Nov 29, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Frantic doesn’t describe how worried I was about Jeff and today’s post!! Why does my mind go to “they’ve taken him down”??!! Glad to see all is well Jeff and that it was simply rabbit holes and daily duties that got in the way!

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Right?? I always get a little concerned when it gets to be late like this and still no C&C! 🥺

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My coffee didn't taste as satisfying either. 😕

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some of us just brew a second pot. :-)

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😄 I would be shaking like a Crack ho if I have more than 2 cups.

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Same 😂☕️

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Wow my mind went there too

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Started praying at 11!

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I was so worried! Glad it was duty and rabbit holes!

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It was more like Lunch and Covid today

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Or worse. Came and hauled him away.

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It would look like Jan 6 except with guns and pitchforks.

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I didn’t get frantic because I read C&C late in the day … that way I get all the wonderful comments too.

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Exactly!! Although I have wondered when he has time to lawyer these days.

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So funny Jackie - I thought the same thing.

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😂😂 So many of us get frantic when C&C runs late! Thankfully I was spared the stress this morning because it was an unusually busy morning when I didn’t even have time to look for it until after 10:30. Otherwise I would’ve been obsessively checking every 10 minutes, checking substack in case there was an e-mail glitch etc.

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Yep, had a few concerning thoughts. Glad he is a-ok!

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I was in distress. Glad all is ok!!

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When I saw his post notification, I started smiling and said yes!!!

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I usually think somehow my spam filters developed a mind of its own. That's the first place I look for something I should have already received.

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I kept checking and checking having all kinds of conspiracy theories running through my head! It was worth the wait and worry today!

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I don’t believe in UFOs simply because it’s the perfect next big thing for the media and government to exploit while totally ignoring all the other problems that were unnecessarily created by the media and government in the first place. Great to hear about Jeffrey Sachs but I always keep my pro-wrestling antenna for anything and everything coming out of our deranged mainstream media. Always watch for Heel Turns and Face Turns from those guys as they become more and more unable and increasingly ineffective in managing narratives. I hate them all for what they have done to us.

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023

Have to agree, seems pretty obvious to me that the current UFO revelations is the actual deception and psy-op.

A bit disappointed Tucker isn't exercising a bit more discretion here. Clearly there are huge lies on this topic, either they lied about non-existence in the past or they are lying about existence now, they can't both be true. Why would anyone think this current story is finally the truth?

The most likely explanation is the government seeded the UFO stories in decades past to cover up secret military aviation and space programs that they didn't want to reveal. People saw things they shouldn't have so the government started the UFO hysteria as a cover. It was a deliberate distraction they used to their advantage. Now for some reason they have gone from pushing it covertly to pushing it overtly, but it's likely the same people behind it.

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100%! Agree on your assessment of Tucker as well. Also, we’ve been told for awhile now (by the Substack I follow) at the end of this fight the UFO narrative would come out again to scare the masses. 🤨

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Yup...fear porn.

Also, a perfect venue to continue their attack on discrediting Biblical faith which is one of the top objectives of the Marxist dialectic. Be forewarned.

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And chase us into the open arms of Our Big Brother who will “keep us safe” 🙄😖😖

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

We may soon learn that 15-minute cities will keep people safe from aliens. How conveeenient!

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15 minute. Not 13, 17 or 20 minute cities. It’s been determined the best number is 15 minutes. They did studies ya know 😂😂😂

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How? That would just put us all in one spot for them to easily attack and destroy.

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I believe they will use the UFO story to explain away the missing billions of people after the Rapture...

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YES, YES, YES...... The one-worlders are coming after your money. So, as fascinating as all of this seems, look beyond the veil. Different fingers, same hand. Look out for the banking crisis that is sprouting legs. Only the bigs will be left, just like the airline industry etc....

Later Jay

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I'm watching his episode on this now. I too see him latching onto it as a truth the government is hiding instead of being skeptical of the whole set up. The government lies and hides everything anyway so this is just another story to distract the public.

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I think he's falling for it because it "proves" the government was lying previously, that's red meat for many of us.

But it doesn't have to be one or the other. They could have been lying then (denying existence when they were actually the cause of the sightings) and lying now about them being real. Or maybe they were telling the truth before and are lying now.

Looking at the big picture, what's the one thing that could unite mankind after being at each other's throats since the fall from the garden? Covid didn't work. Global warming didn't work. The only thing likely to work is the threat of an invasion from another world (at least it worked in the movie Independence Day). Pretty convenient for those pushing one world government.

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And an alien virus (courtesy of chemtrail spraying)...just saying

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Better get started re-reading Heinlein. Just to know what to prepare for. Laugh here---what if the esteemed US govt is taking its cues from Heinlein? He did the thinking, they just have to do the doing.

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Unite Mankind you say? Yeah, we'd definitely better unite to prepare for an alien invasion, let's say by... building a tower that reaches to the heavens! Uh, sorry, I mean a "space elevator"! Yeah, that's the trick.

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It’s like the ladder that Bugs Bunny built in the cartoon !!

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No invasion. They're already here.

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Sometimes I really think that...especially after reading Dr. Ana Mihalcea's research. I mean - to a lay person like me - this stuff is totally alien.

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yes we've been a hybrid race for millennia.

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We also cannot underestimate the evil one. Satan, the great deceiver, could also be behind these supposed aliens.

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He sows chaos and confusion for sure.

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Tucker Carlson has been bamboozled by the UFO crap…maybe?

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My big takeaway from this interview was not so much about whether or not UFO's are real, it's that Congress and the American people are being denied information gleaned with their tax dollars.

Tim Burchett: I was told it was BLOCKED by the Intelligence COMMUNITY not the intelligence committee, but the intelligence community….it’s a chilling effect if someone can reach through the veil of government and pierce to the point of we do not have access to something then who the h*ll is in control?!

I have said this for years—the real power is NOT in the elected officials, it’s in the hands of the unelected bureaucrats and yet these pawns continue to fund them. They are spending us into oblivion and getting no accountability.

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Your theory is plausible but how does one explain the images of spaceships and aliens in petroglyphs and antique paintings?

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We think that’s how they explain the rapture

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My thoughts exactly. (Or possibly secret internment camps). Preferably the rapture though. How else will they explain all the Christians suddenly disappearing.

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Seriously, no disrespect - I mean it - but we have got to get our heads out of this end-times rapture fantasy.

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None taken...there are many views on this issue and I do not like when people are obsessed with end times. We are not called to speculate as to when Christ will return. Jesus merely calls us to have our lamps filled with oil...aka be ready. As the Apostle Paul said "To live is Christ to die is gain." We are to keep proclaiming the gospel until Christ takes us home.

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I'm not sure where you stand on this, but I personally believe there is a God, of the bible, and he speaks to us through the bible, and I don't see it as a fantasy. (no disrespect).

