Sep 16, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank God for Dr. McCullough. I know there are many courageous doctors who have sacrificed so much speaking the truth, but I see Dr. McCullough uniquely positioned as demonstrated in your segment here. Can we let him know how much we appreciate his efforts? (as C&C members)?

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I watched as Dr McCullough reluctantly entered the covid fray at the urging if his family. He had no social media presence at the time and was content teaching, researching, publishing. In the span of three years, he has international acclaim at the expense of being villified by the bought-and-paid-for medical science community. May our sovereign God continue to protect Dr. McCullough and his family as he bravely fights this evil.

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Sep 16, 2023ยทedited Sep 16, 2023

Iโ€™m so proud of Dr. McCullough as a Texas native! Very early in his foray of speaking engagements against the vax, he spoke at a church in our city. I didnโ€™t attend but it was recorded and widely circulated so I had the benefit of hearing him early on.

He was, and is, always impressive, not only are his credentials impeccable, but his speeches are extremely well delivered, with just enough medical terminology to validate his points, but tempered so that a non-medical audience can easily follow. God bless him, for he is doing the Lordโ€™s work!

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In his substack yesterday he tells how he has prepared for his testimonies in governmental contexts for years. He is impressive in his deliveries because of intentional effort and practice. Below is how he began his post....

"I have learned that every major presentation to government officials requires mental construction, rehearsal, and flawless delivery at the appointed time.

In 2007, I was selected as one of three expert presenters for a day long session on a product label extension for a class of drugs to treat chronic kidney disease. Preparation involved three trips to Washington, extensive one-on-one coaching sessions from health communications experts, and practice sessions with a โ€œbull-penโ€ of doctorate level scientists whose role was to produce slides from a massive deck of scientific data when I called for them on the fly during question and answer periods. The setting was the US FDA and the Congressional Oversight Panel. I was on CSPAN for hours. To this day I am grateful for that and many experiences shaping me as a public speaker."

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Interesting that he began working on public speaking in 2007. God was getting him ready. Dr. McCullough is my cardiologist and Baylor Health booted him for his expert opinions against the vaccine and worse some of his credentials have been taken away. Yet you have to have impeccable credentials to be invited to speak at the UN. This is a huge slap in the face to Baylor Health. I hope he sues them now!!! Itโ€™s time!!

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Agreed, God has gifted and prepared him for this moment. So cool that he is your doctor:)

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It is so cool! It was amazing how thorough his checkup was on my heart. He is brilliant. And very passionate about saving as people as he can from this diabolical plan.

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I was hoping his Baylor credentials was going to get my foot in the door so my siblings would listen about the jab (my brother coaches there). Unfortunately it did not :( He even jabbed his kids....sigh

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I likened that to what Jesus said in the Bible, as my own niece declared herself as "non-binary" at the age of 15! Jesus said it would be better that they hang a millstone around their neck and thrown into the lake (paraphrasing here) than to cause a little one to stumble, and I call this and the tran movement a major stumble that is thrown against our children!

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Wow! Thatโ€™s awesome! A supportive family on this issue.

Dr. McCullough and his family are the *real* Healthcare Heroes !

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

We multiplied him around June 2022. Not that one can't be done twice...

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Neil Oliver says the gargantuan beast will go down, spears all over its vile body, but that it will do a lot of damage as it goes down, so I bet you are right. My favorite t-shirt lately says: "At least my tin-foil hat doesn't give me myocarditis" lol

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I need one of those shirts!

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I am so grateful for your sharing this clip. I want to have the boldness of the Londoners. How about making a qrcode that links to Dr. McCullough's video clip, having it duplicated on stickers (for those idiotic signs at the pharmacies about getting your jab) and business cards to hand out. This is so distressing to me. I took the jab and so did all my family. I continue to pray Ps 91 over us, inserting our names into the psalm. Talk about regret. Now I will pray we are in the 30%, mentioned by the revered Dr., those who remain "ok". Early in the scamdemic, I emailed Dr. Harvey Risch and he answered me. I texted Dr.Zev Zelenko (he answered me, too!!) and wore his OTC prophylaxis on a t-shirt I made to wear to pickleball...when the allowed us to play again (Good Grief!!) The Tshirt also had Dr. Zev's Twitter handle on it (because I didn't want anyone to think the info was my idea) before he was suspended from Twitter. I just want people to know. Thankfully, I live in FL, with a ROCKSTAR Surgeon General but I just want to SCREAM every time I see those signs at the pharmacies.

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@Sal, I am not tech savvy at ALL, but used a free QR code generator several years pre-pandemic when it was a must-have marketing tool. (Not so much a must-have anymore from what I understand, though I'm out of the space so might have that wrong.) Some generators are free. The one I used, though I can't remember which it was, didn't require any sign-up. Quick search for examples of free that I have NOT used: https://me-qr.com/ ; https://www.qr-code-generator.com/ ; https://www.qrcode-monkey.com/?ref=vc.ru . --

Vista Print is an inexpensive option for business cards. There might be others. It also might be cost effective to print your own? --

One thought that occurred: (link to) Dr. McCullough's 17 minute presentation will be met with many a frown and eyeroll and immediate dismissal due to length. Non-thinkers can't digest any more than soundbites, if even those. That said, if even one person gets the message, you have succeeded! in your effort. You never know who is ready to receive the message (and bless the "miracle" of receiving it!) nor how far the ripple from even one person will spread. --

Sad to read you got sucked in at the beginning of the psyop. But you're awake now. I support your thought to *do something* to awaken others. IMO that is the biggest thing any one person can do at this point. Go for it! Also, the odds are on your side that you'll be ok. Yes to prayer, connecting with the Divine, which Plan is unfolding in ways ever mysterious to us mere mortals. And, again, yes to using whatever time you have left on the planet -hope it's decades and decades!- to being of service. Big smiles ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

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I totally think the way to go right now is paper leaflets passed out locally to people around us to bypass being canceled on social media.

I've been thinking if we had downloadable and printable leaflets with good info, every one of us could leave them on public restrooms, gas pumps, stores, windshields, etc. most would be tossed, but many would still get through.

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Friend just had an eye opener on oversight. All printers now require a software download, and in order to scan *anything,* you have to connect to the internet and allow HP access. Denied HP access and never used it to scan. Had a problem with the printer from day one and ultimately only received part of her $ back. Found that she could print a (barely readable) document in color. Now the issue: when she tried again, HP had remotely disabled the printer. Had never connected it to WiFi. H P used a back door approach through her computer? IDK, but want to bet there are โ€œtriggerโ€ words that get HP and govt attention? She had printed totally mundane stuff, but clearly, the printer was being monitored remotely. Even those of us with absolutely nothing to hide should be concerned.

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You know, I think one of the most effective ways I can imagine speaking the truth to a "non believer" is to say "I used to believe what you do. Let me tell you what changed my mind". Much more effective than "I never fell for that". God bless you.

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@collealle, this is something I never thought of, and a good strategy. ("I never fell for that" = me so, do-do head, it never occurred to me.) I don't know if the OP gets replies on the entire thread -? Your strategy might land in a really receptive spot for them and as you suggest might be really helpful coming from a one-time believer as they address "non believers". @Sal_Peenx is OP. Any chance you could direct your idea in reply to them? So it would definitely hit their inbox as a reply? Just a thought. What do I know? Not so tech savvy as already noted. @Sal_Peenx is a 4th level comment on the home thread. God bless YOU!!

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โ€œwe are witnessing the beginning of the most frightening period of government tyranny in our nation's historyโ€ Truly alarming, as we know that they will stop at nothing to preserve the narrative. Tighten your belts, folks. I fear more people are going to die, and not just from โ€œbeing too happyโ€ or the cause du jour.

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He has a substack that he and John Leake, who co-authored his book, write, with a podcast called The Hot Zone, called Courageous Discourse. Dr. McCullough has a flabberghasting memory and equanimity, and John Leake writes really eloquently and also testified in Europe.


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I've really appreciated John lake Leake's Lahaina articles. The media doesn't feel the truth which causes people to make wild speculations. His articles bring reason and balance to what information has managed to escape.

