Jan 13Liked by Jeff Childers

American journalist Gonzalo Lira died in an Ukrainian prison after being tortured and denied medical care. He criticized Biden and Zelensky.

US government totally abandoned him.


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So heartbreaking! I followed him on IG and have been praying for his release. He was telling the world what was REALLY going on over there.

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He’s been lying this entire time.

He decided to aid Russia and give out coordinates for them to target. He did this to himself

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Cernovich talks about how many Ukraine supporters (who won't go there and fight themselves) are demonic and literally cheer on death. Thanks for making his point.

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And to think this Ukraine thing was all manufactured by the Deep State and pushed through by the Rubber Stamp Congress. This makes me sick to my stomach.

And people like NeoCon Niki, the Witch and lately the phantasmagoric Senator from the South, Limp Wrist Graham ... they are all cut from the same abhorrent NeoCon cardboard.

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Watch this... https://t.co/5CnAbRpYTr

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SPOT ON, Dave!

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Sharon ... I've just listen to this video. It's very good as to history and of how we have come to where we are. It has some weaknesses like under estimation of the how destroyed and depraved the Collective West has become under a blended Marxism, not to mention the hyper-insanity of a mentally ill Woke-ism, all of which makes any meaning and lasting rapprochement with the rest of the world. (Thanks for the comment. So nice to hear from you ... and wishing you all the best in this dangerous and troubled world.)


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Hold up, The deep state MADE Putin invade Ukraine? They even compromised him?

So sad, I guess. The evil MIC made putin shovel his men into a meat grinder and his offensive to fail because he was told to make profits for the west.

A rape doesn't become consensual because someone isn't capable of fighting back. It's still a rape.

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To be fair There’s not a single person here willing to go fight for Russia. All of them could have maybe taken a house in avdiivka before the DPICM came raining down, don’t you think?

Only one side wants to murder millions of ukrianains. It’s not the side pushing for them to survive.

I find it fascinating that supporting someone defending themselves is β€œdeath”.

I suppose you plan on not fighting against a home invader? Biden’s next mandate?

After all..not worth it. Peace in our time indeed!

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Virtually no one here has cheered on Russia, we simply want the killing to stop. You on the other hand, seem gleeful about Lira's death saying he brought in on himself.

Most people with autism eventually learn to fake human emotions enough to at least *appear* compassionate, so there is hope for you.

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I know I am preaching to the choir but this guy is mentally beyond any help or redemption. If he's not a bot then he is the epitome of the zombified shill for the psychopath cabal.

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Actually, some of us do like Russia. And most people in the world admire and/or at the very minimum respect President Putin as maybe the most able head of state of the emerging 21st century. I cannot say the same about President Pedo is loathed and roundly ridiculed throughout the non-Western World.

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Sociopaths also learn to imitate human emotions to appear normal.

Ben should buy a mirror.

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I want the killing to stop also.

So far Jeff and a bunch of people here blame the victim and give a pass to the covid vaccine mandater.

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There are quite a few people who cheer Russia on, the blog creator included.

It's evident in their actions and posts.

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Let's also mention the topic of another Putin opponent falling to his death in Russia within the past week or so; very Clintonian in some of his tactics. I've stated that the despotic, fascistic nature of the Polish Gvt 1926-1939 did not excuse the violent invasions of Nazi German forces supported by Soviet transgressors/occupiers. Ukraine sucks but Russia's invasion is not a sacrificial and benevolent liberation borne of Putin's re-dedication to Orthodox Faith or a last-ditch national righting of wrongs that has been stymied by U.N. and other means. A despicable US/allied withdrawal from Afghanistan and a toying with NATO admission for Ukraine nearly guaranteed and provoked the invasion's timing. Perhaps it was inevitable without such costly and unattainable things such as a DMZ and bad actors on both sides being suppressed. Yes, i don't know anyone who's cheered on Russia--only anti-deep Staters who find the idea of lionizing the corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs as absurd.

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In my opinion, which isn't worth much, it seems that Zelensky is the one who was out to murder the Ukrainians, along with biden who was willing to sacrifice their people for something we all knew wasn't going to go well.

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Yep you are right. Zelensky ran on bringing peace to the Donbas and stopping the assaults on civilians. And yet here we are 9 years later and over 14,000 civilian deaths and he’s still bombing them.

Russia in good faith signed 2 peace treaties which Merkle admitted that she only signed to give NATO’s allies more time to arm Ukraine.

And now Zelensky has sent 400,000 of his own people to die for no reason. He too should be brought up on charges of genocide.

Plus he is selling the land to the vultures of blackrock.

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It is the whole cabal responsible for this Death Cult and the Satanic Bankers funding it with their invisible Fantasy Money infinitely plastic to the moon. Throw in The Legion of Grifters and the Rubber Stamp Puppet Government and you have it.

I had to be crude, but Elensky (remember the letter Z was outlawed?) is only a puppet piano playing dick who is rather dumb and yet smart enough to vacuum clean anything not tacked down, same as President Pedo and his world renown Renaissance Man painter, poet writer, grifter son.

Have you noticed? Elensky's green shirt is looking rather sad these days ... and threadbare. It has most likely worn out its usefulness.

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Speaking of "Home Invaders"; How about the Borderless Areas of the USSA and the ProgreSSive Sycophants AIDING the Invasion???


btw, the Russians don't need any "help" and the Demoncrazy democRat $$$ launderer Nazis of Ukraine are getting British troops???

2024 TSHTF

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Jan 13Β·edited Jan 13

Little Benny 2Bs ... what do you care what we think? We don't care what you think.

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Not sure about Lira lying but he knew he was walking thru a mine field every day. He was rumored to have been dead a year ago but then popped up again. I guess his 'luck' ran out. He was a brave and courageous man who thought he was untouchable but no one in the TRUTH industry should consider themselves insulated from harm. All must watch their backs if theyre going to expose

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He never once thought he was untouchable, like the reporters here in the safety of the federal government’s arms.

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He was a 55 year old guy who smoked 2 packs a day, overweight, addicted to covid vaccines, and rarely exercised.

He died getting medical help in prison..so yeah.

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The truly brave ones usually go unnamed and unrecognized.

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The ones who lie are not the Gonzalo Liras of the world. They are the ones who do all the killing.

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Gonzalo was never truthful. He was always a liar.

Should we discuss what "dating advice" he gave to men?

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He tried to escape to Hungary but was ordered to return to Ukraine and detained, according to what I read today.

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Citation? The only source I could find was Daily Beast, which I don't consider credible absent other documentation.

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Jan 13Β·edited Jan 13

Little 2Busy Ns! Ha! Ha! Government Trolls again!

And so, is it really you! Or we just can't see you because you are looking at us through a periscope from the deep, dark, dank depths? And what are you going to say when The Putin wins the war? And when President Pedo and the Departments of Slime go down the drain?

Oh Boy! I can hardly wait.

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Putin already declared victory. Why are they still fighting?

Looks like victory might be delayed a little longer. At the current rate of fighting they will need a couple billion Russians to make it to the Polish border.


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Where is your proof?

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do you have conclusive proof of your allegations?

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Yes, tons.

He videoed himself walking around and trying to expose folks.

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Enjoying that $$ our government is paying you to support this proxy war, simp?

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BAH, health insurance, and 1st and 15th pay, absolutely.

And thanks to everyone who enabled me to keep it because the military mandate was tossed.

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Like I said , you do not know what you are talking .

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I actually do.

Am I allowed to go around Rostov on Don and film Russian defensive fortifications?

Can I go to Russia and say how poorly the war is going, Putin is lying, and the defense minister and gerasimov are liars and thieves?

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He was a reporter, and an American citizen. Innocent until proven guilty. He could have been deported. He did not choose to languish in a jail cell and suffer from pneumonia.

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He was as much a β€œreporter” as the Covid shot is an actual vaccine.

He’s only a reporter if you change the definition.

He’s a pervert, sex tourist, and a death cult supporter.

He had every chance to leave and publicly proclaimed Russia wasnt invading until the missiles were landing and then he had an about face and said it was hopeless. He thought the Russians would be there soon enough but he was arrested and given pre trial release but decided to try and violate that and was arrested again.

What happens if I go to Russia and say Putin is a liar, the war is not going well, and shoigu and gerasimov are thieves?

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NOT ok! Our government is beyond useless and disgusting. I betcha if he criticized a single non-demoRAT they would have had him out in hours. Infuriating!!

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If he would have been a gender-confused basketball player, he would have been traded for a known arms dealer.

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I was surprised Russia didn’t expose β€œ her β€œ as a man.

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They did expose him by putting him in a male only prison.

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Oooooops! Gives bending over in the shower a whole new meaning. Don't drop the soap.

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Oh , how did I miss that? Thanks

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It’s obvious that Austin knows he’s not calling the shots as Secretary of Defense. He doesn’t even have to show up for role call.

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I wonder if he is dead.

Weekend at Bernie's...Pentagon version.

