May 26, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Pro LGBTQ (Liquor, Guns, Bacon, Tacos and Quesadillas)

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Time to take back the alphabet AND rainbow! 🙌 🙌

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AND please take back the baby colors pastel pink and blue!

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I know I’m sick of rainbows and unicorns!

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I was thinking that while on a long drive yesterday. Dang activists ruined rainbows.

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They have hijacked God's 🌈 . His covenant with mankind. 😥

They hate God. They hate His commandments. God have mercy on their souls.

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They didn't. Their rainbow is not the full color spectrum. It is missing one of the mid-tones. Also, significantly, it has 6 colors as opposed to the gold standard 7 but you are right on. Just more fraud.

Later Jay

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much like cartoons have four fingers instead of five

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That is interesting. I was reading with a student (homeschool helper) and the book's rainbow only had 6 colors. They left our indigo. I talked to the child about it and they didn't know about indigo. Maybe it was a message? Hmmm, if only I could remember the book.

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That was on purpose.

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Nahhh, ours is way better and way different. We have 7 colors in a certain order. They have 6 colors, in the wrong order. 7 is the number of God. 6 is the number of man & Satan.

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wow-never even noticed that. I thought it was Roy G. Biv-like I learned in kindergarten.

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R O Y G B I V is 7 colors.

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That is what I am saying. I did not know their rainbow was only 6 colors until today. Sadly, I do not have pride flags around the crib to check.

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That's how I learned it, too!

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On purpose!

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Absolutely. Using rainbows for "pride" is Satan's counterfeit of God's promise.

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I wondered about this symbolism early one. My daughters were always super attracted to rainbows, unicorns, pastels, etc. , and we lose our beloved family pets, they go "over the rainbow", not to mention the whole "pride cometh before the fall" thing.

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Exactly! Very intentional! Satan isn’t stupid.

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Of course … the rainbow is a promise , “Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy

all life.”

It’s like Satan to say ….are you sure about that promise God ?

How mocking …

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YOU DIDN'T RECOGNIZE ME. A familiar figure is found to be behind the plandemic. Watch Turfseer’s music video. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/you-didnt-recognize-me

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Can you really look at a real rainbow and think of only the bad and not the absolute beauty of those delicate colors suspended in the sky? There are few things that make me know there is good in the world, a rainbow is one of those things.

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True. Even when I see one thru hose water, I know it is special.

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That sucks. Rainbows and unicorns.

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Why should rainbows be singled out? What haven’t they sullied?


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The rainbow is pure science. God created science, and thereby making His promise to us all.

The other side have made a fake rainbow for a fake reason. Neither the symbol nor the gender issue is true.

Light through a prism shows 7 colors. That’s the truth full stop. Their symbolism does not. It is not the truth and men in women’s clothing are not women. Wolves and sheep come to mind. Soon little girls will have no place to go to swim. No place for privacy. You my think this is a feminist problem but if you break women you will lose your culture.

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Answers in Genesis has. Where is the rest of Christianity?

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The entire dictionary gets my vote, illustrations 🧬 🚹🚺🚮


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well in that case... LOL

I think this whole mess does no good for the decent homo's and lesbians who are mortified just like us straight people. It is hard enough, I know from several of these, just to have a somewhat normal existence without all this crap dragging them down as well.

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Decent homos, lol.

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the ones that do not parade in the streets. the ones that keep their relationships like decent people do, inside their homes. The ones that only 50 years ago were murdered because they were homosexual. They do not want all this hetze that makes them too look bad!

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I understand your point. I refer to God's Word to tell me what God considers decent or indecent. Homosexuality is a sin against God, according to the Bible. Having stated that, I do know and care about folks involved in that sinful behavior. I am no better than any other sinner, although my sins are not the same. As a matter of fact, I'm most likely the worst sinner that anyone could ever know. Only through the grace of God could I ever be forgiven, and that same forgiveness extends to homosexuals. We all need Jesus, regardless of our sin, and He loves every single one of us and wants us to be more like Him. God bless you!

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Ted, I think the difference here is as Christians we are called to hate our sin. Yes we are all sinners but as we are sanctified in our walk we become less inclined to do so over our lives.

The whole pride concept on the other hand, celebrates sin, promotes it as a virtue, and attempts to pull others into it. That's far different from the thorn in our flesh Paul discusses regarding struggling with sin.

Ingrid's "decent homos" comment (lol, my sinful nature snickers at that moniker) distinguishes between those that are engaged in a sinful activity versus those who celebrate and promote it. It's a real distinction and a good one.

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And I would argue that whenever we engage in any sinful activity, we are promoting it. We may think we act in darkness, but we’re never as discreet as we’d like to think we are.

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I agree JeffC, the distinction is real. Yet, the distinction between a murderer who keeps to himself (such as a serial killer) and a murderer who encourages and promotes murder to others is less clear.

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Well said. There are no decent people engaging in any form of sexual perversion, including fornication between men and women. It is all an affront to God. And it is all forgivable if true repentance occurs.

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All this craziness and perversion is an offshoot of "normalizing" and accepting homosexuality in our society. The Bible calls homosexuality an "Abomination"....but now we have a large segment of our society embracing them because there are lots of "decent homos". No doubt there are many, maybe most who just want to live their deviant lifestyle with their significant other in peace...BUT the problem of deviant lifestyles is that it leads to other deviancies and becomes a real problem for the rest of us when their perversions lead them to children. Children!

