"try copying the {Twitter} link and pasting it into a new browser window"-----THAT worked, thanks!

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I use Brave browser as the browser to automatically open any link I click on and never have a problem with the Twitter links. So it might be a solution where you don't even have to copy and paste to get it to work.

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I use Brave as well -- for about two years. It’s great so far!

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DDG had become a very selective browser so I switched to Brave several years ago.

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Yes to Brave browser. Built in adblock and security, no google spyware yet supports Chrome plugins.

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You can watch YouTube on Brave with NO ads!

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I saw Brave cut ties completely with Bing (Microsoft... Medical Philanthropist) and have their own index for searches. Big move for them.

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I use Brave but also Freespoke; think Freespoke may be even better

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I haven’t heard of freespoke. I’ll check it out. Thanks!

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I use Brave as well (and love it), but for some reason, even though I have set Brave as my default browser, Substack still opens links in Safari. I wish I could delete Safari from my phone...

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You need to change your default browser in Settings on your iPhone / iPad, as Apple’s default takes precedence over your browser choice. You may find the only options available to you are Safari and Firefox: if so, select Firefox. You’ll then find you can set Brave as your default browser successfully. Tricky, isn’t it?

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I actually have done this in iPhone Settings, and it still behaves this way...

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Please don’t think I’m being offensive, but have you turned your iPhone off and on again since making the change?

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Right-click and "Open in new Tab" should work, too.

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Re. trouble with Twitter links: Also try this technique:

» Right-click, open link in new window, go to new window, go to URL/address field, press <enter>.

[Has same effect as copy link / open new window / paste link / <enter>.]

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A primary cornerstone of this planetary coup is to dumb us down to the lowest common denominator. Experienced and educated critical thinkers make for poor slaves. Old ways of thinking have to be eradicated. Division, demoralization, and the subversion of education are three key tools for achieving total domination.

Bread (UBI/EBT/SNAP), circuses (media/elections), overbearing propaganda (news), fabricating and dramatically magnifying our differences (5th generation warfare), radicalizing the populace (politics), invasion by fighting age third worlders, the corruption of the youth with LBGTQ+ indoctrination, and the manufactured bankruptcy and extinction of the dollar, are all being brought to bear against us...


It is, was, and will always be our job to keep the government in check. If we do not, then we will end up back at square one and become slaves once again. No one is going to come to our rescue... except ourselves.

So with that in mind, if you've never heard of the following:

Asset Forfeiture, NSLs, ALEC, AIPAC

FISA Courts, Congressional Insider Trading

Judicial Standing, Deferred Prosecution

Parallel Construction, Stingray Devices

EO 12333, XKeyscore, COINTELPRO

Pentagon Papers, Gary Webb

Operation Mockingbird

Operation Northwoods

Operation Paperclip

Project Monarch



Or worse, you've heard of them but can't be bothered to care, then like it or not, you are one reason among many that we are on a one-way flight straight to Hell. To the corporations and their puppet politicians, your ignorance and apathy are worth more than all the slaves in China. Because it is your indifference that enables these bottom feeding cockroaches to thrive in the dark and rob you of your wealth and liberty.

This is not political, it's universal. Both of the puppet parties you think you get to choose from every two years are completely infected by blanket webs of corruption and have long ago mortgaged their allegiance to their corporate masters. And what these leeches need more than anything to survive and thrive is a stupid, apathetic populace with red tags on their ears who will lap at their feet and believe every lie they feed them, or worse, are too busy staring at their smart phones to even care that they're being lied to.

The natural state of humanity is to slide into slavery and conflict. Our American bulwark against that decay was built by the blood, sweat, tears, hard work, and personal sacrifice of countless millions. These people gave everything to build the pillars of justice that protect and sustain you, and it is your responsibility to give something back and sacrifice a little in order to maintain those pillars and pass them on to the next generation. Anything less is a betrayal to those who broke their back to build the structure you are now standing on. So put down your Facebook and start paying attention to the things going on around you before that structure crumbles to nothing beneath your feet and you become a slave once again.

