Feb 25, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Yesterday, I received a phone call from a member at Project Veritas staff wanting to give their side of the story before refunding our donation from the multiplier. She was gracious and friendly, but sounded very worn down. I expressed that I didn’t want our money being caught in the middle of their in-fighting. Basically, I said get your house in order and I’ll consider supporting you in the future. I got my refund.

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I hope anyone/EVERYONE who requests a refund ALSO explains that the current BOARD MUST RESIGN in order for donations to resume in the future.

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πŸ’― clean house first. Can't keep the rats and frauds in house.

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Just be careful giving your refund information as it pertains to your credit card if that was the payment source. Scammers abound.

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I 100% agree. The US gov is responsible for these homeland terrorists attacks. I said it from the 1st time I heard of them. They are manufacturing these crimes against their own citizens. Just like the shut downs & mandates.

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Project veritas video brought to you by Pfizer. Same with their lame phone call to you.

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Thank you for this reminder. I need to email them about refunding my money.

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how long ago did you donate?

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I donated at the end of January.

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Jacquie and anyone: Did James abuse the expense account or not? Let's have it out in the open. Even Jeff C. is dropping the ball on this one; enough circumstantial evidence. What are the accusations against James? Donors should know, including supporting James in the future.

I don't buy it that they can't say. James himself should disclose exactly what the board said to him, and address the issue directly.

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For me, all of the accusations of misuse of funds imploded because 3 of the examples were bogus and easily refuted.

1. Reimburse for a wedding venue that was the staff Christmas party. Seriously?

2. DJ equipment that was used over and over for PV donor parties and probably raised 20x it's cost. That lie was refuted by a donor.

3. Black car instead of Uber. Tell any CEO he needs to Uber to save money. Or his whistleblowers. Or journalists that need some level of security.

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The Board? All the stamp of a number of snakes having slithered in on the sly. Infiltration is perhaps the main method of collapsing societal orders. Our institutions? Our Churches? All the decline has been orchestrated from without. (And even from outside of the country).

The Demons Against us. What a piece of lying silvered tongued work!

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Feb 25, 2023Β·edited Feb 25, 2023

PV board is a microcosm of that collapse. You cannot accept sjw, rinos and others like them in your home, family or business. They only destroy. It's what they do.

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That's very helpful detail. Detail and specificity are exactly what is needed. I do wish James would simply state what he thinks their motivations are, naming names and circumstances.

There seems to be an aspect of Trump syndrome here: wasn't he the one responsible for putting these bad people in place? Isn't that part of his skill or lack thereof? I was patient with Trump through many mistakes, but he made so many astounding blunders in his hiring decisions, only to denigrate them later when he was the one who chose them, it's pathological. Virtually every major position, the most important positions, were bad hires by Trump again and again. Similarly, how did James manage to have such a lousy board in the first place?

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You need to watch the 45 minute video of James addressing everyone in the company about what they did to him and what the accusations made were. It was clearly bogus.

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If you read one of Jeff's earlier pieces on this, James probably CAN'T publicly accuse the board of anything because it makes him liable to be sued for damaging the company. But if you watch the internal video others have linked, he says a lot there.

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More funny business to me

Lets say the board is being 100% truthful about their accusations and James was doing naughty things with foundation money.

If its true, why on earth would you want him back?

It would be like the board of a bank saying "yes the bank president committed fraud, but we want him to have a say in how the bank continues to run"

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My thoughts as well - until they realized that anyone who matters hates them, and they have to do an about-face to save their PERSONAL reputations. They wanted a do-over, no matter what happened. Prima facie lack of integrity.

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He did a big video the

day he went in to grab his stuff. He addressed everything, line by line. It’s out there


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On his Twitter

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What method did you use to request it?

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I used this link https://www.anedot.com/donorsupport

You fill out your information and choose a reason why you are asking for a refund. Took a day or so for Anedot to contact me, who in turn, said they were forwarding my request to Project Veritas. Then, Project Veritas contacted me yesterday. I received notification later that day my refund is being processed.

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Which 'reason' option did you select?

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I just requested refunds of all three of my donations last year. Reason was "Did not receive the item/merchandise". Good thing I kept the receipts! Left a nice little note about the board, too.

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I got two refunds for PV donations using this website, so thank you for passing that information along.

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You are welcome!

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I used β€œMistake/Error”.

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I sent an email to donations@projectveritas.com. Sent over the weekend, Monday morning I have a 1-sentence reply confirming that my refund has been processed through Anedot whatever that is. Anedot also sent me confirmation. Has not showed up yet in my account but I'm pretty confident it will soon. Here is the text of what I sent:

"On January 27 I participated in the Coffee & Covid "multiplier" and donated $22.22 + credit card fees to PV. I donated entirely with the understanding that James O'Keefe was and would remain the leader of PV. Now that he is gone, and the circumstances surrounding his departure, I believe that my donation was solicited under false pretenses. Please inform me how I can go about obtaining a refund. In the absence of a prompt response from you, I will dispute the charge with my credit card company."

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Now that's one heck of a Chess move! Check mate for the end game . Mic Drop!

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Feb 25, 2023Β·edited Feb 25, 2023

This small-donor's advice to Project Veritas: That name is now poison. Supportive staff, leave en masse and join James to re-launch. Same mission, different name. Remember that PV was founded on pennies and grew on ten dollar contributions. You do not need billionaires telling you what to do - no more than the American government does. These ba$tards corrupt everything they touch, because to them it's all about personal gain - never the overall good of our country.

Recruit some small donors to form a new board - to stay in conformance with IRS non-profit regulations. Small donors = like minds, IMHO.

And know that this commenter, along with thousands of others, will stay with you PROVIDED James O'Keefe is sitting in the big chair.

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Agree. Where James goes, my money will follow.

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I unsubscribed from PV emails.

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Me too.

