I've noticed absolutely no side effects from refusing any of der wunder shots......except a higher sensitivity to extreme medical quackassery. My skin actually begins to crawl.

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Promised 'Safe And Effective Instead We Got 'Sudden And Unexpected'

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Well, to be fair it is a safe snd effective way to kill people

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Yes! They WERE telling the truth, except it was a sleight of hand kind of half-truth.

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M VARR -- "We were promised Safe and Effective, instead we got Sudden And Unexpected" that needs to be a billboard!!

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Maybe Steve Kirsch should have one like this put up?

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Jan 19, 2023ยทedited Jan 19, 2023

The billboard should be simple: SAFE & EFFECTIVE โ€“โ€“> SUDDEN & UNEXPECTED

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I was at a Pro-life meeting yesterday and some comment sent me to Duck Duck Go to look at whatโ€™s being said about the horrendous new chemical abortion pills. And it just leaped out at me. Theyโ€™re being called โ€˜safe and effectiveโ€™๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜–

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What could go wrong for a woman who takes a quadruple strength chemical sterilization pill to destroy life in her womb? It's women's health care isn't it?


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A sudden life ending heart attack at home is way more โ€œsafe and effectiveโ€ than being admitted to a hospital before one ultimately meets their Creator.

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Jan 19, 2023ยทedited Jan 19, 2023

Neither to be easily rejected. If at all.

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Same. I will ONLY go to a mainstream doctor for a broken bone ... maybe ... only if my husband doesnโ€™t think he can set it himself. How hard can it be? Hereโ€™s to prayers it never comes to that.

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Agree. Msm medical community, dentists and veterinarians are to be avoided at all costs. You are safer not going.

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Seriously feeling torn about getting a kidโ€™s cavity filled.

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Understand. ๐Ÿ™‚ you have to be vigilant and question everything. They have to earn your trust each and every time. Look around for a better dentist that is open to your concerns. We switched to no fluoride toothpaste and natural dental health care and our teeth are much cleaner.

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You actually don't even need toothpaste. My dentist informed me many years ago of that, which I was glad for because I've always hated the taste and the smell of mint. So now you can save money not buying any and just brushing with a plain toothbrush!

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Jan 19, 2023ยทedited Jan 19, 2023


Baking soda is abrasive, but not nearly as much as most toothpastes. Baking soda has an RDA of 7 while Crest Pro Health Whitening has an RDA value of 162! Assertions that baking soda is somehow too abrasive and harmful for our enamel are inaccurate and can be considered a modern old wives tale. Even Crest has an article on their site supporting the use of baking soda.

Mohs hardness scaleโ€ฆ

Hardness of materials:

Tooth enamel = 5

Tooth dentin/root = 3

Baking soda = 2.5

Hydrated silica in toothpaste = 5-7

Baking soda โ€œfeelsโ€ much more gritty than regular toothpaste (which usually has hydrated silica as the abrasive) because the particles are larger, and the edges are rough. Whereas silica particles are more round, smooth, and many times smaller. So baking soda โ€œfeelsโ€ more abrasive โ€“ but itโ€™s not.

The fact is that Baking Soda, being much softer than tooth enamel, and very slightly softer than even tooth dentin, will not create much damage (abrasion) to the tooth.

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For some unknown reason toothpaste began to burn my mouth. This started a few years ago and I tried brand after brand, all the sensitive ones did the sameโ€ฆburned like fire. So I began using baking soda and my teeth feel clean and no more burning. I keep a little jar of baking soda on the bathroom counter.

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In fact, my dentist much prefers that I be more concerned about flossing regularly, than any toothpaste use. He's also really big on that I should use my oral b electric toothbrush with the rotating bristles. Those two take precedence over any toothpaste use.

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Let me scream this from the mountaintop. the single biggest favor you could Ever do for your children is NEVER let them see a Rockefeller trained allopathic dentist. Find, and ONLY ever see a biological dentist. We took almost a year to find on (she is a true gem) , and have been seeing her since last June to remove root canals (the Only medical procedure that deliberately leaves dead tissue behind. What could possibly go wrong, right?). , mercury fillings, other metals, and clean out infected cavitations (what's left when you pull a tooth). The metals and amalgams essentially turn your mouth into a battery that short circuits the nerve signals. If you read the best book on health ever written, Dr. Jerry Tennant's "Healing is Voltage", you will see the teeth are on the same meridians as virtually all your organs, and if you have a problem in an organ, you can take it to the bank something is wrong with the corresponding tooth (teeth) . Virtually every other book we have read on cancer reiterates this. . Full stop. if you want to read it for yourself, get Dr. Blanche Grube's book "Chew, but don't swallow". When she finished the book, she pulled back publishing when a colleague got "The Rockefeller Treatment ". When she turned 70, she said "what the heck" , and published it a few years ago. Brave woman, as are all the light warriors who buck the establishment medical cabal.

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So, in summary, donโ€™t fill a cavity unless a holistic dentist says to?

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I know it! There are still trustworthy dentists who use fillings without mercury and that metal amalgam in them. Hard to find, but itโ€™s worth it.

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There are people that claim you can heal teeth and remineralize them. Iโ€™ve never tried but it might be worth researching.

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Hi N Spinger! I use a remineralizing tooth powder made by my Master Herbalist, and it naturally whitens my teeth AND at my last dentist appt my gums, which used to be very receded and would bleed all the time, were better! They said my recession was much less than six months before. My herbalist's name is Carmen and her website is www.paisleyapothecary.com. And yes this is a shameless plug! :)

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unfortunately we have very little else around here in rural GA. More than 2 hours drive to another health practicioner. There is a natural healing clinic about 60 MI away but they are extremely expensive.

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It can be very challenging. The last time I went, I kept to the reason for going, asked about alternatives and side effects to the meds they wanted to give. Ignored all the questions about covid vaxx etc. They got the hint. I am 61 and they wanted to do several diagnostic tests just because it is recommended. None of those tests were warranted. It was ridiculous. They were not even really looking at me.

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Annie, hi! I have a very sick young cat and, in the past several days, I have taken him to his regular vet as well an urgent care. They performed tests for things he doesnโ€™t even have symptoms for. They gave him a massive dose of antibiotics โ€œjust in caseโ€ it helps. I have to give him steroids in case he might have inflammation. Somewhere.

The second vet determined he has of โ€œfever of unknown origin.โ€ Google that and youโ€™ll learn that itโ€™s one of those things that is very tricky and costly to diagnose. (Fortunately they failed to mention that he is under-vaccinated and therefore didnโ€™t force *that* issue. Phew. I have never been a fan of vaxxing an indoor cat.) I brought him home to do โ€œsupportive care,โ€ and it is beginning to look like he might be on the mend.


After reading your post, Iโ€™d like to hear more. Can you expound upon why you suggest we avoid veterinarians? Thank you, my friend! ๐Ÿ˜Š

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My senior dog who's 15 years old was fine and I agreed to an x-ray to verify no heart issues. She was fine. Then against my better judgment she got her annual shots and final rabies shots. Within weeks she was diagnosed with heart issues. Of course the vet said #ABV and now she's on meds. I smack myself in the head because it's the same scenario as the clot shots and msm medicine for humans. And the same response. The treatment causes more problems and more meds prescribed and more money spent and most important - my precious doggie is not better but worse. ๐Ÿ˜ช

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This has been my strategy for 60 years and I happily remain a healthy, active 75 year old. My medicare premium pays for other people's treatments.

