Q: Why are vitamin C IVs banned in hospitals when vitamin C IVs are nontoxic and cure just about everything?

A: Because vitamin C IVs are nontoxic and cure just about everything.

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Other answers:

Most Docs have absolutely NO nutritional, therapeutic, and/or alternative medicine training.

And vitamin C is super cheap and they are pawns of big Pharma.

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They are taught acute medical response, not health and wellnes sustainability. They might be able to stabilize your heart after an attack, but they really don’t approach “good health” from the start which most likely would have prevented it in the first place. Follow the money! They do! And this basically puts the responsibility back on each of us. You’d have to be living under a rock these days not to be able to know how to take care of your own health. People prefer the quick fix pill, after the problem manifests; it’s way easier, even if not sustainable.

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Once you start down the road of trying to actually be healthy, you quite quickly realize how much you have been lied to and how much our 'regulatory' agencies are captured. It is maddening just how corrupted our food and pharmaceutical chains are.... ahem FDA, completely in bed with each other and all for their profit, our detriment.

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Cyn, good point. Jonathan Otto has a New Hope series where he interviews the foremost experts on how to get your body healthy including how to heal it from vaccine/bioweapon injury, Covid injury, Long Covid, and shedding exposure. First 5 episodes free to view today. REALLY interesting and informative stuff.

Jonathanotto.com/new hope

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So far flccc.net free protocols with free explanations by Paul Marik and Pierre Kory and Dr Been which are fun and informative. May they continue!

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All needs to be free or we create a different elite.

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Yes, we got a real wake-up call during the Covid years! My approach to ensuring general health for myself and my husband is so different to the way we used to live: lots of vitamins and minerals and other targeted natural products, a sound diet like the one grandma used to provide 100 years or so ago - and no visits to the GP

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I've been following a low carb diet for many years before Covid. Hardly any processed foods and cook everything myself. No drinking, smoking, drugs, prescription or otherwise. Drives my doctor crazy when I turn down anything she suggests. Haven't had any kind of vaccine since a pneumonia shot before a surgery I had years ago. I haven't trusted the medical establishment in years. If I hadn't needed joint replacement surgeries I would have had nothing to do with any doctor. People need to learn that good unprocessed food is all the medicine we need. Move a little, laugh a lot. We don't need them.

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Hubris infects the medical profession. Watch MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY DISEASE. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/my-way-or-the-highway-disease

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Will do. 😊

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Drs are driven by insurance companies and pharma. We saw the incentive letter to Drs on vax quotas. You’re forced to buy insurance so they can pay incentives to give patients a taxpayer purchased jab.

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This is true. My first boyfriend’s brother was an OBGYN. This was back in the 80s. He had high blood pressure and was taking medication for it. He also had a gut. When I asked him why he didn’t just change his diet and exercise, he said that this was easier. He also said that most of his patients didn’t want nutritional advice. They wanted him to just give him pills.

I’ve seen this many times with people. They don’t want to do the work required to be healthy. It doesn’t help that our food supply is compromised as is our air, water, and environment. That doesn’t excuse it, though.

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People are lazy and settle way too often in all things pertaining to their lives. Works right into the plan for the power brokers.

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It’s why we are where we are.

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DR. GASLIGHT. A doctor causes his patient to question her own sanity. Listen to Turfseer’s new song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/dr-gaslight

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I went to the doc once, not sure what for, but he tried to convince me that I had acid reflux.

Him: you have acid reflux. I'll write you an Rx for it.

Me: acid reflux? Isnt that where you have that burning in your throat?

Him: yes

Me: i dont have that

Him: well, just try this Rx anyway and see if it helps. You may not have it everytime you eat

Me: helps with the reflux?

Him: yes

Me: i dont understand. Are you saying I have acid reflux, but the symptoms are so mild that i dont KNOW that I have acid reflux?

He FINALLY realized what he was doing abd turned to look at me with surprise.

Him: good point!

I didnt get an Rx for acid reflux.

And he lost out on getting a kickback (although I was young and naive to that at the time).

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One of my doctors prescribed prilosec for my chronic cough. She said reflux could make you cough. All the prilosec did was cause joint pain and stiffness. It will also weaken your bones. I since realized I have low stomach acid and the prilosec just makes that worse. I ditched the prilosec and use lemon in my water. A new doctor said I could have "silent gird", no symptoms of reflux, just wants me to take prilosec. They must own stock in the company.

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My VIP doc-I’ve since dropped that money-grab scam-noticed my age, apparently for the first time, and immediately order a statin for me. When I questioned it, he said everyone over 50 should be on one, to which I said why, I don’t have heart or stroke indicators or cholesterol issues. For good measure, he said. I immediately did my own research and based on my good health and the stated side effects, decided not to fill the Rx. When I asked him to read my research on my latent, undiagnosed, until just recently, Lyme and two additional co-infections test results and give me his thoughts on potential treatment, he was dismissive. Of a test performed at the request of another M.D! Not what he would have called some quack naturalist or holistic medicine man; a genuine colleague. He had no clue or interest in treating me as a patient and addressing a potential root cause of health issues I WAS dealing with; just wanted to follow the Pharma-narrative and make sure I was on track with the current fad-meds and vaxes. All of which added to his profits. I refused all. Wasn’t his most liked patient after that; I could tell at the next visit. I subsequently dropped him as a doc. What a tool!

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I have come to, overall, hate the medical profession. Doctors/nurses no longer get automatic respect from me. I view them the same as I view myself: a regular joe schmo just trying to survive.

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IFM.org purportedly does but is scared of Big Pharma so doesn’t apply that to COVID out of fear. Undoes their credibility.

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A really good example of this I always use is...I have Crohn’s and as such see a Gastroenterologist. There are multiple studies showing that food additives such as carboxymethylcellulose, cellulose gum, carrageenan, polysorbate 80, likely play a role in intestinal inflammation and disturbances in your gut microbiome. In animal studies they’ve consistently seen harmful effects from these additives yet some remain listed as GRAS, generally recognized as safe, by our FDA. It’s well know that some things are just known to be more triggering to people with IBD, such as these additives, sugar alcohols, fructose, etc. I’ve always believed that this type of information should be something generalized that every GI should be shouting from the rooftops to all their patients. If you know there’s a group of food products that could literally worsen their Crohn’s or colitis you’d think that would be the first thing they’d tell their patients after diagnosis but it’s crickets of course. They will send you a nutritionist who will also have no clue and of course start you on treatments. We are on our own to figure this stuff out. It’s such a simple fix in most places too. Some shredded cheese has cellulose gum, some brands don’t. I buy the brand that doesn’t. But there’s so many IBD patients that have no clue.