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I agree with everything you said except for the fantasy part. It's not in the Bible but one has to be able to look at the Word without the Rapture colored lens.

Tell you what. When you get time, take a look at this reasonably short and well written book and when you finish it, tell me what you think. It is well written so it won't be an insult to your eyes.


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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

Hey Phil, if you get a chance check out the book, "The Incredible Scofield and His Book" referring of course to CI Scofield and his study Bible. It's out of print but you can find PDFs online. It was written by a Christian about 40 years ago trying to get to the bottom of how Dispensationalism really took off in the US.

Scofield nearly single-handedly caused this in the early 1900's, as his study bible was enormously influential due to his association with DL Moody (of the now famous Moody Bible College). The author goes in detail through Schofield's life with thousands of footnotes and it's blowing my mind.

Long story short, the author makes a pretty compelling case that Scofield's Bible emerging at pretty much the exact same time Zionism became a political movement was not a coincidence. He goes through Schofield's connections to wealthy backers. In addition, he goes through his life prior to taking up preaching and he had some skeletons that he appears to have hid from the church.

I attend a Dispensationalist church (though not overtly Zionist) and this stuff has always sort of bothered me as I knew it wasn't part of historical Christianity. It never occurred to me to see where it actually arose and it's been quite an eye opener finding this stuff out.

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I have studied both sides of the issue. I went to a college that taught exactly the opposite of what I believe. We will just have to agree to disagree on this one. It's not an issue that's related to salvation so in the end it's not a hill to die on. The pillars of the reformation are pillars for a reason. Salvation is by grace through faith in Christ and that's what's most important.

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Vaporizing them with drones.

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Ask the original Apostles about how they were Raptured is my response to those holding onto that belief.

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Seriously, think about it.

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All were martyred except John. Are we any better than them?

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

I’m open on the question of being raptured or going through the tribulation. I know where both sides are coming from.

And I don’t at all believe it’s a question of being better than the apostles. God had his purpose for each and every one of them. I don’t know what the point would have been in their being raptured. And he has his purpose for each and every one of us. That purpose is not necessarily martyrdom simply because we are no better than others who are martyred.

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Time will tell.

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I get worried when anyone gets giddy about a liberal finally “seeing the light” and deciding to leave the Democrat party. Never forget the level of 5-D chess we’re playing. The powers that be knew they’d never get away with the whole Covid hoax right from the get go, so admitting the farce and unlawfulness down the road has always been in the their plan. This way, a few heads will roll and a few congressional hearings will prevail and then BOOM, we’re past it. That was easy! Right? They do this with every single issue, event, hoax, and misdeed. Have you all forgotten this? The plan was to get vaccines in our arms—whatever happened after that they’d just manage it with propaganda, as they always do.

Also, keep this in mind: what they want is the destruction of America, so they create scenarios in which we’ll refute America. They’re counting on us despising our country when people figure out en masse that their government killed Uncle George or cousin Ray. The Deep State is driving this narrative, knowing we’ll hate our government forever and will more readily accept the Great Reset. We must NOT forget that taking down America is their goal, and the best way for them to do that is to make sure Americans hate their country. The exposed Covid planedemic will certainly drive that nail into the coffin.

You cannot trust that the Covid narrative is being exposed organically. IT IS NOT. It is being exposed on purpose. Keep their ultimate goal in mind—the destruction of America and our willingness to give in to a One World Government because we will perceive our country as irretrievable.

Like anyone from The Hill would really denounce Democrats? Ha! Not unless it was just part of the plan.

Sorry folks. You’re being fooled here. Absolutely no doubt about it.

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I agree that their goal is to destroy America. So creating any chaos that makes us hate our institutions is on their agenda. But I don't agree that this will drive us to accept the Great Reset. It is clear to us all these 2 things are one in the same. When we refute the "agenda" of those trying to bring us down, we will revert to a revival of our founding principles (or we won't and it will be too late).

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I hope you’re right. And hope is certainly on the menu.

I imagine accepting the Great Reset would happen if and when we get to a point where there is no other choice. Society will have broken down to a point where people believe the carrot being dangled in front of them is the only way. Exhausted, beaten down from years of demoralization, war, propaganda, school shootings, and the like.

What worries me is the Big Bang—meaning some sort of final straw being planned to break us down completely. Covid has convinced me they know no bounds and anything on their future agenda is likely to be worse.

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I tend to go down the same path. But then, I have also read that nearly half of the population did NOT support the break from England back at the start of the revolutionary war. There were very long odds that this movement would not be successful. The British had the money, power, training. Our soldiers were on the verge of starvation. And yet we prevailed. We had a civil war less than a 100 years later that tore the country apart. And yet, here we are. I for one will continue to fight to preserve the great American experiment, and will pray that enough of us will continue to do the same.

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without many brave souls who were banned and censored on social media the psyop would NEVER have been exposed. think you're a tad too paranoid here.

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I think the Deep State wanted to get the vaccine into our arms. It could never have been a perfect plan and they knew that. They agreed they’d manage the damage after the fallout by using propaganda, which is exactly what they’re doing. They’ll admit to “mistakes” but they’ll control the outcome, as they always do,

I’m not paranoid. I just get them. I see their patterns and am familiar with their modus operandi.

Don’t forget there’s a lot of people in the medical freedom movement that are controlled opposition, sadly. If I were the Deep State, I’d have operated the same way. Have people join “the other side” so you can control the outcome and drive the narrative.

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They have been working toward getting all adults vaccinated for decades. For most people, once they leave high school, they don’t go in for vaccines again as an adult. It plays havoc with their whole narrative that these vaccines are what prevent outbreaks of these diseases (even though most people don’t connect the dots). Vaccines cause a multitude of health problems even if most of them haven’t been “officially” linked.

Sadly, too many in the medical freedom movement are controlled opposition, but that’s the game they’ve been playing forever. We just have to stay vigilant and keep our eyes open.

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Well, for sure the USG is rapidly becoming the most hated institution, especially by Americans who truly love America. They may be in for a surprise.

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It’s all by design. When we’re on our knees as a country, seething about our corrupt government and its institutions, hungry, broke, and lost, they will introduce their dandy One World Government and it will look like paradise compared to the hell we’re living in. I hope it doesn’t get that far, but they’ve got their moves planned every step of the way. Exposing the horrid Covid truth is part of that plan. They want you to know.

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I really don't see that working. Does anybody really think that Americans will go from "ugh, our government sucks, we hate government" to suddenly "yay, an even bigger government that doesn't care about our freedoms or our constitution, let's embrace that!" ??

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You have to understand the context. It’s not just one adverse Deep State event that convinces people our government is corrupt or that there’s big people in big places pulling our strings.

It’s an attack from all sides, in a multitude of ways—from corrupt courts, to open borders, to crooked politicians, pandemics, artificial inflation, phony FISA courts—-all of it.

