Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart

Be acceptable in Your sight,

O LORD, my rock and my Redeemer.

— Psalm 19:14 LSB

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting! Psalm 139:23-24 ESV

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Hope I want to share...there is 90 hours of Bible Reading happening in Lancaster, OH. Started Sunday afternoon. Happy to report our church is involved, our slot is May 1, 1:00am - 4:45am.

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Sounds like a wonderful plan! May it take root and spread across the nation 💥

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That has been my earnest prayer for 3 1/2 years--that our once Christ-honoring country would REPENT and turn TOWARD our Creator God!!

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Psalm 19:14

This pretty much covers the entirety of the Ten Commandments. And affirming and upholding God's Law pretty much pleases the Sovereign of All Creation.

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Give ear to my words, Oh LORD, Consider my meditation.

Give heed to the voice of my cry, My King and My God.

For to You I will pray. My voice You shall hear in the morning.

Oh LORD in the morning I will direct to you and will look up .

Psalm 5:1-3

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May it ever be thus!!


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Apr 30Liked by Jeff Childers

”For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:“

‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭4‬:‭16‬ ‭KJV‬‬


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And what a day that will be!

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Doesn't your heart dance and sing and your skin goes all goosey-like to even think of what that moment will be like??? I bet all our earthly senses will be firing a thousand percent and we'll EXPERIENCE THAT like nothing we've ever experienced before. LORD, MAY IT BE TODAY!!!!!!

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I had a "this is real" moment when it hit me afresh that yes, Jesus is going to come back. And yes, things are not going to end well for this earth. But my mind couldn't take me very far. We just cannot imagine!

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I mean, in the long run, things are going to end VERY well for the earth, just that it will be a new earth (and heavens) that isn't totally messed up like this one is... so I guess not THIS earth...

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Amen 🙏

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Getting closer

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“trump of God” is not lost on me.

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Trump, the name reminds me of heavenly trumpets 🎺 and other positive, winning victories. I think these names do hint at something. Someone up there surely laughed a lot when Mr. Pecker got his name and fate. And Biden sounds a lot like Buy them (off) or even a devils den. Maybe Kamala got her name for all the commas needed in her word salad speeches!

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God is so intertwined in our world. Names are big clues. I’m remembering something about the meaning of Barak Obama. Had something to do with lightning and brought to mind the scripture about Jesus seeing Satan fall from the heavens.

God is always letting us know He’s here and knows all about it.

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I so agree

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Trump is an Anglicized version of his family's German name of Drumpf! And I do not look to Donald Trump for my rescue and salvation - but he is my choice for POTUS - always has been.

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Encouraging book of the Bible - thank you

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It’s the road map to Heaven!

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I was just reciting that passage of Scripture to myself this past Sunday while Joshua Aaron's concert in JERUSALEM was playing in the background! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usoroT38ebg

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Re: President Trump & having people like Michael Cohen previously in his employ, last week an interview between Alex Jones and Attorney Tom Renz aired. Vigilant News linked to it on April 26th. It was sitting in my Substack queue, and after reading yesterday’s C&C where Jeff discussed the recent meeting between President Trump and Governor DeSantis, I was intrigued by what Mr. Renz said to promote the interview, so I watched it. To summarize, Mr. Renz is concerned about President Trump’s current campaign manager & PAC leader, Susie Wiles, her affiliations, and potentially her questionable motivations. If you can carve 45 minutes out of your day, Jones and Renz discuss her WEF/UN/Pfizer ties, the C-19 response, and the importance of President Trump being surrounded by not only the best and brightest, but those who have his, and all of our best interests at heart. https://vigilantnews.com/post/deleted-interview-tom-renz-on-the-alex-jones-show-4-25-24/.

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For months I have been barraged with Trump campaign texts many times each day. I have replied "stop" and have blocked as spam and it continues and in fact has gotten more aggressive and almost threatening. I have wondered if it is some psyop from Democrats or tds people trying to turn me off on Trump. Is anyone else out there getting this barrage?

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Yes, I have been invited to lunch with Trump and for private advisory meetings. I have now written win redd off of any donations whatsoever.

Speaker Johnson wants money too and I replied GO ASK UKRAINE.

It is aggravating to get as many as 20 spam emails a day, some from people I have never heard of.

Some of the duns are downright insulting.

They still have my vote but I will not donate a cent unless I could personally hand it to the candidate.

They RODE A GOOD HORSE TO DEATH as our old ranch foreman used to say!

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I delete every campaign message from everybody.

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"Go ask Ukraine." Love that!

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Exactly my practice. Oddly, it only seems to increase them. It's becoming time consuming to delete them all, and many just resend the one I deleted. I get them from Republicans and Democrats I've never heard of in places I have no connection with. It's getting more than annoying at this point.

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I send to Junk…but somehow I’m getting them from Biden, Obama and The Dems! I haven’t been a registered ‘Dem’ since 2012. I have been a ‘decline to state’ voter for over 12 years!

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I think they all do this. I love RFK jr. but his campaign spams me perpetually with requests for donations, so much so that I start to like him less, almost like a behavioral nudge! It may just be mindless campaign marketers.

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🤣😏glad many see thru this assault. it's all on purpose

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I created a separate gmail account just for donating. I never check it, and it likely has thousands in the inbox!

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Most of my Gmail donation requests go to Spam folder but they are using my text messages too. Hard to change a phone number I use for business and have had for years.

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

Yep. “They’ll ride a good horse til it drops!”

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Jay Skywatchers, I am in total agreement with you. If I’m going to donate it will be directly to their campaign.

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This is why Im supporting RFK Jr.. listen to him. Trump’s greatest claim to fame is “he’s the Greatest Businessman” and that’s EXACTLY who he surrounds himself with! WEF is a BUSINESS ROUNDTABLE, representing the wealthiest people in the World, not a charitable or patriotic group! Its an International Fascist alignment of corporate heads and for all Trump’s talk he is one with them on everything but national sovereignty… Covid lockdowns and censorship of real science occurred with Trump in office!

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You seek to degrade a man without peer in this and many other generations.

To say that Donald Trump claim to fame is being a businessman is like saying King David’s claim to fame was being a shepherd.

RFK Jr. is as Communist/Leftist as the day is long. I’ve heard him, and no thank you.

Here’s a reminder of just some of what President Trump (the mere business man) was able to accomplish, while in unrelenting warfare against the globalists.

Trump did the following:

1) stopped ISIS cold

2) EO stopping the drug companies from charging medicare more than what they charged foreign countries

3) EO forcing hospitals to disclose their prices

4) Move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem

5) ENERGY INDEPENDENCE for the first time in my lifetime of 70 years, and record low energy prices

6) Started no new wars
 6A) Abraham Accords, bringing peace to the middle east instead of war

7) Elimination of regulations, required to eliminate 8 to add a new one

8) Cut Taxes across the board

9) Increased the individual tax credit eliminating the need to file more complicated returns

10) Started the space force, sorely needed today

11) Replaced NAFTA with an agreement better for American workers

12) Put tariffs on china, starting the process of moving American production out of the enemy’s land

13) Brought back massive amounts of money saved in foreign countries

14) Withdrew from the farce know as the Paris Climate Accords

15) Withdrew from the Iran deal

16) Increased the $$$ of the average family by over 5K

17) Started the process of fixing the VA

18) Increased the spending by other NATO countries

19) Killed the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

20) Created several million jobs, actual creation not bafflegab bullshit

21) Economic growth rates were going up, somewhere around 4% before the marxist killed the economy with the scam chinaVirus

22) Lowest rate of unemployment ever, across the board for blacks, hispanics, asians, veterans, etc.

23) Opened ANWAR and had the Keystone pipeline being constructed

There is much more of course. Makes your pathetic attempt to paint Trump poorly look just like it is.

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Go ahead and write RFK Jr off as a leftist as far as political races go, but his Children's Health Defense group is extremely important in battling medical fascism. He and Del Bigtree's TheHighwire are the two biggest groups battling it, IMO.

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Well, hopefully he’ll keep that as his focus and do some good for the world.

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You missed a couple: pushed the poison death shot, and exploded the deficit more than any other president.

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Never miss a chance to spew some TDS poison.

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Same! The adversarial verbiage to bully me into providing a campaign donation makes no sense; it's illogical marketing.

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Adversarial bullying is “The Game” the Elite play to keep us at each others throats! “Trump vs Biden” is the NAME of their GAME. Look at RFK JR…. They want him GONE.. No media coverage! They want him DEAD…no Secret Service protection.. hes the most truthful, courageous candidate out here!