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Has he discussed the theory about the GIS mapping of how the fire wiped out along GIS grid lines certain properties? That is what seems most suspicious to me...

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Totally agreed. I listened to the Glenn Beck special on Maui and actually already knew everything Glenn talked about because of Leakeโ€™s articles

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Yup, I am a paid subscriber of the Courageous Discourse substack. It really is the least we can do to provide ongoing support for this amazing individual.

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I agree ... recognizing that Dr. McCullough pushes the window as far as it can be opened in a major world forum. However, syndicate implies a coordinated CONSPIRACY and that the pseudo-vaccine inordinately caused huge numbers of death and injury implies BIO-WEAPON. And this is especially so since the DoD, which ran the psyopt front and center, is in no way to be deemed a health agency.

We are getting closer all the time. But still, high level criminal prosecutions are the only way to make sure that cost/benefit ratio is never worth running this trick again.

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We watched that 17 minute clip of Dr McCullough and I couldnโ€™t stop smiling!!! He was AWESOME!! Every person should watch that clip. He named names! He named organizations!

I was blown away by his absolutely candor. ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘

I think he might be Superman!

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I agree, it was so well done, he spoke so eloquently and effortlessly and detailed every single point perfectly and concisely. It was so good I actually listened to it twice while cooking!

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Dr. David Martin is another doctor who has been a powerful voice for medical truth. He gave an incredible speech at the EU parliament in Strasburg about the WHO takeover that everyone should listen to.

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Link to Dr. David Martin speech on Sep 13, 2023. It's TwittX but the only one I have. Fingers crossed it works.


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Thank you so much for the link! Just watched it. Will be copy/pasting to share with friends and family.

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๐Ÿ‘Powerful stuff. Here, when shared I offer heads up that it's long, but worth it. Mostly no idea whether it's been seen & heard; only a couple of positive replies. All I can do is try. Trusting in the ripple effect.

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I definitely believe in the ripple effect and I believe, wholeheartedly, that we are all making a difference, every day. Thanks again! :)

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Yes, heโ€™s great as well. A few years back he linked PM Trudeau to having a $ stake in these jabs - something to do with patents and the University of BC.

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I agree. The courage, intelligence and sheer endurance power that Dr. Peter McCullough has demonstrated, and continues to demonstrate throughout the last 3 years is second to none.

Not to mention his compassion & medical integrity!

There are many heros of the "Pandemic" which was more a pandemic of profound incompetence, fear, and cowardice, coupled, it appears, with a small yet powerful Cabal weilding total malevolence.

But as always in the darkest of times the "lights" of the brave, the compassionate, the truthful shine more strongly than ever, making them almost impossible to miss. Dr. McCullough's is the very brightest, if you are ask me, and his strength & endurance are remarkable. The man has a great heart! On all levels I think.

; ))

Let's nominate him for the highest recognition and honor we can create, as those who saw the truth, when all the world went down into the darkness. May Angels protect him, plus all our other Heros, today, and always!!

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Beautifully put! I totally agree!!

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I love Dr. McCullough, but he has got to stop using the word "vaccine". It never was and never will be! I get why he's using it, though.

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At this point, I have decided if the word "vaccine" is used, it might just reflect back on all those prior "vaccines", not just the new modRNA ones, in a "guilt by association" way, and eventually more people may question those as well. MAYBE more people will consider that these pharma products come from the same source and evaluate THEIR contents as well and how they were tested or not tested, what kind of quality control went into them or didn't, and what the injuries have been, and if the "journals" were lying about those as well. Although VAERS shows the huge spike for the modRNA injections, it probably masks the harm of the other ones as well, on a grand scale. Reflecting on documentaries on the harms done to populations historically in other countries, on other continents (like Africa or India), which likely are not in the consciousness of most people in the US, or reflected in VAERS (The Real Anthony Fauci by RFKJr, the film Infertility, A Diabolical Agenda, are just two exposes that come to mind), I accept that I had no idea how bad it was. Even though I already had some vague notion that "vaccines" were using aborted fetal stem cells in some of the research and/or development which wasn't something I would willingly choose to participate in, the COVID crisis opened the door for me to question the rest of the story.

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This explains a lot

In the first 6 years of life your child receives the following through vaccines:

โ€ข17,500 mcg 2-phenoxyethanol (antifreeze)

โ€ข5,700 mcg aluminum (neurotoxin)

โ€ขUnknown amounts of fetal bovine serum(aborted cow blood)

โ€ข801.6 mcg formaldehyde (carcinogen, embalming agent)

โ€ข23,250 mcg gelatin (ground up animal carcass)

โ€ข500 mcg human albumin (human blood)

โ€ข760 mcg of monosodium L-glutamate (causes obesity & diabetes)

โ€ขUnknown amounts of MRC-5 cells (aborted human babies)

โ€ขOver 10 mcg neomycin (antibiotic)

โ€ขOver 0.075 mcg polymyxin B (antibiotic)

โ€ขOver 560 mcg polysorbate 80 (carcinogen)

โ€ข116 mcg potassium chloride (used in a lethal injection)

โ€ข188 mcg potassium phosphate (liquid fertilizer agent)

โ€ข260 mcg sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)

โ€ข70 mcg sodium borate (Borax, used for cockroach control)

โ€ข54,100 mcg of sodium chloride (table salt)

โ€ขUnknown amounts of sodium citrate (food additive)

โ€ขUnknown amounts of sodium hydroxide (Danger! Corrosive)

โ€ข2,800 mcg sodium phosphate (toxic to any organism)

โ€ขUnknown amounts of sodium phosphate monobasic monohydrate (toxic to any organism)

โ€ข32,000 mcg sorbitol (Not to be injected)

โ€ข0.6 mcg streptomycin (antibiotic)

โ€ขOver 40,000 mcg sucrose (cane sugar)

โ€ข35,000 mcg yeast protein (fungus)

โ€ข5,000 mcg urea (metabolic waste from human urine)

โ€ขOther chemical residuals

(From the book, "What The Pharmaceutical Companies Don't Want You To Know About Vaccines" - By Dr.Todd M. Elsner)

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And donโ€™t forget Thimerosal, the preservative in multi dose vaccine vials. Itโ€™s actually Mercury, a known cause of brain damage.

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Now THAT's a horror show right there!

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Sep 16, 2023ยทedited Sep 16, 2023

Thanks for sharing! So much to learn, so little time! Love C&C readers, and of course, Jeff!

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Whoa. And people wonder why so many kids are a mess.

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Well said!!! Agree with every word.

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I am in awe of this man! He literally sacrificed his entire livelihood to save lives; more than I can save for so many other physicians who weren't willing to give up their money and influence. He is a saint in my book. I am definitely up for another multiplier for him!

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It's posted on his substack from yesterday:


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If you have 2 cells phones, (your spouse has one), video it directly while playing it on the other phone. This is what I do, because also no one will go to a rumble link. I keep it short and look for just the right clip, and I say, if you want the full video let me know I can send you the link

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Interesting tactic. Any idea what level of bites you get for the full video? 10% of the time? More? Less? Don't have a 2nd phone, sadly. Not yet -?

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Whew, that's rough.

What I would do is go after the sources he cites and push those their way. Then there is no association with/to him.

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I had someone wiser than me propose I should suggest to the unbudging, "Don't you want to know what the other side is up to?" As in, then the unbudging could confront me/you/believer-in-"misinformation" with the "lies" the misinformers are spreading, backing it up with facts.

Of course, they're lazy and don't have any facts, only propaganda, but at least it plants a seed that maybe they should be aware of the "tactics" of the other side. Do they take up the endeavor? My thought is those types are not inclined to ask questions. Too much thinking and energy expenditure involved. ...Who's playing again in the game Monday night? I'll bring the beer...

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Yep, can't send people anything on Rumble! I ask, "can you just consider the content?" No responses...it appears ignoring has become the norm for people and politicians alike!

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It's childish. It's like a child covering their ears and singing lalala.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

This is only the beginning. This was a trial balloon and they still got their foot in the door. They'll be back.

I was going to post a comment to this effect but I'll let JD say it....