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Feb 25, 2023Β·edited Feb 25, 2023

According to Atty Robert Barnes, the legal structure in which PV was set up is how James was able to be co-opted by his own board. Barnes had advised James of this. Dr Simone Gold's AFLDS is doing a similar play to her. If not familiar with Barnes, here's an interview he did with O'Keefe last year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjP4-zP-5f0

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Simone Gold is not with FLCCC (Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance). It’s a different organization. She was with AFLDS (America’s Frontline Doctors), although she’s out now. That situation is very different. Check out Reinette Senem’s Substack for information about Simone Gold and AFLDS.

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Thanks for pointing out that FLCCC is NOT the entity Dr. Gold was a part of. Everything I know about FLCCC indicates they do good work and operate in good faith. FLCCC needs support, not erroneous (even if it was unintentional) bad press.

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Feb 25, 2023Β·edited Feb 25, 2023

Thank you for pointing that out. I corrected my error.

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I just got my annual support renewal notice from AFLD. What do you suggest I do: Pay up or move on? Thanks!

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Donate to FLCCC.

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Jeff Childers, will you please update us on the AFLDS situation? I'm not convinced at all that Dr. Gold is wrong here.

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Wholistic Substack covers this well.

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Thank you for sharing this. Wow, even more details on this! Great Substack to add to my overwhelming feed 😊.

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Wholistic Substack is just a repeat of Reinette Senum. Same source.

Hope Jeff can find the truth!

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third request for Jeff to comment on this ! It SEEMS the answer is "MOVE ON" - but everyone lies (except Jeff...) so can't be sure. Everything I've heard/read suggests to move on though.

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I’m not sure Reinette Senum is the one to go to for truthful information about AFLDS. She along with Stew Peters are the 2 people Simone Gold has served a defamation cease and desist against with lawsuit to follow if they don’t.

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I don't know about Stew Peters, but Reinette Senum specifically addressed this in the video and said she has never been served with any suit from Simone Gold.

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Also she Reinette could honestly say she’s not been served with any suit and still have been served a cease and desist.

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Feb 26, 2023Β·edited Feb 26, 2023

Well, then you are basically saying she lied, right? And turning it into a she said, she said matter, and you give the impression of automatically assuming Simone Gold is right. However, there are actual facts and evidence involved, including an actual court judgment. Facts are facts. When a judge has ruled that you are no longer on the board or an officer in an organization, and you send out fundraising emails and videos saying you are, well, I don't see how that's a she said, she said matter.

Did you watch the video of Wholistic's interview with Reinette? It's eye-opening, as are other videos and articles from both Substacks. I had no opinion on this (and knew nothing about the court case) before I watched the videos and read the articles, and started with positive assumptions about Simone Gold, but the evidence is pretty damning.

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Really important for Jeff to weigh in on this for sure!!

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Barnes also represented the Amish farmer who the USDA was attempting to destroy...

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Feb 25, 2023Β·edited Feb 25, 2023

FLCCC is Dr. Pierre Kory's alliance. Simone Gold is/was America's Frontline Doctors.

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I follow Robert Barnes.

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Please edit your comment as FLCCC are not where Dr Gold is.

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Done. Thank you.

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I think it's entierly possible that PV and AFLDS were both infiltrated by deep state players in order to sabotage their organizations. We are in a war.

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What is happening to Dr Gold?

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Stew Peters talked about what Simone Gold did with money donated to her organization on two videos that are on Stew’s Rumble channel. (Rumble isn’t easy to search and find a video. If it was I would post links to those videos here!)

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I suggest you check out Reinette Senem's Substack, Foghorn Express (https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=reader2&utm_source=%2Fsearch%2Freinette%2520senem%2520foghorn%2520express&utm_medium=reader2).

She has a number of videos on the Simone Gold-AFLDS situation. It's complicated (although in on one level a fairly straightforward and banal case of misuse and embezzlement of funds), with apparent connections to Israeli intelligence and who knows what else.

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Thank you for the link to Senum's substack. Absolutely amazing information!

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Is the legal structure dictated by the IRS's 501c3 rules?

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"Project Forseti" :)

Is the god of justice and reconciliation in Norse mythology

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If the board resigns, and Okeefe gets to choose a new one, I'll be happy to donate again. I don't think he'll make the same mistake this time, and he might as well keep the infrastructure.

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Love the blog, again! I do disagree with one point though, the plants burning all around us. I don't think the FBI and homeland security are too busy to investigate because of J6 responsibilities, I think they're involved in the planning and execution of food processing plants and fossil fuel providers being attacked. What better way to force people into 15 minute cities and fake meat and electric cars than to get rid of ALL other options? Yup, I shine up my tinfoil hat nightly!

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That’s exactly correct. We are at war with a tyrannical and illegitimate government whether or not anyone wants to admit it.

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The agenda is to keep humanity in shock and fear. There are those that are paralyzed, so they will follow the media sputum. We know better though. Funny thing about faith, life is eternal so there is no fear. This is spiritual warfare.

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Totally agree with you Angela.! This is all carefully orchestrated by none other than our own government. I happily subscribe to the tin foil hat club!

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Lmao. I’m soooooo with you!!! Just not for one second think these are all random attacks. Way way way too many😳

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Agree! I fully believe the DS is behind this. They have been trying to destroy America. That is their goal and we all know it. IF it’s foreign attack then I believe the DS hired them and the corrupt DHS and FBI are purposely looking the other way.

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Here is an interactive updating map of all food supply attacks. No way can this just be 'random' or 'normal' or foreign powers.


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Wow. Thanks for posting. Cementing my resolve to buy land with a young couple that wants to farm and produce food locally.

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We’ve been feeling the same. Or me anyway, to protect ourselves. I have no idea how to farm but would if I had to.

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Been homesteading for 10 years. πŸ’― worth it but very hard work.

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Congrats. Its overwhelming to think about

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If you ever have any questions, ask away😊

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holy heck Iowa is almost covered!!! What on earth. What do they grow or produce there??