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Not me, I started getting some and did the ‘stop’ thing after a few days and it stopped.

On the other hand, some jerk named John apparently gave my phone number to the DNC and I am getting SO many texts for Dem candidates because ‘democracy is at risk.’ Damn you, John.

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I dont reply 'stop' anymore. I figure that just lets them know it's a live number. I HAVE started reporting them as spam and blocking them. That seems to be helping. A lot.

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My daughter (who is a liberal) has not been on our phone plan since 2018, and yet I randomly get a barrage of text messages from Democrat groups, including local ones, who use her name in the greeting, on my number. Kind of interesting to see what they are up to but no idea how they got my number.

But yeah, lots of texts 'from Trump' that are annoying and despite how many times I block/delete, just keep coming.

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because they're not really from Trump. just mostly thug grifters tryna make some money riding coat tails

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Hey. I have quite a few phone numbers of DemocRats so, maybe I will pass those onto some Republican organization and hope they flood those DemocRats with texts. Let's go on the offense and Let's Go Brandon!

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At least you know how the other side is operating now. I once received a survey for 2016 that asked for whom I was more likely to vote. Included in the list were Hilary and Obama (3rd term?). No joke.

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Robin, I don't do any surveys anywhere. I keep my plans as dark as midnight. after all, what I think and plan to do is data that is valuable somehow to someone or they wouldn't be asking. I'll not give away any more than I choose to,even knowing just going on social media gives away some intension anyway

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

I don't do them anymore. That was preCovid and pre TDS.

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I answer the phone ones, record them, and send them to the candidate they are polling against if it's for a D candidate. You can tell due to the leading questions. It can serve as good opposition research as then the R candidate can call them out for their slanted questions and dispute their results.

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I'm amazed that worked. Sometimes I reply "stop", but they have thousands of phone numbers they use, and "stop" just stops one number.

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Yes, in form of endless text messages and "personal invitations" to MaraLago to advise DJT on his veep pick. Yeah, sure .....

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😏 Roger, you get it

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Yes, deleted thst one today: "Im about to announce my VP pick, but first I want to hear your opinion". ???

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This is why I never provide my cell phone number. That’s private information. I give our landline number, to which I have the ringer turned off. If I didn’t have a landline still, I’d probably make up a number...

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A woman after my own heart. I do the same.

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I still use my land line number for a lot of things! I just don't tell anyone that it was disconnected about a year ago!😆

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I have made up a number for stores which k. In the past. Now I just refuse.

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I do that at stores as well. Just tell them no. I don't want their reward card, or their "convenience" of not needing a receipt for a return, etc.

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We have a magic Jack internet phone number for exactly this reason! I never give out my cell number. 😄

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Just did an internet search for MagicJack to see what that was. We actually still have our landline due to concerns of what happens if internet is down.... But the phone company just raised our rate for phone/internet AGAIN to $195/mo. This does not include our cell phones. That's just a landline and high speed internet.... Seriously thinking about cutting it off at this point and getting Starlink for internet. But then I still worry about not having a landline....

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It was a hard decision to not have a landline but when we moved we went without because of the cost. We can set up the magic Jack to not ring but sends us an email with missed call number and message (usually none) because they are robocalls anyway 😆

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Sadly I have taken to sending out F&*^ OFF in all caps in order to get off their list of phone numbers---the first time I did this I included an angry diatribe that it's not at all ok to just keep changing phone numbers and keep coming at me (I block when I send a stop request). Stop never gets a reply but the FO order got an immediate oh sorry we will remove you...now I don't even get that. It does seem overly hostile in tone to me as well in the last ten days, one even stating that they were going to take my name off the republican women's list or some such threat (I'm not in any group at all). They can hope all they want I know darn good and well that DJT, Newt Gingrich (of all people) etc are not personally texting my no name self. Most hard core reps are not going to be changing their minds I would hope based on such a tactic...but the F.O. makes me feel better so I keep at it.

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I had often considered this same tactic since those are the two words I think of every time the texts arrive but I figured it wouldn't stop them. Thanks to you, I will give it a try and, even if it doesn't get the desired result, I will definitely feel better -- I sure showed them varmints, yer darn tootin' !

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Same and i block, report and delete every one but they keep coming several each day. It’s disgusting to me that political telemarketing from anyone should have free rein to do as they please.

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Nope, I get one maybe once a week OR every other week. You may be on to something.

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Lucky you…I get ‘em from Trump, Don Jr, Kimberly Guilfoyle, several times a day! And the last time I donated to what I thought was the Trump campaign (thru good ol’ Winred, because my husband urged me to when this farce of a trial started in NYC) the $ went to a guy by the name of Eli Crane. Never heard of him! But now I get bullying emails from HIM asking why I’ve stopped donating. 😡 These donating schemes are making me hate the GOP.

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I never give my phone number to almost anything online. I give a fake number if I need to.

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I’d stopped playing Winred’s game after the Stop the Steal Grift…but my husband (who NEVER donates to anyone) urged me to send him a donation to show our “support”. Ugh

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I only donate to the “text to” # given at Trump rallies.

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Similar scenario. Have not donated because they irritate me terribly. Block and a “new” number pops up🤦🏻‍♀️🤬

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Eli Crane is great, but I don’t blame you for not donating.

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I think Eli Crane is one of the good guys. I never read those text messages, I just delete all of them.

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I don’t get texts, thank the Lord, but I get gazillions of emails. Delete without opening.

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Drag them into the Junk file and they usually don’t repeat.

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Yes. And I have wondered about the counter-productiveness of such tactics. And if sabotage is involved.

I figure that since we’re in a war, I’ll accept it as a hardship, this daily annoyance. I think, with the super analysis of data, someone has to realize this isn’t good. But what little minions are tasked with this fund raising? Certainly, the Trump campaign is challenged beyond what any other campaign has ever dealt with. And how many cases in how many courtrooms, and how many attorneys and legal assistants charging how much per hour? The costs have to be astronomical. Yet, we cannot afford to lose.

So, I give on my schedule as I am able and ignore the idiocy like, President Trump has personally asked about me.

But Trump’s campaign (?) are not the only ones. All over the nation candidates are texting me. And they’re just wholesale being ‘stopped’ and deleted as junk.

That seems to slow things down a little.

I really wonder what it’s like for leftists. Are they being barraged from their end as well? Is texting a shiny new tool that all the politicians are going nuts with?

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lol reading all this and President Trump, just texted me, he is on his lunch break and wants to talk to me LOL, LOL. Right cause that makes perfect sense. I can't quit laughing.

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Yeah...you are gonna have to fight me for the seat to his right, because I am pretty sure he texted me FIRST! ;)

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we are so popular, lol

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Yeah...we are the cool kids. Finally! (For me anyway)

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I got one of those EARLY this morning... I was wondering if it was some trial I'd not heard of in California, or something. Trump having a lunch break at 7am seemed like a but of a stretch.... So, I replied that I was unavailable for a lunch break convo but how about another meal time, say during Barron's graduation... Lol

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I just got a ‘I love you’ email from my man, Trump. I wonder if Melania knows?

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This is why I am registered to vote as an "Unaffiliated" Voter. It's no ones business which candidates I plan to vote for. Whatever happened to the privacy of the ballot box?

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Yes, I get them from the D's too. Addressed to my daughter even though she has not even been on our plan since 2018 and hasn't lived with us for a decade. She is a D though. Sometimes wonder if she puts my number down when she gives, lol. My mom is a D also and her mail comes to my house since she is in an AL facility and I handle all her finances. She does not text and used to give by check (although she quit since AL living is expensive) . So she gets a ton of snail mail. Same crap -'answer this survey' , help save democracy, Joe wants your help.

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

Yes emails. It wont accept unsubscribe or spam. They arent bullying though. They make them sound like direct messages from Trump on the different things happening in his campaign daily.

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I just creat a rule for each one to be dumped in trash so I never have to see them.

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This is what I've been seeing since donating.

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You only need to drag them into Junk file once or twice and it continues that way. You’re finished with them.

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Same here.

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time is ticking away it's a ploy by whomever to spam up your mailboxes, and grift $ to whomever. I delete without opening as I don't want to "unleash" anything that will mess my phone up. you can pretty much rest assured no $ you send is going to Trump or any of the others the "requests"come from.

and, of course they become threatening. scammers and grifters get pissed when their grift gets them nothing, it's how thugs react when you don't comply

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Me too! They are getting creepier and creepier. It started when we did the multiplier through WinRed.

