Jeff, you do an amazing job with this daily write up. The quality never wavers. You more than deserve a weekend off. Have fun!

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I agree and this is currently the only news I regularly consume. I trust Jeff and admire his lawyer skills. Almost enough to want to go to law school! But then I remind myself of how much I hate legalese and fine print!

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I look forward to this email every morning - comes in shortly after dropping kid off at school, so at a red light I am always checking my email for it. Morning doesn't start until it's in my inbox :)

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Hey guy from Florida... if you get the substack app you get a beautiful bing on your phone to alert you... (it’s really the small things in this life that bring joy!!)

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Hmmm.... That is simple AND beautiful. Thanks!

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I look forward to your article which is the first thing I consume in the morning. Thank you for all the effort you put into this and have a superb weekend!

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“I intend to draft and send a non-public letter to the board this morning on behalf of the C&C Army — and our recent donation. The letter will stress that, while we don’t wish to interfere with legitimate internal corporate governance, we emphatically support Mr. O’Keefe, one hundred percent, and encourage the board in the strongest possible way to work its differences out with James in a less-public and more positive way. Plus I’ll add some good lawyer words.”

Two heartfelt words, Jeff. Thank you!

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

Apologies for bad post. Never again

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Thanks everyone for correcting Tim's information. We forgive you, Tim. Maybe Jeff could use his sources to ferret out the list of Directors at PV? And, ideally, a way to contact them so that the C&C army can give them a piece of our mind!

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This guy posted some names of the board members on Twitter: https://twitter.com/OldRowSwig/status/1623528200486649856

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See the three little dots on the right under your name? You may be able to delete using them. But I don’t think you need to. We all got the gist of your post and subsequent apology.

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Can you provide a link to the names of the Directors?

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

Apologies for bad post. Never again

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WRONG company, Tim--that is a group called just "Veritas"....here's a link to the PROJECT Veritas website About page....James O'Keefe is in the center of the photo. There is no page on the P.V. website listing the names of the Board of Directors (I thought P.V. was a PRIVATE corporation--I'm sure that is in fact). https://www.projectveritas.com/about/

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

OMG. I criticize folks all the time for this kind of mistake. I sincerely apologize to all.

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

Forgiven and set free! We trust you've got it now. Thanks!

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Hey--we all have "research errors"....I just check and double check and triple check because of past errors I have made!

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Why 3 people from the Carlye Group??

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This is NOT Project Veritas board--wrong company. This is a "foundation" called just "Veritas".....

Here's a link to the About page of PROJECT VERITAS....there is no page listed for the Board of Directors--but there IS a photo of everyone who composes the staff and management of P.V.: https://www.projectveritas.com/about/

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I sincerely apologize to all. Trying to figure how to delete my posts, So very sorry

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I would like to wish Michelle a very Happy Birthday on FB. However, I’m currently serving a 29 day suspension for sharing a picture of a guy in his underwear holding a bunch of balloons and joking about a current event 🤷🏻‍♀️. FB charged me with adult sexual exploitation 🤦🏻‍♀️. I am unable to comment or post on FB.

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That’s hilarious! I gave up FB a long time ago! Let’s make FB defunct! Down with Meta!

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I’ve considered it. I mostly use it to follow friends out of my state (FL) and local groups for recommendations good/bad local businesses. My biggest concern are three groups I follow that are national support groups run by physician specialists in treating venomous snake bites and veterinarians offering support for pets. If I had an emergency FB has denied me the ability to get emergency medical advice from specialists. The chances of that occurring are slim but they still exist.

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I am sure there are other places where you can find that content. There's reddit and discord servers (which that I have no clue). My wife is the same with fb, she uses it for special groups for health, parenting, etc... I wish she would just close her account like I did a few years ago.

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These groups are run by physicians trained in snake bites. You’d be amazed at the lack of education in this area. These guys write the training material on treatment. It’s not a discussion group. In fact if you comment on a post in progress you will be banned. Only the patient and physician are permitted to post. Also not all ERs have the anti venom for different snakes. Same with the veterinarians page. Only the patient and vet are allowed to post, anyone else it’s an automatic ban. Keeps communication lines open. It’s also a case of the majority of vets don’t train in snake bites. Although the vet page handles all emergencies in consultation. All done in real time.

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Would you share the links for one or more of those groups? I'm interested in learning about it. Snakes aren't an issue where we live, but we are on a long trip with kids in areas where they are.

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National Veterinary Snakebite Support, National Snakebite Support, Florida Snake Identification & Discussion, Free Snake Relocation Directory, What kind of snake is this?Florida, Pet Vet Corner

From the identification pages I’ve learned to identify venomous snakes in my area. I’ve gone from scared to death of snakes to being cautious around them.

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I bet Telegram and Gab have groups, too.

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

I left Fakebook 5 years ago over their toxicity and promoting fascism. Tarring and feathering those Titter execs would be too kind because stifling free speech has led to the injury and deaths of millions. They should be tried to accessories to such if they think it could stick in courts.

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That's why it should always be given the proper pronunciation of Fascistbook.

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I will do my best to make the mental correction. 👍🙌

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That’s hilarious and so maddening. I saw tons of those pics of Hunter holding balloons 🎈 Did everyone get suspensions who posted those?

The other day a friend wrote about his daughter who said boys are dumb. I wrote back and said ‘I love your daughter, and yes, boys are dumb’. It got flagged for hate speech. 🤪🤡🤣

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Don't you know it's only okay if he's laying on a bed holding a crack pipe! FB is so closed minded when it comes to news and memes.

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They got me for only 16 hours on the same offense/photo. Mine was in a comment, not on my feed. But today I upped my game by posting the Plandemic 3, 4, (or wherever we are in Dystopia) trailer video. Now we wait…😂🔥

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oh now you're gonna have the FBI break in through your windows at 3am!

