Mar 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Do you NOW get the feeling that the Jan 6th cover-up was the final plan to cover up the 2020 election steal. Get those INNOCENT patriots OUT!!! Of that dam prison. And start rounding up those evil disgusting DEMOCRATS who planned this charade. Rant over.

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Don't forget the rinos who aided and abetted the steal in 2020 and 2022. Cheney, McConnell, kinzinger et al are traitors too.

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I think we need to look at patriots and traitors instead of political tribes. We have many elected and unelected officials that have been unfaithful to the constitution and their oath of office. For these actions they should be rounded up and given the opportunity to explain themselves! It's called a "military tribunal". If found guilty the military guide for war has the solution. The checks and balances our forefathers put in place have solutions to this problem. We will not forget what you have done, payment due on receipt!!!!

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Sounds like Ron Paul has had some influence - he a good man.

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Ding dig ding! Yes, Douglas, take you seat at the front of the class.

Later Jay

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Tar and feather and run out of town and country while at it

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Uniparty ... in short = Rhino Republican Party elite controlled aiding and abetting the radical Bolshevist Agenda. Create a super-condition of insane chaos in order to bring down a country and bring in a New Order.

5th Generation Full Spectrum Warfare is being waged across all of America. If the Uniparty largely controlled by the Deep State succeeds, life will not be worth a hoot.

In truth, this could be ended overnight. Why? Because it all is not just an act of nature. It is man-made and man orchestrated. Therefore, it can be un-orchestrated.

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Exactly. Their biggest fear is a unified electorate. People must wake up and realize they have been played. The crumbling narratives Jeff is reporting are a great start.

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The problem is that there are so very many players who aided and abetted it all.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

True ... and we need to know the players apart from us and our families. But will we? I hope so. But one thing is for sure. And that's extreme insanity will not last forever.

However insanity and chaos are the enemies' main weapons as supported by fear, panic and a neutralized mind. Once chaos reaches a crescendo, the Bolsheviks take over and execute anyone who will not bend a knee. History repeats itself over and over again.

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Not a problem CMCM. Cast a larger net, catch them all.

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The "insurrection" narrative conveniently overshadowed the real reason people were at the Capitol on January 6th in the first place. And that was intentional.

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Instead of addressing why they were there, they turned it tonto a melodrama, wasted more taxpayers funds, and poisoned politics.

There should be an "unofficial" paper ballot, watermarked, for people to use before or after using the captured electronic voting machines....where ALL the candidates are listed. that way there can be a comparison of the vote, paper versus, captured machine.

That would take a lot of work and funds. I hope someone can get the ball rolling.

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Like Turkey, one day, one vote with indelible ink placed on a finger! No absentee ballots, except military personnel!!! Done! Results by that evening, NO EXCUSES!!

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Rumor has it 2020 ballots did have water mark & facts will be revealed when enough of the public are ready to receive what has been going on for decades.

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We have had watermarked ballots the past two elections. But only for whatever Trump is looking for.

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So true!

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And if Pelosi wouldn’t have gone behind President Trump’s back and Cancel his Order for the National Guard to be there.

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"Trehan rhetorically shrugged his shoulders and quite broad-mindedly explained: “That’s just science!” He pointed out scientists are only humans after all, not lizard people (probably), and since they are humans, scientists have biases and conflicts of interest and politics and tribes and they lust for money and power just like everybody else does."

Here’s how Trehan wrapped up his nauseating apologia:

"... But you don’t have to posit conspiracy theories to explain the rush by the science establishment to exclude a lab-leak explanation to Covid. You merely have to admit that scientists are human."

All true, and that is WHY we have CRIMINAL law. This "Lust for Power, is the basis of ALL crime.


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THE science is politicized and has been for a long time. The RESULTS of true science will change over time if new discoveries are made; but the problem with the politicization of science is that public policies are cast in stone on the basis of a science that can and does change over time. And governments are loathe to backtrack on their decisions without assigning some scapegoat in the process. And many times, that scapegoat is the science itself. No wonder many conservatives question THE SCieNcE.

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Yes you moron Trehan, and serial killers are human too. Nuremberg was probably the trial of the century. Get ready for an even bigger one.

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Let them out of prison TODAY!!

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POLITICALsteria: Best January 6th Memes (Happy Insurrection Day!)

- The neverending story turns two, some protests are more equal than others, joining the totalitarian club and more January 6th memes - happy anniversary to all would-be Insurrectionists!


ELECTIONsteria: Best January 6th Memes (The Neverending Story!)

- Lights, camera, action - starring Nancy Pelosi! Past insurrections, Miss Lindsey Graham wanted a massacre, so many unanswered questions, what really happened, the Fed plant and more January 6th memes!


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The tragedy of Jan. 6th was that “the insurrection” was planned and abetted by the evil demons in the house and senate. And even worse were the innocent lives lost that day and the hundreds of lives destroyed by the overzealous FBI including many who remain in a hell-hole prison without due process to this day! It all needs to be exposed and the perpetrators held accountable!

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I have always believed the timing was to STOP the reading of the actual details that the Republicans were going to present about the fraud they believed happened. That was going to happen you know...there was going to be a legal process before the vote...and the facts as our side saw them were going to be read into the record...or have we all forgotten that. THEY HAD TO STOP THAT...the entire nation would have heard it and it would have been on the record. Instead - they insight the folks to go in - they WOULD NOT have breached those doors without help. THAT has been established over and over again...NO one can get in that building unless someone wants them in. NOPE...so - I have always believed the DEMS/ DEEP STATE had to stop the reading of the statement that had been prepared. The information that had never been revealed to the masses who had only heard the narrative on MSNBC and CNN to date...THAT - THAT is why they did this...and yes...to ensure the demise of Donald Trump and the deplorables. Still...all this - so orchestrated - not by such highly intelligent people - no -don't give them so much credit...geeze...at this point - we have to remember - we wrestle not against flesh and blood...and we've got some crazy evil oppression stuff going on in the hearts and lives of those folks...PURE DARKNESS...

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Donald Trump and the Deplorables...

Didn't they play at CBGB's?

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No doubt a military style operation perpetrated by a hidden minority in that harmless crowd.

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They made it look and sound like the storming of the Bastille!

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And completely ignored the fact that on several occasions, leftists did the same or worse!

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Yes, Jeff Childers, please fill us in on the prisoners and their cases. And the chances of them getting out now.

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Every Friday on The Tamara Scott Show at noon (central time) on Lindell TV, Tamara has been interviewing J6 prisoners and the people helping them along with what you can do to help!

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Where does one find Lindell tv?

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Seems like the nearly all of society has little to no concern, but then there's the " well but nothings going to happen to anyone , like accountability, justice and jail

and the like, I pray they all get to answer for their lying evil ways for all their unjust lying and killing false pretense that has impacted people in the whole world, , smh

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Dr. Martin Makary of Johns Hopkins University said in his testimony to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: “The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States Government – that COVID was spread through surface transmission, that vaccination immunity was far greater than natural immunity, that masks were effective…”


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This is why I think it's wrong to put the main focus on the Wuhan origin of SARS-CoV-2. Not only did we probably supply China with the means to create the virus, but even if the Chinese leaked it with malicious intent, the insane governmental response in the West, obviously wrong-headed right off the bat to any thoughtful person, was entirely on us and preventable. The Chinese were probably ecstatic watching our self-destructive idiocy the level of which likely exceeded their wildest dreams.

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The lab-concocted bioweapon pathogen (notice I didn't say VIRUS) wasn't leaked by China, it was intentionally leaked IN China by the worldwide Cabal who are still pulling the strings. The Puppet Masters.

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That is a huge distinction people need to understand.

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Let us make sure to educate the people.

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OR, it was created in Ukraine at one of the bioweapons labs with U.S. funding, then secreted to China. Any way you look at it, the U.S. was involved.

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"the U.S. was involved" - beyond a shadow of a doubt!

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Yep. Why the HELL would China bow their heads shamefully and accept responsibility for something WE wanted to see created ...... AND PAID FOR.

Where's Ralph Baric ?

Let's get that man talking.

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I'd like to see Ralphie swinging on PPV... you can get him to talk first, though.

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A ploy of blatant diversion by fingering. Look over there! The dirty no good Chinks did it?

BUT ... if the Chinks did it (maliciously? for their own reasons? whatever?), THEN the entirety of the US elite establishment by active promotion is an ACCESSORY TO THE CRIME and/or crimes ...

by multiple acts of fraud and criminality by evidence seen (fraud, perjury, aiding and abetting, multiple acts of treason, insurrection, negligent homicide, etc.).

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Don't neglect giving credit to the UK government for their efforts: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/matt-hancocks-plan-deploy-new-variant-frighten-pants-everyone

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John Hopkins University is a paradox. Wisdom versus non-wisdom, it seems. I remember reading an opinion by a JH scientist saying that 85% of the people have innate immunity to viruses. That was in 2020. Then another disturbing article published here in this blog by our esteemed author along with pictures showing the totally disfigured arm of a person who had the flesh removed from one part of the body to construct a Phallus for another part of the body. NB: I respect Johns Hopkins University hospital. I consulted with a top doc in one of their departments and he helped me immensely. But, science sure is strange!

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I don’t respect them. They are steeped in Reset ideology. They plan all the ills meant to be unleashed on us and obfuscate and distort research to do it. Their public health experts are fervent believers in Malthusianism and eugenics. I used to work for The John, as we locals call it. There are many good competent doctors there but except for Makary, they drank the koolaid a long long time ago.

