Three significant narrative shifts emerge about Ukraine, gain-of-function research, and UFO disclosure — and together they paint an expansive portrait of this new phase in the counter-revolution.
Frantic doesn’t describe how worried I was about Jeff and today’s post!! Why does my mind go to “they’ve taken him down”??!! Glad to see all is well Jeff and that it was simply rabbit holes and daily duties that got in the way!
😂😂 So many of us get frantic when C&C runs late! Thankfully I was spared the stress this morning because it was an unusually busy morning when I didn’t even have time to look for it until after 10:30. Otherwise I would’ve been obsessively checking every 10 minutes, checking substack in case there was an e-mail glitch etc.
I don’t believe in UFOs simply because it’s the perfect next big thing for the media and government to exploit while totally ignoring all the other problems that were unnecessarily created by the media and government in the first place. Great to hear about Jeffrey Sachs but I always keep my pro-wrestling antenna for anything and everything coming out of our deranged mainstream media. Always watch for Heel Turns and Face Turns from those guys as they become more and more unable and increasingly ineffective in managing narratives. I hate them all for what they have done to us.
Have to agree, seems pretty obvious to me that the current UFO revelations is the actual deception and psy-op.
A bit disappointed Tucker isn't exercising a bit more discretion here. Clearly there are huge lies on this topic, either they lied about non-existence in the past or they are lying about existence now, they can't both be true. Why would anyone think this current story is finally the truth?
The most likely explanation is the government seeded the UFO stories in decades past to cover up secret military aviation and space programs that they didn't want to reveal. People saw things they shouldn't have so the government started the UFO hysteria as a cover. It was a deliberate distraction they used to their advantage. Now for some reason they have gone from pushing it covertly to pushing it overtly, but it's likely the same people behind it.
100%! Agree on your assessment of Tucker as well. Also, we’ve been told for awhile now (by the Substack I follow) at the end of this fight the UFO narrative would come out again to scare the masses. 🤨
Also, a perfect venue to continue their attack on discrediting Biblical faith which is one of the top objectives of the Marxist dialectic. Be forewarned.
YES, YES, YES...... The one-worlders are coming after your money. So, as fascinating as all of this seems, look beyond the veil. Different fingers, same hand. Look out for the banking crisis that is sprouting legs. Only the bigs will be left, just like the airline industry etc....
I'm watching his episode on this now. I too see him latching onto it as a truth the government is hiding instead of being skeptical of the whole set up. The government lies and hides everything anyway so this is just another story to distract the public.
I think he's falling for it because it "proves" the government was lying previously, that's red meat for many of us.
But it doesn't have to be one or the other. They could have been lying then (denying existence when they were actually the cause of the sightings) and lying now about them being real. Or maybe they were telling the truth before and are lying now.
Looking at the big picture, what's the one thing that could unite mankind after being at each other's throats since the fall from the garden? Covid didn't work. Global warming didn't work. The only thing likely to work is the threat of an invasion from another world (at least it worked in the movie Independence Day). Pretty convenient for those pushing one world government.
Better get started re-reading Heinlein. Just to know what to prepare for. Laugh here---what if the esteemed US govt is taking its cues from Heinlein? He did the thinking, they just have to do the doing.
Unite Mankind you say? Yeah, we'd definitely better unite to prepare for an alien invasion, let's say by... building a tower that reaches to the heavens! Uh, sorry, I mean a "space elevator"! Yeah, that's the trick.
My big takeaway from this interview was not so much about whether or not UFO's are real, it's that Congress and the American people are being denied information gleaned with their tax dollars.
Tim Burchett: I was told it was BLOCKED by the Intelligence COMMUNITY not the intelligence committee, but the intelligence community….it’s a chilling effect if someone can reach through the veil of government and pierce to the point of we do not have access to something then who the h*ll is in control?!
I have said this for years—the real power is NOT in the elected officials, it’s in the hands of the unelected bureaucrats and yet these pawns continue to fund them. They are spending us into oblivion and getting no accountability.
My thoughts exactly. (Or possibly secret internment camps). Preferably the rapture though. How else will they explain all the Christians suddenly disappearing.
None taken...there are many views on this issue and I do not like when people are obsessed with end times. We are not called to speculate as to when Christ will return. Jesus merely calls us to have our lamps filled with oil...aka be ready. As the Apostle Paul said "To live is Christ to die is gain." We are to keep proclaiming the gospel until Christ takes us home.