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Update status: suspended 😎

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Marty... I am lol ing!!! Thanks for making my day! 🎈 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈

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That's too funny! I posted the same meme but only got a "warning" from fb. LOL

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This was my third or fourth suspension for equally ridiculous reasons. One was a six day suspension and I appealed so they knocked it down to three days! So I guess I only did half the offense. I’m sure you’ve seen that one too with the giant spider on the wall? I simply said I’d have to 🔥 the house. Apparently arachnophobia is a punishable offense lol. They annoy me.

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Marty, my husband spends more time in FB jail than out of it. Once you’re on their watch list, they’ll nail you on the most ridiculous things. Since Musk bought Twitter, he’s spending more time on there. It gives him a place to vent.

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IKR. I see a lot of peeps shared the same post I shared from someone else they get hours and I get days! They do suspend me for stupid stuff. Oh well.

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I don't even post anything to my FB page anymore. All my posts are permanently shadow banned (even innocuous stuff, like a picture of a the sunset) after posting these:

*The attempted outlawing of all OTC vitamins and supplements by legislation introduced by Dick Durbin (D-IL)

* These words -"8000 Mules". I even tried a screenshot. 🤣🤣

* This exact link to a valid federal government website. No comment or added info, just the link.


It goes directly to Joe Biden's E014067 about moving the US to digital currency.

No jail, no warnings, (I get those on comments I leave🤣), just NO ONE sees my posts. And it's not like I have a tons of friends or followers or anything. I think my "friends" list is less than 100 people.

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I know…they don’t want anything but controlled fluff. 😡 Have you tried the Trump site? I haven’t. I’m pretty burned out on social media. C&C is about all I do now.

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Do you mean truth social? Yes but I don’t use it very often. Most of my friends and family and all of my hobbies are on FB.

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No, I was afraid Truth Social was, or would turn into a honey pot, so I never signed up. But it's not like I'm probably already on "the list" due to comments on FB and letters to my Congressmen.😏

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I saw the spider one. Don't ever say BURN DOWN THE HOUSE on FB! 😡😡

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🤣 me too!!! And two other friends of mine. That picture - that the entire world has seen - sure got somebody’s knickers in a twist, didn’t it?!

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"Maybe they could explain it to me like I’m five ..."

Calling Kamala Harris! Calling Kamala Harris!

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That's funny - had thought the SAME !

......but had to push her image outta my head, asap.

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"I love ven diagrams!" "Yellow school buses!" "Rocket ships in outer space!"

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"And then, children, they BLASTED into SPACE! Heehee, yes, they did, heehee".

This woman is the 2nd most powerful person in the world! 🙄🙄

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Another victory for substack, breaking the news (we already knew, but hey) that USA and Norway bombed the gas line from Russia to Germany.


Seymour Hersh, who published the investigation into the sabotage at Nord Stream, is one of the most famous American journalists, published a major investigation into the US military massacre at Sơn Mỹ in Vietnam, for which he received a Pulitzer Prize.

The USA and Norway are going to get bent for this attack. That and the Pelosi visit to Taiwan with the China balloon are dangerous escalations that America will not be able to manage once Russia and China respond militarily.

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I hope the story is wrong, because the sort of people who are willing to attack allies and possibly starve / freeze to death innocent civilians and then use a technicality to not notify Congress, will have no compunction over starting WW3 in attempt to save themselves from corruption charges over the Ukraine and murder charges over Covid.

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Worse: I think the people of Turkey are right in their belief that the USA or NATO used HAARP or a DEW weapon to cause their earthquakes…in which the death toll just passed 17,000 last night…many thousands of which are children.

Think about it: Two massive earthquakes (7.8 and 7.5 respectively) on TWO DIFFERENT fault lines.

Before this the people of Turkey video recorded strange explosion-like lights on the horizon, and other weird phenomena like the copper colored eye-of Sauramon type cloud…you can look these up…

The motive: Turkey the week before the earthquakes rejected NATO expansion very definitively, and have been a thorn in the NWO’s deliberate and desperate attempt to start a nuclear WW3 in order to crush all world economies, and bring about their digital, trackable currency and its associated Mark as they roll out their next much deadlier plandemic, and globally mandated vax.

If I am right, and my gut tells me that I am…our Country and NATO have become evil beyond recognizing.

They are also telling Erodogan anc other stubborn leaders that they have the power over even the elements.

Watch Erodogan suddenly stand down from his stance against NATO expansion.

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Why would anyBODY put anyTHING past the US and this admin, at this point?

I mean, if you're not a member of the Sheep family, that is.

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Ten years ago I would have dismissed your/Turkey's supposition, but not now. Here's a great piece on gov't meddling with weather (admitted 50 years later and subject of BBC documentary) with disastrous consequences


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I don't discount what you say as being at the very least plausible given the track record of false flags and cover ups which I have seen and experienced over my adult lifetime. Without question, the 5-eyes states and Europe are perpetrators of a Reign of Terror greater than any hitherto in the history of Mankind. So ... thanks for the Comment. We need to look at all of this.

Electromagnetic spectrum Fun and Games are everywhere, play things in the hands of the Evil Ones. It's HARP, 5G, crowd control, our spy phones, and allegedly ... perhaps figures into Vaxcine Land and all those hanging paper clips. Electromagnetic manipulation is a core central feature in the 5th Generation Warfare being perpetrated against us.

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"Before this the people of Turkey video recorded strange explosion-like lights on the horizon, and other weird phenomena like the copper colored eye-of Sauramon type cloud…you can look these up…"

I have had to learn to take anecdotal evidence like this very seriously. I have seen other footage of the lights produced by the HAARP type technology.

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I'm as of now not suspicious of the Turkey earthquakes being caused by anything other than nature. Turkey and surrounding areas are surrounded by three major tectonic plates (Anatolian plate, Aegean plate, Arabian plate) that are always pushing together in various ways. Combine that with shoddy and often primitive building methods and then with strong enough earthquakes a lot of buildings will collapse in a rubble while newer buildings with more modern constructions methods will be standing undamaged right next to the collapsed building.