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Yes! WinRed. They recently sent me emails saying my "recurring donation" was going to be charged to my credit card on X days. I actually cancelled that card with the resulting necessity to rearrange true recurring payments/subscriptions but found out that a current subscription will still be billed to the account owner to the new account number and the only way to stop it is to get the billing party to cancel the subscription. I found an email address for WinRed for cancelling and, to my surprise, it turned out that, just as my memory thought, I HAD NO recurring donation with them! No more WinRed for me, regardless of donee -- sorry Jeff.

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Yes! Inundated. I block each one. But they continue.

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Ditto! Every day I respond with STOP. It seems to be slowing.

I noticed that the content doesn't fit Trump's style.

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Trump seems to surround himself with questionable people. He could accomplish great things if he chose better advisors. But he won't. It will still be much better than Biden, but not what we hope for.

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He's a magnet for these types and his ego and obstinance allow this culture. Shame but reality of his operations, always has been. We all have had someone or several people like this around us, so it's no surprise i suppose; Reagan had Bush, Trump had Mister Nice Pence, Julius had Brutus, George had Benedict. Now i see Epoch Times using a former Blackrock analyst to discuss Vaxx Injury or some other issue....the Sleeze factor can creep in or pop up anywhere--Michael Cohen is poster boy for a self-selling, self-serving bitchboy. Everyone who knew him as a kid and student and young lawyer needs to be interviewed for their opinions and impressions of him (Media would never do that).

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I think you're wrong about Ed Dowd. Just working in a corporation for a while doesn't define a whole human being.

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I don't know anything, only suspicious. Has he demonstrated any of the inner workings at BLACKROT for us? Perhaps he has a tell all whistleblowing expose on his time there, i haven't checked him out

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Ed Dowd is very bright and generous with inside information. Definitely NOT "Sleeze."

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good to hear that, i'll tune in to what he's saying thanks

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Will it be much better Biden? No, because Uniparty will guarantee it. This guy Renz reminds us there are no white hats working to save us. It’s the globalist Uniparty or We The People. It’s down to that now.

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Really! President Trump in a second term will be no better than Biden?

Really? Why the extreme negativity? For one thing, I’m pretty sure President Trump would not have declared the most sacred day on the Christian calendar to be Transgender Visibility Day. I’m pretty sure the Ukraine proxy war would not have begun, the October 7 Israeli massacre would not have occurred, our dollar currency would not be dying in the world markets, inflation would not be raging and we would not be staring WWIII in the face if the 2020 election had not been stolen.

Oh, but the Uniparty. The Uniparty is not omnipotent, much as it may think it is.

Did you notice that President Trump was locked in battle with those demons throughout his administration? He is locked in battle with them to this moment. He fights!

And if you wanted to, you could be hugely encouraged that they have done everything to him, except shoot him in the head, and he is still winning!

I don’t know who this guy Renz is that you have such affection for, but if he says Trump is no better choice then Biden, he’s a fool.

Here’s a reminder of some of what Trump accomplished, while being attacked on every side.

Trump did the following:

1) stopped ISIS cold

2) EO stopping the drug companies from charging medicare more than what they charged foreign countries

3) EO forcing hospitals to disclose their prices

4) Move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem

5) ENERGY INDEPENDENCE for the first time in my lifetime of 70 years, and record low energy prices

6) Started no new wars
 6A) Abraham Accords, bringing peace to the middle east instead of war

7) Elimination of regulations, required to eliminate 8 to add a new one

8) Cut Taxes across the board

9) Increased the individual tax credit eliminating the need to file more complicated returns

10) Started the space force, sorely needed today

11) Replaced NAFTA with an agreement better for American workers

12) Put tariffs on china, starting the process of moving American production out of the enemy’s land

13) Brought back massive amounts of money saved in foreign countries

14) Withdrew from the farce know as the Paris Climate Accords

15) Withdrew from the Iran deal

16) Increased the $$$ of the average family by over 5K

17) Started the process of fixing the VA

18) Increased the spending by other NATO countries

19) Killed the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

20) Created several million jobs, actual creation not bafflegab bullshit

21) Economic growth rates were going up, somewhere around 4% before the marxist killed the economy with the scam chinaVirus

22) Lowest rate of unemployment ever, across the board for blacks, hispanics, asians, veterans, etc.

23) Opened ANWAR and had the Keystone pipeline being constructed

There is much more of course. Makes your pathetic attempt to paint Trump poorly look just like it is.

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Willing Spirit I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. Renz is 100% for Trump. He’s concerned about the people surrounding him, in particular a WEF/Pharma lady who is controlling who has access to him. Renz supports Trump and is trying to warn people that he is being ill-served by certain bad players around him, much like Jared Kushner was. You need to listen to him and Alex Jones in this interview. I think you’d come away with an entirely different picture. I probably misled with my comment about white hats. I have to stand by that though. It’s going to have to be the moral awakening of our people . We only get the leaders we deserve.

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I’m sorry I didn’t discern closely enough what you were saying. I’m glad Renz is for Trump.

Honestly, there’s so much noise out there about what Trump needs to do, that I’ve just shut much of it out.

Over the years, I’ve come to the conclusion that we need to let Trump be Trump.

All the squabble about his bad choices is meaningless without the full picture of what options he had in any given situation.

And there are so many yammering mouths with so many motives, that I don’t know what to believe because it is a very twisted, complicated and complex deep state swamp with many devious, lying characters.

It is tiring to me. So I’m just trying to stay peaceful and praying for the best possible outcomes in every situation.

May God save, heal and bless America!

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President Trump is the best weapon ‘we the people’ have seen in centuries!

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Yes, Renz just said that the Q mentality of waiting for the White Hats to magically appear out of nowhere and save us is a fallacy. We can't afford to believe that and We The People have to stand up and take control. When I was on an AFB during the Trump presidency, it was a joy to hear those jets overhead. Now, when I hear them on base, I just wonder what flag is on the tail. Trump truly did great things for this nation and I can only hope that maybe he is keeping his enemies close. But, in the end it all comes down to God and we know He wins. But having to go through all this? YUCK. Prayers for this nation and for Trump and his family.

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

I get it that ‘We the people’ have got to fight against the guaranteed loss of our country and all that means to us and our descendants. As Sundance says, “We have to fight like the third monkey on the ramp to Noah’s Ark”. The apathy has to end. And what it will take for some people to awaken to the abuse and say no more, I can’t imagine.

But to seemingly say this election doesn’t matter, even if Trump wins it won’t change anything, sounds insane to me.

If he did nothing else, it would buy time to prepare and plan to fight.

But, Good Lord, people, can you not see Donald Trump is no ordinary man?

Jeff is writing about incredible victories, like coming up with the billion dollars for his fine. Makes me think of Jesus sending Peter to catch the fish with the coin in its mouth to pay the temple tax being demanded.

And so many on this platform just criticize endlessly. Oh, they wanted DeSantis. Oh, they want JFK, Jr.

They don’t deserve Trump, but, please Jesus, disregard them. Hear the prayers of those who see.

I get the feeling that a lot of men are just so jealous and maybe a little humiliated at having to have their masculinity be tested against a man who shows no fear.

Real men are few and far between these days in America.

Trump may have said, ‘pussy’ in another context, but I think it’s a word that defines too many males today.

Maybe they can’t help it. Maybe it is all the estrogen in our water from the excretion of massive quantities of birth control pills.

Sad state of affairs. President Trump Has Something holding him in the gap.

TCTH. 9/09/23

President Trump has something behind him, something holding him in the gap.  He has the power and favor of the purest truth around him, and he has the support of a grateful nation.

Massive numbers of Americans, far more than the corrupt system operators would like to admit, are standing with President Trump as our gloriously imperfect vessel to destroy all their schemes.

It is the most remarkable moment in history as one man stands the gap and fearlessly faces down the combined effort of decades of political corruption.

It truly is inspiring.


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That part, that we can't contract out being citizens who are self-governing, who run our own communities, states, and country, that there is no cavalry coming to do the work while we sit idly by, is exactly right.

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This may be true. But the weapon is of limited use if it does not confer God's Liberty as was originally built into constitutional law practice.

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Which founding Father responded to some lady’s question about what had been achieved by saying, “A Republic ma’am, if you can keep it”.? Was it Benjaminmin Franklin?

It seems we have failed to keep it. God was disinvited from our government in the 1960s, we have slid further and further down a bloody, evil, perverted slope since then and I don’t know why we expect His Liberty at this point in time.

