A simple solution to all our biggest problems; border bandits batter NYC; Ukraine's newest demographic headache; Fani Willis response and new headache; Fla's Covid Grand Jury finally speaks; more.
Get Jeff’s plan out for discussion on all media platforms- of course it won’t happen but the mere threat of being flown near a (cold) war zone may stop some of the illegal flow here.
WHAT'S TRULY A JOKE IS THE WH RESIDENT, but sadly the TRUTH is that he's NOT for us, but for OUR destruction... wouldn't it be grand that these illegal thugs could be sent to fight at the battles' frontlines???
Just think what a boon that would be to the Ukranian economy! All those “visitors” flush with American Dollars and an invested interest in settling in their new neighborhoods! They’ll take up where they left off here, producing new little bundles of joy at a rapid rate! The population of Ukraine will rebound and all will be well again. Not sure how down for the struggle the newly arrived men of fighting age will be, though…that might be a tough sell! Buena suerte, amigos…
Reading this, I harkened back to my student days as a Russian major, reading works from the authors of The Golden Age of Russian Literature. Included in this group is Ukranian, Maxim Gogol, who had a certain sarcastic edge to his works. I believe he would have loved your account of the solution to his current compatriots' dilemma. Also, "laughter through tears" was appropriated to the satirists of his age. Your writing hits or even supercedes this mark. You were correct, Sir Jeffrey, I LOVED THIS WEEKEND UPDATE!!!
Just knowing that there are folks like you, Barnjai, in your own environment, touching those in your sphere of influence to question the propaganda machine,to stand against lies, and to find the "truth tellers" emboldened and encourages everyone in the C&C Army and the growing truth community. We are standing against the devil, whether we think of it that way or not.
Only fat white woke cellulite queens, islamo-she-beasts and parasite racist joggers will spread their odoriferous hams for the dirtbag illegals... and only in the sewers of deep blue cities...
Might be better to sell all of our illegals, and I mean ALL... in the slave markets of Libya, which began after the Hillapig and Vicious Vicky Nuland managed to destroy that country and send it into Mad Max type of living...
We would get some $$$ as compensation for the blight and expense those slimy, diseased turds have wrought on this once-great nation...
Interestingly, as I was reading Jeff's reporting on the NYPD incident, I was forming the same idea: WHY NOT SEND ALL THESE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS TO DE-POPULATED UKRAINE???
Jeff's how to save Ukraine idea is as on target as Swift's 1729 satire to sell starving Irish Catholic babies as food to rich folks. "A Modest Proposal For preventing the Children of Poor People From being a Burthen to Their Parents or Country, and For making them Beneficial to the Publick"
Only took Ireland another 110+ years for that econ-political-religious horror show to cause the Irish Potato Famine where 1/3rd starved to death and 1/3rd emmigrated. Another 70+ years for southern Ireland to win its independence after a civil war.
The English weren’t much better in the treatment of their poor. Some of the first “indentured” servants in America were young children rounded up in the London rookeries and shipped off. Only after the parents cried foul and protested did this stop. Some 1000 children just disappeared. Of that 1000 sent as “indentured servants,” only 4 survived the first year.
That idea came from a powerful, pusillanimous lord.
Those numbers are from historical records of the time, by the way. The book is called White Cargo by Dan Jordan and Michael Walsh. It’s very sobering and eye opening if you are unaware of the true history. I knew some of this, but I wasn’t aware the extent. Even in school, the true plight, and fate, of the indentured servants was glossed over. Now, they completely ignore it in favor of the “only blacks have ever been enslaved” narrative.
I should mention a lot of these indentured servants were also Irish. At someone point in the 1600s, the King of England told his generals to round up all of the Irish and tell them they could either sign up as indentured servants or die.
I bring this up all the time when people are decrying the treatment of the "African slaves" - the indentured servants were, by and large, indigent Western Europeans fleeing the hardships of serfdom under burdensome monarchies. As for the "African slaves trade" - many African tribes' chieftans sold their "unwanted prisoners" to the slave traders - so all of this "racist" ranting is PURE HYPOCRISY!! I, for one, have witnessed first-hand how truly racist the black people are here in this country. I have befriended several black people, only to have them turn on me without an explanation or with a silly, hypocritical "woke" explanation that I will NEVER accept.
Many didn’t have an option. It wasn’t even just for a “better life.” They were told you either became an indentured servant or we killed you. (Not much different than the mandates, in my opinion.) Many didn’t survive the entire contract because, toward the end of the contract, the “owners” often beat and starved their servants to death rather than give them the 5 acres of land and the 20 pounds that was owed. Or the “owners” would find some loophole that would allow them to renege on their end of the bargain.
Before they started breeding the slaves, which was illegal for several years, indentured servants were cheaper than slaves. Something like 5 pounds sterling. Slaves from Africa were much more expensive.
Thank you for expanding my knowledge of the slave trade. Were African slaves more expensive because of the cost of transportation? Just wondering...or is it because they were "hardier" physically in their make-up and disposition?
