I don't think I can survive two years of Kameltoe Harris bleating out inanities and self evident facts..like" "transmission lines" delivering energy to your house.

Or Arizona is a state.

I swear I will lose it.

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm waiting for her to explain to us how the sun, our own star, is very important to the world because it is a sun and keeps us warm and the earth revolves around it in a circular type pattern called an orbit. She is sooooo smart! We are soooo lucky to have her!

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Oh my gosh yes! I have been wondering about so many things for so many h years and I feel Kamala might be the person to explain these things in a way that makes me never wonder again, in a way that makes me want to never think about them ever ever again. The color of the sky, why smooth rounded things roll but pointy things do not, why things fall down but not up, so many things.

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She makes the ELI5 ("explain like I'm five") meme and subreddit seem like Einstein

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Oh, that would so ease my mind! We need her!

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LOL...don't you just LOVE school buses?

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Math major here: Don't forget about those beautiful Venn Diagrams!

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The only overlap in her sets is when the cackle gets punctuated by those weird twitches.

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I don’t know, I think sometimes there is an overlap between her Chardonnay set and her Xanax set....that center circle is a giggling zombie 🧟‍♀️.

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Yellow school buses that is!

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The word salad logic as in "everyone knows that"? Am I right? (cue the canned applause)

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Put her in a big yellow school bus and let her drive around the country continuously, giving her deep intellectual word salad speeches.

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Jan 22, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023

At $19.00 an hour! The kids would love to ignore her repeating things over and over.

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The only good thing is that she is so obviously stupid and vapid, coverage of her will go away pretty quick.

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Perhaps not; she’s the perfect tool for distraction and adherence to the continuing ridiculous narrative and so many liberal moms follow her and Michelle as their role models for a more humane society.🤮

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She reminds me of Peter Sellers in that movie about the gardener???Can't remember the name of the movie...but honestly, that is where I think they are going now...Biden cannot survive with his crimes and the Deep State obviously wants him removed (I think they are now removing all the top tier leaders to put in the ones that will next Con the Conned, a la naked emperor)

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It’s called Being There. It was required reading in one of my lit classes back in 1979 for some reason. Maybe something to do with Reagan running for President at the time?

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Yes, the Dem media painted Ronald Maximus Reagan as a dumb actor who would get us killed. Didn’t work out for them.

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I don't remember how they portrayed GHWB, but he was brief, anyway. I think poor Dan Quayle got the brunt then - "A Dumb Politician Who Will Get Us Killed."

But GWB was cast in the role of "A Dumb Cowboy Who Will Get Us Killed," and Trump as "A Dumb And Corrupt Businessman Who Will Get Us Killed."

Remember the Doonesbury comic series on "Reagan's brain?" It was like a cartoon version of the old movie Fantastic Voyage - a lot of empty space, with an occasional neuron, occasionally firing. He has a lot of material, with both Biden and Harris, but I'm guessing he hasn't done a similar series for them.

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Oh, but what a great movie. It's on my DVR and top ten list.

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Hilarious movie...."Being There" with Peter Sellers, who played a simpleton gardener. All the rich elites mistook him for being a deep, intelligent sage and they hung on his every word. His name was Chauncey, and he was a gardener. When he mumbled that fact to the press, everyone thought his name was Chauncey Gardener and things took off from there. The movie illuminated all the idiots for the fools that they truly are, so it was a pretty funny movie in a dark humor, sadly predictive sort of way. Watching Biden the last 2 years has made me think of this movie and Chauncey Garden many times. I need to rewatch the movie!

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Thanks, that is the one!!

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That happened way back. This is the Narrative they want you to have. Please go listen to Riss Flex on YouTube. You will get the truth. Your watching that dumb box!! The Liars. Don’t you know back in 2013 Obummer made a new law that the media can hold back the Truth! Please stop watching the news. Riss is on twice a week. Go listen to her videos. I’ve been following this for 6 years. I have learned so much. Bad things about our government for the past 200 years. Trump had a Strategy, along with RFK Jr., and Q. This is their plan!! They will get everyone of them. He still has 190k Sealed Indictments that haven’t been served. Each Indictment could have up to 100 people on it!! I say those indictments are all the CIA and FBI. Those two were so corrupt.

