Diverse Airline hard landing; secret base attack stirs more war talk; epidemic of Alzheimer's and Mad Cow baffles scientists; electric buses running out of juice; Florida pitches Amendments; and more.
Jeff, the US drone would have been fitted with IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) transponders to parse out incoming home team aircraft from hostiles, precisely so that the air defences don't have to be 'switched off'.
Their explanation is what we in England would call 'a load of bollocks'.
Another Pentagon driven "false flag" event to stage the "explanation", create "blame", present a "single solution" and proceed to WWIII.
Strange to see all the "mentioned OTHER" targets:
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq said it was responsible for the attack in a statement posted to Telegram on Sunday. It said it targeted three US bases in Syria and Jordan - Shaddadi, Rukban and Tanf - as well as an Israeli oil facility in the Mediterranean.
Lots to process there, and none of it good, but I presume Iran will get "twisted" into some form of involvement.
Have the Deep State, infiltrated/trained Iranian Proxy Militias like they do White Supremacy Governor-kidnapping Militias in Michigan? Like they set up Mujahedeen in Afghanistan and installed Saddam, and ,and, and.....
Col Macgregor is thinking along those lines. He also insists that Israel let off the gas on its attack on Gaza or perhaps face grave existential consequences.
I agree. Always suspect theyβd kill our own just to get a bill passed that throws more money into the military complex coffers (that never actually goes to the military).
It seems the powers that be DESPARATELY want a war with Iran. Then what.....light off the sleeper cells? Then what......suspend the election? Then what?
My very first thought was the sleeper cells in America. I'm sure they are here, just no idea where. All those military aged men crossing the border? Yep - almost guaranteed that they are building sleeper cells all across the US.
1995 OK City; Clinton and the Gov. discuss Iraqi and various likely Islamic cell group involvement in the Fed Building bombing (just like Trade Center garage 1993), John Doe #3 large-scale manhunt for the Middle Eastern man likely involved with the 2 White Domestic Military Vet Terrorists. Then presto---no 3rd guy, no Iraqi connection, just Kook Conspiracy nuts gone wild killing preschoolers over the WACO Cult assassination/immolation by Clinton-Reno Delta Force Military Stormtrooper killers. Funny how the evidence of Fed Paramilitary abuse and mal-operation was erased by the very revenge bombing that was to teach them a lesson over the violation?!
My theory is the sleeper cells will attack polling locations on election day therefore interrupting the election and causing potential civil war. My mind is full of other similar possibilities as well.
Agreed and on another note, why isn't DeSantis also making it illegal for the spouse of a former president to run for president? I saw a podcast where Meghan Kelly said that in May Michelle Obama is going to be replacing Biden and they may even wait until August at their convention. That would be a 4th term for the Obamas. Not good at all.
That negro dude gonna come out and get the crazy vote. Trannies, cats and dogs, all the qweers in all 171 genders, but lose the black vote en masse. Lol
Worse than if Billy Carter had come in after Jimmy... Or Ron Reagan Jr. after Ronnie, or Neil Bush, or GW (dam that one slipped through), or Jeb, or Hillary...God we're a mess!-- send armies of Angels and the MAN with blazing eyes
There's quite a few people who question the drone narrative, given the extensive use of drones in the current Ukraine-Russia conflict, and the numerous videos of the blast effect area (generally small) compared to what is purported to be the level of damage at the base.
Who knows? All I do know is that in any kind of FOB you don't switch off automatic air defences if you have them because you're worried it will shoot down your own aircraft.
If someone can hack an F35, I'm sure they can hack air defence systems and drones. Maybe that's it?
I wouldn't trust either the US government or my own if they told me today was Tuesday.
did they Pat Tillman "those folks serving the administration"?? (what the Fk do they give a personal loyalty oath to the Commander In Thief in lieu of the Constitution and the Republic now?)
I served 8 years in the army reserves. In order to serve over seas you would have be activated, which means serving in an active duty capacity. I am pretty sure only the President can activate reservists. I think he can do so for any reason he sees fit but only for 365 days. There should be a lot more readily available information about why they were there especially if they were reservists.
