“For the Mighty One has done great things for me;

And holy is His name.

And His mercy is upon generation after generation

Toward those who fear Him.

He has done mighty deeds with His arm;

He has scattered those who were proud in the thoughts of their heart.

He has brought down rulers from their thrones,

And has exalted those who were humble.

He has filled the hungry with good things;

And sent away the rich empty-handed.”

— Mary, in Luke 1:49-53 NASB1995

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I love the testimony of a totally humbled Nebuchadnezzar, the most powerful ruler in the world, who was literally kicked off his throne, driven mad, and then mercifully rehabilitated by God himself. Talk about a miracle wrapped in redemption and total proof who is actually in charge. https://bibleask.org/what-was-the-reason-for-nebuchadnezzars-madness/

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The OG mad cow disease!

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Ah, the Magnificat! One of the most beautiful, poetic exultations in all of Scripture.

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Re: “ He has filled the hungry with good things; And sent away the rich empty-handed.”

I have never begrudged the wealthy’s wealth. I am not a Marxist. But I have to say that it sure looks to me like the most wealthy of our world are doing the most evil these days. The Bill Gates, the Rockefellers, Bezos, George Soros, all those philanthropic organizations listed at end of PBS shows. Added to this all the billionaires in the pharmaceutical industry. I could go on. I’m not sure how exactly Mary intended her words, but it is a satisfying thought to me that these rich evil people will ultimately be sent away to their “reward” empty handed.

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They sure love their money…and it is the root of their evil.

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And the love of power is a close second.

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When I first typed that comment, I had “money and power…”

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The love of money is the problem. Having money and being a good steward and grateful for their gifts is not. Big Big Big difference. good post.

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The rich elite fears history and seeks to rewrite it and control the future. Don’t they know they would make more money if they would let everyone be free to have a good prosperous life. They also fear death because they can’t take it with them, therefore they are interested in AI and singularity. Once again they are fearing the wrong thing, not following God and His Son. Wake up oh elite and repent and ask the Son into your heart to find eternal life. All God has to do is send a good solar blast our way and that EMP will erase the electronics of the best laid planes of mice and men.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

God has died for them so they no longer have any way to demonstrate their piety to others. As a result we get the "woke" sub-ideology, so the super well off, in their guilt, have a new needle they can attempt to pass through the eye of. But woke is only a sub ideology, because they cannot even explain what its tenets are. Their sub ideology is expressed in terms of what you are supposedly *not*. "I'm not racist!" and "I'm not bigoted!" and "I'm not a polluter!" and "I'm not a meat eater!", when in fact either the opposite is true, or the distinction is meaningless anyway. So "Anti-racism" is actually the most racist formulation imaginable.

This all leaves them in a constant state of negativity and fear, constantly looking over their shoulders for the next new thing they must all of a sudden all be against. It's a really miserable and unhappy state of being (which I guess means we all need to pray for them).

Dostoevsky said "If God is dead then everything is permitted". But this is like the current fad in parenting, "just let the kids do or be anything they can dream up". This of course makes kids miserable and unhappy, because of course they have no idea how they should try to behave - they're kids.

So the danger of nihilism is not that people will believe in nothing, it's that it lets people think they can believe in anything at all, no matter how absurd. Men can get pregnant. The border is secure. Biden is lucid. Or the ridiculous idea that mankind can co-exist peacefully without a minimum shared set of simple common values we agree on. The result? It becomes the jungle. Every man for himself.

And since culture is upstream of politics, the result is the chaos we are witnessing. We cannot even gin up proper awareness and discussion of the urgent and real mortal threats to our entire species, from Frankenstein viruses to bioweapons to nuclear bombs. This is because we have *no agreed moral basis, in other words no basic agreed concepts of right and wrong, upon which to base those critical discussions*.

(Apologies if this all seems obvious to the readers, it helps me to type it out).

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Well said AusYank, but your last paragraph is absolutely spot on and I wish what you say would be all too “obvious”!

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

Yes! But they would not OWN IT ALL which is their aim. Yes! Own It All ... including you and me ... all of us body, mind and soul. And it is so hard to get one's arm around this. That 'they' are simply not interested in just doing well and prospering if that EXCLUDES OWNING IT ALL.

Here's a small instance. The Fed used to be known as the Lender of Last Resort. Now the Fed is a little expanded in its scope. Now the Fed is both the Lender and BUYER of Last Resort. In the world of everything rigged, the ante has been upped. And if you may recall, who was the Covid Weapon aimed at in spades? It was the regular you and me folks, Main Street and the Moms and Pops. Remember? All but the Big Box businesses who were exempted from closing up, and oh yeah! For them it was business as usual.

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I completely agree. And why? We've made them rich. We fight their wars. They lack the instincts of the humble tick. A tick falls off its host so the host lives for future feedings. They can't see that far ahead. Forget being smarter than a 5th grader. How about a tick? Not good PR for the WEF. 'Titans of the World Dumber than Ticks'. Love it

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From Saint Louise de Montfort, A Treatise on True Devotion to Mary.

When my sweet Jesus comes a second time on earth in His glory as it is most certain He will do , to reign there, He will chose no other way for His journey than the divine Mary , by whom He came the first time, so surely and so perfectly. But there will be a difference between the first and the second. .

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The attacks on the chicken and egg industry continue unabated... a lot of people have problems with the latest chicken feed causing plummeting egg production. Possibly mRNA introduction to the grain feed?

Also, some are starting to think all the cattle that died last year, died from the MRNA injection. Just a thought. Does anyone else remember the mass cattle death that they blamed on the heat?

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This is kind of off topic, but a lot of people do not know of FDA’s loose labeling rules for meat sold in the US. Meat can be marked product of the USA if it was merely cut and processed in the US. It can be grown, raised and butchered in another country and shipped here to be packaged with a very misleading USA label. After 2016 the COOL (country of origin labeling) policy has been disregarded. Buy local! Know your farmers. And ignore everything FDA says.

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ignore anything any letter word agency says or listen and do the opposite

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since i am a SEINFELD ADDICT I call it "DOING A GEORGE COSTANZA" ...ya know " doing the OPPOSITE!"

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Hahaha 😄 Greetings and salutations !

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Amen. Support your local farmers and producers. Big business is more likely to be woke and active partners with the evil cabal.

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They will come for us too. Burn corn fields and storage or outlaw growers.

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On a similar note, I remember reading (but can’t remember the date now) that USA chickens were being shipped to China to be processed and sent back for American consumption.

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Yeah I remember that too! Unbelievable.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

Maybe the FDA should be abolished? Maybe the FDA should be cut back to bare bones? At least to the point that we can decide to buy anything we want, including meat, directly from farmers, or their products at local markets.

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After Nuremberg code violators in FDA are hanged, we can talk

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I like that. Nothing less will dissuade future violators. One constant: history repeats itself

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Abolished. They are useless. Is anybody there? The left is so keen on robots that'd be a good place for one. With a rubber stamp for a hand. Thalidomide is often cited as why the FDA is important to us. I think it was a stunt so we'd trust them. What have they done since then. The USDA is currently occupied in hot pursuit of anyone producing healthy food. Abolish them all

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interesting ............ I almost forgot ..... in South Dakota or North Dakota .... I think there is a pretty big bought by China meat processing enterprise? perhaps that is a factor ... I came across it when searching on "Chinese and xyz place " where xyz place was the latest hot spot of covid being reported by the media in 2020.

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Good information. Thank you

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Interesting, I'll have to research that one. Thank you

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They're going to kill us no matter what we say or do. Don't comply? They'll get you anyway.

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Maybe. Or perhaps it's our one big test. Who will fight for our King? Who will put on the armor of God and hold the line?

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Buck up. You can not bring that negative energy into the tournament

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I’m saying that’s their game- they anticipated millions of fighters. They had this covered from many angles is all I’m saying. It was not a prediction or surrender.

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I heard that 5G was responsible for the death of all those cattle. Like most of us I assume, I don’t know what to think! What I feel pretty damn sure of, is that it was a lie as to why they died. The heat? REALLY?????

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the article stated they died from heat. I wonder if they were on a Texas feed lot, they might have died from heat related stench. I have avoided red meat since the mad cow began. When you pass by a feed lot, I wonder if you want to eat these animals.

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Grass fed, real grass fed range cattle, is definitely healthier. Whatever killed them, it was not "Climate Change", another part of the "Shell Game."https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/prion-shells-tuesday-january-31-2023/comment/12382180

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Good cows are tasty.