Turkey has a long, long history of horrible earthquakes, as does Iran and other countries in the area. I worked in Iran for two years in 1977-79 and was also in Turkey a few times. There had been a huge earthquake in Turkey a couple of months before I got there, and the entire time I lived in Iran and when I was in Turkey visiting I was hyper aware of the earthquakes (always a lot of small ones happening) and the potential for a major one at any time, and I was nervous about the idea that one would happen again while I was there. Check this Wikipedia link that shows a list of all the earthquakes in Turkey throughout history. A lot of big ones. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_earthquakes_in_Turkey

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But were there ever two 7.5 or greater quakes within 8 hours of each other, on TWO different fault lines? That is a much rarer phenomenon…and the timing is extremely suspicious and convenient for the powers that be.

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Some Comments read like The Disinformation It's the Science Stupid Orchestra. Like, "It just could not happen. What? An earthquake in one of the most active earthquake zones in the world. Two in a row wide apart! You must be crazy!"

My answer to this is The Pulse Waltz. Only on a much larger scale. (Not saying one way or the other. But given much of what is out there and available to the public, I don't rule anything out.)


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Right. There is no way of knowing but apparently, it is possible. Now if it is a manipulated quake, I believe it could only be done in a location that is subject to earthquakes from fault lines. There has to be a pre-existing potential for earthquakes. In similar fashion, it has been shown that earthquakes can be triggered within 2 or 3 years by a major hurricane hitting the vulnerable area. Haiti is an explicit example of this happening. After Cat5 Maria, I am waiting to see if Puerto Rico suffers a bad earthquake as the island sits on top of a major fault.

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Living next to Puerto Rico.. our media is pumping the tsunami crap all of a sudden. After Maria/Irma which got Epstein out of here.. I don’t believe most weather is natural... hurricane Dorian in 2019 making a 90* turn and missing Florida, after destroying some Chinese port near the Bahamas....laughable

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Political Phil

Can you provide a link to the lights the Turkish people saw? Thanks, I'd like to read more about this.

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I don't know what a HAARP or a DEW weapon is, but if that's at the point that technology is in which humans can shift the plates between fault lines and cause earthquakes....then I am afraid for what's to come.

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Check out CERN

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Hard to say. My guess is that technology involving resonating frequency, oscillation is much further along that most of us either believe or understand. It seem core to everything, including 5G.

Below, please click for a demonstration. Watch it if you please. Then imagine a section of earth subjected to a generated oscillation force strong enough to pulse the earth. Such a force could be from above. Picture pulse force down on the earth, pause and release, pulse down, pause and release many, many times per unit of time until a something gives ... just like in the video. Not my field, just saying.


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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

"The motive: Turkey the week before the earthquakes rejected NATO expansion very definitively, and have been a thorn in the NWO’s deliberate and desperate attempt to start a nuclear WW3 in order to crush all world economies, and bring about their digital, trackable currency and its associated Mark as they roll out their next much deadlier plandemic, and globally mandated vax...."

Your comment dovetails perfectly with attorney Todd Callender's explanation of those behind the genocide in this video. Oh, and take note of his comments about the importance of 5G:


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Well, I "hoped" they wouldn't slaughter children with the shot but wishes won't change reality. We have to acknowledge who the enemy is and what they are.

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Trying to stay a little positive, otherwise, some people on Jeff's stack get very upset. This is family friendly.

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I am definitely pro-family, especially where children are concerned and there aren't words to express how I feel about the current "abuse" of children.

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With the group in DC, they're liable to label us as terrorists because DO NOT want to abuse kids.

They'll get their just rewards, in this world or the next.

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Captain America: Winter Soldier is the epitomy of truth being hidden in plain sight. The good guys being run by the bad guys... hydra being in charge of shield. Put it in a movie and just rub it in our faces. This scene is just chilling...


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I doubt the story is wrong - and you right, says a LOT about those calling the shots.

Anyone still doubting Ukraine is nothing but a proxy?

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

A big NOPE! The doctrine of encirclement goes back to the 1970's and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Capture the Asian Heartland and then one rules the world. Taking down and Balkanizing Russia is part of this strategic objective. Knowing this, then all of a sudden NATO eastward expansion, the Balkan wars, the Middle East and Afghanistan make sense. All dots are connected.

It is Madness. And like it was for National Socialist Germany, it will be the ruination of the Western World.

(edits ... almost entirely due to dyslexia and with the mental chaos ... so hard to spell right.)

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Now that is an insightful comment!

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The report is based on one anonymous source, plus circumstantial evidence. Written by a journalist with a superb track record. I suppose it is true, probably.

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Thanks for mentioning this, I meant to but forgot. And people were worried mean tweets would get us into a war...

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Yeah - HOW 'BOUT that story ?

Although eugyppius has an interesting take on this article also, suggesting there may be a bit more to the story - but, isn't there ALWAYS ?!


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I’m curious if anyone will do anything about us blowing it up? Europe still bows to US and until they strike deals w China - nothing will change?

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Hear you - and curious to see if this story has any wings and takes off - it is a BIG story...... seems it would take a monumental effort to keep a lid on it. But - we have seen the power and reach of those calling the shots, so........

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Blowing up the pipeline puts another nail in the coffin of the failing Western Power. It just makes people mad as hell. It's the same with endless war, beatings and murder, and sanctioning near a third of the world. It just gets real people as pissed as hell. And now, the world wants nothing to do with Woke Crazy. Notice all the failed missions lately? Like South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, India ... and on and on. And the other day, the French being kicked out Mali.

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I wonder if the info was purposefully leaked to Hersh to help start a war with Russia.

