Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

Jeff, love the writing but you don't need to walk on eggshells each time you mention Putin. The overwhelming number of readers and commenters here know there are two sides to every story. Don't let the blatant Ukraine propaganda presented as fact by a couple of comment section shills deter you from boldly saying what you want to say. We see right through them and are looking for truth, not carefully constructed narratives. God bless.

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Agree 100%. It's on par, IMO, by opening a statement to (rightly) criticize "vaccines" by saying, "I'm not anti-vax...but..."

Nope. No apologies! No equivocation!

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Never forgive and never forget.

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I agree completely but understand. Sometimes I get tired of being shot at especially friendly fire. Oxymoron?

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Sep 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Yup, but often that "friendly fire" is actually hostility disguised to appear friendly. We live in an age of lies, it's a variation of the classic "concern troll" move. "I've been a lifelong conservative but lately the (insert recently effective tactic here) has me very concerned..."

It's designed to make people think their own allies have turned on them when in fact nothing of the sort has happened.

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Subject Putin.

This 'walking on eggs syndrome' appears to be a tacit 'virtue signaling' ploy. Maybe not intended that way, but just having that patina of appearance about it. This said, the Walk-Away movement, the larger part of the world by population, is not under any such compunction of hesitant speech. Nope! They just Walk-Away ... in droves. And the reason? Everything in the Putin clip plus something bigger ... existential sovereign survival. And ditto for us in the US who really don't cotton to the Paedo Pete Agenda. This said, I thank Lawyer Childers for today's insertion of the Putin speech clip. And I'd call that 'fair and balance'. And a little real deal perspective on what we are up against.

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Call it what it is. Putin is right on this. Period.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

Hi Annie! You said it right! For one, everything in that Putin clip applies in spades to what our Dear Leader elite is trying (with great success until now) to push down our throats. And as a matter of fact, Putin has been saying this stuff for a very long time now. And apparently, the rest of the non-Woke world totally agrees. Given the rest of the non-NATO world disagrees with The Evil Russian Narrative, I can't see how 'they' think the can push this on and on into a crazy forever. At any rate, we will see how this works out.

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Meh...for me it is not worded as I "really don't cotton" to the pedo agenda. It is a hard HELL NO and a Foxtrot Yankee to those who are on the fence.

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You are, of course, quite right! And I'm glad to hear it so said!

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Putin is a pretty reasonable guy and you can hear what he says unfiltered as Putin Direct: https://t.me/PutinDirect

Putin: Much of the Ukrainian grain is actually American after Ukraine sold its farmlands to U.S. companies. https://t.me/PutinDirect/54

Putin: The West is blocking Russian efforts to donate fertilizer to the poorest nations. https://t.me/PutinDirect/55

Putin: European countries have not rid themselves of the colonialist paradigm and continue living at others’ expense. https://t.me/PutinDirect/53

Putin chuckles at the Ukrainian counteroffensive and warns of a more serious response should Kiev continue using terrorist tactics. https://t.me/PutinDirect/51

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"Putin is a pretty reasonable guy"

Says who?

His bombers tested American air defenses the other day and they are still finding more mass graves and torture chambers in Izium and Kharkiv oblast.

What do his friends, Iran and North Korea, say that's reasonable?

You're known by the company you keep.

And Putin can laugh all he wants, but the Russian state is cracking. The media and the military are furious over being forced out of a region that they said "Once a russian flag goes up over it it shall never come down".

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Cry more!

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Yes, they lied about the jab, about the ChiCom virus and a whole host of things.

What else can we do? I know, support a foreign dictator! America bad, Putin good!

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022


Edit: forgot to mention the above comment is a classic example of the strawman response. De-facto evidence of bad faith.


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Horsey is probably in the employ of one of our nefarious 3 letter agencies. Got to keep the propaganda flowing, of course.

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Really? Am I FIB or NSA? I always wanted to work with Admiral Mike Rogers. He took an unscheduled trip to Trump Tower after the 2016 election. I have been in Trump Tower for the 2016 Trump campaign.

Bring it!

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I see horsey reactivated his benjaminn account so he could fight with himself to prove neither of his accounts are trolls🤣🤣🤣

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Do you want to lead the team betting on that lie?

Go on, make the wager. $500 or maybe something more interesting like $1,000.

Because I would LOVE it!

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022


Edit to mention, I really can't stand anti-American BS from anyone, especially from a Putinoid.

We need to focus on helping good candidates for November not defending a failed dictator.

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Horsey, or Jackass? Yes, Putin is a bad guy; however, his speech about declining American values was accurate. Nice strawman argument 👍

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Former Gen. explains the sorry situation Putin created invading Ukraine:


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He's stuck in a quagmire of his own making. An entire army of Ukrainians are well equipped and with high morale, fresh off a big win after driving Putin out of Kharkiv.

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I'd vote for Putin 10x before I'd vote for Horsey's transgender Dear Leader Zelenskyyyyy. (Not sure how many "y's" we need there. Seems to vary)

No mo' globohomo

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You'd vote for a guy who flies his bombers against American air space?

Sounds rather treasonous.

While Putin Hides in Sochi Zelensky went to the front lines in Izium to visit the Ukrainian troops.

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Don’t you have a drag show you’re late for, Benjaminnnn/Jackass?

You’re not fooling anyone by switching back and forth between handles. (“Look! Now I’m Horseshit, now I’m Bejaminnnn?”)

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Thanks for making my point, Fred.

You'd only need to vote for Putin, once, or not. It makes no difference. You get Putin for decades and the KGB mafia thuggery with it.

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I agree. putin seems solid when it comes to the infection of perverted sexual deviants the west seems to be imbracing by Not standing up to it.

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Putin "seems" is the perfect synopsis as the KGB thug morphs to whatever is useful at the moment. It's why Putin was so successful with so many Western leaders and obtaining great advantage with Germany signing on to Nord I & II.