New Mexico Wannabe Dictator Michelle Lujan Grisham Backs Down on Gun Ban

...This was a trial balloon to test the acceptance level for abolishing the 2nd Amendment. We can take it as a small victory, but in reality the powers-that-be learned lessons they will use against us. The battle will continue as incremental stripping of our God-given right to fight tyranny is an ongoing threat.


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A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with "limited innovation and growing citizen pushback" -Rockefellars Operation Lockstep, Published 2010

Our reaction to their every action has been game theorized to death. To your point Phil, you're 100% right, if we ever manage to surprise them they will simply learn from the discovery and incorporate this new information into their ever-evolving model.

We're rats in a maze, and they're the scientists leaning over us and learning from above. It's time to flip the script and put them under the microscope. https://tritorch.substack.com/p/apathy-is-the-fire-in-which-we-burn

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The solution could not be more simple. Everybody, man and woman, need to collectively "grow a pair". My old boss was the finest man I ever knew, the kind you would follow up a hill knowing you wouldn't come back. He led by example, and had impeccable integrity, THE attribute that contains every other sub set of attributes worth having . He said "when you're right , you fight". He NEVER compromised when he was right. And you know what? He never lost a battle, gave up an employee to a RIF edict, made us back track our position, and got more bonus and promotional money for us than any other department,. They had to eliminate the entire operating devision before we ever lost. That's how it's done.

Name One instance when the bolsheviks compromised on anything. Ever. It's always Republicans, conservatives, and libertarians that compromise. That, more than anything else, is how we got here. We compromise, they don't. Never again. Say it. We are right, so we will fight, and we won't compromise . Red Line drawn.

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I sent the following modified version of this comment to my son so he may learn from it. You win the comment section today rolanttg, thank you.

Never compromise what's right and uphold your family name. You've got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything: https://youtu.be/Z_s-Qk07KxA


The solution could not be more simple. Everybody, man and woman, needs to collectively stand up for what's right and STOP backing down. My old boss was the finest man I ever knew, the kind you would follow up a hill knowing you wouldn't come back. He led by example, and had impeccable integrity, THE attribute that contains every other sub set of attributes worth having . He said "when you're right , you fight". He NEVER compromised when he was right.

Name one instance when the monsters doing this to us have compromised on anything. EVER? It's always the good guys that compromise. They advance their evil, and we fall back.. THAT, more than anything else, is how we got here. WE compromise our GOOD, THEY don't compromise their EVIL. Never again. Say it. We are right, so we will fight, and we won't compromise . Red Line drawn. We will never back down AGAIN.


Do me a favor and give this a quick watch if you haven't seen it rolandttg, you may find it worth your time: https://bitchute.com/video/WaidBOYBxwot [4:32mins]

My objective is ridding the world of evil, and you don't accomplish that by finding neutral ground with the devil. -What'sHerFace

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Damn!!! I think I am in love.

To her point of finding neutral ground with the devil let me point out that there is NO COMMON GROUND with evil. When they demand that we compromise, they are demanding our surrender. Satan is absolute evil and there is no empathy in him. There is no common ground and never will be.

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When you deal with the devil, you can only lose.

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Yep; ask Eve

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Sorry about that, just her style. Thanks for watching Lily

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THANK YOU..... As TT said, you win the comment section today!!

I have to re-post this part just to hear it again.....

"He led by example, and had impeccable integrity, THE attribute that contains every other sub set of attributes worth having . He said "when you're right , you fight". He NEVER compromised when he was right."

Thank you for this John Wayne example. If I hear, "Who's John Wayne" from anyone, that tells me how old you are LOL.

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How dare Daddy Dementia invoke John Wayneโ€™s name even when rambling....

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We assume our enemy is reasonable. We assume they're coming from an honest place. We're reasonable; we're coming from an honest place.

It makes me think about sheep amongst the wolves. We're supposed to be as shrewd as serpents, gentle as doves. We got the sheep and the dove parts down!

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You are so right. People who have uncompromising integrity are the best, and it seems few and far between these days.

I remember being in a Bible study group when the boosters started coming out and a young person stating that he was going to get the booster the coming week. I said that I would like to pray that anyone considering a booster would research before getting it. The teacher parroted the phrase I despise to this day, that each person makes his own choice. I remember thinking, ITโ€™S NOT A CHOICE, IT WILL KILL YOU. We are continually dismissed as something socially unacceptable when we warn people of what is true.

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Quadruple like!!!

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Excellent โ€ผ๏ธ

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EVERYBODY VOTE FOR TRUMP...that ought to scare em

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"You cannot solve problems with the same level of thinking that created them" -Einstein

"Voting" got us into this mess, it sure as hell isn't going to get us out of it.

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Except that it was โ€œvotingโ€ not voting. The thumb has been on the scale for years, which is finally being exposed. Itโ€™s time to count every valid vote in elections.

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Still, it's a fun idea. The elite would go nuts. I don't think it would make anything any worse than it already is. At least Trump is not a perpetual war monger.

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But it will definitely frustrate them without ending.

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"Those that cast the votes decide nothing. Those that count the votes decide everything." -Lenin

A corporation called "Dominion" counts the votes.

Definition of Dominion: rule; control; domination.

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It looks like we have a serious problem with election fraud in FL. Read this link and then check out his substack for the backstory.


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True but, we need to clean up the system of voting and counting. How would you suggest we win this war? It's a multifaceted problem, people have been distracted for to long we ALL need to fight back against the government machine, on all fronts.

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Iโ€™m definitely voting for Trump...again.

Heโ€™s the bull in the china shop, NY street fighter, & loves this nation. Enough for me!

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Abandon hope all ye conniving GOP who choose to challenge MAGA.ย  We The People are in charge now.ย  We want a reckoning.

Donald Trump isnโ€™t just our candidate, heโ€™s our murder weapon โ€“ and the GOP is our target. We good now?

Sundance. 9/14/23

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TCTH. 9/09/23

President Trump has something behind him, something holding him in the gap.ย  He has the power and favor of the purest truth around him, and he has the support of a grateful nation.

Massive numbers of Americans, far more than the corrupt system operators would like to admit, are standing with President Trump as our gloriously imperfect vessel to destroy all their schemes.

It is the most remarkable moment in history as one man stands the gap and fearlessly faces down the combined effort of decades of political corruption.

It truly is inspiring.

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Trump won 2020. The votes didnโ€™t count.

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It is nearly impossible to coordinate guerilla warfare against an empire. Like the empire has done, we could "flood the zone" with all sorts of garbage and noise in an attempt to distract from the real strategy. Start pushing back on EVERYTHING, even if those efforts are disingenuous.

At the same time, we can take some solace in the inevitable fact that tyrants don't like other tyrants and the empire will eventually be destroyed by infighting. It may be a generation or two down the road, but it will happen.

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Sep 16, 2023ยทedited Sep 16, 2023

Except...........Americans did it once before when they seceded from the Union. Because of the large scale secession, the proto-nazi Lincoln militarily attacked the seceding states and defeated them through unlimited total warfare murdering and displacing nearly the entirety of the prosperous population except for the poorest segments. This was the impetus for the settlement of the west. The west was not settled by the northern Yankees. But I digress. The southern states seceded over unfair Federal taxation, the same reason the Colonists seceded from the British Empire and won a century earlier.

Now, the southern states might have won had the Governors and sheriffs, instead of seceding, pushed back at the local level by refusing to submit to Federal taxation and barring Federal agents from their jurisdictions. We have seen this already with local sheriffs, Govs and AGs refusing to enforce unconstitutional actions. This is how we must fight them.

Why we haven't seen the Texas Governor kick out the US Border Patrol and close the border himself is beyond me.


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With the help of SheThinksLiberty I just got schooled on the โ€œgreatโ€ President Lincoln. Wow. They never teach all the real history. Only the parts they want to manipulate us with. Damn. It was a real eye opener!

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Abbot is a Globalist.

