The CIA "cannot be cleaned". It must be ABOLISHED. They do not, and have never, worked for you or me. They have NO redeeming qualities. NONE.

They must be put OUT of existence. Period. Full stop.

The "employees" can go about finding actual gainful employment, not on the taxpayer's dollar.

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President Truman, who signed the bill creating the CIA out of the OSS, later said the agency should be torn apart. JFK, shortly before his assassination (any connection?) said more or less the same thing....

As Jeff says, "Just saying"

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Absolutely a connection

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RemovedMay 4
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Not here, please

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Oh! That President Truman! He was a very, very distant relative of my family on my Mother's Virginia side of the family through Wood family, some of whom made it to Missouri it think in the 1830's. I have a family book which describes that journey, something about two covered wagons and a big bag of silver which was used to buy farmland in Missouri.

Truman? A mixed bag. A bit naive one hand, astute politician on the other hand. Signed onto the infamous UN charter and created the CIA. He also made a big bang in Japan, a couple of them which by the way saved hundreds and hundreds of thousand of lives both American and Japanese by an immediate surrender thus staving off a invasion of Japan's homeland islands.

Truman, you see, at the end of his presidency, packed up the family car, left Washington for home in Missouri ... and no richer than the day he arrived in Washington (unlike some famous Grifter Presidents you already know the names of). And so, nothing is entirely black and white. And if only it was that simple.

Would have we been better off if old Harry and Bess had stayed in Missouri ... Harry selling hats and playing the piano? Who knows. Probably not. Someone else would have done the bad stuff that got us to where we are now.

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You forgot to mention that he’s the reason that Israel is a state and Jews have a homeland to go back to. Probably one of his greatest accomplishments, but wouldn’t have happened unless he’d been in a haberdashery partnership with a Jew who pushed and prodded until he agreed.

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Yes! I did forget that one! And the Truman recognitions was instant ... like a lightening strike. Flash and Done. And one more proof that The You Know Who Lobby had enormous political power all throughout the entirety of the 20th century.

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The estimated number of deaths suffered by the Russians in WWII explains a lot about their attitude - 24 million, of which only about 10 million were military deaths.

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Swift is a CIA asset. They control all media. Her being at the top is a psyop, her music is a weapon against the minds of anyone who listens.

https://tritorch.com/degradation/TaylorSwiftIsBeingUsedAsAPentagonPSYOPJanuary2024.mp4 [5:02mins]

The Fourth Estate has devolved into a fifth column,

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media." -Former CIA Director William Colby (Operation Mockingbird)


"I was taught to lie, to betray and not to tell the truth to the public.

I ended up publishing articles under my own name written by agents of the CIA and other intelligence services, especially the German secret service.

Most journalists from respected and big media organisations are closely connected to the German Marshall Fund, the Atlantik-Brücke or other so-called transatlantic organisations…once you’re connected, you make friends with selected Americans. You think they are your friends and you start cooperating. They work on your ego, make you feel like you’re important. And one day one of them will ask you, "Will you do me this favor?"

We’re talking about puppets on a string, journalists who write or say whatever their masters tell them to say or write. If you see how the mainstream media is reporting about the Ukraine conflict and if you know what’s really going on, you get the picture. The masters in the background are pushing for war with Russia and western journalists are putting on their helmets.

When I told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Ulfkotte’s newspaper) that I would publish the book, their lawyers sent me a letter threatening with all legal consequences if I would publish any names or secrets — but I don’t mind. You see, I don’t have children to take care of." -Udo Ulfkotte, German Journalist 2017, Now Dead


From the Congressional Record, January 27, 1917:

JP Morgan, Steel, Shipbuilding, and “powder”(gun powder? munitions?) interests hired 12 high-ranking newspaper execs to determine how to “control generally the policy of the daily press” throughout the entire country.

Answer: They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers.

…the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly SUPERVISE AND EDIT INFORMATION….

This policy also included the suppression of everything in opposition to the WISHES of the interests served.

Excerpt from: https://tritorch.com/counterfeit

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Swift is a Soros asset…….which is the same as being a see eye aye asset.

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It's all the same. All of it is merging together into a single asset that one small parasite class at the top will own and control. This video explains it well: https://bitchute.com/video/ei6QD8ZPl6DU [45:35]






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Sounds scriptural, now doesn't it?

Later Jay

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When I think of these things, as a reminder from the One who knows the end from the beginning, I like to read the following:

Psalm 2

Psalm 82:6-7

Isaiah 14

Ezekiel 28

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How about Daniel, like the whole thing? It's a study unto itself.

Later Jay

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Exactly right. As Jan Markell says, God is just moving the pieces into place.

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With only 500 million people left on earth.

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This may interest you: There is overwhelming evidence to suggest that the global population numbers are nothing but lies, deception, and fabrications. There are no where near 8 billion people on this planet: https://bitchute.com/video/Q0KHQdiHkXcC [6:17mins]

We live in a Matrix like reality, all of it designed to imprison our minds. The eight billion figure is merely yet another cage, making us think that population is a problem in order to strip us of our health, wealth, freedom, family, and lives.

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Truly, how can we believe in ANY data/statistics that are presented. There is an agenda behind every message, every bit of information broadcast at us. Thanks for what you do TriTorch, I haven’t the time or resources to gather, analyze and share what you and Jeff do, but I desire the truth and I appreciate your diligence!