I'm not sure where you stand on this, but I personally believe there is a God, of the bible, and he speaks to us through the bible, and I don't see it as a fantasy. (no disrespect).
I agree with everything you said except for the fantasy part. It's not in the Bible but one has to be able to look at the Word without the Rapture colored lens.
Tell you what. When you get time, take a look at this reasonably short and well written book and when you finish it, tell me what you think. It is well written so it won't be an insult to your eyes.
Hey Phil, if you get a chance check out the book, "The Incredible Scofield and His Book" referring of course to CI Scofield and his study Bible. It's out of print but you can find PDFs online. It was written by a Christian about 40 years ago trying to get to the bottom of how Dispensationalism really took off in the US.
Scofield nearly single-handedly caused this in the early 1900's, as his study bible was enormously influential due to his association with DL Moody (of the now famous Moody Bible College). The author goes in detail through Schofield's life with thousands of footnotes and it's blowing my mind.
Long story short, the author makes a pretty compelling case that Scofield's Bible emerging at pretty much the exact same time Zionism became a political movement was not a coincidence. He goes through Schofield's connections to wealthy backers. In addition, he goes through his life prior to taking up preaching and he had some skeletons that he appears to have hid from the church.
I attend a Dispensationalist church (though not overtly Zionist) and this stuff has always sort of bothered me as I knew it wasn't part of historical Christianity. It never occurred to me to see where it actually arose and it's been quite an eye opener finding this stuff out.
I have studied both sides of the issue. I went to a college that taught exactly the opposite of what I believe. We will just have to agree to disagree on this one. It's not an issue that's related to salvation so in the end it's not a hill to die on. The pillars of the reformation are pillars for a reason. Salvation is by grace through faith in Christ and that's what's most important.
I’m open on the question of being raptured or going through the tribulation. I know where both sides are coming from.
And I don’t at all believe it’s a question of being better than the apostles. God had his purpose for each and every one of them. I don’t know what the point would have been in their being raptured. And he has his purpose for each and every one of us. That purpose is not necessarily martyrdom simply because we are no better than others who are martyred.
I get worried when anyone gets giddy about a liberal finally “seeing the light” and deciding to leave the Democrat party. Never forget the level of 5-D chess we’re playing. The powers that be knew they’d never get away with the whole Covid hoax right from the get go, so admitting the farce and unlawfulness down the road has always been in the their plan. This way, a few heads will roll and a few congressional hearings will prevail and then BOOM, we’re past it. That was easy! Right? They do this with every single issue, event, hoax, and misdeed. Have you all forgotten this? The plan was to get vaccines in our arms—whatever happened after that they’d just manage it with propaganda, as they always do.
Also, keep this in mind: what they want is the destruction of America, so they create scenarios in which we’ll refute America. They’re counting on us despising our country when people figure out en masse that their government killed Uncle George or cousin Ray. The Deep State is driving this narrative, knowing we’ll hate our government forever and will more readily accept the Great Reset. We must NOT forget that taking down America is their goal, and the best way for them to do that is to make sure Americans hate their country. The exposed Covid planedemic will certainly drive that nail into the coffin.
You cannot trust that the Covid narrative is being exposed organically. IT IS NOT. It is being exposed on purpose. Keep their ultimate goal in mind—the destruction of America and our willingness to give in to a One World Government because we will perceive our country as irretrievable.
Like anyone from The Hill would really denounce Democrats? Ha! Not unless it was just part of the plan.
Sorry folks. You’re being fooled here. Absolutely no doubt about it.
I agree that their goal is to destroy America. So creating any chaos that makes us hate our institutions is on their agenda. But I don't agree that this will drive us to accept the Great Reset. It is clear to us all these 2 things are one in the same. When we refute the "agenda" of those trying to bring us down, we will revert to a revival of our founding principles (or we won't and it will be too late).
I hope you’re right. And hope is certainly on the menu.
I imagine accepting the Great Reset would happen if and when we get to a point where there is no other choice. Society will have broken down to a point where people believe the carrot being dangled in front of them is the only way. Exhausted, beaten down from years of demoralization, war, propaganda, school shootings, and the like.
What worries me is the Big Bang—meaning some sort of final straw being planned to break us down completely. Covid has convinced me they know no bounds and anything on their future agenda is likely to be worse.