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Science is not biased.

Scientists are.

Science does not lie, science is what exists.

Scientists can self-deceive or lie and engage in CYA.

Science does not make mistakes. Scientists retest and engage contrary scientists, so they do not do not.

Science has no self interest. Scientists who are not biased have no self interest, and do not care if they are proved wrong by science.

Science does not need propping up by scientists or “experts.”

Science is a whistleblower for assumptions and experts.

True scientists do not suppress science, or cancel other scientists because of disagreements or sponsors’ funding.

Following the science is humbling and exciting and humbling.

“Following the science” is self-aggrandizing, arrogant, irresponsible and dangerous.

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Yep. Malthusianism. Population control. They must get millions from Gates.

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Wow. Okay, I believe first hand knowledge. Ben Carson was an alumni and I can’t believe he was involved. Given our experience with the FBI today, it must come from the top just as all FBI agents are not bad; the evil rolls down hill. Trump is right. We must obliterate the deep state from all our institutions. Malthusianism? I’m looking that one up.

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Nothing is all or nothing...people are individuals...as are all of us on this forum...you can't say one thing about all of us on this substack...yes..generalizations are generalizations for a reason...but when attributing character or values based wisdom to people because of their affiliation with an organization or vice versa...that's not reasonable...truly - it's what the LEFT is doing all the time with "systemic racism..." oh my goodness...NO - people - individual hearts are dark...and have racist...or prideful or hateful tendencies...no organization can be...it's an organization...just like a gun cannot kill a person - the person kills the person...This is why this exposure of truth right now is so important...good people who have been deceived over the past 4 years..need to see the evil exposed...so that they have a CHANCE...yeah - only a chance...to CHOOSE TRUTH...see they have been duped and become courageous...and realize they should never ever fall for the little boy who cried wolf again.

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Run on sentences with excessive use of hyphens and ellipses are very difficult to read. Sorry.

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My stream of consciousness style. Sorry. You don’t have to read. I take time to run grammar and edit when it matters more and I’m not just responding casually in a conversational thread.

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But people do tend to gravitate towards institutions that align with their values and goals. And institutions are composed of people. It’s okay to call them out.

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Oh - for sure...not saying that...didn't mean to imply that...but that is really a newer problem...like - um...like last decade...but for SURE the last 4 years...in particular...I mean - when we are talking about health care organizations and respectable academic institutions and government institutions etc...not "clubs" that have always been ideological drawing all like-minded like the obvious ones...KKK or you know, ANTIFA...

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Malthus wrote his overpopulation doctrine of sewage sludge in the 19th century, most likely at the behest of the Crown’s East India Trading Company. The British people were becoming skittish over the brutal colonial treatment of indigenous peoples, especially in Africa. Sovereign appropriation of their valuable natural resources was right and good, because they were savages unbecoming of proper humanity. Plus they were reproducing at alarming rates and thus heading for disaster anyway. Remind anyone of similar attitudes among the enlightened, wealthy elites of our time?

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Billy’s father learned him well! He and Melinda have zeroed in on Africa and have done for MANY years. However, their power has gotten out of control and now they want the world.

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Malthus did not take science into consideration. If we were still using a mule and a plow he might have been right.

That is the biggest error of all by the-sky-is-falling Thunburgs of the world.

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Thanks, made me laugh! :-)

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Sounds like Penn.

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I need to dig out that issue. Can someone tell me which issue it was????

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

You know...I absolutely LOVE what Florida is doing with those bills...and I love how he's pushing the age up to 8th grade before they can talk about sex. I'm going to take this one step further (and I might get flamed for this), but what if we take this out of schools altogether? I feel that sex is such a personal and sensitive topic that it has no business in a classroom. Schools should be educating you with skills to prepare you for your future career, not giving you strange tips for getting it on with total strangers. What if WE as parents and the community (and even churches) take back the reins of this sensitive area of discussion. It is indisputable at this point that the liberal school system has shown they are absolutely unqualified to handle this huge responsibility. I suggest we take it back.

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By way of illustration, here's the mindset of some people: I was speaking to an attorney in our firm with two young boys in public school about a recent board meeting at which a parent read from very pornographic books. I watched the video, and it was uncomfortable to say the least. As the lawyer was a resident of the district, I asked her what she thought about it. She said, and I quote, "well, that doesn't really bother me much, I'm more concerned about racism in schools." When I countered that the books were available to elementary school kids and were talking about anal sex, she said, "there could be a legitimate reason kids need to know about anal sex." WHAT?? Really? Frankly, I don't know how to share a country with people like this.

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wow - that just makes the case right there for national divorce, doesn't it? I don't want to share any space with people like that. I'm sure you were baffled (and probably stunned silent by her comment - and I would've been as well!), but I'd like to think I might counter with questions. Why? Why should kids know about anal sex? Please list the reasons. Because I for one knew nothing about this concept until probably late highschool/early college and I turned out just fine. There is no need to know anything about that as a young child. If she's trying to make the case that they need to be aware of this because of predators, well there are plenty of ways to discuss that with kids and keep them safe without showing this incredibly graphic information to young and still developing minds.

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I like your approach. I am trying to remember to ask questions to those who propose such ridiculous ideas. Make them think, and make them try to defend their defenseless positions.

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Turns out I had a animated discussion about Covid at work today, but thankfully was more prepared with counter points.

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That lawyer is not being even that logical. This is simply woke ideology spewing out of her mouth of which she is cognizant of nothing.

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That's why I am thinking we have to push back using questions...we need to force them to explain themselves. Maybe if we force them to really think about it, it might help wake them up from this woke mind virus. I couldn't believe any logical rational person would defend child gender surgeries - and yet they do! We need to make them really think about what they're saying...they are supporting the cutting of body parts off children as young as 5 years old. There are no other words for that other than sick and morally depraved. It just hurts my heart. How can anyone be ok with this?

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Either they haven’t thought it through or they themselves are groomers and abusers 😕

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I'm with Jen. They need to explain.

One could say," Oh that's different. If that were the case how would you formulate your Claim and give Supporting Evidence for why it is okay for minors?"

It has to be Lawyer style like a court of law. other ideas?

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Stunned is exactly the right word. And as others note below, these people are lawyers trained in logical thinking but no logic was present in that statement. I of course had several follow up questions, but this lawyer in particular usually gets out of further discussion by saying "but I don't really know much about the specifics, so I can't really say anymore."

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OMG! And she's more worried about racism! She has no concept of the place and function of morality. The ENTIRE reason for the state we are in now as a society was stated by the Soviet plan to subvert the American people: to subvert and eliminate American morality. When a people's morality is destroyed, such as has happened in academia for the last 4 generations, society collapses and is ripe for takeover. This is exactly what we are seeing today. But instead of the Soviets pushing this agenda, it is now our own homegrown Bolsheviks who are taking the country by moral violence.

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yeah, that's wrong on too many levels.

Perhaps it's the institutional capture with agendas forced into Culture and Academics mixed with Screen Hypnosis. I shit you not. Peeps in cities or Info workers are on screens all the time. See Incredibles 2, for the "Screen Slaver". Predictive Programming?

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It should be obvious by now.

One side and only one side can win in all of this. And the sanity of the country depends upon the outcome.

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You are absolutely correct. "sex ed" has no place in schools. Schools are not allowed to teach that sexual activity only belongs inside marriage (real marriage) so they shouldn't be discussing it at all.

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When I was in high school many years ago we had a Child Development class. It wasn't Sex Ed. It took you through the development if a baby from conception to early childhood. Only girls were in the class. It should be brought back to school. Too many teens are having babies with no knowledge of them or their care.

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Well, I for one, never intended to hand over those reins.

But I know what you mean.

Like pretty much everything regarding their kids, parents need to step up and stop handing over their authority and responsibility to outsiders.

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Part of the problem is that teachers will NEVER say, "Hmm, I don't know about that, perhaps you should talk to your parents about it." They are SO much smarter than us. And anyway, the end justifies the means.

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FYI, as a teacher and parent since the 1990s, I can say that teachers are not that smart and neither are doctors.

What I noticed is there are:

1-People that mostly question things for themselves

2-People that mostly accept what others say without question

Science is questioning and changing when we learn new things, so NEVER trust science because it is subject to change with new discoveries.

Students, including higher education, are taught to listen and learn, but not to think and question. This includes all authority on science, law, everything....

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Thanks Jeff for bringing attention to these new developments.

Praying these developments will explode expand and encourage more of the same to front center in minds of all.

Perhaps real interest by millions of decent folk will force the media to stop covering up for themselves and the government.

BTW, There is no “smart” today in any form of leadership in any our society particularly connected to our utterly corrupt government. Mostly our elected and non elected officials are products of a corrupt system of higher education.

Again, Most government institutions are filled pseudo academic liberal art graduates who could NOT find their butt with both hands.

Honestly, I think the entire intelligence community needs to be unplugged and dissolved and those leaders held accountable.

Most of all our government leaders need to tarred and feathered and put in the road and all their theft confiscated return to the Treasury.

That’s for starters....

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I have to agree which leads me to the conclusion that our society cannot be saved. And the collapse of the USG empire may finish it for us. After that, then a renewed society can be rebuilt based on traditional American culture.. As Americans we have to remember something that the French learned a long time ago. No matter how many governments and revolutions come and go, the French people are STILL there and they are still French. This will be entirely true of Americans and American culture as well. Long after the USG is in the dustbin of history, Americans will still be here along with the culture they hold dear.

