American journalist Gonzalo Lira died in an Ukrainian prison after being tortured and denied medical care. He criticized Biden and Zelensky.

US government totally abandoned him.


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So heartbreaking! I followed him on IG and have been praying for his release. He was telling the world what was REALLY going on over there.

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He’s been lying this entire time.

He decided to aid Russia and give out coordinates for them to target. He did this to himself

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Cernovich talks about how many Ukraine supporters (who won't go there and fight themselves) are demonic and literally cheer on death. Thanks for making his point.

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And to think this Ukraine thing was all manufactured by the Deep State and pushed through by the Rubber Stamp Congress. This makes me sick to my stomach.

And people like NeoCon Niki, the Witch and lately the phantasmagoric Senator from the South, Limp Wrist Graham ... they are all cut from the same abhorrent NeoCon cardboard.

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Watch this... https://t.co/5CnAbRpYTr

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Sharon ... I've just listen to this video. It's very good as to history and of how we have come to where we are. It has some weaknesses like under estimation of the how destroyed and depraved the Collective West has become under a blended Marxism, not to mention the hyper-insanity of a mentally ill Woke-ism, all of which makes any meaning and lasting rapprochement with the rest of the world. (Thanks for the comment. So nice to hear from you ... and wishing you all the best in this dangerous and troubled world.)


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Hold up, The deep state MADE Putin invade Ukraine? They even compromised him?

So sad, I guess. The evil MIC made putin shovel his men into a meat grinder and his offensive to fail because he was told to make profits for the west.

A rape doesn't become consensual because someone isn't capable of fighting back. It's still a rape.

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To be fair There’s not a single person here willing to go fight for Russia. All of them could have maybe taken a house in avdiivka before the DPICM came raining down, don’t you think?

Only one side wants to murder millions of ukrianains. It’s not the side pushing for them to survive.

I find it fascinating that supporting someone defending themselves is “death”.

I suppose you plan on not fighting against a home invader? Biden’s next mandate?

After all..not worth it. Peace in our time indeed!

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Virtually no one here has cheered on Russia, we simply want the killing to stop. You on the other hand, seem gleeful about Lira's death saying he brought in on himself.

Most people with autism eventually learn to fake human emotions enough to at least *appear* compassionate, so there is hope for you.

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I know I am preaching to the choir but this guy is mentally beyond any help or redemption. If he's not a bot then he is the epitome of the zombified shill for the psychopath cabal.

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Actually, some of us do like Russia. And most people in the world admire and/or at the very minimum respect President Putin as maybe the most able head of state of the emerging 21st century. I cannot say the same about President Pedo is loathed and roundly ridiculed throughout the non-Western World.

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Sociopaths also learn to imitate human emotions to appear normal.

Ben should buy a mirror.

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I want the killing to stop also.

So far Jeff and a bunch of people here blame the victim and give a pass to the covid vaccine mandater.

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There are quite a few people who cheer Russia on, the blog creator included.

It's evident in their actions and posts.

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Let's also mention the topic of another Putin opponent falling to his death in Russia within the past week or so; very Clintonian in some of his tactics. I've stated that the despotic, fascistic nature of the Polish Gvt 1926-1939 did not excuse the violent invasions of Nazi German forces supported by Soviet transgressors/occupiers. Ukraine sucks but Russia's invasion is not a sacrificial and benevolent liberation borne of Putin's re-dedication to Orthodox Faith or a last-ditch national righting of wrongs that has been stymied by U.N. and other means. A despicable US/allied withdrawal from Afghanistan and a toying with NATO admission for Ukraine nearly guaranteed and provoked the invasion's timing. Perhaps it was inevitable without such costly and unattainable things such as a DMZ and bad actors on both sides being suppressed. Yes, i don't know anyone who's cheered on Russia--only anti-deep Staters who find the idea of lionizing the corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs as absurd.

