Regarding your last topic on transgender:

By weaponizing woke ideology, a powerful group is destroying the modern world by poisoning the wells we all share of comradery, fellowship, and family – they are doing everything they can to decimate the ties that bind us together and to destroy every trace of common ground and brotherhood between us.

Values we all once shared that were intended to do the most good for the most people are being maliciously torched in the name of discord and disunity by utilizing a reality denying, mentally ill, family destroying, child warping, depraved ideology.

The globablists’ have successfully utilized the Red vs Blue, East vs West, Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed, Boy vs Girl dichotomies to exploit our innate tribal nature, and in doing so are dividing and conquering us. This ‘us-vs-them’ separation makes us easy to control and direct with simple angry thoughts about “the enemy” who isn’t really our enemy – while blinding us to the actual enemy behind the curtain pulling the puppet strings. If we could collectively recognize this for what it is the NWO wouldn’t stand a chance.

Most people will not act to secure their future, so long as they feel they have an advocate fighting for them in the public or political arenas. This is why Republican vs Democrat equals divide and conquer. The human mind is binary. Our thought process can often be boiled down into terms (often ultimatums) of – this or that – and our adversaries understand - very well - the art of this war.

They know that politicization is so effective at manipulating us because most emotionally connect their personal belief system to the belief system of their political party, and so then any attack on their party – legitimate or otherwise – is interpreted by their brain as an attack on themselves. Reason and logic then jump out the nearest window as raw emotion takes the helm, thus making them even more susceptible to the predatory controlling influences.

United we will stand, divided we will fall, our adversaries know this which is why we are being mercilessly divided.


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Apr 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Had a “tranny” experience last weekend when visiting family in OKC. Walked into an upscale restaurant to be greeted by a black man, with facial hair and no makeup, adorned in a sleeveless, wrap-style floral dress. (All I could think was “please don’t raise your arms” 🙈) Not a word spoken about it until we got back in the car with son and DIL, who were completely fine with it. It’s “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” I know Truth is Love, so how is it love to deny the objective truth of this mental disorder? I have compassion for people suffering with this issue, but the forced celebration of it borders on demonic, IMO. Not sure where I read it, but isn’t this the equivalent of black face? Men appropriating all the facets of womanhood, so “woman face?” And the younger generation acts as if all is normal, lest they be accused of being *-phobic and cancelled (oh, the horror!) Lord, have mercy on us! 🙏🏻

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We need to start referring to this as “woman face” from now on.

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Anyone else notice they never get the jewelry right? They put on a dress, thinking this makes them a woman. But, the accessories are always “off”. To quote the great Clairee, “The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize.”

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Because they’re like little girls playing dress-up. I believe they think the more in-your-face with the outrageousness, the better.

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Because it is a parody and ultimately it is a troll on women. It is offensive. People saw Rachel Dolezal as offensive to Black people. Now, women need to stand and say, “NO!”

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Where are the feminists? Why are they not supporting female athletes who are being pushed out of their sports? Why are they not speaking out against using Dylan Mulvaney as a model for women's sports bras? What the heck? This is insanity. They are canceling women! Plain and simple. Because women are child bearers! We can't be having babies else the depopulation movement stalls. So let's make all women lesbians and trans men so they don't procreate. This the evil agenda.

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I probably don't get the jewelry or other accessories right, either, when I wear dresses, as I've been a lifelong tomboy who prefers jeans, t-shirts, and boots, but I'm nonetheless a woman and have never been anything but. I realize your comment wasn't meant to be provocative or rude, and my feelings aren't hurt (read my first sentence in an unoffended, normal tone). However, I think it borders on defining womanhood by externals, which would seem to be the same position taken by the trans types (and I consider a manufactured vagina or hormone-induced man-boobs to be 'externals').

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It seems to me that motives are an important aspect of this.

There are different positive ways to highlight femininity and this is true of masculinity, too. Wanting to dress like the opposite sex because it turns them on is an example of a very different motive these cross-dressing people often have.

But a woman can be beautiful in herself whether tomboy-like or ultra elegant just as some men can wear pink in a way that highlights their masculinity perfectly somehow while others go with with a more rugged look that suits them equally well. It's hard to define, but we know the difference somehow.

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I totally understand what you’re saying. It’s more of a subtle thing...whether you’re a girly-girl or a tomboy. A tomboy woman would not wear a frilly dress and then put the wrong earrings or shoes on, because she would wear what she is comfortable wearing. A fashionista would know what accessories go with the outfit. That’s what I notice, it’s like bad plastic surgery, you notice it when it’s out of the norm. Like drywall. You only notice it when it’s installed incorrectly.

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Same! Sometimes I go outside and realize that everything I'm wearing could be worn by a normal man. But no one ever takes me for a man.

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Very interesting! But I would not know because 'I am only a husband'!

However, when you all 'get it right', we do notice because you all are rendered quite stunning. We might not know why, or the particular sartorial engineering selections in play, or how that all happens, but by impacts and evidences seen ...we know that we are bedazzled.

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Even Scarlett knew the value of a good corset. “Beauty must suffer.”

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When my daughter was little, she didn't like what she called "palm trees" --hairs between her eyebrows-- and wanted them gone. So I did some plucking for her while she went "ouch! ouch! ow!" When I was done, I told her "Now you are a woman! You have suffered for beauty!"

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Good point 😁😆

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

This truly is demonic. I recommend reading Johnathan Cahn’s book, ‘The Return Of The Gods’. This book explains that one of the ‘gods’ had upper body of woman, lower body of man. These ‘gods’ were invited back into our nation by things that we allowed.

My PCP chose to close his private practice and go to work in a Federal prison, as he was being limited about what he could give his patients during the planned takedown of our freedoms.

He said that the prisons are rife with men claiming to be trans....either because they are ‘gay’ or because they want to be transferred to a women’s prison. He also said that once he read the book, his eyes opened and he could see it exactly as demonic.

He couldn’t get out of that hell fast enough. He’s a very popular doctor, he came back to a full docket of patients in his private practice and is now able to give patients advice about alternative treatments for this planned attack on our medical decisions.

I cannot recommend Jonathan Cahn’s books highly enough. They are all phenomenal.

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Lo & behold 🤪: a statue of breastfeeding man at KØN—Gender Museum Denmark—formerly Women's Museum --> pbs.twimg.com/media/FuOci_faMAA7BDU?format=jpg

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Apr 29, 2023·edited Apr 29, 2023

Mental illness on full display.

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Jonathan Cahn really explains the roots of this perfectly -- we are back in the pre-Christian era of child sacrifice I'm horrified to say. And we have been for over 50 years.


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I thought this was a great recap of what Cahn's book is about - you probably saw this already but in case you didn't https://youtu.be/IMHPjsQN8qs also last night I saw the movie "Nefarious" - Cannot recommend it highly enough but it's going to be a tough slog to keep it in the theaters.

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I'm 75% of the way through Cahn's book right now.

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here's a great recap:


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"They" understand that language is important. And then they get us using their language. I find it is even problematic to use the phrase "gender affirming care". Even those fighting against that are using the term. They need another, more a descriptive term.

I think the left was knocked off their perch when they realized we were starting to call them groomers. Very accurate. They're still fighting against it and trying to use it against the side of sanity (that's not working).

Adopt one of the rules from the left-wing playbook: words matter..

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Gender is not biology. It is imagined. Language does matter. Use “sex” very time they demand that you use “gender.” Note, there is no such thing as sex affirming surgeries.

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Oh we definitely should never call it “gender affirming care.” That’s such a lie. It’s really mutilation. Also it’s not care and it isn’t gender affirming.

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Podcaster and radio host Todd Herman understands this, BTW.

He refers to the medications used as "wrong sex hormones."

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I had a thought last night that we should call it reproductive prevention care 😑

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... Though 'care' sounds like a good thing. That's why the left incorporates that word.

So maybe call it 'reproductive destruction care'

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Or maybe reproductive elimination

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

I started calling it "woman face" right after the Anheuser-Busch, Bud light stunt.

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A minstral show.

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At first I read menstrual show. 🫣

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Apr 29, 2023·edited Apr 29, 2023

'Fem face' just graced my mind 😁 Sounds catchy & memeifiable—but prolly somewhat lacks in clarity 🤔

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True 😆

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Mine happens a heart #66 ('liked' count)—hence of double the strength at the very least! 🤸

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Good thought...black face and men dressing as women...not cultural appropriation, but gender appropriation. As a woman, I find it insulting and demeaning. Ever wonder why the social justice war is so unjust?

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When I see or hear "something" justice, I've taken to replacing justice with revenge (or vengeance or domination). It puts the motivation in a clearer light.

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Right? I feel uncomfortable around that, likely because I feel like it's an attempt to make fun of women, in general. And we're supposed to just accept it and laud it.

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It is! Drag is a demeaning parody of womanhood, end of story (hour).

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Had a similar experience a few months ago in OKC at an art exhibit for Van Gogh. The ticket checker was obviously a man wearing a yellow dress. I was shocked, but couldn't think of what else to do but show him our tickets and move on.

