Paris's blasphemous Olympic opening shocks social media; sudden FBI reversal on bullet investigation; Kennedy censorship lawsuit makes progress; yesterday's funniest Kamala clip; and more.
“Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the authority to the tree of life and may enter by the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the sexually immoral persons and the murderers and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying.
⚠️If you are a Christian, please consider boycotting the Olympics on tv after the despicable mockery of Christ in the Last Supper by those horrible Drag Queens.
This is a powerful article from a Government Minister in Nigeria.
"He wrote: “This gratutious insult on Christianity at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics is unacceptable. Nothing depicts the moral, religious and social degeneration of the West more than this show of shame. If they had insulted Islam in this way Paris would have rightly been on fire by now"..
Thimerosal is a preservative that was in my 10-11 yr. old son’s allergy shots (40+ yrs. ago) unbeknownst to me. I finally learned WHY each shot was burning & stinging his arm unmercifully. It was finally removed. My education about crap included in injections began.
OMG!! I had to take those in my teens which is over 40 years ago, but I had the exact reaction! But I quit all the injections and medications at age 19 after the asthma medication was almost my demise! My appendix almost burst and I had to be put in observation all night because of the meds. The doctors still knew nothing about the side effects these drugs cause and just prescribed another drug along with it! That was it for me when I saw a Prevention Magazine that spoke about vitamins b and c. I got out of the hospital and quit everything and never took another asthma or allergy medication! It’s a racket!!!
Thanks for bringing this up. I had allergy shots about same amt of time ago and always wondered why the injection sites would swell, itch and burn randomly. It happened for years after I stopped getting them, too.
I found myself (in a bar) accidentally watching the USA vs. Germany basketball game. I didn't even know the Olympics were happening... then I noticed LeBron playing on 'our' team... and Germany was making a comeback... so I was pulling for Germany. That's where we are now I guess...
Partners: including AirBnB, Bridgestone tires (it’s a Japan company), Coca Cola, Deloitte (auditors), Intel, Omega (Swiss watches), Panasonic, P& G (Procter & Gamble eg Pampers®, Gillette®, Ariel® and a DEI partner ), Samsung, Toyota, Visa
Premium partners: includes Accor (fitness app and training), orange telecom, Sanofi (health),
Official Partners: includes Cisco telecommunications, PwC (auditors),
Official supporters: includes Salesforce, Abatable (Paris 2024 Official Climate Contribution Projects Supporter), Airweave (Japanese mattress manufacturer), Arena (international event mgmt), Egis (intelligent infrastructure and buildings), Eviden (cybersecurity with global network of SOCs), Mondo sports, Rapiscan Systems (sub of OSI Systems, Inc., a global provider of security inspection solutions at airports, border crossings, military installations..), SCC, Westfield (shopping centers)
I'm wondering who was on the planning committee and who actually approved the disgusting, sacrilegious drag queen portion??? Some of the sponsors should speak out against it. I'm glad I actually missed it.
The artists and the committee that approved it are despicable.
But it seems they may be warning us with the pale horse.
Revelation 6:8:
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
In 2004, I watched the opening show of the Athens Olympics. Having Greek background, I found the show to be touching and sweet, while also technologically was all about sharing the Greek history and culture with the world. They were so proud to be able to pull off such a beautiful and meaningful show, since it is a small country.
Fast forward 20 years, and now France shows off the beheading of Marie Antoinette, the mocking of its paternal religion, Christianity and its central figure, Christ, the imposing of ridiculous and horrible deviant and anomalous fringe people, and an eery depiction of the pale horse of Revelation. This is what France is sharing about itself to the world..think about that...
Not it's fashion, it's food, its literature, its cafe culture, just deviancy and hate.
Olympics, Christmas at the Biden White House, sames:
"The characters in all versions of the Olympics are over the top — that’s the point."
“When you watch a traditional Olympics a lot of kids in marginalized groups don’t necessarily see themselves in the competitions. They might not necessarily connect. So what we tried to create was a version of this sporting event that was inclusive.”
Susan posted the the link to the sponsors link. Some are partners meaning that they provide services. Some of them are scary - Eviden and Rapiscan.
At the very least we should write to the sponsors and request they pull their support and publicly distance themselves.
Buh bye Coca Cola, AirBnB, Pampers, Visa and more.
See below for not full list.
Partners: including AirBnB, Bridgestone tires (it’s a Japan company), Coca Cola, Deloitte (auditors), Intel, Omega (Swiss watches), Panasonic, P& G (Procter & Gamble eg Pampers®, Gillette®, Ariel® and a DEI partner ), Samsung, Toyota, Visa
Premium partners: includes Accor (fitness app and training), orange telecom, Sanofi (health),
Official Partners: includes Cisco telecommunications, PwC (auditors),
Official supporters: includes Salesforce, Abatable (Paris 2024 Official Climate Contribution Projects Supporter), Airweave (Japanese mattress manufacturer), Arena (international event mgmt), Egis (intelligent infrastructure and buildings), Eviden (cybersecurity with global network of SOCs), Mondo sports, Rapiscan Systems (sub of OSI Systems, Inc., a global provider of security inspection solutions at airports, border crossings, military installations..), SCC, Westfield (shopping centers)
Amen, you wrote what I was going to write. I had to give up cheering for the USA due to our team being one of the chief protagonists for the sick, inhumane woke agenda. We cannot, and must not tolerate this behavior so we have to "Bud Light" the Olympics.
Not worth a more than a minute of distraction, Amen! The Olympic GAYmes are a joke...aren't checkers and roller skating, corn hole, and Mario Cart, all included as "sports"? Just add Gay-Prancing-Skipping to the lineup of competition. Opening ceremonies to the gods have been a spectacle for decades; decent people really only want to watch the REAL sporting events, and NOT be immersed in inane and queer story hour. Pride in gay Paris is NOT shocking nor going to provoke Christian Nationalist Hate Riots and if Lefties like The Atlantic are let down then they're obviously Not Leftist Enough. This crap is really only useful to further embolden and radicalize the Queer Left to burn churches, Bibles, and incarcerate Pro-lifers and preachers of the Gospel. Their sordid sickness and rot of their souls is lashing out--at what and who, and why? They protest objective Reality, Nature's framework, Truth, and any God that would dare not sanction them.
Always pushing the envelope on immorality and depravity...typical Hollywood type garbage.
Europe and the US fighting their Christian foundations.
Better these games be given to Islamic countries from now on! Atleast they have respect for holy figures and don't espouse and celebrate alphabet sexual depravity like the spiritually sick west.
Im not sure about that Angela. I don't have prove of this but what if it turns out that the muslims in france (isn't france a muslim country now?) either turned a blind eye or were openly supportive of the attempt to destroy Christianity.
You know one of their practiced ancient proverbs is this: "The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend."
I understand that, and I know that their political religious ideology is to make everyone follow Islam.
However, they do not disrespect the Holy ones. Many Muslims have told me that they revere Jesus as a Prophet.
My great grandfather was a seaman, a mechanic on commercial cargo vessels. I have heard this story carried down through my family:
The Muslims on board used to tell him that they would never use any holy figures' names in vain and they were shocked that the 'Christians' on board would and would comment about it.
The 'artistic directors' of this vulgar spectacle were atheist Jews.
They pushed the envelope with Muslims in France as well. Remember Charlie Hebdo mocking Mohammed?
Cannot argue with you one bit. Plus the absurd Transfer Portal has destroyed any semblance of what was left. It is the one venue I still allow myself in sports to watch, but I am under no illusion of what I am really watching. The putrid military Kiss ass that starts every game is almost reason enough to give up on it, as it has nothing to do with supporting our troops, but everything to do with supporting the war uber alas state.
We don't have a functioning television (well, the TV works, but we don't have any service except what clips we can get on YouTube). Not going to watch any of it, and yes, on the time. We don't waste it any more!
Three members of the Netflix board of directors are: Barack Hussein Obama, Michelle Obama, and Susan Rice.
'Scuse my bluntness,. but it's about time you and EVERYone else here cancelled Netflix. Let the progressive leadership cabal fund their shytshow with their own money, not ours.
I’ve seen that their losses so far are in the neighborhood of $120 million. If that’s true, they are paying a high price for their $7 million donation to Camel-A.
I cancelled them on Tuesday. Had no idea about their Board of Directors. Would have cancelled WAY sooner! Makes sense that Obama's movie was debuted on Netflix.
I tell my husband he needs to cancel and he just looks at me like I’m wearing a tinfoil hat. He’s conservative but refuses to give up his Tell-a-Vision addiction. 😡
Me, too. Our grandchildren are gymnasts on a camping trip so we were going to record the finals for them. Not now. We are boycotting the entire Games. What France did was disgraceful. Young children, excited by watching the best athletes in the world, were subjected to degradation and visuals not fit for children. Many across the world turned it off as I see from comments across social media. BIG FAIL.
@AngelaK That was exactly my husband’s response. Too bad, because I know the athletes who worked so hard to get there had nothing to do with that despicable display. But it’s another Bud Light moment, and I think “they” need another Bud Light message.
Me boycotting the Olympics has the same effect as me boycotting Bud Light. None, since I don’t watch and don’t drink anyway. So I just try to speak out, or more accurately, write and share truth. And pray that the evil ones are snared in their own traps.
ditto Janice, I don't drink beer nor watch sports... with very few exceptions. As far the Olympics go, the only parts I would watch were the opening and closing ceremonies. This year I was out and caught only a glimpse - enough to figure out how the extreme liberals had hijacked them and turn to other things.
“Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.”
Galatians 6:7-8 ESV
And this is a footnote explanation…
Humans cannot turn up their noses at God and expect to get by with it. The immutable law built into creation, illustrated by sowing and reaping, is that actions have consequences (cf Proverbs 22:8).
Yes indeed - there are consequences!
Edited to add, one of the immutable (unchangeable) laws built into creation is male and female.
I believe each person who had a hand in the abomination called ‘opening ceremonies’ is at this moment experiencing consequences. My daily prayer is for God to blast into the lives of those who are perpetrating evil and that there will be no doubt about the source of the blast. God has a specific blast/consequence for each one. 🙏🏻
Amen MaryAnn. My daughter and I have been trading scripture to deal with this. She just sent these to me…
“The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is none who does good.”
Psalm 14:1 ESV
“And he said to me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near. Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy.” “Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.””
My good friend, a devoted liberal and vax lover, expressed this morning just how beautiful and well done the opening ceremony was! “Just breathtaking!” They truly see things through different eyes 🥺
I’ve known her a long time, do things with her, but we avoid certain topics like the plague. We have no influence over one another when it comes to politics, religion or medical issues. It’s ok to love your enemies and misguided friends. I’m sure I will attend her funeral in a couple years.
I get it... but did you push back at all on her "just breathtaking" comment about the absymal opening anti-Christian indoctrination event?
Honestly, not trying to pick a fight, but I think we (the silent majority) are where we are because we don't push back on these delusional people - they do see the world from a place not of reality - their "truth" not based in objective facts but subjective feelings. Pushing back doesn't mean you have to end the relationship. I mean she did push at you, right?
Recently had a road trip with my super lib oldest brother, during which the Deepstate tried to assassinate Trump.
While he was driving the next day, I read him the ridiculous MSM headlines reporting the attempt, all of which studiously avoided reporting the assassination, eg "Loud Popping Noises Cause Trump Rally to End Early" etc.
