Jun 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Blowing up the dam is the second worse man made disaster of the 21st century. CoviD is the first.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

don't forget blowing up Nordstream 1 & 2. The Khazarian are desperate to start a full scale WW to hide the collapse of the financial system and give them an excuse to go all Kanada/ Australia on the rest of the West. It is despicable, and what makes me even more angry is the beyond moronic - - - - head Americans who support it, because the TV told them to.

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Not just Americans - I'm ashamed of my British countrymen for being so blindly naive and spouting the anti Russian soundbites they've swallowed on MSM. I'm also ashamed of myself for not paying attention pre 2020....

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Don’t be ashamed. Just be grateful that you’re awake now. Plant the seeds in others whom are still asleep.

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Can you suggest best ways to wake people up? For example, I've tried unsuccessfully:

- Both Churchill and Roosevelt were masons and plotted to get the reluctant USA into the war by provoking the Japs and letting Pearl Harbor (left the whole fleet defenseless and concentrated there as an easy candy to be taken from a kid, no radar warning from outer islands, etc.)

- 9-11: 2 "planes", yet all 7 World Trade Center towers destroyed, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center, and the owner with his 2 grown up siblings failed to show up for work (never skipped work before)...

- J6: The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


It's such a mason manual that they organized the same play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:



- At least since the 90s, vaccines were weaponized to reduce the population, for example:

1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries

2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)

Check soundchoice.org or videos at bottom after this page:


- COVID was designed as a primer for lethal COVID haccines:




- Wake up videos:


- It's genocide for depopulation:


- It’s the masons, who create counterfeited currencies (trillions of dollars and EUROS) and bought the listed corporations, media, healthcare, universities, parties and political careers:


ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard's confessions:


Now, are you really ready for this?:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


PS I'm sorry I'm linking to my own substack. It’s not self-promotion: I couldn’t find better links but if you find anything better, I'd be glad to replace.

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And than you have the people who want to argue about the end times. It is so apparent that we are at hour # 11:59, I think the only thing keeping the rapture from coming, is God wanting to give people a chance to be saved.

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It May be too late....What's that? I see mushroom clouds on the horizon

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THERE you go !

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Scott Ritter thinks the British government is more go hung war mongering than the US, and they are behind th attacks on Moscow and the Crimea Bridge. I have been following the Ukraine very closely since the Victoria Nudleman led coup in 2014, so the only surprise for me is that it took this long for Russia to act.

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I understand changing Victoria’s name but go hung for gung ho? Was that auto type?

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Looks like NAFO trolls are out working from their basement in Langley

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Hey, could you help me get NAFO membership? You don't have much by way of accurate information on anything so I won't hold my breath. 🤣

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Scotty the Pedo, ok. You can follow him but maybe check his bank desposits.

You have not been following Ukraine, you have been following the Putinoid propaganda.

Ukraine was under the eye of Putin for quite some time. Did you forget that he said the country does not exist. Well, he's trying to erase it from the map. That's literally what he's attempting in war crime after war crime.

More recent news here:


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Putin's latest war crime against humanity will cause great harm to tens of thousands but he hopes it will delay the pending 2023 counteroffensive.

This is where Putin's desperation stands.

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two Ukrainian women in France hospitalized each other when they both mistook the other as Russians. Doh!

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They are victims of Putin's War and his war crimes too.

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Russia has been acting like a bully for decades.

There’s a reason everyone in Eastern Europe joined nato as soon as they could when Russia began invading again

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I think this invasion was provoked by the US, and NATO is part of the problem.,

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That is the Putinoid party line. The problem is Putin has wanted to see NATO dismantled since his KGB thug days back in East Germany.

The Red Empire's demise is his biggest sadness he called a "catastrophe."

Nothing has changed.

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Yes, and NATO and the US have made it clear that they want Russia gone. And from a Russian perspective, the loss of their preeminent place in the world was a catastrophe. Putin's position is eminently rational. Not so, that of the US and NATO. NATO is the instrument whereby the US hopes to achieve unchallenged global control.

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You've got everything bass ackwards, Benjamin. Where do you get this Russia has been acting like a bully for decades.

Yes, Russia has used nuclear weapons in a hot war. ..........., oh, wait.... That's the US.

...., but they have somewhere between 800 and 900 military bases scattered around the world. ..........., oh, wait.... That's the US again.

Russia has placed missile systems and/or radar systems in all its European neighboring countries. ..........., oh, wait.... That's the US AGAIN.

Russia has invaded several African countries, and wreaked havoc in the ME for two decades and counting. ..........., oh, wait.... That's the US AGAIN, AGAIN.

One thing that is abundantly clear to every Russian alive today is that the last time German tanks with black crosses painted on the side of them were speeding towards Moscow they came through the Ukraine. They're NOT going to let it happen again.

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That’s cause Ben is a troll at best, or works for the Feds.

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Seriously, we need to stop antagonizing these children. They will never grow out of it and all it does it clog up the forum which, frankly, I think is the real reason they are here.

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I’m a mil dude who fought the mandates to keep his job.

Facts are hard for folks to deal with

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What’s the difference between the USA and Russia?

The USA is invited. Russia isn’t.

Why did so many post Soviet nations join nato?

Because Russia was their oppressor.

Ask yourself why Russian weapons were used all across the Middle East. They sent them.

Nato isn’t going to invade Russia. But Russia keeps invading its neighbors thus making people join nato for protection.

Ask Sweden and Finland why they joined

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They're not going to let it happen? All Putin needs to do is end his illegal invasion and go back to Russia.

No one is going to Moscow. 🤣

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Nobody is going to mandate that you take the bioweapons shot... oh wait...

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Like I said before: Every Russian alive today knows that the last time German tanks with black crosses painted on the side were headed for Moscow they came through Ukraine. They're NOT going to let it happen again.

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“Russia has been acting like a bully”. Ha! So what has our government been acting like?

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Do more research. Look inward. Or look at Biden, McCain and Graham types who need to keep this narrative going to hide their moneymaking operation in Ukraine.

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023

Where is the money being made?

468 days into the 3 day war

Putin is the first president to annex territory his army is running away from

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Who was the president when he annexed Crimea? Who let this happen? Who’s been taunting and provoking the Russians? Think broadly. Who is shutting down churches, etc., in Ukraine? Which country is upholding Christianity more? Would Obama and the UN be pleased with a Christian holdout! Think broadly. Money rackets are not happening with Russia, since Hunter was involved, but, glory be to God, have you watched/heard how many billions went to Ukraine and how many billionaires were created in the USA. Might that be a clue?

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Too many people just want to follow the easy line of Putinoid propaganda because Joe Biden sucks.

Brains are just fried and Mr. Childers eagerly put up Putin propaganda here, very enthusiastic to blame Ukraine when it's another war crime with Putin's illegal invasion.

You can't bother with the reality across Europe and the reality of Putin's aggression and how Europe awoke from its slumber. Some people would rather suck up BS. That's easier. Mr. Childers signed on the dotted line.

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Bro this is not Reddit where everyone has Ukraine, Gay, and Vaxxed flags in their profile.

