Two Trump jurors already exposed as moles; Israel re-retaliates vs Iran; more fantastic furry video; East Palestine faces possible settlement; intellectual explains jab defect; media lies; and more.
Merchan is staging a show trial in a kangaroo court. He is beyond compromised and should recuse himself. The jury will be biased, but his daughter is a commissar who takes money from democrats and has the cringiest wedding photos:
The mainstream media was lying and propagandizing long before the pandemic. All of the major liberal media outlets were pushing the Russia collusion story 24/7. Comey and the national security state even leaked the media false stories about Trump, and then when the outlets reported them, they used that as proof that Trump had done those things. Before Trump, the MSM covered up stories about Obama's associations with Jeremiah Wright (his pastor) and Bill Ayres, a terrorist turned university terrorist. And I'm sure there are lots of examples from before Obama. We might as well accept the fact that we were being fed lies long before we realized it.
That is the bellwether year for the CIA to control our government and our citizenry - Ron Paul stated in a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, that the assassination of JFK was a "coup" orchestrated by the CIA and nobody noticed it!
Not to worry. The man who planned it, Allen Dulles. fired by JFK, was put in charge of the Warren Commission to investigate the assassination. Nice. We should name an airport after him.
anything to get away from the EVIL DULLES BROTHERS who upended democracy around the world in the name of FIGHTING COMMIES> you all who think its all about commies ought to read up on these sickos.
You sound like an 'insider' on this insidious 'script', Liz...perhaps you should write a tell all book? I see you now live in Mexico--how long have you lived there? I am thinking about moving to C.R. - have had several acquaintances and even a client who decided to move there because of the cost of living perks and friendly people.
Have you ever seen videos of how they had a "lottery" based on your birthday to determine who was being drafted to fight in Vietnam? It is absolutely disgusting.
I was in the last draft in 1971. They were drafting the first 125 birthdays. My number came up at 340. I had many friends and relatives that went to Nam. Fortunately my friends and relatives all came back. There were many others that did not.
I had one close friend since third grade join the Navy, went into UDT and Seals, ended up in Nam. He came back physically unharmed.. not a scratch. But his mind was trashed with all he endured. He was he ONLY one in his entire unit that came back from every mission unhurt. Most times he was the only one of the three man patrol that headed out. Somehow HE survived. Every time. Lost dozens of buddies, held some of them as they breathed their last. Kinda turned into a recluse, pretty aimless life, one of my brothers happened across a death notice for someone of the same name, but not enough details to confirm it was OUR friend.
these useless wars from the ENDLESS WAR culture claim many victims way after they are supposedly over. TRAUMA goes on and on and infects the next generation.
I did not need to go find the videos. I watched the ctual event first hand, on the tee vee set in my university's cafeteria, set up specifically for that purpose. Several in the room got up and walked out after their numbers weree assigned.. one guy got number SIX.. went to the school office, dumped his Student Deferment, withdrew from school, drove downtown and joined the Navy that same day. HE was not gonna be a jungle grunt. I drew a number in the high two hundreds, so cancelled my 2S deferment to put myself in the call up pool that same year. Knoeing my number was so high it would never get called, and thus I'd never get drafted. Everyone was only "in the pool" for one year.
You think it ws disgusting.In reality it was a pretty fair way of running a draft. The disgusting thing was that Johnson, after offing Jay Eff Kay, now had the liberty to prosecute his preferred war. Yes, that war necessitated a draft, but the ar itself was the root of all that era's problems. Still is today, consider the path that conflict put us open. Still there. Had VN not been run as OUR war, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Nicaragua, Panama, Ecuador, COlombia and Venezuela, Grenada, Iraq, and you all can finish the list on your own, never would have happned. Ike was correct... find and view his farewell address after his last term. HE saw the potential. HE called it right.
unfortunately IKE let Allen Dulles and his evil cia overthrow lots of popular democratically elected presidents like Mossadegh in Iran, and the ARbenzes in Guatemala. and killing off Patrice Lumumba in CONGO so the US and BELGIUM could rape their economies for oil, fruit and minerals.. Ike was no golf playing saint. he was in the regime change biz up to his neck. our history is one of RAPE AND PILLAGE the third world.. NOTHING to be proud of. taht is why so many refugees as the man said.
I meant that it is disgusting how they were calling the numbers like you were winning the lottery and not going to your possible death. I am well aware of the warnings from Ike about the MIC and I agree 100% with you about LBJ. The American people have been hoodwinked for at least a decade about all these wars.
My older brother’s birthday was coming up and thankfully the war ended right before. Our neighbor came back missing both legs and an arm. As you can imagine, we were very scared.
I agree, I think this goes back a hundred years or more. There's pretty conclusive evidence Roosevelt was manipulating the media to try and draw the US into WW2 prior to Pearl Harbor. Then propaganda became an art form during the war, and the OSS (the CIAs predecessor) took it from there.
What has changed in the last two decades is that the media gave up any pretense of objectivity and started just outright gaslighting people (I first noticed this in the 2004 election). Previously they at least put up a fig leaf of objectivity and attempted to make their slant plausible. Now they don't even bother. The lie straight to our face, "the sky is green".
Direct lies (as opposed to heavily slanted truth) are easy to disprove. Couple that with smart people working together via the internet, readily available contrary information, an ability to propagate their findings, and it's no surprise the propaganda is failing. It's why they are so desperate and demand censorship.
Lies by omission seem to be their main tool for manipulating people. If you don't cover it (Biden's laptop, Biden's diary, real scientists talking about the climate) then for most people, it just doesn't exist. It's sadly effective.
And if some news does manage to leak out they gaslight with straight up lies. Remember the fifty (IIRC the number correctly) former CIA analysts putting out a statement stating the laptop was manufactured Russian disinformation? The media parroted that without any critical analysis.
People think that they wouldn't make stuff up out of whole cloth and that there must be some truth in it even if it isn't fully correct. We are way past that as they just blatantly lie without shame. They outright make stuff up that has zero basis in fact. Understand where we are.
There's a reason the Bible says Satan is the father of all lies, this stuff is demonic.