Could be the wholesale sabotage of our services with jab mandates, DEI & trans priorities has depleted the number of "regular" service members. My daughter is in the AF, serving in the Middle East as a doctor. Most of the team are guard, not regular AF. They're having a hard time finding replacements when deployments are up.
This is from an Army Times article. And if you are not familiar with Ft. Benning [now called Ft. Moore where these 3 reservists were based] you should look it up.
"More than half of the total Armyβs civil affairs, legal, psychological operations, chaplain, military history, quartermaster and medical units belong to the Army Reserve. Leaders, including Daniels, often claim to lawmakers that the forceβs units provide the active-duty Army with critical capabilities at a fraction of the cost to maintain them full-time."
I had no idea what that device would be called, but I, being very uneducated in high-tech gadgets, suspected there was something out in tech land to differentiate between friend or foe. The military leadership is checking yet another box of why I'm concerned about our national security.
Vigilance against vigilantism, crushing the coup of MAGA, global security through diminishment of nations, they justify their depravity and indecency and evil and betrayal with a beaming Mengele smile.
Agree. I'm guessing the US over there is flying drones practically non-stop. So the bases are not protected because this 'lack' of technology. I'm calling big time BS.
Right, not enough devout Muslim-Americans or prayer rooms on base? or maybe an infiltrator posing as ally or even a US Serviceman operation to frag the base? Happened at least a dozen times prior in Saudi, Iraq, Gulf States, Afghanistan.
Iβve heard that a sizable chunk of US military equipment that was originally donated to Ukraine has ended up on the black market, especially in Africa and the Middle East. If this was originally a US/Ukrainian drone, the IFF would read as a βfriend,β correct?
You need more than just the hardware; the system needs to be set to a specific (secret) code that changes frequently in order to show up as a "friend".
$$$ for Iran, Military stockpiles for Taliban, Arms and Armament and even WMDs for decades to Iraq, Kurds, Ukraine, Syria (vis Benghazi), the arms trade and blackmarket swap meet type deals are lucrative when well funded and trained forces are needed for destabilization operations wherever and whenever the DeepState and their Masters need them.....as we may discover within our own borders in a very short time.
Wouldn't exactly be amazing, but I wouldn't want to besmirch the names of three soldiers who might have been extremely professional and in any case died serving their country (though whether their country should have put them there is a different matter entirely).
Do you think that the US military (or any modern western military) has air control and air defence systems that can be thwarted by 'following a drone home'?
I'm not sure what I'm 'misattributing' (though don't bother to enlighten me, I don't care).
I asked you: 'Do you think that the US military (or any modern western military) has air control and air defence systems that can be thwarted by 'following a drone home'?'
You said: 'Yes, because that was the early reportage of the incident.'
So someone reported that the drone in question followed another, friendly, drone home, which is why it was able to hit its target, and you believe that.
Presumably someone told that story (the story you say you believe) to the journalist who reported it, and presumably that was the Army (unless the journalist just made it up - which is possible).
Either way, you believe the Army, or a journalist, or both.
That's fine, nothing to do with me. All I did was ask you if you believed the bullshit story about enemy drones cuningly foiling sophisticated air defence systems in this way.
Russia uses the lower RADAR frequencies for their missile defense systems because it can't be defeated by stealth technology, which relies on higher frequencies that lend them to high priced and exotic solutions to problems that provide profits to the MICIMATT complex manufacturers that create them.
I'm not quite so confident that the systems are so 100% foolproof that they could shoot down an unidentified aircraft while also not harming a "friendly" in the same airspace. Even if they theoretically have the capability, accidents can happen, so IMO it's highly plausible that the auto-firing system would have been switched off "to be on the safe side". I don't imagine anyone was thinking about the risk of someone sneaking a drone in at the same time (otherwise they would have prepared for it).