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That'd be curious. I think 5G is installed first in areas with dense population, which wouldn't be ranches or feedlots. But what other tech is used on cattle nowadays that might have been a factor?

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We will probably never know.

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It was wildly hot last year. The cattle really needed a sprinkler and some gatorade to get through that awful period unfortunately.

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This is a bit too far. How many 5G stations to you think are concentrated near cattle feed lots in Kansas, esp when they're being rolled out into big cities first. They died of heat, sadly.

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I remember reading way back that they wanted to inject mRNA vaxxes into wild deer populations. I don't know if they did it or not.

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Yes, the mass cattle death blamed on the heat was really suspicious. Hadn't heard about the possible jab connection, but wouldn't be surprised at this point. There is too much behind that curtain.

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I would love to see some investigation into this. Most are saying egg laying stopped around September. They are also saying once they changed their feed they started laying again. Add in the news if synthetic eggs purchased in stores and chicken/egg facility in Connecticut burning down; sure doesn't smell right...

Almost forgot, Gates himself saying he wants mRNA vax to be in livestock

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Saw two chicken farmers interviewed on Tucker last night , both changed feed and immediately had good results.

Since our government is useless, private investigation is needed.

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Tractor supply feed was implicated. Their board is woke and some have connections to wef.

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You know it's bad when we've lost Tractor Supply to the commie left. At least there's still Rural King, but not a good trend!

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I think you have to look for all alternatives. I know I try my best to make my own or order from a small direct provider. Any corporation has to be vetted and if woke, avoid as much as you can so they go broke.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

I don’t see how Tractor Supply stays in business. The one in my town is never busy. Rural King does 10x more.

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I've been using DuMor for years with no issues so far, which I understand to be TSC brand. There have been debates for years about whose feed is better, whether chickens are laying more or less, etc. It's Winter right now in the USA so egg production would normally drop off considerably. That said, it does concern me to hear about folks seeing almost complete cessation of laying.

News I saw last night mentioned Purina, others have mentioned DuMor. TSC brand feeds are generic and not exclusive to that chain (just the label), so I think that we would see the impact well beyond TSC customers.

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CAM, thank you for your incite. While reading some of these posts, I was starting to think about what I will be feeding a new puppy that we’re getting in 10 days. My last dog died in the fall at 7 years old from what was most likely an “aggressive cancer” says vet. You brought up Purina and that is the brand the breeder swears I should feed the new puppy. I was wondering if you have any thoughts on this and maybe recommendation?

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Nestlé owns Purina. Nestle bought Pfizer Nutrition. Makes me suspicious..

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Cancer in digs is often from vaccinations as well. Read turtles all the way down.

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I feed my dogs part vegan kibble and cook them meals. This morning they had kibble with oatmeal that I added sunflower nut butter, strawberries, kiwi, bananas, kale (from a smoothie mix) and cinnamon. Sometimes I make it with only blueberries and cinnamon.

Commercially available dog food has only been around for fifty or so years. Yet we’re told our dogs can’t survive and thrive without it. Dogs are healthier and happier eating a variety of foods. They’re scavengers by nature.

I used to feed my dogs only salmon and sweet potato dog food (kibble) until one of them started having health issues. She now thrives on a vegan diet. Two of my dogs have been vegan for around seven years.

They love eating vegan food. I cook them a different meal each day. I use Mrs. Dash to season foods like tofu scramble or stir-fry with various veggies and wild rice.

You can find cookbooks and recipes for dogs online. There are foods that they can’t eat, so research before giving them new foods.

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Interesting that you bring up cancer in your dog (sorry about the loss of your pet). Anecdotally, my sense for the past several years is that there has been a marked increase in the rate of cancer in dogs, and I've wondered if it had anything to do with what they're being fed. Something in the dog food, or perhaps something in the table scraps owners feed them (we see increase in human cancer as well). Wondering if there have been any studies on this.

Personally, I've primarily used Purina One for my dogs over the past 20 years, especially during their first year, and have had great results. When I began using it, I had a lab/rottie mix puppy and was able to compare her to a litter mate a friend had and used low-quality/cheaper food. The difference in health, coat, growth, etc. was like night and day! It has become quite expensive so you may want to check with your vet to see if they recommend any quality alternatives. Either way, I would suggest checking ingredients and making sure it's not a bunch of grain "filler" as some of the cheaper alternatives use.

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Purina is horrible. Look at the ingredients and research them. Animal digest (for one example) can come from any type of animal, sick or healthy.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

yes I was noticing some chicken farms burning down too on msm news. of course much easier not to burn down cage free chickens.

very suspicious of nefarious

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Cage free chickens is a deceptive term. It just means each hen is no longer housed in an individual cage all her life. Instead they are warehoused in crowded long narrow Agricultural buildings, never allowed outdoors. (When buying eggs look for free-range, as they are allowed to forage on pasture land. )

- - So the ability to set fire to flocks of cage free chickens is no different than caged chickens. They are still trapped. Also, even if they are free-range, they go inside at night to roost, so they can be set aflame after dark.

I agree, it’s very suspicious, and nefarious indeed.

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Thank you and yes I misspoke. We buy free range organic when possible. But you are right! Thanks for explaining. ;)

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BFM, and credit is due to Tucker Carlson for reporting on this yesterday evening. The extent of evil intent is slowly coming out. If only people would question and then believe that it really IS possible that all of this mayhem is intentional.

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I’ve noticed that Tucker has been really aggressive this past year in exposing all the questionable incidents as well as the obviously corrupt shenanigans going on. He used to be a bit more cautious, but not anymore. I’m guessing he’s realized he has nothing to lose …because if our country falls, his children (and ours) will face a dismal future, or an early grave. And there is no country to run to. This is IT. It’s our last stand.

Tucker has taken the gloves off!

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Bless Tucker for being

So very investigative!

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Thank God somebody in MSM has! There are very few brave enough to report truth, but Tucker gets as close as anyone.

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Reaching Tucker level is a boss level for any conspiracy.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

It IS absolutely intentional.

"Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world." #HenryKissinger 

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At this point, only a fool would think otherwise.

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I am getting 6 chickens in a few weeks so will have eggs this summer. We have an acre of pasture and plan on doing the chicken coop/tractor thing. I do have a local feed mill that makes their own animal feed that I trust to supplement their pasture grazing.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

Francis, that sounds like a great plan. We live on an acreage and have plenty of room. It’s just a matter of securing the building from predators. But we’re planning to do the same. Our son started chickens last year, he has 13 and they have enough eggs to sell some. He said that 6 would be plenty for us. On Tucker’s report they were suggesting a problem with Purina feeds. It makes sense that the big corps like that are compromised. Always buy local whenever possible.

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In the local chicken page that I recently joined, the people there said that the chain feed stores feed was crap and had no nutrition. That surprised me, I figured it wouldn't be as fresh as getting it local plus who knows WHERE in the world the ingredients come from. I can ask and get a list of where the ingredients come from at my local mill. The mill is over 100 years old and still using original equipment. Family owned for 3 generations. If I want whole grains, there is a place just a couple of miles from me too.

I am looking forward to the chickens. We had free range heritage turkeys, but are down to 3. We don't eat much turkey and the eggs are not easy enough to find to make it worth while to eat. We have predators so making a solid coop/tractor. The predator that killed two turkey hens sitting on eggs were skunks.

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Oh skunks! I had a mama cat and her kittens in a shed many years ago, and a skunk got in and killed all the kittens. The next day I set a live trap, caught the skunk and then shot him with my dad’s 22 automatic rifle. My husband was working out of town and I had to handle the situation myself, so I did.

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Check out the great "scare crow thingies" sold on Amazon that chicken farmers are using with success... It's one of those tall blowy things car lots use to attract business... plug it in and watch! It successfully keeps hawks away. Additionally, I've been told by the same farmer, geese will protect chickens....

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Guinea hens for sure do

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YES, indeed they do!

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My family had chickens and geese when I was little. I never understood why we had the geese. Now it makes sense.

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What is your son's opinion on marek's vaccination?

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You have a small flock you don't need it. You do need a bio safety plan. Ie - keep shoes clean and used only for your space. Ie don't wear your boots or sneakers you wore in town in some dirty bathroom out in your fields. It keeps their space cleaner. Enjoy it's great for making neighbors happy and your kids from being bored.