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The vaxx is culling that group as we speak. Hopefully they change their ways and follow The Lord.

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The only thing she has going for is that she can read a teleprompter better than ol’ Joe. If she stays on script.

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Well, the liberal moms are pretty shallow and vapid, too, so they'll all fit right in together. 😏

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They're the ones who religiously watch "The View", too.

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"The View." 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮

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But look at what Biden presented and he is still in the limelight.

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Not if she is President.

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I can't listen to her. I just CAN'T.

...... please don't make me.

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Duchess we better prepare ourselves. As the next president she will need plenty of help! I hope she does not keep KJP as press sec. Then we will really go batty. Battier!

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I can never remember KJP’s name, my husband always calls her Mop Head. 😂

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Her silly hair-do reminds me of Little Orphan Annie. It's not the hair style of an adult woman.

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Useless kneepad wearing, giggling, “Climate Change” pushing Kameltoe works too!

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You just took the words right out of my mouth. I just told my husband the only positive to listening to her is that I feel so so much smarter than she in comparison.

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Susan, it can't help that all the dope she has and continues to smoke has addled the few brain cells she had to begin with :-)

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We really need to focus on the positive right now, Susan … good job

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Kamala = a new level of comedy.

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Right? Her and Zelensky

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I could laugh if they weren’t so disgusting.

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And literally DANGEROUS!

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Two years? How about ten years which is what she is legally able to serve? Since US elections are so free and fair, she could be around for a long time.

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I' m convinced (with the announcement of Ron Klain imminent departure), that a silent coup is underway. They waited until after January 20 so the ultimate new President could serve two full terms. I don't believe that ultimate is VP Harris. But who?

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You may be right. I hadn’t heard of Ron Klain’s departure. I’ve assumed he was one of the puppet masters since he was there with Obama too. Whatever they’re up to, it can’t be good. It is hard to picture her as President. What must the rest of the world think of the once powerful country which led the world in so many ways, reduced to these laughable heads?

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Legally, she CAN'T be president. She is US born, but neither of her parents were US citizens at the time of her birth. But, Obama wasn't even US born and he was (s)elected for 2 terms, so...🤷‍♀️

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I believe you are incorrect. The citizenship of her parents is irrelevant. I think her parents were legal residents of the US at the time of Kamala's birth, and thus she a US citizen. The Chinese run a "racket" of citizenship tourism, where Chinese citizens travel to US legally (with visas), give birth, and voila, the baby is a dual US/Chinese citizen.

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Her dad is an immigrant (1961) from Jamaica and her mom is an immgrant (1960) from India. They both came as students to UC Berkley. There were not US citizens when she was born in 1964. The argument is about the definition of a "natural born citizen" (a qualification of presidential eligibility) and the (maligned phrase "birthright citizenship" re: 14th Amendement). Her parents non-citizen status at the time of her birth does matter.


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More venn diagrams please

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Could be TEN YEARS??? Oh boy

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"I swear I will lost it."

And that may be the point.

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The humiliation is part of the punishment. Whoever is rigging our elections wants us embarrassed and ashamed of our “leaders.”

So far, they have been blindingly successful. 😢

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Interesting take. I kept joking that our president was a reflection of our country as a whole. Once we were a young, handsome, virile country that everyone desired (Kennedy)

Now we are an old guy that everyone ignores at the party.

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Thanks Jeff for the bonus post. Love C & C! Great work.

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Me too!

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Same here! Always appreciate the way you deliver the best takes on the last news - witty with a touch of humor, but not obnoxious. My fav substack by far:)

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

First, thank you Jeff for all you do! Loved your long post yesterday with the heartfelt message about the fact that death is NOT a tragedy. Personally, I want dixieland jazz played at my funeral.

Cooling the Mark -- wow, makes so much sense.

