Feb 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I showed this article about fetterman to my son. I said this is why you don't get involved with lib women. Look at Giselle. For political reasons, she allowed and pushed her husband to run for the senate forsaking his health. Then when he is in DC, she is neglectful. His health is worse and hospitalized twice. So she takes the kids and goes on a vacation. Screw hubby. She has shown her children not to value their father, her son's to accept this kind of treatment from their future partners, to further emasculate all involved how not to deal with problems and that closest family members can and should be ignored and abandoned, especially if it supports the political narrative. My son agreed. Good teaching moment about how not to behave. Thanks Giselle. 😝

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TV trucks were at the door all hours of the day during Fetterman's campaign. So suddenly she's camera shy and wants to protect the kids from what?

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And, she’s trying to escape the cameras and then posts everything she’s doing on social media.

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She’s as bad or worse than Megan and Henry. Privacy! Privacy! Look at me, look at me! She’ll be sitting in that Senate seat come Aug 10.

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I don't follow the royal family but I've read royal jelly is good for you.

I would say Ms. Fetterman is aligned more with Ms. Jill Brandon, push the mentally handicapped spouse out there for her own ego.

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Markle syndrome

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Good One! Also spot on!

See it's God, Family, Patria. The anti-God god-state tears the family all apart. Nope! We can't have any competitors in the worship of the holy god-state.

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Yeah. I almost feel bad for fetterman but then I remember he sold his soul for political power. Only their children are innocent but with parents like theirs - wow. Not good. 😐

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Oh I suspect those kids are learning how to succeed by lying to the public. They know the shape their dad was in before his shot, after his shot, and before being selected to office. They also know he is incapacitated and hear everyone around them lying to the public that he’s just fine, nothing to see here.

Those kids lost their innocence the moment their mom and dad propped their dad up and put him on display, and they went along with it (because what else should a kid do in this situation?)

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You certainly can't have the kids in school. They might actually tell it like it is. They're kids!

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Those kids are in a terrible position, trying to keep the lie safe while trying to have a childhood. Shame.

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Fetterman and his 'wife' sold their souls cheap for 'the things of the world'. No matter what my feelings may be, repenting of sin comes before forgiveness.

Annie's remark pointing out to her son why to have nothing to do with Lib Women is spot on. Not only did Fetterman's ambitious wife cast her husband to winds, so did Jill Biden do the same. Family really is supposed to come first above all other considerations save Glorifying God with out every action and thought.

These people are totally destructively out of control.

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Exactly my thought as I read that. These people are truly disgusting excuses for human beings.

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Who doesn’t take their kids on a zip lining vacation when dad is in the hospital for a month? It would be completely unhelpful to stay by dad’s bedside and offer love and support while he’s suffering from clinical depression, don’t you know? And you can tell how worried and grief stricken they are by all the radiant smiles in their vacation pics.

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Similar level of depravity as when a man with two surviving young children decides to be sworn in as Senator after losing his wife and child in brutal car accident. These people are living Gollums - all for "the precious" ring of power.

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NAB...and marries his children’s nanny, spends 47 ineffectual years in Congress accumulating MILLIONS by doing dirty deals through influence peddling and winds up the 46th POTUS at the ripe old age 80 despite shades of dementia and the inability to string two coherent sentences together...i.e. his recent press conference in Ohio where he said Ohio had two governors. Rich. Gotta love America! A success story for the world to see.

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Well, when you put it like that....

And we can add that he tried to insinuate that the poor driver involved in his wife's accident was drunk at the time - adding to the guilt that poor driver carried with him for the rest of his life. Just a foul human being. Give me the braggadoccio of a Trump any day over this cipher of a human being.

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Well if you're showering with your daughter, you're already up for anything.

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I wasn’t born when this happened but I looked it up - apparently Jill Biden’s ex-husband claimed that she met Joe Biden at a fundraiser HE THREW for Joe. Then Joe’s wife died a couple months later. He caught them having an affair in 1974 and they divorced. Jill & Joe said they met on a blind date in 1975 🙄

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The whole family is a mess and they’re representing Americans on the national stage… Hunter, a sex addict and drug addict… who dated his dead brother’s wife… 🤮

…the twisted details of the whole lot of them… They’re like a bad Hollywood movie plot.

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Come on man! Hunter was just righteously following the Deuteronomic rule (Deut 5: 5-6---if a man die without issue, his brother must take the widow to wife. Unfortunately he stopped before completing the instructions with marriage.

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LizardFro…yes…and Beau Biden served in Iraq. And Joe graduated top of his class. The lies continue. But it is TRUMP who lies! Right!

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Eh, what does truth have to do with lust and power. Or the lust for power.

Lunch bucket Joe wouldn't know truth if it smacked him in the nose. And that shortcoming seems to run in the family

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I know. I really dislike this bitch of a woman. She is nasty.

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She is a crazy socialist...she makes AOC look sane.

BTW, she was an illegal alien.

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You forgot child groomer for the state of PA library system.

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So strange...

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Super bizarre, and she is teaching her girls that this is how you treat your husband. Ugh.

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Her character was pretty obvious when she encouraged him to run for senate after he’d had a stroke. She’s cut from the same cloth as Doc Jill.

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Wellllll, ya know - the wife of a SENATOR, don'tcha know ?!

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I just looked at her Twitter. The woman is a textbook narcissist.

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Maybe. Another possibility is that he could have become abusive to point of dangerous & she left to get kids & self out of harms way.

Rage followed by depression/self hate.

That was my mother's pattern. A day of rage followed by a day of depression followed by a day or 2 of normalcy. Twice a week, every week until both sisters were out of the house.

My eldest sister told me she remembers as a toddler being picked up by her hair & bounced off walls.

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A heartbreaking story, that ... But I'll wager that your siblings did not encourage your mother to run for Congress.

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Had my mother wanted to run, my siblings & I probably would have, just to get her out of the house.

As it was, I spent much of my childhood in hiding, in summer playing in the woods, winter in the back of the attic.

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I think she was an illegal too when he married her.

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Correct...she was an illegal alien.

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She had "escaped" from I believe Nicaraugua as a result of "persecution"--what kind I do not know. OK--I was wrong--she "was" an illegal immigrant from BRAZIL--here's her "true story" from Wikipedia--YEAH...RIGHT! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gisele_Barreto_Fetterman

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Either way, we are being lied to.