Even he was shocked, and when we returned, he told my sister in law what they'd said.
Anyone else see The Blaze report that the assassin's phone had been found to have been pinged 7-8 times at an FBI building in DC?
Sounds like conspiracy BS, I know, but it's real. The social misfit Crooks met with FBI!
New friends are easy to drop, certain old friends are not as easy to drop.
My best friend who lives here in my town is very liberal but she deserves a little grace and caring from me as her husband is slowly dying from a very rare cancer. It’s been going on since before covid but of course they got all the shots.
Luckily her eyes are open to this tranny and gender crap and we laugh about pronouns. My other friends all live in Portland (yep, that Portland) and it’s easy to dismiss them as close friends even though we’ve known each other since grade school and/or college, and we were close. They acted horribly towards me when it came time for one of our beach trips. They uninvited me. That’s why they are easy to dismiss. The local friend has never been rude or disrespectful, that’s also why we’re still friends.
I definitely need a new group of friends and recently joined a gym/senior center to meet people but I am so worried that they’ll end up to be Kamala lovers that I’m suspicious all the time.
That’s no way to live.
There’s no easy solution. I think we shouldn’t pig-pile on Katherine for remaining friends, everyone makes the choices they can live with.
I dont think anyone is piling on Katherine. We are having a discussion based on her post and no one has belittled her in any way. The point is we have to speak up. And realize that if they "unfriend" as they did to you, who needs them? The libs ALWAYS think they can change us, they are loud mouths and when there is no push back, they are further empowered.
Yes!! If your friends are Portlander's you probably need new ones. Wear a MAGA shirt to your gym, you will probably be surprised at how many people say, "cool shirt". A lot of people are just waiting for someone to take the lead, to show them there are others who feel just like they do.
Thank you; she is a nice lady and has helped me through some tough times. Her husband died of glio pre-Covid, and I am comfortable with her as a friend. We are respectful of one another's choices, even though we personally dislike many of the other's. It's a balancing act. Most pre-Covid "friends" are long gone, mostly due to their intolerance and inability to have a polite discussion.
Just spoke to a neighbor who was vacationing in Greece. Asked him if he watched the opening ceremonies and what the general reaction there was. He said he did not watch them, but in general people were not happy
That's great to hear. Did he indicate how they were expressing their reaction?
France appears to be lost.
"WOKE WEFtist" macron stole their most recent election by coordinating with the muslims and far left to get people to drop out of races all around the country.
These people are playing for keeps, for the power to dominate the world and force you and me to be injected with poison. For the wealth transfer of billions of Euros, Dollars etc.
Well, I couldn't comment as I hadn't watched any of it. I opined that it looked like it was rained out, but she said not so. I have to watch the darn thing before I can comment. I will point out to her the anti-Christian Satanic tranny rituals they dwell on though.
I get it, too. It can be difficult to counter the liberal rhetoric, especially if the relationship could be on the line with push-back. But, contrastingly, if push-back against her "just breathtaking" comment could mortally wound the relationship, how important IS the relationship to your friend? Relationships should be based on mutual respect for each other.....including the differences of opinion. IMHO, sounds like you're the one doing all the giving.
And I, her :) But we are both stubborn and out-spoken. We are avid bridge players. I was banned from playing live bridge for 3.5 yrs due to my non-vax status. She stuck up for me with the toads who run bridge.and remained a go-out-to lunch friend non-stop. She's about the only one I can travel to tournaments with, as everyone else has either died or can't do anything for more than 3 hours now. It's sad, even to lose liberal friends :(
My 91 year old mother stopped going to her Bridge games because of the woke loud mouths who want to push their abominable ideas while silencing and censoring others...
Yep, I know, I wake up every morning and go to bed every night, asking that He use me as an instrument of His Perfect Will.
I will probably have to answer for this one at the Pearly Gates, but Im hopeful that what I did in other ways will still allow St Peter to open the Gates and let me in. Loving those that seek to undermine His Will, dang, I'm just not good at that.
Hey, I didn't claim to be *good* at it, either, lol! But her friend will likely never change her opinion as a result of being shunned/unfriended, right? Maybe there's hope if they continue a relationship, so she might hear out of love.
There is now evidence that the poison (the human cockroach's jab vax) can indeed cross the blood brain barrier. I so badly want to be on Fauci's firing squad.
Too easy of an excuse. I think people make a conscious choice about what to let influence their thoughts and what to block. They choose between being too scared to speak up (and being attacked) or being complacent and condoning by inaction. Most people choose the latter. Very few have the courage of the former. She would have been the same before the vax.
I love you, but please stop picking on the Germans. If you knew the true history of WWII, you would hang your head in shame as have I for believing the official lies. If you remember only one thing, make it " Everything of import, , and I mean Everything, we have been told officially , is a LIE." And the more hallowed the subject , the more you can be assured it is a massive evil lie. Once people understand that, they will allow themselves to ditch their sacred cows and listen with an open mind to things that trigger them now.
I chose a different path. I have zero bolshevik friends or family with which I have any interactions whatsoever. I walked away from my sister years ago, and as of Easter, my satanic communist sister in law after I found out both worked to undermine our credibility with our daughter. While it was for sure mostly our daughter's own fault, with #2 being the big Pharma whore shrink who filled her full of deadly toxins, the last chance she had was listening to her mother. Destroying that chance, along with 2 of her "friends", was the last straw for her. And a screaming red line for me. May they all reap the whirlwind.
I did not watch. My husband went to turn it on and I said I will not watch the globalist games. I had no idea what they were going to do. This remark was just from past shameful displays from them. My husband and I are relieved we did not watch.
I saw a clip of celine dion. The online people are fawning over her.
Correct me if I’m wrong…SHE WAS IN A WHEELCHAIR AND LOOKED DEATHLY not long ago. At her son’s wedding two people had to hold her up for the dance with her son. She was finished and expected to go off and be on hospice. She is vax injured to the hilt. Then suddenly she reappears as if she’s 20 yrs old in the prime of her life??? NOPE 👎🏻 I don’t know what satanic voodoo that woman is into but her past satanic rituals do not give way to a miraculous healing unless she gave her soul to the devil or it flat out wasn’t her. LIARS EVERY ONE OF THEM. The truth is not in them.
That's exactly why I stopped watching them myself, like you, decades ago. They're intended to strengthen the globalist New World Order, and eliminate national distinctions.
To further emphasize the moral decay of the Olympics there is a Dutchman on the men’s volleyball team who admitted to and was convicted of raping a 12 year old girl. He was only sentenced to 4 years and served 1 year of the sentence. Quote “After his release, Van de Velde sought and received professional counselling. He has demonstrated to those around him — privately and professionally — self-insight and reflection,” the federation said” attempting to justify why he has been allowed to compete in a “premier” athletic event.
Someone who could hurt a little girl like that, a crime with lifelong consequences for that child, is allowed to parade himself for prizes in front of the whole world...
Oh man, you beat me to it… This was the one I was tugging on today: “I will sprinkle clean water upon you to cleanse you from all your impurities, and from all your idols I will cleanse you. I will give you a new heart and place a new spirit within you, taking from your bodies your stony hearts, and giving you natural hearts.”
"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh; for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before Yahweh, to the casting down of strongholds."
“They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.” It is these who cause divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit.”
Jude 1:18-19 ESV
“But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.”
Jude 1:20-21 ESV
I was suddenly prompted to read the book of Jude (😉the book is one chapter).
And I always found it MOST INTERESTING, that Yahweh HATES LYING more than any other of our rebellious nature actions!! Politicians ar prolific LIARS - always have I believe we should be praying for the salvation of ALL POLITICIANS - would that make the world a more righteous place!!
My thinking on the athletes? They need to take a stand too. If they win or place in an event or simply compete at the Olympic level, they must also have the courage to let their voices be heard. Something as simple as, "I love competing for the USA, I love being a free American and I wouldn't be here if not for our freedom and liberty. I think pushing woke ideology and social engineering has no place in this competition." Riley Gaines is a perfect example.
I've read a couple of articles where HIGH SCHOOL girls teams have taken a stand and not competed, but, other than Riley Gaines haven't heard much from college and pro teams - I think they are afraid of speaking out for fear of losing a scholarship or contract. Being honest, you only see a few men speaking out, Harrison Butker, (KC Chief's Kicker who puts his Catholic faith first) coming to mind. I see so many guys hit a homer or make a great play, who will look up to the heavens and make the sign of the cross, but nothing more. That's not enough.
Also, stolen elections have catastrophic consequences. Had we the people not allowed the theft of the 2020 and 2022 elections, we would not be under the power of the lunatics forcing this woke agenda on us.
That is just despicable but it doesn't surprise me at all that it happened in NeedsAWash-ington State. The girls are going to have to stand up and say enough is enough. But we men need to help them get to that place where they can.
Seeing how the French interpreted the opening ceremony, had the girl athletes protested any more they would have been tarred and feathered and forced to parade!
Remember the Mexico Olympics of 1968 when a couple of black athletes raised their fists in protest. That came at great personal cost to them. Within hours, they were condemned by the International Olympic Committee. Two days later, they were suspended from the US team and sent home. So much for asking the athletes to protest.
So what did you mean by, "So much for asking the athletes to protest?" It seemed as if you were saying they might hesitate because of what happened to the '60s athletes. It might, indeed, but I thought it should be pointed out that the roles have reversed, and only the protesting athletes would be upholding Olympic ideals.
I do. Oh how the IOC and the USOC has gone totally and all in on Wokelympics. I think the US needs to not win medal counts (Total, Gold, etc) for us to begin to turn the corner. The USOC "About" page on their website:
Any athlete that stays there and competes is spineless and a coward.
Any athlete that that has a moral compass and knows right from wrong would pack their bag and be on the next flight out of there and damn the consequences! But they won’t. Too much money and fame to gain. They just don’t understand that by gaining the whole world they lose their soul.
I long for the day that people in these positions will stand up and be courageous. Courage is contagious. Seems not many have that moral standard that they would die for nowadays. The men and women who fought to be free, the men and women who were martyred for Christs name would be so sad to witness todays world.
True. When she walked away from the team competition in 2020 but competed individually, I lost respect for her. She should not compete for the US ever again.
People forget that men lost their lives defending what was right. These poor baby athletes might not get endorsed or buckets of cash or invited to the WH. Waa waa I have zero sympathy. I personally know someone who walked away from his dream of playing MLB and he was in spring training when they forced vaxx the players. HE GAVE IT ALL UP for what was right. There is life after sports. Go get a job like the rest of the world. Zero sympathy. Stand up already!
Lets hope that at least a few leave. It would be probably be asking to much to expect the medal contenders to leave. But the great majority of athletes there have no reasonable expectations of winning a medal. They should leave and give public statements as to why.
I used to watch the Olympic gymnastics, swimming, and ski competitions (winter) but after I read Winterland, about Russian gymnasts during the Olga Korbut/Nadia Comenici periods, I lost interest. Exploitation of children by any country/person, in any manner, is evil.
I feel you. The opening ceremonies show and closing have always been a bore to me. We watched like 20 min and turned it off. But I will surely watch the games
As one of my European friends pointed out, they wouldn’t have DARED to do this kind of insulting, blasphemous parody of anything in the Koran or related to Islam!
This is a powerful article from a Government Minister in Nigeria.