While other leaders in Eastern Europe warned Putin was not reformed KGB, they were ignored. Now Putin's energy blackmail is on the table and President Trump's warning, mocked earlier by the German delegation at the UN is facing a very tight constricted energy winter.

Rape is also a perversion but Putin has little issue with it as he views this as a benefit to his Russian army. They don't get much from the State so Putin wrote an order to give them permission to loot what they can to the applause of these rural families where the soldiers originate.


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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

Great response and perspective on friendly fired. Vigilance is required, sadly. Thanks

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Here's a little to prepare the next mass formation on Uncle Joe. Putin explains why Stalin wasn't so bad and just misunderstood. The Soviet flag was flying on tanks invading Ukraine. Putins' new and improved Uncle Joe.



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Putin Accuses Russia's Foes Of 'Excessive Demonization' Of Stalin

This is the real Putin:


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No Mo Globohomo, Perv

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

Anyone else hear shades of Hannibal Lector in that Horsey’s lecturing on yesterday’s blog comments? Chilling how he used smarmy flattery to try and suck responders in and keep it going. Addressing them by name and as ‘friend’.

Best to ignore that approach, I think. It’s not a debate that your best reasoned arguments could win. It is an attack that cannot be ended with words, no matter how brilliantly presented. He must be starved of responses.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

Yup, when I called out his blatantly bad faith tactics above he immediately fell back to the old tried-and-true name calling.

Don't waste time arguing with these people but directly call out their dishonest tactics and move on. Seriously, learn these tactics so you can spot them instantly and immediately recognize bad actors. After a bit you'll see them coming a mile away.

Lots of good articles on logical fallacies out there for those interested. People who habitually use them are at best trying to score cheap points, but more likely are propagandists.

Edit: Adding that "horsey" showed up at pretty much the exact same time "benjaminn" disappeared using identical tactics. He'll probably incarnate himself as someone new in a few days.

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It also means that Coffee and Covid is getting the attention of the troll masters. So you are doing good work here, Jeff. 🙂👍

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Yea, what happened to Benjamin? ;)


Tales From the Great Reset: Inside a Ukraine Propaganda Brainstorming Session

- Ukrainian propaganda needs a Great Reset. I secretly sat in on a Ukrainian propaganda brainstorming session with Goebbelsky's new team as they try to come up with new ideas for starting World War III!



Ukraine's Propaganda War: International PR Firms, DC Lobbyists and CIA Cutouts (Mintpressnews.com)

Dan Cohen reveals the network of foreign strategists, Washington lobbyists and intelligence-linked media outlets behind Kiev's public relations blitz.


Ukraine War! What Is It Good For? Propaganda (Off-guardian.org)

The West’s propaganda, in a rapidly evolving conflict, has at times been absurd.


Don Surber: War hero or Hollywood? (Donsurber.blogspot.com)

The real stories about wars don't come out until years later.


Fakes emerge throughout Ukraine crisis just to be debunked later (From RT)



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I'm still here.

Why did the Russian army flee so fast they forgot hundreds of tanks, hundreds of APCs, and billions of rounds in Kharkuv?

Quite a victory for an equipment strapped Ukrainian army.

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No one is paying me. I just liked Jeff Childer's page. He covers most topics especially the legal ones in the US very well.

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You whine a lot, like your hero, Putin. If you want to join Fred in losing money, I accept the bet at any amount you two wish to put up.

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Same argument, same language, same person

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Wrong again, Phil! Put up the bet and the money with Fred and anyone else here. I will match it.

Then our host will confirm who is right.

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Well then you're both using the same script from your handlers.

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Prove any of these stupid lies, Phil. Put up whatever you can and I will match it.

I am not Benjamin. Put up....

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Yes. I think we need to stop engaging with said account. It’s obvious what his agenda is. Troll, fake acct, whatever. It takes up a lot of time to try and discuss anything, think it it best to ignore and not engage.

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Must be starved of responses. Like Hannibal Lector, he’ll never run out of lies and self worship.

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No lying here and in the coming days, Russia will be seeing the blame game as they point at each other on who's stupid idea was it to invade Ukraine.

As for here, there's a different game flailing with a claim I'm another person commenting, Benjamin.

How about you join in and put up the dough with the others? I will match any amount you muster.

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Only speak for myself and the facts cited. Nothing more.

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HL? Now that's one I've never heard before. Thank your Willing Spirit, but embracing a dictator is not borne of facts; it's strictly an internal matter, one of "spirit" pardon the pun.

Yes, starvation is always on the list for Putin and his acolyte, Joseph Stalin. Starving many millions and locking them into their own borders is well-remembered in Ukraine as I saw.

Robert Conquest's "Harvest of Sorrow" is the academic reference on that manmade Soviet holocaust.

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I stand and applaud your comment, Jeff C - it is spot on!

Putin may be many things - but, he is NOT a fool.

It is not difficult to imagine, in today's world, knowing what we now know, seeing what we are now seeing - Putin may not be the ONLY evil villain out there.

As you say, Jeff Childers:

" If only OUR leaders had been able to see the looming danger. "


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Putin is a fool.

He was told his armies would be greeted with open arms and welcomed. Surprise, they weren't but got molotov cocktails, grenades, and drone bombs.

Instead he doubles down and threatens the west. And when his war isn't going well, doubles down again.

it's glorious to watch.

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"Putin may be many things - but, he is NOT a fool." EXACTLY!!!