The gay lifestyle is like getting on the wrong road at the outset...it's not going to lead to anything good or right, and may lead to some atrocious evils. We're seeing that happen as the natural progression of unchecked sin.

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An abomination indeed!! I once had a person tell me to keep my faith to myself but yet she didn’t keep her perverted lifestyle to herself.

We are called to evangelize as Christians so that all will hear the GOOD news of Christ’s sacrifice and His offer of forgiveness and salvation.

One has to wonder who is calling for the promotion of alternative/perverse sexual behavior. Scripture tells us precisely who calls for the promotion of sin.

It’s not God.

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I, too, know Lesbians who conduct their lives in a inconspicuous manner. They don’t promote their lifestyle; they mind their own business, so to speak. However, if Lesbians or Homosexuals continue to repeat the behavior OR Heterosexuals, for that matter, continue to repeat the sin is not the fundamental issue, biblically speaking. Paul in the Bible says “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” That is our constant struggle with sin. Drilling down even further is whether or not God gives us/me the heart for repentance. You do not repent of your own free will. Everyone last one of us is a sinner and it is part of our sinful nature that we always will do what is first and foremost in our hearts and minds. That is where forming a relationship with God/Jesus begins the healing. He will lead us to repentance and the will not to sin and it is He who will forgive.

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We are all guilty of many sins and God sees no difference in those sins, thus he forgave them all with the sacrifice of his only son. We are not to judge another’s sin, as judgement belongs only to God and for us to do so is to add another sin to our own list. We are to, instead, as Jesus stated, love every human as God loved us in order to bring about God’s kingdom here on earth. It is between each human and God as to how we work on our sinful natures. Because we don’t understand others’ sins, or even perhaps believe them to be worse than ours, does not relinquish us from the command of loving them as did Jesus; our example and love for them may be the very light they need to see their path back to God. I have gay friends who are two of the most caring individuals I know; have adopted and raised a special needs heterosexual son to be an upstanding, caring citizen. These guys are super conservative and abhor what’s going on today with regard to children. It’s true, I don’t understand how they and God handle their situations but I don’t question it; it’s not my business but to pray for and support them.

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Accurately and beautifully stated. Love is the only way through. Love is a hard teaching. It is so much easier to judge and to hate.

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Well said Ted!

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I understand where you’re coming from but the fact is they still demand that the baker bakes their cake, the photographers work their weddings and their adopted or purchased children , and children in general, be taught that their lifestyle is normal and harmless. It’s neither, and while I don’t condemn them (I’m as much a sinner too) I can’t condone or accept the “out and proud” . And the link between pedophilia and homosexuality is well-established. It’s not a myth.

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What about gay men that adopt boys? Is that ok if they stay quiet and out of view?

Or marriage to 8 year olds? etc

As a society, do we draw a line on degenerate behavior?

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Just because you are a gay man, or even woman, does not mean you are a pedophile. Most people (even gay people) want long term relationship and a family.

Pedophiles can be married and straight.....most of the ones identified, I would say, probably fit the straight married variety. Some people are just evil.

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023

100%. I am a survivor of child sex abuse and my abuser was a straight, white, "Christian" (obviously not really) male who was married with children. Gay or straight alone has nothing to do with one being a pedophile.

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What does a child of a gay couple do to fill the void of

the missing father or mother?

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gay and lesbian, IMO, should not be allowed to adopt. Children should be raised in a family, I think. Then again, there seem to be households with a man with multiple wives, who do well. Who are we to judge. But I think it would be best for a child, to be raised in a man and woman household.

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It's not my place to judge anyone. But intentionally harming an innocent child is punishable by death, no matter the circumstances. I don't need a law written by humans to execute biblical justice upon evil. All I need is a lack of fear for whatever humans choose to do about it. I cannot be threatened with Heaven.

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I believe the line should be drawn at God's Word. "Tolerance is the virtue of a man without convictions." (not my quote)

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I use to be very tolerant. Let people do their own thing.

But it's all weaponized against normal society.

So I'm done with it. No more gay support at all.

Down with degeneracy.

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The Genesis 19 account of Sodom and Gomorrah demonstrates exactly why there can be no tolerance in a society for homosexual behavior. When all of the Sodom men both young and old surrounded Lot's house, they demanded that Lot, even almost breaking down his door, give these men (angels) to them to have relations with them. When the angels struck the Sodom men blind, these blind men wearied themselves to find the door to Lot's house to molest the angels. Lust can never be satisfied! I doubt that all the men of Sodom became homosexual at one time. I am sure it was tolerance on the part of the city with one homosexual which led to others much like in our nation. Human nature has not changed since the fall.

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I think that quote is Chesterton

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Only if it is drawn with invisible ink you savage.

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I don’t think homosexuals should be allowed to adopt children.

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I had two good friends (technically still "have", we've just fallen out of touch) that were a gay couple and last I heard had been together 31+ years. No kids, just dogs. My biological great uncle and his partner are the reason my bio-mom came to Columbus to get rid of me, and thank God she did or I would not have had my family. Had my uncle been alone, who knows if he could have taken care of my bio-mom on his own and where would I be? His partner, who I was luck enough to meet when he was 88 (!) played a huge roll in me being here.

I can't fault anyone for living their lives.

