☕️ SIMULATED RESILIANCE ☙ Tuesday, January 24, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
Hamlin clips leave viewers puzzled; ANOTHER weird and confusing Bill's tragedy; FDA signals off-ramp for jabs; fashionable SADS death; good news for babies; more UFO media; and lots more.
Good morning C&C, welcome to the Tuesday roundup! In the news bag today: Great news! Or is it? Hamlin game clips leave viewers puzzled; ANOTHER weird Buffalo Bills medical mystery; FDA signals new covid jab strategy … could it be the long-awaited “off ramp?”; a fashionable SADS death; Florida Supreme Court deals a blow to pro-abortionists; media’s favorite conspiracy theory featured in The Hill; irrational requirements to hear an irrational speaker; and the most outrageous, infuriating story of 2023.
💉 During the Buffalo Bills’ game on Sunday, sports media broadcast several clips of Damar Hamlin’s exciting and encouraging attendance at the game. You know, so that we all know he’s okay. But … when diligent independent investigators — NOT corporate media reporters, of course — strung all the Hamlin clips together, things got a little weird.
Goodness. Where to start. Here are SOME of my questions about the Hamlin clips we were shown:
1) Why is Hamlin wearing a mask, thick jacket, and hoodie — and often giant sunglasses — in every single shot, even though nobody else is?
2) Why did Hamlin arrive separately from his family?
3) Why is Hamlin surrounded by lots of security personnel who OBVIOUSLY try hard to block good camera shots? In the first clip, you can even see one of the security team look back over his shoulder to check where the camera is, then move right in front of it, even raising his arm to help block the view. And notice how three guys crowd the elevator, standing shoulder-to-shoulder to block the view as Hamlin gets on. And notice how ‘Hamlin’ often hangs his head, making any clear shot of his face impossible.
4) Why does Hamlin keep his hoodie up and thick jacket on throughout the game, even though he’s inside and standing right next to his little brother — who is dressed normally for indoor temperatures?
5) If Hamlin felt peppy enough to walk briskly, stand up, clap, make hand signs, and flap his arms, why couldn’t he say a few words to a friendly sports reporter?
Was it Hamlin? Maybe it was, but he was wearing some kind of oxygen machine in his jacket and had tubes into his nose, and they didn’t want us to see all that? How could he flap his arms with all that gear on, if so? Or … was it even Hamlin at all? That could have been anyone in a Hamlin getup. If it wasn’t Hamlin, they never ‘actually’ lied. Hamlin never said it was himself. It was sports reporters who identified him.
I’m wondering … did Hamlin actually watch the game with invisible nurse Tiffany Dover or her body double?
Any way you slice it, the acrid odor of another covid coverup is hanging all over this Hamlin thing.
💉 On January 13th, sports media site SB Nation published an article headlined, “15 Ways the Bills’ and Buffalo’s Resilience Have Been Tested Over the Past Year.” One story you might have missed is that of billionaire Bills’ owner Kim Pegula, 53, who was hospitalized for “unexpected medical issues” in June of last year.
June! She hasn’t been heard from since. And nobody seems very upset about it. Here’s how SB Nation mildly reported it:
Two weeks after she went into the hospital, the Bills published an update saying Pegula was “progressing well.” That’s the last time any real news was published about the billionaire.
It’s a baffling mystery! How dare you ask about Kim’s private medical information, like whether she’s even drawing breath, or if she watched the game with Damar from Heaven.
You’d think with all this odd, unsettling stuff hanging over the team, Buffalo would not have had the heart to win the game on Sunday.
Oh. Never mind.
💉 Bet you never saw this one coming. Stars and Stripes ran a muted story yesterday headlined, “FDA Proposes Switching to Annual Coronavirus Vaccine, Mimicking Flu Model.”
Yesterday the FDA released what is basically an agenda for the upcoming vaccine committee meeting on Thursday. The FDA’s notes disclosed a brand-new covid vaccine strategy that, “moving forward, most individuals may only need to receive one dose” of a coronavirus vaccine “to restore protective immunity for a period of time.” Just like they do with flu, the proposal would aim to play the “guess the dominant variant” game in June of each year, so as to start giving the shots in September, so that people will be all set for the winter covid season.
According to an “anonymous source,” the new strategy also reflects the growing view that “chasing variants” with ever-changing booster formulations will be ultimately futile. Hmm… sounds familiar … sounds familiar. Oh! On January 11th, Dr. Paul Offit, vaccine expert and an FDA committee member, made that exact point in a New England Journal of Medicine “perspective” titled, “Bivalent Covid-19 Vaccines — A Cautionary Tale.”
Could Dr. Offit be the anonymous source? That’s my bet.
The stated reason for the proposed change is to “reduce the complexity of the vaccine regimen.” Well, that’s true. It IS very complicated. Nobody knows whether they’re fully vaccinated, partly vaccinated, fully boosted, partially boosted, up to date, out of date, past date, or on a date.
The article also noted the lukewarm reception for the latest boosters, explaining that “the public has little interest in getting repeated injections.” Apparently. In his NEJM Perspective, Dr. Offit noted that “As of November 15, 2022, only about 10% of the population for whom the bivalent vaccine had been recommended had received it.”