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

It’s always about following the $$. Anything that’s inexpensive AND effective must be banned.

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Like ivermectin, banned because it was too effective in lieu of a non-vx transhumanist potion that is only effective to maim and kill. So good at culling the population its going in [or is in] our food supply.

What joy. So much to take in today.

Grusome newsom wants to handle the USA the way he is destroying Calif! Imagine the state or non-existance of America if he were prez. I shudder to think.

Im done or i'll go on and on and...

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Why are people still going on about Ivermectin when the evidence clearly demonstrates that doing nothing (i.e. letting your body heal itself) is far more effective than ivermectin, which is just another, though less harmful, big pharma drug.

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If your body can handle COVID fairly well, it's best to let your body do the job. But we have seen that quite a few people needed some help.

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In the fall of 2020, when Dr. Marik first identified the data signal from numerous studies showing the efficacy of ivermectin in every phase of COVID illness, the FDA— a key cog in the OCNG wheel — called it “horse paste” because they were frightened out of their wits that this organic, cheap, globally available, repurposed drug would derail the roll-out of the vaccine$. Turns out, in the countries where ivermectin was blessed by public health authorities, millions upon millions of lives were saved. Millions of others died—again, unnecessarily.

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You know there's no such thing as Covid don't you? Surely? by now? It was the bloody flu, and not even a particularly bad one; once you subtract co-morbidities and the iatrogenocide of ventilators and lockdowns et al, there's literally no death toll to support any notion of a pandemic.

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If ppl see a cure instead of vxing, if that is their mind set, it gives them a option.

Js, imho.

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That makes no sense, it's just being an apologist for nonsense. Doing nothing is a better cure; we spent hundreds of thousands of years without pharmacology, if we were unable to cure ourselves of the flu orother illness like it we would have died out long ago.

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Like gas fueled cars ….

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Allopathy is a huge scam.

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So true, but it’s hugely profitable for the Agri-Medi-Pharma-Complex. It’s a necessary brainwashing of the sheep, as well, “Look how “we” (the multi-Complex controllers) take such good care of you! And it’s effortless for you! You don’t need to think for yourselves!” And with the promise of “free life management” the sheep comply, until they march obediently to the trains.

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I also like the term 'racket!'

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Most msm doctors are useless. I will use my own diagnosis for my and my family. At any rate I couldn't do any worse.

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Besides, when I’m at the dr, all she does is look at her screen for diagnosis

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When I turned 60 I was told to have a bone density screening even though there's no evidence of osteoporosis or that it evens runs in my family. Plus I take supplements and eat yogurt and cheese plus other calcium rich foods. It was on their chart, set up by big pharma, to prescribe. Screw that.

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Hi Florida Man

Another site I have subscribed too for years and has been helpful on the Vit C front is “Orthomolecular Medicine News Service”

Put out by Andrew Saul Ph.D

Great board of other editors as well.

I found this article fascinating on the topical use of Vit C

It’s a recent article.


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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023

…and in med school they’re taught to see all alternative medicine as quackery; all supplement manufacturers as greedy lying scammers, all herbal remedies are archaic, most vitamins as a waste of money, and people are stupid for taking charge of their own health (which we have been driven to by the arrogant, greedy, and barbaric excuse for decent medical practices)

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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023

PS— be wise & discerning in research ;))

…There is a lot if scammery & quackery out there.

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A Dr told me once they only had about a 30 minute lecture on nutrition in medical school. Nutrition class was a prerequisite for nursing school back when ...

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

While I wouldn't vote for RFK Jr for POTUS, I think he may make a good Secy HHS. His balanced take on health care would be violently opposed by pharma, which means it is right on target. He could begin a transition from pharma exclusive health care to a mix of natural remedies, supplements (C, D, etc...), long proven medical practices, and modern medicine.

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I just saw a clip of him (looks to be at least 10 years old) calling for the jailing of climate deniers, three hots and a cot is all they deserve, said he. Now I think he’s just another globalist who got it right about COVID. Also, he endorsed Hillary Clinton THREE times! I had hopes for him but not now.

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Exactly. If I had to boil it down to one single issue, it’s abortion. And RFK jr is dead wrong on that one also.

Anyone who says it’s okay to murder an infant is starting from a place I have no desire to go.

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Yes and it’s sad that as a professed Catholic he rejects the moral certitude of the pro life tenet “womb to the tomb”.

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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023

Oh man! 😨I didnt know he took that pos. on abortion. Makes no sense given his strong leadership in protecting babies & children wrt vaccines.


(…& also in OR, where compassion & murder are our bread & butter. )

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...”compassion” needs quotes :/

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I would never vote for a dem, period. However, I am a totally different person than I was 10 years ago.

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Good point. Look at Naomi Wolf and her transformation- formerly a conservative hating atheist and now she’s recording the BIBLE on her Substack and speaking at a Hillsdale College commencement! 😀💯🙏🏻

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Yes, she's awesome, now. I hope she's getting royalties for Geneva Bible sales. It's a Good Book.

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It seems you can rarely take the Democrat out of a Democrat. Democrats for life. It's an identity. It's a religion. It's unchangeable, or so it seems.

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He has a lot going for him, but his Earth Day Substack today is promoting the environment as his core focus as President.

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Tucker Carlson did a segment on that this week… and you can see ole Sleepy Joe is talking even MORE crazy climate stuff… ramping up… trying to combat the votes he’ll lose to Kennedy on climate position

It’s a head to head dem battle on climate agenda atm 🤦🏼‍♀️ like that’s our biggest problem today

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Purity and politics are incompatible.

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Vitamin D is not exactly one of their favs either.....Vitamins and supplements in general. Certainly nothing even remotely holistic. For anyone who got "stuck" it might do you well to check out garlic and/or beet root supplements (circulation). If it helps, I'm taking Vit. C, d3 with K2, b12, the aforementioned garlic, CO q 10, zinc, lysine and certain mushroom extracts. I somehow have managed to escape any illness since the inception of this debacle, coincidentally, when I started boning up on "the right stuff." Covid deaths were/are GREATLY exaggerated. https://theimaginaryhobgoblin.substack.com/p/never-believe-the-numbers

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I make sure to have a whole clove crushed of raw garlic everyday. My grandmother from Greece did that, and lived to be 94. And she stayed medication free for her entire life.

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The health benefits of garlic are undisputed - but the majority of garlic that is imported to the US is from China and is grown in sewage water, then the roots of the bulb are removed and they soak it in a bleach solution. I kid you not. And unfortunately ALDI of all stores exclusively sells this toxic garbage. Everyone should check where the garlic comes from and if you’re not sure, turn the bulbs over and check and see if the roots have been removed. Try to buy local or US garlic only or take an organic supplement.

