I have too many examples it is, then they will try to say I'm just against the community, but they can't as I'm part of the community and I'm blaming them for causing me distress for not managing this problem. Then many of them will say well we can't record your moments as you don't live in my district. So I tell them that I'm calling because your office needs to be informed and not many people are as strong as I am, so you need to understand this is coming as part of the community voice for concern for children. All I ask is that these concerns are mentioned in your office.

What I've noticed is people are so dumb. I had an hour long conversation with a public defender and she just couldn't understand that twerking was a sexual position and style of sex, not just a dance move.

The other problem is that many people are so nice that they are too naive to think this could be a government run global agenda to lower the age of consent. The media helps with this by calling us all right wing extremist. There is a huge amount of psyops going on in the LGBT media which is making the community very fearful of MAGA types. From my research there is a lot of reason to fear those in this group, but there are a lot more people who are LGBT allies - the problem is that the ones that aren't are the most vocal. It takes a huge amount of self love to be able to come onto these threads to find the information one needs to fight the system and I believe that many people are like me, we come online get what we need and then spend time connecting to share this information with others who can make a difference.

I have personally been muted from zooms for democrats, kicked out of LGBT groups, and various other things for speaking out. The LGBT community that fights has it much harder than those on the right because when we fight, we are not only not accepted from the right, but the left then abandons us. Only the strongest people will be able to manage this level of social isolation. If you have any opinion on any topic of LGBT issues outside the narrative like, no to teaching 73 genders, it's like a cult - they ban you from spreading this message to others.

I mention this I don't know if people understand what those dissenting in the LGBT community is going through and why they need more support from those on the right, especially Christians.

It's only because of the very kind Christians that I have met that I keep coming back and continue to help. But I assure you when Jeff writes things like asking if we should make sodomy illegal, I fume with anger and it takes away from my energy that I have to contact people to spread the right message, not to mention it means I can't read any comments in the thread, to protect myself, and I'm likely missing important information. I've gone months without longing on to this substack just in fear of what sort of divide would be created that would upset my emotional balance and take away from what I'm trying to achieve in my own infowar battle field with thr government.

I'm a very strong person and if I'm struggling I really emphasize with others.

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Firstly it's very nice to hear how you have raised your children and I do hope they continue on the path you have helped them on. Most Christian families aren't as successful as they create rebellion instead and I wish all church schools could be modelled on the one you described.

As a member of the LGBT community I can tell you exactly where they are and why they are silent. The abuse the last 3 years is too much to bare. I constantly have triggers from what I read online and if it wasn't for my son's church school who sexuality exploited him and terrorised us both for 5 years, I wouldn't have been committed to finding out the truth of the problem. I spent a long time committed to the church and I've never regretted finding my own spiritual path. Christianity does not work for me, I am more loving and forgiving person without it's influence. But if it works for you, I respect your journey. But no, I will never ever consider that it's just a few bad churches covering up for pedophiles or that the entire membership of this institution isn't responsible for the harm caused in society. Jesus is separate to me and I can respect his message without respecting Christianity. It's called being Gnostic. Taking the truth in all.

I speak to many LGBT people and I get the understanding of what I have felt that people are wrongfully abusing them, making them feel judged and shamed and therefore they make the decision that the entire parents rights movement is targeted at their freedom to love and express themself so they avoid the topic all together because it's too painful.

You can't expect to shove religion down someone's throat, tell them they are sinful and then expect them to respect anything you say. These threads are full of abuse and I don't blame anyone for choosing not to tolerate it and risking putting their family at risk trying to fight basic civil rights. If people could move past the gay issue of religion and make this a content issue, we would see a lot more joining the gays against groomers movement.

The focus needs to be on the WHO and their sexual education guidelines because the who is funded by Gates largely who has connections to Esptein - this is targeting the root of the problem and tackles it at the source. It's much more effective to address it from a top down approach than a bottom up approach in school board meetings, but if people are going to go to the schools board meetings, they need to have the right information to expose the source, instead of letting these psychopaths scapegoat those at the bottom who can just be replaced with others who have been indoctrinated. The system to protect these people is huge, so we need to be smart on how we counter attack. Especially when creating safe spaces for all to learn about the problem and speak out.

You seem like a good person. I wish you well in your efforts and I thank you for all you are doing.

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I couldn’t agree more! We’ve donated money and supplies to our grandkids private school, which is a start-up and very short of funds. But the parents are committed to the school and some grandparents not only donate money but also their time in teaching some of the classes or offering enrichment classes that are optional and have nothing to do with sexuality or woke culture! I agree that public schools are cesspools that aren’t even teaching the basics anymore because the DPI insists on teaching woke crap, sexual topics and indoctrination of leftist ideology. It’s a damn shame but that’s where we’re at now and we better collectively step up and try to save our children, the hope of the future!