"He wrote: “This gratutious insult on Christianity at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics is unacceptable. Nothing depicts the moral, religious and social degeneration of the West more than this show of shame. If they had insulted Islam in this way Paris would have rightly been on fire by now"..
I don’t know about “rightly” but they certainly wouldn’t have sat back and meekly accepted it. I wouldn’t want Christians to burn the city down over this but it certainly shows that it takes zero courage or edginess to mock Christianity. The French leftists kowtow to Muslims constantly however.
Muslims have burnt down over 100 churches in France in last year. The penalty for arson if burning a church? No jail, islomaphobia, hatred of migrants, etc. Try burning down a Mosque. Life in prison, islomaphobia, hatred of migrants, etc.
“Christian’s riot after Hollywood mocks their beliefs and blasphemes their God” subheadline: the latest summer blockbuster rated PG-13 was the last straw for Christians”.
Likely true, however they don’t seem to do much to prevent the threats, vandalism and attacks on Jewish people and they property as well as on synagogues and cemeteries.
I agree, and I didn’t say they weren’t. There have been increasing attacks on Jewish people and their property. I was making the point that I don’t remember seeing the kind of mockery or display against Jewish religious texts or traditions of the kind that we’ve seen regarding Christianity. At least nothing I can recall of the same type and magnitude. However, they certainly *are* very targeted for violence, as I also indicated in my previous post, and the government hasn’t seemed to do much about that. Jews in France certainly feel concerned, uneasy and even frightened. There have been quite a few who have emigrated because of the feeling of insecurity. Can’t say I blame them, with the increasing attacks 😕
I was referring to the public religious mocking and parody specifically with that “likely true” part. There doesn’t seem to be quite as much willingness to mock Jewish religion as with Christian symbols and religion in my extensive experience with the country. Though it is definitely more likely than with anything Islam related. They do have hate speech and Holocaust denial laws in France so there’s that. But for sure, far far more physical and properly attacks against them than anyone else. Just to clarify a little.
There are a tiny number of practicing Jews in the world, only 15 million total Jews (defined by mother being Jewish or people without a Jewish mom but who converted to the religion, so that’s including non-practicing Jews) and the public don’t receive much exposure to it, so few would understand the parody.
Our God is an awesome God. In the midst of all this darkness, his light shines brightly. It is all around us. This C & C community is part of that light for me. Shine On! Thank you, Jeff. Praying for your success in New York.🙏
Ad is funny as parody, but if it was run for real, the other side would just make ads with Trump saying ridiculous fake things. It would get out of hand!
Landmark Study: Worldwide Rise in All Cause Mortality after COVID Shots. IN 110 COUNTRIES, deaths from all causes spiked upward right after COVID shots. Every inhabited continent was hit hard.
As far as the Olympics full-on crap show, they are purposefully trying to offend Christians. Don't take the cheese. Screw 'em. Best you folks can do is turn off the TV. Hit 'em in the wallet. Surely there are better things to do. Only the whack jobs of the Establishment can turn running, jumping and throwing things into a perverted crap fest. Fitting that their ratings are already in the sewer. Let the miserable bastards have the TV. After all, the possessed need a place to mingle.
Agreed. Their intention is to shock and infuriate but it’s not working, don’t take the bait. Who cares what they think or do? Remember Melania Trump’s jacket: “I really don’t care, do you?” That’s a big ef off to alphabet, and all ridiculous provocateurs .
My parents just had 2 friends die yesterday. Last week my friend had her MIL die. 2 breast cancer and 1 heart surgery that never recovered. Gotta think all
🥇Where is Saturday Night Live’s Church Lady when you need her?…the organizers of the XXXIII (33rd) Summer Olympics did their very best imitation of Sodom and Gomorrha, highlighting multiple multimedia spectacular set pieces involving large numbers of unattractive cross-dressers reproducing famous religious imagery and performing interpretive dance routines that looked like a group of inexperienced campers being attacked by a giant cloud of mosquitos.🏆
🥈Judging purely by appearances (forgive me), none of these performers had any chance of competing in the Drag Queen 5K’s walking division, much less the Olympics. They appeared (again, sorry) to be best qualified to participate in any event ending with the words “eating contest.🥈
And what the heck, seems appropriate to recognize the bronze today too:
🥉…and then back to full steam ahead on Tuesday with a fulsome roundup unburdened by what has been, and recognizing that time, as it passes, is no more than time, which passes each day, with the passage of time. Or words to that effect. You get the idea.🥉
Gosh, I can't wait to read in the news of massive earthquakes, and a HUGE fireworks finale with lightning provided by God. That will smoke 'em. Or... wasn't there something akin to a meteor strike that ended Sodom and Gomorrah? That would be a sequel worth watching!
the olympic opening was full of satanic rituals - which the world participated in. this wasnt merely mocking Christianity, it was a satanic church event. the devil wants us to think of him as nothing more than a clownish character, to give ourselves permission to shrug it off as a show. we must not continue to allow these rituals into our lives. we must call evil for what it is.
This is a powerful article from a Minister in Nigeria.
"He wrote: “This gratutious insult on Christianity at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics is unacceptable. Nothing depicts the moral, religious and social degeneration of the West more than this show of shame. If they had insulted Islam in this way Paris would have rightly been on fire by now"..
Paris will still eventually be on fire in that while the opening ceremony mainly targeted Christianity, it's general amorality gives Islam all that much more incentive to destroy the degenerate West.
Pretty sure that pinnacle of the opening ceremony is when my wife "noped" out. Just turned it all off and said "we're done". I didn't watch, but really - I expect nothing less and from what I've seen, it was more mild than I expected. (Still ugly, but hardly unexpected.) I agree with that one take of "you want to be edgy - go try attacking Islam". I don't expect anything less of the world in the state that it's in. We were going through a study recently and one theme that struck me is those living apart from God have a life with no real hope. Remembering that explains a lot and helps have compassion on them a bit, even while disagreeing with their beliefs.
Glad to see the Kennedy suit making progress. I think the Berenson suit is also slowly progressing, for similar reasons. Just crazy that the SCOTUS wanted to punt on "standing" when this was a pretty clear case of "no, you can't do this". True, it was done without a law, but we also got rid of Chevron - freeing the way for "you need a law to do this".
As always, I appreciate the round-up and the takes on these bits that we don't always see.
And the really tragic thing of it is, this is France we're talking about with a deep, beautiful, artistic legacy. I mean, just look at Notre Dame Cathedral (STILL wondering about how/who started THAT fire) or Chartre or even the smaller cathedrals and churches in towns throughout the country. There's the Louvre, the Champs-Élysées, the Tuileries Palace and the spectacle we saw last night was the BEST they could produce? They jettisoned all the beauty and culture built up over centuries for that? I guess it had to be done because all the beauty and culture is a direct result of Christianity. So sad. So unnecessary. Straight up cultural suicide. Oh, eldest daughter of the Church, reclaim your patrimony!
All true, but remember that the real France is not represented by these satanists anymore than ours is by our own Satanists deep state and illegitimate government. Still is the most amazing country we've ever visited, or at least was before it was hijacked. Don't forget the Yellow Vests. When it comes to protests, Americans are complete weenies compared to the French.
Roland, I was fortunate enough to visit Paris and Normandy (also visited Mont St. Michel which is a truly incredible place) in 2014 and along the way had the chance to stop in many small towns/villages. I remember thinking at the time that though the "elite" were trying desperately to erase any tie to Christianity, Christian symbols were found everywhere. In Normandy, there is a huge statue of Mother Mary overlooking the beach - I mean huge. She cast a shadow over the entire area. People in our group - who were not religious in any way - commented frequently on the effect of visiting amazing cathedrals and outdoor shrines. The local people were, with one annoying exception, salt of the earth.
NAB: like all good things France too has been overrun by the alphabet soup of the LGBTQs and gone off the deep end. And to think that same country donated the Statue of Liberty!
Noped out. I like that. I did the same with MLB and NFL. Several days ago I told my sports/eating buddies that I was also a nope for the Olympics. Going to replace those gained hours with something constructive.
Yasmine Mohammed's 'tweet' summed up the absurdity of the Opening Ceremonies nicely. Indeed, who are they trying to provoke? I'll admit that I didn't watch because I became bored with the posturing of the Olympics long ago.
As a Christian, I'm not outraged. I simply find the whole spectacle incredibly f***ing stupid.
What brain trust felt compelled to mock the Last Supper with a bunch of drag queens? Ultimately, I feel bad for the athletes who have dedicated their lives to participate in something that has become symbolic of western civilization in its death throes.
What would Sartre think about the reality of France's loving embrace of technocratic Marxist ideology? Where's Napoleon when France needs him? (Long dead and among the detritus of what used to represent French cultural and intellectual independence. All that wasted time I spent reading Camus, all for naught).
Follow the money…someone got paid…handsomely for this. Used to love the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics. The entering of the countries participating was a thrill and the lighting of the Olympic flame was what it was about. The theatrics of the last 20 years ceremonies have turned me off.
Yeah I’m more exasperated as in rolling my eyes at their pretend edginess but like you said, it’s just plain stupid and not creative at all. Yawn.
I feel bad for the athletes too, they have worked very hard to get to the games and it’s sad that the organizers feel compelled to distract from the raison d’être of the whole event 😕
Anything that involves Lady Gaga and Celine Dion is immediately suspect in my mind. It's become self-parody at this point. I welcome Christ's return, regardless of the outcome.
I might be wrong, but didn’t the UN recently have a huge art exhibit mocking Christianity with the exact same types of images, with drag queens and sexual references. I remember being disgusted by what I saw of it, but now I can’t find the information on line. 🤷♀️
We seem to forget in all this delegitimization of the assassination attempt, someone actually died and two people were seriously injured. How about we keep the focus on that.
Apparently the victims all threw themselves into the line of fire...NO one at a Trump Rally is "innocent" that's already been proven; all are Insurrectionists and enemies of the Deep State. Wray and Mayorkiss are sick men and a danger to everyone.
There’s a saying about not ascribing to malfeasance what can be ascribed to incompetence that comes to mind. But I do think Wray is evil and the whole department is infested with DEI, so maybe it’s both. A dangerous combination.
There should also be a saying that when the total of incompetent acts exceeds a certain number, that means malfeasance was behind them all. Deductive logic suggests as much.
He was responsible for approving the security detail in PA, not Cheatle. So she is responsible for his being in that position but he is responsible for allowing attempted murder, possibly with USSS participation.
I believe the assassination attempt was the last ditch desperate effort of Jill Biden (the former mafia princess). Trump’s death would have sealed the deal for protecting Biden’s nomination. Jill rolled the dice and lost. In the interview with George Stephanopoulos, Biden said he was confident about beating Trump, because Trump was about to be challenged with something, he had not been challenged with before. So, yeah, assassins bullets are quite challenging.
I believe that other Democrat factions were aware and even hoping beyond hope for success of the operation, though not willing to take a direct part. I don’t doubt that some Trump hating Republicans were in that boat with them. There seems to have been efforts to cash in if Trump had been killed. And what was with the sudden reversal on giving Nikki Haley a speaking spot at the RNC CONVENTION? Was that just in case there would be need for an alternative candidate to be nominated? One the Never Trumper Neocons wanted desperately?
Then, when the plot failed so gloriously, the Democrats had to scramble for safety and fervently distance themselves with major efforts to get rid of the Biden Crime Family and any perceived ties.