Get your news from non-Western sources and you'll be less swayed by the Western bias in all of your points.

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He's a government troll. Don't bother.

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Funny how Iron Horsey and Benjamin say almost the same exact words?!?! Cause they’re the same guy. Ben claims he was a tanker in the Marines. What was called an Iron Horse.

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All my news is independently sourced and verified by me. I am not following any party line especially Putinoid and Rumble grifters.

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Hey, you're free to leave. And good luck with that.

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Hey, Putinoid propaganda is spouted across the West. It's now Putin's only chance in his illegal invasion of Ukraine. He's now taken the most drastic desperate attempt to stop the counteroffensive blowing up the damn under his control in Ukraine.

This will put tens of thousands of lives at risk and Ukraine will be facing a massive humanitarian crisis to save their people. Yet again.

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Look the Dynamic Duo is here to save the narrative!

Look at em GO!!

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Right…..had a late start on reading comments today and not enjoying having to slog thru all the pro Ukraine commenters that only show up when Jeff mentions their precious war.

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I'm in here late too so I figure, Why not? I can't make it any worse - but I can try! We really need to ignore them to save space on the forum. It's like being on a merry-go-round, always moving but going nowhere.

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Hiya Chevrus, pretty late to Mr. Childers' rebirth as a Putinoid propagandists. Yeah, I said it.

I return bringing education and offering yours:


Mr. Snyder will illuminate much for you about Putin and his latest war crime.

Have a great day!


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Again, OMG. I guess when you have only one neocon source, all you can do is set it on repeat.

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You do realize that you have convinced no one of your premise right?

Why on God’s Green Earth would Putin blow up a damn that would not only flood the pro-Russian Kherson region, but cut off 90% of the water to the Crimea…which is under Russian control, flood 80 towns and hamlets that are mostly pro-Russia, and cut off water supply to the very nuclear reactor that Russia has control of?

All this knowing that the West would blame them anyway for the blowing of the dam.

There is no logic in your premise.

Those of us who can still reason, reject you and your ridiculous propaganda.

Have a nice day.

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Oh my! Please don't ask him "Why?" Now we'll have to "listen" to another whole page of the same ol' same ol'.

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023

The Kherson region is not "pro-Russian" sir. It's Ukraine and those are tens of thousands of Ukraine's citizens there who are not served by Putin's latest war crime and act of desperation.

Putin put weapons atop the buildings of Ukraine's nuclear power plant. I bet you didn't know that either.

You don't see the logic because you are blinded by the reality on the ground and actual logic. You don't see Putin's war crimes for what they are but I can assure you that the people of Ukraine absolutely do. It's nothing new from Putin.

Most of the civilized world will see this latest Putin war crime for what it is. He's now isolated worse than Hitler in his last Berlin days. (ChiComs send tech chips but not major arms and the drones from the Mullahs are being all shot down.) I won't bore with that analysis because you don't seem able to accept Putin's war crimes and how they fit together.

Putin destroyed the dam as the counteroffensive was mounting. He's being forced to pull back troops and they've been hit behind the lines in the most destructive action by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in recent days. I'd guess you have no clarity on any of that either. Not your fault. Mr. Childers certainly hasn't said a word about it in recent days other than to mock the upcoming 2023 counteroffensive.

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Are there ANY Ukrainians left? After all the slaughters you've described, there can't be many.

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Still wondering what will be the fallout for the Nordstream disaster. Surely, Putin will not let that go unavenged. He’s biding his time for some reason.

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Perhaps he is trying to let the crumbling ‘empire’ down gently to minimise damage to the wider world population?

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Putin's 3 Day War is going "All According to The Plan." He's going to avenge everyone who gets in the way of his trouncing international law.

But for now, he's hiding out in a bunker, his usual.

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You a such a tiny little Dick.

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Welp, one thing they fail to grasp is the fact that we won't go quietly. No, guns are loud. And yes, we will use them. And we are very proficient in their use. And there are tens of millions of us. So come ahead then.

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Oh we have a coming out party now. No, the alleged "Khazarian" entity is neither Jewish nor responsible for Putin's latest war crime in Ukraine.

Of note, Jewish people do not have any genetic origin to your Rumble Khazairan anti-semitism either.

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Why hide it? Why not let 'er rip?

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Well it's certainly ripping from Qtardia and Rumble to this page. Simply put, there is no genetic connection from Jews to a "Khazarian" group.

There is simply no genetic connection at all. But you know that won't stop those anti-Semetic rumblings, pardon the pun. 🤣

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Oh no! Not 'muh anti-semitism!'

You and Benji are as legitimate as Dylan Mulvaney's boobs. In fact, I think that's a good name for you two...Dylan's Boobs.

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Well, ain't you a Special Ted. I'm 100% legit. Just because I believe in facts and not ignorance tied to domestic politics. Don't confuse the two!

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Thanks for the answer, Dylan Boob #1.

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From everything I have read about the Khazarians is that there was NEVER a ‘genetic’ link to Jews (Judah), but that they noticed what a good reputation the Jews had, and started calling themSELVES Jews to benefit from their reputation.

But as always, the true morals, ethics, virtues of a person or group of people will ‘out’ and they will be exposed as forgeries, counterfeits.....morally and ethically bankrupt and of no virtue whatsoever.

(Much as the RAT party has finally been exposed as morally and ethically bankrupt, along with those RATS who ran as Republicans, but who were never virtuous nor were they ever ethical.)

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It's interesting how the genetics studied of the Khazarians are ignored showing no genetic links to Jewish people but you know they can't give up that one.

The Rat party are criminals and RINOs are their enablers!

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OMG, you actually said something that made sense. How did that slip through? Don't answer that. You'll just confuse me.

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I was referring to the supposedly impending "collapse of the financial system."

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Well, too late now I guess. You just got the Qtardia-Rumble grifter tide about Khazarian Jews conspiracy all boiling over here.

Let's be careful out there. 😆

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You're not helpful in the least.

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The blowing up of the Nordstream pipeline is said to be the largest environmental disaster. Not a peep is being spoken about it. And I still believe the US did it.

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If you were to read Seymour Hersh's Substack about it, you would know who did it.

The people that did it are doing everything they can to prevent anyone from finding, let alone reading, that Substack.

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Seymour hersh, a communist? Trust worthy?

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Benjamin, perhaps your Two N’s are “Nutty” and “Nitwit” because you just don’t get it. Do some homework on who’s planes/ships were in the area before it was destroyed…just sayin — 🙄

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Like the Russian spy ship?

Literally right over it?

That’s common knowledge.

If you read over multiple sources you’d know

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Benny — Benny — Benny….saying the Russians blew up their own pipeline is like saying men can get pregnant and give birth to babies. There are literally ZERO gains for them to have knocked it out. Zero with 10 zeros following. You know, 0.0000000000 strategic and/or political reasons for them to have done it. However, there are a plethora (sorry for the big word — it means LOTS) of reasons for the U.S. to have done the deed.

So….I’m all ears, what are the “Benny Nutty-Nitwit” reasons Russia would have done it…?