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I mean, maybe. But honestly, he could barely ambulate across a room without difficulty. Hard to imagine him inflicting physical harm (but, again, I guess that's a possibility).

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He can also inflict psychological harm that can be worse

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Good point. I haven't watched any videos of him. Otoh, I saw a pill tweet this am of "which congresscritter would you follow into battle?" He got a fair # of votes due to his size & (probably former) strength.

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Strength without intellect is useless

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Actually it seems to me that strength without intellect can be incredibly destructive. 🤷

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Reading about this, I wonder if Fetterman (he/him/his) has actually died. This vacation Mrs. Fetterman is enjoying with her kids seems like something one might do to cheer up kids whose daddy has just died. And to get their weepy faces away from reporters as well as stave off suspicions in some dumb way. I'm probably wrong.

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Actually not…someone sent me something yesterday about this…that’s he’s brain dead and they are keeping him alive until august 18 (+/-) when the Governor can appoint someone to fill out the rest of his Senate term…before that they will have to call a special election…and we ALL KNOW how that s**t turns out!

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From the self-same governor who agreed that the Palestine chemicals should be set aflame. Loving living in PA under his authority.

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Giselle and "Doctor" Jill: Seemingly two self-infatuated beeyotches from the same litter.

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Mrs. Fetterman’s behavior is but one of the many ‘examples’ you could show your son as to why he shouldn’t ‘get involved’ with ‘lib woman’...and it’s not just ‘lib women’...it’s about ALL women who are all about ‘themselves’ and not necessarily interested in the well being of the other person and ‘well being of the relationship’.

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Two kinds of people: givers and takers. Everyone at their core is one or the other.

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Agree DogsLife .

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"We drove straight into … Canada (Pro Tip: always have passports ready just in case you have to run away).." Gisele Fetterman


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She was an illegal alien when she snuck into the US.

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Wish I could drive straight into the States however the State of Pandemonium won't officially end until at least May 11th.

Or so I'm told.


Will the "end off the pandemic" also lift "fully jabbed only" entry requirements though? (It's the same #LetsGoBrandon policy whether foreigners (including Canadians) seek entry via land, sea or air.)


#NoAmnesty 💲💉☠💔

#DuckLowTurdeau 🏹

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Yeah. I got my passport ready. Lol. She is so into herself she can't even hear what she says.

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Man oh man--she looks like Morticia! SO very apt.

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Morticia was FAR more beautiful!

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Reading about her disgusted me this morning. Self centered and you nailed it - horrible role model for her kids. When the going gets tough, run away and go ziplining. Marriage has lost its meaning for so many. What a self centered individual!

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There HAS to be more to this story. Not to suggest it's a good story, a happy story, or one that gives her any form of excuse......but I think we have not heard the last about this.

Jeff may have hit nail on head - maybe it's gonna be a Weekend At Bernie's storyline, propping him up until they can APPOINT a replacement, rather than taking it to election ?

Heaven forbid a Republican take that seat, and put the kibosh on a Dem. majority.

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Right. Fetterman has been a willing pawn from the start.

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From my perspective, that's a good thing--as those for whom marriage is meaningless are not doing much in the baby-making business (now on the other hand, there are those who do participate in baby-making and just don't bother with marriage--the govt is my husband)

Just saying as one approaching 51 years of chaste + productive marriage....

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Did the same Annie , we have nicknames in our house for these types of women.. 🤫😉

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To be avoided at all cost.

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We say she's a "See You Next Tuesday"

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I think this has more to do with leaving "under advisement" so that neither her, nor their children, are likely to let slip any information to the media about John's actual condition or hints that there is a DNC agenda at play. If he were truly in such sudden "serious" condition, I find it hard to believe his children would be out enjoying adventures, but I may be wrong.

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DNC agenda = Fetterman resigns for health reasons; PA governor Shapiro appoints the wife to the Senate seat.

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Good points. But if his primary job is a test subject for experimental mRNA procedures, maybe he is just reporting for duty at the hospital. Who knows. No discharge date...sounds like he’s enrolled in a long study this time.

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She was an illegal alien.

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I kinda feel sorry for him. Geeez! The guy could be dying & his wife bolts. You are right. A teaching moment for the kids. We all see through this behavior as calloused. So sad.

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It is sad.

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Breaking: U.S. Department of Energy warns that it is “likely” that Senator John Fetterman originated in a lab.

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I thinks it’s likely they selected him to begin with as he was controllable because, well, he is a stroke victim who can’t form sentences, knowing all they had to do was prop him up like Weekend at Bernie’s until August and then they can “legally” select his replacement. All part of the plan people. All part of the plan.

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His wife will take over his Senate seat. All going according to plan.

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The questioner might be forgiven for asking, "Then why did the DNC not choose another from the beginning to be the candidate?" Oh--right--because they always intended to get the illegal Gisele into the Senate.

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Corpse Media were all united in headlining that Fetterman "CHECKED HIMSELF IN" to Walter Reed - This implies his wife had already had enough and left town and poor John had to resort to public transportation.

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I think that wording “checked himself in” was designed to make it appear that he was capable of making that decision and getting himself to the hospital. We’re living in a time of lies and deception.

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I take everything as a lie until proven otherwise.

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Yeah. That’s prudent.

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Could it have something to do with his mental capacity and the terms of his hospitalization? Voluntary vs involuntary?

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I agree Julie

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He probably had to take the Metro to Walter Reed.

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With his hobo bag.

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Could have been an effort to create, via gain of function research, a meat replacement product.............

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🤣 I’m guessing you read Dr. Mercola’s article regarding replication of immortal cell lines?

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Immortal Henrietta Lack ... never forget. 🥲

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'Hela' gonna outlive us all.

SOOOO ....... creepy.

Even the name!

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

Something I read from Igor - using cancer cells ? yeah. nice, huh?


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A bit pulled from the article:

" Prominent cancer researchers tell Bloomberg Businessweek that because the cells aren’t human, it’s ESSENTIALLY impossible for people who eat them to get cancer from them, or for the precancerous or cancerous cells to replicate inside people at all. "

The use of the word " Essentially " does not exactly promote confidence - sounds an awful lot like a lot of the language used in and around the current covid debacle, like a word fauci would use, and later attempt to weasel his way out of the corner.

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No, they only do that with cancerous cells--because those are programmed to self-replicate ad infinitum. Oh, but maybe that thing on Fetterman's neck......