I’m not sure, but more than likely because they had to pay the African tribes for the slaves and transport them all the way from Africa. They might have also been a smaller supply of the slaves. With the indentured servants, it might have just been the cost of the passage, which the transporters would’ve made money on.
Life for peasants was and still is cheap to their "betters." It's so easy for the evil ones to quash iliiterate, scared and/or duped peasants if one is evil and greedy with the power of the sword or purse. Only bulwark against that kind of evil is being able and willing to fight back at all costs. Wiling to risk a cushy government pension (cough:
a courtier's bribe to lay along). Wiling to fight for inalienabale human rights for oneself and others in the US Constitution's Bill of Rights. Thomas Jefferson gambled yeoman farmers owning their own land would suffice. Ben Franklin counted on skilled tradesmen and craftsmen. No surprise to see all the farmers protesting today in Europe and USA truckers on the Tex/Mex border. Private lawyers like Jeff of C&C and independent reports like Tucker Carlson fighting back...
i'm confused why NYC is paying the migrants ... what is the official justification? to try to keep them from stealing? because they can't work? because the cash is actually cheaper than trying to get them all signed up for "benefits?" Is this per person? per family? (how do they vet the family is a family? Can they use multiple IDs and get more benefits? Are they going to pay them forever? Honestly, this really makes me angry.
The clip was tasty - once you get past his pandering about how these illegal people just want a better life and are hard workers delivering food and waa waa waa boo hoo stories, and how the criminals are only 1% (of all these criminals who broke our laws to come across our border illegally 🙄 they can’t even see their oxyMORONS)…. Then it gets delicious about how they go to jail in Florida. Hahahahaha 🤫 They don’t wanna talk about that. 😂 😂
Observed 99% of restaurant workers vanish in Silicon Valley when California began its lockdowns with take-out-only food. Had lots of chats with mom & pop restaurant owners. They knew the majority of their workers had fake SSNs and thus could not get unemployment cash benefits or fed PPE while no one in the US government has enforced workers' SSNs or green cards fr over 50 years. I worked long ago in migrant farmworker legal aid and saw the impacts of that wink-nod fiasco .
No restaurant can survive Silly Valley without using illegal workers paid in cash who mostly all collect the local generous welfare cash monthlies. Just as Silly Valley had already offshored every possible factory, software coders, and call center to use cheaper labor with fewer worker protection laws, "slave" markets require willing buyers and sellers of human bodies plus government employees and consumers willing to turn a blind eye.
A San Diego relative was a migrant outreach volunteer for her Catholic Church. One migrant had his mail delivered to her address while he journeyed to Mexico. He had her open the govt payout during Covid (I presume in order to wire him the cash) $ when she saw the amount (I forget- - 3k? something huge for his situation) she was so incensed that she stopped participating in the outreach)
All my migrant farmworker clients in ND (Grand Forks, Hillsboro and Grafton) and MN (Crookston) lived officially in MN because it paid more cash welfare than ND. Many lied, living in ND with MN post drops. All my clients but for three families only wanted legal help to be sure they got max MN and fed welfare cash. They knowingly attested to having "full time MN settled migrant" status to get maximum MN cash welfare despite none living full time in MN. All spent winters in TX or Mexico in Eagle Pass, Crystal City and other border towns on both sides of the border. Many from old families in the USA before Texas joined the USA. Some in the Americas before the Europeans arrived. Migrant/gypsy lives for generations made possible by US and state welfare cash, working insane hours in the summer for commodity price farmers facing constant price competition from any farmers worldwide with bumper crops. The migrant farmworkers' kids NEVER attended school in early fall or late spring. Fall = picking apples in Washington for most of those families.
Migrant "lifestyles" + welfare cash = permanently poor "ghetto" lives. I met only one, a ND social worker, who got out of that migrant stream by education after facing down his family who feared he'd look down on therm if he graduated high school.
ND has dirt cheap state colleges and universities which provide great education. MN has amazingly generous cash welfare. No wonder Omar went to ND for college and got her political career going in MN.
AJ--Your post brought back memories of when I worked as a teenager in north-central WY in the Head Start program. The children in the program were children of migrant workers who removed (hoed) weeds from the sugar beet fields. The lunch we served to the children was the only meal they got. One summer, I worked along side their parents in the fields. In hindsight, I realize had no business working there. The workers needed the few dollars I earned more than did I.
Yes checks also sent to the prison population since they were unable to work. Ha!! I Have an incarcerated relative & he received 3 checks! You should hear what he has to say about the special treatment trans women ( who are really men who pretend they are women) who come in. Get this - they committed & we’re convicted of mostly male crimes like rape, sentenced to a male prison then dress as women & get special treatment like electrosis ( kid you not) boob jobs. They prey upon the younger more vulnerable population & are into prostitution. Dept. Of corrections (WA) gets $13 million from state for allowing this charade. Creates lots of division & resentment among the population.