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Mass immigration will cure the French (and the rest of the West) of its pesky affinity for its own culture.

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Dawn, I agree with you. And I say that as the daughter of a college professor (technology) and the granddaughter of a science teacher with many other teachers and professors in my family. There are definitely exceptions (like those in my family for the most part), but in my experience, although they may have a certain level of knowledge in their fields, a great number of educators, especially the newer generations, don’t really know much about the world and are not particularly well-read or intellectually curious. They may mean well and are often “nice” people, but we shouldn’t be holding them up as some sort of role model for intellect and discernment.

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My thoughts as well RL... There are certainly exceptions but they are fewer and fewer because the newer gens are the largest percentage now. They lost me during the mask mandate. My last job was teaching 5th grade science. If I stayed, they would have fired me because I would have gone against their scientism. I don't believe NASA anymore either... they say they LOST the technology to return to the moon? Really? How about the symbolism? https://www.bitchute.com/video/fbcRsXuFMfys/

I just can't do it. If I ever go back it will be to teach reading.

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Actually, I think we've reached a point where the majority of teachers are now too ignorant to teach the three R's. It's far easier and more excitingly "world changing" to teach woke nonsense that changes so fast that no one can prove them wrong.

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Really the only solution is not to use the state (public) schools. Protect your children. An "uneducated" hillbilly is better off than a degreed, woke, sexually violated, Marxist follower.

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There’s no guarantee that even a private school will not have those influences so people should choose carefully and do their research.

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Nope private school is better but they still followed the CDC BS out of fear and loss of students/$$$. My daughter was in a private Christian school. After a couple weeks of the masks, I emailed the school many mask studies about the harmful effects and included a lot of other info about how they don't work and more. They didn't like it and would not consider the fact that they were harmful and useless. Finally, after many emails, the principal said, probably in frustration, I was lucky they didn't require the vaccine. That shut me up for a minute, so then I started emailing how most childhood vaccines contain aborted baby with proof from the CDC and more... I asked, "Would you consider taking a medication that a baby was murdered to cure someone?" Of course he said wouldn't, but that is what vaccines are so... They don't do what they claim and never have. I have 3 children, and the one with 0 vacinnes has never had a fever or been sick. Must be a coincidence.

Homeschool is best. It seems impossible, but if you commit to having kids, and you are willing to sacrifice to live on one income then go for it.

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Same situation for us except it was just a private school not Christian. I ended up pulling my son out to homeschool him after the first year of wearing masks. I was so frustrated by everyone’s refusal to see reason and understand the harms of masks. I’m really still quite angry and bitter about the whole thing. And I think our stupid state health department head should be fired.

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I spent 12 years in a large urban public school district. This comment; nail meet the hammer head! People, you have no idea what your children are dealing with. Get them out of public schools!

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About teachers... They have a HUGE influence on your children, so it is very dangerous when you have an immoral teacher with your child 30-40 hours a week. They ARE bias and DO change how your child views the world. They DO plant seeds and children are vulnerable.

Me: I was very aware and careful to make sure these little blessings felt they were all worthy, tried to instill love of learning with laughter, encouraged them to ask questions without repercussions, and just be kids. I am alarmed with the new curriculum in Broward FL. Houghton Mifflin is Murdock owned and other texts are UN supported...I saw the United Nations label on the texts.

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I don't know. If I didn't learn about the biology in school I would have never learned it. Some parents don't talk about these things.

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There's learning biology and then there is what is happening now which is, to borrow a word, "grooming" - the absolute desensitization to sexual practices at an early age which gives kids an unrealistic and unhealthy view of sexual relations between mature people.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

100%. I am all for learning about the biology of reproduction in biology class, like it used to be, but they’ve turned it into propaganda. Plus with the way it’s taught, it’s either some outside organization with no relationship with the kids or a teacher who doesn’t necessarily even know much about the subject, in a context where the kids are often uncomfortable and self conscious. What girl wants to ask about or hear about menstruation in front of a group of her male classmates?? Asking a male teacher or even a female she doesn’t know well or isn’t comfortable with?? Either it’s poorly taught or it’s used for grooming and/or propaganda. I just think parents are the ones who should talk about this with their kids. It’s not easy but being a parent isn’t easy.

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Propaganda. Never forget Propaganda was authorized into the NDAA about a decade ago. So it's legal. Gov CYA.


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Well, of course, as long as the biology part isn't left out. I'm all for removing the rest of that hot mess garbage.

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There’s biology, like what we learned in our tenth grade biology class, amidst a lot of awkwardness.

And then there is indoctrination.

I think it is possible to teach the facts of anatomy and such without adding the other stuff. Tell kids that if they have more questions, they should ask their parents or grandparents or something.

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Yes, teach them to ask questions of responsible adults in their lives, and to make good choices - for example to be safe.

Certainly teach basic anatomy - anything much more than that, you're not in it to help the young adults, you're looking to advance some agenda.

Take that "woke" crap..... and put THAT where the sun don't shine.

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Yes I agree. My mom said that’s how it used to be taught, just the technical facts and none of the other stuff.

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Did you never ride a school bus? 😂😖

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I did. Why?

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Absolutely in agreement. The schools have used the excuse "but the parents aren't teaching about sex, so we have to."

Funny how that wasn't a concern 50 years ago, and I think, there were far fewer teen pregnancies--no data to back this up, just experience of being a teen in the 60's

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I agree. What gets taught in schools should be the provenance of Parents.

I'll be honest and say I'm squeamish about any bill that says "this is what you can teach." This one as described seems too controlling, too dictatorial. I'd be much happier if the FL legislature was putting public funding of education into the free market. School choice would allow a wide variety of teaching styles, messages etc. and parents could make the best decision for their children.

Look, if you have a choice between a school that focuses on pronouns and one that focuses on math, and the total cost to you isn't any different, the need for a bill that regulates the content of instruction becomes moot. Those parent who think pronouns are the most important thing to teach their child will get what they want, and the long term consequences will be on them.

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Fair enough. And we have to accept that there really are parents who prioritize woke ideology over practical education like reading and math.

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The truth finally coming out won’t bring back the vets who committed suicide after being railroaded about J6. It won’t replace the 2+ years of life and thousands of dollars lost by the political prisoners of J6.

If there’s no retribution, there’s no justice, regardless of whether or not TC shows the video and proves the lies

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State codes are already full of curriculum standards. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think I agree generally that I am hesitant for the state to put forth a bunch of mandates about what gets taught, however, as a purchaser of that product (even as a person without kids in the state schools, I still utilize the product: state-educated graduates), I want to have some say over how the product is produced and what kind of product I’m getting.

(And sorry to reduce children to “products,” although frankly that is the way mass education treats them, to be honest.)

And, it isn’t always as easy as expecting parents to readily select between different public schools. Although I agree that the competition could be helpful.

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I think all states should do BOTH. And that Trump, when re-elected, can also federalize School Choice. Although I'm all for parents rights, the sold mission of schools paid for by taxpayers has to be education And in a safe environment. Amazing how much money they can throw at DEI and then not have any money to institute any of the common sense suggestions put out after mass shootings. Money for DEI - unlimited, Money for teachers, educational field trips and school safety (even police trainings) - completely empty bucket.

If Trump gets in, I'm positive we'll get school choice. This will take care of SO many problems with one fell swoop. The liberal public schools simply will not be able to afford to operate.

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How about we get government out of education entirely? There is no DOE in the Constitution.

And I am not in favor of any more edicts from the Feds. Even mandating school choice. As long as tax dollars are involved, there will always be some kind of government controls over what is taught in the schools, choice or no. We’ve seen this w vouchers in our state.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

Bottom line: As long as the State funds and controls education, schools will teach the viewpoint that supports the objective of a society controlled by the state. There is never any room for parental control. You get what you pay for.

One of Ronald Reagan's campaign planks was to eliminate the Dept of Education. I don't think most remember that. As soon as he got into office, that plank was forgotten. The State will never dis-empower itself.

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My wise science teacher grandfather always said that once the unions and Dept of Education got mixed in, that standards would only go down from there. And it is ridiculous how much money we throw at education with very poor results.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

At the time my daughter left teaching 7 years ago, she was already of the opinion that kids weren't taught the basics enough. They weren't good readers. Just learning to read and write well wasn't emphasized nearly enough. They also weren't very proficient in math. The woke stuff wasn't going on then, but there were just too many non-basic things going on that took too much time. She was also disturbed about how the students' misbehavior was addressed. She told me about how one violent kid (this is 6th grade) would throw things, pick up a chair or desk and throw it against the wall, and one time on the playground he threw a rock which hit my daughter in the head. The kid's mother defended the kid by taking the stance that the school was implying she was a bad mother, so there were never any consequences for the child other than being moved around from school to school. This boy was transferred to multiple schools in the area, and he always caused trouble no matter where he was. Eventually he ended up back at the school he started from because there was nowhere else to go that was different. No one at any of the schools was willing or able to get this kid psychological help that he so clearly needed. A future violent criminal in the making. I'd be interested to know what he is doing now, 7 years later. By the way, the schools were totally involved in getting breakfast and lunch brought into the school, but there wasn't money for a school psychologist.