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There are 33,000 different Christian sects. I argue with my friend who is an author and a minister,, about the Bible, which he reads every day and interprets and finds deep truth in. But who decided it was the word of God? Much in it seems of its time and there is a huge amount of Apocrypha that humans not gods left out for political reasons. If dogma and doctrine and creed crowd out the transcendent ideals of love and caring for the poor and the children and the widowed and valuing love and family no matter the sexual identity of those doing the loving,how is that any different than any other political repression? But one should not argue religion without enough coffee lol, and perhaps one shouldn't argue it at all. Islam gave birth to terrorism, abuse of young girls by illegal immigrants in the UK, grooming gangs, because according to them the girls are heathen and subhuman, but it also gave birth to mystics and Sufism.

A Garden Among the Flames

O Marvel,

a garden among the flames!

My heart can take on

any form:

a meadow for gazelles,

a cloister for monks,

For the idols, sacred ground,

Ka’ba for the circling pilgrim,

the tables of the Torah,

the scrolls of the Qur’ān.

I profess the religion of love;

wherever its caravan turns along the way,

that is the belief,

the faith I keep.

From Poem 11 of the Tarjuman al-ashwaq, translation by Michael A. Sells

Ibn 'al Arabi

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"There are 33,000 different Christian sects."

But there were only a few before 1517.

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As I’ve mentioned before it’s time to unhitch the wagon and let the horse run right over the canyon cliff!

LG. Yup, just that. B? Who cares ! Q? Whatever.... T? Well already know where thats headed....and PLUS-DoublePlus? Who Cares MK2, the ignore version.

Hope that helps. Y’all go ahead and enjoy your intimacies without whipping it out and waggling it in everyone’s face.

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indeed. Just like it was before it all became a farce. These people cannot help being as they are, but at least they keep it all in their own homes, where it belongs. Imagine if all straight people behaved like that in the streets. We keep ourselves to ourselves too, and those that are doing more than hold a hand as a couple, are being looked upon as well.

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Romans 1:26-28

This is why God delivered them over to degrading passions. For even their females exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.

The males in the same way also left natural relations with females and were inflamed in their lust for one another. Males committed shameless acts with males and received in their own persons the penalty of their error.

And because they did not think it worthwhile to acknowledge God, God delivered them over to a worthless mind to do what is morally wrong.

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My hairdresser for 42 years is gay. I had to suffer through hearing his gay escapades for years, just to get a decent haircut (He really was the best!). I dreaded going to see him, but I was hooked on his hair talent. Well, he freaked out over Covid and I haven’t seen him in over three years now. I do not miss the gay stories, but I do miss my great hair. Sigh...

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I hope you are kidding. My uncle was gay and he never stuck his sexuality in anyone's face. I really did not know as a child and he was one of the most wonderful people in my life.

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Well it starts off innocently. Many of us know nice gay people.

Then it moves to 'well, we have to change the tradition of marriage to allow gay marriage.'

Then we have to support trans.

Now they are moving to kids.

Where's your line in the sand?

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Re: Where to draw lines? We have a profound teaching to follow: Jesus silently stooped down and began tracing His finger in the sand. The Pharisees and teachers kept on questioning Him until He finally stood and said, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her” (John 8:7). ...and then to the woman: "...neither do I condemn you."

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My mom had 4 brothers and the only one who took care of us and helped us was gay he was the best of all . And we know the difference between gay and transgender. Not the same.

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Right? This seems so unfair to some of the kindest people in our lives, who just happened to be gay.

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Which decent homos and lesbians are you referring to???

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Bacon~~!!!! That's so much better use of those letters. Good call! I might change the T for tostadas but that's just me.

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Q as in BBQ!

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If you season your tequila-lime bacon tacos with gunpowder like the good ole days, you can have it all!

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Or guacamole

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Heard a comedian say it this way

Lettuce, Guac, Bacon, Tomato, Quarter-Pounder + Fries

I lol'd very hard at that line.

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Anybody remember the old Prego commercial? "its in there"

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me too. well licorice

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An acceptable substitute.

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(Jaxen Report) Largest study to date confirms overlap between autism and gender diversity - https://tinyurl.com/3es8drpx

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Your LGBTQ is a real PLUS!

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Also not for kids, but I can back those letters!

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you forgot to include the +

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That is the best! I'm pro all those items, too! 😂🤣

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That needs to be on a Tshirt.

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Bacon Squared !

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"Target Loses $9B in Week"

That's kind of like a "de-multiplier," right? Keep it up, folks!

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It’s Up To Moms To Crush Target



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If it’s up to moms to crush Target, it’s up to dads to throw the pervies out of the girls’ locker rooms.

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Yes, and we can celebrate those Dads on a VERY IMPORTANT JUNE HOLIDAY!

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Yes, with great prejudice.

Later Jay

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023

So all I can say is that last night I saw two moms already saying, online, Target lost their business! This is possible!!!

Bud already lost any business they had from our fam.

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I said this same thing to my family. It’s up to the moms as we are the main shoppers.

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It’s safe to say we are all “over the Target” 🎯😂

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So thankful for every person de-multiplying right now !!!! 🙏

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Perfect! 👍🏻

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And, 6.6 % of the B Gates foundation is invested in Coca Cola. We are going to stop buying their products.

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Thanks. Did not realize that--even though we knew Coke was already Woke!

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Would thus have happened if Twitter and others were still throttling "wrongthink"?? It's amazing what happens when you realize you aren't the only one disgusted by the campaigns.

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This is how my local rag headlined the Target De-multipler. The article said the losses were attributed to the LGBT etc community being upset the pride garbage was moved or removed completely. 🙄“TARGET CORP.

Retailer facing backlash over removal of some LGBTQ-themed items”


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🙄 is right!