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No wonder she and BF got the Pfizer commercial bonus!

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I missed the part where you explained how you know this.

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And I missed the part where you explain how you dismissed this?

Later Jay

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You can also use 🤡 in America

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It's also 5 songwriters who write nearly all the pop music that becomes a hit. No lie. Consolidating power allows for easier control, same as the DEI/CRT scam in F500, driven by influential consultants like McKinsey. (As an aside, I suspect this is the real reason our government fails to do its proper job and simply rubber stamps most large corporate buyouts and consolidation.) Good to remember that most assets don't know they are assets.

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Yes, the sad state of the music business as of late.

Later Jay

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Well, like everything else media-related, it seems to have been propaganda. At least back to the rise of rap in the 80s. (In retrospect, it's kind of obvious: how/why would a bunch of upper-middle class white kids suddenly be interested in black gang culture unless it was due to widespread propaganda?) Something I noticed at a very young age is that most kids and teens will like what they are told to like.

Critics/talking heads still serve this purpose. I sometimes LOL at music reviews taking some entirely fake, professionally song-written, and computer generated propaganda "music" seriously. It's not even music - more like a Barney jingle - and they evaluate it like it's on par with Bach or Miles Davis or Zeppelin.

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May 2·edited May 2

I once listened as the dean of a medical school speaking at my daughter's medical school graduation recited the lyrics to "Don't Worry, Be Happy" to those students, faculty and parents in attendance. The lyrics were the entirety of his speech. Quite dystopian in my opinion and a prelude to the state of medical care in the USA

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That's wild and very scary. What did your daughter have to say?

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Yep! How about "Bro Cuntry" -say what???? My country has an O in it....

Anyway, to each his own. It's just a shame that a lot of really good artists never get a chance. There were a bunch of good acts in the early '90's that never got the label backing that it takes to fly. Label money was put into your aforementioned mentioned category.

Later Jay

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Entire music industry is just like Hollyweird...fake and engineered to control. You can pay the right people for 'advertising' and place your song on any chart. Or you can become a superstar like Swift or hugely successful like 'Diddy', but you have to pay with something else.

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TBH, I'm not very familiar with modern country. I did happen to hear one "artist" performing as part of a pre-game show for some sporting event (I can't recall which). It was kind of on in the background and it sounded like the usual saccharine/all-the-same stuff...then, all of a sudden, it turned into the worst karaoke performance I'd every heard. I had to stop what I was doing to watch the horror show. IDK what happened - someone turned off the autotune or someone accidentally turned on the live mic instead of the recorded track - whatever it was it went from passable but obviously fake to OMG this is terrible. Kind of reconfirmed for me that I don't need to pay much attention to that genre.

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I looked into her ... this Swift phenomenon. Vapid canned music, formulaic. But catchy enough to catch the low information herd of preponderantly unfortunates who just want some sunny spots in their unfortunate lives. And who can blame them. Also, it surprised me that Swift can be a snappy dresser with modesty if she wants to be. And apparently, not a slob type.

Swift is smart enough though to operate a bubble gum machine and in a crowd pleasing way. She is proof that you don't have to be genius to 'get ahead' in the music entertainment business. Nor even a highly skilled musician. Just smart enough.

Still, my best guess remains ... Taylor Swift --- Deep State Creature.

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She’s a manufactured, not talented, product of the music industry which is no different than the sick Hollywood industry. She’s captured a young, easily influenced, NTB audience.

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Agreed! Not genuinely talented. But she has gifts. That is, and for one, she knows how to milk the Musical Cow!

The prime illustration of C19 Health Terrorism is how easily people are influenced. Duped is a better word.

It would have been a better life for her is she had stayed just a regular person ... and maybe with a good home life. Just my opinion.

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I don’t doubt what you assert. I have to say though, I was pleasantly surprised by her song for ‘Where the Crawdads Sing,’ which we watched first time this past week. I have never paid much attention to her; this was gorgeous music.

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Anyone who misses the fact that music without godly influence has satanic influence has not read the Bible

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AI-generated music would likely be preferable, more complex, more interesting.

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I pretend to play the classical guitar. I have two of them ... nice instruments. So I know what you mean.

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I was being sarcastic ... or so I thought!

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Actually, I figured so. But I also thought maybe AI ... or might as well be so.

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Wow! And quite believable. Thx.

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JP Morgan, head of the Money Trust, also owned the Steel Trust and the other industrial trusts. Once Morgan, the Rothschilds, and the Rockefellers passed the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, it was all over for American. WWI, WWII, and now WWIII followed, as night follows day. Read how it happened here:


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Creature from Jekyll Island, the sinking of Titanic (or an imitator) come to mind.. so CONVENIENT... all the opposition went down w the ship.

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So after your big announcement yesterday, you were leaving and wishing us love and here you are? Okie dokie. I guess habits hard to break or did you figure out C&C is free except Sundays?

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Absolute truth TriTorch! Thank you for sharing! I wouldn’t pay a dime to see TS.