We must be convinced that our country is irreparable. Not so much hating our country—-as it is believing society has broken down to an unfixable degree.

We still have a long way to go before we get to that point, but there’s a lot more ahead—a lot more hell.

Compare it to a flood that is coming where humanity must start over. The UN will be there when the waters recede.

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I’ve got too much confidence in basic, American grit!

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Excellent observations!!

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Ty for saving me from having to write exactly what you wrote, pretty much verbatim.

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Me too. I don’t read any of it. 🥱

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It has less than zero value

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My image is of us playing the role of the Roadrunner cartoon character constantly facing a pile of Free Bird Seed left suspiciously in the middle of the roadway, by our Wylie Coyote MSM. How many times are we gonna fall for the same gag offered by the same scumbags.

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Best analogy yet. Everything said above just beat me to the punch.

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Or, maybe Charlie Brown, and the old football trick...

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Hey...free bird seed... !

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The first image i get in my head is that old movie (The blob)? The scene where you see actual human legs under a giant caterpillar like thing. There are human legs under this current blob as well. 🤔

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LOL...saw that when I was, what, 7? I didn't catch the legs LOL

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Wow--I was in elementary school then--'57? '58? My playmate had seen the movie and was describing it to me as we walked home for lunch--made no sense to me (nor would my mother have permitted me to watch such).

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I don't believe in them, either. Been star gazing for over half a century. Never saw one. And if they do exist - I've said it before - I don't care until they park on my lawn and mess up my trees, garden or cats or block the driveway so I can't go places. I'll deal with them then, probably by introducing them to the Second Amendment (not that they would care). Until then, I have more pressing issues, like eating and living indoors. Yep, just more fear nonsense from the government. If aliens existed, I wish they would abduct all of DC.

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I remember reading that NASA couldn't find anyone to be their chief UFO guy. Presumably it was seen as career damaging at a serious agency.

Speaking of NASA, they somehow managed to drop off laser reflectors on the moon in 1969 that are still used for measurements.


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Yeah...I forgot about that.

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Yes thank you Ty, my thoughts too - love what Jeff said, “ Color me skeptical.“

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".... or is the intelligence community facilitating disclosure through a series of limited hangouts that look like leaking and whistleblowing? Color me deeply skeptical."

YEAH, me too. Until proven otherwise, I will not believe this is anything other than a long-planned elaborate psyops. I've gotten to the point where no one is above suspicion (even as much as I love Tucker). This whole UFO narrative has been building up for years if not decades.

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As Jeff wrote, "... bury the alleged technology under lasagna-like layers of trade secret laws, non-disclosure agreements, and confidentiality covenants."

l've long followed aerospace and spy news and technology advances. Always felt the Roswell et al stories are stupid cover stories for deep dark trade and USA military secrets and blunders. Burying any killer new technology which is a threat to existing TPTB while keeping any super tech as surprise doomsday weapons. Like the AC/DC electricity's viscous legal fight between Edison and Tesla/Westinghouse it's usually about money and raw power games, rarely getting the best and cheapest new technology out for the public use.

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I find it completely ridiculous to believe the reports that “UFOs” supposedly travel enormous distances, only to crash into Earth. Come on man.

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I do think, and have thought this for a long time, that UFOs exist. That being said, I am less inclined to believe the Jeffrey Sachs of the world turning from Democrat to Republican so easily. Perhaps because I am just too cynical and think he could potentially be someone sent to infiltrate our ranks or get Republicans to trust him and then slowly lead them astray. The far left infiltrated the schools, universities, and media a long time ago. And that is why we are where we are.

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Nothing but more distractions

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Most likely chain of events.

1. UFO crashes.

2. Technology retrieved and back engineered.

3. Public kept happy with recycled 1940's rocket tech (Apollo, Shuttle, Space X).

4. Meanwhile a 'breakaway civilisation' forms with it's own free energy/ anti grav propulsion tech. 'Missing' trillions in defence budget used to develop new 'jetsons' tech which would liberate society from oil if made available to all (which is why it is kept secret).

5. The masses are no longer required to further productivity or technological innovation - more useful now as lab rats for transhuman experimentation. Dumbing down is achieved through drugs, mainstream culture, education and progressive ideology.

6. As breakaway civilisation continues to refine its super duper tech (probably zipping all around the solar system) the masses are pushed back into a new dark age of scarcity and rubbish tech (windmills, solar panels, electric cars) under the banner of 'environmentalism'.

7. Once control grid is in place (15 min cities/ digital ID/ cashless etc) the breakaway civilisation

can reveal itself under the guise of 'aliens'. Public is prepped for this with years of 'disclosure' in the mainstream media - who previously ridiculed the subject.

8. 'Aliens' will either be portrayed as a threat (the new AQ) requiring a 'war on aliens' with global government as the 'only hope'....... or they will be portrayed as benevolent force bringing peace to Earth by instructing us to come together under a one world gov utopia, with the promise of alien tech and 'free everything' under a communist system. People will be so destitute by this stage (global financial collapse) that they will welcome their new slavery because it has a Star Trek vibe to it (you will own nothing and be happy).

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Read "The Report From Iron Mountain". Gives some insight into this propaganda.

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Not sure if you every heard of the Black Riffle Podcast.. but interesting enough they talked about aliens last week when they he had 2 other exCIA contractors on.. they think its a distraction so when other governments find our new drones or tech they can shrug it off.. here is a link to the podcast it starts at the time they talk about it.. min 34.. https://youtu.be/CfN08LyunBE?si=ME2BPnZ-UEK5F7ST&t=2028

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I literally rebooted my phone, rechecked X, opened SUBSTACK a half dozen times. No, I’m not addicted to C&C at all...

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I checked Truth and the facebook group C&C Junkies 😂

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I need to find that group! Ha! Ha! Ha!

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Frau Schroeder -worry wart! Ha!

Later Jay

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🤣🤣🤣 me too

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Me too!!

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Who is a God like You, who forgives iniquity

And passes over the transgression of the remnant of His inheritance?

He does not hold fast to His anger forever

Because He delights in lovingkindness.

He will again have compassion on us;

He will subdue our iniquities.

And You will cast all their sins

Into the depths of the sea.

— Micah 7:18-19 LSB


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Our God is righteous but quick to welcome repentant sinners (all of us!) and offer forgiveness. His love, mercy and grace has no limits. If you know God you will be eternally blessed.

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I would add that all are sinners, but not all are repentant. Thankfully, He knows every heart.

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You’re right Janice!

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Psalms 103:10-14

…he does not treat us as our sins deserve

or repay us according to our iniquities.

For as high as the heavens

are above the earth,

so great is his love for those who fear him;

as far as the east is from the west,

so far has he removed our

transgressions from us.

As a father has compassion

on his children,

so the Lord has

compassion on those who

fear him;

for he knows how we are


he remembers that we are


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"Fear the Lord". Now there is something the Marxists hate.