On the plus side, we were exploring OKC just last weekend, looking for a temporary short-term rental for my RN wife. Unfamiliar with the city, we stumbled across a small artsy-fartsy bar district called The Plaza, and went into one of the bars for drink on the patio. (We're lifelong Tulsans, so we're not officially allowed to "like" OKC. So our lips naturally curl whenever we reach the end of the turnpike, as if we just smelled something nasty. LOL)

Took our drinks onto the patio so we could watch the local wildlife. I struck up a convo with an African American dude out there, who'd grown up in the Plaza before it gentrified. (He told us the neighborhood had once been drug-infested and dangerous.)

We sat there and reminisced about how much America and Oklahoma had changed over the last 50 years - some of it in a very good way (e.g., how racial segregation had gone by the wayside.) It was a great conversation - one well-meaning American to another.

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Lol at the Tulsa comments! DIL is a Tulsan, but she really likes OKC. Probably didn’t get the memo 😉

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

Our daughter - our youngest child - is graduating from college in OKC May 6th. She loves OKC too.

I'll deny I said this, but the truth is that OKC has really been putting on the ritz for about 20 years now. It has a ton of great neighborhoods and things to do and see.

Years ago, someone once famously described the difference between the two cities thus: "OKC is a Cadillac with a Bible under the seat, where Tulsa is a Mercedes with tickets to the ballet in the console."

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I'm a native Okie. Grew up on Lawton and lived in OKC for a few years. Sprawling big cowtown back then, but I left long before it got all hoity-toity. Okie's are generally lovely people, with many great southern qualities. I've had lunch a few times at the Brickyard, and enjoyed the atmosphere. The Cowboy Hall of Fame is a wonderful museum.

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My wife has family in Claremore so she gets it... Lol.

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

The problem with young people (besides being naive) is that they haven't learned to have an independent thought. This has been trained out of them by 16 years of state public schooling. That and the fact that they don't come to school already with a definitive ethical worldview instilled in them by their parents.

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"the fact that they don't come to school already with a definitive ethical worldview instilled in them by their parents."

Yeah, maybe if at least one parent were at home and ready to engage a kid when he or she came home from school, this wouldn't be a problem.

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I totally don’t get dressing like a woman, but sporting facial hair. It’s just so confusing to me. That Prime commercial makes me cringe. The little boy dressing like a girl, but showing off his unibrow and mustache.

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It tells you that they want you to think, or pretend, that reality is invented by each individual, moment by moment. It's the ultimate relativism. "The desires of their own hearts," and where that sadly leads.

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"Their Truth."

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Or that repulsive Walgreens ad with a chubby, bearded "dad" all dressed up in spangles and tulle, having "tea" with, presumably, his daughter?

It reeks of pedophilism and de-masculization. Horrible.

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Five years ago that ad was cute. But today its gross. They have done that to us.

I feel like my innocence has been taken away 🤪

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Are you sure it’s a boy? I thought it was a girl? But I’m still not sure - which is probably the point of that commercial

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My husband thinks it’s a girl, I think its a boy because of the mustache. We argue about it, lol. Maybe its a girl taking testosterone? Yes, I guess the point is about confusion and following your bliss… even if it’s delusional.

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Wait. That's a boy in that commercial? I thought it was a girl who was getting comfortable with her unfortunate mustache rather than waxing or bleaching it. That was my Italian interpretation.

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That's a boy??!!!

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I thought so since two of his idols were men, one is Freida, one is Freddy Mercury, one is Eddie Murphy, but I'm so confused now, 🤣🤣🤣

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It's "in your face." Like, I dare you to call me out!

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Yes, I agree.

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

Truth is not Love. Truth is Truth. And if not Truth, then a lie, a falsification, a dissembling ... some sort of twisting of reality.

Would we follow Biblical Law, the foundation of the Old Republic, we would not have this abomination of 'gender confusion' as the Bible prohibits men dressing as women and vice versa. And we may recall that the Bible clearly prohibits acts of sodomy, and so did the Old American Republic until Lawrence came along.

The younger generation, most of them, are schooled in 'everything goes.' And yet, nobody teaches the younger generation that if 'everything goes' then eventually one reaches the point where there is no order of law, no restraints.

All functioning societies are intolerant of certain things. The Old American Republic with it's assemblage of the several states was intolerant of immorality based upon a Biblical understanding of what is moral and what is not. That is why there was all that talk of 'morality being essential to a well ordered Republic'. Why! So that our affairs of state, families, conduct of business be orderly. Hence, the phrase, 'to maintain public order'.

Toleration of everything is just the just the 'old intolerance' moving to a new 'intolerance'. Old American did not tolerated the wickedness of sin. The New America does not tolerate the Christian and Christian moral ordering. But the dissonance is that if everything is tolerated except the Christian and God's Law, then chaos and insanity ensue. And here we are!

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"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards. On the road to tyranny, we've gone so far that polite political action is about as useless as a miniskirt in a convent. ... Something's eventually going to happen. Government will bloat until it chokes us to death, or one more tyrannical power grab will turn out to be one too many. ... Maybe it'll be one more round of "reasonable gun control" or one more episode of burning children to death to save them from "child abuse." Whatever, something will snap."

Claire Wolfe

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Interesting quote ... and perhaps something has already snapped and we are now seeing the unravelling. Those maps showing the 'red colored' countries now flocking to the BRICS Plus consortium of common interest are stunning.

This time we are living in is sort of like we are waiting for the next Big Shoe to drop, although it could equally as well be a prolonged withering on the vine. No matter what, it's all highly uncomfortable and disconcerting. But it is nigh impossible the argue against the proposition that our plight is long overdue and well-deserved.

An outright collapse might be the horrific best solution in that it, à la the Soviet example, washes out a host of sins and discredits the ideological presuppositions of the previous dysfunctional system. Walking things back is problematic in that the body politic is so in a dither confused that it is likely to ever get a moral solution, but more a mere mitigation. And that's how Rome unwound. Periods of 'hell on wheels' followed by spats of mitigation, but all on a downward slope. In the American case, it's change or die. Things just move faster in the Age of Tech and instant communications. It's now years and decades, not centuries by measure. Interesting times to say the least.

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Wars can be won with logistics, wars are certainly lost without logistics.

If we recognize this is war, if we then Stockpile for kith & kin in our home areas.

These areas are better if Rural, even in Blue States, much less in Cities, even in Red States.

We cannot say what form it's going to be as you said, we can only be as ready as possible to ensure some continued life to the cause of liberty. One day at a time, like Lexington & Concord.

ncrenegade.com has southern prepper videos from a Vet fyi.

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A man wearing a dress doesn’t bother me so long as he doesn’t call himself a woman. Or worse, making me accept that he is a woman.

A male is not a female. Simple as that.

But wear whatever you want.

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I think we need to bring the Scottish kilt back. Now that's a man's "dress". Wear it everywhere. The trannies will hate us for it cuz it will disempower their arrogance and rob them of their stage.

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I'll pass on the kilt. I went to the Renaissance Festival in Michigan once where my wife and her friend insisted on dressing for the occasion which included her friend's husband and I wearing kilts and a pseudo-Scottish get-up. I dug the natural A/C but missed the support. To quote Kramer from Seinfeld: "My boys need a house".

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Get some jockeys.lol

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That's cheating. My first year of college I went to a toga party and was somewhat shy so I donned some tighty-whities. When I confessed, I was attacked by three semi-intoxicated women who tried to pull them off. I ran out of there. I was young and dumb and, in retrospect, I wish I wouldn't have fought them off. :)

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I think I had my first encounter today at my local library. I’m in a very small rural town so it’s hard to tell. Behind the counter was a larger, young person, with rainbow hair and a rainbow shirt with a beard and breasts. At least they could have been breasts or fatty deposits on the chest. One other person was definitely a male with bright green hair in a bun. I kept very quiet and finished my business and left. I’m happy I only need the library once every few years. I am still kind of traumatized. I’m an old grandma. 😳

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Last summer we took the grandkids to the zoo. There was a 6’3” man dressed as a woman with a woman. My hubby asked me “so, are we ok with a man dressed as a woman dating a woman?” 🤣 It gets confusing!

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The person you described used to be referred to as a cross-dresser—a hetero-man with a fetish for wearing women’s clothing. It used to be done in private… not any more. 😳

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Thank you for that link. Love U.S. Grace Force! I will definitely give it a listen.

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I agree. I believe God gives you the freedom to personally choose your path. As the saying goes "Choose wisely ". God doesn't tolerate the unfaithful and unholy behavior for long. People will reap what they sow. Get right with The Lord.

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Decide this day whom you will serve....

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Such a great way to put it. Amen.

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Very true. Gods kindness is allowing those who choose to not follow His rules time to change their ways and choose Him over human leaders. Eventually time will run out and the choices will end. The pivotal point in time is now. CHOOSE WISELY indeed

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Just another way to say, “Fuck Around and Find Out.” A lot of that going around.

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How did a tranny get elected in Montana anyway?

