A culture of corruption exposed at NIH; another one at Stanford; top spook infests Chatbot developer; Alex Jones flirts with bankruptcy liquidation; extreme weather floods the world; and more.
Why is OK for antifa and the like to burn an American flag, but if someone drops tire tracks on the pride flag painted on the street, it turns into a felony?'
It's a good thing the story I am about to relate happened many years ago. If it happened now, someone would go to jail. We had a very good local newspaper, filled with local interest stories and news, of course. Intending to urge everyone to "fly a flag on Flag Day," they put a large banner at the top of the front page. Unfortunately they left out an "L" and the banner read, "Fly a Fag on Flag Day." True story!
In the early 1980's in Crystal Lake, Illinois, the local paper ran a front-page story about an especially heavy snowfall. Under the photo the caption said, "A shitload of snow fell on McHenry County yesterday."
Earlier this year at the County Commissioner’s meeting a woman stood at the microphone and said, “ Vigorous masturbation”, over and over against during a public comment period. Granted she was reading an excerpt from a highly inappropriate book marketed to children in the local public library. The emphasis placed on certain words were her own however🤣🤣🤣. Picture a grandmotherly appearing woman in her mid 60’s repeatedly saying, “ vigorous masturbation”, and everyone in the room trying to keep a straight face in a recorded and televised meeting😆. It was fantastic!!
When my family visited London for two weeks in 1968 after a year in Spain (my dad was a Fulbright Fellow and doing botanical research at University of Madrid while my brother and ai went to the American School of Madrid), my brother and I howled at these little statutes on the streets with a coin slot that read, “Help the local spastics.” For anyone growing up in the 1960’s, “Spaz,” and “Spastic” were insults for weirdos. Not handicapped people. I didn’t even know the real meaning of those words. We also learned that the Brit’s called pants “trousers.” Went to the “loo,” not the toilet or restroom. Had to pull a chain coming down from a box on the ceiling rather than a flush handle. Could buy tomato soup and Ovaltine at Wimpy’s Hamburgers. Ate toast dry and cold without butter put on when it was warm.
It was a definite experiential Game of Telephone of culture. One hundred and fifty years after the Revolutionary War and while we spoke the same language on the surface, there were many differences. And we laughed hard at their mocking of Australian accents. Heaven knows what they said of us after we were gone.
Why do I always see leftoids burning it and democrats straight up not flying it and even get offended when you do? Like go to a hoard of leftist saying no words with an American flag and see what happens.
I think we should paint the American flags in crosswalks. Think of how many leftists we could entrap!
I love wearing this "American AF" t-shirt in front of leftists 👇
I read a comment the other day about someone being outside on their lawn and they had a flag proudly flying. A neigbourhood Karen walked by and asked him if he was a fascist and Pro-Trump (or something to that effect). Buddy was flabbergasted. Tried to have a polite, NORMAL conversion, but Karen just walked away,
The left associates the American flag with traditional American values. So, sickening though it is, they find the flag offensive and make every effort to substitute the repugnant multicolor flag representative of sexual depravity.
Ok. Haven’t heard that expressed by anyone. 🤷🏼♀️ And I know many democrats. But maybe that’s the far left. I don’t know many of those. I think this idea is wildly over exaggerated.
Reminds me of watching a live afternoon news feed covering an apartment fire in Memphis Tn many years ago. They were interviewing residents of the burning building and one very excited and slightly hysterical lady proclaimed “thank tha Lord the fireman came round and told us to ejaculate the building!”. Needless to say that clip did NOT make the 5 o’clock news!
Because pride is the Original Sin, and the elite in charge of our country care nothing for the Constitution or for the values of the founding fathers, but instead are devoted followers of the prince of the world.
I'm not sure its disrespect but imposition. I think they are trying to tell them "WE ARE THE ONES THAT KNOW BETTER and you must follow us... until you come here, when we will bend over backwards to make you happy."
But the message is harder to read than you may think. The point is to alienate the world from the US, which is the same point of having a demented old man "running" the country and of starting and threatening wars everywhere in the world. Europe is in deep doodoo financially, and that is where the post-colonial elite are stationed (think Schwab, Soros, Club of Rome, Rothschild, MI6 and Bank of England). The NWO is/was supposed to be based in and modeled on the EU (and UN/WHO etc.). These are the schmucks that brought us the Trojan Horse Obama, the plandemic and clot shot, 2020 steal, Ukraine gambit. They need to get the US, Russia, China (maybe England and Israel, too, not sure) out of the way. Alienating us from everyone else in the world is a good start, especially because it means that less global investment will come here if we're a clown show and (they hope) flow toward Europe.