All truth... CA is even pondering that gay folks must have their surrogates paid for by their insurance (and thus the taxpayers) because they are an "infertile couple." Never mind that they're not infertile in the original sense of the word.
Not to mention bigtime resentment pushback from women's orgs trying to protect women in prison, bc some of these "transwomen" pervy men, get themselves assigned to WOMEN's prisons and DV shelters so they have access to women.
When my dad had cancer, my mom used to take him down to this clinic in Tijuana for treatment. This was long with the treatment he received up here in the States. She was talking to one of the women who worked at the clinic, a Mexican citizen. The woman told her that she, and a number of her friends and family, had fake SSNs and an address just across the border. When the time came, even though they’d never paid into SS, they would receive it.
Social Security isn’t just going bankrupt because our politicians looted it years ago. It’s going bankrupt because of people like her.
It's a free-for-all out there. Will never forget sitting in a federal office in Fargo, ND being told by US border patrol officers there are so many "good" fakes and genuine old still valid green cards from back in the 1950's that we offering legal services paid for by USA taxpayers should "accept" any green card with an "A" number even if with a photo of a tiny girl and the card is presented by a very old lady. Unreal.
Too many laws and regulations and expenses on small businesses and too many people who don’t care about workers at the bottom of the totem pole. It’s “funny” that people in Silicon Valley always love to spout leftist talking points about workers and the poor but the concrete actions they take and the laws and policies they support harm those people more than anyone else!
Yup. Here's an interesting development in Silly Valley today Feb 3, 2024 with 2 big private fundraisers for RFK announced on his campaign website https://www.kennedy24.com :
"A Private Reception with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Dr. Ron Oberstein and Dr. Joeseph Awender [both chiropractors] are proud to host a special event at a private venue in the heart of Hayward, CA [next door to Fremont, CA which has the USA's largest Afghan migrant community and a big Sikh community, too - people who know about wacky governments.]...Tickets are available with a campaign contribution of $1,000 and $450... 3:00 PM - 4:30PM ... photo opportunity for all. 4:45 - 6:00 PM - Private Reception for Maximum Donors."
Later today:
"A Private Dinner with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
... extremely special event at a private venue in the heart of Menlo Park [home of Silly Valley's Sandhill Road venture capital titans]... private dinner event to support his candidacy for President of the United States... seated dinner with Mr. Kennedy, providing an exclusive opportunity for open discussions in a private setting. Tickets are available with a campaign contribution of $5,000. 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM ... Business attire is recommended. Tickets are extremely limited"
Tomorrow, Sunday Feb 4, 2024 RFK has a free public rally in Las Vegas and another big donor private event. Same thing Feb 5 in Arizona. Fun to see who are named as hosts for all these events.
[Disclosure: I never give a penny to any political candidate and have never joined a political party.]
I had to plug my nose through the first garbage 🤭.... but Ohhhhh how Sweet was the end .... they’d get put in jail in Florida and for the pista resistance The Look on their faces with nothing to say 😵💫😵💫 !!!!!! PRICELESS 😂😂😂
Racism and Hate are not acceptable, even when directed at the 1% as THEY are obviously the MOST Victimized by Colonialism, Whiteness, Climate Change, Capitalism, and Conservative Euro-Males
Just channeling my Inner Progressive; and like when Trump calls MS-13 animals and we're "supposed" to think that's a racist comment. He jokingly once said we need more Norwegians to migrate here...just to highlight the institutional reflexive racism of the Left; they'd call it an INVASION if it were 10 million White skinners from Scandinavia or even Russia, but throw a TOUCH of pigmentation in and we're race-shamed into allowing the hordes in. American Blacks are getting re-seated to the back of the Dems of Color Bus and by the Oldest Whitest Weirdest Corruptest Dude EVER!
Sometimes I think the "real fight" will be between the immigrants and American Blacks who are getting pretty vocal about all the "perks" the migrants are getting.
I have decided the only explanation is all these officials making these terrible decisions are under the influence of evil. Satan is using them to try to destroy us. There is no other logical explanation.
Since they hid their net for me without cause and without cause dug a pit for me, may ruin overtake them by surprise - may the net they hid entangle them, may they fall into the pit to their ruin.
Except that he does not really have to work very hard. Just put the stupid idea out there and people lick it up, settling for a few bucks and some worthless minutiae all while forfeiting life at its' fullest, really. Time for the rest of us to rise up.
it’s money and power. They no longer want to pretend that they work and answer to the people, and they don’t have to because they’ve locked up the elections - the fix is permanently in. The illegals will only add a safety margin to their ruler status.
President Trump promises to deport. Resident Biden and crew seem devoted to keeping them here. Every thinking person must ask why.
Well-meaning parents whose adult kids have drug issues innocently give them “grocery” or “department store” gift cards, thinking they’re being compassionate. But those cards have instant street value and can be sold for cash for drugs. And every “gift” means more days without having to work and more delay in solving the root problems.