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Wow are you stupid. It's scary the shit you call thinking.

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Right. Common as in neocon common. luv it.

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How many Pulitzer Prizes have you won?

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Well he might just get a special gold star right in the Foggy Bottom, if you catch my drift....

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I have never been anywhere close enough to your drift to catch it, by design.

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Obama got a Nobel peace prize.

Did he deserve it?

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Really? Love it when some make such revealing statements.

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All commies are good because Biden bad and that means old commies are good?

I can't keep up with the Putinoid BS anymore.

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Do you know he is a communist because you always sit next to him at CPUSA meetings?

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Seymour Hershi is a washed up old hack and he can't attend CPUSA meetings anymore. He just writes for a check from his imaginary sources.

His senility is not news.

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How many Pulitzer Prizes have you won?

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If you knew what you were talking about, you would have pointed out that the CPUSA has been prohibited for decades.

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I’m a descendant of people who fled communism.

I’m as far from communist as it gets 😁

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So are most of us…pick another card to virtue signal about.

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US Navy.

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Well now, I actually worked for 30 years and retired a few years ago from the Navy base those Navy divers came from. Panama City used to be the best kept secret in the Navy. Oh well.

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***Russian navy

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Russia wanted out of the contractual penalties on the pipeline as threats no longer worked. If they failed to make good on deliveries, they knew it was over and so they ran a good operation. Putin is good at that and propaganda in the West. It's his only skill from his KGB days.

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OMG, the neocons are really using their imagination now. I didn't know they had it in them.

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All you have to do is find out who benefits from the pipelines being blown up. Russia lost the EU as a customer to their low priced gas, and the US cornered the market with their expensive gas. Seymour Hersh nailed it with his first post here on Substack.


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Long, long ago, the destruction of untold millions of American Bison was seen as an ecological disaster.

There were no televisions, you see. Nobody knew back then that had those magnificent buffalo remained alive, we would all be in a fiery furnace right about now.


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Worse than Fukashima?

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I thought it was Biden.

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You beat me to it! Covid and the whackseen they developed to ‘fight’ it are the biggest man made disasters of the 21st century.

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Let's not forget all the people from East Palestine OH who continue to suffer from the chemical spill and stupid decisions to set that spill on fire afterwards. They will be enduring that for years to come....

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Water has been poring over it for some time, unbeknownst to anyone limited to American media reports. Would that Lake Mead and Lake Powell could have such problems.

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That was part of an international buildup to maximize damage to Ukraine. Putin's added his latest war crime to his KGB thug resume.

Mr. Childers is providing cover.

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And you are following his cover as the gospel truth that you can't get anywhere else.

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023

In time that exact realization will be "AMPLIFIED"! We were indeed duped as fodder.

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I’m having trouble finding the actual movie. Too many videos are ABOUT the movie etc

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I’ve been following someone called Intel Slava Z on Telegram. He appears to be a citizen journalist who has been on the ground in Ukraine since the beginning. You will see things there you won’t see anywhere else. Videos, interviews, etc. https://t.me/intelslava

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Russia made a piss poor choice of that.

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Poor, sweet, summer child.

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Just like Russia shot down mh17 and even had their soldiers posing with the wreckage.

Putin blew up a series of apartments to justify invading Chechnya.

He also forced the Covid vaccine on Russians leading to a lot of died suddenly, just like here

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Worse case of cognitive dissonance I've ever seen.

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And he didn’t mandate the Covid shot?

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Facts are hard to deal with, I know.

You saying a former kgb agent who’s president for life is some saint?

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I rest my case.

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Compared to your lover Biden, he's an angel.

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You can't talk about how Putin seized power in Russia blowing up apartment buildings killing Russians and blaming Chechnya.

People can't handle the truth. They've settled on a KGB thug being the good guy. Next they'll start defending more of his war crimes. You can see it already. SMH

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Blowing up the dam was not the first Putin attack on civilian infrastructure. Everyone knows that but the military objective was more limited and could have been targeting the counteroffensive from the Kherson direction.

This report from Ukraine details it and how the Russian plan over the dam it occupied and controlled degenerated into a full-scale flood:


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I realise that you may be insinuating the man made disaster that was the lockdowns etc, but in case not or anyone else is still thinking that covid is actually a literal thing, The only thing that was man made was the media BS. Everything about covid was a farce, even the BS that it was “made in a BiOlAb” - a falsity that is designed to make you all think there is actually something to fear. There is not. Be not afraid. It’s all a clown show, almost every current affair.

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Putin doesn't care about civilian disaster. He's trying to save himself.

Another war crime means nothing to Putin. He's desperate to stave off the 2023 counteroffensive.

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Putin the KGB thug comes from a long line of communist thugs. After all, his old bosses were responsible for the Holodomor, a man-made famine that killed about seven million Ukrainians.

The Holdomor.

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Dear Dylan's Left Boob...you don't actually know where communism originated, do you? Please expound on the Holomodor. What group comprised the Bolsheviks?

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Rinse and repeat.

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So, trans activists say we need to accept all LGBTQLMNOP+ people for who they want to be, for who they are, call them by their preferred pronouns, etc. They need to hold themselves to that same level of acceptance of all. If who I am doesn't want to use their silly pronouns or have them drag-queening in front of kids, then I should be totally accepted for who I am. If they don't accept me then they are trans-phobe-phobes.

BTW, if you havent' watched the movie What is a Woman yet, go watch it. It's now free.

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I was already familiar with Scott Newgent's story, but it was heartbreaking to hear it again. She (I call people by the pronoun associated with their biological sex) got caught up in the gender insanity at age 42 after being married and giving birth to several children. She indicated that if she could be deceived at that age, that our children have no chance against the ideology. It is a powerful, satanic agenda. I applaud Matt Walsh for making the documentary.

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I wonder why she doesn't go back to her rightful gender now?

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I think Scott's surgeries to date have been so very traumatic and problem-riddled that there's honestly no way back. Once you've had bottom surgery, you can't just reverse it. The poor person is a mess, but is a hero for actively calling this out for the scam it is!

A 67% complication rate?!?! WHO WOULD DO THIS TO THEIR CHILD?!

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She had the so-called top and bottom surgeries. She showed her mutilated arm, from which skin was taken to make male private parts. Perhaps the tragedy of her transition is better demonstrated by being open about what she has done to herself. She cried while telling her story.

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Wow --thanks, Anne, for making me aware of Scott Newgent. Found an excellent statement by her with the real stats on suicidal ideation and trans surgery -- the short term studies show a reduction in suicidal ideation, but long term the feelings come back year by year until the suicidal ideation is greater than before the surgery.


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I have heard that many, perhaps a majority, of teens who "transition" are autistic or have mental problems. I remember hearing the tragic story of a young man in California who had suffered abuse as a child. He sought out a therapist, who ended up convincing him he was a girl. His medical records show that he stated his dream was to someday be a father, but he was deceived into having surgery which has destroyed that dream. I don't know the outcome, but an attorney filed a lawsuit on his behalf.