Along those lines, why is it OK for Rachel Maddow or Morning Joe to bleet incredible unsubstantiated lunacy every day but Alex Jones gets legally sued for doing the same thing? How is that different?
I hope y'all are flying your flags upside-down. We are a nation in distress. If I had one flying, it would be upside-down. Until I get a flag to fly, I have a magnetic sticker for my car that shows an American flag, upside-down, singed black and frayed around the edges, with "We The People" in old world script emblazoned across the bottom. It'll do for now.
I've added this flag issue to the collection of soapboxes I carry around in my back pocket, ready to whip it out and orate at any and every opportunity. LOL 😀
I must not have been the only one, because I remember reading a warning that it was only supposed to be used as a sign of distress. That didn’t stop me, but it was intimidating.
Yeah, I’ve had to resew this 5x8 a few times. ( welding and sewing are very similar, do yeah, I do both) and it’s probably closer to 5x7, but she’s still beautiful, upside down, especially at night. I have it lit brightly.
It's just another provocation to demonstrate the 2-tiered justice system. Conservative cities should paint FJB or MAGA on the street and then arrest all the triggered libs.
Why is OK for antifa and the like to burn an American flag, but if someone drops tire tracks on the pride flag painted on the street, it turns into a felony?'
Happy Flag Day everyone!
It's a good thing the story I am about to relate happened many years ago. If it happened now, someone would go to jail. We had a very good local newspaper, filled with local interest stories and news, of course. Intending to urge everyone to "fly a flag on Flag Day," they put a large banner at the top of the front page. Unfortunately they left out an "L" and the banner read, "Fly a Fag on Flag Day." True story!
In the early 1980's in Crystal Lake, Illinois, the local paper ran a front-page story about an especially heavy snowfall. Under the photo the caption said, "A shitload of snow fell on McHenry County yesterday."
I love a good description!
I live in that county. 🤣🤣🤣🤣. I can believe that happened since the paper has a revolving door of employees weekly.
Earlier this year at the County Commissioner’s meeting a woman stood at the microphone and said, “ Vigorous masturbation”, over and over against during a public comment period. Granted she was reading an excerpt from a highly inappropriate book marketed to children in the local public library. The emphasis placed on certain words were her own however🤣🤣🤣. Picture a grandmotherly appearing woman in her mid 60’s repeatedly saying, “ vigorous masturbation”, and everyone in the room trying to keep a straight face in a recorded and televised meeting😆. It was fantastic!!
For maximum shock value she probably should have said it just once. These days people wouldn't notice the f-word unless the pope said it.
That is what cigarettes are called in the UK.
The Brits also use (or used to use, anyway) the word "gay" for happy.
...I'm still pissed they stole the rainbow.
The “pride” rainbow is only six colors, The Lord’s rainbow is seven. “6” is the number for man, Seven is The Lord’s meaning “completion.”
Hope that helps. Don’t be surprised that there are those that always want to counterfeit what The Lord does.
I'm seeing a bunch more colors and patterns on gay flags Dela. Pretty soon 'they' won't be able to fit all the color and virtue signaling on a 3X5.
Thanks...I didn't know that...
You're right! Roy G Biv! I hadn't seen that symbolism (boy does the number seven show up over and over)
No, God has it in His hands.
Just another thing from culture pinched and flambéed.
Later Jay
That was the only meaning of the word here in the USA until just a few decades ago.
And your fanny is Not your backside. (All my relatives except my sister were Brits)
Boot = trunk
Bonnet = hood
Lift = elevator (I think)
Skip = dumpster
Knickers = underpants
Also, pants = underpants in Scotland--I was taken to task for mis-using that word. In Fife. Maybe not everywhere.