They all know, in the words of Bob Dylan, in good time, ‘a hard rain is gonna fall.’
I still have to think they gave every opportunity to this little demonic kid and no professional killers were there. “Here’s your chance, Jill. If you can kill Trump, while we idly stand by, the White House is yours until the corpse stinks too badly to be believed. If you fail, you’re gone. We hope you succeed. But passive support is all we’re giving you.”
I believe if there had been actual professional snipers, Trump would be dead.
I believe they were that afraid the repercussions of trying to kill the King and failing. Something made them afraid.
There were two shooters aiming at Trump. Bullets 1-3 have no echo and sound a little muffled and bullets 4-8 have an echo. Local or state LEOs fired the 9th shot and the Secret Service south sniper squad fired the 10th shot.
That is an insult to rocks. They are, after all, the source of the chemical elements humans require for life. The FBI? Disappear it and we'd all be living, and living more abundantly.
It's the leadership screwing with us, an intentional barbed the Jesus in Drag B.S.; they are yet again asserting that only THEY hold and dispense the Truth and the means and timing of rationing it out as well. Director Wray probably gets off on doing this...he's a disturbed and defective individual, a true full on Nazi-type. 20-30 years of imprisonment would be the best service to his country
Or sly like a fox. Their statement: “What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle.”
This statement is intended to make everyone believe that Crooks fired the shots. So why didn't they just say "Crooks?" Or was it the deceased person on the water tower? Or was there a third shooter in the woods? Lots of regular citizens looking into the video evidence and raising questions.
I see this statement as one to get the public to settle on the " one lone 20 year old with anger issues" narrative.
I’ve watched every Olympics Opening Ceremony since 1976 - except last night’s. (Best one ever was LA ~ 1984.) Thanks, Jeff, for describing what I missed; which, I’m even more grateful now to not have seen.
This is a powerful article from a Government Minister in Nigeria.
"He wrote: “This gratutious insult on Christianity at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics is unacceptable. Nothing depicts the moral, religious and social degeneration of the West more than this show of shame. If they had insulted Islam in this way Paris would have rightly been on fire by now"..
Agree. IMHO, every Olympics since the USOC allowed professionals to represent our country in any sport, well, it's just not been the same. When the '92 "Dream Team" routed every opponent, it was clear that it was about winning for the sake of winning, not about sportsmanship. When I heard that LeBron James was going to be a flag bearer this year, that was the last straw for me. I'm done.
Why wouldn’t the Christian athletes stand up against this? I get that you’ve worked your whole life to get to this point, but how can that be more important than God to an authentic Christian?
It could be that what they worked their whole life for became their idol. It took the place of God in their hearts. Listen to the words of the song “Clear the Stage” by Jimmy Needham.
Abraham yearned for over 80 years for the goal of his son and even he was willing to give it up for his faith in God. Of course God rewarded his faith and he never had to give his son up. The Christian athletes don’t want to give up the chance at a round piece of metal? And the subsequent prestige and popularity? They should stand up and walk out now or they have proven much to these haters.
“Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the authority to the tree of life and may enter by the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the sexually immoral persons and the murderers and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying.
— Revelation 22:12-15 LSB
⚠️If you are a Christian, please consider boycotting the Olympics on tv after the despicable mockery of Christ in the Last Supper by those horrible Drag Queens.
This is a powerful article from a Government Minister in Nigeria.
"He wrote: “This gratutious insult on Christianity at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics is unacceptable. Nothing depicts the moral, religious and social degeneration of the West more than this show of shame. If they had insulted Islam in this way Paris would have rightly been on fire by now"..
Everyone that respects decency should boycott the Olympics.
Boycotting the Olympics also needs to include boycotting the corporate sponsors. We need a list if anyone has one.
You mean like Eli Lilly who used Simone Bile's mother and Simone to sell one of their diabetes drugs.
Just remember that Eli Lilly got thimerasol approved by the FDA as safe and effective by testing it on sick and dying children. They are scum.
Thimerosal is a preservative that was in my 10-11 yr. old son’s allergy shots (40+ yrs. ago) unbeknownst to me. I finally learned WHY each shot was burning & stinging his arm unmercifully. It was finally removed. My education about crap included in injections began.
Thimerosal was the preservative in my hard contact lens cleaning solution.
Used it for almost 10 years.
Then, I developed a serious photo sensitivity issue.
OMG!! I had to take those in my teens which is over 40 years ago, but I had the exact reaction! But I quit all the injections and medications at age 19 after the asthma medication was almost my demise! My appendix almost burst and I had to be put in observation all night because of the meds. The doctors still knew nothing about the side effects these drugs cause and just prescribed another drug along with it! That was it for me when I saw a Prevention Magazine that spoke about vitamins b and c. I got out of the hospital and quit everything and never took another asthma or allergy medication! It’s a racket!!!
Thanks for bringing this up. I had allergy shots about same amt of time ago and always wondered why the injection sites would swell, itch and burn randomly. It happened for years after I stopped getting them, too.
4 shots in each arm twice a week for a year.
Wow, didn’t know that.
Eli Lilly also pays for the clergy that play the game a sabbatical. There was one in our area that got $50 grand to go to Iceland to relax.
Not watching any of it.
I found myself (in a bar) accidentally watching the USA vs. Germany basketball game. I didn't even know the Olympics were happening... then I noticed LeBron playing on 'our' team... and Germany was making a comeback... so I was pulling for Germany. That's where we are now I guess...
Not in a nice concise list, but here is some information on corporate sponsors:
They are listed in categories of Worldwide, Premium, & Official Partners, and Official Supporters.
Partners: including AirBnB, Bridgestone tires (it’s a Japan company), Coca Cola, Deloitte (auditors), Intel, Omega (Swiss watches), Panasonic, P& G (Procter & Gamble eg Pampers®, Gillette®, Ariel® and a DEI partner ), Samsung, Toyota, Visa
Premium partners: includes Accor (fitness app and training), orange telecom, Sanofi (health),
Official Partners: includes Cisco telecommunications, PwC (auditors),
Official supporters: includes Salesforce, Abatable (Paris 2024 Official Climate Contribution Projects Supporter), Airweave (Japanese mattress manufacturer), Arena (international event mgmt), Egis (intelligent infrastructure and buildings), Eviden (cybersecurity with global network of SOCs), Mondo sports, Rapiscan Systems (sub of OSI Systems, Inc., a global provider of security inspection solutions at airports, border crossings, military installations..), SCC, Westfield (shopping centers)
Wow…that is a who’s who of corporate shakers & movers…their world’s gonna get some movin’ & shakin’ here very soon!!! ⚡️⚡️⚡️🔥🔥🔥🥊🥊🥊
Yes!!! $$$$ governs all.
Let sponsors KNOW you aren’t patronizing any of them. Collectively this is power of the people.
$$$$ and sexual perversion are ruling us all. Come Lord Jesus.
I'm wondering who was on the planning committee and who actually approved the disgusting, sacrilegious drag queen portion??? Some of the sponsors should speak out against it. I'm glad I actually missed it.
The artists and the committee that approved it are despicable.
But it seems they may be warning us with the pale horse.
Revelation 6:8:
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
Here is Johnny Cash singing about it:
Consider yourself unburdened by that which was unseen.
No way. The “games” are simply a mockery of the goodness of humanity. Quit watching in the 90s anyway.
In 2004, I watched the opening show of the Athens Olympics. Having Greek background, I found the show to be touching and sweet, while also technologically was all about sharing the Greek history and culture with the world. They were so proud to be able to pull off such a beautiful and meaningful show, since it is a small country.
Fast forward 20 years, and now France shows off the beheading of Marie Antoinette, the mocking of its paternal religion, Christianity and its central figure, Christ, the imposing of ridiculous and horrible deviant and anomalous fringe people, and an eery depiction of the pale horse of Revelation. This is what France is sharing about itself to the world..think about that...
Not it's fashion, it's food, its literature, its cafe culture, just deviancy and hate.
The Catholic Church calls France The Eldest Daughter. I can see why Satan wants the country destroyed.
Wow, didn't know that
Olympics, Christmas at the Biden White House, sames:
"The characters in all versions of the Olympics are over the top — that’s the point."
“When you watch a traditional Olympics a lot of kids in marginalized groups don’t necessarily see themselves in the competitions. They might not necessarily connect. So what we tried to create was a version of this sporting event that was inclusive.”
The White House's 2023 Christmas was a preview of coming attractions:
How ridiculous! What BS!! Kids didn't even know what drag queens were 10 years ago!!!
They are using the demonic magic of 'power of suggestion' to make kids transgender, gay, etc.
SATANIC is what it is.
Yep, I thought queens was a NYC borough.
Indeed. They are wicked sorcerers.
Susan posted the the link to the sponsors link. Some are partners meaning that they provide services. Some of them are scary - Eviden and Rapiscan.
At the very least we should write to the sponsors and request they pull their support and publicly distance themselves.
Buh bye Coca Cola, AirBnB, Pampers, Visa and more.
See below for not full list.
Partners: including AirBnB, Bridgestone tires (it’s a Japan company), Coca Cola, Deloitte (auditors), Intel, Omega (Swiss watches), Panasonic, P& G (Procter & Gamble eg Pampers®, Gillette®, Ariel® and a DEI partner ), Samsung, Toyota, Visa
Premium partners: includes Accor (fitness app and training), orange telecom, Sanofi (health),
Official Partners: includes Cisco telecommunications, PwC (auditors),
Official supporters: includes Salesforce, Abatable (Paris 2024 Official Climate Contribution Projects Supporter), Airweave (Japanese mattress manufacturer), Arena (international event mgmt), Egis (intelligent infrastructure and buildings), Eviden (cybersecurity with global network of SOCs), Mondo sports, Rapiscan Systems (sub of OSI Systems, Inc., a global provider of security inspection solutions at airports, border crossings, military installations..), SCC, Westfield (shopping centers)
Stopped watching the junk years ago…. With NFL and MLB. Probably in 2012. Recovered a lot more time!
Amen, you wrote what I was going to write. I had to give up cheering for the USA due to our team being one of the chief protagonists for the sick, inhumane woke agenda. We cannot, and must not tolerate this behavior so we have to "Bud Light" the Olympics.
Not worth a more than a minute of distraction, Amen! The Olympic GAYmes are a joke...aren't checkers and roller skating, corn hole, and Mario Cart, all included as "sports"? Just add Gay-Prancing-Skipping to the lineup of competition. Opening ceremonies to the gods have been a spectacle for decades; decent people really only want to watch the REAL sporting events, and NOT be immersed in inane and queer story hour. Pride in gay Paris is NOT shocking nor going to provoke Christian Nationalist Hate Riots and if Lefties like The Atlantic are let down then they're obviously Not Leftist Enough. This crap is really only useful to further embolden and radicalize the Queer Left to burn churches, Bibles, and incarcerate Pro-lifers and preachers of the Gospel. Their sordid sickness and rot of their souls is lashing out--at what and who, and why? They protest objective Reality, Nature's framework, Truth, and any God that would dare not sanction them.
go back and look at the Opening Ceremony at the London games. They were telling us the pandemic was coming
That huge dark Grim Reaper death figure with the needle?
Was that supposed to tell us something? /s
Yes, there were even dancing nurses. It was predictive "entertainment".
Always pushing the envelope on immorality and depravity...typical Hollywood type garbage.
Europe and the US fighting their Christian foundations.