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I LOVE this!! 💕

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I don’t have the money for a cruise either, but my home schooled daughter is home schooling her 5 yo daughter.

I do have the money for a little workbook we use to “play schoolworker” and I already had bookshelves full of books to read, so I’m helping as much as I can. She appreciates it very much.

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Wow, grandparents get slim and bless your grandkids at the same time. An unbeatable deal.

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Even "Christian Schools" are getting questionable, I used to work as a Medical assistant at St. Thomas Univ in MN, long ago, and they now have, from what I have heard, gone queer/lefty in their agenda's

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When my children were small and on, I consciously avoided checkout aisles that had magazines with sexually suggestive and scantily-clad models on the covers, along with sexually suggestive articles titles on the cover. Bah humbug, it's already been bad enough - I remember when I was shock after finding out my middle school library had books with the F bomb in it. How quaint that seems now.

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“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. And you know the way where I am going.” Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going. How do we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me.”

— John 14:1-6 LSB

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Thank you Janice for your relevant and valuable contribution of Gods word in daily commentary on Coffee & Covid. I look forward to your posts now daily and it’s helping me to get back into regular morning Coffee & God’s Word time.

Much gratitude from Sodom & Gamora oops I mean Oregon.

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I visited Oregon a year ago in the spring. Portland looked sad, but that shoreline, wow! God bless you!

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The coast is the best place in the world. I always wish for a beach house, above the Tsunami 🌊 zone though 😉

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I'm at 500 feet but if the Cascadia happens I will not be safe. Yay, I will go to my real home with Jesus!

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Debra, I may have asked you before… what town or area?

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Tillamook :)

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If Cascadia happens i might have ocean front after all.

If it happens I hope for your sake its quick. ♥️

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Hi Gma....Central Oregon boy here (Lava Bear 68). Good to see the High Desert gang represented at C&C.

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Mt View 80! Hubbs 79

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My nephew moved there with his family I think in 2021. Extremely successful corporate guy (insurance). I sure hope there enough of you guys left in that town to influence him and his family to swallow the red pill, or at least reject the blue pill they apparently swallowed long ago.

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Now in Huntsville, AL. Knew Jess Hubbs class of 70. You related?

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Sorry....bet you meant your hubby was Mt. View class of 79. Very cool to meet fellow Bendites on C&C!

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Bend is infiltrated with homelessness especially out China Hat & all over the East end of town clear up to Redmond… Bend’s pretty dang blue these days.

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Gma, I’m in the high desert!! Coffee sometime?

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Hi Karen

Would love too! I’m East of Bend 5 min from Costco.

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I’m southeast, by Horse Butte, 7 minutes from Costco. 😂Karen@karenbandy.com

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I’m in Bend too! What a small world! 💜

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Let’s all meet! Look for my email in the comments.

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I actually think we are in H. E. double L. Sodom and Gomorrah was mainly sexual perversion while in Oregon we have every evilness under the sun running rampant.

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Yes Jesus, you have gone to prepare a place for us! Thank you

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A sure and settled hope! Hallelujah!

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I love this so much. We have a glorious LORD!

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Thank you Janice 🙏

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Someone should send John 14:1-6 to Andrew Klavan. He seems to believe there are many ways to everlasting life with the Triune Godhead. Heard him say it on Dave Rubin's You Tube interview. Made me sad.

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You would think that somewhere along the way he would have encountered the "I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father but through Me" part.

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I think he does not want to be exclusive. He was talking to a Jew who was rediscovering his faith in God. Convenient but not very loving. Since he is in rediscovery mode Dave could have been encouraged to reconsider Jesus.

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The fact is that the Gospel is exclusive. :/

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

This is the statement that got Jesus in trouble with the religious establishment or should I say the Jewish church in His day. Between that and His statement in reply to the question about the Roman coin and Caesar's authority, which was also brought by the Jewish authorities, He was condemned by the Jews as a heretic and by the Romans as a revolutionary guilty of treason. Without a doubt, He knew what he was doing. "No one comes to the Father but through Me." He just plainly stated that all those that reject Him as the Messiah do not worship God.

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Now that the IDF's job of ethnically creansing the Gaza strip is just about finished, having killed off even Christian families en mass, I thought I'd remind the entire Coffee & Covid crew about an unpleasant fact. I dare you all to pick up your Bible and go read the book of Revelations, Chapter 2, verse 9. I hope each and everyone of you will think long and hard about whom you have been supporting since 7 October.