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That’s for sure!

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Oh I think they like fear because it’s an effective weapon, but they do hate God.

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I love these verses! Thank you for sharing God’s Word!

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Thank you! I love sharing God’s word.

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He passes over the transgression of those who accept His Son. These are the "remnant of His inheritance."

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Dear Janice, I was just thinking about something that was troubling me. My thought that because of the sacrifice of our Lord everything would work out -- especially when we invite him in. The words of Micah just fit. Blessings and thank you

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From Ron Paul: Call your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121 right now and tell them to vote NO on the massive American foreign “supplemental” giveaway.

Here is a simple script:

Hi, this is (your name) calling from (your city). I’m calling to tell you to OPPOSE passing the supplemental foreign aid deal.

Your constituents are suffering, our infrastructure is falling apart, our schools are worse than ever, and all Congress can do is send hundreds of billions of OUR money overseas to fund foreign wars.

None of this foreign spending is going to do America ANY good, and I’m calling on you to vote no on ANY foreign aid budget supplemental. Thank you.

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While you’re at, it tell them to ‘thumbs down’ giving the WHO global authority over the future “pandemics” they have planned to further try and control us. Each country has to say “NO!”; silence is acceptance!

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I subscribe to James Roguski who is speaking campaigns to debunk and dissolve this WHO treaty. New information indicates they may not have followed proper procedures to bring about the new agreement. He gives me hope. 10 or so UK legislators just sent WHO notice.

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Slovakia and Estonia said no.

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Thank you. I left a voicemail for Sen. James Lankford, and spoke with an office staffer at Sen. Markwayne Mullins' office.

Not that it will do any good whatsoever. It's all a huge HUGE scam.

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Not surprising, with Senate Democrat territory.

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They're both conservative Republicans.

We're being scammed; there's no difference between the parties - except for how they talk.

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They are all war-mongers...every last one of them.

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EXACTLY - the Uniparty is in the bag for foreign aid, esp to Israel ... see Epstein, maxwell, blackmail.

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023

I called Scott and Rubio’s offices. I try to never miss an opportunity, however fruitless it may feel. I want to say, I did what I could.

Thank you for making it so easy.

Comment on the all female operators; the first one sounded black, terse and disinterested. After I told her the office I wanted, there was silence until the call was transferred to a machine. My second call was answered by someone with a Hispanic accent, who was much friendlier and polite. But the call got dropped. The third time was another Hispanic accent, again professionally friendly.

Everything else was talking to a machine.

I sadly think their votes may go to the highest bidder. I wish I didn’t think this way.

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Money talks and bull shit walks.

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especially in the halls of congress

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Thank you

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I would call...except I got Fetterman and Casey.

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No better in MI, Stabmenow and Gary Peters, who won his reelection during the middle of the night vote tabulation performed in Detroit MI.

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Oh no!!!!! That’s awful!

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Me, too.

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Thank you!! The script is super helpful!

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Nice script. I prefer to vote them out.

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Very kool! Done deal to Senator Scott.

Later Jay

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I contacted my senators and told them

To support the Ukraine and Israel aid.


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HEY! It's happening! Dr. David Martin has gotten THREE law enforcement agencies to bring charges against Fauci & Company! Looks like all my bitching and complaining is paying off LOL


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I'm celebrating with an extra strong pot of coffee!

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The reporter on Instagram was Sandy Galbraith. I have been unable to find her account on Instagram. I've seen her before. Does anyone know how to find her?

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Unfortunately no I don’t, hopefully someone else here does!

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"not available"

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The reporter on Instagram was Sandy Galbraith. I have been unable to find her account on Instagram. I've seen her before. Does anyone know how to find her?

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Phil, that link no longer available.

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The woman talking in the video is Ann Vandersteel. I saw her speak at a Determined Patriotism conference a few weeks ago. I have some friends who are huge fans of her but I put her in the category of doom bloggers who dangle all sorts of big reveals and this whole idea that there are white knights out there who are going to 'save us'. I was not impressed with her, I am more on the 'we have to save ourselves and get involved', not spend hours watching these videos and thinking someone else is going to take care of us.

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I get worried when anyone gets giddy about a liberal finally “seeing the light” and deciding to leave the Democrat party. Never forget the level of 5-D chess we’re playing. The powers that be knew they’d never get away with the whole Covid hoax right from the get go, so admitting the farce and unlawfulness down the road has always been in the their plan. This way, a few heads will roll and a few congressional hearings will prevail and then BOOM, we’re past it. That was easy! Right? They do this with every single issue, event, hoax, and misdeed. Have you all forgotten this? The plan was to get vaccines in our arms—whatever happened after that they’d just manage it with propaganda, as they always do.

Also, keep this in mind: what they want is the destruction of America, so they create scenarios in which we’ll refute America. They’re counting on us despising our country when people figure out en masse that their government killed Uncle George or cousin Ray. The Deep State is driving this narrative, knowing we’ll hate our government forever and will more readily accept the Great Reset. We must NOT forget that taking down America is their goal, and the best way for them to do that is to make sure Americans hate their country. The exposed Covid planedemic will certainly drive that nail into the coffin.

You cannot trust that the Covid narrative is being exposed organically. IT IS NOT. It is being exposed on purpose. Keep their ultimate goal in mind—the destruction of America and our willingness to give in to a One World Government because we will perceive our country as irretrievable.

Like anyone from The Hill would really denounce Democrats? Ha! Not unless it was just part of the plan.

Sorry folks. You’re being fooled here. Absolutely no doubt about it.

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I think you posted your reply to the wrong comment????

The only caveat I would add is that the Government is not the country. As Americans, we can hate the USG but love our country. I think most know that.

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Agree, but I think the Great Reset transition will happen when America is literally on its knees. Demoralization through Covid is just the beginning.

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I’m more interested in watching for the rapture than the Great Reset….

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I do. I will die fighting tgem if i have too, to the point of being remembered as a terrorist or white supremacist or whatever the mefia decides to name freedom fighters.

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What I can’t figure out is Tucker and Rogan falling for it! Why would ANYONE who has seen what they have been doing since 2016 fall for ANYTHING the msm or the gubmint has to say?? Why are they running the football for them?

I guess I thought they had seen the light.


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That page is gone!

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The reporter on Instagram was Sandy Galbraith. I have been unable to find her account on Instagram. I've seen her before. Does anyone know how to find her?

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Sums it up quite nicely doesn’t it!

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The reporter on Instagram was Sandy Galbraith. I have been unable to find her account on Instagram. I've seen her before. Does anyone know how to find her?

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Did you see her in 'Being Libertarian' perhaps?

I looked for her too.

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Page removed...

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When I go to the link it says “Page not available”

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It got taken down.

The reporter on Instagram was Sandy Galbraith. I have been unable to find her account on Instagram. I've seen her before. Does anyone know how to find her?

