Jan 26Liked by Jeff Childers

This meme so matches my substack bio.

"You want me to take the damn vaccine? Mail it to me & I'll vaccinate myself & mail back the paperwork stating I'm fully vaccinated. You trust me right? Just like mail in voting."

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Yes mail in vaxxes! Love it.

You would think since the sanctity of voting is fine to mail in, then why shouldn't a vax be?

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Or how about: I IDENTIFY as vaxxed!!

If that pretense is good enough to have people refer to you as a different gender and pronoun, it should be good enough for pretending to be vaxxed!!

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I don’t even want to identify as vaxxed.

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It is a fluid identity, just like the others. ;)

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I will identify as having availed myself of a "safe and effective" response to the COVID threat. I elect NOT to define WHICH "safe and effective" defense I have adopted.

There: no lies, no shots. Works for me.

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Thank you all for your levity, it is much appreciated!

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I just identify as safe from Covid. It implies that I’ve been vaccinated, but I’m not lying. πŸ€ͺ

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Lol. I no longer do, but when I was working in 2021, it was a tempting thought.

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Good point, who wants to look like an idiot. Even those well into senior years like us. Younger people that jumped all aboard the jab are just plain crazy.

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"When the mainstream media and the ruling class decide to pick on a critical issue, it is usually for two reasons: first, the issue is serious enough and is affecting their interests, and therefore the narrative must be controlled to ensure that the results are in their favor. Second, in doing the former, the ruling class gets to strictly filter and manage the narrative on what needs to be said about any given topic; which β€˜experts’ are given the stage to speak; and whose voices are excluded from debates,

or even defamed and slandered, if necessary."

I have a T that says: We will not comply with tyranny!

This one: t.co/bYpaPIOLHM

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Or maybe, I identify as an illegal. I don’t need a jab.

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Why not!!?!!! LOL πŸ˜‰The alphabet insanity should give us free reign to identify as anything we want!!! πŸ€‘

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And you'll get "free room and board" from the Federal government - what are we "legals" doing anyway--let's all go to Mexico and then 'migrate' back as "migrants seeking asylum from our tyrannical government"!!

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Love it!!

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Real Immunity is the practice which includes Cilla Whatcott, author of The Solution: Homeoprophylaxis. The practitioner referred to evidently works at it as well. There have been many studies supporting the efficacy of giving homeopathic nosodes to prevent specific diseases. My daughter has autism, I have MS, from vaccine reactions. I took a religious exemption to further vaccines for her when she was in school. When her high school required the meningococcal vaccine in her senior year, in 2018, I both renewed her exemption and gave her the meningococcal nosode. In 2015, when we got a puppy, I got her a few vaccines, but mostly nosodes. You would need to look at the very impressive studies supporting the practice before dismissing it.

Of course this practitioner has been persecuted. Mainstream medicine and pharma will lose billions when this practice becomes widely accepted.

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Wow! Scrolling down I saw comments on how much her Go Fund Me has gotten! Wonderful! But please, everyone should research nosodes. Cilla’s books or Dr. Isaac Golden’s (from Australia). We don’t have to put up with the myriad neurological, immune, and autoimmune conditions often caused by the NORMAL and necessary inflammatory response to ALL vaccines.

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I’ve used nosodes as well on my 7 yo terrier. She’s walked daily where other dogs germs are and never contracted anything. No shots since a DHP puppy one and the healthiest dog I’ve ever owned. Shots are 1/3 of a vets income and the illnesses they cause make up the other 2/3’s. It’s all bullπŸ’©

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I have only given 7 of my Rottweilers the DAPP vaccine as young puppies. Then rabies as older puppies, a year after and then every three years until the reach double digits, then not again. I titer for parvo and distemper after the 3rd puppy shot and then through out their lives. All 7 of those dogs have reached old age with high titer numbers for parvo and distemper. The only reason I continue with rabies is that I do a lot of competitions with my dogs in other states. Most states consider a paw scratch the same as a bite. The rules for unvax for rabies is pretty bad- quarantine for 6 months in government approved facility(isolation) or death to examine the brain. Given that they are Rottweilers who are well trained and well behaved, but people view them and their behaviors very differently then an untrained and ill behaved golden, meaning an aggressive, teeth baring, growling golden gets a pass on behaving badly, but a happy, relaxed and friendly Rottweiler is accused of all kinds of bad acts. So I make the hard choice in over vaxing for rabies.

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My vet quoted $400 for a rabies titer test! I didn’t get the rabies shot last year for my corgi girl, and didn’t do the titer. She’s almost 12. We walk in the forest behind my house, so she’s mostly on leash these days, and we avoid other dogs. I don’t want to take any chances. She’s not aggressive at all, but like you kinda said, a sweet golden can cause problems.

It’s no wonder it’s nearly impossible to get into a wholistic vet in our town. I’m getting a pup this spring or summer and I’m worried, now more than I ever have been, about shots.

(Our old vet reamed me another about titers and rabies in my last elderly corgi. His problem, not mine).

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I called our vet last week and was told that the new regulation for Horton’s requires that all dogs and cats get the recommended rabies boosters. The practice only gives non-adjuvanted Merial vaccines. Purevax for cats, a name I’ve forgotten for dogs. Our vet says that non-adjuvanted vaccines (no aluminum or similar), never ever cause cancer or allergic or autoimmune disease. That’s not true, while non-adjuvanted are much safer, numerous animals have gotten and died of these conditions only from a non-adjuvanted vaccine. They still cause excessive inflammation as part of the desired immune response.

I got our puppy a conventional vaccine considered relatively safe for distemper at 9 weeks, parvo 11 (parvo is common, distemper not, but vaccine response is not adequate too young), same at 13 and 16 weeks. Merial rabies at six months, booster one year later. And that’s enough for protection for life. No need to risk all the disabling or fatal vaccine reactions. Same for our cats, the trivalent Merial distemper, rhinotracheitis, calicivirus vaccine at 9 and 16 weeks, Purevax rabies at 6 months and a year later. Good for life.

If Horton’s insists on this new policy, I’ll talk to the vet and see if she’ll accept antibodies shown on titering. If she won’t, I’ll call other practices. Maybe only take our pets in when absolutely necessary, at least space out the vaccines to as many years between visits as possible. Going ip to yearly or triennial rabies vaccines would be very likely to cause fatal cancer in them, so common in much-vaxxed pets now.

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I saw a video on Facebook from a vet who said that you can get a medical exemption from rabies vaccines if your dog is not in excellent health. Vaccines are meant to be given only to healthy animals. If there are any health issues, the vaccine is contraindicated.

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It’s true about the stigma for these dogs. We had 2 Dobermans, amazingly smart (like the Rotties) and super sweet and cuddly. However, when hubby used to walk them, always on a leash, many times he’d have people with loose small yappers (a β€œrat in a dog suit”) yelling at him to put them on a leash (which they were), though these people assumed otherwise. They had no control over their yappy things. I’ve read most dog bites happen from small dogs. It’s very unfair how these majestic creatures are viewed. Pit bulls as well. Same old. If I had to walk down a dark alley though, I know who I’d want by my side.