That ship has sailed. We have a war to fight if we have any hope of a return to a more righteous form of government. The demons aren’t just going to give back what they’ve taken.

And it has to start with repentance for allowing all this evil to occur.

2 Chronicles 7:14

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

Willing Spirit. You make good points. And I cannot argue against either the most of them or the many of them. But on the other hand, the best 'in the box' choice is not the 'outside the box' best choice, the one which suits us and confers a genuine Liberty. And yes, within the box of containment from which we are meant never to escape we can can easily lose sight of ourselves because we are 'set up' with a predefined array of choices design to wreck out discernment.

It is possible, probable and likely that I will vote for Trump solely because that is likely to be the best 'inside the box of containment' choice. But I will not permit myself to forget that this a slave prisoner's 'choice' given to me by the Masters of Control who game the whole put up spectacle. And I will not let lapse from mind that our mission is to escape entrapment of all kinds and to smash that which is conspiring to destroy anything meaningful the living of life.

The question is: who is ruling and by whose Law? Or by any Law at all? And in the end, the only choice is between Man and God ... and between Man's eternal perpetrated chaos, or God's moral ordering?

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When Jesus comes back to rule with that rod of iron, or we get through Heaven’s gate to paradise, you’ll see perfection. And you can vote for it. In truth, mankind has dealt with one form of political enslavement or the other since the Fall. That’s just a fact. Things have been better or worse in different eras in relation to how closely God’s laws were followed. But it’s never been perfect.

The Jews wanted Jesus to free them from this political oppression by taking over politically. But He came to free us from Satan’s power, not man’s. Being freed from sin, walking in the light of Christ’s glory, with Him continuously, hearing his voice, we strive to influence our government, to be salt and light. We have failed in our generation to do that. And we suffer for it.

We don’t have a perfect choice of candidate. We don’t even deserve one. I, myself, believe we have been given grace to have the choice of Trump.

I don’t think we can afford to ‘make the perfect the enemy of the good’.

Time is short and the battle is fierce.

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I am not going to opine as to what I believe God gives to us as regards any given political candidate. But I proffer that the book of Job yields up caution as to knowing the mind of God.

I do agree agree that God gives to us either what we need and/or what we deserve. I do believe in judging by the fruit of the vine.

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Always enjoy your commentary, Dave... Keep it real. This fantasy about "white hats" just makes my heart ache for those that hold to it as their last hope.

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I have spent a lifetime trying to 'get out from under' whatever it was that I knew was operating 'behind the curtain' but was not visible to sight, hidden from the public.

I finally have decided that there are not 'white' hats or 'black' hats. Only better or worse choices ... and very or most often just horrible choices. For example, most of Congress is not even a 'hat' of one kind or another. More a Black Hole from which no matter can escape, at least within the closed system.

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If anyone thinks I have a fantasy about “white hats”, let me lay that misunderstanding to rest.

A few days into the Obummer nightmare, I was thinking, “Okay, anytime now the grownups are going to come in and stop all this foolishness. But I soon could discern that we were now a Godless, cowed, captured, lawless, hedonistic and infantile nation, where the inmates are running the asylum.

Sundance says, “We all have to fight like the 3rd monkey on the ramp to Noah’s Ark.”

That’s what I believe.

And I believe President Trump fights with us and for us. We are an army and he is our best bet for a General.

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Dave, people often talk as if there are two choices - vote for the Republican in the next election OR work to recover our Republic. In just over 6 months, we ain't recovering our Republic, so I will be voting for Trump, still the one President in my many decades of life who has fought the hardest for our internal country (vs for national security, by paying attention to everything outside our country), WHILE I do everything I can to recover our Republic.

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As a practical matter, we do the best we can with what we have at immediate hand. However, there is no Republic to reclaim because nobody knows what the Republic was nor how it worked and particularly in point of Fundamental Law.

The Old Republic American was an outgrowth of the Protestant Reformation, Calvinistic in nature. Since there are no Reformation churches (save a remnant) in America, and since no seminaries not longer teach orthodoxy Christianity as was doctrinally practiced for almost two thousand years give or take, and since Law is religious in nature, there unequivocally is no basis (no foundation) to build on, let alone to restore. To wit, the answer become, "Restore using what?"

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Is Kennedy any better? He talks freedom, peace, accountability & sense in most areas...

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https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/03/26/rfk-jr-picks-soros-advocate-nicole-shanahan-as-his-vp-running-mate/ His VP pick a disaster. One more reason for RFK to watch his back. His uncle was eliminated in order to install VP Johnson.

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He's pro-abortion, pro-climate lockdowns, doesn't support 2nd amendment rights. He has a lot of good things to say about medical freedom, but not not a lot else, imho.

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RFKj lost me on his medical freedom stance when he stated he is okay with force vaccinating under some circumstances. Hopefully, he has said updated info on this from 2019: "I don’t think we should be MANDATING medical interventions for unwilling Americans UNLESS we know precisely that that vaccine is going to end up helping them rather than hurting them." RFK Jr. Oct. 21, 2019

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Yes, and he's not actually "anti-vax." He really just wants personal choice and more testing. I believe he still thinks that if a vaccine is truly tested against a real placebo, that mandating it is not a problem if it "proves" safe. They could still fraudulently report their results, and test for too short a period of time, etc. No medical treatment should ever be mandated. We are not all alike. One size does NOT fit all.

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Safe to say, because we can never "know precisely" what ANY medical procedure will do. RFKjr is an attorney so is careful with his word selection.

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except Gaza. Im back to thinking I may vote JILL for the 3rd time. too bad, Kennedy is smarter than any of them, except Jill, but his Hollywood Zionist Advisors, starting with his WIFE...

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Definitely a red flag.....but so it goes - any major POTUS candidate is a bootlicker to Israel. Makes one wonder doesn't it?

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It must really hurt to hate Israel. That’s a choice, you know.

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I just look as far as Epstein...

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The “White Hat” is Bobby Kennedy Jr and he deserves our support!

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Maybe it’s the water he swims in—our society rewards narcissistic behavior so that’s what makes it to the top—where the big money and small-minded people hang out.

What truly ethical person would want to dive into that pool?

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These hyper critics act as if Trump has total choice in the matter, with no understanding of the dark and deadly waters he has to navigate.

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Right On! Trump needs Vivek and other wise men and women as advisors.

Hope Vivek doesn't get locked-up like Former Trump aide Peter Navarro who remaining in prison.


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Research Vivek's connections with biotech and the jab, specifically the one piece of the mrna technology that the US didn't have the license to use - namely the lipid nanoparticle owned by a Canadian company. That is the tech that allows the jab ingredients to cross the blood brain barrier (your body was designed for that NOT to happen), has been called out as a separate source of jab injury and death, and is what biotech is transitioning all vaxes to. His company Roivant's strategy is to purchase patents from larger pharmaceutical companies for drugs that had not yet been successfully developed, and then bring them to the market. His company is now on Nasdaq and, according to reports, never has made a profit. Yet, Vivek's net worth is reported to be over $1 billion, and he has a partnership with a state-owned China company called Sinovant. The timing between investments in the Canadian company, the sale of his various subsidiaries (all with "vant" at the end of their names), and his setting up a foundation (a la Gates style) are worthy of consideration. Just saying.

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Oh the inconvenient truths...

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Vivek sounds and acts like the real thing - and I want to believe it. I heard the other day that Soros funded his college education. I don’t know if it’s true. Is it truth or is it hearsay. It goes on!

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Soros' older brother, who fled WWII-era Europe to Great Britain, and whose entire career was in shipping, he holding related patents and writing scholarly papers on related topics, had a foundation that offered/offers scholarships for talented immigrants, as he had been.

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LOL - Blame the "water."

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much like Obama and Biden...

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“Birds of a feather flock together!”

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So true!

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Reminds me of ET TU BRUTE in his picks!

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I’m sure if you spent one day behind the scenes and saw one sliver of what goes on in politics, you wouldn’t criticize so blithely.

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He had one backstabber after another. Those that stood by him telling the truth got false charges against them in AZ and Georgia

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I'm curious, what experience do you have seeing "behind the scenes?" Are you one of the many who were red pilled just a few years ago but seem to know everything about how the permanent state works?

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Not at all. I’ve written many times on this platform about how I came from a conservative upbringing, went off to college in 1969, fell into the hippie culture, and woke up to reality in early adulthood; shocked and distressed to see the nation heading down the road to hell.

I’m been in this fight for more than 50 years. I’ve lived it all.