Lastly, was catching up on reading and saw that Hunter Biden's rent to his dad was equal to his monthly salary from Burisma. So, his dad was the one being paid, essentially, by Burisama. Is anyone (other than C&C) talking about this?

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The 10% H was holding for The Big Guy.

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The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

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Extortion has its privileges. Joe had Hunter pay the monthly rent at 50K the same as the Burisma payout.

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Yeah I also thought of that and have heard others make that same observation. Sure seems suspicious.

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At New Orleans funerals, the mourners walk with the coffin, or there are horse drawn hearses, with musicians, playing dirges, then after the deceased is lowered into the ground, the rousing spirited hallelujah music begins, singing the soul to his or her reward. There are also "second lines' for those who have passed, with music and parasols and dancing. This is a little like Kefalonia and the Greek islands on Easter, where amidst the cries of "Christo Anesti", and the midnight mass by Orthodox priests, everyone throws thousands of firecrackers. We are very lugubrious here, for the most part, but it seems more evocative of what we know to be true to sort of ritualize the joy of the home going. I wanted to have a second line for my mother, who went off the cognitive cliffs due to lockdown, who I couldn't travel to be with, like thousands of others, and who may have had her death hastened by the vaccine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krJW2qMVv4M

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The Bidan ‘raid’ was not a raid to find documents. It was done to even the score. So now they can charge Trump and claim equal treatment. And they can get rid of Joe at the same time. They think we are stupid.

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Exactly what I just told my husband. Using this to rid biden will be the same thing they use to try and stop trump. You nailed it 🎯

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Indeed. It’s sad, but I’m some respects I find it amusing. Because my assumption has always been that Obummer cut a deal with Joe. They would get Joe ‘elected’ and keep him scandal free as long as he agreed to open the border, initiate WW3, neuter Trump, and allow the DOJ to attempt to destroy the MAGA movement…and most critically, not run for a 2nd term. He could just walk away with his family riches intact and his place in history as POTUS cemented.

And I think the probability is high that Joe decided to double cross them. Or perhaps more realistically, Jill decided. Because Joe likely has little clue what is actually happening.

The other thing is, and I might get some pushback on this, but I have never viewed Joe as purely evil. A dirty, corrupt, traitorous, treacherous, pedo without an honest fiber in his body? Sure. But not evil in the same way that Obama is evil. Or Susan Rice. Or Klaus Schwab.

Hence, my perspective is that if Joe as POTUS was the Joe with the mental acuity of a decade ago some of the truly evil things that are happening would not be happening. I could be incorrect, but not wrong. Lawyers are never wrong, although we are occasionally incorrect. Just ask Jeff.

So here is a question my wife just asked me, about which I hemmed and hawed in lawyer like fashion.

For how long do they keep Bidan in office? And do they dump him first and then indict Trump? Or do they indict Trump first and then use the resulting hoopla to dump Joe?

I’ll be noodling those over.

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I thought Biden showed quite a bit of “evilness” the way he talked to and treated Clarence Thomas during his conformation hearing to the Supreme Court. But that is the way I saw it anyway.

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No disagreement with that. It’s not that I don’t think he has, and has had, an evil streak. I just don’t see him as evil in the same way as Obummer. Who does not have a cell in his body that isn’t evil.

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I do actually agree with what you said about not viewing biden as outright evil…. Etc. etc.

I actually think similarly. And I realize he has Alzheimer’s therefore I try to refrain from calling him names of sorts. But, I also agree he was dirty, rotten, traitorous, and corrupt waaaay before he was vp and a stand in for the highest office in the land. He is far from innocent, and actually guilty decades ago.

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Indeed. He was a lying, cheating scoundrel before he ever got into office.

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We are on the same page. Hope you can see my post.

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Yes ma’am.

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I accidentally overheard a CNN talking head explaining to the uninformed how Biden’s orderly surrender was different from Trump’s necessary FBI raid to secure classified documents. 🤮

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I’m glad you mentioned it was ‘accidental’.

I’m sure they also told the uninformed how Trump had been cooperating for months.

