Jan 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I never questioned any vaccines. Used to get my flu shot faithfully every year for free since I worked at hospitals. "I do it for my patients" I told myself. What a retard. Never again. Now I write exemptions and trust no one. Especially morons telling me I gotta cut down on coffee.

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Yeah. Agreed. Now I question everything medical, dental and even the veterinarian. They have completely lost my trust. I figure I am safer avoiding them and taking care of myself.

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This very day I am supposed to call and schedule my colonoscopy. I am literally afraid of what they may inject into my body without my permission or knowledge.

At this point, I don't want the death providers to do ANYTHING to me. Just leave me and my cat alone. (The vet said "put your cat in a cage and leave her outside by the door". ?????? WHAT? I said, "No. I'm not ever going to do that and I suspect you will go out of business and I hope so."

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When you go for the procedure, do not sign a digital release. Insist on a paper copy, cross out and initial any wording that allows them to vax you, write by your signature- β€œno vaccines”. Then photograph it before you hand it in.

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say no biologicals as well. same thing, but they use the term biologicals

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Excellent point.

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Thanks! I've added this to my blog https://solutionsbymimi.com/informed-consent/

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Brilliant. Thank you.

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Good to know!

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Love it. I've included your advice at the bottom of my post now: https://solutionsbymimi.com/informed-consent/

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Glad I could help, and glad you saw the comment re biologics!

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I’ve never had a colonoscopy and do not plan to. And I made that decision years ago just based on the fact that the colonoscopy β€œtubing” isn’t able to be sterilized. It’s cleaned between patients but unable to sterilize. Although unlikely, there are some rare diseases that are transmitted through blood or body fluids and I decided not to accept that risk. It’s my right (and yours)to make informed decisions regarding our healthcare decisions. I don’t condemn anyone who wants to have colonoscopies due to family history or other risk factors but it’s not for me despite my physician’s recommendation.

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Yes, after I read the article by Dr Mercola on colonoscopies, I decided to decline them in the future.

Not worth the risk.

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Also doesn't pick up all the colon cancer.

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I need to go read this…never thought anything about getting colonoscopy and it’s been recommended that I go…

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Same here. When I resisted, my Functional Dr said just do a Cologuard genetic test to rule out colon cancer.

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I had a colonoscopy several years ago, and after drinking that β€œstuff” to make you go, to clean out your colon, I told my doc β€œNEVER AGAIN.” It was the slimy consistency more than the taste and I couldn’t stand it. It was very hard to force myself to drink it all. After I said never again, the doc tried to argue with me and I asked if he ever drank that β€œstuff” and he said no. So I told him that until you do, don’t even bring up this subject again. Then I learned about how they can’t sterilize the equipment! Another reason to say NOOOOO.

Finally he ordered the Cologuard πŸ’©test on my next go round. It comes in the mail, and you take a sample of your poop and mix it in a vile with some sort of preservative (or whatever) and mail it back. It’s supposed to be almost as reliable as the colonoscopy they say. (Not that I believe anything they say anymore.) The results are sent to your doc.

Anyway, a couple of years after than, my mother-in-law had a colonoscopy and left in great pain. The doc told her to take Ibuprofen. That night, in excruciating pain, one of her grown kids drove her to the ER. Turns out they had punctured her colon!!!

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Yeah. It was the vile liquid beforehand that put me off. Although the drugs were nice they used to put me out. Lol. I usually vomit after anesthesia. No more ever.

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That’s what I had last. Easy peasy. Lol. πŸ’©πŸ’©

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I'm with you! One of the laws I live by is if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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Yup. No more mammograms either.

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Julie Ann, I also made the choice to skip colonoscopies. I’ve known of two people who died of complications (most likely a punctured colon) after having one. But that being said, I also know a person whose colon cancer was discovered by a colonoscopy. She was also a heavy smoker which may have been a contributing factor. You’re right in saying that everyone should make that choice for themselves. The days of blind obedience to doctors should be over. They’ve been guilty of pushing unnecessary testing along with harmful pharmaceuticals.

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I’m not getting any more. No history of problems in my family. I did the one in a box. But in no hurry to get the next one.

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Jan 24, 2023Β·edited Jan 25, 2023

Yeah! Same here! At this point (I'm almost 74) I've pretty much decided I rather do nothing than go visit the Death Squad ... I mean the medical practitioners.

And what is the source of the Death Squad's great fountain of learning? Dumbed down medical schools and faked paid for medical journals. And when you hear your 'doctor' say I researched this out, he means he read what Pharma told the journals to say ... and may have read some of the fake data, also bought and paid for by Pharma.

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I added an addendum to my advance directive... if temporarily disabled, no vaxxines, no vaxxed blood. Of course worded more carefully

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I understand. I would not provide specific medical advice in any particular way, as all situations and individuals vary. ( and yes, I know you did not ask) Colonoscopy has both utility and risk. So much can be made better by diet and fasting. Consider this...


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Love cats, good for you. As a caution for colonoscopies please look up the work of Jini Patel Thompson for some enlightening info on the dangers of those. In summation - when you drink the purge solution it wipes your gut of any protective bacteria (such as probiotics). Now that your bowel is completely without protection, they introduce the scope/camera. The delicate instruments of scope/camera cannot be properly sterilized. The guy before you had who-knows-what and now your unprotected gut is exposed to that. I asked my GI doc if this was true and he said β€œthey are working on a better way to clean the scopes.” Excuse me? As well, could be some association with colonoscopies and bowel fistulas (extremely nasty, I know, but did not have one until after a colonoscopy and others have said this as well). I definitely don’t trust the medical system anymore. And don’t get me going on those mammograms. Lots of good info out there. Best.

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Not getting the mammogram either again. Maybe a thermal one.

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And my husband got C-diff from having a colonoscopy.....very hard on him. No more colonoscopies for us!!!

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I don’t know what they are teaching in medical schools but it’s not healing body of disease and healthy living. It’s cover up your disease with drugs. If that don’t work cut a part out. SMH. We never had all these vaccines as a child. I survived and I am 64. I will never willfully put another vaccine in my body. I never did much in my adult life and I sure won’t ever put that COVID crap in me. Shedding from the jabbed is bad Ed bough.

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Someone in the comment section of another Substack article shared this link:


She WAS a nurse; she wrote; until she could no longer abide; for one, the 'vaccine' mandates; but also the horrific 'treatment' of patients by many doctors and some nurses. She ended up quitting the profession she had loved.

I have a family member who was a nurse; she was a GREAT nurse; but she too ended up quitting after experiencing situations like doctors telling her to leave patients alone who were crying out in pain. Nice, huh? It almost broke her; she became a nurse to take GOOD care of every patient; and doctors (Not all of course; there were and are yet many who do try to take good care of patients); would intentionally turn blind eyes and deaf ears to patients who were suffering.

THEY are the ones who are TRULY sick. Sick in their minds; their hearts; and their souls. I no longer trust allopathic practitioners OR veterinarians.

I've heard more than once that veterinarians make MOST of their money on VACCINES. Almost ALL 'vaccines' last a minimum of SEVEN YEARS in an animals body; at LEAST seven years; and yet many are pushed every three years; some every year; which is why; since they became normalized; the occurrence of cancers and other sicknesses became rampant with animals. Years ago; long before all of these 'vaccines' for EITHER human OR animal; both humans and animals survived illnesses if their diets were healthy.

No; I put my faith and trust in The Lord; and only if it's a true emergency will I go to a doctor again.

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Lack of skilled workers

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I highly recommend Cologuard. I call it Poop in a Box πŸ’©πŸ“¦. If you can get your doctor to request it for you.

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I told the doc that’s the ONLY one I would do. It’s easy.

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I did mine recently awake. They use fentanyl. I also did my own prep. I am allergic to PEG. The doctor was very complimentary saying that I had a good looking colon.

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Great!! I got told yesterday at a blood draw that I have β€œgreat veins”. I’m 74. At this age I’ll go with great veins.

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Jan 24, 2023Β·edited Jan 24, 2023

I had a colonoscopy done 4 years ago. Passed with flying colors. Nothing there. They said see you in 10 years and I said no you won't. πŸ˜‰ A year ago my doctor recommended getting a colonoscopy. I said I had one 3 years ago. He never checked my charts. I was 60. Time for a colonoscopy. And a bone density test. I didn't need nor warrant either test. But if I was a sap and did whatever my doctor said I would have gotten those 2 tests. Ca-ching! $$$

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Be suspicious of the bone scans. Osteopenia is a made up disease that the dexa scan machine was invented for. Plus to Rx those horrible bone drugs. So they needed a disease to scare women with. Yes, osteoporoses is serious but I’m 74. I will never have the bone density of 18 yo.

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Also, many machines are not calibrated correctly and technicians not trained well.

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Dr Mercola just had an article about this yesterday. He’s a trusted source for information IMHO.

Is Colonoscopy Your Best Bet to Avoid Colorectal Cancer?


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TrustPeace - Is this colonoscopy article available without paying for a subscription?

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I used a link that should be, I’m allowed to send free links a few times a month. This is one. 🀞🏼

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Had one in 2021, VERY grudgingly. Surprisingly had five polyps, one very large. No cancer. I was glad I did it. Took Clenpiq which is somewhat new. Saw some horror stories online but I did fine with it. The key question in my mind is whether your gastro has ever had any perforations. That was my first question. Go to someone really good, that other docs/nurses recommend.

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Yes, I know someone who didn’t know they had perforated and the end result was death.

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My mother-in-law had her colon perforated during her colonoscopy. They sent her home in pain and told her to take Ibuprofen. They pain only worsened and that night one of her grown kids drove her to the ER and that is when they discovered her colon had been perforated by the procedure.

After my one colonoscopy I now only use Cologuard (sent in the mail.). The doc orders it and results are sent to the doc. If my time is up on earth I am ready, as I trust God …and I DON’T trust doctors anymore.