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So easy to grow! Maybe the zone matters. I live in zone 7. Plant the individual cloves 1” deep and about 6” apart in October. Then forget all about them and harvest in May or June. Each clove makes its own bulb.

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Could that apply to organic garlic sold at whole foods?

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I am not sure but the store is supposed to show you where it’s grown- if it’s from out of the US I just don’t buy it. The majority of garlic grown here is from Gilroy CA. I think one of the farms is Christopher Ranch.

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I just checked my organic garlic and the regular one I bought, and both are sourced in the USA

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Same here. My father who was from Greece said "chicken soup, lemons, garlic and clear liquor." It has to be clear or it isn't medicinal. 😁🇬🇷

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When I did post-grad studies in Greece in 1989, I enjoyed many a sunset with a glass of ouzo in my hand 😁. I added crushed garlic and lemon juice to my salad today, because the lemon, along with all its other health benefits, helps neutralize any garlic odors on my breath, so my poor husband can bear to be around me. Lol.

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Imma gonna try that salad dressing. Where we are, local garlic and lots of lemon trees.

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And garlic is crazy easy to grow!

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Exactly! Grow your own. For those who live in north Florida, here's a link to a great family farm that produces VAX & chemical free milk and milk porducts, eggs, and other animal products. They write a monthly newsletter that is imformative even if you don't live in the area. https://fullcirclerealfoods.com/

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Nice! I'll start ordering from them. Will have to drive up to Jax for the pickup.


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Thanks Kim. We r 30 minutes from live oak! Great to know!!!

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Oh gosh thank you for this source although I live in SWFL it’s good to know this!

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And apple idea vinegar…. And honey.

Natures healing.

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And garlic is actually very easy to grow yourself.

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They are all criminals and will be held to account, eventually!!

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There's a new church in town. Watch CHURCH OF THE PANDEMIC MIND. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/church-of-the-pandemic-mind

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Pharmas don’t make money off holistic items

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Don’t forget Nattokinase.

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Well said FL Man. This is an early contender for Comment of the Year.

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Florida Man is on a roll! A comment a few weeks ago had readers calling for a T shirt to be made with the comment! This comment could also be printed on a T! 👏🏻

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my vote too

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And because big pharma can't patent a vitamin. That's the same reason they demonize herbs, vitamins, real healthy eating (not the nonsense they suggest like canola oil) and other supplements: because no one can make huge amounts of money and because they don't have dominance over those who heal themselves.

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

They have a real savoir complex. You can clearly see it in OBs who always seem to want to “do something” (like give meds or perform a procedure) for labor and birth, instead of just monitoring and helping things along as naturally as possible.

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

Because as Dr. Paul Marik proved, IV Vit C combined with IV antibiotics CURE sepsis.

Which means that it is not PROTOCOL.

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“Cure” is a four letter profanity in the world of pHarma and our medical system.

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Not found in the 'standard of care' manual.

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I had two dogs that were getting up there in age and were in pain. I started them both on Ester-C, and it turned them into puppies again! It was amazing to see! I asked the vet about it and they were absolutely clueless and wanted me to get them on some Rx with tons of side effects. That's when I began to question things.

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What dosage did you use for what size dog?

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I honestly dont know. I think I gave each dog one pill/capsule, but I dont know how much that came out to.

Also, the older one had renal failure at the end, so the Ester c *could* have contributed to that..but she was a 70lb dog and 17 years old, and it gave her at least 6 more years of quality living. It was worth the trade-off, imo.

As a side note, I heard about it from a vet tech. She didnt tell many about it - not even her own bosses. So, it may take some research to find out.

OR, if you can find a holistic vet, maybe they can give some guidance. Good luck!

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See Linus Pauling's research from 50 years ago.

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EXACTLY - keeping people just "well" enough to keep coming back for the poison "treatments" offered by corporate medicine is a multi BILLION dollar business. It's NOT about "science", "good health" or anything "transparent". IT'S ABOUT MAKING MONEY OFF OUR MISERY!!!

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Happily, alternative practitioners offer these services.

When I had covid the first time, my naturopath recommended iv rehydration and treatment with such as V-C and I don't remember what else was in it-- but it was too far for me to go in my weakened state. I live remote.

Some nurses burned out from covid started a company going around and doing iv's, so I went to the closest small town and met her there. She hung the bag on a convenient curtain rod and we visited for the duration of the iv- which was cold! as she did not have a heater it being a very new business. Anytime I need such a thing, I will do it again. You get what you pay for.

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Thank God for these warriors!

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Totally heartbreaking what his hospital did to hero/warrior supreme Paul Marik over this. Monstrous.

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And it's been known since the early 1950's when Dr Klenner was curing measles, polio and lots of other untreatable ailments with intravenous vitamin C treatments. Of course when the FDA tested it they used oral vitamin C which can't raise blood levels high enough.


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This message brought to you in large part, by the Florida Citrus Growers and the Advocation Council on VITAMIN C. A day without Vitamin C....is like a day without SUNSHINE!

Psst.....Don't forget about the Vitamin D benefit! ( Roger that Mission Control! )

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Sidebar on Florida orange juice and truth in labeling. Citrus farmers in the Rio Grande Valley tell me that the industry combines 10% Florida juice with 90% Texas juice and legally calls it "Florida orange juice." I guess they could call it "pure Florida orange juice" and claim "pure" modifies only "juice." Taking nothing away from the Sunshine State! We love all y'all and visit often. The RGV claim could just be a case of Texas sour grapes.

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There was a protocol that included that for sepsis. HAT protocol


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Lol. Don’t get me started on vitamins and health!!!! There are soooooooo many great herbs and such to help almost any ailment besides maybe a broken bone. Even calcium will help with that.

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Keep hitting ‘‘em out of the park, BFM! I love it.

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We are unvaxxed,

Hear us roar,

In numbers too big to ignore!

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Defintely part of that 25% here. Got a lot of backlash over it and lost nearly every relationship I had (my dad came around), but I'm glad I stood my ground.

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I can identify. This "vax status" STILL remains a touchy subject in social situations. I am personally very tired of it. I want a US president who will reveal all the vile perpetrators of this evil hoax. Then maybe, just maybe, my friends and loved ones will wake from their hypnotic state and see the Truth. Some of them now regret getting the vax, but not all.

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Me too. I've NEVER voted for a Democrat for President because of my pro-life religious convictions.

But if RFK Jr. is on the ballot, and continues to oppose Big Pharma and the Deep State, I'm going to have a crisis of conscience.

Cause God knows, the GOP is as worthless as tits on a hog.