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Chickens, corn ,eggs hogs soybeans

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Considering that's what they did to Europe when WE blew up and destroyed the Russian Nord Gas Pipelines... yeah. What's a little sabotage and domestic terrorism? Collateral damage happens. But, hey, we're on a roll Boss, we got them eating bugz and living in 15 minute 'cities' to get the food, water and services they need. And oh, they LOOVE it. And we destroyed the land, water and air so that no one can survive out side the cities (hum, shades of Logan's Run)...

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Feb 26, 2023Β·edited Feb 26, 2023

There's alot to back up your view on this! We've got Rogue Bureaucrats undermining our Republic and, as they are immoral and treasonous, there hasn't been any action too low for their participation:

o The FBI has been exposed by the Twitter files to be a key agent in violating Free Speech of Citizens on media forums. Not only did they create a corrupt alliance with Media outlets to silence citizens, they led a secret war, complete with blacklists of victims, and so far we know only about their agreed conspiracy with Twitter. What about other media outlets?

o The FBI bureaucrats misled the entire country about the Hunter Biden Laptop, both its existence and contents, in an effort to CORRUPT AN ELECTION. As you point out, they continue to attempt to control the perception of that election of 2020 by framing a citizen Jan. 6 demonstration as an "insurrection". (As someone has pointed out -- what morons want anyone to believe an insurrection happens without weaponry? Ridiculous on its face.) As you point out, they are still using our taxdollars to continue this insanity, snaring more citizens into the J6 insurrection myth on the basis of a plane ticket or phone call, etc.

o Three years of the Covid Plandemic should alert us to the fact that these Rogue Bureaucrats are capable of anything, including developing the biotechnology for both the gain-of-function 'pathogen' Covid19 and a harmful response drug like the Covid19 shots (propagandistically redefined as 'vaccines'). And what was the FBI trying to silence when it silenced Free Speech as the Twitter files reveal? The truth about ANYTHNG relating to the Covid19 Plandemic -- EVEN sharing bonafide published scientific studies on the effects of the shots!

o Open borders are allowing a veritable army of undocumented aliens to enter the USA and Rogue Bureaucrats are responsible for encouraging this migration from other lands. (It is passed time for Congress to investigate the CIA and State Department books and how they are using resources to facilitate this migration.) To call this an "army" is not tin hat stuff. We already have evidence that US bureaucracy has carried out similar operations abroad (importing mercenaries into Yugoslavia to destabilize that country; Bush released all prisoners upon entering Iraq, creating an instant source of mercenary personnel for purging Iraqi resistance, the intellectual base, and infrastructure). What Rogue Bureaucrats have considered useful abroad is now being applied here at home.

No time to lose. Connect the dots. Stop the Rogue Bureaucrats.

[Sorry about the double post -- I thought the first one disappeared/got lost/erased so I started over! Anyway, thanks to JC for making Saturday thought provoking and to Angela for nailing it, imo!]

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Very good points. We are seeing the exact same thing in Canada. We both have inept/corrupt β€œleaders”. We are seeing an influx of immigrants as well and our peaceful trucker freedom rally 1 year ago resulted in the PM implementing the emergencies/war act even before senate had voted on it. Giant overkill for a peaceful protest. Bank accounts also seized for some of those donating to the cause. The complicit media, bought and paid for by government, ran stories that this was an insurrection (similar to your Jan 6 episode) and even hired a guy (speculation) to carry a Nazi flag to make the whole thing look sinister. The media also reported fake Russian involvement.

When an inquiry was done on the use of the emergencies act the PM hand-picked one of his cronies to be the judge and, of course. he deemed it was okay. No end to the skulduggery. While all of these entities are woefully corrupt, at the top of my list is the media as they were supposed to bring the stories to the people and yet all they do is lie. I had no idea before this how wicked they were. They will never be able to wash the blood off their hands. Psychopaths indeed.

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Yes, and though I’ve not looked into this at all (there is a series on this) apparently, that other giant tragedy beginning with 9, ending with 11, was also an inside US job. If true, these monsters have no problem taking out their own families/friends or any other innocent bystanders. They truly must be possessed. I take comfort in this, but find it hard to wait: β€œNever take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written: β€œVENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,” says the Lord.” Romans 12:19

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I've seen too many videos to think 9/11 is what we've been told. There's also the the insurance stories and the fact it created a new revenue stream for W and the CIA in the middle east. Hard to believe the world isn't what it seems and more like the child of The Matrix and The Truman Show.

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I think you are dead right, and believe the FBI, CIA, and pretty much most of the US government to be entirely complicit. They have become the terrorists that they were designed to root out and put a stop to.

They are definitely part and parcel to the NWO’s Great Reset, and aiming for our destruction.

Remember Deagle’s population forecast was for a 70% reduction of the US population by 2025.

They will be trying their darndest to make that a reality.

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Deagle revised his numbers/their numbers a few years later so it was more like only 65 percent reduction, but they claimed it was based on the collapse of the dollar, war (nukes), and so forth. It was never really clear to me how they came to those precise figures, and it was a pop. reduction for ALL the 5 eye countries, but interestingly no such pop. reductions elsewhere in the world..where as we know there was less up take of the poison jabs... things that make you go hummm..

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Wonder is some of those forecasts have to do with collapse of the dollar, but also collapse of infrastructure? We are seeing some of that now with plants on fire and derailments, what about a balloon with EMP capabilities navigating through our skies? Could be the tinfoil hat, but I don't think anything is outside the realm of possibilities at this point.

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Feb 25, 2023Β·edited Feb 25, 2023

I can see all that happening down the road a couple years - and enabled by this "pandemic treaty" with the WHO that the traitorous ducktard Biden will soon sign.

The entire camel is now in our tent.

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And Stew has the solution... they all must be legitimately no stacked deck indicted and legitimately no bribed jury’s tried... https://www.stewpeters.com/video/2023/02/stew-peters-to-alex-jones-its-a-bioweapon-and-the-solution-is-nuremberg-2-0/

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Thank you for this link.

They cover everything.

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Good luck. I mean if all these playwrs are involved, how are we going to have enough honest players to actually hold them accountable as in jail time. I love the idea. I just don’t see this happening.