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We had chickens and ducks for years and let them out to free range on our 11 acres where they kept down the bug population and weed seeds, which cut back on the amount of feed we had to buy. Sadly, a hawk (or hawks) discovered our flock and over time picked them off one by one.

BTW, duck eggs are delicious and about 1 1/2 times bigger than hen eggs.

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We are in a bird of prey zone so chickens need to be sheltered so the coop and tractor combo.

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I never built a chicken tractor, and with two dozen hens and a dozen ducks it would be difficult to accommodate all. But of course I had a hen & duck house.

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Chicken feed is where the bugs need to be!

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This is terrific. Plus about 25% of the actual protein source for your birds will come right from the ground. Great insect inhibitors, including mosquitos.

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The cattle die off in a Kansas CAFO feedlot last summer was not unusual. Cattle do not handle heat well; when they're packed together in a feedlot, and the summer heat combines with a stagnant air-mass (which is what happened in this particular case when the "wind stopped sweeping down the plains") - they keel over.

The number of dead cattle was merely a blip in the total daily numbers anyway.

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As a cattle rancher I do not agree. Tens of thousands of of cattle died that week in temperatures that were no hotter (and were in fact cooler- than years we have had in the past. So why the massive and simultaneous die-off?

It was and remains an incredibly suspicious “coincidence.”

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Barnhardt was a cattle trader, and lives in the area where this occurred. (I'm not - the closest I can get to firsthand experience is going "Moo" at the cows I pass on the highway. LOL)

Her main points seem to be that (1) the 10,000 cattle that died were confined to commercial feedlots at that time - not wandering their range; and (2) there was a weather anomaly near Ulysees. KS that caused the die off; and (3) 125,000 head of cattle are slaughtered each day on KS, so 10k was not making a dent on the market.

Interested to see what you think about what she says.

PS: Barnhardt tends to conspiracy theories, so she's far from being a mainstream "fact-checker" type. She's one of us.

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What about ergot in the feed reducing heat tolerance in the cattle?

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Controlling the climate is part of the war plan against us .The secret operation of spraying aerosols to control the weather is not a conspiracy theory. If you suspect processing plants are being burned down by DAVOS operatives you can also consider weather warfare to disrupt the food security by creating selective and adverse climate conditions. Scientist J Marvin Herndon and Dr. Mark Whiteside explain how coal fly ash is used to warm surface temps and create high and low pressure areas that produce sustained drought conditions and likewise enhance flooding conditions. This is in the book, "Chemtrails are Not Contrails" available from amazon or PDF format. - PDF is here - https://archive.org/details/chemtrails-are-not-contrails-two-faces-of-evil-2022

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I saw an article about it. I also read that they are already using the jabs in animals that live shorter than a year, which includes chickens. I have not found evidence of this, but suspect it is true. As of this week Europe is allowed to add ground insects to flour, pizza, pasta, and I don't think it needs to be on the package. So don't be surprised to see it here too.

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All the more reason to stay away from multi ingredient processed food. What will probably happen soon is food companies will start lying about what's in their products. I suppose that won't happen though. You know, since the FDA so good at doing their job. 😉

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I'm already on board with steering clear of processed food products. But now we have to worry about what we thought were natural, untainted products.

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I am afraid there is little left. If you read Organic Consumers (oca) As you sow, or any other publication about healthy food, it seems that most organic products come from the same BigAg as the regular food. A little search online will show, that the organic labels are owned by big companies, just like so called natural products are often fake (Toms of Maine being owned by colgate etc) I just read that Braggs vinegar is no longer on its own either. Very careful with food items, grow what you can, or go to local known farmers is best. If there are any.

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Dang.... I use Tom's deoderant... Any good alternatives? Not really up for making my own.

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I seldom use deodorant but if I do I use Desert Essence. Other brands I still use for other products include Jason, Auromere, Weleda.. there are still some good ones out there, but I check them every time I order.

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that is not new, it has been happening for years. If it is less than a certain amount (it is tiny but not nothing) they do not have to mention it on the label. That is why sometimes you read about people dying if they have allergies and it is not labeled, like seafood allergies. So if they do not put the cochroach or what ever on the label, seafood allegric people will die.

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Ugh 😑

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Frosted Cricket Flakes. Hmm I guess I'll stick my my home made granola.

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Do the little legs point to the sky as they float around in the milk ?

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I buy organic only and I've given up the bread and pastas. Mostly potatoe, rice, for starches now. If I don't know what is in it, I don't buy it. Helps some, but still hard not to wonder about the food...

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There's a wise saying about not buying a food with more than one ingredient!

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well bread needs 4. But when you read the 40 on the packaged bread you know you eat chemistry. Cake needs only 4 or 5. Ingredients you cannot pronounce, or that have letter words and numbers, hands off.

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I make my own bread as my stomach does not digest the sponges they sell in the store. IF you read Organic Consumers, even the organic in the local store is not what it is named. And yes, we don't know. Potatoes get radiated, corn is a total no-no, rice question mark, we don't know.... we just do the best we can !

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can you please post the article if you have it?

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Heat stress blamed for thousands of cattle deaths in Kansas



https://www.pbs.org › newshour › economy › hea...

here is one for the dead cattle, there are multiple, just type in the title.

I have no idea where I read that mRNA jabs are already used in short living lifestock. It might have been vaccine reaction or something. If I find it again I will post it.

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Pretty sad when ranchers and farmers need to hire security to prevent the government "agents" from damaging their animals and crops. 🤨

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I do and I completely agree with your assessment of it. Blaming it on the heat is the most juvenile thing I've ever heard and at 82 I've heard a LOT of stupid stuff

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Looked at animal feed 2 nights ago. Pfizer Nutrition. Two words that should never be together. Pfizer Nutrition has been purchased by Nestlé. Nestlé owns Purina products. Bourla of Pfizer has spent his career in immunocontraception. Chickens not laying? Not surprised. Another point for the Tin Foil Hats. I don't know whats else is out there for pets. Pets now suffering from chronic human conditions. Go to.the vet and it's Pfizer to the rescue.

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thanks for the update. I haven't bought purina in a long while, but now I never will again.

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And Nestle. When you start seeing the tangled web of these corporations it is maddening.

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Once Trusted brands go Orwellian

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Yep. And I for one am no longer tempted by any amount of advertising they might throw my way. So disgusted with their evilness and greed.

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Wow!! Excellent work and thank you for sharing. I have no doubts about a much larger operation to control us and our lives! Grrrrr!!!

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Tucker had a small chicken farmer on last night. He talked about how his chickens hadn't laid eggs for a year, and they only started laying eggs again after he went to a different feed for them. I'm getting worried about all this....I eat a LOT of eggs. And chicken. The idea of someone adding mRNA into feed is highly worrisome, although I also question its viability as part of dry feed in bags that is kept in all sorts of temperature conditions. The death of the cattle last year is now something to revisit. Was that some kind of mad experiment to inject them or something? And now that I think of it, aren't they currently claiming the egg shortage is due to some sort of bird flu in chickens which necessitated killing huge numbers of chickens? Good grief, these people need to be apprehended and controlled before they do more damage.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

All this talk about jabs in meat feels like another psyops. I can believe they would just kill all our food like so many other nations have done before. Why add jabs? They can contaminate vegetables just as easily.

I like beef and chicken. I can't raise beef. I can't raise all my chicken feed. I'd betcha I'm WAY more self sufficient than 90% of this group but we can't be an island to ourselves. It ain't even BIBLICAL. But call me if you want to butcher chickens. I can but I hate to.

PS. Bird seed feeds chickens to. You don't think they'd willingly infect the wild bird seed and kill off ALL Earthly life, do you?!🤔🧐

There's NO WAY to live thru this. I suggest suicide and beat them to the satisfaction. 😑🙄

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There is hope. The saying that we "go mad in crowds, and regain sanity one by one" has some truth. We cannot change the world, but we can with grace change ourselves. https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/does-absolute-power-corrupt?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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RJ…A local chicken/egg raiser reported that her chickens started laying again after she switched them to goat feed. With God’s help this evil may be outsmarted. Please retract the suicide comment, even if it was made in jest, that’s really not Biblical! We will fight this - and win!

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We found the same: Ran out of chicken feed last month and switched to livestock cattle feed…no eggs for months before that, switched the feed, and the next day they were laying, and daily since!

I think there is absolute truth in this story.

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this is complete insanity!!! how nefarious and evil and tragic. Yet, Gates wants everyone consuming poison chemicals so of course. He is building so many fake foods. I have no doubt he would be behind all of this.