I tend to go down the same path. But then, I have also read that nearly half of the population did NOT support the break from England back at the start of the revolutionary war. There were very long odds that this movement would not be successful. The British had the money, power, training. Our soldiers were on the verge of starvation. And yet we prevailed. We had a civil war less than a 100 years later that tore the country apart. And yet, here we are. I for one will continue to fight to preserve the great American experiment, and will pray that enough of us will continue to do the same.
I think the Deep State wanted to get the vaccine into our arms. It could never have been a perfect plan and they knew that. They agreed they’d manage the damage after the fallout by using propaganda, which is exactly what they’re doing. They’ll admit to “mistakes” but they’ll control the outcome, as they always do,
I’m not paranoid. I just get them. I see their patterns and am familiar with their modus operandi.
Don’t forget there’s a lot of people in the medical freedom movement that are controlled opposition, sadly. If I were the Deep State, I’d have operated the same way. Have people join “the other side” so you can control the outcome and drive the narrative.
They have been working toward getting all adults vaccinated for decades. For most people, once they leave high school, they don’t go in for vaccines again as an adult. It plays havoc with their whole narrative that these vaccines are what prevent outbreaks of these diseases (even though most people don’t connect the dots). Vaccines cause a multitude of health problems even if most of them haven’t been “officially” linked.
Sadly, too many in the medical freedom movement are controlled opposition, but that’s the game they’ve been playing forever. We just have to stay vigilant and keep our eyes open.
It’s all by design. When we’re on our knees as a country, seething about our corrupt government and its institutions, hungry, broke, and lost, they will introduce their dandy One World Government and it will look like paradise compared to the hell we’re living in. I hope it doesn’t get that far, but they’ve got their moves planned every step of the way. Exposing the horrid Covid truth is part of that plan. They want you to know.
I really don't see that working. Does anybody really think that Americans will go from "ugh, our government sucks, we hate government" to suddenly "yay, an even bigger government that doesn't care about our freedoms or our constitution, let's embrace that!" ??
You have to understand the context. It’s not just one adverse Deep State event that convinces people our government is corrupt or that there’s big people in big places pulling our strings.
It’s an attack from all sides, in a multitude of ways—from corrupt courts, to open borders, to crooked politicians, pandemics, artificial inflation, phony FISA courts—-all of it.
We must be convinced that our country is irreparable. Not so much hating our country—-as it is believing society has broken down to an unfixable degree.
We still have a long way to go before we get to that point, but there’s a lot more ahead—a lot more hell.
Compare it to a flood that is coming where humanity must start over. The UN will be there when the waters recede.
My image is of us playing the role of the Roadrunner cartoon character constantly facing a pile of Free Bird Seed left suspiciously in the middle of the roadway, by our Wylie Coyote MSM. How many times are we gonna fall for the same gag offered by the same scumbags.
The first image i get in my head is that old movie (The blob)? The scene where you see actual human legs under a giant caterpillar like thing. There are human legs under this current blob as well. 🤔
Wow--I was in elementary school then--'57? '58? My playmate had seen the movie and was describing it to me as we walked home for lunch--made no sense to me (nor would my mother have permitted me to watch such).
I don't believe in them, either. Been star gazing for over half a century. Never saw one. And if they do exist - I've said it before - I don't care until they park on my lawn and mess up my trees, garden or cats or block the driveway so I can't go places. I'll deal with them then, probably by introducing them to the Second Amendment (not that they would care). Until then, I have more pressing issues, like eating and living indoors. Yep, just more fear nonsense from the government. If aliens existed, I wish they would abduct all of DC.
".... or is the intelligence community facilitating disclosure through a series of limited hangouts that look like leaking and whistleblowing? Color me deeply skeptical."
YEAH, me too. Until proven otherwise, I will not believe this is anything other than a long-planned elaborate psyops. I've gotten to the point where no one is above suspicion (even as much as I love Tucker). This whole UFO narrative has been building up for years if not decades.
As Jeff wrote, "... bury the alleged technology under lasagna-like layers of trade secret laws, non-disclosure agreements, and confidentiality covenants."
l've long followed aerospace and spy news and technology advances. Always felt the Roswell et al stories are stupid cover stories for deep dark trade and USA military secrets and blunders. Burying any killer new technology which is a threat to existing TPTB while keeping any super tech as surprise doomsday weapons. Like the AC/DC electricity's viscous legal fight between Edison and Tesla/Westinghouse it's usually about money and raw power games, rarely getting the best and cheapest new technology out for the public use.