See Putin Direct: https://t.me/PutinDirect

Putin: Much of the Ukrainian grain is actually American after Ukraine sold its farmlands to U.S. companies. https://t.me/PutinDirect/54

Putin: The West is blocking Russian efforts to donate fertilizer to the poorest nations. https://t.me/PutinDirect/55

Putin: European countries have not rid themselves of the colonialist paradigm and continue living at others’ expense. https://t.me/PutinDirect/53

Putin chuckles at the Ukrainian counteroffensive and warns of a more serious response should Kiev continue using terrorist tactics. https://t.me/PutinDirect/51

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No, Putin isn't a fool. He's a demented dictator. Which as he's learning is worse.

We went from expressing feelings that demented Traitor Joe is worse than Putin to "Putin should not be inconvenienced further with resistance to his empire dreams or he's going to get really angry. This time he means it."

That's how fast the insanity of Putinoid dictator love happens.

What business is it of Putin what any other country does with its land? Putin is not "donating" crap. He should donate his army back to Russia so more thousands of them don't go pushing up sunflowers in Ukraine. The sunflower crop was bountiful this year. Thanks Pukey!

There's always something Putin is bitching about and to Putin, Putin is always the victim.


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Putin is not the only evil dictator in the world.

He is however, the only dictator to invade Ukraine.

With well over 50,000 Russian casualties, Putin’s invasion is foolhardy. Of course he will keep throwing Russians ahead to their deaths. It’s what dictators do.

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Who cares if he invaded that corrupt Biden crime family money laundering operation. I'm surprised it took them this long knowing the history of the Donbass region, their treatment by one of the most corrupt governments on the planet (the US is #1), and their overwhelming desire to return to Russia.

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Why do all of these Donbass villages have men and women greeting the Ukrainian army, speaking Russian, and joyous to be liberated?

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Perhaps he is doing just exactly what we, the US, had hoped he would do......

I do NOT intend to suggest his actions are in any way justified.

However, perhaps - " understood " is an appropriate word choice.

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It's a theory which may offer comfort to some but the facts in 2022 shows it comes up short.

Go back to Traitor Joe's remarks on Ukraine publicly prior to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. They offer an insight to Putin's decision after the Afghanistan debacle.

Publicly stating an "incursion" into Ukraine was ok, Biden signaled approval to Putin to take a portion of Ukraine. Putin must have had a big smile on his face and held a meeting telling his military, "Let's take it all."

The expectation among military analysts near and far around the world was Ukraine would fall within days and Kyiv would be overrun and its government decapitated in three.

President Trump had it right and made sure he was the only recent US President not to challenge. Putin did not seize any land from another country while President Trump was in the Oval.

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The "intent" is debatable, beyond a doubt.

But this * brief from the RAND Corporation certainly is worthy of consideration in ANY conversation regarding that intent - the US is certainly a player in this chess match.

What do the players hope to gain? Sure seems as if we, here in the US, are angling toward implosion. In ALL ways " ESG".

* https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/RB10014.html

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Nobody made him invade Ukraine except his ego.


He's obsessed with Ukraine.

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Agreed, and NATO. Putin thought he could seize all of Ukraine and then see NATO implode, his lifelong dream.

Instead, all of Ukraine rose up against him shocking the world as his mighty army was stalled and NATO is adding neutrals Finland and Sweden.

For Putin, it's the "catastrophe 2" with the first being the downfall of the Soviet empire as he described it.

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Russia anticipated to best Ukraine in 2-3 days. They even released an article justifying why they seized it. Problem was they realized they did it too soon and took the article down.


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If Russia has 50k casualties,what are the Youcranian casualties?

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Please, don’t feed the troll. He will stay engaged as long as you give him an opening. Let him mutter to himself.

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Wah! Facts hurt my feelings. Too bad.

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Somewhere in the 35-45k range. No real estimate so far, but they are well below Russian ones.

A good OSINT source is the Oryx blog.

Russian equipment losses:


Ukrainian equipment losses:


Ukrainian losses are a lot less. As they go more on the offensive it will kick up, but Russia is throwing men into the teeth of heavily defended ukrainian cities (Bakhmut, for example) time and time again for little gain but a lot lost.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

Estimates on Ukrainian casualties reported are 8,000 KIA.

That wouldn't count civilians.

Estimates on Putin's Orcs are 50,000 - 80,000.

Which explains why Putin's merc army, The Wagner Group named after Hitler's favorite composer is recruiting people from prisons. Six months service allegedly gets you out of prison.

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Facts are hard, I know.

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I have also noticed that Jeff is bending over backwards to be “fair and balanced” and not offend that demographic. It may also be to avoid de-platforming.

Anyway, Jeff doesn’t have to lead the parade on that. There are enough of us. :)

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You may notice the cheering all over the world in many countries. It isn't for Putin's army that got routed.

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When mentioning Putin or Trump, it's almost a matter of self-preservation to equivocate.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

Perhaps, but it lets the other side set the terms of the argument which is almost always self-defeating.

I get it and don't intend to criticize our host. Jeff wrote, "I’ve been mulling over whether I should report this next story, because it’s going to draw the usual complaints that I’m pushing Putin on people". My message to Jeff is that we know the vast majority of those complaints are in bad faith, and we don't take them seriously.

Those of us that have studied propaganda and logical fallacies see it riddled throughout these comments (looking at you horsey aka benjaminn). They are intended to drive a narrative and make people apprehensive to express certain opinions.

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Not bad faith necessarily, maybe just still using MSM for their news. The government narrative is Russia bad, Putin = devil. Ukraine good. Send more $ and weapons to weaken and de-stabilize Russia.

To them I say: I have been off TV since the 90s. Best thing I ever did. Same with leftist controlled newspapers. 99 of the top 100 US newspapers endorsed and predicted the victory of hillary over Trump. Try Zero Hedge for news, Lewrockwell.com for Liberty perspective analysis, Robert Malone and many others you may find to get out from under leftist spin. Almost all the search engines have biased algorithms to direct your searches away from conservative articles. This is a war of ideas, and for your mind. Be strong.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

Friendly disagree, I think many of those comments here are in bad faith. When commenters blatantly use logical fallacies (straw men, appeal to authority, stating opinion as fact, ad hominems, etc.) it is de-facto evidence of bad faith IMO. People who are just misinformed typically don't use these tactics, or if they do it's by accident and not one after another.

