Dec 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm so happy I didn't get the shots. I might have gotten them to keep my job, but then I found Jeff's advice on how to request a Religious accommodation, and that's the path I took. In no small way, Jeff saved my life and others, too. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Thanks Jeff! And the Praise God.

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Same! So grateful! Just before Thanksgiving 2021, God spoke to me about not taking this poison & I would have lost my job because I wasn’t going to take it. Jeff coached me & some of my coworkers, who all still remember REAL science that was taught 30 years ago in nursing school....he saved our jobs. I’ll be forever grateful.

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absolutely, saved my life. I am a nurse and my job required it. Religious exception saved my job, other wise I would have been forced to retire. Thank you Jeff.

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That is when I found C&C too - looking for information on religious exemptions for my husband who works at Microsoft. He got his, no problem, and I’ve been reading this every day ever since.

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I'm happy I didn't get the clotshot, but I'm worried about my son who went and got it with his gf without consulting me. I made him promise not to take any boosters. He's in that dangerous age-range, too.

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My son did the same thing! He is in medical school and said he just assumed he would have to take it so he went ahead and checked it off the list. I was very very upset at the time that he didn’t consult with me. This was before we had any evidence that the clot shots are SO BAD.

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I think my son's gf thought she would need it to get work, and he went along. I thought I taught him better than that. I hope your son and mine are in the group of lucky ones who didn't get a mishandled sticky vaccine, like I read about yesterday.

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It never seems to get mentioned, along with all the other bad things about covid shots, but everyone also needs to know that β€œALL mRNA-based shots have a deadly β€œflaw” -- they will always cause the body to attack itself, causing high inflammation.”

Dr Bhakdi MD explains this phenomena clearly, in layperson terms, in this excerpt from CHD TV 2022.10.21 -- (00:45-29:00 of https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/friday-roundtable/worrying-developments-with-michael-palmer-m-d-sucharit-bhadki-m-d/ )

In a nutshell the deadly β€œflaw” is that the proteins made by a cell, in response to mRNA message, are foreign, non-self-proteins, which cause the cell that made them to be attacked -- and die a violent death, with high inflammation -- by β€œcomplement” (killer system #2). Is critical to know this as tptb plan to use MRNA for all future vaccines.

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Is this in his substack somewhere..? Thank you😊

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If you go to the main page for Coffee & Covid you can find other posts, not just today's.

This is what appears when you click on 'Resources:'


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Thank you.

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Praise the Lord!

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I did not have relations with that pharmaceutical company!

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Dec 17, 2022Β·edited Dec 17, 2022

πŸ—¨ It depends on what the meaning of the word 'relations' is.

...Or 'pharmaceutical', for that matter 😏

PS Not to say the word 'not' itself is exempt from due scrutiny πŸ˜‡

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Best comment award! β™₯

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Hilarious! I will laugh about this all dayπŸ˜‚.

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Hat tip comment!!

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Regarding the Dr. Stillwagon video, I did not know the specifics as to why some people are having very serious and sometimes fatal reactions to the shot, while others seem to be ok. What a brilliant breakdown of what is going on! This absolutely should make headlines everywhere so that people can be better educated as to why the shot is so dangerous- even though its effects vary. Also, the lady on the Safety Board - lol - kind of like the secretary of state certifying her own crooked election.... absolutely ridiculous.

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Attorney Aaron Siri (like Attorney Jeff) is a rock star who is winning important cases.

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Yeah Aaron Siri is a badass. I see him working a lot with Dell big tree and ICAN. They might have cases pending and won on their website. I don't think the public understands how difficult it is to sue vaccine manufacturers because of all the liability protection they've managed to get since 1986, and the prep act after 9/11. If you strip away that protection Id expect an overhaul of that industry. Back in the '70s they were getting sued left and right for injuries. Which was fair. Now they've got a lot less incentive to make safe products. The US government picks up all the legal costs and the payouts to the injured now.

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Awesome - good to know!

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Marc Giradot has been writing about this variability in adverse events.

I believe that Drs McCullough and Cole probably also have mentioned it. Information about the variability between batches - due to manufacturing, storage, and preparation - is out there but the dr in the video summarizes it all quite succinctly.

