A tale of two health agency Karens; news about news of Jamie Foxx; poignant and funny anti-Pride article; Target stock still sliding; Project Veritas' lawsuit against James O'Keefe; more.
Jun 3, 2023·edited Jun 3, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers
"Face coverings are one of our strongest tools to slow the spread of covid19."
No, they are one of your strongest tools of propagating deceptive irrational fear of a virus that posed practically no threat to anyone, because the masks act - deliberately - as a constant reminder of the disease, while also causing great physical and emotional harm to the wearer. If you managed to evade the following lies, you wouldn't have even known there was a new "cold" going around:
New Normal ● Alone Together ● Build Back Better ● Flatten the Curve
Stay Home Save Lives ● Protect/Save the NHS ● We’re all in this together
Test, Trace, Treat ● Stay smart, Stay Safe, Stay Open ● We Stay Home!
Don’t Panic, Don’t Rush, Don’t Overstock ● Only You Can Prevent the Spread
Stay Home, Your Home is Your Lifeline ● Stay Home, Save Lives, Avoid Stage 5
NHS: We Stay At Work for You – You Stay At Home For Us ● COVID Ends With You
Follow The Science ● Trust The Science ● Believe In The Science
Be Informed, Be Prepared, Be Smart, Be Safe: Be Ready to Fight COVID-19
The vaccine will save us ● The booster will save us ● The 4th dose is the answer
Your freedom ends where your contagion begins ● Self Isolate!
I wear my mask to protect you and you wear your mask to protect me
There is no evidence of harm ● This is a pandemic of the un-vaccinated
Out of an abundance of caution ● No one is safe until everyone is safe
This is for the greater good ● It is Safe and Effective ● The science is settled
These are not science terms and phrases. They are hypnotic chants meant to induce an audience into a suggestive state of mind – this is why they are repeated over and over and over again. Furthermore, masking has historically been an integral part of an initiation ritual: in our case the initiation into the “new normal” the globalists have planned for us. Put another way—all of this was one giant world-wide psychological operation.
Had to take my adult special needs daughter to Dr yesterday…. I was kicking and screaming as it makes me want to vomit to go into a Dr office anymore. It makes me physically ill but I had no choice. Anyway…. In the room discussing symptoms. Symptoms are the same as an issue she had 6 years ago. Exactly the same! Prior to the scamdemic should’ve been a clue, but whatever. Th nurse tells me through her muzzle they are going to do a covid swab. After I asked her to repeat herself 4 times because I couldn’t understand what she was saying 😂 (ok maybe that was on purpose 😉) I said…. “Nope. She’s not doing that.” The nurse peered at me over her snot diaper, shocked. Like how dare I go against the sacred covid swab. Hahaha 😂 😂 Then she asked me to repeat what I said because surely I couldn’t have been turning down the almighty covid swab. I said, “it changes nothing and she’s not doing it.” The reply was quick and stern, “ok I’ll tell the doctor”. 😂 As if that was supposed to put the fear of the DOCTOR in me and make me change my mind. Doctor came in practically in a hazmat suit and didn’t want my daughter to breath on her but didn’t say a word about their nose stick. 😂 😂
Really sick of anyone who still keeps up with the charade. It just clearly shows stupidity at this point. Having an RN or MD after your name certainly doesn’t indicate intelligence. Just merely gives the ability to fill out referrals for the fraud Ins companies or push big pHarma medicines. BTW. Diagnosis which I had already given both nurse and doc: ear infection. How about they pay me $200 for helping them make a diagnosis. 😉
MY husband went to the hospital for a possible stroke reoccurrence two days ago. We never go the vax and even though we got Omicron, he did have a stroke after he recovered from the omicron, over a year ago. But After all the tests were done and it was discovered they didn’t find anything wrong with
Him and in two days he was back to normal almost.