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Thatโ€™s good to know! And, please, forgive my ignorance, but one MUST pay into Medicare, is that correct?

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Yes. I pay $345.00/month. I also have group health insurance through my company, but it only pays after Medicare. Both my premiums pay for others - I've only used the company insurance once in 15 years, when I slipped down some stairs, caught my foot on the rear riser and broke my ankle. Deciding I couldn't repair that myself, I did have orthopedic surgery to fix it.

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Clarification: The part I pay is Medical Part B. I believe the premium amount you pay is based on your income. Reading the comments, I'm considering opting out of Part B, since I'm not being treated for any chronic diseases or health problems, but I am retiring at some point...ha ha so I don't know. It does seem to be wasted money in my case.

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No, you don't need to pay for Medicare (once you take Medicare). I just stopped paying for part B several months ago. I told them I was opting out and they were like, "fine, but you owe us about $800 for the time we covered you and you didn't use it." and I was like "okay fine, but if I don't pay that doesn't affect me one bit, so thanks but no thanks." They finally stopped sending the bills. So now I have only Part A which you can't opt out of, but which doesn't cost anything.

If your original question was about being young and paying *into* Medicare, I apologize for answering a different question than you asked :)

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If you are 65 and older and do not have some sort of employer provided health care plan, you MUST PAY a Medicare โ€œpremiumโ€ each month. In 2023 it is set at $164.90. There is no opting out. Everyone who is not yet 65 in the US learns this when they reach 65. Itโ€™s a little government gift for your birthday. Everyone pays the same amount. Part B is optional, but the insurance companies donโ€™t like to let you know that โ€“ itโ€™s easy money for them. Too easy in fact. I do not have Part B.

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Bubblehead -- what you stated above is what I thought was true when I turned 65. So I paid the monthly premiums for a while. Now, I am over 65, do not take SS yet, and do not have an employer approved health care plan (have always been self employed) or any other health plan (no supplemental insurance). I do not pay anything per month -- and I did contact them to make sure that opting out of payments was all above board. Even the lady I talked to on the phone admitted that if I did not pay the "past due" amount (it took a while for my request to opt out to go through) that it would not affect the Universe. I received mail confirmation of my decision. I also got my new Medicare card, stating that I have Part A. I am no longer billed for part B. So I assure you, unplugging from Medicare payments can be done -- though if you are having it taken out of a SS check, it might be more complicated. Everything I've learned about the medical cartel made me want to unplug in any way possible.

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Interesting and thank you all so much for the information!

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Yes, and medicare doesn't pay for hormone replacement therapy (old women have no need for it) nor do they pay for thyroid medication that is not synthetic, unless you jump through all sorts of hoops. They also don't pay for ivermectin. If you have chronic disease they pay, healthy people just get screwed.

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Very very true. And of course women get hit hardest. I said to my gyno/hormone doc the other day โ€˜women should be given a dowery of 10k when theyโ€™re bornโ€™ to be used for birth control, tampons, hormones etc etc, but Iโ€™m thinking 10k is not enough! Pellets and name brand thyroid pills are damn expensive.

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Have any idea for people taking thyroid medicine how to get off it? Iโ€™d love to research alternative ways. Especially new seeing Iโ€™ll get screwed once we have to do Medicare.

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Yes, you have to pay into it once you reach 65. Then when you start drawing Social Security at, say 66 2/3 or 72 they automatically take it out of your SS check.

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Karen, see my more detailed reply above. I guess this is another of their lies -- you do not have to pay into Medicare once you reach 65. I have opted out of Part B and no longer pay any premiums to Medicare. I called them to tell them I wanted to opt out. They send me a form, I filled it out saying I was opting out, and they stopped billing me for Part B. They sent me a new card saying I have part A.

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Me too! My PCP is an MD/ naturopath. The only thing Medicare has paid for in the three years Iโ€™ve had it is routine blood work covered by them. I have Medicare plus a supplement and I consider it like my homeowners insurance, there for a catastrophic situation. I know a retiree who was side swiped in a car accident who would have been up a creek if she didnโ€™t have it.

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Agree. Now imagine having to deal with a cancer diagnoses and KNOWING just how much witch craftery goes into the multi-billion $$$ cancer industry.... Lord we NEED you NOW!

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I cannot even imagine...

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"quackassery" - new word ? I Like it!

Has a touch of "onomatopoeia" to it.....

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Trademark pending.

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It's yours!!

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Two great words in 1 morning.

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I break out in hives now at the term MODERNA.


Don't even get me started on The Great Pfizer and those payouts for punatives and damages.

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I think you're onto something here! I like to refer to them as "Murderna."

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And Dyizer lol

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Speaking ill of the M (ode) RNA ??

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Jan 19, 2023ยทedited Jan 19, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Well it is their stock symbol. MRNA

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MODE-RNA. They program your cells in some sort of mode. Remember how some people think, itโ€™s just like programming software. They look at people like a programmable machine that you can just assemble and program. Forget about all other factors that play a role in human health including our emotions, spirituality, faith.

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Someone here on C&C needs to pen an ode to mRNA. Preferably full of sarcasm.

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This is pretty good: https://rumble.com/embed/v1ljioy/

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Love this! Thanks for sharing.

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I love how the C&C army helps us to find gems like this that make the truth easier to share! Thanks Quinn!

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Now THAT is sure to be a hit! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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Awesome!!! Pays to read C&C comments; terrific folks here.

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Aren't they though? Love it here. So many brainy and witty beings.

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Excellent! Thank you!

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That's a great one! Thanks for the link! ๐Ÿฆ‹๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต

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Jan 19, 2023ยทedited Jan 19, 2023

James Lyons-Weiler, if I remember correctly

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there will never be a day

as deadly as m r n a

to think we once had blissful peace

is gone, awash in endless grief

Oh to suffer such vile men

never to see the truth again

Will there ever ever be?

an athlete not dead suddenly?

Or are we forced to only believe

in lies by demons as we grieve?

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I too have been suffering similar side effects.

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Lol I guess these are common side effects!

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If everyone doesn't have "white coat syndrome" after all of this, it has to be due to complete ignorance and/or what CNN tells them. Avoiding the white coated quacks is the best remedy of all!

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I've had it for a long time. I have to go in for an MRI and dread it. Just being in a medical environment is anxiety inducing. I need it for laser treatment on my back so no choice. Also rage inducing. Was told to make sure I wear a mask. I hate it beyond belief but have to pick and choose my battles.

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And I have sporadic events of overwhelming NAUSEA at the duplicity and downright LYING of everyone involved in pursuing this bioweapon "vaccine" assault on HUMANITY WORLDWIDE!

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I know what you mean. No passes for anyone who does not see this is a bio-weapon. Today two more deaths of young people working age. At this point itโ€™s almost daily I hear of a SADS๐Ÿ˜ข.

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And we're just hearing of the "celebrity" deaths-imagine the REAL DEATH TOLL worldwide of the nefarious and ubiquitous bioweapon. I know this was just a "dress rehearsal"--the "premiere performance" will be much deadlier--which is why these "players" have to be brought to trial for their CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!!