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There's even a website where people can check out the toxicity of their particular batch. There seems to be a lot of other info added since I last looked at it many months ago. https://howbadismybatch.com/

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I got my ex-wife's two lot numbers and went to this site. My heart kind of sunk because according to the site she was in some pretty high risk lots. Then I thought..... You know you can ruin $100 bottle of wine in transport in no time with some UV exposure or heat. So hopefully she got something well degraded.

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That’s what I’m hoping & praying. Or what Kevin Stillwagon said. My sons first shot was also in the high adverse event lot.

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Does anyone know if this site keeps up to date records? I was able to find the ID’s of the first two Mode rna shots my son got in May & June 2021, but not the 3rd he got Dec. 2021. It’s been a long time, probably first quarter 2022, since I looked.

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Thanks so much for including this link. I will be passing it along. So many have regrets now and wonder if they are in the clear yet.

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wow- I did not know this!

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Is Marc on Substack? Because yes, this is the first time I've seen the reasons summarized like this! It is very important information!

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Yes. Search for his name + Substack and you will probably be able to find him.

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Found him, thanks!!

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If you are able, can you add the link for the article from Marc Giradot?

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Go to his Substack. He has written a lot about it.

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I have also heard that there were some batches that were simply saline and so there wasn't even a sore arm on those people. I actually believe that because if you think about it, if Big Pharma had sent out the most potent drug to everyone, adverse reactions would have been off the charts and even more suspicious as to the "safety" factor.

Plus, as the good doc said, a good reaction one time does not necessarily mean a good reaction every time you get a booster. πŸ™„

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Please recall that it wasn't Big Pharma "sending" this out. It was the DoD and HHS! I am an Army veteran and currently and RN. Seeing these two agencies weaponized against us is at once both devastating, but also amazing (when viewed through the Art of War lens).

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I was active duty 1990-1994. Thankfully, I never went overseas so wasn’t required to take the anthrax vax which has now been linked to Gulf War syndrome. I met other service members who suffered from this mysterious illness. I just assumed it was some bio warfare agent they were exposed to in Iraq or Afghanistan. Now it turns out, the damage was from our own government backed vaccines!

I took the flu shots during this time, and I also took flu shots periodically from 1994-2009 but I don’t think I’ve taken them since. I’ve never even had the flu to my recollection, I’ve always been healthy. I’m thankful for my strong immune system. I am not vaxed for Covid but I did test for antibodies last Sept and had over 250 ct antibodies so I consider myself sufficiently immune.

(Of course I follow all the precautions like hand washing, sanitizing, vitamins, saline nasal flushes daily, etc) I don’t think I’ll ever take another vaccine, though. I can’t shake feeling like they are ALL a farce after learning what we’ve learned about Covid shots. I’m so glad I refused to take these Covid jabs! I knew something was up when they had to change the definition of words to fit their meaning. Young people might be ok with literal definitions of words being changed, but I’ve read that book before, and I don’t like the way it ends (1984)

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Good for you. I got onto vaccines about 12 years ago when I learned much to my shock that Mercury have been in vaccines for decades. I started off college as a chemistry major and knew that Mercury should never be injected into people. Didn't matter what the justification was. I got on to some really good sources very early on. Robert Kennedy was one of them. And over the years I came to the conclusion that the US vaccine program needed to be completely overhauled. So many problems. I carefully consider each vaccine that comes before me. And I use sources that I trust. Since then I haven't taken another vaccine.

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I've always found it amazing that while various "authorities" were fanatical about the mercury in thermometers, mercury was in vaccines.

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Thank you for your service. Keep on your toes, science that they are teaching & preaching isn’t what I was taught 40 yrs ago πŸ˜’

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Excellent point, I am the same. Forced to take the first flu shots, or article 13. Fibromyalgia for life. Thanks DoD.

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Same and CFS all related to lupus

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This Right Here!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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Agreed. I was at Fort McClellan (now a toxic waste dump) in the 70’s for 3 years. The chemical warfare school was there. God only knows what was injected into us. I am the proud owner of SLE following my service

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The mostly-saline batches were delivered for injection into the arms of our leaders in the federal government ... injections done on-camera so they could strut and preen about their virtue.

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Actually, the saline batches were said to have been given to FEMA members (I cannot verify this, but my neighbor's friend allegedly saw this happening first-hand).

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not surprised at all.

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So the question is this: Did they get saline because they already knew the vaccines were dangerous, or did they get saline because the safety was unknown or uncertain?