So I went to the hospital yesterday to get him out and was confronted by NURSE RATShit (ONE FLEW OVER THE COOKOO’S NEST movie) in person
A little midget girl no more than 25 told me she was very busy with sick people and didn’t have time to discharge him. It would take about 5 hours. She refused to look at me in the eye as she spoke and it was only 2 feet away. I told her to look at me when she was talking and she said she didn’t like my “tone”. I told her to “calm down” and then she said “now its going to take even longer.”
I said, “Oh really?” I turned to my husband who was already dressed because he knew I was coming that hour in the morning, and I said, “MIke, put your shoes on we are out of here.” And she ran away.....At that point the floor nurse came over and told me she would take care of the discharge, but it would take time. I said HOW LONG?
She responded, “15 minutes”. I said, “ok you have 15 minutes and then we are going. We were out of the building in exactly 20 minutes.
The only people left standing in this world will be the strongest. Stand up for those who cant and do not let the Nurse ratshits and doctor Doolittles exploit you ....EVER!!!!!
I never fully understood how some of the people got held hostage in hospitals. That’s kidnapping. Take your family member and leave by any means necessary. We have to stand up and be forces to be reckoned with as law abiding citizens. No more being passive and timid. Know your rights and exercise them. Stand up and walk out.
Thank you for pushing back against the brain swab and standing up for your daughter. And I ❤️ your pretending to not hear behind the face diaper. 😂 I'll have to remember to do that myself!
I'll second that. My new response to people who have indignantly said " I have family who are doctors" as a way to shut me up about the plandemic : " I wouldn't advertise that f I were you".
Awhile back, after mask mandates had lifted, I encountered a clerk in a local supermarket who was STILL all masked up , and wearing an N95 to boot! So I kept asking her to repeat herself over and over, and even after I figured out what she was saying I asked her to repeat it a few more times just to be naughty. Finally I said "Sorry, I just can't understand your speech through that mask because it muffles your words." The interesting thing was that I was in that same market a couple of days later and she was UNMASKED! Perhaps the encounter make her think a little. Or not. She was the only one I saw in a mask that day. My patience with masks is extremely thin at this point.
About 5 years ago l began having severe rashes and swelling break out on my forearms and lower legs, so severe it would bruise my heels and I could not walk… I was shuttled to 5 separate Drs . None of these Drs properly diagnosed what was going on with me nor did any suggest I do an elimination diet or try to find out if I was having an allergic reaction. One said the next course of action would be a ‘groundbreaking’ procedure where your immune system is deliberately shut off then turned back on. I said no we won’t be trying that…. I could go on but I was ultimately able to figure out that physllium
That I had taken for 20+ and I had developed a severe allergy to…..
My wife is currently doing an RN travel contract for a large city hospital, doing Geriatric Psych. It is so depressing; think One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. The patients are virtual prisoners - not allowed to go outside, not allowed to leave AMA.
And for these patients, the hospital system is still clinging to the COVID policies preventing any visitors.
One patient became distraught telling my wife she (the patient) was going to Hell because of her sins. Since the patient was Catholic, my wife told her she would have a priest visit for the purpose of Confession and Absolution.
But when my wife went to her manager, the manager told her "Nope. No visitors - including priests."
Another patient recently asked my wife how she could get out of there. Sadly, my wife told her "You can't." A different patient was dropped off at the faciility by her cheating husband, and cannot get out either. She knows that her husband is cheating on her and spending *her* money on his paramour.
It's the most dystopian thing I've ever seen. These people are involuntarily confined, with nothing more than a spouse wanting them to be there, and they cannot even go outside to get some fresh air or have a visitor - or for that matter, an attorney.
At night when it’s quiet pay an inside worker to open the doors and have them all leave. Have relatives that are interested in helping these prisoners of war to wait in their cars. MONEY TALKS. the insider must destroy cameras and know the security system. DO THIS WITH COMPLETE SECRECY. $$$$$$works all the time.