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Except that Joe took his docs while NOT PRESIDENT. he was a senator or Vp.

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Right. With a DOJ and LE that were not infiltrated and actually abided by the law that would matter. But the entire thing is a set up. How about this? What if the Trump raid is what led to the ‘discovery’ of the Biden docs. What they found in some of the Trump docs showed they needed to get the Bidan docs for the same reason they went after Trump. To try and protect Obama. Joe is not very bright. But he has always been corrupt and conniving. To think he left a totally corrupt WH in 2016 without some sort of “deadman’s switch” would be out of character. It would also explain why docs are in multiple locations.

My bet. Joe had a deal. One term and out. He double crossed them and decided to run again. And he let it be known they could not stop him or else he would fry them all. Obama included. They panicked. First they raided Trump. Then they went to find what Joe had.

Just guessing of course. But you know it’s way more twisted than we can even imagine.

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What if Joe wasn't the double-crosser, but the one who was being DC'ed? Possible, yes? Who knows what goes on in the Mind of Evil or what They are planning.

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Totally possible. As you say, with them anything is possible. We know they are planning something. We just don’t know the form it will take. We do know it will be evil.

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Kamala's saving up all her intelligent remarks for when she's in the big chair. She's managed to not use any of them so far.

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If she ascends to that chair, her new nickname should be "Edith Ann".

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Best line of the day, and it’s only 10:00 a.m.

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😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 (Edith Ann was WAY smarter.)

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I wonder if Kamala will sniff her armpits like Edith Ann did?

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LOL. I'm not quite old enough for that show to be etched permanently in memory. Never saw that character before. Funny!

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She only has a couple of intelligent remarks held in reserve so she doesn't want to use them up too quickly. I don't think she has used either of them yet.....

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Most definitely are the masses being handled through the next psyops. Slowly and quietly they are releasing the pressure cooker of anger about the vaxx, its side effects and injuries in which SADS is one of them, to control and mitigate the outcome. There are roughly 4 groups of thought: 1.the unvaxxed 2. those who were subjected to extreme coercion to take it, didn't want to but caved at the end 3.Those who to various levels went along without much thought 4.The covidiots. Groups 2 and 3 are the ones to control their thoughts and responses. This scamdemic let tptb know exactly who they could push around, who are their useful idiots, and who would resist the mark. Quite a successful discovery process for them. Oh. The most important thing is groups 2, 3 and 4 will be decimated through injuries, illnesses and death due this evil. Group 1 needs to remain vigilant and prepare as this fight is not over.

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My concern is they are going to inject the food supply...cattle w the mRNA . Will there be a label. I’m doubt it

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Yes, Josh Phillips on Epoch TV covered that last week - they are testing it now. This train just keeps rolling, and we the people need to find a way to stop it.

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Local sources. Start learning to prepare from scratch. Grow as much as you can on your own. Stock up on a long-term food supply like freeze dried. The food that's processed by big conglomerates should be avoided.

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Annie, do you have a good source for organic freeze dried food?

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I order some things from the health ranger store and I have ordered from Patriot Supply. Otherwise I order locally from farmers where I live.

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No, no labels. They don't tell you what all other drugs those animals get on labels.

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Look to the skies...

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“Watch the water.” Sorry I had Qtardia inspiration. 🫠

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Seek local farmers and buy direct. Press your elected representatives for food freedom laws, with less over-regulation. See Maine for a great example.

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By the way, I raise beef cattle and other than working them with ivermectin, they are free of Ralgro, antibiotics, and vaccines.

Just saying.

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Good for you and them!

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Well said! I’ve had to be a quiet lion laying in the CA grass amongst SO MANY COVIDIOT SHEEP! They all were the 1st in line (to feel like they won the lottery) to be able to lift their sleeve to be injected with the untested snake oil. The really sad thing is SO MANY SHEEP MOMS forced their husbands and children to receive the poison jab due to social and school pressures.