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I have watched RFK Jr for five years and there’s nobody in the race who can beat him for honesty, integrity Courage and the motivation to save America and the free world from these fascist WEF people! Certainly not Biden and Trump is in the pocket of Bill Gates and the billionaire class

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Given his choice of a running mate, I think RFK Jr. simply prefers a different type of tyranny: free from pharma and WEF but enslaved to the federal government.

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There are few good men and birds of a feather... Nobody gets far in politics without compromise.

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Money attracts scum no matter who the money is controlled by. Imagine the constant awareness that everyone will eventually stab you in the back. That’s what being rich must be like.

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Yes, there is a fairly loose group of us locally who are very involved in local and state politics. There is one couple in the group who are the nicest people you would ever know but they are very wealthy, and get courted non stop from every political candidate all the way up to the Trump people. They go to Mar a Lago regularly. But the woman said to me, all these people act like we are BFF's, and I wonder what would happen if we stopped giving, it gets old. We never have to wonder, hubby and I are solid middle class, and most of what we give is time. Told her I loved her and her hubby regardless.

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The big money donor pool is a shallow game of cash cows, cheap whores, and evil pimps with people of good will and good faith very easily deluded.

I'll give my vote, time and feet for a candidate I think might not be a cheap whore or evil pimp but no cash other than $2 (my lifetime total so far) and that given directly to the candidate never any political party. Here's my report on that $2 spent last month to see in person RFK's VP pick:


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For me, 2016 was all about the judiciary. Same for 2024, but do think he will try to exact a certain amount of revenge.

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Dear God, I hope he not only tries, but gets it in spades. I call it justice, not revenge.

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It’s obvious that our judiciary system is in need of change. Not only what has happened to Trump makes that evident but the Jan 6 prisoners who languish in jail for 3 years awaiting trials. Ridiculous.

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So obvious. Only by the grace of God am I not a Jan 6 prisoner and I grieve for them. That injustice cries to heaven.

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One problem is that in a national election and all that entails with election campaigns, etc., you will have literally thousands of people supposedly working to help. No way you can know about them all, no way to vet them all. No one could. So yes, there will be a lot of bad eggs in the mix. I don't see any way to prevent that. How do you go after all the scammers?

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I just watched this! Everyone needs to listen to this one. Unless Trump wises up to the people around him nothing will change. This video was an eye-opener. Much respect for Tom Renz. He’s a hero!

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Renee ... a super post!

The questions all along have been who is behind DJT ... or for that matter, any public figure, front man and so on ... and no matter on which 'team'. After all, the system no matter who or what factions are vying, they are not us. And 'they' don't give a fig for our interests, our health, our property and prosperity, our lives. Want proof? Then just ask yourself these few question. Where are the criminal prosecutions for all the very top psychopathic criminals behind C19 Health Terrorism? And will there ever be any? Any more than for the great crimes in our lifetimes? Like the JFK murder/coup d'etat? Or the 911 criminality, the sole predicate for unending war crimes ... and the implementation of the American Terror State?

I give Alex Jones his due. Love him or hate him, Alex has been one of the greatest truth tellers ever since the beginning. And ditto Renz. On the other hand, Suzie Wiles is Toxic Slime bubbling out of the fetid ooze. Suzie Wiles is a node of control for whomever or whatever we are never allowed to see or know. The power behind everything is always hidden.

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I've noticed a lot of people don't like those hard questions you ask. Cognitive dissonance kicks in full throttle.

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Yes! T'is so.

Somewhere in the Quartos of Eliot it says something about 'mankind cannot bear too much reality' ... words to that effect. And that remark always stuck as a marker as to what one might expect from the vast majority of humankind. I was in my twenties at the time.

Years later, I gradually determined how much entrapped our minds are from years of mis-education about everything which is most important. Truly we are, the most of us, boxed in ... and it is what we don't know which does the most mischief.

But to 'get outside the box' requires excruciating effort and some good luck (Providence in Christian reckoning). And then one finds oneself largely alienated from the bulk of humanity. Such was my experience with Health Terrorism for 2020 in onwards.

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Yes, it's lonely out on reality island.

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1) Reality Island! It should be capitalized. Because it is a real place and real places are capitalized.

2) Lonely! Which is why forming communities is so important. Even remnant communities. Only I am too old to do anything with any heartfelt vigor. (All dogs have their day, so to speak)

3) The Western World no longer exists. The United States is a series of non-existing corporatized fiction, which is to say that the United States does not exist. It's all so terribly difficult to take in.

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I have not heard anyone use the term corporatized fiction in some time. I also don't think I recall where I heard that....maybe in the context of corporations being legal fictions?

I enjoy your comments, and hope to read more of them!

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Yeah I saw that. Wiles is bad news

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Thanks for posting this. I saw this the other day and meant to post it. Renz is doing great work.

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I just sent this link to Pres Trump on Truth Social, and I pray that he will watch and take heed. Thank you to Renee Morris!

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Thanks for the link! I delight in poking those suffering from TDS, and that’s the entirety of my hometown of Berkeley, but unless there is a vax mea culpa between now and November, I’ll continue to be a non-voter. Not that it would matter in CA anyhow.

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I suppose I'm the other non-TDS sufferer in Berkeley. I'll vote for Trump but it won't matter. There's only so much he can do anyway. We're so far gone as a nation, a culture, a civilization and we can't vote our way out of it.

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I watched it. Renz and Jones keep trying to pound their round peg into the square hole that Trump is. He’s “The World’s Greatest Businessman” and he IDENTIFIES with these WEF “Business people” because they are his peers! He consults with Bill Gates and seeks his ADVICE on vaccines! He fired RFK Jr from his vaccine advisory committee and placed two Pfizer bigwigs on it! Im telling you people “Trump is INVESTED in the vaccine industry!!” Its what the Greatest Businessmen Do! When they see a “Sure Thing” they INVEST! Someone, PLEASE Look into the web of holding companies Trump owns and controls! I guarantee you he made HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS off the Covid vaccine!!

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You may be right, and if you can guarantee it, that means you can show proof. Please!

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I know, it is frustrating that so many fail to even consider the possibility that Trump is in on the con...Anything is possible, but not to many on these threads, or intelligent seeming folk like Renz and Jones.

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We listened to that interview too. Highly recommended! We’re hoping Sir Jeff can shed some light on the content!

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That is my biggest concern for Trump... now and if and when he's elected

DJT has a propensity for taking counsel... and/or accepting friendship offered... from less than trustworthy actors.

I'm sure it's not a 'simple' thing to surround oneself with ONLY good and worthy advisors. But there must be a predominance of those people who have his ear AND WHO ARE LOOKING OUT FOR HIS WELLBEING!

In addition, Believers must be praying for Donald Trump to be ultimately guided by the HOLY SPIRIT.

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Thanks for pointing this out. I follow Vigilantnews also. 👍

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Will listen. These things (people) raise my hackles!

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Renee, Yikes - thanks for pointing that out. That Trump allies with anyone with the affiliations of Susie Wiles is a BIG concern.

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Apr 30Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, I noticed there was some commotion about a gunsmith in New York state who believed he had done everything right as far as making guns or parts but ran afoul of the ATF anyway. In court the judge said the the Second Amendment had no place in her courtroom. I was hoping you would have written about that today. Could you research that for us? Thanks for whatever you can do or not!

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This dude. https://www.givesendgo.com/dtaylor_2a_legal

"The State of New York believes I'm a Dangerous Felon -- because I'm also an gunsmith.

Because I quietly exercised my Second Amendment rights at home, building weapons and developing weapons-science and new hardware/software products, I was raided by an NYPD / ATF task force in April of 2022.

(At the time, I was a member in good standing of the Westside Rifle and Pistol Range in Manhattan.)

We're fighting the case now. If I lose, I'm looking at 18 years in prison -- but of course there is no guarantee that I'll win. "

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Time for a multiplier.

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Reminds me of the Ruby Ridge entrapment. Several years ago I watched an excellent documentary. I believe it was on fox business ( before Fox Nation) & was eye opening for me to see the truth laid out. Believe it or not they did a terrific piece. One of the daughters, who was grown when the documentary was filmed, told much of the story. Remember, her brother & mother were murdered in cold blood. Everyone around knew it. What a travesty when fed law enforcement gets away with murder.

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Ruby Ridge and Waco.

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Not to sound racist but it’s probably because he’s a black man. They’re scared as hell at the prospect of black people legally embracing their 2A rights.

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That’s not racist. Their worst nightmare is seeing black and brown people stream out of their control.

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If they wake up to the propaganda they have been bombarded with....

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Yup! That dude! Thanks.