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I assume you were willing to sacrifice quite a lot to stay unvaxxed? If so, you may want to consider your reasons for complying for your dogs. Maybe the risk is worth it? But, I have a friend who got her Mastiff vaxxed. He became aggressive within days and had to be put down. My sister's labradoodle is crazy anxious and always drugged for visitors or fireworks now. Her other doodle is equally unsafe from a will he attack standpoint when he sees strangers, despite being through all the obedience training. These two have told me there are entire online forums for pet owners of the vax injured pets just as there were for us parents of the vax injured parents. Did you know there is a bill in MA (I think, one of the NE states) that is named after persons pet who died post vax saying vets have to give informed consent? interesting the bill passed for pets but not children or adults. Anyways, hope your pets remain healthy and lead long healthy lives if this is necessary.

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Cia, thank you for posting about Homeoprophylaxis! People don’t realize that homeopathy has been systematically destroyed by the pharmaceutical industry yet historically homeopathy had better outcomes during the Spanish Flu epidemic.


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Yes, homeopathy is amazing, it has worked miraculously for us several times. Also be be considered that traditional homeopaths look askance at both nosodes and combination remedies. In my case, I can vouch that the combination remedy Cocculus Combo is extremely effective at stopping the dizziness I often feel from MS or long Covid. We have not gotten any disease we’ve taken nosodes for, but may not have been exposed to the diseases. I was impressed by a study cited in the book The Solution regarding a large-scale program in Brazil to combat a dengue epidemic there. Tens of thousands took several doses of homeopathic remedies (not nosodes in that study), and the region in which the remedies were given had almost no cases of dengue, while the surrounding areas had a lot. Remedies are minute amounts of a substance which causes the same symptoms as those being treated, potentized by specific degrees of solution and succussion (rapping on a hard surface and shaking a certain number of times). The more dilute and succussed, the higher the potency and the deeper the action. It is energetic, and shows the immune system the nature of the problem so it can respond appropriately for healing. It may sound weird and unbelievable, but it works, if you choose the appropriate remedy, which can be challenging. Nosodes are similar to vaccines: a minute amount of material from a disease is diluted and succussed.

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There are citations in The Solution of several studies done when polio was prevalent. The remedy lathyrus sativus was extremely effective at both preventing and treating polio, so that whereas the protocol recommended in the book is otherwise of specific disease nosodes, for polio Whatcott recommends the homeopathic remedy lathyrus sativus rather than the polio nosode, which is also available.

I bought the book Flu by Randall Neustaedter. On reading the list of flu symptoms which I had with a sudden onset of flu in March 2011, I thought bryonia sounded most appropriate. I had to go to the funeral of a close friend 90 miles away the following day, but was sure that with a 104 degree fever, chills and fever, and a severe cough, there was no way I could go. But I took the bryonia that first night of symptoms, and by golly, within an hour the fever was gone and the could had become infrequent and mild. I’d recommend people get and read that book Flu by Neustaedter. Bryonia and gelsemium are the remedies most often indicated for flu in adults, and try them when indicated. Each little tube of 100 pillules costs about ten dollars, a dose is three pillules. You can see why Medicine and Pharma have waged war on it for over a century.

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Do you know if homeopathy has success treating UTI’s? My granddaughter has recurring UTI’s and has taken so many antibiotics for them that I really worry about what they’re doing to her health. I just sent her the book by Steven Bruhner, Herbal Antibiotics. We have to find some answers for her!

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dilution, not solution

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Homeopathy is great. I’ve wondered recently about this so-called Spanish Flu. If they did the Covid sham (as well as AIDS and other β€œpandemics” to promote vaccines), then I’m also suspicious of that flu. I recently watched a great documentary on Tubi called β€œShots”. Well worth watching. They explained that the Spanish Flu was a result of vaxxing the Army which resulted in everyone getting bacterial pneumonia, spreading it and dying from that. Another time they used the Army as guinea pigs. I’m sketchy on the details but the film explains it all.

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I used homeopathic nosodes years ago when my blue cattle dog got her β€˜puppy shots’. And then I used another homeopathic nosode when she had her rabies boosters...then a few years into her life I ditched all the vet vaccines for her. She lived to be 16 years old!

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My daughter was vaccinated with homeopathy by Dr Isaac Golden over 30 years ago. It definitely works.

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When I checked they were up to $145,000 & the 3 easily visible donations were all C&Cr's !!! πŸ’•

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The foremost homeopath in the US has an excellent informative website. https://joettecalabrese.com/

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Jan 26Β·edited Jan 26

She’s my favorite! And if you're on Instagram, @thathomeopath in AU is a powerhouse, she has such good content and is a strong woman fighting to create an army of homeopaths.

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I’m not sure why people need a veterinarian regularly? Like my kids, my dogs haven’t been to the vet except for a couple of times in their lives. I treat most things myself, at home starting with whole foods. As gas a vaccines if you think they’re bad for humans, why would you give them to your animals? The animal medical industry has even less β€œ safeguards” then the human medical industry πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†. The ONLY vaccine to consider in an animal is rabies because of the cost of rabies treatment in the case of accidental infection ( eating a rabies carrying animal). Also due to the laws surrounding rabies and dog β€œbites” in todays world. I would bet a lot of money that most animal diseases today are spread by vaccine shedding, not by natural infection. If we vaccinate less, we’ll have less disease....

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I watched a video of a Vet testifying before Congress that he was seeing puppies die from the rabies vaccines and other dogs get cancer at the site where the vaccine was given. I don’t believe in any of it for animals or babies, children, teens, adults or seniors. All part of the sickness/disability/depopulation plan.

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Phama’s goal is the whole market… β€˜cradle to grave’

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With ya, Laura. Neither I nor my pets will be participating in this Pharma charade in the future.

And it makes me sad to see that even here at C&C so many people are turning their bodies and pets over to this BS.

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Distemper is severe and often fatal in both dogs and cats(different diseases). Canine parvovirus probably started with experiments on feline distemper in the β€˜70s, but became a serious disease in its own right. These are mainly puppy and kitten diseases. It’s important to immunize puppies and kittens for them after maternal antibodies are no longer protecting the animal. One dose is enough if you give it at the right time, the second is in case the maternal antibodies were still active at the time of the first dose. 16 weeks is good, but leaves the animal unprotected until then. Many give one dose at 8 or 9 weeks, when often the maternal antibodies are gone then, and one at 16 weeks, when they certainly sre. And then they’re usually protected for life if it’s a vaccine. The length of time a nosode protects is unknown.

It’s not true to say that it’s only vaccine shedding which has ever been tbe cause of disease, and that’s true of both animals and humans. Some of the vaccine-preventable diseases were terrible scourges which killed or disabled huge numbers. Some of the vaccines were godsends, but all of them should be used with caution. Canine distemper and adenovirus are very rare in the developed world because of vaccines. Rabies is very rare now in dogs, cats, and humans in the developed world because of vaccines. Nosodes can immunize as well.

The vaccines can cause almost always fatal cancers in pets. Vaccines have been given in designated limbs now for thirty years, so it can be amputated if there is an injection-site sarcoma. You have to find a reasonable compromise if your pet is ever exposed outdoors or to other animals who have been exposed. Give the minimum puppy or kitten vaccines or nosodes, two doses of the rabies vaccine a year apart, and that’s it, unless titering may show loss of protection.

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SO happy to see a discussion about homeopathy! Thank you!

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On the other hand, if it turns out that shedded spike proteins can induce immunization...

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Detox. We can only do our best.

They poison us in our food, water, meds, even big pharma owns vitamins.... giving us cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer's, etc.

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Nurturing one's immune system is the best way to detox.

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indeed which goes to show how innately incredibly powerful they know us to be. Now we just have to know it ourselves.