That’s a loaded question. I hesitated to comment this because it brings up lots of questions. The short answer is, I am working on it. It’s difficult because of the circumstances of being a parent of a special needs adult. She is on Medicaid and unfortunately there are so very few choices for this. We are extremely limited. It a really sad state of medical care in Florida. No doctor wants to accept Medicaid. Big surprise, there’s no money in it and it takes forever for the state to pay the bill. It took me a year to find this one and I feel stuck. But after this last visit I’m going to start workin on it. I’m just done with this doctor. She’s useless. I’m resigned that the rest will be from the same pool of brain dead referral writers though. For kids/adults with disabilities medical care is extremely challenging. Coupled with requirements from the state for us, as parents, to meet certain requirements because we had to obtain legal guardianship in order to be allowed to make her medical and financial decisions (that’s a whole other book!) it adds a lot of burden for parents. This is the first time in her life we’ve had to put her on Medicaid solely. We got exceptions for her to remain on our private insurance as she’s past 26 yrs old but that led to a whole host of other issues with billing and having a high deductible plan. It was a nightmare. So we opted to have her go fully on Medicaid, which we hated to do, but had to. She’s mostly healthy, but when something does pop up it’s agonizing. Sorry, that really was the short answer. 😂 🤦🏼♀️
It’s true! We moved from a deep blue state and had great coverage for people with special needs. We paid a lot higher taxes there too. However with insurance changes we may have ended up in the same boat. Doctors there were limited as well because they didn’t wanna accept it either. Based on what I’m hearing the Dr she saw there is all different now in the last three years and we probably wouldn’t be going there either. 😏
Our doctor insists we wear a mask when we see her. She herself is double masked! Yet nobody else in the practice (other doctors and nurses) wear it require masks! The virus apparently knows where to attack! Not only that but many are wearing the masks with their nose out in the open. Real use
Same at my daughters Dr office. It is beyond ridiculous! Why would I continue to trust this doctors medical opinion/expertise when she can’t even see the reality of mask wearing in an open office like that. That’s the very basics of where her knowledge should start. The fact that her intelligence doesn’t go beyond her mask wearing obsession…. Tells me get out now!
I'm so sorry to hear that we still have "moes" like this in FL. ("Moes" is short for moe-rons, which derives from "morons.") Totally impressed that you stood your ground for yourself and your daughter.
Omg similar experience. Nurse asks - are you vaxed, yes I have necessary vaxes. Even cov19? Oh, thats not a vaxeen! I'll let the the doctor know. The first thing the doctor said is, I cannot get you the test you want if you won't take medicine.
We were shocked at how bad the healthcare in Florida is. Another reason we hoped DeSantis would stop eyeballing a run for presidency and focus on what we elected him to do here. The insurance industry needs an overhaul as well as healthcare and yet he is doing nothing on those fronts.
FL Politicians are a tangled web of rinoRat Repubs and a few Patriots. DeSantis won't come thru for Constitutional Conservatives "too much", he's just out for himself, A Bushie RNC Repub climbing the ladder to wealth and fame. and the democRats are Far from Vanquished.
As a transplant, I hope you are now armed and trained for concealed carry.
I despised that phrase from the first time I heard its utterance.
I wanted to know WHO, exactly, had already arbitrarily decided that we would not ever go back to the normal normal. And why was everyone going along with that.
"Conservatives" want to "Go Back in Time" and as much as I would like that for so many reasons; We/Me/You must Think Futures and Create the Future Reality.
The "New Normal' is NWO Propaganda but "oppostion" alone is Not enough. We must have Our Own Vision.
#1? can the USA be maintained ? Undertanding the population is Divided politically and culturally, Irreconcilably? I am Not Woke and Never Will Be, so ...
#2? Can Virtue/Morality be Restored? Without violence? How? (not by "Government Edicts) It must come from We The People, which is ?#1 again.
#3? What/How Do We establish a Parallel Economy OutSide the Feral Reserve Banksters and "Too Big to Fail" banks and With another Currency?
#4? How do We The People Depose a Fraudulent Coup Gov-Corporist Hegemon? again back to #1?