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In my opinion, which isn't worth much, it seems that Zelensky is the one who was out to murder the Ukrainians, along with biden who was willing to sacrifice their people for something we all knew wasn't going to go well.

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Yep you are right. Zelensky ran on bringing peace to the Donbas and stopping the assaults on civilians. And yet here we are 9 years later and over 14,000 civilian deaths and he’s still bombing them.

Russia in good faith signed 2 peace treaties which Merkle admitted that she only signed to give NATO’s allies more time to arm Ukraine.

And now Zelensky has sent 400,000 of his own people to die for no reason. He too should be brought up on charges of genocide.

Plus he is selling the land to the vultures of blackrock.

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It is the whole cabal responsible for this Death Cult and the Satanic Bankers funding it with their invisible Fantasy Money infinitely plastic to the moon. Throw in The Legion of Grifters and the Rubber Stamp Puppet Government and you have it.

I had to be crude, but Elensky (remember the letter Z was outlawed?) is only a puppet piano playing dick who is rather dumb and yet smart enough to vacuum clean anything not tacked down, same as President Pedo and his world renown Renaissance Man painter, poet writer, grifter son.

Have you noticed? Elensky's green shirt is looking rather sad these days ... and threadbare. It has most likely worn out its usefulness.

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Speaking of "Home Invaders"; How about the Borderless Areas of the USSA and the ProgreSSive Sycophants AIDING the Invasion???


btw, the Russians don't need any "help" and the Demoncrazy democRat $$$ launderer Nazis of Ukraine are getting British troops???

2024 TSHTF

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Little Benny 2Bs ... what do you care what we think? We don't care what you think.

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Not sure about Lira lying but he knew he was walking thru a mine field every day. He was rumored to have been dead a year ago but then popped up again. I guess his 'luck' ran out. He was a brave and courageous man who thought he was untouchable but no one in the TRUTH industry should consider themselves insulated from harm. All must watch their backs if theyre going to expose

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He never once thought he was untouchable, like the reporters here in the safety of the federal government’s arms.

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He was a 55 year old guy who smoked 2 packs a day, overweight, addicted to covid vaccines, and rarely exercised.

He died getting medical help in prison..so yeah.

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The truly brave ones usually go unnamed and unrecognized.

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The ones who lie are not the Gonzalo Liras of the world. They are the ones who do all the killing.

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Gonzalo was never truthful. He was always a liar.

Should we discuss what "dating advice" he gave to men?

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He tried to escape to Hungary but was ordered to return to Ukraine and detained, according to what I read today.

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Citation? The only source I could find was Daily Beast, which I don't consider credible absent other documentation.

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Little 2Busy Ns! Ha! Ha! Government Trolls again!

And so, is it really you! Or we just can't see you because you are looking at us through a periscope from the deep, dark, dank depths? And what are you going to say when The Putin wins the war? And when President Pedo and the Departments of Slime go down the drain?

Oh Boy! I can hardly wait.

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Putin already declared victory. Why are they still fighting?

Looks like victory might be delayed a little longer. At the current rate of fighting they will need a couple billion Russians to make it to the Polish border.


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Where is your proof?

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do you have conclusive proof of your allegations?

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Yes, tons.

He videoed himself walking around and trying to expose folks.

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Enjoying that $$ our government is paying you to support this proxy war, simp?

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BAH, health insurance, and 1st and 15th pay, absolutely.

And thanks to everyone who enabled me to keep it because the military mandate was tossed.

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Like I said , you do not know what you are talking .

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I actually do.

Am I allowed to go around Rostov on Don and film Russian defensive fortifications?

Can I go to Russia and say how poorly the war is going, Putin is lying, and the defense minister and gerasimov are liars and thieves?

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He was a reporter, and an American citizen. Innocent until proven guilty. He could have been deported. He did not choose to languish in a jail cell and suffer from pneumonia.

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He was as much a “reporter” as the Covid shot is an actual vaccine.

He’s only a reporter if you change the definition.

He’s a pervert, sex tourist, and a death cult supporter.

