☕️ FULLY PACKED ☙ Monday, March 27, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
Multiplier and conference updates; study correlates jabs and excess deaths; Israel is falling apart; study shows lack of helpful mandate effects; TSA agent surprised by one-eyed bandit; and more.
Good morning, C&C, it’s Monday! Time for another week in our never-boring post-millennial adventure. Your roundup today includes: a terrific multiplier update; conference notes; new study confirms correlation between jabs and excess deaths; with help from America, Israel is suddenly and unexpectedly imploding; Lancet study unintentionally proves (again) that covid mitigations were a complete failure; county commissioner drops dead; rock star cancels tour after heart attack; and a TSA agent discovers a surprising concealed package.
🪖 Operation Multiplier: Terrific news — the C&C Army has done it again! On Saturday morning when I announced the multiplier for Dr. Littell, he’d raised $985 in three days. As of this morning, his GiveSendGo reports nearly $185,000, with over 5,000 individual donations. Scrolling through the list it is clear the overwhelming majority were C&C Army multipliers, each giving an easily affordable amount, and many leaving an encouraging note for the persecuted doc.
That’s literally THOUSANDS of encouraging notes, which might even be more valuable than all the money quickly raised for Dr. Littell’s legal defense. Maybe unsurprisingly, our C&C Army includes people who’ve been personally helped by Dr. Littell:
As I point out every time, an equally important objective is the message we are sending to our adversaries with our multipliers. Make no mistake, the medical board knows about what we did here. Every dollar raised for Dr. Littell means TWO DOLLARS that the medical board will have to spend on its own legal fees, should it decide to replace common sense with an expensive attempt to score some cheap political points.
Sooner or later, even though they aren’t the brightest LED bulbs on the Home Depot shelf, the people directing the cancellation programs will eventually realize that, when they try to cancel people, they are really just shining a light on who we need to support.
In case you missed out, it’s not too late: https://www.givesendgo.com/Dr_Littell?utm_campaign=Dr_Littell. Give an easily-affordable amount ending in a ‘2’ and be a part of the C&C movement.
🪖 The Atlanta Conference was truly exceptional. Everyone I spoke with was excited, energized, and encouraged. Attorneys attended from as far away as Hawaii and Canada, and at least one lawyer I chatted with only found out (on C&C) about the conference three days before it started and rearranged everything to get to Atlanta.
For we lawyers who’ve been in this fight since the ugly early days, the sense of shared community being among so MANY like-minded attorneys was indescribably joyful. It should be exciting to you, too, to know that we are quickly multiplying our legal army.
In my Saturday morning Keynote, I pointed out that, even though it feels like it took ages to slog through the entire disaster, it’s really only been three years, which in a historical and legal context is merely a wink. Shortly after Biden promised he’d NEVER mandate the shots (no, not ever), the jab mandates appeared right on schedule in Summer ’21. Just twelve months later, in Summer ’22, those lawyers — helped by the courageous covid docs — had already cropped back most of the mandates, leaving only sparse (albeit important) mop-up operations.
In other words, a handful of small-firm lawyers beat the entire federal apparatus and the Deep State in only one year. Imagine what we can do with hundreds of lawyers instead of dozens.
Well, get ready.
These conferences are pretty standard fare for most legal fields. Real estate lawyers, injury lawyers, estate lawyers — they all have regular face-to-face meetings with their peers. The conferences and conventions act as a kind of mental cross-pollination event, as lawyers meet and discuss ideas, talk about what’s worked and what hasn’t worked, trade theories, and swap tips.
This conference is the very first time that kind of forum was available for covid / medical freedom lawyers. Even I am returning with a short new list of lawsuits I want to file immediately. I’d tell you all about them, but I’m running long on the conference news and we have a roundup to get to.
Anyway, kudos and warm thanks to Steve Kirsch, the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, and Warner Mendenhall’s group. Terrific work!
🔬 An explosive new preprint study quietly published on February 21st, titled “Is there a Link between the 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake in Europe and 2022 Excess All-Cause Mortality?”
The authors scoured the data for a correlation between two rates — the vaccination uptake rate and the excess death rate — as reported by 31 European countries when compared against each other. What they found should be inarguable and should lift the conversation to a whole new level: for every 1% increase in a country’s vaccination rate, there was a corresponding 0.1% increase in the excess death rate starting 12 months later.
The authors didn’t stop there. They also controlled for various variables and factors, and in every scenario the statistical correlation between jabs and deaths “remained robust.” Meaning they calculated the same result, regardless of how they looked at the numbers. In fact, the two rates — vaccination and delayed-excess death — look like they could be twins:
Unless these authors slipped a bunch of decimals somewhere, the data inarguably shows what the data shows. And — as the authors drily noted — because of the time delay, causation seems pretty clear: 2022 excess deaths didn’t travel back in time and cause higher vaccination rates in 2021. Absent a third, unknown factor causing both vaccination rates and excess deaths, this is very strong evidence for causation.
Not that logic will stop them. Get ready for the time-travel argument!
Link to study: https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202302.0350/v1
🚀 Just like that, Israel is imploding. What began as explosive protests over a proposed change to how Israel’s supreme court justices are selected have magically detonated into a nationwide disaster literally shutting down the entire country.

Over the weekend, Israel’s biggest labor union and its Chamber of Commerce went on a national strike. Shopping malls are closed. The international Ben Gurion airport is closed. Hotel chains are shutting down. Schools and universities are closed. All national parks are closed. All government offices are closed. All museums are closed. Hospitals are only taking urgent cases. All banks are closed. Even McDonald’s is closed!
Commenters now predict that the unrest will take down the newly-formed Netanyahu government. The country’s political catastrophe couldn’t come at a worse time, while the Iranians are building up military resources in neighboring Syria.