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Terrible 😒

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Omg you literally have the same thought process as I do. I need one and I’m afraid of the exact thing. Maybe silly, but stranger things have happened under the gas. I am thinking of doing a home kit first. Or I’m telling them I’m fully vaxxed and boosted.

They’ll think I’m a moron like all the rest. πŸ€ͺ

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You are better off foregoing the procedure all together. The medical industry is more about money making than saving lives. It's a dangerous procedure. Eat healthy organic food, do regular fasts, drinks lots of clean filtered water, stay our of fear, do lots of research and take the actions that resonate for you highest well being. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/need-colonoscopy-new-study-colon-cancer-screening-effectiveness-rcna51515

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And take probiotics.

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Jan 24, 2023Β·edited Jan 24, 2023

Read article in substack about needless benefit from colonoscopy vs high quality stool testing. Non invasive and statistically same results. Possibly written by Vinay

Prashad/Sensible Medicine. Good luck.


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There are options that you can often use in place of colonoscopies - some even can take a stool sample from your home and send it in to analyze. It doesn't catch _everything_ but it can catch a lot.

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Jan 24, 2023Β·edited Jan 24, 2023

Right??? My distrust has even seeped into veterinary care! (Probably because all the staff at my vet's office are still wearing masks)

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And almost every dog I’ve had got all of their shots & died from cancer

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I’ve been studying pet vaccines for several years. As it turns out, good/informed vets say that only the core ones are needed as puppies and not after that. It’s a pure money grab and can be harmful due to over-vaccination. Lost my new rescue dog (4 years) to a vax - the protocols for rescue groups always include them and they did it to my guy when he was sick. Some pretty crappy vets out there who give jabs to pets when they either have surgery or are sick with something else. Allergies/ear infections/cancer are another bad vaccine reaction. Lots of info out there to those interested. Vet Dr. Becker (Mercola) is good.

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I follow BOTH! When I got an email from my FORMER vet a giant complex of pill pushers in the form of a β€œnewsletter” showing a sad dog and asking does YOUR dog suffer from depression πŸ˜±πŸ˜‚WE can help the time has come to MOVE ON

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Oh my!! Jumping the shark!

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Totally agree! I am questioning everything now and after having dogs for 40+ years I am rethinking all the damn animal vaccines. Our little 4 month old puppy will NOT get all the suggested vaccines. They have made many, including me, anti vaxxers. I guess in a strange way we should thank them - our eyes are wide open! But they are EVIL! 🀬🀬🀬

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Look into root canals and how detrimental they are to our health. I discovered this Dr. On Instagram. https://instagram.com/blodgettdentalcare?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

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I had vicious sinus infections for several years. Doc nor dentist had a clue. Dentist did have me see an oral surgeon for an infection in a tooth. I had a root canal removed and never had another sinus infection again.

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That’s exactly what Dr. Blogett says. He uses a 3D cone X-ray machine that detects things not seen on a regular- ray. He’s able to detect pockets of infection. He sends the extracted teeth to a lab and they typically have 15-20 types of bacteria and/or parasites.

Also, cavities…if you use a remineralizing toothpaste, you can repair your teeth. No fluoride either, it’s a neurotoxin.

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My dentist did not see this infection for 5 years until it blew up into an abscess. But the nose throat snd ear guy didn’t eitherβ€”gave me prednisone and strong zpacks that only worked temporarily. Took $3,000 to fix it. Crazy. I use a xylitol and coconut oil toothpaste now. No fluoride. I also mouth tape at night and since I have changed toothpaste snd mouth tape I haven’t had any problems. I breathe through my nose now. I was always a mouth breather at night. Dry mouth, snoring and bad for teeth.

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Same here except I think I would probably get better care by a veterinarian! Lol!

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True story. I decided to get the test to see if I had ever gotten Covid. I wanted to know if I had natural immunity. The CVS person doing the test asked me if I was vaccinated. In my best Mister Ed imitation I said "Neigheeee" ( She apparently did not appreciate my humor)

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Well recently I wanted to take my little dog to the local nursing home because she loves old folks but I was told she had to have a distemper shot first. Distemper? Do the residents have it? Can my dog infect them? No way! This whole vaccination as a way of life thing! I’m done with it! I question every vaccine now except maybe tetanus and even that one is unavailable unless combined with other stuff. We need to question everything!

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I agree with question everything. Parvo and distemper are given together to puppies. My dog was given parvo distemper at the pound. After I got/ "rescued" him from the pound, instead of his annual parvo distemper vaccine I have had the vet run titers (blood test for antibodies) which is what I use to kennel him to avoid poisoning him with more vaccines. Titers sometimes work as proof of immunity.

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That’s a good idea! I’m going to call my vet to see if she can run titers for distemper and rabies. The rabies shot is coming up soon but I’ve read that it’s not necessary for most dogs if they’ve had it several times already. Plus, it worries me that they give the same amount of any vaccine to an 80 lb. dog as a 15lb. dog.

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I have the same concerns. I know it is state by state. I looked into it. My dog is due for his rabies this year and it makes me sick to my stomach. I think it is so bad for him. But he is a big boy and a mix of bully breeds so the three year rabies is the only vaccine I do for him, not from a health, but from a legal point of view- he is dog reactive so at times acts nuts. I don't miss it by a day because if you miss the 3 year rabies, legally they have to go back to the annual rabies vaccine- which I really don't want to do. Ironically the 3 year rabies and the 1 year rabies are identical except for the labeling, but the labeling makes all the difference. I wish titers were acceptable for rabies, but I was told they are not. I am in Washington State and there is no exemption for the rabies. I know some states have a medical exemption (I hear Idaho does/did).

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Titers may not be acceptable from a legal standpoint for rabies. Your dog would likely be treated as unvaccinated in the event they were to bite or scratch someone, breaking the skin, and legal authorities got involved.

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I do the same - my little guy had parvo and distemper vaxs in 2014. Titers still run "high". Its a racket.

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Before state law can mandate animal vaccines all providers should be required to offer antibody titration testing free of charge before considering the annual update of boosters. Unfortunately, vaccine manufacturers have hired lobbyists to prevent that from becoming law as they prefer to keep the $$$ gravy train of continual annual shots.

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Yes, titers are the way to go if you are concerned about immunity. Good on you for being informed. Lost my rescue to a vaccine (before I adopted him). Holistic vet confirmed it. He developed lymphoma and was gone in a week. So fast. Prior to that, horrendous ear allergies from the shot too. So many dogs have these allergies and cancer now.

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My one little dog is vaxx injured. Darn rabies shot. She is on meds for an enlarged heart. Sounds familiar. I won't take the other dog back in. All drug pushers.

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Stupid stupid bullies

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Yes, it's real pushy here on vax for humans & their dogs. Dog parks are nearly all membership & require proof of vax to join. Similarly, people will volunteer stupid info like "oh, she has all her vaccinations." Insanity reigns.

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You can do titers for at least rabies, but the law requires them every year and they’re expensive.

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Instead of heartworm medicine, we opt for regular blood tests (not that expensive and not as expensive as the medicine). Our dog leads a pretty lovely life and I just don't think he's at that much risk. Vet not happy w us but suggested the blood test. Don't think we're being negligent, rather more proactive focusing on a good immune system.

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I have never liked how many vaxs and other shots the vet makes my dogs take. It seems like a huge money maker for them.

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My fur baby has had the rabies vaccine and that's it. She's 11. It was scary when she was a puppy, not doing parvo vax, but I had a great holistic vet who helped me. One thing I notice with her is that she has un-inflamed skin. And she's a red. She's also still pretty spry for her age too.

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I suspect excessive vaccination in dogs is the reason we see so much cancer and skin issues. I wish there was a holistic vet in my area.

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Terrible diet too. Commercial pet food is generally ultra-processed crap. And vets hawk that crap in their practices. They've sold their souls to Big Pharma and Big Pet Food.

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Yes, and if you look up the Hill’s brand, which is super expensive and one they really push, the first ingredient is basically wood pulp. I showed my past vet this and she basically said, β€œwhat’s wrong with that?” Most know nothing about pet nutrition. Lots of very unsavoury ingredients in commercial pet food.

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One of the Rx foods that the vet recommended for my dog had the main ingredient as ground up chicken feathers. My vet thought that was great. They get minimal nutritional education in vet school and the little bit they do get is taught by the pet food companies. And the companies give big $$$$ to the vet schools.

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Just like human docs--not a clue about real nutrition.

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Plus they get all that great teeth-cleaning money that wouldn't come in if dogs ate real, species-appropriate food. And don't get me started about the supposed dental benefits of Milkbones and the like.

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But it's Science! It's right in the name! How could you be against Science??!!! Ugh.

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YES. Don't even get me started on dog food. It's criminal. I used to prepare my dog's food from scratch but stopped doing that a few years ago. She's on a commercial raw now. We're not super diligent with her food and she's in relatively great shape for her age. But I hate to jinx us too.

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My dog was vaxxed with all the required jabs - parvo, distemper, lymes, lepto. Within 6 weeks - he developed Inflammatory Bowel Disease (autoimmune disorder and incurable according to the vets). After 2 years of suffering, $10,000 worth of diagnostics, treatments, meds, and RX foods - i found a holistic vet who recommended a 10 day detox with bone broth and aloe juice - followed by a raw food diet. Within 4 weeks - he was asymptomatic and off all 7 of his medications. 6 years later - he has never had a reoccurence or problem. Diet is key.

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Good job. Remember all those commercials saying β€œdon’t feed you pets table scraps….” Marketing = lying.

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I am 100% convinced of that. My mom has my dog's half sibling, and he has flaming red skin. Unfortunately my holistic vet retired so I've just been winging it. Less is more.

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I found a great site when I was researching this for my dog years back. I think the vet is in the UK. He has a lot of info on allergies and is a raw food fan. Site is dogsfirst.ie

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Jan 24, 2023Β·edited Jan 24, 2023

100%!!!! look up natural vets! Amazing. We stopped vax 4 yrs ago and dog food 1 yr ago!