He had every chance to leave and publicly proclaimed Russia wasnt invading until the missiles were landing and then he had an about face and said it was hopeless. He thought the Russians would be there soon enough but he was arrested and given pre trial release but decided to try and violate that and was arrested again.

What happens if I go to Russia and say Putin is a liar, the war is not going well, and shoigu and gerasimov are thieves?

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NOT ok! Our government is beyond useless and disgusting. I betcha if he criticized a single non-demoRAT they would have had him out in hours. Infuriating!!

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If he would have been a gender-confused basketball player, he would have been traded for a known arms dealer.

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I was surprised Russia didn’t expose “ her “ as a man.

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They did expose him by putting him in a male only prison.

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Oooooops! Gives bending over in the shower a whole new meaning. Don't drop the soap.

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Oh , how did I miss that? Thanks

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It’s obvious that Austin knows he’s not calling the shots as Secretary of Defense. He doesn’t even have to show up for role call.

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I wonder if he is dead.

Weekend at Bernie's...Pentagon version.

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Sadly...this comment made me laugh out loud for just a short guffah followed by a sad silent reaction to sheer absurdity. Dang

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I first followed him on The Saker blog. He's with God now. FJB, Zelensky and all who wrongly imprisoned and tortured him.

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That is crazy, but I am glad there are people aware of it and talking about it

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Here is what Lira said that got him in trouble : https://x.com/kanekoathegreat/status/1745909716725710921?s=61

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Sorry, but no, they didn’t. They killed him themselves. The blood is on Biden’s hands, and the deep state. Can’t have a guy going around Ukraine telling the truth.

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That is why I so looked forward to his video reporting.

Gonzalo was the only person who wasn't a cheerleader for the Ukraine fairytale.

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Of course - no surprise there - the government will "abandon" us if push comes to shove. In fact--THEY ALREADY HAVE - the "leadership" in our Federal government is feckless and so corrupt they can only see as far as their next "billionaire campaign donor".

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insurrectionist joe'll be lying his ass off

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Our gummint didn't abandon him, they killed him. They couldn't have him anywhere giving analysis that went against the grain.

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May he rest in peace and may perpetual light shine upon him. This is shocking news!

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Prayers for his soul and for his morurning family.

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I just started a message to Jeff to make a mention of Gonzalo Lira and saw your post here. Thank you.

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Gonzalo's story is a warning to all of us of how the US government will abandon us for wrongthink.

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Me, too.

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I suppose this was done to "save democracy." 🙄🤡

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Awful.........and, no surprise - the US govt. STILL DON'T CARE !

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Kathleen, thank you. I went to the comments solely to bring up his death and you were right on it. Thank you. What a sad time we are experiencing. Imagine the grief of his family, knowing he died alone in a prison, very ill with no medical treatment - because he disagreed. The Biden admin is directly responsible for his death. They could have said that we value free speech in this country and will not even consider $1.00 in help for your country until we receive him back in good condition on our doorstep.

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Thuletide, a channel on TG posted Carlson's tweet re Lira and added this comment......."American citizen" Gonzalo Lira was a Latinx immigrant sex tourist who moved to Ukraine because it's cheap and then flagrantly shilled for Russia when they invaded his gracious host. He was a treasonous snake and an imbecile. He brought this upon himself. I have no sympathy.

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Oh, you mean he had the same perverted sex proclivities as Zelenskyyyyyyyy? Hmmm, you would have thought Z would have moved him into his apartment/mansion.

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Hey! You Forgot! Z was outlawed. Remember all that, against the law and with severe punishment ... to use the letter 'Z'.

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This is terrible you talk like this about Gonzalo Lira , how dare you .

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No room at the inn?

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Tortured? Denied medical care?

Nobody abandoned him. He was warned but continued aiding Russia in a land Russia was trying to genocide.

He was literally getting medical care for the effects of the Russian Covid vaccine in Ukraine along with pneumonia, edema, and some other nonsense

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Utter made up BS.

