☕️ CROSS HAIRS ☙ Tuesday, June 6, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
The Ukraine counteroffensive rolls toward its mostly-peaceful outcome; New York proposes to use peoples’ houses to put up illegal aliens as roommates; and new Brinton connections.
Good morning, C&C, it’s Tuesday! Your roundup today includes: the long-awaited Ukraine counteroffensive rolls toward its mostly-peaceful outcome; New York proposes to use peoples’ houses to put up illegal aliens as roommates; and the unsavory connections between luggage thief Sam Brinton, the vile Sisters of Perpetual Hate group, and the Biden Administration.
🔥 Great news everyone: The long, expensive, tragic war in the Ukraine is almost over! The Hill ran a story late yesterday with the hilarious headline, “Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Appears to Have Started: Here’s What to Know.”
What to know! Hahaha! So, can we trust what they’re telling us this time? Usually we have to wait till the artillery dust settles to find out what really happened. Anyway, the counteroffensive, which has been advertised in previews for longer than Star Wars - The Phantom Menace, has finally, loudly, and mysteriously gotten underway.
We know that the real Counteroffensive™ has really started this time because the Hill reported the Ukrainians have finally shut up about it: “Kyiv has largely remained silent on the attacks.“
The official lying has gotten so bad that the Hill is now relying RUSSIANS for reliable war information:
Russian military bloggers! These are the exact same ones who were driven from social media as agents of the Russian government, and forced to retreat to Telegram channels. Now it turns out they’re the only sources of solid war news. How times change!
And — for some undisclosed reason — the Hill didn’t cite any Ukrainian milbloggers. Weird.
Granted, everything is blanketed under a gigantic fog of BS and propaganda, I mean fog of war, but the gist is that Ukraine is now attacking Russian defensive positions with full battalions of their newly-acquired German Leopard II tanks — about 30 tanks per battalion — as well as infantry driving high-tech American Stryker combat vehicles. As far as I can tell, as of yesterday evening Ukraine was attacking on two fronts, with substantial forces devoted to two different spots where they must believe the Russian lines are weak, or where strategic objectives lie.
From where they’re attacking, the Ukrainians seem to have two goals: First, to cut off and control access to the Crimean peninsula, maybe thinking the Crimeans will be sitting ducks once their supplies are cut off. Second, the Ukrainians seem to want to recapture the mammoth Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.
As you can see from the map, the Ukrainians have to fight a long way through Russian-occupied territory in Kherson (in red) to cut off the Crimean land bridge. Needless to say the Russians have built up substantial defenses there and around the nuclear plant.
Whoever is running Ukraine’s war strategy appears willing to go further than they have before. For example, credible reports said that the Ukrainians blew up the Kakhovka hydroelectric dam last night, causing widespread flooding in western Kherson and switching off the lights and water to a whole lot of folks. Ukrainian officials denied responsibility and blamed Putin, of course.
But that seems unbelievable. For one thing, nearly all the milbloggers say the breached dam will mostly swamp the Russian forces, on the east side of the Dnipro river. Ukrainian milbloggers are laughing about how stupid the Russians must be to swamp their own troops. That seems like propaganda.
Rather, the bloodthirsty infrastructure attack seems more like a way for the Ukrainians to breach Russian defenses, such as by allowing Ukrainian tank battalions to cross the river over the new, undefended mud flats, which will be exposed after all the water drains out.
The dam’s destruction also conveniently nips off Crimea’s primary source of fresh irrigation water through the North Crimean Canal.
We can grab another clue last December’s Washington Post, which ran a story describing in glorious detail how the Ukrainians worked out the best way to destroy the Kakhova dam, “as a last resort”:
Sorry Ukrainians! It’s for your own good.
Deliberately blowing up a dam is a pretty bold move, given the potential for mass civilian casualties, and the loss of animals, food production, and property, not to mention how damnably difficult it will be to clean up later. Up to 80 towns and hamlets as well as Kherson city are now mostly underwater. As you could easily imagine, wide-scale evacuations are underway on both sides of the river.
