Hunter Biden lawyer makes surprising bribery admission; media malaria epidemic; Rand Paul v. Bill Gates; young SADS turbo-cancer deaths; more bad news for Ukraine; hopeful cancer treatments; more.
Re: all the cases of SADS that Jeff wrote about yesterday.
It is quite breathtaking to witness the cognitive dissonance of people when you bring up all these young people dying.
My psychologist friend said it’s no longer cognitive dissonance. It’s now delusion.
My thoughts lately - these people behave like zombies.
I speak truth when telling friends what I’ve been up to- meeting with state senators to present evidence of the harms of the shots. You’d think I said I went shopping. At least then they might have asked, what for? What did you buy?
They know I got the damn shots (by the grace of God no adverse event). Don’t they wonder what changed my mind????
They taunt us with "no cause of death" "sudden illness" medical emergency" but when my vaxxed daughter keeps having miscarriages, the press does not show up.
Probably no accident because sterility, reproductive disruption is longer term population reduction which does not collapse the entire economic function as would half the planet dying over night. The shots are a long term assault on young people because the family that cannot be is the family that will never be. How much of how much? I reckon by guess that we will find out although it may take time.
Speaking of over half the population dying overnight-won’t it be something to behold when Jesus takes the His Church out in a twinkling of an eye, me, I’ll be with them so won’t here for the chaos that ensues!
Sadly, I really believe that is why they are pushing the UFOs…. to be able to say that is what happened… we were captured by aliens not Jesus took us home.
I’ve heard that before Lisa, but that doesn’t make any sense to me because that would mean that they believe in Jesus. These evil people certainly don’t believe in Jesus and therefore don’t believe we’ll be caught up in the clouds with Him. They are steadily laying the groundwork now and I think they will use AI to convince us that people were taken out of thin air by aliens. My best guess is they will use the narrative for more control. Example- ‘Don’t go out of your house because you could get taken.’
I'm in agreement with you about not being in a hurry. I'm hoping to help some of the currently, but soon to be formerly, deluded to the safety of the 'life boats'. I mean I will be asked about the people I knew and how did I help them to see the glorious beauty of knowing the Lord...
And it’s not a Biblical idea either. There is only one “rapture” and it happens as Christ returns to this earth and His people are caught up to meet Him in the air. The idea that the entire Church will be taken away before a 7 year period of chaos is nowhere mentioned in the Bible. Just the opposite- the Church will be tested as never before.
Well if you consider the Bible local.... 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
17 Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. (1 Thessalonians 4:16, NASB)
Oh. That's horrible. I know what it is like to lose a baby. Still born at 6 months with no reason why. Haunts my husband and I to this day. I can't imagine how I would feel if I recognized I might have caused it.
It's truly amazing how some things stick in the mind, things which will not dislodge. I'm old now and I see things in picture form flood through my mind just as I saw it many, many years and decades ago. It's like watching films in the movie houses way back in the 50's. And larger than life.
I am so sorry. I lost one, too, and even though I had no idea why, I blamed myself and spent months racking my brain and analyzing what I could have done wrong (when in reality I had been so careful and vigilant). That's one of the reasons I cannot fathom anyone injecting themselves with the experimental gene therapy while pregnant.
So true, a total experiment. No clinical trials were ever done on pregnant women. The same goes for flu shot for pregnant women- no clinical trials. I understand they can be unethical but then how is it ok to inject? I think pregnancy is one time when we can try to be as med free as possible. They should at least tell women that no clinical trials were done. I was in shock as well that those doctors who were supposed to be very protective of mom and a baby didn’t even bat an eye. I’m very upset about it
I'm so sorry Nancy. I would suggest her reading the book "it starts with an egg". I haven't read it personally but it's been suggested in some of the Facebook groups I'm in. As someone who has struggled with recurrent miscarriage as well there are many things she can do to help her chances. Feel free to respond and I'd be more than happy to help with ideas if she's interested. God bless!
Just heard a young man, 17, who died in his sleep, no drugs but so far no cause of death. Wish I knew the family better to ask if he was jabbed, hopefully someone will follow up. My heart breaks for this family.
My husband's employee was one of the deaths back in 2021. His family pressured him to get it, and he immediately started battling some sort of mystery illness. His doctor kept blowing him off. My husband talked to him on the phone one day after he had missed another several days of work from said mystery illness, and he told my husband that he just had not been right ever since the shot and really regretted getting it. The very next day after that phone conversation, he was found deceased in his home. He was only 42 and had previously been in good health. His family told us it was a "presumed heart attack." It was totally devastating.
We've also had a few other deaths in our community that have been obvious to me, like a beloved local high school principal/former NFL player who died riding his bicycle one day about a year ago.
Not to mention a plethora of serious illnesses and cancers amongst my friends, family, and acquaintances that I am convinced are jab related.
I have about 6,000 Twitter followers, and not just follow-backs type stuff (I follow about 60 accounts). Most have been followers for 10-ish years due to my blogging activity. So, legit followers. I screen clipped each of Jeff's SADS reports last night, tweeted each one in a separate tweet.
Not one single reaction. Not a Like, Retweet, or Comment.
Must be some sort of paralyzing fear combined with the belief that if you don't think abouyt it or acknowledge it, it will go away.
Perhaps? Maybe? But there is also this. I notice that people can only take things so far. I notice this everywhere the same whether if financial stuff, health stuff, economic data stuff ... only so far and then it's like everyone cognitively jumps off a cliff lemming style.