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Her music lyrics have also taken a turn and are satanic in nature. They aren’t even trying to hide it anymore. She started out cutesy and lured in the teeny bopper kids. The media and deep state caught her in her blackmail and owned her. Then they rise her up to the masses in stardom like the lion king baby. She came on scene with a force from nothing. Then her teeny bopper lyrics and melody hooked the teenagers….got them into her cult and BOOM! Now they have her music falsely propped up as every single song in the top 14? Hahahahahahahahaha pppffttttt. It’s all lies and smoke and mirrors. And the braindead pay $2K to go see her. So stupid. Step out of the matrix patents. Wow.

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You’re 💯 correct! You can see the satanism and the occult in her makeup, costumes, lyrics and the stage props. It’s really evil and yet parents allow their young daughters to go to these concerts! People are so easily deceived.

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It goes back to 1949.

" We're Sgt Pepper's Lonely

Hearts Club Band."

"It's 20 years ago today

Sgt. Pepper taught

the band to play."


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Thankful for the Holy Spirit that kept me from ever listening to one Taylor Swift song. I know nothing about her, except to avoid her.

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I have listened to a lot of Taylor swift and if it’s a weapon why has it has not impacted me at all? You make it sound like it’s voodoo and going to re program me by simply listening. Sure I agree the Biden admin wants to use her, of course they do; they will give her anything she wishes for, any award , any championship for her boyfriend, any amount of history making chart hits, anything they can do to capture her and use her to persuade her 500 million followers. But to make it sound like listening to her music is going to brain wash me is false. I know every song and every lyric. People who don’t know her music seem to believe these way out there voodoo theories.

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Give this a watch if you are intersted in leaerning more: Tavistock, Or How the Few Control & Manipulate the Many & Engineer Reality https://bitchute.com/video/bQC3Di8p1k0g [17:55mins]

Your mind is a sponge, you are very much affected in subtle ways by what you see and hear. Look at the image of Taylor that Jeff chose for this article: https://imgur.com/a/nO9Reky

That is satanic. And this thing is singing to and is admired by millions of impressionable children all over the world. It does not require Sherlock Holmes to figure out what is going on here. This manipulation and erosion of morals has been fueled by the media for more than a century:

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.


In almost every act of our daily lives ... we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons ... who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind." --Edward Bernays, Master of Propaganda

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Her music is satanic. Nailed it. They are like drug dealers. Bring her on scene, prop her up, fake the numbers so the sheep think they’re missing out if they don’t pay $2k to go watch her sing live, then release her album full of satanic lyrics and watch the millions of kids sing along like robots fawning over her falsified stardom. Then say she’s got all the top 14 songs. 😂 Seriously? The top 14 are only her songs? Hahahahahaa. She’s apparently the only singer now? Hahahaa. They Just showed their hand. 🤦🏼‍♀️ These parents need to wake up. Their kids brains are being warped and demonized and they are facilitating it.

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Yeah, completely ludicrous, you nailed it! 14 top hits... They're so brazen with their preposterous nonsense now it's like we're living in a cartoon circus. Up next is the headline that Swift sells 9 billion tickets, in a world where there is supposedly only 8 billion people, and the judas journalists will look directly in the camera and announce this with complete conviction and joy, and the world will erupt in celebration.

Ignorance is strength.

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I am open to anything and appreciate the links. I agree I am very concerned by her choice of visuals including the pic Jeff posted and her recent videos. I do find her new insane asylum video highly disturbing. I don’t see anything of this nature in her sound or lyrics so this seems like an after attempt to be edgy. Is it more than that I don’t know? Is she captured by the devil or just flirting with evil or just trying to be imaginary and “cool”. I have listened to Taylor’s entire new album and I can tell you it’s about a breakup with Joe Alywn and with Matt Healy. I do love all her old songs which are also about love and break ups. She is clearly talented no matter what the others on here say, she is selling out stadium after stadium like no one has ever done before. My child does not want to go to a Beyoncé concert, zero interest, and I’m sure they (the evil elites) would have loved to boost Beyoncé but failed. So how did Taylor succeed…because her music is actually good.

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The problem is those images and videos. She may sing one thing, but she is telling you an entirely different story with that imagery. This is subliminal and it programs and desensitizes people to evil, and worse, it nudges them to become wicked themselves. Suddenly joining a coven doesn't seem so alien anymore because satan is glamorized everywhere. Next think you know they're participating in abortion rituals. This is as real as it gets. I am not exergerating.

https://tritorch.com/degradation/SatanicHollywoodAndMusicIndustryPutsTheirReligionOnFullDisplay.mp4 [27 seconds]

https://tritorch.com/degradation/SatanismInHollywoodIsUsedToInfluenceTheAudienceChinaMcClain.mp4 [1:05mins]

Meet Disney's New Satanic Cartoon - You Guys GETTING it Yet? https://bitchute.com/video/PxBEFrSKoE12 [1:51 mins]

Here's Lady Gaga, Adrenochrome in Your Face: https://bitchute.com/video/nDUP2ZqHmpu1

It isn't just a slippery slope to evil, it's a water side. It works so well, which is why they always do this.

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She was manufactured to mess up the minds of the white girls.

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Let me just add that while these satanic subliminal messages are quite dangerous for adults who've established their morality over decades, they're extraordinarily destructive for young minds that have never had the chance to develop their moral compass.

For adults it's a slippery slope. For children it's the water slide.

Act accordingly.