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Celia Farber just had a substack about revelation of the method, asking what is the proper response. https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/readers-exchange-perspectives-what?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=257742&post_id=136970803&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=8vck8&utm_medium=email

I like the question. I think about how, when bad things happen, and you're suffering for it, and maybe you even know someone is at fault, what determines your actions? For myself, I noticed that I am susceptible to becoming bitter, sometimes wanting to bite back. If you're a parent, you can see more easily from that perspective how these responses show an immaturity, and they are not really what you want for the children who represent the future. I hope that, no matter what happens, that we don't lose the good inner compass that I think we're born with. I think we need to act out of goodness and that clarity, and not be shaped by the terrible things that we encounter. In art terms, if what is done to us is an active sculpture, we must resist forming into the negative space around that sculpture. We are in truth sculpted for a beauty with an independent integrity. Fundamentally, we cannot just be actors in reaction; we must act from what we truly are, which is not shaped and determined by them.

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It's the difference between punishing and enjoying it and taking a necessary action to stop those who are dangerous and malicious. You don't have to be malicious yourself, nor corrupted into bitterness or rage.

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We can be joyful in seeing the administration of justice without being malicious. Remedy in the law is relief from evil and a cause for the celebration.

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Exactly. My countenance will be grim as I watch them hang and I will be full of joy for the justice delivered.

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Justice is punishment meted out for crimes and visibly witnessed by one and all.

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NUREMBURG 2.0!! These people are monsters and murderers!

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I love this! I am of the school that values expression of emotion, however, not suppression and repression, and I curse like a proverbial sailor, having read that our swearing comes from the same place as the alarm calls of the vervet monkeys, but I also pray to the "ultimate ground of being" (Paul Tillich). All the discussion of countering their "will" gives me the willies though since what aligns us with the highest good, and the highest beauty (which is at the top of our cognitive hierarchy, though perhaps not our "spiritual circuitry") truly is a recognition that our own wills are not divine unless humbly joined to the divine, in a posture of recognition of our own hamartia, missing the mark. And once we try to impose our own wills on things, all sorts of evolutionary psychological latent aspects of being surface. Think of how so many people, given a little bit of mall cop level power, just go full on officious, like the heads of homeowner's associations. I think there are weird hoarding, greedy evolved traits that kick in to make us Scroogey if we have more resources than other people. If we align with the highest divinity and the highest good, THEY can't even imagine or see that as they are stuck in addiction to power or sadism. I have not found one home in any particular belief, but I do love this:

"Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts."

Zechariah 4:6 King James Version

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Sep 16, 2023ยทedited Sep 16, 2023

I agree. I don't think I am immune to corruption, for example, if I see how my own family has been aggressed upon. Revenge is attractive. I don't want to just wield my power. I want to serve a true good that is even better than the best I can do. If you take God as the good that can be relied upon as truth, what is the difference between acting in these times out of good VS acting out of reaction to an evil? Re-action - does it reify? Does it offer affirmation and solidity to malicious efforts? If you have a highest good, a highest truth, then wouldn't everything that you do strive to be intelligible first in fidelity to that? This is a kind of idolism. I think it is very tricky. I hesitate to ascribe to myself the full ability know to exact justice, even as, in every moment, I think we are called to be present and available and active. I have been in positions of authority and responsibility, and I have not found it easy to know beforehand what is exactly right. I have really had to search in the moment. I can't be everything. I often think that a lot of what is happening is intelligible as an idolization of self as god, or, as a misplaced truth to be faithful to. If people are expecting that they will know such as to have a godlike power, they're going to crash against their limitations sooner or later. In the Tao, it is the wave that rises, and crashes under its own weight and momentum. If we only re-act, I am concerned that we are under the same delusion that we will singularly stop an evil - so alike to the singular delusion of being able to exact an (evil) truth. I don't want to partner with these people in that way. It's so easy to get distracted by the grandeur of doing, the necessity to meet the enemy in a decisive way. It's like you can really only live as a prayer, and not as a completion. To whom the prayer?

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To the Lord of hosts who said "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." There is no common ground with evil.

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Matthew 5: especially:

37: But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.

38: Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:

39: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

40: And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also.

41: And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.

42: Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.

43: Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.

44: But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

45: That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

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Possibly the biggest obstacle to overcoming the tyranny of our age is the majority of people are comfortable in their slavery.

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So true TriTorch. ๐Ÿ™Œ

Itโ€™s a multi-faceted strategy as we all know to take down the freedoms that were hard fought with much blood and lost lives. History is easily forgotten. Itโ€™s hard for me to understand how leftists donโ€™t see the hypocrisy in every argument they present.

Take for instance, the fact that public high schools were not allowing Christian clubs for the students but have allowed men dressed as female strippers to twerk for them or allow x-rated books in their libraries. (See libs of TikTok videos on this)

There are some wins for freedom happening but you can be sure that as the fight is indeed ramping up, the other side is also gearing up for this culture war. I think we are still way behind, mainly because many of us just realized how desperate our situation has become since 2020.

Some good news:


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They have no hypocrisy. They fully believe in their worldview and they will not compromise with anyone. They hate Biblical belief because they understand that Christians believe in absolutes that will not allow compromise with their evil worldview. We are their worst nightmare.

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Then we need to keep pushing back harder every time!

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I used to be a "glass half full" kind of guy, like Jeff. But after the last couple years, I've learned to be a "glass half empty" kind of guy now.

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Have heart man, we will win this thing. They want you demoralized - you know this as well as anyone - so don't give them that victory.

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Exactly!! Our pessimism does nothing but serve THEIR purposes!!!

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If nothing else, they feed on our negative emotions and responses. At least, I believe they do. They hate joy and love.โค๏ธ

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I agree.

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If nothing else, they feed on our negative emotions and responses. At least, I believe they do. They hate joy and love.โค๏ธ

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Oh I'm with you man! They're going DOWN but at the same time I'm now much more realistic about the half empty part. Pragmatic and skeptical as others said. And more informed. But I'm very optimistic. In fact, I laugh at their plans and their hubris knowing the utter destruction of their hubris that awaits them. History illustrates that yet they know it not. These reptilian excuses for human beings are total mental narcissistic sociopaths who can't even see the judgement of history right in their face. Factoid: I saw an interview where Nancy Pelosi came right out and said she considers herself to be "reptilian". I use to shrug such comments off but after seeing everything they openly project ahead of time, I now take such comments to be literal.

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I like to think of it as reality-oriented. But---God will win in the end, and we can bank on that.

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I like to think of it as โ€œskepticalโ€ :)

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and I like to think of it as โ€˜pragmaticโ€™

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Phil, if you know the Lord the glass IS full because God IS in control and the story has already been written in Godโ€™s Word and we have access to it! That doesnโ€™t mean what we see happening and whatโ€™s coming will be easy, it isnโ€™t and wonโ€™t be, but we know that. The time is short for evil to run rampant over this earth. Be encouraged by our Lord and Savior who conquered death and will be coming back soon! No man can save us, only God! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

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The Lord has saved us and that's a done deal. Then he sent us out into the world "as sheep in the midst of wolves" to be "wise as serpents and harmless as doves" with the admonition to beware of men. Time is short for each of our lives but evil will confront us everywhere we go. Ours is to uphold the uncompromising Righteousness of God and find rest in His infinite Grace.

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Amen Phil! I agree with you ๐Ÿ’ฏ and always appreciate your comments. Mine was only meant for encouragement! God bless you!

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I'm afraid you're right. Every crazy policy informs the next attempt and it also shifts the Overton window for the general population.

Also it keep us busy. Instead of building the society and connections that we want, we're distracted by fighting the crazy. We have to be diligent about turning our attention back to the building as quickly as possible after each of these distractions.

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Marxist tactics; attack this & we respond; attach that & we respond. Etc. Keeps us off balance ad nauseam. And busy w/ โ€œbusywork.โ€

Had a high school trig teacher who always cautioned against โ€œbusyworkโ€ bc it went no where, wasted valuable time & accomplished little to nothing.

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I don't think it was a trial balloon. Her own legal officer stepping out against her suggests to me that maybe she was greedy and wanted to be the actor in a plan which was not supported. I am hypothesizing that these people are eager to play their role and don't always want to wait to be told. The fool thinks she can run with it, since it reflects the larger agenda, and so get to be the agent, but, nobody approved her to jump ahead in the plan. She was not supported, as she would have been with perhaps a George Floyd like Walz got in MN, or some provocative initiation of the action, with the other roles ready to play their part.

