Men winning women's awards; Supreme Court transitions transgender arguments; Daniel Penny trial update; nearly all federal workers have vanished; Tucker Carlson returns to Moscow; and more.
His issues began when they shot him full of synthetic chemicals and called it “Vitamin K” (it isn’t!) and then HepB, yes, and STD shot AT BIRTH, then proceeded to give him 4-6 doses every few months for the rest of his toddlerhood and early childhood.
If you think the food is bad, try injecting fetal DNA of both sexes, HEK-cells, formaldehyde, alcohol, antifreeze, bovine cells, monkey kidney… I could go on & on. It’s IN the shots.
re: "If you think the food is bad, try injecting fetal DNA of both sexes...."
I wonder what percent of the gender confusion we are seeing in recent years is related to infants & children receiving the fetal DNA of the opposite sex. Surely there is a tremendous amount of brainwashing going on in our culture. But I would bet that it is not just brainwashing. There are unnatural biological factors at work. $cience.
THIS is the root cause. The other assaults on the health of our children mentioned by Biblical Man are important, but if we ignore the devastation that vaccines are causing our kids, they will never have a chance at health. No one likes to be labeled an “anti-vaxxer.” I imagine this is why time after time everything except vaccines is mentioned as the cause of the horrible health outcomes of our children. It is time to take on the label.
Yep this definitely has an effect! Can't remember which book I read (I was pregnant with our 4th at the time, preparing for my 3rd natural birth) - this book covered studies which showed the impact of natural vs synthetic oxytocin - and howbit affected not only the child, but the relationship with the mother as well. I'm of course an advocate for c section when it's truly medically necessary - but usually it's the very actions taken by the hospital that cause the need for it in the first place. For example - contractions caused by artificial induction are MUCH stronger than natural contractions (i know this from personal experience!) The induced contractions put too much stress on the baby, it's heart rate goes up, the staff says the baby is having problems, and they must do emergency surgery to save the baby. It's a domino effect of allll the "helpful" things a hospital does. Our current society has forgotten that pregnancy is NOT a medical issue. It's natural and often times can progress beautifully on its own, since a woman's body is designed to give birth!
but, but, but, a scheduled inducement is so much better than going in the middle of the night or disrupting the doc's golf game... and anything that forces a c-section makes it even more convenient, the doc can deliver more babies if they're all induced, & then c-sectioned... money, money, money!!
100% true! This happened to me: the MD lied about the results of and ultrasound, pushed a pitocin- induced early delivery, which, yes, felt much worse than the subsequent completely natural delivery, and sure enough the baby went into distress. I was wheeled into the OR but narrowly escaped a cesarean.
Fortunately our bonding was not affected and 27 years later we still have a strong bond. But if I would ever use the word “hate” it would be for the MDs involved. They also falsified my records after the fact as a second excuse for the c-section.
Please label me as anti-vaccines. No vaccine has ever worked. Polio stopped when DDT stopped. Polio has been renamed Guillain-Barré syndrome, same thing.
WOULD WEAR IT WITH PRIDE! Why? Because it affirms that what God created (in most every pregnant woman) is perfectly made... We DONT need to improve upon God's handiwork, we normally mess it up instead...
He provided good land, to grow good food... who messed that up? We DID... and now we have celiac disease, any number of food allergies, less than nutritious real food...AND ALL TOO REAL DISEASE
He established the Family Unit for the raising and nurturing of children...who messed that up? We DID... We left our first responsibilities as moms and were bamboozled to enter the work force outside our homes.... leaving the "education" of our children to strangers with values very different than ours, all for the sake of a few more dollars that we MUST spend on extra car & gas, babysitters, after school programs, less than desirable strangers looking after AND INFLUENCING our most prized possessions...OUR CHILDREN!
We have been lied to in just about every area of our living, by those who see us ONLY as a means to enrich themselves... I used to think my government was interested in doing me good, in protecting me, passing & enforcing laws for my benefit... call me Pollyanna...
I used to think that schools were there to actually educate my children, then I got to hear the indoctrination that my sons had to endure as early as 5th grade, "what are your pronouns?" and this was not English class....
I used to think going to the doctor was to find someone who was actually interested in healing me, not profiting from me and keeping me ill, or worse yet, causing my demise...
IN ALL THIS, I find OUR government in cahoots with many "other entities" Deep State let's say, planning and conniving against me and my....I would despair....
Exactly! Proud anti-vaxxer here. I only wish I would have been one when I was much younger. We are influenced so much by propaganda without even realizing it. I’m much more aware and less trusting than I used to be.
I am of the same thinking…all this so called ‘gender dysphoria’ is a result of the crazy “Childhood Vaccine Schedule” and the resulting “vaccine injury” that is happening in these kids. It has pushed them on to the Autism Spectrum, they are vulnerable prey, easily groomed and persuaded to think they are a boy in a girl’s body and vice versa! This ‘gender dysphoria’ doesn’t come as a result of these children all,of the sudden saying they are a girl trapped in a boys body. No, it’s a result of the culture and environment in which they are being raised, by parents and teachers, that support and encourage this.