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Sadly...this comment made me laugh out loud for just a short guffah followed by a sad silent reaction to sheer absurdity. Dang

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I first followed him on The Saker blog. He's with God now. FJB, Zelensky and all who wrongly imprisoned and tortured him.

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That is crazy, but I am glad there are people aware of it and talking about it

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Here is what Lira said that got him in trouble : https://x.com/kanekoathegreat/status/1745909716725710921?s=61

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Sorry, but no, they didn’t. They killed him themselves. The blood is on Biden’s hands, and the deep state. Can’t have a guy going around Ukraine telling the truth.

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That is why I so looked forward to his video reporting.

Gonzalo was the only person who wasn't a cheerleader for the Ukraine fairytale.

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Of course - no surprise there - the government will "abandon" us if push comes to shove. In fact--THEY ALREADY HAVE - the "leadership" in our Federal government is feckless and so corrupt they can only see as far as their next "billionaire campaign donor".

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insurrectionist joe'll be lying his ass off

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Our gummint didn't abandon him, they killed him. They couldn't have him anywhere giving analysis that went against the grain.

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May he rest in peace and may perpetual light shine upon him. This is shocking news!

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Prayers for his soul and for his morurning family.

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I just started a message to Jeff to make a mention of Gonzalo Lira and saw your post here. Thank you.

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Gonzalo's story is a warning to all of us of how the US government will abandon us for wrongthink.

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Me, too.

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I suppose this was done to "save democracy." πŸ™„πŸ€‘

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Awful.........and, no surprise - the US govt. STILL DON'T CARE !

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Kathleen, thank you. I went to the comments solely to bring up his death and you were right on it. Thank you. What a sad time we are experiencing. Imagine the grief of his family, knowing he died alone in a prison, very ill with no medical treatment - because he disagreed. The Biden admin is directly responsible for his death. They could have said that we value free speech in this country and will not even consider $1.00 in help for your country until we receive him back in good condition on our doorstep.

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Thuletide, a channel on TG posted Carlson's tweet re Lira and added this comment......."American citizen" Gonzalo Lira was a Latinx immigrant sex tourist who moved to Ukraine because it's cheap and then flagrantly shilled for Russia when they invaded his gracious host. He was a treasonous snake and an imbecile. He brought this upon himself. I have no sympathy.

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Oh, you mean he had the same perverted sex proclivities as Zelenskyyyyyyyy? Hmmm, you would have thought Z would have moved him into his apartment/mansion.

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Hey! You Forgot! Z was outlawed. Remember all that, against the law and with severe punishment ... to use the letter 'Z'.

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This is terrible you talk like this about Gonzalo Lira , how dare you .

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No room at the inn?

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Tortured? Denied medical care?

Nobody abandoned him. He was warned but continued aiding Russia in a land Russia was trying to genocide.

He was literally getting medical care for the effects of the Russian Covid vaccine in Ukraine along with pneumonia, edema, and some other nonsense

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Utter made up BS.

Congratulations you have just proved that you have to keep lying so you can earn your paycheck.

And you won’t research for the truth so you can keep your blinders on. Your mom must be so very proud of you.

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I did research him.

Gonzalo is a filthy sex peddler who preys on single men and pushing pro-Russian propaganda.

He claimed Russia wasn't invading pre war and then suddenly started saying Russia had taken half the country.

He's a liar and a genocide enabler.

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I’m guessing you used corporate media sources? Zelensky has killed more Ukrainians than Russia has and that was before the war started. How come you never mention what was happening in the Donbas before the war started?

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β€œCorporate media sources”.

Such as drone videos of Russians being mowed down in krynky and the current failed Russian offensive in avdiivka?



Those are Russian vehicles and men.

Zelenskyy didn’t kill Ukrainians. Russia did.

We know what happened in Donetsk and Luhansk because Russia invaded and started a war in 2014. Would you like to look at the OSCE records? 2021 was the lowest year on record for any violence. Why did Russia suddenly decide to invade then?

Reminder, Russia massacred 300 civilians in one sitting during the initial invasion

When they intentionally shot down an airliner

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Ha! Ha! Commies are ALWAYS warning. And then they go behind everyone's back in the dark of night and liquidate everybody. Fascists are no better. Americans beware!

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That's why Putin killed another journalist who was going to drop corruption details, right?

Alexander Rybin.

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You certainly do not know what you are talking about so you cannot be a part of the discussion.

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I certainly do.

Freedom of speech much?

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Jan 13Β·edited Jan 13Liked by Jeff Childers

Regarding DEI (DIE):

Today most big companies rely on their sales to pay off their financing. Without this financing nearly every major corporation in America would fold almost overnight.

Think back to 2008, the main concern was the credit crunch: banks stopped loaning money in order to survive the crash, but this would have taken the entire system down with it because most major corporations rely on short term financing to make payroll, buy materials, and pay rent. They then pay off these loans and immediately apply for new ones. This occurs on a monthly, weekly, and even overnight basis.

It is an absolutely backwards system, but that's what having a currency unthethered from any real anchor (gold for example) gets you over time: When a Business starts by borrowing money, they will likely never stop.

Rather than using profits to end this cycle in order to escape this credit quicksand, profits instead are often pushed into dividends, stock buybacks, and bond interest/repayments (further enriching the company execs and the 1%). What remains is typically used as collateral for both capital expenditures and future OPEX loans, meanwhile the day to day operating expenses are mostly paid via the churning credit spiral described above.

Take away that punch bowl and all hell breaks loose.

For the NWO that's a feature not a bug. Fragility was deliberately woven into every aspect of our economy so that it can be demolished (and rebuilt to their sinister specifications) at will. Here is how the WEF will rewrite everything with DEI by controlling the financing of all of these companies:


These DEI, CEI, & ESG policies are intentionally leading directly to scenarios such as this:

-Experienced pilots are dying in droves due to the blood clots caused by the COVID injections combined with repeated high altitude flying

-Unqualified DEI replacement pilots are hired

-In addition, unqualified DEI hires are also invading companies like Boeing and their suppliers where quality control and engineering competency are of the upmost importance

-Quality control nosedives, pilots are incompetent, airplanes become unsafe

-Fleets are grounded, airlines go bankrupt, get dismantled

-WEF meets its 2030 goals of ending air travel to β€œsave the planet”

-You wake up to find you have yet another lock on your 15 minute prison city.

All of this is being forced on us through the central bank currency spigot.

Excerpt from https://tritorch.substack.com/p/why-all-these-brands-ab-inbev-target

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I have no concerns about incompetent pilots. Young, inexperienced Air Traffic Controllers can simply Google flight instructions and relay them to the clueless pilot!


by the way - years ago I was a pilot. If you try to turn your base leg on a short approach when you are abeam the numbers there is a very good chance you can't make your landing, unless the runway is 5,000 feet or longer. Or you crash land...

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Jan 13Β·edited Jan 13

I pretty closely follow ATC here in Southern California, I started doing it after TRACON began routinely shortcutting departures over our community (and then lied about it). I've been at it over ten years and have been pretty effective in holding them accountable.

In the last two years there has been a significant decline in quality. Some controllers don't seem to understand the intricacies of So Cal airspace, deviate from established routes randomly and for no good reason, and have many more aircraft separation issues. There are specific periods where it is just awful, likely due to a subpar controller or inadequate staffing and supervision. Sometimes it seems like they are winging it.

It's pretty clear controller quality has fallen off drastically for whatever the reason. There's going to be a disaster, it's just a matter if time.

Edit: typos

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I have a friend who was in ATC (he's now retired) in Aurora/Chicago and also worked Oshkosh during their air show - very busy arenas. He says he will no longer fly because the folks running ATC now are just a disaster waiting to happen. And when the system (people and processes mainly, but the IT ain't great either) breaks, it will take many years to rebuild correctly.

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Yup, people don't realize how busy the airspace is over major metro areas, it's an incredibly complex system. It's has been generally safe because smart, thoughtful, and experienced people worked out a systemic method to maintain aircraft separation. These are documented in standard, published procedures (SIDs, STARs, etc.).

Add to that controllers that understood the system and recognized the importance of adhering to it unless required to deviate for an unforeseen situation. ATC also understood that in an urgent situation they were expected to use sound judgement regarding if/when to deviate. Pilots count on that consistency and judgement, and became accustomed to it, and it was why they usually don't second guess controllers. Their instructions were akin to the word of God.

That seems to be falling apart as some controllers have lost that process-oriented approach that worked so well for decades. I suspect it's a combination of lower intelligence candidates, lacksidasical attitude toward processes, poor institutional memory, and just lousy decision making under stress. Things are done a certain way for a reason, they can't just be cast aside because an individual doesn't see the immediate relevance. OTOH, a controller must be smart enough to recognize when a procedure isn't right for an urgent situation and act accordingly.

It's not a job for dummies, people with poor decision making skills, and immature emotional control. As with any complex system, managing it takes intelligence and skill. Those people don't grow on trees though, despite the desires of those who wish away reality.