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I could vote for RFK Jr solely on his courage about the vaxx issue.

Trump is still a coward on that, refusing to admit the mass death and injury caused by the toxxine. It's obvious now. That jab in particular is the worst crime against humanity ever committed, all for political power and profit.

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Proud of you FourWinds!

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I'm also un-toxxinated.

Wife agrees with me on this ever since her healthy, young co-worker dropped dead right after the jab:


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I’m glad you did too!

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I personally think the percentage is higher. I have met so many people who are unvaccinated... often, they whisper it... maybe to stay under the radar. I was one of the people who put in a religious exemption, government employee, and I chose to retire than to continue being harassed at my job. I am very disappointed in our military leadership... it has taken a turn for the worse.

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I was so relieved when my 85 year old friend told me she had been lying to the neighbors about taking a booster. She said lying was easier than arguing with them.

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Cool. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me? More power to rational thinking in your friend. God bless her. If I make it to that number, let the grace of God preserve all my marbles. 🙏

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Yes I lied a few times myself. If you even tried to explain a vaxx injury, they looked at you like you had ten heads..like such a thing does not exist.

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I’m sorry you have an injury. I understand the gaslighting too well, it’s rampant for decades. God bless.

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To clarify: Thank God I am ok. In the 70s I foolishly had the swine flu shot being encouraged on my college campus. It was another quick to market disaster vaccine. I felt numb for 2 days on one side of my body. By the grace of God and my pious mothers prayers, I did not end up paralyzed like others did.

It was quickly taken off the market after these injuries were reported..a much more honest US gvt and no big Pharm; different times.

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So glad you made it through that! My uncle died of complications from it, GB paralyzed him& he’d been a marathon runner. The family still doesn’t see the obvious connection!

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I think it’s a bit larger too! A lot of people I know are unvaxxed or got fake cards just so they wouldn’t get banned from living.

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Pentagon is run by the CCP.

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That used to sound crazy.

Now it sounds quite plausible.

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I think dissappointed is a very gentle way to say it. Of course, they are not "our military" do not work for us, have no allegiance to us or the soldiers under their command. Haven't been for years.

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Not to mention, they've funded "gain of function" research. As Jeff would say, "So."

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Don't forget it has been made clear the DoD sic the Military was behind the plandemic, not Big Pharma. The latter are just useful greedy evil co conspirators .

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Yeah!!! I am so so proud to be part of the 25%. I have felt battered and bruised over the past 3 years but also trusted the Truth would prevail!

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Someone needs to this to Trump else Bobby is going to grab that voting base soon.

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Trump has been told, but he's too stubborn and narcissistic to listen.

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Then he's going to lose. I dont like Bobby's positions on several matters but he's espousing a populist message and that overlaps with Trump.

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As my wife noted hearing this, you need to add all of the people who have been jabbed injured and know it. I get that many still have no clue how their injuries / diseases happened, but a lot do. If you know any, they ain't happy at either being forced, tricked, or coerced into ruining their health and you better believer they will have that seared into their brains come election time.

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Unfortunately, for many they cannot admit being hoodwinked and will stick to their tribal instincts to their death.

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I honestly think it does something to their Brain where they can’t accept their poor health is due to the jab. So crazy!!!!!

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Supposedly Mark Twain said - “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

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I truly believe RFK is the Dem’s strategy in grabbing large swaths of Trump skeptics on the subject of the vax issue. They pretend not to want him, knowing that will convince the conservative skeptics they should consider him. Watch the media ramp up the fact Trump hasn’t questioned the vax issue enough and, “look how RFK is asking the tough questions!”The wolf in sheep’s clothing.

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I don't see the DNC allowing RFK to get the nomination. I just don't.

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I dont see the media giving any thoughtful respectability to the vaccine ideas of RFKJr. They are still making him out to be something of a nut.

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Yes, I call it the Orange vaxxman bad strategy

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They will pivot on the mandates blaming Biden and denounce in unison so they can blame Trump. Bobby could make that happen very quickly

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Democrats have to be willing to give up thr vaxx covidiot vote though so we shall see.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I took the first two jabs, under pressure from my wife and job travel requirements. My wife now regrets her position from that time, and we are both taking nattokinase to deal with the spike protein.

I would like to know how the unvaxxed could coalesce into a political force, and would participate in the effort. Do you know if there is any organizing occurring?

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Same here. Jab or no job ( I was told), now taking Nattkinase as well I’m betting that we make up at least 10% of the voting bloc.

There’s a lot someone could get done with 35% behind them.

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Serraptase and even bromelin can help . I rotate mine so I don’t develop a sensitivity. I got mine from dr mercola. I’m not jabbed but had bleeding in menopause after helping injured elderly family. I still get headaches around them.

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Jonathan Otto has a series where he interviews the doctors that have developed treatment for Covid injuries, Long Haul Covid, vax injuries and shedding exposure. They discuss in detail nattokinase, serraptase, and bromelin plus a host of others. They have developed "treatment plans". If you want to have a better understanding of what we are dealing with, his series New Hope is very enlightening.


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RFK jr.

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It's a strange place for me to be as a Republican, but I am very excited about RFK's candidacy. On the other hand, I try to look at candidates' platforms and not just their party affiliation, so maybe it's not so strange.

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I’m just excited that RFK jr. is in the race so the vax conversation can’t be ignored by Trump or anyone else!!

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I’m wondering if the vax conversation is a strategy. Ensure it stays circulating in the air vs trying to shout it from the sidelines. Maybe nomination isn’t the goal? Of course you couldn’t say that when you embark on candidacy. Ah, what do I know? I’m still in the Zappa camp: Politics is the entertainment division of the military-industrial complex. But hope springs eternal: that could change. First the psychopaths have to be exposed and disallowed from decision-making positions. Discrimination against people with this psychopathy for mid and senior level positions, including any elected office, must be not only allowed but promoted. Now there’s a crazy idea speaking of psychopathy. I’ll stop now.

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If it comes down to choice between RFK Jr. and Deathvax Deepstate Donald, it's no question for me.

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Yes, the vaxx is THE issue.

Nothing else matters as much as the worst crime committed against the whole of humanity, by the worst people on earth: Fauci, Collins, Bourla, Bancel, etc.

I can no longer support Trump at all until he admits the massive death caused by that mandated injection.

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The media makes him out to be crazy. His own cousins/family have distanced themselves from him because of it.

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Yet he's not crazy at all.

Look at the correlation between SIDS and the increase in infant vaxxing, then look at the reversal of SIDS in Japan as they decreased the number of infant vaxxes.