Remember, a nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves and you get more of what you tolerate. So turn off your Goddamn TV, turn on your mind, and get out there and stop tolerating it before you wake up one morning robbed of your remaining liberty and you no longer have a choice.

Someone far wiser than I once pointed out that: 'Power without oversight is the fastest route out of a democracy'. Your responsibility then, is to render that oversight.

Joseph de Maistre said: 'Every citizenry has the government they deserve...'

We are the ones we've been waiting for...


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Excellent. And the abuse of the truth always begins with separating the specific from the whole and pretending that it has independent meaning. That is, the lies depend on having you get lost in the weeds rather than step back and look at the bigger picture.

For example: "Trump worked with Russia to get elected." At first blush, seen as a freestanding allegation, there might seem to be some basis for exploring whether or not it is true. But consideration of the broader perspective immediately shows it to be hogwash, because it is an allegation that a man who has all the money he will ever need, is in a position to live out his life in luxury and comfort, and has never shown signs of self-destructiveness or insanity has decided to commit treason, risking his freedom and fortune, in order to do the hardest job in the world.

Let's look at the Epstein thing. To me, what jumps out is the fact that Jamie Dimon, Chairman of JP Morgan Chase since 2005, has recently been targeted as having ties to Epstein, I believe through one of his managers. Why would that be happening at this time? One important clue is that Dimon has been out there flipping the bird to the climate change, anti-oil crowd that is doing the bidding of the Davosian globalists that are, as we speak, being targeted by the American central banking system and the Fed through the raising of interest rates (that drain the offshore dollar system that the European banks that back Davos use to steal elections --here -- and start wars and pillage countries all over the world). In other words, the American central banks are attacking the Davosoros where it hurts most.

So, we might surmise the following. Given that the WSJ has been carrying water for the globalists for a number of years now, what we are probably watching is the beginning of an operation to tar prominent members of the central banking system, maybe Jamie Dimon in particular, with Epstein associations in an effort to demonize those that are disempowering the globalists through a financial war on the zero-interest scheme that was initially put into place in Europe and under Obama here in 2008. If this take is correct, then we may see this hone in on Dimon or those that support him at JP Morgan, followed by a whisper campaign and an inside job like the one that was performed on James O'Keefe.

Oh, and by the way, it has seemed to me for some time that Epstein got his money from the globalists/Davos, who used him and his island to develop compromat on political and prominent figures so they could control them as needed.

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🎯” Let's look at the Epstein thing. To me, what jumps out is the fact that Jamie Dimon, Chairman of JP Morgan Chase since 2005, has recently been targeted as having ties to Epstein, I believe through one of his managers. Why would that be happening at this time? One important clue is that Dimon has been out there flipping the bird to the climate change, anti-oil crowd that is doing the bidding of the Davosian globalists that are, as we speak, being targeted by the American central banking system and the Fed through the raising of interest rates (that drain the offshore dollar system that the European banks that back Davos use to steal elections --here -- and start wars and pillage countries all over the world). In other words, the American central banks are attacking the Davosoros where it hurts most.”

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Jeff left the name Martin Nowak off that list that the WSJ has disclosed so far. He's not a nobody casting extra. As this Fox journey down a rabbit hole reveals:


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I usually stop with what one could call generic conspiracy theories for all occasions. If recent events are as the WSJ, you and others recount, my "working hypothesis" is that there is a "turf war," for want of a better term, ongoing within the Deep State. Your speculations are a good start as to guessing who's who. Certainly, the lunatic WEF/Soros/Climate Change/Green New Deal agenda on one side, the saner more reality-grounded Montgomery Burns (The Simpsons) team on the other. Might the answer be as simple as the old money, the relatively competent grifters who've been running things behind the scenes for decades, have finally become aware that the socialist-revolutionary thing has gone just a bit too far and threatens the status quo (including the conservative factions power and wealth, not to mention relative stability and world peace) and needs to be eliminated? Are the Elon Musks really striking a blow for (relative) freedom, or is everything merely theater to further confuse the commoners?