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It certainly was a pushing of the totalitarian window. It also was a colossal misreading of the weather vane. And an injudicious step too quick.

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Trial balloons, none of which is expected to be decisive. Just testing the front lines and incrementally gaining ground. And they don't care about casualties. They eat their own.

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Too bad these tyrants never really learned anything about human behavior. They think they know, hence all the manipulations, but the know nothing of what it means to actually *be* human, to have a soul.

People will never stop resisting them. The tyrants would know this if they possessed actual souls. OR, they could have just watched "The Menagerie" from the original Star Trek series. (Apologies for the Trekkie plug, lol.)

-- The aliens found that humans' "unique hatred of captivity" made them unsuitable for the Talosians' plans, which were therefore abandoned.

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I think this showed that Americas will have NO tolerance for this abolishing 2A garbage. The powers that should never be must be well aware of this after this monkey show in NM. Heck, even democrats did not side with that evil woman, and that's saying something.

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I said the same exact thing the minute I heard what the New Mexico tyrant did. This was a trial run. Itโ€™s not over by a long shot. Just like I think covid was their practice run to see how much total control they could get away with, and learn how they need to tighten up against the non-compliance ones.

They think weโ€™re stupid. Letโ€™s not make the same mistake and assume they are. They are well planned evil and practice games are always used to do better next time.

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hang tight...big turn around comin

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Yesssss..getting a precedent set

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You are exactly right in your assessment of that.

Itโ€™s the same thing theyโ€™re doing โ€ฆ trying to change โ€˜age of consentโ€™

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Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego replied to the king, โ€œO Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to give you an answer concerning this matter. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.โ€ . . .

Then these men were tied up in their trousers, their coats, their caps and their other clothes, and were cast into the midst of the furnace of blazing fire . . . Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was astounded and stood up in haste; he said to his high officials, โ€œWas it not three men we cast bound into the midst of the fire?โ€ They replied to the king, โ€œCertainly, O king.โ€ He said, โ€œLook! I see four men loosed and walking about in the midst of the fire without harm, and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods!โ€ . . . Then Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego came out of the midst of the fire. The satraps, the prefects, the governors and the kingโ€™s high officials gathered around and saw in regard to these men that the fire had no effect on the bodies of these men nor was the hair of their head singed, nor were their trousers damaged, nor had the smell of fire even come upon them . . . Nebuchadnezzar responded and said, โ€œBlessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego, who has sent His angel and delivered His servants who put their trust in Him, violating the kingโ€™s command, and yielded up their bodies so as not to serve or worship any god except their own God.โ€

โ€” From Daniel 3 (NASB1995)

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Yes, in all these comments from above, let us not forget that the Lord our God is with us and that it is He who will destroy the workers of iniquity. Let us look to the name of the Lord our God for deliverance. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’œ

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I LOVE this portion of scripture! I have spoken of it many times these past three years. I have written about standing up to Goliathโ€™s of our time in the way these three did. I have tried to help people to realize that civil disobedience IS in the Bible. And these three along with Daniel are some of our examples. Thanks for posting this today.

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It was difficult to decide what to leave out so it wasnโ€™t so long. All of it is encouraging.

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Our pastor just preached on this today!

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Funny how God does that, huh? It would be hard to give a bad sermon from this passage!

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Kรผnstler quoted C&C yesterday:

โ€œIf a politician does a โ€˜favorโ€™ for a crime boss, and the crime boss pays the politicianโ€™s wife, itโ€™s still bribery. If the crime boss pays the politicianโ€™s crackhead son on account of the favor, itโ€™s still bribery.โ€ โ€” Jeff Childers, the Coffee & Covid blog

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The principle is as old as the hills: Hunter selling his "paintings" for lavish sums. The wonderful world of foundations, charities, non-profit organizations and the like. Need to sweeten a deal beyond what legal campaign contributions would allow? Then hire that VIP's nephew, or daughter-in-law, in a BS job at your tax-exempt foundation. As a topical example, think of Hunter's "job" with Burisma. Are you an influencer in your industry, maybe Pharma? Well, it'd be illegal, or at least unseemly to accept a big cheque directly from a corporation. But how about if they donate to a charity for which you're on the board of directors? Would that do? There are probably hundreds of possible examples. Not to say that all such activity is unethical. Few things in the world are black and white, and thus there's not always a clear-cut border between right and wrong. As the old saying goes, the real crime is with what's legal, not illegal.

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Itโ€™s like Oprah and Dwayne Johnsonโ€™s charity for Maui fire victims โ€ฆ People's Fund of Maui is a fund of the Entertainment Industry Foundation.

Who is getting a tax break there? Whereโ€™s the money going? What percent of money gets to victims? And Why is the money even being funneled through an entertainment NGO at allโ€ฆ

True volunteer work is doing the work no one else will do.

True giving, is giving when there is zero benefit to the person giving.

Too many charlatans and scammers todayโ€ฆ are masquerading as benevolent philanthropists and nonprofits/NGOโ€™s. Many now are just shell corporations for embezzling the sincere generosity of most average people.

Question them ALL.

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Yes, even at Publix, the grocery chain here in Florida, when you are paying to check out, they ask you to donate, then they count that as their own donation and get tax credits for that, which is absolutely absurd. Why should me helping a charity help Publix to pay less taxes. I tell them; no thanks, I already donate directly on my own.

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I did NOT know thatโ€ฆ thank you for passing that tidbit on! โ€ฆbut figured it was some scam and always said no now. Lots of places are doing that type of donation thing now tooโ€ฆ at check out! ๐Ÿง

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I used to โ€œround upโ€ for charity or donate at the checkout but I wondered how much was getting to the people who need it and not just another grift. Now I keep some money stashed and when I come across someone who is homeless- which is happening more and more- I just hand them the money. Professional charities turn my stomach.

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I agree. I feel a lot better handing it directly to them, even though others question what they will use it for. I drive into Fort Lauderdale quite often and the same homeless people โ€œworkโ€ at the stop lights, ie ask cars for money. I have heard they make about $30 a day or a shift from this. But no idea if thatโ€™s realistic number: as itโ€™s not often you see someone roll down their window and hand over cash. Iโ€™ve seen the same faces at the same lights for over two years now. Must be worth it if they persist.

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Yup. NEVER give to a โ€œcharityโ€ unless you can verify where the money actually goes. I think lots of people generally want to be charitable in some way, but in true evil fashion fraud is rampant. And shame on the businesses that try to manipulate you to give in a way that makes you feel obligated or embarrassed to say no. It is to demoralize you and guilt you into giving when you wouldnโ€™t have otherwise done so. Theyโ€™ve expanded into the tipping realm at restaurants and fast food places. I recently had an experience at a car wash! The employee stood at the entrance and put my card in the reader and helped me decide which car wash I wanted. Not because I needed help. Then the screen asked for a tip amount with the guy standing there relaying the message to me. Why would I want to tip BEFORE the car wash and for a service I didnโ€™t even need or want??? I was caught completely off guard. I tipped out of obligation because he was standing right there โ€œhelpingโ€ me. I was pissed to say the least. That will never ever happen again.

Itโ€™s all done to manipulate the charitable nature of people. Itโ€™s shameful.

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Thatโ€™s how the Clinton Foundation still operates.

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I saw that. Gotta love C&C on Clusterf^@k Nation. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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Iโ€™m a retired army pilot and current corporate pilot. Last year the FAA decided it wanted to cross reference its pilot data base with the VA database. Which the lawyers say is somehow not applicable to HIPA rules. The result was the grounding of 4,800 pilots for periods of up to a year while the FAA spend millions to investigate why we didnโ€™t disclose VA disability claims. I guess the FAA didnโ€™t realize that all the civilian doctors who are trained to issue medical certificates to pilots were advising veteran pilots not to disclose anything from the VA to the FAA because the FAA is a bureaucratic shit show. Itโ€™s really hard to think of a scenario where this isnโ€™t intentional. I canโ€™t believe that there are this many idiots driving this clown car of a country.