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I encountered a woman at church one day who had received her third mRNA injection (so, primary series +1) when I shared with her I was mRNA-free. First, she was shocked, but when I told her of my reasons for abstaining, she got very quiet. She then said, "I've been having really heavy chest pressure for about a week now. Do you think I have a heart problem." Of course, I'm not a physician (just a nurse), but I did say, "it wouldn't hurt to mention it to your doctor - the one who recommended the shot, but don't be surprised if you get a non-response or even a dismissal of your concern." My husband has a co-worker who in addition to developing atrial fibrillation after his primary mRNA series, went on to have a heart attack requiring stent placement. My brother-in-law, when getting cardiac clearance for a hip replacement (he was only 58 at the time), was found to have a significantly reduced ejection fraction (which means his heart was not pumping efficiently). He had received (3) mRNA shots. These are just three episodes of heart issues following mRNA injections I have in my immediate circle. I can think of many others in people I know casually. I bet all of us here have similar stories.

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

My son's best friends wife is an RN and had 2 jabs. Early 30's and now has a-fib and will be on meds the rest of her life. They know what caused it, but once again, coercion and 3 small children and needing to eat are a great motivator. And..she will never get her health back and who to sue?? Oh, this is just ONE on my list of "personally known people whose lives have been forever changed for the worse because of the jabs". There are 20 others and I don't know that many people.

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Same Sadie

The list grows of friends and family

Some now deceased.

My dad a year later still has clots in his leg..... but he loves his “team” at Kaiser.

When we talk I keep urging him

Pleaseeeee don’t get any more jabs or boosts!

He usually chuckles


Come on man 😭

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I just got done telling my neighbors to not get any more jabs. They had said they decided not to get them on their own. Gave them the research...they are 80. They were open to the fact and willing to listen. And I also talked about being fearfully and wonderfully made, which led to talk about Jesus. I have nothing to lose. And I also highly recommended The Chosen for them to watch. It is all about the blood. All these diseases have to do with blood..clots, strokes, heart attacks, dementia. Leave my blood alone.

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Amen Sadie! Love that you were able to share about Jesus! You are right about the blood!

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What I find fascinating is how these things are distributed. Because I know a few people who are jabbed, with health issues, that started in the last three years, but most certainly not 20, and none of the ones I personally know have heart issues or bloodclots.

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There has been much discussion about "hot lots" and geographic distribution of the hot lots. I don't know if anyone has come to any definite conclusions for the disparity in reactions (e.g. production issues, concentration of mRNA dispensed per injection, recipient-dependent, etc...).

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Howbadismybatch.com. We know several people who have checked their batches - some with minimal adverse events reported, others with very alarming AE’s. A man my husband works with recently checked and was pretty upset with his batches reporting, now he is concerned about what he faces... At least he is swearing off jabs for him and his family now!

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They say they need donations at that site... FYI

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Yes, I know that, but that would still seem a bit unlikely when it comes to ones network. Then when you know many people with problems it means that a big chunk of your network got a hot lot. I could see that to be true if your whole network lives in the same town, but if not, it seems i bit odd.

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I know 2 people with heart issues after the jab - afib requiring ablation surgical procedure (60 year old male) and pericarditis (40 year old female.) Lots of other stuff too such as returning breast cancer, basal cell cancers and neuropathy.

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Horrible. In a sense I am sort of waiting for these things to happen in my highly jabbed network, but so far so good.

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I hope they are spared. The odd thing is that it doesn't seem to wake up those who know about these injuries though maybe some wheels are turning that are just not visible to my eye.

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Yes, I was waiting too, as most people I know are jabbed. Now the dominoes are starting to fall. Many many serious health probs. Heart, gall bladder, falls. Eye problems. Couple deaths. In addition to the constant colds/flus some have. Very very sad.

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My family are all 3 jabs (initial 2 +1).... My dad had a fainting moment but so far he and sis are ok. Mom has dementia so I’d have trouble seeing subtle issues, but other wise ok.

Other friends of mine were jabbed... all in diff states... everyone seems ok. Weird!

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In addition to the heart issues I wrote about above, my FIL went on to develop multiple basal cell carcinomas of his face and then 5 months after his third shot was found to have very aggressive glioblastoma. He died 5 weeks after "successful" total resection of the tumor (the doctor feels it likely recurred quickly based on my FIL's symptomology). Also, my one son - who took the shot so he could graduate college - said he felt "out of my head almost immediately" and further said he felt like he probably shouldn't have been driving himself afterwards. He then went on to tell me - long after the fact - that he suffered with the worst headache he's ever had and didn't eat or get out of bed for three days. This is a young, fit, energetic 21 year old at the time. Looking back, I am just thankful he didn't suffer something truly catastrophic like a stroke or brain hemorrhage (or, honestly, who knows, maybe he did and that's why he had such a terrible headache). I still get sick to my stomach thinking about it.