Don't know if anyone here is aware of the Uri Berliner takedown over at NPR. He was, until recently, a long time senior editor who criticized, gently, their biased reporting in an article in Bari Weiss' Free Press. It's 1000% worth reading it in the original, or if you can, Matt Taibbi's take on it.
True. It's a sea of lies. Inflation stats, job stats, climate stats, medical stats, "trans" (dis)info...all outright fabrications in many cases. As you noted, when they get caught in an omission, they just make something up. Also: the meta-lies that "Joe Biden" is running the country, our elected officials run the country, and that we have two parties that disagree with each other and keep each other in check. All lies. It's probably not a coincidence that both Western and Eastern religions highlight lying as the source of evil. The term 'satanic inversion' keeps popping to mind.
A good part of the Intelligence Community are professional liars, that is what they do. It's their job description for crying out loud.
It went from some lying is justified to protect national security (weapons capabilities for example) to any lying is acceptable, and even warranted, to further their goals.
When any part of the security state claims something is true, know that they routinely lie, and they think it's a good thing. Why should anyone believe a word they say? I know I don't.
I recently read a piece that stated inflation has caused prices to increase 12 to 17 percent. Da fuck they did. I’m seeing things that are 100% higher. Box of cereal is 8 bucks? That’s 100 per cent. So you pretty much can’t believe anything from the press. None of it.
Been saying that since forever. It’s what they don’t tell you that is the real news. That’s why when revolution two point zero happens, their hardware must be an early casualty. Can’t lie if you can’t broadcast.
Not only is news not reported, but fake news is reported, “gaslighting” as they call it.
However; once the fake news has been determined to be fake, nobody issues corrections, they just lie once more, again through omission, and leave the lie to keep on running.
It does two things. It keeps people from believing what’s real, and keeps them believing what’s fake.
Remember, it’s harder to reeducate people than it is to educate them.
It’s not important what their “factually incorrect” beliefs are, so long as they are factually incorrect. Correction is required first — before anyone can even begin to learn reality, that’s what makes propaganda so effective.
Before the Pearl Harbor attack, which the US maneuvered the Japanese into doing, public opinion was 85 -15 to stay out of WWII. So, I'd say that counts as manipulating the public opinion.
Many older folks will respond that way back they had the trusted Walter Cronkite because he never lied! LOL! He was the first of the big liars but try to get anyone to believe that.
In 1976, during the swine flu vaccine debacle, three elderly patients died in the same facility immediately after receiving the new vaccine. It was judged to be just a "coincidence" by the government and Walter Cronkite rebuked the media for "sensationalizing coincidental happenings." Why does this sound all too familiar?
There were clueless back then as well. And they still are. That’s how successful they are at manipulating people. Fifty year old lies people still believe that were there!
I grew up ‘poor, but proud’ on a small farm in the Florida Panhandle. My parents were strong Pentecostals (Assembly of God) and very conservative. I ended up going away to college with a major scholarship in 1969 (a first for a very large extended family) and it was a tsunami experience for me. Having already become wild (as I dared) in high school, I found myself in the hippie culture in Gainesville. And as with everything I did, I educated myself well on liberal politics and embraced them tightly for a few years.
Then some more tsunami like experiences later, I awakened to reality and returned to the love of God. My parents were aging rapidly by that point and I spent a lot of time checking on them. I bought them their first t.v. about 1975. (Horrible thing to do, I know…I didn’t even have one myself).
It would fascinate me how intensely my daddy would watch Walter Cronkite, like he was studying him. And I started catching parts of what Walter was saying and I got a very bad feeling. He was subtly feeding into viewers’ minds the ideas I had just spent a few years embracing, then rejecting as very sick and dangerous. I knew it was a powerful spell being woven over the nation.
I’m serious when I say I have been in angst for our country for more than fifty years. Sometimes it’s almost unbearable.
Thank you for the links. I had never seen any studied writings on Cronkite’s destructive liberalism (communism).
I grew up ‘poor, but proud’ on a small farm in the Florida Panhandle. My parents were strong Pentecostals (Assembly of God) and very conservative. I ended up going away to college with a major scholarship in 1969 (a first for a very large extended family) and it was a tsunami experience for me. Having already becoming wild (as I dared) in high school, I found myself in the hippie culture in Gainesville. And with everything I did, I educated myself well on liberal politics and embraced them tightly for a few years.
Then some more tsunami like experiences later, I awakened to reality and returned to the love of God. My parents were aging rapidly by that point and I spent a lot of time checking on them. I bought them their first t.v. about 1975. (Horrible thing to do, I know…I didn’t even have one myself).
It would fascinate me how intensely my daddy would watch Walter Cronkite, like he was studying him. And I started catching parts of what Walter was saying and I got a very bad feeling. He was subtly feeding into viewers’ minds the ideas I had just spent a few years embracing, then rejecting as very sick and dangerous. I knew it was a powerful spell being woven over the nation.
I’m serious when I say I have been in angst for our country for more than fifty years. Sometimes it’s almost unbearable.
I have a filing system on my laptop, and catalog everything I find interesting. I too find people pining for the 'impartiality of Cronkite' and pull those links out to let them know those were false memories.
It must be lonely seeing thru it all for that long. I only really started seeing/digging into the cracks in with the rise and election of Obama. Oh there were things here and there, but with 2 young kids and a full time job I pushed a lot of it aside.
My folks were working class, both involved in the pro life movement and my dad was politically involved in D politics via his union, and also went door to door with him when our former grade school principle ran for County Exec and some other random candidates. Grew up reading the local newspaper and Time magazine, even in grade school. Used to answer President of the US when people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, LOL. But started questioning a lot of the D platform in college and after. (went to a regional university in MO in the 80's and a lot of my profs were conservative, not that way any more) Volunteered for the Perot campaign when I found myself out of work for several months in 1992. So have always read and paid attention, but never really connected the dots until Obama seemed to come out of nowhere and I pinned him as a fraud from the get-go. That was lonely then, as even some conservative friends were all entranced by 'hope and change' crapola.
“ It must be lonely seeing thru it all for that long.”. That almost made me cry. It has been lonely. I married my polar opposite in 1973. He came from a ‘well to do’ family and was playing at distressing them as much as possible. Or he had been smothered his whole life and was desperately trying to break free. Who knows? Complex and complicated hedonist. Anyway, when I came to my senses, he went farther left. The marriage lasted 26 years, but needless to say it wasn’t good.