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I think part of the attraction for Taylor is she is so child like. She is in her 30’s but continues to act like she is 20…so the teenagers and college age kids see her as one of them. I like some of her songs too but I have no desire to go to a concert. I am hoping her current relationship will be more grown up… we will see. Marriage and babies will do her good… IMHO. It will give her someone to love more than herself.

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She is 34 years old. It’s very common now to be single at that age. She was in a six year relationship with Joe in London that could have been a marriage and a divorce.

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Maybe because you are an adult? If you are an adult and know every song and lyric well I don't know what to think, except to ask how's Kate doing?

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Becky do you enjoy being a rude person. I don’t care what music you like. Probably something like Led Zeppelin which I hate. You are probably 20 years older than me. Yes I have children and we listen to the songs. You are just an ugly person inside.

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I believe I read somewhere that very soon the (NSA?) Was poised to take total control of the internet… has anyone else heard this? Sounds just like what you wrote about JP Morgan.

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Did Udo Ulfkotte ever publish that book?

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They just can’t stop themselves from validating Proverbs 16:18. “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”

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People like that fall when they trip, because they were looking at themselves in the mirror. instead of watching where they were going. Like Carly Simon said, "You had one eye in the mirror, as you watched yourself gavotte . . . ." Or Ecl. 1:2: "All is vanity."

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Those lazy butt federal government workers in the DC area are still "working from home."

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The federal government has had the goal of having as many employees working from home as possible for several decades. Nothing new here. The goal was to cut car emissions in cities and cut down on traffic. The challenge was to keep employees productive without direct supervision. I knew of a woman (one of the original work from homes employees in the 90's) who ended up fired because she was falsifying her work reports. She was told she had to repay her salary or face charges of fraud. Also, a friend shared with me that a federal building in Jacksonville is completely empty now because employees are working from home..

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refurbish into Homeless Apartments!

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It can be dangerous to have a bunch of homeless people congregate together unless the facility is run by a legitimate nonprofit that has rules in place and is seeking to getting unemployed people educated with skills and off of drugs so that they can be employed and they are assisting the mentally ill to get treatment. I spoke with a homeless lady soliciting me for money in an ER of all places. I asked her if she had been to the local mission and she said she hated going there because they make you go to church and they want you to get a job. She didn't want a job and she didn't want off the street. She was obviously mentally ill but had no interest in getting help. Sorry for the soapbox.

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Happens in Seattle a lot. Death & human destruction. An NGO ( non gov agency) runs Plymouth House. The county buys older hotels & builds some new prison looking buildings all around the towns in the county - with our tax dollars. Says the Salvation Army will keep it clean ( nope) drug use & prostitution can now move from the visible blue tents to behind closed doors & out of sight. Of course the NGO’s then make contributions to certain political campaigns. Mulch of this happens before citizens are aware the problem is not staying in Seattle but coming to their neighborhoods. When the locals get a clue & fight city hall they’re told we in suburbia must do our part & take these drug addicts from Seattle into our neighborhoods. https://t.me/c/1469227968/2680

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It's like locust coming and destroying the countryside.

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Dare we even imagine what might happen if there were a universal basic income established. Talk about worthlessness!

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IRS had to go back to work (with jabs, at first).

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A lot of them might be, but those with security clearances cannot. Those agencies were open through all the Wuhan Red Death madness and employees had to physically come in to work, take leave, resign, or be let go.

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You mean the US created and funded covid bioweapon that was released.

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Yes. We sarcastically call it the "Wuhan Red Death."

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Didn’t the agency come out of a certain group in Germany during WWII? Bush Sr was part of it, and his dad. This group was probably never on our side.

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The CIA, yes. When JFK vowed to dismantle them they had him killed.

The FBI is also highly compromised, but it may be possible to clean house there.

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I do fear the same will happen to DJT if he promises same.

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If he's smart, which he is, he'll create a plan with an incorruptible circle of advisors, announce it and implement it the same day. Decimate the top two layers of all these treasonous 3 letter agencies before they have time to react.

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Not possible!

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Project Paperclip and I believe Bush Sr went under a different name "Scherf."

None of the normal non gov people know any truth, but we know that what they tell us are lies. I usually think the exact opposite or what they accuse others is what they themselves are doing. Movies also give you a clue to what they can do and they are horrific, so it is just better to not know. God will punish them.

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I have seen this information before, complete with pictures of earlier generations. At this point nothing would surprise me.

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Read the, "The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government" By David Tolbot. Lays it all out there.

Later Jay

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yup EXCELLENT BOOK. also Brothers, same author.

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Excellent book Jay

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Yes, it has tied many loose ends together that I had heard since I was a kid. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in covert actions that we as citizens have viewed through the distorted lens of controlled media. Once you are able to dissect the hazy spoon-fed narratives, you can't unsee them.

Best to you.

Later Jay

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A certain group? Like indirect Nazis? Yep.

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No, the CIA was not a German creation. If you want to pinpoint it, it was actually a Rockefeller/Rothschild creation. I tell the story here:


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Thank you, Richard.

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OSS /CIA did PAPERCLIP yes and brought all the Nazi scientists back here instead of Nuremberg where they belonged.

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Did the Nazi and a Jewish scientists ever work together at one point?

I can’t imagine science being segregated prior to the war.