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If you don’t watch the Highwire with Del Bigtree, you should. He had a segment the other day about the targeting of autistic individuals in this cult. It made me absolutely sick - even though I already knew it. Just when I think they can’t get more evil.

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Also, watch this video of a young woman who has detransitioned. She is one of the most articulate persons I have heard talk about this. https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/detransitioning-lukas-story/

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Gender Dysphoria is being actively encouraged.

What we are seeing are the results.

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The drug companies again? 1.3 million for each kid they can drag into this mess.

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$70k and probably a risky surgery.

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HA! That's a drop in the bucket....

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Shawn Ryan hosted an excellent podcast recently with the former Navy Seal who detransitioned. Episode 50, dated March 6. Very eye opening and disturbing. Chris Beck (former Seal) admits he was duped and explains how.

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I either saw this or another interview with him. Very sad.

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She was a really pretty woman, too. Breaks my heart.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

This is what I am saying now: I identify as a Christian. How can you question my truth???

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They are Christphobes

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I watched the movie this weekend. I highly recommend it. Matt Walsh recently posted a slight follow up...the female swimmer who appeared in the movie anonymously has now come forward publicly. She joins Riley Gaines in speaking out about Lia Thomas.


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There is more than a "slight" follow up...there is a full hour-plus "reunion" of the "heroes" of "What is a Woman." I was transfixed by it; a great watch!

Check it out here: https://twitter.com/realDailyWire/status/1665814144321310721?s=20

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Megan Kelly made a statement changing her views on the pronouns... saying she would not use them any more. She finally woke up! Pronouns are damaging and are a threat to our boys and girls who need to be protected. The pronouns are used to steal sports competitions, scholarships and just a normal life from our kids.

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MK is taking red-pill after red-pill lately.

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Do you have a link for the free "What Is a Woman?"

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Thank you so much for sharing the link. Just watched it. Excellent.

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You are both welcome.

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Thank you 🌺

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Highly recommend this movie/documentary. Well done. Not boring

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Here's a follow up to WIAW that DW published in the past few days:


Scott Newgent makes a repeat appearance.

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023

OMG… u left off 2S or S2 -I can’t keep up!🙄

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Shari, unfortunately I need someone to explain your comment to me. I'm stumped.

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“Adams Floats Idea of New Yorkers Housing Migrants in ‘Private Residences’.”

I actually don’t object to this idea—as long as those private residences belong to the politicians who support it.

This proposal is yet more evidence that Andre Gregory’s 1981 prediction from “My Dinner with Andre” was beyond prescient:

“I think that New York is the new model for the new concentration camp, where the camp has been built by the inmates themselves, and the inmates are the guards, and they have this pride in this thing that they’ve built—they’ve built their own prison—and so they exist in a state of schizophrenia where they are both guards and prisoners. And as a result, they no longer have—having been lobotomized—the capacity to leave the prison they’ve made or even to see it as a prison.” (https://www.bitchute.com/video/eUpqh1jGncmF/)

See footnote #2 my second essay for a transcript of this chillingly prophetic scene:

• “COVID IS OVER! … If You Want It” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it)

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I think all libbies should be made to take the migrants. And kneel to them. They have had a lot of practice with kneeling during the anthem etc. All celebrities should have their mansions taken over to house the illegals.

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Has anyone noticed that the newest tidal wave of immigrants seems to be all men? Of age to fight? What better way to take over a country than to have a massive wave of healthy young men then arm them when they get here? I really hope I’m wrong about this.

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Most "news reporting" seen recently supports the "mostly men" , young adults statement. Which has certainly struck me as odd.

......and the same thought was in the back of my mind as well.

How many will feel an allegiance to those who made a " fresh start " possible ?

Tune in NEXT time, to see......

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Same Bat Time....

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Probably haven't had the coofjas either, so that means their testosterone is way high and I bet there are no dresses and heels in those backpacks either.

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And unvaxxed. Oh the horror!🤪🤣😉

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You mean real men? Not all jabbed up like the pussies afraid of a cold? Oh I bet!

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Exactly. No coofjas. :)

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Michael Yon and Ben Bergquam have noticed. Yon continues to point out that dozens to hundreds of single military age men from China are among the thousands making the trek across the Darien Gap and coming across our border daily.

I first heard Yon on John Batchelor’s program when it was on WABC, reporting from the ground in HK, for months in 2019. His reporting from both ends of the Darien Gap and the cartel-controlled US southern “border” beginning in December 2020 is unparalleled. Easiest place to find him is on Locals. There’s a website too, not sure what it is.

Bergquam posts on Gettr, is on Real America’s Voice, frequently on War Room.

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You are not wrong.

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Fun fact: in CA peace officers do not have to be citizens.

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I think the NYC mayor should offer spare rooms in his penthouse to as many migrants as he can squeeze in. He should stand as an example to his constituents.

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Rules for thee but not for me, and all of that...

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They should also wash their feet. Poor immigrants sure walked far to get there.

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I don’t know about putting migrants in politicians homes....I think they may be dangerous and most probably sexually abuse migrants against their will or worse yet convince them to remove their privates and become a transgender.

In particular the mayor seems to have some ‘issues’ regarding identity and Mr. Pelosi seems to have some also. Could you trust them with underaged children or people who may “turn them on”? I think its highly possible the immigrants will do anything they tell them to do because they are after all beholding to the politicians who GAVE THEM EVERYTHING THEY DREAMED OF. 😉

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Agree Annie! But not take the money. That would be an epic form of virtual signaling!

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Wow Margaret that movie clip is as relevant today as it was then! I have to say as a NYer it rings true! Although there are other things that keep us here that make it difficult to leave like family and jobs, and the fact that we have a state worth fighting for. My mother is 80, the thought of moving her to another state is difficult, not impossible, but difficult. She’s feisty, she would go, but then she would be so far away from her other grand children that she loves. I have often said to my husband that there’s going to be a point where if we don’t leave NY we’re not going to be able to. I do feel that especially with the concentration camp fight that attorney Cox has been fighting. What gives me hope is the map of New York that showed 13 out of 62 counties voted blue in the governors election...the rest of the state is red! We are up against New York City’s population. That is a hard hill to win! No one in their right mind here in New York is going to house a migrant in their home, but it would be nice if Mayor Adams would have offered first, you know...to set the example!

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“I have often said to my husband that there’s going to be a point where if we don’t leave NY we’re not going to be able to.”

I often think of the Jews who did not flee Nazi Germany in time. It’s a big consideration.

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Same thought from CA.

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I agree, Jean, and think “My Dinner with Andre” should be required viewing for all of humanity!

I have tremendous empathy for people still in NYC and admire the fighting spirit of my friends who are still there (e.g., Anne Gibbons, Tessa Lena, Mark Crispin Miller), but I also worry those who remain will be the first to be “concentrated” and think escaping it may be a matter of survival.

You may appreciate the piece I wrote last year protesting the quarantine camps—only to learn from Mark Crispin Miller (see pinned comment) that Hochul rammed the proposed legislation through before the public comment period had even closed (thank goodness for Bobbie Anne Cox challenging it and winning!):

• “Letter to the New York State Department of Health” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-new-york-state-department)

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Thanks I’ll definitely check it out!

