☕️ CONSPIRACY FACTS ☙ Thursday, June 8, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
Facebook's pedophile problem; Ukraine's Nazi problem; Biden bribery problems; and an encouraging take on the Canadian Trucker Convoy.
Good morning, C&C, it’s Thursday! Today’s roundup includes: another Wall Street Journal pedophile network exposed on Instagram; New York Times runs fake news story about real Ukrainian Nazis; more information about the Biden bribery document emerges in a fog of fake news and propaganda; and an encouraging take on how the Canadian Trucker Convoy protests played out.
🔥 Following two weeks of Jeffrey Epstein news, the Wall Street Journal ran another shocking exposé yesterday, headlined “Instagram Connects Vast Pedophile Network.”
The story checks off yet ANOTHER misinformation conspiracy theory. Just wait, you won’t believe this one.
It’s not just that Instagram (owned by Facebook) allowed perverted users to post horrific subhuman child pornography on its system, the software even encouraged debased criminal users by helping them connect with each other, helped them trade highly-illegal CSAM, and even suggested ways for them to avoid getting caught.
Facebook blames all of that on surprising side-effects from their A.I., which sure gives us a glimpse into the near future. Get ready to hear “AI made me do it” a lot. Anyway, Facebook claimed they’ve promptly taken action, deleted accounts and illegal images, limited search tags, fixed the AI, and so forth. So don’t worry.
You might fairly be wondering what, exactly, Facebook’s swarms of social media police do all day long. I’ll tell you. They keep anti-vaxx memes off the platform, make sure nobody blames the pandemic on a lab leak, erase evidence about election cheating, and delete incriminating Hunter Biden’s laptop content. But what they DON’T DO is combat any real-life crimes:
Sometimes user reports of nudity involving a child went unanswered for months, according to a review of scores of reports filed over the last year by numerous child-safety advocates… When the activist reported a post declaring, “This teen is ready for you pervs,” Instagram responded with an automated message saying: “Because of the high volume of reports we receive, our team hasn’t been able to review this post.”
No response for months. But Michelle got banned once — in under ten minutes! — for simply posting that she wanted to “punch Joe Biden in the throat.” (It was uncivil, true, but there was mitigating context. She was provoked.) The point is, everyone has their priorities, and clearly, protecting children is not one of Facebook’s.
The appalling content and the disgraceful features helping pedophiles trade, buy and sell illegal content were recently uncovered by three independent Stanford researchers. The team said after they set up a single account and connected it to a couple other child porn collectors within a loose social network, they were immediately buried with “suggested for you” recommendations of thousands of child-sex-content sellers and buyers. They were also, oddly, offered links to off-platform CSAM trading sites.
Following just a few of the recommendations flooded their test account with underaged sexual content.
It’s a long article. But this one paragraph especially jumped out at me, and at other close observers of the captured media:
The pedophilic accounts on Instagram mix brazenness with superficial efforts to veil their activity, researchers found. Certain emojis function as a kind of code, such as an image of a map🗺️—shorthand for “minor-attracted person”—or one of “cheese pizza” 🍕, which shares its initials with “child pornography,” according to Levine of UMass. Many [Instagram perverts sickeningly] declare themselves “lovers of the little things in life.”
Wait, go back. Did they just say, “cheese pizza?” Pizza? Wasn’t that the obvious code word all over Hilary Clinton’s leaked emails? But … I thought the pizza thing was all debunked conspiracy theory misinformation. They mocked the very idea, laughingly labeling it “pizza gate” and darkly hinting that anyone who believed that stuff was dangerous and should be on the no-fly list or something.
Ironically, Facebook busily banned any accounts that discussed PizzaGate or used the PizzaGate hashtag, while at the same exact time it was helping pedophiles build a vast criminal network using that very same code word.
The Wall Street Journal, with its teams of award-winning reporters and layers of editors and fact-checkers, failed to make that connection. Just … nothing. You’d think PizzaGate might’ve earned a single sentence in the extended article. But no. Not one word about what now must be considered another established conspiracy fact.