Everyone should study these tactics as it makes it easy to sift out the low information types from those intentionally trying to sow discord.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

Yes all that and also discouraging any questions. Aggressive responses and mockery instead of simply answering and discussing ideas. And again, as you mentioned, straw men and red herrings. Those tactics are the same as the pro jab people used. Make people feel stupid and defensive by using labels like anti vaxxer (racist also accomplishes the same purpose in other contexts) to quash any questioning of the narrative. Those are not used by people interested in good faith discussions of different viewpoints.

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Yes, some of those Commentators add up nothing more than Horse Poop!

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So agree. Epochtimes is useful to us too.

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Agree strongly!

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I think you should just continue to self-identify with a failed dictator, Putin.

Be you.

We already know so this is not news to us.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

Ad hominem, appeal to emotion, appeal to ridicule, false dilemma, straw man, and probably a few others all in only 26 words. Pretty impressive.

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You are impressive, Jeff C! You are an orc killer!

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Wagner is paying 4-5k per month. They also recruit heavily from prisons.

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Putin's orcs absolutely need more killers! They are running low.

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It’s an exposure of you.

There is no appeal.

Putinoid is as Putinoid does.

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Which one of these drag queens is you, Horsey, and which is Benjaminn? (I already recognize Zelenskyyyy. But who’s the 4th?)


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Pony up, Fred! Time to ante up.

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It’s like La Cage Aux Folles meets Soringtime for the Azov Battalion.

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Plus if we have negative views of someone, they are probably from the false narratives presented by the msm media and wef. All previous beliefs must be re-examined with clear heads and proper due diligence. Putin was right on this and we have all been duped on various levels by this evil.

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I agree

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Putin didn't mandate that I take DEATHVAX. (I didn't take it, but it was coerced).

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Putin made his own covid vaccine and follows covid protocols religiously. He even keeps his closest aides and advisors about 50 feet away. He's gotten the covid shot too.

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Some of us realize that Ukraine is just a mini Russia run by thugs.

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Its MUCH worst e.g. its Russia in the 1990s when the oligarchs and foreign investors were in control looting the country... Like it or not, Putin put the oligarchs in their place... When Russia took over Crimea etc, they had to DOUBLE the pensions to align them with Russia's - that's HOW POOR they are! There are millions of Ukrainian guest workers in Russia (as well as elsewhere like Turkey) - not the other way around...

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"Guest works".

That are run through filtration camps and not allowed to leave.

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This thread is getting hilarious, but away from Jeff’s readers usual civility. I vote for returning to it. Peace.

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Are you now saying it's too free and open?

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Except Ukraine is a lot better than Russia.

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What Ukraine propaganda?

That Russia is a free and open society and Putin is some genius mastermind?

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You might want to look in the mirror, Benjamin. Jesus suggested that we remove the plank from our own eye before we remove the splinter from the others eye. Do you really believe that with the gutting of the Bill of rights, and the censoring, minimizing, blocking, and de-platforming of any assertion contrary to the current narrative, That we are a free and open society?

Maybe this is where we need to focus rather than pointing the finger at other nations.

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The Devil also quoted Scripture and was pretty good at it, too.

We are indeed better than the Russians. A lot better.

Go insult Biden on Social Media. In fact, I'll do it on facebook and here now:

Biden is a senile, idiot old man.

Now do that in Russia.

Go say the military is doing a bad job in America. Now do it in Russia.

We are a much more free and open society than Russia.

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The real lesson of Martha’s Vineyard is that if you are a liberal blue city, above the law because you’ve declared yourself a “sanctuary city,” it is both moral and legal to remove illegal immigrants by force by use of the US military. See, although when a red State moves immigrants to your blue sanctuary city it is “human trafficking,” when a blue city does it by force with the military it is “humanitarian.” People who don’t “understand how this law works” might think we have a two-tiered justice system. But as Resident Xiden would say, “Come on, man.”

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My brain hurts. I keep trying to understand hypocrisy. I see the words and the actions; they are not cohesive. I am not looking for answers because I know all the pat answers we can write. I am just saying. Thank God, we have a platform where we can express our bewilderment.

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Sep 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I think this quote explains it best: "It's not hypocrisy, it's hierarchy." That's why they aren't ashamed when it gets pointed out, because they're actually smug about the fact that they're above the rules and never held to the same standards as the lower class.

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Something that seems to make sense. They really don’t care if we agree, like or hate them and call them out. Because we do not matter. We are simply in their way and they hate us for it.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

They also hate that the signs of their privilege are being blurred, as regular people can travel and buy designer bags etc., and so they want to shove us all back down to lowly peasant status where they think we belong and ensure that we cannot access these status symbols any longer.

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Yup! They need to eliminate that awful middle class that thinks they can aspire to something better. Can’t have that.

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Let’s not forget that the poor also can aspire to something better. That is, after all, the American Dream.

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Exactly. They are Royalty and that's how they look down on us.

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Only in their own minds.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

Yes, I agree. Gato Malo wrote a great post on that a while back.

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Schemers and cheaters and liars do whatever it takes to get what they want…or in this case, to not get what they don’t want. Normal people can’t comprehend this behavior because we see it through eyes that know right from wrong. To us, it doesn’t make sense to act this way. Hence, we bang our heads against the wall a lot…and then remember God knows and sees…and will judge.

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The blatant, in your face hypocrisy is truly stunning. They appear not to care who sees it, they are totally open about it, they know their fellow elites/Dems/press will protect them, and frankly, they don't care if half the country can't stand them. They.don't.care.