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Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains. You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near. Do not complain, brethren, against one another, so that you yourselves may not be judged; behold, the Judge is standing right at the door. As an example, brethren, of suffering and patience, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. We count those blessed who endured. You have heard of the endurance of Job and have seen the outcome of the Lord’s dealings, that the Lord is full of compassion and is merciful.

— James 5:7-11 NASB1995

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I truly believe God is redirecting us into a deeper, more thoughtful, more productive, more sincere form of patience in this Scripture. The last three years have been full of Job moments so I am grateful for James' wise words from the Holy Spirit! We've surely suffered but Job's life is a testimony of endless, bountiful grace! Patience is absolutely, profoundly necessary to keep me from being a complete jerk....lol Thank you, Janice, for these beautiful words of wisdom today!

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So true! Many Job moments for me too these past three years 😞

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Amen. Us too. But the Lord has been faithful! My husband's CT scan yesterday showed no progression of cancer!! We are praising our Savior's healing power!!!

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That is fantastic!! So glad for your good news!!

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Thank you!! All glory to God!!!

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I am so sorry you have been dealing with that, but so thankful for your good news!

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A Job moment has still got to be better than a jab moment. If you know what I mean.

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Very true 😆😁

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Janice, thank you for sharing this wonderful verse! In the midst of this evil and confusion we desperately need to hear…

“That the Lord is full of compassion and is merciful.”

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Amen. Once again, thank you Janice. James covers a multitude, and so very needed reminders!

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We are definitely enduring!!

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Thank you for this much needed reminder!!

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Thank you Janice ❤️‍🩹 and C/C for changing my life

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I have just counseled my children (and hubby) on just this topic! Thank you for posting this verse. I couldn't remember, other than in First John, other specific examples off the top of my head yesterday. I will read this verse for them.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, you didn’t triple dog dare them? Mikki Willis is awesome. Let’s support james O’Keefe. Don’t they remember what happened to Apple when they got rid of Steve Jobs?

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We should support O'keefe, definitly! I think either the globalists have infiltrated PV, or they have blackmailed some board members there. Or, possibly, this is a white hat sting opperation, to make the globalists think he's being punished, but maybe he is actually going under cover. 😉😄 I have a wild imagination !

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I agree. Let’s not forget he was also one of the first to break open the plandemic. Including his expose with nurses on what they were paying hospitals and not reporting to VAERS.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers


As much as it sucks for us, have a great weekend off with Michelle!

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Attorney Todd Callender announces:

1. Thailand Convening War Crime Tribunals to Nullify Pfizer Contracts.

2. Swiss President/Minister of Health Under Investigation, Indictment, & Prosecution by AG for Covid-Crimes Involving Lying about Vaxx Safety & Effectiveness.


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Incredible news! I would like to add on this study as good news worth spreading of truth getting out:

Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines in Patients with Autoimmune Diseases, in Patients with Cardiac Issues, and in the Healthy Population

Pathogens 2023, 12(2), 233;

Published: 2 February 2023


Loredana Frasca



Giuseppe Ocone


Raffaella Palazzo.


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Giddy up

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Difficult not to read the Veritas situation as a consequence of the right vengeful pharma agents finding the right leverage. Hope I'm wrong.

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Yes, vengeful pharma it is of course. Lara Logan posted on Twitter this morning that Veritas just hired a 25 year CNN guy as their Executive Producer. Sounds like Pfizer has purchased PV. Money walks, talks and does irreparable harm.

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Smells like money to me. Pfizer prolly offered the board $30M to get rid of OKeefe. If I were the board, I'd take the money and let OKeefe step aside. Then I'd use the $30M to start PV 2.0 and have OKeefe expose the Pfizer bribe as his first project. "Wise as serpents, innocent as doves."

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but, but, but.....what IF O'Keefe also wanted part of that money and all this was made up? He leaves, starts his own thing but leaves pv2.0 alone. hmmmmm....now he's part of the problem.

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but but but...LOL

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I have no doubt, and no doubt that such leverage can include physical threats to health and safety of family members.

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Yeah there were a few offer made that could not be refused. No matter, just look at the public outrage on twitter....James can just tell the board to get bent and roll his own brand. Any thoughts? Prospect Scare'itas?

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If James does leave I will contribute to his new venture. I'm also going to guess that many of his employees will follow.

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

Until/unless transparency happens from the board, my guess is as good as anyone else. That said, the following is from the internet: one of the main people against O'Keefe just came on board only 4 months ago, was fired by O'Keefe and rehired by the board. While there was a 6 hour board meeting where many staff aired grievances against O'Keefe, calling him a bully, most rank and file are with O'Keefe. There are lawsuits from former employees stating the same, as well as the FBI still investigating the diary. The press is trying to paint O'Keefe as the crazy genius who cannot manage a company. Strangely, MSM has been putting out stories about O'Keefe with "unnamed sources" for...the last few months. (Same as the new guy had been there.)

All that said, I think it may be justified, if not for the timing. Congress was going to use the Pfizer info in Congressional hearings in much the same way as they are using the Twitter files. All of this unrest might likely keep them from using the smoking gun. Point to Pfizer.

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No doubt about it. O’Keefe made dangerous and powerful enemies, who could believe that they’ll simply slink away without using every underhanded device imaginable to destroy him?

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Well, it is standard Alinsky operating procedure to identify, target, freeze and destroy anyone in the way of the Woke Empire. They tried is with Malone and the rest of the good guys. And guess what? The good guys are now super-hero good guys!

Jeff stated well. And if O'Keefe is still okay ... and needs help to start it up all over, then I am with Jeff and the Multiplier idea. O'Keefe's service to us and our cause is undeniable. Tip-top tops!

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Exactly right. Ppl are waking up, the woke is now working with a broken narrative and anybody with half a brain knows it. Okeefe will just come back in an even better incarnation.

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In your reply, what stands out are the words ... 'broken narrative'. Bingo and spot on. But when did The Narrative begin to crack?