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Hummm, that explains his suspiciously Frankenstein-ish resemblance.

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Kamala is the AI experiment gone wrong according to Tucker...

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Every image I see of her makes me think of the rubber mask...

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Now THAT makes sense - clearly it's the "Intelligence" portion of the moniker that placed the "FAILURE" label across her arse.....

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Remember at the end of The Stepford Wives?? When the fembot broke and kept repeating behavior??

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Some of that fake meat they’re growing?

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Hahaha. You are on a roll today!

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Lol!!! Haha! Must have been created in a government lab, because he is just so poorly manufactured.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Volodymyr Beglensky threatens Americans who don't want to keep sending him money - says the USA could lose its place in the world with NATO coming apart.

Me: Your terms are acceptable.

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What a piece of work...and the body double isn't smart enough to stay out of camera range...when JB threatened me regarding a vax...that was bad enough, but when a foreigner has the audacity to threaten...enough of that weasel. If he ever moves to his $35,000,000 Florida estate, I hope he is refused and harassed.

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I somehow doubt he will ever take up residence there. He's made quite a few enemies and here in the USA it's far too easy to acquire firearms (ah-hem..) soooo it's either French Riviera or TelAviv.

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

Zelenskyyyy moving to Tel Aviv? I did Nazi that coming.

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I see what you did there....

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Yeah. Corn pop lied.

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You could always engage Jorge who will rub Zelenskyy out for a mere $10K!!

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Where is Benjamin Double N and 🐴 💩, I mean, 🐴 sey??? 🤔🤔🤔

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I also wonder

I had copied this especially for him and Horsey

Larry Johnson says and I quote him this morning from sonar22.com

“Here is a data point, not specifically military in nature, that underscores the fact that Russia can chew gum and walk at the same time:

The Soyuz MS-23 spacecraft, which is supposed to return cosmonauts Sergei Prokopiev, Dmitry Petelin and astronaut Frank Rubio to Earth instead of the damaged Soyuz MS-22, has docked with the Poisk small research module of the Russian segment of the ISS, our correspondent from the Center reports flight control.

Docking took place automatically. From the Earth, it was controlled by specialists from the Moscow Region Mission Control Center, from the ISS – by cosmonauts.

Even though Russia is at war with the United States and NATO, it is still capable of sending, on an emergency basis with little prior warning, an unmanned space craft to the International Space Station to rescue two Russian cosmonauts and one American astronaut. The United States still indulges the fantasy that it is the technological leader of the world but it does not have the ability to do what the Russians accomplished this week. Just saying.”

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It all started with Sputnik. We used to stay out late at night to watch it come into view. Memories of a child of the 50's.

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Wonderful years!

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Yes, I think so indeed. Although each night in my little girl prayers, I asked God that there not be a nuclear war

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Even then 'they' were scaring everybody to death. Only they do it so much perfected better these days.

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I have been wondering about this too. It seems to me that the slippage has finally caught up with the United States (really with those who have captured the government). The term Paper Tiger seems to apply. And by appearances with all the recent failures (Ukraine, sanctions fallout, Walk-Away countries), the Woke Three Year Olds pretending to be 'world leaders' are now to be seen in a panic. They have failed, they know nothing is working out ... and they do not know what to do. And stupidly, in despairation they keep doubling down. (Definition of Insanity anybody?)

I am thinking that, for example, the situation in Germany is untenable. Germany has to find an off ramp from Woke's insanity, or else Germany will go down in chaos. As Caesar said, already 'the die is cast'. Other weaker EU countries are sure to follow. I can't see how this will happen or what will be the catalyst. But I understand that some Europeans leaders are clearly seeing and noting the Five Eyes American Empire's abject dismal failures ... and I am sure some are looking for 'a way out', for a way to decouple from the madness and economic mayhem. After all, the need for eating and heating the house cannot be suspended by a Mad Hatters Conjured Trick. And this is where rubber meets the road. Reality is the basics and reality ultimate has its sway.

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

Well stated IMO. The rest of the world is, in a way, following the route the US trod after WW2. Times change but ultimate national objectives of self-preservation will prevail. Germany et al are at the decision point now, it seems. Our country is not there, as the unstoppable clown car force has yet to hit the immoveable bridge abutment.

Lord help us all when it does, as (despite what Brandon's DEI crew thinks) no major nation operates in a political vacuum in our interconnected world.

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I think many of us see the same trajectory however precisely or imprecisely defined or conceived. And with blunder after incredible blunder and non-stop issue coming of the mouths of make-believe leaders. It as you say ... "the unstoppable clown car force has yet to hit the [immovable] bridge abutment." And yes, God help us. Because we all know that we are going to hear a big crash followed by the tingling sounds of broken glass and metal scattering across the pavement.

I just looked up cis, trans, bi and queer the other night in Wikipedia. All I found was vaguery, tortured mental confusion and bizarre qualifications. Stuff so 'other worldly' that a demented pigmy riding a giraffe atop a boa constrictor drinking Kool Aid couldn't believe it. With this stuff going on, we don't stand a prayer of a chance. And all I can say is that it is all mighty damn queer!

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Now that's some imagery, the demented pigmy. Sheesh! Where's my eye bleach?

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So Musk's space technology does not allow such remote-controlled docking? Maybe not yet, but surely soon.

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Electrifying the sky is more about an AI agenda than communication or protection. 5G and up is warfare technology. It's another level of being awake to accept that this technology has a sinister component and is not for humanities highest well being. We are dealing with an Ahrimanic/Santanic plan of which Elon Musk is a front man. Learn about the 8th Spehere.

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No doubt about satan and evil... Do you have any links to share? Not that I can do anything, and have to trust God will end it eventually...maybe soon.... Jesus warned us about them. I just hope I go quickly.

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Here is a more personal and in depth descripition of the 8th sphere by Gigi Young. She is a student of Rudolf Steiner and Edgar Casey.


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Kim's comment prompted me to search: https://www.theosophy.world/encyclopedia/eight-sphere

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Musk's space remote controlled technology will probably happen about the same time we find the technology we apparently lost and return to the moon in a better rocket than a corn pop machine.

Maybe those spy balloons were his space satellites and not Chinese...

So much to speculate since we get such lame explanations...

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Perhaps they are working double-time in their Saran Wrap manufacturing and exporting facility in the Gaza Strip. Nazis can’t be running out of shrink wrap as they heartlessly tie people to telephone poles in Ukraine

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Dont worry they will be buy shortly...Ukraine was mentioned so it's a given!