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Missoula, Bozeman and Whitefish. The first two are college towns and all 3 are home to former west coasters bringing their political views with them. We’ve owned a home in NW MT for 23 years and the cultural climate is sadly changing

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Sounds like the conservative citizens of those three communities need to get moving and rally the troops. Maybe this is Zoey was a wake up call

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One can only hope

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I live in Helena and sadly, it is very liberal as well. Our governor is the first Republican is 17 years? Yes, everyone is wanting to move to those 3 towns and throwing off the balance of what the rest of the state wants. Kind of like Western Oregon population overriding what the other 2/3 of the state want.

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Just saying, this is true for CA too actually. Many many conservative areas over run by big pop blue cities.

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This is why states should adopt the federal electoral college model. That way big blue cities within these red states can't control the entire vote. That is if you still believe that elections are fair.

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Oregon has not had fair elections for close to 30 years. All mail-in since 1998. 😢

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Initially misread your comment as "big POOP blue cities."

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Same difference.

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LOL. Thanks for the laugh!!

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In every 'blue' state.

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Sounds exactly like Oregon. 🥲

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It’s the Willamette Valley. The rest of the state is still sane.

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Came from WA, OR, and CA. To escape, but brought their politics with them.

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Exactly right

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I’m sorry they all left the Willamette Valley and ruined beautiful Montana. The devil is on the move big time and he won’t quit until God stops him dead. It’s coming.

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You’re so right and I can’t wait. Come quickly Lord Jesus!

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It's a tiny urban district, something like two square miles in the heart of Missoula. It's dominated by non-residential business and student rental housing for those attending the University of Montana. A district like that is always going to elect a left-wing nut case so there's a good argument for breaking it up among other districts when drawing district lines. On the other hand if you put all the loonies in one district it limits their numbers in the legislature.

Have to hand it to the Montana legislature though as so far they have handled this about as well as possible.

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Taking a guess.... Soros backed candidates?

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Interesting that there was a trans candidate in every single state last year. With their numbers, how likely is that unless there has been some kind of outside push for it? 🤔

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Think of BigMike as a catalyst...?

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Missoula maybe? College town and becoming very “woke”

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Missoula is very woke

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I often wonder if these people have any other qualification. Cross dresser? sure you’re elected! I think it would be better for their propaganda if any of them were competent and able to do their job of representing the people. But maybe that isn’t possible….

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I think all of them should have to take a mental competency test before they run for any type of public office. Most aren't even qualified to be dog catcher.

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Good question!

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My first thought.

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This was my thought!!

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As stated countless times before: 5th Generation Warfare.

As such, many of the aspects and techniques have been used over the course of history, but now with internet speeding it's possible to trigger mass behavioral programming on a scale and rate hitherto unseen. There are numerous examples of manifestos and manuals: Cloward Piven, Fabian, CFR etc.

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The Marxist Hegelian dialectic at work. All of which should be required reading in high school. Then our children would have something to actually think with.

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Agree. The MIC is out of control, who is holding their leash? I outlined the fifth gen warfare here: https://tritorch.com/folly The only way to win is to recognize it for what it is so we may thenstop falling prey to the onslaught of predatory manipulation

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You nailed it again Tritorch 🎯, thank you. We must also discern that there may be some substack writers that are trying to divide us as well. They masquerade as several different bogus names to push their agenda and divide us further.

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Definitely 🎯

Watch what they do and say. As long as you know the big picture, their sabotage is easy to spot no matter how cloaked and buried it is in good ideas that we may agree with. Wicked agendas always shine brightly like a demonic beacon in the night to anyone who knows what the ultimate end-goals are.

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Agree.. constant observation, vigilance and discernment… no division, common goal is imperative. Sowing division is not in our best interest. 🤗🌞😘🙏

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“They” know the right is so much bigger they need to throw things out there that look like it’s against the right when it is actually against the left, but if enough right wingers believe them the more support they have. Divided we fall and they need to divide us to win. A good example is DeSantis for President 2024. Divide the right from Trump the left needs to cheat less to win!

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I don't think it's just a "powerful group." It's human nature to divide. Birds of a feather. The simple fact is there is a substantial, very vocal, violent minority of the population that wants to destroy society. It's literally their stated goal. It's their cure for their own misery. Much of this insanity is driven by mentally unhealthy individuals who want to take out their anger and frustration on their fellow citizens - not some powerful external entity pulling their strings. Though, those external entities do exist and they do use this unhealthy angst to their advantage.

Fortunately, IMO, the left has overestimated support for the trans ideology and agenda. Even moderate Dem voters do not want their sons' penises secretly chopped off by their teachers or their daughters crushed by men on the sports fields, then raped by them in locker rooms. The left stepped out one identity branch too far and IMO it's going to backfire.

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All of the planet-wide madness we've been experiencing was designed and implemented by a hierarchy that resides above the sovereignty of nations, at the very top of the global power structure. One does not simultaneously shut the entire world down over a cold virus - with every government and media mouthpiece immediately enacting identical language, reasoning, and policies - without first having control of every government on earth.

This pandemic is so scripted and contrived you can practically see the puppet strings at work on nearly all of the participating politicians and media personalities. It is no different with the woke agenda that has been deliberately flooded into schools all across the globe to target the next generation:


They are using a indoctrination technique called called abusive emotional learning. It deliberately dis-empowers the student and shifts their mind into a victim mentality. Rather than empowering and teaching them to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, it instead instructs them that they are the victims of an oppressive system, and as a result there is no reason to even try to succeed - and every reason to lie, defraud, and manipulate the "unfair" system to their advantage. This destroys society at its base level: the next generation. Here it is in action:

CRT Removes the Reason to Try, This is Not Theoretical – Black Lawyer Excoriates Critical Race Theory [2mins]: https://bitchute.com/video/DaS25FLR8ktR

Breakdown of How the WEF is Using A Two Pronged Vanguard of ESG from the Top Down and Abusive Emotional Schooling from the Bottom Up to Demoralize Everyone into Demanding a New World Order [8mins]: https://bitchute.com/video/vS0ykC9Y20Vt

None of this is an accident, nor is it organic. It is divide and conquer writ large via the destruction of the fabric of society. If you want to go deeper, I have plenty of materials on this subject.

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You are free to believe what you want, but it goes without saying divisiveness is part of human nature. We do it instinctively with literally everything - human, animal, plant, etc. "Us vs them," "good vs bad" is our standard operating system. Take care.

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Check out those videos. It is not organic. As was said eaerlier, by Chevrus:

"As such, many of the aspects and techniques have been used over the course of history, but now with internet speeding it's possible to trigger mass behavioral programming on a scale and rate hitherto unseen. There are numerous examples of manifestos and manuals: Cloward Piven, Fabian, CFR etc."

Pol Pot did what i've described in my original reply to you in Cambodian schools, Lenin and Stalin did this in the USSR. And now - just as Yuri Bezmenov warned - it is right here on our soil and in our classrooms.

“The predominant value system of an entire culture can be overturned in one generation, or certainly in two, by those with unlimited access to children.”

-Dr. James Dobson

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Read. I Order to Live by Yoemni Park. She tells what life was like in NKorea and how it got to how it is today. It is a warning to us here in America.

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My point is none of that would work if we didn't already have the divisions being manipulated. People aren't just victims. People are naturally, inherently 1) divided and 2) divisive. The differences between us are real. We can't fix anything until we are able to admit that our fellow citizens - of their own will - vehemently disagree with us on critical issues. It is not as simple as saying everyone who disagrees with me was brainwashed, I escaped that fate, and now we just have to un-brainwash people. We can address the manipulators - and we should - but that will still leave us with the real and meaningful differences in politics, ethics, morality, ideology, and even aesthetics...as well as the inherent human nature to find "others" to disagree and fight with.

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I don't disagree to a point. Here is a part of my opening comment in this thread, along with a snippet from a later one:


The globablists’ have successfully utilized the Red vs Blue, East vs West, Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed, Boy vs Girl dichotomies to exploit our innate tribal nature, and in doing so are dividing and conquering us. ... If we could collectively recognize this for what it is the NWO wouldn’t stand a chance. ... The only way to win is to recognize it for what it is so we may thenstop falling prey to the onslaught of predatory manipulation


Our differences are being magnified and exploited, but they are also being fabricated and manufactured. We didn't suddenly end up on the precipice of civil war organically in just a few years:


The largest PSYOP in history is unfolding right before our eyes, armed with incalculable amounts of human behavior data harvested from internet and smart phone usage geared toward manipulating us to walk in lock-step into the incinerator of our own destruction.

We're dealing with a captured media and the transparently obvious military grade psychological operations they are relentlessly employing, the millions of sheep that believe their every obvious lie and preach it as gospel, and their near total obliviousness to the self-evident fact that this plandemic/war/and contrived social revolution is a blatant takeover of the world.


If you care enough to understand how we got here so fast, please, take the time and watch this:


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All of the "non issues" being flouted in MSM and social media platforms are just that - "divisive tactics" by the Marxist-totalitarian, Soros-funded lunatics presently in power and running the "behind the curtain" machines. HOWEVER....with the concerted PRAYERS of the Church of Jesus Christ the Sovreign Creator of all that is, was and ever shall be--WE CAN DEFEAT THE ENEMY.


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I don't know. I was never really 'attached' to any party like that, where I take something personally to that extent.