I had a friend who was maybe the top or one of the very top sales representatives in South America for Caterpillar. He was with a group of business men on the day 911 went down. I believe he was in Brazil and at the airport awaiting a flight. I remember him saying that no one in his group was buying that it was just a bunch of Arabs with box cutters. This surprised me a bit. And thus, maybe disbelief in The Narrative was more advanced than most of us realize.

Sanctions proved to me that the cracks all along were more canyon sized. And that people sometimes just don't say out loud what they think, not until the time is ripe and the coast is clear. So yeah! Broken Narrative ... and now so broke that not all the king's men can put Humpty Woke back together again.

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NEWSWEEK: In a memo obtained by THE BEAST, O'Keefe's management style was criticized by the board. It was alleged that workers were "troubled and frustrated" by O'Keefe's management style and that he was "outright cruel" to staff members. - https://www.newsweek.com/project-veritas-james-okeefe-suspended-paid-leave-1780126

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Probably misinformation, intentionally planted by Pfizer.

If he were such a terrible manager, don't you think that would have been used against him many times over the last few years?

Plus, it's Newsweek.

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Yeah, the timing of this is just too useful to discredit the most recent reports.

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It's entirely possible he was a difficult boss. Many high functioning people like him are--extremely demanding and impatient with themselves and others. Unfortunately, it often comes with the territory. But most of the time, that is considered a trade-off companies and organizations are willing to live with in order to get the results they want.

Since when do Boards of Directors suddenly overflow with compassion and concern for their lower level employees? Oh, yeah, when they suddenly have some powerful incentive to do so, and you can be sure it didn't come from some administrative assistant or subordinate co-worker. We all know that employees in those positions never call the shots.

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Also possible PV had a mole infiltrate the staff to cause trouble. We'll have to wait for O'Keefe to spill the beans.

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Same was said of Steve Jobs.

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Seems like a hit piece, but will reserve judgment until more information comes out. I do have to wonder why they just didn't publish the "leaked memo"?

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The Matrix strikes back.

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This article is interesting. Newsweek with Pfizer Pfizer featured big ... and with O'Keefe 'drunk on power.' This somehow reminds me of another famous drunk, U. S. Grant who won a war while the Nice Guy Chicken Generals were dog paddling around and getting nowhere fast. The article itself seems like the tired but standard 'paint by numbers' landscape typical of outfits like Newsweek.

It will be interesting to see how this pans out.

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Based on the latest info, it looks like the Board is going to oust O'Keefe. SMH.

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Oh no, not another Ellen Degenerate surfacing?!?

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behind closed doors, pharma bought out the pv board.....here's the cash.....now

MAKE 'the problem' disappear.

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Is that speculation or a report?

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Obviously speculation, but by the way things are nowadays it could be a possibility

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The terms seem to be interchangeable.

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Counselor, you represent a shining example of what happens to lefty whack jobs when confronted with intelligence, common sense, logic and reason.....oh, and evidence, facts

.....REALITY. They simply shrink away like old mushrooms. We all need to stop playing defense and take it to these worthless bullies.

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I couldn't agree more. When confronted with the statement: 'We should really work to heal these divisions' I just laugh. Some factions are simply 'not agreement capable'.

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Here here! 🎯👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 ... and I wish attorney Childers would class action confront all medical organizations and hospital systems with his intelligence, common sense, logic and reason to shrink away permanently as in forever still ongoing draconian oxygen inhibiting serf designation face muzzling MASKS!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Please start with ASCENSION HEALTHCARE SYSTEM... that would cover and stop masks in 12 states, including yours Jeff.... Florida, Alabama, Georgia Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Maryland Michigan Missouri Mississippi New York Oklahoma Tennessee Texas Wisconsin Washington DC.... 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Re masking: I made a Lent decision last year to pick up the "sheep s**t", aka masks, that littered the landscape, while out for my daily walk. The trash spoiled my enjoyment of the outdoors so I decided to do something about it and continued the trash pick up beyond Lent. I have recently noticed masks are making a comeback as litter debris and I find it quite annoying and hypocritical of maskies to think it is ok to just discard their face coverings at will. The trashed covers are as common as plastic grocery bags in some areas.

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My husband's doctor group in MO requires a mask, but he never wears one. They don't say anything to him. My optometrist was in your face with masks even if you had a medical mask waiver. I have taken my money elsewhere!

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Correction... 17 states... though their website indicates 19 States... that’s a ton of forced medical treatments aka serf muzzles... https://about.ascension.org/about-us

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you forgot commiefornia

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Yes! And suppression of information involving on-going criminal activity is a crime. So is collusion, conspiracy and aiding and abetting. And if people are so involved, then there is injury ... and also negligent homicide. Interfering in elections, Interfering in election in collusion with agencies of the government. The list of crimes seems endless.

I'm not a lawyer, but there seems to be mountains of legal cud to chew on.

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Does anyone have any info or links to share showing memory problems (like dementia) after jabs? My mother received the first two and then was persuaded by a doc to receive a third. A few months after she began showing very concerning memory trouble. I have no evidence to connect them, but it’s highly suspicious. She has shown normal aging related forgetfulness but this is different. We have no other medical reasons for it. So just curious what info is out there. Thanks!

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Cogg Mom, I saw the same thing happen to my dad after the second shot and worse after the booster. My dad never had memory problems until after the shots. There is no doubt in my mind, it’s the jabs.

I’m so sorry for your mom and you. It is a very tough thing to watch your loved one decline so rapidly.

On dad’s DC the listed cause of death was “failure to thrive”. 😞

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Oh I’m so sorry RandiG! What’s happening is awful and wrong. Thank you for responding and sharing. I believe hers started with the first two shots. When she got the third it was after a conversation where she said she would never get another. Then when I found out she couldn’t remember getting it.

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Same with my mother. Typical forgetfulness prior to shots. She was coerced in hospital to get second CV shot and flu... her memory is shot and her energy level is abysmal.