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I used to do trade shows. As such I was exposed to the practices in many industries. In Veterinarian and Dental school, a large portion of their study is how to make as much as possible! I support free enterprise, but society, any and all social systems, depend on human conduct and morality.


BTW the, surprising to myself, answer to Acton's "Power Corrupts" quote is that I disagree with his assertion.

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Me too. I wonder how many of us are of this mindset now.

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Especially the veterinarian. Isn't it funny how so many dogs now have incessant itching? Didn't used to be the case.

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Not my girl, and we've seldom had to use RX flea meds.

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What do you use?

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Believe it or not - nothing. Have used Simparica a couple of times; my dog was in a situation where she was exposed to a bad flea infestation and I saw them on her. Didn't want them to take over our house. She vomited Nexguard (!!) so that's why we tried Simparica. Have also used collars, but sparingly. I do get her HW tested a couple of times a year. She has never had a flea problem, except for that one time and then it was quickly resolved. My holistic vet used to tell me that healthy dogs are more resistant to parasites and I think there's some truth to it.

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I TOTALLY agree. I faithfully took all my rescue dogs over the years to the vet for check ups and shots and heartworm pills, while I refused any medication myself. Although all my dogs lived to be 14 even 15 I’m not doing any of that with the 2 I have now and I actually found a holistic vet who agrees! The ONLY reason I’ve been to a doctor in the last 10 years is an orthopedic surgeon because I fractured my ankle in 3 place last May. And he fixed it. He checked it 3 times and cut me loose in August

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Yup. I’m questioning the supposed safer use of NSAIDS like ibuprofen compared to just plain aspirin. I don’t touch Tylenol. I’m sure the profit is more compared to aspirin--used the last 100 years. So PHarma started another con. I take something sometimes for aches after hip surgery so switching to coated aspirin now. Aspirin has more benefits actually.

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"Especially morons telling me I gotta cut down on coffee"...

... eat bugs, put diapers on cows, pay a tax on the very air we breath, destroy the power grid, own nothing, break the economy, only use electricity and then follow the man who said... "Under My plan electrical rates will necessarily skyrocket" etc. Yes, do NOT listen as these are the same people telling you men are women, women are men, men have periods, and justifying pornography.

A good global warming paper for the proponents that can still consider the faintest possibility that they are wrong. . (Red pill one here, and the other issues follow suit.)


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You forgot that they said pedophilia is a good thing because pedophiles tend to not to reproduce. Really? Pedophiles do also reproduce and might even get a very young girl pregnant! But to schwab no problem since they can just get an abortion. Forget about the kids psyche! He thinks they ENJOY THIS?! nature did it he says as a solution due to overpopulation. What a bs stuff. Heartattacks due to the climate, pedophilia due to overpopulation. They are science perverters.

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Check out this substack - explains how the plan to reduce population was instituted in the 1970's. https://docbrown77.substack.com/p/part-1-the-1970s-plan-to-destroy

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Thank you, Will look more closely later.

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We are all living in Lagado, the metropolis island that is hovering over a mountain located on the continent of Balnibarbi.

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Jan 24, 2023Β·edited Jan 24, 2023

Me too. I was being the loyal employee to a large energy company who could give 2 f’s about me. Now the Drs and nurses are afraid to mention ANY jab to me. I told them I hold them liable and I have the records to prove it.

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I was destroyed by a flu vax.

Still am.

Years later.

My medical records says no flu or pneumonia vax.

Yet when I asked for an exemption to the experimental shot, due to my vax injuries.

Oh no, it’s safe, can’t give an exemption.

Per CDC criminals.

I never want to see a Dr again.

If I get cancer, god forbid…

I will not get treated by poisons.

I will not get a mammogram.

I will not subject myself to any more poison.

I’m off all medications.

Homeopath is the only way.

You know, the ones Rockefeller had arrested back in the day. Nothing really changed.

It’s just uglier.

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I feel for you having a bad experience. Stay well. πŸ™πŸ»

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Just as ugly - but more pervasive! All goes back to the people who have POWER AND GREED. We "simple people" are supposed to kowtow to their "superior intelligence"--NO MORE COMPLIANCE. That is my battle cry now and forevermore!

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All Drs to me are now Government agents.

I loved my GP.

After she said the experimental was safe. No more.

No trust.

No compliance.

I pray enough people see the manufactured Covid Eugenics for what it is, and won’t comply w the Digital Crap.

We may be uncomfortable in the short run, but hey, our relatives went through worse to stand for freedom.

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Amen. You know it.

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You started to use your God-given critical thinking skills--GOOD for you and for those you love!

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I’ve never lost them. I had a 91 y/o mother in-law in a nursing home. My wife and I were the only 2 siblings (out of 6 others) who could take care of her. I’m hoping a good lawyer will support us when we need to sue Colorado for forcing us to jab in order to take care of parents. BTW, she ended up with Covid anyway, so another reason to get lawyers. We really need to hold our government responsible otherwise this will continue. I’d rather die than let them get away with it.

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Godspeed Ray. πŸ™πŸ». Go get β€˜em.

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My 92 yr old mom is in a nice nursing home.

The only one not jabbed.

Thank god she was anti shots prior.

I told her to say, β€œ my dr before coming here, said to never get another Vaccine, it would kill me”

Not a lie.

So she has tested positive 3 times, never been sick. Praise God.

I kept reminding her, mom. If you’re not sick, you’re not sick.

The tests are faulty.

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You're one of the few TRUE PATRIOTS that I've noticed in various forums in which I participated the past 3 years. Most people are laying back and taking the 'wait and see' approach. That will lead to only MORE ABUSE by the powerful potentates around the world. We must hold their proverbial "feet" to the "fire of justice"! God bless and protect you, Ray, as you pursue legal action against your state's governance "leadership".

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I belong to a world wide Vaccine Control Group. The data is going to be very important. Science demands that every experimental treatment must have a control group in order to properly evaluate its long-term success and efficacy.


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How wonderful that you are able to share this with the C & C Group, Gently--and how long will you be participating this control group? Which one of the mRNA jabs did you get--or aren't you permitted to share that with us?

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It’s for unvaccinated people only ❀️

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Thanks for the clarification, Sarah.

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It's the health outcomes of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine-free. The Control Group works with independent scientists and medical professionals to analyze their data. I don't know the end date but I fill out a record every month. I've been doing this since Oct 2021 but it started before that.

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I will be very interested in what you report, G.!

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Morning C&Cers! Been a while, but thank you Jeff for all you do! So many of us and our family members/ coworkers are experiencing death, health issues, and suffering from the jab. I’m asking everyone who believes to say a quick prayer for all us.

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Yes, it may or may not be the jabs with the younger ones. I lost my precious 24-year old daughter on Dec. 23rd, suddenly and unexpectedly. Yes, she was vaxxed (against my wishes) and it could have played a part, but right now I don't know. I have started a substack grieving journal for those affected by the suddenly and unexpectedly. Prayers are necessary!


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Oh my! My heart goes out to you! Losing a child IS absolutely the hardest thing that you will ever experience. I lost my 18 year old son 3 years ago, so I know all about a broken heart. Please know that I am sending prayers up for you right now!

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I’m very sorry for your loss πŸ˜žπŸ™

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I am sorry for your loss, Ellen. It's a terrible "club" to be in.

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Yes it is!

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Oh gosh, I’m so sorry for you, too. I cannot even imagine. Sending you a warm hug and prayers.

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Thank you!

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May you constantly feel the healing power of the Everlasting Arms, Ellen.

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Thank you Sharon!

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You are NEVER alone in your grieving, Ellen!

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Words can’t even come close to how sorry I am. After reading so many comments on here of ppl losing family/ friends, we need C&C prayerπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

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I’m so, so sorry for your loss. Sending a warm hug and prayers

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I participated in an online Zoom prayer group with Dr. Carrie Madej in July of last year - I see now that she "charges" to join those groups--saddened that she felt the need to make money on a prayer group--but she gave up her medical practice in 2020 to travel around the country and share what she has learned about the mRNA "vaccine" and the conspiracy of the potentates to "infect" the populace rather than "protect" them!

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Might be she made it a cost, I’m only guessing, because of the hate. Trolls and bots.

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No--I believe Dr. Madej needs the income and was forced to do this. After that "fluke" airplane accident (where her boyfriend was the pilot and he always checked out his plane before each flight thoroughly) and they both almost died...she knew she could not re-enter her medical practice anymore. So...she is deriving income from her speaking engagements, her online Zoom seminars/get togethers and selling healthy products from her website--good for her!! We still have a semblance of our once vigorous "free enterprise" economic system in this country.

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Ok. Thank you.

Terrifying for her….

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Totally understand. My husband did a YouTube channel awhile ago and it’s a lot of workπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

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I am sorry for your loss. I know your substack will be helpful for other grieving loved ones who have had an unexplained and sudden loss. I can only offer condolences. I cannot begin to imagine your pain.

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Amazing you’re moving so quickly and assuredly through what is surely searing anguish to help others. Just amazing.

I hope not to offend or impose, but one day... we will all pass from this life. Nobody here gets out alive. For me, I will be together again in glorious, joyful reunion in another realm with all my loved ones gone before. For you, whatever nurtures strength and brings comfort I pray you experience in abundance all your surviving days. Blessings on your project and on both your and your daughter’s immortal souls. Amen.

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Thank you. It is my intense faith and how God has been beside me (the brokenhearted) through the hands, feet, and souls of long ago and faraway friends and family, as well as all the newest friends supporting me. It would be impossible without this. I know I will see her again and that helps me move through each day.

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I am so so sorry. As a mom to 1, a 3 yo girl, I would be just devastated if I lost mine. How you go on…. its so hard to imagine. My uncle lost his beloved and I know that is hard but a child is just devastating. πŸ«‚

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God will use your precious daughters death for good.

Some how.