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A tactical nuclear strike on the next Davos conference should be on the table. Yes, I can hear your muttering about who let the 11 year old into the discussion. But if the US can perform extrajudicial killings, military/political coups and genocides w/o pause for most of a century for resource theft and to benefit the US economy, then why shouldn't we also use our resources to eliminate those who are trying to subvert and destroy western style democracy and democratic process across the globe, other than the fact that much of Washington is already in enemy hands?

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If you change your suggestion to a stealth bomber destruction of all buildings and their surroundings, including separate strikes on locations of all missing but key players, and you avoid the use of nukes... well then, I think you become a radical college student anarchist at the table. Welcome!

All eye rolling comments (of mine) aside, I think it comes down to strategic strikes against the leadership. I don't think we get out without a hot war.

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So, Jamie Dimon is now a hero? Two days ago, on May 2, in the aftermath of the FRC take-under by JPM which Jamie Dimon praised (of course) as a deal proving that the "system works as it should", and predicted that the bank crisis is now almost over, a forecast which the Fed chair reiterated yesterday (just before all hell broke loose), we warned that the "banking crisis is baaaack" for the simple reason that by bailing out FRC, up to $75 billion in Fed reserves would be drained from the system pushing small banks back to their reserve constraint and forcing another market puke and/or Fed bailout.

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A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. - Aldous Huxley

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"The natural state of humanity is to slide into slavery and conflict. Our American bulwark against that decay was built by the blood, sweat, tears, hard work, and personal sacrifice of countless millions."

Someone posted yesterday Paul Harvey's 1965 warning to America, "If I Were The Devil". It was clear to Paul Harvey then as it remains now that the U.S. constitutional system is the lone bulwark against every thing that tritorch discusses in this outstanding comment.


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Paul Harvey was so very, very wise!

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🎯Tritoch once again . 😉

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Tritorch, It's SO good to have you back! Bravo!

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I was looking at your site, the part about the vatican and the ocult.

Anyway, I find it interesting that in Russia they have built thousands of churches in the last decade due to demand. They seem to be Christian Orthodox Churches. There are also a lot of beautiful murals of the Virgin Mary. I recently learned how the Christian Orthodox Church split from the Roman Catholic Church and doesn't recognize the pope.

I can't help but wonder how much of this war between the godless west against Russia is Satan against Christ, and the geopolitical aspect is the excuse.

I grew up in a Catholic home but I believe the Church was captured by the freemasons, (Infiltration, the Plot to Destroy the Church from Within by Dr. Taylor Marshall).

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The West continually wars on Christianity, just like the Soviets. It is no accident that all manner of Satanism, occult, witchcraft is tolerated in the West. That Alinsky dedicated Rules for Radicals to Lucifer, this is no accident. That the churches have been infiltrated and degraded, this is no accident.

'They' clearly are waging war on us. 'They' mean to exterminate us. 'They' really do believe that we all are useless eaters.

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Are you familiar with Brother Alexis Bugnolo's "FromRome" series during the planned excercise in mass hypnosis?

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No but now I’m curious so I will most definitely look into it :)

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Find him @ Rumble. Better stuff. Especially his conversationsveith Doctor Z.

"Br Alexis Bugnolo"

He's a (pseudo) Franciscan hermit.

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Few could add very little to this. The sad reality is most people are of no mind to demand accountability from their governments. The yoke on this metaphorical crashing airplane had to be pulled a long time ago to prevent it from slamming into the ground. Without Term Limits, without Election Day only paper ballots with actual community representative judges and monitors, and without eliminating or creating some kind of check and balance on Executive Orders only something cataclysmic could possibly avoid the impending destruction of America.

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Well said. I've often thought that very same techniques used for dumbing down and other maladies ought to be reverse engineered with more....expansive content....

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I was driving and listening to the radio, the host mentioned that the US 8th graders score historically low in history, civics and these young people are going to vote soon. Fl is trying to remedy this deficiency in education.

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May I copy your excellent comment and summary and post it on FB? Not that FB will let many read it, but who knows!!!

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I would be honored if you did. There is a slightly different version with a different opening paragraph here: https://tritorch.com/illFaresTheLand if you prefer that one instead.