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It could be the hens are laying less because it is winter and there is less sunlight. Hours of sunlight effects egg production so unless you provide artificial light in their coop, they will lay less in winter. They should also be fed layer feed which is higher inn protein. If they spend the vast majority of their day out foraging, they can probably get by without the higher protein feed and not have production stalled. Light feed stress, molting, age. Those are the major things I can think of that keep hens from laying.

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If we follow through with getting chickens this spring - I'll have to go to chicken school! I know next to nothing about them.

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A good website to look at even before you take the plunge is https://www.backyardchickens.com/

Chickens are very addictive. Just a friendly warning. They are very stress reducing and funny to be around.

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🤣 Not fond of them but I just can't give up eggs. I feel like clucking every time I get one. That's what I love! 🥚 🍳

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I had a friend send me a post on this last week about chickens not laying eggs. Did a little digging around and this post makes a lot of sense. https://www.fresheggsdaily.blog/2023/01/chickens-not-laying-eggs-dont-be-too.html Although I would not be surprised if big ag was not screwing around with the food supply, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

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Interesting. I know there is a lot of truth in what she says, no doubt she is knowledgeable about chickens. Do you think she knows as much about nefarious events? It’s not ‘just’ a matter of hens not laying, but so many being destroyed because of so-called bird flu, and many production facilities burning. And at this point I have zero trust in big corporations like Purina. Someone else commented that they are basically owned by Pfizer.

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Egg production is down even in warm climates...

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Unless they live in S FL or S TX the hours will still be shorter. But then again I had hens in a location close to the equator and they still laid off laying a bit in the winter. So maybe there are other factors.

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Very likely something to consider.

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God is sovereign.

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Very uplifting ending. Well done. You work for the Canadian government?

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Control. Food is control.

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Blamed on fake "Bird FLU", Factory farms are using toxins like formaldehyde in the egg production process that damage the membranes and shell. Egg farms that don't use these chemicals are magically free of Bird FLU

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Bill Gates, always right on time, invested in the production of artificial eggs, which began to enter the supermarket shelves en masse, replacing natural eggs.

It seems that, once again, the super expert has been able to predict both the pandemic with great accuracy, and the fires in the food sector enterprises, as well as the rise in egg prices and their lack of availability.

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And there was a massive number of cows and Buffalo that died in India too- it was blamed on mosquitoes


Or lumpy skin disease-


I don’t know what killed all those cows and Buffalo… and I’m certainly NOT pro vaccinate animals MORE- That’s clearly misguided.

But it did make me think of Bill Gates genetically modifying all those mosquitoes he’s released.

And Africa and India have been an open playground for all of bill gates experimentation.

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Bill G. is a real-life Bond villain.

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Hmmm interesting. would love to hear more about the egg production plummets beyond the culling of animals bc of avian flu concerns.

I'll chalk it up instead to a change in lighting in the chicken houses. Something broader like this that's affecting every animal. Chickens need to about 13 hours of sunlight to produce an egg every 23 hours (approximately). You don't want those gals to go broody either bv they'll just sit there and stop producing. Snow in winter time is always an amazing re-energizing factor for chicken egg production. Nature is amazing

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This is an old list (from September 2022), and I know I saw a more recent one but can't find it. However, this shows all of the places where meat production (of any kind) have had "accidents".


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Full agreement with the bio-warfare claims of Kim Dotcom and many others. Who designs a virus that contains prions with that GxxxxG sequence, other than someone planning a global extinction event? And then who "accidentally" releases said virus into the genpop, and dispatches human vectors to fly around the world to deposit this virus in San Francisco's Chinatown and several European capitals?

Who does this? W.H.O. and D.O.D. and C.C.P. and W.E.F., that's who.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

And these people playing god with our lives in their endeavor to depopulate the earth are playing a dangerous game with their own lives. Even if they have some secret antidote in the wings thinking they will escape these manipulated diseases must be stupid beyond words if they don’t realize theses things can, and will, take on a path to mutation that will eventually take them out as well.

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Tptb believe they are smarter than the rest of us. Who knows about that. But they are not smarter or more powerful than Our Lord. They will be laid to waste for playing like they are gods.

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Absolutely! And we know there is a Judgment Day Coming!! ....sure wouldn’t want to be THEM‼️

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... Assuming the surviving, enraged citizenry does not do the job first.

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47Yinzer says: “ Assuming the surviving, enraged citizenry does not do the job first.”


Reading that brought visions in my head of a mob of citizenry carrying pitchforks and torches (from the old black & white movie scene chasing after the Frankenstein monster.)

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Did I hear someone shout " POSSE! " ?

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That is the only way to stop these climate terrorists. They are psychopaths who would burn the world that they are standing on to achieve their goal of 95% depopulation.

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I've been saying that for years. There is only one way.

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I’ve thought about that a lot. Why would they take the chance? They have to think they have an antidote, but something always goes wrong.

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Absolutely. God is sovereign. He will allow the evil and use it for good. But he can also make them a pillar of salt.

“But Lot’s wife, behind him, looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.”

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭19:26‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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One can only hope!!!

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It's Satanic. And I am usually very hesitant to use such strong language, but what we are witnessing is pure evil and many still are oblivious or in denial.

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He came to His own first, and they did not receive Him. "He" in this case being worldly truth as well as faith in God and Jesus ... "they" being the majority of the population of western nations who prefer to adhere to the tenets of Me-ology rather than theology.

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But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

2 Timothy 3: 1-5 NIV

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I've changed my perspective on China. It seems to me that they've been off the Davos reservation for at least a year, probably more. Since it was Obama that shut down the GOF research in 2015 and then reinitiated it in China just before Trump took office, it's reasonable to conclude that it was intended all along to be used against the US and Obama's (Davos') political opponents, which of course it was. It wasn't that long after the onset of the pandemic, maybe a year, before Fauci was blaming the Chinese for releasing the bug and, shortly thereafter, Soros called them an enemy (The Chinese had refused to be bribed by the globalists and kept all George's money, is how I think it played out.) I've come to the conclusion that the Chinese were patsies, a way to keep the light off of the WEF et. al. by blaming the pandemic on them.

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My view is that at least two separate factions are vying for control of the NWO. China’s Xi said just 3-4 years ago that “China is the head of the New World Order”…more recently it has been Klaus, and the Davos terrorists who have been claiming leadership of the world.

They are all in the same basket of psychotic evil…and it was our DOD that under Obama developed COVID, and it’s prion producing toxic spike protein.

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Do note DARPA's fingerprints all over this entire situation ... and the biolabs DARPA and/or American academia apparently funded in various locations around the globe ... amd the DOD funding that feeds many research departments in US and British universities. These's also reason to suspect Mossad has played a role, too.

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This makes sense to me about the Chinese.

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I would not know.. but I’m seeing Chelsea Clinton campaigning for the expansion of the WHO to

Have more authority over our medical welfare. The pretense is - we will be better prepared

For the next viral outbreak. Disgusting. In Barry Weiss Free Press. IF we had a pro America

Leadership it seems they would not GIVE such authority to anyone.

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BREAKING: Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Sends Beleaugered Research Director Jordon Walker to Re-education Training


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I read an essay yesterday that considered whether the government will use Pfizer as a sacrifice to appease the masses. It pointed out that corporations are able to fold and reassemble under new names. Wouldn’t really be gone, but that would be the perception, while it continued under a new logo.

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Now go read cj Hopkins on substack about how to memory hole a psyop.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

It’s a discouraging ending. It was the last thing I read before going to bed last night. Wish I hadn’t. Had to keep reminding myself of all the Truth Warriors!


Couldn’t wait for Jeff’s newsletter this morning. Then sadly reading about so much prion disease. Ugh!

Thankful for Eric’s humorous post!☺️

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Like “viruses” eradicated by “vaccines” 😂

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that sounds like how prions work...spreading badness.

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Brilliant Eric! Thank you for starting my day off with a laugh. You and Jeff should be besties.

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I don’t care if he’s Ernest Borgnine😂😂😂

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That was great. I’m old enough to remember who Ernest was!

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Laura 😂 me too! And was he Hot? Not! 😂

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😂😂😂😂😂😂. But he was very likable and funny.

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I'm surprised he hasn't sent me a cease and desist email.

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That was awesome. 😂

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So good but scary since probably so true. Excellent!