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Basically you mean satan and his evil spiritual entities know we are powerful... What is boils down to is fear. They love it because it cripples us for control but mentally and spiritually. I have to step back and see the whole picture, the big idea of everything and even though there is suffering and war, we all die. Life is short and we aren't the ones to be fearing.

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A Midwestern Doctor had a good post on shedding on his substack, it's definitely a thing.

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I hope he publishes a collection of his articles. They are golden.

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Shedding is a thing.

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Never said it wasn't or doubted it.

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Exactly. So.

β€œI was in CVS the other day and Lady Blah-blah got her booster and the Pharmacist Assistant said it was the β€˜same-as’ the shot. So she/he/they/them gave me my certificate. I am now good to go!!”

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Mail-In Vaxxinations, just certify my signature

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Oh, good one.

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I like that one too!

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Wonderful post! Inciteful! Charming!

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Color me incited, that's for sure!

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Nailed it!

Or should I say "Jabbed it"?

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Think of how many fugitive searches this could preempt.

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The history of virus and vaccine research, AIDS, what they have in store for us with the next plandemic, X, and the pedophiles involved. Take a look at this. An outstanding piece of research, with the receipts.


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Too bad I am limited to one "Like"!

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That's good! So good I can't believe I've never seen it before

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That’s awesome!!,

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HahHa so true!!

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I like it. We should adopt the same sort of thought process with immigration.

Don't believe in walls, no problems, no walls, no checkpoints, nothing. But, to advocate that point of view, then the person has to never lock the doors on their own home or car, don't use a PIN# for their bank, no barriers, whatsoever.

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Jan 26Liked by Jeff Childers

When I first clicked the givesendgo link, her donations were $20, 665. Thirty minutes later it had jumped to over $36,000! ❀️ seeing all those 2’s.

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β€œA generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." Proverbs 11:25

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56,000 now :)

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Amen, in Jesus Christ’s name...

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Jan 26Β·edited Jan 26

At 10:02 a.m. it is $65,000... Go C&C!!!

She may not be out of business yet!

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And now no it’s over $41,000!!!

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I think it’s up to $58,000 now! Great multiplier

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$54,000 Let’s go Army!!

Up to $75k now.

The army of the people is rising up! Way. To. Go!

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Strength in numbers!

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I LOVE this! I get excited because we get to actually make a difference. Grass roots! My prayer is this Army idea spreads like wildfire across the world. THIS moves the needle. It has the ability to show the pulse of the people more than votes since those have been captured.

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Gave me goosebumps looking at the donations this morning.

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Isn’t it true that Trump had more grassroots donations than any other candidate in 2016?

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So much for integrity in the news. AP articles like this imply Trump wants to be falsely persecuted by these left wing political operatives who hold public office. Trumps personal expense on these BS charges are in the millions. Would destroy most people. Yet some folks buy into the AP spin.

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Jan 26Β·edited Jan 26

This is terrible but from what I read that’s not why he was put in prison. Its due to not testifying before congtess re Jan 6. He was in contempt.

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I donated to his Stop the Steal fund in Nov. 2020.

He stole it and used the donations for personal expenses.

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I can’t answer that as I don’t know for sure, but it wouldn’t surprise me.

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At 11:00 PST it’s $118,000!!!

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I just saw it’s over $120k now! πŸ™Œ

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Over 123k now

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I just did it and it was up to $48,000

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The West coast is awake - up over $75,000!

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Now it's close to $49,000!

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I'm late to it, being in the UK - nearly $100,000 when I did it.

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Just tried to give, but GSG giving me a difficult time with my Mastercard. Anyway. Over $108,000 at 12:54PM EST.

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Currently up to $77,000 and counting!!!

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9:30am CST and we're at $75,000!! Yay C&C Army:)

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I supported the cause, but not being familiar with how GSG works my contribution to support the platform threw my total over the '2' mark. Oh well, it's a great cause!

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Mine as well. I believe it still adds to the C&C Army total.

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When I just gave its 86,000

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76k now!

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Just donated and it was over $114,000!

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Just donated and it is @ $120,000 now.

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Jan 26Liked by Jeff Childers

I believe that the point of this invasion is to destabilize the US, period. Same for the rest of first-world Western countries. You don’t have to be a Neo-Nazi to see the effects it is having on everything. Native-born citizens want their countrymen to be like-minded to a reasonable degree, not foreigners with dangerous ideologies. Russia and China are lucky in that, even with those long borders, no people want to immigrate to them.

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I wouldn't say no people, but agree with your sentiment that they are far less attractive to people illegally sneaking in. But that's not just due to chance but for specific reasons.

I think Jeff Childers may have cause and effect backwards here. The reason Russia and China aren't being overwhelmed with illegal aliens is because they won't tolerate it. Unlike the West, they don't provide incentives, and importantly, they make lives of people illegally in their country miserable. It's the exact opposite of the West.

The far more likely explanation is that this is driven by the WEF-cabal oligarchs, and it's happening to the West because its leaders are weak, corrupt, and/or compromised. Russia and China OTOH, while far from perfect, those country's leaders actually put their own interests first.

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Correct. It would be beyond insane for Russia to encourage emigration when low population is among her biggest problems. China might want to get rid of some people, but they've caused the same problem for themselves with their one-child policy, which backfired. I would think that people leaving Russia and China are both doing so voluntarily, not with any major encouragement. That being said, we will likely benefit from the addition of people from those two countries, which is not the case with many others.

But you are definitely correct in pointing the finger at the Oh, Great! Reset crowd, the one that sent us the Trojan Horse, Obama, and stole the 2020 election so they could use Ukraine to try to break up Russia and plunder her resources. Soros established the Open Borders Society, for goodness sake, and he and Schwab have made it clear that they want to de-hegemonize the US and get rid of the dollar so they can replace it with a CBDC.

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Do people voluntarily leave China or Russia?

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Good point. Here they are, free people with cash in their pockets. From China? They may be letting people out of prison to come here, not sending citizens they actually want. That would relieve them of the expense of bread, water, bullets, etc.

I read somewhere that one of the Clinton organizations is helping along the route, supplying money, food, clothing, etc. I imagine they're getting something in return, possibly skimming off some of the children to sell.

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Yep, all the time. It's a big world....

Later Jay

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Their government allows them to leave just because they want to?

I have pictured police states with tight reign over the comings and goings.

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Lots of Chinese restaurants in America. The people I’ve met running them love China. It’s just that there’s no jobs for them. Their heritage is important to them.

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No. They don’t. Those coming are doing so with china’s permission, and orders from China.

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I agree with you about China & Russia not causing the illegal invasions.

The funding for it appears to be coming from Soros and WEF cabal NGOs.

This article addresses this very question about the reasons for allowing the illegal invasions. It also mentions Operation Garden Plot.


This border convoy sounds good too, for anyone that might want to partake in it.


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I’d prefer a sniper firing line. 1000 miles of patriots. Drop 100, and they will run like hell.

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The illegals are starting to go around the razor wire obstacles, and entering here on surrounding private property, so Abbot is offering those property owners free razor wire for their property.

It seems that those property owners may be dropping some invading trespassers soon?

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Like the days of old, American patriots will rise up to defend the Constitution! Accountability now!

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Later Jay

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The globalist cabal and the WEF ilk want to remove all borders and have "one world nation" of serfs that they control because they believe only they are suited for it. They push climate change fear and other pablum to further their own goals.