I do think, and have thought this for a long time, that UFOs exist. That being said, I am less inclined to believe the Jeffrey Sachs of the world turning from Democrat to Republican so easily. Perhaps because I am just too cynical and think he could potentially be someone sent to infiltrate our ranks or get Republicans to trust him and then slowly lead them astray. The far left infiltrated the schools, universities, and media a long time ago. And that is why we are where we are.
3. Public kept happy with recycled 1940's rocket tech (Apollo, Shuttle, Space X).
4. Meanwhile a 'breakaway civilisation' forms with it's own free energy/ anti grav propulsion tech. 'Missing' trillions in defence budget used to develop new 'jetsons' tech which would liberate society from oil if made available to all (which is why it is kept secret).
5. The masses are no longer required to further productivity or technological innovation - more useful now as lab rats for transhuman experimentation. Dumbing down is achieved through drugs, mainstream culture, education and progressive ideology.
6. As breakaway civilisation continues to refine its super duper tech (probably zipping all around the solar system) the masses are pushed back into a new dark age of scarcity and rubbish tech (windmills, solar panels, electric cars) under the banner of 'environmentalism'.
7. Once control grid is in place (15 min cities/ digital ID/ cashless etc) the breakaway civilisation
can reveal itself under the guise of 'aliens'. Public is prepped for this with years of 'disclosure' in the mainstream media - who previously ridiculed the subject.
8. 'Aliens' will either be portrayed as a threat (the new AQ) requiring a 'war on aliens' with global government as the 'only hope'....... or they will be portrayed as benevolent force bringing peace to Earth by instructing us to come together under a one world gov utopia, with the promise of alien tech and 'free everything' under a communist system. People will be so destitute by this stage (global financial collapse) that they will welcome their new slavery because it has a Star Trek vibe to it (you will own nothing and be happy).
Not sure if you every heard of the Black Riffle Podcast.. but interesting enough they talked about aliens last week when they he had 2 other exCIA contractors on.. they think its a distraction so when other governments find our new drones or tech they can shrug it off.. here is a link to the podcast it starts at the time they talk about it.. min 34..
Our God is righteous but quick to welcome repentant sinners (all of us!) and offer forgiveness. His love, mercy and grace has no limits. If you know God you will be eternally blessed.
Frantic doesn’t describe how worried I was about Jeff and today’s post!! Why does my mind go to “they’ve taken him down”??!! Glad to see all is well Jeff and that it was simply rabbit holes and daily duties that got in the way!
Right?? I always get a little concerned when it gets to be late like this and still no C&C! 🥺
My coffee didn't taste as satisfying either. 😕
some of us just brew a second pot. :-)
😄 I would be shaking like a Crack ho if I have more than 2 cups.
Same 😂☕️
Wow my mind went there too
Started praying at 11!
I was so worried! Glad it was duty and rabbit holes!
It was more like Lunch and Covid today
Or worse. Came and hauled him away.
It would look like Jan 6 except with guns and pitchforks.
I didn’t get frantic because I read C&C late in the day … that way I get all the wonderful comments too.
Exactly!! Although I have wondered when he has time to lawyer these days.
So funny Jackie - I thought the same thing.
😂😂 So many of us get frantic when C&C runs late! Thankfully I was spared the stress this morning because it was an unusually busy morning when I didn’t even have time to look for it until after 10:30. Otherwise I would’ve been obsessively checking every 10 minutes, checking substack in case there was an e-mail glitch etc.
Yep, had a few concerning thoughts. Glad he is a-ok!
I was in distress. Glad all is ok!!
When I saw his post notification, I started smiling and said yes!!!
I usually think somehow my spam filters developed a mind of its own. That's the first place I look for something I should have already received.
I kept checking and checking having all kinds of conspiracy theories running through my head! It was worth the wait and worry today!
I don’t believe in UFOs simply because it’s the perfect next big thing for the media and government to exploit while totally ignoring all the other problems that were unnecessarily created by the media and government in the first place. Great to hear about Jeffrey Sachs but I always keep my pro-wrestling antenna for anything and everything coming out of our deranged mainstream media. Always watch for Heel Turns and Face Turns from those guys as they become more and more unable and increasingly ineffective in managing narratives. I hate them all for what they have done to us.
Have to agree, seems pretty obvious to me that the current UFO revelations is the actual deception and psy-op.
A bit disappointed Tucker isn't exercising a bit more discretion here. Clearly there are huge lies on this topic, either they lied about non-existence in the past or they are lying about existence now, they can't both be true. Why would anyone think this current story is finally the truth?