I had four babies in 7 years, so that was comforting. But in early adulthood I lost both parents. I learned so much from Phyllis Schafley and actually was connected to her movement by a high school friend that I tried to get closer too, but we both had too much baggage at that point to help each other, so I was studying on my own.
I put in 30 years in public education, but it took me 40 years to do it. I took time to be home with my babies, and honestly I could only stomach it for so long and then I had to have a break. As I’ve said before, I was somewhat of a ‘Jeremiah’ of the teachers’ lounge, trying as subtly as possible to make people wake up.
But I still believed there was real fight in the Republican camp; though when Bob Dole got the nomination to take on Bill Clinton the serious doubts began. I think Rush arose about that time, and I don’t know how I would have made it through without him.
I had real hopes for ‘W’ and couldn’t believe Al Gore was so close in the polls. It was about that time that a neighbor, that I thought shared my values, enlightened me that many southerners were still voting Democrat because of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War.
I had grown up amongst them and never knew that. We didn’t talk politics.
It was after the 2004 election, when Republicans swept in all the pillars of power, but would not use them, that I fully saw the Uniparty. There was the traitor John McCain proclaiming that for Republicans to use all that power would be unfair to the Democrats and they might take revenge on the Repukes later down the road. And he was listened to, as if that made sense! That was the height of frustration, watching all that power for change being used for evil. The people gave Republicans that power and under McCain’s leadership, it was used against us. There’s a reason why his death was treated as though he was the highest of Statesmen.
The Obama years were an utter nightmare. They certainly deepened my spiritual life as I had to escape from the world around me so regularly. President Trump was an answer to prayer that, like with Gideon, I needed God to give me a couple of signs. I had much difficulty believing this New York celebrity could possibly be that for which I had so earnestly hoped.
And then Trump overturned the Apple cart and the real ugly got revealed and here we are. But it doesn’t feel so lonely now that so many people see.
Thank you for affirming my feelings. I think I am going to cry.
The role of main stream media is to serve and to enable power. That's been the case in the U.S. for over a century. "Remember the Maine!" The Spanish didn't blow up the U.S.S. Maine, but we got a war with a steeply declining Spanish empire out of it, and a presence in former Spanish territories, including Cuba. More recently, it was yellowcake and Iraqi WMDs. The NYT was all over that one.
Going back at least to the USSR, where the media constantly lied to make it look good. Even reporting that prisons in the USSR treated their prisoners better than prisons in the US. But, the lies have been constant in my lifetime: Lewinsky ("a vast right wing conspiracy"), Iraq, Epstein, on and on.
For the best chance at reaching the truth, take anything they say and assume the opposite until proven otherwise.
Do you know the pentagon has a film division, you know a Hollywood film division. Not surprised Candace Owens was talking to somebody on a podcast and it just happened to show up in my feed but now I can’t find it again. Don’t know when it was from. But they produced Blackhawk down as well as goldeneye, propaganda everywhere
Thanks to the C&C comment family, I learned about Laurel Canyon about a year ago. Deep foray into the rabbit hole on that one. Never really paid a lot of attention to Hollywood/'stars'/celebrity culture, but am a music fan, and this stuff blew my mind.
The deceitfulness and coalition between our government(s) and the media has been going on for about 120 years!! It just keeps getting more and more "terminal" for our once great Constitutional Republic (the USA NEVER has been a 'democracy' as touted by the collectivists in power now)
This paragraph will never be seen in NPR-PBS Oregon:
"At some point, sooner or later, mainstream science will be forced to grapple with this design flaw. There still may be conceivable uses for mRNA treatment, but the design defect will at some point delete the only viable mRNA delivery system they’ve been able to develop, the lipid nanoparticle, which is just a little blob of artificial fat."
"Weinstein said nobody should take any mRNA drugs of any kind."
I weep for the savage treatment of innocents in this so-called "proxy war"--it's still a WAR and women and children will die needlessly and be upended from their lives! It's ALWAYS been this way when the POTENTATES SEEK TO TAKE OVER TERRITORY AND RESOURCES. The Western neocons have the blood of MILLIONS on their greedy hands!! DESPICABLE DESPOTS!
It’s been going for the 54 years I’ve been paying attention. Y’all get cuddles from Walter Cronkite, he was just a more believable liar. Viet nam ring a bell?
Funny, the Turkish version of the Armenian genocide at the end of the Ottoman empire is that Jewish newspaper owners started printing false stories which stirred and riled up the masses.
Like that Chinese dude Confucius said, “Lacking in confidence from the people, a state cannot survive." TPTB adopted that as a strategy. We’d be fools to have confidence in the state, courts, media, elections, medicine, public education, or most anything mortal. Our only alternative is to clean up and buckle up. “Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God” (1 John 3:21). “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us” (1 John 5:14). Anything. “So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” (Hebrews 13:6). Expect the payoff. “Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him” (Jeremiah 17:7).
I am so sick of anything which is conservative and morally or politically normal (like media) being called 'far right ' or 'far right conspiracy' to brainwash people.
I feel that the only way to counteract and fight their brainwashing is for everyone who is not a liberal, whether an individual, an online poster, or a news blog or outlet, to call their loony ideas: FAR LEFT.
We should start by ceasing to call mainstream media as such, and call it 'far left propaganda'.
We need to fight back in the same way they do, and in a tactic which they will understand.
It will freak them out!
Logic is getting the normal people in this country nowhere.
you guys are contributing to the divide and conquer with your labeling of left and right. in reality it is WE THE PEOPLE who must defeat the 1% of reptilians and illuminati. the more you try to label the worse it gets.
the only label I need is the UNIPARTY, well, and the Oligarch Robber Barons.
I believe that Bill Ayres and the Weather Underground were responsible for bombing buildings. I could never condone that, even if I agreed with his beliefs.