Oh and BTW…This She/He Government Attorney Chase Strangio, may appear to look like a man, but when She/He opens their mouth to speak, it’s a whole other deal! She/He has a very distinctive female voice. Almost makes Her/Him seem like a clown. 😳
Even if hormones were to cause eruptions of brutishly masculine hairy knuckles it can never add enough bone size to mask the smaller fine-boned characteristics of feminine hands. 🤚🏼
Precisely why YHWH gave his chosen people clear instructions in the Torah about how to protect and even heal the divine genome they inherited from Adam, including to avoid blood at all costs and refrain from tattoos and piercings…
Once you realize that there are two bloodlines of humans on Earth, everything gets much clearer. Genesis 3:15 — (YHWH speaking to the Serpent/Devil) “I will put enmity (hatred) between you and the woman (Eve, or all women?), and between your offspring (who are the Serpent’s offspring?) and her offspring (Yeshua and the other descendants of Adam?); he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” In Hebrew, one of the meanings of the root word for “heel” is “to supplant.” Yeshua and Adam’s other descendants were intended to supplant the reign of the Serpent and his offspring on Earth, but the Serpent will injure and try to prevent those who carry the Divine Genome from supplanting him.
Read doctors’ rebuttals to a newly anti-vaxxer’s substack. Truly disheartening. Stayed up waaay to late responding politely to the most ridiculous. Much work to be done.
Considering the ridicule, lies, and attacks since we let Radical Feminism and the Free Love movement in the house, it’s amazing we still stand. Shaky knees, yes, but God is gracious. Now that the momentum is turning His way, I’m reminded of imperatives for staying in grace and tapping into His power. Hey, you, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly” (Colossians 3:16). Hey, you, “Seek My face” (2 Chronicles 7:14). Hey, you, “Pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
We have a problem with death, darkness and demons. Period. As I have said before this is a war for the souls of man. Align with God or succumb to death.
We have to make a choice. Those who do not are still making a choice.
I hope you will answer this question for me. It's really important for future work.
I believe mail in "voting" violates the Equal Protection Clause. Why?
A walk in voter must present ID to even get a ballot and the ballot remains either in his possession or the possession of the county forever. Perfect Chain of Custody.
A mail in "voter" does not have to present ID to get a ballot and NO One knows who actually gets it, votes it, signs it and returns it. The ballot leaves the possession of the voter and the county and chain of custody is forever broken. It cannot be re-established because someone at the county determines a signature, after the fact, establishes identity or chain of custody.
What say you? Do I have an arguable case? Would you take it?
There is a way, it is called the Initiative. Look in your state's constitution. It should have something similar to what is in Arizona's Constitution. AZ Consti Article 4, Part 1, Section 1, sub para 8 reserves the power of the initiative to the electors at County level and below. It is supremely important power reserved to the people, but only if we know and use it. See it here: Read the whole thing, to understand how the creators of the Constitution created legislative power for us.
I'm working on a plan.... I will see how many people on here are even interested in becoming the "boots on the ground" required to successfully implement retaking our elections from those who have stolen them from us.
My now ex-husband and I used to be members (for a short time) of a group called Global Prosperity Group. They were similar to the John Birch Society and taught that once you get a Social Security number, you become a slave of the Federal Corporation known as the United States Federal Government, and are therefore subject to the laws of that entity, which exists in Washington D.C. I think that’s why anyone who commits a “crime” within the city limits of Washington D.C. gets the book thrown at them. J6 and abortion clinic protesters certainly come to mind…
What makes anyone think that the Federal Power should have anything whatsoever to do with any elections? Was this ever so with the original organic Constitution for the United States? And yes, the difference between 'for' as found in the original organic constitution 'for the United States', and the 'of' as to the corporate replacement constitution is key and telling. 'For' implies outside agency acting up (as in drafting and ratifying as constitution), while 'of' implies inside and independent of outside agency (as in a corporation drawing up corporate by-laws as its rule of law).
Is the created creature greater than the creator? The Bible asks this question and its a doozy. The echo of the question is ... 'is the federated government greater than the states' which created it? (It thinks it is and acts so. And because this matter as to source of constitutional authority is never questioned, functionally and by praxis the Federal government acts the part of the tyrannical power at large. As stated above, the Big Lie was and is carefully concealed in the difference between two prepositions, 'for' and 'of'. And hardly a soul notices.
I think the power to conduct elections at County level is there for a reason. It is the closest to the Sovereign Citizens. We can overcome their theft of our election systems one county at a time through the Initiative process which they have tried to write out of existence or if not write it out, make it appear that it has been written out. And there is not a damn thing the state or feds can do about it about we citizens conducting Initiatives, they cannot even overcome the outcome of the election which would implement.
Still, Im wanting to know how the 14th's Equal Protection Clause might help us.
I don't know what NCLB means. But I do know that most people do not have a ghost of a chance as to acting upon the world in their own behalf because the most important things to know in life are suppressed, particularly as to pertinent game changing information.
I also know that it is almost impossible to disabuse people of what they think they know by bringing to light what they don't know, and therefore what they have never considered. And in the world of politically ordered chaos it is Out of Sight, Out of Mind which rules supreme in the body politic. The system is design on purpose to achieve this Alice in Wonderland effect of never knowing the true basis of one existence.
What is even more depressing is that because we learn in bits and pieces of information stretched out over many years, the tipped over apple cart of mis-education cannot readily be corrected in just a few fell sentences. And thus better and more proper knowledge, that which takes decades to understand never stands a chance of ever being implemented.
Having studied the General Assembly of Virginia in a stretch of four to five years intensely, and as to the above, I have determined for myself that those who are 'elected' are as clueless as the rest of the population. And that is the overwhelming most of them. Why is this? It is because that they too were mis-educated within the same system of mis-education as the rest of us. And again, Out of Sight, Out of Mind thus rules supreme in most of the 'ruling class'.
The Western World, the world I know the most about, is one giant cattle herding operation. And the Eastern saying of 'he who knows doesn't say' applies as to those who rule from behind the curtain. And even they the Supreme Ruling Class of the tiny fraction of a fraction of less than once percent, I suspect that they too are horribly very wrong footed in their intellectual organization.