The most likely explanation is the government seeded the UFO stories in decades past to cover up secret military aviation and space programs that they didn't want to reveal. People saw things they shouldn't have so the government started the UFO hysteria as a cover. It was a deliberate distraction they used to their advantage. Now for some reason they have gone from pushing it covertly to pushing it overtly, but it's likely the same people behind it.
100%! Agree on your assessment of Tucker as well. Also, we’ve been told for awhile now (by the Substack I follow) at the end of this fight the UFO narrative would come out again to scare the masses. 🤨
Yup...fear porn.
Also, a perfect venue to continue their attack on discrediting Biblical faith which is one of the top objectives of the Marxist dialectic. Be forewarned.
And chase us into the open arms of Our Big Brother who will “keep us safe” 🙄😖😖
We may soon learn that 15-minute cities will keep people safe from aliens. How conveeenient!
15 minute. Not 13, 17 or 20 minute cities. It’s been determined the best number is 15 minutes. They did studies ya know 😂😂😂
How? That would just put us all in one spot for them to easily attack and destroy.
I believe they will use the UFO story to explain away the missing billions of people after the Rapture...
YES, YES, YES...... The one-worlders are coming after your money. So, as fascinating as all of this seems, look beyond the veil. Different fingers, same hand. Look out for the banking crisis that is sprouting legs. Only the bigs will be left, just like the airline industry etc....
Later Jay
I'm watching his episode on this now. I too see him latching onto it as a truth the government is hiding instead of being skeptical of the whole set up. The government lies and hides everything anyway so this is just another story to distract the public.
I think he's falling for it because it "proves" the government was lying previously, that's red meat for many of us.
But it doesn't have to be one or the other. They could have been lying then (denying existence when they were actually the cause of the sightings) and lying now about them being real. Or maybe they were telling the truth before and are lying now.
Looking at the big picture, what's the one thing that could unite mankind after being at each other's throats since the fall from the garden? Covid didn't work. Global warming didn't work. The only thing likely to work is the threat of an invasion from another world (at least it worked in the movie Independence Day). Pretty convenient for those pushing one world government.
And an alien virus (courtesy of chemtrail spraying)...just saying
Better get started re-reading Heinlein. Just to know what to prepare for. Laugh here---what if the esteemed US govt is taking its cues from Heinlein? He did the thinking, they just have to do the doing.
Unite Mankind you say? Yeah, we'd definitely better unite to prepare for an alien invasion, let's say by... building a tower that reaches to the heavens! Uh, sorry, I mean a "space elevator"! Yeah, that's the trick.
It’s like the ladder that Bugs Bunny built in the cartoon !!
No invasion. They're already here.
Sometimes I really think that...especially after reading Dr. Ana Mihalcea's research. I mean - to a lay person like me - this stuff is totally alien.
yes we've been a hybrid race for millennia.
We also cannot underestimate the evil one. Satan, the great deceiver, could also be behind these supposed aliens.
He sows chaos and confusion for sure.
Tucker Carlson has been bamboozled by the UFO crap…maybe?
My big takeaway from this interview was not so much about whether or not UFO's are real, it's that Congress and the American people are being denied information gleaned with their tax dollars.
Tim Burchett: I was told it was BLOCKED by the Intelligence COMMUNITY not the intelligence committee, but the intelligence community….it’s a chilling effect if someone can reach through the veil of government and pierce to the point of we do not have access to something then who the h*ll is in control?!
I have said this for years—the real power is NOT in the elected officials, it’s in the hands of the unelected bureaucrats and yet these pawns continue to fund them. They are spending us into oblivion and getting no accountability.
Your theory is plausible but how does one explain the images of spaceships and aliens in petroglyphs and antique paintings?
We think that’s how they explain the rapture
My thoughts exactly. (Or possibly secret internment camps). Preferably the rapture though. How else will they explain all the Christians suddenly disappearing.
Seriously, no disrespect - I mean it - but we have got to get our heads out of this end-times rapture fantasy.
None taken...there are many views on this issue and I do not like when people are obsessed with end times. We are not called to speculate as to when Christ will return. Jesus merely calls us to have our lamps filled with oil...aka be ready. As the Apostle Paul said "To live is Christ to die is gain." We are to keep proclaiming the gospel until Christ takes us home.
I'm not sure where you stand on this, but I personally believe there is a God, of the bible, and he speaks to us through the bible, and I don't see it as a fantasy. (no disrespect).