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Great point you make here! I want to add on to it --

The Twitter files make it clear the FBI is replete with ROGUE BUREAUCRATS willing to corrupt Free Speech and hide evidence like the Hunter Biden Laptop and create unacceptable secret alliances with private media to prevent Free Speech (I almost wrote "control the narrative" -- but that is too weak a term for me anymore. "Control the narrative" is milktoast language when in reality, what we are challenged by here is treasonous, anti-Constitutional SUCCESSFUL conspiracy to ROB us of our freedoms and rights. It is not just a "narrative" or framing they are doing. They are PREVENTING THE TRUTH from entering discussions, they are silencing Citizens, they are making it so only their LIES are allowed public exposure -- all of which are wrong and criminal and undermine our means to live in a free society and make decisions based on FACTS instead of falsehoods!)

We can heap on a few more indicators that you indeed are on target:

o Rogue Bureaucrats in our government developed biotechnology behind both Covid19 and the bioweapon C19 shots [falsely labelled 'vaccines'] and that our military has been weakened by 'vaccine' mandates.

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Spot on, Nickij

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Apparently so do 91 others, me included. We need to catch them at it, eliminate a few, and be sure to photograph their wallet contents. If they are tied to the fed, it will come out.

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Yes, and one wonders what many of these prior presidents made their fortunes from; especially those not wealthy before becoming president and who came from humble beginnings. Although seemingly prestigious, these leaders don’t make a great deal of money in office (of course, it would be a lot to me, but not to the rich types) yet they certainly have lavish lifestyles afterwards. 🧐

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Except for one. PDT. He lost money. Hmm.

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I have loved all the time I spend reading, coffee and Covid. In the beginning, this blog was to help counter the nonsense that drove the pandemic response into Weaponized medicine and public health.

Now the WHO treaty will allow an international organization, which is just a shell for a global mafia to continue to do such nonsense forever and they’ll be nothing we can do about it because nonsense will be truth.

We need to take the WHO Bill Gates and everything they are up to super seriously immediately.

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It’s interesting. I know there is a group that controls the world. Covid was an amazing feat, to get the whole world to shut down. Whoever they are, are definitely behind this WHO debacle. Bills like this are mind blowing. How can this possibly be good for any country? But personally I think our good ol prez is doing everything in his power to undermine what freedoms we have left. 2A

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The 2A doesn't mean we use our arms necessarily, but that we use our ability to do something about the treachery of our elected "leaders " when we discover their misdeeds.

Civil disobedience comes to mind. Stop being sheep. Stand up and say "No". Right down to the mask level, say No!. Start somewhere.

I remember when Congress passed a bill that the Interstate speed could be no more than 55mph. It was for the most part Ignored. Of course radar detectors were a required accessory to the car. CB Radios were prolific to help find Smokey.

Citizens Chose to ignore that law and it was later repealed.

If citizens don't go along with a law, it doesn't work.

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It's a little harder to get mass noncompliance when it is an "emergency". That was what the tyrants learned. They can do almost anything when it's an emergency and there is widespread fear.

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It only works as long as people BELIEVE in the emergency, though.

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Exactly. It is no more complicated than that

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Lol. I don’t mean to start shooting anyone. It was that we only have the 2A left. They’ve eliminated everything else.

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Fourth box is opened. I've thrown mine away, as every round I own is in a magazine. I will not go quietly. Soap box is owned by the illegal government now, ballot box has been corrupted beyond use, jury box is as corrupt as the ballot box, and that leaves the cartridge box. I just got banned on farcebook for a month because I posted in response to someone saying they want to see Nanzi behind bars, I responded that she should be executed for treason. Now apparently, stating the law, as is written, is against farcebook rules. I told my wife about it and she said they better not send guys in suits to arrest you! I will not be arrested for anything, ever. That's one thing she won't have to worry about. We're old, btw. So yeah, prison doesn't work for me, but a firefight?

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My hubby did 20 years in the army. We won’t go quietly either. I think that’s why they didn’t make it mandatory for retired vets to get the jab. That’s a group of ppl I wouldn’t want to piss off. This current generation(and we have 3 of 4 serving) are very different.

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Yes, I believe it too. And I tend to at times to despair. And then my mind goes back to Catherine Austin Fitts who says, "It won't work. It's too complicated." And that was several years ago I believe.

Too complicated plus a tiny board of directors managing the economies of not just one but many countries. So how is that going to work? Any better than windmills? And just recently I saw a plan where you can own a car but only use it 100 times a year? How would that work? For business, for tiny start-ups with one or two guys ... say starting from a garage like Apple? If Walk-Away doesn't crimp the wings, then Madness will. Madness ended the Soviets, the French Revolution, and a host of other insane projects.

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I'm with CAF on that.

The logistics don't make sense to me. TPTB are going to control the financial transactions of EVERONE on the planet. Even if they run it with super computers how many people will they need to run those. People that will be complicit, knowing they are doing it to them also.

When you think of the trillions of transactions done any given day 😱

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Feb 26, 2023Β·edited Feb 26, 2023

Control doesn't mean Puppet Strings approval literally to every transaction, billions and billions of them. Control means channeling from the back side (the opposite of front running). It also mean social and political control (acting from the outside and acting upon). The Social Credit Scoring/Narrative/ideological control part is that anyone who steps out of line with an implemented full digital control money model gets crushed like bug.

First, we are already in a digital currency banking system. The Central Bank Power (Federal Reserve and other central banks) merely wants to expand the existing digital money modeling into a system of greater political and social control. As such, new bank digital money when it comes is more further refinement than outright innovation. Getting rid of paper in your pocket bank script (Federal Reserve Notes) is one facet of this. Passing laws to 'regulate commerce' (your buying habits, what is 'legal' for sale, and so on) is another facet. It will also use the Public/Private Partnership as enforcers ... businesses as was the case with regard to Health Terrorism using mandates, masking, social distancing, and vaxing passports, and banks for a total behavior control over entire populations at the point of purchase. (Note: there will probably be enabling federal legislation with mountains of stuff buried in the enabling 'monetary reform' bill such as was the case with the covid legislation. This is probably why they so hot to use a new digital currency name for what already exists, just to sneak in the social and political control part of it all.)