Although these words sound trite and unhelpful in deep grief. My heart isn’t just filling air time with empty words.

Big hug and prayers πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

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I’m so very sorry, it’s really unconscionable, all of these lives lost and suffering caused due to lies told to gain money and power. Praying for you and your family πŸ™

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my deepest and most sincere sympathy. May the Lord rest her precious soul and may our Lord comfort your family in your unspeakable grief. πŸ™

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I'm so sorry for your loss.

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I know I speak for hundreds of us that we grieve and pray alongside you in this unfathomable loss of your daughter right before Christmas-I’m so sorry. May perpetual light shine upon her and may she Rest In Peace. And may you be consoled and strengthened during this time.

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You have my prayers- God be with you through this terribly painful time. Your work of helping others will help you as well. You are wise.

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I am so very sorry. I pray the journal helps you and others. I pray for peace for you and your family.

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I’m so so sorry for your loss 😞 I can’t even imagine. We are all grieving in one way or another, so much was lost during this ordeal. Praying for healing from our Lord.

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Such sad news. It shouldn't ever be. Trying to find answers is made very difficult by not knowing what to ask from whom at a very stressful time.

Prayers of strength and comfort...

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I cannot begin to imagine what pain you are feeling. My prayers for you and your family. May journaling help express your grief and allow you to heal.

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So sorry for your loss! My prayers are with you as you grieve.πŸ™πŸ»

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I'm so sorry and I went back to read your substack articles about Morgan and my heart is with you. As the father of a 30 year old and 26 year old, I can't imagine but I will keep you in my prayers. Mark

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My ❀️ goes out to you. God is hugging you and sending angels real and human to get you through this grievous loss.

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Such kind words. He makes us strong! πŸ™πŸΌ

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May the Lord bless you today and fill you with his peace and hope and healing.

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With all this outpouring from "total strangers, " I must say, he is filling me today with his peace and hope and healing! Thank you.

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It is the body of Christ in action. πŸ₯°

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We hear you loud and clear -- We can only guess at how many vaxxed are experiencing vague, sub-clinical symptoms of malaise, mental fog etc. without connecting the dots to the Vaxx. I wonder how many of these victims will be tricked to seeking more BOOSTERS in hopes that another JAB will snap them back into their former alert state of mind and health. This is a confounding issue that helps to keep the media lies and product demand viable.

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I never had the vaccines, and I'm experiencing that, and a terrible lingering cough - almost a month out from being covid positive. It's truly scary what has been done to this world. And I'm convinced the vaccines made the whole situation worse. I went 3 years without getting covid, and took care of my spouse who was hospitalized with it.

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I was told by my Covid doc that the spike protein (the natural spike protein not the manufactured one) has an affect on the lungs; they will be inflamed. I had it but thank God it didn’t last long. Check out the late Dr. Zelenko’s protocol. You might benefit from Ivermectin even at this late date. As I recall his protocol includes IVM among other nutritional supplements after Covid. Alternatively, you go to the AFLCC website. They have information there. Dr. Peter McCullough’s Substack β€œCourageous Discourse” is perhaps another resource. God bless.

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Thanks for this info - I still have some IVM from when I was following FLCCC prophylactic protocol. My big advice to people is to have all that stuff lined up in advance. Once I came down with Covid I just didn’t have the bandwidth to figure it all out again.

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I agree! I’ve had all the therapeutics on hand since it was available and have been able to help several unvaxxed friends who had Covid with giving them my supply so they could get started ASAP. Then I just replenish my own supply. I’m quite sure I had Covid way back in Nov.-Dec. 2019 before it was known or talked about. This was following the flu/pneumonia and shingles vaxxes that my physician insisted I should take in view of all the travel my husband and I do and I reluctantly went along with. Never again!! I had a non-productive cough for 4 months and lost my voice and am still hoarse to this day. I had no appetite, lost 10 pounds and was tired all the time. I know it was the vaccines and I told my physician that and said I’ll never take another one. Then in March and April of 2020 I joined a group of healthcare professionals looking for truth, dug into the research and realized what a nefarious scheme we were up against. Started informing everyone in my family and community who would listen. My eyes were opened and am ashamed that this is where our healthcare system is today. I avoid it now except for lab work. My husband had a joint replacement in Aug. and I was appalled at the neglect and lack of care he received at supposedly the best hospital in our area. Beware!

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We’ll done. If you need some help get in touch with one of their docs. I trust them more than my own GP. πŸ™

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God bless you as well! πŸ’•

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My research into vaccines began before Covid with the release of Bigtee's "Vaxxed". I ran across an amazing Italian microbiology scientific report from 2017 that analyzed vaccine manufacturing quality control. They found every single vaccine on the EU market was contaminated with metals and some with both metals and foreign biological contaminants that rendered the injections to be NON-STERILE or questionable. The reported implications included most everything we're seeing with the current COVID-19 vials today including "changes in DNA". -- As far as I know, this published study has never been cited by anyone as a VACCINE RISK or reference in the context of Covid injections, by Pfizer, Moderna, J&J or any other now known to be illegal drug dealers. Here it is - https://tinyurl.com/3xmjmzu3

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Wow thanks Harold.

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NAC is supposed to work wonders on a lot of stuff including lungs.

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It's interesting - I love NAC at night but should probably add it to my daytime routine for a bit.

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I just saw this article, maybe it will be helpful https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-23-two-nutritional-supplements-trigger-spike-protein-unfolding.html

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Always take the enzyme on an empty stomach. If mixed with food, the enzyme is used up in digestion of the food. On an empty stomach, the enzyme goes into the blood stream and will act on the spike protein as well as blood clots.

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Thanks N. Hadn’t seen this about bromelain and acetylcysteine. Appreciate it.

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Also, as others have pointed out, magnesium is proving to be very important.

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I had the covid cough after getting covid before covid was even a thing (late Dec/early Jan 2020, tested positive for antibodies in Dec 2020) and both my hubby and I had the lingering cough for the better part of 2 months. The only thing that really worked was sitting by a warm humidifier with vicks in the well, if you haven't tried that yet.

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Gosh Donna that’s long to have that cough! Glad you got the antibodies though. Yes my favorite thing to do is get in the steam shower with a Vicks vapo-tab ha ha.

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Hey AM- I’m the same. Unjabbed. Got symptomatic C19 a month ago after no illness for almost 3 yrs. Used FLCCC protocol (ivermectin etc) and was over it in about 5 days. But I still have a lingering cough. It’s scary knowing that the virus is man made- what damage has it done?

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We are unjabbed. When omicron came by, IVM had it under control like a short fatigue for 2 days for me and 3 for my husband. So grateful for FLCCC and Dr. Zelenko. (Fearless Man early in the war.. even with his cancer ).

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This latest variant seems a lot rougher! At least for me it was!

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Definitely. And the man-made 'solutions'; what are they doing?

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Thankfully your immune system isn't compromised by the shot. Look to good nutrition and supplement where needed,especially vitamin d. Hopefully your good immune system will respond.

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I believe the shot always compromises the immune system. It just may be subclinical. Remember, many feel fine until they SADS.

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Some are saying the vaccines shed and cause problems in unvaxed. Stay away for 3 mos. Could that be?

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"Transfection" is said to infect the unvaxxed via contact or intimacy. The baby can die if spike proteins are active in the mother's breast milk.

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The vaxxed in my area either don't connect the dots or some are starting to do mental gymnastics to not connect the dots. Either way, I wait for them to initiate any conversation about it. They have to be ready to hear it.

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My daughter, 50 yo , now needing iron infusions, told her dad to tell me to stop sending the vax info to her. Actually it was just a few very pointed articles. She has a very small β€œthing” deep in her brain that might have always been there and gets scans for every couple of years. I’m worrying about that too. She won’t tell me what shots after the initial 2 she got. Lives in NY so that says something to me.

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By chance does she struggle with RLS ('restless leg syndrome')? This is why I initially refused to get the vaccines; I have bouts of pretty severe RLS and my neurologist said they just didn't have enough info to know whether the vaccines would exacerbate RLS. A decent number of people with RLS have some form of iron deficiency.

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May I suggest: 400 mg. magnesium x2. As an autoimmune patient that was β€œlucky” to get shingles for 9 months… left me with RLS. Gabapentin was prescribed. Too sleepy. I read and tried Magnesium…. Good quality worked. Suggestion….

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Chelated magnesium is the best. Like magnesium malate.

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That is interesting. She has to use a c pap at night and she is very overweight. I know a couple of seniors with iron deficiencies now too. 1 was diagnosed with a rare blood autoimmune disease recently. I’m going to ask her in any case. Thanks!

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I have heard of so many people dying in the last 4 weeks. It’s very unnerving. All of them older, but we’re previously in good health. πŸ˜žπŸ™

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Jan 24, 2023Β·edited Jan 24, 2023

Yes, I’m only 50 and even in my age bracket it’s unnerving.

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The death of Lynette Hardaway (of Diamond & Silk fame) really shocked me.

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Me too.

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Discernment is Key, I’m so sorry to hear this. I hope the family can get all the help they need. I pray that they can. β€οΈπŸ™

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The best word to use… Discernment!πŸ™πŸΌ

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When will people wake up!! So sorry for this heartache it’s just so wrong. Peace & Comfort

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People Do Not Want to Wake UP!!! I'm sorry but the ourpouring of "Thoughts & Prayers" so prevalent on this thread from Conservatives & Christians willing to endure any debasement and turning of the cheek is not my Reality.

I post the Reality of many others of Life on Planet Earth, and that Evil must be physically as well as spiritually Attacked. I am not Sad, I am Angry, with "Cold Fury". I Spit, "This" current reality is Nothing, to "What" is coming...... We All must WTFU!!!


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I think the turn the other cheek is some psyop of the enemy. Jesus is a fighter, a Rebell. He does NOT want us to turn any cheek to Evil he wants us to confront it and fight it!

