☕️ TIMES AND CURSES ☙ Friday, March 10, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
A special roundup of hot takes and gotchas to tide you over till Saturday.
Good morning and Happy Friday, C&C! As you read this I’m in the air somewhere over the continental United States, having departed Childers HQ at zero-dark-thirty, so I auto-scheduled this abbreviated roundup to tide you over. I’m counting on you all to take these story stubs and flesh them out in the comments for any new readers who might be joining us for the first time today. I’ve given you plenty to talk about!
🔥 Nice job, conservative Catholics!
A small group of private citizens spent $4M of their own money to buy marketing databases from gay hookup apps, then cross referenced it with geotracking data, and identified active gay priests. They provided the results to Catholic bishops. I’m guessing they are giving the Catholic Church a chance to do the right thing before publicly outing the concupiscent clergy.
The Washington Post was NOT amused. But WaPo admitted the technique may be effective:
The project’s existence reflects a newly empowered American Catholic right wing that sees enforcing its interpretation of church teaching on sexuality and gender as an existential issue for the church and that no longer trusts bishops to do so. It is a flip of traditional church power dynamics, with the Colorado laypeople in a position to pressure bishops.
This is an encouraging story about citizens taking things into their own hands and doing the work the wretched corporate media is no longer allowed to do.
🔥 I present to you the booming Biden economy, which speaks for itself:
🔥 More progress. Tennessee’s State House passed a bill preserving pastors’ rights not to conduct weddings for LGBTQ++. It includes judges, clerks, and anyone else who might conduct a marriage ceremony.
🔥 In this clip, Robert Malone describes my “one world government” and “World War III” theory, except he refers to it as an invisible, unidentified “puppet master” employing “fifth generation warfare:”
🔥 There were professional-grade fireworks at the House committee on the weaponization of the federal government yesterday.
“No evidence!!”
“Here is the evidence!”

“Twitter was a subsidiary of the FBI:”

Neither Matt Taibbi or Michael Schellenberger are Republicans:

Committee democrats tried to get Matt Taibbi to reveal his sources and he refused. Mild chaos ensued.

🔥 More on Florida SB 252.
Following up from yesterday’s post about the “switcheroo” from SB 222’s Medical Freedom to SB 252’s “medical freedom lite.” The latter bill was filed by Florida Representative Colleen Burton, the beneficiary of generous pharma support, in the recent total of $25,000 from a lobbying group whose leadership includes Pfizer’s Albert Bourla.
Hat tip: one of our alert C&C commenters found the story yesterday. Nice job!
Meet lobbying group “PhRMA”:
Ms. Burton was in the top ten recipients of PhRMA’s largess during the last year:
In fairness, Ms. Burton is by no means the only recipient of pharma money. And just because she received those funds does NOT mean she is acting other than in good faith.
But it sure is bad optics.
I have already spoken to a bunch of folks about this issue and will continue to work on it, even over next week while I’m out of town, as time allows. Prepare for C&C Army orders when I get back.
You really can’t make this stuff up. Congratulations! We are all suffering the ancient Chinese curse of living in interesting times.
Have a fabulous Friday! And a great time in the comments without me today. I’ll see you back here tomorrow for the weekend edition.
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How do you do it, Jeff?! Even when you are supposed to be taking time off, you still manage to shower us with gifts—and on your birthday, no less! 🎁🎁🎁
Speaking of, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Jeff!! 🎉🎊 Wishing you the bountiful joy you deserve today and every day thereafter 😇🌻🙌
The Congress hearings are incredible. The Democrats (which I considered myself to be until around two years ago) are batshit crazy. They are outraged, livid, beside themselves that "so-called journalists" had the gall to expose an all-encompassing government censorship and propaganda machine. The lack of introspection is astounding. They are caricatures of every villain we were trained to identify as evil in our fancy liberal schools. And they cannot see it at all.
The battle between good and evil in the real world is generally ambiguous. But a pretty solid rule of thumb, perhaps the most solid rule of thumb, is that the guys suppressing speech and spreading propaganda are the bad guys, and the guys exposing and trying to stop the suppression of speech are the good guys. I mean, this was hammered into me in my many years of education in liberal spaces. How are these people so oblivious to the fact that they've become the censors and propagandists, and that the censors and propagandists are the bad guys?