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Neil Cavuto on Fox News just did a great interview with RFK Jr. today. He asked him about Trump, and Bobby gave a good explanation about how Americans know everything is broken, and they want a candidate that will recognize that. Both RFK Jr. and Trump have that in common. They see the corruption and they are afraid to talk about it.

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Fox and RFK are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Beware!

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I respectfully disagree with you about RFK Jr.

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Deathvax Donald is the wolf in sheep's clothing.

But his cult followers can't see it.

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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023

Cavuto?? The same Cavuto who was such a jab enthusiast and a jerk about the unvaxxed??

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Yes. It was a good interview because they were both civil, and Neil listened to him, and let him talk.

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Wolf in sheep’s clothing! The Dems are counting on you and other Trump skeptics doing this and jumping off the conservative ship!

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Well, then, they better start acknowledging our concerns.

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Maybe you can at least enjoy the prospect of a debate between RFK and Biden.

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Interesting that she came around. Seems like a lot of Jabvocates don't see any error in their ways.

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How does one get this nattokinase? Wondering about it for my daughters sake. She took the first 2 jabs.

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Dr. Peter McCullough’s Wellness Company: https://www.twc.health/pages/dr-peter-mccullough and they have nattokinase in the supplement for Spike support: https://www.twc.health/collections/boost-your-immune-system/products/long-haul-formula

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It't over the counter. I'm sure amazon and Walmart have it if one must go that route.

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I invite you to organize on patrick.net.

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Also look up naturopathic doctor Dr Henry Ealy he’s been helping many people detox and reverse side effects of it. He recommends clinical fasting as a first point of call. Then the other supplements people have commented on here.

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We're here and on Malone's and Wolf's substacks among others. Real change begins in our hearts and our own backyards. Be well, Neil. Go forth and prosper!

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If we consider how many people ignored the bivalent booster, about 80% of

Americans are anti-vaxx.

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Amen. Proud to be unvaxxed. Same with my family and extended family.

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Atleast now I dont lie or sheepishly reply about having been vaxxed.

At a specialist office recently the nurse asked me and I unhesitantly said ' no I am not'. She seemed shocked for a second.

From now on I think I am going to have a bit of fun and say " thank God I am not", or "God - no"..( and I am using Gods name genuinely here, not in vain). 🙏

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I always say something like that. Or sometimes I just simply say: "My wife's healthy young co-worker dropped dead after getting the vaxx, and a friend's wife got myocarditis from it, and my father in law got tachycardia from it."

All true.

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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023

Shortly after jabs were made available one of my fellow Scout moms asked if I was jabbed and before I could filter myself I said “Absolutely NOT!” with such enthusiasm that she gave me a puzzled look. Heavens knows I may have been the only person in her circle questioning the whole plandemic/bioweapon rollout. I hope I gave her pause to stop and think, but I am not holding my breath. Or asking.

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...in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave 😊

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ABSOLUTELY!!! And besides that the number might be larger for those who got fake jab cards, there are many who felt forced and only got the first one (sad but true). I know 4 people and if I asked around I'm sure there'd be more.

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That's one bad thing about not having any friends: i couldnt get my hands on a card to make a fake one. And i dont have a computer to make one myself.

One of the rare negatives of not having friends.

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We're unvaxxed...

rolls of the tongue easier. I think Helen Reddy would agree.

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I got 2 Pfizer doses in early 2021, when we HCW were eligible. No way in hell will I get more shots and our kid is unvaxxed. I've seen more side effects in patients than I can begin to count. I'm grateful I'm not one of them.

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I am also grateful that you are okay. This morning at church, a woman was talking to me and said she was having chest pains today. She made it sound like a commonplace thing. I asked her if she had the hateful vaccines and she said she had to because she works in healthcare. She added that her son had heart problems after his jab and had to be seen by a cardiologist. She, unfortunately, is not a person I consider to be a deep thinker.

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T-shirt material!

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I have a t-shirt—“I identify as vaccinated” that I wear around my family members who took the clot shot. I never had COVID.

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Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb, in the middle of its street. On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. There will no longer be any curse; and the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and His bond-servants will serve Him; they will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads. And there will no longer be any night; and they will not have need of the light of a lamp nor the light of the sun, because the Lord God will illumine them; and they will reign forever and ever. — Revelation 22:1-5 NASB1995

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No longer any curse…

Oh, what glory that will be! Ah, Lord Jesus, make it soon. And bring yet into your kingdom our many loved ones who have not yet surrendered to your rule.

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Yes yes yes! Romans 8:18-25

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

Hallelujah!! This is a most beautiful thought! God will illumine! They will reign forever and ever! We are so very blessed!

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REJOICE - for our LORD & SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST is on His throne and He will rapture His sheep and the goats and satan and his minions will be UTTERLY DESTROYED to spend eternity in the LAKE OF FIRE.

PRAY FOR OUR LOVED ONES who are unsaved to COME to the realization of their NEED for SALVATION through the shed blood of YESHUA!

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Thx Janice … always need 🙏

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Janice thank you , so comforting. 🙏💜

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I think it might be a repeat on here, but who cares. :) I love it.

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One more puzzlement, brought forefront by Zooey's "misgendering" whining: How can we misgender transgenders when they've already misgendered themselves? Asking for benefit of the linguistic police.

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These nutzoids don't realize TWO genders--they are spouting there are HUNDREDS of them--utter nonsense and the work of satan to increase the CONFUSION swirling around the globe thanks to the SCAMdemic.

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There are only two genders but lots of mental disorders.

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

Just say to them, oh yes, I understand. I read about you in the DSM-5. (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. )

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Lots of mental disorders!!!

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AMEN - that going "untreated"!!

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What happened to all the institutions we had that could house these mostly harmless people? It gives a new meaning to the statement that the inmates are running the asylum.

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It exists. It is called the Tenderloin.

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Do you remember when NYC "dumped" their mental wards onto the streets years ago (I believe it was in the late 1970's)...well...most of those "unstable" people migrated to states where they could get on the "freeloader" rolls. I know the city I used to live in a few years ago was inundated with these kinds of "immigrants" and they absolutely LOOTED and ROBBED BLIND the local governments so that city was running IN THE RED for decades. It isn't safe at all to work there anytime--it's like driving through a ghost town. I believe a lot of these "unstable" people found their way into politics as well--seriously!

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I once had a liberally deluded friend who complained that her crazy uncle panhandled while riding a bicycle around downtown Houston and “Nobody is doing anything for him!” I asked her if she had a mirror. I think that’s when our relationship started falling apart.