Trousers = pants
Slip road equals off ramp
Jumper=sweatshirt or sweater. I was always confused. I thought they sure wear a lot of jumpers over there. 🤪
When my family visited London for two weeks in 1968 after a year in Spain (my dad was a Fulbright Fellow and doing botanical research at University of Madrid while my brother and ai went to the American School of Madrid), my brother and I howled at these little statutes on the streets with a coin slot that read, “Help the local spastics.” For anyone growing up in the 1960’s, “Spaz,” and “Spastic” were insults for weirdos. Not handicapped people. I didn’t even know the real meaning of those words. We also learned that the Brit’s called pants “trousers.” Went to the “loo,” not the toilet or restroom. Had to pull a chain coming down from a box on the ceiling rather than a flush handle. Could buy tomato soup and Ovaltine at Wimpy’s Hamburgers. Ate toast dry and cold without butter put on when it was warm.
It was a definite experiential Game of Telephone of culture. One hundred and fifty years after the Revolutionary War and while we spoke the same language on the surface, there were many differences. And we laughed hard at their mocking of Australian accents. Heaven knows what they said of us after we were gone.
Great memories.
It is also one of the names we (my generation) had for male homosexuals. I can think of 6 right off the bat.
But another name for a ciggie in the UK still sounds better than "pervert."
But it is what it is.
I love watching the UK police dramas and the words they use for common items.
Why do I always see leftoids burning it and democrats straight up not flying it and even get offended when you do? Like go to a hoard of leftist saying no words with an American flag and see what happens.
I think we should paint the American flags in crosswalks. Think of how many leftists we could entrap!
I love wearing this "American AF" t-shirt in front of leftists 👇
I read a comment the other day about someone being outside on their lawn and they had a flag proudly flying. A neigbourhood Karen walked by and asked him if he was a fascist and Pro-Trump (or something to that effect). Buddy was flabbergasted. Tried to have a polite, NORMAL conversion, but Karen just walked away,
My children gave me a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag for Father's Day. https:/tradflags.com
June is the month of the Sacred Heart. I'm doing my part to reclaim the month.
Another ad….
So painting our flag on streets & sidewalks then walking on it is a good thing?
Yes, Susan seems you are aware that there are rules.
Later Jay
Didn’t know that the flag was offensive to the Left. Not around me anyhoo.
The left associates the American flag with traditional American values. So, sickening though it is, they find the flag offensive and make every effort to substitute the repugnant multicolor flag representative of sexual depravity.
Ok. Haven’t heard that expressed by anyone. 🤷🏼♀️ And I know many democrats. But maybe that’s the far left. I don’t know many of those. I think this idea is wildly over exaggerated.
Not exaggerated, demonrats HATE the American flag! We're surrounded by liberals who flew flags in their yards 15yrs ago. Not now.
Think hard. Do you know a single DEM who flies an American flag?
Not one.
Yes. Plenty of them. Sorry to burst your bubble. 😀
In my neck-of-the-woods, Dems have support Ukraine. Blood thirsty.
Reminds me of watching a live afternoon news feed covering an apartment fire in Memphis Tn many years ago. They were interviewing residents of the burning building and one very excited and slightly hysterical lady proclaimed “thank tha Lord the fireman came round and told us to ejaculate the building!”. Needless to say that clip did NOT make the 5 o’clock news!
They are easier to fly because they're a little lighter in the loafers.
Sorry, folks.. I just couldn't resist that one...
Come on, its a joke. Just harmless wordplay. Don't take it seriously.
I’m sorry but that’s hilarious! Oops
🎯happy flag day , it’s flying high at my house . 🤗
It flies every day here.
Same but mine is upside down
And here.
Upside down 5x8.
Every single day…..
Same! Pine tree flag on order is taking weeks to arrive :/
Same. Flies at night with a light on too!
Every day at our house! And a big huge one. 💪🏻
Front 🇺🇸 and backyard 🇺🇲on the golf course🇮🇱
Me, too
Mine too. It annoys me that so many fly tattered and faded flags. 😼
Well, I bought a replacement for a tattered one, about two years ago, and it's already faded.
Next one, spray with Scotch Gard and it will last much longer.
Scotch Gard is a forever chemical (PFAS) that is causing floods in Florida! Buy a new flag and fly it in a shaded area.
Didn't know that. Doubt the climate scarism, but have heard bad things about PFAS.
Thank you! Would never have thought of Scotch Guard being a UV protector!