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I just read all these comments, and I didn’t read one person, saying to turn the other cheek and to not fight back

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Emotional Tone Level is all too often one of Sadness, Forlorn, Nothing can be Done, It is All inevitable, Leave it up to God or Q, ..... Defeatism never won a war. (before the God comment triggers anyone, I was taught God helps those that help themselves, not sitting around on their rear ends waiting for Deliverance.)

It takes Higher Emotional Tones, at least some Antagonism, anything but Grief & Sadness. You pick one tree and ignore the forest, that "literally" the exact words were not used but that justifies the ignoring of the Concept, WHICH WAS MY POINT. Thank you for illuminating it. I spit again. Even Mark Levin is getting the picture.

Vanita Gupta - Radical Leftist - just one who makes up Merrick Garland's Marxist Cabal of Tyranny.


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Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry for them

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Saying prayers daily for everyone! If anyone knows of any college students who have been injured, died, from the shots please consider this request from an Akron OH attorney who has done tremendous work in fighting mandates, employment issues, etc.


VAX INJURED COLLEGE STUDENTS from Private and Public Colleges - A call for evidence

By: Warner Mendenhall

"Many colleges and universities do not want to give up Covid-19 shot mandates. We are collecting data on students injured by the Covid-19 shots. A contact form if you can assist is here."

Please consider spreading into your networks


Direct access to intake form:


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I am admitted to fed vax court and am also assisting with injuries and wrongful death.


(713) 836-9990

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I pray that the poison is excreted from your bodies quickly! God can do it. Believe.

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Prayers sent your way Christy! It truly is so painful to watch this happening in those you care about!

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I will pray for all and for divine healing. Amen.

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Your in my prayers

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So much suffering. As an alternative or supplementation to most every health issue, consider this...


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I am praying without ceasing, Christy!

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Me too Sharon πŸ’œ

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I think UFO doesn’t mean to them what it means to us.

Us: Unidentified Flying Object

Them: Unlimited Funding, Obviously

Yet another treasury smash-and-grab.

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Key is to appropriate money then skim it no matter how ridiculous the cause. Example: Ukraine.

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I think tptb are trying to deflect from the real stories with this ufo business. People are onto it or just don't care anymore.

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Monkey pox anyone?

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Hey now, get it right. The politically correct word is now "Mpox" - from the CDC webpage: CDC is updating webpages with the term "mpox" to reduce stigma and other issues associated with prior terminology. This change is aligned with the recent World Health Organization decision.

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No thank you.

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Like with everything else in the media, question the timing. What is this distracting us from?

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The WHO treaty which needs to be a major focus

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Maybe Unidentified Flatulence Overlords. Sorry, couldn't resist.

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Flu vaccines are garbage. Someone I know swears by them, proudly exclaiming: "I got my flu shot and I didn't get the flu!" Well, I DIDN'T get a flu shot and I didn't get the flu either, moreover, I know lots of people who took a flu shot and still got the flu. Why is it the people that engage in near comical mitigation strategies are the ones that keep getting sick? Asking people to connect the dots at this point has reached ad nauseam proportions. More pharmaceutical crapola. They deserve a much shorter leash.

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Most of the people that I know if I got the Covid, I’ve gotten the Covid shot… Repeatedly… And most of the people I know that got the flu got the flu shot… Repeatedly… I am proudly UnVaxxed for Covid and the flu… I take a protocol every day to build up my immune system… I did get flu type A and it was nothing… My husband who had the Covid shot got flu type A and was very very sick…


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This is why anecdotal evidence is only hypothesis-generating. The only times I've gotten influenza (not the erroneously-named 'stomach flu') was when I did not get a flu vaccine. I was vaccinated annually for a couple of decades because of being in health care. Based on my reading since COVID, however, I think I probably did my immune system, relative to influenza, more harm than good with those 'vaccines' (which were double-mandatory - health care and military), because of Original Antigenic Sin. I am inclined to believe Dr. Robert Malone's claim that we only push the annual flu vax in order to maintain 'warm base manufacturing' (and, in my new cynicism about all things Pharma, to enrich certain companies and individuals). In searching to remind myself of that very phrase, to make this comment, I find the following gem (after first finding the multiple 'refutations' of Dr. Malone's assertion):

Budget law calls for BARDA and FDA to establish β€œwarm base” manufacturing to better prepare for future pandemics | 16 January 2023 | By Joanne S. Eglovitch

"The federal budget law passed by Congress and signed by the president in late December calls on federal authorities to establish β€œwarm base” domestic manufacturing to respond quickly to demand surges for medical products during a public health emergency.

"Section 2401 of the law calls on the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) to work with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to coordinate these efforts."


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Jan 24, 2023Β·edited Jan 24, 2023

Glad you figured out the vaccine harm to your immune system. Vaccines ramp up the initial reaction and stunt the secondary+ reactions of the immune system. Current papers show the same thing, but worse with these experimental gene therapy shots.

When one realizes that being β€˜sick’ is your body’s way of returning to homeostasis and thus survival in its environment, an entirely different picture emerges.

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I was listening to Geert Vanden Bossche on his recent Dark Horse Podcast interview, again (the information he shares is highly technical and dense, if I can use that word). As he described the difference between God's immune system (not his words) and what we try to do with our zillionth iteration of The Tower of Babel, I got that same feeling as I've had now so many times in the last three years. Though I'm a Christian now, I wasn't in medical school, and I think these words can have more than one meaning, beyond the obvious intended one - "I once was blind, but now I see." I keep re-learning, in various domains of life.

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Interesting point.

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It's my belief that the flu shot was the prep for Covid. But I have no evidence whatsoever. Just a suspicion. :)

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It sounds like he has a fortress for an immune system. I bet, even if he didn't get an expired vial, that he'd bounce back.

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Same except my dad is 87 and was in the air force....he was staunchly anti medical industrial complex and completely folded. He still splits wood and ice skates. My fear is that he will expire on the ice.

Ah well, sadness is a luxury for later...it's biznuss time!

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The vaxxers around me tell me when they get covid, again etc. I said I know. They are waiting for me to say I got it. Sorry. But my immune system is working as God intended it. Just one time and not a big deal.

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I just get bad colds. Is it Covid? Who cares? I don’t. It’s a bad cold with a lingering cough, like I had 10 years ago. Lingered for nearly two months. My work associates got it. I got it. We all got over it.

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Jan 24, 2023Β·edited Jan 24, 2023

On the way to drop off my RN wife this morning, I casually mentioned that Pfizer had been convicted of fraud, and handed the largest criminal fine in history. In 2009 they were fined $2.3 BILLION for fraudulently misrepresenting a drug that they paid doctors to give out.

She had never heard of this (which kinda surprised me.)

I wonder how many other people are aware of Pfizer's long and shadowy criminal background.

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And it’s not just Pfizer with a criminal history. And it is not rare. The most frustrating thing is that it is rare for the perps to serve prison time for their fraud and criminal practices. Big Pharma companies nearly always simply pay fines that are minuscule compared to the money they made and continue to make off of pushing dangerous drugs. It’s the β€œcost of doing business”. And since most of Congress are on the receiving end of the profits of these criminal operations as well as the MSM, not to mention the FDA and CDC, it is an utterly hopeless situation.

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exactly. all they ever do is pay money. not pay time!

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Hopefully not hopeless. Reform is needed. HOW we get reform is the big question.

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Casually mentioned that? Lol

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Jan 24, 2023Β·edited Jan 24, 2023

My son, gets the flu shot every year, urged on by his wife. His two kids also get it. And every year the kids get sick with some form of influenza, their doctors tell them isn’t covered by the flu shot. He thinks his dad’s and my immunity to getting sick is good genes.

This is how you get a generation to easily accept a faux vaccine and push their elderly to get it.

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Flu vaccine logic with coffee - Me:”I drank a cup of coffee today and didn’t get in a car wreck. The coffee’s working.” Friend:”But you didn’t go anywhere today.” Me: β€œWell, if I had, and got into a car wreck, I wouldn’t have been injured as bad because - coffee.” Friend: β€œHow can you prove that?” Me: β€œDon’t you watch the news?! Sheesh, what rock do you live under?”

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Well said DenverDad, well said indeed!

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No flu shots in at least 45 years and maybe never, I can't recall. But maybe a flu thing comes along every 10-12 years on average and that isn't hard to handle. In my early 70's and not a bit worried about any covid or flu.

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Same here, though being 69, I am asked at my once a year wellness meeting. Funny since covid they haven’t even bothered with that.

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I know people who brag about getting their flu shot, shingles shot, and booster all at the same time. It's becoming impossible to hold back my condolences.

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I don’t hold back any more. They tell me, I say I am sorry, and they look surprised. Many times these days I follow with β€œI’ll mourn for you”.

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I got the flu shot twice in the late 2000s at the behest of my now ex. Those were the only two times I got the flu.

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People get sick because of the shots which seems to reinforce that they get sick a lot and NEED the shots….

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Perfect business model! Just if there wouldn't be any unvaxxed to compare too!

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I was an ER nurse - exposed to lots of people with the flu. During my entire career - i had never taken a flu vax and have never had the flu. Our immune systems are perfectly made.

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I took a flu shot years ago and had an adverse reaction. I was told it couldn’t have been caused by the shot too. I knew it was a lie because my symptoms started only hours after getting the shot. That’s one of the main reasons why I didn’t get the jab.

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I'm sure it was the flu shot that injured you. I believe now that most/all of the vaccines are useless and harmful and the medical system has just been covering it all up for years to protect profits and reputations. Think of how much traffic is driven to the medical industry by healthy people seeking preventative medicine? And while you're there at the doctors office getting your flu shot or shingles vaccine, how about we check your LDL and blood sugar? And aren't you overdue to get your cancer screenings? You don't want to miss out on five years of extra misery while we treat the cells that might've killed you in six years--the treatment only kills a few extra people, so the odds are good you'll get the last three months of "life!"