NCLB is No Child Left Behind, Bush Jr’s initiative to set national K-12 academic standards. Eventually, Obama’s Race to the Top gutted game changing information from math, English, social studies, and civics classrooms. At the same time, it imprinted at least two generations with woke history and trash science. Too bad Indoctrination doesn’t come with instructions on how indoctrination works and how to escape it.
We let the powers take the Ten Commandments off campus and the Bible out of kids’ literature. We pretended there is no God and indoctrinated a generation of teachers who are now indoctrinating the next. History tells us the cycle is about as low as it can get, but the upswing is beginning. We witnessed a miracle at the polls, and Obama is incensed. Each of us helped make that happen, and we need to keep pushing. I imagine things will get uglier, but they’ve already made and keep making fatal mistakes.
History does show that every cross section of humanity contains good, mediocre, and rotten people. Our government literally represents that. I figure our representatives have more high-priced temptations than most of us, and therefore shorter shelf lives. We need to be better people, and our representatives need to be refreshed more often.
To me, it is a clear cut violation of the Equal Protection Clause, but I'm a Soldier, not a Lawyer. I'm convinced mail in voting was created to ensure wholesale election fraud was enabled and that a large pool of ballots would be available. Its why NGO spend so much time registering people - most of whom are low information people who don't intend to vote and many of whom are illegal and cannot even legally vote but due to the Federal Post Card Voter Registration, don't have to provide Documentary Proof of Citizenship. There are plenty of corrupt "county recorders" who do not care to verify.
Small precincts and strict limitations on mail-in ballots would take a load of slop out of the system. Between four of us working the general election, we knew most of our voters by name before they walked in, and they knew us. That’s pretty close to accountability. Next level up is the county election admin, now a friend, but not yet friendly enough for me to say, “Open the books and show me how you verified citizenship for our new voters.” (Most of that verification happens at the SOS leveI, and that's a hard nut to crack.) I don’t want to strongarm my admin or the SOS. I want to trust, but I’m dying to verify. Suggestions?
RH, It is the responsibility of each county recorder to verify citizenship of anyone registered to vote in their county. I would ask nicely to explain and demonstrate how each registered voter's citizenship was verified and including how they verify voters put on the voter rolls by outside agencies like MVD and SOS. If she/he doesn't comply, do a very specific and detailed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. That is not a strong arm request - although gubmint employees hate answering them because it makes them at least a little accountable.
You may not like what Im going to say next, but we are actually at the point where strong arm requests must be used if "nice" doesn't work. These people are elected, as employees, by us to do the work we pay them to do - they are not our friends. Many of them have summarily stolen our election processes from us with unchecked registration, connection of voter rolls to outside databases, ridiculous "signature verification" schemes which is not, and can never be legitimate verification, programmable machines and mail in voting never approved by the Citizens. (this is all based on the s_Election system currently in use in Arizona to steal elections.) Yours may not be as grotesque.
Thank you, DL. Working up the boldness to do that very thing. Prayers up for many of us to follow suit. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).
Nothing has changed in our SELECTION system in the 21st century: Money talks while B.S. walks. Should you exhibit hostility or lack fealty toward our un-ELected owners you will be summarily be "un-ELectedL". As long as the money flows unchecked we will not be able to fairly elect our leaders.All else is an American Fairy Tale.
Under attack forever, at the very least. If we vote, I think we largely elect people of apparent honor and character, and then we get busy living our lives. But even good people get lobbied and corrupted. Exhibit 1, John Cornyn. There's no substitute for constant vigilance.
re: largely elect people of apparent honor and character... I'm not so sure RH. Within the DNA of every politician lies the "con-artist" gene.
I do agree with constant vigilance.
I do think we are at a point where increased use of 2A vigilance is necessary. Yes, by the Divine Intervention of God, we got Trump across the finish line - but there were a whole lot of seats up and down the ticket stolen, during and after the election, and most folks are acting oblivious because we got Trump back.
Sure, cheaters always cheat, but across the country, there were a lot of seats won too. Way I see it, a lot of us worked our tails off to get Trump elected, and God magnified our efforts just like He says He will. But if we walked 20 miles into the woods, we’re not walking out in 10. Even so, we have a lot of top quality people getting into position behind Trump. I mentioned General Flynn somewhere recently. He’s back, and he has a long memory. I say keep your powder dry but hold fire while certification and inauguration play out.
We can take the s_Election system back from them and restore it to the People's ELECTION system. Every county needs to do this - they had no right to take over OUR elections on the premise they were making it easier for us and without getting our consent. Do you have programmable machines? When were they authorized for use and by whom?
It takes "boots on the ground" to create the Initiative, get the required number of electors to sign the petitions required and then making sure EVERYONE in the County understands the intent and purpose of the Initiative and then goes and votes. This includes critically watching to make sure no one can steal the election. Your Initiative should spell out how the election will be conducted. Most county supervisors/employees will not be happy with our efforts as they like determining who does and does not get elected- especially themselves. I do not trust any of them no matter how nice they appear. I do not trust any of them no matter how nice they appear to be - yes I said it twice. Most are either lazy, or corrupt, or corrupt and lazy - and they all think they own us, not vice versa. I am talking about Arizona... yours may be different, but I doubt it.
The older I get the more I see the younger people (those 40+) come to the truth. I am sure they feel silly like I did when I was 21 and found the Lord and also found out I did not know squat about truth and knowledge and was toting around a 3-year-old who was looking at and watching me.
And the glory of that 22% increase at the same time Biden's goons have been putting Bible-buyers' names on a special naughty list. Guess the Church does prosper under persecution. Take that, you Biden creeps!