The school and churches have dumbed people's cognitive abilities down so far that people have lost the ability to thinking. And also one has to have a valid data base, meaning having read the right histories. For example, when I read Gibbon who to my surprise covers huge swaths of Christian history, I was blown away. And why did we never read Gibbon is school? Why don't the churches teach Christian history? It's the same reason as to why Bibles were made illegal for regular folks to own in the beginning Reformation era once the Gutenberg Press made widespread Bible publication and dissemination possible.
THEY want to keep us dumb so they can propagandized us and keep us under control. Plain and simple! That is the real reason elites once opposed Home Schooling so vigorously.
The advisor I work for said she looks at the obituaries now. Especially when she can't get in touch with a client. One of our clients is only 50 and she's checking obituaries? The advisor is vaxxed so I think on some level the sudden and unexpected deaths etc are reaching her logical area of her brain that it is probably the vaxx. Wonder when she will finally admit it.
I am continuously aware of how hard it will be to admit anything. First, somebody takes the Kill Shot and they find out just a few things. And then the 'Oh my God' reaction ... accompanied by a new found pulsating fear which corses throughout their every body fiber. Then they have to admit they were duped, and next that they were stupid enough to believe anything this absurd. Next they have to accept internally that they took leave of their senses and were totally controlled by external agencies ... and in fact went totally bonkers insane. They will of course, the most of them, get extremely angry at what was done to them. And not only this, the terror that death and disability are nearly almost likely stalking them in their bodies, this just may be too much for them. And regarding this, the words of the poet haunt me ... that "human kind Cannot bear very much reality". And hear this for yourself:
"Go, said the bird, for the leaves were full of children, Hidden excitedly, containing laughter. Go, go, go, said the bird: human kind Cannot bear very much reality. Garlic and sapphires in the mud Clot the bedded axle-tree. The trilling wire in the blood Sings below inveterate scars Appeasing long forgotten wars." (T. S. Eliot, Burnt Norton, Four Quartets)
These are one smart bunch of cunning demonic bastards. They think way beyond most of us. And as any eluding the hook, I have to say 'not so fast' because we later came to see there are a multiplicity of delivery systems. There's shedding which appears to be credible. And there are other involuntary means of delivery (food supply, aerosol, etc.). There are even flying hypodermic needles commonly called mosquitoes. And who knows what else? In effect, none of us are totally immune from this all.
Annie ... honestly! I don't know what gets into me. The horses are always getting away from me. Now however, I have to go out into the yard and look again for the glasses which flew off my face when I slipped on the bank and fell and cracked my head on the the culvert pipe. One can hope it knocked some sense into me. But don't count on it.
We learned a v important lesson in the last 3 years: humans are herd animals.
Their #1 fear is not to be mugged, or go bankrupt, or die in a plane crash. #1 fear is to be publicly humiliated.
80% of the population has a desperate need to be in sync with what the rest of the herd is doing at all times.
All of that stuff about rugged individualism only applies to 20% of us.
Which is why the plandemic profiteers are holding their line so tenaciously, they know if the herd turns and heads towards them they are in deep trouble.
But I don't think that's how this plays out. Reminds me of the videos where the sheepdog runs across the sheep in the pen and gets them to do whatever he wants. So this may play out more like thalidomide did, it took 5 years before all of the various symptoms were correlated and blame was finally assigned. Hope I'm wrong
Your Eliot quote was haunting. In my mind it was a metaphor for the last 3 years right down to "blood", "trilling wire", "clot" and scar....and the children!
If you think about the complexity of the psyop perpetrated on all of us on earth beginning in 2020, and the amount of money distributed to all institutions and cultural outlets to keep us in fear and desirous of vaccines, and KNOW that that apparatus is still in place, these people begin to make more sense. I surmise their narrative from what I get hit with by my progressive friend and from things people say. The psyop panders to people's sense that they are smarter than we are, and our ideas need to not be given a platform (I've heard therapists do this to clients), that we have fallen down rabbit holes, and they must ignore us to extinguish our conspiratorial (fill in the blank---racist, right wing, antisemitic, transphobic) ideas. They do not know they are being psyoped by what Robert Malone calls Fifth Generation Information warfare, and do not believe they could be psyoped, and, crucially, being filled with mortal fear and panic and anxiety over whatever the terror du jour is, the unconscious choice is between the terrible cognitive dissonance of realizing that not only have you been tricked and might have the ticking time bomb of spike within you, but that your own government is trying to kill you or commodify or enslave you, and feeling superior and more compassionate and more intellectual at the same time. People not invested in their own intelligence are much easier to convince. My very sweet common sense cousin heard Naomi Wolf read from the Pfizer documents and went abolitionist, whereas my friends with advanced degrees or who studied at elite institutions are sure I'm just a conspiracy theorist. Leonid Perlovsky thinks music resolves cognitive dissonance, so we would have more luck convincing people while their favorite music is playing, if his theory is correct.
Then there's the underlying possibility that the ones who won't listen believe in depopulation, but subconsciously, so don't want to know about it, like eating steak and not wanting to know how the animals are killed. And vax injury would throw a wrench into their subconscious allegiance to the decades old depopulation catechism.. What is interesting is that the people I know who refuse to listen are all secular, atheistic or scientismistic (that's not a word lol). When someone believes in the spiritual value of each life, it seems to stay the sacrificial mind. And THEY know that, and that's one of the reasons they are after faith itself.