Congratulations you have just proved that you have to keep lying so you can earn your paycheck.

And you won’t research for the truth so you can keep your blinders on. Your mom must be so very proud of you.

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I did research him.

Gonzalo is a filthy sex peddler who preys on single men and pushing pro-Russian propaganda.

He claimed Russia wasn't invading pre war and then suddenly started saying Russia had taken half the country.

He's a liar and a genocide enabler.

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I’m guessing you used corporate media sources? Zelensky has killed more Ukrainians than Russia has and that was before the war started. How come you never mention what was happening in the Donbas before the war started?

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“Corporate media sources”.

Such as drone videos of Russians being mowed down in krynky and the current failed Russian offensive in avdiivka?



Those are Russian vehicles and men.

Zelenskyy didn’t kill Ukrainians. Russia did.

We know what happened in Donetsk and Luhansk because Russia invaded and started a war in 2014. Would you like to look at the OSCE records? 2021 was the lowest year on record for any violence. Why did Russia suddenly decide to invade then?

Reminder, Russia massacred 300 civilians in one sitting during the initial invasion

When they intentionally shot down an airliner

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Ha! Ha! Commies are ALWAYS warning. And then they go behind everyone's back in the dark of night and liquidate everybody. Fascists are no better. Americans beware!

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That's why Putin killed another journalist who was going to drop corruption details, right?

Alexander Rybin.

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You certainly do not know what you are talking about so you cannot be a part of the discussion.

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I certainly do.

Freedom of speech much?

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Regarding DEI (DIE):

Today most big companies rely on their sales to pay off their financing. Without this financing nearly every major corporation in America would fold almost overnight.

Think back to 2008, the main concern was the credit crunch: banks stopped loaning money in order to survive the crash, but this would have taken the entire system down with it because most major corporations rely on short term financing to make payroll, buy materials, and pay rent. They then pay off these loans and immediately apply for new ones. This occurs on a monthly, weekly, and even overnight basis.

It is an absolutely backwards system, but that's what having a currency unthethered from any real anchor (gold for example) gets you over time: When a Business starts by borrowing money, they will likely never stop.

Rather than using profits to end this cycle in order to escape this credit quicksand, profits instead are often pushed into dividends, stock buybacks, and bond interest/repayments (further enriching the company execs and the 1%). What remains is typically used as collateral for both capital expenditures and future OPEX loans, meanwhile the day to day operating expenses are mostly paid via the churning credit spiral described above.

Take away that punch bowl and all hell breaks loose.

For the NWO that's a feature not a bug. Fragility was deliberately woven into every aspect of our economy so that it can be demolished (and rebuilt to their sinister specifications) at will. Here is how the WEF will rewrite everything with DEI by controlling the financing of all of these companies:


These DEI, CEI, & ESG policies are intentionally leading directly to scenarios such as this:

-Experienced pilots are dying in droves due to the blood clots caused by the COVID injections combined with repeated high altitude flying

-Unqualified DEI replacement pilots are hired

-In addition, unqualified DEI hires are also invading companies like Boeing and their suppliers where quality control and engineering competency are of the upmost importance

-Quality control nosedives, pilots are incompetent, airplanes become unsafe

-Fleets are grounded, airlines go bankrupt, get dismantled

-WEF meets its 2030 goals of ending air travel to “save the planet”

-You wake up to find you have yet another lock on your 15 minute prison city.

All of this is being forced on us through the central bank currency spigot.

Excerpt from https://tritorch.substack.com/p/why-all-these-brands-ab-inbev-target

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I have no concerns about incompetent pilots. Young, inexperienced Air Traffic Controllers can simply Google flight instructions and relay them to the clueless pilot!


by the way - years ago I was a pilot. If you try to turn your base leg on a short approach when you are abeam the numbers there is a very good chance you can't make your landing, unless the runway is 5,000 feet or longer. Or you crash land...