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Top. F'in. Notch.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

Watching NFC and AFC playoffs on Sunday on two different networks, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, MDHHS, managed to get commercials for influenza, the flu shot and while you’re at it, get your Covid-19 spike cocktail, on several times. Our covid dollars at work buying expensive football playoff time, need we wonder why professional sports have said nary a word?

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those stupid drug commercials for any Pfizer drug are everywhere. We actually were so sick of hearing it while streaming (we don't pay for commercial free) that my husband looked at me, said out loud, "I'm sick of hearing about this medication, I've already had it, sheesh." Then he winked at me and we waited. Low and behold, we've never seen that commercial again (and it had been EVERY commercial break for the last 3 weeks). Gotta love your phones/computers listening in on your convo's. Guess we might as well work the system when we can. -.-

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Wow, hadn't thought of trying this ha ha. Still scary though.

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Yep, can't tell you how many times I've told my husband in the car (older car so only things in there that COULD listen is our cell phones) about wanting to look into buying something that we normally wouldn't buy and the the next day Facebook, emails, and random text messages all about that item or service is popping up. I've always hated that and the tailor suggestions based on your previous searches/purchases. You'll never discover anything new if you always get the same type of stuff. Let ME determine what I would and would not like.

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I do this too. I just yell at the Alexa when the interracial, gay males are kissing on the pier for some HIV drug... It's being shoved down our throats and I am TIRED of it!

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Did it help? So tired of the hiv commercials

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Get rid of Alexa.

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My Roomba, which I do not use with their app, never even registered the thing. One day it kept going in and out of my office. Annoyed, I shouted at it (without thinking) “what is the matter with you? I’ve already moved you out of there twice!” Immediately it spun around and left the area. Creepy? You bet.

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Yep, they listen all right. I don't have a smart phone, smart tv, or smart anything else and you couldn't pay me a million dollars to own one of those stupid Alexa things. No way. I love my dumb house!

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And here I thought my brother wore a tinfoil hat for canceling his TV service when they went to voice activated controls only. I’ve since learned how smart that was.

I wouldn’t have done the Roomba but I’m lazy and had a German shepherd for 13 years.

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In California the radio will play an ad entirely in Spanish, then immediately after that it plays the same ad in English. They're really pushing things lately, but especially going after the Spanish speakers because I think a lot of them have been refusing the vaxxes. Many Hispanics were also strong Trump supporters, interestingly.

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They are beyond relentless

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Yes it's beyond disgusting and in the ads I am hearing they are still using the 3 token words: "Safe and effective"

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Saw the Cincinnati game here in central Ohio on TV and there were 3 Pfizer ads for "covid". Unbelievable. They just will not let this thing go. Too much money in it, I'd guess, or they enjoy killing people. Or both. With the exception of antibiotics, nothing pharma makes is intended to cure a damn thing - just to make life long customers. From a business standpoint, that makes sense. From a moral standpoint, it's evil.

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As long as someone is watching....

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Just think how many commercials there will be during the Super Bowl.

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The "What-Bowl"?

Haven't watched that ridiculous garbage in several years, if not a decade.

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Never did. But then again, I’m not a football fan. Or most sports for that matter. I believe they are all rigged - much to the dismay of my husband.

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Exactly. Quit feeding the cabal and the wokesters. It's an inferior product anyways. NFL stands for national flag football losers. So many flags and I know they are changing the outcome of the game for betting purposes. Screw them.

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Agree Annie! I call it all feeding the beast - cabal - wokesters,

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I only watch it for the commercials, but they have gone downhill over the years. They used to be creative and most were funny. I intended to count pharma ads during the stupor bowl.

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“Stupor bowl” 😂. That’s a good one. Yeah, where are the good old days of the Budweiser frogs singing on their lily pads? I really don’t care for beer, but that was a great commercial.

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Walk2…The Budweiser Clydesdales and Lab puppy - for dog lovers, that was the absolute best commercial of all time! 😂

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You might want to throw a brick through your TV.

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Exactly why I got rid of cable 7 years ago. I was worried about harming my flat screen.

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😂 😂

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Gone are the days of the good old Budweiser commercials!

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

NFL lost us, generations of BIG FANS, but i guess not everyone can give up their evil idols. Was praying that the ppl would and an 'Elon Musk' would start another, but i guess there's no need. 😑

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And this after a 2 year old baby girl died the day after she was given the Covid shot, and several other shots including the flu shot.

Every time I hear one of this psychotic ads for the shot, I want to scream.

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If I had a gun I would probably shoot at the TV.

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That’s why they want to take away guns, so you can’t shoot things that play Pfizer ads

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Well. The virus (or whatever it actually is) was released on purpose. It is a bio-weapon. A lot of us said that back in March/April 2020. So there’s that. 😏

Edit: Sorry. Didn’t mean to sound so…I told you so…snarkyish…

We didn’t have tangible proof back then. We were using common sense while applying the knowledge of the evil intentions that we watched spew from so many in places of power for the previous years. That went to their motive to do something this horrendous. Then as the tyranny unfolded like clockwork - a lot of us knew. Bingo 🎯 They released this on purpose.

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I think you are right. I believe it was released at the Olympics. I know several people who were extremely ill late 2019 and early 2020. Very bad flu like symptoms soon to be described as the Tyrannical C - 19

It was here way before late Feb 2020

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My son had a very weird respiratory virus with the exact symptoms of Covid (extreme fatigue, low grade fever, some stuffy nose and cough and possibly loss of smell too) in late November 2019. I knew it wasn’t the flu because of the temp being between 100 and 101, and just shrugged it off as some weird virus. He had to miss several days of school because of it, between the fatigue and the fever. In March of 2020 I became convinced he’d had Covid. And also that as you said, it was here well before March.

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My SIL also. Late 2019 and very sick. She was a nurse years ago and refused to go to the hospital even when turning blue. She had some Prednisone on hand and that helped her. Too bad she's a complete lefty and has taken all the shots. Had to skip Christmas of 2021 due to her terrible reaction to her second shot. I guess some people are just not teachable.

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Your son could test for the presence of SARS COV2 antibodies in his blood. If he’s had Covid, the antibodies will show. My husband had Covid in 2020, and he recently tested and has the antibodies. Natural immunity. He is unvaccinated.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

Yes, I know, just not sure if it’s worth the expense and trouble at this point.

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For sure. I think they have waste water and blood donation evidence that C-19 was on the scene as far back as August 2019 in parts of Europe.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

Yes!! My son and his family are certain they had it in early Feb '20 and I really think an elderly friend I cleaned for died of it! He couldn't breathe and they couldn't figure out why. Nothing helped. It seemed like his Dr practically ignored him. Died in three weeks after his symptoms started.

We have a large Chinese population here and transient because of the University of Illinois...but smarts didn't help us here. 😡

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I had something in Feb of 2020 as well after a trip to Miami. I thought it was Covid, but then I actually caught it in September of 2021 and I was much sicker, with all the symptoms, fatigue, brain fog, loss of taste and smell. It took about 6 months to get my smell back,but it’s not the same, I’m probably at 50%.

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I'm sorry you're only 50%. My Mom had something 15/20 years ago and lost her smell. It took years for her to feel like she had it back but she no longer likes the same foods and i think it's because of how her brain recovered sense of smell. My kids had IT and even the little Grands but recovered well. Youth.

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Yes, I had heard many years ago about how a bad cold virus in particular could impact your sense of smell...usually for a sometimes lengthy period of time afterwards, but sometimes it lasted more permanently. My aunt (who died in a car crash in 1989) had that happen to her. She completely lost her sense of taste and smell and it never came back.

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Look up FLCCC.ORG and at least entertain the idea of letting them prescribe you some ivermectin to treat your illness. Nip it in the bud! I take Ivermectin every day, tiny amount, 1 jab initially then immediately detoxed...while my family, mostly jabbed and boosted all have had covid 2-3 times each, stomach/lower GI and upper respiratory infections, one after the other.... Not one of the jabbed have been well for longer than a few weeks before they're sick again... All over 34 up to 70yrs old... Covid is definitely a bioweapon and in my family, they're so tied at the hip to the msm, big pHARMa BS they won't get another opinion....

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

Susan - No doubt about it. I'd bet nearly everyone knows of at least one case, if not more in late 2019 and early 2020. My granddaughter was a senior at A&M that year and was very sick over Christmas ('19) break. All the classic covid symptoms. And another college age granddaughter participated at a National Track meet in March 2020, probably 3000+ people in attendance, so a super-spreader event if ever there was one...she was sick the following week. There's no way of knowing how many thousands (maybe millions) of people had natural immunity before they ever came out with the shots.