I mean, the only time I ever voted straight ticket was as a Democrat in 2020, when I pressed the Republican Party button on the voting machine.

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Ah, the Pritzker family.

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This is a fantastic post. I couldn't have said it better myself. Bravo!

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Apr 29, 2023·edited Apr 29, 2023

🗨 The more you can escape from how horrible things really are, the less it's going to bother you... and then, the worse things get. ~~Frank Zappa

In reference to both: the comment itself and @tritorch's profile byline as well 😉

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Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins so that He might rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory forevermore. Amen.

— Galatians 1:3-5 NASB1995

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Amen 🙏

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As someone who back in the day worked in retail banking, when I would be in a bank branch office, I would look around and thin to myself "If I was a robber, what action would I do to be successful here?" Later positions in life had me asking "How can I test this? Can I break that?" So, when I look at this bill's points detailed above, a few obvious things popped up.

First is this from above "— It stops ALL vaccines passports and discrimination for any of three types of vaccines. Businesses, governmental entities, or schools may not require proof of covid, mRNA, or EUA vaccines for entry or services, or discriminate against people, including hiring and firing decisions. (The mRNA ban sunsets in two years unless extended. But we’ll know even more in two years.)" In the age of re-defining words, this one is easy to skirt by having some thumb-sucker at the CDC re-define what a future shot is away from "vaccine" to some other term. Then they fascistically require it.

Second from above "— It bans mandates on all masks, face shields, or any other device covering the old breathing apparatus except in medical, industrial and educational settings." Focusing on the 'educational settings'. That should be changed to certified teaching colleges for medical degrees. After all, isn't our concern for the kids stuck in woke school districts (k-12) whose idiotic school boards kept "following the science" keeping kids masked for years? This would stop it in Florida at least. Having the "educational" exception in this bill is like the phony "health of the mother" part of abortion laws that pro-aborts used to drive huge exception trucks through by claiming "mental" health. So any woman could make the claim without any proof. It neutered those bills.

Finally, on this one, "— It preserves freedom of choice for covid treatment. Hospitals may not interfere with a patient’s right to choose covid treatment alternatives, if recommended by a doctor with hospital privileges." This one is mostly useless in this age where the majority of doctors are now corporate doctors, not the old independent doctors carrying their little black bags. As a term of employment, it would be easy for the employer to have in its contract for doctors the clause that the doctor will be required to only offer patients advise and treatment as approved by the hospital's oversight board. So doctors signing it would just again be pushing the pills and jabs from their corporate masters. And we've already seen that there are plenty of doctors who lost their hospital privileges because they tried recommending ivermectin, HCQ, etc. So a doctor may be protected for the first person they treat with a frowned upon treatment, but once it is known (since hospitals track all meds given a patient on its premises, they would just remove official privileges there after. So a doctor is confronted again with "Do I help this one person but lose my privilege ability for my other patients here?" This needs to be changed or it is just toothless.

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Great points. I really like your perspective and your idea of “how can I test this/break that?” Excellent critical thinking mechanism.

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I, too, saw red flags. The first ones being exactly what you said. Thank you for saying it. The “educational” purposes stuck out immediately and the doctors with hospital privileges was the other. While this is a step in the right direction it in no way REALLY protects us or our kids. I’m really hoping there is more work on it before it passes.

And don’t even get me started on this sham of a process by which the 3 in charge have a monopoly on what bills actually make the floor. So much for anyone who says - the governor doesn’t make laws, he just signs them into law. 🙄 Sounds to me like he does get them written through his office, then gets to prioritize them so they get voted on and then signs them into law. 🙄 😒

That’s a lot of power already stacked at the top. Gee, why could go wrong?

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You know I have issues with 252 -- particularly the part about state or federal law or an "executive order" supplanting freedom or allowing the W.H.O. to dictate...

I printed out 252 and the amendments are there that make it better, but far less great than 222. In fact, 252 seems to have a lot of language from 222 that I think enables Jeff to have less fear or a more positive take on 252.

As for the reference to "educational institutions" and masks, Lines 331 through 340 (an amended portion of the original bill) state that these institutions can only impose a "face mask, a face shield, or any other facial covering that covers the mouth and nose as required 𝒔𝒂𝒇𝒆𝒕𝒚 equipment (italics mine) in a course of study consistent with occupational or laboratory safety requirements..." So, if a student is in a chemistry lab, for example..?

This section goes on to say that the Department of Health "shall adopt emergency rules to develop such standards." (The standards related to limiting the authority of educational institutions to require facial coverings only under the conditions noted above -- not just cuz they feel like it.) Further language that's a bit mumbo jumbo-ish states that this emergency rulemaking by the Department of Health shall be exempt from the Florida statute that says that emergency rules must follow the statutory rules when making new rules...Oh, my head...

Anyway, I still dislike it (252) especially since from my reading it still enables the W.H.O. or federal law to supplant individual rights/health freedom. That said, it may be the best bill of its type in the country and it does bar many of things we've all hated over the last three years.

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Thank you for your reasoned and studied input!

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"As for the reference to "educational institutions" and masks, Lines 331 through 340 (an amended portion of the original bill) state that these institutions can only impose a "face mask, a face shield, or any other facial covering that covers the mouth and nose as required 𝒔𝒂𝒇𝒆𝒕𝒚 equipment (italics mine) in a course of study consistent with occupational or laboratory safety requirements..."

Not being a "Devil's advocate" but we know the games the teacher's unions play. Could they somehow claim that the teachers in a classroom of snotty 4th graders be at an 'occupational hazard', so that the teachers would need to wear masks. (I know, totally stupid from a reasonable person's perspective, but we live in a society that can't tell a man from a woman apparently, so all angles need to be covered.) We could see kids maskless and all the school teachers and administrators masked. And I'm sure there is a goofy judge out there somewhere who would go along with that to a point.

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Well, the language in 252 on this is pretty specific. To your point, I suppose we have lots of "teachers" who have revealed themselves these past three years, and so we could find ourselves face-to-face with one of these creatures wearing a snot pouch. They are free to do so just as you and I are free to decline. We. Are. Free. To. Decline.

Getting back to SB 252, beginning on Line 272, we have Section 2 of Florida Statute 381.00319. Here begins the amendment to this existing statute, 381.00319, with the language on Line 276 "Prohibition on mask mandates and vaccination and testing mandates ("and testing" is added language).

Before you get excited, "vaccination" above refers back to FL Statute 381.00316, Subsection 2, which is specific to "COV!D-19" "vaccination." That said, further along in this amended bill, added language says that businesses, governmental agencies, and educational institutions "shall provide for exemptions and reasonable accommodations for religious and medical reasons in accordance with federal law." (Of course, we have the added problem here that our fellow "Americans" in businesses and educational institutions all across the fruited plain have absolutely 𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒅 federal law on this issue. Disgusting...As a former HR professional, I wrote two 'Stacks on this topic expressing my disgust.)

Anyway, moving along 😊 to Lines 318 to 325 state the following: "An educational institution may not require a person to wear a face mask, a face shield, or any other facial covering that covers the mouth and nose. An educational institution may not deny any person access to, entry upon, service from, or admission to such educational institution or otherwise discriminate against a person based on the such person's refusal to wear a face mask, a face shield, or any other facial covering that covers the mouth and nose."

I'll end here; I've gone on too long, but I'll leave with this: As good as SB222 is, it makes no mention whatsoever about freedom from masks or other facial coverings.

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I’m right there with you SheThinksLiberty! Thank you for your input. It’s valuable!

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I'm also right there with you. I'll take what we can get but our Gov and legislature needs to do better if they are really going to oppose the WHO.

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Well yes the governor has input but ultimately the heads of the two legislative bodies have the most power and the last word.

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Yes, but as Jeff described it, the Governor and the the heads are wheelin and dealin, and shaking hands. Which means whatever the governor wants done, gets done.

When it’s our side getting good stuff done it’s all great, but what happens when the other side has the power? I’m not saying I have the answers to better ways. I’m just saying this system is problematic, faulty, and corrupted. Imagine that. A corrupt system 🤦🏼‍♀️ Easy to think it’s only at the federal level when in reality the system is corrupt all the way down. Back door deals in the middle of the night where no one actually reads the bills. Pppffttt. Its no wonder we have a clown running the show.

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Yes, and perhaps said Governor could have recognized the importance of medical freedom (I’m not completely buying he was unaware of the clean 252 version) and intensified wheeling and dealing efforts to get something that actually had teeth and wasn’t just a show piece.

But then he had to exert all that effort to get a bill passed that allows him to run for President without having to give up being Governor. So now he’s off ‘wheeling and dealing” across the globe for his own benefit.

And was there some legislation to prevent him being criticized, or was that a bad dream I had?

How about he comes back to Florida and does the job he was elected to do?

It’s not all Sunshine in Florida.

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No I agree with the idea that it is problematic as is, just wanted to say that it seems like despite the governor’s power, it is ultimately up to the other two whether bills get killed or presented and what forms they take.

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The governor has enormous power. Especially when one considers all the party inner workings and posturing that takes place. And funding. Don’t forget the funding from the local and state parties to their pet candidates.