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While I agree with everything you write, knowledge without the Courage to act doesn't help either.

From Thomas Jefferson:

"We have had 13. states independant 11. years.

There has been one rebellion.

That comes to one rebellion in a century and a half for each state.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion?

And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?

Let them take arms.

The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them.

What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure."

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Well put!!

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Well said!

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Absolutely SPOT ON!! Sadly most cannot be bothered to care....

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True but the disconnect is that a dumbed down 'citizenry' makes for an erosion of the economic/productive base. I suppose 'they' think that AI and robots will be the replacement economic input. And then, 'they' could 'logically' liquidate the bulk of 'useless eaters'. ???

Ultimately, there is no figuring out this Demonic Agenda ... at least not by people possessed of their God-given sanity.

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I note interesting references to cornerstones, pillars, and de Maistre, who in his youth was a big proponent of freemasonry, was forced to relinquish his participation in it due to the French Revolution, and picked up on it again later in life. I’m curious. Is your point of view coming from a similar direction?

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Not remotely. These are just references to us building our future or letting the collective elite dark triad build it for us. Which would you choose?

"The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings." -JFK

Masons Need to Identify Themselves, Wales Chief Constable Says Amid an Outbreak of Pedophilia in Gov: https://bitchute.com/video/XYQnYBgMjEyu

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I’ve always wondered about the Masonic symbols that abound in our government structures (buildings, monuments, artwork on money, etc.) and were placed there purposely by our country’s leaders, seemingly based on its founders’ directives. Maybe they thought that since they were the architects of a new nation that those symbols were appropriate. I’m not so sure that it was just architecture they were concerned with.

I’m not accusing you of anything to do with freemasonry. It’s just that I’ve learned to notice the symbolism and terms associated with it and question the reason for using them.

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That is a deep, dark rabbit hole, walk2write. Here is a short video on the subject: https://bitchute.com/video/ArFqCP11v8md

Symbolism is of course subjective, and ^ that is but one interpretation. There is more info on this here, if you are interested: https://tritorch.com/occult

Regardless of their symbolism and what it actually means, the principles of the founding fathers are sound:

Here's the basic premise in the founding of the enlightenment model of the US: Rights were given to you by your creator, not by your government. Your government didn't give them to you so, they can't take them away. Furthermore the 9th amendment to the constitution makes these guarantees explicit. If any person in the government tries to take them away anyway, despite lacking any authority to do so, they are traitors to the citizens and must be treated as such.

A common misconception regarding the US government is that it is not the case that they start with total power and authority and the Constitution then subtracts from those powers. Under the Constitutional principle of Enumerated Powers and despite common wisdom, the government actually starts with zero power. Powers are then granted (Enumerated) by the constitution. This means that our natural rights such as the right to privacy or the right to free speech do not need to be explicitly granted to the populace - we have them by default. What it does mean is that the government cannot violate those rights unless the ability to do so is explicitly granted by the Constitution - which in those cases it is not.

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Although I've never read its history, it's well known that many of the Founders were Masons. In Alexandria, Virginia is a Masonic Temple whose early members included such names as George Washington. You may have heard of him.

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Teach me to do Your will,

For You are my God;

Let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground.

For the sake of Your name, O Lord, revive me.

In Your righteousness bring my soul out of trouble.

And in Your lovingkindness, cut off my enemies

And destroy all those who afflict my soul,

For I am Your servant.

— Psalm 143:10-12 NASB1995

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🗨 so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. ~~Ephesians 4:14

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I am so grateful for His unchanging truth that is the solid rock on which I stand!

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All other ground is sinking sand!

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That seems like it would make good song lyrics. 😀

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Amen! Joyfully true!

On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand.

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Now I'm going to have to play that on my piano!