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And layer on top of the ATC issues...it is a β€˜government agency’ and they likely were mandated to get the EUA mRNA Jabs...and you would have to been living out in the desert under rock for the past two years, to not be aware of that one of the myriad of β€˜side effects’ of these Jabs, is a serious decline in people’s cognitive processing, their ability to take in information and respond accordingly...their brains are seriously on a β€˜delay’ and not β€˜firing properly’. Have you heard of the word β€˜vaxxidents’ as an example? They just don’t have what was commonly referred to as β€˜situational awareness’ any longer. (Well maybe some people surely never had SA, pre Jabs, but now it is rampant.)

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DEI? Hard to believe that has not creeped into ATC hiring.

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Oh yes it has. For further information, consult the link(s) given perhaps using an anonymous PC, maybe that of your coworker you hate, when he's on lunch. Caution: very controversial issues at this web site: Racists, Anti-Semites, White Nationalists, oh my!



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Each time I fly out of/into OHell I feel like I am heading into rush hour traffic, in the sky. There are so many aircraft swirling above that place, I am in awe there are not more disasters.

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Yep, that headline is going straight into the article, Neil. That was the craziest conversation between a pilot and an air traffic controller I've ever heard about. My father was an ATC...

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Yes, very different from the thousands I had when I was flying...

I would have responded with "It must be take your child to work day. Please put your father or mother back on the coms."

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My brother as well. Chicago O'Hare... (President of PATCO, then fired). Took me into the Bear Pit one day... brilliant, hard workers! At the time, it was the world's busiest airport.

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That must have been quite the experience Maggie, wish I could have been there. The stories my dad tells about the job always dazed me with wonderment. Anticipated separation mishaps, arrogant pilots power struggling with arrogant traffic controllers, close calls, wild weather, you name it...

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The stories he told were monumental but "all in a days or nights work" for him. We noticed an unfamiliar couple at his funeral and walked over to introduce ourselves. He explained he too, had been an air traffic controller... "We were all family. I didn't know your brother but saw him on TV. When I read his obit, I told my wife we would take a detour on our trip south to honor him. I remember the pounding he took, it was reprehensible but typical government crap! Glad I came today. Your brother was quite a gentleman." And that he was!

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Love this!!

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Maggie, my cousin was fired out of O'Hare, too.

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They would have known each other...

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Unbelievable. I read all the way down the article and the story on CRT and how it (DEI, ESG) have destroyed South Africa is a terrifying glimpse into the future of Western countries if we don’t get rid of these idiot Marxist WEF policies immediately.

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I've begun to suspect that the civilized, previous Western world is already circling the drain. Very depressing, and this is so pervasive that I don't know how we can reverse it.

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I know how you feel. The β€˜Deep State’ is alive world wide. Un-elected, powerful psychos pulling the strings of political puppets. 😞

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Crazy and so SCARY!!!

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"Short approach" appears exactly 3 times in the FAA Pilot/Controller glossary. Two of them refer to lighting systems and the third refers you to "Traffic Pattern." Nowhere in the "Traffic Pattern" entry does the glossary say that you have to turn base abeam the numbers when executing a "short approach."

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look up "short approach video games" and I suspect you will find your answer...

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ATC: "That's how XxX_ITSYABOI_MAVERICK_XxX does it on his YouTube, so I expect you to comply."

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My daughter is a pilot (part-time) and I had her listen to that. She was so confused trying to figure out how one would do what the ATC was talking about...

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You can take your chance on that narrative if you like personally I'll skip it

Unqualified people are working everywhere. Quality and efficiency has gone downhill. But at least as compared to pilots, air traffic controllers and manufacturers of planes and parts, you are not risking lives

I won't even go to the medical or pharmaceutical industries

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Proverbs 20:23 (ESV)

"Unequal weights are an abomination to the Lord, and false scales are not good."

Proverbs 13:23 (ESV)

"The fallow ground of the poor would yield much food, but it is swept away through injustice."

Fiat money has inverted these principles and then weaponized them to enable these scenarios.

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Yes, and although we don't often think of it, unequal weights and false scales applies to a lot of other things like DEI, college admissions, work hires, etc.

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Tom, I was looking for the scripture reference for fiat money ;-)

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Did you read The Good Citizen’s substack article, β€˜DIE at 35,000 Feet?”

Very frightening. If I had to fly, and I don’t, I’d at least bypass United.

β€œUnited Airlines’ latest corporate diversity report: Of the 51 students who graduated from United’s first class of pilots, nearly 80% were women or people of color.

Where are they getting so many β€œpilots” to squeeze into their DIE matrix?”

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I applied to the VA for nursing, I am a vet w/disability, plus previous experience at the VA and yet didn't get hired, why? My husband pointed at one of their "come work here" posters at the entrance, it showed a black woman and a trans "female" and said because I wasn't one of them.

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Gross! I wouldn’t trust a β€œtrans” caregiver to know anything about medical science. That just seems obvious!

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I agree, if they are showing their mental issues and demanding that everyone acknowledge it, which is against my beliefs, no thanks! Thats why I am not pursuing a job, I am not putting in another application and technically I could sue for reverse discrimination because with the 10-point hiring advantage plus vet plus previous experience, I should have had the job, as "desperate they are for nurses" as I hear they are. I am already in a govt position as a nurse in a prison, it does NOT take an act of congress to get me to be moved from one spot to the other! But if I have to work alongside and acknowledge or "accept" them for who they are when they don't even know who they are, no thanks, nor do I want them treating me either!

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Twenty years ago, I would have trusted a "trans" caregiver. It was a difficult life for them back then. Now it's the latest fad. Unlike most fads, this one is dangerous.

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The VA ran much better under Trump.

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My son (a former USAF pilot) now flies for Delta. After he was hired he repeatedly heard colleagues say "Delta: We're woke, but not as woke as United." It's common knowledge in the industry that United is destroying itself with DEI.

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Thanks for the update. I knew nothing about all this until I read the article.

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My best friend is a pilot for American and won’t catch hops on United. There is a direct flight between our homes and she rather do two legs than a United direct flight.

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I have not read that, but will check it out if i can find the time, thanks Pamela, sounds crazy.

The reasons is because in order for all of us to own nothing and be happy about it while eating bugs locked in a prison city we cannot have any means of escape so self-reliance, employment, and small business has to go. So they gut the economy and we lose our means to support ourselves and then we all become their slave dependents. This is also why they're starting to ban seeds and personal gardens and are censoring everyone.

This is why we must do all that we can to stop them

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As a woman, I prefer male pilots.

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Ha. I agree with Angela. Of all the women I know, there is a scarce handful I would want in the cockpit of my ride ... men are better in certain places. Yes a woman should be able to be a commercial pilot not she should need to compete head to head with men for the job without any special help or preference in hiring practices. Feels obvious?? Oh my goodness my husband is in the air right now from the Middle East and I sincerely hope his pilots are CAPABLE. Not that they are men or women but frankly capable pilots are most likely to be men

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Same here. And male cops and firemen. I love being a woman but I know that, with exceptions, we have different gifts and abilities and I don’t have a problem with that.

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I am a female Navy pilot ... I am retired now. I find this comment offensive. I also have female friends that I flew with in the Navy that I would rather fly with than some of our male counterparts. We worked harder to be treated as equals. We had to prove ourselves every single time we went to a new squadron or did a detachment. The male pilots were never held to the same standards. I prefer to fly with someone who is competent than a male because he is a male.

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Something I just thought of - I'm concerned that the current DEI push will actually cause people to doubt the abilities of minorities in certain roles (roles where you wouldn't typically find that minority working). Could the DEI actually backfire in part because of this phenomenon? (If an individual doubts a minority because they may not have been the most qualified person hired for the position, only hired to fill a quota, etc.) This would be a travesty for highly qualified minority individuals!

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DEI is unfair to everyone equally but in different ways

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Competence and calm are key.

Thanks for sharing. ✌️

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WTF is wrong with you? You want the most qualified person flying the plane irrespective of gender or race! You prefer 6 time boosted male pilot over a non jabbed female pilot? Cut out the sexism. You clearly need called out here. Shame on you. Always most qualified over gender or race! You are as bad as a DEI obsessed person.

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"WTF is wrong with you?"

THAT is what is wrong! Too much emotionalism..the reason I have never respected my women bosses, especially when they are stressed and become hysterical in having to lash out at another woman to feel better.

I do , however, prefer women doctors for their ability to listen and empathize (and often to think outside the box), but Ibprefer a male to do surgery.

Just my own observations and preferences. It is a free country and I hate group think and political correctness.

Peace! ✌️🌞

Just my own observations. It doesnt mean that they are right all the time or even some of the time! πŸ˜‰

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You would pick a male pilot just because he is male. That is not a logical decision. Logical would be to have the most capable pilot male or female. Maybe you project your own emotional nature on to other women.

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While sitting in a waiting area recently, the TV was showing an NBC segment on that β€œSquadron of Sisters” organization that United reportedly loves to hire from. They were interviewing a young diverse woman (maybe 18 yo) & she literally said β€œI’ve never had any experience before with learning to fly in my whole life.” I wanted to shout at the TV: Girl, you are still a child. Your whole life?” The best and the brightest.