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It's a great system, democracy, in theory. But the people don't get served when Greed enters the game - and it NEVER misses a game.


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Thank you for this close, concise, and careful reading.

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Well offered. That said, it's better to pass a bill and then amend/replace/strengthen it later through efforts and outcry than to leave things as status quo disaster that they are now.

As Jeff pointed out, the real battle here is not what meets the eye. It is about unjustly demonizing and disingenuously discrediting DeSantis. If the bill dies, the bad guys most certainly win. Think of Franklin, Jefferson and Washington and what they would advocate.

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

Bingo. While I fully agree and compliment those above who are pulling on the "loose strings" of SB 252, we on the Right need to use Incrementalism as a powerful political force. Long used by the Left, the incremental approach is very powerful to effect change.

As just one example, look how quickly we moved from "Love is love" to "What's wrong with letting homosexuals who love each other get married?" to "Shut up and bake the cake, bigot" to "We have 52 genders and you can change them at will from the time you're a 3 year old."

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Yes. This. I agree that flaws need to be pointed out and fixed if possible but doing nothing is worse. And the incrementalism of the left certainly worked for them so we should not be afraid to use it either. It’s funny, conservatism used to be defined as advocating for slow not radical change and I definitely get the sense of urgency about these issues but slower change is generally more effective and durable.

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Trust me, it’s not like that thought hasn’t been had before. The enemy uses it to pacify with great affect.

And Charlie Brown keeps trying to kick Lucy’s football and will until he’s dead.

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Point taken but radical change never seems to really stick and almost always has adverse unforeseen consequences. I definitely don’t think we should stand by and do nothing but we keep waiting for things to be perfect and no one agrees on what that is so then we get nothing at all. I think THAT is kicking Lucy’s football.

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Yeah, well, I’ve been watching this slow motion train wreck and for some reason that incrementalism only goes one way. Following the money, I’m sure.

We can tell ourselves we’ll eat this crap sandwich now because steak with all the trimmings is around the corner. Nope.

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Apr 29, 2023·edited Apr 29, 2023

I'm afraid you are exactly right: incrementalism only goes one way. This stage is being managed by MONEY. All the money is coming from the NWO with their massive money printing via their central banks and the BIS. The Republican party is the RINO half of the Uniparty and they are happily NWO enablers as long as the Neo-conservatives are unhampered in their foreign wars for empire. Tell me I'm wrong!

The few true conservatives are a fringe element in the Rep party that is tolerated by throwing them a few scraps for window dressing. And while the American conservative populist movement is placated with these scraps, the NWO/WHO agenda continues unhampered behind the scene. It is time to wake up and recognize that we are being manipulated through misdirection and deception. It's a magicians trick. The overlords do not care what we do as long as in the final analysis they have the ability to lower the hammer. If DeSantis' promise to defend Floridians is being compromised by his presidential campaign and the necessary deals he has to make with the corporate world (Big Pharma) to get their backing, then he should drop his current presidential efforts and devote 100% of his Governorship to blockading the WHO/NWO agenda in Florida and set the example for the other conservative governors.

The American populist movement (which is the only bonifide American movement) has only one leader that is true outlier to our traitorous Uniparty system and that leader is "The Don" Trump. If we have any chance of fighting the Marxist/Satanic NWO back (and that's assuming a lot), it's going to be lead by Trump and supported by the Red States and their Governors who will commit to having his back. DeSantis, as the Nation's Governor, must be positioned to lead these states in this war with the NWO.

I give our chances winning at only 20%. But the first American revolutionaries won with smaller odds than that, so take heart. But bear in mind, the Second American revolution failed in their attempt to right the ship of state in the 1860's which is why we find ourselves where we are.

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Apr 29, 2023·edited Apr 29, 2023

After talking this over with my buddy, I realized I left out a very important part - the why, which I'll address through a couple of questions. Who controls the NWO? Forget Schwab and Soros and Gates. They are clowns. The NWO is controlled by the British Crown, the Rothschild family and the Vatican. Their legacy goes back centuries. These overlords control the Bank for International Settlements which controls all the world's central banks and thus the world's money supply. How are they controlling America? This European centered oligarchy installed a Nazi/Marxist regime which took over the Federal Gov't in the almost bloodless election coup of 2020. The only threat to their plans is the American populist movement which is an organic coalition of traditional and patriotic Americans. You and me. This movement has one representative, Donald Trump. He is the ONLY leader on the national stage who is an outlier to the Uniparty and the RINO Rep party. The only one who is separate and, most importantly, independent from them. To defeat the populist movement, their tactic will be to divide and conquer. We are already seeing this. They will attempt to use DeSantis to capture the Republican nomination thus dividing the American populist movement and denying the nomination to Trump. Even if DeSantis plans to turn on the NWO once in office, he will not win the election because the Marxist regime controls the balloting process and will install whatever Marxist candidate the Democratic party nominates. This is why in my earlier comment I said that DeSantis should drop out of the presidential race and focus his efforts where he has the most leverage as Florida's governor to take the fight to the NWO without compromise. By doing this, DeSantis can endorse Trump for office and unite Americans in the populist movement into one unstoppable force.

This is the one thing the NWO overlords fear. To win, they must divide us. Trump is the only one with the independence, motivation and, after seeing what the RINOs and neo-conservatives did to his administration, the only one with the knowledge to lead the American populist movement revolt against the NWO. Furthermore, should Donald Trump be prevented from running for office, he can endorse one of his kids to run. Above all, the NWO fears the ability of Trump to unite Americans in opposition to their agenda. This is why they are fanatical about destroying him. They HAVE to divide Americans in order to subjugate us.

Take note what Trump said about Carlson's influence in this link:


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Agree. I fail to see how enacting a law with possible future loopholes that may (stress may) be abused is worse than no law. It's rejecting something good as it's not perfect based on a lot of hypothetical scenarios.

Unless the law has something in it that forbids it from ever being amended or strengthened then what's the problem? How is having nothing better?

I have not been following this closely but based on Jeff's description the opposition smells bad. It's either people caught up in the whole Trump-DeSantis feud or just the typical ideologues who cannot admit half a loaf is better than none. Battles are won incrementally, that's just the way things work (and which the left understands perfectly).

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I was talking the other day to a family member. I said "Imagine if they had taken just a few more days or weeks to get the 1st and 2nd Amendments even clearer. Think of all the good that could have done." Just a couple extra clauses, things that many of the founders wrote about at the time of the Constitution, would have avoided all the trouble the people who want to disarm Americans, make people think 'separation of church and state' are 'hidden in the 1st, etc., continue to do to society. They left us an amendment process, but people were ready to move on. The Bill of Rights writers assumed too much. They thought people would always know what was written in them. Now, this bill doesn't rise to the level of the Bill of Rights, but it is defining limits of actions of government and officials at multiple layers. I don't mind waiting another month so that the language can be tweaked. Use the political capital.

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“..some thumb-sucker at the CDC re-define what a future shot is away from "vaccine" to some other term.”

⬆️ THIS jumped out for me also. I’m anal about the word “vaccine” now. I rarely use it; instead use variations of covid19 INJECTION or shot. But we may need to go further & use medications or even substances.

The dark side is forever changing the language & term meaning. UGH!

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Excellent approach/views, to which I’d like to add the following.

That big pharma’s thumb is most likely on the scale is indicated by “The mRNA ban sunsets in two years unless extended.” (in your 1st concern). This is because big pharma wants mRNA to be its next multi-trillion-dollar cash cow, but they also know mRNA has deep fundamental flaws that cause harm to humans, as revealed by Nobel-Prize-winning discoveries in med-school textbooks for decades.

Virtually all of the really good substack hosts, I’ve come to trust, won’t deal with this topic. Probably because it is too dangerous, so it is up to “we the people” to educate ourselves using short talks like this one, given in easy-to-understand form.

* 11:00-19:16 of https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/o/3/7/w/o37wi.caa.mp4?u=8msc5&b=0 (see timeline below, Dr Yeadon basics at Jr-High level, plus why harm intentional)

___11:00 drug design

___11:30 3 clues jabs designed to injure/maim/kill

___12:08 #1 = toxicity of antigen

___13:03 #2 = protection for payload

___15:00 #3 = why all mRNA jabs are harmful

___16:06 tptb are moving all jabs to mRNA = disaster for humanity

___17:10 what we must do to survive

___18:10 closing

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When I saw 2 years, my first thought was "that is around when DeSantis would no longer be governor. (Maybe 3 years depending on when this would take effect.) Maybe the globalists figure by them they can figure out how to cheat the Florida governors race and get a WEFer type in there.

Most people don't realize that medical error is the #3 killer of people. And too many ignorant on all the drugs that were pulled AFTER going through 'legit' 3-stage FDA monitored trials and FDA approval. Lots of malfeasance admitted to and large fines paid, but it never gets the light of day for the public, or it gets memory holed quickly.

Personally, at this point, I would require ALL shots on the childhood schedule to have to run a placebo controlled study again. Since we know not all countries actually have the same shot schedule (for example Guardisil) it would be easy to compare the teens of the US with the teens of, say, France. So there would be no unethical "withholding" involved.