(Though it does raise the question of why human radar operators weren't watching or why they didn't notice the second drone when there was only supposed to be one. Even if the "auto-response features" were turned off it would still be possible to fire on it manually.)
perhaps they could track and deduce that the friendly drone didn't have a baby while it was gone, it was bringing a new friend home for dinner and sleepover; SHOOT them BOTH down if need be for God's sakes!
It's not like they make these drones with one factory setting and then they ship them. The IFF transponders need to be dialled in to locations and supporting equipment using codes which change on a regular basis.
And he appointed judges in the land in all the fortified cities of Judah, in each city. And he said to the judges, βConsider what you are doing, for you do not judge for man but for Yahweh who is with you when you render judgment. So now then let the dread of Yahweh be upon you; be careful what you do, because with Yahweh our God there is no unrighteousness or partiality or the taking of a bribe. . . Be strong and act, and Yahweh be with the one who is good.β
It is comforting to me that even if they don't acknowledge God, they are still accountable to Him and will be on the receiving end of His judgment. How the tables will turn one of these days!
God judges human judges. The integrity of the justice system in a nation provides a clear indication of the health of society. As is the case with all leadership, judges derive their authority ultimately from God and will give an account to God for their verdicts. Believers are commanded to pray for βkings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holinessβ (1 Timothy 2:2). This psalm reminds us to include judges of every kind in our prayers because we directly benefit from their integrity.
Iβve wondered if itβs not simply threats against their families too. Amy Barrett has been much weaker than I expected from a Trump appointee. Kavanaugh seems strongβ¦.we hope. And I still think the opposition took out Scalia. He was so good and way too smart for them.
Those have to be the toughest jobs in the nation. Unless youβre on the liberal side and then you get a pass.
My CONSTANT PRAYER is that Jehovah Jireh will strike down the corruption in our governance and RISE UP Godly people to govern WE THE PEOPLE. It may be too late for the USA - but that is MY FOCUS AND PRAYER.
No King (or Fake President) BUT CHRIST, No Judges but those who acknowledge and serve the Righteous God, No priest but one who intercedes for weak and immoral mankind and publicly calls out the unrepentant, prideful, and unjust Rulers among us.
I (very) briefly dated a Superior Court Judge. Smart guy, but woah! This dude was not right in the head! He had severe Mommy issues and his βjudgementβ was entirely clouded in ALL the decisions he made. He was slick, and thatβs how he got so far...typical trial lawyer.
We had hamhock bean soup last night. My husband kept asking if I wanted another bowl, Mr. Taggert!?? Seriously paying the price today, just like being around the campfire. Hahaha. TMI
Blazing Saddles takes a certain type of personality/sense of humor to appreciate and I think today's culture has done such a good job of vilifying humor and the ability to laugh at one's self, that our kids don't dare find things funny without permission of today's cultural influencers.
My husband loves Blazing Saddles. I'm meh. Have young adults listen to a Richard Pryor album and see how well that goes over. I have a little book from the 80's called Truly Tasteless Jokes. I'm glad I kept it. College aged children get scandalized at Casa Raptor.
Jeff, the US drone would have been fitted with IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) transponders to parse out incoming home team aircraft from hostiles, precisely so that the air defences don't have to be 'switched off'.
Their explanation is what we in England would call 'a load of bollocks'.
I wouldnβt be a bit surprised if that base was hit by friendly fire
I wouldnβt be a bit surprised if they were chosen to βdieβ to get people riled up and want to go to war. They have done it before!
Agreed. American history is replete with examples such as the Lithuania, 9-11, Pearl Harbor ... same playbook.
Or hospital covid 19 protocol to make people clamor for vaccine. Same playbook to benefit certain special interest groups
It isn't just Americans.
True - the British have been sabotaging Americans since the Revolution. However, the deep state has perfected the methodology.
And at the risk of sounding like a broken record. Deep state... most every country on the planet.
Just when our deep staters do it... the world goes sideways.