Oh my, just the fact that this transgender issue has to go all the way to the Supreme Court says how far our society has fallen. There is no such thing as "gender affirming healthcare". Another euphemism for child mutilation and abuse.
Yes, how ironic that one government attorney is a trans named Strangio. Is this a movie script?
It’s giving credibility to the whims and logic of mental illness - schizophrenia, sociopathy, and narcissism. It really is just like the Batman movies where the insane are given the power to govern over the city. They care only about justifying and forcing their own twisted logic and reasoning at all costs. I believe half of them truly believe what they’re selling yet lack the gift of discernment and wisdom, but the other half see the insanity of it all and revel in watching it burn everything down. Demons among us.
Right? I have been posting about her for years, and her ridiculous and nasty treatment of women. She's right there with the ACLU, fighting to support laws that put violent male criminals into women's jails. IOW, cruel and unusual punishment for female inmates. She is disgusting. I am very glad to see these trans arguments fall apart as the insane nuttery they've always been. Now we need to figure out (I think I already know, though) how our society let it get this far.
Yes. "Be kind" but not to the women getting a violent male sex offender roommate. "Be tolerant" of your house or business being burned down by crazy race-baiters. Sure.
By Tom:
Sitting in my F-150 last night.
Reached under the seat for a wrench.
Found something else instead.
Grandpa's old King James.
Pages stained with:
• Diesel
• Grease
• Time
• Truth
Hadn't touched Scripture in years.
Been too focused on:
• Building the business
• Chasing success
• Growing followers
• "Living the dream"
But seeing Bible sales up 22% hit different.
Like finding that old Book wasn't accident.
My generation's chasing:
• Digital validation
• Virtual connections
• Portfolio gains
• Social influence
While Grandpa's generation built:
• Real strength
• True wealth
• Lasting legacy
• Godly wisdom
That old Bible smells like:
• Early mornings
• Hard work
• Quiet faith
• Real manhood
Maybe that's why folks are buying Bibles again.
We're starving for:
• Solid ground
• Hard truth
• Real answers
• Ancient wisdom
Grandpa didn't need:
• Self-help books
• Motivation apps
• Life coaches
• Success gurus
Just well-worn pages
And calloused hands
Think I'll keep this one out.
Right next to my tools.
Where it belongs.
Reposted By:
From Biblical Man:
Your 7-year-old wakes up exhausted.
Not because he's sick.
Because it's 6AM.
You pour him cereal.
Not because it's healthy.
Because it's quick.
He stares at an iPad.
Not because it's good for him.
Because you need to get ready.
The school calls later:
'He can't focus'
'He can't sit still'
'He needs testing'
The doctor writes a prescription.
Not because your boy is broken.
Because the system is.
The truth?
His brain is fighting:
- Chemical food dyes
- Sugar crashes
- Screen addiction
- Sleep deprivation
- Natural energy
But we medicate the child
Instead of fixing the cause.
Your grandfather's kids:
- Played outside
- Ate real food
- Slept well
- Moved freely
No pills needed.
Modern parenting isn't convenience.
It's warfare.
Against your own child.
Give him a chance:
- Clean food
- Real sleep
- Free play
- Natural movement
Before you give him pills.
The system wants patients.
Nature made warriors.
Choose wisely.
His issues began when they shot him full of synthetic chemicals and called it “Vitamin K” (it isn’t!) and then HepB, yes, and STD shot AT BIRTH, then proceeded to give him 4-6 doses every few months for the rest of his toddlerhood and early childhood.
If you think the food is bad, try injecting fetal DNA of both sexes, HEK-cells, formaldehyde, alcohol, antifreeze, bovine cells, monkey kidney… I could go on & on. It’s IN the shots.
re: "If you think the food is bad, try injecting fetal DNA of both sexes...."
I wonder what percent of the gender confusion we are seeing in recent years is related to infants & children receiving the fetal DNA of the opposite sex. Surely there is a tremendous amount of brainwashing going on in our culture. But I would bet that it is not just brainwashing. There are unnatural biological factors at work. $cience.
Endocrine disrupters are a problem and glyphosate is everywhere.
Had no idea and I watch these things minutely.
Live & Learn Fred....
Laura- you are a pest. 🪳. Go get your boosters and leave us alone.
Give it up Laura/Kara/Tara/Kim whoever TF you are. This will be my one and only time I will feed the troll.
Another booster please
THIS is the root cause. The other assaults on the health of our children mentioned by Biblical Man are important, but if we ignore the devastation that vaccines are causing our kids, they will never have a chance at health. No one likes to be labeled an “anti-vaxxer.” I imagine this is why time after time everything except vaccines is mentioned as the cause of the horrible health outcomes of our children. It is time to take on the label.
I always wonder about pitocin/synthetic oxytocin’s role in all of this too… so many induced births nowadays.
Yep this definitely has an effect! Can't remember which book I read (I was pregnant with our 4th at the time, preparing for my 3rd natural birth) - this book covered studies which showed the impact of natural vs synthetic oxytocin - and howbit affected not only the child, but the relationship with the mother as well. I'm of course an advocate for c section when it's truly medically necessary - but usually it's the very actions taken by the hospital that cause the need for it in the first place. For example - contractions caused by artificial induction are MUCH stronger than natural contractions (i know this from personal experience!) The induced contractions put too much stress on the baby, it's heart rate goes up, the staff says the baby is having problems, and they must do emergency surgery to save the baby. It's a domino effect of allll the "helpful" things a hospital does. Our current society has forgotten that pregnancy is NOT a medical issue. It's natural and often times can progress beautifully on its own, since a woman's body is designed to give birth!
but, but, but, a scheduled inducement is so much better than going in the middle of the night or disrupting the doc's golf game... and anything that forces a c-section makes it even more convenient, the doc can deliver more babies if they're all induced, & then c-sectioned... money, money, money!!