Regarding the East Palestine, Oh chemical spill conspiracy... it's similar to the Maui incident in the pathetic govt reaction:
@WallStreetApes April 2024 UPDATE On The Lahaina, Maui Fire Aftermath
- 8 months later still no building permits are being issued even after cleanup has taken place
- For reference after the 1994 hurricane it only took 1 month to get building permits
Also all the fire victims staying in hotels right now, there's still thousands of them, have to move out by July 1st. Where are they gonna go? There's no housing in Maui. It's a nightmare.“
Not likely ... there's no high dollar oceanfront real estate around that bridge to be auctioned off to elite ticketholders ... and no deplorables to be made to suffer, either.
I have to wonder if Biden immediately agreed to use tax dollars to rebuild the bridge as a way to launder money into Maryland. Many people do not realize how corrupt the state of MD really is. It is up there with NY and Cali but no one talks about it. Pelosi is from Maryland, afterall.
My old boss was from the mountains of SW VA. He knew bootleggers, and did a little himself. He said most of the moonshine they made went to Baltimore. First drink poured was the real deal. Moonshine after that.
If I recall correctly, Nancy's father Thomas d'Alesandro was a kingpin and respected "fixer" in the Maryland mafia during his term as Mayor of Baltimore. A real "Make me an offer I can't refuse" kind of guy.
I followed both Palestine and Lahaina real time through citizen reporters who live there. I still check in on them but not as much the past 6 months. One difference was Palestine seems like an accident or sabotage against infrastructure with incompetence in the response. Lahaina on the other hand has appearance of a land grab… a motive.
Lots of natural gas there underground in Ohio. It’s a shame all those pesky people living there are in the way 🤷♀️ how to get them to willingly move away? Any ideas 💡 Pennies on the dollar for all that land above. Just spitballing here of course.
It's all been an attempt to steal the land from people who've had it in their families for generations. The elite want all of the pristine beauty for themselves and their DS buddies are helping them get it!
as is the wolf pack release in Colordrabo; get the ranchers off OUR LAND; sayeth the billionaire asset classers as they re-wild the Rockies with the Gayest Governor ever, ZERO FEDERAL oversight, studies, approvals, and ZERO pushback or legal challenges! Wolves released on State Lands that were on Fed Land within 20 minutes!? Fking corrupt and crooked and conspiracy. April 2024 score so far; Wolves/Dems 6(?) - Calves 0, just like every issue involving the Dems vs Reps in CO.
DEMONrats are RUTHLESS and they STICK TOGETHER - unfortunately, REPUBLICANS are "too polite" and do NOT stick together (look at the infighting in the House)! REPUBLICANS need to get "down and dirty" in order to CLEAN UP the CORRUPTION. It will never happen, as it now 'stands'.
Yes, those pesky wildlife biologists with their God complexes…releasing Mexican Gray Wolves into OR & Kalifornistan…just waiting for grizzly bears to be the next specie-du-jour to be forced upon us! 🤬🤬🤬
There are a pack of wolves killing cattle on tribal land in northern central Oregon. The solution, put a bunch of electric collars on cattle so cattle don’t cross into wolf territory.
🧐🙄 I heard this on the local news and missed part of the story but I got the gist of it. At the end they showed video of cute wolf puppies just hanging out in the sunshine. Ah, so sweet. 😏
Merchan is staging a show trial in a kangaroo court. He is beyond compromised and should recuse himself. The jury will be biased, but his daughter is a commissar who takes money from democrats and has the cringiest wedding photos:
Doxx the daughter. Awesome!
Doxx every juror, until it’s proven not a one can be unbiased. Then do a change of venue to say, steinhatchee Florida
I was thinking East Palestine would be a proper venue.......
THAT would be a court show to watch.
Fantastic idea.
Were you one of the Steinhatchee Seven? Enquiring minds......
No just a friend.
I think Laura Loomer has reposted a lof of Loren M's stuff. :)
Bad news, she locked down her FB profile!! Let’s make your archived content go viral!!
OMG, poor guy. Beta male marries alpha woman.
Looks a lot like my niece and nephew in law in respect to the Alpha/Beta connection. In fact, Merchan’s husband even bears a resemblance to the NIL.
Come to think of it, it’s a common Beta look.
Right? It killed me the way he was the one holding the bouquet of flowers and she was controlling him with her hands.
Excellent ‘Stack, sir! Restocked and shared on FB. 🔥🔥🔥
Re-STACKED, that should say…
Why would anyone expect honorable, moral behavior from those so obviously lacking in those qualities?
Wow, she's a looker and has the curves of a toothpick.
Hopefully she has big feet so she doesn't fall down a drain .
is this what passes for intelligent commentary in your world?
If you think that was an attempt at intelligent commentary, you must be a hoot at parties 🙄
Is your comment the example of an intelligent one? Is liz here to encourage or put down???
The mainstream media was lying and propagandizing long before the pandemic. All of the major liberal media outlets were pushing the Russia collusion story 24/7. Comey and the national security state even leaked the media false stories about Trump, and then when the outlets reported them, they used that as proof that Trump had done those things. Before Trump, the MSM covered up stories about Obama's associations with Jeremiah Wright (his pastor) and Bill Ayres, a terrorist turned university terrorist. And I'm sure there are lots of examples from before Obama. We might as well accept the fact that we were being fed lies long before we realized it.
In 1963 the CIA created “Project Mockingbird “ to use the media to literally brainwash the American People.
And that seems to be all any of it has been since. 60+ years of nonstop, air tight propaganda falling apart. No wonder they are freaking out.
That is the bellwether year for the CIA to control our government and our citizenry - Ron Paul stated in a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, that the assassination of JFK was a "coup" orchestrated by the CIA and nobody noticed it!
Oh there were people who noticed it. Just nothing they could do about it.
RFKJR has talked about this.
Kinda like things feel these days. Nothing anyone can do about all the bullshit we are living through.
Not to worry. The man who planned it, Allen Dulles. fired by JFK, was put in charge of the Warren Commission to investigate the assassination. Nice. We should name an airport after him.
Your sarcasm is not lost on me, Roland - the airport was named after Allen's older brother, John Foster, the Secretary of State under Ike Eisenhower. Did you see the Republicans are attempting to rename Dulles International, TRUMP International--what a hoot!!
anything to get away from the EVIL DULLES BROTHERS who upended democracy around the world in the name of FIGHTING COMMIES> you all who think its all about commies ought to read up on these sickos.