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Seriously. I truly hope they loose half of their profits!!! Them they can rethink all their wokeisms.

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the NERVE of those EXTREMISTS, right Gavin Newsom, you First Class Creep ?

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Ive felt Newsom was a pawn of Satan for a long time.

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We needs one'a dem "systematic attacks" now on Gavin Newsom.

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Jesus presented another parable to them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went away. But when the wheat sprouted and bore grain, then the tares became evident also. The slaves of the landowner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ And he said to them, ‘An enemy has done this!’ The slaves said to him, ‘Do you want us, then, to go and gather them up?’ But he said, ‘No; for while you are gathering up the tares, you may uproot the wheat with them. Allow both to grow together until the harvest; and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather up the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them up; but gather the wheat into my barn.”’”

— Matthew 13:24-30 NASB1995

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What complicates matters to quite an extent is that it's not always a child's play to tell tares from grain, and the enemy happens to be we ourselves 🤷🙂

🗨 Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous, no one who does what is right and never sins. ~~Ecclesiastes 7:20

🗨 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. ~~1 John 1:8

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Correct, no one is without sin. But some are without the Savior and that is the deciding factor.

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AMEN - may it ever be thus! This also reminds me of Jesus' parable about the "goats amidst the sheep"!

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"because most of us don’t feel like having divergent mating practices shoved in our faces while we’re shopping for a new toaster oven" - LOL, funniest line of the day. This was an excellent writeup on Target and it really helped clarify for me why this thing set me off so much. The satanist angle was the biggest offense for me. And the targeting of kids of course. What a horrible company...we deleted the app and got off the mailing list. No more Target for this family. Idiots. "Satan Respects Pronouns" - yeah, I'll bet he does. I'm sure he loves this division & nonsense.

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So Target is staging a pride MONTH....well, I'll celebrate it by NOT stepping foot in their store!

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Good idea! I’m deleting the app now too. It’s really just used to track buying habits anyways, never got substantial discounts from there.

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I'm also throwing out all Target bags, plastic and reusable. Not even using them for trash or for carrying stuff around in. NO FREE ADVERTISING

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Actually, take those old bags to a shooting range and use them for TARGET practice.


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I just deleted the Target app. Done!

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I stopped shopping at Target when Target told me that I was gonna' share a bathroom with wienerized humans!

Nope! ...and I have not looked back.

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We stopped when we were told we couldnt legally protect ourselves under the 2nd amendment.

I have gone back a couple times, but never spend a lot.

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I stopped a decade ago after our company had done work for them. They don’t pay for 60 days from invoice and still try to stall. They are a very unethical company and gave been for a longgg time

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stubble on SaMANtha's chin? Her GUYLashes and Manscara may be purchased at Target. The term TRANSFAT has new meaning.

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GOOD PUN...love it!

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Humor may be hurtful but it isn't hateful; I was accused of being RACIST for clearly enunciating Kamala Harris's name as COW-Mala; intentionally SEXIST yes, as some Feminists detest lactation and being thought of as a milk cow. But RACIST?? idiotic labeling, but then anyone and everyone that don't like Biden is either NOT Black, or IS a racist by the Liberal definition. And the Mala part--a play on Spanish language that i'm sure is OFF LImits to me as well

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I've begun to think all of these people have a very VERY limited vocabulary to insult people with: racist. That's all they know. What they apparently do not know is that by using it for everyone and everything, the word has lost its power.

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any Conservative comment about a Commie of Color is by definition RACIST. For them, any "Colored Conservative" is free game for all sort of disparaging by White Libs as Uncle Tom, a Black White Supremacist and other nonsense. The conclusion: Racism has no true definition as a political or philosophical Movement, it has been devolved down to mean "unfair" and to be used as a Hammer or Sickle to smash against Non-Marxist political and economic and social systems and to cut to ribbons persons who oppose Marxism.

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Being called racist means nothing to me anymore. Words only only have the power that we give them. (for adults, specifically)

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A word about atheists: Speaking for myself (and perhaps others as well) I see a difference between being non-religious (including atheist) and anti-religious. As a non-religious person I not only welcome religiosity (especially its values, virtues and morals) but I see religion as a good —not only for society, but for the person who is religious. In my view, opposing crèche scenes at Christmas is anti-religious, as is glorifying Satan (even though I don’t believe in Satan).

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On board 100%. Nice to know there are other like-minds here. The whole concept of Satan is a bit ridiculous to me but why any retailer would offer merch like that is beyond comprehension. But then again after reading these updates every morning I’m convinced at least half the population has totally lost their minds.

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Not to mention that it is ugly merchandise.

It reminds me of 1970s rejects that couldn’t get sold for sheer ugliness.

Lousy designs lousy designer lousy store.

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Satan wants you to think he doesn’t exist.

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As a non-religious person, I agree with you 100%.

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023

Thank you. As a person who tries to live everything out of faith in God, it is refreshing to hear this from those of you who do not. It takes some wisdom to see that believers are not perfect in the living out of their faith, and yet the object of their faith is a good ideal. It also takes wisdom like yours to recognize a phony. I have been confronted by so many people who point to the crusades, the KKK, failures of the church, atrocities done in Jesus' name, cults and other fake Christian movements...yet they don't actually know about Jesus and what He taught. Going back to the source one finds ultimate peace and perfect love. Even for those who don't accept the reality of God, those are pretty good norms to strive for.