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I'm so sorry! It's a very difficult moment for anyone in your position.

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Please ask anyone affected by these jabs to follow Dr McCullough’s protocol with nattokinase. My friend was having heart problems after two jabs and I suggested she use this protocol. She is feeling much better now.

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

My friend, fully vaxed and boosted would never take any natural anything because she would not override her docs’s protocol which is now to wait five months for second ablation meanwhile taking a last ditch drug which potentially destroy every organ in her body. This would be her second ablation for afib, but she still makes no connection to her vaccine history. This is a well educated woman, but I guess it doesn’t matter how at this stage, but just pray for her peace and well being. Deep inside I think she knows the cause, but I doubt she will ever admit it.

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If she encouraged or had her children vaxed too, it would be hard to let the mind realize that you helped evil psychopaths to kill your kids.

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Debra - love your artwork. Especially attracted to the painting just over your right shoulder...

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Thank you!

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**Note for those who are new to taking nattokinase:

Important to take it on an empty stomach, and then don't eat for a while after. First thing in the morning is usually best.

The reason for this is nattokinase is a proteolytic enzyme — that's how it works — by breaking down errant / damaged / misfolded proteins and the like.

If you take it on a full stomach it will get busy breaking down the contents of your tummy, rather than going off to do it's job elsewhere.

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Do you know of a good source to buy nattokinase?

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Lisa Ca …. NOW products , reasonable priced .

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Try The Wellness Company (that's Dr. McCullough's group along with Dr. Risch and others).

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I found some in a local vitamin / supplement shop. You might be pleasantly surprised.

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Our local organic, health, all around interesting store carries it. Natural grocers carries it as well. Also lumbrokinase & serrapeptase.

I believe Mercola has several of these items.

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Bought mine on Amazon.

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Yes...I buy mine on Amazon. It’s called “flow Nattokinase”

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I buy it at Azure Standard along with lots of organic food. We’re not shotted, but my mom was on blood thinners and natto replaced it.

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I take Now brand. I’ve taken it for years as it keeps plaques from sticking and I have a family history of heart disease.

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I was able to get it from Swansons.

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I've tried, ST. They think I'm nuts.

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I do. There is a 3 month wait here for cardiac ablation and that is after going through many tests where the doctors remain baffled as to the cause.

2 people just recently were trying to get joint replacements and had their surgeries postponed due to heart irregularities. One found in blood and I don't know how they determined the other one.

Another friend had doctors baffled over heart pain. They think it was an undetected unknown virus. You cannot make this up! Complete refusal to see the truth.

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I had lunch with women friends in the 68+ age group. A couple of us have never vaxxed, one we’re not sure, and another we know did as she was astonished when she got covid months after her shots, not once but twice. She was very quiet at our lunch, until she told us, she’s been having chest heaviness and sometimes pain. She saw a cardiologist who put her on medication, which she said leaves her exhausted. She is now going down to Ann Arbor to the U of Michigan for further evaluation. She is understandably anxious.

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The side effects of the cardiac drugs can really affect a person's vitality and stamina. I took a beta-blocker after my run-in with post-viral cardiac issues and ended up stopping them because I was exhausted. Sometimes the body will adjust and regain some of the vigor while others just adapt and get used to the low-level fatigue and exhaustion. I'm sorry about your friend.

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Agree. The subsequent potential for weight gain, due to reduced activity, also stresses the heart.

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I don't know what insurance Dr. Kahn takes, but he spoke out about ivermectin here in MI really early, so I had him bookmarked. https://www.kahnlongevitycenter.com/ There were like 2 or 3 brave medical professionals here in MI, including Dr. Christina Parks, who wore a red hat at the Defeat the Mandates rally which said "Make vaccine makers liable again" The rest of them are pharma posterior suckers.

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Love Dr. Christina Parks. She is one of the heros

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Is it true that even if you suspect a heart problem, it might not show up on a test? I'm thinking of a number of cardiac doctors who have died suddenly. Surely they had warnings and did tests to confirm. but still the sudden deaths.

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From a recent obituary: ". . . passed away unexpectedly in his sleep of a heart condition . . ." https://www.democratandchronicle.com/obituaries/pnys0638170

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Well, that is sad and did you notice his twin brother died in 2022?? That's my neck of the woods (Rochester, not Saratoga Springs)

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I did. That death (of his twin brother ) was also a died suddenly. So sad and likely preventable.

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I am from Saratoga Springs.

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A beloved friend had/has the same situation.