This world is going back to Darwinism in that only the “fittest” & smartest lions will survive and many of the sheep will be slaughtered by SADS.😢

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Here in CA it's interesting if you pay attention to the narrative as well as to their actions. There are fewer radio and TV ads, but they are watered down considerably while still trying to get people to take the latest jibby jab. They seem to be focused a little more strongly on the flu, but hey....also boost your covid immunity with a booster that uses that wonderful, effective original Wu-flu strain. One day I heard it in Spanish first, then immediately after that they played the English version. They seem to be strongly targeting the CA Hispanic population, but I know personally that rather a lot of Hispanics don't want to get near the shots, probably for a number of reasons including that so many are illegal and fear they might get apprehended if they get an official shot.

We hired a tree service to cut some dangerous limbs a couple of weeks ago, and the crew spoke no English at all. I chatted with them a bit and turns out this group was from Honduras. Undoubtedly unjabbed.

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I know many Mexicans in CA who weren’t required to get the jab, but got the jab and their kids jabbed b/c their kids’ school set up and arranged appts for families to receive the jab. I was spalled when I heard that. Many Mexican families don’t have the same healthcare relationships many of us have, do the GOVERNMENT used teachers and administration to target this audience,

I wonder why my kids haven’t seen their assigned PCP in 2 yrs. Had to find a Dr in Sac practicing real medicine with real science.

The wheels on the DEMS COVID AGENDA BUS have fallen off and I wonder the outcome of the COVID AGENDA CRASH.

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https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/unbelievable-urgent-care-physician-warns-stroke-season-flu-season-video/ this is the latest. Flu season is followed by stroke season. So get your flu shot so it can protect you from strokes. Wtf. 🤯

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Jan 22, 2023·edited Jan 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

In re: Evan McMillen - I was instantly suspicious, and forwarded the story to Mark Crispin Miller. But as I pointed out - Jab status unknown. Well I asked a surf videographer who knew him to investigate - and here's the result.

According to a family member, Evan was unjabbed. In fact - he was one of us, and vocally opposed to the mandate madness. So it compounds the tragedy, because he would have been a likely survivor, of the Iatro-genocide.

As a waterman myself, I can confirm that awkward accidents can occur at any point while surfing. Someone who sounded like he was certain about this said that Evan fell because his feet got tangled up in his surf leash, which can happen.

An eyewitness said that he had trauma to his head. And a knockout blow, while surfing, can be fatal, if you're by yourself, like Evan was.

So anyways...mystery solved, apparently. 'Death by Misadventure'.

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Dying doing a sometimes dangerous sport is very possible. Thanks for the info. So sorry his family is going through this.

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My friend's son almost died while surfing. He lived but paralyzed from the waist down. This was years before Covid. Surfing has its risks.

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I worked for a middle aged man who also became paralyzed from a surfing accident.

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Or he had sex with the jabbed? 😞

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Or even just ate jabbed meat.

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They're working on jabbed meat, apparently in an effort to destroy the control group: the unjabbed.

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I’m becoming a vegetarian overnight!

I always wondered what the deep state will do with all those unused jabs the government bought to poison the non-jabbed.

Ahhh…the government is going to try to strike a deal with Costco and inject their fat rotisserie chickens which the non-jabbed consume.😳

Luckily, I’m in the genetics field, understand mRNA technology better than most Drs and wouldn’t let those jab pushers get near me, my family or my kids.

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Good luck with your veggies. Hope you grow your own. I've learned that when articles are written about some "new technology they hope will work", I remember that DARPA is 20-50 yrs ahead of anything that's made public.


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All the bases are covered! Nothing better than a salad vaccine! Lettuce alone!!

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Fuck you WHAT THE FUCK?????? He literally died in a surfing accdient freak im his girlfriend

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EVAN WAS UNVACCINATED I AM HIS GIRLFRIEND. Fuck all of you shit holes for adding to these lies. Evan was one of you and you are RUINING his name. Fuck off and delete this before we come for you

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Fuck me? For reporting the facts? If you need help managing your anger - seek a competent therapist.

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"Is it just me, or are they putting Kamala out front a lot more over the last few weeks?"