Because dual citizens and their supporters occupy the federal government. And evangelical Christians have been misled by an adulterated Bible to actually believe that Jews are the chosen people and that Jesus would approve of them murdering 26,000 innocent people.
As I understand the Jews WERE/ARE God’s chosen people. He gave them the 10 Commandments & the land of Canaan. The Promised Land. He sent His Son, the Messiah who Jews awaited for centuries but they rejected Him as Messiah. That’s why I’m grafted in to God’s Kingdom bc the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior was then spread to the Gentiles. I’m a Gentile. I’m a believer in Jesus & His sacrifice for my deserved punishment for my sin. He paid my penalty.
There’s a remnant of Jews of the Bible.
And there’s the political nation of Israel on that land God gave when He made the promise to Abraham.
There’s so much more & I can’t type it all.
So many beliefs/interpretations.
That’s why it imperative to seek God, walk in His ways, seek His will, wisdom & discernment to know His truth.
Border Patrol whistleblower has already leaked the illegals- THEY ARE NOT MIGRANTS- already get a prepaid visa loaded with $5,000. Who are these SOBs stealing from the taxpayers? Who is the puppeteer?
And Well organized by NGO’s and non-profits…. People are being recruited, essentially
Don’t support The Red Cross anymore! They’re funding this… and they’ve misappropriated funds they collected for the Maui fire victims too…
Doctors Without Borders… also funding this
And The UN!!!
I think there are a lot of grifts going on… look at Sam Bankman-Freid… stole billions… some funding went to directly supporting the DNC…. How much other money went to other NGO’s to fund mass migration?
Tons of covid money is unaccounted for… Tons of Ukraine (war) money is unaccounted for…
The UN… which the US funds heavily is involved in this whole debacle …
These Non profits and NGOs need to be dismantled because they are being utilized as parallel government- essentially… to work around government, laws and the constitution …to push geopolitical ideology!
I would suspect the department has been purged of most all but mindless actors. How could a decent person do what they do in aiding and abetting the destruction of our nation?
Excellent thought experiment into fixing Ukraine’s population slump... you went all-in on that one and I’m here for it. C&C at its finest.
Hey, I'm in! Let's do it! Somebody should propose this on the House floor just to watch them lose their minds!
Get Jeff’s plan out for discussion on all media platforms- of course it won’t happen but the mere threat of being flown near a (cold) war zone may stop some of the illegal flow here.
Seriously, this is a joke. It's a great piece of satire and a good laugh but that's all.
If we weren’t all fluent in satire and sarcasm we wouldn’t love C&C.
Was what Nikki Haley said on Saturday Night Live as entertaining as what Richard Nixon said on Laugh In?
Of course it’s satire, so how about Babylon Bee take a run with Jeff’s idea?
They are all coming here for war anyway, right? Time to put them to use somewhere else instead of against us!
Not all. The Bret Weinstein interview with Tucker is very enlightening.
gets folks to thinkin’
WHAT'S TRULY A JOKE IS THE WH RESIDENT, but sadly the TRUTH is that he's NOT for us, but for OUR destruction... wouldn't it be grand that these illegal thugs could be sent to fight at the battles' frontlines???
Get the smelling salts!
And they will never find them....
If the Ukraine-bound migrants are collected in NYC, each will already have $1000 in Adamsbux for travel expenses.
Just think what a boon that would be to the Ukranian economy! All those “visitors” flush with American Dollars and an invested interest in settling in their new neighborhoods! They’ll take up where they left off here, producing new little bundles of joy at a rapid rate! The population of Ukraine will rebound and all will be well again. Not sure how down for the struggle the newly arrived men of fighting age will be, though…that might be a tough sell! Buena suerte, amigos…
But they can't come back - get their biometrics on the way out and don't let them come back for a year.
Brilliant!! And, the city saves 11K per migrant in 1 year's time! It's an offer they shouldn't refuse.
& Gortex, wool socks, beanie caps
Are there any congressfolks who read C&C? Brilliant plan.
Reading this, I harkened back to my student days as a Russian major, reading works from the authors of The Golden Age of Russian Literature. Included in this group is Ukranian, Maxim Gogol, who had a certain sarcastic edge to his works. I believe he would have loved your account of the solution to his current compatriots' dilemma. Also, "laughter through tears" was appropriated to the satirists of his age. Your writing hits or even supercedes this mark. You were correct, Sir Jeffrey, I LOVED THIS WEEKEND UPDATE!!!
You summed up what I was going to try and say only you said it so much better
Just knowing that there are folks like you, Barnjai, in your own environment, touching those in your sphere of influence to question the propaganda machine,to stand against lies, and to find the "truth tellers" emboldened and encourages everyone in the C&C Army and the growing truth community. We are standing against the devil, whether we think of it that way or not.
News Flash- the male illegals in the USA will be schtupping American women to water down America.
Similar was done years to water down populations in European countries.
Only fat white woke cellulite queens, islamo-she-beasts and parasite racist joggers will spread their odoriferous hams for the dirtbag illegals... and only in the sewers of deep blue cities...