100% true! This happened to me: the MD lied about the results of and ultrasound, pushed a pitocin- induced early delivery, which, yes, felt much worse than the subsequent completely natural delivery, and sure enough the baby went into distress. I was wheeled into the OR but narrowly escaped a cesarean.
Fortunately our bonding was not affected and 27 years later we still have a strong bond. But if I would ever use the word “hate” it would be for the MDs involved. They also falsified my records after the fact as a second excuse for the c-section.
Exactly, that’s what I’ve read as well and it makes a lot of sense.
Hospitals make a lot more money from surgery. We already know that they don’t care about the patients as much as the cash. 💰
And routine, repeated ultrasounds
Yes so many unnecessary interventions 😕
I wear the label PROUDLY 😊
"no one likes to be labeled "anti-vaxxer". I do! I love it; I embrace. As Laura Hayes spells out so eloquently in her Weston-Price speech - Vaccines: what is there to be "pro" about. Truly.
pretty proudly an anti vaxxer and glad to say so. anti poison. anti pollution. anti idiocy. and etc.
Please label me as anti-vaccines. No vaccine has ever worked. Polio stopped when DDT stopped. Polio has been renamed Guillain-Barré syndrome, same thing.
WOULD WEAR IT WITH PRIDE! Why? Because it affirms that what God created (in most every pregnant woman) is perfectly made... We DONT need to improve upon God's handiwork, we normally mess it up instead...
He provided good land, to grow good food... who messed that up? We DID... and now we have celiac disease, any number of food allergies, less than nutritious real food...AND ALL TOO REAL DISEASE
He established the Family Unit for the raising and nurturing of children...who messed that up? We DID... We left our first responsibilities as moms and were bamboozled to enter the work force outside our homes.... leaving the "education" of our children to strangers with values very different than ours, all for the sake of a few more dollars that we MUST spend on extra car & gas, babysitters, after school programs, less than desirable strangers looking after AND INFLUENCING our most prized possessions...OUR CHILDREN!
We have been lied to in just about every area of our living, by those who see us ONLY as a means to enrich themselves... I used to think my government was interested in doing me good, in protecting me, passing & enforcing laws for my benefit... call me Pollyanna...
I used to think that schools were there to actually educate my children, then I got to hear the indoctrination that my sons had to endure as early as 5th grade, "what are your pronouns?" and this was not English class....
I used to think going to the doctor was to find someone who was actually interested in healing me, not profiting from me and keeping me ill, or worse yet, causing my demise...
IN ALL THIS, I find OUR government in cahoots with many "other entities" Deep State let's say, planning and conniving against me and my....I would despair....
Amen sister.
On each side walk the wicked when vile men are high in place - Psalm 12
God Bless
Red Feather,
Exactly! Proud anti-vaxxer here. I only wish I would have been one when I was much younger. We are influenced so much by propaganda without even realizing it. I’m much more aware and less trusting than I used to be.
I am of the same thinking…all this so called ‘gender dysphoria’ is a result of the crazy “Childhood Vaccine Schedule” and the resulting “vaccine injury” that is happening in these kids. It has pushed them on to the Autism Spectrum, they are vulnerable prey, easily groomed and persuaded to think they are a boy in a girl’s body and vice versa! This ‘gender dysphoria’ doesn’t come as a result of these children all,of the sudden saying they are a girl trapped in a boys body. No, it’s a result of the culture and environment in which they are being raised, by parents and teachers, that support and encourage this.
Oh and BTW…This She/He Government Attorney Chase Strangio, may appear to look like a man, but when She/He opens their mouth to speak, it’s a whole other deal! She/He has a very distinctive female voice. Almost makes Her/Him seem like a clown. 😳
And look at the hands.
Even if hormones were to cause eruptions of brutishly masculine hairy knuckles it can never add enough bone size to mask the smaller fine-boned characteristics of feminine hands. 🤚🏼
Hearing her talk, and seeing her appearance sends my brain into full on TURMOIL! I refuse to do the she/he thing... She was BORN female!
Precisely why YHWH gave his chosen people clear instructions in the Torah about how to protect and even heal the divine genome they inherited from Adam, including to avoid blood at all costs and refrain from tattoos and piercings…
Interesting. Ive always done so but curious what scripture refs. pls share
Once you realize that there are two bloodlines of humans on Earth, everything gets much clearer. Genesis 3:15 — (YHWH speaking to the Serpent/Devil) “I will put enmity (hatred) between you and the woman (Eve, or all women?), and between your offspring (who are the Serpent’s offspring?) and her offspring (Yeshua and the other descendants of Adam?); he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” In Hebrew, one of the meanings of the root word for “heel” is “to supplant.” Yeshua and Adam’s other descendants were intended to supplant the reign of the Serpent and his offspring on Earth, but the Serpent will injure and try to prevent those who carry the Divine Genome from supplanting him.
I’m listening to this audio book, right into what are you talking about here.
Birthright by Timothy Alberino.
It will help many to understand the why and where and how.
Gen. 3:15's "woman" is Mary the Theotokos (mother of God.)
Satan hates no one as much as her.
Genesis 9:2-4, Deuteronomy 12:16, Leviticus chapter 15, Leviticus 17:10-14, Leviticus 19:28.