Yawn. Absent widespread mandates, it looks like only a very few people want the shots. I wonder how much of that 10% is due to the remaining mandates in colleges and care homes.
As I read the article, my first thought was, how many times do I have to say, “no?” But then it occurred to me: wait a second. This could be IT. This could be the government’s off-ramp. Shunting the covid jabs into the annual flu pipeline means the end of the ceaseless, year-round drumbeat of manipulative covid media.
Face it: The jab propaganda has been worse than a pimply-faced teenager with a brand-new drum set.
The article made some other remarkable admissions. Check this out. First, the article all but admitted the efficacy of the unpopular bivalent vaccines has FAILED.
“The agency last fall authorized an updated bivalent vaccine that targeted the original strain of the virus and omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5. But by the time the booster was released, another variant was ascending rapidly. “
Haha, got you, suckers! Thanks for playing.
Then, in the very next paragraph, the article admitted the FDA wants to ashcan the “base” vaccines, since they uselessly target the long-vanished Wuhan strain:
The FDA, according to the document, also is seeking to retire the original vaccine formula that entered the market in late 2020 — the monovalent that focuses on the original virus.
Ironically, the proposal would authorize the equally-useless bivalent version — the one tested on eight mice — as the official “standard” vaccine, until June, when they’d presumably take a wild shot at guessing what the dominant strain will be, probably with similar accuracy to their flu guesses.
In other words, it will be like a two-year-old birthday party pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey game. Lots of laughs, but not much effect.
If this new strategy is approved in committee, then we’ll only hear about covid once a year, and it will compete with, join forces with, or merge into the already-scheduled annual influenza programming. Which we’ve already learned to tune out until it fades into background noise. The pretty young lady at the grocery store asks, “Would you like a $10 Publix gift card along with your vaccine?” And I always smile and stage whisper, “Let’s work together on this. I’ll take the gift card and you can keep the shot. Win-win!”
As further evidence for my theory, diminutive, bowtied-wonder Peter Hotez, a reliable vaccine apologist, “expressed concerns” about the FDA’s annual covid strategy. Hotez “isn’t sure” that an annual flu model will work for covid, because — get this — mRNA vaccines don’t last an entire year. Haha! You can’t make this stuff up!
If the covid profiteers are against it, it means the jabs would be fading away.
But wait! It’s even more hilarious! The article ended with this ridiculous quote from Peter: “There may be too many unknowns,” he warned darkly. Hahahahahaha! NOW they’re citing unknowns! They DON’T know it all!
But Peter, what about the eight mice?
Oh man, my ribs ache! All this laughing is killing me. Please, make it stop.
💉 The fashion world was shocked yesterday when news emerged that New Jersey male model Jeremy Ruehlemann, 27, went out in style, suddenly and unexpectedly treading right off the catwalk of Life on Sunday.
No details or cause of death have been released, of course, because what’s so unusual about a 27-year-old dropping dead? I mean, these days. Diligent online investigators quickly found evidence of a possible clue:
Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying it was the shots. I’m just saying. I’m just saying, “myocarditis.”
🔥 Florida’s Voice ran a late story yesterday evening headlined, “Florida Supreme Court Denies Request to Temporarily Halt 15 Week Abortion Ban.”
In a short 4-1 decision that did not explain its reasoning, the Supreme Court of Florida issued a ruling yesterday evening denying Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers’ petition to temporarily halt the 15-week abortion ban while their lawsuit continues.
Florida’s new law holds that abortions are banned after 15 weeks, unless two doctors certify in writing that in their reasonable medical judgment, the termination of the pregnancy is necessary to save a pregnant woman’s life, or stop her from facing irreversible physical impairment (excluding psychological conditions).
The law was initially enjoined last year by the Leon County Circuit Court, which reliably rules against conservative laws, and was a staple feature during the mask and vaccine wars. But the circuit court’s injunction was promptly overruled by the First District Court of Appeals, one of the most constitutionally-faithful appellate circuits in the state.
In overturning the Leon County injunction, the First DCA held that Planned Parenthood and the other plaintiffs failed to show “irreparable harm,” one of the elements plaintiffs must prove to get an injunction. This was interesting because it suggested the First DCA — which found mask mandates unconstitutional in my lawsuit — did NOT find that the 15-week abortion ban was also unconstitutional.
The Florida Supreme Court has yet to rule on the new law’s constitutionality. Stay tuned.
🛸 The Hill ran a conspiratorial op-ed this week headlined, “10 Reasons to Take UFOs Seriously.” The one conspiracy theory the media likes! The author was a former DoD and State Department official with the ominous moniker Marik Von Rennenkamph.
If that’s his real name.
The big news is that the recent, gigantic 2023 National Defense Authorization Act bill loaded shipping containers full of money and manpower into the government’s flying-saucer-detection efforts. The bill includes lots of different and probably fascinating provisions for long-time UFO conspiracy theorists who are finally having their day.
For example, the new NDAA requires the military to report “any efforts to obfuscate, manipulate public opinion, hide, or otherwise provide incorrect unclassified or classified information about” our little green friends from the sky. Embarrassing.