Nailed IT. I am reading Cilka's Journey by Heather Morris and all I can do is compare this 'mankind' to the one in the crosshairs of the Nazi's in the 30's and 40's and the Communists as well. Now people are so cozy and have never known the terror that has been inflicted upon man from his fellow man. By 2030 all those who have survived and remember will be gone, as the living history is killed as well in the new textbooks and the tearing down of monuments, etc. So, as humans sit around taking selfies with their pets and ordering shit to be delivered to their door and not giving 2 effs about having a brain cell or critical thinking skills, their demise is in the bag.
It’s like a new kind of opium. People numbing themselves with those things (selfies and Amazon deliveries, etc) so they don’t have to think about scary things and can focus on superficial pleasures.
When someone believes in the spiritual value of each life, it seems to stay the sacrificial mind. And THEY know that, and that's one of the reasons they are after faith itself.
Too scary a thing to think: psyche's safety valve jumps into action and quickly shuts the mental processing off. Lest the entire circuitry explodes in fireworks.
Makes me think they (those who took the jab(s) are so scared that it (death, cancer, etc) may happen to them that they don’t want to even acknowledge it AT ALL. with my few fragile friends, I have learned to stop trying to get them to see the “light”because for them it is the ultimate darkness. So for them, my new tack is quiet compassion (we talk about happier things, kind of like someone with a terminal illness- happy thoughts only for their remaining time- and I pray that they pull through) . Please God have mercy on them for they know not what they did. 💕
Me too Cindy. What’s the point of making them face their probable demise? What a horrible realization. As long as they’re not getting any more, I’ve dropped it.
That's how we know they are vaxxed. You know if they were unvaccinated it would be the top story. See! Corn pop was right! Death and destruction to the unvaccinated. Yeah. We all know the truth. Just different levels of denials and lies.
Not just the shots, they are now also trying to hide the harm from the virus they created. Yes, the CFR is very low, yet, and backed by dozens of good studies, the spike will and is causing a very very large variety of harms, weather it is a result of the vaccine or the virus. (Please no semnatics battles of weather the man made disease is a virus or something else, it has, likeharms, yet less deadly then the shots, (fewer spike that generally dont last as long) caused much real and continuing suffering.
Although some people got very sick, I still don't know what 'covid' is because the testing tested for nothing ... and the all cause death rate never increased to any degree until the toxic jabs started to be administered. So, I conclude that something made some people sick. But what was it? And since the all cause death rate did not rise until AFTER THE JABS, then getting toxic substances into people was the Prime Object all along. And it still is. Not only jabs. But food supply, aerosol intertables, etc. are possible delivery systems of attack.
The hugely overlooked linkages involves Transhumanist objectives. And this my be the real democide objective, the ending of the human race. Kind of like Obama's Radical Transformation writ large. The link once again. And Karen Kingston is a credible person, no lightweight feather-headed person.
Anything to obfuscate Him in whose image we were created. Blood is the name of the game, whether it be for forgiveness of sin or the stuff coursing through every organ.
Well said! Yes blood ... and the War to squash the One God of the Christians. The Allah crowd is not happy with this either. But I image the Christian Godless figure they can extinguish the Allah crowd too. It's really in the end an objective of a Godless merging of Man and Machine managed by The Cloud.
The Wizard of Oz controls The Cloud. I'm joking but a line of question about this is more than warranted. And all of this merging business is effectively the end of human kind. But then again, 'they' might keep a few specimens at the zoo for the machines to gawk at when on vacation ... which is never.
Dave, as far as my mind can see, which isn't far, I totally agree. The only check I have is a presupposition that the Creation is bigger than anything man can imagine. The planet is bigger and more complex than we can even imagine and likewise, man is more complex than these demonic people understand. They think they can control and determine man's "evolution". I call bull shit. God laughs at them and He will have the last word about all this. We may die but we are on the winning side. I only hope I live long enough to see retribution. I'm looking forward to that.
No change in the Greater Roanoke, Virginia area. And I used the Commonwealth's own data. And not where my sister-in-law in Maryland in Arundel County using Maryland's own data. But now, post commencement of the 'vaccine' administrations, we see people dropping dead and being messed up all over the place, and in categories of age which never had this level of misadventure, not ever! This then is what I have witnessed first hand. And so, I have to ask myself this. Do I believe what I have seen first hand, or do I believe whatever concoction I am told?
Common Sense! If everything is, as it was, a covid diagnosis, whatever happened to flu season? Which by the way magically disappeared for THREE
YEARS and for all I know is still missing. And so I have to ask, does anybody get the flu anymore or are we all on some kind of magical mystery treadmill?.
Common Sense! Another example! If SEVEN buildings are turned to dust and/or look like Berlin in spring of 1945, then the explanation CANNOT possibly be just TWO airplanes. With SEVEN buildings obliterated and TWO airplanes, this is all one needs to know that the official story is a ridiculous absurd clown-like LIE.
I did link to Substack and the piece was mildly interesting but in my opinion very flawed in some respects. I am always amazed though that people don't reduce things down to simple verifiable facts hitched to good solid reasoning and leading to inescapable conclusions. Doing this works. How do I know? I tested it out for a few number of years in Virginia General Assembly. All I can tell you is that most people make things way too complicated and end up shooting themselves in the foot. And by the way, I blundered my way towards reaching effective public speaking. And each failure or even partial success require a complete review and rethinking of things. And I probably made all the mistakes possible to make before getting something workable going.