Read doctors’ rebuttals to a newly anti-vaxxer’s substack. Truly disheartening. Stayed up waaay to late responding politely to the most ridiculous. Much work to be done.
Last one from Biblical Man:
They didn't storm our gates.
They opened day spas.
Ancient Rome's greatest historian watched it happen:
Men who once conquered nations now conquered by comfort.
First came the lounges - "Just relax"
Then the baths - "You deserve this"
Finally the feasts - "Treat yourself"
They called it civilization.
Tacitus called it servitude.
Sound familiar?
Your grandfathers worked callused hands.
Your fathers built with blistered palms.
You? Getting your monthly massage.
While you're chasing comfort, your enemies are chasing power.
While you're "finding yourself," they're finding weakness.
While you're "living your best life," they're planning your worst nightmare.
Comfort isn't progress.
It's surrender in silk robes.
Wake up.
Put down the scented candle.
Pick up your purpose.
Alright, ALRIGHT! I subscribed already!
To Biblical Man?
Don’t forget Out Here On the Perimeter too =)
Considering the ridicule, lies, and attacks since we let Radical Feminism and the Free Love movement in the house, it’s amazing we still stand. Shaky knees, yes, but God is gracious. Now that the momentum is turning His way, I’m reminded of imperatives for staying in grace and tapping into His power. Hey, you, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly” (Colossians 3:16). Hey, you, “Seek My face” (2 Chronicles 7:14). Hey, you, “Pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
I have been reading his substack and his wife’s for a while. It is always well written and relevant.
Didn’t the Scythians have a code like this? They lived on their horses with only a gold cup to drink out of they owned-or something like that.
Cowboy up. No wonder they got us off horses and into soft beds and cities.
Notice that it’s the cities that turn liberal?
All that comfort & free stuff attracts the seagulls who come a crap on your boat.
We have a problem with big tech, and big food, & big pharma not our children. Humans haven’t changed, the environment has.
Thank you for summing it up so nicely. 👏🏻
We have a problem with death, darkness and demons. Period. As I have said before this is a war for the souls of man. Align with God or succumb to death.
We have to make a choice. Those who do not are still making a choice.
Damn! You nailed it today!
I love Biblical Man’s substack! Also his wife’s Biblical Womanhood. 🙏🏼🤍✝️ God’s truth, no holds barred…exactly what we need, in my humble opinion.
Didn’t know they were married, that’s awesome! Thanks for letting me know MOMinator
I typically do not make recommendations, but in their case it cannot be helped.
100% agree!
Truth! Thank you TriTorch!
Brilliant. Laziness is now an American trademark of most
Yes, totally disgusting.
Later Jay
RE: Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause
Jeff Childers,
I hope you will answer this question for me. It's really important for future work.
I believe mail in "voting" violates the Equal Protection Clause. Why?
A walk in voter must present ID to even get a ballot and the ballot remains either in his possession or the possession of the county forever. Perfect Chain of Custody.
A mail in "voter" does not have to present ID to get a ballot and NO One knows who actually gets it, votes it, signs it and returns it. The ballot leaves the possession of the voter and the county and chain of custody is forever broken. It cannot be re-established because someone at the county determines a signature, after the fact, establishes identity or chain of custody.
What say you? Do I have an arguable case? Would you take it?
I've been thinking for awhile now that there must be *some* way we could weaponize the Voting Rights Act to equalize voting / neutralize voter fraud.
After all, the Left has used it over and over again to wrestle local control and hand power to the feds.
There is a way, it is called the Initiative. Look in your state's constitution. It should have something similar to what is in Arizona's Constitution. AZ Consti Article 4, Part 1, Section 1, sub para 8 reserves the power of the initiative to the electors at County level and below. It is supremely important power reserved to the people, but only if we know and use it. See it here: Read the whole thing, to understand how the creators of the Constitution created legislative power for us.
I'm working on a plan.... I will see how many people on here are even interested in becoming the "boots on the ground" required to successfully implement retaking our elections from those who have stolen them from us.
My now ex-husband and I used to be members (for a short time) of a group called Global Prosperity Group. They were similar to the John Birch Society and taught that once you get a Social Security number, you become a slave of the Federal Corporation known as the United States Federal Government, and are therefore subject to the laws of that entity, which exists in Washington D.C. I think that’s why anyone who commits a “crime” within the city limits of Washington D.C. gets the book thrown at them. J6 and abortion clinic protesters certainly come to mind…
What makes anyone think that the Federal Power should have anything whatsoever to do with any elections? Was this ever so with the original organic Constitution for the United States? And yes, the difference between 'for' as found in the original organic constitution 'for the United States', and the 'of' as to the corporate replacement constitution is key and telling. 'For' implies outside agency acting up (as in drafting and ratifying as constitution), while 'of' implies inside and independent of outside agency (as in a corporation drawing up corporate by-laws as its rule of law).
Is the created creature greater than the creator? The Bible asks this question and its a doozy. The echo of the question is ... 'is the federated government greater than the states' which created it? (It thinks it is and acts so. And because this matter as to source of constitutional authority is never questioned, functionally and by praxis the Federal government acts the part of the tyrannical power at large. As stated above, the Big Lie was and is carefully concealed in the difference between two prepositions, 'for' and 'of'. And hardly a soul notices.
I think the power to conduct elections at County level is there for a reason. It is the closest to the Sovereign Citizens. We can overcome their theft of our election systems one county at a time through the Initiative process which they have tried to write out of existence or if not write it out, make it appear that it has been written out. And there is not a damn thing the state or feds can do about it about we citizens conducting Initiatives, they cannot even overcome the outcome of the election which would implement.
Still, Im wanting to know how the 14th's Equal Protection Clause might help us.