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Yes, I am not religious but most definitely not anti-religious. I agree with you 100%.

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Yeah Satan worshipping is subversive to society, whether or not one is religious.

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Thank you for sharing Asa. x

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Good point. I was a proselytizing atheist until the age of 33.

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It's not just that this stuff is aimed at kids (which is despicable) but that it's in our face everywhere we go. This kind of kink/perversion used to be segregated into small shops in the seedy part of town, if that's what you wanted you went there (while hoping your boss, pastor, or mother-in-law wasn't driving by while walking in). People who didn't want to see it didn't.

That's gone now as Target and these other companies force it down our throats whether we like it or not. Things weren't just fine before but they suddenly crossed the line with kids. They crossed the line long ago when they tried to normalize this stuff in general. Pushing it on kids just made their intentions so obvious it became impossible to ignore.

That's why this whole argument about whether "tuck friendly" swimsuits were in the kid's section or not is irrelevant. The fact they are in the store at all is the problem. Yet again conservatives are being duped into arguing on the left's terms rather than rejecting the premise of the argument. They call Republicans the stupid party for good reason.

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And why Newsom can NEVER be president!!!!

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I am hoping that the LORD GOD repeats an OT punishment on Gavin Newsom (who also has a king-complex) ... driving him out to live with the wildlife, eating grass and plants and drinking from streams, while the dew, rain and fog COIF his hair in a new way!

Because like that other king, when he has learned, he can come back to human behavior with a Right mind and serve GOD by doing His will.

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Amen !!!!

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It sure seems like it takes a LOT to wake people up to this stuff. I continue to be astounded by how oblivious so many people still are.

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I’m starting to believe Abpallen and Alissa Heinerscheid are actually culture-jamming double agents embedded at Woke ESG-score–chasing corporations to take them down from the inside. If so, it is a brilliant strategy and needs to be replicated across all BlackRock/Vanguard dependents. BRAVO, comrades! 👏

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I had that thought myself...

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Thank you for all you do to keep us informed with real news.

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Nailed it again Jeff! Excellent commentary on Target. Thank you for addressing this in detail! The media brainwashing is so effective, even I have a hard time explaining to my 73 year old mother why we can't accept these things, and what we stand for, like with Bud Light. Jason Whitlock who is also a brilliant writer, and a Black Christian Conservative, wrote an excellent article about pride a few days ago, posted to his twitter.

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Looks like it's time to bring back Christian Muscle!

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Way past time!

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Techno Fog's excellent expose of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence:

The Dodgers have a Groomer Problem


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It is imperitive that humanity stand up and speak out against the Satanic and Luciferian agenda so that we can continue our evoluntion which is our God sanctioned course. The Ahrimanic (Satanic) agenda is to stear humanity off track into the Meta-Versa, an artificial controlled existance which is one of degradation. Rather than continuing on our upward spiritual path, humanity would perish into nothingness. This agenda has played out in prior Epochs and is now at the culminating time in this Epoch. Brave and courageous souls will thwart the direction of this agenda. Holding the Christ consciousness in one's heart and continuing to live within the tenants of the Holy Spirit of God will be our salvation.

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Remember a time when the elderly were the voice of reason, morality, and common sense? Yet Lily had to explain to her 73 year old mother why this stuff was wrong.

Those that came of age in the 1960's really are a lost generation and need our prayers. I came of age in the 70's so I caught the tail end of it. But people like Lily that came of age in the 80's and early 90's are now the voice of wisdom that have to explain morality to their parents. It's inverted reality and something to behold.

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Jeff's Target article is definitely one to share, especially with older folks who don't get out much but still order from Target.

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"You know, it used to be kind of difficult to get conservatives on board for boycotts, for a host of reasons, but — like a Clydesdale-led miracle — the phony Anheuser-Busch beer company and its hypomanic spokesman-slash-girl seem to have taught our folks how to do it."

This may be old, but I just saw it: someone referred to the parent company of Budweiser as Transheuser-Busch.

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Oldie but a goodie :)

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Dang, so it IS old! Been out of the loop for the past 9 days. Amazing how quickly one can join the ranks of the uninformed!

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May 26, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"Number one, kids don’t need to know about gay sex." I agree 100%, however, the fact is that kids don't need to know about ANY sex. Period. I am rearing my 10-year-old grandson (since he was 3 1/2). I have already had the "talk" with him about "good touches/bad touches" and "stranger danger." I did so without having to explain adult sexual practices. When he reaches the age when he has the physical ability to procreate (when puberty hits and his body starts making sperm), I will have a good, long sit-down with him. Until then, he's just gonna be a kid. I am baffled and enraged by people, especially parents, who are so willing to rob children of their childhood by unnecessarily exposing them to what should be adult-only issues, whether it's pushing the kind of BS that Target is doing, taking their kids to drag shows, or allowing inappropriate reading material in our and middle school libraries. JMHO

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Couldn't agree with you more. We are having that discussion in our house now because one of my friends (who is also a conservative mom) says that it's probably time to start having the talks (as she did with hers just this year prior to middle school) in order to establish trust and so her daughter would come to her as opposed to strangers. So we're buying the right books and trying to weigh out the right time. She's 10, so I think we still have time - and I definitely don't want to rush and take away that innocence (we still believe in Santa in this house)...but I am also wanting to be sure she hears it from us and not kids at school.

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Yeah, depending on the school, you’re probably right on time. Unfortunately.