When a Shrub is overgrown with dead branches it must be pruned to get new growth. Most of Us would agree that the feral Gov is "overgr.own", but "What" and "How Much" to Prune??? and then Not in My Wallet.... and back to ?#1 again.
I must say, History is Not Reassuring at this point into the Future, BUT It Still Must Be Confronted. "The Way Out is the Way Through."
"When a Shrub is overgrown with dead branches it must be pruned to get new growth. Most of Us would agree that the feral Gov is "overgr.own", but "What" and "How Much" to Prune??? and then Not in My Wallet.... and back to ?#1 again."
I think the only solution is to pull the Shrub up by its roots, and plant a new bush with edible berries.
except for Paul and Johnson, and a few others, there is not much left of the shrub. I agree it would be better to start from scratch, just repotting the few worth wile people
"When a Shrub is overgrown with dead branches it must be pruned to get new growth."
I'm wondering if this is what they're doing/have done with the vaccine. Edward Dutton of the Jolly Heretic has an interesting angle on evolution and the industrial age, whereby those who would have died in child birth or infancy in a preindustrial society were raised in spite of genetic issues and matured in to.. what could be literally called Consumers. He has another name for them but it may not be appropriate to repeat here.
Anyway, the state of technology is such that Consumer's habits, encouraged in order to fuel the economy to R&D said tech., may now be almost obsolete. Perhaps.
I do agree the VaXXX is One of their NWO Pogroms to Depopulate the Earth. Whether this is a Laudable Goal should be Debated, especially amongst those scheduled for depopulation...... and are the Branches to be trimmed Governmental or People? .... as well as who is the Trimmer.
In my opinion, which is considered but not set in stone, they want to change and upgrade the way things are run.
The trimmers are civilisation-builders. The governments are useless on purpose. We must demand change because we can see how crappy it is, they're showing us constantly. Nothing in our civilisation (so-called) is fit for purpose anymore.
Many new agers say 'It's all vibration!' and they're not wrong, but what or who are the Phoenicians or mer chants (sea song) if not phonetic masters? Masters of the water or substrate or Substance. They're guiding us to the new world. It's like a big global birth- messy as hell but the good will come. Having faith is valuable.
"why was everyone going along with that"--excellent point. Would love to know why anyone thought that was okay. It's almost like they were really wanting to comply.
Agree. I throw it back in their faces every chance I get. If they complain about all the higher prices. I say "new normal." Use it as a weapon. They do not know how to respond to it.
White liberal women are the worst. I am surrounded by these delusional nasty creatures. The havoc they wreak on their families, especially their children, the society et al is horrible. No decisions are based on law or fact. All is based on their feelings and agendas. It is all about them. They hate themselves and that is the prism that they spew on all aspects of their life. I am all for them wearing masks as it helps cover their faces. A win for the rest of us.
A "Happy" Bolshevik, good one....... only "Satisfied" as the dead bodies pile higher & higher. I only wish and have hope more of Us realize the True Evil we are up against, Domestically with ProgreSSives.
Wow. I can't disagree. Delusional narcissistic women and soy boy men. There is going to have to be a separation. They leech off us. We have to disconnect from them and allow them to fail on their own.
There's plenty of soy boys (under age 40) and manginas (over age 40) men who apparently love nasty men hating lib women. Preferably with pink green or purple hair. 😉
2 Timothy covers these women - verse 6: For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts
Hey Tritorch, The one that really got to me in the UK was the govt paid for advert claiming you could pop in and kill grandma on the way home if you were unvaccinated.
Absolutely despicable grade A Nazi propaganda! I will never forget it!
I'll never forget their bizarre advert advising everyone to open their windows to let some green slime out (I'm not joking). This was after the Government had been busily incarcerating everyone in their own homes for weeks on end. Little did we know we were living with some evil green slime.
