Wild Friday roundup: inveterate liar Cohen punctuates Trump trial; congressional catfight raises eyelashes; doomed but timely bill to End the Fed; street artist's provocative trial commentary; more.
Good news from Louisiana! (From a Health Freedom Louisiana email)
What began over a year ago, finally came to fruition on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, when the Louisiana House of Representatives voted 69-22 to restrict the authority of the World Health Organization, along with the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, within the state including all state agencies. More importantly, the legislation prohibits the state from enforcing or implementing any of these international organizations’ rules, regulations, fees, taxes, policies, or mandates.
When I heard about the assassination attempt on the prime minister of Slovakia (bad news!), I wondered WHY and then I read on X/Twitter he was AGAINST the WHO Treaty/Agreement. So.
Yes when they have to shut down opposing views, it just shows that they know their side can’t withstand any criticism or opposition because what they are pushing is fundamentally weak and flawed.
Erin, but Georgia passed permitless concealed *and open* carry, which Florida has not, and the liberty lobbyists I know said your Governor's push for it was key. I've been noticing excellent laws being passed in various states and now wish I'd been keeping a list, so we could have a list of model legislation to use across the country.
Michigan is in a tough spot these days. I love Hillsdale College, but I wish it were located in a liberty-minded state. Instead, they're building more and more, to beat the band.
I think Kemp is being… jammed up. I’m a fellow Georgian— life long. I think the death of his future son in law is sus. I also have good reason to believe that some of the harmless things that occurred at the house were in fact not that harmless.
They tried hard to get him, but thankfully they failed. I think it’s the Gov that is compromised- he’s never first on anything but follows if it looks like it will be a win. I’m not sure about him…
@RunningLogic yes! This is the way. States need to reclaim their power, and DeSantis is putting on a master class in exactly that. 10th amendment for the win! 🏆
YES! I live in Louisiana and this is a big deal. Louisiana has 6 congressional delegates. Only 2 have signed it so far, 1 being the Speaker Johnson. The other 3 republicans should sign it, I doubt the 1 socialist democrat will. He is a lover of masks, mandates, and shots. He hates freedom and loves having someone tell him what to do.
Or loves telling others what to do. All of these who supported the mandates, masks, and shots thinking it would gain them power are just useful idiots. Should the time ever come, they will be disposed of as needed.
Henry Ford: "If people understood the banking system, there’d be a revolution by tomorrow morning."
Most people don't have the wherewithal, time or interest to care. ("Is Dancing with the Stars on?") The Creature From Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin is a MUST read to gain the proper insights into the massive corruption in the financial sectors. The Federal Reserve is a non-governmental agency and carefully crafted sham....which is why it's embraced by the debauched, profit-at-all-costs libs.
Related: Norman Dodd on the Reece Committee Investigation: One of the Most Important Interviews in History: https://bitchute.com/video/9A3Duj2eLBLG [52:23mins]
The goal of the globalists via war, social upheaval, migrant invasions, hyperinflation, Soro's decimation of the rule of law, and the central bank currency spigot united with the root of all evil (there is a reason why the love of money is considered to be the root of all evil and it’s not just what people are willing to do to for it, but also the control it grants to the person giving it over the person getting it—this is why the hospitals became killing fields during COVID [mass incentives]), is to turn the entire world into a 'single administrative unit'. Meaning one entity will own and control everything on this planet. Including you.
The most recent one looked at me and said, "Vote and get all your neighbors to vote."
Seriously? Everyone I know DOES vote, which didn't prevent the demorat we have now from suspiciously winning in the last election.
It seems that those who want to "stop them" need a Community Organizer.....with lots of money......and political clout. Are there any of those on this side? Any who haven't been corrupted, bought off or threatened?
We have one!! Some concerned parents were getting together to play games and gripe abt mask mandates and so on. They turned into political activists and educated themselves in LOCAL (Jeff Childers loves this!) offices they could get into and they stopped mask mandates in certain schools and loads of other especially important things. It is crowd sourcing in a living room! It’s amazing. Every time they SOLVE a thing, they take on another.
Watch prophet/pastor Julie Green on Rumble for Gods Word on how to pray into this situation and the Bible verses to back it up. God is going to move in miraculous ways to take them down. Our job is to stand up, speak up, do not fear, do not comply and PRAY.