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The US would cease to be the US somewhere between the 50 millionth and the 300 millionth illegal alien.

Hospitals are about to start collapsing like dominos. First the emergency rooms go, because they have to give service no matter what. Then any hospitals near areas where mostly uninsured and people on medicare and medicaid will go under. But people will flood to those hospitals that are left. Soon the only hospitals will be black market, cash only hospitals.

Schools with many "migrants" are flailing already. Just expand that out.

Now imagine what happens with housing. What do the "migrants" do if they are not allowed to get jobs? What happens to the jobs market if they are allowed to get jobs?

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Yes, Jeff is probably overthinking this, these demons hate the nation-state, and without a border you have no nation. Much more on this globalist/eugenicist mindset here: https://resistanceactionaustralia.substack.com/p/on-the-origin-of-the-globalist-species

Oh, and a video report on The Battle of Australia, turn your volume UP: https://resistanceactionaustralia.substack.com/p/lest-we-forget-the-battle-of-australia

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They don’t entirely β€œplace their own nation’s self interest first.” Xi still seems to believe in Maoism and is sabotaging his nation’s economy making conquering Taiwan now his major objective. That venture may turn out like the 1588 attack of the Spanish Armada upon England.

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Jan 26Β·edited Jan 26

Importantly, that's your perception that they are not in China's interests. Xi may (and in all likelihood does) see those things *are* in China's interests. And frankly he has a point. Compare the relative strengths of the US vs. China as opposed to thirty years ago.

We view the world through this prism that some viewpoints are intrinsically good while others are intrinsically bad without considering the actual *results* of the policies resulting from those viewpoints. In three decades, China has risen while the US has fallen, this is beyond dispute. So who is more likely to have been acting in their own county's interests? Seems pretty obvious it's China, even if some decisions were foolish or in bad judgement at times.

How many western leaders actually believe that unrestricted, out-of-control illegal immigration is actually in their country's best interests? Few if any I'm certain. Either they are compromised, or they see its as part of some "greater good" while recognizing it's unlikely to help (and probably hurt) their native population. Yet they do it anyways. Compare that to How China and Russia deal with the issue.

We tend to get locked into these ideological myopic viewpoints that evolved decades ago and ignore the actual reality of what has happened since.

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Jan 26Β·edited Jan 26

Nicely put Jeff. On the whole Xi has done well for himself and for China. But the economic mess he is making will likely be as beneficial to the PRC in the long run as was Mao’s β€œGreat Leap Forward” and his Cultural Revolution. The latter did indeed purge most of his enemies but it stunted China’s economic development for decades. For China to succeed in its supremacist geopolitical ambitions they have to replicate the Meiji formula of β€œRich Nation, Strong Army.” But Xi’s policies have created a real estate bubble and a very fragile capital structure in the PRC that could collapse at any moment. National leaders succeed best when they pursue their national self-interest but sometimes they do not correctly perceive what that interest really is. Saddam thought invading Kuwait would perpetuate his dictatorship but ultimately it led him to the gallows. And totalitarian leaders are more likely to make colossal misjudgments not merely due to their own hubris but also because their advisors dread to deliver them unwelcome information that they need to formulate successful policies. So β€œmyopic ideological viewpoint” on my part indeed!

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Jan 26Β·edited Jan 26

Pursue their nation’s interests but sometimes they do not correctly perceive what that interest really is. Saddam thought invading Kuwait would perpetuate his dictatorship but ultimately it led him to the gallows. And totalitarian leaders are more likely to make colossal misjudgments not merely due to their own hubris but also because their advisors dread to deliver them unwelcome information that they need to formulate successful policies. So β€œmyopic ideological viewpoint” on my part indeed!

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Yes, points well-taken. Much China analysis is through the cracked prism of yesterday. Such older views are like a lame duck ready for the oven and do not in any way represent the realpolitik of the present day.

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Al by design collapses economies order out of chaos all in it together

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Akin to my argument when leftists wonder why rural people vote against their own self interests by rejecting democrats and their policies, which according to leftists, would benefit those people financially with more government programs. And my counter to that is, maybe they don’t see their interests as you leftists doβ€”maybe their priority is freedom and not money. So yes, what we may perceive as being in or not in China's interest may be viewed very differently by them!

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Taiwan and China are already one, at least by economic integration. This would be by market penetration, manufacturing integration in a two way street. Thus, given the integration of the economies, political union somewhere do the line is the likely long term probability. And I get this, I have to believe the Chinese Communist Party leadership knows and understands the same.

China always plays the long game.Thus there will be no war from China as the Chinese leadership realizes that all they have to do is out-wait the United States.

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Thank you Daverkb! But if the economy crashes on the mainland Xi may feel forced to move on Taiwan to save his own position as paramount leader. I believe that since the Chinese military has had little real combat experience since their war with a much weaker India in 1963 and a border skirmish with Viet Nam in the late 1970s in which they fared very poorly, that taking Taiwan might not be the cakewalk some think it will be. If it fizzles like the Mongol attack on Japan or the Spanish Armada in 1588 it could lead to a collapse Xi’s supremacy.

β€œQue sera , sera!” We can’t predict the future. Anything could happen.

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BTW I love some of tge intellectual interaction in this forum. Proverbs says β€œAs knives sharpen knives so two friends sharpen each other.” We are gaining by presenting each other with various perspectives unlike a lot of the shitposting that you see in other forums.

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Yes, so much is conjecture. And so much of the Woke elites (lower to upper levels) is contradictory in purposes and aims. And even the Uber-Banking Elite does not get it right. And also, a fiat banking system based upon Fantasy Money non-existent is fatally flawed in that discipline is solely rooted in human whim, not in limited commodity allocation and real marked allocation of resources.

Vietnam is a small place compared to China. But Vietnam has one huge advantage which saved them from China and invasion. Terrain and jungle.

China for sure has problems ... and we can see that because China just lowered is banking reserve requirements. But China has reserves, including large gold reserves both its own national holding and in the holdings of its 'citizens'. And not to be underestimated, China is backed by its huge industrial capacity like what once was the case in the United States. This confers optionality which the United States no longer has being more reliant on credit/debt. If credit locks up in an illiquidity crises, there is no spare capacity to jump start a collapsed economy. And then we end up in a wasteland of distress ... and something like where Russia found itself in the 1990's post the Soviet collapse, and into the opening years of the twenty-first century.

Xi is probably in a good situation and has the proven respect of the Party and the international community. But like you say, we have to watch and see, because nobody has a perfect vision of the future.

Thanks back to you. And by the way, no crystal ball here!

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I really appreciate your insights and logical thinking.

Yes - the U.S.A is in a terrible mess and Boomers like me (and you also?) may be facing a rough time though I think we have a resiliency many in the younger generations utterly lack. It will be a rough time for all of us and only developing a common vision and preserving common sound values can see us through it all.

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Here's a good synopsis of what's really going on regarding the pipeline into the US from a journalist that is actually down there and working it hard; the story starts at 38:08 (so save yourself the frustration): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBLA9yWiXCc

not sure if you guys are going to like what he says about Abbot but, BOOM, there it is!

Also, an interesting slant on the China involvement in the pipeline:


Later Jay

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"The reason Russia and China aren't being overwhelmed with illegal aliens is because they won't tolerate it". Simple Jeff. No gobble-dee-gook like your "explanation". Same with Hungary. They simple said, "No way" and closed their border. So, the reason "The West" is getting F-ed is because they are Target Number One for the Davos villains, and since The Western nations are controlled by them...