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Dana Hope, Out of college, into flight school? Sounds like she is well prepared for the work force. At least military pilots endure basic training learning discipline and how to take orders. I killed my television years ago.

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At one point I remember hearing about how United had made a proud comment about how some frighteningly high percentage of their new recruits had to be DIE recruits. Basically, white men need not apply at United.

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It's always come down to Math. Follow the math. Then tally "THE AFTERMATH"!

That sums up a great many wretched topics about life in America. Eh?

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Albeit aftermath or afterbirth, most all search to find our solutions, to the well lived life.

Take another deep breath to remember you are alive. Like the very first one did.

Hey baby it's cold outside! Winter has arrived. We are in Eski-mode in Minn. Hahaha

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Minus 24 today in the Black Hills of SD.

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No way OMG....Is that Jack Frost nipping at your nose?

Or Jack the Ripper tearing into your Clothes? AHHHHHH.........BRRRRR.....

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We have had amazingly mild weather up to this past week. So I guess we were due.

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We call that wimpy winter.

The oceanographer calls it EL Nino's. Kinda weird cuz round here the tv news meteorologist practice the forecast weather. I get the part about living near oceans as impacting the weather. Where does the meteor part fit in ? πŸ€”πŸ’­

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I moved from there to NC, had enough of Minni so cold, would rather deal with rain, at least that doesn't stick with you for 6 months!!!

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Good thing you chose NC and not WA where the rain really does stick with us for 6 months πŸ˜‚ I couldn’t resist. LOL

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Good one hahahahha, I do like the seasons, just not on the level of MN where winter is about 9 months then thrown into summer, virtually no spring or fall. Winter can come to NC and it just may this next week, I want to see it snow, just while not on the road, but would like it to be gone the next week at the latest.

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Yes I like seeing snow. For a day or two when I don’t have to leave the house! πŸ˜† I spent 3 years in Minot ND so I am familiar with that kind of weather. Yikes

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You move to the Carolinas. Blue and green grass. You'll be glad that you did! Hahaha

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MN too

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Hot mug of Green T with cinnamon stick, honey, and lemon! ( and no not Don Lemon)

The "X" and the old Twitter feed gang is about to recycle him again like a pop can.

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MN here too

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Headed East

I’ll take deep freeze over crappy, freezing rain any day

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Anyone in central by chance?

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The weather in Des Moines today 😱 sounds just like the weather EVERY winter when I was a kid in DM during the 50’s & 60’s πŸ˜‚

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The cyclic borrowing and repayment of the methods of exchange, known as money, by companies who engage in commerce has been going on since companies first engaged in commerce. Records of such have been found in Ancient Egypt and other early civilizations. It is the most efficient way to fully utilize the capital assets you have in place. Restrictions on this by modern banks to require meeting DEI or climate change goals is a diabolical way to enforce control and will probably lead to the collapse of our civilization as more and more controls such as these are put in place. Commerce needs the free flow of money to survive.

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Yup. The economy is a motor and money is the oil that lets it move. Everything they do to sludge up the oil makes the motor run less efficiently, eventually ruining it altogether.

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Yes! A reason for a high tax rates is so companies and individuals are forced to borrow, force to go have to pay tribute to their Master Usurers. Once upon a time in the Land of Liberty (before Liberty was crushed) companies could fund new projects, undertakings out of saved profits. Ditto for the rest of us. We used to be able to save up and then buy things. Today and for most, that is almost a hopeless dream.

Regulating the hell out of everyone, both individual and corporations, has the same effect as confiscatory taxation ... that being the regulatory cost soaks of profits that could otherwise be allocated to future growth, future cash flow streams. Corporations see the front loaded costs, for the consumer excessive high corporate costs are a hidden cost, hidden in the cost of the product. All of this Banker Usury system ends up making American manufacturing cost un competitive in international markets.

I first started thinking on this back in the 1980's when I was doing rentals in real estate. I'd look at a can of paint and wonder what is in a can of paint or stain that could possibly justify a cost per can of $40.00 to $50.00 (using approximate contemporary pricing). It could not be by any stretch of the imagination anything close to the cost of the ingredients and the can.

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TriTorch, in my 36+ year career of government employment, the USAF starting in 1973 then city government in 1980, I determined that most workers will fall to the lowest common denominator in performance levels. Tragically, government keeps lowering the bar for hiring standards for reasons you state.

Especially alarming to me is the airline industry, again as you cover. I spent 4 years as a crash/rescue specialist moving to city fire protection with a stint in land based marine fire protection. Living in the Pacific NW I watched, and continue to watch, all the developments with the Alaska Airlines flight that lost pressurization at 16,000 ft altitude. The flight crew did an amazing job of assessing their situation and taking evasive action to save the lives of all civilians and crew on board. All without emergency checklists that had been blown out of the cockpit when the cockpit door failed. I would like to add, Alaska Airlines holds little blame for this incident, they bought a lemon. Any customer could have ended up with that vehicle. The only shortcoming I have read is repeated deficiency reports on cabin pressure alarms that were not diagnosed properly and remedied. Granted, that is like diagnosing a 'funny' noise in your brand new car, not easy. But the results of overlooking a repeated problem in an aircraft can be catastrophic. Praise God this time catastrophe was averted, in air and on the ground.

This brings me to my last element of air safety and that is ATC, the air traffic controllers. Shortages and standards have been lowered to a dangerous level there also. In my opinion it will be an ATC oversight not caught by an aware flight crew that will cause the next major aircraft incident. Flight crews must be doubly aware of all instructions being given to and acknowledged by all aircraft at the field they are approaching and taxying on. No instruction can be taken for granted.

My apologies for the long response to your post, Jeff has a way of stirring up passion!

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Very interesting and deeply concerning S.P.H, thank you for this insight. I fear we are in the final stages of a crumbling empire, only many of the wounds are inflicted by an external force which has greatly accelerated our demise. Only a major course correction can fix this.

If you haven't already, check out Neil K's comment under mine. His link actually prompted me to add the failures of the ATC to my article. The discussion following Neil's observations is a good one.

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I will check out Neil K's comment. I'm captivated by large machines that seemingly defy physics, airplanes and ships. But neither will defy the greed or stupidity of man.

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So true, your words bring this quote to mind:

β€œTwo things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein

Human frailties with no bottom: greed, myopia, stupidity

Human illusions with no ceiling: arrogance, conceit, assumption

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Very well said TriTorch. If you are inclined, I just watched this new report on the 737 Max-9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSGujNq4bVM which brought up an interesting fact, the subcontractor installing the wi-fi antenna. As the author of this report states, he needs to confirm the authenticity of the picture, but it apparently shows the subcontractor accessing the aft interior via the 'plug' door.

Also of interest is the lawsuit against the subcontractor building the fuselage for the 737-9. I take first reports with a grain of salt, are suits sour grapes or true safety concerns? It looks though, Boeing was not pleased with product quality coming from Spirit Aerosystems.

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That is interesting indeed. Having not watched the video or seen the evidence, as far as the lawsuit, good question, is Boeing attempting to use lawfare as a smoke screen to blind the public or their own failures or are their genuine grievances here?

I think this conundrum encapsulates the problem we are facing at a macro level: the ship is sinking, there are faults everywhere, water is pouring in from minor defects in hundreds to thousands of failed joints all over the ship because everyone has been distracted by DEI and LBGTQ+ concerns and have been half assing their work. Taken together these minor failures add up to a systemic fault. As the ship sinks everyone is pointing their fingers at everyone else and as a result nothing is getting repaired.

From Bad Cattitude

"woke and global boiling and covid and the ukraine and every form of hyper-aggressive inclusivity insanity are not ideologies of belief for elites, they are circuses to dismay, daze, and distract you because pretty much no one can pay attention to what’s really going on when they are watching their daughter get slide tackled by a 200 pound guy in a sports bra on a high school soccer field or they find out their 3rd grader is being read sexually explicit books by drag queens who give twerking lessons"

If true, then DEI, LBGTQ+, ESG, & CEI are blatant naked attack vectors from the WEF and we need to fix this fast because when our collective boat hits rock bottom their will be nothing left worth salvaging.

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Sobering info TriTorch, thanks

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Excellent post TriTorch. I always learn something from you.

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Very kind, thank you Credenda

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Excellent - what would happen to companies who "comply" with DEI but at the same time speak out against it and point out that the reason they are complying is because it's required of (whoever is requiring it)? I doubt they would try it, but would their funding be pulled if they complied but complained to the public about it at the same time?!

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Military Attache: "Squeeze my hand if you want us to strike Yemen . . ."

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"Blink once for Yemen. Blink twice for Iran."

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Gives new meaning to β€œOne if by land, two if by sea.”

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Tom and Kathleen, hilariously scary! Fundamentally changed for sure.

I do have a question, has the ICU been turned into a SCIF? Are all department heads running to the hospital to discus debate and plan the course of action? The lies coming from this white-house are so apparent.

I think the SEC DEF is unconscious or dead. 'They' just haven't found a body double yet to trot out on camera.