Here is something I just found, streamed just yesterday for the first time. Richard Warner wrote Princes of the Yen. You can watch Princes of the Yen on YouTube and it is worth watching, or else watch it on Rumble if you prefer.This explains the mechanism and the degree of capture and bank enslavement as is already the fact. Walk-Away BRICS Plus centered in the Asian Hub is an attempt, which will succeed to one degree or another, to get out from under Woke Western Central Banking control, with Russia and China leading the way.



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What about the Chinese being in a social credit system? Will that be done away with under BRICS or what?

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Hubris often leads to the edge of the cliff. I take some satisfaction in this.


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Algorithms, right? More of that weaponized code they use to keep the truth under the radar.

But I think it is a good point. This is why Klaus Schwab and WEF pals want to control the minds of anyone left after the culling-by-'vaccination': They know their New World Order plan can be sabotaged by the unwilling. They are planning on removing the possibility that anyone can think independently and refuse to go along or outright sabotage from within -- which has happened in the past. (The word 'sabotage' comes from early in the industrial revolution when unhappy French workers threw their wooden shoes ('sabo") into the workings ('tage') of the manufacturing apparatus. That won't happen when the WEF Globalist Elites biotechnologically wipe out our human individuality an replace it with Hive Mind compliance.)

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Interesting nickij! I didn't know about the shoes story! And by the way, this thing of Vax-Kill is only a first step. I think people like regular people like me tend to underestimate the long range planing behind all of this genocidal NWO Dark Night planning. After all. If one takes the United Nations Charter as the starting point, 'they' have been planning on Total Control now for AT LEAST 78 years (and actually far longer than this by decades and decades).

Once upon a time, we wondered, "Are they all in on it?" We now know that the answer is NO. The ARE NOT all in on it! At least not in on the insane Western lead Five Eyes/NATO/WEF version of total control and enslavement. Yes, China may have Social Credit Scoring, AI, Control Currency, but even the CCP has widespread opposition, dread and dissatisfaction with this plan within their own population. No matter where they live. Regular people do not like to be caged like animals ... and this is all around the world.

So, while I have fits now and then of despair, I also look the heavens and see beam of hope. (And I love C & C Comments and Commenters!)

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There will always be SOMETHING we can do. Creative and righteous lawyers like Jeff, great CC readers and other non-lawyers will find ways to fight, even if it is harder under the tyrants and demons in charge.

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There are many and they are getting us the information we should have had 2 years ago. Here are just a couple:

icandecide.org - Aaron Siri and company (aaronsiri.substack.com).

jccf.ca - Justice Centre for our cohorts above the 49th

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I agree with you, justice will prevail sooner or later and they will sing differently.

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And there will always be noncompliance enmasse.

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Rucker on the WHO Accord: It's worse than you think.


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This article is very to the point, and very intense and needs to be read by everyone

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And she's implying the "local, local, local" concept

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I disagree that there is nothing we can do. There is always something. Just because we don’t know what it is yet doesn’t mean we won’t figure it out.

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American ingenuity will always figure something out.

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Necessity is the mother of invention and desperation is the father LOL

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Agreed. Didn’t Jeff post about this already?

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Sage Hana did I know because she replied to me when I raised that point with her on her substack today. Her reply is very pertinent to many of us. A bit dark though because I see all the alternatives being foreclosed.

The WHO is a UN Cutout which is a CFR/WEF/Bilderberg cutout. Which is a US Security State and Global Oligarchy cutout.

The US HHS is the one that proposed the IHR amendments.

The same thing as our own Congress signing away powers to the Executive Branch to declare a pandemic.

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The reason I keep harping on WHO and Bill Gates is because we keep feeling now that the US narrative about Covid is dismantling that we are ahead of the game but the game is going to change with this WHO treaty into some thing almost impossible to stop with any method. It’s kinda like we’re Japan in World War II thinking we’re getting headway while the WHO and Bill Gates have the Manhattan project going and are about to nuke Hiroshima?

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Trump defunded the WHO? Hopefully a change in political parties will stop this nonsense.

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If you are still dreaming about voting counting on 'change' I think you have a long way to go till you realize the futility of 'voting' in a corrupt 2 party system. There will be NO CHANGE that is not what the oligarchs and WEF, Bilderberg, TriLateral Commission WANT. All 3 are well on board with the genocidal, One World Gov't (for their benefit of course) and Transhumanist/No Civil Rights for Man.

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FJB! re-funded the WHO.

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The reason I keep harping on WHO and Bill Gates is because we keep feeling now that the US narrative about Covid is dismantling that we are ahead of the game but the game is going to change with this WHO treaty into some thing almost impossible to stop with any method. It’s kinda like we’re Japan in World War II thinking we’re getting headway while the WHO and Bill Gates have the Manhattan project going and are about to nuke Hiroshima?

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If it’s not a constant focal point right now, the opportunity to over calm its impact will have past and we will passively become overwhelmed by a global cartel that is unstoppable

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The same here. I see that you understand the international organization of this onslaught against us ... and it is not just any one single thing. The keenness and probity of your insight elevates us all. In this and the writing of many here in Comments, there is fostered hope. Thank you Bones and the rest of you.

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Thank you! I’ve been saying this awhile now! And not sure why it really isn’t being covered here as it seems the next really big step after COVID. The wars etc seem a few steps removed.

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β€œThe worry, of course, is that Homeland Security and the FBI are more concerned with tracking down J6 insurrectionists, abortion-clinic protestors, and homeschool moms, than they are about catching foreign-adversary infrastructure arsonists.”

On 🎯, most likely because they are in on these attacks and don’t care to stop them. πŸ˜”

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That's the most likely scenario. All successful "terrorism" is sponsored by the government. True for many centuries. Domestic "terrorism" is organized by FBI, foreign "freedom fighters" are sponsored by CIA. Occasionally a genuine lone wolf will get something done, but it's much easier when FBI provides the plans and weapons.