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Instagram won’t show it, but sounds great! Keep it up!

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The reporter on Instagram was Sandy Galbraith. I have been unable to find her account on Instagram. I've seen her before. Does anyone know how to find her?

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The link is gone....

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The reporter on Instagram was Sandy Galbraith. I have been unable to find her account on Instagram. I've seen her before. Does anyone know how to find her?

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The link says the page has been removed

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The reporter on Instagram was Sandy Galbraith. I have been unable to find her account on Instagram. I've seen her before. Does anyone know how to find her?

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

UN trying to get us to stop eating meat 😡🙄 The comments are gold 😁


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Time for the world to reduce the UN

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Yes at least a few of the commenters said the same! These people are such raging hypocrites too, that I’m sure none of *them* will stop eating meat.

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Harari is a vegetarian or vegan.

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Harari is native American for "man who cannot hunt"

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Harari is Navy squid talk for "don't drop the soap."

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That's why the soap was on a rope - just in case you do drop it, you can reel it back in without bending over!!! :-)

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And? I am sure he speaks for a lot of people in the organization who aren’t. It’s like air travel and so many other things—they want it to be for the so-called elite and no one else.

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So, push his ass in a chipper shredder and use a backhoe to bury the mess.....

It will help fertilize the soil to grow better grass to feed the cows....

Later Jay

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Now tell us how you really feel!😂🤣😂

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Well, I happen to be a member of PETA




Animals 😋

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Except when it comes to drinking blood.

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Harari is Satan.

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Definitely demonic.

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Also he isn’t mentioned anywhere in the news segment on this subject.

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Reduce? How about abolish?!

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The eventual goal, for sure.

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THE best way to produce animal protein can be found at whiteoakpastures.com . All 10 species of animals are rotationally grazed, which, sequesters carbon, builds a healthy microbiome -both soil and in humans; ensures animal welfare is a priority (no confinement), builds a robust local economy- 170 employees, all while being at zero waste, production-wise.

They ship worldwide. Yes, it's a bit more expensive, than conventional feedlot production. We look at it as supplemental health insurance.

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That sounds great! I’d like to see more of these kinds of farms to have local options.

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WOP has close to 4300 acres. Will Harris, a 3rd generation farmer, is at the helm. They are known worldwide for their farming practices. I worked as a marketing liason for several years, being the face of WOP, at conferences and events all over the country. Will has had a couple of interviews with Rogan.

Our NE GA historic (est. 1837) b & b utilizes the same principles on our 27 acres. We get all of our eggs and sausage from our land. Our pastures have never been healthier.

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My oldest son works for ButcherBox which also sources only family farms for pasture raised meat.

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Read “Grass Farmer” periodical. It’s all about this and a wonderful read!


I guarantee you’ll be hooked.

Local farms like these are happening everywhere.


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Why is it so hard for most people to have compassion for animals? Eating a cow isn’t much different than eating a dog. Farm animals are treated brutally and then murdered for their flesh. They are just as afraid of death as you are. Can you not have any sympathy or love for them? It’s terrible how selfish and inhumane most people are.

It’s gross to want to feast on the flesh of a corpse. When one of Jeffery Dahmer’s victims testified the Jeffery told him that he was going to eat his heart, people were horrified. Yet they eat hearts of sentient beings themselves.

Please do an internet search on pig gestation crates. These are real beings with feelings like humans. They know fear, love jealousy and other emotions. Benjamin Franklin became a vegetarian at age 16 years. He tried to convert others too.

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You have the right to your opinion and I have the right to mine. I am an omnivore as humans are made to be (and yes, I have heard all of the pro vegan arguments to the contrary and they haven’t convinced me). I do not buy meat from factory farms so you can save your breath on that part. Animals are not like humans. You are projecting human characteristics onto them.

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“ You are projecting human characteristics onto them.”

That’s what Disney has done for the past couple of generations. My oldest grandson was devastated when he was very young because he had stepped on a cricket. RIP, poor Jiminy😢

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Animals absolutely have feelings. You’re absolutely blind and in denial if you can’t see that. I’ve been vegetarian now vegan for around 35 years. There’s no reason to eat animal flesh. It’s barbaric. BTW. Humans are animals. And cannibals think they taste delicious.

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023

I’m sorry. I respect your convictions, but emphatically deny your premise: humans are not animals. We did not “evolve” as a species from lower forms. We were, and are, created in God’s image, by Him. It’s not a belief; it’s a fact. A long-running psyop has convinced us otherwise. Meat eating is a matter for each one’s conscious to weigh and consider.

Enough said. But thank you for standing up for your convictions here.

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Obviously you haven’t read a science book. We are part of the animal kingdom. We are animals.

God, as a male ruler, has not been proven to exist. That’s why there are so many different religious beliefs. Remember, the Bible was written by men. Men always have an agenda.

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You know, vegans would be able to convince a lot more people if they weren’t constantly so superior and self righteous.

Yes, you are a supremely perfect being far above all of us poor stupid evil omnivores 🙄 Keep telling us how horrible and unfeeling and exactly like cannibals the rest of us are and continue to preen about your superiority and exceptional moral qualities. That will definitely win everyone over.

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Pigs have a higher level of intelligence than many humans.

Factory farmed animal products should definitely be avoided.

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I'll debate that with a pig any day.

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I’ve heard that too. How do we define intelligence or measure it in these instances? Regardless, I agree about factory farming, too many downsides.

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This is why we should support local farmers who raise their livestock humanely. Meat is highly nutritious and grass fed beef is lean & loaded with nutrients/minerals, etc.

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Yes. I buy meat from local farmers and not factory farms. I actually find factory farming stomach turning with the lack of space and other terrible conditions so do not want to support that.

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You make a better argument for regenerative farming practices than you do for being a so-called vegan. 'So-called' because row-cropping, which must be done on a huge scale to keep billions of people fed with enough calories if meat will not be eaten, destroys ecosystems and all the animals, from microscopic to large-animal, that depend on them. My farm is host to the historical longleaf pine habitat with its native species, both animal and plant, as well as to fenced pastures with cattle and sheep. Inside the pastures is a mix of native/historic ecosystem and non-native grass (the latter that predated our ownership and stewardship of the land). You would do better to lobby for zoning changes, so people can have gardens and small, quiet animals (e.g., rabbits and hens, for meat and eggs) on their own property, rather than force all food production out of where people live. Do you criticize the Maasai tribespeople, whose historical cultural food practice was to consume the meat, milk, and blood of their herds? Why would you want to limit food supplies for poor people who live in areas unsuitable geographically for row-cropping but has been suitable for grazing sheep or cattle for 10,000 years? Who is the uninformed, heartless one in this conversation? Check your privilege. (Lol, that's a joke, but I couldn't help it, especially because in this case it's about those of us with real privilege - no worries about where our next meal is coming from.)