Occam's Razor, right? It is so frustrating that children are no longer taught logic in school. What you know is not as important as how you know. If schools were nothing more than learning how to actually think for yourself and use your brain, we could dispense with all other schooling.
This correct ... how you know plus there this. One has to have a real education, real facts and histories and so on. Without a proper library of reference, one is equally disarmed.
Well, not only does admitting this is happening mean admitting they themselves were "duped," but it also means they themselves were somewhat complicit in encouraging others to take these shots, even if only by their example. The longer they holdout, the more complicit they feel and the greater the need for denial. It takes a lot of courage to face those forces and move toward the truth. The needle (no pun intended) moves in one direction only; no one is going from mRNA vaccine skeptic to mRNA vaccine advocate. We will reach a tipping point where it is more psychologically and socially dangerous to deny what has happened than it is to pretend it didn't happen, and then they will come around. They will need help dealing with what that brings.
True, but as more and more people admit the truth, courage becomes unnecessary. The followers will follow the herd and pretend like they always held had that position. Their ability to absorb cognitive dissonance amazes me.
Spot on. But I think that most people lack curiosity and have for some time. It's always annoyed me how people don't ask questions about anything really. They are just looking for the opportunity to talk about themselves. I imagine it's part of what has allowed the last 3 years to happen.
Yes, you can literally tell people that you went to the mall with a pack of monkeys and they wouldn't miss a beat in their deafness and inward focus. It is so gross. It is amazing to listen to them prattle on and on about nothing.
This is probably why TickTock was created; it was created to teach people how to focus solely on themselves and share it with anybody. No thinking needed. Just like FB was created to gather information on human behaviors.
Most of the local Republican leaders I voted and campaigned for took the damn shots and some took the boosters. They let doctors and a Fauci mislead President convince them it was science.
God Bless all who survive the Gates anti humanity BIOWEAPON.
You are wasting good energy trying to WAKE UP those who are MIND NUMBED--either willingly or UNwillingly because they ae "weak minded". To be MEEK-minded is Godly--to be WEAK-minded is to be a "tool of Lucifer"!!! After all, Lucifer is the "father of all lies"!!
Why don't people just THINK? And why to people listen to the continual barrage of noise and not their own internal compass of common sense allied with cogent lines of reasoning?
My dad had an IQ of 170, was qualified to teach in five science disciplines up to elementary nuclear physics. He was quite a piece of work. None of the rest of us were in his league, but some must have rubbed off on me. For this, I thank my luck stars ... really Providence.
Nope! From the late Howard Phillips Chairman Constitution Party of Virginia. He put a copy of R. J. Rushdoony's Institutes of Bible Law into my hands. And I instantly could see why Christianity was as dead as a door nob in America and why America was sliding off a cliff. Machen, Christianity and Liberalism was another big early influence.
The excess deaths worldwide is a massive story, but the media is silent. Are they delusional or do you think they have been “instructed” not to cover it?
Re: all the cases of SADS that Jeff wrote about yesterday.
It is quite breathtaking to witness the cognitive dissonance of people when you bring up all these young people dying.
My psychologist friend said it’s no longer cognitive dissonance. It’s now delusion.
My thoughts lately - these people behave like zombies.
I speak truth when telling friends what I’ve been up to- meeting with state senators to present evidence of the harms of the shots. You’d think I said I went shopping. At least then they might have asked, what for? What did you buy?
They know I got the damn shots (by the grace of God no adverse event). Don’t they wonder what changed my mind????
Yet they say/ask nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.
Just imagine the deaths taking place of non celebrities that are not making the news 😔
right? Non famous people die too.
They taunt us with "no cause of death" "sudden illness" medical emergency" but when my vaxxed daughter keeps having miscarriages, the press does not show up.
So sorry, Nancy.
Thank you.
Probably no accident because sterility, reproductive disruption is longer term population reduction which does not collapse the entire economic function as would half the planet dying over night. The shots are a long term assault on young people because the family that cannot be is the family that will never be. How much of how much? I reckon by guess that we will find out although it may take time.
This is heart wrenching tragedy.
Speaking of over half the population dying overnight-won’t it be something to behold when Jesus takes the His Church out in a twinkling of an eye, me, I’ll be with them so won’t here for the chaos that ensues!
Sadly, I really believe that is why they are pushing the UFOs…. to be able to say that is what happened… we were captured by aliens not Jesus took us home.
Ha! Never would have thought this one!
I’ve heard that before Lisa, but that doesn’t make any sense to me because that would mean that they believe in Jesus. These evil people certainly don’t believe in Jesus and therefore don’t believe we’ll be caught up in the clouds with Him. They are steadily laying the groundwork now and I think they will use AI to convince us that people were taken out of thin air by aliens. My best guess is they will use the narrative for more control. Example- ‘Don’t go out of your house because you could get taken.’
De Wife and I are Reformed Calvinists ... but my confession is that 'I am not in any hurry'. Maybe it's my sinful nature talking ... but!
Some days I am in more of a hurry than others.
I'm in agreement with you about not being in a hurry. I'm hoping to help some of the currently, but soon to be formerly, deluded to the safety of the 'life boats'. I mean I will be asked about the people I knew and how did I help them to see the glorious beauty of knowing the Lord...