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Sounds like they thought you were playing with matches too close to the big kegs of gun powder. Best of luck and freedom wishes. I think you will succeed.

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The Judge- Abena Darkeh. I was reading another article about this case and someone commented that Mayor's appointing judges is weird. But here is the article.


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Quite frankly, they can roll out all the experimental vaccines they want as long as they're the first ones in line. Given recent history, I think THAT would be a worthwhile turbo experiment. Hey, maybe roll up the sleeves of THEIR kids arms??....let's give that a whirl.....though I sense possible resistance. How odd?? I can't imagine why??? A narcissistic self-admitted eugenicist with no medical training whatsoever at the wheel of the vaccine profit and disease bus.....What could go wrong? As far as mandates go.....cram 'em up your cake hole.

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I liked this as I got a glimpse of it on an "X" meme.

A clarion call still today.

"The biggest difference between us"?

You took the shot, and because I did not,

you then wished somehow I also should die.

I watched you take the shots, and in the hands of fate and time,

prayed every day that you wouldn't." R

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Try reading the Ukraine section and insert vax/covid debacle. It’s the same story “…from winning to avoiding defeat…” From prevention to you ended up in the ICU but at least you’re not dead. It’s uncanny how formulaic the monsters are.

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Evil isn’t creative. It uses literal bureaucracy, guilt, and shame to manipulate people into doing its bidding. Creativity comes from God as does order, and in Gods creation there is creativity, innovation and inspiration!!

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"All of Michael’s TikTocking is fair game for trial. It can all be played to the jury, to show how Michael is making money off hating President Trump."

Its almost as if some people still think the 'justice system' is about justice or anything similar. Oohhh, the jury will hear about it.... I'm sure that will restore sanity to the world.

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One sane mind among them willing to suffer and be ruined should end this macabre showcase of the Circus of American "just-ice" on world display...it IS a JOKE; North Korean Legal System looks honorable in comparison, who'd want to do business in the USA?? ONLY Communists who OWN the System and their friends suckling off of them. If Trump is a threat to Democracy then the Court System has already destroyed the Republic and is stomping its decayed corpse onto the pavement through this sham. Disgusting, embarrassing to be a citizen of this s-it hole Commune of Corruption.

Russell Jack's book MAGA Terrorism explains everything we KNOW to be TRUE of the Co-opted Communist American Left--ALL Frauds posing as impartial and concerned patriots, any action against these smug elitists is potentially a threat to THEIR Cartel-Run Democracy, Their FAKE 2 Party System, Their Fundamentally Transformed Constitution.

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NY and Georgia are showing the rot of justice but thankfully justice is not totally gone in other states/counties. DT appointed over 200 federal judges that hopefully will make a difference overall.

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The brakes are to the floor and smoking; maybe the bus won't go over the cliff but teeter half-off?

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There was one juror who was on Truth Social.

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One wonders why, though. To participate constructively or troll?🤔

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Yep, I suspect to fraudulently show “unbiased” and ensure a spot on the jury.

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It should be renamed "The injustice system"!

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We are in the Kali Yuga so that makes sense. It’s all leaning towards the evil ones—but the good news is—we’re leaving it now.

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The "Just-Us" system.

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Remember this:

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

― George Orwell, 1984

This Orwell 1984 t-shirt is perfect for these times: t.co/EKkMWeTAPG

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Why, hello there retail shill.

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“Just people selling t-shirts. Just opportunity to participate in the pathetic little circus.”

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Another commercial for a t-shirt. If I was once interested…. your constant popping up has completely disinterested me.

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Perhaps H.B should advertise on OnlyFans.

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Probably already does 😛

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I thought Henry Kissinger said that.... Oh he said that about the food, energy, and money.

I'd buy that tshirt!

"It's not a matter of what is true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true." Kissinger is correct and who controls our perception???

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Lots of word play today... here's what just popped in my head... we've all been "kis-injured"... the ultimate Judas that betrayed all of humanity.

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Trump thinks he is upstanding guy. Maybe he was being facetious.

Talk about a mass murderer... He is probably where the thirst is never quenched and the fire never ceases.

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IMO, Trump is the master of doublespeak... I know, I know, "art of war". But at what point do you listen to your gut? Deception is deception, especially when it is perpetrated on the very people that trust you the most and are willing to make excuses for every move you make. And yes, the homicidal maniac, AKA Kissinger, is in a place of dark torment.. of this I am certain.

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Art of the Deal and the Art of War...

Sorry I am black pilled. However, I put my trust in Jesus so that is my hope.

There are a lot of deceivers. Just turn on the TV. All of them...

Trump still supports the jabs and a couple other major things.

Voting does not matter as it is a poll which is a public opinion.

We get to pick from who the gov lets run for president.

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I think he hates himself more than Trump! All the wasted opportunities and to now be on Tic Toc asking crazy!

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

Trump is already referencing the podcast and twitter posts in his appeal against the gag order ("it's not fair to gag him while the witnesses are actively slandering him publicly"), which is probably why they wanted Cohen to take them down. Sure bet that he'll also point to the Tiktok ones if it comes up.

(And the fact that Cohen immediately broke the spirit of his promise gives some hints about his character...)

As messed up as the judicial system is, it still tends to respond to incredibly obvious things that the public will notice. They wouldn't want to get a bad reputation, after all!

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Jeff can we get an exposé on another factor in the transgender equation? I would love a deep dive on this. An important factor in the gender dysphoria equation: Bisphenols (plastics), Atrazine (Round-Up) and other endocrine disrupting chemicals alter sexuality even in the womb (by triggering aromatase to dominate the body with estrogen). So, Yes this is a social issue, but the corporate oligarchs would much rather have us fighting over pronouns than addressing the chemical root of the problem. Here is a 2008 PBS documentary (they have scrubbed from PBS website) about bisphenols (gov has since clamped down on Bisphenol A, but there are multiple bisphenols). And you can watch 2014 NPR Tyron Hayes, Silencing the Scientists (now taboo for NPR to admit) regarding "CHEMICAL CASTRATION."



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A question for the “wokesters” pushing gender as a choice —

Riddle me this — if GENITALS don’t define Gender, how does removing them affirm it?

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It is truly illogical isn’t it. Remove a little boy’s penis so he can fit the “stereotype “ of a girl. If they were really against stereotyping gender, as we’re forcefed constantly then genitals would be irrelevant. No one would have to change anything. A simple declaration would suffice. These adults are so confused. Unfortunately their confusion can scar a child for life.

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Damn Credenda — you’re spewing a whole lot of “common-sense,” how dare you!

Bravo — well put! 👍🏻👍🏻✅

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To be fair, I don't think they're castrating prepubescent boys although if there's a case I'd like to hear about it. They are however putting both boys and girls on puberty blockers and that's bad enough.

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Jazz Jennings. Many others but now somewhat secretive because of pushback.

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We've become a society that is obsessed with enabling all sorts of mental health and addiction maladies. It's the result of decades of psychologizing everything and making pop psychology our core cultural product. The wokesters are just a particularly unintelligent group of such enablers.

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RU — Brilliant! Rock-on witcha bad self. You got it — spot on! 👍🏻👍🏻✅

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I just read a weird story on instagram that said the worshipers of a certain Tran religion, shoot their kids up in vitro at 8 weeks when a fetus is starting to get washed with the appropriate hormones.

This turns their body into the opposite sex from what it was meant to be, making the baby a Tran at birth.

Before covid, I would have thought this was crazy-talk, but the libs have taught me that imagination is more important than facts, so I’m going with it😉

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The thing is, there are people who see having a trans kid as some kind of badge of honor so I can totally see those kinds of people doing this 😕

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It’s a status symbol for some liberal white suburban women, much like adopting a biracial kid used to be.

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Yep. Rather than bragging about having the latest Gucci bag...they brag about all their trans kids. And pat themselves on the back, they are so virtuous. *gag*

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They treat their children like status symbols. Munchausen by Proxy. No wonder we were all introduced to that particular syndrome in movies and TV—like the 6th Sense. The evil ones think that if they tell us what they’re doing, it negates their karma because we go along with it.

Let’s stop going along.

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Yes! We have to fight them.

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Destroying their child's life has become the virtue-signal du jour. It's really something to behold. Narcissism at its highest point.

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It’s revolting 😞

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It's child sacrifice. Period.

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children used to be treated as future adults in training.

now many are treated like pampered pets,or accessories. they feed on their children or throw them to moloch

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Indeed 😞

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A lesbian couple in Washington, DC, both of whom were deaf, made it into the WaPo many years ago now, for arranging to have their semen donor be deaf, with a particular genetic defect, so their baby was born deaf. They considered it a triumph.