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I'm very sorry for your loss. I always thought failure to thrive was for infants and children. It's the same as when they are saying these 20 somethings are dying of "natural causes." We still don't have my daughter's death certificate (Alabama) and it has been seven weeks tomorrow.

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I heard the MRNA Vaxx breaks the brain barrier. That would did it. Look from that angla

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So does covid. It’s why you lose your sense of smell. Frightening

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I believe that Dr. Jessica Rose has some articles on her Substack regarding the reporting of dementia as an adverse event in Vaers. Also, look for some work from Dr. Stephanie Seneff.

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PBSO officers (Palm Beach County FL Sheriff’s) ... officers were told if they were NOT vaccinated they would be NOT allowed to participate in GROUP functions.

That is same as a MANDATE

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

This is why I chose to retire earlier than planned. The company I worked for (in TX) couldn't mandate the jabs but they made sure to make my work life unpleasant. The unjabbed were forced to mask in the office and we weren't allowed to attend any corp events. These included corp meetings, annual operation conferences, and corp holiday parties. They lost several good employees and I personally know of a few that left even though they themselves took the jabs. The office culture changed dramatically over covid and the jabs.

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My husband lost his job over this as well. When applying for new jobs he had to upload his “card” even though the jab wasn’t required. We uploaded a HIPPA document instead. He got a job.

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Glad to hear your hubby got a new job! I sometimes feel a little guilty that I had the choice to retire knowing that so many people, and many of my dear co-worker's, did not have that choice. But....I also believe God leads us in ways and down paths that initially appear frightening. God never leads us without His divine reasons.

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Good thinking!!

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They did the same thing to me out here in California, locked me out of the office, no jab and no mask = no working at the office. They'd berate me on conference calls about the vax, I'd laugh and tell them only the fat and old were in harm's way, that they were panicked for no reason.

I kept my job and worked at home and now am "allowed" back in the office. Weird thing is, they are all sick now, all of the time, and some of them look like they aged 10-15 years in the last 2 years.

I hope you are doing OK financially, things are changing and you can probably go back and work for moremoney, if you want to. But like you said, the culture changed, and not for the better.

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

Amazing! All sick and not looking good. Do any of them connect the dots? Do any of them now think, "Worst decision I ever made?" Regrets? Or are they signing up for still more Kool Aid Festivals?

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And we wonder, " Why is EVERYTHING a pain in the ass these days?" Just try to get an electrician to come to your house for a small job. Try to get something resolved about a bill that has been paid but keeps trying to collect.

The people who cared about their jobs, and the most capable, took their retirement and went home. Those were the ones who actually got something done.

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Lefties are still running much of southern Florida. But the righties have been flexing there. Time to get this score settled.

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I am sorry about your mom - no don't have the data, but nothing surprises me any more. I'd try a search on Kirsh's substack, as he seems to document a lot of the side effects. My mom got 2 Pfizers in the Summer and Fall of 21. Since then she has battled hives/skin irritation that seems to randomly come and go. Called her dermatologist to make an appt and she was scheduled out for the next 3 months! So took her to her PCP. She mentioned oh, I am due for my booster next month, and her PCP told her to NOT get the booster until she talked to the dermatologist. Well dermatologist more or less ignored her question when she asked her. Of course mom does not listen to me as she is a CNN watching D who accused me of being in a Trump cult. But thank goodness she did not get around to getting the booster, although now she is dealing with the fallout from a hematoma that developed after getting a stent put in her leg from a blood clot. I blame the jabs again...

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My sweet mom died in 2013 after suffering from deep dementia.

The only good thing that came from the dementia was that after smoking for nearly 70 years (and trying unsuccessfully so many times to quit) she literally forgot to smoke for at least the last 8 months of her life.

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Oh Donna that is so frustrating, I’m sorry 😞

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

Memory problems are often an early symptom of amyloid or circulatory issues in the brain. Jeff did a C&C about this a few weeks back and Steve Kirsh's substack includes a LOT of links to additional information. https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/proof-covid-vaccines-cause-prion

I'm not a doctor, but if my loved one had been jabbed and started showing rapid onset memory or dementia problems, I would get them on Zeta Aid (and the wellness protocol) and the FLCCC post-jab recovery protocol STAT, together with intermittent fasting to encourage the body's autophagy and cell-rejuvination self-healing to kick in.

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Also consider using Ginko Biloba, Vinpocetine, Huperzine A, Lumbrokinase alternated every other day with Nattokinase are all things I use to promote circulation and blood cleaning in this bioweaponized world. I’m a fighter and will grab any rock to throw.

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Thanks. Some of these things have been started because we also found out she has osteoporosis. She did have osteopenia back in 2019 so I don’t think there is a connection there, but who knows. But some of the treatments overlap because they are building a healthy immune system.

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Thanks. I’m always open to reconsidering these things.

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You might try Methylene Blue. Dr. Mercola interviews a UT-Austin researcher here.


Not only does it show promise for Alzheimer's, but also Parkinson's and Jab Injury. FLCCC.net discusses where to purchase and how to dose.

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Two Substacks, WMC Research and Things Hidden in Complexity, have many articles/research about the Spike Protein (think via COVID or via jab) and connections to Alzheimer's/dementia. I've provided a couple of links below, but recommend doing searches within each Substack.



Spike protein S2 enhances amyloid-β production


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Tons of anecdotal evidence, which when compiled together = lots of evidence. Similar experience w my MIL. It is very sad and evil.

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I wonder if the Jab Zealots still mutter to themselves, “Correlation does not equal causation?”

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Me: outcomes are greater than beliefs

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Funny but that’s how Science works.

Who knew?

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My mom is having same issues .. after her second Moderna shot .. her brain & body went to SHIT

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You might read Walter Chesnut substack. He is quite scientific, ( above my basic biology college course work), in his study of amyloidosis and the jabs. NOTE His name is CHESNUT not chestnut.