I suppose the Journal deserves credit for running the story at all. Still, it ended on a down note, quoting the Stanford researchers who tested Instagram after Facebook reported its repairs. The researchers said Instagram is, once again, helping the network rebuild itself. One of them thinks the entire platform should be shut down:
Following the company’s initial sweep of accounts brought to its attention by Stanford and the Journal, UMass’s Levine checked in on some of the remaining underage seller accounts on Instagram. As before, viewing even one of them led Instagram to recommend new ones. Instagram’s suggestions were helping to rebuild the network that the platform’s own safety staff was in the middle of trying to dismantle…
Levine called Instagram’s role in promoting pedophilic content and accounts unacceptable. “Pull the emergency brake,” he said. “Are the economic benefits worth the harms to these children?”
Qui bono?
Reading between the lines, the paragraph above shows that the Journal gave Facebook time to clean up its act before running the story. Why? Do people without government connections get the same consideration before an exposé is published? Just asking.
So that’s one conspiracy theory confirmed. But there’s another one today, too.
🔥 It’s getting hard to keep up with them all. A second, now-confirmed conspiracy fact appeared in the New York Times Monday, in a wild article headlined “Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History.”
Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking about how Joe Biden laughed like a braying donkey when a reporter questioned Ukrainian Nazis, and about how the Times itself has repeatedly promised you that there are no Nazis in Ukraine, zip, zero, not even one, because Putin. Putin is the real Nazi, if anybody is, they said. Stop spreading misinformation, they said.
Listen. This story isn’t about Ukrainian Nazis, not really, nor about the inconvenient fact Putin has apparently been telling the truth since Day Zero. (Don’t fret about that, scum like Putin don’t deserve apologies.) No. This story is about how the fact that Ukrainians love Nazis might somehow help the Russians. And that’s all it is about.
The sub-headline told the Times’ readers how they should interpret this potentially-troubling news:
Gosh. It’s so aggravating! The Ukrainians aren’t fitting the Times’ carefully-crafted noble-war narrative! The Times’ reporter struggled as best he could to find a way to shade the news. Using terms like “thorny,” “unfortunate,” and “bad optics,” the paper gently and carefully conceded that a lot of Ukrainian soldiers’ uniforms do, in fact, proudly sport Nazi swastikas and other appalling Third Reich imagery.
But see, they’re not “real” Nazis, no. Here’s how the Times explained it:
The iconography of these groups, including a skull-and-crossbones patch worn by concentration camp guards and a symbol known as the Black Sun, now appears with some regularity on the uniforms of soldiers fighting on the front line, including soldiers who say the imagery symbolizes Ukrainian sovereignty and pride, not Nazism.
The “Black Sun” symbol is also known as a Sonnenrad. It first popped up in the castle of occultist Heinrich Himmler, the infamous Nazi general and SS leader. According to the Times, these days the Black Sun is popular among neo-Nazis and white supremacists … and Ukrainians.
But… it’s just Pride! Not fun leather festival rainbow pride, silly. The boot-in-your-face, Zyklon-B shower, skinheaded Neo-Nazi kind. The reporter didn’t even TRY to connect the roots of “Ukrainian sovereignty and pride” to the concentration camp guard logos and occult Black Sun icons. They just said it, ipse dixit, pouring the hyper-processed lie into the Times’ jingoistic dog food bowl, for their credulous readers to lap up.
Slurp, slurp.
It must have been a difficult assignment. One suspects the reporter who wrote the story must have pulled the short straw or was late on one deadline too many or something, but the Times has finally been forced to concede, reluctantly, that after all it’s not just a random fringe soldier here or there. The official state Ministry of Defense is loving up some Nazi, too:
In April, Ukraine’s Defense Ministry posted a photograph on its Twitter account of a soldier wearing a patch featuring a skull and crossbones known as the Totenkopf, or Death’s Head. The specific symbol in the picture was made notorious by a Nazi unit that committed war crimes and guarded concentration camps during World War II.
The patch in the photograph sets the Totenkopf atop a Ukrainian flag with a small No. 6 below.
Possibly the most disgraceful part of the story was when the Times admitted that news rooms are regrettably being forced, with public relations guns held to their temples, to often delete or clean up photos of Ukrainian soldiers and allied militants. “The photographs, and their deletions, highlight the Ukrainian military’s complicated relationship with Nazi imagery, a relationship forged under both Soviet and German occupation during World War II,” the article explained.
Faking photos? I mean, what are they SUPPOSED to do? It’s very, very complicated.