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That would get us back to George Washington's foreign policy instead of this UN-NATO-USSA-NWO impending WW III FUBAR.


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Can he trash the UN next?

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Let those be ashamed and humiliated altogether who rejoice at my distress;

Let those be clothed with shame and dishonor who magnify themselves over me.

Let them shout for joy and rejoice, who favor my vindication;

And let them say continually, “The Lord be magnified,

Who delights in the prosperity of His servant.”

And my tongue shall declare Your righteousness

And Your praise all day long.

— Psalm 35:26-28 NASB

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Just for the record, the Lord led me to this passage before I read the newsletter, and “vindication” rears its lovely head in both. God is awesome!

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It keeps coming into mind ... God, Family, Patria as a dwelling place, and in that order. And further looking at the horrendous totality of Woke Marxism, it can only be an overturning of the entirety of the Two Tablets:

"For whosoever shall keep the whole Law, and yet faileth in one point, he is guilty of all." GNV James 2:10

That is why the rule by Demonic Woke-ism is total revulsion and the reason why 'their' criminality is prosecutable across the board.

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Dave: It all comes back to what we as saved individuals - baptized by faith and water into the Kingdom of Almighty God through the sacrifice of Yahweh's only son, Yeshua, do with our faith in Yeshua--do we PRAY FOR OUR ENEMIES which is what Yeshua said we should do? Perhaps that is why the evil is proliferating--WE, KINGDOM PEOPLE ARE NOT PRAYING FOR OUR ENEMIES to be enlightened and TURN FROM THEIR EVIL WAYS.

Something to ponder...isn't it!!

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

Yes! But they cannot be Willy-Nilly Prayers. Thus, we pray that they who transgress first see their sinful ways and repent of it that they may be saved. We pray they come to fear the wrath of God so that they may cease in their transgressing and know that transgression is offensive to God. We further pray that fear of God be in them is as the beginning of wisdom in them so that they may act wisely instead of as the scourge to Mankind. We pray for them that in them the will of God be done, as we so do pray in the daily in the Lord Prayer. We pray for ourselves and those who comprise our community all in the same way.

Would it be otherwise, then Christianity is no longer Christianity, but is instead usurped and twisted ... and given over to the Enemy for his purposes. And in the fallen Church of the West, such has been done under a false pretense of tortured love. We must be vigilant and take care to offer up only proper prayer pleasing to the Lord.

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Dave, what exactly do you mean by “false pretense of tortured love”?

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Many 'Christian' denominations have ushered into their midst all manner of vile Marxist thinking under the cover of a vociferously trumpeted assumption of unqualified 'love' and an equally unqualified 'love the neighbor' which permits any number of evil behaviors to be introduced into the body of believers. The crux is that a 'love trumps all' theological heresy has been allowed to be infiltrated into the church and this guts the moral force of Scripture, Old and New Testaments alike.

My first introduction to the subversion of orthodox Christian doctrine came from reading Christianity and Liberalism (1923) by J. Gresham Machen. It quite blew my mind as the date of publication puts the opus well before mid-twentieth century and as a personal note, just three years after my father's birth in 1920. This is how early the canker has been eating away Christian substance (and even before).

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And we who know Him in our hearts and minds are indeed empowered to share His light and word whenever we can!

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“Finally: why on Earth hasn’t this been studied before? The original clinical trial participants could have easily been tested for mRNA well before the FDA granted Emergency Use Authorization. Why didn’t the FDA make Pfizer and Moderna determine how long the mRNA persists in the body? And why did the CDC falsely claim that it quickly degraded?”

Because our DoD said not to. That’s why.

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That is because it was the DOD (under Obama) that created the Covid bioweapon in Chapel Hill North Carolina…then shipped the research off to Wuhan, China…likely for plausible deniability.

In other words, it wasn’t China alone that so timely released the weapon and waged WW3 on the world in Fall of 2019.

It was the USA.

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Exactly! I would say that is why Fauci 3 weeks after saying it was nothing in February 2020 turned around and said the sky was falling so he could cover himself! Well, the Wuhan Chinese were certain it came from the military lab close by. Our dear Christian Chinese family in our congregation who was originally from Wuhan had a niece who was an unbeliever and a nurse in the Wuhan hospital. She pleaded for prayers for them. People were dropping dead while walking, the hospital was overrun with sick, they were out of masks. Our church was praying in Dec. 2019 for them. Our Chinese brother said the doctor that disclosed on social media to his fellow students that the virus had escaped the lab was jailed and conveniently died. His speculation was that it was released to squelch the Hong Kong protests. Yes, that WAS what was happening before the pandemic. Kill two birds with one stone - Hong Kong and Trump! Maybe three - one world government!

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

I agree with Sharon. This is indeed INVALUABLE information. Every little scrape of antidotal evidence is the same. So thanks much!

First, I believe that anything the CCP does is self-serving of China. And therefore, any One World Government from the Chinese perspective would have to be a One World Government dominated by China. And I think the Chinese know that is not going to happen any time soon. So the CCP preoccupation is now focused on 'cutting loose' in the form of de-dollarization. Second, Covid does in fact achieve multiple kill objectives by multiple countries and with one stone. That is, understanding 'multiple kills with one stone' is the beginning of insightful wisdom with regard to the psy-opt Plan-demic.

No doubt the Deep State Five Eyes Empire was running operations in Hong Kong. This is what 'they' always do. To terminate infiltration and subversion of China from within is a powerful motive and well may have induced the Chinese to release the virus. This would be very plausible. And it also solves another great mystery, the mystery as to why the Chinese ran with covid, lock-downs for so long. Now that Sanction Failure has split the world apart, the need to 'keep it up' has now passed. With Sanctions Failure, the Five Eyes West/NATO consortium has been seriously, perhaps fatally weakened. (Thus, Honk Kong has perhaps been too much overlooked as to significance.)

Also, we should never forget that like us, a whole lot of Chinese are fed up with their venomous totalitarian rule. As here, so there ...Techno-Tyranny, a BIG problem for regular folks.

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As far as Techno-Tyranny goes...they WILL control the world population with the "Mark of the Beast"--it WILL be nano chips embedded on the hand and/or forehead so that "they" can control the movement, diets, mating habits, EVERYTHING of the world population.