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I second that Annie

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I thought this was pretty cool: https://youtu.be/5USsyIXQ9gw

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🔥👌 Thought your modest link didn't do justice to this amazing ~4 min clip, hence a teaser: a tween boy reveals Jesus in every book of the Bible! 🤩


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Thank you for sharing 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

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Beyond cool 😎. 👍🏼

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Thank you Janice & now I open my Bible to Psalm 143 💕

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There’s no place to stop reading in there. 😊🙌🏻

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No company should have ever been allowed to sell our private data and information. It infuriates me. We should have to consent to allow them to sell it! Not the other way around. They have twisted it because they make us send them, in writing, a paper telling them we do not consent. And we have to consent initially to get whatever services they provide. They bank on us not sending in written paper to say no, you don’t have permission! There are many reasons people don’t revoke their ability to sell our information…and they’ve gotten rich off of it. It’s all a disgusting and shameful practice that they’ve gotten away with for decades or longer. And they make billions off our information.

When I was a young single person having a friend do my taxes, he accidentally put the letter P as my middle initial on my tax form. P is not my middle initial. What is interesting and caught my attention 35 years ago is that it was the one and only time my name had a P as the middle initial. Shortly after that filing I started receiving junk mail from credit card companies offering me free credit cards with my full name and P as the middle initial! The IRS sold my information! 35 years ago! And I still got all kinds of junk mail from businesses with that P middle initial up until about 6-7 years ago. Now it’s very rare. That was when my stomach turned and I realized what an absolute disgrace this practice was and should be illegal.

Good for Florida finally trying to stop this garbage!

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Forty-five years ago the high school I graduated from apparently sold my personal information to one of those Who’s Who book companies, which pestered me for a year or so to purchase their book with my information in it. Did I give my permission for them to publish it in their book? Of course not. Data mining without consent has been going on for a long time. I sincerely hope that Florida will be successful in stanching the flow of our personal information, but it will be an uphill battle.

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I'm not sure the school sold the info. I'm fairly certain signing up for the SAT is what got me in their crosshairs. I definitely believe the SAT people would sell my info. We homeschool our kids but my son got on someone's list, no idea who, but he started getting SAT stuff and such in 9th/10th grade. Someone even called me one day trying to sell me a SAT study course. I played along but asked "where did you say you got my son's info?" She said "his high school." I said "ok, I know you're lying now because I AM his school, we homeschool and he's never stepped foot in a high school. She got upset and claimed she wasn't lying but hung up on me. I'd really like to know who sold my son's info...

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You might be on to something there. I applied for and took the ACT college entrance exam my junior year, wasn’t satisfied with the score, and took it again early in my senior year. So it’s possible that the high school didn’t sell my info. The testing company might have done it. Regardless, it was and is unnerving to think about what little control we have over what should be our private information.

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Did you register him with the state or local school whatever it is that you were homeschooling? District, that's it!

We homeshooled too.

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Lol I got pestered by them too! Not quite 45 years ago- less than that. Great observation on the history and prevalence of this issue.

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Speaking as a Devil's Advocate: In defense of "selling" what seems private information, in fact a lot of it is available from public records. Details vary by locality, but consider real estate records, perhaps motor vehicle registrations*, voter registrations, and so forth. Even many things you might think off limits. In some States concealed handgun permits issued. For example here in FL if you have a [public] university email account, all those communications are public records. I agree there should be limits; my point is that much information is openly available and has been for a very long time.

*Funny anecdote: In CA in late 1970s, there was a proposition on the ballot that would have restricted gun ower rights (if I recall correctly). A conservative group opposing the measure needed to compile a mailing list. They assumed -- correctly -- that pickup owners were a good target for their mailing. At the time, CA vehcile registrations were public records, but with a catch: You had to physically go to an office and look up the records. So the activists hired a bunch of workers to manually copy the desired pickup owner records. And they were successful.

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Let's play whack a dem, whack a rino, whack a pedo, whack a "insert any evil lockdown person etc"! Whack them all!

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Your terms are acceptable.

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I'm in.

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I personally believe that there’s a link between Epstein’s clients and the shoving down our throats of the trans movement, gender reassignment surgery, and satanic drag shows for all ages. My thoughts are that getting it “ accepted “ in society will somehow get them off the hook, or at least not make it seem so bad. Plus I’ve heard the UN is pushing for legitimizing sex with minors.