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Yes. I lived in a city in Upstate NY. They had a very nice State Campus that took up 10-15 square city blocks plus another 10 acres of farmable land adjacent to it. There were hundreds of inmates. They were well taken care of with those that were harmless to themselves and others used to farm the land, harvest crops, etc. We watched them from our kitchen window. This went on for years during my childhood. They were constructive souls that provided produce for the population there and jobs for their caretakers. We never worried about them; we heard them sing or chant to some unknown being in their heads. Occasionally, we would grab a potato or two or some tomatoes that would otherwise be plowed under. Then one day, they were all gone. Some state bureaucrats decided they couldn’t afford them anymore. Where did they go? They’re still out there.

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And now I am reading everywhere, from even ob/gyns, 'pregnant *people *! Give me a break ! God forbid we offend the mentally ill men who dont have a uterus to nurture life in.

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I hear you, Angela!

Have you listened to or read anything from DR. NAOMI WOLF? I listened to her presentation to Hillsdale College a few days ago--and I was energized and also dismayed at what she and her over THREE THOUSAND volunteers are discovering about the "clinical trials" Pfizer conducted before releasing their BIOWEAPON JAB onto the public at large. https://dailyclout.io/our-story/

Turns out that the gene targeting bioweapon jab ALSO targets "membranes" in our bodies--and what is the "placenta"---a MEMBRANE. So......(to borrow from Atty. Jeff) of the 80 some pregnant women who participated in the Pfizer clinical trials--over SIXTY of their trial records are "missing". The remainder (total I believe 27) TWENTY of those 27 pregnant women suffered a spontaneous miscarriage. WHY AREN'T THESE CRIMINALS BEING BROUGHT BEFORE THE JUSTICE SYSTEM? I know why....they and all of the "power potentates" behind the curtain developed these "jabs" TO KILL OFF THE CITIZENRY--so if they do that...WHO'S LEFT TO PAY THEIR BURDENSOME TAXES?

I believe there's a book "out" now about the "300 People" who "run the world"--have you read that or heard anything about it, Angela?


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Finest example of gaslighting one can point to! Crazy is as crazy does!

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

I'm going to start dressing as an ATM. Deposits only thank you.

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Too late, dude. Biden's already the ATM. Using our money. Just ask Volodymyr Zelenskyyyy.

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

Oh that's just Biden bein' Biden. Waggle a babylike butt in his face and out pops... the big bills. VZ is the size of a weasel. Curious that.

I am a dude-ette. I am unoffended.

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

Ruh-roh. I done misgendered you! Bad, bad me. My punishment? Speed-drink a six-pack of Bud Light while staring at Mulvaney's picture on the cans.

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I like that you decided on your own punishment. Very harsh.

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😍 Love it!!

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😂😂😂 shattered! Thank you!

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Lol! Yes! Identify as an ATM! I love it!

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Two immutable genders is no longer science, according to Miss Gender. Such backward talk will need freedom of religion protection.

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In Britain, and now Canada you can literally be jailed for offending a transgender or any other rainbow category. And yet, I have to remind myself that except for Europe and America and the other Five Eyes, the entire world absolutely rejects all of this. That’s why I think it’s over for the West.

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When someone asks me to use their gender pronouns I tell them "I am happy to use your pronouns but in return you must agree to use my adjectives"


"My adjectives are Brave and Handsome. Any time you refer to me you must use them preceeding my name".

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Yes, all this makes Islamic countries sound so much more sane than we used to think!

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They’re not sane. Just goes to show how bad it is here that we might even think that.

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Totally agree. We will end up destroying ourselves.

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The west provides “aid” to non west countries on the condition that the aided country enact policies that the U.S. wants. That’s the carrot to change the world for the worse.

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So true. I cannot even begin to keep up with all of the pronouns and genders!

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That is a great point! There is lots of twisted thinking nowadays just to keep the chaos swirling!

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Master of chaos: satan.

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😂😂😂😂😂😂 That was perfect!

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

There are two of us jabbed that became solidly anti-vaxx after. So more than 25%.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Add another early adopter with vaccine regret. I vote with the 25%.

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The CDC lies about everything.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Exactly the same here. Had to vaxx to keep my job ... No "boosting" and strongly anti here too.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I was thinking that too - there will be those that will be “jab weary” based on what’s transpired these past few years

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Very good! Hang in there

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I applaud the awesome alliteration accurately articulating the amoral and abashed Anheuser alchohol association. Your articles are always abounding in amusing arrangements. Awesome accomplishment Amigo -- From an ally of accuracy and authenticity.

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Oh Josh. You know you have now thrown down the gauntlet.

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Well done, sir!

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for me, best alliteration in a song is from the dearly departed Warnen Zevon, "little old ladies got mutilated late last night," Werewolfs of London.

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Every day of the month, except maybe Mondays, should have their own alliteration letter. 26 days each month, one day for each letter.

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So Biden is no longer "verified"? No matter, I can verify that he is still a senile, treasonous, depraved, illegitimate resident of the White House.

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Trump gets deleted... that's good, but Biden loses a blue check ... outrage!

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They should just change his Blue Check to a Pink Swastika.

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Rainbow swastika.

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One for each of his two ugly faces.

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imagine that - an "inconsistent" stance from the left...this is my shocked face...

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True dat!!

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There is no way that Biden is making the posts. One of his handlers are. He probably doesn’t even know he has a Twitter account. It is unverifiable.

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I think that is probably true of most politicians in office. Their staffs do these posts. In Biden's case, the problem is he is not doing anything else either. I even think stand-in doubles are being used for various visits around the world.

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Agree, except for Trump. Staffers couldnt pursuade him to stop.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

When I read he was unverified, I darn near choked on my chicken quesadilla. Yes, I eat strange stuff for breakfast. I second you on your verification of him and might I add the words evil, disgusting and a communist?

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It cracks me up that Jeff liked your choking on the quesadilla. I have choked laughing while reading him too. But I am wise to that now and completely swallow food and drink before reading.

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Choked chicken? LOL

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Yes - how can he even be considering another presidential run! ?

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He's probably not considering it - he is incapable of considering anything other than "I think my diaper is wet.". He is being told he is considering it.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Who Is Alissa Heinerscheid? Bud Light's VP of Marketing Amid Trans Debate

"Has three children via surrogacy."

Is this person a Transformer?

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

She's the one that claimed Bud Light's image was fratty. But apparently drinking liquids out of a condom is not.

Out-of-touch Bud Light exec is seen in new pics downing beers at wild Harvard party


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In this current climate, I feel like all roads lead back to Harvard. They set Moderna up with office space in Boston after all...

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Do these people even hear themselves?? Lots of “feeling,” “believing,” and “evolution” in her video. Sounds like a cult to me!

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

This is reflective of the direction Bud Light decided to go and resulted in angering and insulting millions of their customers who have and will continue to show their disdain by choosing to spend their money elsewhere. Good move Anheuser Busch!