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It’s short, factual and perfectly sweet. I know two vaxers I want to send it to. One gets it, one I’m not sure, and not to rub it in, but they need to hear about the D Dimer test.

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Right? Shouldn’t everyone know about this???

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YES! I have been trying to find this exact information and haven't been able to until this video! We really need to hear more of this!

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YT already removed vid, had to look it up elsewhere, quickly trying to replace with their frantic damage control.

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It was removed from YouTube. Anyone know where else it can be found?

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Searched for β€œStillwagon testimony” and found this: https://rumble.com/v217gsk-why-some-have-adverse-reactions-and-others-dont.html

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I admit the Trump NFT $99 e-cards turned out great as he netted nearly $5M in under half a day. The lefties (and many righties, myself included) went nuts about it.

It's much better than Crack Pipe Art by Hunter Biden at $500,000 a pop and the Big Guy doesn't get 10% either.

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He netted $5m but to what end? He has no obligation to use that on a campaign but he can blow it on drugs and hookers if he's so inclined (he's not but I'm making a point). The only "genius" in this move that I can see is that be bilked 45,000 of his most fervent supporters out of $99 each for something that is effectively worthless. How is this any different from SBF other than magnitude?

I'm no supporter of Ben Shapiro as I think he's a deep-state neocon symp more worried about his peer image than actual conservativism. But on this one he's exactly right. Trump's NFT was a grifter move and it made this enthusiastic four-time Trump voter *much* less likely to vote for him. I doubt I'm alone.

Absent any type of financial controls this move by Trump looks sleezy as can be. We talk about all the supposed smart people bilked by SBF, but what about the 45k Trump supporters that snapped this up? It's no different from Trump Steaks or Trump University. It's embarrassing that he did it and embarrassing so many people on our side fell for it. He's supposed to be a presidential candidate, not PT Barnum.

Again I ask, is it too much to ask for responsible adult behavior in a potential president?

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There is a crucial difference between this and SBF. SBF sold something and then fraudulently used those funds for other things. He told his investors that he was simply holding the money. Trump’s scheme here is a no strings attached piece of fan merchandise.

I hear what you are saying both are actually not worth anything. But Trump’s NFT can be of sentimental value to a fan. You don’t get to decide how much someone else values such a thing. I personally wouldn’t spend $10 on one. But no need to confound and conflate completely different things.

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Point missed. SBF replaced those funds (on paper at least) with his own token that was worthless, so there is some similarity here. There are not completely different.

Trump issuing a digital NFT is no different from the people who sell you a certificate saying an asteroid has been named after you. It's worthless and has no intrinsic value beyond the foolish sentiments of those with more money than sense. And yes I can decide what something is worth because I have a brain and can think for myself.

Seriously, we are going to defend this grifter move on hair-splitting semantics? The county is in serious trouble but Trump is out hawking the latest scam. Just another ridiculous unforced error on his part. It's time for a grown up who understands the hour is late.

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The $99 card like MANY other NFT products is standard fare for NFTs.

Doesn't compare to the billions that were stolen by FTX who took that money and then went bankrupt.

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Blah, blah, blah…Orange Man horrible!

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Trump Derangement Syndrome works both ways.

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75%+ our our elected officials, and 99% of elected Dems, current president included, are irresponsible and childish.

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I am serious about winning in 2024. This β€œmajor announcement” by Trump was embarrassing at best.

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Foreboding, ominous, omen?

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Trump is a con man. We wants full credit for being father of the WARP SPEED clot shot. If he becomes president he could orchestrate a repeat of the Covid pandemic.

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Blah, blah, blah…Orange Man bad.

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There is no covid accountability without taking a hard look at Trump's role in the pandemic and the Warp Speed clot shots, which He claims saved 10 million lives and is one of the greatest achievements of mankind.

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Essentially, Trump just gamed the system ... that is, IF THE INTENT IS TO RAISE CAMPAIGN FUNDS. In essence, he evaded existing laws of the raised money goes to fund a return presidential bid. Not completely sure, but I am sure some people would see it this way. And yes, there is something 'brilliant' after a fashion. And that fashion would be having to operate in an utterly corrupt, lawless system.

Lack of law and moral restraint is everywhere present in the American Empire. It is all so corrupt and dystopian that at this point it might be a blessing to say goodbye to it and start over from scratch. I hate to say this because starting from scratch is also not so palatable an idea by probable outcomes.