And...as Revelations proclaims...anyone who takes on the "mark of the beast" will have NO PLACE in the future NEW WORLD (KINGDOM OF ALMIGHTY YESHUA, ONLY SON OF YAHWEH).

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I must say, we certainly would be rather idiotic to count of the benevolence of governments to ever do the right thing. Therefore, regular folks like us must do it. This Control Technology, in addition to electromagnetic/bioweaps weapons, is the next big battlefield engagement we will face. (God bless you Sharon!)

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I will have to look up the Scripture, Dave--but I "believe" that WHEN we do PRAY FOR OUR ENEMIES - Yahweh will HEAP COALS OF FIRE upon their heads (because they are not going to repent and call on Him for forgiveness). I'll look that up and post it later--Ok?

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That is INVALUABLE information; be sure to write it down and hide it and when everything blows up in the world--you can submit it as "evidence" at the trials--I'm serious, Kim. I know it may be 'hearsay' - but it is relevant.

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And all to keep Trump out of office. They would rather destroy innocent people than lose their power. That says it all.

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I don't think anyone in DC is innocent, especially presidents.

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Ben 2Ns and Horsey need to learn that fact ... and understand that the USA my dad fought for in the Pacific Theatre in 1945 - a USA led by patriots - is not the same USA as the downgraded / corrupt / amoral mutation being jammed down our throats by today's "leaders".

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Like everything else - there are some good / some bad ppl. at the helm, but to think that the US 'can do no wrong' - well, that's pretty much "sheep-think" , if you ask me.

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Awesome comment 47Yinzer

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This is true.

Find Ralph Baric, feed him some truth serum, get the man talking...

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Which is why I now declare our Federal government is OUR NUMERO UNO ENEMY!!

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It was right when Impeachment II was failing. Had to dump Trump at any cost. Great vehicle to steal his inevitable-at-the-time re-election.

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Me thinks all of them need to locked up forever. Obama, Trump, Fauci, Collins, Atlas, etc...

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Exactly. So as people become aware that it's a bioweapon, lab leak sounds less um harmful? IDK!

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Be forewarned, people, Sage can take you down some serious rabbit holes!

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So true! Maybe Pfizer and Moderna did look for it but didn’t include it in the data, because original study participants got weekly blood draws to test antibody levels. At least in the Danish study the mRNA was only found in a a small minority of participant's blood at 28 days. Someone needs to do a longer study to see just how long the mRNA sticks around.

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Bioweapon research is quite different, with different rules and regulations than with the IRB when pertaining to private practice or medical school research Laura !!

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Just because the info wasn't released to us doesn't mean they didn't study it and know it, maybe even plan for it.

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Because of the “discovery “ that happened a long time ago.. it’s all just horrifying.

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As a native Pennsylvanian, it is pretty humiliating to know that we were once the cradle of liberty. And now we are...this. Whatever dystopian horror this is.

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Ditto this Pittsburgh native / refugee.

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You are lucky to have escaped.

The idiot Pittsburgh mayor is trying to force the police to get the covid death shot or be fired.

Luckily, the FOP president is a tough fighter...said it was never part of the original contract.

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Pennsylvania cheats.

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Ballot Harvesting

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USDSS....United States Deep State Swamp.....just another committee.

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“And if Proxy War supporters start saying, ‘well, we’ll just have to beat China too!’, then I intend to mock them so hard they’ll never sit down again without an inflatable cushion ring.”

Now I *really* want them to try it because I can’t wait to see that smackdown!

“the researchers accidentally stumbled across covid mRNA”

You know that is just the researchers being coy because they would have never gotten the study funded if they’d stated that analysis as one of their objectives. Good on them for finding a clever way to work around the COVID cartel enforcers.

“It’s a critical fact that all the study patients were Danish, because Denmark is one of the few countries that properly followed guidelines to aspirate prior to injection, which prevents accidental injection into the bloodstream.”

I did not know that—thank you for that illuminating tidbit, Jeff!

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Yes, this was news to me too. When I trained as a nurse back in the dark ages of 1991, we were taught to aspirate when giving injections but in practice, it was hardly ever done. I remember my preceptor laughing at me when I gave my first IM injection because she said, "child, no one EVER does that."

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Interesting! I graduated in 1978 as an RN and always aspirated for IM injections. I get chills thinking about my stern MedSurg instructor’s look if I didn’t! 🤪

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Same here! I graduated from nursing school in 1991 (LPN) and we were taught the same thing for IM injections...weird!

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I know I’m a day late and a dollar short on this reply but, I graduated in 2004 and we were actually taught *not* to aspirate. We were told it was an outdated practice that was not necessary anymore and that it was found to cause more harm than benefit. If you look at the CDC website under ‘Vaccine Recommendations and Guidelines of the ACIP’, under IM injections it says “Aspiration before injection of vaccines or toxoids is not necessary because no large blood vessels are present at the recommended injection sites, and a process that includes aspiration might be more painful for infants.” It looks like they came to their conclusions with a study that evaluated needle lengths and vaccines given under ultrasonographic determination of SC and muscle layer thickness. I specifically remember being told in school that it can cause extra pain and trauma, especially to pediatric or difficult patients, and harms do not outweigh the benefits of the extremely limited percentage of actual times aspiration will stop someone from injecting into a vessel. So for all these times I see the argument that we have all these rogue nurses and MA’s that refuse to follow proper guidelines to aspirate, whether aspiration is right or wrong, that argument is just not true. Currently in the US our guidelines say not to and that is what’s being taught in schools. I always got more aggravated with nurses who couldn’t give a shot with the proper placement. All the times I’ve had SC allergy shots injected up in my armpit or IM shots up in my shoulder blade…I’m like, “what the ever loving heck are you doing?” That’s why I started doing my own allergy shots and I still give myself my own B12 shots now.

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Great comment, thank you!

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Thank you for the updated information on injections...that definitely clears a lot of things up!

I admittedly have not been a practicing LPN for quite some time...my license lapsed in 2002 while I was busy taking care of 4 kids! I never made it back to finish the RN program, but now I’m a nail tech (manicurist) lol...but, always a nurse at heart ♥️!