The Britβs are still in control. Thatβs the fight going on
Gulf of Tonkin thanks to Jim Morrisons dad
Yes, replete: Lusitania, USS Maine (misattribution), Gulf of Tonkin, Operation Northwoods (not executed), Ok City Murragh Building, ...
Another Pentagon driven "false flag" event to stage the "explanation", create "blame", present a "single solution" and proceed to WWIII.
Strange to see all the "mentioned OTHER" targets:
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq said it was responsible for the attack in a statement posted to Telegram on Sunday. It said it targeted three US bases in Syria and Jordan - Shaddadi, Rukban and Tanf - as well as an Israeli oil facility in the Mediterranean.
Lots to process there, and none of it good, but I presume Iran will get "twisted" into some form of involvement.
Have the Deep State, infiltrated/trained Iranian Proxy Militias like they do White Supremacy Governor-kidnapping Militias in Michigan? Like they set up Mujahedeen in Afghanistan and installed Saddam, and ,and, and.....
If they even actually were there. All three of them black, therefore their lives matter. Although they are soldiers, that cancels it out again...
Could it be that the psychos are bringing DEI to a higher inclusive level?
Well, it is an anagram if DIE, so there's that...
Geo floyd in tower 22
Col Macgregor is thinking along those lines. He also insists that Israel let off the gas on its attack on Gaza or perhaps face grave existential consequences.
Looks like YouTube has canceled the video
Just use the part up to but not including the question mark. The rest is just code identifying the route the URL took to the commenter Al X G
I was able to view it.
I agree. Always suspect theyβd kill our own just to get a bill passed that throws more money into the military complex coffers (that never actually goes to the military).
Except three casualties isnβt gonna cut it. They need to hit a base hard, Iβll a couple hundred! Then the imbeciles will scream for war.
AKA: False flag.
It seems the powers that be DESPARATELY want a war with Iran. Then what.....light off the sleeper cells? Then what......suspend the election? Then what?
My very first thought was the sleeper cells in America. I'm sure they are here, just no idea where. All those military aged men crossing the border? Yep - almost guaranteed that they are building sleeper cells all across the US.
There are 2 sleeper cells right in Kansas waiting for their marching orders.
In Georgia also
Very scaryβ¦
1995 OK City; Clinton and the Gov. discuss Iraqi and various likely Islamic cell group involvement in the Fed Building bombing (just like Trade Center garage 1993), John Doe #3 large-scale manhunt for the Middle Eastern man likely involved with the 2 White Domestic Military Vet Terrorists. Then presto---no 3rd guy, no Iraqi connection, just Kook Conspiracy nuts gone wild killing preschoolers over the WACO Cult assassination/immolation by Clinton-Reno Delta Force Military Stormtrooper killers. Funny how the evidence of Fed Paramilitary abuse and mal-operation was erased by the very revenge bombing that was to teach them a lesson over the violation?!
Read about Operation Northwoods
My theory is the sleeper cells will attack polling locations on election day therefore interrupting the election and causing potential civil war. My mind is full of other similar possibilities as well.
Be prepared to kill. Itβs gonna be required of us, it seems, in the near future.
"Another f***ing war" as Joy Reid said on a hot mic yesterday.
Her Dear Leader Resident Sloppy Joe Bidung is responsible for this chaos. Reid is a wretched person.
She should be looking at her own damned Democratic Party.
She said it about Biden when she thought she was muted.
Girl best be gettin herself Red Pilled and soon too
DEI at it's best
Agreed and on another note, why isn't DeSantis also making it illegal for the spouse of a former president to run for president? I saw a podcast where Meghan Kelly said that in May Michelle Obama is going to be replacing Biden and they may even wait until August at their convention. That would be a 4th term for the Obamas. Not good at all.
Yup and Michelle Bakman predicted this big Mike would write a book and go on a book tour wala next βfemaleβ black president
That negro dude gonna come out and get the crazy vote. Trannies, cats and dogs, all the qweers in all 171 genders, but lose the black vote en masse. Lol
Worse than if Billy Carter had come in after Jimmy... Or Ron Reagan Jr. after Ronnie, or Neil Bush, or GW (dam that one slipped through), or Jeb, or Hillary...God we're a mess!-- send armies of Angels and the MAN with blazing eyes
Its hard to confuse a top secret base, in the middle of nowhere, with a Jordanian hamlet.