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

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"2nd verse, same as the first.." 🎶

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Puppets and Crickets

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And I doubt she has any classified documents because it doesn’t seem like she’s much of a reader.

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And this one comes with knee pads, doesn’t stop giggling, has 2 brain cells that are fighting and is named Kameltoe. 😉

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you Jeff, for the bonus edition! You are the BEST!

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I think it’s time for Trump to say loudly and publicly, “You’ve been had. I’ve been had.”

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He also needs to say he never did, nor would he have mandated it. Biden was the rabbid mandate king, but I’m sure mainstream media will say in lock-step that it was Trump

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Sorry but the mandates argument won't work. You need to stop clinging to that like a life preserver.

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He wasn't "had" he's complicit/part of the theatre

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I disagree with you. Trump is not a doctor or scientist. When covid started, many people were calling for him to do something, immediately if not sooner. So he fast-tracked these clot-shots.

But as he's stated many times, he didn't ever mandate them in any way, for ANY group of people. Just tried to deliver what a majority of people-- terrified by the media!-- were screeching for.

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You have to be doing a lot of mental gymnastics to convince yourself Trump was duped. I'm certain RFK Jr and others got more than enough info to him. If he did get duped, it shows how dumb he is quite frankly. Morons with a laptop like myself figured it out LONG before the roll out that mRNA tech was dangerous. Folks need to quit making excuses for these people and realize they are our enemy.

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You are right. But the TRUTH of the CLOT SHOTS has been revealed. Armstrong stated “people will be dying suddenly in droves 2 years from now”. He was right. Therefore, Trump needs to acknowledge his part in making the jabs available to be mandated by the government, hospitals, airlines, companies, universities, schools, etc.

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How did she ever pass the bar to be a lawyer? 😳

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She was probably under it.

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Kameltoe likely used her knee pads to please the BAR test proctor/grader as that is the only skill she has appeared to master.

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There is a reason she was called "Heels up Harris".

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Now she is a clear example of the Peter Principle or Penelope Principle, if you will.

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somewhat disagree. The Peter Principle states one rises to their level of incompetence. Kamala hit her level of incompetence long ago! To paraphrase a line from "A Fish Called Wanda", calling Kamala stupid is an insult to stupid people!

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I think she hit that level at birth. Seriously, if you were writing a history book a hundred years from now, I think the Biden/Harris presidencies would be the point at which you would date the beginning of the kinetic collapse of the USA. Carbon copy of the Roman empire collapse.

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Many women sleep their way to the top...of whatever pinnacle it is they're trying to reach. Ability and intelligence don't play a part in this.

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She did a "Willy" nilly.

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I think of it more as a "Willy Thrilly."

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Kackling Kamala is a very dangerous second wave con artist.

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Dr Linda... 💥👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Seems few remember early on, maybe pre fake inauguration, Biden said in a msm media spot “oh they’ll use me for awhile and then something will happen and they’ll get rid of me.” The clip aired on or about the time Pelosi was hot mic caught on film saying “no we don’t want him to talk” https://youtu.be/tH2o1wew6T8 ~~ c’mon man... it’s all prewritten well organized well coordinated theatre.

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Good memory! Their AGENDA is playing out as they had always planned. Biden is just a Pinocchio puppet and he knows it.

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But Biden has wanted to be Prez his entire 50 years in government, so he was willing to play this game to get his name into the history books.

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Even for just 2 yrs. And "Dr" Jill got her wish, too. And Hunter abd James became millionaires.

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To my dismay...I believe that Kamala will be installed and she will waste no time pardoning the Biden family! Then they will full-on go after Trump to “make sure” he cannot run in 2024!!

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Jan 22, 2023·edited Jan 22, 2023

Thank you for the extra edition for all of us, Jeff!

My husband (who is better informed than I) says he does NOT believe they are going to "cool the mark"-- the guy taking over for Jacinda in New Zealand is an even bigger beast and talks about going after the unvaxxed! https://twitter.com/amuse/status/1616756452638720005

And then Tony Blair, at the WEF in Davos is pushing the digital ID:


And then there's the state health boards. So much for HIPPA--my husband, a vet, received a notice from state saying, "We noticed that you aren't vaccinated," etc.