I agree with everything you said except for the fantasy part. It's not in the Bible but one has to be able to look at the Word without the Rapture colored lens.
Tell you what. When you get time, take a look at this reasonably short and well written book and when you finish it, tell me what you think. It is well written so it won't be an insult to your eyes.
Hey Phil, if you get a chance check out the book, "The Incredible Scofield and His Book" referring of course to CI Scofield and his study Bible. It's out of print but you can find PDFs online. It was written by a Christian about 40 years ago trying to get to the bottom of how Dispensationalism really took off in the US.
Scofield nearly single-handedly caused this in the early 1900's, as his study bible was enormously influential due to his association with DL Moody (of the now famous Moody Bible College). The author goes in detail through Schofield's life with thousands of footnotes and it's blowing my mind.
Long story short, the author makes a pretty compelling case that Scofield's Bible emerging at pretty much the exact same time Zionism became a political movement was not a coincidence. He goes through Schofield's connections to wealthy backers. In addition, he goes through his life prior to taking up preaching and he had some skeletons that he appears to have hid from the church.
I attend a Dispensationalist church (though not overtly Zionist) and this stuff has always sort of bothered me as I knew it wasn't part of historical Christianity. It never occurred to me to see where it actually arose and it's been quite an eye opener finding this stuff out.
I have studied both sides of the issue. I went to a college that taught exactly the opposite of what I believe. We will just have to agree to disagree on this one. It's not an issue that's related to salvation so in the end it's not a hill to die on. The pillars of the reformation are pillars for a reason. Salvation is by grace through faith in Christ and that's what's most important.
Vaporizing them with drones.
Ask the original Apostles about how they were Raptured is my response to those holding onto that belief.
Seriously, think about it.
All were martyred except John. Are we any better than them?
I’m open on the question of being raptured or going through the tribulation. I know where both sides are coming from.
And I don’t at all believe it’s a question of being better than the apostles. God had his purpose for each and every one of them. I don’t know what the point would have been in their being raptured. And he has his purpose for each and every one of us. That purpose is not necessarily martyrdom simply because we are no better than others who are martyred.
Time will tell.
I get worried when anyone gets giddy about a liberal finally “seeing the light” and deciding to leave the Democrat party. Never forget the level of 5-D chess we’re playing. The powers that be knew they’d never get away with the whole Covid hoax right from the get go, so admitting the farce and unlawfulness down the road has always been in the their plan. This way, a few heads will roll and a few congressional hearings will prevail and then BOOM, we’re past it. That was easy! Right? They do this with every single issue, event, hoax, and misdeed. Have you all forgotten this? The plan was to get vaccines in our arms—whatever happened after that they’d just manage it with propaganda, as they always do.
Also, keep this in mind: what they want is the destruction of America, so they create scenarios in which we’ll refute America. They’re counting on us despising our country when people figure out en masse that their government killed Uncle George or cousin Ray. The Deep State is driving this narrative, knowing we’ll hate our government forever and will more readily accept the Great Reset. We must NOT forget that taking down America is their goal, and the best way for them to do that is to make sure Americans hate their country. The exposed Covid planedemic will certainly drive that nail into the coffin.
You cannot trust that the Covid narrative is being exposed organically. IT IS NOT. It is being exposed on purpose. Keep their ultimate goal in mind—the destruction of America and our willingness to give in to a One World Government because we will perceive our country as irretrievable.
Like anyone from The Hill would really denounce Democrats? Ha! Not unless it was just part of the plan.
Sorry folks. You’re being fooled here. Absolutely no doubt about it.
I agree that their goal is to destroy America. So creating any chaos that makes us hate our institutions is on their agenda. But I don't agree that this will drive us to accept the Great Reset. It is clear to us all these 2 things are one in the same. When we refute the "agenda" of those trying to bring us down, we will revert to a revival of our founding principles (or we won't and it will be too late).
I hope you’re right. And hope is certainly on the menu.
I imagine accepting the Great Reset would happen if and when we get to a point where there is no other choice. Society will have broken down to a point where people believe the carrot being dangled in front of them is the only way. Exhausted, beaten down from years of demoralization, war, propaganda, school shootings, and the like.
What worries me is the Big Bang—meaning some sort of final straw being planned to break us down completely. Covid has convinced me they know no bounds and anything on their future agenda is likely to be worse.