BRAVO!! They are the "enemies within" our country, Liz--for certain!
ha! good one.
lots of us have noticed it. and many who noticed it died suddenly in unusual ways.
You sound like an 'insider' on this insidious 'script', Liz...perhaps you should write a tell all book? I see you now live in Mexico--how long have you lived there? I am thinking about moving to C.R. - have had several acquaintances and even a client who decided to move there because of the cost of living perks and friendly people.
The mind-Fk of how to warp and change opinion over the Vietnam and SE Asia Operations was a terrific testing ground
Have you ever seen videos of how they had a "lottery" based on your birthday to determine who was being drafted to fight in Vietnam? It is absolutely disgusting.
I was in the last draft in 1971. They were drafting the first 125 birthdays. My number came up at 340. I had many friends and relatives that went to Nam. Fortunately my friends and relatives all came back. There were many others that did not.
I had one close friend since third grade join the Navy, went into UDT and Seals, ended up in Nam. He came back physically unharmed.. not a scratch. But his mind was trashed with all he endured. He was he ONLY one in his entire unit that came back from every mission unhurt. Most times he was the only one of the three man patrol that headed out. Somehow HE survived. Every time. Lost dozens of buddies, held some of them as they breathed their last. Kinda turned into a recluse, pretty aimless life, one of my brothers happened across a death notice for someone of the same name, but not enough details to confirm it was OUR friend.
these useless wars from the ENDLESS WAR culture claim many victims way after they are supposedly over. TRAUMA goes on and on and infects the next generation.
I did not need to go find the videos. I watched the ctual event first hand, on the tee vee set in my university's cafeteria, set up specifically for that purpose. Several in the room got up and walked out after their numbers weree assigned.. one guy got number SIX.. went to the school office, dumped his Student Deferment, withdrew from school, drove downtown and joined the Navy that same day. HE was not gonna be a jungle grunt. I drew a number in the high two hundreds, so cancelled my 2S deferment to put myself in the call up pool that same year. Knoeing my number was so high it would never get called, and thus I'd never get drafted. Everyone was only "in the pool" for one year.
You think it ws disgusting.In reality it was a pretty fair way of running a draft. The disgusting thing was that Johnson, after offing Jay Eff Kay, now had the liberty to prosecute his preferred war. Yes, that war necessitated a draft, but the ar itself was the root of all that era's problems. Still is today, consider the path that conflict put us open. Still there. Had VN not been run as OUR war, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Nicaragua, Panama, Ecuador, COlombia and Venezuela, Grenada, Iraq, and you all can finish the list on your own, never would have happned. Ike was correct... find and view his farewell address after his last term. HE saw the potential. HE called it right.
unfortunately IKE let Allen Dulles and his evil cia overthrow lots of popular democratically elected presidents like Mossadegh in Iran, and the ARbenzes in Guatemala. and killing off Patrice Lumumba in CONGO so the US and BELGIUM could rape their economies for oil, fruit and minerals.. Ike was no golf playing saint. he was in the regime change biz up to his neck. our history is one of RAPE AND PILLAGE the third world.. NOTHING to be proud of. taht is why so many refugees as the man said.
I meant that it is disgusting how they were calling the numbers like you were winning the lottery and not going to your possible death. I am well aware of the warnings from Ike about the MIC and I agree 100% with you about LBJ. The American people have been hoodwinked for at least a decade about all these wars.
I meant century not decade
My older brother’s birthday was coming up and thankfully the war ended right before. Our neighbor came back missing both legs and an arm. As you can imagine, we were very scared.
It really is very sad the lives destroyed so that a few can have power and wealth.
that should be researched fully, the kooks who dreamed that up and implemented it. INSANE. Were the NVA doing that too??
Shades of Hunger Games. The wealthy had ways not available to their lessers.
Lived it.
I agree, I think this goes back a hundred years or more. There's pretty conclusive evidence Roosevelt was manipulating the media to try and draw the US into WW2 prior to Pearl Harbor. Then propaganda became an art form during the war, and the OSS (the CIAs predecessor) took it from there.
What has changed in the last two decades is that the media gave up any pretense of objectivity and started just outright gaslighting people (I first noticed this in the 2004 election). Previously they at least put up a fig leaf of objectivity and attempted to make their slant plausible. Now they don't even bother. The lie straight to our face, "the sky is green".
Direct lies (as opposed to heavily slanted truth) are easy to disprove. Couple that with smart people working together via the internet, readily available contrary information, an ability to propagate their findings, and it's no surprise the propaganda is failing. It's why they are so desperate and demand censorship.
Lies by omission seem to be their main tool for manipulating people. If you don't cover it (Biden's laptop, Biden's diary, real scientists talking about the climate) then for most people, it just doesn't exist. It's sadly effective.
And if some news does manage to leak out they gaslight with straight up lies. Remember the fifty (IIRC the number correctly) former CIA analysts putting out a statement stating the laptop was manufactured Russian disinformation? The media parroted that without any critical analysis.
People think that they wouldn't make stuff up out of whole cloth and that there must be some truth in it even if it isn't fully correct. We are way past that as they just blatantly lie without shame. They outright make stuff up that has zero basis in fact. Understand where we are.
There's a reason the Bible says Satan is the father of all lies, this stuff is demonic.
Don't know if anyone here is aware of the Uri Berliner takedown over at NPR. He was, until recently, a long time senior editor who criticized, gently, their biased reporting in an article in Bari Weiss' Free Press. It's 1000% worth reading it in the original, or if you can, Matt Taibbi's take on it.
yes Taibbi did an excellent article on Racket about it. Katherine Maher is really a piece of work! ORWELL 201
his comparison of her tweets with the Titania Mcgrath account were too funny! Perfect foil to show how insane she is.
True. It's a sea of lies. Inflation stats, job stats, climate stats, medical stats, "trans" (dis)info...all outright fabrications in many cases. As you noted, when they get caught in an omission, they just make something up. Also: the meta-lies that "Joe Biden" is running the country, our elected officials run the country, and that we have two parties that disagree with each other and keep each other in check. All lies. It's probably not a coincidence that both Western and Eastern religions highlight lying as the source of evil. The term 'satanic inversion' keeps popping to mind.