We know.
Everyone I know who believes in this American idea of a Rapture passes away and goes out the regular way and not by chariot.
Understand that originated in the UK but it's most definitely not a worldwide Christian belief, strictly local.
And it’s not a Biblical idea either. There is only one “rapture” and it happens as Christ returns to this earth and His people are caught up to meet Him in the air. The idea that the entire Church will be taken away before a 7 year period of chaos is nowhere mentioned in the Bible. Just the opposite- the Church will be tested as never before.
It’s also not held but a great many American Christians...
Well if you consider the Bible local.... 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
17 Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. (1 Thessalonians 4:16, NASB)
Oh. That's horrible. I know what it is like to lose a baby. Still born at 6 months with no reason why. Haunts my husband and I to this day. I can't imagine how I would feel if I recognized I might have caused it.
It's truly amazing how some things stick in the mind, things which will not dislodge. I'm old now and I see things in picture form flood through my mind just as I saw it many, many years and decades ago. It's like watching films in the movie houses way back in the 50's. And larger than life.
I am so sorry. I lost one, too, and even though I had no idea why, I blamed myself and spent months racking my brain and analyzing what I could have done wrong (when in reality I had been so careful and vigilant). That's one of the reasons I cannot fathom anyone injecting themselves with the experimental gene therapy while pregnant.
Same here. I was floored that the medical community supported the clot shot for expectant mothers and nursing mothers. Truly evil.
So true, a total experiment. No clinical trials were ever done on pregnant women. The same goes for flu shot for pregnant women- no clinical trials. I understand they can be unethical but then how is it ok to inject? I think pregnancy is one time when we can try to be as med free as possible. They should at least tell women that no clinical trials were done. I was in shock as well that those doctors who were supposed to be very protective of mom and a baby didn’t even bat an eye. I’m very upset about it
Remember, Samson's mother was told not to drink wine while she was pregnant with the hero-to-be.
Sending virtual hugs Nancy.
So sad.
Nancy, I'm so sorry this is happening to your daughter and for you. The sadness can be quite profound.
I’m sorry; heartbreaking.
I’m so sorry Nancy. My heart goes out to you and your daughter.
I’m so sorry!!
I'm so sorry Nancy. I would suggest her reading the book "it starts with an egg". I haven't read it personally but it's been suggested in some of the Facebook groups I'm in. As someone who has struggled with recurrent miscarriage as well there are many things she can do to help her chances. Feel free to respond and I'd be more than happy to help with ideas if she's interested. God bless!
So sorry about your daughter. 😭
(Celery is not in nightshade family)--tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers are.
Just heard a young man, 17, who died in his sleep, no drugs but so far no cause of death. Wish I knew the family better to ask if he was jabbed, hopefully someone will follow up. My heart breaks for this family.
Read Ed Dowd’s book Died Suddenly…it’s about just this.
I think you mean “Cause Unknown: the Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022” 🙂
I gave Ed’s book to each of my senators and a county commissioner.
Great idea!
That IS a great idea!!
My husband's employee was one of the deaths back in 2021. His family pressured him to get it, and he immediately started battling some sort of mystery illness. His doctor kept blowing him off. My husband talked to him on the phone one day after he had missed another several days of work from said mystery illness, and he told my husband that he just had not been right ever since the shot and really regretted getting it. The very next day after that phone conversation, he was found deceased in his home. He was only 42 and had previously been in good health. His family told us it was a "presumed heart attack." It was totally devastating.
We've also had a few other deaths in our community that have been obvious to me, like a beloved local high school principal/former NFL player who died riding his bicycle one day about a year ago.
Not to mention a plethora of serious illnesses and cancers amongst my friends, family, and acquaintances that I am convinced are jab related.
That’s awful 😞
So sad
Great blog. I read it every day as a witness to this human tragedy.
great column.
May be worth your time to make sense of it all if you haven't seen it:
A Killing of the Mind: How An Entire Society Becomes Mentally Ill :
"Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent." -Anonymous
I have seen it but it was quite sometime ago. Thank you for sharing tritorch. I will listen again so that I can stop torturing myself.
Just wow...thanks for sharing....
I think it’s more often than “sometimes” 😑
I have about 6,000 Twitter followers, and not just follow-backs type stuff (I follow about 60 accounts). Most have been followers for 10-ish years due to my blogging activity. So, legit followers. I screen clipped each of Jeff's SADS reports last night, tweeted each one in a separate tweet.
Not one single reaction. Not a Like, Retweet, or Comment.
Must be some sort of paralyzing fear combined with the belief that if you don't think abouyt it or acknowledge it, it will go away.
Could you have been censored? It's amazing that no one commented. Or could the comments have been censored?
Shadowbanned is the word
Yes,someone else reported Libs of TikTok seems to be shadow banned again - deep state twitter employees?
Perhaps? Maybe? But there is also this. I notice that people can only take things so far. I notice this everywhere the same whether if financial stuff, health stuff, economic data stuff ... only so far and then it's like everyone cognitively jumps off a cliff lemming style.
The school and churches have dumbed people's cognitive abilities down so far that people have lost the ability to thinking. And also one has to have a valid data base, meaning having read the right histories. For example, when I read Gibbon who to my surprise covers huge swaths of Christian history, I was blown away. And why did we never read Gibbon is school? Why don't the churches teach Christian history? It's the same reason as to why Bibles were made illegal for regular folks to own in the beginning Reformation era once the Gutenberg Press made widespread Bible publication and dissemination possible.