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Every honest teacher I know feels the same as your daughter but they are too afraid to say it out right.

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Part of the 'mainstreaming' of the special ed kids. Used to be they'd all be removed from a normal classroom that they are obviously unsuited for.

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I agree - we have to take the tax dollars back from them. It's complete abuse that they control all of our money and then steal it for whatever purpose they deem necessary, none of which results in our kids getting an actual education.

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Here's a GREAT resource to help parents


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Too many parents dont talk about sex with their children. When i started my period, my mom was freaking out. I was calm and collected, because I already knew about it from school. I didnt understand her hysteria.

Now I do (she was crazy in SO many ways), and thank God I learned about it from somebody outside of her.

But that was the OLD sex ed. We learned about our bodies, what to expect, and a little about condoms. That last part could have been left out, but was ultimately helpful in the long run to know and understand how they worked.

This new sex es needs to be scrapped.

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I am with you. And like, we all sure managed to find out about sex and all that without too much help from anybody. How did that happen? Huh?

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I agree sex talk should be limited. Sex Ed was mixed with “Health” class when I was in school and it was limited to Biology, STDs and pregnancy prevention. That’s it and that’s all any of us needed. I think it was 8th grade and there was no more after that!

My daughter is a senior in HS. They taught her nothing about finances, running a checking account, credit, or investing. Even driving is not part of school curriculum.

Time is wasted in HS.

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Teen pregnancy rates are not the focus of this agenda. The outcomes of gender ideology will prove to be much worse than teen pregnancy.

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Well it was at that time, at least ostensibly. But I am sure you’re right that there is/was more behind it. However, the generally population sees sex ed as being useful for pregnancy and STD prevention. So I was addressing that idea in my comment.

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We had the same thing, but it didn’t help our teen pregnancy rates at all. Students weren’t any more motivated to learn this information than anything else in school. I’m not sure, ultimately, how useful it was. We did actually have a government and economics class where we had to learn to write checks and balance a checkbook, for example.

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Here's a GREAT resource to help with that:


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The anti American politicians ( from both parties) knew they were lying about January 6th and that they would never be held accountable. Consequences need to be resurrected .

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I always thought there was something hinky about Sicknick's body being cremated very quickly. That fact was always glossed over.

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The five Capitol police suicides within a few months of the riot are worth questioning too.

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Dead men tell no truths.

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Maybe suicides because they were so ashamed to be used by the Democrats that they could no longer get live with themselves or maybe they were gonna come clean and confess so they got suicided.

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I recall seeing a video from J6 in which a cop is standing at an open door and says something like “I don’t agree but I’m just following orders.” As if he was ordered to let the protesters in. Hoping the J6 lawyers have that clip.

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I believe it's the latter, rather than the former.

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I don't believe in suicides. They were "suicided" to eliminate them as counter-narrative witnesses.

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Hillary probably knows something about it...

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Or the deaths were faked in order to send a message...

Sound crazy?

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Ok doodicle, let's take a look at this staged event....I'll wait.


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Interesting video. A lot of it really did look staged with way too many bad actors.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

Sicknick was surely a vax death. Young(ish) and healthy, but dies of a stroke.🤔

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I definitely believe the vax is killing a lot of people, but my friend’s husband died of a stroke at age 46 in 2017. He died at midnight after missing his flight and returning home angry and stressed. I heard he was always stressed and quick to yell and took weight lifting supplements and or drugs of some kind.

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I believe he may have died from “friendly fire” (operatives) mace reaction. He called home after the event said he got maced and didn’t feel well. Went home and I don’t recall the actual death. It’s in alt news sources.

The only deaths were 4 protestors including a young woman bludgeoned to death by a woman cop. It is on video.

Police let her die in front of everyone. Narrative media claims she was a druggie and just died of excitement. but she had been clean and sober for a long time.

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Vax rollout for his age group (40s) in most cases didn’t start till March 2021, two months after he died. I read somewhere that he had an underlying heart condition so he may have been eligible for an early jab. But I never heard he had definitely been jabbed.

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Similar to the rapid disposal of Bin Laden.

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Oh you mean Little Timmy Ossman?!

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

I wonder if they needed a separate helicopter to dispose of his dialysis machine- the one he needed to stay alive but never found.

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Why did the family go along with it? Were they paid off to go along with the narrative?

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In early 2021 no one was talking about vax deaths, so it's not surprising that they wouldn't suspect that. And if he were vaxxed, he would have gotten the vax very early in the process.

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Yes, but why did they go along with the narrative that he was a casualty of the "insurrection"? Were they paid off? Threatened?

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Almost no one as vaxxed then, except front line medical workers. “Vaccine” was rolled out after.

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I’m talking about the fake narrative that he was murdered on 1/6 when the family actually said he had a stroke the next day. Videos show him wondering around the Capitol seemingly fine.

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Interesting, earlier before this article came up, I was searching for the video coverage of Tucker Carlson’s first release of the Jan 6 videos. Duck, Duck, Go only pulled up articles about McCarthy allowing Tucker Carlson access to the videos, but that’s it. Then I switched search engines using “Brave”. Tucker Carlson’s video releasing the first of J6 videos were instantly accessible.

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Duck Duck go is worthless, sadly. Completely compromised. But even Brave and Metager (the better of the search engines out there) still show democrat clips from a year ago about January 6 if you ask for "January 6 videos". You have to ask for "January 6 videos Tucker Carlson" to get any kind of results. Search engines, virtually all of them, need to be taken with massive blocks of salt.

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Suggest you Dump The Duck and use Brave: It's powered by Chrome but withOUT the front-end filtration.

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Still doesn't give the TRUTH first. They are all compromised. I don't believe anyone anymore.

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There's also Ecoasia

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Unfortunately, Tucker is preaching to the choir. I’ve always known that the liars lied. I’ve always thought that Chansley is a cool dude. I loved his costume and his manly chest!

Ungrammatical politically-correct pronouns indeed! They/them/theirs is grammatically nonsensical when referring to a singular personage. “They is eating my apple.” “They is my best friend.” “They is pregnant.” Ungrammatical and nonsensical.

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Tucky C is definitely preaching to the choir, but as a member, even I was surprised by the video of Jacob Chansley walking around - escorted - by USCP. Likewise, I also knew that the ME had declared Officer Sicknick's death a result of a stroke but seeing him WALKING AROUND, looking completely fine, was clarifying. How many people, to this day, still think he died on the Capitol grounds?

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Tucker IS preaching to the choir but he’s the most watched person on cable and purportedly and has the one show that is watched by more liberals and liberal journalists than any other show on the conservative side.

In the world of MSM not all viewers (as counted by ‘views’) are equal. Some are more equal. There are many Podcasters, who garner far more views than the main stream personalities, more “influential” people, watch Tucker, and that’s why what he airs” is so important.

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I’m shocked fox let’s him talk about the topics he talks about.

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Apparently because of his power and viewership, he was able to negotiate a really good contract that gave him nearly unlimited power to cover what he wants. Also, his studio is not in the fox building in DC. He admitted the other day he didn’t take the jab and they (Fox) won’t let anybody into their building who hasn’t jabbed.

ICYMI Mark Stein, a Fox guest Contributor, reluctantly got the jab and over the Christmas holiday suffered 2 heart attacks.

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yeah, what HE wants... not what we want... where's the damn election fraud coverage?

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That amazes me stein got the jab. So crazy how many did!

Lol he doesn’t look like he’s on fox studio so that makes sense!

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He only talks about a portion of the truth, just enough to get away with it.

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"They is." Remember Ebonics? 🤣

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Ah, yes, Ebonics. Official recognition of bad grammar as an option!

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My speech professor in college in the early 80s informed us there would be no Ebonics spoken. Would any professor today be so bold?

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Ebonics is fine as is any dialect or slang within a group in casual or informal situations. But imo people must also learn to speak higher register English for use in more formal settings. Just as you wouldn’t wear a tank top and cutoff shorts to a job interview. There’s a time and place for everything. It’s a disservice not to teach standard language so people are capable of using both.

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Of course!

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Right! I mean, it was a speech class after all.

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What ever happened to Jive?

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We have a chick at work that wants to be called "they/them". I told the one boss to stop trying to jump thru hoops to talk about her - that I dont care.

I told my other manager that it is the hill I will die on. I will NOT call anybody "they/them" unless they claim to be multiple personalities...and even then, it would be queationable. They will have to fire me.

Another chick claims to be a "he". (A few months back, I accidentally hit her with a drawer right in the crotch. She cried out in pain then stood up and said, "l dont know why I did that. I dont have anything down there!" I just turned and walked away.) I ran into her coming out of the female bathrooms yesterday. I asked somebody why she uses the ladies room when she claims to be a male. The answer I got was, "what's even weirder is yesterday she went to management asking for feminine hygeine products!"

I am debating starting an issue about having a man (her claim) in the woman's bathrooms. I havent decided if I want to do that or not.

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You clearly must have some Irish blood in your veins.


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May the Force be with you.

Later Jay

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My favorite is from a video I saw yesterday... "I want to be a fisherthey one day." (meaning fisherman. I don't know how these folks can look in the mirror.

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Yes - not only do they suffer from gender dysphoria, they also suffer from multi personality disorder. Their situations deserve mercy and understanding, not our endorsement.

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Students today are too ignorant, and I use that word advisedly, to understand that.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

I do not even have words, nor probably should I fully plumb the depths of how I feel lest I render myself totally distracted for days, for how wretched this evil January 6 travesty is.