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From Pedro Gonzales (highly recommended as he's a clear thinker) regarding the Trump NFT:

"But the fine print said the NFTs were β€œnot political and have nothing to do with any political campaign.”" This was straight from the provided NFT documentation.


So no, this was just a money-making scheme by a company to which Trump licensed his image.

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Sez you….

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Whew! I’m glad to hear that! He has a right to do what made him famous in the first place. I mean, he even went on tv wrestling one time!

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You are right, the corruption is everywhere and that is what is so disheartening about all this. Assuming this isn't just a blatant self-serving move (which I think it is but for the sake of argument), claiming "our guy brilliantly used corruption to advance our interests" is no win.

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Or if not for campaign, then not a problem. Are we good then?

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Technically, not a problem. But we are still dealing with a very degraded and degrading cultural atmosphere. Nobody, for instance, of my dad's generation would act like this and still run for office.

Still, let us not forget that DJT exposed a lot of bad stuff that badly need exposing ... and this did require a high office pulpit. He did us a lot of good no matter how much a mixed bag.

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Possibly. As PT Barnum supposedly said: there’s a sucker born every minute

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Apparently, those cards have a value of half a million dollars now! So, the people who bought them were savvy too...or just lucky. πŸ€”

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Not to be rude Julie, but based on what? How do those cards have any intrinsic value other than ridiculous speculation after being hawked by Trump? Try paying your mortgage with one.

After what we just saw with FTX, how in the world are people falling for any of this? Those cards are worthless and no different than if you or I started issuing our own currency.

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NFTs have as much value as a buyer is willing to give for them, IN CASH MONEY, not crypto. The trick with this sort of transaction is to get in and out again at light-speed.

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Yes, it's the same "trick" as with every other scheme in the history of mankind. Collect the money off the suckers and get out before they realize what they bought is actually worthless.

My reference to SBF was that he was doing the same, collecting money from people who thought they were buying something of value (they weren't).

Hawking worthless things to rubes isn't presidential behavior. In fact it's pretty ugly behavior that the Bible condemns (aka stealing). People's stupidity in playing along doesn't reduce the fact that it's still a con and morally questionable (at best).

If only we had Trump's policies with DeSantis' maturity and judgement. Instead we get a guy who states great things policy-wise but is an immature slave to his worst impulses.

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Dec 17, 2022Β·edited Dec 17, 2022

Jeff C. - That’s an apt description of Trump. I liked some of the things that happened during his term, but I’ve got a huge problem with him as an individual. I don’t understand why people think β€˜he’s great at business’ when he was always scamming, constantly cheating contractors, used inherited (not earned) capital, and had repeated failures and bankruptcies. I could go on. Talk about cognitive dissonance. I don’t believe in idolizing any one politician.

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Dec 17, 2022Β·edited Dec 17, 2022

True. Trump has a long, long, sordid history of simply refusing to pay the little guy contractors he contracts with. He simply refuses to pay for services rendered, knowing that self-employed people don't have attorneys on retainer to collect their fees.

He's a scheming conman grifter who's been playing the part of "Spoiler" (i.e., I'm not a politician) to con illiterates and doublewide dwellers who rightfully hate politicians.

I'm not at all surprised that these suckers ponied-up the $99 (probably while delaying paying their electric bill) to send it to the grifting billionaire. Perfect.

I'm embarrassed to admit that I myself fell the for the con in 2020. We attended his rally, put a bumper-sticker on the car (can't tell you the number of fights I almost got into - my middle fingers became lightning fast, LOL) and voted for this grifter. I'll never do it again.

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As a lifelong believer in free markets and an admirer of capitalism it was a rude awakening in these days of crony capitalism to realize how many "great businessmen" are just simply sociopaths. Screwing over people to get rich doesn't make one great.

I knew of Trump's past but dismissed it as people can change, he seemed to have some sort of spiritual awakening, he truly seems to love the country, and want to do the right thing. Hawking NFT's to delusional supporters is the embodiment of everything wrong with the old Trump that I had thought was gone. It's disappointing to say the least.

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I agree. I like most of Trump's policies, and his judicial appointments, but struggle with his communication style and lack of impulse control. I also wish he has used his incredible platform to extoll the virtues and values of conservatism, but I'm not sure he's a man who lives in accordance with the belief in God whic I believe is a necessary predicate to understanding true Virtua and objective moral values. However, I think his willingness to fight back is what many appreciate about him. I see the same tenacity in Desantis, but greater impulse control, and he seems more grounded in faith.

