Mar 23Β·edited Mar 23Pinned


β€” I updated the post to clarify: the King had surgery for an enlarged prostate, but InTouch claimed he has terminal pancreatic cancer. Both start with a 'p', creating some unfortunate confusion here and elsewhere. Only an enlarged prostate wakes you up at night to 'p.' Not pancreatic cancer, which usually kills you instead.

So the BBC and Palace were technically truthful saying he did not have prostate cancer.

Also, it's true that the Palace does not *normally* respond to stories like that, but they've been breaking that tradition lately, hence "uncharacteristically." For example, two days ago they squashed a rumor that the King had died.

β€” My questions about Kate's video were just meant to reflect the general skepticism that remains (not so much my own personal beliefs). E.g., https://x.com/unhealthytruth/status/1771585591626404054. Various commenters have added reasonable explanations for all the anomalies (which I suggested could exist).

β€” I should have added that the Russian attacks were reprehensible, whoever committed them should be maximally punished (with due process), and our thoughts and prayers are with the Russian people today in their understandable grief over this horrific crime and its victims.

Furthermore, I usually wait a day or two on a breaking story to let the dust of rumor and propaganda settle down. But some breaking stories, like the Moscow attack, are too big to wait. The takeaway is our understanding may change as facts develop.

I will say that Russia has been very smart to stay ahead of the new cycle by releasing details of its investigation in something close to real time. The kind of transparency, and the velocity of information, prevents the media and its handlers from cementing an early narrative around the story.

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If I were one of the terminal Royals, I’d start wondering if the philanthropaths I’d buddied up with over depopulation fantasies had actually pulled a switcheroo with the needles, and I’d start spilling the secrets on the backstabbers. What have they got to lose now?

Mark Crispin Miller had a compelling take on why the Royals may have been targeted for elimination:

β€’ https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/looks-like-that-big-club-is-really

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Mar 23Liked by Jeff Childers

I have a feeling that there is a major effort underway to normalize cancer. Just as autism has been normalized. The mass deception is palpable, and the Royal Family is being used as shields. What a time we are living in! The truth will set us free: Vaccines did this. History will tell the story.

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This bill has funding for a company that supplies binders and tucking clothing for minors. This was a huge error on Johnson’s part. I called his office and let them know we will do our best here in Louisiana to make sure he is not re-elected. This bill was total trash. No funding to build a wall but millions for other countries borders. Shame on these politicians

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β€œAs He spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from of oldβ€”

Salvation from our enemies,

And from the hand of all who hate us,

To show mercy toward our fathers,

And to remember His holy covenant,

The oath which He swore to Abraham our father,

To grant us that we, being rescued from the hand of our enemies,

Might serve Him without fear,

In holiness and righteousness before Him all our days.”

β€” Luke 1:70-75 LSB

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Mar 23Liked by Jeff Childers

Just this morning Jeff, I was thinking how it must be to have a daily mandate, guidance from the Holy Spirit, that you have embraced, and which has helped all of us. As a physician, I can say that you have truly helped me to quickly orient myself in the beginning the pandemic, and now I can say I have had a lens through which to view national and world events that I can trust.

That being said, my character is similar to that of Robin Williams, in so far as I’m always looking for humor and laughter . I’ve always been like the way he portrayed patch Adams in my practice so having an attorney who is also a cut up is a blessing.

Thanks to sub stack and other sources. I am clear about events most of the time, but especially thanks to my faith and my reading of the end times prophecies I am very clear that the true motive forces are spiritual, and that the end of the movie coming soon. I have no problem with that not just because I’m older when I was young I always used to say I don’t belong on this planet. I’m looking for the mothership to arrive and take me home now that I am more sophisticated in my awareness of spiritual matters. I know where home is and certainly it is not here.

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Mar 23Β·edited Mar 23

I would think if her major abdominal surgery involved any tissue removal, it would as a matter of routine, be sent to the pathologist. So I could buy the surgery first and discovery later.

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Mar 23Β·edited Mar 23

While you were distracted by the β€œWhere’s Princess Kate Conspiracy”, Deagel’s Depopulation Forecast was confirmed by Heavily Censored Pfizer Documents

It looks like we already have more than enough evidence to claim that COVID-19 vaccination is causing mass depopulation, and Deagel’s apocalyptic figures for the Western World in 2025 are on track to be realised.

But who cares when the Princess of Wales is not appearing in public? It’s not as if she didn’t forewarn us......................................................

Confidential Pfizer Documents reveal 90% of Covid Vaccinated Pregnant Women lost their Baby

Pfizer and Medicine Regulators hid dangers of Covid-19 Vaccination during Pregnancy due to Animal Study finding an increased risk of Birth Defects & Infertility

Confidential Pfizer Documents reveal the Covid-19 Vaccine accumulates in the Ovaries

Covid-19 Vaccination increases risk of suffering Miscarriage by at least 1,517%

63,060% increase in Child Excess Deaths across Europe


Now tell me why is the bio-weapon still being administered in Florida? Answer: Because they want it out there killing people.............................

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Maybe we dedicated C&C'ers should do an anniversary multiplier for Jeff!

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It looks like expecting the rest of the GOP to grow a set of balls like MTG is just too much to ask.

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Congrats on the ongoing success of this substack. i am GRATEFUL to you forever for helping me formulate a covid vaccine exemption document that let me apply for privileges at a new different hospital (holy name in Teaneck Nj) when i was dropped from the staff of Valley hosp in Ridgewood Nj in dec 21.

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So if Ukraine did this concert massacre... did they use our money? Was it a CIA op? So did WE do it??? I just wanna cry. Everyone I work with is cursed w TDS. Sad.

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"The problem was the budget package included a lot of progressive pork and not much in terms of conservative priorities."

This doesn't need to ever be stated - EVERY single piece of legislation is like this because most Republicans are not conservatives and feed off the progressive pork as much as do the Democrats.

Here's the gist of Republican negotiating:

Democrats: We want "10"

Republicans: We want "3"

Democrats: We will reduce our demand by 3 if you reduce you demand by 3.

Republicans: Deal!

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Perhaps the royals are using a cancer diagnosis to explain their disappearance from public view because they are retreating to the royal bunker before the unpleasantness in Europe heats up. This has the additional effect of giving them plausible deniability that there were any elite hijinks such as the administration of saline shots to the elite "stakeholders" of the 6etter to which we are 6uilding 6ack. It would be an elegant lie from those who have shown a propensity for this kind of thing.

I could very well be wrong, but this gets filed in one of my tinfoil lined buckets for further review. I can offer no probability assessment, and only say that this is possible even if unlikely.

I humbly suggest that there is no better time to embrace the peace that surpasses all understanding that comes from knowing who Jesus is and knowing what He has done for you, and by His spirit, turning from sin to Him and our Father.

Fear only Yahweh!

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The FDA’s retraction seems a β€œget out of jail” free card. They retract, everyone forgets if they ever heard of it and we have possibly killed thousands who might be alive…We have become a country where there is no real punishment for actual evil. If there is no deterrent why should people bother to do good.

In Michigan, our lovely governor went further than tweets about bad ivermectin; she forbade pharmacies from fulfilling prescriptions for it written by doctors. Doctors soon became aware they could be out of business if they proceeded further.

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”For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.β€œ

‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭18‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


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