Thanks for the link Politico Phil, here is some more info from the horse's mouths:
Legarde on digital Euro: we are considering allowing cash transactions of very small amounts - you know, 300-400 Euros - but that could be dangerous: https://bitchute.com/video/kuzkLnoAm3kY [54seconds]
"A key difference with the CBDC [and cash] is the central bank will have _absolute control_ on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability--and we will have the technology to enforce that.
The soft-peddling of socialism and ideology is over. What is coming this summer is the iron hand of Marxism without pretense. Open aggression and violence will be in our face. Reality is about to hit us like a Mac truck.
A statement of ignorance. I heard the same tired rationalization when I was in college 50 years ago. This is someone who was taught this by their soft-peddling socialist professors and never had an independent thought since. In fact, the execution of Marxism has been very effective considering the hundreds of millions that have been slaughtered by Marxist governments in their "purges".
I have the US in mind this summer and fall. I always feel conflicted talking like this but history tells me once a Marxist regime takes power, it never gives up that power willingly. I believe the violence and unrest we saw in 2020 will be repeated to a much greater extent. I am also convinced that the Marxist regime in DC has been building a mercenary army of multiple millions for the last 4 years from the 30 million illegal immigrants that they have imported over our southern border. And on top of all that, Alex Jones has a way of very accurately putting into words the potential outcomes of events.
Totally off subject here Politico Phil. I came to look for someone who might have a helpful answer. I use the Brave browsing app. I thought it was a search engine but it turns out my search engine on my phone is duck duck go. I downloaded that a few years back and then thought I switched to Brave. Every time I use the default Brave browser my phone comes up like it’s trying to use google instead. It is frustrating me. So I started digging in. I think DDG is used by google. So I started looking at search engines besides google. My phone just gives me the options of the normal crap. Do you know of a search engine I could be using to stop google from monopolizing my searches and tracking me? Brave has been good but I have always felt like I’m getting google searches and their crap. Any helpful ideas for someone NOT a technical wiz?
Yandex.com I am NOT a technical wiz - someone on C&C directed me to Yandex as a search engine and it really opens up a whole new world. I haven't been able to figure out how to make Yandex my default, but I simply go to "Yandex.com" and it pops up with the cursor in the search box title "Finds Everything" - and it gives so many more options than Google or even Duck Duck Go or Swiss Cows.
Brave is a browser and has its own search engine called search.brave.com. You may not have it set up to use the search engine. I use Brave and love it.
I'm not a tech wizard either. I think I read a while back that DDG had been bought by Google. Our @Daverkb seems to know quite a bit about this stuff. I would try him.
I can appreciate your comment. However, one gov is coming whether we like it or not. One place ushering in the antiChrist who looks like a savior and will turn on the nations bringing the great tribulation. We may be able to “delay” it but it is coming sometime. Biggest questions are will we be here for it or will we be raptured out.
The Companion book "The Story of B-17. World Without Cancer" spends the last half talking about the cabals that run the world, their history and evolution. I always thought it was interesting when I tried to tell people about what you posted, and they responded "I don't have time." So, let me get this straight. You have ~40 hours per week , 48-50 weeks a year, to earn money, but not a few hours to educate yourself about how to grow, or at least keep that money? As I said before, the contempt with which the cabal holds the intelligence (lack of) of Joe Normie is not misplaced.
Here's what I think is happening based on the various things I've read/heard.
The whole point of the Great Reset is financial. The need is for Europe to default on its unsustainable debt and issue a new currency. Europe is insolvent and has no path to solvency (I continue to believe that the US has a path, though not easy).
The people behind the facade we know as the WEF - which is just their marketing arm, designed to get the kids excited about all this gov't confiscation about to occur - want to issue an EU-based CBDC and have it replace the USD as the world's currency. To do this, they obviously need to weaken the USD and the US bond market. Personally, I think when you view things through this lens, the chaos makes a lot more sense.
Everyone is bashing on the Fed right now, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me, from a timing perspective. They are finally, for once, doing the right thing in keeping rates higher to stave off inflation rather than caving to the demands of the 0.01% financial elite who want low rates for "investment" purposes. The time to bash the Fed was ZIRP era, or just about any other time in its existence, not now. IMO, anyway.
Though, obviously, I also understand the argument the Fed shouldn't exist at all and we should be on a gold standard system. I can't argue with that, but am looking at this through the prism of what is happening now, not what I wish would be happening.