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Been rewatching the X-Files lately. I’ve concluded that Mulder was right. You can’t trust our government. And the more I find out, it is not just been the past few years. The corruption has been going on for decades.

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We were so naive. Luckily covid woke me up.

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Read G. Edward Griffin's two classic tomes on government / corporate ( can you say fasicm?) corruption dating back more than a century. "The Creature From Jekyll Island", and " World Without Cancer. The Story of B-17". The former deals with the stupefyingly corrupt financial system, and the latter with the chemical, oil, and pharmaceutical cartels (just a big oil spin off actually) controlling the world., along with the financial cartel of course. Though, they are all usually owned by the same people

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I agree. X Files writers wrote the future. The truth is out there.

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Sure seems like government hates anyone who isn't a leftist. Even to the point of murdering them.

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It doesn't matter what your ideology is - if you are against the government they hate you.

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We need to stop letting them control the language, which is at the heart of the control system. The leftists are long gone. They are all communists. They will vehemently disagree, but if they look like a commie, talk like a commie, acts like a commie, they are a commie. Call them what they are to their face. I've called my sister in law who identifies as a leftist that for the last time. Come Easter family dinner, she's a commie.

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I agree. Seems the US knows a thing or two about destroying infrastructure, foreign and domestic. When you realize that our government doesn't care about us and is participating in our demise, any action that contributes to that goal (food shortage, financial collapse, energy crisis) starts to make sense. Not saying every fire is lit by Deep State matches, but where there are patterns, I tend to see intent.

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Wow! That’s an insane amount of places. 😳

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Yesterday - three fires in oil refineries, all owned by the same company, all in the same day. This has all gone waaay beyond coincidence.


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That is an amazing snapshot of an enormous amount of activity.

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What is it?

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Interesting how many agree with this statement! I guess as neighbors of our own infrastructure, like substations and the like, we should probably pay close attention to them. Maybe we could catch a few of them, and start a fire.

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Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ with incorruptible love.

β€” Ephesians 6:23-24 NASB1995

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Daily reminder to look to Jesus. He is our Peace. Thank you Janice

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I know I always need the reminder.

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Incorruptible love. That's the thing...

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Yes, also translated in other verses as imperishable. <3

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I’m not really sure that many people know this, because I live in the area and we didn’t hear much news from it, but the Y12 facility in Oakridge, Tennessee had a fire this week, in which there was uranium burning. Uranium. And we didn’t hear anything about it, other than β€œIt is contained.” For those who don’t know, Oakridge is known as the secret city where the atomic bomb came to life, aka, The Manhattan Project. We’ve had a nuclear company there since World War II.

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Uranium doesn't burn. The facility had a fire. It was a uranium facility yes. But, uranium doesn't burn. It's not like you can throw a chunk of it on a campfire and use it like cord wood. Uranium is a whitish-silvery-grey metal that is weakly radioactive. Not good to have a facility containing uranium have a fire, but the uranium did not burn - was likely not even involved in the fire (but that's a guess on my part).

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Thank you for that. The only news we received here was that the uranium was burning. So, either our news outlets were unaware of that, or they were trying to fear monger. I lean towards the latter.

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You are so welcome. I find that is extremely important for us to remain vigilant and true to the facts - it's so easy to get caught up in the moment. I have worked in these types of facilities and around uranium most of my life. The fire was in a vent hood which is similar to the vent hood over most kitchen ranges. The vent hood was very, very likely in a highly contained area called a "glove box" and is used to vent the space into a controlled ventilation system for removal of any contaminants - pretty standard for nuclear work. I don't have any clue as to how a fire started in the vent hood and I am curious to find out. Sadly though, I don't have the clearance or access to what will eventually become a written "Incident Report" on the fire and its cause. We will never know. The people who work there (people like us) will know, but details will never be released to the public.

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This is helpful. Thank God for the knowledge of people on this blog! Together it is vastly helpful!

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Feb 25, 2023Β·edited Feb 25, 2023

Thanks for what you shared. Stay frosty! We need insiders like you.

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But news doesn't have to be real to be scary. Obviously. Live in Florida and try to stay away from hurricanes. Lol

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Wow. I’m torn as to what to believe actually happened there! The very first report I heard was that uranium was burning. Thereafter, it was reported as β€œa contained fire and no threat to the public.” Those are the words that should trigger everyone to think, β€œThis might be a danger to the public.” πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€―πŸ€―πŸ€―

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Wow I hadn't heard about this.

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Can you provide a link to any info/coverage?

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Trouble is -- Can we believe the officials who say no radioactive release occurred? They've made "mistakes" and perpetrated cover-ups before.

I mean, what can be said with certainty so soon after a mishap? I say that is a red flag in itself.

I mean, look at an obvious toxic cloud at E. Palestine that was not supposed to even be serious enough for reporting on MSM. It appears their reflex reaction toward the public is "The less we tell them the better".

If I were a local, I would definitely ask more questions, not fewer. Hound them until all pertinent data are public.

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No - none of them can be trusted. That’s the problem!

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Thank you! That’s the first updated thing that I’ve seen on it. I live about 2.5-3 hours away and our news outlets here didn’t find it to be an important story to address. Given everything that has happened in our nation in the last few weeks, I would think it would be a top news story!

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Are you downwind?

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Yes, our weather pattern comes from that direction. Everyone in my family had a sore throat last week. My mom, who has teased me about my tin foil hat since the beginning of this debacle, said that the Chinese balloon that floated over us was releasing the next wave of viruses 🀣🀣🀣 I was so proud of her. πŸ˜†

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Thank you!

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As far as living in deep-blue hellholes, I'm in NYC, and thank you for your sympathy-- I comment a lot to NY Post stories, and every bit of bad news-- theft rings, subway pushers, etc.-- brings comments like "Good! You got what you voted for!" I always write back: No election is unanimous!

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I feel you - am in philadelphia. I swear it used to be nice.

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PA cheated in 2022.

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And 2020. And likely much earlier.