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023

Great post and excellent points. I was also going to make the comment about native peoples. And that a lot of the foods that vegans rely on as substitutes for meat (in terms of calories and nutrients) are very bad for the environment and habitats. Almonds and cashews are very water intensive crops and are rarely locally sourced products. Increased use of quinoa by rich western countries has reduced the amount available to native tribes in South America. Monkeys have been and are still used as labor to help harvest coconuts to meet the greatly increased demand. So people who use coconut products might be contributing to monkey abuse. Those are just a few examples off the top of my head.

I agree that pushing for regenerative farming practices is a better plan!

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Great additions to the list. Yes; it's a long list.

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Darn right.

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I’m sure you’ll enjoy these articles, pol Phil. I’m not a farmer, but they’re a rich & fascinating read!

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I just looked up your beloved Maasai people. They are probably extremely low IQ barbaric people. I have no respect for people like that. The world would be a better place if they weren’t in it.

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My, my! I'm sure many here will be praying for you, Sarahanne25.

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I pray every day that people will have compassion and empathy for all animals. Feasting on the flesh of a corpse is barbaric.

One can never be truly kind unless one tries their best not to harm others. I am surrounded by people that are okay with hurting animals and eating their flesh. They’re participating in murder.

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…and you would kindly wish genocide on an entire people group because you see them as “low IQ and barbaric” ???

The issue of abortion of babies in the womb must present some cognitive knots. Your superiority is showing.

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I value the lives of sentient beings. You don’t. You embrace murder and flesh eating like Jeffery Dahmer. You disgust me.

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What is your evidence for what you claim I believe?

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You eat the organs and flesh of animals that aren’t human.

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Your food practices kill them and you don't even put the dead bodies to good use by eating them. They just die, in the millions, from row-cropping. I think you're not familiar with various farming practices and their effects on animals.

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I planted 100 head of garlic recently and in the planting process killed about 30 of the Good Lord's creatures ...earthworms who were just minding their own business and wanted to be left alone for the winter.

We eventually end up on their dinner table.

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The way many farm animals are treated these days, I agree with you. These days, they say “harvesting pork” as if it’s a crop.

HOWEVER, it was not always this way, and I see no reason to fault people for eating meat when it comes from animals that are raised to become meat and are allowed to live as God intended them before they are killed.

Second, there is a huge difference between dogs and cows and humans. By your logic, you should never squish a bug or take antibiotics. How do you know if bugs and bacteria are sentient or not?

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023

Yes. We really have no idea if a cow “fears death just like you and I do.” The fact is, we cannot get inside of a cow’s brain (figuratively speaking) to comprehend their thought processes on these matters, if they have any.

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But you can see and feel an animal's terror when it is facing murder whether by humans or another animal. I do eat meat, from 2 farms where I know their practices, including using a local small volume and compassionate abattoir. It's the least I can do, along with being thankful.

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023

See and feel? You might be right but I do think there is a lot of anthropomorphism going on in these arguments. We can’t really know what they are feeling. I agree with you about compassionate practices. I don’t think any creature should be subjected to anything except a quick and painless death.

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There well may be. I just have my own experiences of watching animals roll their eyes in terror (Yes, I'm assuming it's terror), buck wildly, try to back up or run away, squeal, scream, and froth at the mouth in panic. And agree, even for us, quick and painless is preferred.

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Exactly...an inversion of the created order.

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Oh please. That is the most asinine statement. You can say that you don’t care that they feel fear and will eat their flesh after they die, but don’t deny that they’re terrified of dying.

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Asinine? Why? Please provide actual facts and arguments instead of ad hominem attacks.

Oh I’m sorry—I forgot that you are so smart and superior compared to the rest of us. You can just KNOW and FEEL exactly what is going through an animal’s brain. A veritable Dr Doolittle! Unfortunately, I don’t possess your amazing powers, so I need actual proof and evidence for what you claim to be true.

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Apparently you’ve never spent much time around animals. Do you think Fauci’s beagles felt pain? Can you not see the happiness in my dog’s face. My original comment only said I wished people would have compassion for all animals. If you don’t think animals experience emotions than you are oblivious to reality when it fits your selfish needs.

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When we were created (if you believe the BS) by God, we were made to eat fruits, seeds and nuts. It wasn’t until the fall of man that the began killing and eating flesh. Many believe Jesus was vegetarian since he was an Essene Jew. The fish and some other flesh related words are due to translation errors and changes in word usage over time. One cannot be truly kind and eat the flesh of a corpse that was murdered.

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Lol - translation errors!

Peter’s Vision - Acts 10:9-16

(Leviticus 11:1–47; Deuteronomy 14:1–21)

9The next day at about the sixth hour, as the men were approaching the city on their journey, Peter went up on the roof to pray. 10He became hungry and wanted something to eat, but while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance.

11He saw heaven open and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. 12It contained all kinds of four-footed animals and reptiles of the earth, as well as birds of the air. 13Then a voice said to him: “Get up, Peter, kill and eat!”

14“No, Lord!” Peter answered. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.”

15The voice spoke to him a second time: “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”

16This happened three times, and all at once the sheet was taken back up into heaven.

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How do you know what your god intended?

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It’s obvious. Cows eat grass and have the digestive system to turn that into milk, fat, and delicious muscle we call beef. Chickens like to scratch around a farmyard and look for grubs in grassy fields. They turn that into eggs and delicious muscle and fat we call poultry. Pigs like to eat anything and stay cool in mud baths etc. All three are social in particular ways, so when you make them live in confined spaces or deprive them of fresh air, sunshine, etc. they get sick. Then the farmer has to give them antibiotics to keep them from dying, and our meat supply is full of stress hormones and medications.

You don’t have to believe God exists to know how animals should be treated, but can you at least see that if He does exist, He knows how to design things in logical and harmonious ways? And if we follow that design, the result is very good?

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Logical deduction from observing the created order. Revelation with a lower case "r".

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If he hadn't wanted them to be eaten, they would taste like tofu. :-0

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I don't eat animals, but I like tofu.

Who is this 'he'?

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Well, interestingly, there is this thing called Revelation. What we refer to as God's Word or the Bible. Deductively, observing the created order can teach us much.

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Also, per the Bible, God didn't originally make animals to be eaten, but allowed it later due to the degeneration of the world from the Fall. (Though it's also the case that He created them in the knowledge that this would later happen, so we could speculate that He made them delicious and nutritious on purpose.)

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Revelation was written by men, in a society that raised livestock for food.

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Because the Bible tells me so. Read Genesis. But I don’t believe in God as most of the people here. But that’s not what we’re debating. Although I’m done discussing this topic.

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Acts 10:13-15

King James Version

13 And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat.

14 But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean.

15 And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.

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That has been so misinterpreted by taking it out of context. He was using a vision of clean and unclean animals to teach Peter a lesson about the Gentiles. If you read the entire thing, Peter was against sharing the truth of Messiah to the ‘unclean Gentiles’.