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Nailed it. They don’t care.

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Yep, I would have a difficult time creating a " TOP TEN " list. Too many choices always befuddle me.

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Speaking out of both sides of one’s mouth is called being a hypocrite. In the New Testament, Jesus’ application of the word to the fake religious leaders meant stage player, pretender, dissembler…and He didn’t have pleasant things to say about hypocrites.

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I'm in Sacramento, capital of California. Huge homeless population, and growing. I ran through downtown this morning, drugged out zombies everywhere. This human tragedy is playing out because The Party is using these poor people to destroy society. There are no tiers to the justice system here, just power--the elites have it, we don't.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

I went home to CA last November for my BILs funeral (he was murdered with Remdesivir and a vent). My mom drove me by some of the area homeless encampments just outside of Sacramento. I’ve never seen anything like it. Certainly don’t see that here in Texas, despite Austin’s best efforts. I think some of the homeless have since been “evicted” but they just moved to public parks instead of the neighborhoods. Crazy, crazy stuff.

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I live 75 miles from Sacramento in the foothills, but I will NEVER again go to Sacramento (or San Francisco either).

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San Francisco has become an utter cesspool.

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One hell of a campaign plank but will Mitch give a dollar to candidates like Blake Masters to do it?

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Putin says give mass murderer Stalin a chance. Help your bro out:


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Stalin and Lenin were behind one of the largest genocides of the last century.


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As documented in Robert Conquest's "Harvest of Sorrow."

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Then he'd sniff your kids.

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Good is evil and evil is good. Great times.

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You are correct!!

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My first trip to Russia was about 2002, I went by myself, to Moscow, found an English speaking guide and toured all around the area. I was always wanting to see what we were so afraid of growing up with the Russian military parades we saw on "all 3 channels" of black and white tv. Like many places they can identify you are not Russian from a mile away, but as soon as the ice was broken they were as friendly as anyplace you could go. I went back many times, always with the same experience, several different cities, and other eastern block countries. The same was true in all of them. In many countries I have traveled in, though have missed many, no middle Eastern, people were all people. Once the politics were out, they were all good.. Politicians, the elites, like Martha's is what gives many places a bad reputation. Hypocrites ruin about everything. Martha's is a good example.

The Putin speech is very good. At least Russia has a leader, no matter what people think of him. We have corruption now that surpasses most any country. No values, no morals, and as the green energy hoax shows no common sense. Look what we have destroyed to prove green energy does not work. The birds, the insects, the plants, the country side. All in the name of faux progress. Just so the elites can pull more money from the planet. Corporations have zero conscience, and will destroy everything, all they have to do is buy another politician. That's my rant. Hope you all have a good week end.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

Never been there but have enjoyed virtually touring it via the "Bald and Bankrupt" videos on youtube. This British guy toured Russia from one end to the other and generally found the people to be delightful, as his videos show. Russian officials he comes across are the typical paranoid types seen in most authoritarian counties, but aren't psychos. Unfortunately the series ended a few weeks ago as he was declared persona non grata and expelled for unclear reasons.

The videos are worth checking out if you'd like a view of typical Russia, the ones in the outer oblasts in particular are really interesting.

Edit: fixed typo

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I actually was married to one for 13 years. If you ever get there I would recommend Kursk as a place to go. The monuments from the tank war are quite something. I went to the conservatory in Moscow, saw the ballet twice, Probably went there 8 times or so. And, you are correct about the cops, etc. they are a little paranoid acting, and the folks there don't much care for them either, and traffic stops etc usually are about $20 and that is shared with the officer and the house. The crops they raise are amazing, the soil so rich. I think Russia is a winner in the whole game because of the resources they have. The only reason they have not blown everyone out of the water is the same old thing. Socialist attitude. No matter how hard they work they get the same as the guy that is drunk.

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I really liked the few videos of his that I watched.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

I’ve found similar to be true everywhere I’ve traveled. In general the average people are good, it’s the governments screw up their countries. Just like here for the most part.

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Yes, this is why our framers wrote things the way they did. I feel bad we have not maintained it. I guess the people here that do the work, that are honest, simply do their job and for too long we just let the other side squeal, and do what we had to to shut them up. Now it is like everything, the more you give them the more they want. They are the failures of society.

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You passed.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Some good news out of Canada today: the Liberal government is apparently mulling removing all remaining covid -related travel restrictions: https://twitter.com/TorontoStar/status/1570898185400324101

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Sep 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes, lots of this stuff going on. The US recently officially ended the federal contractor vaccine mandate (that had been halted by courts) by quietly removing the language from procurement regulations. I saw a story yesterday that the Marines have rescinded penalties on service members that requested religious exemptions.

IMO, it's an attempt to whitewash history before the death and misery from the mRNA shots becomes fully and painfully evident. It's a narrative shift from "you are required to take the shot" to "you knew it was experimental and you decided to take it anyways".

We'll see if it works. It's blatantly obvious to those paying attention but the public at large seems to have the memory span of a flea.

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Unfair to fleas.

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Vaccinated Guard Loses Consciousness in Front of Queen Elizabeth's Coffin.


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The USMC and Army have removed some covid restrictions, but it's important to keep the lawsuits up to remind them of their failure.

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Great. Miss having the emphasis of this blog on what is happening to get our medical freedom back and accountability for those that instigated it. Like the addition of other items too but it’s feeling pretty heavy on politics and Russia Ukraine.

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The issues are intertwined and the fight for rights is more than only medical privacy and rights. Totally want the perpetrators of scamdemic and remdisiver protocol to be prosecuted.

But the fight for citizens' rights and freedoms from surveillance and control are on many fronts. Why win a battle and lose the war? The intrusions put at risk our abilities to communicate w/o monitoring or censorship, to use cash, to keep credit card transactions private, to have privacy about the products we purchase for security, investments, sood, nutrition and medicines.