I've had never paid any attention to vaccines as an adult, since I don't have children and I for so long I didn't have health insurance, that I never went back to any doctors or clinics once I got out of college. I'm rarely sick (knock on wood and Praise God) so it never occurred to me to go get shots somewhere. And then the older I get (52), the more "tests" the doctor is going to want to do, and the more arguments I would have to have, and then I've been eating a high cholesterol diet for the last 15 years, so we'd have to argue about that...so I've given up on the medical system altogether.

This COVID thing really put my over the edge. I didn't get the shots, of course, although my job was threatening to fire me. (I wish they would have as I'd be sitting on the beach in Pensacola right now -- albeit homeless....) My sisters and their families did and I get to hear about dementia getting worse, seizures, MLS disease, hair loss, premature menopause and of course, everyone having COVID repeatedly. Caused by the shots? who knows? It's in nobody's interest to tell us, that's for sure!

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Flu Shots??? I thought I was the only one that didn't get them!

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It's thee merry old "Shyt vs Shinola theory of relativity! Then again maybe something simpler?

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Jan 24, 2023Β·edited Jan 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

As someone who was cautioning people about jumping to "Weekend at Bernie's" type scenarios with zero evidence, this does stink to high heaven. Could Damar's "visit" have been any more ham-fisted? Well now we have some evidence that there's something very odd going on.

I suspect it was him but he's in really bad shape and the league doesn't want to admit that (particularly since their jab policy caused it). Instead they just made it much worse with this stunt, it would have been better to keep him at home. It almost seems like they are testing our gullibility and intelligence at this point.

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That wasn’t him. Waving his hands and jumping on oxygen monitoring heart rate? Come on now? That wasn’t him.

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You don't know that and neither do I, that's why I said I *suspect* it was him. All we actually know is that the optics were all wrong and he was clearly being hidden and sheltered.

People sure are quick to make bold statements of fact when they weren't there and have no firsthand evidence. How is that any different from the "trust the science" crowd?

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Oh Jeff! Come on. Let us speculate without harsh reality:)

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Jan 24, 2023Β·edited Jan 24, 2023

Why did I find a LINK to a death certificate -correct Damar? Links to a database but database content seems unaccessible. Also damar terrorist watchlist Warning popped up.

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Jan 24, 2023Β·edited Jan 24, 2023

Thanks for being the voice of reason, Jeff C.

People jump to all kinds of crazy conclusions without considering all the possibilities. I hate it when people say things like, "They lied!"

Well, you don't know that because to be a lie, they had to have knowledge of the thing claimed, and known that what they were saying was a lie, and intended for the hearer to accept it as the truth. That's a lot of "ifs" that we have no way of evaluating.

Maybe they lied. Maybe they were just mistaken. But in most cases, we simply cannot know for sure.

I would *guess* that this guy was Hamlin, but that he's so injured from his heart trauma that the Bills don't want to show it.

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oh my gosh the arm swinging right above the head though. surely would've been a little... more cautious after chest trauma. ( ribs, intubation? heart recovery?) I'm in the UK so not fully appraised of the thing from US point of view.

Also if on oxygen... it's bad enough covering face when NOT on oxygen, co2 wise.

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Thanks Fred, I'm probably overly touchy about it as an engineering manager. I've seen firsthand the trouble we get into when people don't distinguish what they think from what they know. Nothing wrong with informed speculation, but people need to be clear that's what it is. After two years of "safe and effective" repeated endlessly as fact, based on nearly nothing, I would hope we would learn from that.

Unfortunately my guess (and it's just a guess) is that the poor guy has some brain damage. He received CPR for nine minutes IIRC which is a long time to be oxygen deprived. I could see why the league would want to keep that quiet for both it's own reputation but also for the family's sake. Not justifying what took place, but a possible explanation.

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I'm an engineer also, and my wife drives me crazy with her lack of specificity.

You are correct with the "think" and "know" aspects of life.

I think Damar is dead. I don't know, and I will never know. Besides, football (and I watch it religiously, college and pro) is just violent ballet, simply entertainment, like pro wrestling. Football isn't an allegory of good versus evil in life. It is entertainment, and sometimes things go awry. Sometimes I think it is fixed, I don't know it is fixed, but like the odd scoring at the end of meaningless games late in the season that just happen to cover point spreads, this Damar saga stinks to high heaven and sure looks like a cover up. But only a few people "know" and they'll never talk, gotta protect the shield.

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Maybe his face is paralyzed

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I *think* that is a plausible explanation. There are many.

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Dr. Linda, and we don’t dare *think* outside the box, or some pedantic engineer will set.you.straight. πŸ˜‚

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And with broken ribs....I don’t think you can wave your arms around like that.

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Yeah, the broken rib thing. Good point, I keep forgetting that.

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I read an article a few daysxago quoting his mother that he will have a way to go in his recovery. πŸ€”

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Not necessarily true. I'm not in medicine, but I have read books about heart health. In roughly the first half of the twentieth century, it was medical dogma that a man had to have absolute bed rest after a heart attack. Turns out that is about the absolute worst thing doctors could have prescribed. It probably led to hundreds of thousands of unneccessary deaths. It wasn't until the 1960s, with NASA research, that it was discovered how bad lack of motion is, and how quickly a body deteriorates, even a healthy young volunteer.

If one accepts the above as correct, then engaging in moderate exercise is precisely what you'd want a recovering heart patient to be engaging in.

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Yes but! They participate in a prescribed and specific heart rehab program conducted in a medical type facility with rescue equipment and monitoring available during the appointment. Not out in a cold stadium with all the stimuli etc. at some point in recovery this type activity would be acceptable and permitted. In my opinion it’s too soon in his recovery treatment planβ€”if indeed he is recovering-for such activity. I mean come on the man DIED TWICE in a very short span of time, was ventilated for a long time, was in a coma for a very long time and a few short days is out jumping, waving arms and cheering, nope I don’t buy it. Maybe if they had simply had him walk in and sit there for some part of the game perhaps give a short remark or two I could believe that but this display was obviously a stunt. Nice to think he’s that recovered this quickly, I pray I’m wrong and he is just as we saw.

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I remember my mother telling me that in 1949 when I was born, new mothers generally stayed in the hospital, in bed, for a week or more after a birth.

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I saw my mom's hospital bill from 1947. She was in the hospital for 10 days. The total bill was $32.00 plus change.

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They don't have the CGI set up yet....

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Whoever that was, he certainly didn't seem to be in bad shape., Moved a little too quickly for someone so sick!

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I want to know where his oxygen tank is? Media reported he had to be on it until he got 'better'. Also curious is his 'heart' sign (looked more like a triangle). He def. has a history of actually making it LOOK like a heart....didn't last night.

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It was a ridiculous stunt. And I don’t think it was him. I used to instruct aerobics and we knew that the fastest way to get your heart rate up is to pump your arms like that. It seems that the media has been testing our gullibility in many ways and found that most people will believe anything. So they think they can float dead men walking or flying saucers, whatever…the masses will cheer.

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this. I trained to teach pilates in a general 'fitness type' training ( not great)...and "adding in arms" is THE command for raising heart rate FAST. especially over head.

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They think we are stupid. The "arm waving" was a "dead giveaway".

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As a healthcare professional with 32 years of acute care experience I find it highly unlikely that Damar was at the game. He coded twice, was on a ventilator and we’re supposed to believe he’s already up and able to attend a football game and expose himself to thousands of people?? This strains credibility to a degree that everyone should question. IF he’s alive, he would be resting, recovering and requiring intense cardiac rehab. Wake up people! They think we’re all dummies!

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I conditionally agree. Damar may have been at the game if he never really had a heart attack. This event has all the trappings of a Masonic ritual event to blunt the truth about the epidemic of vaccine-induced heart attacks. This concept may offend you but see this. - https://tinyurl.com/yckm5d88

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And the way he waived his arms. Impossible.

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They think we are all stupid!!! However, the American public is very fickle… And seems to forget the past very easily… It οΏΌdon’t seem to remember history will repeat itself… And if we’re not aware, they will continue to do what they’ve always done!

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The publics memory is shot by the constant barrage of propaganda which contradicts itself constantly, so their minds can only wrap around the very latest propaganda.

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Damar's attendance was deliberately ham-fisted. Mom and little brother are in on it. Damar's Charity raised million$. This is how the Masonic wedge is inserted to turn events into devisive chaos. Near the end of the clip, "Damar" held up 3 fingers on each hand (33) while the announcer said "this is a sign". The Bill's #33 is cornerback, Siran "Neal" who exactly matches Damar's height at 6 ft. and nearly matches Damar's 200 Lbs. at 206 Lbs. It's very possible that Damar actually attended the game in counter-deceptive "hobo drag" to confuse us but the message that this entire event was a Masonic ritual is clear to those who are curious and experienced - See the collection of videos on the topic. - https://tinyurl.com/yckm5d88

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Thanks for the link Harold. I just watched a few of these quick videos and WOW

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And a lot of the gullible bought it. Some because they're hard-core covidiots. Some because the entire incident opened their eyes to the possibility of vaxx related. They were shocked. Something they couldn't ignore. I don't believe it's him. But I hope and pray that young man recovers and he will actually and openly attend a Bill's game.

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I just have to throw in a comment. Where was Damar's O2 cannula? Where was the O2 concentrator or the portable O2 tank? Where was that damned, persistently getting tangled-up green tubing that connects the cannula to the O2 supply? None of this was there. If he was indeed on O2 (and a heart monitor) as the on-field reporter dramatically stated, then where was all the stuff that comes with it?

I'm sure that bunches of us readers have been on O2 at least once in our lifetimes - heck, I was in a cardiac care unit for 5 days several years before covid because THEY THOUGHT I suffered a heart attack and for the entire 5 days, I had one of those damned cannulas wrapped around my face and stuffed up my nose not to mention the tangled mess of wires pasted to my chest to monitor my heart - and it turns out, I didn't have a heart attack, I had pericarditis.