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Buying gold or silver ounces is probably a better inherent value buy!

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Not offended, Jeff. I'm only repeating what I heard. Who knows if there's any value to them. 🀷

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I am laughing while typing this, as I know it will probably get baseball fans upset. I never understood, why baseball cards were such a big deal. Never really saw the value of it, but for some they are valuable. Go figure. The world is a strange place for sure.

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Julie, what is the basis for stating they β€˜apparently’ have a value of a half million dollars? And by β€˜those cards’ do you mean each ONE has that value, or one whole set, or all 45,000 sets? In other words, your statement sounds like a bunch of hogwash. But, if you can cite a logical basis, please do so. Explain.

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In the 1990's Beanie Babies were a big deal, supposed to increase in value and be a great collectible at some vague future point. Didn't happen.

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I was just repeating what I heard--but after googling it, the value has increased 350%, not what they're worth.


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Sad that the NFT story sucked the oxygen out of the room hurting his censorship policy video...

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He’s got to correct this nonsense and get serious. He can joke around on late night comedy. Yes he can poke fun at his opponents. Perfectly ok in my book. Politicians deserve more of it IMHO. He can poke fun at himself (which is probably what is going on with the cards) but too many don’t see it that way at all. He’s cunning in so many ways. Maybe we need more cunning in a president. Instead of rank dangerous incompetence and hypocrisy like the one we have now. Just my opinion. I’m a newby in the red-pilled world. Carry on, Mr. Trump. I’m willing to be changed.

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Janet, I have to say, I am really impressed by your willingness to consider different points of view and to be ready to change your mind if you feel the arguments are well-reasoned and persuasive enough.

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Dec 17, 2022Β·edited Dec 17, 2022

That’s what sane, critically thinking people SHOULD do.

Personally, I trust no one until you give me a reason to trust you. I’ve changed A LOT in 59 years.

One can’t pay for wisdom.

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Dec 17, 2022Β·edited Dec 17, 2022

I agree.

But so many people don’t that I have come to be impressed by those who do.

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Same, my Brothers and I had borderline vicious arguments about politics. Three years ago, I changed. I am grateful they never gave up on me.

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I think what Trump did was brilliant. He got 4.5 mil for his campaign and people who wanted the NFT got it. It Could go up in value and some people like having presidential stuff. Because it's Trump, it will go up in value .

What that event showed me was that the MSM largely ignored the very Presidential censorship video. They concentrated on the NFT thereby helping to sell it

Trump's doing ring dances around the MSM.

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I have to agree. He’s able to run circles around the MSM. And he just keeps giving them the finger. A MSM so corrupt eventually becomes powerless as everyone at some time sees it. Please let that happen soon!!!

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The censorship policy is, IMO, absolutely unnecessary, as it adds nothing to the protections already in our Constitution. Much proposed legislation is equally unnecessary, if we will simply choose to follow the guidelines laid down by the founders.

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Just like the new marriage bill. Obama took care of that years ago but this β€˜new’ one got Biden and the libs tons of publicity and a distraction from Russia and China.

I may be naΓ―ve but I think Trump brought up Freedom of Speech because its on at least half the country’s minds. And it needs to be addressed. Perhaps he should have written it differently and pointed out that it’s already in the constitution ... and that we need to remember that fact. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

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You are absolutely correct! Ignoring the Constitution has been the status quo for quite a long time...

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That’s why I volunteer with Convention of States Action. We are working hard to USE article 5 of the Constitution to SAVE the Constitution! We need to utilize the tools the founders gave us to preserve and protect our republic!

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Kudos to you for volunteering! The way things are going, a Convention of States may be our last/best hope. I donate to COS as often as I can.

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Well that’s just do that then. Sounds easy as falling off a logπŸ₯Έ

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Someone said it was done that way on purpose to get the fake news off the track for the release of his 1st Amendment presidential plan speech. The haters would likely have missed the real news drop, leaving more supporters to see it than opponents. Just another perspective.