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023

Friend of mine, same age (63), decent shape, took long brisk walks every evening with his wife. They were out for their usual evening walk when he suddenly grabbed his left leg and fell over unconscious. Never woke up.

Despite my warnings, he was double-vaxxed and double boosted. He took them because he wanted to travel (fly) to see his grandkids. Not being able to see his grandkids was a non-starter for him. He would have taken cyanide if required to visit the grands.

As far as I know, his wife is fine to this day even though she had all the same shots.

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I've been listening to more stories of the vax-injured lately and they are truly heart-breaking. I feel equal parts angry and helpless on their behalf. I have no patience for those who, in essence, blame the victims in this scenario. Most people I know who took them did so thinking they were doing the "right thing" and just wanted life to "return to normal" (or in the case of your friend wanted to see his grandkids because adult children issued some insane edict). Yes, there are those who celebrate their vax status and put it on IG (sadly, my daughter is one of them), but that is not representative of most. I really hope the injured receive compensation in some form. We cannot let them be forgotten.

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Same. I know several people with side effects that range from arm swelling, to rashes, to chest pain for months, to irregular heart beats, and of course a few people who died suddenly in their sleep.

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Back in the Stone Age when I was in grade school, we didn’t even know (or care) if our teachers were married, much less, their sexual preferences. We did, however know the multiplication and division tables and how to write in cursive. We read books like “Ted and Sally” and “Billy and Blaze” and none of them were experimenting sexually or confused about their gender. We were children and we were protected like children should be. Those days were far from perfect but schools were for learning not reeducation.

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Right?? I thought my teacher lived at school!

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Hahahaha! The only reason I DIDN’T think that is my parents were teachers. 🤭

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Me too

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My grade school was taught by nuns. Needless to say, sexual orientation had never been heard of.

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Billy and Blaze!

Discovered those a few years ago for our kiddo. Delightful!

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If you want to teach a little girl to read give her a book about a horse

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They were my favorite! Blaze and the Forest Fire!

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Regarding pedo content on social media, it's telling that Disney pulled their advertising from Twitter (where such content is banned) but is still shilling on Facebook, where such content thrives.

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I wouldn't be surprised if the FBI is behind some of the pedo stuff on facebook, trolling for people of influence it can blackmail.

Yep, I've heard so many conspiracies that's where my mind goes these days.

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The most horrible truth about the tech industry is that it is owned by child predators. They could stop it today but they don't want to. They know about it and let it continue. Thats why Zuckerburger fixed the elections. For protection against prosecution.

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100%. I think many political leaders are guilty of the same thing.

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news out tonight Disney leader is top Biden donator organizer. Pedo world

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Funny ypu say this, I hate to say it about anyome but he sure looks like he could be one himself. I just cringe.

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You are claiming that everyone who works in the tech industry is a child predator?

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No, it's the management.

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Most tech industry organizations are not managed by their owners, and I doubt that most of their managers are known to you. .

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

Yes, that's exactly what he's claiming. From the CEO down to the guy who scrubs the toilets at night. Every last one of them.

Come on Vonu, I know you are smarter than this. You knew what he meant.

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I'm not as psychic as you are.

Wars frequently begin because someone who didn't assumes that he did.

If you use tech, you must be one as well.

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if we could have a safe tech space that did not support and profit of off destroying kids and other humans that would be great. If you work for tech and know they help sell kids for $$$ then your the worst.

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You must think that the Vatican is running something like Epstein was.

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I have no inside knowledge of anything, and yes I’m generalizing, BUT I’ve worked in various industries around super nerdy tech people. They were surprisingly and bizarrely kinky if you know what I mean. So the leap to pedophelia does not surprise me one bit.

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Cheeky, Conflating "super nerdy tech people" with pedophilia is akin to equating "anti-vaxxers" as conspiracy theory undesirable Grandma killers. As for Zuckerberg it is beyond evil that he allows child porn to proliferate on Facebook and Instagram.

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As I said, I know I’m generalizing. Just stating my personal and very surprised experience 🤣

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I tend to believe that people that think everyone else is suspect are the most suspicious.

Since you are being pretty kinky in your own way without elucidation, your leaping to sexual perversions might be natural for you.

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Nope. My first job out of college I shared an office with a very smart “nerdy” girl who shared all sorts of stories about her sexapades with her various smart nerdy boyfriends. Pretty shocking now that I look back on it. But I was 23 and new to the company so I plead immaturity. Sorry if this struck a nerve for you.

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I do think nerdy types who are already a bit disconnected from "normal" social expectations can definitely get into weird kinky stuff if they don't have a moral standard to guide them. It's easy to think "all these sexual taboos are just cultural, so why worry about breaking them?". Case in point, that guy who recently got convicted for that massive crypto scam, who had a weird sexual thing going on with a bunch of his friends who ran the company with him. (What was his name, Sam Bankfraud-Man, right?)