That would require a titanium infused spine by someone will to take on huge incoming fire to push for that.

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Agree, and please note these clarifications:

* Bonafide “placebo controlled study[ies]” have never been done for “shots on the childhood schedule” because the placebos were not standard saline.

* ALL mRNA jabs need to be banned forever because they are all unsafe -- think you will agree, if you watch 15:00-17:09 of above video

More info follows on mRNA badness -- please help spread the word.


* https://rumble.com/v21ppz6-all-mrna-vaccines-will-cause-harm-prof.-dr.-bhakdi.html (see first 13-mins, Dr Bhakdi basics at Jr-High level)

* 00:45-29:00 of https://rumble.com/v1p3855-friday-roundtable-worrying-developments-with-michael-palmer-m.d.-sucharit-b.html (see first 18-mins, Dr Bhakdi credentials plus basics at Jr-High level)


The mRNA in jabs, cause cells they infect to make foreign, non-self-proteins, which finger these mRNA-infected cells for violent death by “complement” (killer system #2). (so, all mRNA shots are unsafe)

* Blood vessels damaged first, causing blood clots and leaks (enable organ damage)

* Sudden death, and most other mRNA injuries, are explained by mechanisms in above Refs

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Somebody in a later comment said the following, so, as Jeff suggested, would probably be a good idea to read the bill before we start analyzing it to this extent…

“After scanning the bill, it looks like the exception for educational settings is only related to "required safety equipment in a course of study consistent with occupational or laboratory safety requirements, in accordance with standards adopted by the Department of Health." - Page 12”

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This is a good point. So ex would be nursing students who will need vax for clinicals or biolan techs who need eyewear.

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Good points. Jeff alluded to the bill not being perfect, but said it's important to pass it even with room for improvement.

Perfect application of "don't let perfect be the enemy of good"

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I agree. But that does have to be weighed against the politicians and the public being willing to not just then 'move on' but instead put as much energy in to a version 2.0. I fear that number would be smaller, and I could hear in the negotiations room "well that is a priority, but we did the majority of the stuff and now we need to focus political capital on Bills B, C, D now. We can do 2.0 next year.) Then it never happens and people go "What's the point. We did all that work for only a little benefit." Human nature works against getting real good done a lot of times.

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Thank you for the insightful critique. Am I the only person who objects to the part about prohibiting private businesses from requiring vaccine passports etc? I think if you own a business you should be able to allow smoking within your walls, require dress codes, prohibit certain lawful behavior… and let your customers decide whether they want to enter or not. Maybe I’m wrong.

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Any employer's requirement that pierces the barrier of someone else's body is making the business owner more slave-master than employer. People in desperate circumstances used to indenture themselves in order to get passage to America. This was often terribly abused and people were physically harmed, regularly dying young.

No human being should be able to use physical force upon another just because the other person works for them. This should be a boundary we do not cross. It is a boundary that protects us all from the cruelest side of human nature.

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Yes. This. And as for masks in particular, many people keep equating them to a dress code. They are *not* items of clothing. They are MEDICAL DEVICES. (Sorry for thé caps but I feel like I need to say it louder for the ones who haven’t realized this yet).

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I get that but requiring employees to put a substance in their body????

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Not obliging people to wear a *medical* device. Sorry, no business should have the right to do that. Also businesses can’t exclude handicapped people or require patrons to take medication to enter their premises and be served. There are lots of things businesses can’t and shouldn’t be able to do. I think businesses should be able to run their companies the way they want as much as possible but clear discrimination and violation of human rights does not enter into that imo.

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My big concern is the NWO push for the WHO treaty. Now DeSantis has already SAID that if Biden signs the treaty (and it may already be signed), "that's not happening in Florida." As much as I love DeSantis, I would like more protection than just his word. So here's my concern:

"Line 243 of SB 252 amendment reads as follows:

243 381.00321 International health organization policies.—A 244 governmental entity as defined in s. 381.00316 or an educational 245 institution as defined in s. 381.00319 may not adopt, implement, 246 or enforce an international health organization’s public health 247 policies or guidelines unless authorized to do so under state 248 law, rule, or executive order issued by the Governor under s. 249 252.36.

Line 243 of SB 252 amendment reads as follows:

243 381.00321 International health organization policies.—A 244 governmental entity as defined in s. 381.00316 or an educational 245 institution as defined in s. 381.00319 may not adopt, implement, 246 or enforce an international health organization’s public health 247 policies or guidelines unless authorized to do so under state 248 law, rule, or executive order issued by the Governor under s. 249 252.36.

This does not in anyway protect against a WHO mandate. It empowers the governor via executive order to force WHO mandates, temporarily bypassing the legislature. This law appears to be a collaboration with WHO..."


Furthermore, everything I've seen so far has been great window dressing but I have seen no follow-through. I have seen nothing that has resulted in legal enforcement by the AG, by DAs and law enforcement. I haven't seen anything that has actual TEETH with consequences. Until I see that, as far as I am concerned, it's all theater. I want to see law enforcement teeth drawing blood. So along those lines, here are some of the HARD QUESTIONS that we must demand answers to:

"...How can an honest investigation proceed when the people running the investigation were accessories to the crime? Despite massive safety signals within VAERS, a signal his own Surgeon General has noted, these products remain on the market in Florida. Despite Surgeon General Ladapo saying these jabs are dangerous and unsafe, they remain on the market. How could the chief medical officer of the state say no one should take these dangerous jabs, and yet still allow them to be administered to children in his state?..."


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The fact that we have to have bills passed to protect common sense freedoms, already guaranteed us in our Constitution shows how far down the rabbit hole we have sunk. The House just passed a bill to protect women and girl’s rights to competition in sports from men pretending to be women, by the margin of Republicans over Democrats, totally partisan. What world are we in where this should even need discussion, let alone a National bill?

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Jeff, I trust you have considered all the aspects of these bills, but I wonder if narrowly focusing the bill on mRNA and covid with a request for exemption on other vaccines is the right approach. We saw how exemptions can be easily manipulated and rejected. Why do we need to ask for permission? The old vaccine schedule is not safe and should not get a pass. However, mRNA vaccines have been demonized and I believe this is very shortsighted. Vaccine technology can be transformed at the speed of science and redefined at the whim of the agency. The most simple and straightforward bill would preserve bodily autonomy without narrowly focusing on types of vaccine technology. I believe if we slow down and consider the beauty in the simplicity of our bill of rights, a lot of these issues would resolve very quickly. It was in the mis/dis-interpretation of our rights where we went off course. Now these well-intentioned new bills are said to solve the problem, but I believe we will eventually see the are too narrow. Securing the rights of the individual should be the real goal.

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Really good points. I will sum up a comment I made earlier that aligns with what you are saying:

Any authority's requirement that pierces the barrier of someone else's body is making the the authority or business owner more slave-master than employer. People in desperate circumstances used to indenture themselves in order to get passage to America. This was often terribly abused and people were physically harmed, regularly dying young.

No human being should be able to use physical force upon another just because the other person works for them or is under them in authority. This should be a boundary we do not cross. It is a boundary that protects us all from the cruelest side of human nature.

So the laws should reflect that people's bodies may never be forcibly tampered with.

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If transgenders want to compete in sports why don’t they start their own leagues? Nope not kidding.

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Because it's not about equality and equity, it's about undermining and destroying western civilization.

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They are looking to divide and confuse the hell out of one and all (and mighty good at it, they are) until we want to run and hide, cowering in a corner .... while they scoop up all the - well, everything !

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nod of head goes to Satan there.

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Bingo. Same reason why they didn’t want separate bathrooms.

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They want to FORCE you to deny what your eyes can clearly see. They want you to LIE and to AFFIRM that they are indeed who they say they are. It’s about wanting and forcing confirmation of “their truth” not inclusion.

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Who are you gonna believe - we experts or your crazy eyes?

It's the very definition of gaslighting.

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Wouldn’t that be fun to watch.

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

Some people chant, “ trans rights are human rights”. How do you argue with people who made up their own reality? Okay, maybe these are human rights but no one can deny the fact that men are physically stronger, their lung capacity puts them at an advantage in women’s sports. There is only so much anatomy and physiology you can change with the hormone therapy and surgery. What they are doing is not fair to women and girls. These people worry about being erased but their actions are erasing what it means to be a woman. Anyone can be a woman nowadays😳

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

My now deceased father in law was a bonafide Conservative Republican Supreme Court Justice.

He remarked so many times after a national election, with a vigorous understanding he cared not about the Office of the President. As long as diligent Congress/Senate/House of Reps would read and understand the Bills introduced to vote on. The Constitution remained intact! Well that was yesterday....and yesterdays gone....They don't read it. It's a party time, party line vote. Corrupted.

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

Yes! It is. Very disheartening

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Jeff, I've been hoping to see you talk about the WHO and how the Biden admin is planning to give full sovereignty to them for any emergency or "pandemic"... This is an international treaty which would certainly be the most serious step toward one world government. There is a WHO Withdrawal Act HR79 which would require the president to withdrawal immediately, but no one is talking about it other than people like Michelle Bachmann. We are being distracted with so many other things, but this is what could change the country overnight. In fact, this May is the month that this is supposed to occur. They could decide on everything from jabs to gun ownership... in other words, whatever they declare as an emergency, and our own govt. could not stop it. Can you give us any more information on this? Jan Markell has a very informative podcast on April 21, 2023 on Understanding the Times. Thank you!