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I also think SecDef is unconscious or dead.

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Having worked in ICU, I relate! I really don’t think Austin is doing so well, otherwise that would have made a statement. Look at how long it took them to have a statement released about Jamie Foxx. Just saying.......

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It’s hard finding a look like! Good thing, they don’t need to find one who also can play football I hear that’s impossible!

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What blows my mind is why not just release some β€˜statement?’ Who would know it wasn’t him?

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Can anyone with previous experience elaborate? Is prostate cancer surgery normally a 10-day to two week hospital stay?

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Our neighbor had a diagnosis of prostrate cancer post vaccines and they did surgery and one night in hospital. His wife wasn’t even allowed to visit him at hospital. Just pick him up as he was wheel chaired to the curb. No advocate. Now think about it. We know they never gave a sheet about any of us deplorable bible clutching folks anyway. but just to heighten the helplessness and fear you couldn’t in many cases and places be with your loved one???? And the old 5 ft parasite now admits the social distancing was arbitrary ....

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Austin developed an "infection" which might be a dog whistle for sepsis which can kill you.

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No. I was in on a surgery on an elderly man with prostate cancer, done by a senior (chief, in fact) urology resident when I was in medical school. It went horribly wrong, took hours, and before it was done the resident was already talking about how horrible he felt, because the man had walked into the hospital and was very unlikely to walk out any time soon, if ever. I no longer remember details, but I think there were options on which procedure to do, and the resident may have chosen the one that was more complex but that gave him another of those procedures on his procedure list. At least he was already very sorry about it, before the operation was even over. I ran into residents who did as bad or worse without any apparent effect on their feelings. And that was before DEI/DIE started putting a thumb on the scale for admissions to medical schools and residencies.

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Only if you develop complications like bleeding or sepsis. You know, sepsis is the β€œthing” that’s resulting in the quadruple amputations.

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Used to be quite rare...

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Until the jabbed discover they have one too many blood clots and a crashed immune system which cause all sorts of complications. Perhaps he's being kept alive at this point for the spin masters to hope he makes it to next weekend's slow news MLK holiday long weekend.

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He had complications after the surgery, an infection, maybe sepsis, and he went into the ICU.

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Made me laugh, thanks!!!

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This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and confirmed and one which enters within the veil[.]

β€” Hebrews 6:19 LSB

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What in your opinion does this verse mean? I’m wanting to dig deeper into the scriptures this time through the Bible.

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Below are some passages to start with. Jesus, our great high priest, made it possible for us to enter the Holy of holies, the place of the mercy seat, and receive mercy, signified by the tearing of the veil from top to bottom, i.e, from heaven to earth.

β€œYou shall hang up the veil under the clasps, and you shall bring in the ark of the testimony there within the veil; and the veil shall separate for you the holy place and the Holy of Holies. You shall put the mercy seat on the ark of the testimony in the Holy of Holies.”

β€” Exodus 26:33-34

And Yahweh said to Moses: β€œTell your brother Aaron that he shall not enter at any time into the holy place inside the veil, before the mercy seat which is on the ark, so that he will not die; for I will appear in the cloud over the mercy seat.”

β€” Leviticus 16:2

But when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things to come, He entered through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this creation, and not through the blood of goats and calves, but through His own blood, He entered the holy places once for all, having obtained eternal redemption.

β€” Hebrews 9:11-12

And behold, the veil of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth shook and the rocks were split.

β€” Matthew 27:51


Hope this helps.

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Thank you. I’ve not see. LSB translation. It is confusing to me that there are so many.

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Yes, it can be confusing. I had used the New American Standard for over 20 years because in my research I discovered it to be the most accurate word-for-word translation, as opposed to a thought-for-thought or paraphrase. I came across the Legacy Standard Bible recently and learned it is related to the NAS: https://lsbible.org/. As I’ve compared the versions, one main difference I see is that β€œYahweh” is used for God’s name in the LSB. This is all explained on the website.

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Thank you. I will check the website out. I looked at the Bible app I use and that translation is there. I downloaded it and can do a side by side comparison

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Barbara, you may also find Biblehub.com to be helpful. It allows you to look at verses in parallel, in several translations at once, verse by verse, and it also has a way to jump to a lexicon or interlinear version to see more about each word, to perhaps see why a translator chose a particular word in translation.

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Our hope is Christ who is our priest and King our only intercessor. Mary needed an intercessor. She needed Christ just like we do. Hebrews lays out how God chose Christ from before the beginning of the world.

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Do you pray for your friends? If so, you are an intercessor.

Just like the most holy Mother of God and the great saints God has allowed to be there for us by glorifying them in Heaven.

HE WORKETH MIRACLES *THROUGH* them and their intecessions. I have experienced so many true miracles through the Blessed Mother of God.

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The Bible never commanded us to pray TO anyone but God. Jesus is God. Mary is not. Scripture commands us to NOT PRAY to the dead. Praying to the dead is pagan not Christ like. I'm sorry you've been lied to.

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It is fine for you not to know the beauty of Our Lady, but I most definitely know a miracle and I know her miraculous intercessions personally, and I love her. Jesus loves her too. It is His Mother you scorn!! Wow! Open your heart and mind! Get over your anti Catholic bias. The Orthodox church has honored her since the inception of the Church in the 300s and it is all about:. 'Honor the Father and thy Mother'. Honor is NOt Worship.

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It's fine for me not to know...πŸ˜† What a strange thing to say to someone unless you believe, as RC does, that I'm going to hell because I'm not a RC believer.

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Jan 13Β·edited Jan 13

I have NO SCORN for the human mother of Christ but for those who worship her as an equally with God I know they will be judged righteously by God and by Mary herself who NEVER would accept the prayer or worship of other humans any more than an angel or any other true servant would accept them, sad shown in the Scriptures.

Who has a bias? What do you base your own bias on?

Blessed are those who have not seen but believe. Faith isn't made of miracles. Faith is recognizing who God is versus who ppl are. The ROMAN Catholic Church doesn't know. Their history can be seen from the time of their animosity of the Jewish priests against Christ and the Apostles and record for history has always been the same. They 'cannot change the color of their skin'. If you really want truth then be willing to throw away everything, including loving anyone more and sell all that you have to know who Christ really is. He's not still dying, hanging, bleeding. He sits at the right hand of the Father. Mary is bowing and singing His praises still and she cannot hear your babbling. Jesus hears. Emotional experiences are fickle for all of us. Don't count on them. Satan masquerades as an angel of light. He's excellent at deception.

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When literally everyone in an administration is nothing more than a mouthpiece, it's not important that they be "fully engaged." Except for the optics. It's important that the various mouthpiece-puppets at least appear to be coordinating with one another.

I look forward to "Austin's" return to public view in the form of someone wearing a plastic COVID mask with a paper Lloyd Austin mask taped on. Then we can get called conspiracy theorists for pointing out that his hands are white.

Can anyone tell that I'm tired of being lied to?

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I wish the encourage Jeff to give us an update on some of the legal progress being made across the county in regards to the vaccine mandates employers made upon their employees.

One such case I’m personally following is the Sambrano v. United Airlines Inc (4:21-cv-01074) in District Court, N.D. Texas. https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/60401406/sambrano-v-united-airlines-inc/?order_by=desc

This case has completed discovery and just filed for class certification. See, https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.txnd.353477/gov.uscourts.txnd.353477.239.0.pdf

It’s been a while since we have been updated on what’s happening with mandate cases.

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The L. Austin story is so hard to believe. Especially when a family member or ours has experienced the same thing he has supposedly experienced - prostate cancer surgery and then in ICU! There is no way one can run fully anything while recovering from this. Our family member had to take a long break from work. Prostate cancer surgery survivors are rolling their eyes.πŸ™„

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Lloyd aka Raytheon Lloyd or as I call him - traitorous POS.

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There is a population reduction agenda and one can draw what conclusion one care to do so on evidence seen and so on. But one thing I am seeing is that not everyone is in the loop. And apparently L. Austin was one of those not in the 'essential information loop'.

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Reality dose:

The princes of this world have always been above the law.

Consider this: is Hunter protected because he is son of the king? The current king is not the kingpin. He is a figurehead for the order of chaos.

Hunter is protected (and belligerent) because he knows the rulers of this world values his assistance washing dollars and euros. He knows it.

Who is behind the curtain?

People: follow the money. And the chaos. The grip will get tighter and tighter and many will welcome the relief extended to 'get back to normal'. Just like the shots.

Challenge: Give up your surveillance items for a day (iPhone, credit card, internet, electronic banking) and self-evaluate how you did. It's humbling.

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Tough challenge. Even camping we use the phone for mapping and communication. I’m old enough to have lived without all that as a kid. The current generation is helpless without tech.

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The other day at a local cafe, my total order was $7.46. I gave him a 20 and said, β€œI think I have a penny.” As I hunted around for the penny (only a few seconds), he’d already put it in the computer. I gave him the penny anyway, and he got mad at me because the computer told him β€œthe exact amount of change to give me” and now he was confused. He wanted to give me $12.53 back. I said, β€œNo, it’s $12.55.” We went back and forth until he said, β€œFine, just take the $12.55,” as if I were wrong.