Peter is being admonished by the Holy Spirit, he is being told not to devalue people (gentiles) whom God has cleansed. To not call them common or unholy, as God has made them holy. He was then told to go to the gentiles and share the Word with them.

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Exactly. With the coming of the Messiah to His people there is a change in the covenant which much of the NT is concerned with, including Revelation.

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Read the next chapter. Acts 11

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I respect your choices. Mine is to eat meat. I am opposed to factory farming because the animals are unhealthy, it's inhume, they're filled with drugs to keep from being sick from living in filth, and some never see the sun. I'm not ok with that at all. But that does not mean all farms that raise animals for food are bad places. My meat comes from Seven Sons Farms in Indiana and I am fine with their practices. I am also fine with Blystone Farms outside of Columbus, Ohio.

Everything is part of the food chain except humans. Humans are omnivores. If we were meant to eat only plants, our digestive systems and teeth would be completely different. I'm not trying to convince you to change your mind, of course, as I respect your views. But for me, my health is better, my energy is better, and I feel better overall when having an omnivorous diet. The three times I have seriously committed to trying to be vegetarian have been awful, and that was vegetarian, not vegan. I was sick, pale, constantly hungry, anemic, tired all the time, depressed and craved meat constantly. It wasn't a craving for the taste. It was a deep down craving that my body was crying out for something I was missing. I even dreamed about eating raw hamburger on multiple occasions. Whether I was missing amino acids, iron, vitamins, and/or protein, I'll never know. But I do know what works for me physically and I intend to keep doing it.

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Romantically humanizing animals is an inversion of the creation. Who's to say a cockroach doesn't have emotions? Point is, man has been a carnivore since The Fall. Until the New Heavens and New Earth are brought about after the final Judgement, we will not live as Adam and Eve did in the Garden.

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Is it better for a farm animal to have an existence for a time and then be eaten or never exist at all? It's not like people will just adopt all the farm animals as personal pets. They'll be killed either way.

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They’d likely end up going extinct because they can’t survive in the wild and as you said, people can’t afford to just keep them as pets.

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Why don’t you look up pig gestation crates on the internet. Would you want to spend any part of your existence like that?

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Anyone who thinks about things like gestation crates for even a minute would agree with you. I am similarly horrified with egg-laying factories. But my great-grandparents, Iowa farmers, never used such things and as Christians, would be appalled at such an abuse of God’s creation.

Perhaps your anger (“BS”?) is clouding your view.

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023

Animals raised on family farms are treated lovingly and protectively, until dinner time. Try to convince a killer whale or a porpoise or a lion to go vegan.

Dr. Kelley, a patriarch of the alternative nutritional movement who developed metabolic therapy, tried to go vegan with his wife and his wife nearly died from the diet. He relented and nursed his wife back to health with chicken broth.

Try watching "Yellowstone" for a good explanation.

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He didn’t use common sense. Just because someone is a “doctor “ doesn’t mean they’re very intelligent.

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Bless your liberal heart.

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Lol. I’m conservative. Benjamin Franklin, in your opinion, would have been a flaming liberal for being vegetarian.

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And yet, you are acting exactly like a progressive: no respect for others’ differing opinions, claiming that your point of view is the only correct one and the rest of us are evil, low IQ people should be wiped out, we disgust you, and on and on. Are you ok?

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"Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no life within you." Jesus

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It's useless. Things will never change. Ever ever ever.

Not unless the jab does its job and kills off millions or billions.

Meanwhile, animals will suffer and die and become extinct. I just hope they all go to heaven.

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Love it!

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I'll wish them good luck on that one, all while eating a rare hamburger.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes! I was beginning to be frantic. My husband even commented that I seem addicted to C&C, that I needed my daily fix! True, I read your posts everyday. So glad you're back and that you're doing well. Whew!

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Yes my family is very aware of my C&C daily fix. I was worried too. Glad all is well.

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I think the UFO stuff is a really silly distraction and I'm very disappointed in Tucker for pushing that narrative. Who knows what the agenda is why it's everywhere now. Maybe next year election interference will be due to "aliens" or the next pandemic will be microbes from "outer space". Whatever the goal, I think it will only be used to create panic and fear.

Edit to add: btw, Tucker's father was part of the intelligence community. Also, some of his interviews are very questionable, for example how easy he was on Andrew Tate (whose father is also connected to intelligence), of course on Trump. And why for example hasn't he interviewed DeSantis?

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It’s always good to be skeptical of everyone, especially those in positions of influence!

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Tucker has been questioning the "UFO/alien" thing for years. He has always seemed fascinated by the stories and possible cover-up. Nothing new for him.

Tucker also questioned the "science" of C19, jabs, Ukraine etc. His whole thing is throw ideas/stories out there, give alternative thoughts and let US work it through and decide.

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I am thinking the UFO trend is just another C I A psy ops which will be used against us to put extreme fear into the public in order to control us, just as they used Covid. Nothing they do seems grounded in truth, just working to further the globalist agenda to control the masses. Which would be why they need to keep it a secret. So when aliens start attacking, keep in mind, it’s fake.

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Werner von Braun called it "The Final Card" and told his assistant all about it.

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You should listen to the show before you consider him "pushing that narrative," at least this time. I didn't follow him on TV, as I don't have one, but have been able to see his shows since he's only online. This one did not go where I thought it was going.

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I also watched the entire interview last night and I was surprised it led to a possible conclusion, or theory, that really has nothing to do with true aliens & UFO's. The guy he interviewed sounded quite credible to me and the fact he's been threatened, might mean he's on to something.

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Thanks for this additional information!

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He interviewed RDS and others in Iowa last summer. I suspect Ron doesn't want to go back for seconds?


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Thanks! But it's still different than having the extended 1:1 on Twitter

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It was 20+ minutes of 1:1!

I suspect after that grilling and what happened to Pence and others, RDS will avoid him. Maybe it's RDS NOT Tucker?

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There is quite a difference between 20min, also in setting and number of eyeballs the Twitter interview would get. RDS was on the PBD podcast recently for example. But yes, we don't know if it's RDS or Tucker, but given his softball questions to Trump, I'm currently leaning more towards that it's Tucker until other evidence comes out.

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Tucker wants his viewer numbers, and he's figured out how to get them by inviting on people to discuss hot topics and asking them slightly-naive questions that the "average" viewer might ask, as well as airing his own opinions. Sometimes I agree with him, sometimes I don't, but he seems generally sincere to me.

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Does Tucker wear a kabbalah bracelet?

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Jeff, I don't know if you're aware of writer Rod Dreher. He has been discussing the UFO issue lately on his substack, roddreher.substack.com. He thinks UFOs are actually demons, and we're being primed for a great end-times deception where a religion is set up worshipping these alien entities.