A good part of the Intelligence Community are professional liars, that is what they do. It's their job description for crying out loud.
It went from some lying is justified to protect national security (weapons capabilities for example) to any lying is acceptable, and even warranted, to further their goals.
When any part of the security state claims something is true, know that they routinely lie, and they think it's a good thing. Why should anyone believe a word they say? I know I don't.
I recently read a piece that stated inflation has caused prices to increase 12 to 17 percent. Da fuck they did. I’m seeing things that are 100% higher. Box of cereal is 8 bucks? That’s 100 per cent. So you pretty much can’t believe anything from the press. None of it.
They all need to step up and take a huge drink from a fountain of Draino.
Been saying that since forever. It’s what they don’t tell you that is the real news. That’s why when revolution two point zero happens, their hardware must be an early casualty. Can’t lie if you can’t broadcast.
It's quite shocking how much people just never hear about!
this is why I appreciate Jeff's column so much and quote it widely and hopefully bringing him new subscribers.
They get one to craft his own lie by showing him only what they want him see.
They want our participation. Occultists seem to believe that this makes it more effective, while insulating themselves of the "karma" they believe in.
It’s lies all the way down!
Not only is news not reported, but fake news is reported, “gaslighting” as they call it.
However; once the fake news has been determined to be fake, nobody issues corrections, they just lie once more, again through omission, and leave the lie to keep on running.
It does two things. It keeps people from believing what’s real, and keeps them believing what’s fake.
Remember, it’s harder to reeducate people than it is to educate them.
It’s not important what their “factually incorrect” beliefs are, so long as they are factually incorrect. Correction is required first — before anyone can even begin to learn reality, that’s what makes propaganda so effective.
Before the Pearl Harbor attack, which the US maneuvered the Japanese into doing, public opinion was 85 -15 to stay out of WWII. So, I'd say that counts as manipulating the public opinion.
The very first lie was "I will be like the Most High."
We've been fed lies ever since.
"Did God really say . . ."
Well said, Jeff!
Spot on 💯. Thanks for elucidating it so well
Many older folks will respond that way back they had the trusted Walter Cronkite because he never lied! LOL! He was the first of the big liars but try to get anyone to believe that.
In 1976, during the swine flu vaccine debacle, three elderly patients died in the same facility immediately after receiving the new vaccine. It was judged to be just a "coincidence" by the government and Walter Cronkite rebuked the media for "sensationalizing coincidental happenings." Why does this sound all too familiar?
sadly he was part of Mockingbird.
Major Democrat!
I saw it back then. But I’ve heard my share of oldsters lament the fact that we don’t have him around to deliver the news today.
There were clueless back then as well. And they still are. That’s how successful they are at manipulating people. Fifty year old lies people still believe that were there!
I grew up ‘poor, but proud’ on a small farm in the Florida Panhandle. My parents were strong Pentecostals (Assembly of God) and very conservative. I ended up going away to college with a major scholarship in 1969 (a first for a very large extended family) and it was a tsunami experience for me. Having already become wild (as I dared) in high school, I found myself in the hippie culture in Gainesville. And as with everything I did, I educated myself well on liberal politics and embraced them tightly for a few years.
Then some more tsunami like experiences later, I awakened to reality and returned to the love of God. My parents were aging rapidly by that point and I spent a lot of time checking on them. I bought them their first t.v. about 1975. (Horrible thing to do, I know…I didn’t even have one myself).
It would fascinate me how intensely my daddy would watch Walter Cronkite, like he was studying him. And I started catching parts of what Walter was saying and I got a very bad feeling. He was subtly feeding into viewers’ minds the ideas I had just spent a few years embracing, then rejecting as very sick and dangerous. I knew it was a powerful spell being woven over the nation.
I’m serious when I say I have been in angst for our country for more than fifty years. Sometimes it’s almost unbearable.
They believe them as they don't question anything. As if they woke up, they would have to actually DO something about it.
I grew up watching Walter Cronkite, well, my parents had him on and I was in the room. Went along with the narrative, until I stumbled on this about a decade ago:, and later this, although it predates the first piece. preserved in the web archive:
Maybe you can share these with the oldsters.
The older I get, the more I learn that nothing was ever as it seemed, it was all lies.
Thank you for the links. I had never seen any studied writings on Cronkite’s destructive liberalism (communism).
I grew up ‘poor, but proud’ on a small farm in the Florida Panhandle. My parents were strong Pentecostals (Assembly of God) and very conservative. I ended up going away to college with a major scholarship in 1969 (a first for a very large extended family) and it was a tsunami experience for me. Having already becoming wild (as I dared) in high school, I found myself in the hippie culture in Gainesville. And with everything I did, I educated myself well on liberal politics and embraced them tightly for a few years.
Then some more tsunami like experiences later, I awakened to reality and returned to the love of God. My parents were aging rapidly by that point and I spent a lot of time checking on them. I bought them their first t.v. about 1975. (Horrible thing to do, I know…I didn’t even have one myself).
It would fascinate me how intensely my daddy would watch Walter Cronkite, like he was studying him. And I started catching parts of what Walter was saying and I got a very bad feeling. He was subtly feeding into viewers’ minds the ideas I had just spent a few years embracing, then rejecting as very sick and dangerous. I knew it was a powerful spell being woven over the nation.
I’m serious when I say I have been in angst for our country for more than fifty years. Sometimes it’s almost unbearable.
I have a filing system on my laptop, and catalog everything I find interesting. I too find people pining for the 'impartiality of Cronkite' and pull those links out to let them know those were false memories.
It must be lonely seeing thru it all for that long. I only really started seeing/digging into the cracks in with the rise and election of Obama. Oh there were things here and there, but with 2 young kids and a full time job I pushed a lot of it aside.
My folks were working class, both involved in the pro life movement and my dad was politically involved in D politics via his union, and also went door to door with him when our former grade school principle ran for County Exec and some other random candidates. Grew up reading the local newspaper and Time magazine, even in grade school. Used to answer President of the US when people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, LOL. But started questioning a lot of the D platform in college and after. (went to a regional university in MO in the 80's and a lot of my profs were conservative, not that way any more) Volunteered for the Perot campaign when I found myself out of work for several months in 1992. So have always read and paid attention, but never really connected the dots until Obama seemed to come out of nowhere and I pinned him as a fraud from the get-go. That was lonely then, as even some conservative friends were all entranced by 'hope and change' crapola.