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WHAT IN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THESE ASSHOLES???? Demon possessed? Absolutely. What makes us think that demonic possession is just a Biblical phenomenon?

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No different than Aztecs to ensure the sun rises each day ripping out beating human hearts and letting the sacrificial victims' blood run down the steps of their temple pyramids. Sadism and torture as a religion.

But, congrats, Aztecs! Their horrific abuse of the local masses they as "the people of the north" conquered around year 1300 and then ruled by fear for about 200 years opened the door to Cortez who in 1520-1 with a few dozen Spanish horses and soldiers conquered all of Mexico with the help of those locally abused people. That's how such sadistic evil practices end from the Aztecs to Ghenghis Khan.

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I believe in demonic possession. It was believed in the Assembly of God Church I grew up in. And the True Catholic Church believes it and practices exorcism. But Jesus’ warning about filling a ‘cleansed’ soul with righteousness so that 7 more demons don’t move in, is very important.

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Yes...most definitely. We are more spirit than flesh but people don't understand that.

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Wow. It's one thing to love and care for a disabled child that one happens to conceive, but quite another to intentionally conceive a child with a disability. I would go so far as to call it pre-emptive child abuse.

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Unfortunately, they are goi g to see their kids turn on them once they see what they did to them. Suicide is high among the kids and once one takes a parent with them, others will copy.

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Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised at all 😕

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how very sick our society has become. When evil is good, and good is evil. Pray for our country and the world, as we sink into hell.

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Oh Dear Lord please help us!

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Never heard of it but would this be fee for service or is “health insurance” paying? Sounds like and elective expensive prenatal “care”.

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Ive been hearing/reading that the v had a hormonal additive as well.

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The Return of the Gods by Johnathan Kahn. A very ancient evil was invited back with the ‘sexual revolution’. It has grown and morphed over the decades. And like the parable Jesus told about the man cleansed of a demon, who didn’t seek to be righteous and was then possessed by 7 demons so that his final state was worse than the first, this evil god is worse than it was in ancient times.

So, yes, the boundaries are being continually pushed and I absolutely believe this is happening.

We have to recognize the enemies. We have to throw them out of our homes, our communities, our nations.

We can’t tolerate them. We can’t accept them. We can’t participate with them.

They must leave with the power of Christ.

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Round-up in NOT atrazine. It IS glyphosate.

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Interesting 🧐 also the new weight loss drug has many major side effects but one big one is loss libido, of joy, feelings — taste for food and how many women are in this now?!?

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Thank you for this. For me, everything is about removing us from our heart center. This moves us away from the Christ energy that evolves us.

Something wants us to be degraded for their own reasons.

I won’t go into it here but I have over 1000 posts on instagram explaining the spiritual war and who our enemy is.

If you are interested I can message you.

If we know ourselves(we don’t) and we know our enemy (we have no idea) we will win any battle—The Art of War.

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All of this is spiritual - if they can keep us pinned to the horizontal plane and harden our hearts they win. Your brief statement resonates deeply with me - the Christ impulse. I will check out your stack :). I write a simple blog to keep me sane and hope it helps others along the way. banjocatcreative.com

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I just subscribed - you write you sing... I write I sing :)

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Sounds like depression anorexia. There is a drug to combat those side-effects. Good ol pHarma! They get us. 😡😡😡

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Every receipt you get is tainted with these poisons.

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Not all - some stores are mindful of this such as Natural Grocers, for instance....but yes, sadly the vast vast majority are.

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Alex Jones called it years ago, "They're putting chemicals in the water that's turning the fricken frogs gay!" He was right, naturally, so he had to be marginalized and ruined.

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Which is why one presidential candidate has made captured federal agencies and the agricultural practices of the last 30 years that are now showing up in incredible rates of sickness a top priority. "Our food is being poisoned". https://www.kennedy24.com/revitalization

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I found this Tucker interview with a Russian philosopher removed any doubts about “how” but it’s the politically incessant push to change gender. Please listen to this latest. It’s all-revealing about Russia and why the West hates Putin, etc. (Only 17-20 minutes.)


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Apr 30Liked by Jeff Childers

Good morning and let’s have some fun today

After POTATUS signed a 61 Billion Dollar check for Ukrania, he wrote in the ledger “For Business Expenses “ and gave it to his attorneys

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“POTATUS” 😆😂 Spewed the ☕️ once that hit my remaining neurons!

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LOLOLOL me too!!!🤣🤣🤣

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And the check is still bouncing. We’re determined to shoot ourselves in the foot and our aim is getting better. Maybe the Ukraine-aid gravy train went off the rails in Ohio, or is stuck upstream of the FSK Bridge, or the military-industrial-complex grunts have been vaxxed off the assembly line.

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I understand Trump’s trial is a hoax, and you understand it’s a hoax, but the million dollar question is will the jury know it’s a hoax. I’m leaning towards no.

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I agree but I don’t underestimate his main Attorney “HASHEM”.

So far his record is impressive and every time he comes out winning and swinging

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Where did you hear or read that it was a hoax?

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Lol. Surely, you jest.

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Ha ha - omg I took her seriously- of course it’s a hoax 😊

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Good...I was a little worried. 🤣

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Apr 30Liked by Jeff Childers

"...Cherry Ripple colon cleanse." 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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I have another question that I haven't seen anyone else ask. If an EUA was needed to deploy the mRNA covid shot, how are they legally putting mRNA in nearly all injectables now with no notice and no EUA??? Inquiring minds want to know!

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That’s a great question. It seems MRNA has been in pork since 2017. Who controls the pork industry? listen to this episode to find out.


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I’ve heard that also. But I’m about to ask a “maybe” stupid question. Does baking, cooking, frying, etc. destroy it? I read that mRNA is just a delivery method, after all. It’s what it delivers is the questionable part.

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May 1·edited May 1

Knowing the very basics of that kind of chemistry, I'm gonna go with "probably yes", but don't take that as medical advice.

RNA breaks down quickly on its own without the lipid particles to protect it, and it's likely that cooking temperatures would either evaporate or break down the lipids, or be hot enough to degrade the RNA even inside them. Consider that the shots are supposed to be kept in cold storage prior to use, so obviously heat is bad for them.

(And yes, mRNA is a natural part of biology; all animals (including humans) have it as part of their normal functioning to carry genetic messages (that's the 'm' part) within cells. The problem is when it codes for some kind of abnormal protein, like in the COVID shots.)

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May 1·edited May 1

Thank you for that comprehensive answer. Cooking at high temps kills botulism.

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How about organic pork?

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Know your farmer. Ask if he/she vaccinated or uses a de-wormer of any kind. Any injectable these days, has mrna and a whole lot more garbage in it-- even if labeled "organic". That designation is so bastardized.

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I stopped buying grocery store pork 2 years ago when it was disclosed that it was adulterated with genetic material. Now I buy directly from a farm.

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I stopped buying (most) pork because there's no flavor and because PIGS HAVE SUCH PERSONALITY! I know, weird, but it's why I don't eat octopus anymore. They're magical, SMART, charismatic creatures, which shrimp never are lol.

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

Commercial chicken tastes like cardboard. Both pork and chicken have wonderful flavor when pastured raised on a farm. I've been buying my chicken and pork from Wild Pastures and you can tell the difference. My son uses Butcher Box but they don't carry pork.

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I know what you mean. Pigs are very smart and when they don’t have piglets they can be very affectionate. I know this is a cop out but when I eat pork or beef I try not to rember all the cute animals I watch on YouTube videos.

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Thanks, I've been wondering what pork I can safely eat.

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None. Scripture forbids it.

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I'm so glad the New Covenant replaced OT rules.

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Phil, if I understand correctly, the FDA ruled that the original safety data for the mRNA vaccine was deemed safe and there was no need to replicate the studies since the same platform is used for all applications.

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Which, of course is all horse &$#@, by the existing laws, rules, and ethics standards.

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Of course the FDA ruled. They have no safety data - just a bunch of marketing lies. Or maybe I should say no data they want to share - for some reason.

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30Liked by Jeff Childers

Dark Horse media also recently interviewed Forrest Maready and covered Maready's book "The Moth in the Iron Lung."

Seems we're starting to blowup the sick/corrupted foundation of the Vax Cult.

Honestly ... as recently as 2021 I never thought I'd see anything like this in a wider discussion...