Better these games be given to Islamic countries from now on! Atleast they have respect for holy figures and don't espouse and celebrate alphabet sexual depravity like the spiritually sick west.
Im not sure about that Angela. I don't have prove of this but what if it turns out that the muslims in france (isn't france a muslim country now?) either turned a blind eye or were openly supportive of the attempt to destroy Christianity.
You know one of their practiced ancient proverbs is this: "The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend."
I understand that, and I know that their political religious ideology is to make everyone follow Islam.
However, they do not disrespect the Holy ones. Many Muslims have told me that they revere Jesus as a Prophet.
My great grandfather was a seaman, a mechanic on commercial cargo vessels. I have heard this story carried down through my family:
The Muslims on board used to tell him that they would never use any holy figures' names in vain and they were shocked that the 'Christians' on board would and would comment about it.
The 'artistic directors' of this vulgar spectacle were atheist Jews.
They pushed the envelope with Muslims in France as well. Remember Charlie Hebdo mocking Mohammed?
It seems almost all the cultural and sport events that created human commonality are gone. Maybe UFC? What others are left?
maybe college football. not much for sure. used to an avid sports fan, but gave them all up years ago, and don't miss it at all
College football was lost decades ago. They're not student athletes, they're semi-pro thugs who can't spell "cat."
I oughta know - here in Oklahoma we hire our football stars from Texas.
Cannot argue with you one bit. Plus the absurd Transfer Portal has destroyed any semblance of what was left. It is the one venue I still allow myself in sports to watch, but I am under no illusion of what I am really watching. The putrid military Kiss ass that starts every game is almost reason enough to give up on it, as it has nothing to do with supporting our troops, but everything to do with supporting the war uber alas state.
Johnny Be Real - I also quit altogether MLB after the disgraceful bowing down to Black Lives Matter terrorists and propaganda in 2020.
We don't have a functioning television (well, the TV works, but we don't have any service except what clips we can get on YouTube). Not going to watch any of it, and yes, on the time. We don't waste it any more!
Yup. Boycotting viewing the Olympics and also just cancelled my Netflix account after they gave millions to the Harris campaign.
Three members of the Netflix board of directors are: Barack Hussein Obama, Michelle Obama, and Susan Rice.
'Scuse my bluntness,. but it's about time you and EVERYone else here cancelled Netflix. Let the progressive leadership cabal fund their shytshow with their own money, not ours.
I cancelled about 5 years ago...too much crap on it.
We cancelled it when B Obummer got on the board. My parents text me this morning saying they cancelled it yesterday!
I’ve seen that their losses so far are in the neighborhood of $120 million. If that’s true, they are paying a high price for their $7 million donation to Camel-A.
Where did you see this list of the Netflix board of directors? I see Susan Rice but no obamas.
My error: Susuan Rice is on the Board; the Obamas produce content.
Well, good to know that the Obamas are getting some much needed income from Netflix. /sarc
$$$ talks! Kudos!
I don’t have a Netflix account; never have had one. Only wish I did so I could cancel them!
If every republican with a Netflix subscription would cancel it they just might pay attention.
I would prefer a conservative billionaire buy it and stop the nonsense.
I cancelled them on Tuesday. Had no idea about their Board of Directors. Would have cancelled WAY sooner! Makes sense that Obama's movie was debuted on Netflix.
I tell my husband he needs to cancel and he just looks at me like I’m wearing a tinfoil hat. He’s conservative but refuses to give up his Tell-a-Vision addiction. 😡
They're called television "programs" for a reason.
My 56 yr old conservative roomate-same
Look into MhZ, a European type Netflix. Cheap and far better than anything produced in America.
Consider it boycotted in my household! I will put my feet where my talk is
Me, too. Our grandchildren are gymnasts on a camping trip so we were going to record the finals for them. Not now. We are boycotting the entire Games. What France did was disgraceful. Young children, excited by watching the best athletes in the world, were subjected to degradation and visuals not fit for children. Many across the world turned it off as I see from comments across social media. BIG FAIL.
@AngelaK That was exactly my husband’s response. Too bad, because I know the athletes who worked so hard to get there had nothing to do with that despicable display. But it’s another Bud Light moment, and I think “they” need another Bud Light message.
Me boycotting the Olympics has the same effect as me boycotting Bud Light. None, since I don’t watch and don’t drink anyway. So I just try to speak out, or more accurately, write and share truth. And pray that the evil ones are snared in their own traps.
Same Janice, and speaking out as you do with God’s word is powerful!
Janice - I am reminded of the scripture - spiritual wickedness in high places.
Absolutely. And it (they) are becoming more brazen.
ditto Janice, I don't drink beer nor watch sports... with very few exceptions. As far the Olympics go, the only parts I would watch were the opening and closing ceremonies. This year I was out and caught only a glimpse - enough to figure out how the extreme liberals had hijacked them and turn to other things.
“Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.”
Galatians 6:7-8 ESV
And this is a footnote explanation…
Humans cannot turn up their noses at God and expect to get by with it. The immutable law built into creation, illustrated by sowing and reaping, is that actions have consequences (cf Proverbs 22:8).
Yes indeed - there are consequences!
Edited to add, one of the immutable (unchangeable) laws built into creation is male and female.
The apostasy of the West is shocking.
It is shocking, though it was foretold in the bible thousands of years ago.
I believe each person who had a hand in the abomination called ‘opening ceremonies’ is at this moment experiencing consequences. My daily prayer is for God to blast into the lives of those who are perpetrating evil and that there will be no doubt about the source of the blast. God has a specific blast/consequence for each one. 🙏🏻
Amen MaryAnn. My daughter and I have been trading scripture to deal with this. She just sent these to me…
“The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is none who does good.”
Psalm 14:1 ESV
“And he said to me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near. Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy.” “Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.””
Revelation 22:10-13 ESV
And we say…Amen, Come Lord Jesus!
My good friend, a devoted liberal and vax lover, expressed this morning just how beautiful and well done the opening ceremony was! “Just breathtaking!” They truly see things through different eyes 🥺
I’ve known her a long time, do things with her, but we avoid certain topics like the plague. We have no influence over one another when it comes to politics, religion or medical issues. It’s ok to love your enemies and misguided friends. I’m sure I will attend her funeral in a couple years.
I get it... but did you push back at all on her "just breathtaking" comment about the absymal opening anti-Christian indoctrination event?
Honestly, not trying to pick a fight, but I think we (the silent majority) are where we are because we don't push back on these delusional people - they do see the world from a place not of reality - their "truth" not based in objective facts but subjective feelings. Pushing back doesn't mean you have to end the relationship. I mean she did push at you, right?
We have to stop being nice...or silent.
Recently had a road trip with my super lib oldest brother, during which the Deepstate tried to assassinate Trump.
While he was driving the next day, I read him the ridiculous MSM headlines reporting the attempt, all of which studiously avoided reporting the assassination, eg "Loud Popping Noises Cause Trump Rally to End Early" etc.
Even he was shocked, and when we returned, he told my sister in law what they'd said.
Anyone else see The Blaze report that the assassin's phone had been found to have been pinged 7-8 times at an FBI building in DC?
Sounds like conspiracy BS, I know, but it's real. The social misfit Crooks met with FBI!
Yeah, or we lose. It's existential. Silence often speaks louder than words!
New friends are easy to drop, certain old friends are not as easy to drop.
My best friend who lives here in my town is very liberal but she deserves a little grace and caring from me as her husband is slowly dying from a very rare cancer. It’s been going on since before covid but of course they got all the shots.
Luckily her eyes are open to this tranny and gender crap and we laugh about pronouns. My other friends all live in Portland (yep, that Portland) and it’s easy to dismiss them as close friends even though we’ve known each other since grade school and/or college, and we were close. They acted horribly towards me when it came time for one of our beach trips. They uninvited me. That’s why they are easy to dismiss. The local friend has never been rude or disrespectful, that’s also why we’re still friends.
I definitely need a new group of friends and recently joined a gym/senior center to meet people but I am so worried that they’ll end up to be Kamala lovers that I’m suspicious all the time.
That’s no way to live.
There’s no easy solution. I think we shouldn’t pig-pile on Katherine for remaining friends, everyone makes the choices they can live with.
I dont think anyone is piling on Katherine. We are having a discussion based on her post and no one has belittled her in any way. The point is we have to speak up. And realize that if they "unfriend" as they did to you, who needs them? The libs ALWAYS think they can change us, they are loud mouths and when there is no push back, they are further empowered.
Yes!! If your friends are Portlander's you probably need new ones. Wear a MAGA shirt to your gym, you will probably be surprised at how many people say, "cool shirt". A lot of people are just waiting for someone to take the lead, to show them there are others who feel just like they do.
Thank you; she is a nice lady and has helped me through some tough times. Her husband died of glio pre-Covid, and I am comfortable with her as a friend. We are respectful of one another's choices, even though we personally dislike many of the other's. It's a balancing act. Most pre-Covid "friends" are long gone, mostly due to their intolerance and inability to have a polite discussion.
Just spoke to a neighbor who was vacationing in Greece. Asked him if he watched the opening ceremonies and what the general reaction there was. He said he did not watch them, but in general people were not happy
That's great to hear. Did he indicate how they were expressing their reaction?
France appears to be lost.
"WOKE WEFtist" macron stole their most recent election by coordinating with the muslims and far left to get people to drop out of races all around the country.
These people are playing for keeps, for the power to dominate the world and force you and me to be injected with poison. For the wealth transfer of billions of Euros, Dollars etc.
Well, I couldn't comment as I hadn't watched any of it. I opined that it looked like it was rained out, but she said not so. I have to watch the darn thing before I can comment. I will point out to her the anti-Christian Satanic tranny rituals they dwell on though.
"being true in love, we may increase to Him in all things, who is the head -- the Christ" - Ephesians 4:15 (Young's Literal Translation)
I get it, too. It can be difficult to counter the liberal rhetoric, especially if the relationship could be on the line with push-back. But, contrastingly, if push-back against her "just breathtaking" comment could mortally wound the relationship, how important IS the relationship to your friend? Relationships should be based on mutual respect for each other.....including the differences of opinion. IMHO, sounds like you're the one doing all the giving.
True; I'm not afraid to push back, and do a lot, but I hadn't watched the damn thing; it was 7 am this morning.
In order to dissent at the moment, I actually don't think you needed to watch the blasphemy. 😉
And......I salute Jeff for NOT including video or photos.
Yes, well said.
I think I can say with almost 100% certainty, that your friend thinks she can change you through your friendship with her.
And I, her :) But we are both stubborn and out-spoken. We are avid bridge players. I was banned from playing live bridge for 3.5 yrs due to my non-vax status. She stuck up for me with the toads who run bridge.and remained a go-out-to lunch friend non-stop. She's about the only one I can travel to tournaments with, as everyone else has either died or can't do anything for more than 3 hours now. It's sad, even to lose liberal friends :(
A friend of mine has a monthly poker game. One of the invitees demanded everyone be v@xed. He was the one uninvited. 🤩
My 91 year old mother stopped going to her Bridge games because of the woke loud mouths who want to push their abominable ideas while silencing and censoring others...
I just have to ask Katherine, why is she/he/they your good friend?
"And love consists in this: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as the atoning sacrifice for our sins." - 1 John 4:10
He loved us when we were "unlovable."