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If you're looking for a model of people that have successfully pushed back against the Woke degeneracy, Serbia made the news recently for a massive Christian/Family March they held to protest the planned EuroPride March. I'm not Eastern Orthodox, but they know how to activate their people! The pictures and video of the event are amazing and beautiful.

In response, EuroPride was officially cancelled.


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What really bothers me is the way we have pushed our degeneracy on other developing countries by making our foreign aid contingent on their adoption of pro sodomy laws. We insist that these countries, usually but not always, African, kowtow to our vision of morality and “equality”. This, coupled with the filth and falsity of Hollywood has resulted in more and more countries saying “thanks, but no thanks”. Every time our embassies fly the rainbow flag and issue the accompanying accolades it is a slap in the face to these conservative societies and reminds them that maybe Putin is right—that they are merely vassal states of the West. Big respect to Serbia for going against the tide!

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

Ooops! I spoke too soon. Apparently after “massive international pressure” the Europride Parade will go on. (Sigh) It looks like the elites of every country are the ones running the show, not the people. Of course when the Prime Minister is a proud lesbian it helps the cause. 🇺🇸🇷🇸 U.S. Ambassador to Serbia, Christopher R. Hill played an influential role in generating international pressure to force the Serbian government to allow EuroPride.

Today, after the event was held he says that LGBT pride affirms "Serbia's European future," despite poor turnout and half the EuroPride supporters being foreign diplomats and politicians.

🇺🇸🇷🇸 U.S. Ambassador to Serbia, Christopher R. Hill played an influential role in generating international pressure to force the Serbian government to allow EuroPride.

Today, after the event was held he says that LGBT pride affirms "Serbia's European future," despite poor turnout and half the EuroPride supporters being foreign diplomats and politicians.


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I am surprised NATO has started bombing the Serbs again for rejecting Pride parades.... Blinken recently went to Kosovo and immediately after he left, the Kosovoans started attacking the remaining Serbs in Kosovo to try and provoke the Russians (as Serbia has long been their ally)... Supposedly, the Europeans were horrified given all the other problems they have and apparently demanded a stop to it....

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The ethnic strife over there goes back for generations.

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God knows and sees:

“For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do. Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

— Hebrews 4:12-16 NASB1995

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“ … it’s difficult to move on but we’ve got to move on.”

So your child just died and already you want to move on?

Charming. May I suggest a rebound kid?

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That struck me as disturbing too. One thing I am hearing a lot lately regarding why someone died suddenly and the family is being very quiet about how it happened is “it doesn’t matter why because it won’t bring them back.” But I keep thinking, what if the why could keep someone else alive?

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I think these folks are in denial- It's true you can't bring them back- but if it were my family member, it would still matter HOW they died, especially if it were due to medical or government mishandling.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

Parents who encouraged children or other family to get the shot don't want to face the fact that they were an actor in their death. Also, they don't want to face the fact that the shot is NOT safe and that they themselves are now "scheduled" to die. Better to live in denial.

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Yes, they and other families must be living with such cognitive dissonance right now. They really need our prayers. The suffering continues...

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I cannot even begin to imagine, nor do I want to try to imagine, the suffering of parents who know or suspect that their children died or are disabled because of these shots. The guilt would be horrific. Even if the parent didn’t encourage them... they allowed them.

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Completely agree this is the most likely cause, and also agree with NAB's comment that they need our prayers.

Unless these family members were actively trying to compel others to take the vax then they are victims here too. There's a big difference between those who mistakenly believed the propaganda (i.e. it's the right thing to do) versus those who tried to force it on others against their will.

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Yes. This.

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Agreed. Of course, we don't know if he was vaccinated or not, but I imagine if he had been, the parents have to thinking that maybe the vaccine caused it. If that were me, I would be screaming at the top of my lungs about it. They seem so casual about his death. You don't move on from the loss of a child. I know. I lost my son. you don't move on, you learn to live with the incredible void. It becomes part of you!

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I’m very sad about your son ❤️

Why they refuse? Dont know. My friend’s younger friends father just died unexpectedly at 60. I suggested that it could be vax injury. My friend WOULD NOT discuss it. I said i could show her proof. She said firmly ‘no I’ll just get mad (at you). Wow! This is the mindset and why it’s not getting out there.

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Thank you Karen!

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We can say with 99% probability as the queen's guard, that he was Jabbed or he would not be serving his position.. It's less certain that the Jab caused it since Queen's guards are almost routinely fainting due to exhaustion. Keep your eye out for a follow-up story on this chap.

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People are collapsing while in the que to see the casket as well. 5 miles long!! 😳 so who knows.

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Sarah Sanders (40) has surgery for thyroid cancer; John Michael Montgomery badly hurt in tour bus crash; Brazilian journalist keels over on the air; Belgian footballer collapses 15 minutes into game - This week's NON-fatal "adverse events" include a German rapper's wife confined to wheelchair due to mystery illness, and further "vaxxidents" in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina (2), Germany & Italy - https://tinyurl.com/29pfa85e

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Could have been the Boosters. Who knows.😃

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UK Covid mandates make it near 100% probable that the Queen's guard who passed out was vaccinated. - Vaccinated Guard Loses Consciousness in Front of Queen Elizabeth's Coffin - https://youtu.be/4eWZ6VQtB6A

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Has anyone heard about organ donation? You would think the families would want to address that since it would make a part of their child go on? I was just wondering. Random but so distressing.

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Free spike proteins with every organ donated.

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From a personal standpoint, donating my son's organs to someone else did little to make me feel any better or that my son was "going on" because of it!!

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I am sorry. I didn't mean it to sound crass or that I presume to know how you feel. I don't. No parent should outlive their child. Period. xoxo

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No worries SadieJay. I didn't take it personally.