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Carolyn, sure thing! I too no longer work in the field, due to medical reasons unfortunately. I was an NCMA at a very busy family medicine practice. But I decided to still keep up my yearly certification to keep my brain busy and because I worked darn hard for it!! I also need to keep my head in the game because at this point with my conditions I’m more of a professional patient and I always need to keep sharp and on the ball to make sure I’m not being manipulated. Sad to say but, I have to be more knowledgeable about my disorders than my providers otherwise we never get anywhere. On a different note, I absolutely love the look of manicured nails but, I don’t know how you deal with all those chemical smells! I’m probably more biased on that comment because I have Mast cell disorder and people cutting their grass bothers me. Haha.

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Astonishing but not surprising 🤦‍♀️

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I'd like to start a list of all the COVID lies for future reference. Please add..

1) vaccine stays in situ

2) vaccine degrades quickly

3) vaccine can't get into the blood stream

4) vaccine is safe

5) vaccine is effective

6) the virus was the result of natural processes

7) the virus was introduced to humans from animals

8) vaccine immunity exists

9) vaccine immunity is superior to natural immunity

10) two shots should be sufficient

11) ivermectin doesn't work

12) lockdowns work

13) masks work

14) remdesivir works

15) two weeks to flatten the curve

16) Fauci is an honest civil servant

17) social distancing works

18) the virus is very dangerous to everyone

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Hydroxychloroquine, Vit D hammer, Intravenous Vit C, and other supplements don’t work.

The new quadruple dose flu shot given to Senior Citizens in 2019-2020, had nothing to do with making them more susceptible to SARS-CoV 2. Oh wait…this one is never discussed anywhere! Flu shots have been killing “Grandma” for years. We must save Grandma!

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That's why THIS GRANNA never gets that "free" flu shot---never have....never will!

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19. Trust the government

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Corollary: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

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20. Asymptomatic spread

21. PCR can diagnose

22. A positive PCR test = a case

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23. dying with covid = dying from covid

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Purebloods for the win!

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Poor Mudbloods......

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Paxlovid works

If you want a rebound case that is…

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A)HCQ doesn’t work

B)Leave your groceries out on the porch for 24 hours.

C)use hand sanitizer often

D)don’t visit grandma

E)Trump says drink bleach

F)wash your hands often, at least until they are red and irritated

G)go to Home Depot but don’t go to a local store

H)don’t buy seeds under penalty of law

I)finally when restaurants were open, still wear a mask, and be sure to set it on the table when you eat and be sure to put it back on when you need to talk to your waitpersons, or when you need to use the restroom.

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HA ! Had forgotten about your " B) "

I recall UPS and FedEx having so many issues, and customers receiving deliveries were SO uncomfortable.

Seems a lifetime ago...............

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It really does seem so long ago.

I forgot another, buy all the TP you can! 🤣

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You forgot Paxlovid works

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Ah yes ! The boomerang medication !

So much bs flying around from these fine folks (Brought To You By Pfizer) , had forgotten that particular one.

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Does that mean the Chinese were secretly running the Ukrainian bio labs too then? 😜

Regarding Fetterman, perhaps they are prepping a replacement body double for him? Just thinking out loud.

Our country is being run by lunatics.

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They had practice with Damar.

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I was gonna go there next but ya beat me to it. 😂

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And biden 😱 🤷‍♀️

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Was thinking the same thing 😂

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Yeah, good one, he was the test run.

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More like...run by the synagogue of satan, and only God knows the heinous whole truth. I think that the the Ukranian Biolabs are not the worst thing going on there. Human trafficking is the main thing they want to protect. Jeff probably knows, but can't discuss it without his lawyer proof...

FYI- I am not a troll but an honest citizen living on South Florida since birth...also a prior public school teacher and quit over the mask mandates.

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smart woman

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Far more likely that CDC was running both the Chinese and Ukrainian labs. How convenient that the alphabet agencies falling in line behind the lab leak hypothesis now is not only a pretext for armed conflict but also a distraction from the ultimate origins of covid 19.

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"ultimate origins"

Yes, that's what they are still deflecting attention from.

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Seems like they all....including the Chinese...hunkered down together to hide what had been going on with the biolabs. When there were suggestions here and there that the virus escaped or was released from the Wuham lab, I always thought the CCP response was rather faint, weird and limited. They didn't go all in to deny very much, instead putting out a few weak protestations that the U.S. military games were to blame. If they were really not in on it along with the others, why wouldn't they have protested more vociferously? It's all odd. And suspicious.

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Now that the "Addams Family" is cancelled, I hear Lurch is looking for work...

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Yes, Lurch with a “Goita” as Curley from Three Stooges would say.

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Goita on the back of his neck. Eww.

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Oddly enough on a "tour" of one of the biolabs, they found CDC FDA and USAID paperwork, the signs were also in English, then there is the case of the USAF request for "Slavic DNA" samples.

It smacks of that most evil human aspiration: gene specific bioweapons.

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Where did you find that info? Remarkable if accurate.

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or criminal Satanists

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Good grief! Another person out there that looks like fetterman. 😳

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That's gonna be a tough one....they may have to resort to the ole mask gag!

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She is evil.

I like Matt Walsh’s podcast a week or so ago when he lists the 3 most vile women in America....she was one of them. And I 💯 agree. How could you do this to your husband. One of the other women he called out was Jill Biden. Again, scum of the earth. Thru sickness and health.....you’re supposed to take care of your spouse when they are sick! Not force them into spotlights to continue to do the dirty work, including your dirty agenda. Sad for her kids, not for her. She should be very ashamed.

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Total narcissism on display. But I'm a little ashamed that I do not feel sorry for either John Fetterman or Joe Biden. Someday I hope to have the heart to, but they are both terrible terrible destructive people as well, and this is "natural consequences" of making choices they did. I pray they will see the true meaning of life though and change; all of them. The world could use it.

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They are both fast becoming literal puppets.

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Chris...Biden has been a literal puppet for years.

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Fetterman and Biden both appear to be way past the ‘human’ psychosis of narcissism. I firmly believe that they’ve entered a Faustian realm, they’ve sold their souls, and as such, are no longer human.

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I have a small amount of pity for Fetterman, but Biden is nothing but a corrupt husk of a human. I have no patience or pity or good will toward him (and I probably should really reflect on Christ's instruction to love our enemies - sigh).

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Love in terms of praying they will understand what they've become, repent, and follow a new path. I think only God is capable of actually loving them.

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Yes. You're right. As my 16 year old son say, "Love is an act of will, mom, it doesn't mean a feeling of butterflies in your stomach."

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EXACTLY, Broken (I LOVE your moniker, BTW). We are ALL "cracked pots"

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They are reaping what they sowed.