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After the pandemic doctors really worry me. I was bit by a horse. I was feeding it. The doctors created a huge ruckus over this. I had antibiotics IV intravenous Bc said could lose hand finger arm whatever. I had cultures which came back clean after five days. I asked why am I still on antibiotics if the culture was negative? Oh a culture is like a covid test if negative can still be positive. ๐Ÿ˜ฑthen the doctor hand doctor i went in for follow up googled in front of me horses and rabies. Did you know 1 in 3 million horses get rabies from a wild animal bite? Animal has to get close to the horse which is flighty and leggy kicks. So then this doctor told me to go to ER and get myself treated for rabies. Whatever dude i can google for free on my own.

I went home stopped taking all medicines finger healed on its own barely a scar. Doctors now just arenโ€™t what they used to be. I googled myself and found medihoney healed my own wound.

I survived three days in hospital and I didnโ€™t get covid. I consider myself very very very lucky!

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So he sent you for rabies, but not for tetanus? Or maybe theyโ€™d already done a tetanus shot (plus diphtheria and Whoopi cough, because thereโ€™s no such thing as only tetanus shot).

Tetanus from a horse is more likely than rabies. ๐Ÿ™„

Not saying you needed that, but seriously. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

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Glad your fine and took your health into your own hands. I don't know your age but I am 64. I was healthty child, teen until I was out on my own and started seeing doctors regularily. My health deteriorated by the time I was in early thirties. I had many bouts (many) with antibioics. I was given it for teeth extractions, etc. My immune system eventually could not kick off any cold or flu and by that time I had three children. I was a mess in so many ways unable to go far from home. I was enslaved in my body. I cried out to God and God heard. I asked my OBGYN why I was so sick and all he did was give me meds. That's all the doctors knew. To make a long story short. A nurse one day listened to directed me to a book called "The Yeast Connection". I was amazed and so grateful. I learned that my body was being destroyed by all the meds they gave. They never had answers. In the 90s awoke to a lot (before internet!) and went on a healing journey to eating right, restoring my gut and staying clear of conventional doctors as much as could. I was not fully awoke yet and have regrets about vaccinating my kids. But I did stop at Guardicil thankfully. My kids peditrician was pushing that to gradeschooler?! I stopped with any flu shots or vaccines (only had taken a couple that were pushed on me) and now with COVID I'm fully awake. I stopped trusting conventional doctors even more with a bad bought of Lyme in 2011 that they almost killed me with drugs. I stopped, like you, the antibiotics they had me on for five months. I was worse off and they said it was in my head. I realized these conventional doctors only know drugs and surgery. They are useless except for trauma perhaps. You, like me, are awake now and we must take our health into our own hands and for me of faith, I trust God will lead me into the path of life. He has never failed me yet! I'm fine now thank God! My health is pretty good. They said I had COVID a couple years ago when I was really sick with a flu cold Christmas 2020. My immune system kicked it. I got really sick this Christmas too. Sad to say my whole family did even the two jabbed. We are all ok. I just had a bad cold. So did they. God's wonderful immune system will function if we take care of it. Thanks for the share. Enjoy your horses!

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Not even a higher chance of getting in car accidents? I saw that in the news - it must be true. ;)

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I'm so happy that Ardern was put out to pasture/sent to the glue factory (circle one.)

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Covid tyrant gov Andy Cuomo goes down.

Now NZ covid tyrant Jacinda Ardern goes down.

Can Gretchen Whitmer be next? Please???

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Hochul, too!

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NYC Adams and

along with all the Health Commisars that mandate the jabs!

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She is so evil ๐Ÿ˜ก

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here in the hellhole that is Canada we would just get WEF board member Freeland to replace PM blackface.

oh joy.

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We were in Canada ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ this past weekend for a hockey tournament. First time in over 3 years! I thought of you! Much respect to you for standing up in this socialist society. Well done, my friend. ๐Ÿ‘Š

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If that hockey tournament would have been held prior to June 20th 2022, and you or your children over 12 were "not fully vaccinated": you would have been turned back at the border.

Unvaxxed Canadians are STILL not (legally) permitted entry to the USA.


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Hence the reason why our team has not been to Canada as a couple players are unvaxxed. Coach wouldnโ€™t force people to get vaxxed. Said he wasnโ€™t going to be the Covid police.

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Right ON!

#NoAmnesty ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’ฐ

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Actually Canada did not let the unvaxxed in until 10/1/22. I know because my daughter lives in Canada and we could not visit until AFTER their baby dictator finally allowed us in. incredibly stupid! Even worse that the USA is still denying entry to anyone from any other country that is unvaxxed...except when you walk across the southern border that is.

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Itโ€™s all so incredibly frustrating and stupid. Glad you could finally visit!

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Much the same situation--daughter + family in CA, couldn't connect for a few years (partially because some idiot in govt failed to dot the i's on their perm resident applic) until summer '21 (she came to us)

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Aaaaaa-nnnnn-ddddd โ€ฆ suddenly Justin will look like a an angel of light.

CF as PM is Canuckistanโ€™s worst nightmare. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

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MIghtn't having an even truer tyrant convince more Canadians of their plight, though? I know people think that it could result in a hole too deep to climb out of, esp. since y'all were on the wrong side of the tyranny/Second Amendment issue since the 1770s (sorry/not sorry), but there must still be some rational Canadians who've read, say, Brave New World, if not Animal Farm and 1984?

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Ah, if โ€˜twere that easy, Fla Mom. The Bouncy Castle Street Insurrection was attempted last year in -73F temps, and look at how that worked out for us. Perhaps many outside the Maple Leaf border were enervated by the trucker/supporters bravado, but our hopes were eventually trampled as quickly as Ottawa police horses can trample a disabled Indigenous woman on an snowy street.

More than a few up here in the frozen tundra have been dystopian novel-ed. The problem is our first-past-the-post electoral system with six -yes, six! - political parties: Liberal (JTโ€™s leftist/socialist party), NDP (socialist), Bloc (Quebec French Canadian provincial party that postures as a federal party), CPC (ever-so-slightly right-of-middle conservative party), PPC (upstart conservative party that claims to be realio trulio conservative, and splits the conservo vote), Green Party. Oopsy, how could I forgot the seventh, the most powerful party; itโ€™s the same powerful party that rules the US - the guvmint-paid MSM party endlessly shilling their glib, talking-head lies, reminding us that JT is our rightful saviour.

And so we have the Blue-ribbon Canuck recipe for minority guvmints. Currently, JTโ€™s Libs are propped up by the NDP, and this Lib minority govโ€™t lasts until 2025 (Munsch scream). The rest of the popular vote is spread amongst the other four parties.

But, back to the original question. Alas, it seems in Starsandstripesland there is a similar problem with absolute tyranny not convincing people of their plight - and with a potential of Presidenterina KH (Munsch scream redux). Perhaps both countries will be convincingly convinced by two female (can I say female?) tyrants who will, in tyrant fashion, convince us that tyrants are real tyrants in a convincing fashion. Cackle.