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His parents found him dead, so probably not an option.

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Not only him, though. We have read about hundreds of people, but never donation.

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Precisely L1

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

Finding their son "slumped on the floorboard of the golf cart on the sixth hole" - if this were my child, it would be challenging to move on.

The father is a county commissioner, they believe he had a heart attack or stroke, and are requesting an autopsy. Hope they know about the special sample stain or get the tissue samples to Dr Cole, assuming of course Tyler had the shot.

My nephew is on his high school golf team - shotted up - I hope he doesn't meet this same fate.


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Also, I'd read that the father asked for an autopsy. Now it was an accident? What kind of accident?

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Yes I found that “accident” phrasing odd as well. What happened exactly to cause one to use that phrasing ? 🤔

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That's what I wondered! It makes me ILL. Just glad old "Horsey" is not down here in this convo. SMH.

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It could also be simply social cues. Under extraordinary circumstances people go for tried and tested formulaic responses (‘thoughts and prayers’ would be a good example). Perhaps the parents had heard the ‘moving on’ phrase in similar contexts before and assumed it was the thing to say. No idea what I’d say if one of my children suddenly dropped dead.

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Yes, I cannot second guess the actions and words of any parent having this suddenly happen. What they are going through is unthinkable and every parent's worst nightmare, they're entitled to huge leeway.

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The Martha's Vineyard fiasco reminds me of the big "Diversity" push at my law school. Progressive white twenty-something girls from places like Cos Cob lecturing me about systemic racism never stopped being funny. Every single one of them, while attending law school, was living in an expensive and nearly all-white neighborhood. There was plenty of much cheaper housing in more "diverse" neighborhoods a short subway ride from the school. They were literally paying a hefty premium to AVOID the thing they said was so valuable. Economists would call that a "revealed preference".

This is the secular counterpart of "cheap grace" -- so long as you profess the faith, ideally as loudly and hysterically as possible, you don't actually have to do anything. Or vice versa: I was living in a 70% nonwhite neighborhood and volunteering at an 80% nonwhite public school, but I was "part of the problem" because I wouldn't say the right things.

Granted, one these young ladies bragged that she had a black boyfriend, so I had to concede there was at least ONE black person she wasn't avoiding. She went into unladylike detail about their relationship, in fact -- although sadly, not so unladylike that it was entertaining. ("Dear Penthouse Forum, I'm a rich white woke 2L in the DC area...")

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Excellent comment and spot on. The vast majority of liberals talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. I haven’t heard of “revealed preference” but will start using it. Thank you!

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One of my favorite economics concepts, but it's really just jargon for "watch what people say, not what they do".

Really, a lot of this was status-signaling. Law students in particular tend to be a status-conscious and aspirational bunch, and law school tends to reinforce that. They yammered about "diversity" because they thought that's what high-class people are supposed to do. They lived in expensive (white) neighborhoods for the same reason. So they were being consistent, in a sense.

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I have found that those whose talk is big means it is the only game they have. Because they actually are the worst at what they are spouting about.

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It’s the equivalent of people going to church so they can get “cred” and brag about how Christian they are while doing nothing to live a Christian life.

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Some food for thought about Putin. You know how the MSM attacks Trump for trying to expose the deep state? You know how the deep state assassinated President Kennedy for threatening to expose the deep state? You know how the deep state and their media lackeys go after anyone trying to do something good in the world and ruin their plot of world domination and degradation? Do you think maybe, just MAYBE Putin is Russia’s Trump and that opinions of the man are heavily influenced by the lying MSM? The left in their crazed TDS have called Trump a bully 1000 times. Maybe there’s such thing as PDS. Just maybe.

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Spot on.

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We "know" the CIA killed Kennedy to protect the deep state? Really?

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Putin is a tyrant trying to become a Czar, not some Trump. Putin's wealth is far greater than Trump too.

Trump didn't have torture chambers and mass graves but Putin did.

Trump killed a lot of Putin's private army in Syria.

Trump's wife was also from a Nato country and one that stood up against Putin and Russia.

And most of all Trump sent Lethal aid to Ukraine while Obama and Biden didn't.

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I read him. He is definitely not a Putin sock puppet. He has serious and well researched issues about life in Russia and Putin. That’s why I find him a valuable resource. His main problem with Putin has to do with his acquiescence to all the COVID nonsense. The Russians seemed to swallow the whole narrative just as avidly as the rest of the world. So he’s suspicious of the claim that Putin is not a player in the Great Reset project. I don’t know of course. I just think Putin got snookered along with the rest of them, including our orange guy. Time will tell.

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Let’s poke the bear again. What Putin was discussing is what is actually taking place here. He mentions unipolar world - another term is New World Order. Let’s think about something more local for just a minute. Our southern border invasion? Could it be the beginning of an homogenization of North America and South America? Is it part of a greater plan? Obama is at the root of this. He began to “fundamentally transform America.” He is not alone, of course, working with many NWO elites: Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, the Rothschilds. The heir to the Rothschild fortune, Nathan Rothschild said recently, “Ukraine is an essential piece that we cannot afford to lose, in the geopolitical chessboard. Russia must be excised from the International banking and economic system.” Think about it. Follow the money. These global elites have been taking little bites out of our way of life, our culture, our treasury for decades. But it was so slow and insidious we never really noticed it happening. It couldn’t be done quickly; we’d notice it, wouldn’t we? We became adaptive thinking most of the changes were in our best interests - for safety, for the children. Ah, but we notice it now. There was a 16-year plan for the installation of a NWO. Obama had the first 8 years and Hillary would complete the 16 years. But, Trump got in the way. They never thought she’d lose. Now they’re in overdrive to finish their plan. They won’t succeed. When Putin criticizes the U.S. it’s the politicians, the Democrats he mentions first. He’s planning military tribunals, it was said. We’ve got some military tribunals of our own in the works. Gitmo has been refurbished and awaiting its first guests. Get the popcorn ready.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

Absolutely. Not only do 2 million illegal immigrants proved free votes of the Dems but it marks the beginning of the dilution of our culture and American ideals. It's not a racial thing (which has always been fallacious), it's a cultural phenomenon. America began and continued as a diverse collection of immigrants from all cultures who came here to adopt this new cultural invention called Liberty. All came here and, regardless of their background, became proud Americans. The average red-blooded American voter has no truck with any of the perverted values being shoved on this country by our Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks fear the awakening of America and uncontrolled immigration is one way to dilute AND destabilize American society. I just hope our brothers and sisters don't wake up too late.