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A small house upstate might be a refuge for you and mum.

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I'm in a small house upstate - it's not a refuge. The buses are coming fast and furious.

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023

Any guesses on who will be the first Christian "leader" to demand we take these people into our homes as that's what Christ would want? All while completely ignoring that these people had homes in their own country, voluntarily left them, broke the law entering this country, and snuck in because there's more money here. They are "homeless" by choice.

I'll go with Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Convention or New York's Cardinal Dolan. It's tough to pick them though with so many morons twisting scripture claiming to speak for Christ.

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Excellent points!

I think they need to start the housing in Gracie Manor (?) to prove their point. With all of the people that supposedly moved out of NYC during Covid, I would think there is plenty of room. And Jeff had a great point about Blackrock and banks using their acquired real estate.

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I understand the White House has many rooms. Perhaps this idea could catch on in D C.

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Yes! Maybe Slow Joe could meet some of these people he’s letting into the country!

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He’d be able to hair sniff new groups of people!

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I don’t think it’s speculation...I believe it’s all part of the WEF’s grand plan to systematically eradicate Capitalist societies and replace them w Socialist/Communist societies. In the name of virtue.

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Months and months ago somebody in San Francisco floated the same idea that individuals take homeless people into their own houses. I never heard anything else about it so I assumed the idea went away (away to NYC it seems). Unless the city is paying a few foolish people to do it and I just haven't heard about it.

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I laughed this a.m. early hearing Adams say "this will put money back into taxpayers' pockets." And where do those payments come from? Taxpayers' pockets.

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Kind of like when Dominion won the lawsuit against Fox and it was just a pants pocket switch.

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So essentially they are paying themselves to get screwed. What a mess

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Reminds me of this Married with Children episode....

Al deduces what the reason for Peggy's big checks are


Peg, why did you not sell the cosmetics?


Well, my friends decided they were not as good as other cosmetics.


OK, fine. So why in the world would you buy them yourself?


To get the commission checks!

Al gives strained look of rage


You see Peg, when you buy off yourself you get less coming in than what you owe. In the shoe business lingo we call that...SENDING YOUR HUSBAND ROCKETING TO THE POORHOUSE! How much do you owe?


Minus the commission checks?


Yes, Peg.




Well, looks like we will have to keep up the part-time job until the debt is retired.

Scene shifts to Burger Trek. An improperly-wrapped hamburger is sent out a chute to a customer's tray


Did not make the noise, Bundy!

Kitchen. Peg is now working at Burger Trek instead of Al

Peg {on microphone}:


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Forgot about that show! My hubby loved that show, it got on my nerves, but nevertheless, it would never get made today.

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No, worse, I bet: wait until they want the 'guests' to leave - nope; it's now their domicile, and you have to start eviction proceedings against them. IANAL, but that's what I'd be worried about.

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That doesn’t surprise me in the least. San Franshitco and New York Shitty are competing for the Race-to-the-Bottom Award.

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Shitcago. My nearest blue crazy land.

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As per an article a read the other day a large hotel management firm recently decided to pull out of two major hotels in Union Square in SF. They cited lower than expected convention center bookings and deterioration of cleanliness and safety. They also mentioned that the move would increase their value. Kinda says it all.

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just another 'property acquisition' move as C. Austin Fitts explained back in Dec. '20.

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oh right, now I recall that...from one of her interviews.

Well they are certainly making the dream come true.

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Look I lived in SF for 10 years. It really is a beautiful city, it has a rich history and has been progressively ruined through series of actions and inactions.

The downtown area is flanked by "free-fire zones" that have steadily expanded and engulfed the areas frequented by tourists. Why bother paying attention? Because it will happen in IS happening in many other cities. All the better to prepare a response.

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New York Shitty--very good, Margaret Anna Alice!

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🤣🤣🤣. Can I use those city names, Margaret?

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Lol. True

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Well they can rest easy because there appears to be a wealth of commercial real estate opening up for mixed use.


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Might wake a bunch of those people up as well. It's all fine and good when you vote crap in and don't have to deal with the repercussions, it's a totally 'nother thing when you gotta deal with it :P

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Yeah but it’s always someone else’s fault, never ever their own policies they supported 🙄🙄🙄

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But Margaret.....as the flood gate has broken, these numbers will become unsustainable.

Like the World Trade 9/11 towers. NY has been targeted once again as "Look out Below"!


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I absolutely object to a 'country' without borders, a country now rendered a mere economic zone in collapse. These invaders have no business being here.

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A country without borders is no longer a country.

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Yes! And 'they' have really done a number on us poor little peasants! We don't even have a country anymore ... at least for the moment.

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I'd say start by making sure every democrat from ny that wanted to be sanctuary be forced to house the illegal invaders first. Then the democrat voters that supported them. After all their homes are full, every fucking last one of them, you can ask the conservatives in the state for help.

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If NY residents argue the 3rd Amendment, which prohibits government from requiring citizens to quarter soldiers in their own homes, then the public focus can go to the most urgent question: Why do so many of those entering the southern border seem to men of military age?

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Because it is an invasion.

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From various news reports, it's my impression that the majority of migrants both to the USA and across Europe tend to be young, unaccompanied men ( = "of military age.") This should not be surprising when you look at the demographics of the places these invaders, pardon me, "refugees" originate. In the best of times, young unemployed men are a social problem: Remember the old saying "Idle hands are the Devil's workshop?" I'll leave the question of whether The Prince of Darkness really exists, but it's a fact that surplus population of any type is bad news, and young males are the worst. Also, from the exporting country's point of view, it's win-win to have the excess population offloaded elsewhere.

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And guess who remits billions of dollars back to their home countries (and families that remained behind)? The most employable - i.e., young, healthy men. At the same time, I am loath to ignore the stark, even dire, warnings from men like former SEAL Matt Bracken and former Special Operator Michael Yon. Matt's books were written long enough ago that they seem eerily prescient, even predictive.

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And Yon has recently been pointing out the numbers of these unaccompanied military age men who are from mainland China. Remember that awful movie Red Dawn? The story line fits.

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There's a story from the 1800's in which Mormon frontiersmen intercepted a wagon train of people from Arkansas, and after engaging in a gun battle, soon overwhelmed the travelers. The survivors were promised safe passage if they gave up their guns. They did so, and were escorted a short distance away, before, on command, they were shot down by people positioned on either side.

The Mountain Meadows Massacre, as it became known as, was later ascribed to be under the rogue operations of a few people, allegedly as retaliation for the killing of a prominent church leader back in Arkansas.

The point of this story is that we should not just allow these folks to disarm us and then have them force us to accept unknown strangers into our own homes. I'd hate to think at some point in the future there might be a signal given and people are eliminated.

What ever happened to Martha's Vineyard? That seemed like a sweet deal.

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The administration will argue that they are allowed to quarter FOREIGN military troops.