My thoughts too
There's quite a few people who question the drone narrative, given the extensive use of drones in the current Ukraine-Russia conflict, and the numerous videos of the blast effect area (generally small) compared to what is purported to be the level of damage at the base.
So was it really a drone?
Just askin'
Who knows? All I do know is that in any kind of FOB you don't switch off automatic air defences if you have them because you're worried it will shoot down your own aircraft.
If someone can hack an F35, I'm sure they can hack air defence systems and drones. Maybe that's it?
I wouldn't trust either the US government or my own if they told me today was Tuesday.
did they Pat Tillman "those folks serving the administration"?? (what the Fk do they give a personal loyalty oath to the Commander In Thief in lieu of the Constitution and the Republic now?)
How could they have been reservists? Who activated them and why? And they are so young has no one interviewed any of the families?
I don't like that at all. What are reservists stated mission anyway? Surely not to be in that kind of situation.
I served 8 years in the army reserves. In order to serve over seas you would have be activated, which means serving in an active duty capacity. I am pretty sure only the President can activate reservists. I think he can do so for any reason he sees fit but only for 365 days. There should be a lot more readily available information about why they were there especially if they were reservists.
Maybe they invented a new and improved category; "Contractor-Reservists"
Here read this.............https://www.usar.army.mil/About-Us/
Hats great for 2035. What about right now
Oh, I had no idea, thanks.
Could be the wholesale sabotage of our services with jab mandates, DEI & trans priorities has depleted the number of "regular" service members. My daughter is in the AF, serving in the Middle East as a doctor. Most of the team are guard, not regular AF. They're having a hard time finding replacements when deployments are up.
This is from an Army Times article. And if you are not familiar with Ft. Benning [now called Ft. Moore where these 3 reservists were based] you should look it up.
"More than half of the total Armyβs civil affairs, legal, psychological operations, chaplain, military history, quartermaster and medical units belong to the Army Reserve. Leaders, including Daniels, often claim to lawmakers that the forceβs units provide the active-duty Army with critical capabilities at a fraction of the cost to maintain them full-time."
I had no idea what that device would be called, but I, being very uneducated in high-tech gadgets, suspected there was something out in tech land to differentiate between friend or foe. The military leadership is checking yet another box of why I'm concerned about our national security.
What βnational securityβ? Look at the borders. OPEN
Vigilance against vigilantism, crushing the coup of MAGA, global security through diminishment of nations, they justify their depravity and indecency and evil and betrayal with a beaming Mengele smile.
Agree. I'm guessing the US over there is flying drones practically non-stop. So the bases are not protected because this 'lack' of technology. I'm calling big time BS.
Maybe it was in Internet video that spurred the drone attack. And, you know, what difference does it make?
Right, not enough devout Muslim-Americans or prayer rooms on base? or maybe an infiltrator posing as ally or even a US Serviceman operation to frag the base? Happened at least a dozen times prior in Saudi, Iraq, Gulf States, Afghanistan.
Mark! Long time no 'see!'
I suspect friendly fire doing something they shouldnt have in a place they shouldnt have been in.
Iβve heard that a sizable chunk of US military equipment that was originally donated to Ukraine has ended up on the black market, especially in Africa and the Middle East. If this was originally a US/Ukrainian drone, the IFF would read as a βfriend,β correct?
You need more than just the hardware; the system needs to be set to a specific (secret) code that changes frequently in order to show up as a "friend".
It's a bit smarter than that!
$$$ for Iran, Military stockpiles for Taliban, Arms and Armament and even WMDs for decades to Iraq, Kurds, Ukraine, Syria (vis Benghazi), the arms trade and blackmarket swap meet type deals are lucrative when well funded and trained forces are needed for destabilization operations wherever and whenever the DeepState and their Masters need them.....as we may discover within our own borders in a very short time.