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The missing tithe is arguably the best part 😊

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Jeff's instincts predicting a low turnout of trinket purchasers was probably correct -- These flash purchases are likely a CIA PsyOp "buyout" to inflate Trumps increasingly sinking "real world" popularity due to his taking full credit for the VAXX clot-shot. -- It happens all the time. Crisis Actors who participated in fake FBI/CIA school shooting are rewarded with GO-FUNDME accounts where actors rake in thousand of dollars for their on-camera performance at CNN. -- We should be worrying that Pfizer, the pro-China Libs and FBI are promoting Trump for president because Pfizer and the kill-shot Drug dealers expect Trump will continue to push future pandemics and future untested vaccines.

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Impressive load of total bull crap!

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Sidebar, counselor…..When the feds shut down my platypus fighting ring back in the 90’s, I was immediately kicked out of law school thus my hopes for participating in the legal profession were dashed…unceremoniously thrust upon the jagged rocks of despair….thankfully, miles away from Epstein Island. Firstly, who knew it was illegal?? Secondly, there wasn’t a whole lot of fighting going on...more like snuggling - which, I suppose, would explain the small crowds, but I digress.

Since you have a conduit to the Governor’s ear and investigations into wrongdoings regarding the β€œvaccine” are forthcoming, for what it’s worth, I have an email sent from a large Apex Predator Hospital here in Florida signed by the CEO and CAO of said APH stating the following: β€œβ€¦.An effective and safe Covid-19 vaccine is available now and other Covid vaccines will be coming soon. These vaccines have been tested under strict guidelines. Studies show that the first vaccine available, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and the next vaccine likely to be available, The Moderna vaccine, are 95% and 94.5% effective in preventing Covid-19......”

You can color me skeptical, but I’m 99.9 % sure that this is an undiluted wagonload of BS, given the fact that we know beyond any shadow of a doubt that a Pfizer director admitted under oath that the vaccines were NEVER tested for efficacy at all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ImuX6CU8ns&t=5s

Again, and I can’t stress this strongly enough, my lawyering skills never had a chance to appropriately germinate given my brief tenure in the world of sluggish animal prize fighting, but if having this email in your possession can help our cause let me know. A lot of employees got the boot or felt oddly compelled (coerced) to take the safe and effective and β€œtested under strict guidelines” love tap.

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Sure, send it over, and I will make sure it gets in the database

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Is there anything that can be done about hospital systems that have vaccine lies on their websites? The three systems near me all have the safe and effective lie, even saying it is safe for pregnant women. (At least one says for "birthing people." Perhaps it is safe for them.)

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πŸ‘ Which email is best?

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Hey Eric, you probably already know this (as a lawyer), but if you forward that email as an attachment (as opposed to simply hitting the "forward" button in your email client), the original internet header of the email will arrive in Jeff's inbox fully intact.

In other words, the original sender's information will be stored in the metadata contained within the attached file.

However, if you use the "forward" functionality in your email client, that original header information is replaced with _your_ information. You then become the sender, and the original (trackable) metadata is gone.

By forwarding the original message (not a reply or forward of the original sender's message) as an attachment, the original sender's IP address and related information stays intact. It's a bit like maintaining chain of custody, if that makes sense. Not sure if this helps but wanted to mention it. :) Merry Christmas!

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Dec 18, 2022Β·edited Dec 18, 2022

😲🀯 I was today years old. Thank you!

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I'm curious what the date is on that letter! I had a "chat" with the pharmacist at our local grocery store/pharmacy after the loudspeaker announced that they had the approved Comirnaty on hand. He was dumbfounded when he wasn't able to find any vials labeled Comirnaty when I asked him to take a look, and after encouraging him to talk to corporate about the loudspeaker ad's deceitful info I never heard it played again.

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Good for you!

I had half a mind to have a similar conversation with a local pharmacy when I was in earlier this year, but was not at a mental place personally where I could have had a not-mean interaction with the pharmacist. So I refrained and went home.

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I lose my temper easily, so am somewhat in the same boat. Writing a letter, with a copy to the state Pharmacy Board, implying in not so many words that one's pharmacy license could potentially be pulled for, I dunno, false advertising, giving a drug different than the one that was advertised, something like that, would be a good idea next time, as you can 'speak' in a more measured way. I'd like to see some folks on the other side start sweating the credentials that allow them to make their livings in their health fields, not just our side.

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Yeah. If only I had the time and energy for all of that. Sigh.

Between the normal demands of life + homeschooling a bright and quirky kiddo who learns not in traditional ways + some of my own health stuff (thanks middle age!) I do not have

nearly the oomph that I would like to have. But, I do what I can as the Lord allows.

