Coffee & Covid crew...words cannot begin to describe the emotions I'm feeling right now. Tears are in my eyes as a type this. You are a remarkable group of people. But of course you are. In a time of clear tyranny under the guise of protecting the masses from a pandemic, you've built a powerful community here. What you've done and are doing to help people you don't know is a testament to that powerful spirit. I don't know how I could ever thank you enough. The words are not adequate.

Leading into last week's hearing one of the primary verses I have been reflecting on was, and is, 2 Timothy 1:7: “for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." I prayed that the Lord would use me as a vessel for truth; and to be filled with the core tenants of this verse. You all are demonstrating power and love to me now. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

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God bless you and your family, Garrett. Thank you for your courage. Your bravery to expose the corruption of the FBI is inspiring.

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Thank you Hillary 🙏🙏🙏

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Doing what you have done is all the thanks we need. & Keep that verse close.

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Thank you Rosalind; and indeed. I'm sure the ruler of this world is mounting a counter attack. The full armor of God needs to be cleaned and polished.

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Amen! Ephesians 6:10-18. It's time to put on the full armor of God and stand firm. Thank you for your courage in the face of great opposition. May God surround you and your family with a hedge of protection that the enemy cannot get over, under, around or through. "Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6.

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Thank you for this comment, and I love that powerful verse from Deuteronomy!

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May 24, 2023·edited May 25, 2023

As a fellow whistleblower, you’ve rightly chosen the side of truth. Our opposition is the rottenest, most pernicious EVIL, and constantly testing resolve. Ruminate on Isaiah 54, rest in God’s assurances, committing yourself “having done all, to stand”. Remember through successive challenges, you enter the fray beside—and at the behest of—the indomitable One Who bows all knees before Him. They know what’s in store for them. Thank you for evidencing the valor which sadly few summon. See to your armor, Hail to the King!


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Isaiah has been prominent for me. I mentioned 6:8 in my opening statement. I'll jump to 54 this week. Thanks for sharing. Hail to the King indeed! Thanks for your own whistleblowing too.

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Keeping you & family in my prayers.

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May 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023

Mr. O’Boyle, your faith, courage and integrity are admirable. Through this unfair persecution, God is on your side and will be with you and your family.

“May God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord show you His kindness and mercy and give you great peace of heart and mind.” 1 Timothy 1:2

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Thank you Julie 💙🙏

I'm loving all the verses and faith I'm seeing from our C&C fam. Very uplifting.

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Garret, your courage is resonating through this community and many others.

For what it's worth, I was - until recently - a life-long Democrat and very liberal. I hate that we've become so polarized in these times that so many of my friends and colleagues can't see what's happening. From my perspective, standing up to institutional corruption should get the enthusiastic support of every decent American, and your actions certainly align with the values that most liberals espouse.

Blessings to you and your family.

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Jasmine, this is very encouraging to hear. It takes critical thinking to change one's positions. That's a skill and quality that seems to have been deliberately destroyed by government institutions, primarily starting in kindergarten and persisting for many liberals through at least a bachelors degree. That's a lot of years to unlearn/never learn how to properly think! Thank you for commenting. It gives me hope that many others will have the scales lifted from their eyes!

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Each night I pray that we as believers will humble ourselves, and pray, and seek God's face, and turn from our wicked ways. For the unbelievers, "because they were not lovers of truth, God sent therm delusions...", I pray the scales fall from their eyes. Not so much a political statement as a spiritual one. Thank you for referring to scripture.

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Amen!!! I completely agree. Another area that has been weighing on me heavily, literally since my brother, a friend of ours and a friend were driving the moving trucks back from Virginia once the FBI finally allowed me to get my own goods (at my own cost of course) is this:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?

Matthew 5:43‭-‬46

I can't say I've always succeeded at that, but I do pray for them and pray that they can see the truth that is only in Christ.


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Garret, we ALL have trouble in that department! God bless you!

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Praying for our enemies might be Christ's most difficult command to honor, but we must persist. Your courage inspires me. Thank you for your witness.

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Thank you NAB 💙🙏

I can't say I'd ever think this circumstance would be one where I'd think, "wow. This is actually an honor." But, I'm starting to think it is because I've been able to talk about my faith on a lot of the interviews and hopefully will continue to be able to do so going forward

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God bless you, your fellow whistleblowers, and your families. Ephesians 6:14-15 "Stand, therefore, with truth like a belt around your waist, righteousness like armor on your chest, and your feet sandaled with readiness for the gospel of peace." We stand with you and are so grateful for your courage.

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The Word never disappoints! Thank you for this Scripture reference.

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Stand firm. It's what we must do.


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Thank YOU for all the crosses you have been willing to take on behalf of your fellow citizens. There is not enough money in the world to adequately show our sincerest appreciation. But I do know that your reward on the other side of this life will be of much greater value than what we can ever offer and I hope you are able to hold that close to your heart during this difficult time. You (and the other whistleblowers and Jeff Childers and many others) are showing us what it is to be "good and faithful" servants of the Lord!

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Thank you Andrea. Very humbling to read this. Also very encouraging. I'm just a sinner in need of Christ. This is the path I've been placed on. I can't try to flee to Tarshish like Jonah did...which wouldn't end well anyways. ⛵️🐋🤮⛱️

This has been a difficult time. I have fallen short and sinned against others and God many times along the way. But His hand covers and rules over ALL.

"And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.""

Luke 9:23

That's a tall order. I've likely failed most days. But thankfully, the Holy Spirit filled me in my time of need last week when I was "dragged before governors and kings." 🙏🙏🙏

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I watched that movie Paul, Apostle of Christ the other night. What a man and what a story of the first Christ-follower. God tells us to be ready to be persecuted for our faith, that will be one of the signs of the times. As I see it, WHO we are defines our faith, and we make our life decisions based upon our faith. We are all human, and as Paul said, he had to be weak in order for the Lord to be strong in him. We are with you all the way!