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BFM, "transformer". Now that has me LMFAO.

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People had been using that term to escape the censorship, but it's so apt that we just use it anyway.

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“More than meets the eye.”


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No...just a plain old liberal idiot.

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I didn’t know about the kids by surrogacy, but I did wonder about the trans part.

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Yeah, it's progressive to pay poor women to carry your children now.

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You are on it today YYR.

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She probably didn’t want to inconvenience herself with pregnancy.

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After analyzing the pic I think this is a good possibility!

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No, just another mentally ill person

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That's more likely, but we're just considering all the options, as there are some strong clues here.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The fentynal crisis brought to you by big pharma who never passes on an opportunity to sell deadly drugs. Between fentynal, mRNA poisons and hundreds of other killer drugs, big pharma is murdering well over a million people every year and we are more concerned about school shootings perhaps killing hundreds. While extremely tragic, how many of those shooters were affected by big pharma drugs? No one bothers to find out.

I am a proud 25%-er who has avoided all vaccines for over 50 years and will forever remain an anti-vaxxer until they murder me some other way.

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I had a mother who said no to it all in early 60’s

I want nothing in this temple

Never had one

Never will

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Psych meds, hormones, sleep meds, etc. MUST be responsible for shifting minds into random killer mode. My pea brain can't imagine it otherwise. Latest tip-of-the-iceberg from Kim Witzak, widow who forced black-box warnings on drugs, heard here: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/an-informed-life-radio-with-bernadette-pajer/ssris--the-courage-to-change-course/

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I still think fewer people got vaccinated than 75%. I think the government wants us to think that non vaxxers are in the minority. I think less than 50% of the adult population took all the vaxes and boosters. Many people I know got so sick after shot #1 that they stopped there.

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There are 30 people in my family who did not get vaxxed, and I guarantee you the government does not know about us. We don't visit conventional docs after they came out as Communists. I think the number is larger than 25%.

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Good for you and your family! Never trust the government!

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4 of us in my house alone refused the poison concoction. We opted for common sense and logic.....and sure enough.....

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As for me and my house, we all refused and I know dozens that did also..

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I know of only one...in family and friends and aquaintances...I think it depends which part of the country/state you are in. Its depressing here.

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Yes I think it does Duchess

All my family in Sonoma county CA took it and their 18 YO

Also family in LA all took it

Out of 6 siblings I’m the only non juiced family member.

All of them have had the woo covid over and over.....

Im still trucking along over here

Me and all my supplements and Ancestral Diet choices

No cooties in years....

no masking no 6’ apart antics

I camped and went outdoors exploring the most I ever have done in 2020/2021

What say them..... 🦗🦗🦗

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Yes Duchess its quite frustrating. We are in one of the tough areas, Silicon Valley CA. Another crazed medical director, Sara Cody MD a Stanford grad...Santa Clara County is still going after one of the churches here that refused to close down and or mask up during the lock ups I believe it is Calvary Chapel in San Jose with litigation ongoing. I have heard of many many people that refused to comply with the shot mandates around here. Wouldn't know it by listening to the alphabet news stations or reading the local news papers. I hope things get better in your area..❤️

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Yes you are in a difficult area also....I cannot beleive they are going after that church for staying open and unmasked...I so wish my church had had the guts to do so also.

I so hope I am wrong...but everyone around me got proudly vaxxed and are now having issues...either sick every few weeks requiring at least a trip to the doctors (but its not covid they say) ...or this problem or that little problem....sigh. Funnily enough, most people know I am unjabbed, but don't seem to hold it against me...and I work with lots of kids, and started hugging them in Spring 2021 when we were allowed to go back in the classroom....and a lot of adults followed suit. I think my state, like CA, got a lot of saline jabs. My sisters live in CA, hope they did too.

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Amen! Faith over fear, right out the gate! 🎯

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

My husband and I were at odds. He thinks he has special circumstances and I think he is crazy for getting it because of them. He got two shots. When his old old mom pushed him to get the boosters he finally balked and saw the harm. I keep expecting bad things to happen. It is very stressful.

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I'm in the same boat and worry every day. ♥️

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Check out Dr. Peter McCullough Wellness Company: https://www.twc.health/pages/dr-peter-mccullough

They even have a tele medicine program and also a supplement to assist with the effects of the. spike: https://www.twc.health/products/long-haul-formula

This is another company that has good reviews on cleaning out the toxins, especially from the jab: https://therootbrands.com/product/clean-slate/

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All 6 siblings took it.

Nope not me

Like a ticking clock ⏰

Waiting and praying for the best for them

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I feel for you. Most of these folks might be less inclined to step right in line if they just did a little research. The sickly bloated government, among other entities, are NOT our friends.

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Sorry for you worries, Temcol. If bad things do happen, there is hope. Jonothan Otto has gathered the experts on Covid injuries, long covid, vax inguries and shedding in a series of interviews called New Hope. Free to view first 5 today. Very enlightening and encouraging.


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3 in my house as a result of my jumping up & down pleading!

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Well, there's 7 right there......and it's not even 11:00 am. 😁

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My husband took the first set of 2 Pfizer poisonous shots against my advice. My daughter took 1 Moderna shot and deeply regrets it. My son and I never even considered getting it. All of us will never get a vaccine of any kind again.

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This and RFKJR speaking out about it and other vaccines on Instagram made me antivax for my grandbaby. (He had a huge following, and then Instagram banned him). I feel like I got to know him while he was posting and video reeling there. I felt spiritually enlightened about him.

I am in awe of his clarity of thought, logic, and reasoning ..his concern for those things which are blessings from God: clean nature and children .

Yes he has had a womanizing problem and admits it. He overcame heroine abuse, "miraculously". He prays the rosary daily. His life hasnt been perfect or squeeky clean..I sense something special in him, something real and genuine and vulnerablecand spiritually humble..a struggling and repentant sinner and a good decent human being in his soul.

I cant pinpoint it but he is special.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The erroneous CDC and state public health data is then used to inflate rates. The total number of people vaccinated or unvaccinated is the denominator in a rate. Change the denominator, and the vaccines would lose ALL effectiveness! And public health knows these vaccination numbers are way off. King County (Seattle) website actually admits they have zip codes with more than 100% vaccination! Come on now! https://kingcounty.gov/depts/health/covid-19/data/~/media/depts/health/communicable-diseases/documents/C19/calculation-method-technical-appendix.ashx

Thus they apply a “continuity correction” CDC does the same with their estimates (in the super-fine-print footnotes of course). They pick one census number or another. It’s a joke!