So far as I see it, this is turning out to be a US financial interests vs. European financial interests battle for control of the currency, and thereby, the Western empire. The Fed currently seems to be on team US. Yellen is on team EU. I think we can also largely view Trump as the avatar of team US and Biden as Obama's surrogate for team EU. I am rooting for team US in all this.
As an aside: I also hate to say it, but a CBDC of some sort IS the future. There is no way around that. It's just a more efficient technology for all involved, and at some point will be implemented by someone. To fight that would be a waste of time. IMO, it's more important to focus on who issues the CBDC and what laws govern it.
A CBDC in and of itself should be no big deal, until they attempt to eliminate cash. There is no reason the two can't exist together, but it's easy to believe the CBDC controllers will eventually prove their true interest is total control. That's when it hits the fan!
Exactly. I can't see how a CBDC is all that different from a debit card, which I'm guessing most of us have and use. Our employers are not carrying bags of straight-cash-homie to our banks every 2 weeks. The questions to me are how is the currency controlled/managed/regulated and what are the laws around privacy and usage to protect the consumer, etc.
But I do tend to agree that some entity will try to use it for total control. That seems to be the Davos/Brussels crowd's primary goal. I'm just thankful we seem to have some folks on the side of team US that don't want to relinquish their control over global financial markets. I honestly think the Davos set thought they could just take it without a battle.
(IMO, we also all need to realize there never has been - and there never will be - a non-corrupt government. And there will always be government. There will also always be currency. Currency arose as an effective solution to a genuine problem. To assume anything else is utopianism along the lines of the Marxists or the anarchists. IMO, it's about how we, the governed, keep those two things [corruption and gov't] under control.)
Totally agree. The only government that isn't corrupt is the government with no people.
I do think another potential issue of concern is how they attempt to require people to access the CBDC. If they want people to have things implanted in their body, that will be resisted, as will retina scans and the like.
Keep it simple and continue using cards and there shouldn't be that many problems. But corruption rejects simple ...
Agree again. No implants of any kind. You have to half-wonder if that was at least one goal of the covid shots - to get people to relinquish the concept of bodily autonomy for things like CBDC implants or other even more nefarious things. Though, yeah, they're going to try and we need to be ready to die on that hill b/c I don't think there's any coming back from having one's own body become the mechanism for traceable financial transactions.
CBDC is *nothing* like a debit card! It's programmable and would be the end of financial freedom. Period. CBDC and digital id must be rejected by the people.
Explanation and examples in this great animated video:
No, they are not that different. Who holds the liability is the primary difference. A bank account can be "programmed" as well. Despite what that video says, the gov't can currently track digital purchases. They are not anonymous today. And, currently, over 90% of transactions are digital. Only a small amount of our money supply is even issued as physical money.
As with all technology, the key is being vigilant about the laws governing the use of the technology. That, and maintaining the existence of physical money so that not all transactions are electronic and truly private transactions can be maintained.
Interesting, thanks for sharing. Generally I really like Brownstone's takes on things. They were awesome WRT covid.
Keys to me seem to be: what are the laws/regs around it, are there other available alternatives to keep it from being the only currency, and of course, no implants. Implant means it's not "your card" anymore in the sense of a debit card, but you, physically, who made the purchase.
Otherwise, everything everyone is saying about CBDCs could also be said of their bank accounts. If the gov't wants to track it today, they can. If they want to "program" it, then can (garnishing wages, e.g.). The vast majority of our currency today is already electronic. (I'd also point out the things being said today are the exact same things people said about debit cards when those were rolled out: the end of paper money, no more financial freedom, government going to use it to track purchases and take guns, mark of the beast, etc.)
For fairness of argument, I'd also point out there are lots of valid, good reasons for CBDCs and even to track purchases. Catching drug or human traffickers, for instance. But, also financial/economic ones. Lots of bad as well.
I tend to look at tech as tech. It's a tool. Someone is trying to solve for a real problem (just as currency itself was someone's solution to the problems with bartering); and someone else is going to try to use that solution for harm. Like a hammer, it's what we do with it that matters. It's legal to use a hammer to pound nails and such; it's illegal to use it to pound someone's head.
If it were possible to remove, on the banking side, the human element CBDC's would be more efficient; humans introduce the potential of abuse. As we noted, cash should work with the system but shallow people have a need to try and control others, that's a concern. Cash, or lack there-of, opens that door.