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And who in their right mind would want to be subject to China or Russia as Big Brother’s heavy hand controlling the internet, every purchase, lockdowns , ...

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I agree with you.

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YES!! πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―

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Exactly. It’s much bigger than Russia and China.

Although, the Chinese coming here are not coming without permission from China, therefore they are loyal to China and must be coming for nefarious reasons. I think China is taking advantage of the open borders of the US to get in more spies and whatever else it has in mind. But the major influx, including what I’m sure is vast numbers of terrorists, has nothing to do with Russia or China. As you say, people don’t want to go there, and they’d be prevented anyway.

The west is compromised by the globalists, and especially in the US they are intentionally allowing this to happen, (along with all the other seemingly bad decisions--they actually know what they’re doing), to destroy this nation. The US will no longer be a super power soon and the globalist agenda will continue to move forward.

Read Revelation for the ending. #spoileralert

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Had to go away awhile early this am, but you nailed my thoughts exactly.

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Yes, Russia is too cold, and China? Well, there’s not as much opportunity to get Uber-rich. Is it a conspiracy between Russia and China? Thanks to the neocons and their tight grip on US foreign policy we have let the opportunity to welcome Russia as an ally go and instead have doubled down on efforts to destroy them. So yes, now they have become our enemy. They look on the West and our β€œvalues” with contempt. And how can the world not laugh at us? Our military men prefer to wear dresses now and our leaders (doctors, legislators, Supreme Court judges, teachers) are simply baffled about the definition of a woman. Russia doesn’t have to conspire to destroy us. We are doing it to ourselves. China will continue its global project and will claim its long-awaited dream of the Heavenly Mandate. All of this is not inevitable though because Christ still rules the nations. If we repent and return to Christ wholeheartedly he may have mercy on us. Otherwise, it’s over.

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We certainly do present other countries with opportunities to laugh at us. ;-(

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I can’t imagine wanting to sneak into China or Russia. I can imagine China and Russia desiring to destabilize the U.S. and at least aiding and abetting any Globalist schemes with that aim. And I absolutely believe that the majority of our government is very subject to blackmail.

In the Cold War days, there was much discussion of the dangers of blackmail being used by the Soviets. I believe destructive seeds were planted and that evil crop is ripe for harvest.

The West turned its back on God and fell prey to a spirit of delusion. We are lost without him.

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So true. Our greatest potential ally in all things, PDT was working towards. White Christian’s. A whole country full of them. And here we are, after 75 years of training to hate each other, you get Benny nuts nuts.

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They will make the George Floyd Riots look like a playground spat and media and Migrant Activists will point at Trump and MAGA (like a kid on a playground) so all the blame gets heaped on them. Who will deploy our military to quell the nationwide "domestic" protesting that is unfairly met with Xenophobic extremism to restrain it? It's going to get UGLY.

Even a Dem "win" could well be painted again as totally legit and examples of Republican voter suppression and cheating trotted out...could they also be planning White Hate groups (FBI) to cause violence and problems again? More pipe bombs planted and kidnapping plots fabricated to smear their adversaries? Justified crack-downs on semi-fascist Americans and groups and $$$$ for DHS, FBI, etc. Detaining and Reprogramming getting full force and funding. Globalists' wet-dreams.

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Or could those men that just wanted to be left alone start rising up all over the country, and make your scenario impossible?

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We will need leaders and heroes speaking out in all avenues of discourse and station in society; classrooms, pulpits, gvt buildings, Corporate advertising, all form of media, whistleblowers gone wild; and defensively resisting (fighting back with initiative and pre-planning) the Commie Globalist Occultic America-Crushing Long Knives Plot. They're in the final 2 minute drill and we think it's almost half-time.

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The migrants arriving in their millions know the US, UK & EU will let them stay & give handouts.

They don’t try to go to China or Russia because generally they speak some English - none of them speak Russian or Chinese. And they know those countries will give them nothing.

The globalist billionaires manipulating western governments want to fragment western countries. They face much less chance of coherent resistance if nations are fragmented.

So now we see western nations, which around 50 years ago had fairly homogenous populations & usually one official language, have dozens of ethnicities, multiple languages, different religions & ideologies.....society is all broken up.

Divide & rule is the tactic of those who have the levers of power. They are counting on the divisions & different identities to save them from united opposition.

But they forget we are all actually human & as their AI, surveillance, CBDC, social credit, brain-chipping, injection-mandate nightmare advances, we might just find enough common ground to get together & kick them all into court & then JAIL.

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"kick them all into court & then JAIL"????!!!


Kick them in the ass across the Rio Grande.

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It's greater than this. Since tribal hominids and bipeds hunted and foraged and succeeded,

their discovery moments became clearer. Having to travel to maintain/survive/thrive was now of greater seasonal importance for tools/shelters/game. It was not wanderlust driven.

At that early dawn of mobility, We became "The Most invasive, Non- Native Species" to roam the planet to explore all the natural resources the elders had used in discovery.

These new traveler immigrant sources are using almost free digital technology to locate on the planet where the greatest free resources are. And HOW TO GET THERE EASILY!

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True dat!

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PFFFFF! Keep it simple, stupid.

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What about the hypothesis that the invasion is about ultimately allowing illegals to vote, thus ensuring Democratic Party control into perpetuity?

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Yes, sure, but covered under "to destabilize."

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Also allowing them into police departments...their allegiance will be to the government that is housing, feeding, giving them money and health care...NOT to the American people...just a thought

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More of the destabilization.

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AND into the military.

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Well that and the other things. Soros believes in economy of effort. This plan of his open borders is a gift that just keeps on giving.

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The US will be destabilized by loss of jobs due to AI etc but we have a history of coming together and triumphing in hard circumstances. Globalist don’t want this so best thing to do is divide population, black against white, children against parents, and throw in bunches of people with no loyalty to country.

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I agree and the β€œdeep state” has a long history of funding themselves through drug dealing and it would surprise me if the cartels are not paying percentage of profits to some part of deep state.

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Western countries have had a serious problem with their leadership wanting to let in lots of immigrants, to the detriment of their "native" populations, for a good 50 or 60 years. Biden obviously has kicked this into hyperdrive, in my opinion because he is a puppet of the Chinese. I understand the problems have gotten worse in Europe in the last 10 years or so with the destabilization of Syria (thanks to US policies). I don't know if they have gotten even worse in the last few years.

The main reasons western countries' leaderships have historically wanted to let in a lot of immigrants is, in my opinion, wanting low cost labor. They try to rationalize their policies by pointing to low birth rates and saying that immigrants will "save" their social security systems. This claim is provably false, but the proof takes a lot of pages. They also use guilt. Many European countries colonized other countries of the world, and supposedly caused the peoples to suffer. The US, of course, stole half of Mexico (the half with paved roads!) and had slavery.

But as time goes on, the people realize they can't afford housing anymore, higher education is unaffordable, their paychecks aren't keeping up, and the rich are getting richer and accumulating more power. Then when they ask that immigration be reduce the find that their views are labeled "far right" and "racist". This has been the pattern just about everywhere.

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Well said. Culture is downstream from race.

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Destabilization and also a massive distraction.

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I’m a bit confused about Russian illegal immigrants, from what I see most appear to be either Asian, Middle Eastern or Hispanic. Are there a lot of Russian Muslims?