(I always feel that I need to support such letters or other efforts with references to papers or other news reports, and although I save some, I don’t have them all at my fingertips. I need someone to give me some strategies for keeping all of that organized and at the ready. Preparing to talk w my Senator staff after the holidays about mandates, his push to further regulate supplements, and the F D A’s recent Guidance on homeopathy with its obvious to anyone paying attention desire to rid the market of these safe and effective (truly! Not made up) medicines. I am already a bit overwhelmed, haha.

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I save my tidbits in Evernote. I did see, though, that Steve Kirsch has moved away from Evernote to a different note keeping system - didn't read that article as I'm very satisfied with Evernote.

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Question for FL peeps. I see that those getting "vaccines" from a healthcare provider have to be informed of side-effects. Does this include those sell-out pharmacists who inject those jabbering for a jabber at Wal-Greens?

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My guess is they are not being fully informed, as is the case with every other vaccine. They have a one page sheet they give patients (not for Covid though!) that lists a few adverse events - and not even close to being all the adverse events discovered during the trials. And certainly they would never mention "death" as a possibility (which is linked with every vaccine known to man).

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Saved to my phone on Jan. 16, 2022

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Nice work!

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I am fairly certain that Mark Zuckerberg is actually and alien. Look at him!

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Clearly a Lizard Person.

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Surely he's a cyborg or some kind of robot. I'm only half joking when I say that. Maybe less than half.

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I think he uses AI.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

β€œMatt Taibbi released the next segment of the Twitter Files yesterday, which I’ll call The FBI Files. They show an extended and extensive pattern of regular and routine communication between Twitter employees and as many as 80 FBI agents, concerning tweets that were almost all either political or covid-related speech.”

Just the tip of the iceberg, Folks. We are in big trouble.

β€œAny society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.”

Benjamin Franklin

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Pamela, after I saw your comment, I was trying to recall who said "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." I thought this belonged to Thomas Jefferson, but googling it shows that no one is really sure who said it.

I came across this statement by Irish Judge John Philpot Curran, in a speech he gave in 1790:

"It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt."

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THANK YOU for the Dr Stillwagon synopsis. It’s been so difficult to understand why so many are completely fine after the shots and others are dropping dead. I’ll give it a like on YouTube βœ…

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Dec 17, 2022Β·edited Dec 17, 2022

Why do some people have allergies and some don't? Why do I have an autoimmune disease and you don't? Why do...you get my meaning. The bottom line is that God made each of us differently and only I know my own body (to the degree God allows) and the possible reactions I could have to an mRNA shot. No one should EVER be forced to take something into their body that they don't want or their parents don't want them to have. EVER.

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Marc Giradot has been writing about this variability in adverse events.

I believe that Drs McCullough and Cole probably also have mentioned it. Information about the variability between batches - due to manufacturing, storage, and preparation - is out there but the dr in the video summarizes it all quite succinctly.

It is indeed puzzling. Just as the variability in our individual reactions to the virus is puzzling.

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Problem with MG is he seems to assert the Spike is not a problem. I think Stillwater explains the variability well. Also Mathew Crawford and Jessica Rose did an video explaining a plausible mathematical reason fo the apparent variability. There are no coincidences. NO ONE should be injected. The only benefits were and remain data crimes.

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Would appreciate any links you have about the variability. I think "I was fine" is the ultimate reasoning used by those who luckily were, indeed, fine - so far.

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Are you familiar with this site? Look at the "check your lot number" section. https://howbadismybatch.com/

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Our comments were crossing in cyberspace. 🀣

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Also, the How Bad is My Batch website may speak to this. I don’t know. They track the adverse reactions by batch.

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There is no variability. The apparent variability is (could be) a function of chance depending on who is injected by a certain lot. So for example one lot goes to a nursing home and another lot goes to a high school setting to put it in crude terms.

And so, Dr Stillwater's factors are likely more consequential than the idea of hot lots vs cold.

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You probably can search β€œMatthew Crawford and Jessica Rose video” or those two plus Substack and find what you are looking for. Both of them have Substacks as well. As does Marc Giradot.

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What happened to all the talk about aspirating the needle? Apparently that was a problem too.

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Yeah, I don’t understand how MG says the spike itself isn’t the issue. Seems it can be BOTH intravascular injection AND the spike continuing to circulate, especially in light of the delayed effects 5-6 months out.