Good point. If CBDC were simply just electronic transactions, that might not be so concerning. But the fear for most of us is the notion that accessing our money will be conditioned on certain behaviors — that we be good little citizens, who get our monthly injections, who don’t consume alternative media, express non-approved thoughts, etc., etc. And if we are not good little citizens our privileges will be revoked… can’t travel, can’t turn on our Internet, can’t purchase things, etc., etc.
And then just the more expansive and invasive surveillance aspects of CBDCs.
And accessing cash is getting more difficult. My bank only allows you to withdraw a certain amount per day. If you want more, you have to tell them in advance because they don’t have that much on hand, except if you apply for a loan, of course.
They were not so smart to fight the shot but yeah, cash is still king! I’m visiting my sister Down Under right now, my two flights (Amsterdam-Seoul, Seoul-Sydney) have been flawless so far, and Sydney is more about cash than London, where 90% of the restaurants is now cashless. Now on to Cairns 🙏🌎
Very interesting. I wonder if it's more like the Collective West against BRICS, et al. The EU seems to do whatever the US wants them to do - including decimating their ability to produce anything economically with natural gas (as an examle).
NO> we will go back to barter and trade in small communities first . DONT COLLABORATE w the enemy. no excuse for the FED except the profit of the few big banks on the backs of the many. time for that shit to GO!
I highly recommend “The Creature from Jekyll Island.” Get the Audible version…it’s like listening to an elegant elder man sitting in a leather chair in his library and smoking a cigar while telling you an astonishing story.
Good news from Louisiana! (From a Health Freedom Louisiana email)
What began over a year ago, finally came to fruition on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, when the Louisiana House of Representatives voted 69-22 to restrict the authority of the World Health Organization, along with the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, within the state including all state agencies. More importantly, the legislation prohibits the state from enforcing or implementing any of these international organizations’ rules, regulations, fees, taxes, policies, or mandates.
Nice to read more good news!
When I heard about the assassination attempt on the prime minister of Slovakia (bad news!), I wondered WHY and then I read on X/Twitter he was AGAINST the WHO Treaty/Agreement. So.
Hope everyone in Louisiana stays safe. 🙏
Yes that was the first thing I thought of, had he spoken against the jabs or something and was being targeted?
Against the WHO and pro-Russia … double whammy! Brave man.
He’s still alive but, knowing the CIA, they may try again at the hospital. 🙏
The "lone wolf" shooter might dissappear as well.
Happened to Lee and to Jack. Speaking of disappearing, I've been wondering for over a year if Jordon Trishton Walker is extant.
For sure. Lee and Jack can tell you all about it--in another life. Wondering for a year about Jordon Trishton Walker--is he exstant?
Here’s the link: https://open.substack.com/pub/nakedemperor/p/the-msm-tries-to-justify-assassination?r=19qd1i&utm_medium=ios
and the EU Commission is threatening any social media companies that stray from the official narrative - leftists can't survive without censorship
Yes when they have to shut down opposing views, it just shows that they know their side can’t withstand any criticism or opposition because what they are pushing is fundamentally weak and flawed.
He also launched an investigation into deaths from the jabs and corrupton surrounding c19.
I spent just one day in Bratislava on a trip but I loved it. Might have to go back.
My sister and I did, as well. And we both loved Bratislava! Frankly, we loved Eastern Europe.
Having finally purged Communism, they set about to once again beautify their countries and to artistically say "Neener! Neener!" to the Commies.
One down, forty-nine to go!
Lucky Louisiana...very doubtful that will ever see the light of day here in Georgia. Kemp is a Davos devoteé.
Erin, but Georgia passed permitless concealed *and open* carry, which Florida has not, and the liberty lobbyists I know said your Governor's push for it was key. I've been noticing excellent laws being passed in various states and now wish I'd been keeping a list, so we could have a list of model legislation to use across the country.
That would be a great initiative!!
I wish something good would come out of Michigan! If my kids didn’t live here I’d move in a New York minute!!
Michigan is in a tough spot these days. I love Hillsdale College, but I wish it were located in a liberty-minded state. Instead, they're building more and more, to beat the band.
I think Kemp is being… jammed up. I’m a fellow Georgian— life long. I think the death of his future son in law is sus. I also have good reason to believe that some of the harmless things that occurred at the house were in fact not that harmless.
I think most elected officials are either compromised or their families are threatened or worse.
I wouldn’t be surprised 😕
Or Washington! Ya think calling our legislators will change their wicked minds??