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One must remember CDN/US history. When you kicked the crown out in 1776 the loyalists who LOVED the crown fled north. So the rule loving obedient types are the descendants of a LOT of Canadians.

Which is why Canada was granted our country, we fought for diddly squat.

personally I'm from the UK but pops fought the commies in the '56 revolution and fled for his life to the UK. So I grew up in a vehemently anti-communist household.

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I still wanna go to NewFoundLand....

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Take the ferry from Nova Scotia to Port Au Basques, NL and either go fishing or moose hunting. Itโ€™s a great experience.

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Me too, Chevrus! And Nova Scotia and Cape Breton (especially for all that great fiddle music).

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I wish we could add Gruesome Newsom to that list. Sadly, I fear he's being groomed to be installed as the next prez. Lord help us all.

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Iโ€™m suspecting a double devil Newsom-Whitmer ticket. The two Gโ€™s from the bowels of hell.

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that is so nauseating.

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My brain just rejects the thought. Too horrible to imagine.

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OMG yikes!

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I 100% agree with you on both accounts. SMH. He is worse than Obama. Maybe! slithering!

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Please NO!

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Dude, donโ€™t tease us Michiganders! We could only hope to kiss her goodbye! ๐Ÿ‘‹

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Glasgow Kiss?

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How about the PA freak that thinks its a woman & was promoted to deputy health something or other at Fed level?

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In early 2021 I browsed comments at a mainstream but left-leaning site that, apparently to not totally alienate all its paying clientele, actually permits a certain amount of Badthink, albeit from those disgusting reactionaries who can't adopt Progressive values. The conversation was along the lines of how wonderful it was, with the new Biden Administration) that "Politics can get back to business as usual." I confess that I was utterly unable to suppress my urge to shitpost: "A cross dresser in a Cabinet post is 'business as usual'?"๐Ÿคฃ

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Please, allow me to nominate Turdeau to the front of the punt line.

In New Brunswick the other day, Lord Goodhair barely escaped irate villagers bearing hockey sticks flying "Fuck Trudeau" flags.

They effectively blocked the road into an event Turdeau was attending, forcing his driver and tax payer funded security team to detour.

The incident was ghosted by government subsidized legacy media outlets. (If they don't report it: did it really happen?)

He can't flee Canadian protesters forever though.

#TrudeaumustgoNOW ๐Ÿšซโ˜ป

#NoAmnesty ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’ฐ

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Or Newsom, or Oregon/washington governors.

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I wouldnโ€™t wish Inslee on anybody, hoping his time in politics is coming to an end soon.

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Pretty please?

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Please, yes, for the love of ALL things holy!

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

As we watch, and wait and see, Ardern turned out, soon Biden and who knows which other "leaders", we'll see this as more proof, to add to Jeff's great article of a few weeks ago, that there is, in fact, a one world government already in place and "leaders" like Ardern are only in power for as long as these shadowy figures find it useful.

I wouldn't be popping champagne corks just yet over Ardern's resignation. I suspect more sinister motives behind the headline.

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Exactly! I just made a comment about this but forgot to mention the one world government that is already functioning. So thank you for saying it.

This is not a good thing.

They are packaging it to a very tired base of millions of people who will get their hopes up. Itโ€™s done on purpose that way. They are slowly getting rid of all the tyrants to give the illusion the people are winning. If the people were winning these evil criminals wouldโ€™ve been given their prosecution papers and life sentences 2 years ago. Instead they were allowed to operate and destroy at will for 3 years. Then go out on their โ€œownโ€ terms to retire somewhere tropical with a plane load of taxpayer money. Ya, sure, the people won that round ๐Ÿ™„

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That's a bingo!

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Yes...She did not voluntarily resign. Her goodbye, farewell, kiwi goodnight was certainly not graceful exit. She was yanked. Whatโ€™s coming for this once magnificent country is hellfire.

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I am just an observer from way far away, but it seems that most kiwis are brainwashed to go along with the authoritarian state. Am I right? Is there a significant resistance? I hope so.

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Maybe she was diagnosed with SADS! Exit stage left.

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I alluded to some medical happening in my earlier comment.

First Soros, Schwab, & more drop out of WEF ... for some reason. Biden doc deal.

NZ retirement/resignation of PM. ๐Ÿค”

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But, didn't Schwab speak at the WEF meeting? I thought he was going to be absent.

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

It is interesting to me that this happens during the WEF Coven. She is a WEF puppet and they have pulled her.

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I get what you mean about not popping bottles over Jacindaโ€™s or ANY of these โ€œleadersโ€ going down because it is almost 100% certain weโ€™ll get someone worse. That said, I WILL pop a bottle in the tiny space between Bidenโ€™s demise and his nโ€™er-do-well replacement (whomever that happens to be). I mean, ya gotta take what you can get. Am I right? ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ฌ

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Was gonna say: There's could be a "catch".... From Bad2Worse?

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Yes. Exactly what happened with Cuomo. I was ecstatic at his downfall, but completely naรฏve to how extraordinarily bad his replacement would be. Sigh.

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I heard somewhere she was a WEF graduate and an acolyte

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There does seem to be a One World Government working. And it doesn't have to be a building say in New York City with a 'NWO' sign over its main entrance. It can be a de facto centralized power with unlimited funding and an unlimited ability to open up and close an infinity of coordinating front organizations. And if the Fake Pandemic/Covid PsyOpt has taught us anything, it might be that this New World Order Thing is based in and upon the collective Western power structure and is controlled by the Money Power. This by perceived operation, how we see things working.

BUT ... we see the Rest of the World decoupling from this Western Perverse Thing in disgust. 2022 has come and gone ... and the world in now bi-polar by cooperation and mulit-polar by self interest ... and as it always was. The insanely clownish West presumably under what seems to be the old Anglo-Saxon Imperium (City of London/Wall Street/Central Banking... i.e. the Money Power) is cracking. This decoupling of the rest of the world is probably the biggest event in 2020. And maybe of the last 100 or so years.

Maybe the Western based Money Power thinks it can re-invent itself. But how can this be with the entirety of the rest of the world turning is back on One World Western Centralized Rule? And this THING of the West no longer has the support of its own people. We even see the faint wisps of weakening of The Program at Davos. Fewer heads of state showing up at the forum from the G8 or G20. Elon Musk declining the invite. More and more people are simply laughing at the absurdity of WEF and Davos. Even Santa Klaus is beginning to look the pompous fool he always has been. Ten years ago this would not have been the case.

Something here hast to break. And perhaps it already has. Since the events of 2022, there are now some rays of hope.

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That woman was pure evil.

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Horsey suddenly went out to pasture just as the WEF's annual Davos sex party convened. What an odd coincidence.

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glue factory

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The globalists in charge evidently felt it was time for her to move on. She's served her usefulness. Mission accomplished.

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Glue factory. Don't want her trying to blend in with the real horses. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

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Circle both. One before the other.

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I'll take "realizes her disinformation campaign and narrative are crumbling, for five hundred, Alex."

I'll settle for "out to pasture," if the fencing is reinforced and the gate nailed shut.

I gotta tell ya, Doc, that my initial response to her announcement was that the world just became a slightly better place with Ardern shorn of her power for harm.

Then I remembered how many dishonest, incompetent and corrupt former politicians are running around using the influence of their now-relinquished power to manipulate voters, legislators and business leaders.