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Oh, there are that many. Iโ€™ve worked in a bureaucracy and worked with bureaucrats for decades. Itโ€™s rare to find a competent one.

The old phrase โ€œclose enough for govt workโ€ became a truism for a reason.

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I actually consider cancer a subheading under immunological. If you have a healthy immune system, your body should be able to take care of errant cancer cells. When your immune system is weak is when cancer gets going.

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Yes. So many turbo cancers in previously very healthy individuals. No indication and within 2 or 3 months advance stages of cancer. I know of at least 5 people under age 61 this is happening too. One has already passed. 4 are fighting for the health and lives. Common denominator = all are vaxxed. ๐Ÿ˜ช

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My eyes read that as vexxed.

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My list of cancers in people I know or relatives of friends is up to 29. 18 are very fast and aggressive.

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Wow! ๐Ÿ˜ณ That's awful. ๐Ÿ˜ช

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Did I read correctly that Dr. McCullough said the bad batches accounted for 4 to 7% of the jabs? And that a significant proportion were free of adverse effects and another were minor effects?

I keep saying, Iโ€™m not seeing the illnesses and deaths here. Yet I certainly believe theyโ€™re happening in some places.

How was it determined where the bad batches would go? Was there a system?

That puzzle piece should fall into place eventually.

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We all know someone in our immediate circle.At least 3 here.

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Of the 4, the screwed immunity may be the worst of the Jab effects. And it not may show up in people for years after their jabs, when they finally succumb to something like the flu.

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This natural doctor explains the effects of the injections on the immune system, and why repeated boosters are necessary to totally wreck it: https://tritorch.com/degradation/NaturalDoctorExplainsHowTheCOVIDInjectionsKillYouSeptember2023.mp4 [3:55mins]

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It sounded like she was saying more. I would have liked to hear all of it.

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Wish I had more of it Cheeky, I would have liked to hear it all as well.

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Hi Tritorch, This is excellent information - but why did they interview her standing next to a generator by the side of a road at a Harley Davidson convention? Doh!

I hope it gets transcribed and distributed widely because what they have done to everyone's immune systems with the death shots is so devastating and on-going.

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You may be right but not in the way you think. One of the most common accusations against the mRNA jabs is that the spike protein is damaging. One of the mechanisms is that the body's immune system attacks it (which was intended.) Unfortunately, the body apparently also attacks the body's own cells producing the spike. Another name for that is autoimmune disease. As I understand things, many tissues get so attacked and myocarditis is only one of the symptoms. Damage to (inflammation) of the arteries is (so I understand) a non-controversial and well-documented initiator of plaques and perhaps other disease. For a long time, CVD has been the leading cause of death (and probably, related illness) worldwide. mRNA side effects will only exacerbate that toll.

If you define "screwed immunity" to mean the body's immune system is weakened in terms of attacking foreign threats (as opposed to strictly autoimmune issues) I will agree that it's an issue, but not that it's the leading cause of injury or death.

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Yes, I believe inflammation due to an overworked immune system, due to the spike, is a root cause to many of the medical issues people have faced/will face.

If the spike protein never clears out - inflammation continues. Pardon a layman's interpretation.

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Ok, but Dr. Paul Marik, probably the greatest intensivist in the history of the world, widely, really beyond widely, published, honored, has FLCCC videos about how to reduce inflammation and start autophagy, which clears the spike. So there is not complete consensus within the medical freedom movement, which is a good heterodox thing, but one can't go wrong reducing inflammation. I started doing time restricted eating, then I was out in the woods with my dogs and I came upon an oak tree that I "knew" was going to fall. Maybe this was intuition, maybe it was an evolved autonomic hearing or perception that consciously I couldn't be aware of, whatever. Next morning, it had fallen right where I had been standing. Then I fell asleep and dreamt that something that looked like the segments in the fallen tree was leaving my body, dessicated, patterned. When I saw a picture of a mitochondrian, it looked just like the dream image, but who knows? I'm reducing the inflammation in my gut from the Moderna I originally took or from asymptomatic covid with a rash that I had. The FLCCC videos from Dr. Marik are great, and he's done one on cancer as inflammatory and plans to move on to cognitive impairment. We evolved as starving beings, hominins lucky to find some berries and honey or bring down a wooly mammoth, always on the verge of not getting enough calories, so the corporatized FDA has been jiving us for decades about how much we need to eat. Probably the hominins didn't have huge mounds of whipped cream to put on their berries, though, as we do. Can't be a saint lol.

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Thatโ€™s not the beginning of mankind worldview I believe in. Certainly mankind would have fallen on very difficult times that may have had them hiding in caves and scrounging for berries, but I do not believe it began that way.

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And, yes, we probably all overeat.

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Yes I had this thought also.

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๐ŸŽฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐ŸŽฏ! We all have cancer cells at some points in time!

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Good point

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If you would like to brighten your morning, please take 90 seconds to watch Bobbie Anne Coxโ€™s triumphant oral argument against Tyrant Hochulโ€™s quarantine camp lawsuit appeal:

โ€ข https://twitter.com/ChildrensHD/status/1701997931379806429

As Sasha Latypova writes:

โ€œWatch Bobbie Ann[e] getting an ovation after her speech to the court. Watch the faces of those judges. History was made there on September 13, 2023. Tell your children.โ€ (https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/talking-to-dr-jane-ruby-about-hospital)

Bobbie Anneโ€™s organization is Uniting NYS (https://unitingnys.com/), and I would like to suggest that for a future Operation Multiplier should it become necessary for them to continue the fight:

โ€ข https://unitingnys.com/oral-arguments-heard-in-states-appeal-of-borrello-et-al-v-hochul/

When this legislation was first proposed in February 2022, I wrote a letter to submit during the public comment period, only to learn from Mark Crispin Miller that Hochul had already illegally rubber-stamped the legislation before the comment period had even closed:

โ€ข โ€œLetter to the New York State Department of Healthโ€ (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-new-york-state-department / see the pinned comment for Markโ€™s input)

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Thank you for sharing this. Bobbie Ann is a warrior for freedom in New York State, one of seemingly few!

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Loved her closing comment: "If [state agencies] don't have to follow the law, then what is to point of having a state legislature?"

Thanks for posting!

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Your first Twitter link states "Page is Down"

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Just watched it. Worked for me.

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Works for me, too. Maybe try a different browser? I hope it's not being blocked in certain areas!

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I was able to get in just now. Thanks!

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It did the same to me. But I went out and tried again and it worked.

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Imagine if "2 weeks to flatten the curve" had ended in 5 days due to massive resistance.

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I know of two cases where a group of staff members threatened to quit---en-masse---if even one of them was denied accommodation to the jab mandate. In both cases, the managers backed down quickly.

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That's good to hear.

If more people had done the same with the business closures and mask mandates right from the beginning, it would never have gotten to the place where they attempted vaccine mandates.

But I guess it logically followed that businesses wouldn't chance staying open since the owners already saw themselves as only being allowed to operate with the permission of the government.

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It just shows how most people are completely in the thrall of the medical/pharmaceutical industrial complex.

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and the ones most in the thrall are the doctors

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WERE in thrall. So many people have woken up since then.

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And the traitor Mike Pence had gotten flattened instead, along with cockroach Fauci and moron scarf lady.

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On Day 6 the State Police here would have you face down on the sidewalk, cuffed, with TV film crews.

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Oh yes. Police were called on a mother not wearing her mask during Holy Mass. In Texas, of all places. At least they didn't put her in cuffs.

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Wow! I hadn't heard about that one!

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I think the c-vax is a long game ... 3%- 7% of shots caused catastrophic injuries defined as debilitating or catastrophic injury or death within 3 years of receiving the most recent primary or booster. But I've anecdotally witnessed sub-clinical problems in friends, relatives, neighbors ... issues that may not cause demonstrable injury or death until much later in someone's lifespan ... issues that may seem unremarkable now, (abnormal blood tests), or as a normal part of aging, (but not really), and will likely advance into a disease a person might not otherwise develop, and long after the suspicion of covid/vax would seem rational.