THEY want to keep us dumb so they can propagandized us and keep us under control. Plain and simple! That is the real reason elites once opposed Home Schooling so vigorously.
The advisor I work for said she looks at the obituaries now. Especially when she can't get in touch with a client. One of our clients is only 50 and she's checking obituaries? The advisor is vaxxed so I think on some level the sudden and unexpected deaths etc are reaching her logical area of her brain that it is probably the vaxx. Wonder when she will finally admit it.
I am continuously aware of how hard it will be to admit anything. First, somebody takes the Kill Shot and they find out just a few things. And then the 'Oh my God' reaction ... accompanied by a new found pulsating fear which corses throughout their every body fiber. Then they have to admit they were duped, and next that they were stupid enough to believe anything this absurd. Next they have to accept internally that they took leave of their senses and were totally controlled by external agencies ... and in fact went totally bonkers insane. They will of course, the most of them, get extremely angry at what was done to them. And not only this, the terror that death and disability are nearly almost likely stalking them in their bodies, this just may be too much for them. And regarding this, the words of the poet haunt me ... that "human kind Cannot bear very much reality". And hear this for yourself:
"Go, said the bird, for the leaves were full of children, Hidden excitedly, containing laughter. Go, go, go, said the bird: human kind Cannot bear very much reality. Garlic and sapphires in the mud Clot the bedded axle-tree. The trilling wire in the blood Sings below inveterate scars Appeasing long forgotten wars." (T. S. Eliot, Burnt Norton, Four Quartets)
These are one smart bunch of cunning demonic bastards. They think way beyond most of us. And as any eluding the hook, I have to say 'not so fast' because we later came to see there are a multiplicity of delivery systems. There's shedding which appears to be credible. And there are other involuntary means of delivery (food supply, aerosol, etc.). There are even flying hypodermic needles commonly called mosquitoes. And who knows what else? In effect, none of us are totally immune from this all.
Annie ... honestly! I don't know what gets into me. The horses are always getting away from me. Now however, I have to go out into the yard and look again for the glasses which flew off my face when I slipped on the bank and fell and cracked my head on the the culvert pipe. One can hope it knocked some sense into me. But don't count on it.
We learned a v important lesson in the last 3 years: humans are herd animals.
Their #1 fear is not to be mugged, or go bankrupt, or die in a plane crash. #1 fear is to be publicly humiliated.
80% of the population has a desperate need to be in sync with what the rest of the herd is doing at all times.
All of that stuff about rugged individualism only applies to 20% of us.
Which is why the plandemic profiteers are holding their line so tenaciously, they know if the herd turns and heads towards them they are in deep trouble.
But I don't think that's how this plays out. Reminds me of the videos where the sheepdog runs across the sheep in the pen and gets them to do whatever he wants. So this may play out more like thalidomide did, it took 5 years before all of the various symptoms were correlated and blame was finally assigned. Hope I'm wrong
Your Eliot quote was haunting. In my mind it was a metaphor for the last 3 years right down to "blood", "trilling wire", "clot" and scar....and the children!
I think it is much like men in battle. When a comrade is killed the first instinct is joy at having not been killed and then guilt in surviving.
I think they know. If they don’t comment, they don’t have to justify their decision making skills.
I completely agree Phil! must be censored
If you think about the complexity of the psyop perpetrated on all of us on earth beginning in 2020, and the amount of money distributed to all institutions and cultural outlets to keep us in fear and desirous of vaccines, and KNOW that that apparatus is still in place, these people begin to make more sense. I surmise their narrative from what I get hit with by my progressive friend and from things people say. The psyop panders to people's sense that they are smarter than we are, and our ideas need to not be given a platform (I've heard therapists do this to clients), that we have fallen down rabbit holes, and they must ignore us to extinguish our conspiratorial (fill in the blank---racist, right wing, antisemitic, transphobic) ideas. They do not know they are being psyoped by what Robert Malone calls Fifth Generation Information warfare, and do not believe they could be psyoped, and, crucially, being filled with mortal fear and panic and anxiety over whatever the terror du jour is, the unconscious choice is between the terrible cognitive dissonance of realizing that not only have you been tricked and might have the ticking time bomb of spike within you, but that your own government is trying to kill you or commodify or enslave you, and feeling superior and more compassionate and more intellectual at the same time. People not invested in their own intelligence are much easier to convince. My very sweet common sense cousin heard Naomi Wolf read from the Pfizer documents and went abolitionist, whereas my friends with advanced degrees or who studied at elite institutions are sure I'm just a conspiracy theorist. Leonid Perlovsky thinks music resolves cognitive dissonance, so we would have more luck convincing people while their favorite music is playing, if his theory is correct.
Then there's the underlying possibility that the ones who won't listen believe in depopulation, but subconsciously, so don't want to know about it, like eating steak and not wanting to know how the animals are killed. And vax injury would throw a wrench into their subconscious allegiance to the decades old depopulation catechism.. What is interesting is that the people I know who refuse to listen are all secular, atheistic or scientismistic (that's not a word lol). When someone believes in the spiritual value of each life, it seems to stay the sacrificial mind. And THEY know that, and that's one of the reasons they are after faith itself.