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And definitely not Walnut.

He’s a gem.

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My wife (75 yo) has also experienced a swift decline in her short-term memory, especially after getting the 4th jab (I tried to stop her but she does whatever her dr. says . .) . Her blood pressure also went from around 110/65 for her entire life to 140/80 since the 3rd jab.

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My super smart 83 yr old dad has lost his edge after the 3rd shot, and his prostate cancer came back. Cancer is back in remission but the mental sharpness is not. He is functional, just not the same. I also warned them off the shots but they believe their doctors - do not understand how monetarily driven these medicare doctors are

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How can you communicate the Medical Profession’s overall zealous and unquestioning pursuit of death to people who can’t even grasp this as a possibility? I tried in a very low key way but none would even entertain the thought. Yes, whether Doctors are polite and long known, they’re unmasked now. The aims of the vast majority of them aren’t what we’ve traditionally thought they were.

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Dr Campbell did a video where he went over the Pfizer list of side effects. Mental change was listed. I’m not sure of the exact wording because I started think about my 90, and 88, dad and mom. They have mentally declined in the last year, and mom, always a pistol and always a narcissist, now she’s a narcissist on steroids. Super mean to me. Woundingly mean.

I wish I could find the link for you.

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You have to shrug it off. They are no longer in their right mind when they get like that. My sis went that way.

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There have been articles about Alzheimer's disease and Creutzfeld-Jacob disease appearing very soon after the shots. I found this one quickly as I had recently seen it, and hesitated to add the link because it is upsetting, but ignorance is never bliss. There are also studies connecting Alzheimer's with the jab. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/367167725_Emergence_of_a_New_Creutzfeldt-Jakob_Disease_26_Cases_of_the_Human_Version_of_Mad-Cow_Disease_Days_After_a_COVID-19_Injection

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This is normal times information, but in my research on Alzheimer’s the Midwestern Doctor directed attention to the Bredesen Protocol which is a very thorough and detailed life protocol that was studied to actually backtrack Alzheimers. Much of it makes good sense, and would probably help any condition.

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Kirtan Kriya meditation also is said to be very beneficial. It’s a roughly 12 minute and very simple chanted, whispered and non-verbalized series of meditation sounds which improve cerebral blood flow. Considered helpful in Alzheimer’s prevention.

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I'm sorry to hear about this! I believe that cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease have been linked to the shots. Jeff did make mention in his stack maybe 2 weeks ago? It's a terrible affliction....

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I remember as a health care worker being terrified of getting this shot. At age 29 I was diagnosed with reactive arthritis. I was told I was exposed to a bug in my work that children typically carry. My body couldn’t differentiate between the protein lining my joints and the protein of the “invader”. It was hell. I would randomly be seized with joint pain. I imagined the spike protein being confusing for my body and having systemic inflammation. I couldn’t take this vaccine in clear conscience. I had the vid in Nov 2020. I thought, surely, natural immunity will count since I titered out of 3 doses of Hep B vax in 2000. Many of my coworkers got fired for refusing this experimental garbage. I got a new job, this job is the best job I’ve ever had in 27 years of healthcare work!

All I can say is from person experience our bodies are God’s creation and design. They are designed to self regulate and heal. Fasting can be a powerful approach to activate these systems of cleansing and renewal. There is a book called “Clean” https://www.amazon.com/Clean-Expanded-Revolutionary-Program-Restore-ebook/dp/B007MAU5UG/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?keywords=Alejandro+Junger+clean&qid=1675951239&sr=8-1

This may be a solution for some of you. The way I healed from this autoimmune problem was over the years and a complete lifestyle overhaul. Eating low inflammation foods, proper rest and exercise played a big part. It wasn’t easy. But it wasn’t a big pharma produced pill or remedy! I think chicken soup is probably more effective at this point!? 😂

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I absolutely agree with you! I also had some strange and seemingly autoimmune issues when I was younger. After loads of research I finally made some major life changes. I gave up ALL pre-packaged foods, cut out most grains, and I fast every week from Sunday evening - Wednesday morning. I use Time Restricted Eating the other days. I feel amazing and have zero if the autoimmune issues anymore.

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I would be interested in any other health practices you might personally do. I'm open to ideas and learning.

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Moderate aerobic exercise every day. Lots of weight training. And very clean eating. No packaged foods at all. Basically, if it has ingredients...I won’t purchase it. Almost no grains or legumes. Lots of low-oxalate vegetables. Homemade soups everyday. Grass fed and pastured red meat. Only pasture raised poultry and eggs from pastured chickens. It sounds difficult but once you get into it you will find it’s quite simple. And definitely fasting or Time Restricted Eating.

We had a ranch for years in the middle of the boonies. 100-miles of mostly unpaved dirt roads, to a grocery store. So we ate what we grew or hunted (animals and vegetables/fruit) and our health was excellent. Probably also because of clean air and no other people around!

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I will save these thoughts and see about evolving myself. We are actually on a little farm, but I worry about all of the glyphosate and fertilizer from surrounding farms. Did you get ideas from Mercola? I saved an article of his that emphasized some things you mentioned. He was giving his top health recommendations.

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And I also sit in a 160° sauna 4-5 days a week for 45-minutes. And stretch for 15-minutes a day. I never realized how important stretching was until I began doing it! I was so TIGHT no wonder my joints hurt.

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I've had gut problems a long time and started on arthritis which had really disrupted my life recently. No jab but for an ill advised tetanus a few years back. Ordered a used copy of the book just now based on your comment. Thank you.

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Ordered thr book too.

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Thanks for this, and I agree, there is a great deal to be said for chicken soup.

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Chicken soup is delicious. But chicken is an inflammatory meat. So if you’re making soup try to source your chicken from pastured poultry only that aren’t fed conventional GMO grains and soy.