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Amen Sadie! 💙🙏

This one has been on my mind much lately as well.

"Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted"

2 Timothy 3:12

Controversial Jesus


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Great sermon. Thank you for the link. Uncompromising Truth. You are in wonderful company. Take heart♥

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Matthew 5: 14-16:

14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. 15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.(KJV)

This is your hour to shed LIGHT, Garret.

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Thank you Cheeps. I pray you're right. I sent a friend a sermon a couple days ago. It has been powerful for me since March when I first heard it. He responded in part with this:

""Have you truly counted the cost of what it means to follow Christ? Is the Lordship of Christ evident in your life? Are you holding anything back? Are you ready to lose it all for Christ?" You certainly have laid it all on the line. You are an incredible example for me and I thank you for letting God use you in this way."

I told him it's a burden. I feel the weight of it. I'm just a sinful man, but the Lord has put me right here. We must shed LIGHT!


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Until/unless someone lives it, they can only imagine the weightiness of placing ALL at His feet, resting wholly in His guidance and provision.

One can simply pray to represent the Lord worthily—in truth and Light—crushing snakes along the way, clearing a safe path forward, exhorting in others the courage to do likewise.

Wear their attacks with stolid resolution. Yours is the Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity IN FACT AND IN PRACTICE!

Psalm 91:8-9:

8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. 9 Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation...


Don’t be deterred, Garret. YOU’RE NEVER ALONE.

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Thank you for your comments and the Scripture you've been sharing Cheeps. It's been very encouraging and uplifting to me. Other than for Kyle and Steve, and a small number of others who shall remain nameless, it has been a lonely time. Even family not understanding, then people you do tell giving you a side eye like, "he must've done something wrong..." as if they FBI isn't capable of doing wrong 🙄

[Insert Palmer raids, Japanese internment camps, COINTELPRO, coercing MLK to commit suicide, Russia hoax, etc., etc. here]

Anyways, thank you!

"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken." -Ecclesiastes 4:12

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We had tears in our eyes falling down into puddles at our desks as we listened to your testimony! How could we not? You are all some of the best of the best the FBI has to offer! My trust of the agency nearly tanked, then I heard your voice describing what they had done to you and the others who blew the whistle (more like horn) of truth! And, my heart was lifted up knowing what you went through for opening their agenda of lies! Brave soldiers! May God's rich grace and blessings shine on you and your fellow truth tellers! What a tremendous blessing you are! Thank you Sir, for standing up to treasonous tyranny! What we with C&C will do is send a small token which collectively, will become a much larger contribution to your cause! We have renewed our love for the good that does exist! You will be in our prayers as well! Godspeed!

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Thank you Maggie 💙🙏

Very humbling to read this. The C&C army has already been so incredible. It's amazing what we're capable of when we band together against tyranny. I thought that was lost in modern America. Starting to see that it isn't!

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God wins! We fight the skirmishes, He fights the battles for us! We stand far stronger together than divided! Thank you for your kind words about C&C, we are a formidable army! Much love to you and yours!

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Very well said, Maggie!!!

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Long ago in a land far away I had the good fortune of working for the DOJ. We worked shoulder to shoulder with hard working dedicated justice-seeking agents of the FBI, DEA, ATF and IRS. The only agenda was to serve and protect this great country. I was so very proud of all of them for their dedication and commitment to the cause. The untold hours they put into these pursuits was endless (and pretty much thankless since there was little direct credit coming their way). Even in social settings politics NEVER came up. Now I don’t even recognize what has become of our investigative apparatus. Yet you and your cohort who have come forward to tell the truth have exactly the character of the agents I saw and admired so deeply. Thank you for allowing me to see that once again. 🇺🇸 I thank you for honoring the code of ethics and your self sacrificing courage. You are the heroes that this C&C Army will be proud to stand behind and stand up for. Bravo and thank you. Prayers to you and your undaunted family. 🙏🏼 ❤️🤍💙

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Garrett... thank you and your fellow whistleblowers for speaking up. I can't imagine what a difficult time this has been for all of you and your families. And on top of it having to listen to the Debbie W Schultz of the world spew venom. I pray for all of you. I also want to send you a truck of whatever you need. 🙂 Happy you are here with the C&C crew!

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A lot of people asked how I could just sit there through such vitriol, hate and lies. Holy Spirit is the only answer. When Jesus was brought before Herod, he didn't speak because Herod had been turned over. Yet, he did speak to the Sanhedrin and to Pilate. Sometimes silence is the best response. Also, not like they would've let me anyways..."It's MY time!!! Reclaiming MY time!!!" 🙄

False. It's America's time. 😊

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I hear you! It takes a "bigger" person to remain calm, cool and collected and when you're speaking truth and from your heart it's pure gold and they can't take that away from you. Yes the "reclaiming my time".. they are so ridiculous and dumb... it's quite embarrassing their behavior. Their bullies and they just try to scream louder than the other guy. But I digress. It is America's time! Love it!

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Honored to help someone who is willing to stand for truth when so many people won't. Thank you, Sir. God bless you and your family. We all need to remember that verse in these days!

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Thank you Cynthia! 💙🙏

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I'm so happy Jeff Childers is on this!!!

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You are an amazing man of God and He sees YOU. May He bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you and give you peace. "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth". Mark 9:23. ♥♥♥

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Hang Tuff, you're gonna need it.

Best to you and yours,

Later Jay

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Thank you Jay. 💯

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It is you that we must thank! You inspire us to fight.