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no "virus "...just a scripted story used around the world and a useless test used incorrectly (after murdering its creator in 2019)

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You must not have had Covid, otherwise you would realize that it was not only real, but definitely manufactured. In my family, all six of us got it but had some different symptoms/issues while we had it. So, yeah--a bioweapon.

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I know a lot of people who had covid that was diagnosed as such by the test, which WAS a wildly fluctuating and inappropriate test for diagnosis. However, that said, those I know who had the earliest versions of covid (November 2019 thru Nov. 2020) all described what they had as very weird and unlike any flu or cold they'd ever had previously. So there's that.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

Enough already with this 'no virus' stuff 😢 How long are you gonna play a useful idiot role for our giggling overlords? Doesn't matter a fig you're all sincere, or whether viruses exist at all for that matter: the vile divide & conquer game goes on with your eager assistance 🤦

PS Tests sure are beyond useless, they're intrusive & not benign.

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We promised ourselves not to even buy them and support this game from the onset.

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I saw an interview with Kary M. so I knew early on the tests were not designed to diagnose this. Then when every single person took a test and it was positive it confirmed to me Kary M did not die but was murdered. He tried before his death to get fraudfauci to debate him and of course the fraud wouldn’t.

We never bought or took one “test” ever and never will. We refused to be part of their numbers game.

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PCR test inventor Kary Mullis conveniently died in summer of 2019, so he wasn't around to dispute how his tests were being used. I believe he would have called them all out on it.

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Of course, no dispute here 🙂 Also, that's clearly what @Victoria alludes to above.

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Oh please. Call it whatever you want. All I know is when my husband and I had it in November of 2021 it was like nothing we'd ever had before and I've been deathly ill with pneumonia in the past. Frankly, it is a weapon by whatever name.

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Sunnydaze... who announces a surprise outbreak unless they are part of the plan... https://youtu.be/puqaaeLnEww then Event 201, https://youtu.be/VslJlANgwqg, many other preplanned pandemic warnings... right a lot of us knew

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Very familiar with SPARS 2025-2028..... Not make believe. When you understand the breadth of planning the DOD and other agencies DO regularly, you view this whole story differently.

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I believe my dad got Covid, Nov 7, 2019. Died in the hospital a very quick sudden death from “pneumonia” and pulmonary embolism. My step mother actually put it together for me. That was in rural northern Minnesota. We will never know, he was cremated.

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How awful. I am sorry.

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I read this as tranny, not tyranny. They both ramped up at the same time 🤣

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That snarky "told you so" feeling.....It has been coming to my mind repeatedly the last few weeks. Amazing how so many of us have known all these things for sooooo long. I can't help but feel "Yeah, I've known about all that....and why didn't you know?" LOL

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I didn’t make this up, but… My pronouns are Told/You/So.

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Nah, I think it was an accidental leak. It probably is a bioweapon but it got out too soon, didn't kill enough people and the Chinese didn't have their own shots ready yet.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

I do believe bioweapon research has been ongoing for a long time in various places around the world including right here in the U.S of A. The accidental leak theory is plausible to me, and from things I've read there have been leaks before from various labs and other pathogens but the outcome of the previous leaks were not serious or widespread and were contained more easily and quickly, so no one knew what the real story was or got overly suspicious of funny business. Obama's admin supposedly forbade GOF research in the U.S. (note: did they really do that or just go underground with it and evade detection by moving operations to Wuhan?) So the GOF research could have been moved to Wuhan's lab at that point, but that would certainly suggest the Chinese were all in on doing this research. A scientist from the Wuhan lab came out very early on saying that there was an accidental leak and it was an engineered virus, but she was "disappeared" quickly. The accidental leak theory would explain why no one including the Chinese themselves would admit to this happening. My question is about WHY the U.S. and Chinese (and who knows how many other countries) would be working cooperatively on GOF. I find it curious that the Chinese did not rat out the U.S. involvement even when we implied they were responsible for a leak, which I find odd since they are supposed to be such an enemy. Yet the Chinese have remained fairly inscrutable with all this. So what is really going on with the U.S. and the Chinese?

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You do raise some good points!

My thought has always been that they were waiting for when they “needed” it to “leak”. The 2020 selection was perfect. So maybe it was supposed to “leak” out later in the year but escaped a bit too early? Or they were saving it for a more convenient (to them) time so they could maximize the deaths. Idk. Just know everything they are doing is evil with evil intentions whether they “leaked” it or purposely released it.

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A lot of weirdly coincidental events seem to happen just before crucial elections. Just saying.

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Accidental? We'll never know now will we? Doesn't really matter. It got out by whatever means and did the job they wanted it to.

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Well you could be right. Either way it was a bio-weapon and they used it for a lot of purposes. I agree it didn’t kill the amount of people they were hoping for, but they didn’t count on so many of us using our own brains and figuring it out either.

I also think it was on purpose because this was only their trial run. I think they wanted to see what they could get away with, how many millions would blindly follow them, identify their minions all over the world who were activated and test out the one world government to fix the weaknesses.

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Understanding this as likely, at a minimum created as a joint US China GOF virus, then it is very important to understand the latest reiteration of the shell game, the reversals in COVID policy from 2020, to 2023.


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Totally agree.

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After meeting with Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Thai government vows to be the first country to declare Pfizer contract null & void: https://coronanews123.wordpress.com/2023/01/29/thailand-government-vows-to-declare-pfizer-contracts-null-after-princess-drops-of-heart-attack-dr-bhakdi-explains-pfizer-fraud/

May the tide continue to turn...

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

Dr. Bhakdi is awesome! He nailed the future effects of the vax right off the bat. He was a professor of virology after all. He went on Laura Ingram’s show and said that “if you take this shot, you are doomed”. The look on Ms. Ingram’s face was priceless.

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I remember that! I think I do because of Dr. Bhakdi's use of the word, "doomed." Holy Toledo.

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This is part of the clip, not all. https://www.bitchute.com/video/1zQHNYcqyeFW/

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Thank you!

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You’re welcome.

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I didn’t actually watch the show, just a clip. Wish I could find it.

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I want to see pfizer bankrupt along with Moderna et al.

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And I want to see the pfizer and moderna people and all complicit elite parties to this packed into a small cell together like cattle in a feedlot. Then they can commiserate about what they did to the world. Oh yes...and throw away the key to that cell.

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and don't forget we'll need them to repay their profits to pass along to those they've injured physically, emotionally, financially.

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Just seize all their assets. Personal and business, all the assets. Leave them penniless.

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That’s great!!

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I hope this is true

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I think it is true, Lisa. I just pray the Thai government actually carries through.

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"Getting back to the pointy end of the needle...."

Painfully clever.

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Very Game of Thrones-ish 🤣

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The hardest thing for me to do is ( or was) to accept that humanity is capable of such great evil. I didn’t realize, prior to the great awakening, that a human being can degrade itself to such a level of depravity. Completely beyond anything imaginable...some are putting devil to shame.

Why SO MANY want to distort and destroy God’s perfect design? And cause pain and suffering on others ?

It baffles me each time I come across the evidence of such. We all know why - but it never fails to shock, anyway.

We need more of you, God, in our lives, just to survive this fallen world. We need you, oh God, to intervene. Like Israelites in Egypt, we cry out to you: please, help us!.

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Well said Poziomka. It truly is shocking at the evil that has permeated every aspect of society. It is hard to see and very hard to try to live through, but I trust God's plan that he will deliver us in the end!

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Amen, sister!

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I’ve studied enough history to have believed it for a long time now. And people didn’t suddenly change because the world “modernized.” People have always been flawed and prone to choose evil. But there have also been a lot of good and noble people throughout the centuries, and it’s no different now.

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Yes, that’s true, but when I went down the rabbit hole and learned about satanic rituals, children torture, cannibalism, adrenochrome, etc, etc. now this ruthless depopulation taking place and most people sleeping right through it- it did the number on me. I’m not the same anymore. I’m a believer and understand there is dark side at work- but I never thought that humanity will succumb to it so easily, you see?

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I understand, I guess I just was never that idealistic about humans. Those things have always existed. And I would argue, they were probably even harder to fight against before because people couldn’t find or share information as easily, and even though our system has been corrupted and is far from perfect, certain people and groups in previous societies had zero power and zero say in anything at all. It was just survival. Not saying that our rights are as well protected as they should be, but I would definitely prefer to live now than to be subject to some monarch’s whim or have a marauding tribe invade my village and kill, rape, maim and plunder everything with impunity.