(((can’t unsee that )))
I'm speechless 😶
I was trying to be subtle... 😝
great job!
Hilarious 😂
Well then! 🤣
But now they could schtupf Ukraian lasses. Win-win. All the home boys are dead alas.
Might be better to sell all of our illegals, and I mean ALL... in the slave markets of Libya, which began after the Hillapig and Vicious Vicky Nuland managed to destroy that country and send it into Mad Max type of living...
We would get some $$$ as compensation for the blight and expense those slimy, diseased turds have wrought on this once-great nation...
Interestingly, as I was reading Jeff's reporting on the NYPD incident, I was forming the same idea: WHY NOT SEND ALL THESE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS TO DE-POPULATED UKRAINE???
Jeff's how to save Ukraine idea is as on target as Swift's 1729 satire to sell starving Irish Catholic babies as food to rich folks. "A Modest Proposal For preventing the Children of Poor People From being a Burthen to Their Parents or Country, and For making them Beneficial to the Publick"
Only took Ireland another 110+ years for that econ-political-religious horror show to cause the Irish Potato Famine where 1/3rd starved to death and 1/3rd emmigrated. Another 70+ years for southern Ireland to win its independence after a civil war.
The English weren’t much better in the treatment of their poor. Some of the first “indentured” servants in America were young children rounded up in the London rookeries and shipped off. Only after the parents cried foul and protested did this stop. Some 1000 children just disappeared. Of that 1000 sent as “indentured servants,” only 4 survived the first year.
That idea came from a powerful, pusillanimous lord.
Those numbers are from historical records of the time, by the way. The book is called White Cargo by Dan Jordan and Michael Walsh. It’s very sobering and eye opening if you are unaware of the true history. I knew some of this, but I wasn’t aware the extent. Even in school, the true plight, and fate, of the indentured servants was glossed over. Now, they completely ignore it in favor of the “only blacks have ever been enslaved” narrative.
If you are interested in reading it, here’s a link: https://www.amazon.com/White-Cargo-Forgotten-History-Britains/dp/0814742963
I should mention a lot of these indentured servants were also Irish. At someone point in the 1600s, the King of England told his generals to round up all of the Irish and tell them they could either sign up as indentured servants or die.
I bring this up all the time when people are decrying the treatment of the "African slaves" - the indentured servants were, by and large, indigent Western Europeans fleeing the hardships of serfdom under burdensome monarchies. As for the "African slaves trade" - many African tribes' chieftans sold their "unwanted prisoners" to the slave traders - so all of this "racist" ranting is PURE HYPOCRISY!! I, for one, have witnessed first-hand how truly racist the black people are here in this country. I have befriended several black people, only to have them turn on me without an explanation or with a silly, hypocritical "woke" explanation that I will NEVER accept.
Many didn’t have an option. It wasn’t even just for a “better life.” They were told you either became an indentured servant or we killed you. (Not much different than the mandates, in my opinion.) Many didn’t survive the entire contract because, toward the end of the contract, the “owners” often beat and starved their servants to death rather than give them the 5 acres of land and the 20 pounds that was owed. Or the “owners” would find some loophole that would allow them to renege on their end of the bargain.
Before they started breeding the slaves, which was illegal for several years, indentured servants were cheaper than slaves. Something like 5 pounds sterling. Slaves from Africa were much more expensive.
Thank you for expanding my knowledge of the slave trade. Were African slaves more expensive because of the cost of transportation? Just wondering...or is it because they were "hardier" physically in their make-up and disposition?
I’m not sure, but more than likely because they had to pay the African tribes for the slaves and transport them all the way from Africa. They might have also been a smaller supply of the slaves. With the indentured servants, it might have just been the cost of the passage, which the transporters would’ve made money on.
Life for peasants was and still is cheap to their "betters." It's so easy for the evil ones to quash iliiterate, scared and/or duped peasants if one is evil and greedy with the power of the sword or purse. Only bulwark against that kind of evil is being able and willing to fight back at all costs. Wiling to risk a cushy government pension (cough:
a courtier's bribe to lay along). Wiling to fight for inalienabale human rights for oneself and others in the US Constitution's Bill of Rights. Thomas Jefferson gambled yeoman farmers owning their own land would suffice. Ben Franklin counted on skilled tradesmen and craftsmen. No surprise to see all the farmers protesting today in Europe and USA truckers on the Tex/Mex border. Private lawyers like Jeff of C&C and independent reports like Tucker Carlson fighting back...
Everyone should be protesting. All of this is BS.
Name a good read to get inside 18-19 c Irish history
The new generation could be called Migraines?
That's actually kinda funny, Gram. :)
Maybe SNL can do a skit on really doing this. It would be hysterical.
They would never do it, but it’s a missed opportunity! It would be hilarious.
Unfortunately the 2023 trilateral migration and refugee signed by Biden Trudeau and Obrador is for the safety and comfort of migrants.
On the White House web site.