Some sources are calling the Kakhova dam’s destruction the largest manmade disaster in the 21st century.
This latest counteroffensive will continue until Ukraine runs out of tanks and American military equipment, and there’s no telling how long that will take. There’s no need to fret about the Ukrainians running out of war machines — they’ll get more after these ones run out.
I’ll keep you posted as this literally unbelievable story continues to develop and as reliable information becomes available.
🔥 Newly-elected Florida Representative Anna Paulina Luna sits on the House Oversight Committee, which is currently investigating the Biden Crime Family and working to pry Ukrainian-sourced bribery documents out of the FBI. Yesterday evening, Luna tweeted this jaw-dropping update:
Her tweet reveals two new scraps of information: that Biden is alleged to have gotten a $5 million dollar bribe from the foreign national, and that the FBI is scared that the informant could get Clintoned.
Assuming this is true — and there is no reason to think it isn’t — it’s a breathtaking admission. Several unanswerable questions immediately spring to mind:
— Who, exactly, does the FBI think will kill the informant if their identity is exposed?
— Is the FBI afraid that Biden and/or Biden’s allies will use lethal force to prevent the disclosure of this information?
— Setting those totally mind-blowing questions aside, doesn’t the fact there’s an actual threat to the informant largely confirm the truth of the bribery report?
— Finally, why does the FBI believe they can’t protect their informant?
Don’t hold your breath for intelligent answers to any of those questions. Whatever the FBI says will be word salad with gobbledegook dressing.
Maybe the threat to the informant was just something dumb FBI officials said to justify keeping the document classified as part of an ongoing investigation. If there IS an ongoing investigation, it means they are “investigating” the Biden Crime Family. Which, if true, is even more explosive than the story that the FBI is worried Biden would put out a hit on their informant.
Maybe the FBI should call Kevin Costner to be the informant’s bodyguard? What do you think is the best way to protect the informant from the former Vice-President?
🔥 Yesterday, the New York Post ran a laughable story headlined, “Adams Floats Idea of New Yorkers Housing Migrants in ‘Private Residences’.”
To give you an idea of the scale of the problem, the Post reported that over 72,000 people have flooded into New York City this year, with over 45,000 currently enjoying accommodations in 160 taxpayer-funded emergency shelters and luxury hotels. The problem is, the aliens are coming in faster than the City can find new places to stuff them.
So the Mayor of New York had a massive brainstorm that didn’t even hurt very much. Eureka! He conceived the astounding idea of turning illegal aliens into roommates, thereby creating additional migrant storage capacity:
“There are [New York State] residents who are suffering right now because of economic challenges. They have spare rooms. They have locales,” the mayor said, arguing his private residence proposal could put money back in the pockets of taxpayers. “It’s cheaper and it’s a good investment for us to go to a family and assist them instead of placing people in large congregate settings or in these emergency hotels.”
Adams also announced the City plans to pay churches to house illegal aliens at a rate of $125 per night. Apparently there are already a bunch of liberal churches eager to sign up.
The Post helpfully pointed out the $125 per night rate for housing illegal aliens is more than three times more than the $40 per night rate that New York pays foster families for housing orphaned American kids.
Hey, come on now, you must have priorities.
My clients who sell things to K-12 schools are required to background-check every single American worker who enters a school. How does NYC proposed to background check the undocumented illegal aliens it wants to housed in churches (near kids) and even in people’s homes (with kids)?
And, who exactly will compensate the victims of inevitable crimes?
Before you conclude that no one in their right mind would take the City up on its new roommate offer, just wait. Before you know it, banks will be offering their foreclosure homes to “help with the crisis,” and investment giants like Blackrock will be negotiating sweet deals from the City to house aliens in their residential properties.
New York property owners better get organized, and quick, or they’re likely to be living next door to a crack house faster than you can say ‘Spicy Tamale.’
🔥 Some more dots connected last week. Let’s start with the least-interesting part of the story: Fox ran an article last week headlined, “Non-Binary Ex-Biden Official Sam Brinton Arrested for Yet Another Baggage Theft.”