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I agree completely! I am constantly reminded of Dennis Prager's quote: "Humanity sucks, but there are a few good people." That sounds so pessimistic and negative, but it sure seems to be true.

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I think it’s more than a few because the good ones are often not as visible but quietly living their lives in honor and integrity. The bad ones stand out more. But there are for sure far too many people who choose evil 😞

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True, true. Also, the internet is a double edged sword: evil and damaging for reasons we all know, but at the same time wonderful because it allows us to find and identify a great many others who have previously been quiet and invisible. It's comforting to know so many are out there, and now we can find them more easily.

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Oh, do be very discerning. It’s dark and real. Reading Frank Peretti : Piercing the Darkness written in 90’s? - really does a shockingly good book that reminds us that we live in a world of Spiritual warfare. I had a lost employee I tried to Shepard to resist her fears, nightmares etc. Praying with her and invited to church. Turns out, she had been

Attending the cities satanic rituals and was content. I felt gullible.

At that point, abruptly, our communication was over. Shocking, but those dark places


People don’t want to think that hard.

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In general, good people don't expect such things, and you don't have a framework with which to "see" what is in front of you. We're all gullible. I don't like to be this way, but I trust no one. I verify extensively before trusting anyone or anything. No one gets automatic trust any more.

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Unbelievable.. I guess these soulless people are automatically attracted to darkness and are disinterested or even bored when presented to the opposite. Baffling.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

"The hardest thing for me to do is ( or was) to accept that humanity is capable of such great evil. I didn’t realize, prior to the great awakening, that a human being can degrade itself to such a level of depravity."

Wait'll you see this thing called "the internet."

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Same here. Every entity--private or public--I had ever trusted blew up in my face the summer of 2021. It was truly a rude awakening but I turned my face to God.

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Correct😊 - and trying to limit my exposure! 😅

But we, as the internet participants, eat of that tree of “good and evil”, regardless the fact that we tend to stay on the “good” side of it. When the serpent took Eve to the tree, which side, do you think, he led her too? Surely not to the evil one.

We are all in trouble. Thank God what’s impossible for us, is possible for God. He will save us, and our Messiah will safely lead us to the final destination, as he promised to do. ❤️

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I agree the internet can be a problem. But we must be grateful that it is a way to communicate with like-minded people and learn things we would never have learned without it. Can you imagine how much worse it could be without this font of information.

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Spiritual warfare, Satan is working OT!

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Exactly. The spiritual warfare has been extremely intense, I really started sensing in Dec. '19.

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I have come to accept the evil part of humanity thru this plandemic. I am currently banging my head against the wall over the people are NOT PAYING ATTENTION part.

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Amen. We need you NOW Lord. Even so.

We believe in God, Heaven and Jesus, but without the evil one, would they be necessary? I believe that you have to fully understand WHY you need salvation, and from what/whom, in order to completely appreciate the very precious gift we are offered through Christ's incredible, beautiful, selfless sacrifice - and those words don't do it justice.

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The church I used to attend told a new pastor they didn’t want to hear about the devil and such. Not sensing the fire and brimstone they are flirting with cowering and rolling over for TPTB as soon as CoV started. I’m sorry but most churches take their marching orders from Satan now. Not all but around me they seem to.

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Wow. Truly not a believing in the Bible kind of church then.

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I feel the same. I'm not surprised seeing what has happened in the past but my brain just does not go there. It's because sane people do not have the ability to fathom the evilness of these types of psychopaths.

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I'm a history buff and I certainly was aware that incalculable evil has occurred in every part of history and in every era, seemingly never ending. In our modern times we like to think that humans have evolved beyond such depraved behavior, and I liked to think that way as well, previously realizing that while evil still exists with some people in some places, I nevertheless thought it to be more limited in scope in the modern era. I have now realized that is not so, and nothing has changed for the last 1,000 years and longer, probably going back to the dawn of mankind. Now, only the means and methods are different. Pure evil is everywhere, we are saturated with it.

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Yes. I do think it’s less in your face than it used to be and so as you said, it’s easy to be lulled into thinking it’s decreased. And maybe it actually even has a little, because of certain differences in modern life. But it is definitely still very present in the world today.

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Jeff, I have to say that introducing people to C&C and then finding out they already read it and LOVE it is a wonderful feeling! ❤️ instant connection!

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It was an act of war. And Americans are so dumb that they don’t even know it!

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I believe that too many people are just busy with their life to do the deep dive. Talked with a friend yesterday about this being bio-terror and done on purpose by our government. She looked at me like I was nuts! She said she doesn’t watch news (which I don’t either) and she’s too busy working etc to pay attention. I believe that’s most people.

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I hear the “I don’t have time” excuse a lot too 🙄 Well then, if you don’t have time to protect your own health and freedoms, then you’re going to lose them because no one is going to do it for you.

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No one is coming to save us.

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Nope, we’re responsible for ourselves.

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Honestly I can't blame them. Why should they (thinking of my adult children and a few friends) add the stress of seeing the evil to their lives? At some point they will experience that "ontological shock" hopefully when they are ready for it. At times I used to feel like an "executive monkey" with all the anxiety of information but none of the power to change what's "out there". But the one thing I have changed because of all this insanity is my relationship with God and that has made all the difference.

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Your ending sentence says it all, Amen!

With God, the cares and anxieties get put in proper place.

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Wow, Praise God! He really does use evil for Good. Pray that many more come to know him! ❤️

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He's the only one who can and will! Welcome to the family!

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Thank you Gigi. I, too, have many friends with similar situations. However, for many, this never passed the smell test and they will admit that, but still didn't consider the magnitude and ramifications of what was happening. They still watch their sports, dramas, do their social media ad nauseam and are very commercial product driven.

The 'too busy' reason is quite a problem, hence look at where we are, and are heading. That has been one of my mantras for years as I noticed it when we were still raising out kids, everyone was so busy, that they were missing A LOT, all the while feeling like they were doing it all. Very sad. Not in anyway suggesting that I have it all figured out and certainly didn't and aren't currently doing everything right!

BTW, we don't watch the 'news' either, but the messaging/PsyOp was EVERYWHERE.

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They will “have time” to pay attention when it’s their time in the death chamber, er’ I mean the hospital.

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Can I say one more thing as to why this bothers me so much?

We, those of us claim the cross, Christians are commanded to be watchmen. We are called to be aware of the times and to be ready for our Savior's return. how can we do that if we are self-consumed and unwilling to be uncomfortable with what we see. From OT prophets to NT followers of Christ, we are to be spiritually alert.

We are supposed to support encourage one another and also not be consumed with worldly affairs. OK, off soap box.

Have a blessed day everyone!!!

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💯. Totally agree. Not to mention it’s freakin depressing. Lol

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At this point, you don't need to dive very deep!

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🤣 she lies like a teenager in charge of IT'S parent's money.

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Too many Americans are lazy, ignorant and unwilling to give up or sacrifice for their own good, let alone the greater good. Sorry, feeling pretty jaded.

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Hence the literal child sacrifice going on, 2020’s style.

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Believe me, I've seen that. People complain about schools, but suggest homeschooling and watch them run their kid back to school as fast as possible. Very irritating.

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Totally agree. Couldn’t believe trump won in 20. Unfortunately most republicans and Christian’s I know took the jab.

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:(. It saddens me how many followed the way of the world ......

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You speak truth.

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Classic 5th generation warfare - make war on your opponents without them even knowing they're under attack.

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Idiocracy in progress.

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I watched Idiocracy within this past year for the first time.

When I finally did, I was struck by the fact that it was probably intended to be a farce, but now comes off as a sober documentary of the un-ending idiocy of the people.

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Many are also very busy and very subject to the massive shell game. They, the PTB, honed their skills with 'Climate Change" This overview has red pilled those yet sincere, but caught in the legacy media and NPR. https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/global-warming?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Ford Prion: coming soon

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Features auto social distancing on the highway, and a handy mask storage compartment.

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Comes with the popular funeral prepayment option.

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I heard that it mis-folds on impact.

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The battery pack explodes upon contact...such as the tire hitting the curb or a large bug hitting the windshield.

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They die suddenly on the road as well. FORD= Found On Roads Dead.

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With an auto-crash feature built in.

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I hope you mean coming soon to a certain author’s Substack. 😉 Can’t wait to read it.