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Quite a few. They are from areas that are quite far from the centers of power.

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with Russia is could also be the weather. With China is could be they are 18% of the world population

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I was thinking similarly that few want to immigrate there!!

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Jan 26Liked by Jeff Childers

Me, reading today's Stack and sipping my β˜•οΈ---I think I'd prefer to live in less interesting times.

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I've thought the same! But we are here for such a time as this. It's a little intimidating until I realize I do not need to fear, but trust God instead in all things.

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Jan 26Β·edited Jan 26

I read this quote in another Stack: "It is in disaster, not success, that the heroes and the bums really get sorted out." Vice Admiral James Stockdale

No one wants disaster, but I would love to be able to identify the heroes because all I see these days is bums.

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GG, this one's for you:

May those who love us, love us

And those that don't love us,

May God turn their hearts;

And if he doesn't turn their hearts

May he turn their ankles

So we'll know them by their limping An Old Gaelic Blessing

I used to keep a copy of that one in my toolbox when I worked for a big corporation....

Later Jay

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I like that a lot. I collect poems and phrases, so I'll be collecting this as well. Thank you!

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Jj Couey & Mike Yeadon, my opinion are true humanitarians.

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I'll look them up. The quote, which I meant to attribute and forgot, was spoken by Vice Admiral James Stockdale and was in this Substack... https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/moral-leadership-admiral-james-stockdale-vietnam

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Short list, I know. & Karen Kingston is a favorite of mine but she started selling wellness company stuff.

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Rosalind, cancelled people have to eat and pay rent/mortgage, too. How would you have them make a living? Corey sells access to his content. Yeadon doesn't need more money, I assume.

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Point taken.( I forget not everyone has been on disability for too long like me. From autoimmune issues I acquired after boosters . Way below the poverty level. & thankful for my supportive husband of almost 4 years. But I digress. )

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I've noticed quite a few antivaxinarians sell vitamins and such. I assume it's how they can afford to spend time in research and writing.

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YES!! As long as they represent a company ethically aligned with good product value, who cares? We have to eat! The hours spent reading and writing are insane, especially when starting out. I’m just now making 1k a month, and it’s taken me a year to get here. I’m spending at least 40 hours a week in research, learning digital marketing, content writing etc. I’m spending $200 a month on various business expenses, so I haven’t broken even yet. It’s okay to monetize where we can, so we’re able to keep providing valuable free content/ education.

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Good point

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Amen!! God is in charge and things will unfold according to His plan and purpose!!

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Yes, I have to keep reminding myself of this.

And, to stop reminiscing about the β€˜better days’ of the past.

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agree... I would venture to say that when my granddaughter becomes a grandmother she will be talking about these days as "the good old days"

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I think a study on the rapture is needed

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God trusts us to be ready for these wild times.

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It is no mistake it is you and I here to witness all of this. I am honored to think that God did not choose my grandmother or mother but ME. May He give me the strength

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If I’m being honest … I would, happily, have chosen my grandmother’s time period. ☺️

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Both my grandmothers lived thru two world wars and lost everything...

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My grandparents fell for the psyop that was WWII and contributed to the war effort. I am awake enough to not get duped again with an even bigger psyop looming.

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I’m kind of with you! I’m looking at my boys (6) and (9) & my heart skips a beat about their future.

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Fight hard!! Mine are grown, I smugly thought I’d done a great job opening their eyes to this sick world and to truth. Ahhh but, Pride goeth before the fall. One of mine has been co-opted by the medical establishment & the left: I couldn’t be more shocked- the one I never expected! Thankfully the others believe me. My heart hurts but my prayers are renewed daily. Please God protect them, let them have the gift of discernment!

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There always seems to be one! Yes, I have one too...... so scary because she is mother to my precious grands! πŸ™ PRAYING!!

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about the only thing we can do for the next generation is pray for them

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Absolutely! Amen πŸ™

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I have a 4yo. Same

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I look at my grandsons and feel the same.

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I’m with you Sarah ... 4 adult sons and 12 precious grands. πŸ™

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Whahoo Dickmeyer! You guys are getting it done! That is amazing.

Best to you and yours.

Later Jay

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I second your comment! Blessings to you all!

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I’ve long said boring is underrated.

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Hoping this is the correct quote and source:

"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace."

- Thomas Paine

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I've heard that the saying "May you live in interesting times" is a Chinese curse!

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Yes! And it feels like a curse some days.

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Ahh, you reference an ancient Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times".

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Like me, baby boomers haven't yet lived through any disastrous times. Now it's our time to show our meddle.

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Same! 😩

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And my baby grandaughter. πŸ‘Ά

Just fortify and with good values, virtues, good examples and deep and abiding faith in God.

That is all and dont worry.

When my son was born, we were a hair width away from nuclear war with Russia. The news was not cable then, it was real news, and they were reporting it. One day, I cried and cried and my sweet grandmother of blessed memory told me to not worry, life goes on. She was right and he is now 42.

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Wow. πŸ˜‡πŸ₯°πŸ”₯πŸ‘πŸ»

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A midwife giving an all natural β€œvaccine” (something that elicits an immune response) to patients is way better than the C19 shots. Why? Because the natural remedies don’t alter protein production within the body’s cells.

The mechanism of action IS the mechanism of harm of the C19 shots.

The wrong proteins being created and mis-folded proteins being created are longer term harms which will continue to develop disease over time at variable distance from the time of injection because each cell within each person’s body is an independent factory for proteins. It’s like the difference between one factory creating a single formula of something like a bourbon versus boutique wine makers who have varied formulas even when all are making pinot noir. Only this time the varied factories are everyones’ cells who took the jabs and the product is varied proteins which keep the body from making life sustaining proteins and at some frequency make life destroying proteins.

1. When you alter protein production inside cells, you disrupt the cell from carrying out its normal life-giving functionality. And therefore trigger diseases unrelated to covid. The mechanism of action of mRNA injections IS the mechanism of harm.

2. When you substitute pseudouridine in place of uridine, which was done to make the mRNA resistant to the human body’s immune system, then you create multiple issues. One, the mRNA is no longer transient and sticks around longer to continue to produce spike protein long after producing an immune response. Two, the pseudouridine increases the chances of the proteins being created being mis-folding and therefore triggering diseases unrelated to covid.

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) triggered by the C19 spike protein:



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Interesting way to frame it, elicits an immunity response. In my state (WA) the department of health advanced a bill (HB 2157) to change the definition of vaccine, because the state purchased millions of dollars of a monoclonal antibody for RSV that they want to give to kids for free, but it doesn’t fit the definition of a β€œvaccine.” The product is called the RSV immunization, currently I think. And just like clockwork, the local public health officer gave his briefing this month and instead of saying vaccine/vaccination etc, all of a sudden he is using the word immunized or immunization instead. Public health officials and lawmakers have no choice to water down the meaning of immunization. The midwife immunization plan is pretty darn close to the proposed WA definition. https://www.thecentersquare.com/washington/article_95b20954-b95b-11ee-8508-53fc25807fdd.html

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Emil, I was poking fun at the CDC (during the pandemic) altering the definition of a vaccine to elicits immune response so that they were able to call the C19 shots a vaccine.

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Yes, I understand. That is exactly what my state is trying to legislate in right now, because monoclonal antibodies are considered an β€œimmunization” but not a β€œvaccination.” Homeopathic, vitamin D, anything that elicits an immune response fits the definition of immunization, so we are all Aaron Rodgers now. (Except the legislation includes a second requirement, which is that it also receives approval from a state vaccine committee, which will be how they restrict it to the really profitable Big Pharma stuff.)