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." - John 13:34
Yep, I know, I wake up every morning and go to bed every night, asking that He use me as an instrument of His Perfect Will.
I will probably have to answer for this one at the Pearly Gates, but Im hopeful that what I did in other ways will still allow St Peter to open the Gates and let me in. Loving those that seek to undermine His Will, dang, I'm just not good at that.
Hey, I didn't claim to be *good* at it, either, lol! But her friend will likely never change her opinion as a result of being shunned/unfriended, right? Maybe there's hope if they continue a relationship, so she might hear out of love.
She probably has brain damage from the covid DeathVax.
There is now evidence that the poison (the human cockroach's jab vax) can indeed cross the blood brain barrier. I so badly want to be on Fauci's firing squad.
From Doctor Vernon Coleman:
Before it was rolled out, I read that warning and other warnings, then, suddenly, nothing... Poof, like magic, it became completely safe!
yep, safe and effective ... in enriching Fauci, Bourlas, and other deepstaters
Love Dr. Vernon Coleman.
Thanks for posting the link.
Welcome. Information is knowledge is power.
Edwin stack publishes his work
She is having brain issues, so...
She might have micro clots.
What happened to Steve kirsch
Too easy of an excuse. I think people make a conscious choice about what to let influence their thoughts and what to block. They choose between being too scared to speak up (and being attacked) or being complacent and condoning by inaction. Most people choose the latter. Very few have the courage of the former. She would have been the same before the vax.
Just like the "good Germans."
I love you, but please stop picking on the Germans. If you knew the true history of WWII, you would hang your head in shame as have I for believing the official lies. If you remember only one thing, make it " Everything of import, , and I mean Everything, we have been told officially , is a LIE." And the more hallowed the subject , the more you can be assured it is a massive evil lie. Once people understand that, they will allow themselves to ditch their sacred cows and listen with an open mind to things that trigger them now.
great analogy Kathleen
I chose a different path. I have zero bolshevik friends or family with which I have any interactions whatsoever. I walked away from my sister years ago, and as of Easter, my satanic communist sister in law after I found out both worked to undermine our credibility with our daughter. While it was for sure mostly our daughter's own fault, with #2 being the big Pharma whore shrink who filled her full of deadly toxins, the last chance she had was listening to her mother. Destroying that chance, along with 2 of her "friends", was the last straw for her. And a screaming red line for me. May they all reap the whirlwind.
I guess if you have pink glasses grafted onto your eyeballs it really was breathtaking...
Katherine, they are blind.
Ugh 🙄😡
I will DEFINITELY NOT be watching!
I did not watch. My husband went to turn it on and I said I will not watch the globalist games. I had no idea what they were going to do. This remark was just from past shameful displays from them. My husband and I are relieved we did not watch.
I saw a clip of celine dion. The online people are fawning over her.
Correct me if I’m wrong…SHE WAS IN A WHEELCHAIR AND LOOKED DEATHLY not long ago. At her son’s wedding two people had to hold her up for the dance with her son. She was finished and expected to go off and be on hospice. She is vax injured to the hilt. Then suddenly she reappears as if she’s 20 yrs old in the prime of her life??? NOPE 👎🏻 I don’t know what satanic voodoo that woman is into but her past satanic rituals do not give way to a miraculous healing unless she gave her soul to the devil or it flat out wasn’t her. LIARS EVERY ONE OF THEM. The truth is not in them.
"the globalist games"
That's exactly why I stopped watching them myself, like you, decades ago. They're intended to strengthen the globalist New World Order, and eliminate national distinctions.
How does Celine Diion claim to have such a turnaround in her physical condition?
I too was wondering??
I truly wish recovery and health for all, but seeing her in poses on the internet that most her age couldn't do anymore anyway, I am super curious.
She isn't claiming a miracle or giving thanks to God, so what happened?
Oh, Angela, I've been "boycotting" the Olympics for years now.
I haven't watched the Olympics for decades... so you have my thumbs up, AngelaK
I haven’t watched it in several years. I’m with you.
Thankfully I was warned and I wont be supporting the Olympics this year although I admire and respect the athletes
Thank you for this Angela
To further emphasize the moral decay of the Olympics there is a Dutchman on the men’s volleyball team who admitted to and was convicted of raping a 12 year old girl. He was only sentenced to 4 years and served 1 year of the sentence. Quote “After his release, Van de Velde sought and received professional counselling. He has demonstrated to those around him — privately and professionally — self-insight and reflection,” the federation said” attempting to justify why he has been allowed to compete in a “premier” athletic event.
I saw that too & was amazed.
Someone who could hurt a little girl like that, a crime with lifelong consequences for that child, is allowed to parade himself for prizes in front of the whole world...
It’s absolutely disgraceful.
🤯 I just can’t with these people… 🤬
Addendum considering the opening ceremonies, et al.: I think there’s going to have to be something bigger than a hand basket.
YOU WIN the INTERNET TODAY! There will indeed need to be something bigger than a hand basket! 🧺
lol, like
What's the meme? Something about the "Stairway to Heaven vs a Highway to Hell"?
Stairways are narrow
Highway are wide
The Stairway to Heaven is narrow, and the highway to hell is broad.
Send the idea to Patrick--he'll figure something out (did it for me) memes
These cretins are on a hot wheels race track to hell.
Now calling for several strong men, to carry the casket that contains the remains of western culture.
Well stated. 👍
Lest God intervenes with great mercy and revival, Dylan Mulvaney could carry that casket.
In heels.
OMG. Please help us poor souls who are not lost yet!
Look to Jesus with every step. When you find you have been distracted or tempted, turn to Him. He WILL deliver you!
Doubt the Grand Canyon could hold all of them now.
I went the other direction, thinking there won't be much left to carry.
LOL! But true!
Something more than Bed, Bath, and Beyond?
Oh man, you beat me to it… This was the one I was tugging on today: “I will sprinkle clean water upon you to cleanse you from all your impurities, and from all your idols I will cleanse you. I will give you a new heart and place a new spirit within you, taking from your bodies your stony hearts, and giving you natural hearts.”
My favorite reaction to the Olympics is Bishop Barron:
However, he did not call for a viewing boycott.
well he did say we should make out voices heard... That is more than many other "religious" leaders have said
Dare we hope that the Olympic venues will be empty?
(Catholic inside baseball.)
"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh; for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before Yahweh, to the casting down of strongholds."
II Corinthians 10: 3-4
“They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.” It is these who cause divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit.”
Jude 1:18-19 ESV
“But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.”
Jude 1:20-21 ESV
I was suddenly prompted to read the book of Jude (😉the book is one chapter).
There really is NOTHING new under the sun.
May need some context.
I need context for your context request since the comments and replies are jumbled up. 😀
"Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city" (verse 14)
What in the heck does this mean?
And I always found it MOST INTERESTING, that Yahweh HATES LYING more than any other of our rebellious nature actions!! Politicians ar prolific LIARS - always have I believe we should be praying for the salvation of ALL POLITICIANS - would that make the world a more righteous place!!
Sounds about right..
Why not both?
I am not even bothering with the Olympics. Thanks but not thanks. I am sorry for the truly dedicated athletes.
My thinking on the athletes? They need to take a stand too. If they win or place in an event or simply compete at the Olympic level, they must also have the courage to let their voices be heard. Something as simple as, "I love competing for the USA, I love being a free American and I wouldn't be here if not for our freedom and liberty. I think pushing woke ideology and social engineering has no place in this competition." Riley Gaines is a perfect example.
How many American girl athletes stood up to trans biological men stealing their swimming and track medals?
I've read a couple of articles where HIGH SCHOOL girls teams have taken a stand and not competed, but, other than Riley Gaines haven't heard much from college and pro teams - I think they are afraid of speaking out for fear of losing a scholarship or contract. Being honest, you only see a few men speaking out, Harrison Butker, (KC Chief's Kicker who puts his Catholic faith first) coming to mind. I see so many guys hit a homer or make a great play, who will look up to the heavens and make the sign of the cross, but nothing more. That's not enough.
The early martyrs faced crucifixion and the lions. Our modern day young (and their parents) can’t face criticism and loss of scholarship …
Also, stolen elections have catastrophic consequences. Had we the people not allowed the theft of the 2020 and 2022 elections, we would not be under the power of the lunatics forcing this woke agenda on us.
RINOs who either are part of the Swamp &/or Deep State OR All 3 together.
Fact is we still outnumber them all if we’d choose “hard things” rather than watch it go to heck while complaining.
My observation is than unless something or someone comes to one’s door or driveway … it’s oh well. Won’t happen here.
Three guys took gold silver and bronze at a Washington State women's bicycle championship a few days ago
That is just despicable but it doesn't surprise me at all that it happened in NeedsAWash-ington State. The girls are going to have to stand up and say enough is enough. But we men need to help them get to that place where they can.
Seeing how the French interpreted the opening ceremony, had the girl athletes protested any more they would have been tarred and feathered and forced to parade!
Remember the Mexico Olympics of 1968 when a couple of black athletes raised their fists in protest. That came at great personal cost to them. Within hours, they were condemned by the International Olympic Committee. Two days later, they were suspended from the US team and sent home. So much for asking the athletes to protest.
That punishment was for athletes bringing politics into Olympic sport.
Now, the athletes would be protesting to keep sport as sport alone, since the entire tone set by the opening ceremony was political.
agree with you Fla Mom, but haven't the libs turned everything "sane" political by espousing insanity?
So what did you mean by, "So much for asking the athletes to protest?" It seemed as if you were saying they might hesitate because of what happened to the '60s athletes. It might, indeed, but I thought it should be pointed out that the roles have reversed, and only the protesting athletes would be upholding Olympic ideals.
problem then becomes the "protesting athletes" won't be allowed to compete, so where is the Olympic ideal then? In the wilderness?
I do. Oh how the IOC and the USOC has gone totally and all in on Wokelympics. I think the US needs to not win medal counts (Total, Gold, etc) for us to begin to turn the corner. The USOC "About" page on their website:
of course when the USOC allows "athletes formerly known as males" to compete in women's sports, of course they will win some medals
The Israeli swim team did their part in making a stand.
Executed Star of David in pool via synchronized swimming. There was another image they executed- cannot recall but pics were posted on Substack
I missed it, what happened?
100%! Disrespects devoted athletes who spend years and hours daily training and performing their sport.
Any athlete that stays there and competes is spineless and a coward.
Any athlete that that has a moral compass and knows right from wrong would pack their bag and be on the next flight out of there and damn the consequences! But they won’t. Too much money and fame to gain. They just don’t understand that by gaining the whole world they lose their soul.
I long for the day that people in these positions will stand up and be courageous. Courage is contagious. Seems not many have that moral standard that they would die for nowadays. The men and women who fought to be free, the men and women who were martyred for Christs name would be so sad to witness todays world.
Simone Biles will be invited to the White House and the view after the Olympics are over.
True. When she walked away from the team competition in 2020 but competed individually, I lost respect for her. She should not compete for the US ever again.
People forget that men lost their lives defending what was right. These poor baby athletes might not get endorsed or buckets of cash or invited to the WH. Waa waa I have zero sympathy. I personally know someone who walked away from his dream of playing MLB and he was in spring training when they forced vaxx the players. HE GAVE IT ALL UP for what was right. There is life after sports. Go get a job like the rest of the world. Zero sympathy. Stand up already!