I suppose that there's room for both rejoicing and caution, each in their turn. I'll share this moment of happiness with you, and try to avoid regretting it ex post facto when she returns in some other ghoulish form to haunt us.

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Both: Put out to pasture as she awaits the newest mRNA injection, then the glue factory. That said, not all horses make good glue.

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Glue factory gets my vote!

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Our co-commentor "Horsey" may be averse to the "horse faced" opine of Atty. Childers when describing the disgraced "Kiwi" P.M.--LOL!!

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

As a woman, I read Jacinda Ardern as someone who is being forced to quit for some reason, she doesnโ€™t like that sheโ€™s being forced, and what she really wants to do is rat ๐Ÿ€ out whoever is forcing her to quit. Hence, sheโ€™s holding back all that emotion. If it was on her own terms, she would be confidently speaking, sheโ€™s not.

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I only want to know one thing. Who the hell is the one pulling all the strings that can just willy-nilly tell world leaders what to do? Vengeful minds want to know.

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Bill Gates

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yep exactly. she's extremely pissed, but shows it as sadness with an edge.

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Can we take a moment to bathe ourselves in those delicious tears of anguish as the tyrant prepares to exit stage left.

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Ah yes. Itโ€™s a glorious feeling, no? I heard this particular variety of tears is great for oneโ€™s skin!

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a pyschopathic sociopath will lose it when they lose power over others.

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I hope she does lose it....on camera.

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She sure enjoyed having all that power.

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.....while it lasted. Fairy godmother just turned her carriage back into a pumpkin

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๐Ÿ’ฏ agree! Sheโ€™s been forced.

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Are you qualified to call yourself a woman? I heard you to be a Biology Scientist to make that call.

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Heck, yes! Only women menstruate, contrary to popular belief, and Iโ€™ve dealt with that for the past 38 years. I think Iโ€™m qualified. ๐Ÿ˜œ

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what do you mean??? Ivโ€™e been menstruating for years. And the tomato paste I use is very economical too! :)

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๐Ÿคฎ hahahaha these people (the trannies) are truly insane.

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I get nose-bleeds. Does that count?

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Hahahaha...You could collect the blood and put it โ€œdown there,โ€ so as to โ€œfeelโ€ like youโ€™re having a period...better than frozen tomato paste the others are using! ๐Ÿคข

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A Government Narrative Certified Biology Scientist! None of these conspiracy theory denier people allowed!

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Interestingly she doesnโ€™t like being TOLD what to do!

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I suspect sheโ€™s been told what to do her entire career, and responded like a good little puppet. This latest being told what to do likely blindsided her and felt like a betrayal. Thus the barely contained tears. Thought she was one of the chosen and found out otherwise. Useful idiot. Wonder if they have other plans for her or just cut her loose? If the latter and she goes off script and goes public there might follow an accident or coincidence. -? Heck, there might be one anyway as a preemptive measure. All buried from view quick as a wink. I feel like the deranged one here, never a fiction writer by any stretch creating shocking but entirely plausible scenarios.

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๐Ÿค” interesting ๐Ÿ˜‚

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I really thought she was going to break down and cry - on camera. It was palatable.

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She *was* crying, it just wasn't breaking out in sobs.

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LOL......That's what I get for trying to be funny

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Yea, I thought she *was* crying.

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She definitely looks off her feed

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People with that kind of power never willingly give it up.

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I wonder if she's injured from the jabs?

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I highly doubt it. I'm sure she was a saline recipient.

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Seriously doubt she actually had the death shots.

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Great points

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Emerald Robinson: โ€œThat awkward silence right now in America: thatโ€™s millions of people realizing that we have a pandemic of the vaccinated."

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I sure as hell (!) hope so.

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What's wrong with you? I have people I love that were lied to, coerced and frightened into taking those effing shots. I live in near constant dread of something happening to them. I can't imagine you don't have family and friends that are in similar circumstances.

Being callous is not a good trait.

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I believe you misunderstood my comment..........I sure as hell - hope that "millions of people (are beginning to) realize that we have a pandemic of the vaccinated."

I am simply hoping THAT people are beginning to wake up to the TRUE issues here.

That they were, as you say - "lied to, coerced and frightened into taking those effing shots." IS EXACTLY WHAT BOTHERS THE HELL OUT OF ME.

I hope that clears up any confusion, Amuzed.

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Thank you for your clarification; I believe we all share your beliefs. I have 2 young adult grandchildren who are c19vaxed. One military; the other a nurse. Only close family members who are injected, thank goodness. I pray continually for those poisons to be miraculously turned into harmless bodily fluids.

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Thank you - what I hope for, most of all, is that everyone catches on and stops taking the darn jabs.

And I am constantly concerned, as well, for family members who are proud to be "up to date" with their jabs. That's ALL of my family - and I shall wish the best for yours, as well, Susan.

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Hey I feel'ya. Aunt had a stroke, BIL a mild heart attack, Mom collapsed and smashed her head and now wife getting screened for possible bone marrow cancer.

Sadness is a luxury for later though...

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Hang in there. ๐Ÿ˜˜

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So sorry!

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Do they recognize that they were lied to? If they truly are worried, go to the FLCCC website and look up protocols for mitigating the shot! There are proactive things they can do!


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My 40 something year old neighbor is injured from the jab I tried to warn her about. Iโ€™ve forwarded her things to try to remediate her injuries and offered to help her but she says sheโ€™s not interested. She admits her Doctors arenโ€™t helping her new problems, though.

Some people fight things head on while others give up without trying.

Thereโ€™s a fighting spirit among us here, that much I know.

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That's one of the worst parts of this whole crisis is how the docs don't take vaxx injury symptoms seriously (well, they know, but have to look the other way). How will docs regain any trust we once had?

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Iโ€™m my own Doctor now.

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Thank you for this comment!

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Jan 19, 2023ยทedited Jan 19, 2023

I see a trend going on in all this Covid Shots deaths and it is the fact that everybody dies suddenly, unexpectedly and "from unknown causes", my question here is, What happened to all the medical examiners in this country, did they all quit? no more autopsies are performed on dead people here? Just asking for a friend.

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Las Vegas shooter kills 60 something people. Where's the story? Media drops it.

TwitterFiles shows Biden and Schiff controlling social media during an election.

Silence. Substack is one of the few places to get any info since the media is derelict.

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Isnโ€™t it interesting that the proof is out with the twitter files and not a damn thing is done. The โ€œnormiesโ€ donโ€™t have a clue! None of them. This govt regime committed treason and there is proof-and we get crickets.

Proof stopped mattering a long time ago. They are so insulated it doesnโ€™t matter what crimes they commit. They get to resign (however awfully they do it) and bank their regime pay off the backs of the taxpayers they committed crimes against.

If people arenโ€™t actively awake and looking for proof outside msm they will continue to be lost and in the dark. And the ones researching, connecting dots, and wide awake will continue to preach to themselves.

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"The Left demands apologies for who you are, not what you have done, because it bases morality on collective identity, not individual behaviour.

"This leaves them free as individuals to behave however they like, as long as their group affiliation is virtuous."