Didn't we fight and win a war some 245 years ago to fight, among other things, the gross miscarriage of justice by a tyrannical government?!

During the initial J6 hearings, a friend asked if I was watching them and if they changed my mind about Trump and what happened. Uh, no, and no.

I really want to send her this, ask her if she will watch, and what does she think about it. Sadly, I don't think it will change her mind.

Evil, evil, evil.

Lord, your hand has revealed this evil. Now, bring your swift justice.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

Over a year ago Tucker did a J6 special, questioning where Ray Epps was, and the one true murder from that day, Ashley Babbitt and why was that never looked into. We knew from the get go this was all staged and that to squelch the election upheaval demanding an investigation per the Constitution, it had to be interrupted, and then pinned on Trump.

I have been angered 3 years now on how corporate media allowed government funded CoVid to become a runaway train, then the election to be declared incorruptible and move on, and then to be the total propaganda arm of the government in the J6.

My eyes are now open and the oozing of the Swamp which has thickened my whole life time is now indisputable.

It lead me to the only true source of Light and Truth, back to God. Where we go from here as a Nation, I do not know, but if we don’t stand up, it is the Hill we slowly sink on.

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There was actually another murder that day. A woman was gassed, fell on the ground and was then beaten to death by police officers outside the Capitol. People were trying to tell the officers she wasn’t breathing and didn’t have a heartbeat and they continued to beat her. It was all on video. Tragic.

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I saw videos of that way back when, and then never heard another word about her. It was in some tunnel at the Capital, but I don’t know the layout so I can’t piece together where exactly this was. I don’t understand why her life and death are not also front and center with poor Ashli Babbit . All I remember is they beat her to death.

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It was hard to find, but the woman was 34 year old Rosanne Boyland.

This article includes questionable excuses (for the killing) served up by the Washington Post, Newsweek, etc, so take it for what it is worth. Had to hunt through Brave search engine and still it was deeply buried.

Partial copy of the Denver Gazette article:

At the time of the alleged strike, Boyland is believed to have collapsed near the mouth of the lower west terrace tunnel at the Capitol. Protesters nearby sought to procure assistance from the officers who were scrambling to contain the riot. Boyland's friend, Justin Winchell, begged for someone to help Boyland. "My God! She's dead! She's dead!" he yelled at 4:26 p.m., according to the report.

About two minutes later, protester Luke Coffee came before the police officers and yelled for them to stop before being pepper-sprayed, video shows, whereupon a rioter throws a large wooden stick at the police officer, who uses the stick to strike Coffee and deliver a blow to Boyland's ribs as well as two hits to her head despite her being motionless, according to the report.


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Thank you for finding the story. It needs to be shared. I find it so hard to believe anyone can beat an unconscious person to death. She posed no threat. I’ve always respected and been the first one thanking police officers for the difficult job they do but in the past few years I’ve seen another side.

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There were for protesters killed that day, no cops.

Ashli Babbitt (although that could have been staged, see video link by a commenter today 21 min) was shot and killed by officer Michael Leroy Byrd. Who was never charged.

Rosanne Boyland was beaten, sprayed, and trampled to death by Metropolitan Police woman, and did not die of a drug overdose as reported. No repercussions to the cop.

Kevin Greeson died of a heart attack as a result of a concussion grenade thrown by police and was not due to natural causes as originally reported.

Benjamin Phillips killed by a concussion grenade shot at his heart.

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These were all needless deaths perpetrated by police on innocent citizens. Where was and is the outrage? These deaths have been ignored. My deepest sympathy to the families of these people. God sees all and knows all. Even though there’s been no justice for these victims here, there will be justice when these terrible murderers stand before Almighty God.

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It's worse than a swamp. It's a septic tank.

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If the Police Death Narrative did not happen as stated, what did happen?

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Completely agree. Unless we, people like us on this thread, don’t get into politics locally we can never get US back. The problem is we just wanna be left alone and the crazies want to be involved in every aspect of your life and those of your kids.

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We must get involved in local politics! We go to our county GOP meetings and it’s a great opportunity to meet the representatives that come, fellow conservatives and to hear what’s going on. I’ve volunteered to be an election judge.

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Copernicus, I've been reading Julie Kelly's book about January 6th but I've only been able to do it in small chunks because of the anger it stirs in me. Travesty doesn't begin to describe what was done to these people. And, sorry, but where is Trump? Why doesn't he speak up for these people?

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

NAB, Trump spoke at CPAC last Saturday and he said that he would pardon all of those wrongly imprisoned.

But I’m so conflicted about Trump and DeSantis…I’m starting to wish someone like Josh Hawley or Kari Lake would jump in! 😂

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Glad to hear Trump said something. I've been disappointed with his past reticence in even acknowledging that those people were there - and subject to the evil machinations of the democrat party - solely because of him and their belief in him. He needs to do better and be a stronger voice. Maybe these videos will give him enough cover to be more outspoken. Could you imagine if he went and visited the DC gulag??

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And took Kanye West and a bunch of his friends to protest?

A Civil Rights violation is a Civil Rights violation.

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Have you checked out Vivek Ramaswamy? I’m hoping he will be a promising contender in the upcoming primaries.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

I saw him on Gutfeld yesterday, and all the ideas he put forth are absolutely great and are things that everyone would agree with. He also said he doesn't aspire to be a politician, he just wants to fix things in this country he loves so much.

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That does sound promising!

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I believe he is fairly wealthy already too, which would seem to indicate he doesn't need politics to become more so, like most of the others tend to do.

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Ron and the Don will work it out. They know who the real enemy is.

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I personally love them both. I believe anyone in the running will be spoken ill of in some way. Whether legit or to hurt them. So to me it doesnt really matter.

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MTG went and visited them with another congressperson. I can't remember who at the moment. No traction at all.

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I remember seeing MTG talking about how impossibly difficult it was to even get inside to see them.

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Trump should be very vocal, but so should all Republicans and all Democrats with any semblance of a conscience and sense of morality.

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Interesting point about Trump’s silence.

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I’m thinking (and reading) that there is more than meets the eye about Warp Speed. The train had already left the station under zfauci’s guidance before it ever got to Trump and the best he could do was call it out. ZFauch ran the Co\/ task force and there was mutiny against trump at every turn including against IVM and HCQ, and not mandating the shots.

There are more alligators in the swamp very invested in the vaccines. I think the jabs were supposed to be worse but they were released too soon.

Tin foil hat info maybe, but Trump doesn’t do or say anything for no reason. Even when he tweeted some odd and face-value inflammatory things, no one else “got” it and he was letting the targeted person know that he knows their personal evil.

I’m a wait and see person about Trump. Except for the jab he was spot-on good for the country. I’m hoping he chooses a female VP, and that Ron D can hold out in one more term as gov then run for president.

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Or, fall on the sword regarding the Shot push etc.....?

Later Jay

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The full depth of the corruption of our government …for decades… has come into full view for me.

We shouldn’t be surprised by anything they attempt… we’re all being manipulated -constantly.

Historically. And currently.


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Amen and AMEN! Come JESUS now 🙏🇺🇸🙏

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Sent it to a friend who claims to have an open mind. The reply was "I don't believe a word Tucker Carlson says and I will never ever watch Fox News." He's lost.

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My guess is your friend did not have an open mind, but is a Liberal, and therefore only watches “certain” corporate media. Corporate media is just two sides of the same brain washing coin.

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Failure to disclose exculpatory evidence is called a Brady Violation under Federal law. If material and proven almost always results in disbarment of the prosecutors involved.

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We need to remind them of Mike Nyfong. He's the clown that tried to pin rape charged on the Duke Lacrosse team. He was disbarred and jailed.

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Not always though. See Sidney Powell's "Licensed to Lie."

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Who exactly is going to enforce the punishment? The bar? DoJ? FBI? Not in D.C. they won't.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

All the videos of people opening

the Capitol doors, removing barricades and in plain clothes freely moving about and directing Capitol police need to be released. Tucker said he will not because he can't identify the people and does not want to accuse anyone. FOX is probably throttling him due to the Dominion lawsuit.

Everything has to be released publicly, no other way the January 6th lawyers or the public will get to the truth.

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Asking Tim Trehan: If medical professionals and scientists are simply mere humans and thus make mistakes, why do their "mistakes" yield fat paychecks for Big Pharma? Why do their "mistakes" follow precisely the agendas of government and the WHO?

Did Dr. Malone and his allies receive big payouts for their thoughts and advice? Nooooo, they received scorn, opprobrium, and threats to their lives and livelihoods.

Tim Trehan, you may think your readers are too ignorant to follow the money. Surprise!

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And why are the mistakes allowed in only one direction?

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Trehans only mistake was that he didn't get enough $$$ from the Pharma/Medical Industrial complex.

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I heard some excellent adjectives this morning on Breitbart radio in a discussion about Democrats' agenda of promotion of men dressed in women's underwear fanny wagging at little kids in school or Sunday morning drag brunches: DEMENTED and DERANGED. Add Jeff's phrase POISONOUS FALSEHOOD describing the demented and deranged propaganda promoting racial hatred that Scott Adams is poking holes in is great, too.

Words matter, and we should use the really good ones that we hear really often.