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Well, their more than 100% vaccination rate would line up with their more than 100% voter registration rate. (assumption on voter registration rate made for humorous purposes)

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Burn down the CDC and rebuild a “Wellness Department “

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Amen to that. Alas, they will not allow it as they need the citizens to be beholden to BIG Pharma for life!

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Correct! Stats are manipulated according to the message that is being pushed. Every stat needs an * after it.

The size of the “control group” of pure bloods is known only to God. He has us!

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This is great that the federal government has no idea who got vaxxed and when. Imagine if they had proper records and knew exactly who and when. Scary to think about.

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Like here in Australia, unfortunately!

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I agree. We just never talk about it. I think the untouched number would be closer to 40%, but the amount of college kids who took it, (forced to), is tragic.

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

Yes, the college kids. One of mine included to finish her last year of Masters (3 shots)!!! Wouldn’t listen to me. Went along with her boyfriend and other friends. Doesn’t want to talk about it. Even keeps getting flu shots! So heartbreaking. God bless them all!🙏

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My son never had the flu in 39 years, but his company strongly urged the shot, and he got the flu.

He was so close to the end of the scamdemic restrictions last year, but the forced mask wearing in his compqny for the unvaxxed was a bit too much for him (having to give presentations) as were the travel restrictions. Also the NYC discrimination (where friends live) became too much as well (he is single), and he caved to getting the J and J.

How evil that these literally, good for nothing shots were, but people were coerced to get them for many different reasons.

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Hopefully more rare, but a friend told me how he was given a Covid shot when brought to the ER for a diabetic episode in 2021. He was very upset when he found out, but shied away from the idea of legal action.

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Ugh. Horrible!

So people who were unconscious or vulnerable were jab-raped??!!

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How can we know? Someone from the inside would have to whistleblow or it would actually need to be a much more talked about topic. I've had enough bad medical experiences, but I don't tell most people. How could we know? I would like to know and don't know how to find out.

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Great question. Can only hope that more whistleblowers come out or are heard through some sort of channel. (I do see hospital folks in these Substack comment sections sometimes.)

Did you see that recent article about the newborn being taken away from a Texas couple because they used a mid-wife at home and didn't fully follow their pediatrician's advice on the baby's jaundice? The first thing I thought of was, "I bet they jabbed that precious baby."

Scary. And really, really bad. The child has been returned to the family, but I couldn't find any non-major MSM articles to link here.


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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

There is a Texas family stranded in Minnesota since the holidays whose child was medically kidnapped to force chemotherapy, even though the child was tested and showed no indications of cancer. It is the same issue. I wish the community that supported the return of that baby would rally in support of this family too. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kwtx.com/2023/02/11/central-texas-family-stuck-minnesota-amid-battle-regain-medical-decision-making-rights-their-child/%3foutputType=amp

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I did see that. I don't know if there were details making it clear that this was a racist action, but I was a little disappointed that this kind of injustice be marginalized by calling it racist. This happens to lots of families, many kinds of families. At the very least it is an example of health discrimination and a violation of the entire family's natural born rights, which I think is much more on the mark than attributing this to racism. Could be that too. But if they used the anti racist community to create the campaign to return their baby, then good that they succeeded.

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Technically it is a correct term. If I'm not mistaken, Dr. David Martin has floated something similar.

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Similar schimilar. It came to me on the fly!

I considered 'vaxx-raped' but we KNOW this ain't no vaxx.

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I only know two people who are still lining up. My 93yo mother in law and my Ivey League moronic markist sister!

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Yep. Several in my greater family avoided it.

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Of my very large family two resisted, one being me.

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Even one shot damages

You are not unvaxed if you had the first shot!

Of all my contemporaries, I am the only unvaxed. No flu shots or anything but first hepatitis shot for travel!

I have no desire to be shot!

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And for data fraud purposes, you are also not Vaxxed if you only got one shot. A very useful and descriptive malleable data point.

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Could be likely.... And yet the hordes of people who stood against the 'un-jabbed'? Were they a minority? It's very unclear and feels like a no. Many who were injured pretended it wasn't the jab.... So what I'm thinking is that the un-jabbed are clearly of a certain mindset like Jeff's saying. The forced-Single-jabbed a secondary category of that; who knows how many?

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I know a lot that didn’t get the shot but plenty that I wouldn’t have expected to get it, did get it. All the conservatives I know who got it, didn’t get any boosters and most regret getting it. My liberal family members are still all about the Covid shots. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Even the CDC acknowledges (or alleges, maybe) that only about 35% got even 1 booster, and fewer than 20% got a bivalent booster.

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Totally agree.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“the real numbers of American adults that somehow avoided jabbing was actually 25%”

I think it’s even higher. A former colleague of mine recently admitted to me that they faked a COVID card in order to go to industry conferences.

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Agreed. Many (most?) employers I’m aware of just asked about vax status and didn’t require proof; fake cards were/are readily available. The true number of unvaxxed could be much higher than 25%.

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My company asked for upload of vaccine card to HR.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, Looks like Newscum tried to outdo you with "p" words over your "b" words... He's a pathetic pusher of a perverted political agenda, prolonged by his punishing pontification when a preponderance of the evidence pokes out of his protracted putrid proposals... or something like that...

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“Miss Heinerscheid, pictured above, is not smiling now. “

Another dimwit, it’s-all-about-me, participation-trophy millennial who, despite her mid-6-figure business school education, couldn’t figure out that the number one rule of marketing is “know your customers, and DON’T piss them off”.

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Eraserhead avatar 😁

Didn’t go to bidniz school. Do these wannabes not have a requirement for a course or two in marketing? Yeah, I know, the school that awards the degree dun’ give a spit. Just keep the $ rolling in.

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Holy cow that’s a whole lotta’ B’s and you forgot the BS on the end😅

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If any of the readership here misses a federal tax filing deadline, will it be treated same as Hunter's "oversight", as a mere misdemeanor? Or will the newly-energized IRS scream, "felony!" and deploy the armed collection agents? (Asking for a friend, y'understand.)

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Rhetorical question, I'm sure. I'm sure your friend already knows the answer!

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Until A.B. fires their male spokesman, and the VP who put it all together getting him and her away from their brand, and does not receive any severance packages…..Bud Light and all of them need to sit on the shelf and get stale. It will not go well if they pay off that man pretending to be a woman so he can go use that money to continue wreaking havoc on society. Nope! Not one more dime to this agenda!

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And as regards Bud Lite, how would one tell if it's stale?

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😂 Excellent question!

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In wine talk, it was a good year.

In beer talk , it was a good month.

Beer goes stale in months, wine goes stale in years or decades.

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And until they apologize for insulting their customers with such trashy advertising!

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