- Alice Smith, @TheAliceSmith, via Twitter, a few years ago

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Once again, I must copy and paste this to my collection of "truths of our times". I will give Alice and Florida Mom credit.

C and C is like getting a wonderful short magazine article every single day. Then brilliant people make three or four hundred intelligent comments. (Mostly, mine the least of these).

Thank you Jeff for all you do and thanks to all the posters who contribute.

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That was a brilliant and very accurate statement!

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Iโ€™m still waiting for the Hillary emails & Anthony wiener & anyone held accountable & NAMES for the Epstein coverup. & Hunter laptop & on & on

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I think Hil-Rod was holding Anthony's weiner, oops, I mean laptop.

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๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚hee, hee!

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Yep. Covid coming from wuhan, too bad itโ€™s just getting started

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If only there were a way to "redistribute" their assets...you know, for like...reparations.

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And thereโ€™s no chance that the Republicans and โ€œโ€œ Trump are going to fix anything

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I wonder. I know the feeling "anger, rage, frustration, confusion" but I live in Florida. I have seen our wonderful Governor De Santis has changed Florida. I think De Santis has a higher IQ than Trump, certainly in the realm of social intelligence.

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Thank for such a leader as DeSantis for sure! Wish other GOP governors would follow his footsteps.

Anyone able to shed light on a report of some really bad entities which contributed to his inauguration? True or not? Disney for one. Blackrock another

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Iโ€™m not jumping on the DeSantis bandwagon. He was a lackluster candidate before President Trump pushed him across the finish line. He has not an ounce of gratitude or loyalty. And he was a rather disappointing lackluster Governor before the GOPe offered him the chance to be their Golden Boy and gave him a protected primrose path to follow. In their vision, he will bring down Trump, who they hate far more than Joe Schmo Biden, or anyone else on the face of the earth.

DeSantis looks, feels, smells like another George W. Bush. Ultra conservative outside, completely aligned with the Globalists inside. Of course heโ€™s saying what we want to hear. The Globalists arenโ€™t stupid, just evil.

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I hear ya! Iโ€™m reserving judgement on DeSantis. I like what heโ€™s doing but I am aware of who may be pulling his strings. Another GWB? Itโ€™s entirely possible. They are certainly setting him up to try and take Trump out that seems obvious.

Iโ€™m so tired of trying to read in between what Trump actually says and what he has done. Itโ€™s exhausting to be honest. All the speculation about why he did or is doing this or that and why he said this or that just wears on a person. All I can judge is what is actually happening. And both of them are raising red flags. Probably why itโ€™s easy to feel depressed.

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I love desantis as governor here in florida cuz I donโ€™t have to wear a mask etc. But you are completely right. Most people canโ€™t face what itโ€™s gonna take to fix whatโ€™s going on.

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Jan 19, 2023ยทedited Jan 19, 2023

I remember when the media, uhmm, CNN and MSNBC literally tried to say the Waukesha, WI. Christmas Parade massacre perp was probably just running from police. I think they even tried to blame it on a mechanical issue with his car. Then they quickly buried the story. But they still like to bring up Charlottesville 6-7 years later.

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My daughter was at the Route 91 Music Festival October 2017. In front about to leave after last set. Shots rang out all over.

Her and her fiancรฉ made it to a hanger nearby.

Wonโ€™t forget the middle of the night call ever

Still wondering what the story is

Not the one from CNN or NBC

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Many have come forward, but were giving the same treatment as anyone screaming from the rooftops that something is wrong.

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Probably overwhelmed then media refuses to report it. Another silent dog.

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There may be a 'deer in the headlights' factor as well...to keep the animal metaphor going.

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A pathologist/medical examiner friend has told me in recent years, even pre-dating COVID, that indeed very few are done anymore.

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"if you're not the lead dog the view never changes."


Living through this Covid debacle as one who believes in the wisdom of waiting to see if an experimental drug is as good as it's all cracked (kracked?) up to be has been a tremendous strain. Family, friends, even fellow churchers have such strong and opposing positions it has been difficult to maintain whether or not it was actually wisdom to hold such a position. I personally have not regarded myself as a lead dog. But it is those of us who have held the stance against the C19 circus who get a different view and will lead us out of this mess. Well, I'm actually just riding along. People like you, Jeff, are actually pulling the sled. Keep up the great work.

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Your comment resonates with me and my experience through this crazy experience. Thankfully I had family & friends who supported my stance -- a church that remained open as best they could & supported us with whatever our decision was about taking the operation โ€œwarp speedโ€ vaccine. I had some hard conversations with family members who thought I was in the wrong and treated poorly by a doctor who scoffed at my decision to not take the Covid vaccine. When I asked her for the Covid antibody test instead you could see the anger wellling up inside her. โ€œWhy would you want that?โ€

I watched many friends with my same concerns one by one eventually get the shot / s because of (pressure) from work, family, friends, military .. so they could travel again. Etc

Iโ€™m beyond thankful to Jeff and this blog and the community here - a lot has changed in the past two years and little by little my hope that truth will be revealed so that we can heal & move forward is returning .

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I basically waited it out through some scary and disturbing times personally. Got my mind ready to experience some bad times. YAfter omicron it let up and nobody seems interested I didnโ€™t get them but the amount of reinfection in the vaxxed and mysterious new illness is starting to show and 1 vaxxed friend has noticed.

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There is no way I could have made it through had I not had a close knit group of friends - well, fellow believers. Although no one in my family agreed with my stance, only a few vociferously opposed me. As for work, most didn't support a no-vaxx stance, but it was far from abrasive. I think the most difficult part was not that others disagreed, but that they either refused to see the other side of this story or were absolutely blind to it. I know others have had a much worse go of the past few years than I have, especially those who have lost loved ones. It has been hard at times, but prayer seems to be the only thing that consistently provided any kind of solace.

God bless.

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Jeff, do you have intel on the vax in food issue? "Bill Gates Vows To Pump mRNA Into Food Supply To โ€˜Force-Jabโ€™ the Unvaccinated. "


Bill Gates: โ€œVaccines in our food supply solves the problem of vaccine hesitancyโ€.

Curious that he also is the largest land owner of food production...

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Definitely also very interested to find out more. Thanks for mentioning it

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A real life Bond villain.

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He kind of reminds me of the young nerdy villain in Despicable Me actually ๐Ÿค”

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Yes! I thought the same for a while. They probably used him as a prototype character.

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Reading more and more about this. Usually when we start hearing news like this, itโ€™s usually weeks maybe months till it starts happening.

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Iโ€™m afraid to but my organic spinach at Walmart now

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Plz buy it from somewhere organic. Rare seeds is a really good place.

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I like Aldi but theyโ€™re often sold out of it. I donโ€™t think we have any rare seeds around, Iโ€™ll look into it, thanks!

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Itโ€™s online. Rare seeds.com. Look for heirloom. Good luck!!! Itโ€™s worth it!

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Thanks very much! I have some cherry tomatoes growing now. Having lived in upstate New York most of my life, now in Florida, itโ€™s thrilling to watch them grow.

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Good morning Jeff. I think you will find the results of our embalmer survey interesting.


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I just read that. Fascinating and disturbing. MWD has a rocking Substack.

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Janet - right up there with Jeffโ€™s!