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Thank you for your courage to stand firm against the enemy that is within our government. You are truly a hero. All of us within C&C pray for you and the other whistle-blowers to hold strong in your faith and know God has you and you are protected. The evil will not win. You have so much support. God bless you and your family. You are a sword in the evil one's side. Praise Jesus!

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Praise the Lord for all of you lifting me and the others up. I'm loving interacting with you all on here. The support fills me up. It has been a lonely time.


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You are not alone and never will be. Fear not. Fear comes from Satan himself and it is not welcome here. You have an army beside you, Mr. O'Boyle, and you are covered in the full armor of God. God reigns over all, including the evil one. You are covered ♡

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Amen!!! Absolutely right!! When I fear, I know it's from the enemy. He's prowling seeking to devour ALL. I just was texting with my father in law and said,

"Even tyrants are able to realize these truths, as one of the worst the world has ever known, Nebuchadnezzar, evidenced after wandering in the wilderness for 7 years...

At the end of the days I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted my eyes to heaven, and my reason returned to me, and I blessed the Most High, and praised and honored him who lives forever, for his dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom endures from generation to generation; all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, and he does according to his will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand or say to him, “What have you done?” -Daniel 4:34‭-‬35

Satan may be seeking to devour ALL, but you're right, God reigns over ALL.

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

God Bless you.

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023

Numbers 6:24-26

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you

and give you peace.”’

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How great are Your works, O Lord!

Your thoughts are very deep.

A senseless man has no knowledge,

Nor does a stupid man understand this:

That when the wicked sprouted up like grass

And all who did iniquity flourished,

It was only that they might be destroyed forevermore.

But You, O Lord, are on high forever.

For, behold, Your enemies, O Lord,

For, behold, Your enemies will perish;

All who do iniquity will be scattered.

— Psalm 92:5-9 NASB1995

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🗨 The truth is that irreligion is the opium of the people. Wherever the people do not believe in something beyond the world, they will worship the world. ~~G K Chesterton

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GKC is The Bawmb!

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🗨 When it comes to life, the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.


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Boy daiva that is sometimes a hard thing. Especially when it is scary or life altering. BUT if you point yourself and your family toward gratitude in all things and find the nugget to point at and know that His purpose is yours, then dealing with that thing becomes a lot easier. Thank you for writing today.

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Truth. My mama and daddy were married in October of 1929 (stock market crash) and had 8 children in the depression years that followed. If you asked them about the Great Depression, my daddy would say, “We always had plenty to eat.” (They had a small farm and raised or grew almost all their food.). They were grateful for all God gave them, especially the children.

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Well said!

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That is also a quote from Chesterton. ❤️

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Don't understand

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Re Jeff's suggested future path to restore America: Humankind's inherent understanding of morality comes from one source, and that is the fact that we are all made in God's image, and thereby imprinted with His values. Atheists may deny God's existence, but when asked where their professed understanding of "right" and "wrong" behavior come from, they cannot say ... because acknowledging the holy source would destroy their argument.

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Why does there always have to be an “argument” to prove a nonbeliever wrong? Same could be said about Christians often flimsy beliefs in God based on blind faith.

Although some of our morality comes from Christian upbringing, much is also from nurture and having good, loving examples to follow.

I’m all for most Judeo Christian values but y’all need to stop trying to convert the nonbelievers! The self righteousness only serves in marginalizing a segment of the population that could otherwise be an ally.

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Jesus is such a Savior that once you know Him, you will understand why others wanted you to know Him. But you can't know that until you know that. You know?

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True Christianity--belief in Jesus Christ as Savior because He paid the price we cannot pay--is really all about freedom. Nothing self-righteous about it.

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

Well unfortunately to your viewpoint TerreP, we are commanded to reach the non-believers by Jesus himself. It's in the Bible over and over, we will never stop trying.

As to self-righteousness you are showing it a bit of it yourself by telling the rest of us how we are to behave. Not judging you for it as we are all fallen creatures, but pointing out the inherent logical fault in your argument.

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Amen, was going to make a similar comment - true believers want to share the good news!

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Seems to me non-believers are the ones now trying to “educate and convert” the believers! It is odd they only concentrate on Christians

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Not really - you do remember the FIRST Christians were driven into the CATACOMBS in order not to be sliced in two by Roman swords and thrown to the lions in the amphitheaters. ALL OF JESUS' ORGINAL DISCIPLES (except for JOHN and JUDAS) were slain by the unbelievers of that day. BE PREPARED to be called out for your Christian faith and persecuted very shortly--the "handwriting is on the wall".

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Bret Weinstein, who is an evolutionary biologist and a materialist reductionist in the Dawkins school, thinks we have evolved through religion, which he calls a metaphoric truth, not taking a stand on literal truth, which in philosophy would be called "laying aside the truth claims" There are 33,000 different versions of Christianity, but they all have certain values at their core, and law and Western culture and the humanities are imbued with these. My cognitive science of religion course divided religions into coalitional and devotional, and coalitional is where you get the KKK, the Inquisition, Westboro Baptist, the Pope sluicing Nazis out of Europe through ratlines, the Crusades, but the devotional is where you get all the courageous incredible doctors and ethicists and scientists who stood against the totalitarianism of the pandemic, often losing everything, as they answered to a higher law. I am an advocate of the separation of church and state, in the Jeffersonian sense https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_church_and_state, but I think we need to return to Judeo-Christian values, and there is at the very least, and I'm not meaning to be blasphemous or heretical, a deep profound metaphoric truth in Jesus on the cross, and my deepest intuition is that is often that (not in coalitional genocidal evangelism or things like that that are false) which stops us from sacrificing each other to eugenical or evil agendas.