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

words are critically important...I just read this great book called Mama Bear Apologetics and they spend a good bit of time discussing why we're losing these cultural wars and much of it is due to Linguistic Theft. We're letting them twist and turn words into whatever they want and they have no meaning anymore. It's impossible to keep anything straight that way and the enemy knows it.

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Exactly. What is propaganda if not control of language?

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The enemy exploits language by design. 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 are their instruction manuals.

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This is why WE must set the terms of the debate and refuse to participate in THEIR dialogue.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

Sage advice from a geezer: Go to your local thrift store and buy a copy of a pre-1980 dictionary, preferably an unabridged volume such as Webster's. The online definitions of many valid and longstanding English words are being "revised" or "deleted" to conform to woke standards.

Remember the film "Fahrenheit 451"? That is the script for what is being done to our language.

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My son's English class is reading Fahrenheit 451, 1984 and Brave New World this year. He is making connections all over the place!

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WHAT school is that? I read those books in high school but that was back in the 60's.

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Believe it or not, McQuaid Jesuit Catholic Boys' School in Rochester NY!

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The phrase “a few good men” come to mind. Mind you, there are only a few good Jesuits at this time, but the good ones are awesome.

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Still part of the curriculum in 1990's Ct. Heard no longer so..

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It was interesting this year at Mardi Gras, instead of beads, someone was throwing dictionary pages.


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I thought it was beads for boobs? I am not sure I want to see what a DICTionary would get you..... No sir. Not going there.

Later Jay

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Now how cool is that.

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Could not be more right. Look up the definition of "liberal' in an old dictionary. "Tolerance for opposing views and people" is front and center in the definition. All been scrubbed . That's why they want to digitize everything. , while sequestering all hard copy books. So easy for the Ministry of Truth to rewrite everything.

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47Yinzer, funny you mentioned this because…

just the other day I was searching online for an OLDER dictionary just so I could preserve the true meaning of the words we use before all the corruption of our language. I didn’t find one that wasn’t “updated” so I plan to go to a used book store to find an older dictionary.

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Granted, I live in the mountains in a small town, but our local thrifts all have dictionaries and thesauruses, for $3 to $5.

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Old law books are an eye opener as well. We used to have a system of common law in this nation. What especially rankles me is how the jury system became merely a fact arbiter, and no longer the last bastion against tyranny envisioned and enacted by the Framers of the Constitution. Juries had the power to nullify laws they found repugnant. That all changed when northern juries refused to convict runaway slaves so that “property” could be restored to its rightful owners. If you can find a copy, Lysander Spooner wrote a brilliant essay on this travesty of judicial process in the mid nineteenth century.

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Yes! I've said this about having an older dictionary on your bookshelf many times. We'd better get them while we can!

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Have one from 1968.

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Arrest those who would be the caretakers!

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

It’s not race; it’s socioeconomic. Ask any blue-eyed blonde haired Irish Americans whose 1st generation ancestors were treated like dirt. Or those poor whites who own a coat of many colors.

Race is being used as a weapon to divide us. While we’re busy videotaping ourselves beating one another up, they’re working on “preventing” the next pandemic.

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AGREE! Both sides of my grandparents were literally dirt poor. I spent a lot of time with them as a kid and saw it for myself. They were the furthest thing from privileged, other than being born in the United States. But it was definitely a hard scrabble life for them.

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First gen college grad here, on my own dime, and at night. All who study and/or work hard should be able to have more than they started with. That’s American.

We are keeping the poor poor but angry with CRT. Everyone should be judged by their character - That should be taught in school instead.

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My paternal ancestors came from Sweden. They were also treated badly, the "dumb Swedes" they were called.

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Racism was rampant among many immigrants in the 50s. My European immigrant uncle once told me the Irish were the WORST and that they were always fighting them, worse than the blacks and Puerto Ricans in the 'hood.

It was really all a matter of survival and fighting over resources--or lack thereof.

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I know Italian immigrants in the early 20th century were treated abominably. They were considered “black” by many and scorned because of it. They also were accused of being terrorists and seen as suspect because they were Catholic.

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Even simpler, since words matter: class warfare.

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Point taken but the Irish are unlikely to have been blue eyed and blond haired. Many do have blue or other light colored eyes but blond hair isn’t very common (less than 25%). But you’re right, lots of non dark skinned immigrants were mistreated.

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The Brazilians are protesting in mass, the European farmers are protesting like crazy, the French are protesting, everybody's protesting except Americans. I'm just wondering if America's in a pressure cooker and instead of protesting they'll just blow up someday. Just asking


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The answer is simple. Our government arrests political opponents and lets them rot in jail without bail or habeus corpus. That was the whole point of "Jan 6". You may get out if you confess your sins and learn to love big brother (the grandmother they arrested had to make a public confession and agree that the election was not stolen.) Perhaps when we get desperate enough we will protest. For now, it is easier to keep one's head down.

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What has been done and continues to be done to the Jan 6 people is beyond egregious and against our entire constitution and rule of law. It is disgraceful how it is generally ignored by most in government (all parties) and most of the American population. You think it couldn't happen to you? Just wait.

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We allowed it with Guantanamo. They just it home and used it on us, just like they did with Colour Revolutions.

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Welcome to United Soviet Socialist States. How much money do you have?

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I do sometimes wonder how we are all taking so much of this garbage going on sitting down, unlike the rest of the world.

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Because compared to much of the world, we still have a great deal of freedom in many ways. And we're blessed with a physically large country with room to spread out/seek out your 'people.' That being said, we can never take it for granted and we have to push back on any encroachments to our freedom. Europeans are more "collective" in mindset in my experience (but protesting is sort of a collectivist action, no?). Americans are individually minded (generally speaking of course) so we are not as 'into' collective protests. I'm still convinced that the summer of 2020 was incited to a large extent by dark money interest, and of course legitimate outrage ginned up in our young people.

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You are 100% correct. Summer of 2020 was the pivot point and the collective "go time" for the chaos that we see and have lived in since then...that was the start of the coup.

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I don't think I will ever forget the summer of 2020 . . . nor will the powers-that-be for whom it worked REALLY WELL.

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Still happening. Atlanta, over the weekend with the attack on the police training facility. Think about Portlandia, Seattle. Pee-brained professional victim causing chaos all over the place. Well placed bricks and stick all paid for by someone.

Bricks were on pallets so someone had to pay for them. Probably easy to trace. Just my observation.

Later Jay

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Historically, revolutions start when 3-5 percent of the people can no longer live their lives under the oppressive conditions and fight back risking their lives. No where near that in U.S. yet. But it will be epic when it happens, with all the armed citizens that could hit the tipping point as soon as the first shot is fired.

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Because protesting may get you thrown in the gulag.

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Very true. Scary, unless you are sponsored by Soros.

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Yes. The J6 guys are the template.

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I think "example" is the more precise word... same thing they said about Seth Rich... even if he wasn't guilty, they wanted to make an example of him.

Our "leaders" are not playing by the same rules as the would-be tyrants.

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I ALWAYS wonder that. Always. Americans are a sad lot, as a whole and a laughing stock. But, the trials are forming bonds of humans that are coming together like never before. I was one of the original Hell No club from out of the gate. That is my litmus test for friendship these days. Nobody can appreciate the extreme pressure to hold the line of sanity without just giving in....unless you have held fast. I thank the patent WO 2020060606 from March 26, 2020 for making me a true believer...and then friends started dropping dead to cement my Hell No theory.

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Yep. Becoming more and more of an introvert because talking about anything relevant puts me into the crazy conspiracy group. Who wants to talk about depressing topics all the time? Sad thing is I can’t even carry on a conversation anymore u less it’s about politics, homesteading or traveling. I DO not wanna talk about movie stars, gossip or sports. So irritating.

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No shit....I just want to shake them. Chicken Little I am.

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Unfortunately the protests don’t necessarily mean anything will be done, certainly in the case of the French, they protest all the time with very limited results.

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We're all digitized now--and monitored--or so we seem to think.

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Seriously.....I haven't seen these stories!! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? Americans are ego-centric and sit idly by, with no clue. Until they can't turn on their Foosball or Netflix. Then, there will be an uprising. Americans are shallow and see nothing. Until the power gets shut off. We are due for an implosion. I just hope to be in the right place when this happens. It is inevitable. As long as people are comfortable, they can live with slight inconveniences, like their favorite mocha-chai being out of stock. Problem is, nobody is ready for third world shit and we are frogs in the pot. Ijeeits.

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Read Julie Kelly. She has been reporting on the Jan. 6 political prisoners.

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Sadie you couldn’t be more right if you tried. My husband and I are baffled how america has lasted this long.

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So are we Christy. So are we. I got to meet with some amazing people for lunch yesterday that I met on here in SWFL. It was amazing.

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That’s awesome!!!!! North cent trees florida here. More cows than ppl. Lol

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I agree, but that being said, Europeans do like their protests and strikes. Have never been to Europe when there *wasn't* a strike of some sort going on. Nevertheless, I'm especially cheering on the Dutch farmers.

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Yes they like them but nothing happens because of them a lot of the time. And many of the strikes are by public sector workers who have huge privileges compared to the private sector and they don’t want to lose those. The farmers are an exception for sure.

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As a semi related aside, I saw one poll yesterday, can polls be trusted?, which indicated that Trump has it all over Desantis for the 2024 nomination. I voted for Trump because he promised to drain The Swamp. I think he found that The Swamp, even for him, was too big to even begin draining. Of course he had all of the Democrats and most of the Republicans against him because he was a Washington outsider, he wasn't one of "them". They don't want the money train derailed.