He just can’t help himself! He needs it more than they do!
Last week, former Biden nuclear waste manager Brinton was taken into police custody, again, this time in Rockville, MD. The Metropolitan Washington Airport Police, lead law enforcement agency for both Washington D.C. airports, confirmed Brinton’s arrest was due to his stealing luggage at Reagan National Airport in February.
This will be Brinton’s third set of criminal charges for stealing ladies’ luggage. Three different airports. It’s like some kind of compulsion.
But wait, that’s not all! This is where things start to get really interesting. About a week ago, Fox News ran this eye-popping headline:
Get this: the same Sam Brinton, multiple luggage thief, gay party boy, cross-dresser, and Biden’s former nuclear waste disposal expert was also one of the original founders of D.C’.s anti-Christ drag queen group “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” who were in the news recently for being invited, uninvited, then re-invited to an L.A. Dodgers “Pride Night” where they performed a predictably blasphemous and appalling ceremony where they were trying to summon the Devil to throw out the first pitch or something.
Among many other people, the Dodger’s pitcher Blake Treinen objected strongly, posting an open letter to his employers rejecting the Pride Night spectacle, and which concluded like this:
It turns out that luggage-thief, Biden Administration darling, and diversity hire Sam Brinton was also the D.C. Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’s principal officer from its founding in 2016 until 2018, according to tax filings obtained by Fox. While he was on top of the D.C. chapter, Brinton used the name Sister Ray Dee O’Active, haha, a nuclear reference, and hosted unsavory group events like “bar ministry” gatherings, drag brunches, White House protests, and at least one “high heel race.”
As if the Dodger’s event didn’t go far enough, Democrats in the California State Legislature also honored the vile hate group this weekend:
The democrats’ absurd spectacle prompted this response from the California Catholic Conference:
Haha, California Catholics think they can also access the language of “hate, misogyny, and discrimination.” Silly Catholics!
The California GOP also had something to say about the democrats honoring these insane perverts in something that looked like a jailhouse costume party:
As you can see, the rule that you should avoid offending people is not an absolute rule. There is a single exception: You can offend Christians as much as you want. In fact, under the woke rules, it’s even virtuous to cause offense to believing Christians. We cannot tolerate intolerance. While decrying all other forms of offense, like when Christians call blasphemous drag queens “vile perverts,” you can simultaneously dish out all the offense you want to Christians, and you can call that sort of evil “good.”
That exception to the non-offense rule proves that the spirit of the woke virtue-signaling movement is inherently anti-Christian, or in other words, it’s a spirit of anti-Christ.
Anyway, with a little digging I was able to find a snap of Sam Brinton sacrilegiously dressed up as Sister Ray Dee O’Active, and I apologize for making you look at this:
I included this story because it is important.
Why is it important? Because Brinton is the same kind of idiot the Biden Administration is purposefully hiring and putting in charge of our essential — if not critical — infrastructure, like nuclear waste disposal. In other words, Biden’s team is selecting the most amoral, worst-qualified people for every important job. Stop for just a moment, and consider a person like Brinton, unconstrained by any ethic or morality, who steals luggage and openly mocks Christians as a lifestyle. What might such a distorted, dystopic, mentally-injured person be willing to do after getting their manicured hands on the nation’s nuclear fuel stockpile?
Brinton might be gone, but how many other people like Brinton are running the country right now?
And, just who does the FBI think is going to kill the Biden informant?
Have a terrific Tuesday! We’ll refill our mugs tomorrow morning with another great C&C roundup.
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Blowing up the dam is the second worse man made disaster of the 21st century. CoviD is the first.
So, trans activists say we need to accept all LGBTQLMNOP+ people for who they want to be, for who they are, call them by their preferred pronouns, etc. They need to hold themselves to that same level of acceptance of all. If who I am doesn't want to use their silly pronouns or have them drag-queening in front of kids, then I should be totally accepted for who I am. If they don't accept me then they are trans-phobe-phobes.
BTW, if you havent' watched the movie What is a Woman yet, go watch it. It's now free.