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023

The Dodgers thing is disgusting, and as a Catholic I can't express how much it makes me sick. However, I heard a few good Catholic organizations across the country are organizing a protest in L.A. that is supposed to take place on June 16th-- the day the Dodgers are going to give the "sisters" an award. If anyone here is in the L.A. area (or willing to travel there), I highly encourage supporting it! This video is where I heard about it: https://youtu.be/zgZXCpy9aj8

I also found a flyer that has more info for anyone interested: https://www.churchmilitant.com/dodgers

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You should also be disgusted with Catholic Charities which is funding the illegal invasion across the southern border and participating in trafficking of women and children.

Never give another dime to the Catholic Church.

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Yes, Catholic Charities is totally corrupted, it disgusts me.

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I donate to many Catholic organizations, but ensure the money does not go to any of the hierarchy or Vatican-aligned groups.

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I believe CC also supports abortion, no?

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The Magisterium of the Church, absolutely does NOT.

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i was saying catholic charities

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023

Maybe the Catholic Charities are too busy funding illegals and doing human trafficking of women and children.

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Yes, Catholic Charities was greatly corrupted.

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Don't know.

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How can you conflate the two?

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Boycott MLB. Stop going and following it. I know some players disagree with what is going on. I just don't care anymore.

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023

Quite a bit of evidence the players are getting fed up with being pawns in all of this.

This backlash started in the NHL when teams promoted pride night earlier in the year and players were supposed to wear rainbow jerseys during warm up. A handful of players outright refused (on religious grounds) and the sport's media went nuts calling them bigots. The Commissioner however was far more reasoned and stated they would need to reevaluate the idea. He knows that without the players the league is nothing.

I've been on the NHL's website this month pretty often for the playoffs and there is nothing about "pride". There may have been something quickly posted that I missed but if so it wasn't up for long. Completely different from last year's reveling in sin for a month.

Robbie Starbuck claims to have contacts in the MLB player's union and he says the players are pushing back behind the scenes. They want to play the game, not be used as pawns in the owner's virtue signaling. MLB turned their logo rainbow-striped on June 1 but it was for less than 24 hours then it was back to normal. There has been a big change for the past and it seems pretty clear it's due to the backlash.

People across all walks of life are fed up with this stuff, not just biblical Christians. In suburban Glendale, CA the public elementary school district had "pride day" yesterday, 2/3 of the students didn't show up as their parents kept them home. A similar situation happened in the San Fernando Valley as a large group of angry parents protested at their kids elementary school for the same reason. These are democrat working-class areas.

The backlash is real and it's growing, it's not just Bud Light and Target.

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I wrote a little old substack about how I am waiting until July to buy anything as a matter of principal and protest. I can buy food and fuel locally, but will wait to buy anything else. I don't care where it is...Amazon, whatever. No buy...and I have over 300 views on that one! I cannot believe that. Just don't spend money during 'pride month'. Remember when it used to be a day? Or a week? Now we are subjected to all this crap for a month. No thanks.

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Agree. Go woke go broke. Let June be their lowest sales month. I willing to bet after a month you might have found alternative places to buy things. So hopefully the boycott will be all year around. 👍

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Yeah, just a month. Plus the other eleven.

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Yep...make a statement. I don't want to hear the clabber over the loudspeakers with a little boy telling me that he was grateful to Wal Mart for helping him come out of the closet. Evil. You are right..,wonder how long I can hold out from buying anything but essentials. Might be interesting to find out!

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023

June 16th, Bishop Joesph Strickland is leading an Eucharistic Procession from the Cathedral to Dodger Stadium in protest for the blasphemy. I’m praying the devout area Catholics will join.


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A massive protest would be great to see!

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Watch out for antifa if you protest for decency out here in Cali or the rest of the West Coast. Antifa is the left's muscle on the street--I'm not kidding, antifa magically appear everytime some one protests against anything woke or whacky.

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For all intents and purposes, Antifa is sanctioned by our government and operates with impunity. They supported BLM and are now involved in the LGBTQia+ movement:

Antifa Urged to Battle California Parents Over Elementary School’s LGBTQ+ ‘Pride Day’


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I call them paid Brownshirts. Back in 2020 Lara Logan and Jack Posobiec did good work in the origins and proliferation of Antifa. Worth looking into. And if you missed Dr James Lindsay’s recent succinct presentation to an audience in Europe, of what is the common thread in all of this, find it (Dr Malone linked to it about a week ago, it’s on YT); and even better, watch Mikki Willis’ The Great Awakening.

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I’ve heard that there are many, many trannies in the ranks of Antifa. They’re paid well and - um - disposable when the protests go south.

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Good point.

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They’re BHZero’s “civilian army” 😒

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They are planning one.

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As is usual, the real news doesn't get out very easily through "media."

CatholicVote.org is the one that broke the story. I've been hearing about this for days through them - including when the Dodgers recanted and took back their invite...only to recant their recanting and re-invite this organization. CatholicVote has a daily (except Sunday) news update one can subscribe to for another news source.

But they're trying to raise $1M to advertise - to actually get the word out somehow:

"We're launching our $1 million ad campaign on every single Dodgers radio station and TV channel to demand that the Dodgers stop making a mockery of our Catholic faith."


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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023

GOOD! I’m glad you all are organizing a protest. I know me and my family though we love the Dodgers and baseball are not watching now. Our protest. I feel sorry for the guys on the team who are Christians- Kershaw, Justin, Blake.

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an award for what precisely?

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For their "community service". Lol.

I researched their website and all of their community service revolves around helping alphabet people however, they provide zero specifics of what that is. Much like the BLM organization.

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I’m praying about what to say at our city council mtg tonight about there promotion of all of this pride/drag stuff thrust upon us. Plenty of angles to the approach but not clear yet what exactly should be said.

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May God bless you for having the courage to speak out. Remember to speak the truth. I’m going to pray for you Alan! Thank you for standing up for righteousness! To God be the glory! 🙏🏻

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I enter a prayer for wisdom and discernment and power for you--that God fill your mouth, as He did for Aaron, with the right words.

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Thank you

Several from our local church are planning to attend as well

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Praying for you.

"But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost." Mark 13:11

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Prayers up...He will give you the words!🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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All you really need to say is, "STOP or we cease paying property taxes." The thugocracy will need 87,000 new agents to come after all of you, if you act together.

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May God speak to you today with clarity. God bless you for speaking up. May he give you boldness and wisdom.

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I was able to share with about 12 others against the constant pushing of sexual preferences. Mostly focused on how these events aren’t healthy for any child or youth. Glad I did, not an expert at these things but thank you all for praying.

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Will be praying that you will speak with godly discernment and wisdom through the urging of the Holy Spirit. He alone will guide you. So appreciate your standing up against this madness. May God richly bless and keep you from all harm.

To Him be the glory!

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What area are you in? Maybe others can come support.

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Small town hour north of deep blue Seattle.

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Maybe cite some numbers as to the percentage of actual trans people. It’s a very small number, but very vocal.

Perhaps cite some quotes from LGB folks who want to disassociate from the whole alphabet.

How many dollars and resources are being spent at taxpayer expense?

Shouldn’t that money go to fixing roads (or whatever your community needs)?

Good luck!