But it can be discussed in such a beautiful way that honors and respects this natural, God-designed biology and act. God designed our bodies for these purposes, for growing and nurturing a new life. For expressing love to one’s spouse, and experiencing love in return.

The only reason we consider it taking away innocence is because of how distorted it has been, how abused it has been.

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I had a talk of sorts with ours at a relatively young age when ours was adamantly persistent in asking questions related to why everyone has to have a mom and a dad. He had a friend who doesn’t know his dad, so at that age, ours assumed the friend had only a mom.

So, one vague answer led to another question, with more vague answers that didn’t satisfy. Then slightly less vague answers. Then queries as to, well, how does the dad’s contribution get into the mom? Ours already knew that babies grow in a special place God made for such purpose, inside mom.

So amid awkward giggles and embarrassment, the simple answer was provided.

Next day on the way to school, ours was trying to understand how, then, did twins happen. Haha.

Obviously there is much more to be said than that, and presumably my husband will be having that conversation in the next year or two. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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I recommend passport to purity. It’s a great way to get ahead of the information they learn in school. Where we are, school starts talking about it in the 4th grade, which is 10.

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Are you telling me that those photographs are actually clothing being marketed to kids? Or are I would not have believed it if I did not see the pictures. Target is finished for me as well.

This whole linking of Satan to LGBQT etc. is both informative and scary. Where will this thing end?

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Giving up shopping at Target has been one of the easiest sacrifices I've made. Haven't entered one in at least 4 years (ironically, Covid-related lockdown was the final nail in the coffin). I don't miss it at all.

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So where do you shop instead? I’m running out of options because they are all bad

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I do a lot of my shopping at thrift stores.

They often support good causes

The prices are right

You're supporting the environment by buying recycled items!

But never for toilet paper. Never. That's what Walmart delivery is for.

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Try to shop local. Lots of mom and pop places offer the same stuff. It takes adjustment, but once you’ve made the switch it’s totally easy. We gave it up when Target wouldn’t support Toys for Tots- c’mon toys for kids donation box not allowed in the front of the store? Buh bye!

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Agree, I gave up AMZ when they cancelled Parler and have boycotted Wal Mart for over a decade for a host of reasons, and KMart has gone out of business. I am all for 'shop local', but Target was my go to for my cats' favorite food and cat litter, health and beauty, cleaning supplies and paper products and a few grocery items I can't find elsewhere. All in one stop. I am not aware of any local business that carries these kinds of things, they are all chains. I don't have time for going to 5 different stores, and grocery store prices on a lot of the HBA and cleaning products are a LOT higher, and money is tight right now. Sigh. I am in on the boycott but not happy about it.

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Perhaps you can at least reduce the amount you spend there?

I was boycotting Kroger for the last two years because they discriminate against unjabbed employees. But now we have some new dietary restrictions, and some things we can find only at Kroger. But I try doing most of my grocery shopping elsewhere.

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Well I am staying away , as there have been too many incidents to count at this point, between banning the salvation army, to the transgender bathroom issue and now the over the top pride crap targeted at kids. I think they have had some $ difficulties before this even started, and my concern is that if they go out of business, does this just make Wal Mart and AMZ stronger? And less consumer choice means higher prices. We do have Dollar General and Big Lots but their selection is pretty hit and miss although their prices are decent. But they don't carry my cat brands or my make up and beauty items so have to find someplace else.

We are a strange market, our 2 big grocery chains are HyVee, HQ out of Iowa and Price Chopper that is just in our KC market so don't have the national woke grocery chains here although Target and WM do have grocery too. My husband used to know the family that owns the Price Choppers as he used to call on them for work and says they are solid conservatives, but that was the father who has since retired, actually in the 4th generation now and so who knows about the kids who are running it now. But no evidence of wokery anyway. Neither grocery chain even enforced the mask mandates as I shopped both and never had anyone say anything to me about not wearing one, except a few customers, so doubt they required the jab.

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Same here. Not a lot of good options for many of the products and I already go to several different stores 😕

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They’re all bad, but Target has been awful for decades. They were supporting abortion 20-30 years ago.

I try to find the least bad places.

Thriftbooks.com for books. Other online retailers for other stuff - maybe shop on The Brazilian River but then go to the product website to purchase.

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Yes, I love thriftbooks! I actually patronized a local bookstore for some books but then they sided with the school district on the porn books, and literally had a 'banned book' package they were advertising with some of the disgusting titles we were fighting the school district over. So local does not necessarily mean 'non-woke'.

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AbeBooks is another place where I have found great used books. Haven’t looked for new there. Just some solid old chapter books no longer in print but good for our kiddo or homeschool.

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I’m trying to sort that out as well. Smart & Final is right next door to Target, so I’ve been going there for some food items, beverages, cleaning supplies, kitchen supplies. Then there’s just the regular grocery store, of course. I was buying things like light bulbs, power strips, air filters, etc at Target and have started going to Ace Hardware (which also has an EXCELLENT selection of canning supplies). Walmart grosses me out, so they aren’t an option. I always buy small appliances at Costco, so that won’t be a problem until THEY turn Satanic. My hairstylist told me she just bought two pairs of Rx eyeglasses at Target and is returning them this weekend for her money back.

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I agree. My challenge is finding affordable snacks for my kid. Thats basically all we shopped there for. That and toiletries.