Yep. “SCIENCE”. But when schools in our city were finally open again after the long period of distance learning, 3 feet or even less became safe! Because there was simply not enough space in the classrooms. It was a miracle I tell you! Ask SCIENCE and ye shall receive!
And we had one-way aisles at the grocery store cause the vid can't transmit if we're all going the same direction... it's mind numbing the complete ridiculous dumbness.
And seating in the pews so no one was directly behind another, even with a whole pew between them. Families attending church together totally screwed with the seating chart nazis. 😂
I was in the county court hous recently. There were big yellow arrows showing where to go. I looked at the Marshal and said: “Look arrows on the floor that really do something significant, unlike covid” I think I won laugh of the day.
So at first it was 3', then 6', Our Pastor had a personal fear distance of 12' and double masked, obviously without knowing that viruses travel thru the building comfort air systems. 🤡 Thankfully, we took the boot out. 🙌
That would be fun if someone could create a board game where all this shows up, but the players compete to defeat it. What a great way to teach our children to stand up!
Don't forget "Locked Up Together Forever" that heartwarming gathering on our TVs with Oprah, Gates, Billy Joe, Gaga, and all the In-Crowd who made it cool and hip to isolate at home and decry lack of globalized resources to medically transform the world and flatten the curves. It was such a great live interactive global performance all that technology and collaboration and music and acting to knit us into a global community of the cowardly.
I no longer have any respect for any of those people. Obviously, even if they thought in the beginning, it was sane, zero safety studies, prove it is not. Shame on them all.
So early into the lock-down phase; the lineup for that "event-presentation" was quite informative as were the actions and funding they all advocated for. I could only stomach so much of it but KNOWING it was a purely engineered propaganda pandemic promotion piece I was like a moth to a burning flame and HAD to watch and listen to these FREAKS. Willing Globalist Leftists all of them; a waste of talent and gifting by their Creator. 2 weeks of curbside food delivery and FUN! 2 years of Fking up the World Together! "We Are the World, We are the Children, We are the Ones who..."
One of my favorites was Tom Hanks, telling everyone masking up was the least we could all do. Sure Mr. Hanks I’ll hang on to your every word because you’re a big superstar and you know what’s best! These Hollywood people really do have an inflated opinion of themselves.
He was best in BOSOM BUDDIES, his early contribution to Transness being humorous on the road to it's current aggressive and domineering position; more recently his touching acting in OTTO again showcases his limitations (isn't he able to portray one or 2 characters at most? and we have to exclude his Forrest Gump (as other-neuro abled portrayals by Neuro-normal actors really can't count) but still the softly quaint trans character in Otto elicits one's sympathy and champions equality and kindness for all. Normalizing the non-normal. Hanks was "stuck" in Australia for the propaganda extravaganza how very relatable he and the Mrs. were.
I remember an interview with his wife after they recovered from the “virus” & were back from Australia. She stated she/they got chloraquine(not hydroxychloriquine). But no matter. The point is she/they got treatment at a hospital. Not told to go home and do NOTHING!!!
I love that one. I lived in the US during the 80's, and I threw my TV out in 1983. Then I bought a short wave radio so I could listen to something other than US propaganda. I still cringe when I think back to when Walter Cronkite said "And that's the way it is, the xxx day Americans have been held hostage in Teheran." Good grief.
It was a test of faith too. I talked with a client who confessed she was fearful of what illness or cancers were brewing in her. This was after she related all the turbo cancers, illnesses etc she was witnessing. She is vaxxed and boostered. Big harma has her living in fear. She wouldn't be this way if she truly believed and had faith. She's a member of the branch covidian faith. She doesn't realize it. So sads.
She didn't openly accept it. As a well known unvaxxed I find many who scorned me now ask my opinion. Like it is a subtle admission that I was probably smart to avoid the shots so I must have insight. I play dumb. If you cannot openly address the issue, I am not going to do it for you. Let them squirm in their fear.