Never say "Never." Georgians are a feisty bunch! And Kemp likely knows... if he goes against them... he GOES!
Miss ya, Erin!
Between LA and FL, we could learn a lot about how to stop the mandates our federal government is making: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-rise-of-the-rebel-state
And remember Tennessee - death penalty for child rapists, and banning airplanes spraying airborne chemicals for "climate change efforts."
Thank you for calling out Tennessee!!!
it should be Texas leading the way -
I’m afraid we’re losing Texas. I left Houston 18 months ago. I’m in Florida now.
don't think so - Paxton is doing a great job
They tried hard to get him, but thankfully they failed. I think it’s the Gov that is compromised- he’s never first on anything but follows if it looks like it will be a win. I’m not sure about him…
He was pretty late on stopping immigration.
I hope the residents of Louisiana take a real good look at the 22 who voted for the WEF/Ghate$/WHO agenda and do the right thing.
@RunningLogic yes! This is the way. States need to reclaim their power, and DeSantis is putting on a master class in exactly that. 10th amendment for the win! 🏆
YES! I live in Louisiana and this is a big deal. Louisiana has 6 congressional delegates. Only 2 have signed it so far, 1 being the Speaker Johnson. The other 3 republicans should sign it, I doubt the 1 socialist democrat will. He is a lover of masks, mandates, and shots. He hates freedom and loves having someone tell him what to do.
Here is the latest article on the bill. https://healthfreedomla.substack.com/p/now-that-louisiana-has-acted-decisively?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2
So happy for you, great work Louisianans!!
Or loves telling others what to do. All of these who supported the mandates, masks, and shots thinking it would gain them power are just useful idiots. Should the time ever come, they will be disposed of as needed.
Wait, I thought this was a done deal?!
Just for the state, not Congress.
Thanks for posting something so very important, relevant, and meaningful.
You’re welcome!! Always.happy to share good news!!
Louisiana, here I come ! 🏃♂️
This makes me so happy I actually yelped. Hey, it wouldn’t be so bad to live in the Big Easy. We can just party our way through hell.
Louisiana should get ready for a mass influx of citizens fleeing their woke states in droves!
Henry Ford: "If people understood the banking system, there’d be a revolution by tomorrow morning."
Most people don't have the wherewithal, time or interest to care. ("Is Dancing with the Stars on?") The Creature From Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin is a MUST read to gain the proper insights into the massive corruption in the financial sectors. The Federal Reserve is a non-governmental agency and carefully crafted sham....which is why it's embraced by the debauched, profit-at-all-costs libs.
Related: Norman Dodd on the Reece Committee Investigation: One of the Most Important Interviews in History: https://bitchute.com/video/9A3Duj2eLBLG [52:23mins]
The goal of the globalists via war, social upheaval, migrant invasions, hyperinflation, Soro's decimation of the rule of law, and the central bank currency spigot united with the root of all evil (there is a reason why the love of money is considered to be the root of all evil and it’s not just what people are willing to do to for it, but also the control it grants to the person giving it over the person getting it—this is why the hospitals became killing fields during COVID [mass incentives]), is to turn the entire world into a 'single administrative unit'. Meaning one entity will own and control everything on this planet. Including you.
Unless we stop them, and stop them we must.
TriTorch, I’m right here with you man! From the fed to the robber barrons, these are the true “evil of society”
Later Jay
"Unless we stop them, and stop them we must."
I have heard many people say this.
Then I respond, "I'd love to. How?"
The most recent one looked at me and said, "Vote and get all your neighbors to vote."
Seriously? Everyone I know DOES vote, which didn't prevent the demorat we have now from suspiciously winning in the last election.
It seems that those who want to "stop them" need a Community Organizer.....with lots of money......and political clout. Are there any of those on this side? Any who haven't been corrupted, bought off or threatened?
Good points, here are some civics solutions: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/apathy-is-the-fire-in-which-we-burn
Here are some crowdsourced solutions:
Check those out and you'll be a stride ahead of most.
We have one!! Some concerned parents were getting together to play games and gripe abt mask mandates and so on. They turned into political activists and educated themselves in LOCAL (Jeff Childers loves this!) offices they could get into and they stopped mask mandates in certain schools and loads of other especially important things. It is crowd sourcing in a living room! It’s amazing. Every time they SOLVE a thing, they take on another.