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Fasting is being used to cleanse the body of the spike protein. Was fasting a help to you?

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I didn’t use fasting for spike issues but I fast from Sunday dinner to Wednesday breakfast and I feel amazing. The other days I practice Time Restricted Eating. I feel better at 65 than I did at 50.

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I have heard the same thing from others including my son who practices IF. I'm not an expert but apparently a lot of the body's cleansing action is triggered after a three day fast. You might want to try that too. This doctor is very informative on the subject:


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Excellent videos. Thanks!

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Good for you!!! Thank you for sharing your positive story!!!

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Re Project Veritas and the scuttling of James O’Keefe. A Twitter post this morning says that PV has hired Patrick Davis, a twenty five year CNN Operations Manager, to join Project Veritas as Executive Producer. Can we jump directly to the conclusion that Pfizer just bought out PV?

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Can't believe this about James O'Keefe. We all relied on PV for truth-telling. Now we have yet another enemy to fight. God bless you, James O'Keefe. We will follow you!

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Article at PV about hiring Davis:

Twenty-Five Year CNN Operations Manager Joins Project Veritas as Executive Producer


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So be it. P-V can now be dis-branded and James can take his share of employees and boot up the Part Deux!!

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This is from 2022

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What??? Seriously??? CNN??? 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬

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Well...CNN...that's a big tell!

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Disney layoff 7,000 employees even after forcing them to get Jabbed. Ooops.


LOL: "Now the irony in all of this is that Disney forced its employees to get the experimental Covid vaccine. Disney fired any employee that disobeyed their mandatory requirement for all salaried and non-union hourly employees to participate in this experiment."

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If I were one of those furry characters let go after taking poison to keep my poor-paying job, I'd be feeling quite murderous!

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And if many of us here were their Jurors, I suspect we’d understand. I know I would.

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A Muppet's Revenge of sorts....?

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I spoke to a friend of mine who had to go to the SSA office in FL. Did you know they still require masks? He said there was an “officer” there yelling at people to keep the masks at the “right” level. Seriously, WTH!

I thought the federal mask mandates was over?

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I went to my primary care doctor for the first time in a year, and she was double masked and kept insisting that I wear a mask, over my nose, because I am unvaxxed. I am looking for a new PC doctor.

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Yes! I also walked out of my PC’s office when I went to her for my yearly exam and she was masked and had a face shield and gloves on!! She refused my request for me to be unmasked. I asked her, rather sarcastically, how I could “open and say ahhh” with my face covered. She said that part of the exam was too risky! I had a few choice words for her as I walked out of the office. I just recently found a new PC doc and insisted on an “interview” before I signed on with her. Told her up front that if there are mask requirements or constant requests for jabs I will not agree to be her patient. She was quite amenable. She was also not an American born woman and I’m guessing that her home country was much more receptive to alternative COVID Protocols.

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I have an appointment with a new doctor next week after leaving mine in 2020 when she refused to see patients in her office. This new doctor has video on his website speaking out about vaccine mandates and medical freedom. I'm hopeful that I've found a new partner to help guide me in maintaining my good health.

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Good for you!! These idiot doctors all need to be called out!!

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Good job. I like the head-on approach.

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OMG, a primary care dr? She is seriously compromised by mass formation psychosis! I wouldn't trust her to give me aspirin.

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My Uro-GYN refused me treatment last week because I couldn’t/ wouldn’t eat a mask. I have Drs note about my anxiety & masking. This is PALM Beach County Florida

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Honestly, I’ve stopped going to all routine “check ups” and see a general practitioner PA who specializes in alternative therapies maybe 2 x a year! I’m too stressed by my past medical trauma of needles, scalpels, gruesome surgical procedures and …you get the idea! I think it’s a sad testimony to the medical establishment if you need Xanax to go to the ob/gyn for a yearly checkup!

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Me too. Functional medicine doc for me. Maybe a couple of times a year. This week I noticed the Ed Dowd book “Died Suddenly “ on her bookcase. Bam!

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I swithed to a Functional Dr that I found in my town on FLCCC web site referrsal service. We are 100% on the same page and pretty knowledgable about immune physiology and vaccine science from medical training as a dentist. We hit it off famously. I sought him out in 2020 so I could have someone guide me through treatment if I got covid. I already had Ivermectin and hydroxychlo roquin. I did get the vid and had supreme confidence in his care. Mild cold for 5 days and done.

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Did you see that AFLDS is being sued by the family of someone who died? A doctor in their network prescribed him hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in August for preventative, and the fellow died in February next year. The coroner said he died in a setting of hydroxychloroquine. That sounds sketchy as heck. I'm curious whether this legal attack can go anywhere at all. I was thinking that, if it did, don't all of the standard issue doctors have legal immunity because they did what they were told, even if it was killing people?

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I didn't see that. Sounds fishy. If it's true that there is a suit, that would have a chilling effect on Dr's prescribing. I would want to learn more about the coroner's statement. It sounds to me like an opportunity for a fabrication to achieve someone's agenda, be it to get monetary recovery or to besmirch hydroxychloroquin. The drugs extensive safety record would seem to offer the prescribing doctor a legitimate cover.

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Aside from a serious orthopedic injury, I am OUT of the allopathic medical system. I have no desire to be placated with a drug prescription whose list of side effects in super fine print could wallpaper a powder room. Suffice it to say no one gets out alive; be here now and enjoy the day.

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The mask is just another level of subjugation.

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I really hope these forced masking situations lead to lawsuits, this is unconscionable!!!

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Wow! smh

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Yea I'd be resisting that. Picket these places.

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I''d start taking names and tell them I needed to know who to sue.

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Eric, I like that! 😎

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Here in my town too! 🤬

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Not in Oregon, they’re in effect in all medical facilities. I don’t wear them in the pharmacy, and my naturopath has a ‘your choice’ sign on the door 👏🏻

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