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But, but, but this way she can AFFORD the lifestyle she and her kids have become accustomed to. All of those vile women get to have their cake and eat it too 😒

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Or he has/had a nice life insurance policy.

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Ashamed, is that really a verb word? Surely such an ancient word it's been removed, cancelled, hate speech.

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Who did Matt Walsh say was the third most vile woman in America- Hillary or Pelosi?

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Kamala or Meghan. 4-way tie

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It was Meghan Markle. You're welcome.

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I love to hate Meghan…

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That’s tough...I think it might be a tie, LOL!!

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Was the third woman on Matt's list The Hillaroid?

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Was Whitmer listed?

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The SpaceX product for government/military customers is called StarShield. It's likely the same product/service as StarLink, just at 10X the cost. Elon's a smart guy, and don't think he's doing any of this for any reason other than money/power. https://www.space.com/spacex-starshield-satellite-internet-military-starlink.

Can someone explain to me how we can attribute blame for the pandemic on China considering the following? Dr. Ralph Baric from UNC taught the Chinese 'bat lady' scientist how to tinker with coronaviruses - the gain-of-function. The NIH funded the grants used to fund the Chinese research including the construction of the lab. EcoHealth Alliance is a US based NGO headquartered in NYC.

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If they told us that Russia blew up their own pipeline, and Assad gassed his own people, why wouldn't they blame China for unleashing the virus on the world? And I have decided that the U.S. government pronouns are "they" and "them". No more of this "we" stuff.

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Exactly how I refer to the Canadian government.

It ain't "mine".

"They" take my hard earned money, send it, give it, and donate it AGAINST MY WISHES (for its use), to everyone BUT their own people.

And they stomp us if we dissent. (Literally. Wearing steel toe jackboots. And riding on horseback. Wearing their black uniform but not their ID...)

I won't find peace, nor will "they", until WE take OUR country back from these diabolical WEF controlled puppets.

MEEKS says it best:

"Fighting 'till we're livin" free. Standing in unity."

His poignant "Freedom Convoy" documentary anthem has accrued less than 10,000 views since it was uploaded over 1 year ago, on my boy's birthday.

Please, won't you give it a like and bump that algorithm for him?

THANKS in advance C & C ARMY! ❤


#TheMothersAreComingJustin 😭

#DuckLowTurdeau 🏹


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Ynona thank you and your talented son for that 5 minute dose of pride and hope. The trucker convoy was such a proud, positive moment. Unbelievable how brutally Trudeau crushed it. My spousal unit is a dual citizen US/CA, and until 2020 we visited Canada at least once a year. Have not been back and won't be until the police state is lifted. Of course we the people have been screwed in both countries, so it's not like we are living free in the US, but my heart aches for what's been done to Canadians.

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Meeks isn't my son but I love him for what he has done for us, and would wrap my arms around him like his blood mum would, if I could.

This is how WE can support him: CLICK & LIKE and SUBSCRIBE. (Moral support if nothing else.)

"Have not been back and won't be until the police state is lifted." Boycotts have not worked so well in the past but I do thank you for your moral support. ❤

#HoldTheLine 🇨🇦🇺🇸

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Ynona - This is a beautiful piece. I submitted it to The Highwire for their consideration. Wouldn't hurt if others would do the same!

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My eyes well up every time I listen to Meeks, and watch his music video.

I know what happened next. 😢

I find myself singing that anthem in my mind.

#HoldTheLine 🇨🇦🇺🇸🚛🚚✌

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💯🎯 I have stopped referring to the US government as my/our government a long time ago. I definitely agree with proper usage of they/them pronouns. They are not governing, but ruling. None of us within the C&C conversations are taking part in the atrocities that they doing to our country and the world. I am not a part of this and I believe also, that a great majority of US citizens feel the same. As far as I'm concerned "THEY" can all go OFF themselves. We need a whole new do over anyway.

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Excellent point!

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Exactly. This was all brought to light by Dr. David Martin in 2020 in plandemic. He shows all the patents which shouldn't exist in the first place and the grants all three people/places you mentioned received from Fauci.

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If I remember correctly, one of the patents is owned by the DoD.

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David Martin’s “Fauci Dossier” https://www.davidmartin.world/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/The_Fauci_COVID-19_Dossier.pdf... and way early in the psyop spell 2019-2020 was a Dr Charles Lieber connected to Fauci via NIH funding... https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/harvard-university-professor-and-two-chinese-nationals-charged-three-separate-china-related

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100%. It may have “leaked” from a lab in China, but this has the US’s fingerprints all over it from the beginning- not even a question. It was our experiment, not theirs.

And *who knows if it really leaked from Wuhan- there is much talk about it coming from one of our labs in Ukraine and being released in several areas at the same time, including Wuhan.

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Thinking the same thing re: lab leak…seems clear it had to be a NIH/Baric/EcoHealth plan…even to now try and shift “blame” elsewhere

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Exactly. US tax dollars at work. The entire world should hate us, not China. Maybe that’s the point? I am currently reading “A Patriot’s History of the United States” and it is shocking how this country went from the stated goal of being a “city on a hill” to utter depravity. Those who think they are running the show hate humanity.

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

OK, so you may be right BUT the Overton Window is offering a binary choice : either a zoonotic leap or an "accidental leak" at WIV.

Now, call me cynical, but when the Overton window offers a binary choice , both options are wrong. Kind of like "Twelve Saudis with box cutters".

Let's stay real about this. All we know for SURE is that this viral genome was man-made in a Lab. We don't know WHICH Lab and we don't know HOW it was released.

The earliest confirmed cases of SC-2 reported in medical liteerature were in Northern Italy in early September, 2019. The World Military Games took place in Wuhan in October 2019 and the US Intelligence Report commented on an "outbreak" in Wuhan in early November 2019, well ahead of any indication that Chinese Authorities were aware of any problem.

Of course, this may all be a coincidence, but I'm not a believer in those kind of coincidences. And if you wanted to conduct a False Flag operation, what better place to lay the blame than Wuhan, where the US had carefully planted GoF research and had access to all the results. Jeffrey Sachs, an Establishment figure and Chair of The Lancet Covid Committee observed that there was a complete block in the US in instigating any independent investigation into the origins of SC-2 AND all the US Investigators in GoF research he approached, refused to cooperate. Why?