Poorly trained DEI recruits?
Wouldn't exactly be amazing, but I wouldn't want to besmirch the names of three soldiers who might have been extremely professional and in any case died serving their country (though whether their country should have put them there is a different matter entirely).
The drone that blew up followed ours home.
Do you think that the US military (or any modern western military) has air control and air defence systems that can be thwarted by 'following a drone home'?
Yes, because that was the early reportage of the incident.
Why can Russia's S-300 and S-400 see all of our stealth planes?
Well, you're wrong (about that) and they were lying.
As to why Russia AA can 'see' stealth aircraft, who knows? Can they? I don't know.
But that's a different issue altogether from the Army claiming a drone followed its own drone home and that's why they didn't see it or shoot it down.
You are misattributing everything you say.
AA? They call it S-300 and S-400 and Turkey bought it instead of our Patriot because it can see everything we claim our stealth can hide.
I never said what the Army claimed because I don't follow their propaganda.
Drones don't have the surveillance and counter-measures our fighters do. They can't see behind themselves.
AA = anti-aircraft. S300 and S-400 = AA.
I'm not sure what I'm 'misattributing' (though don't bother to enlighten me, I don't care).
I asked you: 'Do you think that the US military (or any modern western military) has air control and air defence systems that can be thwarted by 'following a drone home'?'
You said: 'Yes, because that was the early reportage of the incident.'
So someone reported that the drone in question followed another, friendly, drone home, which is why it was able to hit its target, and you believe that.
Presumably someone told that story (the story you say you believe) to the journalist who reported it, and presumably that was the Army (unless the journalist just made it up - which is possible).
Either way, you believe the Army, or a journalist, or both.
That's fine, nothing to do with me. All I did was ask you if you believed the bullshit story about enemy drones cuningly foiling sophisticated air defence systems in this way.
Russia uses the lower RADAR frequencies for their missile defense systems because it can't be defeated by stealth technology, which relies on higher frequencies that lend them to high priced and exotic solutions to problems that provide profits to the MICIMATT complex manufacturers that create them.
I'm not quite so confident that the systems are so 100% foolproof that they could shoot down an unidentified aircraft while also not harming a "friendly" in the same airspace. Even if they theoretically have the capability, accidents can happen, so IMO it's highly plausible that the auto-firing system would have been switched off "to be on the safe side". I don't imagine anyone was thinking about the risk of someone sneaking a drone in at the same time (otherwise they would have prepared for it).
(Though it does raise the question of why human radar operators weren't watching or why they didn't notice the second drone when there was only supposed to be one. Even if the "auto-response features" were turned off it would still be possible to fire on it manually.)
perhaps they could track and deduce that the friendly drone didn't have a baby while it was gone, it was bringing a new friend home for dinner and sleepover; SHOOT them BOTH down if need be for God's sakes!
That is surely what they OUGHT to have done.
Nothing is 100% foolproof but itβs also very good and doesnβt need to be manually watched to make sure the computers are doing it right.
Perhaps it was a US drone we βaccidentallyβ left in Afghanistan? So then the friend transponder was on?
It's not like they make these drones with one factory setting and then they ship them. The IFF transponders need to be dialled in to locations and supporting equipment using codes which change on a regular basis.
exactly as I've thought after research on my own. methinks I smell rotten fish.
May anyone involved in wickedness fall into their own traps
And he appointed judges in the land in all the fortified cities of Judah, in each city. And he said to the judges, βConsider what you are doing, for you do not judge for man but for Yahweh who is with you when you render judgment. So now then let the dread of Yahweh be upon you; be careful what you do, because with Yahweh our God there is no unrighteousness or partiality or the taking of a bribe. . . Be strong and act, and Yahweh be with the one who is good.β
β 2 Chronicles 19:5-7, 11b
Oh, Janice, if only our judges held forth with the fear of the Lord in all the decisions they render! Thank you for your faithful postings!