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Actively promoting gender dysphoria is having serious consequences in the youth population and that is a fact. File it under 'mass behavioral programming'.

I suspect that the 'trans' prefix is being shoved into the cultural narrative in order to help pre-lubricate the transhumanism agenda which is well warmed up in the bullpen. Both involve "alterations", both are desecrations, and as such the younger generation is being conditioned not only to accept it but embrace such things as being "cool" or "edgey". You will see predictive programming just glancing around the MediaSpace.

The other huge thing is the Fecund Fountain of Youth. Yes I am referring to stem cells, adrenachrome and other nasty practices that have come to light as of late.

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“I suspect that the 'trans' prefix is being shoved into the cultural narrative in order to help pre-lubricate the transhumanism agenda which is well warmed up in the bullpen. Both involve "alterations", both are desecrations, and as such the younger generation is being conditioned not only to accept it but embrace such things as being "cool" or "edgey". You will see predictive programming just glancing around the MediaSpace.”

👆👆👆this is dead on…

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Yes, and don’t forget the insertion of AI into social media, etc. Forming quick and easy “artificial” friends and companions to combat their loneliness and isolation.

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It's a heck of a thing innit?

Note the stark difference between say, twitter and real life in regard to the covid shots. That contrast says it all...

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This stuff is just so disgusting to me...and it's so disturbing to me that they are trying to get these extremely harmful and sick concepts accepted. I will never accept it. Not ever. Don't care if I stand alone. I really hope enough of my fellow citizens are willing to stand up and say no along with me.

I was just listening to that podcast about transgenderism and they're making some really interesting connections about how much of this gender dysphoria and confusion and perversion is coming from pornography and addictions to it. Having seen the impacts on that in the past, I can see what they are saying. It is really an incredibly damaging thing for our society (and young males in particular). The rise of the internet has really driven this to new levels. We simply must get this under control to start fighting any of these dark issues.

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Looks to me, we now have the receipts (vis a vis, Epstein's calendar) that A LOT of very powerful people had very powerful motives to see Epstein "suicided".

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Given a lack of footage, body or any evidence of death.....

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Maureen Comey saw to that.🤨

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Funny enough, back when this was all current events, some guy flew his UAV around The Island and noted a lot of construction and excavation going on. There was also a silver haired man present.

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Ok not the footage I was thinking of but....

At least the music is pleasant.


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Maybe he's not dead?

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I am not sure that he is dead either. He was just removed and is tucked away somewhere doing what he does best, but just out of sight! Another psyops?

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C I A appetite has not been sated for more blackmail recordings? JEp would need a new gf/public face tho.

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On the other hand, it would have been safest for them all if he was dead

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IF I were a gamblin man..then yeah. A little surgery and a different island?

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The list of celebrities that visited Epstein too would relieve you of ever paying to go to the movies again!

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Not just celebrities but politicians, judges and so called leaders in business. All a bunch of satanic pedo perverts. Whack them all!

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Lmao. Again, sister from another mother I couldn’t agree with you more. Imagine if “they” brought back the guillotine.

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I think I would be watching. I cannot abide pedophiles.

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Personal bodily injury is the only language these sociopaths/psychopaths/narcissists understand.

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I tried to find it...but cant at the moment.

It's the Where's Waldo Sniper meme, and the guy at the table has the sign:

Pedophilia is a sexual preference

Change my mind.

I think you know the rest....

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Yeah I'm surprised John Roberts info hasn't come out yet. If he didn't visit Epstein, I think there's something else out there that is being used to blackmail him into voting against conservative/constitutional principles.

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Interesting as all of them, excepting Bill Gates, have or are eligible for an Israeli passport. A pretty remarkable collection of folks.

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That’s a whole nother rabbit hole eh BFM?

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When the chosen turn away from rhe Light, they step into a very great darkness.

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With the exception of the Lady Obama former advisor,

It's a real DICK-ish- CLUB of members only.

So the women must only be sex objects for the members.