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I pretty closely follow ATC here in Southern California, I started doing it after TRACON began routinely shortcutting departures over our community (and then lied about it). I've been at it over ten years and have been pretty effective in holding them accountable.

In the last two years there has been a significant decline in quality. Some controllers don't seem to understand the intricacies of So Cal airspace, deviate from established routes randomly and for no good reason, and have many more aircraft separation issues. There are specific periods where it is just awful, likely due to a subpar controller or inadequate staffing and supervision. Sometimes it seems like they are winging it.

It's pretty clear controller quality has fallen off drastically for whatever the reason. There's going to be a disaster, it's just a matter if time.

Edit: typos

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I have a friend who was in ATC (he's now retired) in Aurora/Chicago and also worked Oshkosh during their air show - very busy arenas. He says he will no longer fly because the folks running ATC now are just a disaster waiting to happen. And when the system (people and processes mainly, but the IT ain't great either) breaks, it will take many years to rebuild correctly.

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Yup, people don't realize how busy the airspace is over major metro areas, it's an incredibly complex system. It's has been generally safe because smart, thoughtful, and experienced people worked out a systemic method to maintain aircraft separation. These are documented in standard, published procedures (SIDs, STARs, etc.).

Add to that controllers that understood the system and recognized the importance of adhering to it unless required to deviate for an unforeseen situation. ATC also understood that in an urgent situation they were expected to use sound judgement regarding if/when to deviate. Pilots count on that consistency and judgement, and became accustomed to it, and it was why they usually don't second guess controllers. Their instructions were akin to the word of God.

That seems to be falling apart as some controllers have lost that process-oriented approach that worked so well for decades. I suspect it's a combination of lower intelligence candidates, lacksidasical attitude toward processes, poor institutional memory, and just lousy decision making under stress. Things are done a certain way for a reason, they can't just be cast aside because an individual doesn't see the immediate relevance. OTOH, a controller must be smart enough to recognize when a procedure isn't right for an urgent situation and act accordingly.

It's not a job for dummies, people with poor decision making skills, and immature emotional control. As with any complex system, managing it takes intelligence and skill. Those people don't grow on trees though, despite the desires of those who wish away reality.

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And layer on top of the ATC issues...it is a ‘government agency’ and they likely were mandated to get the EUA mRNA Jabs...and you would have to been living out in the desert under rock for the past two years, to not be aware of that one of the myriad of ‘side effects’ of these Jabs, is a serious decline in people’s cognitive processing, their ability to take in information and respond accordingly...their brains are seriously on a ‘delay’ and not ‘firing properly’. Have you heard of the word ‘vaxxidents’ as an example? They just don’t have what was commonly referred to as ‘situational awareness’ any longer. (Well maybe some people surely never had SA, pre Jabs, but now it is rampant.)

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DEI? Hard to believe that has not creeped into ATC hiring.

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Oh yes it has. For further information, consult the link(s) given perhaps using an anonymous PC, maybe that of your coworker you hate, when he's on lunch. Caution: very controversial issues at this web site: Racists, Anti-Semites, White Nationalists, oh my!



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Each time I fly out of/into OHell I feel like I am heading into rush hour traffic, in the sky. There are so many aircraft swirling above that place, I am in awe there are not more disasters.

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Yep, that headline is going straight into the article, Neil. That was the craziest conversation between a pilot and an air traffic controller I've ever heard about. My father was an ATC...

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Yes, very different from the thousands I had when I was flying...

I would have responded with "It must be take your child to work day. Please put your father or mother back on the coms."

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My brother as well. Chicago O'Hare... (President of PATCO, then fired). Took me into the Bear Pit one day... brilliant, hard workers! At the time, it was the world's busiest airport.

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That must have been quite the experience Maggie, wish I could have been there. The stories my dad tells about the job always dazed me with wonderment. Anticipated separation mishaps, arrogant pilots power struggling with arrogant traffic controllers, close calls, wild weather, you name it...