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I'm not sure why it would strike a nerve with anyone who wouldn't enjoy a night spent watching pornographic movies.

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Lynn above did say 'owned'.

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Grants Pass?

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The overall goal, I still think, is to kill and maim as many as possible. Kill = off "useless eaters" and "save the planet". Maim = more money for big pharma.

I sat through the Hunger Games (original) plus the new movie last night. Usually a hard pass for me on anything not horror, but then I realized that while it's not horror, it is horrifying. I found myself livid during both films at times. I thought how could those districts put up with all the capital b.s.? Who agrees to send a child to die? Then I realized (never read any of the books so I am conjecturing) that the whole thing of capital versus districts likely it started off with a small power grab by the capital to "protect" and "care for" people, which translates to control. The more control you give a person, the more they take.

When you take a person's choices away, slowly, they adapt to it and can't even see they are in prison. I see us at that stage. Most in this country are still so brainwashed that they believe the government is here to save them from this and that scary virus, and it's those brainwashed people, much more than the government itself, who are so dangerous. I therefore refuse to shut my mouth about the truths (plural!) coming out. I finally got a coworker to stop wearing a mask and now she calls the whole virus thing b.s. The next time I see her I am going to introduce her to C&C. :) One person at a time.

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The first book in the series is worth a read, FourWinds. IIRC, the author wrote the book in the context of the War on Terror and wanted to say something about PTSD but also about power structures and how they exploit people through fear. In the series, the outer districts eventually revolt, but the leader of the rebellion is shown to be just as controlling and manipulative as the deposed President Snow. I do think about the Hunger Games alot given the state of our country.

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Goebbels knew that the best way to control people was through fear.

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Mercola has an interesting post today highlighting David Martin’s work. Check it out.

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Wow, that David Martin video is something else! I'm scratching my head wondering why no attorney/s have taken his info and run with it. Seems to be a disconnect - is his info (appears to be well backed up and documented) incorrect? Or is there some reason no attorney will touch it? I haven't finished the video, so maybe he has an explanation why no one is utilizing his info.

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He is a warrior. I wish I knew the answer to your great question

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Thanks for the heads up.

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FYI. I have read that hunts such as these are really conducted by the Khazarian controllers. It is a given that Hollywood predicts and mimics real events.

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I loved the books, and her other series, The Underland Chronicles, a saga of creatures that live beneath NYC, with a thinly veiled Hitler-esque rabbit named The Bane. For preteens.

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Thanks, Cynthia. I will check them out.

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The brainwashing has been deliberate, calculated, and systematic. TV, movies, radio and microwave frequencies, chemtrails, food adulteration, pesticides and herbicides, indoctrination centers (schools) , Those most susceptible ie. the young, lack of self discipline, no moral compass, Bacchus instead of Apollo, lacking gratitude, selfish, etc are the most susceptible. I doubt there are any on this forum who were not, and continue to be, utterly stunned by the level of compliance to tyranny exhibited by the normies during the plandemic and beyond.

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My brother and I talk about that series and how out of all the conspiracies we think that book is the most likely.

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Even though my coffee is wonderful, it was a pretty disgusting middle to today's post. I really appreciate you and your research. It is always good to be well informed. Now that I am in the know, I have to go throw up.

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I remember how dismissive I was of the original "Pizza Gate" controversy but not anymore. The Epstein saga, Bill Clinton and The Sound of Freedom changed my perspective.

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Believed it from the start. I’ve been a rabbit hole conspiracy theorist since Jonestown when I was just 17. 🐇 🕳️ Everything keeps coming true now.. not so crazy after all and that tin foil hat suits me. 😂

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Lynne, I listened to a fascinating multi-part podcast on Jim Jones called "G-d's Socialist" done by MartyrMade (a.k.a. Darryl Cooper). It was, as I said, fascinating. Cooper does a great job of providing context and setting the scene for how someone like Jim Jones rises to prominence and is able to lure people in.

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Can relate

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Yeah, I have to skip over most of this stuff, just a quick scan to get the gist. Reading too much of this stuff isn't good for the soul, IMO.

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This is true. We must still guard our hearts.

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And our amygdalas. 😆 but actually being quite serious. The part of our brains involved in detecting safety/threat.

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I hear you! Pedophiles make me do that. The push to sexualize children makes me barf, too. The people in control who have ZERO respect for those they are controlling make me throw up double time.