What could have caused this? On Saturday, the Jerusalem Post ran a story headlined, “The US Is Funding Israel’s Anti-Netanyahu Protests, Yair Netanyahu Alleges.” Yair, the Prime Minister’s son, accused the U.S. State Department of fomenting the protests to pressure the Prime Minister to back off threats against the Iranians over that country’s nuclear program.
The State Department? It’s probably just a conspiracy theory. Don’t you think? Saying America is behind all this is just as crazy as accusing Joe Biden of blowing up the Nordstream pipeline.
On Thursday, Newsmax ran a related story headlined, “Military Officers Urge US to Arm Israel Against Iran.” An open letter signed by 44 retired American military officials noted that “Iran is coming ever closer to crossing the nuclear threshold,” and argued that “the United States should immediately provide Israel with the advanced weapons it needs to deter and prevent a nuclear Iran.”
Obviously, retired military officers wouldn’t be writing open letters if the US were already coming to Israel’s aid.
Meanwhile, the Biden Administration has said exactly nothing supportive of Israel. Just the opposite. On Thursday, General Milley hinted to Congress that the U.S. could be prepared to tolerate nuclear weapons in Iran. Specifically, Milley told the House defense appropriations committee that “the United States remains committed, as a matter of policy, that Iran will not have a fielded nuclear weapon.”
Nobody missed Milley’s use of the lawyer weasel-word “fielded” to modify “nuclear weapon,” which suggests a quiet but monumental shift in US policy toward Iranian nuclear ambitions. To Israeli ears, the phrase “fielded nuclear weapons,” which is synonymous with “used nuclear weapons” — as opposed to “any nuclear weapons” — was a clear warning signal of another Biden reverse-promise.
Opinions will vary on how valuable the relationship might be, but Israel undeniably remains America’s most important US ally in the Middle East. With Saudi Arabia cementing diplomatic ties with Iran and Syria last week, and now wandering toward the Russia-China coalition, a weakened Israel is bad news for the US.
End-times Christians will be paying especially close attention to how quickly Israel is collapsing, America is drifting away from her defense, and how Russia, China, and Iran are closing in. In other words, if things keep going this way, the consequences could be of Biblical proportions.
🔬 Last Thursday, the Lancet published an obnoxious, but unintentionally helpful new study headlined “Assessing COVID-19 pandemic policies and behaviours and their economic and educational trade-offs across US states from Jan 1, 2020, to July 31, 2022: an observational analysis.”
The study compared US states and their various lockdown policies to see which, if any, of the different mandates successfully in reducing covid. I’ll give a guess what they found.
You guessed it! None of the mandates made ANY clear difference in the only data point that mattered, the death rate:
In spite of that, the study tried to form a conclusion favoring mitigations, mostly by ignoring deaths and focusing instead on numbers of infections. The researchers ultimately pinned the blame for higher covid death rates on woke social factors, including poverty, lower educational attainment, higher rates of key comorbidities, limited access to quality health-care services, and lower interpersonal trust.
In other words, capitalism and racism are the culprits, just like for climate change and everything else bad in the world.
💉 StarNews Online ran a story yesterday headlined, “New Hanover County Commissioner Deb Hays Dies Suddenly.”
North Carolina Republican and County Commissioner Deb Hays kicked the bucket AT HOME on Saturday. In a statement, County Chairman Bill Rivenbark said Ms. Hays’ death was unexpected and was likely was caused by a massive heart attack.
Another unfortunate victim of climate change-induced SADS.
💉 Former Iron Maiden singer and Wolfsbane frontman Blaze Bayley, 58, was hospitalized Friday after having a sudden and unexpected heart attack at home.
Blaze is reported to be “resting comfortably” in the hospital, as comfortable as anyone can be after their heart attacks them. All the band’s March and April concerts are cancelled, and the rest of the year is on a “wait and see” basis. We wish the heavy metal rocker a fast and painless recovery.
🔥 In the bottom story of the day, literally, you never know what kind of problems you can run into while traveling these days. The UK Daily Mail ran a shocking story Friday, headlined “Transgender Woman Posts Sobbing Selfie in JFK Bathroom After Claiming Female TSA Agent Punched Her Testicles and Left Her in Extreme Pain.”
“Her” testicles! You really can’t make this stuff up. I think I have identified a reporter who needs some remedial biology. Just saying.
Here is traveler “Mara,” whose tender, um, feelings were injured going through security:
Over the weekend, the unidentified cross-dresser claimed on Twitter that a JFK TSA agent punched him in his tender testicles and “yelled at me for having a penis.” It seems unfair to yell at someone for having a penis; it’s downright anti-male.
Predictable outrage ensued after Mr. Mara posted the salacious accusations to social media, and the airport responded quickly saying they were investigating the incident. “We apologize again for your experience,” JFK airport said in its response on Twitter. “Your comments have been noted and shared.”
It’s so nice to see that kind of speedy, proactive apology and investigative response from the customer-focused Transportation Safety Administration and busy airport officials, isn’t it?
While sympathizing with Mr. Mara’s discomfort, one can also imagine the jolt of surprise the female TSA agent must have felt while performing the standard screening patdown and unexpectedly encountering Mr. Mara’s concealed trouser package, the undisclosed “plus one” member of his traveling party. It would have startled anyone.
It’s a brave new world out here, folks. These days you must always be prepared for the unpredictable guest appearance of the male genital in places where you least expect to find him.
Have a magnificent Monday! I’ll see you back here tomorrow for another delicious and informative roundup.
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"unexpectedly encountering Mr. Mara’s concealed trouser package, the undisclosed “plus one” member of his traveling party. " 😂😂
Your talk about the conference, for me, boils down to one word: HOPE.