This is what we are dealing with.

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I once gave someone directions based on N,S,E,W- meet me at the NW corner of the Plaza. Zero comprehension.

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If you'd told them to meet you at a quarter to eleven, you could have compounded their confusion.

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I used the words "quarter to ten" recently and my 19-year-old had no idea what I meant. That's when I finally realized how out of touch I am (sadly).

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Use military time (0400, 1830) and the phonetic alphabet (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc.) and watch the gears in their heads grind to a halt!

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Lew writes β€œ I used the words "quarter to ten" recently and my 19-year-old had no idea what I meant.”

And I wonder how many can even read an analog clock/watch dial these days?

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I am feeling very out of touch. I do a weekly podcast and book series, so surely I'm not that out of it. At least that's what I'd like think. But I cannot seem to get into the mindset of a younger crowd, and I'd really like to understand what is forming their perspectives.

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...naw young people have been mal-educated in math....

I had a 20 yo law student tell me when I asked hem what 180 divided by 2 was say...."I am not good at math"

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I almost lost my coffee over that one. I'll have to try that next time!

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To complete their confusion give them written directions … in cursive.

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This whole idea that cursive is no longer part of the educational system really bothers me. How will "scholars" read original material? I know I have a wonderful little piece of history that I cherish, in cursive. It's the tax roll of a small town in CT circa 1799. It lists cows and chickens and silver spoons as assets to be taxed. How sad to turn one's back on so many pieces of our past. How sad to foster such ignorance. Perhaps cursive will become a study unto itself?

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I agree with your sentiments Pat. πŸ‘πŸΌ

And will cursive have to be deciphered hundreds of years from now like Egyptian hieroglyphs? Why isn’t cursive still taught, one wonders?

Might I add that cursive is in itself a beautiful art form, with each individual writer having their own unique style, flair, or lack thereof. My penmanship is not pretty, but it’s all mine.

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Mega dittos to you both! I cherish the handwritten letters from my grandparents and my mom - Grandpa's sturdy, no fuss, workmanlike cursive, and Grandma's pretty cursive with flourishes at the beginning of paragraphs and sentences, all the recipe cards, notes, birthday cards, etc. that my mom wrote out over the years, all in cursive.

I don't know about y'all, but when I was in school, starting in about 4th grade, we were given 20 vocabulary words on Monday. The assignment was to look up the words in the dictionary, write out IN CURSIVE the word and it's definition. We turned that in for two grades, vocab and penmanship, then on Fridays we had a spelling test for a third grade. This was a standard part of our English classes all the way through our senior year of high school.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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California is now teaching cursive again. As I homeschooled, mine was also taught cursive.

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That IS encouraging.

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One would think, but they are also busy dumbing down math and getting rid of honors classes because of DEI and . . .

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I’d have zero comprehension too, and I’m a 60 year old woman. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ. To be honest, I was always terrible with compass directions. Just tell me left-right-left and give me a couple landmarks! My boyfriend will tell me β€œgo northwest, then east” or whatever and I give him the same glazed-over expression that we see on Joe Biden on a daily basis.

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I was driving one of our daughters to Dallas to retrieve her belongings from SMU. It happened to be a day leading up to a July 4th weekend.... crazy traffic on the west bound 6 lane interstate highway. No movement... a mess. I commented to my daughter that I was sure there was a parallel highway and I'd find it! I took the next exit north and drove about 20 miles.... small town, Main Street ran east and west. Took my chances... and we were in Dallas in less than an hour. My daughter was awe struck! How did you know that?? You've never been here before! (We did drive her to Dallas the year before...) I reminded her that there was a day when one relied on a compass, the stars, and a map.... "I know, but it just seems crazy that you remembered...." πŸ™„

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The old pre-expressway highways are great for travel; calmer, more picturesque, etc.

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We were stuck on that interstate so long it was after midnight when I exited. And it was as dark as mud 5 miles passed the interstate! But, intuition served me well! I had this notion that I could do it that never left me... I don't know how many 20 somethings would know to try this! Recently driving on I-75 , Waz told me to exit and gave directions to get around the jam ahead... It was a huge pileup! Helicopters could be seen landing on the interstate from the country road we were directed on. Pretty amazing!

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I often avoid driving my RV in major cities this same way. But I also use a (physical) Truckers Atlas to navigate.

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Funny! I just pulled out our Atlas today - my husband and visitors needing a map were impressed (after their handheld devices were not up to the task at hand):)

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Yes!! That's a great way to travel! (A Truckers Atlas is on my list now)! I always try to have a physical map of where I'll be...

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Let me help: East is where the sun rises. West is where it sets.

Glad to have been of assistance!

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I know that much. For me, west is the ocean also. I used to look up directions in a Thomas Brothers map book way back when before I’d go anywhere and write out a step by step list in large print that I could read while I was driving. My kids would have no clue how to even do that.

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I am the same way even when using the sun. I just found a 1997 Thomas guide when cleaning out a box. For a minute I forgot why I has and then I remembered I used to have to keep it in my car.

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Some folks just seem to have extraordinary difficulty with it.

My wife's aunt couldn't follow them to save her life - in Denver, CO.

For those that haven't been to Denver, there is a looming indicator of the West visible in almost all circumstances.

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Same. I’m like, ok, Indiana Jones, do I turn right before Sonic or right after?

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Wish I could do all those things but the question is how? Society has restructured itself so dramatically that I’d have to be Amish to accomplish all that.

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And even they can’t get away from all of it completely. They’re tangentially involved even if not directly.

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I concur. Can you you imagine telling people 25 years ago that almost everyone will be walking around staring at their 6-inch piece of plastic(dumbphone)

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In the last 6 months, depending on whether I really need it or not, I do leave my phone at home when I go out a good portion of the time now. It drives my husband nuts. If I’m expecting an important call or traveling farther distances where I might incur traffic, I’ll take it with me.

A few years ago, we went on a road trip. We were driving from Utah to the Grand Canyon and the signal dropped for a good 50 miles. As I was driving and unfamiliar with the area, I was a bit nervous because we didn’t have a regular map. We stopped in a few gas stations. None of them had a road map. Where do you even buy them anymore?

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I had a cute conversation with a young lady at a drive through coffee shack. She gives me the total and I ask if she takes real money (don't go there) and she says yes. That started the convo about people that don't carry any cash. I told her We were told to carry a dime in case we needed to call home, from a thing called a phone booth!

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You mean that Hunter Biden is the Jeffery Epstein of politics? But I agree that his most important job is to wash money. Especially in Ukraine and don’t forget his company’s ties to the bio weapons labs in Ukraine. Anyone following Russia reports on that?

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Crazy that even in somewhat friendly territory, Joe doesn't get mobbed when he shows up unannounced. Trump stops by anywhere and people show up like crazy. Joe shows up and ... nothing. Couple of smiling faces, but nobody really knows other than having their normal routine interrupted. But hey - most popular president ever, most votes ever. :/

I'm appreciating more and more government rulings about the election ... well, we can't call it "fraud" because our elections are safe/secure, right? Still, seeing more and more rulings against some of the horrible practices from 2020 and 2022 are a good thing. Too late for those who noticed what others might call "irregularities" but maybe we can get back to actual integrity in our elections.

There are times I think the founders had it right - you get to vote if you're a landowner in good standing. Encourages people to get to that stage and then you have a stake in the game. But I also am fully aware of the sinful state of man and that those in power do everything they can to hold on to that power.

I think as more people are waking up to what DIE is actually doing, it is becoming less popular. It takes some honest conversations to show people that DIE is highly discriminatory and (gasp!) racist, but it's hard for even those who give it some support to deny that you're refusing to put in place the best people in the name of raising up those who aren't as qualified but would never have gotten a chance otherwise.

(And for those who haven't seen - King Arthur Flour had to backpedal a bit on their own DIE baking contest, not open to whites because apparently you can't win if you go against a white person when baking or something like that.....)

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Being a landowner in good standing = having skin in the game. Being on public assistance? No.

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Or just paying taxes period.

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Back when I was a teenager in the 80s, I remember my dad telling me how bad the policies were that allowed so many people to not pay income taxes (not just not paying at all, but paying them and then getting more back than they paid through different programs and deductions). Because they would just vote themselves more free sh&@ and the federal government would expand exponentially

. Well, we now have around (over?) 50% of adults not paying any net income taxes and I see what he said coming to fruition. It’s just one more of the β€˜hey, that’s a slippery slope, let’s think this through, look at the unintended consequences’ conservative perspectives that we were told was β€˜anti-progress’. And yet we were right. Again.

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In the LaBelle town near ft Myers, a realtor was saying We’re getting lots of new buyers from Miami, they all have tax breaks because of their immigration status. Meanwhile the young couples can’t afford to buy the same home with such a difference in demanded taxes .

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Welp, the top ten percent of earners pay 90% of all income tax. So when you here some progressretard scream β€œtax the rich!”, if it weren’t for the rich, we would have filed for bankruptcy thirty years ago.