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I hate to tell you, but I imagine you have just scratched the surface on pedophelia, sex slavery, organ harvesting, and andrenochrome. Whatever you know, it is Far worse , than your most horrible nightmare. Sorry, but that is why we have no choice but to fight them to the end, and why most normies refuse to look or listen to this vision of hell on (and under) earth .

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I know about the fight and will battle where I am most effective. Even though I would love to be the trigger puller on these evil people.

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I feel like this too... well said.

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The pedophilia part made me really sad, honestly. Heavy, heavy heart.

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Sad, sick, heavy, disgusted and, I know that vengeance belongs to God, but it, in my human outrage, I would love to help Him in that department. I do thank God for the souls willing to bait and trap these evil people. How it must weigh on them as they try to have a normal life after seeing the evidence.

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I just saw a local news clip about how cold weather causes strokes … I don’t know how anyone has survived living in places like North Dakota! My blood pressure got so elevated I almost had a stroke!!!!! This is why I rarely watch tv channels.

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Toss your TV.

You will thank me later.

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“Family sues Panera, saying its caffeinated lemonade led to Florida man's cardiac arrest.” I’d like to see that discovery. How many copycat lawsuits will follow?

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Stop it. First of all, is their lemonade really caffeinated? And how much is in it? I would think you need a pretty big dose of caffeine to trigger a cardiac event. But, yes. I'd love to see the discovery :)

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Last time I was at Panera, there was as a warning sign posted on the lemonade about its high caffeine content! 😳

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It apparently was 260 mgs per drink--a LOT.

Coffee 80-100.

This is one where you want the Panera lawyers citing all kinds of jab-induced heart issue evidence!

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I understand that it is highly caffeinated, but at least one energy drink has more, and the SADS didn’t seem to occur as often.

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And now there’s a second case, incidentally filed by the same attorney.

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That's how lawyers work. They will go back to the well for as long as it has water. That IS a lot of caffeine.

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Agree, almost certainly was factorial, and it would be really hard to disprove, given the dose.

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Thanks for a morning chuckle, Susan.

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I think TV is bad for health.

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News flash! The News causes strokes.

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I happened to listen to Megyn Kellys show the day after the debate, and first, she had no idea that Rumble went off line during the vaccine question. But it was just rumble, not widespread, and since Rumble’s actual reason for being is to allow free speech, I doubt there was anything sinister. Also, I’m really glad a vaccine question was FINALLY asked at one of these debates, even if it was not perfect.

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Don Jr. is on Rumble exclusively along with the likes of Dan Bongino, Steven Crowder, Steve Bannon, etc. All very much pro-Trump. Also, Truth Social and Rumble are tied together financially and with shared infrastructure as reported a couple of months ago.


This was not an anti-Vivek move, it was attempting to protect Trump. It’s the same reason Trump won’t debate, he has no good conservative answers to his record on Covid.

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This is VERY interesting. I’ve not been happy with Trump over these vaccines.

So wait, it was only censored on RUMBLE??? Now, THAT’S not weird or anything. (Sarcasm)

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Hi Jeff- I don’t know what network you are referring to but I heard the question and his comment. No blackout. I watched on NewsNation.

Aside I hated the question because it clearly framed Trump as the bad guy but Viveks response was great! He is the first to call out the sick model health system. I just wish more was said about injuries.

I am certain that I heard his answer and no blackout because I distinctively remember thinking - good for you Vivek for not giving in to the bait and even addressing if “Trump should be proud”.

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Yeah. I came here to say this. It appears the blackout was only on Rumble which is weird considering they’re a free speech platform.

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Very wierd! Makes you wonder if they too are bought off now. Or maybe, doubtful, but maybe it was a glitch.

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I doubt Rumble would censor the answer. I think they left France rather than comply with censorship demands.

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I love the way Vivek takes on tough questions. He is an example to the others to get brave and say it like it is. And he never denigrates Trump, but goes after the bad guys.

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Every time I listen to him I like him more and more!

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

It was Rumble that blacked out for a few min.

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Disappointed that Rumble would black it out.

Why? Someone needs to answer that question.

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On Megyn’s show she said they followed up with Rumble and it was a legit technical issue, they had receipts to show. But I was listening, not watching, so I didn’t see what these said receipts were.

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Too "convenient" that the glitch concerned the covid death shots and not some other subject.

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It was just one platform, a platform founded on providing access to information that others won’t platform. Every other place aired the question and it’s answer. I really think this is nothing.

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At this point, I am suspect of everything.

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I thought Megyn and Trump had patched things up. Not so sure now

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I was in a forum last year where a panicked user shared that the night before they had become drunk at the home of a wealthy individual who, after becoming intoxicated, shared that in the near future people will find out the jabs were harmful and panic will ensue. The ultimate goal will be a loss of trust in governments. The articles published yesterday could be a drip of a much greater dam. Hopefully not. Sending light to everyone this season.