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Biden didn’t hire these people. He doesn’t know what time it is, or who, exactly, is wipping his butt after wet farts. Whoever is behind Biden and hiring folks like Sister Ray Dee O’Reactive to manage critical infrastructure is practicing the methodology of installing “Dog Kings,” - where tyrants install a literal canine animal as ruler over the people. The ploy is meant to demoralize the “ruled” by showing them exactly what the “rulers” think of them and that the rules are too impotent to do anything about their Dog King. Biden - Sippey Cup, stumbling, cognitively impaired, Pedo-Joe - is a Dog King. Pedo Joe, and all the rest of the misfits were intentionally installed to

Send exactly this message.

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Agree...the real rulers are behind the curtains, they shove these clowns in our faces to humiliate and mock us. Cut off their heads and 3 more grow in their place. Our spear must severe the cord!

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Bingo! This is exactly what Marxist's do. I think patriotic Americans sense this and this explains the growing support of the MAGA crowd for Trump. They don't support him because they like him on TV. Americans will vote for Trump because he is their weapon to destroy the elites. They are voting for a weapon, not a party and the RINOs don't understand this.

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Am listening to the RINO Chris Sununu saying that there's no way that Trump will beat Biden if Trump is the GOP nominee. Grrrr! I have no patience for anyone like Sununu who doesn't acknowledge that Trump and Trump-endorsed candidates (like Dr. Oz in PA vs Fetterman) lost in the past few elections because the rulers behind the curtain wanted them to lose and made it happen. And will continue to make it happen!

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Reminds me of the Roman official that appointed his horse to office. I swear we are witnessing the fall of the republic.

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Can I refer to Kamala as a Bitch Queen?

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She is the Bitch Princess. Hellary is the Bitch Queen.

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I'm guessing he got his job qualifications from his Sister name...that's why Biden thought he was an expert lol

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You just keep thinking, THIS!! This is as bad as it can get. And then it is not.....

One day there will be justice, if not here, then in eternity. Praying for all.

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People need to stop saying 'how stupid can they get'....I'm pretty sure they're taking that as a challenge instead of 'yo, dummy. Stop being dumb.'

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Things are getting more bizarre everyday! I can imagine normies are finding all this more entertaining than TV.

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I think it is a sport, like a couch potato sport, for narcissists, so it is fought on social media. A long time ago, during the era of the first BBS's, before the internet and the graphical user interface, there was a BBS in CA called The Well. What were called "flame wars" erupted, as there is something about being online that makes people predatory, aggressive, enraged and outraged. Especially for men, that there is something about it all that is like disembodied gladiatorial warring. This would be fine if, as Mr. Childers says, we weren't up against an anti-Christic force. It is being purposefully fomented at every level, all this combat as a distracting Roman Colosseum, like watching sports on tv or the Hunger Games. I also think Wokeism IS a religion, sort of a weird mixture of Maoist and Stalinist ideology (this is discussed in Plandemic 3), but also (and I am a profound supporter of the Jewish people) like the Holocaust and the Nakba which have been turned into nationalist political religions, with victimization at their heart, manipulated by geopolitical forces. And I say that having read hundreds of books of poetry and novels and nonfiction accounts of the Holocaust, and consider it to be (until now) utterly singular in the history of atrocity, and being a supporter of Israel above many things. Judeo-Christianity is under attack, whatever the entertainment and distraction value of these perpetual theatrical spectacles, and that is very very serious. Take out the individual's mind, his or her relationship to his or her family, his or her relationship to community, religion, nation, and we're all zieg heiling to Klaus Schwab, son of a Ravensbruck Nazi,under the guise of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and equity, diversity and inclusion and utter sexual depravity and decadence which includes kids.

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Re your comment that Wokeism is a religion that is also a mix of Maoist/Stalinist ideology:

Here's the clear explanation for why you think that (and you're right):

James Lindsay, addressing the EU Parliament, but speaking more about us than about Europe:


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One of the student speakers at Berkeley High School graduation indicated the best thing that happened to him during high school was encountering the Bible in his junior year and invited his classmates to join him on that journey. This young man lead his whole family to Christ because of the shot mandate and it’s implications. So, keep pushing the madness and the mandates you lefty weirdos. Actions have consequences, and at least in 2 families in Berkeley CA the consequence is a spiritual awakening and a move towards Christ.

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Love this!!! 🙏❤️

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Someone needs to ask Brinton why they don’t pick on Muslims as well as Catholics. I’d like to hear his answer.

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It really goes well beyond that, they mock and blaspheme Christ Himself but do it in Catholics trappings. They are certainly anti-Catholic but it is much, much more than that.

Noticed Jeff Childers correctly called them "anti-Christ" in his post (as opposed to anti-Catholic). We stand with our Catholic brothers and sisters but this goes way past their denomination. This is a direct affront to God Himself, not just making fun of someone's faith.

Calling this "anti-Catholic" downplays what is actually happening here (which I think that's why you see it in the media). It would be akin to calling someone driving 100 miles an hour that caused a fatal car accident a speeder. Technically accurate but woefully incomplete.

God will not be mocked, the bible is clear on that.

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You are so very correct. This is not a merely anti-Catholic attack.

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Thanks for standing with us Catholics, that means a lot. ❤️

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Right?? Same with the gay wedding cakes. No one ever went to a Muslim owned bakery to ask for those or sued them for refusing.

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Many religions deny Christ's divinity.

This group target's and mocks Catholics for their belief in Christ's divinity.

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I think the decision to refrain from mocking Islam has more to do with beheading than divinity.

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Poor guy. He'd cry if the Muslims pronounced a jihad against him.

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023

Because - I believe - Christianity is the one true way. Because they are Satanic they fight against the truth.

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Just wanted to thank everyone who prayed or sent good thoughts my way regarding my ongoing resistance to the CMS jab mandate. I received an email yesterday that CMS officially ended the jab requirement effective June 5th, so the medical center is no longer mandating the jab for new hires and they are no longer hassling me about providing all sorts of personal information about my medical history and my place of worship (illegally, as there is no federal requirement for collecting this information and FL law specifically prohibited it). Although I was a danger to patient care on Friday, I am apparently no longer so this week. Trust the "Science (TM)".

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Yes!!! Thank you for sharing the good news, so happy for you!!

Praise the Lord!!! 🙏

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So weird how these dangers come and go based on calendar dates.

Praise God and thanks to you for standing firm!

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Glad it's over! Thanks for sharing.

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What's the kill total for the Covid Death Jabs?

Number of Deaths through 5/26/2023: 35,272


- All tallies (deaths, severe injuries, etc) are still increasing. Slope is positive.

- Also interesting is deaths from 'other vaccines' reported to VAERS is increasing even faster.

Is this because people have damaged immune systems now? Or are these other vaccines now more lethal?

Any ideas? I don't see where the site attempts to explain this.

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MRNA technology to replace many traditional and current vaccines if it has not already.

💉Not getting or allowing my young one anymore vaccines of any kind ever again. Judy Micovitz this discusses at length on Children’s health defense.