Slick observations. In that light, it's obvious to anybody who learned how to read pre-NCLB.
I don't know what NCLB means. But I do know that most people do not have a ghost of a chance as to acting upon the world in their own behalf because the most important things to know in life are suppressed, particularly as to pertinent game changing information.
I also know that it is almost impossible to disabuse people of what they think they know by bringing to light what they don't know, and therefore what they have never considered. And in the world of politically ordered chaos it is Out of Sight, Out of Mind which rules supreme in the body politic. The system is design on purpose to achieve this Alice in Wonderland effect of never knowing the true basis of one existence.
What is even more depressing is that because we learn in bits and pieces of information stretched out over many years, the tipped over apple cart of mis-education cannot readily be corrected in just a few fell sentences. And thus better and more proper knowledge, that which takes decades to understand never stands a chance of ever being implemented.
Having studied the General Assembly of Virginia in a stretch of four to five years intensely, and as to the above, I have determined for myself that those who are 'elected' are as clueless as the rest of the population. And that is the overwhelming most of them. Why is this? It is because that they too were mis-educated within the same system of mis-education as the rest of us. And again, Out of Sight, Out of Mind thus rules supreme in most of the 'ruling class'.
The Western World, the world I know the most about, is one giant cattle herding operation. And the Eastern saying of 'he who knows doesn't say' applies as to those who rule from behind the curtain. And even they the Supreme Ruling Class of the tiny fraction of a fraction of less than once percent, I suspect that they too are horribly very wrong footed in their intellectual organization.
NCLB is No Child Left Behind, Bush Jr’s initiative to set national K-12 academic standards. Eventually, Obama’s Race to the Top gutted game changing information from math, English, social studies, and civics classrooms. At the same time, it imprinted at least two generations with woke history and trash science. Too bad Indoctrination doesn’t come with instructions on how indoctrination works and how to escape it.
We let the powers take the Ten Commandments off campus and the Bible out of kids’ literature. We pretended there is no God and indoctrinated a generation of teachers who are now indoctrinating the next. History tells us the cycle is about as low as it can get, but the upswing is beginning. We witnessed a miracle at the polls, and Obama is incensed. Each of us helped make that happen, and we need to keep pushing. I imagine things will get uglier, but they’ve already made and keep making fatal mistakes.
History does show that every cross section of humanity contains good, mediocre, and rotten people. Our government literally represents that. I figure our representatives have more high-priced temptations than most of us, and therefore shorter shelf lives. We need to be better people, and our representatives need to be refreshed more often.
Interesting take!
To me, it is a clear cut violation of the Equal Protection Clause, but I'm a Soldier, not a Lawyer. I'm convinced mail in voting was created to ensure wholesale election fraud was enabled and that a large pool of ballots would be available. Its why NGO spend so much time registering people - most of whom are low information people who don't intend to vote and many of whom are illegal and cannot even legally vote but due to the Federal Post Card Voter Registration, don't have to provide Documentary Proof of Citizenship. There are plenty of corrupt "county recorders" who do not care to verify.
Small precincts and strict limitations on mail-in ballots would take a load of slop out of the system. Between four of us working the general election, we knew most of our voters by name before they walked in, and they knew us. That’s pretty close to accountability. Next level up is the county election admin, now a friend, but not yet friendly enough for me to say, “Open the books and show me how you verified citizenship for our new voters.” (Most of that verification happens at the SOS leveI, and that's a hard nut to crack.) I don’t want to strongarm my admin or the SOS. I want to trust, but I’m dying to verify. Suggestions?
RH, It is the responsibility of each county recorder to verify citizenship of anyone registered to vote in their county. I would ask nicely to explain and demonstrate how each registered voter's citizenship was verified and including how they verify voters put on the voter rolls by outside agencies like MVD and SOS. If she/he doesn't comply, do a very specific and detailed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. That is not a strong arm request - although gubmint employees hate answering them because it makes them at least a little accountable.
You may not like what Im going to say next, but we are actually at the point where strong arm requests must be used if "nice" doesn't work. These people are elected, as employees, by us to do the work we pay them to do - they are not our friends. Many of them have summarily stolen our election processes from us with unchecked registration, connection of voter rolls to outside databases, ridiculous "signature verification" schemes which is not, and can never be legitimate verification, programmable machines and mail in voting never approved by the Citizens. (this is all based on the s_Election system currently in use in Arizona to steal elections.) Yours may not be as grotesque.
Thank you, DL. Working up the boldness to do that very thing. Prayers up for many of us to follow suit. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).
Makes sense
Following. I hope he answers too!!
Nothing has changed in our SELECTION system in the 21st century: Money talks while B.S. walks. Should you exhibit hostility or lack fealty toward our un-ELected owners you will be summarily be "un-ELectedL". As long as the money flows unchecked we will not be able to fairly elect our leaders.All else is an American Fairy Tale.
The only thing I'd say differently, is that voting has been rigged just about forever.
Under attack forever, at the very least. If we vote, I think we largely elect people of apparent honor and character, and then we get busy living our lives. But even good people get lobbied and corrupted. Exhibit 1, John Cornyn. There's no substitute for constant vigilance.
re: largely elect people of apparent honor and character... I'm not so sure RH. Within the DNA of every politician lies the "con-artist" gene.
I do agree with constant vigilance.
I do think we are at a point where increased use of 2A vigilance is necessary. Yes, by the Divine Intervention of God, we got Trump across the finish line - but there were a whole lot of seats up and down the ticket stolen, during and after the election, and most folks are acting oblivious because we got Trump back.