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Hear. Sure wish I could edit. Without copying, pasting, editing, and posting.

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We could do with some loophole fixes IMHO.

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Well, they're in Vermont. That explains a lot. I've been a KA baker (90% of the wheat products we eat issue from my oven) 25 years; my great grandmother (so in the 1880's-1935) only used King Arthur for her bread ( it was then Taylor, Sands and Wood). Guess I'll have to rely more on Hecker--of which I have a new bag.

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Dump King Arthur and buy organic. King Arthur has glyphosate in it.

I’ve been buying organic from Azure Standard and like it better anyway.

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I went on their instagram and X page and after I posted in the comments, it was no sooner than 5 minutes that they blocked me on both. The DIE tech sheep were busy on their platform this week. Cowards. I also sent an email but no response, I have a feeling i won’t be getting one.

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Has someone tested both King Arthur and the Azure Standard for glyphosate?

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I’ve been buying Central Milling. I usually buy in 50 lb. bags to save on shipping. I picked up some 5 lb. Plastic, air tight, storage containers. When I get down to my last container, order more.


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Opinion on BlueBird flour?

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When we read the rules for that contest, we wondered when King Arthur would pull their white flour off the market, because equity.

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I had some fun β€œchatting” with someone named β€œBarb” at the King Arthur web site yesterday. I asked her why KA was promoting racism and I reminded her that bringing down one race does not elevate other races. I also told her I would not be buying KA products. She told that was my choice then she abruptly ended the chat. Of course, I went on to give her a horrible review when asked by the bot if the chat was helpful.

Good times!

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They sound like Martha’s Vineyard with their virtue signaling. Almost all the owners/employees are white. Lol. What a bunch of hypocrites.

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They should get rid of their white flour then πŸ˜›πŸ˜¬

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I missed that. Was just thinking of buying some baking supplies from King Arthur. πŸ™„

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Really!? Had not been aware of KAF baking contest. But guess who won’t win...

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My 35-year-old son told me a while back in a phone conversation that he and his wife had talked about how many young people they know were getting cancer. I gently said that some people think it's from the COVID shot. He definitely got the first two (probably not the booster), and I think his wife did too, but we don't really talk about it. In a phone conversation just a week ago, he asked me to pray for a 24-year-old friend whose husband fell and subsequently was diagnosed with leukemia. My children were split on who got vaccinated for COVID--two did and two didn't-and I really worry about their health, but I don't know if I should send them some of the information I see because I don't think they'll continue to get shots, and I don't want to worry them. They all have children. Lord, have mercy!

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Same here, except all 3 of my adult children were vaxxed, and my grands. They were mad that I and hubby did not vaxx, but they wrote it off to β€œMom’s always been anti any kind of shots”. I think we have made shots so common to the next generation they accept it as harmless, no big deal. So they didn’t work and everybody still got covid, they all get yearly flu shots and always get a strain of flu not covered by the shot. They just accept it. My one son who worked in the medical industry might be catching on as he seems more resistant to all of this now, but we also don’t talk about it. Ever….

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Why is it people don't talk about it?

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I think it's mainly from the cult mentality. Right now, it's still socially bad to criticize anything to do with the "virus" and the non-"vaccine". Although the tide is finally turning, people are still reluctant. I think it also has to do with brainwashing. I am betting many of these people actually believe the MSM, CDC, FDA, etc. No one can deprogram a person - they must do it for themselves and they are not.

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Because we want to maintain our relationships. We might gently make some comment, watch the reaction, and proceed accordingly. Sometimes that means leaving the full conversation for later when the family members who disagree with us about the vaccine’s dangers are ready to discuss it with a more open mind. It just doesn’t make sense to force the issue with someone you love who is not ready to have a discussion.

Yes, I know, it’s life or death, but what would you rather have - a full discussion immediately followed by no contact for the rest of your lives? Or a belated discussion with a continued close relationship?

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That’s right. You have to be smart and approach people in a way that allows them to be open. If they aren’t ready then back off or risk ruining the relationship temporarily or forever.

Many have emotions of fear and confusion because they took the shots. Some don’t want to admit they were foolish. I feel bad for them.

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Well said.

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I agree.

My adult children know how I feel and what I think about the jabs as I’ve been against vaxeens for over 20 years - when I researched and learned, I knew better.

But they are adults and my relationships with them are much more important than me being right.

They also know I could walk all over them with my knowledge and understanding and statistics.

But - That’s Not My Job at this point in our lives. We respect each other’s choices - whether we agree or not.

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Well, I guess the conversation could start in a hospital room or a funeral home.

I know my remark is kind of snarky, but it needs to be said.

We are in a life or death fight for humanity.

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Yes, you’re right. Hopefully it won’t take a hospital stay or funeral to make our loved ones ready to listen!

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It’s when someone dies that the door opens for a more meaningful and direct conversation with survivors.

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A friend just recently got upset that I said Biden should not have done the mandates. Seventy colleges still have them. Virtue signaling is all that matters to them. Everyone vaccinated could be dropping dead (even moreso than they are), and they would still defend the mandates.

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I don't, not with certain people, because it's a waste of my breath, or because they get mad and I still have to work with them, or it worries them and they're not people I'm willing to spend $40 on some nattokinase for, nor do they have the $$.

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"Nor do they have the $$". Any tattoos? Do they have a smart phone? Video games? Designer shoes or clothes? They just choose to spend their money on superficial things.

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Our school once had a mom explaining in the window that she wasn't bringing her daughter's asthma medicine to school because she couldn't afford it (she was then offered counsel about where she could obtain them for free). In the same visit, this daughter made her turn around to show off her new tattoos she'd just gotten on her backside. The mom explained she had just gotten out of the hospital and wanted to get tattooed while the meds were still in her system.

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I would think a person would want to have the discussion with family members.

If you are a parent with grown children and grandchildren, the covid shots are a life and death issue.

Cancer. Death. Leaving a family without a mother or father. Or having a child die.

I just can't understand why the conversation is not taking place in the family setting.

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My sister and I (numbers 7&8 of 8 kids) are the only 2 pure bloods among the entire family. We were blatantly ostracized and told by our own mother (who has had 7 shots) to β€œwake up!” All our adult nieces and nephews are jabbed. All the jabbed are silent and my sister and I are silent too. It’s all broken. Honestly all I feel like saying to my older siblings who shut me out and now say I did it to myself is β€œGo F*%# yourself!”

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My two younger siblings (late 20s early 30s) who still live with my parents refuse to let anyone who is not completely boosted in the house. My parents are not nearly as fearful, but still let them run their household this way.

I barely speak to my siblings and have not seen any of my six living siblings since 2019. There’s not active hostility on either side…it’s just as if we live in completely different worlds.

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I’m so sorry that happened to you. How painful. Perhaps, when they are in need due to illness you might forgive them and help them come to terms with their choice. Illness has a way of humbling. Forgiveness sets one free.

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Kathleen, from reading comments on C&C I think a great many of us HAVE tired to have that vaxxx conversation, repeatedly, and it sadly produced fruitless and even antagonistic results.

Of my three grown daughters, one no longer speaks/texts me (and we were very close before that), another simply ignores and changes the topic as if the words never left my mouth (which feels very strange.) Both gleefully took the jabs. However, the 3rd child took 2 of them because work demanded it and now regrets her compliance and says never again. It’s truly heartbreaking that so many family and friends have become alienated. I don’t know how else to get through to them.

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Jan 13Β·edited Jan 13

I have 2 out of 3 adult kids who took 3-total Con-vid jabs. I tried several times to warn them not to get them. Part of the problem in trying to have the conversation is 1. They don’t want to listen because they have already made up their minds that doctors and health agencies would not lie to them. 2. There is SO MUCH information we (who have followed the truth tellers) have, that the info is overwhelming and so atrocious that they cannot go there, so they believe that we are gullible conspiracy theorist believers.

I think they don’t want to waste/take the time to have the conversation.

My parents are German immigrants from Yugoslavia. They came to the U.S. after they had everythig taken from them WW2.

I was in my early 30’s when my parents gave me a book, β€œBarefoot in the Rubble”. It was a woman’s story about what her family went through during the war. In Yugoslavia. They were from a small German town in the vicinity of my Father and mother’s German towns in Yugoslavia. Work/slave Camps were happening there also with non-Jewish people in them. The book is about woman’s lived experience of her family’s survival of these camps. My father wanted me and my sister to read the book because he and his family went through the same, which he never talked to us about. At the time I could not read the book because I didn’t want to know the horror as I was a young mother at the time and I just couldn’t let myself be so saddened by what I would read.

I only just read the book about 5 years ago. Regrettably I wished I had read it sooner, because by then my father’s health was very deteriorated and he couldn’t communicate very well to us his story.

So anyways, my point is that perhaps our loved ones are not ready to see the depth of the evil in the world as of yet. I hope my children will be curious much sooner than I was and will have the conversations, as I now wish I could go back in time and have the hard to hear conversations with my father.