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The invasion at the border is really just the biggest Democrat Voter Registration Drive in history. They are given a card loaded with $800 and a smartphone with a tracking app before they even cross the border. So this has been going on for a long time now right? My anger is not at the Dems. After all, dems gonna dem. My anger is at the do nothing republicans. They are just feeding at the same trough, getting rich with insider trading and dealmaking, and we can’t dislodge them no matter what. The Republican are giving me no reason to vote for them, no hope, no plan, nothing. We need a strong leader, a man of integrity and vision. But more than that, we need national repentance and an appeal to the Lord for his undeserved mercy.

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"My anger is not at the Dems. After all, dems gonna dem. My anger is at the do nothing republicans. They are just feeding at the same trough, getting rich with insider trading and dealmaking, and we can’t dislodge them no matter what. The Republican are giving me no reason to vote for them, no hope, no plan, nothing."


I hate the Progressives. But the Republicans are traitors who are pretending to be on our side. They're in it up to their armpits.

But naive people just can't see it - they think the GOP is really opposed to the Dems.

THEY'RE NOT - the alleged enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend.

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Just saw that on MSNBC/Joe the idiot show Hillary was given a 25+ minute interview. She was all fixed up, probably some minor botox work, revived hair-do, and smiling like a cheshire cat. She's running again, no doubt about it.

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Maybe she’s thinking she can’t be indicted if she runs. She’d be wrong.

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“Back in 2013, this was the stuff of paranoid conspiracy theory, discussed over here only by kooky fundamentalist Christians complaining about phallic-shaped coral formations in Disney animated movies and stuff.” 😂 you just never know when C&C is going to cause coffee to shoot out your nose. 😂

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

As a believer in Christ, I do believe we are living in the end times. Your report about the Trump Train is just another sign. I have friends that have been to Israel many times and are close to some in the know there. They have been told that all materials that are needed to build the temple have been collected and the temple could be built in just a few days. They have been waiting...

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Cahn's new book the Return of the Gods is interesting. We have definitely turned our backs on God and the nation embraces all sorts of degeneracy while mocking him. The ultimate sin of sacrificing children will bring about America's fall into a footnote in history. Maybe the Supreme Court decision is a start to find our way back. We'll see. If not, destruction is in our future.

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Jonathan Cahn's book is excellent. He takes the 30,000 ft view of man's rejection of God throughout history, and the dire consequences. The U S. was the second chance and we followed the same path starting in the 60's and when we rejected Him, the result was the same: sin, corruption, evil, and child sacrifice.

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His national day of prayer on the mall in DC was great.

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Thanks for the tip. I have it in my cart.

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Something about a "red heifer". Amir Tsarfati on Telegram. And...we are in a high holy time in Israel. There is no denying our inner spirit just "knowing" that we are living in the last days. The US is gone from the stage, so maybe our irrelevance as a nation in the coming days is all part of the plan. We are being shunned and made much smaller due to foreign and domestic manipulation.

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I agree with you Sheryl. I believe we are living in the end times.!

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Perhaps. But building a “new” will cause all manner of uprisings against it among the Arabs.

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IMMIGRATIONsteria: Best Martha's Vineyard REJECTS Diversity Memes (Migrant’s Vineyard!)

- The Obamas are ready, what's good for the goose is never good for the progressive gander, so many drama queens and more Martha's Vineyard memes as residents REJECT the joys of migrant diversity!


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Appreciate all your coverage. Respectfully, you left one thing out that still shows there's some hope. Happy Constitution day all! 235 years and we're still here!


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Simply put, Putin is a far better leader for his country than Biden and those directing him are for our country. Putin is protecting Russia's' border, social institutions and economy while our current administration is doing everything in their power to destroy all three in quest of the global "Great Reset." Biden doesn't deserve a pass because he had dementia. He may not know what he's doing today, but clearly understood his mission of destroying United States sovereignty from his days as Vice President. His personal, family, and political life have been an ethical and moral morass for over fifty years as documented by his daughters' diary, Hunter's laptops and over 50 years of documented political compromise, conflict and corruption.

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Sep 18, 2022·edited Sep 18, 2022

Thank goodness our GOP congresscritters are ALLOVER the Hunter laptop and Ashley diary scandals!

I'm sure it's all they talk about on the floors of the House and Senate. I mean, when they're not going after Pfizer and Moderna.


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Professional politician! An oxymoron and a Constitutional blasphemy yet accepted as normal.

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Well said, Larry!

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Agree with you 100%.

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Sounds to me like Trump has serious evidence-based dirt on the feds and they don't want it to be released. 🤷‍♀️

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Yeah, I think they are looking for something specific and they still haven't found it. Strange how Trump's safe was empty when they raided him. I think he knew they were coming especially after the way they have been raiding other people. If they had found what they wanted, they would have already arrested him based on some trumped (pardon the pun) up J6 charges. I think they are near panic in desperation. Have to wait and see.

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He should have put Hillary's emails in it. Greatest troll move ever.

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I made a similar comment!

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