Nailed IT. I am reading Cilka's Journey by Heather Morris and all I can do is compare this 'mankind' to the one in the crosshairs of the Nazi's in the 30's and 40's and the Communists as well. Now people are so cozy and have never known the terror that has been inflicted upon man from his fellow man. By 2030 all those who have survived and remember will be gone, as the living history is killed as well in the new textbooks and the tearing down of monuments, etc. So, as humans sit around taking selfies with their pets and ordering shit to be delivered to their door and not giving 2 effs about having a brain cell or critical thinking skills, their demise is in the bag.
It’s like a new kind of opium. People numbing themselves with those things (selfies and Amazon deliveries, etc) so they don’t have to think about scary things and can focus on superficial pleasures.
Yes Cynthia - the common thread in those that refuse to see in my world - atheistic.
So beautifully said - thank you.
When someone believes in the spiritual value of each life, it seems to stay the sacrificial mind. And THEY know that, and that's one of the reasons they are after faith itself.
You make a lot of sense, Cynthia.
Too scary a thing to think: psyche's safety valve jumps into action and quickly shuts the mental processing off. Lest the entire circuitry explodes in fireworks.
That or shadow-banning 🤔
Makes me think they (those who took the jab(s) are so scared that it (death, cancer, etc) may happen to them that they don’t want to even acknowledge it AT ALL. with my few fragile friends, I have learned to stop trying to get them to see the “light”because for them it is the ultimate darkness. So for them, my new tack is quiet compassion (we talk about happier things, kind of like someone with a terminal illness- happy thoughts only for their remaining time- and I pray that they pull through) . Please God have mercy on them for they know not what they did. 💕
Me too Cindy. What’s the point of making them face their probable demise? What a horrible realization. As long as they’re not getting any more, I’ve dropped it.
I also bite my tongue about the jab harms and deaths. But am I just perpetuating the silence?
Not too Twitter-savvy, but could you have been “shadow-banned”?
Are youthe Paleo dude I followed around 2012 or 13? 😀
That would indeed be me, Janet.
Same blog, still going strong...a lot broader content than diet stuff nowadays, though I still do cover those things from time-to-time.
I’ll check it out.
It could be that no one wants to come out via a like. You have reached people. Every so often do the same thing.
There's a meme floating around somewhere, unable to post here, but it states:
>> " If all of these sudden deaths were in the unvaccinated population, it would be all over the news 24 hours a day, 7 days a week " <<
.......... ain't that the truth !
That's how we know they are vaxxed. You know if they were unvaccinated it would be the top story. See! Corn pop was right! Death and destruction to the unvaccinated. Yeah. We all know the truth. Just different levels of denials and lies.
That's right! No mention of vax status?
THERE is your "tell". If no mention, they be jabbed with the spike sauce!
Very good point!
Not just the shots, they are now also trying to hide the harm from the virus they created. Yes, the CFR is very low, yet, and backed by dozens of good studies, the spike will and is causing a very very large variety of harms, weather it is a result of the vaccine or the virus. (Please no semnatics battles of weather the man made disease is a virus or something else, it has, likeharms, yet less deadly then the shots, (fewer spike that generally dont last as long) caused much real and continuing suffering.
“Natural” infection here , and I can absolutely attest to harm !
Go RFK for calling it out …it was created in a lab.
Although some people got very sick, I still don't know what 'covid' is because the testing tested for nothing ... and the all cause death rate never increased to any degree until the toxic jabs started to be administered. So, I conclude that something made some people sick. But what was it? And since the all cause death rate did not rise until AFTER THE JABS, then getting toxic substances into people was the Prime Object all along. And it still is. Not only jabs. But food supply, aerosol intertables, etc. are possible delivery systems of attack.
The hugely overlooked linkages involves Transhumanist objectives. And this my be the real democide objective, the ending of the human race. Kind of like Obama's Radical Transformation writ large. The link once again. And Karen Kingston is a credible person, no lightweight feather-headed person.
Anything to obfuscate Him in whose image we were created. Blood is the name of the game, whether it be for forgiveness of sin or the stuff coursing through every organ.
Well said! Yes blood ... and the War to squash the One God of the Christians. The Allah crowd is not happy with this either. But I image the Christian Godless figure they can extinguish the Allah crowd too. It's really in the end an objective of a Godless merging of Man and Machine managed by The Cloud.
The Wizard of Oz controls The Cloud. I'm joking but a line of question about this is more than warranted. And all of this merging business is effectively the end of human kind. But then again, 'they' might keep a few specimens at the zoo for the machines to gawk at when on vacation ... which is never.
Dave, as far as my mind can see, which isn't far, I totally agree. The only check I have is a presupposition that the Creation is bigger than anything man can imagine. The planet is bigger and more complex than we can even imagine and likewise, man is more complex than these demonic people understand. They think they can control and determine man's "evolution". I call bull shit. God laughs at them and He will have the last word about all this. We may die but we are on the winning side. I only hope I live long enough to see retribution. I'm looking forward to that.
I do belive that all cause mortality did spike before the jabs.Ouite extensively, although there is considerable evidence that treatment protocols were in and of themselves, deadly. Some of the mortality spikes were very high. Here is how COVID policy has changed.
No change in the Greater Roanoke, Virginia area. And I used the Commonwealth's own data. And not where my sister-in-law in Maryland in Arundel County using Maryland's own data. But now, post commencement of the 'vaccine' administrations, we see people dropping dead and being messed up all over the place, and in categories of age which never had this level of misadventure, not ever! This then is what I have witnessed first hand. And so, I have to ask myself this. Do I believe what I have seen first hand, or do I believe whatever concoction I am told?