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Jan 26Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeanette’s story brings to mind another story of defiant midwives:

”Then Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, gave this order to the Hebrew midwives, Shiphrah and Puah: β€œWhen you help the Hebrew women as they give birth, watch as they deliver. If the baby is a boy, kill him; if it is a girl, let her live.” But because the midwives feared God, they refused to obey the king’s orders. They allowed the boys to live, too. So the king of Egypt called for the midwives. β€œWhy have you done this?” he demanded. β€œWhy have you allowed the boys to live?” β€œThe Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women,” the midwives replied. β€œThey are more vigorous and have their babies so quickly that we cannot get there in time.” So God was good to the midwives, and the Israelites continued to multiply, growing more and more powerful. And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families of their own.β€œ

‭‭Exodus‬ ‭1‬:‭15‬-‭21‬ ‭NLT‬‬


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Jan 26Β·edited Jan 26

Isn’t it fascinating that in the β€œBook of NAMES” (Shemot being the Hebrew name for Exodos) we have the names of the midwives, of Pharaoh’s magicians, and of all the heads of the twelve tribes of Israel but not once is the name of the actual Pharaoh mentioned? He, who in his lifetime, probably had his name chiseled on every monument and whose actual name probably struck terror into whoever heard it pronounced?

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To ancient people, "blotting out their name" was the worst form of insult. There's evidence of this where certain pharaohs had their names chiseled off monuments after their death, because their successors had overthrown them or otherwise hated them. So, the Bible is directly dissing the pharaoh by not even naming him.

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Exactly! Known as Damnatio memoriæ among the Romans.

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Thank you for the reminder! Biblical thinking is the Way forward!

Psalm 119:105 (ESV)

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."

Pharaoh and Herod both represent shadows and typology of antichrist. It's notable that both set out to kill innocents: Pharaoh and the midwives, and Herod with his edict to kill all the male little ones.

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Those were my thoughts

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I've said it before , and I'll say it again. There is no need to overthink this. People need to stop looking at countries if they want to understand what is going on in the world. Just as corporations are transnational, so are our overlords, TPTB, the Khazarian Mafia, the Illuminati, the Globalists, Clif High's Mother WEF'ers, ... pick one. The Club of Rome, the WEF, the WHO, Trilateral Commission, the IMF, the UN, the BIS, Council on Foreign Relations, Committee of 300. This list is not complete, but these are all fronts for the the people behind the scenes whose agenda (strategy) they have very plainly stated. Reduce humanity by ~90 %, and enslave the rest with digital ID's and social and carbon credit scores, using AI to oversee it. There. One sentence, and you have their plan. All globalists have zero allegiance to their country of birth or citizenship. Countries are merely a nuisance to them, and that is why they are working so hard to eliminate them , especially #1 problem country, the last heavily armed country in the world, the US. Border invasion, printing money to infinity, the jabs, LBQTLMNOP, CRT, destruction of our military, wars, poisoning the water and food supply, DEW attacks, weather warfare fires, floods, droughts, are all just tactics to effect their strategy.

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Jan 26Liked by Jeff Childers

And behind that small cabal is satan. This war is theological (as are all things at their root).

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This! God has impressed upon my heart to keep my feelings out of my responses to the madness and pray, pray, pray! Our battle is not with flesh and blood, but dark forces using people for their evil desires.

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Amen amen amen!

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The cabal is actually quite large though. But it is definitely satan leading them. They are willing participants who have chosen this for themselves. It has always been good vs evil - it’s just out in the open now for all to see. Not everyone will choose to see. Many choose to look the other way and think by doing so they have stayed β€œclean”. Nope. Not one hand is clean. Choose this day who you will serve. There is no sitting this one out.

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Several thousand people in relation to the billions of people currently living is very small. They seem powerful. And I believe many of the ones we see going along at the upper levels haven't fully bought in to satanism but are simply doing it because they have been blackmailed or corrupted by money. Many in rank and file have been completely brainwashed. My hope is in the Lord, Jesus Christ, because nothing is impossible for God. I am trying to up my prayers and sacrifices for those who are not on the path to righteousness (including myself at times). May God bless all the C&C family!

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Perhaps not into satanism, but definitely led on by him. This love for money and power is in essence, worshipping an idol, and behind that idol is satan.

'Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the Evil One. ' ( this is the true Greek translation which I think makes it more powerful than just the generic word 'evil')

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Well said! Thank you for that. You are right in comparison. They just seem like more cuz they are β€œin charge” of every facet of our society.

Jesus is Lord of all.

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There are more than β€œseveral thousand” psychopaths and sociopaths and malignant narcissists and everyday sadists and Machiavellians who have real power over life and death. With the devil at the very pinnacle of the power hierarchy on this earth β€” as the prince of the power of the air and the prince of this world β€” the devil has a multitude of servants, both spiritual and flesh-and-blood. Those who belong to the kingdom of the devil are many. Those who belong to the kingdom of the Lamb of GOD are few. β€œFor wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.”

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If you have given your soul to Jesus, then be at peace in all things. Fear not! If you haven’t, your soul is for sale and will be bought for the least valuable thing which is earthly riches and power.

Either way it will belong to someone...

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The cabal itself isn’t necessarily large but as the psychopaths rise to positions of power they make entire corporations, industries, agencies or groups of people start operating as sociopaths. Our medical systems, military, tech industries, and governments are all acting in sociopathic ways even if the people in it themselves aren’t necessarily all sociopaths. So we have to educate them about what their industries are really up to.

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My brother is totally sold out for his love of money. He is vice president of Hughson and Benson insurance company in Cooperstown New York.

They’re helping him buy his way out of an arrest. He makes so much money for the area and tied into other insurance companies... he had drugs and unregistered guns and was HOLDING A WOMAN HOSTAGE IN HIS HOUSE for Sex. I was praying something like this would help him stop being so evil and active drug addiction. It’s on every level in every small town in America. And the swamp just gets bigger.

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I will pray for him!

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Wow. That must be hard. Prayers for you and your family.

You’re right. It IS everywhere.

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Thank you.

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Daniel Root , my very successful evildoer sibling. B Oct 1969 if you want to look it up.

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@Rosalind, I can empathize. Have a narcissist sibling. Some borderline criminal behaviors but to date like teflon, always deflected, flying just under the radar. They are clever and cunning, hurtful and remorseless. Healthy siblings get traumatized. Elderly parents in denial are a sad thing to watch, traumatized with no acknowledgement the offspring is inflicting abuse. The sibling also has POA re parent so, go figure how the universe aligned to set that up. So sorry you're suffering, even if removed from the situation and watching at a distance. Still painful. Why are these people in our lives? They're a mirror to our deepest, darkest shadow self? We can only see the ugly because it reflects something we recognize in ourself? I want to reject that theory but I don't know!! I sure have powerful, and not pretty, emotional reactions to the stuff. Whew. Vent. πŸ˜… ~In solidarity.

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Ignorance is not the same as innocence

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We battle against principalities!

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Brilliant post rolandttg...spot-on...!!

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Yep - so simple to see who it is and how coordinated and obvious the attack is.

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Nailed it @Rolandttg. πŸ‘

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Rolandttg - I hadn't thought of "them" using the influx of outsiders to push digital i.d.s on the citizens - for our "safety" so they can identify citizen status.