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So did Detroit KJ

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I've been watching this channel. Very sad what the left has done to our great nation. https://www.youtube.com/@kimgary2051

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Wow. There’s a similar channel in NYC, Lincoln Karim

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I grew up in Philly, 1960s to early 80s. I never thought of it as "nice".

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I was thinking the same thing. I was stationed in Willow Grove back in 88 and had to travel to Philly occassionally. It was a scary town - never once thought of it as "nice".

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Feb 25, 2023Β·edited Feb 25, 2023

That’s a great reminder Trilby, thank you! I became more sensitive to blue state residents after my granddaughter moved to California. So many sane, freedom loving Americans are trapped in blue state craziness, the rest of us need to be mindful of that. And you have our sympathies, not reproaches for the corrupt governance of your area.

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YES! There are. And many of us swear that Ca is actually red but it was stolen from us by CCP and Newsom.

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I believe that wholeheartedly. I live in the Bible Belt, and it’s next to impossible to find a Bible teaching/believing church out here. My husband and I have adopted a few CA churches as our surrogates, and I swear CA is a red state! You can’t have that many churches teaching the true word of God and have it be as evil as your leaders portray. I think the Gov recall race was your proof that cheating has been going on for years.

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So very true!!

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Lived and still travel to California for certain areas and there are stanch Freedom loving, God loving and fun folks who enjoy the beauty of the region. Hope went south when the state became the first the harvest ballots. Sad.

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I am in NYC as well

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Five cities control that state. Probably one of the most conservative states in the nation. I know, I fled Rochester, but worked on municipal pumps for twenty years all over the state, everywhere. And you get away from those five cities, you would think you were in Kentucky. Most of Pennsylvania is same, except for Philly. Controls what happens in the whole state. Even Pittsburg is still rather moderate.

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Jeff says; β€œ They’re facing a tough problem: how can they possibly prove they’re NOT co-opted, after they publicly torpedoed the founder?”

I agree this is simply P.R. puffery, decent words. Really in some ways this reminds me of the Frontline Doctors snafu, possible sabotage, and what happened to the tea party. The WEF crowd has unlimited funds to go after anyone and any organization. Hundreds of billions of dollars are unaccounted for. Back in the β€œofficialβ€œ Obama administration, large alternative energy corporations (the un-reliables) that donated millions to Obama, also never gave a decent audit report of missing billions in federal loans and grants.

The Bankman Fried scandal has billions unaccounted for. The funds to Ukraine are not audited, etc...

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My instinct says no trust of PV until or unless the board resigns. The safest bet going forward is for O’Keefe to start anew.

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Made to look and sound like it's the staff, telling all of us out here that they, the staff, are really in control, they're telling us this behind the backs of the Board, but they're using the PV brand logo and name, which they couldn't do without legal risk, sans the backing of the Board, I assume. We know they had cooperating complainers, and perhaps that's whose voices are in the piece.

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Imagine you're a millionaire and make a nice donation to get on the board. Now you also happen to be a donor to say Chuck Schumer, because in reality you're scum. Who has more control over what you do? Pretty sure it was easy to intimidate board members.

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I'll bet all the new IRS employees will be used to audit the funds going to Ukraine (sarc).

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The new Congress defunded the 87k armed agents.

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Thanks for your shout out to Sidney. She deserves some credit here. I have followed her for years and have always found her to be of sound mind (despite claims to the contrary), and steadfast in her efforts to expose truth, corruption and to just plain protect the rights of everyday people. It's no wonder she's been the target of so many vicious media attacks. While no one likes to touch the 2020 election, when you start digging it becomes painfully obvious something is terribly terribly wrong with those "machines." Very few people are sticking their neck out to expose those vulnerablilities - Sidney is one of them. Her ongoing efforts to fight the Covid mandates have been instrumental as well. Defending the Republic (her organization) is worth a looksy.

As for coordinated attacks - nothing was more suspicious to me then when those "hackers" shut down the Colonial pipeline. yea right.

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I don’t know a lot about Sydney except she made some claims surrounding 2020 election about having all sorts of proof that never saw the light of day. Then she was relentlessly attacked…ongoing.

She was touted as one of the best at the beginning. I really hope she can unbury herself from everything the DS piled on her to keep her down and out. It’s really sick what they’ve done to her. I don’t believe all the propaganda spewed about her from even the conservative side. I think that side should be ashamed of themselves for adding to her smear job. I think she has been unjustly smeared by both sides. She is a casualty of this war. I hope we someday learn the truth about all that she has tried to do.

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Proof never saw the light of day because courts, judges, prosecutors, ag's. There was a reason soros spent billions on prosecutors races, and massive cheating drives. Been planned for years. PDT was a big whoops to them. Sidney Powell is paying that price. We all know the elections have been stolen since the 2018 mid terms. It's not rocket science. But dems will never admit that they are all good with bamn!

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

ok ... so when we move down there in two years I promise to look at houses in Gainesville. maybe we can help sane-ify it!

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That city recently tried a little stunt whereby they would remove single family house zoning, retroactively. Think that got tabled though (thankfully). Before you buy anything in Gainesville be sure to look at the GRU bill history of the property. Wish we had thought to do that, not that it would have changed our decision much since we bought our property for a specific purpose.

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Feb 25, 2023Β·edited Feb 25, 2023

More proof that we cannot vote ourselves out of this. Your commissioners are elected officials. They are paid to represent you taxpayers. And they do not, once woke dollars are stuffed into their bank accounts.

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All big cities, even Gainesville are controlled by the dems. It's a race thing.

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Jeff - are you aware of this effort? https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/notice-of-war-crimes-to-health-care

I plan on sending this notice to my PCP’s practice that I fired over a year ago. I shall also send to the CEOs at Cleveland Clinic, SUMMA Health, University Hospitals, Akron Children’s and Rainbow Babies.