Common Sense! If everything is, as it was, a covid diagnosis, whatever happened to flu season? Which by the way magically disappeared for THREE
YEARS and for all I know is still missing. And so I have to ask, does anybody get the flu anymore or are we all on some kind of magical mystery treadmill?.
Common Sense! Another example! If SEVEN buildings are turned to dust and/or look like Berlin in spring of 1945, then the explanation CANNOT possibly be just TWO airplanes. With SEVEN buildings obliterated and TWO airplanes, this is all one needs to know that the official story is a ridiculous absurd clown-like LIE.
I did link to Substack and the piece was mildly interesting but in my opinion very flawed in some respects. I am always amazed though that people don't reduce things down to simple verifiable facts hitched to good solid reasoning and leading to inescapable conclusions. Doing this works. How do I know? I tested it out for a few number of years in Virginia General Assembly. All I can tell you is that most people make things way too complicated and end up shooting themselves in the foot. And by the way, I blundered my way towards reaching effective public speaking. And each failure or even partial success require a complete review and rethinking of things. And I probably made all the mistakes possible to make before getting something workable going.
Occam's Razor, right? It is so frustrating that children are no longer taught logic in school. What you know is not as important as how you know. If schools were nothing more than learning how to actually think for yourself and use your brain, we could dispense with all other schooling.
This correct ... how you know plus there this. One has to have a real education, real facts and histories and so on. Without a proper library of reference, one is equally disarmed.
Yes the CFR of COVID-19 is basically zero: [image] [image]
Super interesting perspective of Sars Cov2 source:
Watch the Water - Part 1 - 9M views
Part 2 -
Measles Myth -
Well, not only does admitting this is happening mean admitting they themselves were "duped," but it also means they themselves were somewhat complicit in encouraging others to take these shots, even if only by their example. The longer they holdout, the more complicit they feel and the greater the need for denial. It takes a lot of courage to face those forces and move toward the truth. The needle (no pun intended) moves in one direction only; no one is going from mRNA vaccine skeptic to mRNA vaccine advocate. We will reach a tipping point where it is more psychologically and socially dangerous to deny what has happened than it is to pretend it didn't happen, and then they will come around. They will need help dealing with what that brings.
...And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ~Anais Nin
And we saw how few people had any moral courage in 2020. Unlikely those same people will suddenly find some unless something big changes.
True, but as more and more people admit the truth, courage becomes unnecessary. The followers will follow the herd and pretend like they always held had that position. Their ability to absorb cognitive dissonance amazes me.
Sic transit gloria mundi 😢 Not with a bang but a whimper.
Spot on. But I think that most people lack curiosity and have for some time. It's always annoyed me how people don't ask questions about anything really. They are just looking for the opportunity to talk about themselves. I imagine it's part of what has allowed the last 3 years to happen.
Yes, you can literally tell people that you went to the mall with a pack of monkeys and they wouldn't miss a beat in their deafness and inward focus. It is so gross. It is amazing to listen to them prattle on and on about nothing.
I notice this way more than I used to.
This is probably why TickTock was created; it was created to teach people how to focus solely on themselves and share it with anybody. No thinking needed. Just like FB was created to gather information on human behaviors.
It’s not so much social media as narcissist media.
because they all either have Stockholm syndrome or they profited by the jabs and now cannot say a word.
Most of the local Republican leaders I voted and campaigned for took the damn shots and some took the boosters. They let doctors and a Fauci mislead President convince them it was science.
God Bless all who survive the Gates anti humanity BIOWEAPON.
You are wasting good energy trying to WAKE UP those who are MIND NUMBED--either willingly or UNwillingly because they ae "weak minded". To be MEEK-minded is Godly--to be WEAK-minded is to be a "tool of Lucifer"!!! After all, Lucifer is the "father of all lies"!!
I like this!
My wonderment and astonishment too!
Why don't people just THINK? And why to people listen to the continual barrage of noise and not their own internal compass of common sense allied with cogent lines of reasoning?
Some people are lazy and want others to think for them, sadly 🤷♀️
My dad had an IQ of 170, was qualified to teach in five science disciplines up to elementary nuclear physics. He was quite a piece of work. None of the rest of us were in his league, but some must have rubbed off on me. For this, I thank my luck stars ... really Providence.
Just curious. Did you get your introduction to Calvinism from your dad?
Nope! From the late Howard Phillips Chairman Constitution Party of Virginia. He put a copy of R. J. Rushdoony's Institutes of Bible Law into my hands. And I instantly could see why Christianity was as dead as a door nob in America and why America was sliding off a cliff. Machen, Christianity and Liberalism was another big early influence.
Consider getting a Live Blood analysis. It will show any "anomalies."
Thank you for this resource. I’m lucky in that I’m a patient at Dr. Sherry Tenpenny’s practice.
My millennial son says it's because "the pharmacists didn't store the vax properly.
I'm a pharmacist. I still love him, and hope he doesn't get SAD-DED. He also says he's safe because he got Pfizer, not Moderna. I don't even argue.
If people shut down and become angry, it's likely cognitive dissonance. If they argue the narrative, it's likely delusion.
The excess deaths worldwide is a massive story, but the media is silent. Are they delusional or do you think they have been “instructed” not to cover it?
Instructed most definitely.