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There's a book with photos and other information obtained from Hitler's bodyguard, Otto Skorzeny. He said George Bush and son changed their last names from their German name, Scherff, and they were part of the Nazi party. GHWB was in the German Navy. One article about this is: https://tinyurl.com/29zfr79e

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GHWB was a US Navy fighter-bomber pilot, not a German Navy pilot.

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I read that he was in both Navys, but not that he was a pilot in the German Navy.

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He enlisted in the US Navy on his 18th birthday June 12 1943, when the US was already at war with Germany.

I assure you he could not have served in the German armed forces, which would've been treason.

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Impossible for anyone in our government to commit treason, then?

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Uh no. George Bush the first was the son of Prescott Bush who it is said did have connections to NSDAP. But New England WASP all the way.

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George Scherff and George Scherff Jr. were both born in Germany. Scherff Jr. became President. I read somewhere that Bush Jr. was adopted, but, like you, I only know what other people have said. The Bush family was and is Nazi; that was my point. And probably satanists like the rest of our government.

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One look at his father, Prescott, belies that GWHB was adopted.

Again, crazy conspiracy theories discredit conservatives.

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If I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist, and already discredited, there's no point in my saying anything more, is there?

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GWHB wasn't born in Germany. He was born in Massachusetts

His father, Prescott Bush, former US Senator, was born in 1895 in Ohio.

None of them were ever German, although Prescott had strong business ties to Germany before the War.

Nor were they named "Sherff."

The Intelligence Community *wants* us to be seen asserting ridiculous things so as to be able to discredit conservatives as crazy.

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It sounds like you've made up your mind. Does that mean you are not inclined to read the information submitted by Otto Skorzeny, or to look through his photos?

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"I will perhaps be accused of over-dramatizing my conclusion, but to me, what all this amounts to is a rogue intelligence agency hell-bent on becoming a government unto itself. The new OMG video is walking, talking verification of the growing body of evidence suggesting the CIA is totally out of control."

It's not just the CIA. In as much it is apparent that the US Dept of Defense is the origination of the plandemic AND the bio-weapon shot, that the DoD planned, developed and deployed both the psyops plandemic and the bio-weapon, both the CIA and the rogue elements in the DoD are totally and completely OUT OF CONTROL. "Over-dramatizing"? Jeff, if anything, you are the epitome of under-statement.

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O'Keefe best watch his back. Chuckles Schumer warned anyone listening to NOT mess with the intelligence community.

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That 6 ways to Sunday comment…😡

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Not rogue. Planned and controlled.


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I am particularly interested in these origins of the IMF and CIA, nothing but trouble, along with the Federal Reserve, in the cleanup afterWWII. Great information. Thx.

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Thanks. My book covers these topics. "Our Country Then and Now."

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Hey Phil... You are not over-dramatizing anything but under-dramatizing... Sorry so long, but this turned into my big idea to make it all make sense. We can't worry or fear because God said the battle is His.

Okeefe was INVITED and went to Bohemian Grove. He is an asset so whatever he reveals is what they want you to know or believe.

IMO, they don't care if we dissolve the CIA as they already have control by other means. They want to placate the theorists and those who pay attention.

More than one anti Israel protest was staged and a bill was pushed through. IMO, since Israel was getting a lot of negativity about Palestine they made the people supporting them look like USA haters and hamas. That takes our eye off this ball which is the democide going on there (not to mention the democide here) as they have wanted the land since before the Balfour Declaration 1917 (which is the same year the bolshevik revolution broke out). They can't look like the bad guys to the world. It is alarming the bulk of our gov is represented by a minority of our population that have dual citizenship with another nation (and is it a nation?) that give unknown billions to that nation, and control our media, lower & higher ed institutions, the book publishing, the science, the banks, our US currency fed reserve, and everything that breaks our connection to God and family...etc....

Who or what is pushing the NWO? satan's minions with many organizations including churches. What is the Lucis Trust? Is it just another branch?


We will never figure it out and Trump is not what I once thought. We can only select our gov. All the drama around Trump makes him stronger as planned. You could say I am black pilled, not about Jesus and humanity, but realizing that satan is god of this world.

Ex. about Trump - https://www.bitchute.com/video/waAhG8roVfBJ/

Colossians 3:2-7

2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. 3 For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.

5 Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. 6 Because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience, 7 in which you yourselves once walked when you lived in them.

Ephesians 2:2 ...in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.

2 Corinthians 4:4 In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

1 John 5:19 We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.

IMHO, the only choice we have is to trust Jesus and follow His Word. All these events have evil Babylonian roots from the Old Testament to Revelation. I can provide scripture that directly shows our controllers still worship the same gods as was said in the Bible.

I'd rather give Caesar what is Caesar's and God what is God's.

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This is why I found C & C so interesting today. It was the CIA mentions. And so as much as it is indeed fun to guess at things, what happens when largely secret societies and organizations get so big for their britches as to threaten to supplant the Money Power/Apex Money ... and become 'governments' unto themselves? Might there not be a force of reaction somewhere?

The Apex Money of Western Sphere Control cannot brook the Hired Help Fronts to become the Main Stage Event. Because ... where would that leave 'em?

By today's news and apparently, the Deep State including focus on asset CIA, is not granted a special privileged immunity when the question becomes who is to run The Show. That is, there can only be one Alpha Slot Supreme Controller when it comes to The Money/Banker interests. And loose cannons are tolerated only so long.