During March of 2020, when there was an ambulance every 15 minutes here in Detroit, and the evil CEOs of hospitals were putting people on ventilators and remdesivir, and they were losing bodies, and our poisy hat Governor was putting the infected in the nursing homes, someone scratched, in the dirt of the park near where I live, "Save me Jesus" We need that transcendental symbol, at the very least, to govern us because wokeism IS a religion https://public.substack.com/p/why-wokeism-is-a-religion So, though Christian nationalism worries me due to 7 Mountains Dominionism and the New Apostolic Reformation and televangelism that led to subprime mortgages, I agree with Mr. Childers.

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Well you sure took a circuitous route to get there - wow. It's interesting that you concluded that "wokeism" is a religion. I wonder what it is they believe in or is believing in nothing a religion too? Clearly, they are nihilistic.

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How do we know something is Moral or Not? I'll let Dennis Praguer explain it here: https://www.prageru.com/video/what-are-judeo-christian-values

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Moral truth vs moral opinion. 👍🏻

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I appreciate that and thanks for sharing. I do enjoy Dennis Prager and as I mentioned initially, I take no issue with most Judeo Christian values. I disagree however that one has to believe in one god to embrace them. Just like he says “Moral values are far more important than theologies”

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...Although some of our morality comes from Christian upbringing, much is also from nurture and having good, loving examples to follow...

Chicken or the egg argument. Where do you think the "good loving examples" came from?

All of human behavior is informed by ideology, either self-consciously or by example (osmosis) but it all comes from a set of beliefs, a moral framework if you will. Conversely, the lack of a moral framework produces a chaotic and unproductive life of which there are abundant examples.

Now, being made in God's image simply means that all human life has intrinsic value (thus life at conception is in God's image and therefore any elective abortion is sin against God). Being made in God's image does not mean we are "imprinted" with His values. Quite the contrary, due to the Fall we are all born as children of the evil one and it is through the sovereign grace of God that we are ADOPTED as children of God by grace through faith in the work of Jesus Christ, the Son of God the Father.

I don't mean to step on any toes here but we have to understand that without the sovereign grace of God working in our lives and in history there would literally be no good found in any of us. Indeed, we can look around and observe many "successful" people, most notably many public figures such as politicians and bureaucrats, whose works are obviously of the evil one and vile beyond belief. They clearly exhibit the values of their "father" which they were born with.

Sovereign grace is a seemingly simple yet incredibly deep Biblical concept to understand. For anyone interested, I would refer to a short work by CH Spurgeon titled, "All Of Grace" published in 1886. A small book you will never forget.

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Well said Phil!

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Our only “goodness” is His through redemptive grace!


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Thank you for your reply. It means you are thinking about what we Christians are saying. I encourage you to read “Is Atheism Dead” by Metaxas. It is a good read

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Pardon the long delay; busy day! I knew what I was walking into being a minority in this group but I still like it here ;) I'm going to respond to several comments at once for brevity's sake.

To Cynthia, Janice, Jeff C, Sharon & Peter GL, my point about being self-righteous was not in reference to your beliefs, but rather to the air of moral superiority that often accompanies many religious folks. Since I wasn't attempting to educate or convert anyone over to my particular beliefs -- which were not even discussed, I must reject the self-righteous throw back. If anything, I'm mildly indignant because I'll listen to & consider pretty much any viewpoint, but all too often on the topic of religion I don't get the same courtesy from those driven by dogma.

Also, I know a lot of you mean well, but when I said "y'all need to stop trying to convert..." that was my nice way of saying you might consider backing off. I'm sure you're all aware that many good people are leaving (organized) religion in droves for all kinds of reasons, and hopefully you'd still like to find common ground. As seen in this forum, there are many other areas that make it possible. But if your goal is rather to push away people that don't align so neatly with your beliefs, then go ahead and keep preaching. Keep lecturing. Keep trying to convert. We are used to it; and eventually we will just tune out.

And lastly, to Cynthia Ford, I really appreciate your thoughtful reply. I love Bret Weinstein and follow his podcast regularly. Jeffersonian separation of church and state - Yes! and I agree on uniting behind common core (Judeo Christian) values. Also agree that wokeism is most definitely a religion (if any doubt, I recommend listening to Glenn Loury and/or John McWhorter, the latter who recently wrote a book called Woke Racism: How a new religion has betrayed Black America"). And finally, same concerns about what we are calling "Christian nationalism", or what I would consider the fanatical fringes of either side, Left or Right.

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Ya know those donations ending with a 2?

It's a God thing. May a refreshing, God given rain fall gently and refreshingly on those men and may it fall like a hurricane on the evil ones.

Oh how great are His works!

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How blessed are the people who know the joyful sound!

O Lord, they walk in the light of Your countenance.

— Psalm 89:15

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All donations are God’s doing, and NOT man’s. Without Him, we can do nothing.

James 1: 17:

17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.(KJV)

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Amen. Thank you 💙🙏

The support from C&C has been astonishing.

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Hope at the end of this madness you write a book. You could probably write a few. Praying for you guys and each of your families. Be patient and let God's plan play out.

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“That when the wicked sprouted up like grass

And all who did iniquity flourished,

It was only that they might be destroyed forevermore.”

Forevermore! Yes, Lord, Amen!

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I take comfort in Scripture each and every day because the WICKED are EVERYWHERE now!

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Ubiquitous, indeed.

They’ll soon be fuel for the flame.

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Love it!

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My daughter and I made our very last trip to our local Target yesterday. Did not see the LQBTQ+++ section at the front of the store like I was expecting. Guess where we found it? IN THE CHILDREN’S SECTION!! 😡 We took a very quick look and saw bibs, onesies, etc. You could feel the evil oozing from the display. We stepped back out of it and said we need to wash ourselves off with holy water. The only good to come out of this is our resolve to boycott Target and a good discussion with my 18 year old daughter how bad this is and how she stated how wrong it is to do this to children. She said these babies will never have a chance to know right from wrong.