Now, don’t focus on the captured media’s manipulation of the news, the crafting of its preferred narrative, a narrative wholly inconsistent with truth, the lying, the fakery, or the disgusting shredding of journalistic ethics in a jingoistic bloodbath where slavish, collaborating reporters enjoy the fruits of their voluntary enslavement, dribbled down to them from their warmongering government masters.
Ignore all of that the same way the government ignores Nazis when it wants to:
We can learn much from this article about how the captured media shapes narratives for its government overlords. Is it JUST the lying? The photo editing? Or, are they more active? How dirty do they get their hands? Read this next paragraph from the Times’ totally un-self-aware article, and tell me what you think:
In November, during a meeting with Times reporters near the front line, a Ukrainian press officer wore a Totenkopf variation made by a company called R3ICH (pronounced “Reich”). He said he did not believe the patch was affiliated with the Nazis. A second press officer present said other journalists had asked soldiers to remove the patch before taking photographs.
They’re telling subjects how to dress and what to hide! That’s not just misreporting the news. That’s shaping the news.
Reading the article, one notes the utter lack of any attempt at all to interview the actual Nazis who are wearing the swastikas, skull logos, or other Third Reich gear. Who cares what THEY think? Instead, the Times interviewed a bunch of experts to tell readers what the Nazi soldiers were ‘really’ thinking.
A moment’s reflection exposes how hilariously easily the captured media discovers Nazi imagery when it wants to. Remember this great example? It’s from way, way back in 2021:
A stage shaped like a swastika! That’s DEFINITELY Nazi, the very worst kind, to the captured media, that is. But how about ACTUAL swastika patches and ubiquitous logos ACTUALLY IDENTICAL TO the ones the German Nazis wore inside the concentration camps?
Well, that’s complicated. We shouldn’t jump to conclusions. Cultural norms, and so forth.
When there’s a proxy war on, the captured media becomes more … flexible. And understanding. Not to mention open-minded. The Times generously found that explicit Ukrainian Nazi imagery isn’t automatically hate speech, not necessarily, not really, not like when a Republican stage is loosely shaped like a swastika when you look at it from the right angle:
In the American South, some have insisted that today, the Confederate flag symbolizes pride, not its history of racism and secession. The swastika was an important Hindu symbol before it was co-opted by the Nazis… the symbols [have] meanings … unique to Ukraine and should be interpreted by how Ukrainians view[] them, not by how they [have] been used elsewhere.
A Hindu symbol! They’re probably Hindus!
Um, but what about all that other stuff? Is the Death’s Head logo Hindu, too? What about the Black Sun?
As you can tell, I’m having a great time sarcastically pointing out the Times’ double-, triple-, or quadruple-standards. But it’s really worse than that. The Times itself castigated the Ukrainian military as being packed with Nazis only a few years ago, as recently as 2019. One wonders whether the average Times reader has an effective attention span longer than a cocker spaniel.
Finally, this story also passes our new fake news test. It’s old news, only recently admitted, and it is controversial and inflammatory. Therefore it’s propaganda. So … why now? What are they trying to distract us from? Is it part of the strategy to give the Biden Administration cover for another Afghanistan-like “retreat?”
That makes TWO conspiracy theories that graduated today.
🔥 The Federalist ran a story yesterday headlined, “EXCLUSIVE: Bill Barr Confirms Rep. Jamie Raskin Lied About Biden Family Corruption Investigation.”
Weasel-faced Representative Raskin (D-Md), a democrat member of the House Oversight Committee investigating the Biden crime family, attended a private conference with Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky) and the FBI earlier this week. The group discussed the FBI’s reasons for refusing to release the document relating to credible accusations of bribery against Joseph Robinette Biden.
Immediately following that meeting, faster than a New York rat runs down a subway track, Raskin raced to the podium to tell credulous reporters all about the new information. As it turns out, Raskin was lying like a rug, or a dog, or a snake, you pick. I won’t bother detailing all his lies, but it included more nonsense about Rudy Giuliani and a new (false) claim that Trump-appointee Bill Barr killed the investigation.