We need more vigilance now than ever.

New coding being prepared too: https://www.ama-assn.org/practice-management/cpt/new-cpt-codes-coronavirus-vaccines-what-you-need-know

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Your are correct and the truth is so very scary. The WEF has put in place a vigilant puppet to carry out their AGENDA. This will cause many to set sail to protect their family and themselves.

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Your husband a veteran or a veterinarian? Either way, going thru peoples records is horrible, but going after ex military?? Government overreach? Yep.

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Ex military...he registered with the VA for services, but was warned to not go to their doctors with any emotional problems. Apparently, if you mention depression, PTSD, or any other mental issues, they ask about guns in your house and then they'll confiscate them based on your "emotional" status!! Government is evil right now...and likely that's where the state got his medical information that he wasn't jabbed. 😠

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Diamond and Silk might have a point. Even though a lot of us are still unvaccinated how long will it take for many of those people to become "infected" from blood transfusions and such?

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I put a clause in my advance directive (which is usually for end of life stuff) that if I were temporarily disabled that I did not want any vaxes or vaxxed blood.

At least if I state it, someone has to read it, and I could sue if they do it anyway. Perhaps 🤔

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It would be an interesting case. But I don't think they even know if the blood is vaxxed so they'd probably not give you any. I'm just guessing.

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Refusing blood might be a nail in the coffin, but vaxxed blood might be too. Gee, they might have to work on my behalf to find some clean blood.

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i think she was referring to/implying a ‘self spreading vaccine’, … ‘self disseminating vaccine’… which they absolutely already have in the pipeline.

There’s a question of if shedding from the vaxxed was a form of vaccinating the non vaxxed… there’s a lot we still don’t know

sounds like science fiction -but it’s all in the pipeline.

The controversial quest to make a 'contagious' vaccine

A new technology aims to stop wildlife from spreading Ebola, rabies, and other viruses. It could prevent the next pandemic by stopping pathogens from jumping from animals to people.



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It’s like Bill gates genetically modified mosquitoes he’s released…

What could possibly go wrong with altering a whole ecosystem? 🤯

And these people claim to care about the environment- it’s laughable. They’re all hypocrites.

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I am concerned that it truly is a spreading vaxx already. We need a way to test for mRNA in the unvaxed.

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My sis-in-law had to have one and they didn't think of it (emergency situation) until later. Praying for her.

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I’ll pray too! Hoping the spike is all used up on the donor. I really hope someone reliable does some research on donated blood.

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Thank you! I hurt for the baby and the family in either Australia or New Zealand (can't recall which) that they had unvaccinated donors lined up for the baby's surgery, but the government took the baby away and gave the baby vaxxed blood. I think the baby passed away from after the baby had a successful surgery and the doctor later ordered an unnecessary transfusion... so sad.

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You're getting the 2 stories mixed up.

The Washington state baby, Baby Alex, was born with a 95% repairable heart defect. After a successful surgery, he was given vaxxed blood, despite the parents having unvaxxed blood donor ready. Baby Alex died from a blood clot that went from his knee to his heart. Now, there are 'no records found" for Baby Alex at the hospital that treated him.

The other baby, known as Baby W in NZ, was "kidnapped" and custody granted to the docs because the parents wanted unvaxxed blood used in a urgent lifesaving surgery. The parents tweeted that docs ended up giving "clean" blood to that baby and he survived. The NZ hospital was smart. That was very high profile, they could not take the chance of a repeat performance of the US case.

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Ah. Thank you for clarifying. I didn't trust just googling would give me anything credible and I've been inundated with stories now for two plus years that I guess they start to blend together.

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There was a recent case in Spokane Wa I think. The parents didn’t want blood for their month old baby, doctors did it anyway and the baby died.

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It's amazing how Kamala can say so many words, but say nothing at all.

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They all do, but Kamala has perfected saying nothing at all at a kindergarten level.

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