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Their actions aren't good enough. They need the Bud Light Treatment. If we let 'em get by with backing down a little, but not 100% then we are still allowing it.

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

Target as always, too little, too late.

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Target was woke long before there even was a woke. If we would’ve boycotted when they first started this stuff - when they publicly invited men into women’s bathrooms years ago - they wouldn’t have gotten this bold. Now, no matter how much they back off, stop shopping there!

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I did! and you're correct!

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I did boycott when they did that a long time ago. I used to love that store.

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I have boycotted them for a long time. Now I am going to call and or write

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Even protesting in front of their store with signs (on the public sidewalk) would bring attention.

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Yes, saw some videos posted on social media of moms in the children's section at Target and exposing all the LGBTQ+++ merchandise and propaganda! Haven't shopped there since before Lockdown and will never return. Their merchandise is crap anyway.

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Good for those Moms! We didn’t look at the items for long. It was too disgusting.

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Yep, haven't been there since lockdown.

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Not everyone's cup of tea but the amazing Alex Stein recently visited Target to try on one of the "tuck friendly" swimsuits.


What I love about Stein is that he ridicules the left by throwing their absurdity right back in their face. People go along with the stuff out of fear, Stein points out they deserve to be mocked not feared.

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shouldn't the "tuck friendly" also have extra space for the fake boobs the trans ought to have?

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😳When transvestite males resort to inserting frozen tomato paste into a non-analogous orifice in order to simulate menstruation, our culture has FAR GRAVER issues than rainbow-painted pick-up trucks and queen swim attire.

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023


I mean, what they’re really simulating if you think about it, is *rectal* bleeding which is usually a symptom of some kind of illness or issue with the DIGESTIVE tract which is what that orifice is part of 🙄 And WE are the ones who supposedly don’t know or understand science?? 🙄

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What they’re up to couldn’t be further from Science, unless it’s Dr. Moreau’s.

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Haha! There's something about the hairy chest peeking out.

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A real woman would have none, so why make sure to undermine their own messaging? Would it lose impact if it made ANY gender-analogous sense?

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Alex Stein's mom died in the hospital from Remdesivir after she was given the drug against the family's wishes.

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Now I know what “tuck friendly” is referring to. I was clueless. Thank you for sharing the video.

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Thank you, Jeff, this was hilarious😁🌺

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I gave them up about a year ago. I keep getting emails asking if I lost my card. Subtext: why haven’t you shopped here. Maybe it’s time to make a call

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Same here--when I learned they were selling binders to young girls.

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Had to look that one up: binders??? Binders, to me, are big brakes on car or truck. Ain't got nothing to do with squeezing up some young girls girly bits. That is nuts.

Later Jay

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Right?! It's pretty awful to indulge young girls into pretending to be what they're not instead of helping them learn to love themselves.

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Seems the Left is all for inclusivity and self-acceptance ONLY if that “self” is militantly unnatural.

It’s entirely about defilement.

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Well, Jay, if you didn't know that, I have to ask if you are aware that both girls and boys are having body parts cut off in order to follow this insane trans ideology.

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When I cancelled Target about 5 years ago I wrote the CEO a real letter and told him why (putting men I. Women’s and girls’ bathrooms).

I might have also told him that it was also about their advocacy of aborting babies, and that they are killing off the next generation of their own customers. Stoopid.

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Tell them why.

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Target...off to go broke while woke and they are dead to me! No walking back by moving and limiting the evil merchandise. Just the fact they are condoning it in any way is my line in the sand.

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Gonna BudLight em!!

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So they can get BedBathandBeyond-ed!

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Amen. Total bankruptcy.

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After yesterday’s emergency meetings, you’ll find most of these sections now “tucked in the back”. …..I’ll see myself out 😬

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Glad you had your daughter with you. I stopped going there when the bathrooms changed .

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I've also boycotted a local coffee shop that decided to put a Women's Rights billboard on their sidewalk when Roe v. Wade was abolished. And they set Pride flags out on their tables. I don't walk into an establishment talking about my political views to the employees. And I don't intend to support a place that forces their politics on their customers. I'll spend my $$ elsewhere.

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My favorite kava bar had lgbtq plus and Ukraine flag on the ceiling. I am going back just to talk to the owner and let him know why I’m not spending any more money there.

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Yes, I did the same! I don’t care if they ever change back or not. The fact they would openly endanger women and girls with out regard for the criminals who took advantage of it is enough for me.

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Target seems to enjoy biting the woke cookie. They opted for unisex bathrooms, then they didn’t. Now, this satanic, far-more-than-woke clothing line for babies. Do you think they are heading for a Bed, Bath & Beyond moment.

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At our Target here in a very conservative suburb of Birmingham AL, the teens/misses clothing section is in the front of the store, and that's exactly where the LGBT/pride section was. It was in the front of the store and on the corner of aisles so it was impossible to miss. The display was there in July during the 'back to school' shopping season. I haven't been back in that store since I saw that display a year ago.

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Jacquie - this is so good to read. Your precious young daughter will remember this for a long time. The fact that she can see this is evil and call it that is encouraging.

I have shopped at Target once since they started allowing men in women’s bathrooms years ago. I doubt I will ever go back now. There is nothing I need that badly.

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Yes. My children shop at target. But this was the last straw. I said if you still shop there, you are one of them. Told them to buy their friends children that crap. Since it is no biggie. Sarc. Both agreed that they were done with target.

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PREACH IT every day to those you cherish, Jacquie! I too have stopped shopping at Target and will NEVER return.

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Smart, conscientious daughter!

(But you know that!)