Hahahaha excellent
i'm confused why NYC is paying the migrants ... what is the official justification? to try to keep them from stealing? because they can't work? because the cash is actually cheaper than trying to get them all signed up for "benefits?" Is this per person? per family? (how do they vet the family is a family? Can they use multiple IDs and get more benefits? Are they going to pay them forever? Honestly, this really makes me angry.
The clip was tasty - once you get past his pandering about how these illegal people just want a better life and are hard workers delivering food and waa waa waa boo hoo stories, and how the criminals are only 1% (of all these criminals who broke our laws to come across our border illegally 🙄 they can’t even see their oxyMORONS)…. Then it gets delicious about how they go to jail in Florida. Hahahahaha 🤫 They don’t wanna talk about that. 😂 😂
Yes that’s hilarious!!
The “better life” is such a crock when you know that lots of them are trafficked and used as slave labor pretty much 😕
Well, SOMEbody has to clean Pelosi's swimming pool.
At her new Florida coastal estate and her California Wine Country hide-a-way, too.
"Slave labor" indeed.
Observed 99% of restaurant workers vanish in Silicon Valley when California began its lockdowns with take-out-only food. Had lots of chats with mom & pop restaurant owners. They knew the majority of their workers had fake SSNs and thus could not get unemployment cash benefits or fed PPE while no one in the US government has enforced workers' SSNs or green cards fr over 50 years. I worked long ago in migrant farmworker legal aid and saw the impacts of that wink-nod fiasco .
No restaurant can survive Silly Valley without using illegal workers paid in cash who mostly all collect the local generous welfare cash monthlies. Just as Silly Valley had already offshored every possible factory, software coders, and call center to use cheaper labor with fewer worker protection laws, "slave" markets require willing buyers and sellers of human bodies plus government employees and consumers willing to turn a blind eye.
A San Diego relative was a migrant outreach volunteer for her Catholic Church. One migrant had his mail delivered to her address while he journeyed to Mexico. He had her open the govt payout during Covid (I presume in order to wire him the cash) $ when she saw the amount (I forget- - 3k? something huge for his situation) she was so incensed that she stopped participating in the outreach)
I saw the same on the ND/MN border doing migrant farmworker legal aid. Memories dredged up today after reading this by one who loved there:
All my migrant farmworker clients in ND (Grand Forks, Hillsboro and Grafton) and MN (Crookston) lived officially in MN because it paid more cash welfare than ND. Many lied, living in ND with MN post drops. All my clients but for three families only wanted legal help to be sure they got max MN and fed welfare cash. They knowingly attested to having "full time MN settled migrant" status to get maximum MN cash welfare despite none living full time in MN. All spent winters in TX or Mexico in Eagle Pass, Crystal City and other border towns on both sides of the border. Many from old families in the USA before Texas joined the USA. Some in the Americas before the Europeans arrived. Migrant/gypsy lives for generations made possible by US and state welfare cash, working insane hours in the summer for commodity price farmers facing constant price competition from any farmers worldwide with bumper crops. The migrant farmworkers' kids NEVER attended school in early fall or late spring. Fall = picking apples in Washington for most of those families.
Migrant "lifestyles" + welfare cash = permanently poor "ghetto" lives. I met only one, a ND social worker, who got out of that migrant stream by education after facing down his family who feared he'd look down on therm if he graduated high school.
ND has dirt cheap state colleges and universities which provide great education. MN has amazingly generous cash welfare. No wonder Omar went to ND for college and got her political career going in MN.
"Minnesota Nice" for the "win."
AJ--Your post brought back memories of when I worked as a teenager in north-central WY in the Head Start program. The children in the program were children of migrant workers who removed (hoed) weeds from the sugar beet fields. The lunch we served to the children was the only meal they got. One summer, I worked along side their parents in the fields. In hindsight, I realize had no business working there. The workers needed the few dollars I earned more than did I.
Yes checks also sent to the prison population since they were unable to work. Ha!! I Have an incarcerated relative & he received 3 checks! You should hear what he has to say about the special treatment trans women ( who are really men who pretend they are women) who come in. Get this - they committed & we’re convicted of mostly male crimes like rape, sentenced to a male prison then dress as women & get special treatment like electrosis ( kid you not) boob jobs. They prey upon the younger more vulnerable population & are into prostitution. Dept. Of corrections (WA) gets $13 million from state for allowing this charade. Creates lots of division & resentment among the population.
All truth... CA is even pondering that gay folks must have their surrogates paid for by their insurance (and thus the taxpayers) because they are an "infertile couple." Never mind that they're not infertile in the original sense of the word.
Not to mention bigtime resentment pushback from women's orgs trying to protect women in prison, bc some of these "transwomen" pervy men, get themselves assigned to WOMEN's prisons and DV shelters so they have access to women.
My soul weeps when I see how far down the slippery slope of immorality our country has slid. GOD HAVE MERCY ON OUR REPROBATE SOCIETY!!