Watch prophet/pastor Julie Green on Rumble for Gods Word on how to pray into this situation and the Bible verses to back it up. God is going to move in miraculous ways to take them down. Our job is to stand up, speak up, do not fear, do not comply and PRAY.
BHO gave ‘Community Organizer’ a bad rap. 😡
The digital euro is already being developed through European banks
Thanks for the link Politico Phil, here is some more info from the horse's mouths:
Legarde on digital Euro: we are considering allowing cash transactions of very small amounts - you know, 300-400 Euros - but that could be dangerous: https://bitchute.com/video/kuzkLnoAm3kY [54seconds]
BIS Chief Agustin Carstens: You Will Not Use Our CBDCs Without Our Permission (In Real Time): https://bitchute.com/video/mLVkHURKZp3S [56seconds]
"A key difference with the CBDC [and cash] is the central bank will have _absolute control_ on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability--and we will have the technology to enforce that.
HELL ON EARTH IS COMING WITH CBDCs - Here is How: https://bitchute.com/video/C8Dm3BjdJm14 [15:07mins]
The soft-peddling of socialism and ideology is over. What is coming this summer is the iron hand of Marxism without pretense. Open aggression and violence will be in our face. Reality is about to hit us like a Mac truck.
Agree, the gloves are off. The paradigm has shifted. A new epoch as ignited.
Someone in a group I’m in said, “Marxism is so misunderstood. It’s a good idea, but often executed poorly.”
Um… no. I wanted to ask her if she’s read The Communist Manifesto. It has never worked.
A statement of ignorance. I heard the same tired rationalization when I was in college 50 years ago. This is someone who was taught this by their soft-peddling socialist professors and never had an independent thought since. In fact, the execution of Marxism has been very effective considering the hundreds of millions that have been slaughtered by Marxist governments in their "purges".
Do you mean in Europe “open aggression and violence” as a reaction to CBDCs or the US this summer?
I have the US in mind this summer and fall. I always feel conflicted talking like this but history tells me once a Marxist regime takes power, it never gives up that power willingly. I believe the violence and unrest we saw in 2020 will be repeated to a much greater extent. I am also convinced that the Marxist regime in DC has been building a mercenary army of multiple millions for the last 4 years from the 30 million illegal immigrants that they have imported over our southern border. And on top of all that, Alex Jones has a way of very accurately putting into words the potential outcomes of events.
President of European Central Bank Says the Entire Economy and Financial System Requires Overhauling due to Climate Change
Christine Lagarde using the excuse that keeps on giving
Mme Lagarde and her groupthink comrades need to have THEIR climates changed.
Totally off subject here Politico Phil. I came to look for someone who might have a helpful answer. I use the Brave browsing app. I thought it was a search engine but it turns out my search engine on my phone is duck duck go. I downloaded that a few years back and then thought I switched to Brave. Every time I use the default Brave browser my phone comes up like it’s trying to use google instead. It is frustrating me. So I started digging in. I think DDG is used by google. So I started looking at search engines besides google. My phone just gives me the options of the normal crap. Do you know of a search engine I could be using to stop google from monopolizing my searches and tracking me? Brave has been good but I have always felt like I’m getting google searches and their crap. Any helpful ideas for someone NOT a technical wiz?
Yandex.com I am NOT a technical wiz - someone on C&C directed me to Yandex as a search engine and it really opens up a whole new world. I haven't been able to figure out how to make Yandex my default, but I simply go to "Yandex.com" and it pops up with the cursor in the search box title "Finds Everything" - and it gives so many more options than Google or even Duck Duck Go or Swiss Cows.
Brave is a browser and has its own search engine called search.brave.com. You may not have it set up to use the search engine. I use Brave and love it.
I'm not a tech wizard either. I think I read a while back that DDG had been bought by Google. Our @Daverkb seems to know quite a bit about this stuff. I would try him.
Said with a southern accent right? My elderly neighbor said ‘I’m thirty-damn-nine’ when her birthday rolled around. I’ve adopted the saying.
I can appreciate your comment. However, one gov is coming whether we like it or not. One place ushering in the antiChrist who looks like a savior and will turn on the nations bringing the great tribulation. We may be able to “delay” it but it is coming sometime. Biggest questions are will we be here for it or will we be raptured out.
You would LOVE Shepherd’s Chapel with Dr. Arnold Murray. Search for his teachings on anything. And ALWAYS listen to the Q&A afterward.
I’m watching this a second time. Thank you so much for posting this.