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Great comment. Ethical Skeptic has long said that this virus was on scene for a significantly longer time than we were told.

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Well said. Jeffrey Sachs was also convinced the virus originated in a North Carolina lab...

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I highly recommend watching this video of an interview of Dr. Andrew Huff where he explains that the virus is the result of the work of Dr. Ralph Baric at UNC. SARS COV2 was funded by DARPA and InQTel, the investment arm of the CIA. I know it sounds nuts but it’s all true! https://www.onenewspage.com/video/20230222/15462621/The-Truth-About-Wuhan-With-Dr-Andrew-Huff.htm

Ralph Baric has gone underground, curiously.

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I live near UNC and how strange it was to learn that this research was going on here in my state. I'll be on the lookout for Baric.

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I bet he shaved his head bald and shaved his moustache off--and that he's nowhere near NC now.

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⬆️ THIS ⬆️

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'Woe to those who seek deep to hide their counsel far from the Lord , And their works are in the dark; They say, “Who sees us?” and, “Who knows us?” - Isaiah 29:15

We see them and know who they are and so does God. Vengeance is His!

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If I were married to Gisele Burrito Fetterman, I'd be severely depressed too.

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😂😂😂, although they appear to be a perfect match.

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Biden is doing everything in his power to destroy America. So nothing shocks me anymore, especially a war escalation.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

That's why I identify as non-bidenary

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Hah! You got a laugh out of me. Good one, Alice!

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😂😂😂😂😂 This is great! I can’t wait to share!

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Pronouns : FJB/Let's Go Brandon!

I have a shirt that says exactly that! I always get positive feedback.

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I have the t-shirt as well! Everyone loves it 😁👍

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Lmao. I have the same shirt🤣🤣🤣

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

We'll all be stealing that little reference from you, just so you know :-D

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I keep recalling the disturbing interview with Thomas Sowell during the Obama administration, where he said his biggest fear was that they would intentionally get us into a major war, which we would lose, and then the Constitution would be canceled as terms of negotiation. He thought that was the plan, and I think he was right.

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What would really be the difference at this point? It's not like our betters have been working within the confines of our trusty Constitution thus far.

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The difference would be all citizens stripped of their 2A rights and then Hello Venezuela. People have no idea how much worse this can get.

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I hypothesize the same

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Often too wonder if the timing is a purposeful interference for our 2024 election and then there would not be one. Say NO! 🙏🏼

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Chilling but possibly very prescient.

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Well...remember Joe’s old campaign slogan, “Build Back Better”? It would stand to reason that you can’t “build back” anything unless it has been heavily damaged, meticulously torn-down, or completely destroyed...and that’s exactly what they’re doing (ie to America right before our very eyes)!

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I've noticed they've stopped promoting Build Back Better entirely.

It's just full on destruction mode now.

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Another thing that's totally disappeared is Monkeypox -

Along with the $$ Billions spent by Biden on stupid, unnecessary and ineffective vaccines for it!!

And 'Build Back Better' was the global hook all the WEF'ers were spouting in unison.

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

Monkeypox didn't work out.....

As for the WEF term "Build Back Better", that implies that you first have to tear everything down. I would guess it is no longer mentioned because they don't want to build anything. They are in tear-down mode.

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I think you might be right.

And this week the.next new global threat is that firm old favourite H5N1 commonly known as Bird Flu. So Panic Sheeple!!

PS Whatever happened to Zika? That one must be due another rollout. Too soon for Swine Flu? Nah, they missed their chance with that one when the vaccines started killing people.

Ah well, back to the Lab for another cooking session...

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

Ahh, if only the spreaders of monkeypox would also disappear ....

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Good You noticed that too.

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Yeah the narratives keep blinking in and out, like the Grand Wurlitzer is havinging a seizure!

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

Likely they are saving that bit of BS for when the Special Military Operation - or, do you say " Proxy War ? " - in Ukraine is over. When, at that time, they gonna launder a BOATLOAD of US taxpayer funds under the name of "Reparations", in order to help the people of Ukraine (whomever be left, that is) return to "normal"...........

And isn't it frightening when a (GLOBAL) slogan like that suddenly finds the sidelines??

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It was actually Build Backwards Better but he blew his line and abandoned the script

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Because of a previous mistake, when he read "end of quote," the teleprompter later read, "Build Back Better. Don't repeat that line," so he never said it again.

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Corkey...more likely he FORGOT the script!

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Biden abandoned $Billions in military assets in the cowardly Afghanistan retreat that could have been transferred to Ukraine. But that was money already spent so it would be necessary to come up with $Billions of extra dollars to defend the Ukraine NAZI/CIA regime.

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Joseph Robinette Biden = Deep State Puppet = Soros Approved = WEF approved = Obama’s third term in office = America is screwed.

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Did you see the clip where Karine JP referred to President Obama?

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Thinking probably NOT majority-approved.....

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Everything in his handlers' power. He has no power or cognition.

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His power? I don't think he's even well enough to hope for great nursing home care, and where will Jill be then?

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He’ll have private nursing care. No nursing home for him.

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Seems he FINALLY found something he is good at ................

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I hypothesized the same. Total corrupt traitor

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Agree... ANOTHER 1.2 B delivered by Yellen as we kiss the Ring. They must really have something big on Joe and Son. We don’t want war.

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I'm tired of the USA telling every other nation on the planet what they can or can't do.

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After the COVID debacle, no one will listen anymore. Keep an eye on Africa - in a few years I think you will some some monumental political realignments occur.

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Regarding Africa (and the fact that the "developing countries" did not mass vaccinate): the meek shall inherit the earth.

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Nobody is listening to us anymore.

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All this noise (lab leak, Fetterman) is to distract us from the WHO taking our sovereignty.

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Exactly. That is the biggest story in history…194 Nations are about to give their sovereignty and 100% total control to the governing council of the WHO (which council consists of Bill Gates Foundation, CCP, and Germany)for emergencies, potential emergencies, and plandemics.

Which control consists of: Mandated vaccines, quarantines, health care, 15 minute cities, digital tracking, permits to travel outside your 15 minute zones, as well as the banning of small farms, livestock, and poultry.

And Biden the gormless traitor is about to sign it.

Jeff Childers, this is the most important story of our lifetime, and will affect all of us if the NWO continues to succeed in taking over the World.

We should be marching by the 100 million and hunting the NWO elites…but we do nothing. We are sheep being led quietly to the slaughterhouse.

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