I take what makes sense from him and others and leave the rest.

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I assert there must be a Bolus effect but the mechanism of harm is largely the Spike.

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Try finding it without the word "misinformation" attached to it. Duck Duck nope!

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Use Brave. Not perfect but much better than DDG.

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I did use Brave, then they throttled results I wanted to see. OMG....they just can't stop effing with us. Ready to chuck the whole lot of them and rely on the message under the rock search engine.

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Yes, leave us alone already. Just go away and leave.us.alone.

Understanding more every day how the Patriots felt in 1776. They didn’t want war. They just wanted to be left alone. George wouldn’t quit.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

For the one thousandth time. I so so regret getting jabbed. I only did it because my work STRONGLY recommended it.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I was Sarasota County Administrator during the anthrax and Bird Flu scares. SB2006 was brought to my attention by a left leaning member of our community, expressing hope that the county was prepared. I told that person that the law would not pass a legal challenge and that we don’t waste out time worrying about locking up citizens, we worry about supporting them. Crazy totalitarian people run deeper than you can imaging

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CDC has a 12 member board to set protocol for COVID in the US. 7 of those members are on Giles’s payroll which makes remdesivir.

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A conflict of interest?.. ? Hmmm

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it is beyond sick

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I hate laws sitting around unchallenged. Maybe it should be challenged before all the woke trained new lawyers are assembled in the courts. My father had a lawyer friend Alva Long who purposely violated unconstitutional laws and forced his arrest so he could have the bad laws recorded as unconstitutional. He was kinda eccentric but a lot of fun to know and he played saxophone like a master.

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Wow, now that's a plan.

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Yeah I like it!!

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Dr. Kevin Stillwagon totally rocks. πŸ’–

I've learned a heck of a lot that I didn't know about vaccines from reading his Substack articles.

"Myocarditis from Covid Shots: Why this differs from viral infections."


"It is important to know that many viral infections can result in mild myocarditis, even the flu. It is mild because the immune system will react to and destroy a few myocardial cells that are replicating the virus. This is done by natural killer cells and activated T-cells. It is very precise and clean and does not result in huge amounts of inflammation, nor does it destroy normal myocardial cells nearby. These cases will resolve to normal homeostasis."

Dr. Stillwagon is not only a chiropractor who knows a lot about vaccines, he's also a pilot...

The Envoy 3556 Incident:

"On November 19, 2022, at 7:41 PM CST, Envoy flight 3556 became airborne from the Chicago O’Hare airport destined for Columbus Ohio. Eighteen minutes later, the flight landed back at the O’Hare Airport with unconscious captain Patrick Ford in the left seat. After landing and exiting onto the taxiway, the pilot in the right seat, also a captain, stopped the aircraft and removed the body from the left seat. This is probably because the tiller that controls the nose wheel for taxiing can only be operated from the left seat in this particular aircraft."


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Thanks for pointing us to his substack. I'd never heard of him before today, but his video posted by Jeff is excellent.

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THANK YOU SO MUCH! I've been looking for this information for MONTHS! This is fantastic!

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thanks Jeff, for the explanations on legal and political matters. It is very educational to have it explained in laymen terms.

The amount of truth that goes out in each of your fairly short reports is unmatched by anything else I see daily. Thanks again and God Bless.

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I’ve never been one to believe in extra-terrestrial life on earth, but he fact the the DOD is denying the existence of aliens makes me 100% certain they’re here. Whatever the β€œgovernment” says, the polar opposite is likely true. 🀨

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Yes, same here! Also....I'm noticing a LOT more public discussion regarding the JFK assassination and CIA involvement, and I find that verrryyyy interesting.

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Ezekel took a Ride on Something called a "Flaming Chariot".

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yes, I believe most of them are in positions of power, (gates, soros) congress, senate, whitehouse. Not to mention all the ones crossing the border. :-)

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I believe there are not aliens, but leftover people that were experiment on by corrupt companies. As bad as Gates, Epstein and the globalists are there is nothing they would try to do to change our bodies for their control.

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That last Orange County video with Dr. Kevin Stillwagon was great! Short, concise, and new info to me about the acidic level of the body affecting adverse reactions. And he worked in the important testing that should be conducted on everyone who's taken the poke (d-dimer and troponin levels). Video has been liked:)

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