“ It must be lonely seeing thru it all for that long.”. That almost made me cry. It has been lonely. I married my polar opposite in 1973. He came from a ‘well to do’ family and was playing at distressing them as much as possible. Or he had been smothered his whole life and was desperately trying to break free. Who knows? Complex and complicated hedonist. Anyway, when I came to my senses, he went farther left. The marriage lasted 26 years, but needless to say it wasn’t good.
I had four babies in 7 years, so that was comforting. But in early adulthood I lost both parents. I learned so much from Phyllis Schafley and actually was connected to her movement by a high school friend that I tried to get closer too, but we both had too much baggage at that point to help each other, so I was studying on my own.
I put in 30 years in public education, but it took me 40 years to do it. I took time to be home with my babies, and honestly I could only stomach it for so long and then I had to have a break. As I’ve said before, I was somewhat of a ‘Jeremiah’ of the teachers’ lounge, trying as subtly as possible to make people wake up.
But I still believed there was real fight in the Republican camp; though when Bob Dole got the nomination to take on Bill Clinton the serious doubts began. I think Rush arose about that time, and I don’t know how I would have made it through without him.
I had real hopes for ‘W’ and couldn’t believe Al Gore was so close in the polls. It was about that time that a neighbor, that I thought shared my values, enlightened me that many southerners were still voting Democrat because of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War.
I had grown up amongst them and never knew that. We didn’t talk politics.
It was after the 2004 election, when Republicans swept in all the pillars of power, but would not use them, that I fully saw the Uniparty. There was the traitor John McCain proclaiming that for Republicans to use all that power would be unfair to the Democrats and they might take revenge on the Repukes later down the road. And he was listened to, as if that made sense! That was the height of frustration, watching all that power for change being used for evil. The people gave Republicans that power and under McCain’s leadership, it was used against us. There’s a reason why his death was treated as though he was the highest of Statesmen.
The Obama years were an utter nightmare. They certainly deepened my spiritual life as I had to escape from the world around me so regularly. President Trump was an answer to prayer that, like with Gideon, I needed God to give me a couple of signs. I had much difficulty believing this New York celebrity could possibly be that for which I had so earnestly hoped.
And then Trump overturned the Apple cart and the real ugly got revealed and here we are. But it doesn’t feel so lonely now that so many people see.
Thank you for affirming my feelings. I think I am going to cry.
The role of main stream media is to serve and to enable power. That's been the case in the U.S. for over a century. "Remember the Maine!" The Spanish didn't blow up the U.S.S. Maine, but we got a war with a steeply declining Spanish empire out of it, and a presence in former Spanish territories, including Cuba. More recently, it was yellowcake and Iraqi WMDs. The NYT was all over that one.
At least they still teach this in AP US history!!! Remember the Maine !
Yes JCM ..Judith Miller
Thanks for the expanded reference to “the Maine”! Media!!!
Going back at least to the USSR, where the media constantly lied to make it look good. Even reporting that prisons in the USSR treated their prisoners better than prisons in the US. But, the lies have been constant in my lifetime: Lewinsky ("a vast right wing conspiracy"), Iraq, Epstein, on and on.
For the best chance at reaching the truth, take anything they say and assume the opposite until proven otherwise.
My modus operandi for many years, and I have yet to have to eat my words.
Do you know the pentagon has a film division, you know a Hollywood film division. Not surprised Candace Owens was talking to somebody on a podcast and it just happened to show up in my feed but now I can’t find it again. Don’t know when it was from. But they produced Blackhawk down as well as goldeneye, propaganda everywhere
The CIA studio was located in Laurel Canyon in CA.
Thanks to the C&C comment family, I learned about Laurel Canyon about a year ago. Deep foray into the rabbit hole on that one. Never really paid a lot of attention to Hollywood/'stars'/celebrity culture, but am a music fan, and this stuff blew my mind.
Lookout Mountain?
WEIRD SCENES in the Canyon by McGowan is a great read, along these lines.
The deceitfulness and coalition between our government(s) and the media has been going on for about 120 years!! It just keeps getting more and more "terminal" for our once great Constitutional Republic (the USA NEVER has been a 'democracy' as touted by the collectivists in power now)
This paragraph will never be seen in NPR-PBS Oregon:
"At some point, sooner or later, mainstream science will be forced to grapple with this design flaw. There still may be conceivable uses for mRNA treatment, but the design defect will at some point delete the only viable mRNA delivery system they’ve been able to develop, the lipid nanoparticle, which is just a little blob of artificial fat."
"Weinstein said nobody should take any mRNA drugs of any kind."
This is worth your time:
I weep for the savage treatment of innocents in this so-called "proxy war"--it's still a WAR and women and children will die needlessly and be upended from their lives! It's ALWAYS been this way when the POTENTATES SEEK TO TAKE OVER TERRITORY AND RESOURCES. The Western neocons have the blood of MILLIONS on their greedy hands!! DESPICABLE DESPOTS!
And because of the sins of this country we will all suffer. (Remember: Blessed are the peacemakers, not the war mongers)
It's why the "eagle" is not mentioned in Scripture when describing the LAST GREAT BATTLE - ARMAGEDDON.
According to Marty Armstrong, CHINA will take over the USA by 2030 - I hope I'm HOME with JESUS before then!
It is funny how our gvt wants to obsess over Russia when atheist, communist China is who we should really fear.
Weinstein explains clearly the two fatal flaws in the vaccines. Thanks.
Yep! Liars for a long long time.
Later Jay
It’s been going for the 54 years I’ve been paying attention. Y’all get cuddles from Walter Cronkite, he was just a more believable liar. Viet nam ring a bell?
The mainstream media started changing in 2003 when George Soros started investing 25 million plus into journalism schools and media organizations.
The Spanish American War of the late 1890’s was brought to us courtesy of the big newspaper empires.
If I am not mistaken, that's where the term "yellow journalism" started.