I wondered aloud at the beginning of the "Covid Era" whether SC2/vax were really kill switches ... that it exists quietly in the body until a person reaches, by natural means or not, a homeostatic state of infirmity at which point the covid/vax quickly becomes deadly. This is a long game, and we're still in the early phases.

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Agree. Getting covid/colds etc continuously doesn't qualify as lethal. But I see my coworkers, all vaxxed, quality of life and general good health deteriorate before my eyes.

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I recently attended in person with all my remote coworkers. One of them I had not seen for at least four years, who looked like he had aged 20. Another I had last seen in person in mid 2021, and now has deep wrinkles in her forehead (much deeper than someone should have at 41). Several others had gained large amounts of weight (25+ pounds). I also heard of one suffering POTS syndrome and had passed out on the floor at home and woke up 6 hours later--but this was kept very hush hush, as this was an executive. (Only heard about it because she missed several meetings without explanation and people got concerned.) But overall, Iโ€™m pleased to report that most people looked quite healthy for having been jabbed multiple times. And no one asks my status anymore.

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Thatโ€™s my observation as well. I had one 47 y/o female neighbor die of a heart attack. I had a 62 y/o male neighbor die of a turbo cancer.

But my sister and niece have had persistent, hard to treat ear infections. They certainly donโ€™t associate that with the shots, but I do.

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Yes there are a lot of stealth symptoms, I think. Have seen and heard more gallbladder issues than ever. Ear infections, eye infections, UTIs, rashes. Too 'run of the mill' to be the jab, they think, but I think...why so many, repeatedly, now?

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Many allograft rejections, including corneas!

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YES! So many eye issues!

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My son was adopted from foster care at 20mths he came to us. There was no medical records so they gave him all shots from birth to 24 months on accelerated schedule. At the time I hadn't woken up about Vs (all of them) ...and didn't equate the 2 until I started refusing all v for my kids ...this son in particular has up to 4yo ones...from 20m to 4y he had 2 sets of tunes and his ear drums burst several times, plus several ear infections...he hasn't had one since after those 4yo shots ...he's now 7 and in the last 3 years he's maybe had a fever or little illness like less than a handful.

I have only anecdotal evidence when it comes to why we stopped for all our kids...but it's quite remarkable how much healthier my kids are without shots. ...aside from my daughter whom I believe developed her chronic illnesses from the guardasil shot I allowed 4-5 years ago

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Yes those sub-clinical longer term effects are what concern me as well.

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Sep 16, 2023ยทedited Sep 16, 2023

I was wondering how they made just 4-7% bad? Like was it the manufacturing or purposeful batch selection to make poison?

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Yes, I recall early on the discussion that the batches had differing percentages of the mRNA in them. I have no doubt the evil creatures who created the stuff have kept track of that data somehow . You also have to take into account that some people administering the shots did not follow protocol and left the vials out longer than instructed, which we can only hope left much of the poison inert.

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Leaving aside the issues of deliberate malice or plain ineptitude, it has been speculated that different "vaccine" batches were formulated differently. Of course, it has to be standard practice to determine the proper dosage with a new drug or other product. In theory, this was done during early phases of development. But that's all old-fashioned. Today we're in the "new normal" which means the old standards no longer apply. Put yourself in the position of the "vaccine" developers and producers: they are, to all intents and purposes, completely absolved of any civil or criminal liability no matter how badly they screwed up. In such an environment, can you blame them if they cut every corner they could and -- most ominously -- feel they had free rein to tinker with product, different dosages, and perhaps even different active ingredients? There appears to have been little oversight on any of this.

One thing that is nearly certain: each "vaccine" batch and perhaps each individual patient who took a shot should have a record of where, when, and what he took. This data exists somewhere. To what uses it will be put is anyone's guess.

At thee very least, one can safely assume that Pharma effectively had hundreds of millions of test subjects who were injected with God-knows-what. It has, or at least should have, produced a huge trove of data on the effects, good bad or indifferent. And it not only didnโ€™t cost them a dime to do the โ€œresearch,โ€ indeed they made hundreds of billions of dollars and are immune to any of the consequences.

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Millions of roaming petrie dishes. Public hanging is too good for these perps. Thankfully, God is in control.

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I don't know if its true or not, but I read somewhere that they really intended in killing many more people with the jab, but knew that if too many died, people would get suspicious. That is why not every batch contained a lot of spike.

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read there are ~220 actual manufacturers of the jabs, all DoD sub contractors. Big Pharma make non themselves. Hence one source of variability. Listened to an expert about a year ago explaining how difficult it is to go to the initial ~6kg test manufacturer batch size used to get an intial CDC go ahead to the trial phase batch size, which is at least 10 times larger, then to the actual manufacturing size batch , which is massively larger. It is not as simple as just using bigger equipment. So this is another massive source of variability. Add in the likelihood there was little to no oversight or quality control from the buyers sic. big Pharma/ DoD. Only then add the possibility of actually designed differences in the batches. All together, you have a complete shit show in the making.

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Yes my son took it for his work and we have the batch #. I tried the website to see how bad it was but isnt clear

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Had a link to Mโ€™s lots; can look for it if you want. 1 child had both M from bad batches ๐Ÿคฌ; no other family jabbed. And yes, VId. ๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿคฌ

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3-7% already sick or impaired enough to cause catastrophic events.

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Many questions in that regard.

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I have fears that when Dems steal the 2024 election for all three chambers, they will order the deletion of all electronic versions of all articles/columns regarding the crimes against humanity that is COVID and the COVID vaccine. From time to time, I print to a pdf file columns that I think are especially compelling, but know that I miss most of them. Is there a "clearing house" for the vast library that has developed on this subject? For example, I'd like to get pdf copies of every column Jeff has published, along with Drs. McCullough, Wolf, and a number of other widely published authors.

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IF we even have a 2024 election, I agree with you. Kamala's statement on CBS Morning when confronted on with their horrible polling numbers compared to Trump's. "We WILL WIN re-election". Reminds me of Pelosi's statements before the 2020 election, with her "quiver" and Joe saying - "We're in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for President Obama's administration before this, we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics". I don't think these are mis-statements at all.

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Yep, the random slip of the tongue gives us the real story time and again.

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It's important to always save information to hard drives you control.

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There is a lady doing that right here on this page, exactly what you've referred to. Somebody help me remember her name. Something 2. Golden years my ass.

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Transcriber B?

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Transcriber B is on substack. Fantastic transcripts of banned and shadow-banned videos of those fighting publicly the lockdowns, masks and jabs.

I faced the "worst case scenario" while young. Grew up knowing one of my grandfathers memorized all of Walter Scott's "Ivanhoe" book as a kid. Then I read Ray Bradbury's " Fahrenheit 451" horror struck at a fictional society which banned books but a tiny number of people memorized books to save them. Learned in junior high school only 10% at most in the original 13 Colonies took up arms to fight for USA's independence. Thus, I learned very early ***all*** of us 10% who value human liberty enough to fight for it must each actively learn history and our literature, safeguard both, and pass it on to others in ***any*** way we can.

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Right there with ya Montag!

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Actually it was 3 percent. Hence the three percenters. I would be a member, but I don't trust any groups. Let them come, but I don't want to hand it to them.

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Ray Bradbury โ€” โ€˜There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches.โ€™

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Yes. 2, B, What's the diff. Like I said, golden years my ass.

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As turboCancers ramp up learn about fenbendazole for cancer. A new article dropped here In Remission, In Danger. Since traditional chemotherapy can spawn cancer stem cells it is especially important to self-treat with fenbendazole, the only substance that appears to safely, inexpensively and effectively eradicate cancer stem cells. Cancer stem cells are the cells that form intractable distant tumors that result from chemotherapy. So, those in remission after traditional chemo are in a critical period where CSCs may develop and be fatal Learn more https://fenbendazole.substack.com/p/cancer-stem-cells-and-fenbendazole

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I just heard a Dr. Jane Ruby podcast, and the attorney (Crittenden?) said that a Marburg pandemic is in the works, and fenbendazole is supposed to be helpful for that.

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Immunologic problems = turbo cancers. Immunocompromised patients develop cancer at a much higher rate and they grow much faster. In my short stint as a dermatology nurse, we had patients on immunosuppressants coming in with new skin cancers almost every month. We'd cut them off, and they would recur or grow new ones at an alarming rate.