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Yes, a domestic terror attack by a "bad guy" sneaking over the border would be very useful to get most Americans, enough Americans, demanding a mark on their foreheads to identify "us" and keep "us" safe. The government will be happy to oblige, just as they were happy to oblige after 9/11.

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If nobody listened and obeyed these puppet masters, they would be powerless.

One day.....

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Bankrupt and destabilize.

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β€œReduce humanity by ~90 %, and enslave the rest with digital ID's and social and carbon credit scores, using AI to oversee it.” That’s the theory. How to do it in practice? It’s difficult to murder over seven billion people in a short enough time period to keep them from reproducing. Maybe there will be a worldwide famine and a precipitous decline in fecundity. I’m not holding my breath. But I do agree with you that that’s what the Pathocracy wants. Maybe they’ll socially engineer it.

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Yes! I would just like to add they are using typical Cloward-Piven tactics to bring about the change they want. Overwhelming the systems in place with massive migration so the governments will collapse allowing them to come in and β€œfix”everything. It’s crazy watching it happen in real time.

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Adding this in. You may not care for the delivery but she is saying a mouth full:


Later Jay

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Ian Fleming was on to something.

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Agree 100%.

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β€œKhazarian mafia!” πŸ˜† Du spinnst!

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Nein! alles klar.

Later Jay

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Sow with a view to righteousness [that righteousness, like seed, may germinate];

Reap in accordance with mercy and lovingkindness.

Break up your uncultivated ground,

For it is time to seek and search diligently for the LORD [and to long for His blessing]

Until He comes to rain righteousness and His gift of salvation on you.

β€” Hosea 10:12 AMP

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Love ❀️ this verse.

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Jan 26Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff was right. After I donated for the multiplier, I felt great.

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She saved the lives of 1500 kids!!! It feels great to support a true hero!! She did more good than the 3 letter criminal agencies. πŸ’ͺ🏻 I hope the amount raised goes well beyond what they are asking.

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If more people did what she did, they wouldn't be able to stop it and track it.

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I always do. It helps relieve a creeping sense of powerlessness.

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πŸ’― this !!

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It feels good to be a part of the C&C Army, working to help support people who are furthering the cause of freedom!

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I got goosebumps checking on the multiplyer

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Me tooπŸ˜€

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I don't know: I always feel like someone is going to hack in and get my credit card number or that I will get an FBI agent wanting to know what I was thinking. I still do it anyway cause it seems right to do.

Later Jay

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Done! I love everyday heroes like Jeanette! She shows it doesn’t take power or money or fancy credentials or any of the superficial barometers of success to achieve something meaningful in lifeβ€”all it takes is the exceedingly rare quality of moral courage:

β€œWhere there’s no danger, there’s no courage.… Anyone can β€˜endure’ security and well-being. The real challenges … arise in the face of hazard.… So it is with moral courage, where danger is endured for the sake of an overarching commitment to conscience, principles, or core values.”

β€”Rushworth Kidder, β€œMoral Courage”

The C&C Army comprises thousands of these rare courageous souls, and I want to thank everyone here who took the time to read CJ Hopkins’s triumphant courtroom speech (https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/the-verdict) *and* leave a note of thanks to the Substack founders in the comments of this post:

β€’ β€œOn Fearing Freedomβ€”Plus Thanking Substack for Standing up to the Censorship Bullies”: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/on-fearing-freedomplus-thanking-substack

I found your messages truly moving and a testament to the extraordinarily special karass (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-my-karass) we have here thanks to Substack, Jeff, and other brave truth-seekers and truth-speakers.

You guys added more than 100 comments, getting us to 318! It’s not too late to add your voice so we can try to reach 500 before I present this thank-you card to the Substack founders and let them know how much we appreciate their defense of free speech and the empowering and inspiring community this platform makes possible.

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I couldn’t believe Hopkin’s wife is Jewish! The complete ignoring of reality is so astounding…I can’t get over it. Great speech !

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Jan 26Β·edited Jan 26Liked by Jeff Childers

This has to be the biggest group of "put your money where your mouth is"ers. Even if you are not donating, just go have a look at the +2donations for Jeanette Brean. Tears welled up in my eyes when I saw all the $222's! Seriously amazing, giving folks.

Whew! Love you guys. Thank you Jeff for the link.

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I love the opportunity to actually DO something instead of just complain or opine!

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Jan 26Liked by Jeff Childers

Went to Give Send Go to make my donation. Watched in real time as the amount soared from $34,000 to over $41,000 in just ten minutes. Childers Army is amazing!!

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Jan 26Liked by Jeff Childers

' The same kind of invasion β€” and even the same kind of pro-immigrant resistance from the courts β€” is happening all over the West." One might ask, why are ONLY the Western countries afflicted with this strategy? it is a Strategy, by others. This is the new Warfare, why destroy another's nice infrastructure through traditional war when a better result is achieved by overwhelming it's government with burdensome social justice junk and then just walk in later and assume the reigns with new ideology. It's working great for them so far.

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And Biden Regime is insuring it happens. So are most Ds. This is planned, coordinated, and rewarded!

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Have you heard of the Cloward Piven's Strategy? Check it out on Wikipedia.

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The Obama Biden strategy to β€œfundamentally change” aka destroy America…. β€œThe Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.

It is the strategy of forcing political change leading to societal collapse through orchestrated crises. The "Cloward-Piven Strategy" seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, amassing massive unpayable national debt, and other methods such as unfettered immigration thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse by overwhelming the system.”

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Thank you, I didn't have time to explain! Doesn't this seem like this is what's going on?

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I will, no, I haven't heard of it but will ck it out now, Thank you.

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It’s Cloward and Piven- overwhelm the system.

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Jan 26Liked by Jeff Childers

Happy good morning C&Cs πŸŒžβ˜•οΈπŸ£

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Jan 26Liked by Jeff Childers

So, some of the illegals getting into the UK by whatever means (small boat, back of a lorry) are trafficked by organised criminal gangs. Sources unknown but very recently mainly Albanian men in their late teens and 20s. We have seen an explosion in "Turkish barbers" in towns up and down the UK, about 7 in the small town where I live, all opening in the past 18 months, together with "nail bars" and "sweet shops" - all of them are fronts for organised crime, laundering money, using trafficked labour. They target the UK because we are a soft touch. Our Home Office is a feckin mess and unfit for purpose with huge backlogs of asylum cases waiting to be processed. It's easy to work in the hidden economy and just disappear when it gets too hot. Our enforcement agencies have to work with one hand tied behind their back. And yes, the small boats are made in bloody China πŸ˜‚ like everything else on the planet!

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Illegal Albanian men have been a big problem in Greece for decades now.

In this country (USA) they masquerade as Italians. All of the Italian stores, restaurants and bakeries in the Bronx's (NYC) famous Arthur Avenue are run by Albanians now.

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Jan 26Liked by Jeff Childers

In little Canada the troll Trudeau is bringing in 1 million illegals a year, which will devastate our country. I am praying Texas wins the fight and finally the rest of the country will stand up and fight with them. God bless the midwife who fought for her patients, she's such a hero.

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How does he manage to do that? Are they coming up through Mexico or are they being flown in? I know he’s onboard with it but I can’t figure out the logistics.

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They're coming from across the border with America, allot are coming from NY. Roxham Road is where most come in from upstate New York.

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Same route they used during prohibition!

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