Agree …
Lets hope that at least a few leave. It would be probably be asking to much to expect the medal contenders to leave. But the great majority of athletes there have no reasonable expectations of winning a medal. They should leave and give public statements as to why.
Imagine the Locker room discussions among the young...
And then imagine them laughing their asses off
at the goofy antics when they get some time "off from training" routines.
I used to watch the Olympic gymnastics, swimming, and ski competitions (winter) but after I read Winterland, about Russian gymnasts during the Olga Korbut/Nadia Comenici periods, I lost interest. Exploitation of children by any country/person, in any manner, is evil.
Lupron … never forget… Lupron , oh yeah and a little steroids
Danazol back then
( puberty blockers ) and let’s talk about starvation by the 70’s coaches ,it’s evil all of it.
I feel you. The opening ceremonies show and closing have always been a bore to me. We watched like 20 min and turned it off. But I will surely watch the games
Gosh, I totally missed the Ozempic games opening ceremony.
As one of my European friends pointed out, they wouldn’t have DARED to do this kind of insulting, blasphemous parody of anything in the Koran or related to Islam!
This is a powerful article from a Government Minister in Nigeria.
"He wrote: “This gratutious insult on Christianity at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics is unacceptable. Nothing depicts the moral, religious and social degeneration of the West more than this show of shame. If they had insulted Islam in this way Paris would have rightly been on fire by now"..
I don’t know about “rightly” but they certainly wouldn’t have sat back and meekly accepted it. I wouldn’t want Christians to burn the city down over this but it certainly shows that it takes zero courage or edginess to mock Christianity. The French leftists kowtow to Muslims constantly however.
Muslims have burnt down over 100 churches in France in last year. The penalty for arson if burning a church? No jail, islomaphobia, hatred of migrants, etc. Try burning down a Mosque. Life in prison, islomaphobia, hatred of migrants, etc.
In France or Enland-no shit.
Yep exactly. It’s very telling 😕
Brooklyn residents respond the right way!
Good for them!!
Well said.
That's because they're cowards at heart. If they have a heart.
Agree, total cowards.
I would consider it more adhering to "turn the other cheek" than cowardice...
No I meant the people doing the mocking. They’re just afraid of the consequences of mocking Muslims.
yep, they tried that once before and it got them killed
No heart
When is the last time we saw a Christian riot?
Imagine this headline:
“Christian’s riot after Hollywood mocks their beliefs and blasphemes their God” subheadline: the latest summer blockbuster rated PG-13 was the last straw for Christians”.
good one Johnny!
lolol. We never do. We're NEVER the squeeky wheel!!
Posted this before I read the tweet Jeff posted but it’s clear a number of people were thinking the same thing!
The French tried that with the Charlie Hebdo cartoon, and learned their lesson not to mess with the muslims.
Yup exactly, which did what it was meant to do, shut down any future criticism or mockery.
Jan 6, over 2,000 arrests. Everbody quiet. It works.
Last time a cartoon of Mohammed was published, the building was fire bombed
I know. It just shows how cowardly they are. Only mock when there’s zero risk 🙄 Not because of any actual principles they might have.
Nor to Jews
Likely true, however they don’t seem to do much to prevent the threats, vandalism and attacks on Jewish people and they property as well as on synagogues and cemeteries.
Jews are targets also. Always have been & it’s rising it’s ugly head again these days.
If I were a Jew I’d be concerned.
I agree, and I didn’t say they weren’t. There have been increasing attacks on Jewish people and their property. I was making the point that I don’t remember seeing the kind of mockery or display against Jewish religious texts or traditions of the kind that we’ve seen regarding Christianity. At least nothing I can recall of the same type and magnitude. However, they certainly *are* very targeted for violence, as I also indicated in my previous post, and the government hasn’t seemed to do much about that. Jews in France certainly feel concerned, uneasy and even frightened. There have been quite a few who have emigrated because of the feeling of insecurity. Can’t say I blame them, with the increasing attacks 😕
Why likely true? Search for stories on attacks on Jews and stories on attacks on Muslims.
I know Muslims are always claiming to be attacked, but where are the news articles? Where is the evidence?
I was referring to the public religious mocking and parody specifically with that “likely true” part. There doesn’t seem to be quite as much willingness to mock Jewish religion as with Christian symbols and religion in my extensive experience with the country. Though it is definitely more likely than with anything Islam related. They do have hate speech and Holocaust denial laws in France so there’s that. But for sure, far far more physical and properly attacks against them than anyone else. Just to clarify a little.
There are a tiny number of practicing Jews in the world, only 15 million total Jews (defined by mother being Jewish or people without a Jewish mom but who converted to the religion, so that’s including non-practicing Jews) and the public don’t receive much exposure to it, so few would understand the parody.
Maybe. That would make sense I guess.
Not true. Here is a very compilation of attacks on Jews in the U.S. recently.
Columbia University settles with Jewish student who sued over hostile environment on campus | CNN Business
There are no consequences for attacking Jews.
Our God is an awesome God. In the midst of all this darkness, his light shines brightly. It is all around us. This C & C community is part of that light for me. Shine On! Thank you, Jeff. Praying for your success in New York.🙏
What a beautiful comment! Thank you for this much-needed reminder.
My “like” button doesn’t work, but I like your comment NancyP. 👍🏼
That Kamala ad is pure GOLD!
Trump campaign really ought to buy and run it
Ad is funny as parody, but if it was run for real, the other side would just make ads with Trump saying ridiculous fake things. It would get out of hand!
or maybe we would give up on both of them. I think we could do better drawing names out of a hat
True! It would be nice if in our system RFK (or some other third party candidate) had a realistic chance.
only way to get there is to vote for him. we're trapped in bad/worse scenario where both puppets are operated by the same strings.
Really all Trump needs to run is that time segment. God help us if she wins.
It's so good! And spot on!😆
Found the creator on Twitter; he should get an award of some kind. Brilliant!
Landmark Study: Worldwide Rise in All Cause Mortality after COVID Shots. IN 110 COUNTRIES, deaths from all causes spiked upward right after COVID shots. Every inhabited continent was hit hard.
As far as the Olympics full-on crap show, they are purposefully trying to offend Christians. Don't take the cheese. Screw 'em. Best you folks can do is turn off the TV. Hit 'em in the wallet. Surely there are better things to do. Only the whack jobs of the Establishment can turn running, jumping and throwing things into a perverted crap fest. Fitting that their ratings are already in the sewer. Let the miserable bastards have the TV. After all, the possessed need a place to mingle.
"Hunger Games" on Horizon.....?
Or Christians fed to Lions just for fun?
WTF in the world is goin on around here ?
Satan is walking to and fro upon the earth, that's what is goin on around here.
👍🏼 Roger 👍🏼 you nailed it.
It will only get worse.
Agreed. Their intention is to shock and infuriate but it’s not working, don’t take the bait. Who cares what they think or do? Remember Melania Trump’s jacket: “I really don’t care, do you?” That’s a big ef off to alphabet, and all ridiculous provocateurs .
I loved that jacket!!!
I want that jacket!😍
My parents just had 2 friends die yesterday. Last week my friend had her MIL die. 2 breast cancer and 1 heart surgery that never recovered. Gotta think all
were jabbed. 60s-70s
But, but, but, where else will I be able to see championship skateboarding or breaking???
Or that sliding weight thing 🥌
This definitely takes the gold😂:
🥇Where is Saturday Night Live’s Church Lady when you need her?…the organizers of the XXXIII (33rd) Summer Olympics did their very best imitation of Sodom and Gomorrha, highlighting multiple multimedia spectacular set pieces involving large numbers of unattractive cross-dressers reproducing famous religious imagery and performing interpretive dance routines that looked like a group of inexperienced campers being attacked by a giant cloud of mosquitos.🏆
And the silver🤣:
🥈Judging purely by appearances (forgive me), none of these performers had any chance of competing in the Drag Queen 5K’s walking division, much less the Olympics. They appeared (again, sorry) to be best qualified to participate in any event ending with the words “eating contest.🥈
And what the heck, seems appropriate to recognize the bronze today too:
🥉…and then back to full steam ahead on Tuesday with a fulsome roundup unburdened by what has been, and recognizing that time, as it passes, is no more than time, which passes each day, with the passage of time. Or words to that effect. You get the idea.🥉
I imagine that there was a lot of Wind being Passed as the jumbo beards pranced around .............
It is better to run with a hundred than “drag” one. Last night was another reprehensible opportunity on the world stage to bastardize Christianity.
Gosh, I can't wait to read in the news of massive earthquakes, and a HUGE fireworks finale with lightning provided by God. That will smoke 'em. Or... wasn't there something akin to a meteor strike that ended Sodom and Gomorrah? That would be a sequel worth watching!
Just realized the letter similarity between Gomorrah and Gonorrhea
Holy crap, lol
Or Elijah and the priests of Baal. 1 Kings 18
BAAL who even knows Baal these days or anything from the Bible for that matter?
Johnathan Cahn.
My first thought, since predictive programming is always at play… Billy G wants to immunize (cough) everyone via robotic mosquitos….
the olympic opening was full of satanic rituals - which the world participated in. this wasnt merely mocking Christianity, it was a satanic church event. the devil wants us to think of him as nothing more than a clownish character, to give ourselves permission to shrug it off as a show. we must not continue to allow these rituals into our lives. we must call evil for what it is.
This is a powerful article from a Minister in Nigeria.
"He wrote: “This gratutious insult on Christianity at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics is unacceptable. Nothing depicts the moral, religious and social degeneration of the West more than this show of shame. If they had insulted Islam in this way Paris would have rightly been on fire by now"..
Paris will still eventually be on fire in that while the opening ceremony mainly targeted Christianity, it's general amorality gives Islam all that much more incentive to destroy the degenerate West.
See Notre Dame.
Plus 150 other Christian churches THIS year. Over 200 LAST year.
Wonder if France is on the top of their list?
Another successful defamation lawsuit!
Good news!
aren't they the ones always "fact checking" republicans and letting all the demoncrat lies slide? Maybe time to pay up?!
Pretty sure that pinnacle of the opening ceremony is when my wife "noped" out. Just turned it all off and said "we're done". I didn't watch, but really - I expect nothing less and from what I've seen, it was more mild than I expected. (Still ugly, but hardly unexpected.) I agree with that one take of "you want to be edgy - go try attacking Islam". I don't expect anything less of the world in the state that it's in. We were going through a study recently and one theme that struck me is those living apart from God have a life with no real hope. Remembering that explains a lot and helps have compassion on them a bit, even while disagreeing with their beliefs.
Glad to see the Kennedy suit making progress. I think the Berenson suit is also slowly progressing, for similar reasons. Just crazy that the SCOTUS wanted to punt on "standing" when this was a pretty clear case of "no, you can't do this". True, it was done without a law, but we also got rid of Chevron - freeing the way for "you need a law to do this".
As always, I appreciate the round-up and the takes on these bits that we don't always see.
And the really tragic thing of it is, this is France we're talking about with a deep, beautiful, artistic legacy. I mean, just look at Notre Dame Cathedral (STILL wondering about how/who started THAT fire) or Chartre or even the smaller cathedrals and churches in towns throughout the country. There's the Louvre, the Champs-Élysées, the Tuileries Palace and the spectacle we saw last night was the BEST they could produce? They jettisoned all the beauty and culture built up over centuries for that? I guess it had to be done because all the beauty and culture is a direct result of Christianity. So sad. So unnecessary. Straight up cultural suicide. Oh, eldest daughter of the Church, reclaim your patrimony!