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Such an interesting read โ€ฆ.also makes sense why the White House will push long Covid as the cause of deaths . Always add a bit of truth to the LIE (enemy tactics 101).

โ€œI believe the spike protein (be it from COVID-19 or the vaccines) will also increase the number of more traditional blood clots that form in the body, and the survey data is reflective of this.โ€

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I did a quick peek on PubMed. There are plenty of papers with "amyloid" and clot or ...

Looks like amyloid microclots were a known problem with Covid-19 disease; so larger clots are possible, I guess.

For those curious, the human body has lipoprotein(a), also called Lp(a), that has a curious function. Humans lacking Vitamin C run the risk of bleeding to death. Lp(a) it is conjectured, was "invented" by Evolution as a backstop. It is found in arterial plaques and other sites of damage, where it effectively "plugs" leaks. What makes it unusual is that, unlike a normal blood clot, it is highly resistant to the body's normal repair mechanisms. As such, it is thought a factor in heart disease.

Just throwing that out: even in relatively normal times, sometimes our bodies make a substance that is highly resistant to being broken down.

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Iโ€™m with you , a believer this man-made virus can do anything and our bodies will respond in who knows how many ways !! !! Wicked stuff !!

I also believe the man-made shots are causing the majority of deaths !! Hence, sprinkle a little truth (above)with a whole lot of lies โ€ฆ

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I still think that this sudden discovery of classified documents is being planted to make Biden a no-show to run again in 24 (no way poor gramps could run again anyway in my humble opinion). I don't necessarily think it's to push Kamala as the president, she's also not polling well anyway and her trying to run on 24 would probably be a disaster for the DNC.

And how were these docs suddenly discovered? The cleaning lady was dusting the Biden library bookshelf when her duster suddenly made a folder that said "classified top secret" fall out of a shelf?

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kamala is a former, real-life, prostitute. eh I guess that's still better than a biden

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Jan 19, 2023ยทedited Jan 19, 2023

Former? Sheโ€™s still selling out to the highest bidder.

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byedim took a knee yesterday. kamemala took one years ago.

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Frankly it would be fitting if Karmella to take a knee given that she is descended from Caribbean slave owners.

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Biden could run again if it just involved a lot of kneeling. We finally found something he's good at! (his mind is gone but he seems to have surprisingly healthy knees for his age)

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He did get up with a certain alacrity and was enthusiastically applauded for it ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ™„

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I was quite surprised at that as well. I'm sure everyone there was like "so who's gonna help him up"? Next CNN headline "Biden fit to run on 2024 after getting up from a kneeling position"

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Got up better than I๐Ÿ˜‰

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For a fascinating alternative conjecture on the Biden documents, read this essay (or search for January 19, "Brother and Son").


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Thanks for the link. I'm still reading it but man this is heavy stuff

"This is why Joe Biden was sprinkling secret documents all over the place. You see, his son and brother had access to the family homes and offices. If Joe were to carelessly leave secret documents at these places, totally by accident because he is getting old and forgetful, Hunter and Jim could accidentally stumble upon them. Maybe they would see something in those files that they could use in their dealings with the foreign players like China and Ukraine."

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Schwab told her it was time to go. Biden is next. Gearing up for the next Plandemic.

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Fhaaaaaak. Well it's not as though they haven't broadcast their intentions. Buckle UP!

I have no intention of obeying my way out of tyranny...

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Trump doubles down on Operation Warp Speed. If true, screw him...


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Mrna vaccines were being worked on years before covid hit but they didn't pass muster in trials. In fact, the results were pretty bad. To me, when Trump brags about operation warp speed and crediting himself for lifting a bunch of "regulations" to allow quick production of a vaccine, what I really hear him say is that all the traditional testing, all of which are necessary steps to ensure effectiveness & safety BEFORE rolling out to the masses, were mostly thrown out the window.

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Heck I even read the research before the shots rolled out. I wrote a long winded "Childers Style" paper complete with active links and shipped it off to friends and family.....crickets.

Yesterday I was sitting in on a class taught by a colleague with whom I grew up. He began class with an announcement that he might not be all there because he got 2 shots yesterday. An adult shingles AND a super-duper covid shot. A student chimed in and said his mother has a terrible reaction and was out of work for 2 weeks....

Folks, it might just feel like a bit of a failure when it turns out we cant fix stupid.

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I didn't research the shots in the beginning (I eventually did). I didn't get the shots because I could hear my mother (she died in 2011) ask, "if everyone jumped off a cliff, would you?". Haha! She used to say this to me frequently when I would try to convince her to let me do something or think something that everyone else was doing or thinking. When I saw people in droves run to get experimental shots, I decided to step back for awhile. Stepping back turned into never. The more research I did, the more I realized I dodged a bullet.

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Your mom was right. โ€œWhen the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.โ€

C. S. Lewis

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I know a few people that got *FOUR* shots all in one day! The shingles, latest booster, flu and pneumonia. Absolutely mind-boggling. You really can't fix stupid.

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Slow suicide?

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Did any of the people you sent your paper to end up declining the shots that you know of?

For a little while before the shots rolled out and before the election it was cool on the Left to question whether the vaccines would be safe. The safe and effective narrative started when the fake studies were announced days after the election but probably took a couple months to really take root in the soft heads of the Left, which by the time most people were able to get the shots it was in full effect and questioning the vaccines was verboten.

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Not true, he didnโ€™t say he did. President Trump said it was "very important" to note that he did not order lockdowns or a federal vaccine mandate and had "never forced anyone" to get the shots.

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Based on the work of Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova, I would posit that a program like Operation Warp Speed would have been implemented no matter who was President.

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Since '63 I'd imagine most occupier of the executive branch would do pretty much as they are told....

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I agree. Hypothetically, I can't imagine any modern president not approving OWS. Easiest sell in the world to a president. "You can do something definitive about the pandemic and save lives with the magical power of vaccines and modern pharmaceutical technology" What D.C. politician is going to turn that offer down coming from a bunch of medical "experts"?

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Which means that Trump's whole schtick was just another lie.

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Jan 19, 2023ยทedited Jan 19, 2023

Martha - Absolutely

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๐Ÿ’ฅ to Martha and standing ovation... applauds to Chevrus, Laura and Amuzed...

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he is the one who started the national state of emergency, and he had PLENTY of time to end that. instead he let it go and now it probably will never end.

his state of emergency triggered all the state-level ones which often were tied to national orders.

he's not off the hook, not to me, not ever. I mean unless he apologizes which he won't.

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I think the Dems/RINOs screwed Trump permanently with the Covid plandemic. No way for Trump to get that stink off him.

I can't see how he can win 2024, even if voting was fair.

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Jan 19, 2023ยทedited Jan 19, 2023

I think if he runs, Dems can prop up almost anyone against him .

The Rep. party is too divided with regard to Trump.

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Unless no one runs against him. If given the choice between him and someone else actually worthy of the position I agree with you.

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Given all of the criticism of DeSantis from the right, who exactly would this so far unidentified ideal candidate be?