But I wonder if Desantis would be able to fare any better. The fact that he's not Orange Man is a plus, but he is going to be up against the same sorts of obstacles as Trump was, although one would hope that Republicans would be more supportive. Still, I see Desantis as somewhat of an outsider too. The liberals certainly won't like him any more than Trump and of course the MSM will target Desantis at every opportunity.

At the end of the day though, I think the numbers of unelected bureaucrats in all of the departments are so great, they are part of The Swamp after all, and there is so much money being pumped by lobbyists into Congressional coffers, that in some ways it won't matter in a really big way who is elected to the Presidency. Sure some things will change, but the Military Industrial Complex and CIA being ordered by the men behind the curtains will still be engaging in global hegemony which in my opinion is by far the biggest threat the US government poses to everyone everywhere.

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Just listen to his CPAC speech - for me, there is no-one else. He has the experience, he has the chip on his shoulder, he will NOT be running for re-election, his has his team ready - he'll be ready to go on day one. He could not possiblY be more prepared. He also doesn't need sleep. I understand about warp speed, I'm a non-vaxxer for life (starting in 2020!) but i understand what he was up against when he was President. The ENTIRE government and MOST of the world population. Anything he says NOW will be held against him when he runs. Warp Speed was the worst thing ever done but he did not thinking he would keep the country open and away from permanent lockdowns and in the end, it may even be true that they (DoD) ALREADY had the vaccines at the ready and was all a big giant orchestrated coup of the American People that no-one, not even him, could have conceived possible. He said all the right things at CPAC, I'm ready for the "retribution". ( I also used to trust the FDA, CDC, Academy of Pediatrics, ACOG - etc. to a certain extent - lined my kids up for their vaccinations and gave them (toxic) Fluoride ! )

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But he won't admit he was wrong about warp speed and the vaccines. That bothers me a great deal.

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As a politician, and one who is running again, he can't really. No politician ever admits they were wrong about anything.

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DeSantis has done some great things for Florida and seems to be "like" Trump, but his money comes from the Big Club. He's one of them... Go to conservativetreehouse for a lot more info about his ties. I'm on the fence about Trump. I thought he was good and did some good things, but it was under his watch that Warp Speed happened, lockdowns, etc. Anybody with a brain knows you can't inject people with things that haven't been tested on people and actually killed animals (eventually) in the past. He's not stupid...

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I agree.

He plays ‘stupid’- pretends he’s unaware… by avoiding the topic

But he is acutely aware.

These people read social media constantly… Trump knows.

He’s just ignoring the fact that it’s killed people

Trump made ‘anti vax’ comments about pediatric vaccines before he got into office- something like healthy child gets x shots on one day… and then isn’t healthy anymore…

I believe he knew the dangers of vaccines- even before he was elected.

I think there’s a question about Baron trump- if he’s on the ASD spectrum… I think it may have touched his family personally…

But what happened was once Trump Was elected and Trump was questing vaccines… Bill Gates visited Trump in the White House and told trump an investigation into vaccines was a bad idea… then Gates was offered a scientific position at the White House… and Trump dropped everything about vaccines

And fast forward and Trump supported Warp Speed

My guess is Gates had some DIRT on him- related to Epstein or girls… and leveraged it all against him,

Essentially black mail of some type… because after the Gates meeting…. Trump immediately changed his tune

Which was a huge disappointment to all the parents who hoped he’d finally investigate pediatric vaccine injures… but he didn’t... after one conversation with Gates! Gates was interviewed and this is how he reports it.

And then Trump went on to support warp speed which had killed and injured more people. So I don’t know any to vote for trump… because I think he was bought off or silenced by Gates about vaccines.

And I thought trump did many good things in office. But the vaccines are the hill I will die on. Period.

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Agree. Anytime I see lying Paul Ryan slithering out to endorse someone, I have to step back and do a little digging. Also the swamp is dead set against Trump. That in itself is a plus for him. The uniparty and globalist are the enemy.

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I agree that we need to be wary, but someone endorsing him doesn’t necessarily mean DeSantis agrees with them or will listen to them. Remember, David Duke endorsed Trump. And the media relentlessly repeated that to make it seem like Trump supported white supremacy. I think it could just as well be used as a tactic to make people distrust DeSantis and divide conservatives. I will wait and see on this one.

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Dividing conservatives is the primary objective of the Uniparty at this point. The Bolsheviks will NOT surrender power in 2024 no matter what happens.

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Their embeds are throughout the Federal, State and even some local beaucracy. ALL of civil society is coopted and corrupted. Until this cancer is removed the patient is still terminal.

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The very key that DeSantis is now an almost nightly sound bite on Faux News ought to speak volumes.

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I still like him. He us pushing the right things at the most critical time.

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Me too. I have lived in Florida the last 20+ years, and we've had some good governors during that time. But RD is far and away the best, and it's not even a close call.

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I agree. Talk does not count for much. It is what is being done that counts. That is where the rubber meets the road.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

I think he is a good governor for Florida but I still believe he is beholden to the RNC. Remember Trump campaigned in the early going with his own money. He was a billionaire, something RD is not. My new rule of thumb is any R politician who appears on Fox regularly is being placed there to say and do the right things. Josh Hawley is a prime example. He is all over the place and saying all the right things, and saying them loudly but what is he really accomplishing? Marsha Blackburn is another one. Loudly supporting Trump in 2018 when she decided to run for US Senate after being a House Rep. He got her elected. Up until the 2020 election, then clammed right up. Claimed she would be one of the senators protesting the certification on J6. Guess what not only did she not support him, she threw him and his supporters under the bus. She knew, as did Graham, McConnell, and a host of other Swamp dwellers. The media is bought and paid for, those making many appearances are there for a reason.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

Laurie I agree to a certain extent and understand your point, though calling RD a "good" governor is a bit like calling Michael Jordan a "good" basketball player. I didn't even like RD all that much in 2018 when he was first running/elected but he has been unbelievably effective, and covid really set him apart from the pack. The proof is in the pudding. We are so crowded in south Florida where I live that I can barely stand it. Our real estate market has hardly softened, even with interest rates being high. You can't eat out it's so insanely crowded. It's like the Christmas and New Years weeks except it's March. I still see California license plates on an almost daily basis. People have voted with their feet/wallets. He won Palm Beach County (no easy thing). He picked up votes from many different demographic groups. People will vote for him who will absolutely never vote for Trump (not myself of course). And ultimately if you can't win elections nothing else matters. And then once you win you have to be able to raise money and build coalitions. That's the hard reality. Trump truly let me down when he turned Javanka loose to do the jobs more qualified people should have been doing (and that doesn't even touch the disaster of the covid response).

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Interesting enough, he (Trump)was known to lean more anti-vax before taking office. After taking office he was going to put the awesome Robert Kennedy Jr. (outspoken about the harm of so many vaccines on children) to oversee some department and Kennedy was happy about it (he used to be on Instagram where I followed him before they *banned* him), and then shortly after, it all fizzled. 🤷

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This happened after his meeting with Bill Gates! Where Gates told him to not investigate vaccines… connect those dots.

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But again Trump has never struck me as a man who could be persuaded by the likes of a Bill Gates. What possible dirt could Gates have on Trump that could be allowed to come out? Epstein could be but that’s a whole bag of lies that threatens many. I think it more likely there are heinous threats being made.

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That’s exactly what I think

Gates extorted him…

possible Epstein/girl dirt on Trump… pictures of him with Epstein… he rode on the Epstein’s plane …

OR …. threatened something … you know Trump isn’t squeaky clean… he’s no choir boy. … he’s got skeletons for sure. He’s played the game for a lot of years and did whatever he needed to do to succeed… so who knows what it could even be.

I think the elites have dirt on everyone in government and use it as a way to control people… a tactic endorsed by the CIA even.

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How about subtle, but targeted threats against family? Grandchildren? Threats to harm schools or hospitals where people are innocent. I can’t even imagine the things they could do.

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So, where does this leave us? Who would be a good candidate (TBH, I'm not sure it even matters at this point)?

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It leaves us with nothing. The whole of a stolen election in 2020, which anyone with a brain knew was completely fraudulent but pushed by even conservative media, certified by Republican state legislatures across the Nation and allowed by traitorous GOP in the Swamp, along with Pence, the biggest traitor of them all. Since then nothing about 2020 was fixed and the 2022 elections solidified new voting legislation in several key swing states that assure, “we the People” will never decide again who we elect.

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I honest hardly follow politics anymore, except what I get here from Jeff and one other site a peruse for a few minutes. After my daughter's passing in December, I realized what a waste of time it had all been, knowing all the 'facts' that 'the sheep' didn't etc. Things are much more in perspective. Just live each day loving the people in your vicinity - family, friends, or strangers. That's all the matters in the end.

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I agree

I said this to my husband last night

For decades, he and I didn’t follow the news. And I think we lived happier for that decision…

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your daughter. ❤️

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You are quite right. I am so, so sorry for your terrible loss. May God help you get through your days, and may He rest her soul in peace. 🙏 We shouldnt become too obsessed with worldly matters, though I think people here are not really obsessed.

If you want to see obsession to the degree of being demonic, say something on FB a liberal disagrees with. Their response will be so extreme that it prompts curiousity into their FB page. Once there you will see a daily posting of sick liberal narratives, and the de rigeur ' hate Trump' stuff as well. And then you get a pit in your stomach and realize how demonically insane some of these people are.