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Wasn't that a hit song in the late 70s?

Well I'm, mis-folded,

Check it and see,

Got some prions burnin' inside of me,

Come on proteins, do you mis-fold by chance,

I'm prion folded, I'm prion folded.

Sorry, coffee hasn't kicked in yet.

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Thanks, glad I made someone smile.

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Haha, check out what I found! Someone beat me to it with a slightly different theme.


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I love ❤️this one, …but your lyrics were exceptional as well.

Thanks, I needed some light hearted moments in all this insanity.

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Thanks. My favorite line--Did you take the shot, are you cookin' up a big ass clot?

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I busted out laughing at that line, and a couple of others as well. It was a hoot! 🤣

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Precious! I dare say you could do away with coffee altogether 😉 If need be of course, otherwise why would ya 🤸

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Lol, you haven't seen me without it! But thanks. 😁

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Wish I knew the melody.

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Foreigner "Hot Blooded". Probably on YouTube.

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https://youtu.be/qByVWeYYe30 Somebody more talented could probably do the whole song.

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That is awesome!!

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

Wait 'til you hear the guitar solo. Crazy! 😁

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That's me; flashes of brilliance surrounded by eons of stupidity. But still I soldier on.

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Of course. I can see that now.

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No, you're thinking of "Prion Woman, stay away from me" by the We know who.

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God bless you Jeff Childers. Keep it coming! Directing my prayers according to your reports each morning. 👍👍

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So this guy writing this realizes, as a medical student almost done with all his years of study, that he’s screwed and people won’t trust him as a doctor. Tough red pill to swallow.

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This was another Scott Adams special. We're recalcitrant conspiracy theorists and morons who are just causing more death with our refusal of vaccines. Limited hangout take 5, dripping with condescension.

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Quite right. Condescension with a side of slime. "Incomprehensible to us due to this class divide. . ." In other words, he's shoving the scientists/doctors/other "elite" who were against lockdowns/masks/injection mandates under the rug, acting like they don't exist because he wants to boil this down to class politics. In the end, he still thinks of the pro-mandate side as our betters. The writer (or committee of writers hiding behind a name? Who knows?) is a propagandist of the slipperiest order.

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Yes, he was overly "class divide" aware, wasn't he?

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Full of crap article.

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Or maybe he is smart enough to know he needs to get out in front of the new narrative. Either way, kudos.

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True. Very hard to tell where he’s coming from. He’s got a tough road either way

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Don’t even want to ponder the student loan debt he has.

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I like that he realizes the effects of policies made on certain parts of the population BUT he does not realize the jabs themselves were a mistake and cost lives. At least he doesn’t admit that in the article.

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So when all is said and done, it is simply another attempt to passively obscure and deny the fact that the injections are causing harm. Everything else is window dressing.

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He also misses that they lied openly- about hospitalized cases, about deaths, about... It was lies, not preferences that caused this.

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This opinion article is a minuscule hairline crack in the massive dam of scientific/medical/authoritative abuse. It’s too little too late to gain back lost trust in the system. I’ve opted OUT of the medical clown car merry-go-round.

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Agreed. Sad that we're left with dribs of truth breakthrough to get excited about.

It's gonna take a reboot of the medical industry.

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Newsweek is as insane as they come, but does leak out truth bombs now and then.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

My opinion only. He didn’t really sound sorry that those measures were taken. He just thought people should be able to say they didn’t like them. Maybe I didn’t read close enough, but did he actually say the measures taken were wrong? Maybe he did, but I was too mad reading for it to sink in. He even implied that minorities and less educated people weren’t smart enough to know the “experts” were right. I don’t remember him mentioning that the shots weren’t safe and effective either. What an ass!

Principal of granddaughter’s school sent text yesterday. All childhood vax take up is down in Tennessee. Not many trust medicine any more. We all know we are just dollar signs.

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You are absolutely right. He still dismisses "the downtrodden" as believing in conspiracy theories. If only the elites had explained better and allowed the impoverished a chance to be heard, things would have been different. (It actually sounds to me like "conflict resolution 101", let both sides feel like they are being heard.) This guy has an elitist attitude and is trying to throw out a humble vibe, but the attitude still shines through.

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These elitist pricks (sorry for the language but I am so mad nothing else fits) really gall me, they can all go to hell as far as I’m concerned!! I have two degrees and consider myself “educated” but I also know that degrees and book learning don’t guarantee discernment and being capable of rational thought, nor do their absence guarantee the opposite. Plenty of very smart and astute people out there who have limited formal education, and I get really angry at this kind of condescending attitude.

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You probably got those degrees back when colleges actually taught something. I found it interesting that Sasha Laypova says this

"I now realize that the level of my primary education exceeded that of an average college in the US today"

in her background notes here.


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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

An 8th grade education from 1900 probably required more knowledge than many college degrees now. Have you ever seen a sample of a test from that time period?

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Telling that they still use an Alphabet-Expression from 1963 to marginalize dissent. Desperate measures.

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Same here. Condescending pr*cks, one and all.

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Makes ya wanna smack the smug mask right off them. Metaphorically speaking that is.

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I agree.

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Yep, he still champions the jabs, just laments their approach to manipulate us ordinary folk.

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Plus you have all the Californians moving to Tennessee because of SB 277. That’s the new bill that ends any vaccine exemptions, religious, medical, etc. The only way you can get an exemption is if you’ve already had a reaction to a vax. But, it has to be the same vaccine, not all vaccines. They’re also going after any Doctor that writes an exemption.

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I didn't really see that as an apology either. I took it more as a public acknowledgment of all the things the MSM, in this case Newsweek, were wrong about. Perhaps the author is just the sacrificial lamb to get this published. Progress.

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Just the fact that this got published in Newsweek speaks volumes.

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It speaks "limited hangout" through a CIA mouthpiece.

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All in the spirit of backpedaling. Remember the C&C episode about 'Cooling The Mark'. This is an aspect of that....a bit of hangout, let the masses vent, swap out the puppets and then it's back at it drumming up as much fear and uncertainty as they can without collapsing the entire tent....yet.

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Well, interesting "My Bad" article. On one hand, I'm glad to see such an admission of guilt slithering out into the MSM public readership arena in a publication like Newsweek. But on the other hand, he dismisses his previous "errors in thinking" way too lightly. He glosses over what was perpetrated on everyone to the tune of millions of deaths. He still has a dismissive attitude toward those who dared to think differently from the mainstream narrative that was being crammed down our throats. He says he's an advanced medical student, but I'll bet dollars to donuts that I, an ordinary non-scientifically trained citizen, have read, researched and know far more about the whole covid debacle than he does. My opinions were formed by hundreds of hours of studying and reading, and NOT based on what basically uninformed doctors and media lackeys told us.

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No big fan of Newsweek, but they did publish a couple of articles in April of 2020 that sent me down a multi-year rabbit hole looking into the virus origin. https://www.newsweek.com/controversial-wuhan-lab-experiments-that-may-have-started-coronavirus-pandemic-1500503, even brings up RAT G 13, the likely precursor.

and: https://www.newsweek.com/dr-fauci-backed-controversial-wuhan-lab-millions-us-dollars-risky-coronavirus-research-1500741 Noting Fauci's role in gain of function research.

Had no idea what that even was at the time.....of course went from Newsweek to lots of other sites, but they were early in at least a limited glimpse into the truth of all this.

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Yep! Gaslighting.

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I think someone wants the term “gaslighting” to be memory holed. Makes sense, given the recent attempts to make gas stoves a thing of the past. 🙄

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Yes but then he would have been acknowledging those people are as smart or smarter than he is and we can’t have that /s 🙄

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You’re a smart Cat! 😊

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That video of the scientist calling for the immediate cancellation of the Covid-19, and ALL MRNA vaccines should be set up in all public squares and repeated over and over and over....and over...

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Yes! I was picturing someone hacking into Times Square and having it on all the screens, playing 🔊 loud and repeatedly.

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Have you seen what Project Veritas did? They parked an LED screen box truck outside of Pfizer HQ playing a loop of the Walker video!! https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas/status/1620447276832559104

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

Ours is not the world where such noble shoulds had a chance to materialise, in case you haven't noticed 😏

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

But, this DID happen!! 🎯 🔥


PJ parked it right outside Pfizer HQ!

📺 👏

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🔥😂 The Author has been established fast, and outed in comments ↓↓

🗨 This kind of work is GOD’s work! Well done!


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