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James Rogulski has been educating any who will listen regarding the IHR and WHO pandemic treaty.

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It will stop at my door and my body. But yes, all should know the risks of this betrayal. Soon.

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I totally agree. There is so much going on in america, but what’s going around the world is important too. This WHO bill will usurp it all.

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Thank you!

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

I just am not clear about the mechanism to force our compliance. It may be possible but it would take a lot of cooperation from a lot of different entities. Yes we saw some of that in 2020 but I think enough people who went along then are wise to it that it wouldn’t be so easy. Maybe I am too optimistic, I don’t know.

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I also feel that the President doesn’t have a constitutional authority to usurp citizens’ rights and allow an unelected international body to pass diktats within the country. At least that’s what I believe is true in the United States but we live in unprecedented times and I hear some say the treaty is legally binding. Still, I believe Brandon or anyone else in his position doesn’t have the authority to sign away our rights. Perhaps the courts then would have to weigh in if he signs the treaty.

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I pray you are right, but after seeing so many sooooooo many comply in 2020, I think enough will comply next time also! And they outnumber us.

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Take heart though that a huge percentage of the population refused to comply, something like 25% to 30% in the US are completely unvaccinated. We are the ones that stopped the vax mandates by being ungovernable.

If only a few percentage of people didn't comply then they could have been pretty easily dealt with, but not such a huge swath. You can't jail a third of the population, you can't even fire them as the economy would grind to a halt. That's why Biden and his ilk were so exasperated (remember "season of illness and death"?) as they really didn't expect such widespread opposition and had no idea how to deal with it beyond bluster and threats.

It won't be any different when future WHO mandates come down the pike. The same third of the population will resist and just won't go along. Unless those in charge are prepared to build camps for a hundred million people then it can't be effectively implemented. I'm sure they'd like to put us all in camps but it just isn't practically possible.

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

I love this line of thought. Mine is on how they will block transactions when you aren’t injected. Ugh.

Again I keep asking Jeff to cover this. and the CBDC. LOL. Hes busy!

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I feel that way about firearms, who’s gonna come take them all.

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They'll need a truck for mine.

And a box of body bags.

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Only one truck? You better get busy!

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You’re lucky, we lost all ours in a boating accident. Was tragic!😉

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They don't outnumber us, that's an illusion!

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We can agree to disagree. Even in my small little very red town most ppl took the jab. They were hoodwinked and will be again. Fear is powerful.

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I bet the vax injured won't comply again....if they are still living. 😥

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Glad you have more faith than me. I think they would line up again!

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I remember in my very rural high school in the 1970’s trying to get the students to participate during assemblies and sporting events and learned the word “apathetic”. They still are.

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I agree but on the other hand, quite a few people complied then who are now skeptics and resistant to these government mandates.

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Most of our state governments will be quite happy to comply. Just as they complied with our own version of W H 0 known as the SeeDeeSee these last three years.

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I don’t know, I think more people will resist this time. I certainly will have a different reaction now that I know what I know.

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Quite a few of them are dead so there’s that.

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That is also true.

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This is where the CBDC part of the plan comes in. If "they" have the ability to control anyone's spending, they have total control of that person.

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Yes that part is worrisome. I know the left loves referring to The Handmaid’s Tale as how the right would love the world to be 🙄 but one thing that did strike me in that story was how easy it was for the government and banks to simply go through databases and select any account belonging to a female and cut off access. Even when I read the book decades ago, that sent a shiver down my spine because it seemed a very plausible way of controlling the population.

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SO IMPORTANT! The puppet prez handlers are poised to guide his hand to the signature line. How do we fight back?

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Yes, but will the signature be from the right handed Biden or the left handed Biden?

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I guess it depends on who is most influential that day!

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Or who's up? Clone, double? A mess!

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Perhaps SB 252 / HB 1013 could add a private cause of action and 1-way attorney's fees for successful plaintiffs.

We have a great Governor and State Surgeon General - but what happens in the future if we don't? A private cause of action might be helpful as an alternative remedy

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This is why I keep saying DeSantis is like GW Bush. It's all fine and good until you find the laws written under the "good guy" are turned against you.

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Excellent news about that guy from Montana. If you go read something like the free press, it's horrible. Lol. No it isn't. And during her rant on that page she refers to him as a she. So predictable.

The next point I'd like to make is that although this is a good bill, think about this. The job of the federal government is to protect its citizens first and foremost. It's why we have a bill of rights. Then there is the Hippocratic oath taken by all medical caregivers before licensing. Does it piss anyone else off that we have to put in to law here in Florida a device to protect we the people from our own federal government? I'm glad it's happening, but it should not be necessary!

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Yeah I agree.

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I don't care what state you reside in or what bills they may pass. I simply say "Do Not Comply".

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I’m only using cash as much as I can. I pay bills with checks. I may ditch the cell phone. But not right now.

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Same, but it’s definitely a hassle to keep it on hand (or maybe I’m just unused to it after all these years of convenience) and my family thinks I’m nuts. I don’t care. Every time we pay electronically, we add a bar to our digital prison. It’s worth the hassle.

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I’d rather see the cash in hand instead of parked on my credit card. 😝. It wasn’t always that way for me though . Small town. The ATM is nearby. I’ve not yet been challenged to use only cards but there are more card only self checkouts now I notice.

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Same here. Old-school 66 yo retiree and unashamed.

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“Apparently, there’s no middle ground.”

Don’t you know only extremists believe in middle ground, Jeff?

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Reminds me of when people would say "I'm not going to agree to disagree" with you. You're wrong/ I'm right. Holding the line of the middle is the work of wizards at this point.

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My 37 year old radically liberal niece said those exact words to me: "I'm not going to agree to disagree" with you. You're wrong/ I'm right... and effectively “cancelled” our relationship right then and there (2020).

Admittedly I had posted a meme on fb of a picture showing a cement wall with graffiti saying “black lives matter” except someone had inserted an “o” in front of lives so it said “black olives matter” and as a matter of pizza, I thought it was funny...but apparently it was the straw that broke the camel’s back or the olive that broke the pizza’s crust, who knows lol.

I really do not understand this unwillingness to “agree to disagree”...even if just for the sake of family bond! I’m very much a conservative traditionalist...so we have not seen eye to eye in very many topics, but she’s my brothers only child and I still loved her (even though her ideas were “bats”). I would never turn my back on her even though she’s turned hers on me.

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I had a cousin who cancelled me and called me a racist because of a difference over a Black Lives Matter issue. That was that. No discussion. You don’t agree with me, ergo, you’re out. It troubled me initially because I watched her grow up. But in the end, God removed her from my life; He removes the limbs that don’t produce fruit.

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I always think it’s kind of funny how they will take the word of unknown people and talking heads about the integrity and intentions of people they know and supposedly love, rather than their own personal experience with those people 🤨

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Pruning hurts. 😢

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I can sooooo relate to your post! And yes…God removes those people from our lives!

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

I saw that meme/photo and also thought it was hilarious 😆 Like Khomeini said about Islam, there is no fun in leftism. Zero sense of humor, offended at everything. I pray your niece comes around some day.

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Thank you RL!

I thought it was pretty funny too…but this “my way or the highway” ideology is so toxic in itself. How miserable life must be to have absolutely NO humor and to be “offended” by literally everything. I hope that she comes around someday…but I’m not gonna hold my breath!

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Life is too short to include intolerant people in one's life intent on stealing joy. Be civil of course if happening to cross paths, but no one is entitled to our friendship or even presence. And more importantly, no one is entitled to treat anyone disrespectfully regardless of their family ties. We are called to be joyful and good which is often the same as being nice but not always.

If people view me as evil (and that's what they are saying when they refuse to "agree to disagree" as that would be compromising with evil in their eyes) then that's a pretty clear indicator. I don't understand why people feel compelled to keep others in their lives who genuinely despise them. People who are unwilling to be civil to others do so out of an ugly hatred that permeates their heart, this is particularly true if they are openly hostile towards God. Being around them risks pulling us into that same state of mind.

Their is biblical precedence for this is 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. The whole chapter is good for context, but an excerpt:

"Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? What harmony can there be between Christ and the devil? How can a believer be a partner with an unbeliever? And what union can there be between God’s temple and idols? For we are the temple of the living God."

By all means if someone formerly hostile reaches out then be there for them. But don't subject yourself to ugliness out of a misplaced sense of duty as it's not good for your own soul.

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Thank you Jeff C!

The scripture is spot on…love it! I was genuinely hurt by her willingness to cut me out of her life just like that! She let me know this by “text” message which also included that she couldn’t possibly “associate” with someone like me…you know racist, bigot (my auto correct put Bigfoot instead of bigot lol) among other things. I sat on it for the whole day before I replied and believe me, I had a few things I wanted to say. But ultimately…I came to the conclusion that while it might make me feel better to “put her in her place”, it wouldn’t change a thing. I treasure my relationship with my brother (her dad) and I would never want him to feel put in the middle. So I simply thanked her for the explanation and wished her all the best. I honestly pity those who seem so full of hate…yet, if she showed up on my doorstep tomorrow, I would happily welcome her in.