The Companion book "The Story of B-17. World Without Cancer" spends the last half talking about the cabals that run the world, their history and evolution. I always thought it was interesting when I tried to tell people about what you posted, and they responded "I don't have time." So, let me get this straight. You have ~40 hours per week , 48-50 weeks a year, to earn money, but not a few hours to educate yourself about how to grow, or at least keep that money? As I said before, the contempt with which the cabal holds the intelligence (lack of) of Joe Normie is not misplaced.
Is B17 an anti parasitic?
it's a vitamin.
Here's what I think is happening based on the various things I've read/heard.
The whole point of the Great Reset is financial. The need is for Europe to default on its unsustainable debt and issue a new currency. Europe is insolvent and has no path to solvency (I continue to believe that the US has a path, though not easy).
The people behind the facade we know as the WEF - which is just their marketing arm, designed to get the kids excited about all this gov't confiscation about to occur - want to issue an EU-based CBDC and have it replace the USD as the world's currency. To do this, they obviously need to weaken the USD and the US bond market. Personally, I think when you view things through this lens, the chaos makes a lot more sense.
Everyone is bashing on the Fed right now, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me, from a timing perspective. They are finally, for once, doing the right thing in keeping rates higher to stave off inflation rather than caving to the demands of the 0.01% financial elite who want low rates for "investment" purposes. The time to bash the Fed was ZIRP era, or just about any other time in its existence, not now. IMO, anyway.
Though, obviously, I also understand the argument the Fed shouldn't exist at all and we should be on a gold standard system. I can't argue with that, but am looking at this through the prism of what is happening now, not what I wish would be happening.
So far as I see it, this is turning out to be a US financial interests vs. European financial interests battle for control of the currency, and thereby, the Western empire. The Fed currently seems to be on team US. Yellen is on team EU. I think we can also largely view Trump as the avatar of team US and Biden as Obama's surrogate for team EU. I am rooting for team US in all this.
As an aside: I also hate to say it, but a CBDC of some sort IS the future. There is no way around that. It's just a more efficient technology for all involved, and at some point will be implemented by someone. To fight that would be a waste of time. IMO, it's more important to focus on who issues the CBDC and what laws govern it.
A CBDC in and of itself should be no big deal, until they attempt to eliminate cash. There is no reason the two can't exist together, but it's easy to believe the CBDC controllers will eventually prove their true interest is total control. That's when it hits the fan!
Exactly. I can't see how a CBDC is all that different from a debit card, which I'm guessing most of us have and use. Our employers are not carrying bags of straight-cash-homie to our banks every 2 weeks. The questions to me are how is the currency controlled/managed/regulated and what are the laws around privacy and usage to protect the consumer, etc.
But I do tend to agree that some entity will try to use it for total control. That seems to be the Davos/Brussels crowd's primary goal. I'm just thankful we seem to have some folks on the side of team US that don't want to relinquish their control over global financial markets. I honestly think the Davos set thought they could just take it without a battle.
(IMO, we also all need to realize there never has been - and there never will be - a non-corrupt government. And there will always be government. There will also always be currency. Currency arose as an effective solution to a genuine problem. To assume anything else is utopianism along the lines of the Marxists or the anarchists. IMO, it's about how we, the governed, keep those two things [corruption and gov't] under control.)
Totally agree. The only government that isn't corrupt is the government with no people.
I do think another potential issue of concern is how they attempt to require people to access the CBDC. If they want people to have things implanted in their body, that will be resisted, as will retina scans and the like.
Keep it simple and continue using cards and there shouldn't be that many problems. But corruption rejects simple ...
Agree again. No implants of any kind. You have to half-wonder if that was at least one goal of the covid shots - to get people to relinquish the concept of bodily autonomy for things like CBDC implants or other even more nefarious things. Though, yeah, they're going to try and we need to be ready to die on that hill b/c I don't think there's any coming back from having one's own body become the mechanism for traceable financial transactions.
CBDC is *nothing* like a debit card! It's programmable and would be the end of financial freedom. Period. CBDC and digital id must be rejected by the people.
Explanation and examples in this great animated video:
No, they are not that different. Who holds the liability is the primary difference. A bank account can be "programmed" as well. Despite what that video says, the gov't can currently track digital purchases. They are not anonymous today. And, currently, over 90% of transactions are digital. Only a small amount of our money supply is even issued as physical money.