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May 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Good news on the vaxx lawsuit front, from Children's Health Defense: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/brianne-dressen-first-covid-vaccine-injury-lawsuit-us/

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Berenson reported yesterday that the girl who was refused a kidney transplant now will get it anyway! Several donors have come forward and several hospitals offered to do the surgery.

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Quite a breakthrough. I wonder what hospitals are standing against the Covid Mafia.

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Good question! We need to make a list and make it public.

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Based Florida Man...as long as the hospitals are still making Bank on Covid patients, they will continue their support. The Golden Rule...He who holds the gold rules.

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Pittsburgh VA hospital is still requiring masks...or entry and medical care is denied to veterans.

They are hanging onto the covid fear porn with an iron fisted grip.

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And here in Florida it isn't even noticeable. Anywhere. Once in a while you'll see a mask at the market,but otherwise nah. And at least Halifax is steering clear altogether. I not sure about advent.

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Blessedly good news. There are still many decent people in even the most compromised professional fields.

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30 people… restoring my faith in the goodness of people and Humanity!

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there still are living people in the world. not all are turned into zombies! there is hope. Specially for that little girl who already had all the sadness of a lifetime. She deserves to live and be happy

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just read some other good news -Professor Sucharit Bhakdi cleared of ridiculous criminal charges. Dr Trozzi just reported this

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Yep… and no longer a Duke fan!!

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Duke. The Alma mater of Melinda gates. Nasty.

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Praise G-d!

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What amazes me about the kidney is why so many native born Americans are still in the waiting line for a kidney,...

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this girl obviously came to the US as an adopting child in 2018. And of course, the publicity will be in it too. I have no idea how long people usually have to wait for a kidney transplant

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A kidney transplant recipient told a group I'm in, the average wait for a kidney in the US is 3.6 yrs...

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You’d never know that from reading William Makis, MD’s tales about the vaccinated young adults-in-crisis he chronicles! How are insurers underwriting transplants for the gravely immunocompromised?

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I have no idea.

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this means the child got it earlier than usual. Because of being former Ukrainian? or being that young?

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Either... or....or.... they had a good match for her.... she was moved up due to a more dire need....she was funded by a "special group".... I suspect we'll never know.

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I read the suit-it was a mix of social media censorship over the injuries, not the injuries per se. It acknowledges the injuries but as we know there is no liability ergo it is the silencing of the injuries that is unconstitutional. Brilliant!! This is some crazy lawyering.

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no, because the injections are FRAUDULENT ( they are toxic bioweapons) the "no liability " clause is revoked

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Suing Biden for censorship!👏👏👏

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These brave, injured individuals deserve a multiplier too!

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That's great news, indeed.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Nowhere I’ve seen a more to-the-point description of msm journos’ personality as this ↓↓, fresh off the keyboard of unparalleled Sgt Briggs 😊

🗨 Journalists are chosen for their gullibility, obsequiousness, lack of all scruples, ability to lie, and the quality of possessing no memory for past misstatements and having no compunction to self-contradict themselves with great regularity while beaming perfect sincerity. They are bad people.


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"I was taught to lie, to betray and not to tell the truth to the public.

I ended up publishing articles under my own name written by agents of the CIA and other intelligence services, especially the German secret service.

Most journalists from respected and big media organisations are closely connected to the German Marshall Fund, the Atlantik-Brücke or other so-called transatlantic organisations…once you’re connected, you make friends with selected Americans. You think they are your friends and you start cooperating. They work on your ego, make you feel like you’re important. And one day one of them will ask you, "Will you do me this favor?"

We’re talking about puppets on a string, journalists who write or say whatever their masters tell them to say or write. If you see how the mainstream media is reporting about the Ukraine conflict and if you know what’s really going on, you get the picture. The masters in the background are pushing for war with Russia and western journalists are putting on their helmets.

When I told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Ulfkotte’s newspaper) that I would publish the book, their lawyers sent me a letter threatening with all legal consequences if I would publish any names or secrets — but I don’t mind. You see, I don’t have children to take care of." -Udo Ulfkotte, German Journalist 2017, Now Dead

Excerpt from https://tritorch.com/counterfeit

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What is books name? This is so mind boggling

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I believe it is: Gekaufte Journalisten (German Bought Journalists: How Politicians, Intelligence Agencies and High Finance Control Germany’s Mass Media)

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George Orwell actually wrote about this in 1946:

Prevention of Literature


Been with us a lot longer than we wanted to believe.

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We'd be remiss not to recall here its few-months-junior companion, the way more famous Politics and the English Language 😇 --> orwellfoundation.com/the-orwell-foundation/orwell/essays-and-other-works/politics-and-the-english-language 👌

PS Prevention of Literature sans that adorkable web 1.0 feel 😉 --> orwellfoundation.com/the-orwell-foundation/orwell/essays-and-other-works/the-prevention-of-literature.

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1.0 was so much easier to read! Few ads, if any. Few trackers, if any. Just what you were looking for. Like going to the library, pulling out the drawer in the Dewey decimal system, going to the stacks, finding what you were looking for and reading it. Without walking through a tunnel of flashing neon signs and billboards, having street vendors hocking me gadgets or potions and reading tiny print dwarfed by sponsor ads, membership pitches and walls that say I have to put in another quarter to read every ten minutes. Simplicity certainly has is adorkable virtues! 😏

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Ohhh...you make me feel old now - sigh.

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Velome to Amerika Comrades.

Smiling faces are optional now, and often misunderstood.

Misery seems profitable and inevitable.

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Professor Norman Fenton describes how a contaminated Astra Zeneca vaxx manufacturing plant sent out contaminated vaxx to Canada and Mexico. Does anyone else recall when romaine lettuce was pulled from every supermarket shelf a few years ago when a few people got sick from it? There wasn’t a leaf of romaine anywhere. Funny how the FDA can work so diligently and quickly when there is a romaine lettuce problem and yet ignore contaminated covid products that were injected into humans.