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That’s so sad. I’m sorry you had/have to endure that. Makes me think of those yard signs about love, kindness and tolerance. I would love to add at the bottom: “as long as you agree with me” 🙄

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Right?? That makes me roll my eyes too.

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I know, right??? LOL They seem to be the exact opposite of all those things 🤦‍♀️!

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My own daughter (age 41) told me “There is no ‘agree to disagree.’ You either agree with me or there is no relationship.” She has not spoken to me in six years. She also announced around that time that she is a man as well.

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Wow! I'm sorry you're having to deal with that. Crazy world, huh!

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No matter what age or how, it’s heartbreaking when you lose a child. 🙏😢

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Oh MeriBear…I am so sorry to hear that. It just breaks my heart to hear this. I can’t even imagine one my kids not speaking to me ((hugs)). I just don’t understand this “my way or the highway” attitude and why there is no room for grace or respect of other’s opinions.

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Wow 😞

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Those olives matter, Carolyn. All you can do is keep a light on. Maybe she will come back around, maybe she won't. It just works that way.

Later Jay

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Hey Jay…glad you appreciate olives too, lol!

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Maybe someday you could try again in a more effective way. People were lied to about George Floyd's death and they were horrified by what they saw, so they viewed light takes like that as condoning violence against innocent people. People were seeing different realities so it was easy to misunderstand and offend one another. It was such a sensitive time and I don't think that kind of humor could break through and reach anyone. I think it was a time for real face-to-face conversations and avoiding racial Facebook memes that could be misconstrued.

We've seen sucess through having conversations over time that let others see our hearts. Maybe you'll reconnect with your niece yet. I'm guessing she believes completely incorrect things about your viewpoint. For example you probably care deeply about the black chilren shot in the streets of so many cities in the wake of Floyd's death. You probably saw a much bigger picture than she did. If she could really understand, maybe there's still hope. But maybe she's so far gone as to be unwilling to try. It always makes me particularly sad when people misunderstand each other over the racial issues the democrats use to create division. They actively want people to be divided who would otherwise love each other and get along. And they don't want harmony among people of different backgrounds and races.

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Thank you Shelle…I really appreciate your thoughts/suggestions. Anyone who knows me (irl) knows that I am a bit of a clown and would never intentionally hurt someone. I would have been happy to hear her concerns or offense and have a reasonable conversation about the topic at hand…but she decided to just block me. I honestly had no idea what I could have possibly done to her to warrant that kind of action. When I asked her why she blocked me and if I had said or done something…she did say it was the olives meme and I guess dozens of other things I’ve posted and just my general beliefs. I have to wonder how important the olive issue was if she wasn’t even willing to bring it up to me or let me know that she was offended…instead, she just deleted me, end of story. The most ironic thing is that I have two biracial grandchildren who are the loves of my life. I don’t have a racist bone in my body (yes I AM saying it because it’s true). We need to laugh at life and try to see the humor around us or we will suffer horribly. I do agree whole heartedly of the powers that be continuously trying to divide us. Until about 6 years ago…I had no idea that we supposedly at racial odds with everyone. One old adage still holds the test of time…”United we stand…Divided we fall!”

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Even Jesus had to wipe the dust from his feet and move on. He told us not to cast our pearls before swine… even if that swine is part of the family. It’s her loss to reject you. 🙏

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You are so right Debra…Love the “pearls of swine” ♥️!

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Illusions and usurping tactics at never before seen levels.

Houdini would marvel at how easily "duped" folks can be.

And actually pay the admission to be fooled again and again.

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Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated

You will remain a pawn in someone else's game

-Evita Ochel


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Just wait until AI gets full steam and we may all be on the dupe train.

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The Antichrist is AI. All now down to a no body.

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Now wait a darn minute there RJ&JB! I thought that was Gates (this time around)???? Maybe they're doing shift work and clocking in and out like the Sam the Sheepdog?

Just a thought.

Later Jay

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I like Sam. 🤣

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Most days I feel like Sam.

Later Jay

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Dumbing down is a reality.

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Oregon passed a law for 3 years the graduates did not have to pass reading, writing and math. That’s the epitome of dumb.

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And a disturbing one at that!

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

The middle can be murky.

And, right now, it's better to be cautious all the way: up, down, and in-between.

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"Unfortunately, I discovered in 2021 that a lot of lawmakers aren’t willing — not yet — to compare vaccine status with race, sex, age, religious beliefs, and other historically-protected classes."

But under SB 269 they're willing to make being an ethnic Jew not only a protected class, as is the status quo, but a SUPER protected class with felony hate crime criminal penalties attached for SPEECH. Establishment clause? First Amendment anyone?

"So here is the first important take-away: calling or lobbying a bill’s sponsor might not make any difference at all, especially if it’s a priority bill. They don’t care. Second, it’s not good enough to just find a friendly lawmaker to file a bill for you. If you REALLY want to pass a bill, you’d better start with the Governor, Senate President or the House Speaker."

So much for our "representative" form of government, we're actually ruled by a Star Chamber of 3 UNIPARTY loyalists.

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HB269 - by posting papers that say, for example, 'it's ok to be white' on street poles, and then someone complains, you could be charged with a crime, jailable for up to 5 years.

Signed by DeSantis in Israel, as he was wearing a beanie.

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ding ding ding

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It seems like the problem is that the Medical Freedom groups want to win the war on the first day. It takes time to win a war. Win this first battle and then it sets the stage for winning the war by getting the full freedom we want in future legislative sessions.

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Exactly right. The amount of energy that has been expended on this issue is astounding. I read SB 252. I liked it. It wasn’t as good as 222, but I could live with that. For all the reasons Jeff mentioned. Our answer is to elect better legislators so they make better sausage.

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Local local local!!!!

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I call BS. Everyone says this ALLLLL the time. "Elect better legislators." "Local, local, local."

Blah blah blah.

We had a local election two years ago. No one elected anyone better. No everyone is whining this same old pathetic mantra, yet they ignored the fact that there were better candidates. Maybe the truth is it's time to admit that an electoral form of government is a sick, sadistic joke.

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It worked in Collier County, FL electing Chris Hall to County Commissioner.

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Good. It hasn't worked in Polk County.

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I agree with this. Often you have to do things incrementally or else it simply doesn’t happen.

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Nip this sh*t in the bud, I say.

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

On banning mask mandates "except in medical, industrial and educational settings."

I really don't like the exception for educational settings. Some of the biggest damage masks have done is to kids. And as far as medical goes, if that means you can be forced to wear one to enter a hospital or doctors office, I have a feeling many folks would rather chose to avoid going altogether.


After scanning the bill, it looks like the exception for educational settings is only related to "required safety equipment in a course of study consistent with occupational or laboratory safety requirements, in accordance with standards adopted by the Department of Health." - Page 12

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I AGREE! If I could get bigger caps here I would do that.

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Josh and Janet, I agree with you both and made a similar comment.

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

After scanning the bill, it looks like the exception for educational settings is only related to "required safety equipment in a course of study consistent with occupational or laboratory safety requirements, in accordance with standards adopted by the Department of Health." - Page 12

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" in accordance with standards adopted by the Department of Health."


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Is there any possible way the language could be misconstrued to mean all educational settings?If so, the language should be fixed before the bill is passed.

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That makes more sense, thank you for finding the exact language. I wondered if they might have specified something more narrow.

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Send the trannies to mental health facilities. At least a year without any gender based conversations etc. They will be much better for it.

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

They can't deny this anymore.

mRNA is an Operating System - Technology Platform per Moderna Website

The Moderna site clearly defines mRNA as a software program that makes ‘proteins’. The mRNA injections do not contain biological RNA, but contain programmable technologies/electronic devices.


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Does karen have links to Moderna before I go there?

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She was an analyst inside the pharma industry and she has been exposing their agenda from the beginning of this whole thing. She has been one of our warriors, along with several other notable women warriors.

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Thanks, Phil.

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I saw that on their site two years ago. It was so startling I bookmarked it. They were bragging about their new “platform” and the need for periodic software updates. It gave me chills but I was hoping they were just riffing off the whole internet thing. I’ll check and see if I still have it but I suspect I deleted it.

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Zombie apocalypse? 🫣

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That is mind boggling. Far worse that I imagined.

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Well, Bill Gates does have experience with virus-riddled Operating Systems.

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HANG bill for MURDER

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"(at some future post Biden point)"

I am generally an upbeat, optimistic individual. I just have ZERO faith in our election process. "Dominion" is a very appropriate name for dominating elections.

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Does anybody have any good articles on why Fox had such a massive pay-out regarding Dominion?

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I have seen several articles stating the financial stake that BlackRock has in both Fox and Dominion. Curiously it appears money was transferred from one account to another to appear as a fine. Smoke and mirrors, much?

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Never Trump actions.

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Digital dollars.

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