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The only flaw I see in that is I believe the people who believe in the jabs have been brainwashed. Not the simple kind. Years now of propaganda and terror coming in every form of media. These people are so brainwashed they don't know they are brainwashed, and that means the chances of them dialing back their thinking is not good. I do believe that the truth will come out and the non-brainwashed folks will go after these people hard. I'm all for whatever we can do to legally take down every one of these murderers.

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Admitting you have been fooled by people you trust is a very bitter pill to swallow. Many people will just never accept it. I am not jabbed and thought the whole pandemic was a scam from the beginning however, I had already come to the realization prior to 2020 that our government is not the good guys which had me depressed for quite some time afterwards.

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That's why the normies refuse to wake up. You cannot unsee what you have seen once the veil has been lifted. No one wants to believe your governments are the enemy, that everything you have ever been told officially is a lie, that all of the shootings are government sponsored false flags to terrorize us and push an agenda, the the people ruling the earth are not the 1 %, but the 0.00001 percent , and that we have been lied to and ruled by them for millennia , not decades. That kind of paradigm shit scares them worse than enduring the ever greater tyranny being heaped upon us. So they will continue to hide, until there is no where else to hide. And, that day is nigh,, , certainly before Nov 24.

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All you can do is pray for the hopelessly brainwashed. Most of family and friends are in my prayers.

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Agreed, but I still won't shut up about this whole topic, either. I've lost family and friends by doing it, but I will not shut up.

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Silence is not golden. It is death. I refuse to shut up either.

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I spent time with a family member/ friend the other evening. We touched in the subject of cancer, autoimmune problems and I mentioned the jabs. She and her husband are very well educated, world travelers, well read etc. We gingerly discussed it. They have both had all their jabs. Especially because they could only visit their children in Australia if they jabbed and quarantined at the time. I was careful, and explained a bit but the bottom line is. If they refuse to consider something, cognitive dissonance, then they won't research it or read up on it. So hoping at some point they will get it or choose to look at it.

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I am convinced that "gingerly discussed" will not be fruitful.

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Well if it leaves the door open to throw in more later, it will be. She usually avoids it, and mentions that we disagree, but I said hey, we are friends and mature enough that we can handle it carefully. And she agreed. Little bits.

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I know 5 people who died within a 18-month period.

One person kept taking those horrible boosters and died of a brain bleed.

One died in his sleep.

One died after a short illness.

One died of cancer.

Not sure about the last one, but he did get the covid death shots.

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I already don’t trust government nor pharm nor medical doctors. The first because they only want power and control and manipulate with words and money to get it. The second because they lie and are only looking for the payout. They don’t care at all about human beings. We are only test subjects. The third because MOST are receiving kick backs for meds they prescribe and many don’t update their education nor do they have any nutritional education. Food is the first medicine. Diet changes and scrutiny of the ingredients in prepared foods is the first best course of action . Also, medical professionals are over burdened with patients which takes time away from their ability to update their knowledge and to read studies. Many practice symptom treatment and never treat the source of the symptoms. People are getting sicker and sicker and food companies are pumping out more and more garbage that tastes really good but is killing us. When you call to make an appointment with your doctor how long do you have to wait? Weeks? Months? Our world is broken.

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Here is the aspect of LGBTQ+++ "education" that is most concerning:

To learn something you are first taught the ideas - which takes time to understand. Like math - you learn to count then you have to practice problem solving (adding, subtracting, etc.).

So, what is the practice that happens after learning about this sexualized theory? Are the kids to figure it out on their own? Do the teachers lead workshops? Do they outsource the exercises?

There is no learning without theory plus practice. That is why this is grooming.

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That whole scenario makes me nauseous--but you are totally correct in what you state, PE!

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"Study shows that the Covid 19 Vaccine is RE-ACTIVATING viruses and diseases that were once dormant in people."


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And honestly, of all the claims made about the injections, this should surprise us the least given the mechanism of action.

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When you consider that all vaccines are meant to in some way alter our God given immune systems, this should come as no surprise, right?

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I would believe that. In my non-scientific, uneducated opinion, they are weakening the immune system so it's easy for any pathogen to take over.

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Oh no, I thought. But they only mention shingles. Phew, I knew that. They didn't give a link, what other diseases, do you know?

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So the "conspiracy theories" about Pizza Gate are true? Imagine that...

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Well, the reporter who “debunked” it got arrested for child porn. Sooooo.

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Alex Jones and others VINDICATED. Why must he be right again?

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I too am interested.

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