Apr 18Β·edited Apr 18Liked by Jeff Childers

Kids protest "furries" in their school. The parents should go to the school and say their child is allergic to cats, dogs... and needs to be in a classroom free of animals.

If my child was bitten or scratched I'd seek medical care for my kid, demand to see proof the "furry" has an up-to-date rabies shot, file a police report and file a report to animal control. I know that sounds crazy but people need to push back on this.

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Apr 18Liked by Jeff Childers

”O Lord, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth, Who have set Your glory above the heavens!β€œ

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭8‬:‭1‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


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No more money for the ME and Ukraine. What a freaking money pit while so many in this country go begging. I am sure that the millions who have been murdered by mRNA poisons will be happy to know that there is a smidgen of liability and responsibility being unearthed. Stay tuned, as it will likely take a few more decades to get to the bottom of this world wide murder case.

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Apr 18Liked by Jeff Childers

5still timely Jefferson quotes. I'll begin with my favorite.

"Anyone who wants to remain ignorant and live in a free society is expecting what never was and never will be". ~ Thomas Jefferson

β€œTyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

β€œThe two enemies of the people are criminals and government. Therefore let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution, so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

β€œThe end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when the government falls into the hand of the lending institutions and moneyed corporations.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

β€œWhen tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

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Apr 18Β·edited Apr 18Liked by Jeff Childers

I’m a veterinarian and if some β€œfurry” comes to me to be examined, the co-pay is $10,000….cash……upfront.

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Wish I had better thoughts about Johnson right now. Seems that he's a deep state sellout, same stripe as all of the others. :( I think it's pretty safe to say that both the House and the Senate are not representing the will of their constituents by sending more and more funds overseas right now. I don't expect that to get better.

For schools - anyone else remember when schools had even a basic dress code and would have kicked out anyone trying to show up dressed as an animal (or anything other than some odd school spirit/mascot purpose)? Seems an easy solution - schools are there for the human population, not the animals. If you think you're a cat/dog/other - we'll call animal services to have you taken away. I know the litterboxes in the bathroom keeps getting denied by officials, but that seems easy enough to prove these days. The more insane-leaning people I come across on social media insist that's not a thing, but it's way too much in the realm of the possible these days.

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Apr 18Liked by Jeff Childers

I still don't know how you manage to find so consistently so many deep buried articles putting the puzzle pieces together on his massive multi front war being waged on humanity and still run a law practice and have a family. Kudos, and my great admiration.

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Apr 18Liked by Jeff Childers

...Meanwhile recently on the Disney cruise ship, Fantasy, on Monday, a Coast Guard MH-60T Jayhawk helo crew successfully completed a medevac of a 35 year old pregnant woman who had a reported health complication that could not be treated by medical personnel on board.

To view the video shot by the Coast Guard: https://www.news.uscg.mil/Press-Releases/Article/3742761/coast-guard-medevacs-us-passenger-from-disney-cruise-ship-180-miles-northwest-o/.

If you watch closely, the woman appears to wave as she is being hoisted above the ship. Prayers to her and her baby and a hearty thank you to our brave Coast Guard.

Semper Paratus! (β€œAlways Ready”) Bravo air crew, bravo.

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If Trump doesn’t make it back to the WH (which is the DS #1 goal), enhanced FISA surveillance will be turned against Trump supporters , from his advisors to those making small donations. Thank you (NOT) Speaker Johnson.

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Apr 18Liked by Jeff Childers

Btw anyone notice how quickly the kids said, β€œYes!” to the question, β€œDo your parents know you walked out?” Thank God for their sane parents.

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Should we be concerned? Precedent for forced vaxx shots?

"A North Carolina Court of Appeas found that a clinic, where personnel gave a 14-year-old boy a COVID-19 shot without his consent or parental consent, was protected by the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act)."


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I must say, I really am starting to be very optimistic about this war for the very survival of humanity against satan and his globalist minions. I have mentioned before I have been going down the Rabbit Hole for 18 years, with dozens of alternatives sites and posters gone by the wayside or cart aside along the way. A huge Tell for me was that nothing happened in conjunction with the solar eclipse. Whether you believe in numerology and astrology does not matter. The cabal does, the satanists do, and they execute operations according to their preferred numbers and celestial events. I have always been reticent to predict timing, but I would have bet the farm that the cabal was going to pull off some monumental false flag in conjunction with the eclipse. That nothing happened indicates to me they were thwarted. That's huge.

Jim Willie concurs from several of his key sources. They have independently, using the same language, told him the White Hats are in control and the Republic will be restored. Many arrests and tribunals, none made public, as they still in the process and trying to flush out more sleeper cells and traitors. There are many other signs and Tells I have noticed or have been brought to my attention by the various alternative writers and podcasters I follow.

Just my take, for what it's worth

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Apr 18Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm sorry, I couldn't help but laugh at the furry story. Like this is for real. Kids really think they're furries - and adults can do nothing about it. Wow, what a world we live in --

It's the same confusion Elmo had with this rock that identified as "alive" : https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/elmo-and-a-rock

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I find it incredibly sad that middle schoolers are having to form a protest. A protest about "furry" kids. I don't know about the rest of you but when I was that age, I was thinking about kid-stuff. I don't think I even knew what a protest was. What would be better here is if the parents of these protesting kids marched to the school and demand their school officials stop allowing crazy & damaging behavior. Either that, or YANK YOUR KID OUT OF THE SCHOOL!

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The regular press is non-existant these days. If you think of getting one slip of info from there, think different.

As to the cancer cases, Dr Geoff Pain has an excellent Substack on the more chemical side of it (some articles need re-reading for me, non medically schooled person)

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Good morning my coffee klatchers! Dr. Makis also had a fine substack on the value of vitamin D for treatment and prevention of cancer (as well as the use of Ivermectin and Fenben and other goodies) https://twitter.com/MakisMD


Also, if you want to laugh your caffeinated rump off at the totally based Jesse Kelly interview with Tucker Carlson (it is terrific my friends): https://tinyurl.com/Jesse-is-awesome

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