It is truly stunning to see all of this 'new aspect' bubbling up. Because once upon a time such questioning or second guessing of such inviolate organizations such as the CIA or FBI was simply beyond the pale. Veboten! Period!

(house cleaning day ... ugh!)

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So the Apex elites are house cleaning too.

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Yes indeed

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May 2·edited May 2

Am I the only one who wonders how O’Keefe, who is pretty well known now can infiltrate, rather easily, the very sophisticated CIA organization? It just seems they would know everything about everyone who works for them and would certainly know about O’Keefe. Just seems too easy for him to get inside and for the CIA operative to be the perfect braggadocio.

We have been hearing the drip, drip of evidence what the FBI and CIA were doing to DJT for over 5 years now and nothing really has been done or will be done. The real crux of all this was Trump won the 2020 election and that is taboo everywhere. We don’t talk about it and if we do they find nine ways to Sunday to charge and prosecute. When they dropped a preplanned pandemic on the world to steal an election, I am wary of anyone dropping actual news.

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O'Keefe uses his American Swipers or men and women who are literal nobodies (but probably hot) but who are willing to "swipe" whichever way it is you do to find a date on tinder or grindr or whatever the hell the kids use these days to get laid. He calls them his "citizen Journalists" because they are just americans who are sick and tired of the bs and are willing to take on this challenge. It's a honeypot of patriots. It's kinda amazing actually.

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The recent gotcha interviews also reveal that there are some boastful prideful big talkers in a certain sexual-preference community.

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LMWC, I feel the same way. "Allegedly" he was invited to Bohemian Grove and went. There are vids out there about it but here is one. "If" he did, info about it would be limited and "debunked." In this video, a former Veritas journalist also said James had more info about the jabs BEFORE the Pfizer reveal and sat on it.


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Thanks for the link! Watching it now.

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They all work at Facebook and Google now.

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And likely want to get laid by O'keef........ Ha!

Later Jay

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Read the book Big Intel by J. Michael Waller.

“Big Intel recounts the dramatic story of the rise and Cold War heroics of the FBI and the American intelligence apparatus followed by its unfortunate slide into Marxist-influenced Deep State dysfunction as BIG INTEL became BAD INTEL.”

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For more underbelly: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘭'𝘴 𝘊𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘣𝘰𝘢𝘳𝘥, 𝘈𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘯 𝘋𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘴, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘐𝘈, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘈𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢'𝘴 𝘚𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵 𝘎𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 by David Talbot.

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The killers of the flower moon book has interesting info on the FBI.

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Yes... especially about how Hoover investigated the Osage murders only to the point where it built his and the agency's reputation and then abandoned deeper, wider investigation. As the author points out in his notes, he (the author) fairly easily found evidence even at this late date of far more crime and organized crime than the FBI bothered to dig into. Agency self-promotion from the start.

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Yes! I was surprised at how much was in that book.

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Hear, HEAR!

Currently listening to Mark Lane's 2011 expose "Final Judgment."

As a young man, I was a huge fan of the CIA and it's former Mexico City station chief, William F. Buckley, Jr.

Sadly, I once again have to admit I was wrong. The CIA assassinated JFK, removed Nixon from office (with the help of White House Naval Intelligence officer Bob Woodward) and has continually operated against US interests on behalf of the New World Order, and has tightened it's iron censorship grip on the major media around the world.

Long past time to "shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces" as JFK promised to do just weeks before his assassination.

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Liquidating the CIA is probably a good idea, but won't those skilled, dedicated,value-free staff reconstitute themselves into something else? How to prevent that?

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It's not enough to disband an agency. There needs to be vigorous prosecution of individuals for crimes.

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Yes. We all should declare our sovereignty, but they have the military complex and those 5G towers and other weapons like weather manip and microwave stuff to control us and our minds. God has to fix it. As long as evil exists, people will be controlled by it.

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yes there must be PROSECUTION and a world wide expose of all their crimes - otherwise the same thing can happen again.

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I cannot LIKE this post ENOUGH! It is TRUTH!

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JFK thought so. turned out to be tougher than he thought.

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And they are by no means the only 3 letter agency that needs to be eliminated permanently!

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Dave, the problem with closing their doors and letting them lose in the wild, is they will all go work for our enemies and share the horrid inside secrets they know about America. I would imagine the alphabet agencies would need to be purged. That is the only "safe" option at this point to the toxic, cancerous disaster they represent.

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May 2Liked by Jeff Childers

More great 💉news!! The Arizona GOP has declared Covid-19 Injections Biological and Technological Weapons, and have passed a “Ban the Jab” Resolution! Joseph Sansone, M.S., PhD reported on this breaking news via his Substack: https://substack.com/home/post/p-144079970?source=queue.

It was resolved: "On behalf of the preservation of the human race, the 2024 Arizona Republican Party Presidential Nominating Convention Delegates call upon Governor Hobbs and the state legislature to prohibit the sale and distribution of Covid injections and all mRNA injections in Arizona, and for the Arizona Attorney General to immediately seize all Covid injections and mRNA injections in Arizona and perform a forensic analysis on these so-called ‘vaccines.’”