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Thank you. God is definitely helping me. I agree with everything you said and know from personal experience how that narrative has turned people into terrible versions of the people I used to know and love.

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And remember

some of those people aren’t even real people- they’re paid internet troll propagandists… that’s actually a job today.

I met a woman

And her Salary was paid by big pharma

Her job was to find any anti vax posts online and cancel/discredit the person… part of her job was researching where these people got information, post counter views there… infiltrate group chats and be a disruptor…. etc

Sounds a lot like Ray Epps, doesn’t it???

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So true.

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I have not endured the unspeakable tragedy of losing a child, but I think I am getting closer to your perspective every day. My prayers are with you and your family.

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I cried as I read your comment. I'm so sorry for the loss of your daughter. Wish I could give you a hug. I can't imagine your grief.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

Thank you. I am getting through it.....ooops 2 accounts here and answered with the wrong one.

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This is my greatest concern too...I very strongly suspected major fraud in 2020 and then when we saw it happen all over again 2022 I just wanted to be sick. Why on earth does it take Arizona a month to count their votes? Because that's how long it takes the Democrats to cheat. Absurd, absolutely absurd...just not sure how we can stop this.

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Agree 100%

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A reminder from another poster:

"President Trump’s first choice was to make therapeutics available such as hydroxychloroquine. He pushed Modi in India to reluctantly part with some of his supply. Because of Pres Trump’s actions we had ample stores of hydroxychloroquine ready to dispense.

What happened next? Our enemies launched a multifrontal attack on hydroxycholrooquine. The Lancet one of the world’s premiere medical journals publishing a study of 900,000 people shockingly showing hydroxychloroquine was dangerous and ineffective.

Problem was the study never happened, a complete hoax. The Lancet eventually admitted this and withdrew the paper after scientists around the world started asking how they never heard of the study. But the damage had been done. Hydroxychloroquine was smeared and taken off the table as a possible treatment.

Then the states blue and red locked us down. President Trump had no authority to impose or lift lockdowns. That authority rested with the states. And the states were not going to let go of the lockdowns. WEF was delighted, as Covid was seen as a gift to bring on the Great Reset. Lockdowns were planned by globalists to continue thru 2026-2028 by which time there would be no economy left to support people’s survival.

During the lockdowns regular medical care was impacted. Most non-Covid procedures and diagnostics were indefinitely postponed. People with cancer and heart issues didn’t get needed surgeries. Other medical procedures indefinitely delayed. Screenings and diagnostics didn’t happen so people were left undiagnosed, untreated.

How many more would have died of lack of medicare care if the lockdowns went on to 2026 or 2028 as globalists desired?

How many would starve under the ruins of an economy destroyed by the states’ lockdown madness should lockdowns have continued for many more years?

What freedoms would remain after many more years of dictatorial emergency rule at the state level?

So as captain of the ship President Trump was faced with a decision. Sometimes there are no good choices at all –a Kobayashi Maru situation.

He chose the only route that the states would accept as the price they demanded to lift their lockdowns. Vaccines or Lockdowns. If President Trump were still in the Oval Office in 2021, there would have been no mandates. And he would have continued to push to provide alternative therapeutics as he did with monoclonal antibodies.

Many died from the vaccine, but many also would have died if he couldn’t get the states to lift their lockdowns.

—-Death from lack of access to medical services.

—-Death from a permanently destroyed economy where people could no longer feed and house themselves.

He made a choice that in my view was the only route open to save the country and save lives and pull us back from the decimation of our freedoms under lockdown rule. Who’s to blame? Biden, Pharmaceutical companies, Bill Gates who heavily funds the WHO, WEF, China, feckless judges and corrupt politicians at the state level–they are to blame.

And lastly, any candidate trying to hold a fig leaf over their own responses will not do well to try to make a holier than thou argument regarding their pandemic response –no one. Right now there’s lots of revisionist history that will not survive a look under the hood of each candidates actions these last years."

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Another interesting note. I doubt very much Bill Gates visit, if benign, suddenly reversed course for Trump. I have to wonder too if it was blackmail or threats so evil, we can’t really comprehend them. I’m not talking just about threats against his life, but family, innocent groups of people in ways we wouldn’t think of. If JFK could be murdered by our CIA and 9-11 was created by our government then there are all kinds of things going on that are evil. I’ve often wondered how so many Democrats and media are just willing to go completely along with every Marxist thing going down. I don’t believe there is some indoctrination they all go through that makes them Marxist robots immediately. I also don’t believe it’s money either though that might have been a lure. I think it’s threats, deadly threats in all the right places and at all the right times.

Most people only identify with an R or a D, what they believe are the policies most in line with their values. They don’t go deeper than that.

I have a belief that we are seeing an awakening and it may be years in the finishing but we are waking up.

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You could be right about all of that but it's hard to parse the truth anymore. He made America great again for those couple years even fighting the enemy within. I just don't care that much anymore. What will be will be...

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

And that is the reality. The Great Divide is only going to get bigger. This war with the Bolsheviks is going to come down to the Liberty States versus the Bolshevik Feds who are not going to give up power ever again. We have two point men for that fight. The outsider and non-NWO leader Pres Trump and FL Gov DeSantis who has become "The Nation's Governor". When, once again, the 2024 elections are captured by the Bolsheviks, these two men are best positioned to take the fight to the enemy. Jeff is right, there is an awakening happening. When the Dems steal the election AGAIN in '24, there is going to be a huge reaction of outrage from America. Maybe I'm wrong or something else will intervene like WWIII in Europe, but this is what I see. The Liberty States are going to have to separate from the broke Woke States and the Communist Feds.

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I agree with what you are saying; however, I am not sure that 'they" will allow any republican to win the Oval Office again.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

I am always conflicted by Trump. And yes, I listened to the entire CPAC speech. I found Trump too accommodating on the bad Russia the invader narrative (with no mention or consideration of 2014 and before) and too accommodating of Covid. But Trump did a lot for us. And it is fair to say regarding Trump and to a large degree, we have gotten what we deserve (My people perish from a lack of knowledge). And given the abject informational limitations of the electorate, there is only so far a political figure can take things. That is, there is wishing and then there is realism.

The advantage of another Trump presidency is experience with the Swamp. Meaning, some of the really bad mistakes are unlikely to be repeated (hopefully).

It is far more important to have a strong figure of leadership at the state level. With DeSantis and what is going on in Florida the Republican Uniparty Rhinos no longer have any fake conservative defense left. DeSantis has evaporate all Rhino state level posturing. I'd like to see this show go on much longer. Also, as narrative(s) unravel over time, a successor to Trump would likely have a much stronger hand in getting things done. Becoming seasoned at the state level counts for much.

This is pure opinion, of course. And I am sure there are other angles of dangle.

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Perfectly stated. I agree 100%. And strong leadership is KEY. No idea how much power a governor had until DeSantis. Let him set the bar at the state level and move into a much different arena in 2028 for !TWO! election cycles. (I also vote for Kari Lake for VP - unless she too, is busy being an amazing governor)

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Two part answer to your question "can the polls be trusted? ". First, ALL the 2106 polls had Hilary trouncing Trump. Two, who issues the polls? The MSM.

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Trump has a plan to drain the swamp in rapid fashion. He will sign an E.O. that allows him to fire the Executive Services "protected" bureaucrats that are currently protected and sabotaging anyone not part of the deep state. Take out 50-100 at the top, and the rest will flea the sinking ship.

Personally, I want prosecutions and executions, not fleas...

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In truth, I think it will require the eventual collapse of the USG empire. It is coming just as assuredly as it did when the USSR hit the proverbial brick wall.

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I think the same thing often. However, there is always Napoleon ... coding for the emergence of a strong figure who restores order. It almost never work out well longer term, but it does tend to end the insanity. And Napoleon can as easily be Lenin.

However, and I am not sure of this. But do you not see the emerging of a counter-trend to Woke in the United States? Look around and see who is doing what. Some people, people with property and/or in fear of lives if Woke gets the upper hand, may be pushing another agenda now and gaining ground. I've noticed more counter-trend players within the last year mostly. Let's see if it grows.

But it's complicated. There is all the electromagnetic technology, nano and transhumanism, the invasion of wetware (us), and lots more of unholy stuff going on. No one know how this is all going to play out. There are just too many variables. And one never knows precisely who is behind what.

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Time for a new National Capital in the MIdwest somewhere and turn DC into a museum.

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Hopefully not be Chicago.

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Detroit would be fitting for 21 century America.

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Oh my! I forgot all about little o' Detroit. Maybe even better and more windy than the Windy City! And maybe better decayed!

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I like this. When we set the terms of the debate and the left has to fight on our field of battle then we will start winning.

CNN obtained an audio recording of DeSantis' remarks and shared some quotes:

Playing offense: “I’m going on offense. Some of these Republicans, they just sit back like potted plants, and they let the media define the terms of the debate. They let the left define the terms of debate... And I said, ‘That’s not what we’re doing.'”

Woke mob: DeSantis defended his strong-arming of corporations, calling their CEO's "just weak" for giving in to the "woke mob." He continued: “I think these companies should just stay out of this stuff. I don’t think it’s good for our economy."

Being in the fight: “Republicans need to not shy away from these fights just because the media and the left are going to call you names."

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