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The stories he told were monumental but "all in a days or nights work" for him. We noticed an unfamiliar couple at his funeral and walked over to introduce ourselves. He explained he too, had been an air traffic controller... "We were all family. I didn't know your brother but saw him on TV. When I read his obit, I told my wife we would take a detour on our trip south to honor him. I remember the pounding he took, it was reprehensible but typical government crap! Glad I came today. Your brother was quite a gentleman." And that he was!

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Love this!!

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Maggie, my cousin was fired out of O'Hare, too.

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They would have known each other...

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Unbelievable. I read all the way down the article and the story on CRT and how it (DEI, ESG) have destroyed South Africa is a terrifying glimpse into the future of Western countries if we don’t get rid of these idiot Marxist WEF policies immediately.

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I've begun to suspect that the civilized, previous Western world is already circling the drain. Very depressing, and this is so pervasive that I don't know how we can reverse it.

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I know how you feel. The ‘Deep State’ is alive world wide. Un-elected, powerful psychos pulling the strings of political puppets. 😞

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Crazy and so SCARY!!!

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"Short approach" appears exactly 3 times in the FAA Pilot/Controller glossary. Two of them refer to lighting systems and the third refers you to "Traffic Pattern." Nowhere in the "Traffic Pattern" entry does the glossary say that you have to turn base abeam the numbers when executing a "short approach."

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look up "short approach video games" and I suspect you will find your answer...

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ATC: "That's how XxX_ITSYABOI_MAVERICK_XxX does it on his YouTube, so I expect you to comply."

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My daughter is a pilot (part-time) and I had her listen to that. She was so confused trying to figure out how one would do what the ATC was talking about...

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You can take your chance on that narrative if you like personally I'll skip it

Unqualified people are working everywhere. Quality and efficiency has gone downhill. But at least as compared to pilots, air traffic controllers and manufacturers of planes and parts, you are not risking lives

I won't even go to the medical or pharmaceutical industries

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Proverbs 20:23 (ESV)

"Unequal weights are an abomination to the Lord, and false scales are not good."

Proverbs 13:23 (ESV)

"The fallow ground of the poor would yield much food, but it is swept away through injustice."

Fiat money has inverted these principles and then weaponized them to enable these scenarios.

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Yes, and although we don't often think of it, unequal weights and false scales applies to a lot of other things like DEI, college admissions, work hires, etc.

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Tom, I was looking for the scripture reference for fiat money ;-)

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Did you read The Good Citizen’s substack article, ‘DIE at 35,000 Feet?”

Very frightening. If I had to fly, and I don’t, I’d at least bypass United.

“United Airlines’ latest corporate diversity report: Of the 51 students who graduated from United’s first class of pilots, nearly 80% were women or people of color.

Where are they getting so many “pilots” to squeeze into their DIE matrix?”

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I applied to the VA for nursing, I am a vet w/disability, plus previous experience at the VA and yet didn't get hired, why? My husband pointed at one of their "come work here" posters at the entrance, it showed a black woman and a trans "female" and said because I wasn't one of them.

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Gross! I wouldn’t trust a “trans” caregiver to know anything about medical science. That just seems obvious!

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I agree, if they are showing their mental issues and demanding that everyone acknowledge it, which is against my beliefs, no thanks! Thats why I am not pursuing a job, I am not putting in another application and technically I could sue for reverse discrimination because with the 10-point hiring advantage plus vet plus previous experience, I should have had the job, as "desperate they are for nurses" as I hear they are. I am already in a govt position as a nurse in a prison, it does NOT take an act of congress to get me to be moved from one spot to the other! But if I have to work alongside and acknowledge or "accept" them for who they are when they don't even know who they are, no thanks, nor do I want them treating me either!

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Twenty years ago, I would have trusted a "trans" caregiver. It was a difficult life for them back then. Now it's the latest fad. Unlike most fads, this one is dangerous.

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The VA ran much better under Trump.

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