Mrs. "the Knife"
It is comforting to me that even if they don't acknowledge God, they are still accountable to Him and will be on the receiving end of His judgment. How the tables will turn one of these days!
This needs to be posted in all the courtrooms of the land and especially NYC.
Of course the Ten Commandments served well, when posted, but alas, were too offensive.
From Life Application Study Bible
Ps 82:1
God judges human judges. The integrity of the justice system in a nation provides a clear indication of the health of society. As is the case with all leadership, judges derive their authority ultimately from God and will give an account to God for their verdicts. Believers are commanded to pray for βkings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holinessβ (1 Timothy 2:2). This psalm reminds us to include judges of every kind in our prayers because we directly benefit from their integrity.
Which makes me think I should pray for John Roberts because according to this, heβs in trouble.
IMO Someone has something damning held over his head. He acts like it at least.
We all should be praying that our country lets cooler heads prevail. We are a nation run by a passel of lunatics.
Yes, the word is that he was an Epstein client. If true, thatβs pretty damning.
My money's on shenanigans or rule-bending or special treatment regarding the adoptions of his children.
They must have something on Amy C Barrett or her family. I know they don't have jack on Brett Kavanaugh. Dirty sons of female dogs.
Iβve wondered if itβs not simply threats against their families too. Amy Barrett has been much weaker than I expected from a Trump appointee. Kavanaugh seems strongβ¦.we hope. And I still think the opposition took out Scalia. He was so good and way too smart for them.
Those have to be the toughest jobs in the nation. Unless youβre on the liberal side and then you get a pass.
I did see a photo of him with Epstein's "recruiter" Ghislaine
Ewe. As in "yuck", not female sheep. I'm guessing your mind didn't even go there and I am typing unnecessarily. I am tired. Forgive me.
that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holinessβ (1 Timothy 2:2
Amen & AMEN π
My CONSTANT PRAYER is that Jehovah Jireh will strike down the corruption in our governance and RISE UP Godly people to govern WE THE PEOPLE. It may be too late for the USA - but that is MY FOCUS AND PRAYER.
No King (or Fake President) BUT CHRIST, No Judges but those who acknowledge and serve the Righteous God, No priest but one who intercedes for weak and immoral mankind and publicly calls out the unrepentant, prideful, and unjust Rulers among us.
Imagine if they heard, perceived and followed through on this?
That is the kind of fantasizing I do!!!
I (very) briefly dated a Superior Court Judge. Smart guy, but woah! This dude was not right in the head! He had severe Mommy issues and his βjudgementβ was entirely clouded in ALL the decisions he made. He was slick, and thatβs how he got so far...typical trial lawyer.
'Liked,' by which I really mean, 'yecchh.'
Every judicial official should have this above the threshold so they have to see it every time they enter the "halls of justice".
It looks like I picked a bad week to quit sniffing glue.
And donβt call me Shirleyβ¦
lol. Love that movieπ€£π€£π€£
How about Blazing Saddles? No way these movies get made today. AND they want to change the classics
I just went to a 50th anniversary showing of Blazing Saddles in Sioux Falls, SD last weekend. π€£π€£
You sound like my kind of people.
I get no kick from champagne..πΌπΆπ΅
Mere alcohol does not thrill me at all.βͺ
We had hamhock bean soup last night. My husband kept asking if I wanted another bowl, Mr. Taggert!?? Seriously paying the price today, just like being around the campfire. Hahaha. TMI
Too much methane gas around a campfire is not a safe practice. π€
We tried getting our kids to watch it and they were NOT entertained at allπ€£π€£π€£
Blazing Saddles takes a certain type of personality/sense of humor to appreciate and I think today's culture has done such a good job of vilifying humor and the ability to laugh at one's self, that our kids don't dare find things funny without permission of today's cultural influencers.
My husband loves Blazing Saddles. I'm meh. Have young adults listen to a Richard Pryor album and see how well that goes over. I have a little book from the 80's called Truly Tasteless Jokes. I'm glad I kept it. College aged children get scandalized at Casa Raptor.