I tend to go down the same path. But then, I have also read that nearly half of the population did NOT support the break from England back at the start of the revolutionary war. There were very long odds that this movement would not be successful. The British had the money, power, training. Our soldiers were on the verge of starvation. And yet we prevailed. We had a civil war less than a 100 years later that tore the country apart. And yet, here we are. I for one will continue to fight to preserve the great American experiment, and will pray that enough of us will continue to do the same.
without many brave souls who were banned and censored on social media the psyop would NEVER have been exposed. think you're a tad too paranoid here.
I think the Deep State wanted to get the vaccine into our arms. It could never have been a perfect plan and they knew that. They agreed they’d manage the damage after the fallout by using propaganda, which is exactly what they’re doing. They’ll admit to “mistakes” but they’ll control the outcome, as they always do,
I’m not paranoid. I just get them. I see their patterns and am familiar with their modus operandi.
Don’t forget there’s a lot of people in the medical freedom movement that are controlled opposition, sadly. If I were the Deep State, I’d have operated the same way. Have people join “the other side” so you can control the outcome and drive the narrative.
They have been working toward getting all adults vaccinated for decades. For most people, once they leave high school, they don’t go in for vaccines again as an adult. It plays havoc with their whole narrative that these vaccines are what prevent outbreaks of these diseases (even though most people don’t connect the dots). Vaccines cause a multitude of health problems even if most of them haven’t been “officially” linked.
Sadly, too many in the medical freedom movement are controlled opposition, but that’s the game they’ve been playing forever. We just have to stay vigilant and keep our eyes open.
Well, for sure the USG is rapidly becoming the most hated institution, especially by Americans who truly love America. They may be in for a surprise.
It’s all by design. When we’re on our knees as a country, seething about our corrupt government and its institutions, hungry, broke, and lost, they will introduce their dandy One World Government and it will look like paradise compared to the hell we’re living in. I hope it doesn’t get that far, but they’ve got their moves planned every step of the way. Exposing the horrid Covid truth is part of that plan. They want you to know.
I really don't see that working. Does anybody really think that Americans will go from "ugh, our government sucks, we hate government" to suddenly "yay, an even bigger government that doesn't care about our freedoms or our constitution, let's embrace that!" ??
You have to understand the context. It’s not just one adverse Deep State event that convinces people our government is corrupt or that there’s big people in big places pulling our strings.
It’s an attack from all sides, in a multitude of ways—from corrupt courts, to open borders, to crooked politicians, pandemics, artificial inflation, phony FISA courts—-all of it.
We must be convinced that our country is irreparable. Not so much hating our country—-as it is believing society has broken down to an unfixable degree.
We still have a long way to go before we get to that point, but there’s a lot more ahead—a lot more hell.
Compare it to a flood that is coming where humanity must start over. The UN will be there when the waters recede.
I’ve got too much confidence in basic, American grit!
Excellent observations!!
Ty for saving me from having to write exactly what you wrote, pretty much verbatim.
Me too. I don’t read any of it. 🥱
It has less than zero value
My image is of us playing the role of the Roadrunner cartoon character constantly facing a pile of Free Bird Seed left suspiciously in the middle of the roadway, by our Wylie Coyote MSM. How many times are we gonna fall for the same gag offered by the same scumbags.
Best analogy yet. Everything said above just beat me to the punch.
Or, maybe Charlie Brown, and the old football trick...
My favorite!
But wait! 🤣🤣 bird seed... !
The first image i get in my head is that old movie (The blob)? The scene where you see actual human legs under a giant caterpillar like thing. There are human legs under this current blob as well. 🤔
LOL...saw that when I was, what, 7? I didn't catch the legs LOL
Wow--I was in elementary school then--'57? '58? My playmate had seen the movie and was describing it to me as we walked home for lunch--made no sense to me (nor would my mother have permitted me to watch such).
I don't believe in them, either. Been star gazing for over half a century. Never saw one. And if they do exist - I've said it before - I don't care until they park on my lawn and mess up my trees, garden or cats or block the driveway so I can't go places. I'll deal with them then, probably by introducing them to the Second Amendment (not that they would care). Until then, I have more pressing issues, like eating and living indoors. Yep, just more fear nonsense from the government. If aliens existed, I wish they would abduct all of DC.
I remember reading that NASA couldn't find anyone to be their chief UFO guy. Presumably it was seen as career damaging at a serious agency.
Speaking of NASA, they somehow managed to drop off laser reflectors on the moon in 1969 that are still used for measurements.