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This happen to my husband, pre-pandemic. He had cancerous spots on his temples burned off and they came back. Burned off again a year later. With insurance, our charge was over $500 each time for a 10 min visit. The next time they came back, we were in the midst of the plandemic and we had learned about ivermectin. He rubbed ivermectin on these spots and they cleared up and are still gone. He also had some other new itchy moles on his arms and back. Black salve has remediated those.

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Can you tell us more about this "black salve"? I have had numerous skin cancers removed and I am saying no to this in future.

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Sep 16, 2023ยทedited Sep 16, 2023

Go to herbhealers.com. Greg Caton was a natural health pioneer who was completely persecuted for his products, even put in prison on false charges and fined millions of dollars. He finally fled to Ecuador, where he died from a "heart attack" in Dec 2022. His wife and staff still run the company. He did videos with Mike Adams and on his own channel on Rumble. I snapped a pic of my husband's arms and they suggested what we needed.

I'd difinitely suggest getting his book, Black Salve- It's Proper Use from gregcaton.com (I removed planters warts that were on my feet for over 30 yrs, (tried all kinds of remedies) with their bloodroot paste.)

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I removed numerous warts from the face of a very old dog with bloodroot.

Vet would have surgically removed for $1,400 and he might not have survived the procedure.

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Yes! Bloodroot for non-cancerous warts, black salve for cancerous skin spots. The black salve opens up the encapsulation allowing your body to attack the cancer. "They" slander black salve saying it eats away your tissue, but it won't react to healthy tissue.

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Thank you!

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Yes! Black salve!!

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How does one rub ivermectin (capsule) on skin? The โ€œhorse pasteโ€?

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We use the 1% sterile injectable solution from the livestock feed store. He just rubbed it on with his finger for several days. We also take it orally. 1ml per

110 lbs in juice or coffee.

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I've had a very hard time finding the dosage of the paste for a person. Have you had luck finding that anywhere?

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There' was a dosage chart on FLCCC if the different forms of ivermectin. We just the injectable (irally), we don't use the paste. For some reason, the texture sets off my gag reflex. There's a Telegram group you might be interested in. https://t.me/dirtroadquestionschat

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Thank you! Have only been able to get the paste so will check into this!

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Exactly the same active ingredient and mg/mg dose as human grade. FLCCC has increased recommended dose for C. Broad anti viral effects, including flu.

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Oh wow very interesting!

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Sep 16, 2023ยทedited Sep 16, 2023

Dr. Peter McCullough: 73.9% of the deaths after vaccination are due to the vaccine.

Mic drop.

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It's so noteworthy to learn 4% to 7% of the jab batches account for almost all officially-recognized jab injuries. Wouldn't it be nice if the CDC and officials could report this?

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If they can say this, then I wander if the batches have all been identified. Otherwise how can he make that statement.

If they are identified then a deep drive is needed into batch variations. Where. When. What materials. Ect...

Thereโ€™s so many variables involved but the batch thing doesnโ€™t make sense if they all contained the same amount of mRNA. If indeed mRNA is the mechanism.

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Someone compared VAERS data and known injuries/death to lot #. Shocking results!

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Yes howbad lists the worst in the US. You have to drill down in the site.

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If I were jabbed, I would want to know if I took one of the 4-7% batch. You know there are detailed records on file.

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There IS a list that someone has compiled online that has the batch #s and their corresponding # of injuries.

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Sep 16, 2023ยทedited Sep 16, 2023

Yes someone just posted it. www.howbad.info.


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Nothing there..says domain is for sale.

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Try again; just scroll down and should see it, including the Lancet article showing the 74%.

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Yes, there is a registry where you can look up your batch number and find out if yours was bad.

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Yep; immediately (1d!) withdrawn from Lancet because of โ€œprotocol.โ€ Have content somewhere if you want.

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Concerned Grammyโ€™s link has the transcript.

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It is encouraging to see this Governor โ€œexecutive orderโ€ gun ban be slapped across the back of the head like an ignorant teen boy talking back to his older biker tattooed brother.

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We know these tyrannts will use Covid Emergencies (and Climate Emergencies) to override fundamental rights. Good to see at least some push back to this.

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Yes, if this was a DS test run for current overreach potential, Iโ€™d say the result was not as theyโ€™d hoped.

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The air traffic controller problem has been brewing for several years; the covid mandates just really brought the chickens home to roost. WSJ's Jason Riley is one of the few who ever brought to light the affirmative action measures that have been underway since 2013 to change the racial/gender makeup of who is in those towers. So few know about this. Really makes you want to hop on a plane :)

From an article I'll try to link below:

"In 2013 the Obama FAA changed the process for hiring controllers and then applied the new policy retroactively. No longer would the FAA give hiring preference to applicants with degrees from CTI schools or military experience, as it had in the past. In order to foster โ€œdiversityโ€ in control towers, the agency would move away from merit-based hiring and toward more subjective measures. To attract a higher percentage of candidates from racial and ethnic minorities, a โ€œbiographical questionnaire,โ€ or BQ, was added to the screening process. Applicants were asked about their upbringing, family hardship and the like. Those who didnโ€™t score well enough on the BQ were deemed ineligible, regardless of how well they had performed on tests measuring cognitive skills."


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Sep 16, 2023ยทedited Sep 16, 2023

Figures that they would now blame Reagan but completely omit any mention of the Obama administrationโ€™s effects on all this ๐Ÿ™„

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My own brother was one of those air traffic controllers. He was the president of PATCO. An Air traffic controller at O'Hare, at the time it was the busiest airport. He fell hard. Job gone. He was on all of the morning talk shows of MSM. He, his wife and their three young children had their lives turned upside down. He never recovered because the IRS came calling when he foolishly cashed in his retirement account early on to support his family. They took from his paycheck until he retired at 72! It was brutal! The IRS scrutnized him into the ground! I have three large boxes of his "paperwork" from his time fighting the government. When he passed away in 2019, I lost a huge part of my heart. He was a brother unlike any other and I miss him every single day! He remained a strong, conservative, America loving, government suspecting, hard working man up until his untimely passing.

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Iโ€™m so sorry ๐Ÿ˜ž It sounds like he was a good man and a wonderful brother. I especially hate that the IRS has so much power and that they can help destroy people like this!!

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Thank you! Yes, after spending more money than was reasonable, he was forced to give up that fight...they won. And, in later years they continued to harass him endlessly. For tiny amounts! Ugh!

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Theyโ€™re truly awful. Itโ€™s like a financial Gestapo ๐Ÿ˜•

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Yes! Especially when you know, they go after the have nots more often than those of better means who have the financial resources to fight them off! They destroyed his life and livelihood.

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pity his name wasn't Biden to get sweetheart deals from IRS, then again he probably was a better man than the Brandons

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This is just horrific and Iโ€™m so terribly sorry you all have been through such a nightmare. ๐Ÿ™

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So terribly sorry! ๐Ÿ’”

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wasn't Reagan's firing of the ATC back in 1981? If I can count that far, that was 42 years ago. I would venture that most of those he fired would be dead by now. Sort of like Katrina was Bush's fault!

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Yeah I was too lazy to look up the exact year but it definitely makes no sense as a reason. But what else is new with these people? ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

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โ€œReally makes you want to hop on a plane :)โ€ Yep, esp since Oct โ€˜22 when the FAA changed the guidelines so pilots arenโ€™t grounded for a heart block that previously disqualified them (without a pacemaker; routinely done with anything over 300ms). So, you can be within 1 millisecond from requiring a pacemaker and still fly.

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And yes, heart blocks are now occurring in the absence of an acute cardiac event. Unusual!

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What a mess. Yeah, makes SO much more sense to put someone in a job that requires exact precision (e.g. air traffic controller) just because they are a particular race and not as qualified. <sarcasm> This is reason #453 why I will never get on another plane.

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Happy Saturday!!

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You, too!

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Thank you!! ๐Ÿ˜Š

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๐Ÿ‘Ÿ ๐Ÿ’•

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