When my dad had cancer, my mom used to take him down to this clinic in Tijuana for treatment. This was long with the treatment he received up here in the States. She was talking to one of the women who worked at the clinic, a Mexican citizen. The woman told her that she, and a number of her friends and family, had fake SSNs and an address just across the border. When the time came, even though they’d never paid into SS, they would receive it.
Social Security isn’t just going bankrupt because our politicians looted it years ago. It’s going bankrupt because of people like her.
It's a free-for-all out there. Will never forget sitting in a federal office in Fargo, ND being told by US border patrol officers there are so many "good" fakes and genuine old still valid green cards from back in the 1950's that we offering legal services paid for by USA taxpayers should "accept" any green card with an "A" number even if with a photo of a tiny girl and the card is presented by a very old lady. Unreal.
Too many laws and regulations and expenses on small businesses and too many people who don’t care about workers at the bottom of the totem pole. It’s “funny” that people in Silicon Valley always love to spout leftist talking points about workers and the poor but the concrete actions they take and the laws and policies they support harm those people more than anyone else!
Yup. Here's an interesting development in Silly Valley today Feb 3, 2024 with 2 big private fundraisers for RFK announced on his campaign website https://www.kennedy24.com :
"A Private Reception with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Dr. Ron Oberstein and Dr. Joeseph Awender [both chiropractors] are proud to host a special event at a private venue in the heart of Hayward, CA [next door to Fremont, CA which has the USA's largest Afghan migrant community and a big Sikh community, too - people who know about wacky governments.]...Tickets are available with a campaign contribution of $1,000 and $450... 3:00 PM - 4:30PM ... photo opportunity for all. 4:45 - 6:00 PM - Private Reception for Maximum Donors."
Later today:
"A Private Dinner with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
... extremely special event at a private venue in the heart of Menlo Park [home of Silly Valley's Sandhill Road venture capital titans]... private dinner event to support his candidacy for President of the United States... seated dinner with Mr. Kennedy, providing an exclusive opportunity for open discussions in a private setting. Tickets are available with a campaign contribution of $5,000. 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM ... Business attire is recommended. Tickets are extremely limited"
Tomorrow, Sunday Feb 4, 2024 RFK has a free public rally in Las Vegas and another big donor private event. Same thing Feb 5 in Arizona. Fun to see who are named as hosts for all these events.
[Disclosure: I never give a penny to any political candidate and have never joined a political party.]
I’ve actually filed a complaint with the DOC ombudsman. With my relative’s blessing. Waiting for a response.
What state is this, CA???
Keep us posted!
I had to plug my nose through the first garbage 🤭.... but Ohhhhh how Sweet was the end .... they’d get put in jail in Florida and for the pista resistance The Look on their faces with nothing to say 😵💫😵💫 !!!!!! PRICELESS 😂😂😂
Yes! 😂 😂 I threw up in my mouth a little during the first part 😝 and then it was great!
I Hear Ya!!!!! 🤭
There are also more than 2.5 million licensed concealed weapon carriers in Florida, and law-abiding adults can carry concealed now without a license.
Racism and Hate are not acceptable, even when directed at the 1% as THEY are obviously the MOST Victimized by Colonialism, Whiteness, Climate Change, Capitalism, and Conservative Euro-Males
an attempt at humor, however feeble, I guess.
It’s actually the truth according to liberals. 🤣
should've used AI instead i guess
Wasn’t feeble... it was sarcasm
Just channeling my Inner Progressive; and like when Trump calls MS-13 animals and we're "supposed" to think that's a racist comment. He jokingly once said we need more Norwegians to migrate here...just to highlight the institutional reflexive racism of the Left; they'd call it an INVASION if it were 10 million White skinners from Scandinavia or even Russia, but throw a TOUCH of pigmentation in and we're race-shamed into allowing the hordes in. American Blacks are getting re-seated to the back of the Dems of Color Bus and by the Oldest Whitest Weirdest Corruptest Dude EVER!
Real Blacks VOTE Republican 2024!
Sometimes I think the "real fight" will be between the immigrants and American Blacks who are getting pretty vocal about all the "perks" the migrants are getting.
1% ...like...don't we all know where that bogus statistic resided, before he decided to pull it out for the CNN audience!?!
The female news-oaf yelled “OH” at that go to jail comment.
I have decided the only explanation is all these officials making these terrible decisions are under the influence of evil. Satan is using them to try to destroy us. There is no other logical explanation.
Psalm 94:23 ►God will turn the sins of evil people back on them. He will destroy them for their sins. The LORD our God will destroy them.
These people will be held accountable, eventually. Whether in this life or the next.
Yes, but holding them accountable in this life as well helps us expose & fight the enemy.
Definitely! Seeing things since the new year gives me hope for accountability in this life.
Also Psalm 35
Especially vv 7 & 8 in Psalm 35…
Since they hid their net for me without cause and without cause dug a pit for me, may ruin overtake them by surprise - may the net they hid entangle them, may they fall into the pit to their ruin.
(Edited for misspelling)
Romans 11:32.