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Thanks for the link, Kelli. Bret's "evolution" has been something to watch the past few years. I'm sure he never imagined holding the views he now explores in his podcasts.

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Ok that was fascinating! I’d say best part was the last 40-1/2 hour. I already pledged never to take another vax, but this really cements that.

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And I’m listening to it on my drive tomorrow and back Sunday!

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Excellent Book!

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A few years ago I was in a tea towel shop in Paris, Le Jacquard Francais, and found a pretty towel that had a Parisien scene of a tall man walking his dog and it somehow reminded me of Trump, who is what, 6 ft 2? Unlike Frenchmen who are what, 4 ft 5? Anyway, I call it my Trump towel. Melania is also in the picture. I don’t know why this French brand didn’t put Macron in this drawing but see for yourself: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71AYxjcQZeL._AC_UL960_QL65_.jpg

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Looks like Trump, head shape, body type, etc.

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That’s so funny! Even a young Barron.

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Well it could’ve represented Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, Jacques Chirac or Charles de Gaulle, who were all over 6 ft tall 😉

Le Jacquard Français is a good brand, very nice quality textiles.

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You certainly know your French history!

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(I guess they wanted to sell towels) 😂

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Yeah putting a macaron on their towels would be a better sales strategy than putting a Macron on them 😬

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Put Macron on toilet paper and inventory would be wiped out overnight ;)

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You’re probably right!! 🤣😆

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Wow, I can totally see that!

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It *is* him!

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It’s his hair! He just doesn’t have a dog but everything else: Trump. 😂

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Nice catch...I suppose you could look for all the symbolism on it as well. Very interesting! ♥

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The WHO is a totally criminal entity that must be litigated and dismantled off the face of the earth and its upper level employees tried and jailed. Nothing THE WORLD HELL ORGANIZATION does has any legitimacy.

EQUITY is Orwellian doublespeak for equal ENSLAVEMENT of us proles under the technocratic parasitical malevolent rule by control freak, power-mad psychos. The word EQUITY makes my blood boil whenever I hear it now that I understand its true meaning.

A vast majority of so-called leaders and Public 'Serpents' around the world have been bribed, blackmailed/coerced into serving the interests of their technocratic New World Ordure parasite masters and not We the People.

The world needs a lot more rejections of the WHO's nefarious schemes.

So much admiration for James Roguski, may 2024 see the fruition of their indefatigable efforts and the defeat and dismantling (jailing?) of these noxious power-mad money-grubbers!

Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.

'The WHO is a criminal organization that must be disbanded and prosecuted along with its individual members and member organizations to the full extent of the law.

There can be no negotiating with it or explaining to it beyond what is necessary to remove any records, assets, power, or immunities it has, and to pursue such criminal charges.'

Thanks to James Roguski for constantly reminding us about the insidious wickedness threatening us all, embodied in DEMENTED DOCUMENTS DEPLOYED by crooks and liars!

Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant parasites are perpetrating!


Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.

There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!

May the WHO and all its affiliate parasite scum be made to vanish from the face of the earth!

SCREW THE WHO AND THE HORSE THEY RODE IN ON! They can stick their damned treaties, slave passports and IHR where the sun don't shine and if you follow the 'Early Treatment Protocols' and get plenty of regular exercise, which I do, you will never get sick!


Kudos also to Jeff Childers' heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!

Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living!

All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.

Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links. RejectDigitalEnslavement.com

It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.


Migrant/Entrant Invasion/Infrastructure Attacks - all part of the destructive plot to achieve total slavery!

There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!

















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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Tedros is a war criminal.

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Tedros is a perverted freak along the lines of Schwab.

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He has the face of a pedo.

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Both dead.

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He’s a known criminal.

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Let’s add Gates to that list as well.

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Now, Amy, can you tell us how you really feel, please?

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All of her posts are ridiculously long cut and paste jobs. Same info over and over again.

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I scroll right past her comments, just like I do for NN’s posts.

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I agree. She needs to post that stuff on her own substack. She could link it here and those wanting to read her ‘shtuuf’ could go there. It’s as though she is trying to us Jeff’s substack as her own.

I resent that.

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She seems a little shy, you have to read between the lines.

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

Too many damn lines- lol

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World Hell Organization. Love it! Gonna use that one.

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Best post I've read in a long time!!!! Thank you.

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Yes, maybe a battle or skirmish won but the war is not over. Good info and links

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probably the biggest most blatant threat of all. cut off the WHO's head and the rest of the serpent may writhe but will die

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There's some rumoring of Biden using a Climate Emergency excuse for an executive order to enact tyranny reminiscent of the covid era.

I guess they have several cards they could play to impact the election.

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And no doubt they will. But many are awake to it now…hoping it’s enough, but not optimistic.

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Be optimistic...Pessimism goes nowhere light and bright...just brings more negative! Words are important.

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I’m naturally an optimist, and in the big picture I see better days, but not so optimistic about this upcoming presidential election. I’m just feeling like the globalists are going to get the guy they want and it’ll be to our county’s detriment.

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I keep hearing there wont be an election. feels right. National EMERGENCY/October Surprise headed our way? Probably CLIMATE CHANGE CRISIS. lol, funny, not funny, of course.

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or well funded riots from the "imported troops". hard to vote in person when you're being blown up or shot at every time you go out.

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Just read your e-mail from Air BnB updating their cancellation policy. How did they get that inside info?

"We’re updating our Extenuating Circumstances Policy and changing its name to make it easier to understand.

The revised Major Disruptive Events Policy will apply to all trips and Experiences taking place on or after June 6, 2024, regardless of when they were booked.

What’s changing in the policy?

Foreseeable weather events at the reservation’s location are explicitly eligible for coverage if they result in another covered event, such as a government travel restriction or large-scale utility outage.

The policy will only apply to events in the place where the reservation is located. Events that impact a guest’s ability to travel to the reservation are no longer covered.

Your continued use of the Airbnb Platform from June 6, 2024, constitutes acceptance of the updated Major Disruptive Events Policy.

Thank you for being a member of our community.


The Airbnb Team"

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Like FDR in 1933 using WW1's Trading with the Enemy law to grab everyone's gold coins while one of his top economic advisors was the son of Paul Warburg who organized the infamous 1910 Jekyll Island meeting to draft the Federal Reserve's enabling law effective just in time to let US money printing presses go burrrrr in time WW1 kick-off. Control freaks will do ANYTHING to feed their insatiable needs for more power and money.

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It was reported on Napolitano You Tube channel yesterday that as soon as the money was sent that numerous Ukrainian officials fled the country each taking millions of dollars with them. Our country is toast.

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Ben Harnwell’s theory on the $61 Billion to Ukraine, is to help insure Ukraine does not fall to Russia before the Election. So, Judas M. Johnson is supporting Biden’s re-installation. Didn’t he just meet with Trump?

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I’ve already concluded that Mike Johnson is a total traitor.

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Will someone do a photo comparison of him and the Kuleba guy? I swear they are brothers….

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Just look at a photo of Johnson lately. He’s been compromised and told what he has to do. They have control of him.

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They have control over every congress member. Dual citizenship with Israel...KZwarches from the gallery to make sure all comply!

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

Yes, and supposedly Trump proposed the money be turned into a loan? Lol, yea, like that is happening from Z and his cesspool of corruption.

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Yeah, that has me thinking Trump will get us into war too at some point. I feel betrayed by his support and collaboration with Mitch McConnell over this bill. As always, nothing for the border.

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And little Mikey Johnson fell for it.

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yes but were any Epstein videos involved in this "change of heart"? same question for Trump.

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Taking yet another page front the Do as You are Told or Else….booklet….

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yup, government by BLACKMAIL

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It was all about Israel for him anyway.

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And the names of the senators who voted to give them the money. I suspect these officials might actually be accountants for some of our senators who might see the end coming for them in November.

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Of course they did. After 10% to the big guy

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Do you really think the US sent money? Do you really think Ukraine could ever beat Russia?

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Money laundering. Total waste of our tax dollars by the MIC who seem intent on destroying us all. Really stupid people too.

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An overextended empire always goes broke. How many countries are we planning war with now? Our economy is toast! But maybe that’s the plan. Easier to control and implement the Reset.

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Agree. Seems deliberate and seemingly appearance of backroom deals made for post Constitutional government which will be catastrophic involving tyranny and theft. Friggin traitors.

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Yep, and then when our own society begins collapsing, all of those weapons of war get removed from abroad and are returned home to be used on us. Fun.

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The money sent to Ukraine is probably on the Paxlovid Express.......... and will boomerang itself back to the Dem. party campaign fund.

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