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That is so sad.

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It is mind-boggling to me that people are still acting like this over jabs. I mean do these people not go out in public where there are unjabbed people? Did they not see almost everyone get covid?

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Jan 13Β·edited Jan 13

A conversation cannot be one sided. You have to have two willing participants. If one side refuses to talk about the subject, there’s not much you can do. You can lead a horse to water and all that πŸ™

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Would people be so unwilling to discuss the elephant in the room if the problem was a severe drug addiction or an alcohol problem?

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Two of my adult children live out of state. We got together over Christmas and it was as if there was a caveat not to talk about it. They know where I stand, but there is a perception with every younger generation, (and this has gone on for centuries), that they know more than their parents. I know I felt I did when I was younger. Now that my mom has been gone over a decade, I find how much wisdom there was in the way she chose to live. I think, at least one of my sons is getting it, but he would never tell me this.

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I know 5 people that died in 18 months.

That is wartime casualty numbers.

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Jan 13Β·edited Jan 13

I agree. A small rural newspaper I get weekly listed the death of a 66 year old man who passed in a car accident driving the wrong way on a divided highway. Witnesses before the crash said he was driving erratically. Fortunately, the 25 year old driver he crashed into suffered only minor injuries. The coroner’s office is planning an autopsy, but right now, they believe it was an β€œunexpected” medical event. Lot’s of those going around. That’s the problem. They will cover it with vague language as they always do and even if the family suspects something there will be no way to get to the truth. I know of a few neighbors who died under strange circumstances, but I couldn’t ask grieving family if they’d taken the death shot, even if I suspected it.

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Agree with Four Winds here, but in addition, it's a mighty leap to admit to yourself you chose to, or at least allowed, someone to inject a deadly bioweapon into you, and that for the rest of your life, you'll be looking over your shoulder for damages. Better just to pretend all is well.

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I swear, there is some sort of "substance" in those shots that seems to kill cognitive thinking.

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Or they never had cognitive thinking in the first place. πŸ‘ Follow the leader mentality.

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The behavior I encountered is kind of like a Jim Jones cult-like behavior willingly drinking the Kool-Aid.

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There truly is - check out The Highwire's segment from Thursday's show with the author of the book "Indoctrination." The ability for critical thinking is being affected by the spike protein.

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I also believe that vaccinated people are in denial that they made a mistake taking the experimental jabs.

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Taboo subject

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Both of my adult kids (and SIL) got jabbed (J&J, Pfizer) as soon as they were able. They bought into the early BS hook, line and sinker. They did start to wake up, and none of them got the booster. I did give them both detox supplements. One took the full course, not sure about the other. My SIL just had appendicitis and had his appendix removed on Thursday. In a study published in May 2023, the jab was linked to acute appendicitis πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ. I’m so looking forward to being a grandparent, but I’m so afraid that these (insert expletive here) jabs have destroyed my kids’ ability to conceive. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ that I’m wrong.

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I feel exactly the same! How can you tell them without causing them stress and worry? πŸ˜“

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Exactly. I didn’t know much, but knew something. I was waiting for more info for me mostly as a senior. But then my family got them. I sent a few articles and then was told to not do that any more. I’m considered nutty but they did not alienate me.

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And it’s hard to know how much they know already. (Forgive me, grammar folks!) Haven’t had my second β˜•οΈ. We don’t want to increase their stress level.

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Can so empathize with this. Over the past two years five funerals for young mothers and fathers with sudden cancers including glioblastoma and lymphomas. Currently know a young man 41 years old with a weird stomach cancer. And that’s not including friends just having all kinds of new health issues especially heart related. Dreadful.

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Can't you go on Amazon and get them a few bottles of detox combo -- nattokinase, etc. . . They're not cheap, but I guarantee if you hand them the bottles with a loving word about "just in case the reports of bad effects are true", sort of downplaying it. . . I bet they'd take them, mostly to make mom happy rather than anything else.

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I know only a few vaxxed who are even aware there have been any severe side effects. They might admit they could have been one or two deaths as his normal with any medication. But that’s it. However, they believe Covid is causing heart problems.

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The Docs are pushing long covid. Happening with friend who has pericarditis from the jab.

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Sorry about your friend.

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Jan 13Liked by Jeff Childers

Happy good morning C&C peeps πŸŒžβ˜•οΈ

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Center for Tech and Civic Life money (ZuckBucks) paid for that "Voter Ambassador" van in Racine, WI during the 2020 election. With all due modesty, I was perhaps the first to publish detailed research on the ways in which CTCL "rigged" the Wisconsin election, and using a pretty robust and simple methodology, I estimate their $10.3 million investment in taking over key election offices in WI was decisive in swinging the state into Biden's win column.

If you are not yet familiar with the CTCL story, which I believe was THE biggest factor in "Rigging" the 2020 Election in favor of Biden, you should read up on how Mark Zuckerberg paid $330 million to take over election offices in the key swing states, and operate them as voter turnout operations for Joe Biden and other Democrats in national races. It is the one story Democrats have not yet been able to debunk, because virtually all of the information is already on the public record. Phillip Bump of the Washington Post tried after Elon Musk retweeted one of our articles, but as usual, he just ended up seriously beclowning himself once again.

There are all kinds of fun and interesting facts that came out of Wisconsin in 2020. For recreational reading, followers of this blog should look up "The Wisconsin Safe Voting Plan" where the "Big Five" Wisconsin cities explain how they will spend their CTCL largesse on all sorts of interesting occupations. In this "Bonfire of the Inanities" I found the funniest one to be the authorization of expenditures to educate absentee ballot voters on the fact that cell phone selfies did not count as absentee ballot voter ID's. But there are more inanities to be found if you just look inside the document. Here's my piece on CTCL in WI.


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Pay attention to what’s happening in Florida, where we luckily kept the negro queer crackhead from being our gov, and miraculously still gave the state to trump in 2020. Substack of a guy named Joe Sansone put out a pretty detailed article regarding what is turning up now.

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The best effect of all these voter fraud cases is that they can be used to ask for and justify immediate injunctions during this year’s election. That way the bad behavior can be stopped before it makes a difference. I hope you and others are looking for their new tactics.

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I think that would be great except I think the judges are corrupt as well. When they declined to intervene before the 2020 election, they knew it was making election security impossible. They liked it that way.

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Illegal Democrat mobile voter fraud trucks. They don’t even try to hide it. They do it and β€œsue me if you don’t like it”

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Thanks for being rational human beings, most people here. C&C is sometimes balm for the soul in a world gone mad. Jeff keeps our eyes upward and focused on the wins we are seeing. Sometimes it’s hard to process how morally and logically bankrupt everything can be and it’s fatiguing. Thanks for being a lighthouse, Jeff. (My highest compliment - since I used to be a big historical lighthouse junky!)

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Agreed. Jeff and all of y’all give me hope...

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I feel the same!!

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β€œhe’s on top of everything important. I mean, what could go wrong”

That’s our Commander in Chief, working hand in hand with the Secretary of Defense, ensuring a resounding victory in Ukraine. And Israel. And Taiwan. And Yemen or whatever hellhole our military is bombing today. I feel so safe now.

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I've worked in banking/financial services for over 40 years and am beyond familiar with standards, accountability, responsibility, professionalism, work "ethics", etc. These have been with me since the first days/weeks/years of my career.

As such, I am continually awed by the incompetence of individuals such as Austin, Mayorkis, Fauci, etc. Really, though, this isn't incompetence, it's all part of "the plan", the agenda, etc. I just can believe that anyone with half a brain buys this line of bull.

And last I knew, when folks are in the hospital, that would qualify them for disability and not allowed to work. Do you really think Austin is "working" from his hospital bed.

Again, no one with half a brain would buy that one either.

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I’m wondering why he is in the hospital if his health is good enough for him to carry out his duties? So much care is available in a home (or office) environment. What is keeping him in the hospital? Perhaps his health is so fragile that he must be monitored with professionals available to immediately make changes to his healthcare. Stabilized patients can usually leave the hospital.

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Is he even alive? Asking for a friend.

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Absolutely going into the hospital triggers Mandatory Leave governed at the federal level by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

There’s no policy to work from ICU or the hospital. Any HR person knows hiding the fact you are in the hospital while still taking pay is grounds for immediate dismissal. It’s fraud.

Fools and liars are running the country.

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Amen. Rules for thee, not for me.

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Yeah, watch the movie "Dave". In it, the president has a coma-inducing heart attack while shtuping his illicit lover, so staff hire a presidential impersonator who honestly, does a better job than the president.

When the real president dies, they have the fake one "die", and he returns to regular life.

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Jan 13Β·edited Jan 13

β€œHunter’s lawyers suddenly and unexpectedly β€œreversed course” yesterday, and politely asked House Republicans for a third subpoena”

I am so angry and confused! why should this little s**t get 3 chances to show up? It wouldn’t work for any of us.

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What is that saying.... rules for thee but not for me? That man, and I use that word loosely, is a parasite to society.

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Right???? 😑😑😑🀬🀬🀬

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