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I have no idea. I didnโ€™t have anyone in mind when I typed that. Just that if there were another person running against Trump he might not win. I think he is loosing a lot of his base because of the vax issue. But if he runs unopposed it will probably reignite his base. I think DeSantis could be that person, but I honestly want him to stay in Florida for now. Florida needs him and I think he gets more done here than he would get done in the swamp with the rats. I donโ€™t think he has the kahunas just yet to straight up fight them the way Trump did.

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I also want to hear more accountability from Trump. He does not have a problem saying anything else he wants to say. I agree with you.

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President Trump didn't start anything. They set him up with the ChiCom virus.

The STATES ordered a lockdown and he couldn't stop them. So that's a fallacy.

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I did not say he started anything. I want to hear from him on the ineffectiveness of the lockdowns and Operation Warp Speed.

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Jan 19, 2023ยทedited Jan 19, 2023

I remember him say that it was up to the states and the governors to decide. What I give him credit for is that he tried to bring awareness of a possibility of an early treatment because he had his own advisers. But Fauci and the pharmaceutical-industrial complex set the wheels into motion a while ago and they would have ground Trump into a hamburger if he โ€œdidnโ€™t follow the scienceโ€, they were already claiming that he was killing people because he wanted to reopen. I agree that they set him up. Look how difficult it is for someone with medical education and years of experience to go against the narrative so I canโ€™t even imagine being in his shoes and to try to go against the agenda. What I find odd is his pride regarding OWS shots. Remembering Jeffโ€™s earlier article ( some documents resurfaced), the point of the operation was to demonstrate readiness to produce the prototype at scale. Mission accomplished. I wonder what he knew. There is some evidence of the military involvement and pharma just being a military contractor. The word itself โ€œ operationโ€ is militarily sounding, reminds me Putinโ€™s โ€œ special military operationโ€. Really bizarre and so many unanswered questions.

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I'm beginning to think Trump is incapable of pivoting on his support of the jabs. He used classic Trump language "some people are saying..." there are problems with the vaccines, "but many other people are saying..." I saved 100 million lives.

I don't think his ego and self hero image will allow him to admit even to himself that the jabs weren't a net positive, even to his political detriment.

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Itโ€™s not political detriment Iโ€™m worried about, Jon.

Itโ€™s his lack of ethics and morality over his complicity in the jab that has killed people!

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I agree. I personally won't be able to support Trump this time if he doesn't reverse course. I can forgive him if he asks for it in a mea culpa to effect that "I didn't realize at the time how dangerous this was, best intentions, etc, etc, now with the data coming out I can see how unsafe and ineffective they were and I wish I hadn't signed on, etc"

Like I said, I don't think he can do it. His brain can't handle the cognitive dissonance that he somehow isn't the hero in this story.

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It's a political problem. At the time, the Dems would not allow the country to open so he yielded to allow a "vaccine" be introduced.

Of course, they knifed him in the back on that too. They rolled it out only after he suffered "Election Theft 2020. Pfister wanted to do its part to stick the knife in knowing they could get an easy ride with Biden's Obama handlers and worse.

President Trump would never have forced Americans to take the jab. Pfister knew Biden's Obama handlers were fully on board. This was The Plan all along.

That's right there in the record. No speculation is required. People seem to gloss over it.

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I just think Trump happened to be in the impossible situation. Damned if you do and damned if you donโ€™t

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The problem at core is political, but you guys are falling into precisely the trap they want you to -- to think that partisan politics has anything to do with matters. No. It is the Deep State, the military/intelligence apparatus, call it what you will vs. those who value (relative) freedom from authoritarian rule.

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I guess that's the rub. His supporters always figured Trump was the latter, but with Covid he showed signs of being the former. I'm sure he still thnks of himself as a swamp drainer but as long as he's on Team Jab, he's not on the side of the angels and he's going to find it may mortally wound his campaign.

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Disgusting interview.

His lack of remorse very telling.

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He shut us down. He listen to Fauci. He did nothing for the debt. He even invested in some of the vaccines. I canโ€™t for the life of me understand why two people still want Trump. I agree. Their lives were better under Trump, but all these problems were still there. They just werenโ€™t as public.

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It took a bit, but it sounds like DeSantis is heeding precisely the request I made in my letter to him last year:

โ€ข "Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis" (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-governor-ron-desantis)

He just gets awesomer and awesomer by the day.

(Jeff, your subtitle is missing "shield": "DeSantis seeks end to hospital liability" :-)

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Next up: Strip those PharmaCorps bare!

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I asked the other Ron to handle that:

โ€ข โ€œLetter to Senator Ron Johnsonโ€ (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-senator-ron-johnson)

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Thank you! I live in WI. Prayers for the Warriors.

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Thank you for all your wonderful work!!๐Ÿ™๐Ÿปโ™ฅ๏ธ

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๐Ÿ”ฅ Public Announcement: an eye-opener meta-view!

We need to zoom out a whole byte to clearly see what *really* happened with covid response. Weโ€™ve been using (and continue to use) all wrong methodological tools that are not applicable for the domain in point ๐Ÿคท In six succinct words,

๐Ÿ—จ counterterrorism measures replaced public health policy

In this bright light, everything starts making much more sense. The disparate puzzle pieces fall into their right places. Miraculously almost ๐Ÿ˜Š


โ†“โ†“ Some ancillary teasing might be needed ๐Ÿคธ

๐Ÿ—จ Bioterrorism response plans [...] are *not designed to incorporate the complicated nuances of public health principles*, which balance the need to protect individuals from a pathogen with the need to keep society as functional as possible to maintain overall well-being.

๐Ÿ—จ All of these measures [masking, testing, lockdowns] were devised *solely in the service of gaining compliance* with the biodefense/counterterrorism plan of quarantine-until-vaccine.

๐Ÿ—จ Government messaging preserved a public health veneer, while camouflaging the counterterrorism agenda.[...] The massive effort to cloak counterterrorism measures in public health legitimacy was the root of pandemic propaganda.

An arguably key takeaway:

๐Ÿ—จ The result is that anyone who knows what our Covid response policy truly was is theoretically barred from revealing it.[...] We probably need a whistleblower with top security clearance to get around this giant hurdle.

Letโ€™s pray s/he emerges sooner rather than later ๐Ÿ™

๐Ÿ—จ Can we stop them? [...I]tโ€™s going to be an uphill battle.

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Rolling Stone? Are there ppl still reading that? I thought they were dead. I'm over sixty. Got over them a very very long time ago.

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Interesting Adam Rich tweet. It perfectly mirrors the most persuasive covid-19 vaccine messaging, as found in this 2022 persuasion/propaganda study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34774363/

The most persuasive messaging was โ€œcommunity messaging plus embarrassment.โ€ That was the โ€œscienceโ€ our public health officials were following; the science of persuasion! Not the science of vaccine efficacy, because the community messaging (a.k.a Herd Immunity) was a lie!

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Good observation. He was totally "on message" with the official narrative. Makes one think he was trying to get jobs, but it looks like he hasn't had a showbiz role since 2003. Maybe he was a true believer, which would fit with him being a VaxSADS. Info blackout suggests that, or possibly suicide. Maybe OD, but they usually say that (cautionary tale for the public good).

So sad that he became a angry old man who died too young. He was such a cute kid on Eight is Enough.

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Iโ€™m now pretty sure Rolling Stone magazine now only hires high school students from Michigan and New York to write their stories.

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