So, all I'm saying is that the on-field reporter must have gotten her facts wrong. That's all. Weird.

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That's the point though, she supposedly DIDN'T get the facts wrong. All media (not just there on-field) have reported that he has to be on oxygen and a heart monitor. So, if we go by what has been reported everywhere since he 'got better' and was 'awake in the hospital asking if they won', then where WAS that o2 cannula, tubing, heart monitor stuff? So, if the media was lying about the O2/Monitor the whole time (which, really who would believe the media lies /sarcasm off) then why? And if they weren't, where were the devices, because if that person had none, then it wasn't the person it was supposed to be? And if it wasn't the person it was supposed to be, then where IS that person and why wasn't he there? The whole thing stinks of a coverup of some sort.

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Look it's really quite simple: If it was really him at the game, they would not have gone to such great lengths to disguise his appearance. He would have been heavily featured, face exposed and plenty of grandstanding about how well he is doing.

"Though Experiment" Which option would you bet your life on based on evidence available. Thought so. Next.

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Chevrus, you’re exactly right. They were obviously hiding the actor.

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I mean come ON! Just look at it...if there was solid evidence, they would be parading it around.

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Absolutely. Since parading him around would be to their advantage and take the focus off the jabs. Not the case here. And they did the same with Tiffany Dover. Why couldn’t she just appear and say, β€œI’m OK” if she really was? Eye-opening how many frauds are pulled without a blink.

If he really did have a heart issue on the field and did not make it, they will have to devise a story about how he died later in a car accident or something, on his way to a game, since they shammed everyone saying he was the guy in the hoodie, mask, and eyeglasses. I mean, come on. What incompetent fool thinks this stuff up? Hope this is not the case but we know media won’t have a problem with a story like that.

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All that arm waving must have really triggered his "heart monitor".

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I do like the way you think SYFY! You must have read "between my lines."

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Or maybe the team wants to tell us something which they are forbidden to do?

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PsyOps are more likely organized and funded by DoD intel services who push the death shot. Teams have been enlisted as willing players on a much lower level and are scripted as crisis actors.

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On the video, who was the first tall black man who went into the elevator? Wearing blue. I assumed that was Damar. The guy in red who was last into the elevator, who was later seen swinging his arms, I assumed was a friend or colleague. So could it be that the media simply mis-identified him as Damar? And exposed that they think all black people look alike?

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Have to wonder if the Bills loss was partly due to the players being asked to participate in a cover-up in which anyone of them could be the next victim.

Similar to the "impression" that teams that took the knee seemed to be on the losing side.

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A coverup act to defuse the JAB as the cause of heart attacks among young, healthy athletes

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Instant coffee? NEVER!

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Probably boosted with cricket powder!

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πŸ™ˆ oh no!

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I heard one can crush up black beetles and steep them in hot water to make coffee! Just kidding...

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Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Delicious Coffee...or Happiness, I've heard it both ways.

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The nectar of the Gods. Often grown above 10,000 ft. elev.

Getting me closer to heaven daily.

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Organic coffee! =D

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I think they were buying time about Hamlin. Show him ( a version/actor). Bills loose, team and him are no longer hot topics. Within this week no one will be asking about him just like their owner.

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Some folks have started asking Where’s Kim since we’re about to fork over $850 million in public funds to build them a $1.4 billion stadium. Let’s not forget how the Pegulas joined enthusiastically with the DOH to enforce a Covid vaccine policy to enter the stadium back in 2021. I personally know people who were coerced just to keep their season tickets. Shameful

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Who is stupid enough to get the Covid vaccine in order to go to a football game?

I would think a person like that deserves a Darwin Award.

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Jan 24, 2023Β·edited Jan 24, 2023

Oh They did. Gives a new meaning to diehard fan

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Lots of fake credentials there. I wonder how many actually took the juice.

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I have one coworker who got the Covid vaccine and also had her daughter do it so they could go on a cruise.

I have another friend who is a natural medicine doctor for many years who got it just so they could attend events in Manhattan.

I think both of them at this point look back at those decisions and say I can’t believe I did that.

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Forgot to mention the Bills Covid vaccine Policy required it for ages 5 and up to enter the stadium. SMH

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Well, many lined up for donuts and a joint.

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That is truly unbelievable. Sounds like a violation of the First Commandment to me.

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Very disheartening.

Too soon?

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The daughter of the owner of the Bills is a very high ranked pro tennis player. Hard to imagine how the mom would not pop up at the matches now and then.

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Perhaps she was in that private box with Damar dressed up like the Invisible Man and nobody noticed her πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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They are together, on a cloud, playing harps.

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Yes I agree, I wasn’t aware of the situation with her since I don’t follow football that much but it is definitely very strange.

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I even get excited when the JV flag football snack schedule comes out. No way would I miss many games at that level.

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Yes I immediately postulated a WWE storyline abandonment strategy here. And those photos of Hamlin being fuzzy like something out of a grocery store checkout line newspaper from the 1970s. Perhaps he’s been captured by the aliens on the UFO. There I linked everything together at no cost.

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Even the one supposedly showing him in the hospital bed with family around looked suspicious. You could not see his face clearly. The family is being paid off perhaps. They had masks on so their expressions were hidden.

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That was bizarre, bizarre as in Michael Jackson dangling his son Blanket over a balcony! It only reinforces that something is wrong….perhaps horribly wrong! That didn’t pass the smell test.

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If Damar comes out of a coffin ala The Undertaker, wearing an ET mask while drinking a cup of instant coffee, the story arc will be complete. Then we can focus on the manager fight between Tiny Tony Fauci and RFK Jr.

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Jan 24, 2023Β·edited Jan 24, 2023

I will go one further and it’s totally an hypothesis too. Buffalo running back the opening kickoff versus New England a few weeks ago. I say that was staged. Belichek teams don’t typically make errors like that and they were fighting to get in playoffs at the time. I have no proof but I will put it out there. FAKE


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πŸ˜†πŸ€£ Glad I wasn’t drinking coffee when I read that πŸ˜‚

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The NFL is waiting until the SB is over, then there will be a "development" in Hamlin's story.

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That's my guess, at this point

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That is frightening. It’s like she was erased.

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A while back, Arkmedic proposed what I found to be an extremely far-fetched theory regarding Tiffany Dover (https://arkmedic.substack.com/p/is-tiffany-dover-responsible-for) β€” namely, that her disappearance was staged to discredit β€œconspiracy theorists” speculating about her demise.

If that were the case, they would have trotted her out with a giant, β€œTada! Take that you crazy conspiracy-theorist far–right-wing science-denying anti-vaxxers!” And there does appear to be compelling evidence that she is either dead or severely injured and paid off (https://rumble.com/vemcr7-tiffany-pontes-dover-morte-vaccin-pfizer-en-cause-.html and https://dossier.substack.com/p/nowhere-to-be-found-what-really-happened).

This Damar stunt, however, is SO over-the-top ridiculous that maybe they are setting us up for such a gotcha. How could they *not* realize this would generate suspicion that they’re covering up his true condition?

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True. Cameras follow every move of these pampered athletes all the time but this is definitely a kabuki theater of some sort to hide something.

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Jan 24, 2023Β·edited Jan 24, 2023

I know. This case is extraordinarily murky, and this ridiculous trotting out of whoever that was in addition to Peggy Hall's observations about the initial event, raise an array of questions about what they could possibly be up to.

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I tried listening to Peggy Hall’s scenario, but it went down a whole bunch of rabbit holes without giving any reason why they would stage such an event. This weekend’s gaslight attempt seems to reiterate that they are trying to hide something.

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I wasn't convinced by her either. The whole numbers thing and the supposed hand signs seemed a bit over the top to me. I am a Christian, but I try not to see a demon behind every bush (or every football player).

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I had the same experience

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Yes, Peggy Hall was a little like trying to watch an infomercial…oh wait! I’ll tell you that important fact in a minute, but first this! Yes, a weird infomercial.

I’m retired, but really don’t have time for that. πŸ˜‚

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All the numbers she was throwing out there, I had a flashback to a Rush Limbaugh parody about Louis Farrakan and Million Man Math.

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I watched that peggy hall video too. the only point she made was it was very strange there was no footage of ems doing cpr for 9 minutes. they all circled him and blocked the cameras. that is fishy. It was like they were trying to hide something, what was happening to Damar.

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I agree they were trying to hide something, but I do not think that it was that it was staged. What would be the point? And she lost me when she went into all the symbolism of the 3’s and 6’s as if the whole thing was carefully crafted by the Illuminati.

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I can remove my tinfoil hat. Can you remove your spike proteins?

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I love that line. I've used it on people and boy does that piss them off LOL

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I've seen the word "based" a lot on Twitter, but I haven't found a great explanation for what it means. (I also can't figure out what "ratio'd" or whatever means in Twitter, either.)

Can you straighten me out?

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It's the ratio between re-tweets (interpreted as agreement) and comments (most of which refute the truth of the tweet). If your tweet were ratio'd, people would assume that many more people disagreed with you than agreed. Even with all the shadowbanning and suspensions, lefties got ratio'd.

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I thought it was the ratio between likes and comments.

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You may be right. I've been suspended for almost two years now.

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I do believe it’s likes vs comments.

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"Being "ratioed" on Twitter means that a tweet has received more replies than likes and retweets combined. It is generally considered to be a negative thing, as it suggests that people disagree with or dislike the tweet. A high ratio can indicate that a tweet has received a lot of negative feedback or criticism.

The term "ratio" comes from the way the replies, likes, and retweets are displayed on a tweet, as a ratio of numbers. When a tweet has a high ratio, it means there are many more replies than likes and retweets."

From ChatGPT.

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Urban Dictionary says: when you agree with something; or when you want to recognize someone for being themselves, i.e. courageous and unique or not caring what others think.

From context (before I looked up the above definition) I took it to mean that a person was secure in his beliefs and principles. Not necesarily agreeing with others, nor unique, but firmly grounded. Contrast with the stereotypical progressive who will flit from one "belief" to the next as dictated by the Swarm and the changing whims of fashion.