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Katherine Watt has been doing exactly what needs to be done. We cannot win if we let the enemy set the terms of the debate. We lose the fight before it even begins. WE must set the terms of the debate and disarm the enemy of his deceptive language. The shot is not a medical intervention. It is a bio-weapon. "Adverse events" are NOT side-effects. They are the INTENDED OUTCOMES of the bio-weapon. This is not a pandemic. This is a planned and executed genocide by our own Government.

Katherine Watt sets the example that should be followed and takes the fight to the enemy on OUR terms.

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I'm just gonna play devils advocate here. If the plan was " let's kill only the sheep that do everything we say, and only the strong survive" that's not a very good plan. After enough are awakened, and the irrefutable proof is staring everyone in the face, people are gonna start hunting these bastards down. Like with pitchforks and shovels and ar15s. I'm still holding on to the Nanzi and Jarrett came up with this to get PDT out of office, before he uncovered their crimes all over the world. Obama is no smarter than Joey, so no they just don't have it in them. This was done with very few involved. What was Nanzi doing in wuhan just before the turnover?

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Well I don't think they care who dies and who doesn't. Of course, their goal was to get everyone vaxxed and I think they have fallen far short of that. As for what Americans will do, I would like to believe that also. I just don't know how much American character is left in the people. I naively thought Americans would never stand for using the experimental shot on children and babies. Everything that has happened has been very shocking to me.

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I just read some of that and she is absolutely brilliant. I could spend hours reading all of her stuff, and I probably will. I don’t have a doctor and never intend to get one, but should an emergency arise, I sure want to have one of those documents with me. I will not comply and I will never disclose my status.

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Awesome Laura , I copied it and hanging it in our doctors lounge ...wonder how long it gets taken down .

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Feb 25, 2023Β·edited Feb 25, 2023

our doctors lounge?? are you an MD or DO?

I hope so! Love seeing doctors here!

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πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ€«πŸ«£β€¦ board certified ob/gyn with a degree in sports medicine/ exercise physiology.

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Feb 25, 2023Β·edited Feb 25, 2023

I’d love to know. I might have to come to you if we had another bebe.

LOL- sorry for the error.

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I’m done with private practice.. I do locums jobs at offices and hospitals.

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I can understand this. A chiro I knew in CA just abandoned his practice. I was shocked. All that money and schooling. But I can understand the fight in CA. too much headache. He completely changed fields.

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…. But thank you … I do no locums in California but went to school there .

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Thank you so much for sharing this information!!!! Please let us know what response you get.

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It will be sent anonymously since I’m no longer a patient and never will be again at any of these institutions if I can help it.

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I will send it to our lead Covid team killer as well Laura , thank u for that !πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜˜

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Awesome Bro!

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How can it be anonymous (and effective notice) when the notice requests a response? I think that may cancel the notice.

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I will revise it before I send.

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Also, hospitals have taken mega bucks from feds - so as the saying goes, β€œthe borrower is slave to the lender.” Unfortunately, the hospitals are not making the calls as to what covid/vaccine protocols are to be implemented.”

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I like this and all I just don’t see it working. Plus how are we to respond if they ask for more information. ???

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Feb 25, 2023Β·edited Feb 25, 2023

We still do know the official cause of death of my daughter 9 weeks ago - in a hospital. It was cardiac, but we don't know "why." She didn't go in for that reason and should have been out in a few days period. Watch them say "natural causes." I see that one a lot for the 30 and under set.

The substack grief journal I write is Christ-centered and gives much hope to the hurting. God is with us in all of this craziness.

Thanks again, Jeff, for keeping me updated and with humor!

Ugh, I have 2 emails with C&C, thought I was posting with the "I Can't Imagine" one...

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So very sorry for your loss. :-(

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Thank you, Chip.

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Oh dear. The death of our children is such a devastating loss. I'm so very sorry!

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Thank you. I miss her. Thankfully we both knew that we loved each other and had actually said the words to each other 6 days earlier. Her dad and her had said it to each other less than 24 hours earlier. That helps.

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I got an email from PV this week looking for support. I emailed back telling their Board to resign.

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Same here. Not another dime until the entire board resigns.

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This video is phenomenal. Tucker Carlson interviews Ed Dowd who wrote the book β€œCause Unknown”. Well worth your time.


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It's already been mentioned, but for those that aren't aware, Ed's book (along with Malone's and RFK Jr's) is free on amazon for download this weekend.

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I see Malone’s and RFK’s for free for download, but not Ed Dowd’s. That’s showing as $9.99.

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I got it just last night onto my iPad. It was a terribly convoluted process to do so but was finally successful. But I just looked using the same link and you are correct. Boo.

I already own the hardcovers of the other two so didn't look at them. Perhaps it ended although I'm fairly certain all 3 were supposed to be free all of this week.

I plan to read it on my cross country flight tomorrow evening. I'll let you know if I think it merits $10!

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The offer ends on 27th.

I went into Amazon then searched the boxes individually as the links are for .com and I can only purchase from .com.au

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Malone said until the 27th. I downloaded directly to my kindle, searched/found by using book title. Before my yard sale kindle purchase, always had to use web-based AMZ to purchase kindle books, then directed download to my iOS phone.

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Just watched it last night - it blew me away. Should be "mandated" watching for every American :)

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Just watched interview! Outstanding. Thank you, Jacquie

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Great video. Thank you for sharing the link.

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Yeah. I don’t care what the PV Board of Directorsβ€”a bunch of nobodiesβ€”has to say. They already crapped the bed and themselves.

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Why aren't we hearing the board members' names, I wonder.

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Board members’ names are in public records. Go to VA Secretary of State’s business search. You can look up each individually on an internet search engine.

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PV has hired a really good public relations firm.

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I agree. I don’t consider what they did infighting as another commenter said. I will never support them apart from James even if they crawl out from under their pile of dung. I hope James never goes back.

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Feb 25, 2023Β·edited Feb 25, 2023

HAH! Me too as well!

I wanted to add they crapped themselves up the back of the onesie and dripping down both legs! Who even are these people? No one knows them or trusts a word they say. They didn't know how good they had it, riding along on James's coattails

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Agreed. You don’t do that and ask for another chance.

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