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Right??? I’ve had the same thought. Same for recalls on baby’s or children’s items that injure a couple of kids. They’re on it right away and take quick and sweeping measures but no care in the world about the shots 😡

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It’s not that they care about the children in these recalls. It’s that they are financially liable. Since the vaxxines carry no liability they couldn’t care less.

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Yup. And their reputation too. Pharma has government shills and “experts” covering for them so they don’t care.

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Yes, especially the DOD and DHS!

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Great point.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

In support of the comments on shared values. I was a 20+ year atheist. I would credit my conversion to two things: Seeing the banality of evil via COVID zombies and reading the book: The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus by Gary Habermas, which you can get here:


For those who are already Christian, it's actually written from the point of view of explaining Christianity and answering common questions and criticisms. So perhaps you'll get some use from it as well. I highly recommend.

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Habermas is solid

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Giving a shout out to the Jimmy Dore skit (which I loved!) for those of you who "ain't readers", do check out The Case for Christ movie on Netflix and beyond. Was well done!

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Jimmy Dore rocks! I never thought I’d say that but he gets it. I think he’s “transitioning “ lol. He’s lib, I’m conservative but there’s a convergence on more and more issues nowadays. It gives me hope.

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I wasn’t aware of him. Just watched him covering J6. He was quoting the Gateway Pundit. Definitely getting red pilled.

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Forgot to mention Gary Habermas' character appears in the movie, too. He makes some great points.

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And there is always the classic, ‘Mere Christianity,’ by CS Lewis.

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That is also a great book. I read it after I had converted, so I can't say for sure, but I think the Habermas book was more persuasive even though Mere Christianity is far more famous.

my reasoning is that the Habermas book explains that Christianity has a few unique characteristics, one of which being that it's falsifiable via the truth of Jesus' resurrection. It also does a great job of going through very common atheist objections and answering them. It also exposed me to a lot of details about Christianity that I didn't know, even though I watched a lot of atheist v Christian debates and such things.

Anyway, both books are absolutely worth reading.

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Richard S...I hope you are watching The Chosen.


The official new app gives you full access to Seasons One through Three and exclusives like our brand new Season 3 Insider Aftershow with cast, Biblical Roundtables, and more. The app is also available for free on your Roku, Apple TV, or Amazon Fire streaming devices. Just search "The Chosen" within "Channels" (Roku) or "App Store" (Apple, Fire TV).

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You might want to check out Lee Stroeble’s books, as well. A former atheist who sought to disprove Christianity but instead became a great believer.

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Thanks for reminding me! My wife told me about him awhile ago but he slipped my mind.

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I’m getting it. Thanks!

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May 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Re: Target and abprallen--that same logo and apparel was seen on [the Buffalo football player who collapsed ] and when he ‘recovered’ and walked on to field for his homecoming. It was a jacket and I remember seeing the logo and being disturbed but now that I’ve seen the same logo and “know” I am seriously disturbed.

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Where can I see what you are talking about?

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it was not an abprellen jacket, but it was disgusting: https://www.westernjournal.com/ex-nfl-star-blasts-damar-hamlin-seeing-bizarre-jacket-wore-blasphemy/

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Thank you! I’ve been searching for the image so I appreciate your help!

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That was that Japanese artist who also did Kanye West's album art, right?

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Can you give reference to this? I only ask sincerely.

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Football player damar Hamlin. He had an emergency on the field, miraculously recovering , many people think he died.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Gays Against Groomers is a coalition of gay people who oppose the recent trend of indoctrinating and sexualizing children under the guise of “LGBTQIA+”.

They re-tweeted: When “Pride” makes gay people be embarrassed of pride and makes people in the closet not want to come out then maybe “Pride” isn’t a good thing

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Pride is what got Satan ejected from Heaven. Scripture very plainly states that sodomy and homosexuality is an affront to God. And that is still true today no matter how ‘modern’ we have become. It is claimed that SCIENCE has changed our understanding of right and wrong. Seriously? They say, When the inspired scriptures were given, the parts about homosexuality were wrong, because God didn’t understand until we showed him SCIENCE and now it’s okay. That is ridiculous.

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Not only that but "pride" itself is sinful, the bible condemns pride (aka a haughty spirit) over and over. If we were to have "Christian pride month" it would be just as sinful.

It's very telling that the word they wrap themselves in stands for a rejection of God and glories man. None of it is by accident.

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No accident. Very plain to see to those who are willing to see.

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I appreciate gays against groomers very much!

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They want people to be adults before they choose their path.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Thanks Jeff for making it so easy for us to support men and women who are doing the right thing! The GiveSendGo campaign had increased by almost $25,000 from the time I first checked it at the top of today’s C&C to when I checked it again from the link at the end. I pray that these men who have put everything on the line will be heartened by this show of support.

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TARGET 🤦🏻‍♀️ about 10 years ago they pushed to let people “choose” their bathroom. I haven’t gone back to shop there since. Hopefully more people will wake up, plenty of choices out there, we don’t need to subject ourselves to the crap they try to push.

Whistleblowers: these folks are truly courageous and have my support! Their bravery in this climate when they could possibly lose everything astounds me...you be I’m multiplying!

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Yes, if more people had boycotted when Target first started their agenda, they wouldn’t be so bold now.

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Did it back then. Haven’t gone back except for a couple of emergencies (only game in town). They lost thousands of bucks annually from our family.

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I hadn't even heard of that controversy until a years ago or so. I was talking to my coworker who has teenagers about LGBT clothing display in Target, and he said he hadn't been to a Target in years because of the bathroom thing. A lot of people didn't know about it. I basically did my own boycott starting about a year ago when I saw the LGBT clothing.