As with all technology, the key is being vigilant about the laws governing the use of the technology. That, and maintaining the existence of physical money so that not all transactions are electronic and truly private transactions can be maintained.
I came across this a few minutes ago
Interesting, thanks for sharing. Generally I really like Brownstone's takes on things. They were awesome WRT covid.
Keys to me seem to be: what are the laws/regs around it, are there other available alternatives to keep it from being the only currency, and of course, no implants. Implant means it's not "your card" anymore in the sense of a debit card, but you, physically, who made the purchase.
Otherwise, everything everyone is saying about CBDCs could also be said of their bank accounts. If the gov't wants to track it today, they can. If they want to "program" it, then can (garnishing wages, e.g.). The vast majority of our currency today is already electronic. (I'd also point out the things being said today are the exact same things people said about debit cards when those were rolled out: the end of paper money, no more financial freedom, government going to use it to track purchases and take guns, mark of the beast, etc.)
For fairness of argument, I'd also point out there are lots of valid, good reasons for CBDCs and even to track purchases. Catching drug or human traffickers, for instance. But, also financial/economic ones. Lots of bad as well.
I tend to look at tech as tech. It's a tool. Someone is trying to solve for a real problem (just as currency itself was someone's solution to the problems with bartering); and someone else is going to try to use that solution for harm. Like a hammer, it's what we do with it that matters. It's legal to use a hammer to pound nails and such; it's illegal to use it to pound someone's head.
If it were possible to remove, on the banking side, the human element CBDC's would be more efficient; humans introduce the potential of abuse. As we noted, cash should work with the system but shallow people have a need to try and control others, that's a concern. Cash, or lack there-of, opens that door.
My issue is not DC it is the CB in DC. The one group controlling all.
Use it or lose it, folks!
Good point. If CBDC were simply just electronic transactions, that might not be so concerning. But the fear for most of us is the notion that accessing our money will be conditioned on certain behaviors — that we be good little citizens, who get our monthly injections, who don’t consume alternative media, express non-approved thoughts, etc., etc. And if we are not good little citizens our privileges will be revoked… can’t travel, can’t turn on our Internet, can’t purchase things, etc., etc.
And then just the more expansive and invasive surveillance aspects of CBDCs.
And limiting the amount of meat or dairy we consume, or other such foods.
Bingo, that's why cash is the key. As RU said, forms of cash will always exist, it's just a matter of in what capacity.
And accessing cash is getting more difficult. My bank only allows you to withdraw a certain amount per day. If you want more, you have to tell them in advance because they don’t have that much on hand, except if you apply for a loan, of course.
Personally, I prefer dealing in cash.
Exactly! NO to CBDC and digital id.
They have total control now! Many truly do not understand!
I think they have a grip but it hasn't been tightened, yet.
Thanks for the overview. Side note: Australia is much closer to CBDC's so they protest with cash. https://www.news.com.au/finance/money/costs/massive-queues-aussies-flood-banks-in-cash-protest/news-story/a3e8940489c9c22fcb99d447460ec7d2
They were not so smart to fight the shot but yeah, cash is still king! I’m visiting my sister Down Under right now, my two flights (Amsterdam-Seoul, Seoul-Sydney) have been flawless so far, and Sydney is more about cash than London, where 90% of the restaurants is now cashless. Now on to Cairns 🙏🌎
Well-reasoned comment, thanks for your take on this!
Very interesting. I wonder if it's more like the Collective West against BRICS, et al. The EU seems to do whatever the US wants them to do - including decimating their ability to produce anything economically with natural gas (as an examle).
If you think anyone in government has your best interests in mind or heart, please get educated!
Who said that? What exactly are you talking about? Your comment does not make sense in light of anything I've written. Please explain.
Very nice except I feel we should clobber the FED with a plan in place to return to the gold standard. Painful but solid ground.
Later Jay
Yeah, but what about the BRICS nations? China's wealth and influence are not exactly tiny.
Look at the numbers compared to the US. We're still king of the hill but with no one (benevolent) watching the hen house, we're in trouble.
Later Jay
They're clearly de-dollarizing b/c the West has weaponized the dollar.
NO> we will go back to barter and trade in small communities first . DONT COLLABORATE w the enemy. no excuse for the FED except the profit of the few big banks on the backs of the many. time for that shit to GO!
LOL. Right. I'm a realist, not a utopian. And, frankly, what you're proposing sounds a lot more like hell than utopia.
For teaching your kids about the monster that is the Fed
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