Please click on the link provided for Dr. Sansone’s article and to read of other states’ Republican Parties that have done the same in Florida, Idaho, and Oregon.

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Excellent. Now let's see all this experimental gene therapy technology redefined as "vaccines" outlawed. Covid was just the first so-called "vaccine" They have dozens in the pipeline.

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Not the first. ALL vaccines are bad.

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Yep. EVERY vaccine is mean to mess with(corrupt) our God given immune systems. Hard pass. God didn’t make mistakes when he created us after His own image!

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They are transfections and any other terminology is incorrect. We cannot win using THEIR dictionary OR allowing them to have their own. Marxists like to share our vocabulary but use our dictionary only to deceive.

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They are transfections, and any other terminology is incorrect.

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Until they have access to the levers of power and truly act on this it is similar to city councils adopting Gaza ceasefire resolutions. I have grown weary waiting for the GOP to follow through on much of anything when given the majority in congress and the governor's office. Still the better option of the two.

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Yep. Red state Alabama is no Florida. I wish.

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The Florida GOP demanded a ban on mRna shots too but as you can see, the pharma money conduit to our legislators is too strong. They've simply turned a blind eye to the demand!

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Dr. Sansone filed a Writ of Mandamus personally to Gov. DeSantis - it was dismissed. He filed a motion to reconsider - it was denied and he is now filing a notice of appeal. But you are correct - the Republican party in Florida is turning a blind eye. https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/circuit-court-dismissed-writ-of-mandamus?publication_id=1021940&post_id=143465487&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=true&r=s08k0&triedRedirect=true

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Bingo. It's always about the money.

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Vicki, are you saying the Republican Party of Florida passed such a resolution? I don't think so; a few counties have, but I don't think it even came close to being considered by the state party.

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Maybe I have that mixed up with the covid shot.....but I thought their conclusion was the banning of mRna in ANY shot. I know that I read that in at least 2 different places. Oh and oops....I just remembered....it was the GOP of Brevard County! Sheesh! Talk about memory issues! Possibly a few other counties in Florida have joined in that, but overall you are correct.....the GOP of Florida isn't interested. Thanks for the memory jogger!

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I look forward to them “seizing” the vaccines and discovering at last WTH is in them.

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The problem is that so many different ‘vaccines’ were made…. Under the EUA, safety and quality assurance went out the window and hundreds of stand up facilities were making this crap. Hence the need for howbadismybatch.com

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Over to you DeSantis!

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I've heard people argue that maybe DeSantis hasn't done so because he is letting the "free" market work and doesn't want to take away choice. Well, that is precisely what he is doing here. And fake meat.....not exactly a big deal. I'm glad he did it, but there are much much bigger fish to fry.

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Yeah, what an excuse not to do your job. "Free market" implies a market free from deception which we all know is not the case.

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And how is it a "free market" when billions of our tax dollars underwrite it?!?

The government is filled with OPM addicts! (Other People's Money)

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"Call on Governor Hobbs" ... I'm dyin' for air here, I'm laughin' so hard.

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Awesome! I will be phoning my legislators today!

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I love the message. I expect nothing to happen, so, sadly, this amounts to virtue signalling. AZ has a dem gov that would never sign a law like this, which, anyway is just a "resolution." We gotta look out for ourselves.

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They’ve publicly taken a stand, to which I’m grateful, and yes to your point, agree, no one, not a politician or any other ‘public servant’ is coming to save us. We all need to be awakened to that reality.

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"......2024 Arizona Republican Party Presidential Nominating Convention Delegates call upon Governor Hobbs and the state legislature to prohibit the sale and distribution of Covid injections and all mRNA injections in Arizona..."

So, I'm asking for clarification. What does "....CALL UPON Gov H.....to prohibit the sale and distribution of ...... mRNA injections....." actually mean?

So, it's NOT a law? Can Gov H just say no?

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That’s a likely outcome; however, by creating & voting upon the resolution and stating their demands, Gov Hobbs has to overtly dismiss the resolution. Can she ignore it and hope this goes away? Certainly, just like every other politician, every healthcare provider, Federal Agency professional, every MSM propagandist and every other person who coerced, manipulated, shamed, & promoted the injections can also ignore and hope that this just goes away. The AZ GOP are on the record and I’m grateful for their stand, just like the other groups listed & linked in Dr. Sansone’s article. Our efforts have to be to continue awakening everyone, and in this form they are doing just that. 🙏🏻😌

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if it's good bill, dollars to donuts Hobbs will veto

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To my understanding it is not a bill, it is a political party resolution. I don't even think this technically adds it to the party platform. I will not hold my breath waiting for someone, anyone, with the ability to effect change to actually act. Dr. Ladapo said the shots aren't suitable for people but hasn't shut down distribution of virtually untested "boosters" in his state. "Health" departments all over the country were willing and eager to make tyrannical mandates FOR the shots, boosters, masks, "social distancing", and the like and we can't get one to shut any of it down even in a fully red state!!! Eunuchs!

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I was hoping for a little HOPE when you mentioned Oregon but I could not find anything to support this resolution. It looks like it was a 2023 Clackamas County proposed resolution that never passed. Too many Dem(on)cratic snowflakes in Oregon politics.

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May 2Liked by Jeff Childers

A friend just alerted me to this. Second Boeing whistleblower dies suddenly. Nothing to see here. Move along.