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I knew about it but didn’t ever see it in action and so figured it was just a lot of talk to virtue signal. The problem is I hate Walmart even more, and so there are fewer places you can get certain products once you take out those kinds of stores. I’m going to write to Target now to tell them why I won’t be coming in to buy things from their store anymore. So sick of this BS, just sell goods and give good service and stop with the politicization of everything.

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I'd recommend going to your Target and finding the display and maybe take a picture of it. I remember thinking last summer that if elections were held at the end of June, the GOP would win every one of them. This years pride month is shaping up to be a doozy.

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Again, Rolling Stone “reports” is an oxymoron

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It's like ESPN is now a social justice crybaby network. Not that sports are a complete joke these days.

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Who reads it? I wouldn't put it on the bottom of a bird cage.

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Is it even "rolling" anymore?

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No, it's sinking just like their former (I think) employee Matt Taibbi. Follow the money reading anything written by people like Taibbi and Greenwald.

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Follow the money BEFORE reading anything written by people like Taibbi, Greenwald and Weiss, Gigi. ;-)

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AND Bari Weiss

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So you go for the perfectly unprovable bullshit out there, ( Georgia guidestones lol) and the Twitter files are bullshit. You sound like you might have some Jew hating going on in your soul, or something. Js. You think these guys are owned by PayPal? I'm a full blown conspiracy theorist, and knew everything that was gonna come out of those Twitter files the first day. But If most of the Twitter files is true, according to you, and you've obviously read all installments of our own government manipulating everyone and every thing, you still gonna go with abject stupidity for 500, Alex? I don't get it. Unfortunately the Twitter files is the tip of the iceberg, and you don't have to go to Georgia to find real corruption and insanity, all at the behest of your government.

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I don't see the point in communicating with someone who enjoys putting words in my mouth. I am now muting this thread.

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So if you hate the rolling stone, and hate the logic of real news, where do you get your information from? Anywhere? Twitter files not true? Stupid much? Just curious..

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Had you bothered checking who is financing them you would not have replied as you did. Sticks and stones.

One of them gets his money from PayPal, and the other financier was a Young Global Leaders alumni in 2006. Both are billionaires, and there are no good billionaires in the world. They want 7.5 billion of us dead, and 500 million (Georgia Guidestones) enslaved even more than today.

The most dangerous type of propaganda is the limited hangout. The Twitter files are exactly that. Most of it is true, but what consequences will that truth have? Absolutely zilch, zero, nada.

What has changed since Elon Musk took over at Twitter? Nothing. You don't have to take my word for it. The well known weapons inspector by the name of Scott Ritter can tell you all about it.


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Wait a minute: the wokesters have been telling us for a looong time that Trump was THE driving force on Jan 6. Now they want us to believe it was Christian Nationalism? Can’t they make up their minds? Or is it that they have succeeded in smearing Trump enough, now they want to go after Christians?

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The goal is to demonize and undermine ANY Republican candidate and ALL who vote for them.

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Funny how they do that!

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The C&C Army is incredible! I just watched the total on the GSG account go up $3000 in one minute. All the recent donations end in a 2.

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Hopefully desantis and others see this and the multiplier expands.

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DeSantis is to busy now that he is revving up his presidential campaign.

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I will say it again, C&C Army is amazing. I've been checking in on the campaign all day and the donations ending with 2 have not stopped!

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May 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers


June Challenge on Target & all “promoters”. Print cards and leave a pride grooming displays.

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To "Budlight" someone or something is now an active verb. BOOM!

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They are Bud lit? Or Bud lighted?


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Well, the left re-defines and makes up words -if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, lol.

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I'm just partial to "Busched", partly because it calls to mind "ambushed" and partly for other Bush-y reasons.

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I personally would want to customize my campaign to also offer a message to those who are in the cult. I have to think about the phrasing. Something about acceptance does not require hurting your body. Or that saying about trans being an attempt to solve a software problem by changing the hardware; if you think your body is wrong, then maybe it is the thinking that needs transformation, not the body. Friends and family of people in the cult are always hoping that their loved ones will snap out of it. The cult promotes excommunication and self harm, so a good outcome would be opening people to reconciliation and homecoming.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Saw a meme yesterday that was perfect. Suggesting a reality show where socialist college students are sent to live in a country that closely resembles the ideal political system they want to live in and seeing if they can survive for 2 weeks. Sounds like a plan to show libs how stupid they truly are and how good they have it.

Rolling Stone should have been budlighted long ago for celebritizing an actual terrorist on their cover.

Canceling my target cards today. Hope they ask why. I’ll tell them anyway.

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‪Just cancelled my Target cards. Did a website survey in my account before calling to tell them why in the comments section. The supervisor on the phone was all business when I stated why, so they know they’ve tanked their business. ‬ I will not be shopping there again. Can’t go along with ‘Satan Loves Pronouns’ or their child grooming baby/toddler/child merch.

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Pretty easy to do…..how about 3 days in Cuba. …even for a vacation. Try and get even salt for your meal at a restaurant, an aspirin for a headache…all this and yet a beautiful place with beautiful people and no way out.

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Great idea! Call it Socialist Survivor!!!

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Two weeks isn't long enough.... they need to go for a year at least! Be forced to find a job and support themselves...then, experience exactly what it means to want that lifestyle for others. Friends who visited Cuba for a few days to 2 weeks all said it changed them. They were all relatively reasonable pro freedom Americans. Some even felt guilt once they realized their visit put money in the communists pockets while doing nothing for the people serving them as they traveled about. No, two weeks is not long enough. Send them to communist countries for at least a year, but don't actually give them a return date. Let them think it's for a visit, when it's really for the hope of an awakening...

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This is a brilliant idea! It would be a smashing success too.

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