Funny, the Turkish version of the Armenian genocide at the end of the Ottoman empire is that Jewish newspaper owners started printing false stories which stirred and riled up the masses.
Perhaps there is some truth in this? 🤷
Like that Chinese dude Confucius said, “Lacking in confidence from the people, a state cannot survive." TPTB adopted that as a strategy. We’d be fools to have confidence in the state, courts, media, elections, medicine, public education, or most anything mortal. Our only alternative is to clean up and buckle up. “Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God” (1 John 3:21). “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us” (1 John 5:14). Anything. “So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” (Hebrews 13:6). Expect the payoff. “Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him” (Jeremiah 17:7).
exactly - they have abandoned journalism for left wing ideology
I am so sick of anything which is conservative and morally or politically normal (like media) being called 'far right ' or 'far right conspiracy' to brainwash people.
I feel that the only way to counteract and fight their brainwashing is for everyone who is not a liberal, whether an individual, an online poster, or a news blog or outlet, to call their loony ideas: FAR LEFT.
We should start by ceasing to call mainstream media as such, and call it 'far left propaganda'.
We need to fight back in the same way they do, and in a tactic which they will understand.
It will freak them out!
Logic is getting the normal people in this country nowhere.
Far Left - Communists is probably a better name - and it is just amazing how we ever got so many communists in this country
Indoctrination and funding of groups by Soros to promote it.
then I guess you can add the 20+% that work for the government, and the number starts to get pretty big pretty quickly
you guys are contributing to the divide and conquer with your labeling of left and right. in reality it is WE THE PEOPLE who must defeat the 1% of reptilians and illuminati. the more you try to label the worse it gets.
the only label I need is the UNIPARTY, well, and the Oligarch Robber Barons.
Mark Levin wrote a book, 'Unfreedom Of The Press', which details press malfeasance back to the World Wars.
Bill Ayres wanted to overthrow the same corrupt government and war machine that WE WANT TO GET RID OF.
be careful who you judge. we all have more in common than divides us.
Obama however and all our presidents pretty much suck after JFK.
I believe that Bill Ayres and the Weather Underground were responsible for bombing buildings. I could never condone that, even if I agreed with his beliefs.
Regarding the East Palestine, Oh chemical spill conspiracy... it's similar to the Maui incident in the pathetic govt reaction:
@WallStreetApes April 2024 UPDATE On The Lahaina, Maui Fire Aftermath
- 8 months later still no building permits are being issued even after cleanup has taken place
- For reference after the 1994 hurricane it only took 1 month to get building permits
Also all the fire victims staying in hotels right now, there's still thousands of them, have to move out by July 1st. Where are they gonna go? There's no housing in Maui. It's a nightmare.“
You’re right about the shady Government response to East Palestine and Lahaina. Let’s see if the Key Bridge response has similar shady traits.
Not likely ... there's no high dollar oceanfront real estate around that bridge to be auctioned off to elite ticketholders ... and no deplorables to be made to suffer, either.
I have to wonder if Biden immediately agreed to use tax dollars to rebuild the bridge as a way to launder money into Maryland. Many people do not realize how corrupt the state of MD really is. It is up there with NY and Cali but no one talks about it. Pelosi is from Maryland, afterall.
MD is discretely corrupt. Half the Swamp lives there. Pelosi is from the Delesandro mob related family. Her father was the mayor of Baltimore.
My grandmother was born in Baltimore's Little Italy and everyone there knew about their mob ties and corruption.
My old boss was from the mountains of SW VA. He knew bootleggers, and did a little himself. He said most of the moonshine they made went to Baltimore. First drink poured was the real deal. Moonshine after that.
If I recall correctly, Nancy's father Thomas d'Alesandro was a kingpin and respected "fixer" in the Maryland mafia during his term as Mayor of Baltimore. A real "Make me an offer I can't refuse" kind of guy.
Lahaina seems to be a land grab.
yes indeed and the DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS used are now documented. check out BRUSH JUNKIE on youtube.
Trying to crash it down, one screwup at a time.
I followed both Palestine and Lahaina real time through citizen reporters who live there. I still check in on them but not as much the past 6 months. One difference was Palestine seems like an accident or sabotage against infrastructure with incompetence in the response. Lahaina on the other hand has appearance of a land grab… a motive.
Lots of natural gas there underground in Ohio. It’s a shame all those pesky people living there are in the way 🤷♀️ how to get them to willingly move away? Any ideas 💡 Pennies on the dollar for all that land above. Just spitballing here of course.
I would "like" but this deserves more of a :grrr:
Oh? Any pointers on where to learn more about that? You’d think if they did this that it would become clearly obvious.
It's all been an attempt to steal the land from people who've had it in their families for generations. The elite want all of the pristine beauty for themselves and their DS buddies are helping them get it!
locals move out, illegal immigrants move in...that's the plan
The maui incident is about the rich taking over all the land.
as is the wolf pack release in Colordrabo; get the ranchers off OUR LAND; sayeth the billionaire asset classers as they re-wild the Rockies with the Gayest Governor ever, ZERO FEDERAL oversight, studies, approvals, and ZERO pushback or legal challenges! Wolves released on State Lands that were on Fed Land within 20 minutes!? Fking corrupt and crooked and conspiracy. April 2024 score so far; Wolves/Dems 6(?) - Calves 0, just like every issue involving the Dems vs Reps in CO.
DEMONrats are RUTHLESS and they STICK TOGETHER - unfortunately, REPUBLICANS are "too polite" and do NOT stick together (look at the infighting in the House)! REPUBLICANS need to get "down and dirty" in order to CLEAN UP the CORRUPTION. It will never happen, as it now 'stands'.
Yes, those pesky wildlife biologists with their God complexes…releasing Mexican Gray Wolves into OR & Kalifornistan…just waiting for grizzly bears to be the next specie-du-jour to be forced upon us! 🤬🤬🤬
See WY and MT for grizzly protections.
There are a pack of wolves killing cattle on tribal land in northern central Oregon. The solution, put a bunch of electric collars on cattle so cattle don’t cross into wolf territory.
🧐🙄 I heard this on the local news and missed part of the story but I got the gist of it. At the end they showed video of cute wolf puppies just hanging out in the sunshine. Ah, so sweet. 😏
Later Jay