I'm not sure about all that, but I think the evidence is pretty persuasive that people's encounters with "aliens" are actually demonic encounters. Whatever you think of his theories, it makes for very interesting reading and a possible explanation for the sudden flood of UFO chatter.

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I’ve always thought that same thing about UFOs, Oh Susanna. And the thought came to my ever crazy mind in its humorous mode this morning, that these are probably uncontrollable “teen demons” playing “Ring the doorbell” with us. My mode of survival on most of these days of news is laughter. I can only keeping looking up and thinking Today, Lord. Today.

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One Day At A Time

Merle Haggard

I'm only human

I'm just a man

Help me to believe in what I can be and all that I am

Show me the stairway

That I have to climb

Lord for my sake teach me to take one day at a time

One day at a time, sweet Jesus

That's all I'm asking of you

Give me the strength to do everyday

What I have to do

Yesterday's gone, sweet Jesus

And tomorrow may never be mine

So for my sake, teach me to take one day at a time

Do you remember when you walked among men?

Well Jesus you know if you're looking below

It's worse now than then

Pushing and shoving crowding my mind

So for my sake, teach me to take one day at a time

One day at a time, sweet Jesus (sweet Jesus)

That's all I'm asking of you

Give me the strength to do everyday

What I have to do

Yesterday's gone, sweet Jesus (sweet Jesus)

And tomorrow may never be mine

So, for my sake, teach me to take one day at a time

Yes, for just my sake, teach me to take one day at a time

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Interesting theory- could be angels or fallen angels (demons). I am reminded of the flaming chariot that came to take Elijah to heaven. 2 Kings 6 Elisha say the "horses and chariots of fire all around Elijah." But as far as alien space craft - not going to believe that. Undisclosed government technology - that's what I would believe.

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I have thought for a long time it will be used to explain the rapture when Christians are no longer here and to invoke fear.

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Good point. Maybe the end IS near.

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yes aliens are demons!! - there are no other species in the universe that are travelling to earth. Gary Bates from CMI (Creation Ministries International, out of Georgia) has an exceptional documentary on UFOs titled "The Alien Intrusion" (www.creation.com).

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I first heard of Rod from the Weinstein's Dark Horse podcast as they recommended his book "Live Not by Lies". Excellent book warning about the encroaching totalitarian state. He may be right about UFOs. Anyone who has watched the videos of the Goddard Tunnel opening in Switzerland in 2016 can see the demonic representations in it. And why do so many bad things come out of Switzerland? UN, WHO, WEF, etc....


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Saw that! Demons or not, they are definitely Satan worshipers.

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Yup, and moving to Mars is meant to replace our great Christian hope of the return of Christ! I absolutely believe UFOs are demon manifestations.

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I read him. He said something about demons knocking over a chair at a coffee shop he was in. I think people need to factor in the possibility of technologies when they are evaluating all anomalous experience, especially when it is religious. I always try to think of all possibilities and not be limited by models or paradigms. Not that he might not be right about demons, and my sense is that this meta narrative is coming from so many sources at once, on all platforms and through all different political persuasions, that something clearly is afoot. Remember in the movie Independence Day how the pilots "plow the road" to get rid of the alien ships so they can deliver the nuke? Something is sort of plowing the road to get rid of incredulity and lay down a back story of documentation. I'd bet, if it ends up being like Arthur C. Clarke's Childhood's End, in which the aliens look like the devil, the "aliens" will say they have been the source of all religions and none of them are true. Let Old Scratch have some boosters I say.

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Satan is the great deceiver and poses as an angel of light. One lie that our culture cultivates in its consciousness is the idea that technology will save us from our problems and give us the power to live forever. People assume that aliens are more technologically advanced than us and also benevolent. It sounds like a characteristically demonic setup.

Maybe there is more UFO activity recently for the same reason there is more hellish activity in our society generally- people have removed themselves from the protection of the good angels like never before, and are exposed to the evil spirits.

In any case, the government wants to control the narrative.

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Yeah... ask the "aliens" about Jesus Christ and see how they react.

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Yeah, Rod is a bit over-credulous, IMO. But, he is at least open to the supernatural, which many "Christians" are not. We will certainly see, but I think his conclusion is sound: for Christians to be wide awake to any potential deception surrounding aliens.

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"Something is sort of plowing the road to get rid of incredulity and lay down a back story of documentation."

Very astute! When/If the "alien invasion" happens, I will be shouting it's all a fake. They now have the technology to make anything appear as real and it will be on live TV. In the meantime, we have a real invasion of aliens coming across our border and they will be used against us to harm us.

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Michael knowles from the daily wire is also firmly in camp aliens are demons and I agree.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I was worried Hilary had gotten u or that pharma kidnapped you. I was frantic lol

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Thanks for the laugh! I haven’t forgotten Hillary’s hit list. She keeps giving opinion lately... wish she would just go away.

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I have nothing but distain for leanna wen

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She's an awful person. 😖

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She truly is. And there are far too many like her in our government and institutions!!

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Good to receive this. I'm glad you are OK

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I haven’t been convinced yet that the UFO talk is anything beyond a shiny object to divert our attention from what the government is really doing.

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Yes - I’m skeptical like Jeff. Don’t quite get Tucker’s seemingly intense interest in the UFO narrative. I’m with him 99.9% of the time, but not on this.

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But there was a REASON Tucker had made that video. Just like how he interviewed that Argentinian who ended up being elected president. We just will have to wait to see why Tucker did it.

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I am a little perplexed by Tucker’s interest in this but I won’t worry about it unless he starts wearing the bow tie again.

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😀 and do you remember his other mistake - participating on Dancing with the Stars! He was horrible, 2 left feet & voted off 1st I think.

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I never watched that show but I’m sure he won’t live it down with those who do!

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If you've not watched the 20-minute Tucker show "on UFOs," I encourage you to do so. It's really about who runs the government (or not) and where billions of missing dollars have gone, with no accountability.

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I’m a FL MOM too. Where are you located? I’m in Ave Maria, 1 hour east of Naples.

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North Central. I remember when Ave Maria was just a newly-purchased piece of land; I'm glad it's been successful.

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"The good news is that most of it is shifting toward the truth, toward positions that we all have held for going on at least two years now."

This indicates to me that they knew they were lying along. They knew the damage that would ensue.

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Agree 💯. Lying criminals and traitors.

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Such as Russia is not winning their war and aid to Ukraine is doing good?

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“While it is true they can fly faster than the speed of light, dodge micro-meteors and giant asteroids, withstand high levels of space radiation and the perils of vacuum, avoid radar, defy gravity and the laws of physics, navigate equally easily through the atmosphere and the oceans”

Not to mention their ability to find a (relatively) infinitesimal planet (and solar system) from light-years away -- a very impressive feat of navigation -- only to crash into trees when they get here.

When I was a brainless kid I still managed to avoid running my ‘63 Galaxie 500 into trees despite my very poor navigation skills. Just sayin’

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