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So "based" means someone is on a solid "base", a solid foundation, for what they believe or think? Firm grounding?

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It's the opposite of "debased."

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As I understand it, one gets ratio'd when there are more comments than likes and/or retweets; the more comments to likes/retweets generally indicates the worse the comment went over. For instance, before they disabled the Dislike button on the White House YouTube page, pretty much every video was at least 10:1 dislikes over likes.

'Based' is generally the opposite of woke, or cringe.

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Great point.

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I commented on the STAT news article about the annual covid shots that it would seem that if they plan to do this as annual thing then they HAVE to end the Declaration of Emergency which would effectively end the use of EUA authorized shots. There are currently no actual FDA approved shots in circulation. So is the plan to use the addition of the shots to the Childhood Immunization Schedule their pathway to getting shots FDA approved so they can use them every year without any product liability? They still haven't come forward with their actual plan on this and the Declaration of Emergency was extended (by Biden) again recently so only time will tell.

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VERY good point!!! Tysvm for bringing this up!!!

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I believe that is exactly the plan - once they are added to the childhood immunization schedule, the shots will be liability free for all ages.

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Biden is such an ass for doing that

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More highly processed instant coffee is better for the environment in the same ways that more highly processed fake meat is better for the environment than grass fed pasture raised beef. Or highly processed fats otherwise known as vegetable oils vs pasture raised grass fed butter. πŸ€”

Mostly better for someone’s pocketbook, I think.

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Someone gave me some instant once. I put it in the compost. I don't even like pre-ground. It loses so much flavour. Grind the beans, brew & enjoy is my method.

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Took some instant coffee with us on an Applachian Trail section hike last spring. Stuff was so stinking awful that we put it away and just went without.


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I used to get an annual flu shot. I won’t be getting another one for the rest of my like. I have lost all trust in the CDC, FDA and pharma industry.

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Good decision!

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Me neither....no more shots ever! I told my doctor that and she put it in my chart in the visit notes!!

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers


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Jan 24, 2023Β·edited Jan 24, 2023

If Damar is alive and that was him at the game, what he is doing is a very rude publicity stunt. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say at least a million people were/are very concerned about his wellbeing, and the last thing any good person does is play games with people who genuinely care. From what I've read about his personality, this doesn't seem like something he would do. Even if he was on oxygen, no one would judge that and there's nothing to be ashamed of. Being on oxygen does not explain the sunglasses, no face shown, head down, being dressed for nuclear winter indoors. Incidentally, I blew up a photo of "him" to pixel size standing next to his mural in the same getup, minus the sunglasses, and there's no oxygen tube there. That photo appears to have some slight edits, making the black mask much higher on his left cheek than it should be and the person in the photo does not look happy to be alive, but I digress. I don't believe for one second that was really him at the game or in that photo.

If that was not Damar, then shame on the people who are doing this. Tell the truth! And for crying out loud, bringing his little brother into that fiasco on Sunday was some serious low class behavior that only demons would be capable of. Regardless of what did or did not happen to Damar, his brother has probably been through enough hell. If this was jab related, and I'd bet my coffee stash that it was, this just shows you the lengths the powers that should not be will go to to play their hand. But, I think they may have finally overplayed it publicly.

I believe Damar has passed on or is in such critical condition that he is may not recover at all. I am really hoping I'm wrong. I can't wait to be proven wrong.

And hell no on annual jabs. No way regardless!

Edit: and keep your hands off my coffee!!

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For a previously-very-robustly-healthy young athlete, with a young athlete's heart (it's a muscle, and it got exercised, a lot), to still be on oxygen supplementation, with limited ability to get around, requiring a lot of rest, to me means that his heart was seriously damaged. Even before I graduated from medical school in the 1980s, then-fairly-new protocol had routine heart attack patients (mostly older and not all that healthy) walking around in about 24 hours and being discharged in about 3 days, not on oxygen.

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2 years ago I would never have given this a second thought… but now anything seems possible… this shows an official death report… hope it’s not true… https://www.bitchute.com/video/7I4m4mlJRvjd/

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Pretty compelling and, sadly, this is much more believable than the miraculous recovery in which he immediately asked β€œwho won?” or that he attended a football game weeks after 2 cardiac arrests.

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My elderly stepfather had a stroke 18 months ago and it was a miracle he lived. Since then his internal temperature is all messed up and he wears a heavy coat even in summer.

But there are a lot of things with this that just doesn't add up.

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That’s what I was thinking too. Demar could be legitimately cold since his revival.

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I am inclined to agree with you FourWinds!

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It's a rewrite of the movie "Dave".

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Great post!!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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It’s just unbelievable the world we live in right now! I’m 64, my healthy husband was killed in the hospital due to the β€œProtocol” I will fight for Justice until my last breath. This world has lost it... we can’t trust Drs, hospitals, our food, people around us who believe the government has all the answers and if you don’t they think you are evil and crazy 😜, we have a president that is so incapable of running this country and some think he’s great and just fine... what!!??? When I say that I’m including family yes my family yikes!! When and how did we get here?? Praying and Believing God has a plan for all of this..

I’m one day closer to Heaven


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My deepest sympathy on your shocking loss, Sharon. Trust in His love for you, the power of your prayers and that the church is waking up. You are right and not ever alone.

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They murdered my BIL with the β€œprotocol” and my sister can’t see it. He didn’t die β€œof Covid”, he died of a ventilator and RunDeathIsNear and some other EUA drug.

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I’m so sorry. So many unnecessary losses these past few years 😞 It’s terrible.

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God’s Word provides all the answers and keep the faith because God is in control while this world is spinning out of control.

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It’s really awful isn’t it 😞 I’m so sorry for your loss. Far too many of these all over the world 😞😞😞

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I used to get an annual flu shot every year - not because I was overly worried about flu but I then believed that the shot was low risk and potential high benefit. They offered the shots at work for free so I never had to go out of my way for them and I never had any adverse effects (maybe an occasional sore shoulder for a bit). Now I believe they are useless at best and potentially harmful in the long run. No more flu or other shots for me. Wish I had learned this lesson earlier in life but better late than never.

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I got a flu shot one year (I got them sporadically), and had a HORRIFIC adverse reaction that night. I actually thought I was going to die in my bed. Anyhoo, logically, I made the connection to the vaccine because it was a quick, severe, and temporal medical event. However, once I recovered the next day, I didn't think about reporting it because I thought "how can I prove it?" I knew my complaint would go nowhere. And that's still where we are today, tragically. We witness it daily.

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Jan 24, 2023Β·edited Jan 24, 2023

Tried the flu vax one year decades ago myself. Doctor recommended it. Muscles felt like wet noodles and every joint ached bad. That started me looking into it independently of "doctors". The injected version has the inactivated virus so it wasn't that. That left the adjuvants that they put in. The more I looked into it the more PO'd I got with the medical profession.

Developed a criteria for any medicine: Safety, Effectiveness, Cost, Variant Coverage (where applicable). Vitamin D3 was vastly superior in all 4 so that is what I've done ever since. 3+ decades with no flu.

Had covid recently (no shots) and dealt with it by the flccc.net early treatment protocol. First day I felt washed out, second I knew I was over the hump and recovering, third day I did a light workout cause I was bored LOL.

Edit: I've rejected all vaccines since then as none make the grade. The shingles one was recommended but I'd had shingles and the antiviral kicked it to the curb in a day. The vaccine required 2 shots within 5 years of each other and they claimed a 75% efficacy. So take 2 shots for something I might never get again or treat early if I ever encountered it again? Easy call.

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There you go again using reasoning to come to conclusions. Deplorable. Ve haf a verry zpecial treatmunt for zis. You vont feel a sing. Vell, maybe a little preek. Come, come rright in. Coffee? Itz inzdant. Delijjiuz...

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Which antiviral medication did your doctor give you for the shingles?

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brand name is valtrex, also used for herpes

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Thanks. Is Valtrex known to be a pretty good medication? Reasonably safe, etc

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I've taken it about 4 or 5 times, it is reasonably safe, I've had no problems. At your first symptom, call your dr or go to a "minute clinic" to get the script. Antivirals must be taken early. Good luck!

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I forget. It was decades ago.

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Thankfully I never had any severe or acute reactions to any shots. Not sure whether I would have reported a reaction like yours either. I think I've only gotten the flu a couple of times (maybe 3?) in my life. It sucks but I survived. I try to take better care of myself these days - no guarantee but I've lost all faith in the medical profession (at best they set broken bones and stitch up wounds). I was never one to take medications, even over the counter ones.

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Technically not useless. But as with many medical interventions, of very low benefit compared to doing nothing (in my opinion of course, certainly not that of the vaccine makers nor of the medical guild that wants to stick you.) And always with the risk of adverse effects.

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Useless from the perspective that my likelihood of catching the flu may have been the same whether or not I got the shot. They seemed safe for me but unclear whether they provided any benefit above and beyond my natural immune response. Now I also question the potential long term effects on my immune system and injecting aluminum and other things into my body. Not sure where I read it (Alex Berenson?) but there was a study or data that showed that the prevalence of flu has not diminished across the population since the introduction of the flu shots.

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After recently watching an excellent video with Dr Paul Thomas, (Thank you to whomever introduced his book to me here) I noted he said vaccines work by giving you protection to some degree to the thing being vaxxed for, but with a negative effect on your overall immune system.

After thinking about that, I realized that that type of mechanism is a hallmark of occultism.Trade a bad thing ( or in this case potential for a bad thing) for a long-term worse thing.

Get protection from a specific disease but take my general overall immune function lower than it would have been--is that really such a good trade?

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I got the flu shot once under similar circumstances. They sent a nurse from the health department to our office to give shots and they were β€œonly” $10. I didn’t have any significant adverse effects immediately, but I developed some autoimmune issues not long afterward. Now I wonder if there is a connection?

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