Yeah...I forgot about that.
Yes thank you Ty, my thoughts too - love what Jeff said, “ Color me skeptical.“
".... or is the intelligence community facilitating disclosure through a series of limited hangouts that look like leaking and whistleblowing? Color me deeply skeptical."
YEAH, me too. Until proven otherwise, I will not believe this is anything other than a long-planned elaborate psyops. I've gotten to the point where no one is above suspicion (even as much as I love Tucker). This whole UFO narrative has been building up for years if not decades.
As Jeff wrote, "... bury the alleged technology under lasagna-like layers of trade secret laws, non-disclosure agreements, and confidentiality covenants."
l've long followed aerospace and spy news and technology advances. Always felt the Roswell et al stories are stupid cover stories for deep dark trade and USA military secrets and blunders. Burying any killer new technology which is a threat to existing TPTB while keeping any super tech as surprise doomsday weapons. Like the AC/DC electricity's viscous legal fight between Edison and Tesla/Westinghouse it's usually about money and raw power games, rarely getting the best and cheapest new technology out for the public use.
I find it completely ridiculous to believe the reports that “UFOs” supposedly travel enormous distances, only to crash into Earth. Come on man.
I do think, and have thought this for a long time, that UFOs exist. That being said, I am less inclined to believe the Jeffrey Sachs of the world turning from Democrat to Republican so easily. Perhaps because I am just too cynical and think he could potentially be someone sent to infiltrate our ranks or get Republicans to trust him and then slowly lead them astray. The far left infiltrated the schools, universities, and media a long time ago. And that is why we are where we are.
Nothing but more distractions
Most likely chain of events.
1. UFO crashes.
2. Technology retrieved and back engineered.
3. Public kept happy with recycled 1940's rocket tech (Apollo, Shuttle, Space X).
4. Meanwhile a 'breakaway civilisation' forms with it's own free energy/ anti grav propulsion tech. 'Missing' trillions in defence budget used to develop new 'jetsons' tech which would liberate society from oil if made available to all (which is why it is kept secret).
5. The masses are no longer required to further productivity or technological innovation - more useful now as lab rats for transhuman experimentation. Dumbing down is achieved through drugs, mainstream culture, education and progressive ideology.
6. As breakaway civilisation continues to refine its super duper tech (probably zipping all around the solar system) the masses are pushed back into a new dark age of scarcity and rubbish tech (windmills, solar panels, electric cars) under the banner of 'environmentalism'.
7. Once control grid is in place (15 min cities/ digital ID/ cashless etc) the breakaway civilisation
can reveal itself under the guise of 'aliens'. Public is prepped for this with years of 'disclosure' in the mainstream media - who previously ridiculed the subject.
8. 'Aliens' will either be portrayed as a threat (the new AQ) requiring a 'war on aliens' with global government as the 'only hope'....... or they will be portrayed as benevolent force bringing peace to Earth by instructing us to come together under a one world gov utopia, with the promise of alien tech and 'free everything' under a communist system. People will be so destitute by this stage (global financial collapse) that they will welcome their new slavery because it has a Star Trek vibe to it (you will own nothing and be happy).
Read "The Report From Iron Mountain". Gives some insight into this propaganda.
Not sure if you every heard of the Black Riffle Podcast.. but interesting enough they talked about aliens last week when they he had 2 other exCIA contractors on.. they think its a distraction so when other governments find our new drones or tech they can shrug it off.. here is a link to the podcast it starts at the time they talk about it.. min 34..
I literally rebooted my phone, rechecked X, opened SUBSTACK a half dozen times. No, I’m not addicted to C&C at all...
I checked Truth and the facebook group C&C Junkies 😂
I need to find that group! Ha! Ha! Ha!
I had no idea! Signed up just now!!
Frau Schroeder -worry wart! Ha!
Later Jay
🤣🤣🤣 me too
Me too!!
Who is a God like You, who forgives iniquity
And passes over the transgression of the remnant of His inheritance?
He does not hold fast to His anger forever
Because He delights in lovingkindness.
He will again have compassion on us;
He will subdue our iniquities.
And You will cast all their sins
Into the depths of the sea.
— Micah 7:18-19 LSB
Our God is righteous but quick to welcome repentant sinners (all of us!) and offer forgiveness. His love, mercy and grace has no limits. If you know God you will be eternally blessed.
I would add that all are sinners, but not all are repentant. Thankfully, He knows every heart.