Days of Haman! 🙏🏼
Satan has been very, very busy lately.
Because Satan knows his time is short! Jesus is coming back SOON! (When is soon?? Only God knows!)
Except that he does not really have to work very hard. Just put the stupid idea out there and people lick it up, settling for a few bucks and some worthless minutiae all while forfeiting life at its' fullest, really. Time for the rest of us to rise up.
it’s money and power. They no longer want to pretend that they work and answer to the people, and they don’t have to because they’ve locked up the elections - the fix is permanently in. The illegals will only add a safety margin to their ruler status.
They opened themselves up with their lying, cheating, corruption. That's when demon possession happens, biblical or not.
President Trump promises to deport. Resident Biden and crew seem devoted to keeping them here. Every thinking person must ask why.
Well-meaning parents whose adult kids have drug issues innocently give them “grocery” or “department store” gift cards, thinking they’re being compassionate. But those cards have instant street value and can be sold for cash for drugs. And every “gift” means more days without having to work and more delay in solving the root problems.
I ran through the 'period' there like a hidden stop sign. Thought it said Trump promises to deport Biden. 😆😆😆
Me too 😂😂😂! Delicious thought while it lasted…
He should be deported…straight to GITMO!
I read that too... had to go back and check!
I believe he is likely one of the dual-citizenship Israelis, deport him there.
DEPORT all the dual citizens with Israel in our government. why are they not registering as foreign agents? along with AIPAC?
Because dual citizens and their supporters occupy the federal government. And evangelical Christians have been misled by an adulterated Bible to actually believe that Jews are the chosen people and that Jesus would approve of them murdering 26,000 innocent people.
As I understand the Jews WERE/ARE God’s chosen people. He gave them the 10 Commandments & the land of Canaan. The Promised Land. He sent His Son, the Messiah who Jews awaited for centuries but they rejected Him as Messiah. That’s why I’m grafted in to God’s Kingdom bc the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior was then spread to the Gentiles. I’m a Gentile. I’m a believer in Jesus & His sacrifice for my deserved punishment for my sin. He paid my penalty.
There’s a remnant of Jews of the Bible.
And there’s the political nation of Israel on that land God gave when He made the promise to Abraham.
There’s so much more & I can’t type it all.
So many beliefs/interpretations.
That’s why it imperative to seek God, walk in His ways, seek His will, wisdom & discernment to know His truth.
Lynn F point out a couple adulterations if you can…..
Love it!
yes exactly! at this point I think that the Democrats will destroy the whole country, just to spite Republicans.
100%. They will burn everything down if they can't keep their power and wealth.
More like destroy MAGA
I like your handle, Barbara…way to embrace your hometown reputation…LOL & hugs
Well we have 13 grandchildren here or else I’d be gone
Same thing, really... 🫤
He promised to deport in 2016. Don't hold your breath. Buy more ammo
Has Trump proposed deporting the Biden family? If not, why not?
DJT has some new brilliant problem solving promise every day.
It's just election time talk.
Good point Becky
Border Patrol whistleblower has already leaked the illegals- THEY ARE NOT MIGRANTS- already get a prepaid visa loaded with $5,000. Who are these SOBs stealing from the taxpayers? Who is the puppeteer?
It is very Well funded
And Well organized by NGO’s and non-profits…. People are being recruited, essentially
Don’t support The Red Cross anymore! They’re funding this… and they’ve misappropriated funds they collected for the Maui fire victims too…
Doctors Without Borders… also funding this
And The UN!!!
I think there are a lot of grifts going on… look at Sam Bankman-Freid… stole billions… some funding went to directly supporting the DNC…. How much other money went to other NGO’s to fund mass migration?
Tons of covid money is unaccounted for… Tons of Ukraine (war) money is unaccounted for…
The UN… which the US funds heavily is involved in this whole debacle …
These Non profits and NGOs need to be dismantled because they are being utilized as parallel government- essentially… to work around government, laws and the constitution …to push geopolitical ideology!
Check out Michael Yon on Locals. Have followed his on-the-ground reporting since this invasion began December 2020
Catholic family services is supporting the invaders in my area of Ohio.
Ugh… I heard that too… but given their involvement in the Abrahamic House… I am not surprised.
Check out Kurt Schlichter's new book, "Attack", as well as his Kelly Turnbull series. (this is NOT a spammy promo! I promise!)
Everyone needs to read the article written by Todd Bensman. He even lists the NGO'S who are supporting ot funneling money to the illegals!!!!
border patrol must be so demoralized. Texas and florida should hire them after they all quit.
I would suspect the department has been purged of most all but mindless actors. How could a decent person do what they do in aiding and abetting the destruction of our nation?
Obummer is the puppeteer being controlled by Satan!
WEF, UN, WHO, Democrat Government, DOD, DOJ, etc all.
Funny how a little visit with Big Brother can prompt a 180 degree turn in thought and attitude. Ain't it, mayor adams ?
a little blackmail and intimidation go a LOONNG way to changing hearts and minds.