Here are the ten reasons Von Rennenkamph’s link-heavy essay argues you should take flying saucers serious, along with my comments:
1) Military pilots and other service members reported more than 500 additional UFO incidents. Some appeared to demonstrate highly advanced technology.
So what else is new?
2) Congress is taking UFOs extremely seriously.
This was his worst argument.
3) Government officials are making eyebrow-raising statements about UFOs.
He lost me when he cited Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. I immediately checked to make sure my wallet was still there.
4) Scientists are interested in the UFO phenomenon (and have been for decades).
Good for them. Oddly, though fascinated by little green men, for some reason scientists are NOT interested in ivermectin, turbo cancer, or sudden adult death syndrome. Weird.
5) Public analyses corroborate eyewitness accounts of UFOs exhibiting remarkable technology.
In other words, independent researchers are GOOD when it comes to UFOs, but BAD when it comes to engineered viruses. Got it.
6) Credible sources observed UFOs for decades.
But on the other hand, there are no credible reports of vaccine injury.
7) An intra-government battle over UFOs may be brewing.
This will be fun to watch.
8) The government’s UFO hunt may have already hit national security pay dirt.
The author referred to a New York Times article dismissing UFOs, that says the reason the government covers up UFO reports is because they don’t want foreign adversaries to know that we’re onto their spy balloons and stuff. That’s not an argument to take UFO’s seriously, though.
9) UFOs are a fiercely bipartisan issue.
I’m not too sure on this one. Maybe. I’d like to see the data.
10) UFOs are an intriguing mystery — with potentially profound implications.
Here’s where we got to the nub. Von Rennenkamph didn’t EXACTLY explain what the “profound implications” were, but instead he sort of waved his hands and claimed “a robust, objective analytic effort may lead to profound – and humbling – discoveries.”
Humbling? Does he mean that our scientists think they know everything and need to eat some humble pie? Come to think of it, he might be onto something when it comes to public health scientists, epidemiologists, and vaccinologists. They could stand some humbling. But maybe they’ll eat some humble pie soon anyway, even without space aliens.
So there you go. The “good” conspiracy theory, because it won’t get anyone in office in trouble.
💉 Yesterday, I wrote about Kamala Harris’ pro-abortion appearance in Florida, and her difficulties in getting permits and so forth. Now we’ve discovered out that anyone who wanted to come hear her — a microscopically-small group — was required to sign a dense, legalese “attestation of vaccination” if they wanted to attend.

But even the CDC now says people should be treated the same despite their vaccination status. What was Harris trying to accomplish with this goofy attestation, especially since it’s now well-known that the jabs don’t prevent transmission?
The only explanation I can come up with is it’s a filter for people who credulously believe whatever the government says. An irrational requirement to hear an irrational speaker.
☕ This is it! They’ve finally gone too far. Prepare to be outraged. The usually—reliable New York Post ran a revolting story this week headlined, “People Should Drink Less Coffee to Combat Climate Change, Study Says.”
No! Just no. I don’t care about the planet, flat, round, pear-shaped, or whatever its geometry. It can burn for all I care. Or flood or de-ice or whatever. They can pry my coffee out of my cold, dead hand. They’d better remember what happened to the British during the late, great unpleasantness, when we told them at musket’s end where they could put their precious tea.
According to the Post, some criminals posing as researchers excreted this explanation:
“Limiting your contribution to climate change requires an adapted diet, and coffee is no exception. Choosing a mode of coffee preparation that emits less GHGs (greenhouse gases) and moderating your consumption are part of the solution,” the researchers at the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi wrote.
Canada again! That figures. And, not surprisingly, it all goes back to the war on energy and fertilizer:
“This mechanization, irrigation and use of nitrous oxide-emitting fertilizers — the production of which requires large quantities of natural gas — greatly contribute to coffee’s carbon footprint,” the researchers said.
They want to legislate us back to the Stone Age. Although, I will admit that the Amish did pretty well during the pandemic and never took a single jab. It’s something to think about. Plus the Amish drink as much coffee as anybody.
The article continued its obnoxious report, adding insult to the already-abundant injury, when it crossed the final, fatal red line:
They found that instant coffee was the most environmentally sound.
Oh, no you don’t. You HAVE to be kidding me. Where are the Mounties when you need them? Round these people up! Apply the feathers and the tar, or vice-versa! Seal them in a sack with a bobcat! Lock them in the lowest cell and throw away the keys!
This aggression toward coffee will not stand. Prepare for war.
Have a terrific Tuesday! I’ll see you back here tomorrow for another delicious cup of climate-wrecking java.
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I never questioned any vaccines. Used to get my flu shot faithfully every year for free since I worked at hospitals. "I do it for my patients" I told myself. What a retard. Never again. Now I write exemptions and trust no one. Especially morons telling me I gotta cut down on coffee.
Morning C&Cers! Been a while, but thank you Jeff for all you do! So many of us and our family members/ coworkers are experiencing death, health issues, and suffering from the jab. I’m asking everyone who believes to say a quick prayer for all us.