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It is estimated that Vaers has an underreporting factor of about 41x and that the actual number of deaths (and injuries) is quite higher. Plus think of all of the deaths that are not immediately linked to the vax, where the body has slowly been degraded to the point of death. Heart issues, strokes, autoimmune, sudden death for no apparent reason.

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Ed Dowd gives the number as around 300k excess US deaths. I’ve seen it mentioned quite a bit as a few million worldwide.

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Right on both points. The only reliable (?) statistic I know of is total all cause mortality. It tells the lie on both ends of the plandemic. All cause mortality did not go up even in the teeth of what we were TOLD was the worse part of the "pandemic". However, after the shot was rolled out, all cause mortality started going up and is still going up. History will paint this period of time as mass insanity comparable to the Crusades or WWI/WWII.

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I wonder if those who got the Covid shots are reacting badly to other vaccines now because of their diminished immune systems??

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More like they are reacting badly to just about anything they come into contact with. I'm surrounded by people who are coughing and spluttering constantly from colds they just can't shake - in the summer! Not to mention the people who have suddenly developed hay fever ...

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Well yes that too but I was talking specifically about the additional vax reactions.

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Good point. I guess we'll find out anecdotally as people get their annual shots or shots for travel.

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Gall bladder problems seem to be a new, commoner, thing; appendicitis, too...


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My guess is people, including doctors, are more aware of VAERS now. And people are more open to the idea of vaccine injury.

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I don't think so. I doubt that even a small fraction of the US is aware of VAERS.

My younger brother (age 58) is one of the smartest, most well-informed men that I have ever known. I'd bet a $100 right now that he's never heard of VAERS.

Human beings tend to think that the things *they* know about, are similarly known by others. They're not.

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VA doctors did not get that memo.

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023

Over 1.6 million die from Tuberculosis every year. 10.6 million will fall ill of it. (10 million !!)

Why were you not instructed to wear a mask for one of the most infectious/contagious?

And you thought COVID was a killer. Check out the WHO cares link!


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TB is only contagious with long term contact with an infected person. It's not like measles which is highly contagious with little contact.

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Exactly Allison! TB is more common in crowded facilities, homeless shelters, prisons, and the like.

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I ain't clicking on any WHO link.

I once worried about getting TB on the subway. For like 5 minutes.

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SO many people with cancer.

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Which is so very sad :(

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Our son at college said there seems to be a sudden surge in cancers among fathers of fellow students, but he doesn't think they were jabbed.

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Wow. This is really sad. Gotta wonder about shedding

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VA still pushing covid shots and boosters.

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Check out The Ethical Skeptic on twitter.

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Seems like a small number.

Also, what about long, drawn-out suffering and death. I wonder when that will show up on the graph.

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With a 40x VAERS underreporting factor that actually means over 1.4 million dead Americans.

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The VAERS data is not accurate. I’m not sure where we will ever get the correct data!

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I’ve worked in Govt for 19 years—pretty much nothing is happening, or being decided on at all, ever, at any level. It’s all status quo. so you could literally appoint a Louise Vuitton handbag as Secretary and it wouldn’t make any difference. When they put someone like Sam in there (or Biden, for that matter) they are just proving that we don’t even need that job done. Pure figureheads. Govt should be purged about 75%. I just wonder who is in charge?

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Obama, WEF and Blackrock.....

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I believe Obama is just a tool in the toolbox also! Higher up than many but still only has the power given him. Remember where he came from and how he burst on the scene.

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He is absolutely a tool. He can only speak to script, and not very well at that.

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This is who I believe. For me I think Obama is the major player. All this going on makes me far more suspicious Michelle really was a man as many have rumored.

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I have believed that for a long time. After Joan rivers died.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"Brinton might be gone, but how many other people like Brinton are running the country right now?"

You mean like Rachel Levine? Pete Butt Judge?

All these appointments know nothing about the job they were nominated for - for example Janet Yellen doesn't know the difference between $ 30 Trillion and $ 50 Trillion.

People we are living under a Maoist type situation and unfortunately the ball is just starting to roll.....

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Exactly! I doubt if one appointed person is actually legit qualified to do anything in their job description. It’s a farce. Of course the ones being appointed are jokes. The whole regime is one giant clown show. And it’s on purpose. How better to destroy America than from within. The communists told us back in the 70s exactly how to do just that. And they’ve been doing it and we never stopped them.

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And now Americans will see why the government trying to disarm citizens is so important. They are pushing it in NY already. How else can they force you to house illegals? The payments will stop. It’s not sustainable. Then it will be by force. What better way to force people to do something they don’t want….take away their only means to protect themselves. Disarm the citizens and then there is no restraint to what the corrupt government will do.

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...and the Whites will be displaced. Their homes will be taken over.

There's lots of vids of Black folks confronting the New Arrivals; they are slowing realizing they're being replaced as well.

The new people are easier to control, until they're not needed either...

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This I believe to be true, among other things. And in revolutionary fervor, all else is being and is to be swept aside. What will be left is hatred for God and a horrific wasteland of ruin. But of course, the Commissars will live in palaces. All animals are equal. But some animals are more equal than others!

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Now, I could be wrong, but my sense of it is that we have one shot at turning this around at the national level between now and the end of 2024. Failing that there will necessarily have to be a revolt of the liberty states against the USG and the blue states. If that doesn't happen then the only recourse I see is the "Amish strategy". Get out of the cities and head for the hills. Not being funny.

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daverkb: Good thought provoking speculation.

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SouthSide Chicago being a prime example.

They will simply be out-bred.

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Incoming CDC director laughs about her lock down orders.


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Hahaha, we are gonna still get paid and the little people will lose their jobs and their homes. SCIENCE!!!

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They are so evil and disgusting!!!

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If nothing else, this period of time serves as an illustration and proof of the total depravity of man, a central doctrine of the Christian faith that has been abandoned for some time in favor of a silly and naive belief that "there is a little good in all of us." God's grace is needed not only for salvation but in all we do for without Him we can do nothing good.

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What held for the Apostles, for Augustine, for Calvin still holds for us. What you say is core truth. And what I see so far in today's Comment is a lot of noise shirting Christian Truth. And really, an illustration of "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge." The only human comfort of the day for me is that Evil consumes itself. Daily the Evil Empire destroys itself a bit more. And yet ... the cost to us personally is apt to be horrific. (Deo Gloria!)

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She’s enjoying her 15 minutes of fame! It’s all downhill now.

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Further evidence that none of those idiots can think for themselves.

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They were making it up as they went along. She’s just confirming what was obvious.

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Another ditzy POS.

(sit/fetch/bark/ good girl)

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Obviously an old Valley girl.

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Gag me with a spoon 🙄

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Totally! Fer sure! 😄

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Incidentally Frank Zappa wrote that song on a bet: Someone bet that he could not write a top 40 song, so he made Valley Girl!!

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Could she appear any more stupid?

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"The Jewish values of healing the world" have been hijacked. Is there a Perpetual Order of Homosexual Rabbinical Impersonators in the wings, too?

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We North Carolina citizens are sooo proud! (NOT!)

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I really don't have words for how pissed off that clip made me when I saw it yesterday.

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