So as long as the island is located in un-juristiced International waters,

No harm/No foul?? Hmmm....only ships/pirates/military can exercise Merit Time Laws?

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There are also women with some disturbing preferences. They don’t all go to to E Island either. Politics and Hollyweird have several.

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Spot on.

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Except Nefarious! Please go see and support...it gives a face to our real enemy..."we fight not against flesh and blood..."

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It's an excellent movie!

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My teenage girls are clearly not ‘lost’. I often have to tone my 14 year old ‘anti Brandon’ down so she doesn’t get expelled from school. 🤣🤣🤣

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😆 Love it!!

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OMG!!! "a feminist sociologist and researcher who persuasively argued that the transgender movement is inextricably linked to sexual deviancy and perversion." Who ever would have thunk that?

and THAT it has to be "discussed" by "Learned" people so the Peasants can be "informed" is the Ultimate Insult, imo. I'm running out of Spit here in the USSA.


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Too bad too many too heavily credentialed docs are too eager to 'affirm' the confusion of minds too feeble 😒

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Meanwhile in WA state, bill SB 5599 allows state sanctioned secret kidnapping and child mutilation if parents won’t support gender confusion. The good news(?) is evil Governor not running for 4th term. Unfortunately ultra-evil guy, Ferguson, prepares to step into roll. Lord help us!

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‘Evil’ Republicans in Oregon walked out yesterday, so no vote was taken!! 👏🏻🙌🏻😊

Kate Brown and other now current libs criticize walkout-ers, but she did it all the time.

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How long can these five brave senators last, with over 45 days left in the legislative term. Are they hoping to negotiate the Dems not pushing through the evil bill HP 2002B?

Or is it as they say, and they just want bills rewritten to be more understandable and clear in their meaning? The conservatives in the state don’t have much bargaining power so we’ll take what we can get.


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I think Oregon just did the same. So evil.

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Those are two of the very most interesting and best states. Being ruined by the wokesters.

We've lost the whole west coast. Even Alaska is slipping away.

Will the pendulum ever swing back?

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I don’t even want to visit any of the west coast states anymore. Should be a lesson to the rest of the states.

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"Even Alaska is slipping away."

Might be, but it's still very much inhabited by indigenous people and homesteaders. Hard working men of the toxic masculinity variety who bear arms, their wives who cook on wood stoves, their home-schooled kids who know how to survive in inclement weather, many many dogs and wild animals.

They all know how to handle axes, bows and firearms too. (NOT the dogs or wild animals.)

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I think it really depends on if eastern Oregon can actually break away from coastal Oregon and join Greater Idaho. If that happens, hold your hat, because California will try and splinter itself into 5 or 6 pieces, which will be encouraged by some Dems lawmakers who have termed out of State government "service" and are looking for a higher position than LA County Supervisor. Governor of LA is better than West Side Supervisor.

I'd give the whole thing less than a 5% chance of happening, but we got a chance!!

The funny thing will be when the state of the Western Sierras turns off Hetch Hetchy's distribution system and the State of San Francisco doesn't have anymore water. Sad.

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Tomorrow is the coronation of King Charles in UK. If any of you are tempted to support it by watching please know that many of his subjects (for we are not citizens) are not happy and he is - Not My King! (Republican slogan)

New public order laws have been passed to control any protests and the police are already accused of intimidation. The coronation farce is costing over £100 million - whilst a million people are using food banks to stop them starving.

This is all so dreadful and obscene. Meanwhile Charles is all over Schwab/WEF and the climate change agenda - so long as it doesn't apply to him. An utter hypocrite!

Please look past the shiny baubles at the truth of what this all represents. It's a disgusting show of wealth and privilege that has no place in a so called democracy. Thank you.

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PS Prince Harry is another climate hypocrite. He's just about to land in UK on his 24 your visit (without the Duchess of Sparkle) on a private jet! Well Daddy is privately worth a reported £1.8 Billion (the Crown estate is estimated at £20 Billion). Champagne for everybody! (Well not for the rest of us of course.)

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Yes it’s disgusting 😠

“Duchess of Sparkle” 🤣😆

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