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Can you make your own snacks for the kids? Some of the snacks they sell are ultra processed and unhealthy anyway. We like to make our own air popped popcorn-

Homemade ice cream 🍨 cranberry bars -

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In death...suicides, morals, ethics, a nation...unless we never walk into a Target again or buy online...all of the junk is dead to me. Parents are to protect their children...not only from physical harm, but from mental harm. All the violence and acceptance of filth that our children have been subjected to is unacceptable. This goes for adults too. I used to enjoy Chicago med and fire on Wednesdays, but then ask myself just why do I need to be watching blood and tragedy. I don't. I pray for wholesomeness and non violence in our world.

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If you read Scripture at all, Michael...all of this depravity that is SO prolific now is actually foretold in Biblical prophecy--especially in the books of Daniel and Revelations. satan and his minions are so busy deceiving and proselytizing right now because "their time of destruction is drawing nigh"...the REDEEMER is at the door waiting for the go ahead from the FATHER to lead the battle against ALL EVIL at Armageddon. Cleaning up the "mess" that rebellious humans have made of His perfect creation!

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NYPost has an article on the Abprallen products, which Target was marketing, with photos. The slogans are unwelcome, but Baphomet & Satan are not among them. Otherwise, the designs look like Peter Max drawings in pastel. The designer used the Satanic theme for a different line, not at Target.

Incidentally, while trying to get some sort of a handle on this very strange and confusing agenda, I learn odd details. According to some, Baphomet is considered to be of mixed gender. Could this be why a trans cult embraces this figure?

Meanwhile, the Post article describes the designer as a "gay trans man". I haven't a guess what that means in practice. Gender preference and partner preference being separate questions, from what I can find. Not to mention what one might call anatomical irregularities, not to put too fine a point on it.


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Look online. Some of it as been taken down. They have Pride shirts in youth sizes with lisenced products: traditional Disney characters, star Wars, Marvel, Looney Tunes, Harry Potter, Minecraft, Precious Moments. They even used a play on Lion King's "Pride"

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023

I was wondering the same thing Michael. I had not seen any of the products just read about the bathing suits etc.

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023

An observation on Target: This doesn’t seem to be a “mad as hell, raise the volume , picket the store” kind of boycott. More like “quiet quitting”. Just a simple, silent, mindful, thoughtful decision of “I think I’ll go someplace else”….which I think is far more effective. The MSM is flummoxed. No yelling and screaming. They find that incomprehensible.

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Not only that, the media is literally creating drama out of thin air. When confronted and asked for proof in the form of names, locations and police reports, the AP silently deleted their claims of threats against employees, merchandise being thrown around or destroyed, and screaming harridans. Didn’t happen, even if they claim it did.

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023

“It’s a NEW kind of Satanism, not that old blood-drinking, orgy holding, child-sacrificing kind. It’s a “Neo-Satanism.”

I think its still child-sacrificing with its adoration for abortion and trans-surgery, but much more visible and bold than ever before.

“Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons”

1 Tim 4:1

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One of the designs says "Satan respects pronouns." Oh deluded neo-Satanist designer, Satan is the author of pronoun confusion and all the chaos is brings.

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All the rainbow merchandise was still in the front yesterday at “my” Target at the Steelyard store in Cleveland. An overweight black mom wearing a fabulous Pride T shirt was wandering around the large display with her 2 kids ALSO wearing Pridewear and they were begging her for new outfits. So IN FACT Target has done nothing. The Mom was looking at them....well proudly. No one else was shopping the display.

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That’s why we can’t stop! Hit them financially over and over again. This is how America rises up. It’s always about the money so it’s past time for us to financially attack! We cannot let up on them. They did not back track. They tried to cover their tracks. Nope 👎🏻 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻

Boycott Bud Light and TARGET until they are broke! THEN maybe they’ll get it.

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Can we boycott HOSPITAL SYSTEMS while we're at it??!!

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And vaccines.... turns out there are no Amish children with Autism. ZERO. Only difference? They don't do the vaccine routine. They boost their immune systems with healthy lifestyles.

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I wish people including parents of autistic kids would wake up and see this. My niece has a friend who’s son is autistic at 5 yrs old. The boy was talking and fine until after his childhood vax, and days later he was non-verbal and just stares off into nothing and diagnosed autistic! The dad will acknowledge it is vax injury. Now my niece who is a nurse does not want to vax her 8 month old. I celebrated her awaking with her!!! She did do the first ones but the next set have had to be cancelled and re-scheduled twice! She told me maybe God was trying to tell her something…. YES! We had a long extensive conversation about it. She worried her pediatrician would pressure her and stop being her pediatrician… I said who cares! Good! Get one that is educated rather than bought! Wooohooo! My great nephew is adorable and I will fight for him!!

And in the same breath I know autistic kid parents who refuse to even look at the possibility this is vax injury. So sad.

And my husbands family all live around Amish in Michigan. It’s where my husband grew up. Still has Amish family members. None of the Amish are autistic. It’s true! Common sense!!! Why are blind to common sense??

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023

I live near Amish in Michigan also. I shop up at their country stores. They would not mask during covid. They had signs on their door but they never required anyone to wear them. I was always flabbergasted at the number of people masked to the teeth shopping in Amish stores with bare faces all around them. They also don’t have TV’s and their children attend schools run by the Amish and only attend until the 8th grade. Their stores are full of classic books and puzzles and board games. They read and they do family things together. They work on their family’s farms and businesses. I have noticed a few s younger men sporting cell phones. I hope it is not the end of their culture.

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My sister in law has Amish family. At least in their area, some Amish have had phones for awhile, and the sudden exposure to the online world can be a problem for those unaware.