Our kiddo's play fort gets a new flag yearly, because they fade and wear out. ❤️
Happy Birthday to President Donald Trump!
Because pride is the Original Sin, and the elite in charge of our country care nothing for the Constitution or for the values of the founding fathers, but instead are devoted followers of the prince of the world.
My favorite is when the State Dept. flies the pride flag in Muslim countries.
Total disrespect.
I'm not sure its disrespect but imposition. I think they are trying to tell them "WE ARE THE ONES THAT KNOW BETTER and you must follow us... until you come here, when we will bend over backwards to make you happy."
Or if you are in Afganistan on man love Thursday they will have you bend over forward.
Bacha bazi.
Kathleeeeeen, go to your room!
Later Jay
HA! You beat me to the punch (line)!
Which is a great thing when you find yourself in Jonestown...
Oops, too soon?
Yes. It's intentionally and aggressively provocative.
...to send a message.
But the message is harder to read than you may think. The point is to alienate the world from the US, which is the same point of having a demented old man "running" the country and of starting and threatening wars everywhere in the world. Europe is in deep doodoo financially, and that is where the post-colonial elite are stationed (think Schwab, Soros, Club of Rome, Rothschild, MI6 and Bank of England). The NWO is/was supposed to be based in and modeled on the EU (and UN/WHO etc.). These are the schmucks that brought us the Trojan Horse Obama, the plandemic and clot shot, 2020 steal, Ukraine gambit. They need to get the US, Russia, China (maybe England and Israel, too, not sure) out of the way. Alienating us from everyone else in the world is a good start, especially because it means that less global investment will come here if we're a clown show and (they hope) flow toward Europe.
Good points.
Shows how dense and stupid the State Dept. is!
Foggy Bottom Swamp.
Excellent point! They can tear down,spit on,stomp on and burn my flag but if I spin out on theirs it's a felony? Make it make sense
Alphabet mafia.
Along those lines, why is it OK for Rachel Maddow or Morning Joe to bleet incredible unsubstantiated lunacy every day but Alex Jones gets legally sued for doing the same thing? How is that different?
Madcow, and Joe with the dead intern, are protected by the Deep State.
There should be a class action against them and their ilk!
They’re under the cloak of Satan.
I hope y'all are flying your flags upside-down. We are a nation in distress. If I had one flying, it would be upside-down. Until I get a flag to fly, I have a magnetic sticker for my car that shows an American flag, upside-down, singed black and frayed around the edges, with "We The People" in old world script emblazoned across the bottom. It'll do for now.
I've added this flag issue to the collection of soapboxes I carry around in my back pocket, ready to whip it out and orate at any and every opportunity. LOL 😀
I'm waiting for them to add this (flying a flag upside down) to the list of Domestic Terrorist Acts ..... we can't be TOO far away from that , can we?
...weaponized alphabet govt, and all.
I flew mine upside down after January 6 for many months until it got severely damaged in a storm.
Replace that flag, man! And fly her upside-down again. It's a great conversation starter!
I must not have been the only one, because I remember reading a warning that it was only supposed to be used as a sign of distress. That didn’t stop me, but it was intimidating.
Yeah, I’ve had to resew this 5x8 a few times. ( welding and sewing are very similar, do yeah, I do both) and it’s probably closer to 5x7, but she’s still beautiful, upside down, especially at night. I have it lit brightly.
Agree...US is in distress.
I have a good supply of flag stamps, and every piece of mail that goes out flies an upside-down flag.
I did that too! (All I have now are Forever barn stamps. Got a good deal on a huge supply of them.) These are great resistance ideas.
Love this!
Happy Flag Day, KJ!
Best question of "Pride Month." Disappointed in myself for not seeing the skid marks as what they are: protected speech (as well as welcome protest).
Good point.
Simple ! When good compromises with evil (which most have ).....evil wins.
Two tiered justice system?
It's just another provocation to demonstrate the 2-tiered justice system. Conservative cities should paint FJB or MAGA on the street and then arrest all the triggered libs.
good idea, especially outside their headquarters
The triggered libs could use their electric scooters.
Yer killing me, Smalls.
‘Nice’ conservatives would object to any real action that hurt libs.
Back at you!
And happy birthday, U.S. Army!
The old-fashioned US Army...before they became woke and created fat General Milley.
R.I.P., The Old Army.