Since then, Comer and Barr have (separately) set the record straight. Here are the facts the we know so far. First, the information came from a long-standing FBI informant, who had proven so reliable the FBI had paid them over six figures. Apparently the informant got the intel directly from a foreign national who described in great detail how he personally paid Vice President Biden, to buy some favorable policy decisions.
Quid pro quo, in its barest form.
In other words, the information came directly from the person who paid the bribe. It wasn’t just something the informant heard somewhere. It was an explicit admission. “A trusted confidential human source obtained information from a foreign national who claimed to have bribed then-Vice President Biden,” Comer explained to The Federalist.
Despite the previous rumors and Raskin’s lies, it turns out Rudy Giuliani had nothing to do with it. The FBI got the Biden bribe report in June, 2020. Giuliani gave the FBI his set of documents months earlier in January, 2020. The two had nothing to do with each other.
After the FBI got the report, under Barr’s direction, the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office was assigned to investigate. That’s when things go sideways. Two months after receiving the report, and shortly after the case was assigned to Delaware, in August, 2020, FBI Supervisory Intelligent Analyst Brian Auten filed an “assessment” discrediting the informant’s report as “misinformation,” which effectively shut down the investigation.
Brian Auten is a busy little deep state termite. He’s had starring roles in nearly ever FBI disaster in the last ten years: the RussiaGate Scandal; the Mueller Probe; the Hillary Email Whitewash; and Suppression of the Hunter Biden Investigation.
After Auten took over, the FBI “locked” the original informant’s report and Auten’s “misinformation assessment” in a restricted-access file that could only be viewed by the agents who originally found the information. In other words, Auten iced out the Delaware team, and shut down the investigation, hard.
Comer has pledged to hold Chris Wray in contempt today if the document is not provided to Oversight. I’ll let you know what happens.
🔥 Substacker CatGirl Kulak, wrote a neat summary yesterday describing how the sub-arctic Canadian Trucker Convoy was, in fact, the most successful protest in history, and did not, as the authorities would have you believe, just fizzle out. Here’s how CatGirl put it:
The Freedom Convoy was the most wildly immediately successful protest in Canadian history, maybe WORLD history… all the actual action took place in 1 month, on the coldest days of the year, with a movement [whose] key members had to drive 4000-5000km (~3000 miles) along treacherous northern roads being greeted roadside by supporters who stood out in minus 40 to give them coffee food and support.
CatGirl pointed out that, within a week following the protests, the most onerous Canadian covid lockdowns were dropped, and within a month, most of the rest had been lifted. But that was just the start.
The Convoy triggered a massive shift in Canada’s national politics.
The Rally’s fallout quickly forced two leading pro-lockdown fake conservatives to resign. Jason Kenny, Alberta’s Premier, and Erin O’Toole, leader of Canada’s Conservative party both stepped down within weeks following the Convoy. After Kenny’s resignation, Alberta immediately canceled all lockdowns. The other provinces followed, one after another. O’Toole was replaced in party leadership by anti-lockdown, pro-Convoy rivals.
She also described a very colorful and sordid history of how Trudeau’s Emergencies Act declaration, the one he used to grab trucker bank accounts, died a lonely death after its first week, even though Trudeau wanted to extend it, after the Senate failed to ratify.
CatGirl summarized the post-Convoy success story like this:
Within 2-4 months all domestic restrictions were gone and within 8 months even the pantomime of international restrictions didn’t exist, Canada had fewer covid restrictions than the US.
If you’d like to be further encouraged, read CatGirl’s full Twitter post. Link.
Have a terrific Thursday! I’ll see you back here tomorrow for even more delicious Coffee & Covid.
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Absolutely! The truckers are our heroes. Just when things were at their darkest and there appeared to be no hope, they came thundering over the horizon and turned everything around. Even though the government will never, ever admit it.
Speaking of Canada -- anyone else living in apocalyptic smoky air conditions right now? I feel like we're on lock down again. Everything outdoors is cancelled, can't go outside . . .
Correct me if I'm wrong, but here's what I see: Canada forced everyone into the jabs. Those who refused got fired (like the fire fighters . . . ) So they're understaffed and now they can't put out their own forest fires without importing fire fighters from France and the US. And we get to breathe the results of their stupid Covid policies.
AND this gives fuel (pun intended) to the climate change arguments.
Sounds like a plan.
On the bright side, Pride in the Parks is cancelled.