Believe it or not, I recently went to an Amish naturopathic physician. They use cell phones and computers as part of their work. But I assume not at home. I submitted an inquiry via their website and got an email reply from one of the Amish NDs.

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Yes to all of it.

The younger ones sporting cell phones are probably in rumschpringer (I have no idea the spelling). At 16 they can go off the deep end and live like the English and sow their wild oats. Parties, drinking, phones, cars you name it. But they do that away from the home, not at the home. When they come home they gotta tow the line 😂 Afterward they have to decide if they will leave the Amish or stay Amish and join the church.

It’s so crazy how they are!!

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For the same reason we can no longer ask if the clot shot was given to someone in their 50’s who suddenly had a blood clot or seizure. We can’t ask if a previously healthy 50 something “dies suddenly or unexpectedly”. We aren’t allowed to ask. We just had a 49 year old lawyer acquaintance develop turbo cancer and was dead within 2 weeks of diagnosis. But we can’t ask. Why can these people not connect dots, despite the fact they all got the clot shot originally to prevent covid and everyone still got CoVid, many repeatedly. But we can’t ask.

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Dr. Malone believes vaccines should not be given until age 3...if at all....

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Thanks for that reminder too! I did tell my niece that at the very least…postpone them until she researched vaccines, what’s in them, and look at the data. Be informed before she chooses what to do.

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023

We need “Fauc(Fauci)-er Vouchers”to opt out of school vaccines

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Absolutely! Or, homeschool.

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I already have…2 years ago. And many of my like minded friends have as well.

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North face too. They are promoting pride with childrens clothing hawked by a drag queen.

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That video is clownworld! https://twitter.com/Travis_in_Flint/status/1661383963699474433?s=20

Don’t forget Adidas, Ford trucks and Crocs are all 🌈 as well.

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I didn’t look at it. Just had breakfast. Clown world for sure.

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The boycott list is so huge. Pretty much any large company. Just really sucks.

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Doesn't suck to support small companies, wherever you can find them. Or to just buy less.

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🤡 🥓 🤡

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Oh man …I hate to hear this one …

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Yeah, we need to make North Face known too. It's spreading like wildfire!

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Has it occurred to anyone that they knew exactly what they were doing when they chose the rainbow as their symbol? First it’s a slap to Christians and second, kids love rainbows. Get ‘‘em while they’re young.

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Oh ya, they knew exactly what they were doing. Anything to destroy what God has done and kill, steal, and destroy us. It’s blatant now. No more evil being in hiding.

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It metastasized out of Jesse Jackson’s rainbow coalition political campaign/movement.

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Then we need to double down and get more people to stop funding their ability to sponsor more of the crap.

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I have a pint of beer most every evening. Helps me sleep like a baby.

My choice for more than a decade has been Mich Ultra. I have now dropped it like a hot potato. It’s Yuengling Light (or Flight) for me now.

I truly pray people wake up and make sacrifices for the good of the children. I hope the Dodger’s feel the pain. I am disappointed in some family members, who just have to watch the NFL. Different issue, but still we’re being tested on what we truly value in this world.

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I have close friends who know the truth about Disney…and yet will be going this fall with a large group and spending probably close $5-7k on the Disney portion. They are willing to look past it all to “just go have fun” 🤦🏼‍♀️ 🤮. I’ve been vocal and told them they are funding the agenda. They don’t say anything in response and continue planning. They will be staying with us on the trip, and I’ve made it clear we refuse to go to Disney with them. I can’t get them to wake up to the reality they are funding the agenda that harms kids. So sad.

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023

I really really hoping they lose so much business they must close some stores or altogether.

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Lose, not loose. Sorry, but that particular error is so common I can't not mention it.

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I'm going to visit our brand new (one month old!) Target to see if this garbage is displayed. If it IS still there, I'm taking pictures and posting to our local community facebook page, which is very active. We also have a conservative local page, and I'll post there too. If locals don't know about this, they will soon enough!

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023

Was the family paid by Target to advertise? Or is Target giving the stuff away?!

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You might be on to something about Target paying people to look interested in that garbage. Too many monkey-see-monkey-do people out there.... just think of masks.

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And then when we look a bit further it might not be Target at all. In fact Target might even be getting compensated for the losses?

Ok I’m speculating here, but 5th gen warfare is well funded.

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May 26, 2023·edited May 27, 2023

It wouldn’t surprise me when you consider how healthcare systems and providers were financially rewarded for Covid patients, putting them on a ventilator, ordering Remdesivir and also for many prescriptions for drugs. The families of patients who died of Covid were also given a $9-10K check for funeral expenses. My next door neighbor has mentioned it several times.

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Masks . . . Exactly!

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Interesting theory but you’d be surprised how many people buy into this stuff! I work in a pretty woke industry and had an employee wear a shirt to work that said “protect queer and trans youth”. I had to explain why this was a socio-political statement and wasn’t allowed at work.

Watch out if you ever need talk therapy because a lot of social workers actually are proponents of all this DEI ideology.

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Not a theory. Just a question based on the "parent's" behavior.

Please don't think I don't know people who buy into this stuff, including therapists.

I know well what "social worker" *really* means!

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I don't know you so I wouldn't think anything particular. When I said "you" it was for anybody reading. The whole therapist thing was an eye opener for me relatively recently.

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Are you KIDDING? Not at “my” Target😜 I’m going to check and see if the display has been moved. The rainbow “Mom” was definitely looking around to see if anyone noticed. No one cared.

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