All true, but remember that the real France is not represented by these satanists anymore than ours is by our own Satanists deep state and illegitimate government. Still is the most amazing country we've ever visited, or at least was before it was hijacked. Don't forget the Yellow Vests. When it comes to protests, Americans are complete weenies compared to the French.
Well for an islamic nation, they are pretty woke. Won’t be long before the sharia comes a calling.
Roland, I was fortunate enough to visit Paris and Normandy (also visited Mont St. Michel which is a truly incredible place) in 2014 and along the way had the chance to stop in many small towns/villages. I remember thinking at the time that though the "elite" were trying desperately to erase any tie to Christianity, Christian symbols were found everywhere. In Normandy, there is a huge statue of Mother Mary overlooking the beach - I mean huge. She cast a shadow over the entire area. People in our group - who were not religious in any way - commented frequently on the effect of visiting amazing cathedrals and outdoor shrines. The local people were, with one annoying exception, salt of the earth.
Been to Normandy too, and agree with your comments
My thoughts, too. The beauty of Paris, defaced.
You ought to see London, unbelievable even 5 yrs ago.
NAB: like all good things France too has been overrun by the alphabet soup of the LGBTQs and gone off the deep end. And to think that same country donated the Statue of Liberty!
France left the church a long time ago (French Revolution just one result). We are just seeing the inevitable result.
Yes. You only get to the guillotine by first forgetting the Cross.
A few of my friends, who seemed to think the Opening Ceremony was just good French fun, said it wasn’t the Last Supper but a Bacchanalian orgy!
Like that makes it ok?
I love "noped" out. Didn't have a name for it until now. Thank you!
me too!
Noped out. I like that. I did the same with MLB and NFL. Several days ago I told my sports/eating buddies that I was also a nope for the Olympics. Going to replace those gained hours with something constructive.
My daughter recently introduced me to that expression. I am "noping out" a lot more these days.
“For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.””
Matthew 11:30 NKJV
Yasmine Mohammed's 'tweet' summed up the absurdity of the Opening Ceremonies nicely. Indeed, who are they trying to provoke? I'll admit that I didn't watch because I became bored with the posturing of the Olympics long ago.
As a Christian, I'm not outraged. I simply find the whole spectacle incredibly f***ing stupid.
What brain trust felt compelled to mock the Last Supper with a bunch of drag queens? Ultimately, I feel bad for the athletes who have dedicated their lives to participate in something that has become symbolic of western civilization in its death throes.
What would Sartre think about the reality of France's loving embrace of technocratic Marxist ideology? Where's Napoleon when France needs him? (Long dead and among the detritus of what used to represent French cultural and intellectual independence. All that wasted time I spent reading Camus, all for naught).
Follow the money…someone got paid…handsomely for this. Used to love the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics. The entering of the countries participating was a thrill and the lighting of the Olympic flame was what it was about. The theatrics of the last 20 years ceremonies have turned me off.
It morphed into a borderless one world order advertisement.
Yeah I’m more exasperated as in rolling my eyes at their pretend edginess but like you said, it’s just plain stupid and not creative at all. Yawn.
I feel bad for the athletes too, they have worked very hard to get to the games and it’s sad that the organizers feel compelled to distract from the raison d’être of the whole event 😕
Anything that involves Lady Gaga and Celine Dion is immediately suspect in my mind. It's become self-parody at this point. I welcome Christ's return, regardless of the outcome.
Yea the “actors” they select immediately give away the intent.
That photo of Lady Gaga STANDING behind the last 4 (before Tump) Presidents SITTING scared the shit out of me. Truly demon possessed.
Yasmine was amazingly correct.
People who have lived close to Islam and resisted the brainwashing and/or virtue signaling understand all too well 😕
She can follow up her questions with Truthful answers if she wants them....her atheism (anti-Theism) would melt away like frost in June
At least reading Camus showed you the significance of pushing a rock up a hill for eternity.
Great comment.
France just thumbed its nose at 70% of Americans…not a great look.
Not just Americans either! So many other Christians from all over the world too!
Their Leftist-Muhammedan strife can continue unabated; the "Alt-Right" boogeyman will be blamed for all of their societal ills.
So glad my French ended with 19th Century literature.
I might be wrong, but didn’t the UN recently have a huge art exhibit mocking Christianity with the exact same types of images, with drag queens and sexual references. I remember being disgusted by what I saw of it, but now I can’t find the information on line. 🤷♀️
And we got rid of TV about 20 years ago, so I haven’t watched the Olympics at least since then!
Refreshing isn't it? I've been tv radio newspaper magazine free for 25 years and it frees up so much time for joy
"No Exit" ... at least atheist Sartre got the title correct.
Hell is other people.
Maybe they should just change a few rules and call the Olympics “the Hunger Games”…
My thought exactly!
I was thinking the same thing!
The fbi seems to be dumber than a box of rocks.
We seem to forget in all this delegitimization of the assassination attempt, someone actually died and two people were seriously injured. How about we keep the focus on that.
Apparently the victims all threw themselves into the line of fire...NO one at a Trump Rally is "innocent" that's already been proven; all are Insurrectionists and enemies of the Deep State. Wray and Mayorkiss are sick men and a danger to everyone.
There’s a saying about not ascribing to malfeasance what can be ascribed to incompetence that comes to mind. But I do think Wray is evil and the whole department is infested with DEI, so maybe it’s both. A dangerous combination.
There should also be a saying that when the total of incompetent acts exceeds a certain number, that means malfeasance was behind them all. Deductive logic suggests as much.
Throw in a dash of deep state maliciousness.
Still it is hard to believe the SS could be that incompetent so there has to be a lot more to the story - will we ever know
Check who acting USSS director Rowe is.
He was responsible for approving the security detail in PA, not Cheatle. So she is responsible for his being in that position but he is responsible for allowing attempted murder, possibly with USSS participation.
OMG, from the frying pan to the fire.
The ways of God are mysterious. And I think the rain on the Olympic parade was so good.
Of course some softball sized hail would have perfected it. Or fire and brimstone.
lol, like
I believe the assassination attempt was the last ditch desperate effort of Jill Biden (the former mafia princess). Trump’s death would have sealed the deal for protecting Biden’s nomination. Jill rolled the dice and lost. In the interview with George Stephanopoulos, Biden said he was confident about beating Trump, because Trump was about to be challenged with something, he had not been challenged with before. So, yeah, assassins bullets are quite challenging.
I believe that other Democrat factions were aware and even hoping beyond hope for success of the operation, though not willing to take a direct part. I don’t doubt that some Trump hating Republicans were in that boat with them. There seems to have been efforts to cash in if Trump had been killed. And what was with the sudden reversal on giving Nikki Haley a speaking spot at the RNC CONVENTION? Was that just in case there would be need for an alternative candidate to be nominated? One the Never Trumper Neocons wanted desperately?
Then, when the plot failed so gloriously, the Democrats had to scramble for safety and fervently distance themselves with major efforts to get rid of the Biden Crime Family and any perceived ties.
They all know, in the words of Bob Dylan, in good time, ‘a hard rain is gonna fall.’
I still have to think they gave every opportunity to this little demonic kid and no professional killers were there. “Here’s your chance, Jill. If you can kill Trump, while we idly stand by, the White House is yours until the corpse stinks too badly to be believed. If you fail, you’re gone. We hope you succeed. But passive support is all we’re giving you.”
I believe if there had been actual professional snipers, Trump would be dead.
I believe they were that afraid the repercussions of trying to kill the King and failing. Something made them afraid.
There were two shooters aiming at Trump. Bullets 1-3 have no echo and sound a little muffled and bullets 4-8 have an echo. Local or state LEOs fired the 9th shot and the Secret Service south sniper squad fired the 10th shot.
And the grassy knoll will live forever in our memories.
Embrace the power of “and” 😬
Somedays I think the reason we are where we are is BECAUSE we've attributed incompetence to their actions rather than malfeasance
Incompetents raise fudging and cutting corners to an art form - which is malfeasance.
That is an insult to rocks. They are, after all, the source of the chemical elements humans require for life. The FBI? Disappear it and we'd all be living, and living more abundantly.
Dumb or just corrupt??
Good question. Probably the later. I just couldn’t resist the analogy or comparison.
Maybe both 😆
: )
It's the leadership screwing with us, an intentional barbed the Jesus in Drag B.S.; they are yet again asserting that only THEY hold and dispense the Truth and the means and timing of rationing it out as well. Director Wray probably gets off on doing this...he's a disturbed and defective individual, a true full on Nazi-type. 20-30 years of imprisonment would be the best service to his country
Seems? Oh Dr. Linda…😉🤣‼️
You got me there.
: )
Or sly like a fox. Their statement: “What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle.”
This statement is intended to make everyone believe that Crooks fired the shots. So why didn't they just say "Crooks?" Or was it the deceased person on the water tower? Or was there a third shooter in the woods? Lots of regular citizens looking into the video evidence and raising questions.
I see this statement as one to get the public to settle on the " one lone 20 year old with anger issues" narrative.
What can one expect when they are being appointed and promoted basis their DEI virtues and not basis their abilities!
Secret service as well. Nearly flat sloped roof is dangerous?
I’ve watched every Olympics Opening Ceremony since 1976 - except last night’s. (Best one ever was LA ~ 1984.) Thanks, Jeff, for describing what I missed; which, I’m even more grateful now to not have seen.
Renee, consider yourself unburdened by what was not seen.
🥇you win KC 🤣🤣
BEST Comment of the day!!!
And lots of good competition!!
I rarely type this, but - LOL!
This is a powerful article from a Government Minister in Nigeria.
"He wrote: “This gratutious insult on Christianity at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics is unacceptable. Nothing depicts the moral, religious and social degeneration of the West more than this show of shame. If they had insulted Islam in this way Paris would have rightly been on fire by now"..
Just makes you feel gross to see it, so you’re lucky!
Norway was one of the best. Remember?
1976 vs now …. No comparison. How disgusting 🤮
Agree. IMHO, every Olympics since the USOC allowed professionals to represent our country in any sport, well, it's just not been the same. When the '92 "Dream Team" routed every opponent, it was clear that it was about winning for the sake of winning, not about sportsmanship. When I heard that LeBron James was going to be a flag bearer this year, that was the last straw for me. I'm done.
No money back then ever , it was not allowed.
Shame on him
"They should rename the international sporting competition The Surrealist Games." Or how about the Satanist Games. I will not be watching.
This is the only way I can think to stand against…wish some of the athletes would protest this somehow.
Why wouldn’t the Christian athletes stand up against this? I get that you’ve worked your whole life to get to this point, but how can that be more important than God to an authentic Christian?
It could be that what they worked their whole life for became their idol. It took the place of God in their hearts. Listen to the words of the song “Clear the Stage” by Jimmy Needham.
Love his voice. Thank you for the share ❤️
Abraham yearned for over 80 years for the goal of his son and even he was willing to give it up for his faith in God. Of course God rewarded his faith and he never had to give his son up. The Christian athletes don’t want to give up the chance at a round piece of metal? And the subsequent prestige and popularity? They should stand up and walk out now or they have proven much to these haters.
That God-shaped hole in their hearts will not be filled with a round piece of metal.
Or the Simulation Games…can’t help but wonder if Musk was right… Start at 5:04.