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Was Hillary seen in the neighborhood?

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: )

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I saw that as well I wish I could say I was surprised

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Oh I’d like to see the report.

But RT.com is banned in my country.

I’ll try to find it on Rumble - oh I can’t....Rumble was also banned many months ago.

Some days I still can’t believe how effectively the globalists have attacked our lives.

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Use a VPN?

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What country do you live in?!

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Can't get rumble in France I was just there

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I saw this earlier! The report I read was that it was a rapidly moving infection and the doctors were considering amputating all his limbs, which sounds to my (admittedly untrained) brain like it was probably sepsis.

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May 2·edited May 2

Jab injury. Too stereotypical now. Clots, reduced circulation, depressed immunity, germs/sepsis, amputations, organ failure and death. 😢🤬

We should all buy stock in tent and prosthetic manufacturing. Not investment advice! 😁

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They now have another illness’ to hide their murders behind.

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Along with 'new' medical news that "Delta Wave Sleep Disruption Linked to CV Risk" (this could have a ring of truth, but was not impressed with the protocol and analysis) and "Fatty change of the pancreas increased risk ... of pancreatic cancer by 97.6%." Cuz, ya know, fatty change came on suddenly in the past 3 years.

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Sounds like a jab injury to me. The ‘suicide’ in a parking lot pre-testimony? 😆🤬

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Yeah, Burt only if they gave him 10 shots in the parking lot all at once

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Ha! Referring to the second death.

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Is it possible he has been moved into protection? I always hope that is the case, although it could be to end whistle blowers due to their expected life span. Who wants to speak up?

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As always, anything is possible

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Yep, for sure.

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We’re a very small school…two dads have had hear attacks in ten days. Fortunately, they are recovering. I live in a blue city in a blue county in a blue state. There is little doubt they were both jabbed.

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May 2Liked by Jeff Childers

”And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”“

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭1‬:‭21‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


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This is the only answer to everything...

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May 2·edited May 2

I have another question I have not seen anyone else address: The other day I asked why is it legal to now put mRNA in all injections when they had to have an EUA for it's use in the CV injection? My second question is WHY are they putting it in all injections???

That's a big question. For example, what possible use could it be in a dental anesthetic? Of course, we know it is malevolent but here is one answer. By putting mRNA in everything, even our meat and lettuce(?) as well as all medical injections, they have so completely muddied the waters of the evidence base for prosecution of crimes against humanity that it would render prosecution nearly impossible. With the mRNA now in nearly everything, how is anyone going to prove that the mRNA in the CV bio-weapon shot is causing all the death and disability we are seeing? It's a "get out of jail free card". I'm not a lawyer but it appears to be a conundrum to me.


I need to make a distinction here that I failed to make. What Dr. Mihalcea and others are finding is that ALL injectables, even vitamin injections like B12, contain the graphene based, self assembly nanotechnology that can create a human machine interface. I do not believe they have found mRNA in these injectables. I think the same is true for what we are breathing into our bodies from the chemtrail spraying. This is a distinction we need to make in our minds or we'll get befuddled as I was. I would assume that mRNA is used only for "vaccines" which we ALSO get in the meat we eat (and maybe lettuce).

Quote: "Many people ask about nanotechnology in dental anesthetics. I hear of some people who ask their dentist and are told there is no mRNA in the anesthetics. Yes, that is correct, but that is not what we are concerned about. We are concerned about self assembly nanotechnology that can create a human machine interface. Its components are hydrogels made from many different chemical compositions, quantum dots, micro robotics for biosensing applications, toxic heavy metals, graphene, polymer plastics and more. Remember many teams did not find mRNA in the C19 shots. But we did find self assembly nanotechnology..."

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I keep asking, how can every injectable now have mRNA in it when they needed a EUA for the mRNA covid shot??? No clinical trials or data - nothing.

Dr. Peter Mccullough

All mRNA injections, including cancer vaccines, may accelerate the development of cancer

Four days ago, The Guardian reported that there was “excitement among patients and researchers” in the UK as “personalised mRNA vaccines” for cancer entered their phase 3 trial...

On 23 April, a pre-print paper (not yet peer-reviewed) was published in the journal Authorea that reviewed oncogenesis and autoimmunity caused by mRNA injections. It found that repeated mRNA injections reduce immune surveillance for cancer while at the same time inducing autoimmunity.


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I remember trying to pass this info on in 2021. Facebook was having none of it, and Amazon stopped sales of NAC. An antioxidant that might have helped people with the ‘flu’.

This is all one big happy family working together against the human race.

We need one of those boards with strings connecting everything together like in the movie Homeland. But of course they showed Clair Danes as crazy for putting it all together🤦🏼‍♀️

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I simply ordered our NAC free m Life Extension after Amazon removed it. Most of our supplements come from LE now.

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I just 2 minutes ago ordered Pure brand NAC from Amazon after reading Robin Landry’s comment. It is there. My other brand came from our chiropractor.

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Just as a head's up, a friend's Doc said that NAC was going to be labeled as a drug so we would need a prescription for it.

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True that.

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you can still buy NAC, many different brands, on Amazon

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That’s true, but for a while during Covid Amazon pulled it and I couldn’t get it…

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Life extension

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I've found LEF to have the best quality supplements on the market.

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