OK, I’m a little optimistic and far from ready to throw in the towel. We have great news for the Texas House. The old turncoat Speaker lost his chair. The lady next door stood up, paid a price, ran for office, and won it. Check it out.
Sure, cheaters always cheat, but across the country, there were a lot of seats won too. Way I see it, a lot of us worked our tails off to get Trump elected, and God magnified our efforts just like He says He will. But if we walked 20 miles into the woods, we’re not walking out in 10. Even so, we have a lot of top quality people getting into position behind Trump. I mentioned General Flynn somewhere recently. He’s back, and he has a long memory. I say keep your powder dry but hold fire while certification and inauguration play out.
We can take the s_Election system back from them and restore it to the People's ELECTION system. Every county needs to do this - they had no right to take over OUR elections on the premise they were making it easier for us and without getting our consent. Do you have programmable machines? When were they authorized for use and by whom?
It takes "boots on the ground" to create the Initiative, get the required number of electors to sign the petitions required and then making sure EVERYONE in the County understands the intent and purpose of the Initiative and then goes and votes. This includes critically watching to make sure no one can steal the election. Your Initiative should spell out how the election will be conducted. Most county supervisors/employees will not be happy with our efforts as they like determining who does and does not get elected- especially themselves. I do not trust any of them no matter how nice they appear. I do not trust any of them no matter how nice they appear to be - yes I said it twice. Most are either lazy, or corrupt, or corrupt and lazy - and they all think they own us, not vice versa. I am talking about Arizona... yours may be different, but I doubt it.
What the other side calls toxic masculinity. I'll take it Every. Day. Of. The. Week ❤️
It’s only “toxic” because it gets in the way of their agenda 😡
Beautiful ❤️
The older I get the more I see the younger people (those 40+) come to the truth. I am sure they feel silly like I did when I was 21 and found the Lord and also found out I did not know squat about truth and knowledge and was toting around a 3-year-old who was looking at and watching me.
❤️ this!
Excellent! I love this.
Great post! Hits home and is right on target. Amen 🙏🏻
Great stuff today!!
This is great. sent to hubby
I love biblicalman’s Substack! These two are great examples of the goosebumps it often gives. ❤️❤️
And the glory of that 22% increase at the same time Biden's goons have been putting Bible-buyers' names on a special naughty list. Guess the Church does prosper under persecution. Take that, you Biden creeps!
Wow! Having been glad every time I see your posts, I guess I assumed you to be older. Only because of your wisdom. This one hit it out of the park! Ty
Love love love this..AMEN and AMEN. Tri you have been missed
Thank you Carolyn, I’ve missed you guys =)
This is super good. Could I get permission to use it in church publications?
Thank you Linda, but they are not mine. Please reach out to Biblical Man for perimission here:
Im sure he will be thrilled to have these powerful messages distributed
Amen brother.
You've got the real thing now.
Bible is it.
(The King James is the most accurate translation, in the English language.)
I encourage you to read it to your family, and pray with them, like my father used to do.
5 minutes in the morning
5 minutes in the evening
Daily Family Worship will transform your family, and your nation.
Your family will go out the door in the morning, inoculated against the wiles of Satan and his people.
Your family will go out the door, to do good.
Good people, spreading good.
21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good - Romans 12
God Bless
Oh my, just the fact that this transgender issue has to go all the way to the Supreme Court says how far our society has fallen. There is no such thing as "gender affirming healthcare". Another euphemism for child mutilation and abuse.
Yes, how ironic that one government attorney is a trans named Strangio. Is this a movie script?
The history books a hundred years from now will ridicule and laugh at our stupidity.
Dark Ages
No, they will call in the Dumb Ages, sadly.
Phil...I doubt there will be history books a hundred years from now.
Let’s hope.
That is already happening around the world
It’s giving credibility to the whims and logic of mental illness - schizophrenia, sociopathy, and narcissism. It really is just like the Batman movies where the insane are given the power to govern over the city. They care only about justifying and forcing their own twisted logic and reasoning at all costs. I believe half of them truly believe what they’re selling yet lack the gift of discernment and wisdom, but the other half see the insanity of it all and revel in watching it burn everything down. Demons among us.
Well said.
Good comment, TY.
Well said!
I’m praying the court upholds this law… child mutilation with surgery, hormones, and “social” transition is an abomination.
Mengele-level experimentation on a trusting public.
“ Mengele-level experimentation on a trusting public.”
Oh wow Real Mary Rose, that is such an appropriate comparison.
And I agree with Carrie, this is truly an abomination.
A mixture of evil and insanity IMO.
It's so horrific and insane, and yet most people are OK with it - that makes it even more surreal.
With parents pushing the transition. The ultimate betrayal. Worse than the pedos in cassocks at the altar.
The bearded female is hosting many demons.
Agreed. We should pray for her to be rid of them. It's been hard for me to even consider doing that, but it would be the Christian thing to do.
Right? I have been posting about her for years, and her ridiculous and nasty treatment of women. She's right there with the ACLU, fighting to support laws that put violent male criminals into women's jails. IOW, cruel and unusual punishment for female inmates. She is disgusting. I am very glad to see these trans arguments fall apart as the insane nuttery they've always been. Now we need to figure out (I think I already know, though) how our society let it get this far.
Part of it is the “be kind” mentality, wanting to be “inclusive” and not “hurtful” to the point of enabling and promoting mental illness 😕
Yes. "Be kind" but not to the women getting a violent male sex offender roommate. "Be tolerant" of your house or business being burned down by crazy race-baiters. Sure.
Yes, only the “disadvantaged” groups get the be kind treatment 😕
And in many cases, "disadvantaged" by choice.