Wow.....yes, downloaded it. Just yesterday a tennis friend contacted us to tell us on the way home she picked up a test...covid...and she was positive.......do you know what? I keep saying to them (over and over and over again)...’but’ I thought you were all vaxed and boostered?
I can’t get over people still testing. Crazy. My daughter just tested positive last week. She was sick about two days. I gave her homeopathic remedies. It’s all crazy.
I know. My son had Covid a few weeks ago. I know it was Covid because he had all the unique Covid symptoms. One friend group asked/ told me to test him. I said “why, what difference does it make?! Positive/negative result won’t change how we *treat* it. He will still isolate while feverish and rest and drink lots of fluids, etc. it’s all ridiculous. He’s bout was worse than a cold in some ways but not as bad as the flu. He’s fine.
Add to the list the one posted above one of my local freeways and no doubt others’: “Get your life back! Get vaxed!” (That blood boiling passive aggressive threat did get taken down after a couple months when it became clear that nobody was going to get their life back any time soon, regardless of how compliant the population became.)
And also, “Get the facts. Then get vaxed”. Public service messages posted on bus stops throughout our town.
Billboards and other ads pushing vaccinations = me tuning out and not falling for it. If something works so great, it doesn't need to be mandated or pushed by taxpayer-financed ads.
Exactly! Not directly related, but it reminds me of the constant screaming of the MSM about the TOTALLY UNPROVOKED RUSSIAN ATTACK ON UKRAINE!
As a response to that statement I have seen T-shirts with "I am not a wife beater.", "I am not involved in trafficking." and "I do not deal drugs." The logic being that if you're NOT, you don't have to constantly tell people you're not.
There were some public service announcements on Tv, even fairly recently... ‘I did my research and I feel that the vaccines are safe and effective for my family, so they can get back to a normal life’
Paraphrasing of course and the actors were black. I think they had trouble convincing a lot of black people to take the shots after the syphilis experiments on blacks in the the 60’s or 70’s. Of course we’ll never see real numbers.
Good point. The biggest thing that saved me from getting the shots, was Fauchi himself saying it takes years to develop a vaccine. I refuse to thank him though. 🤣
IV Tylenol was available in Europe for 10 years before it was fda approved here. 10 YEARS! IV TYLENOL. Not that our fda isn’t completely corrupt and bought out, they are, but at least they used to pretend to care a little better
I saw something recently about government money still being granted to community groups to continue pushing the vax. Even now. A lot of it was going to religious organizations in Black communities. I can't find specifically what I saw, but this article from Children's Health Defense tells some of the story of what Pfizer and the CDC did to push the propaganda to "communities of color in every state": https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/pfizer-funding-promote-covid-vaccine-mandates/
Ive said this too, but many of the native-born Oregonians buy into the tracking of the mail in voting. Shocking that your last Republican Governor was right before you started mail in voting, I say.... fortunately I wasn’t born there so I had most of my life in the Midwest
You are exactly correct FedUpInOR. I attended the 'verification' of the tabulators in my county prior to the '22 election. I asked the clerk performing the verification if the Secretary of State office sent her a receipt with the totals she sends (this is done daily). She said no, why?
I can truthfully say, I never heard or saw the vast majority of that propaganda. I live in a large city, but I feel almost Amish in my disconnectedness.
But I’ve had 50+ years of experience in ignoring their propaganda crap. I think reliance on Holy Spirit discernment is key; a little alarm sounds and I block the messaging and move on in reality.
Anything “safe” still frosts me. Being safe, staying safe, keeping us safe are fear-inducing phrases. No one, nor any entity, has the power to ensure “safeness” for any person.
"Please, try to keep up. It’s a terrible burden always being the one to have to explain everything to the group. I’m not complaining, I’m just saying."
Jeff, you are hilarious. It's your ability to "explain everything " and to do so in a way that even my very simple brain can comprehend is amazing.
I've often wondered how little sleep you must get in order to be able to handle your work, your family and this little side gig.
I have asked some vaxxed but not boostered why haven't they got the boosters. Don't they "follow the science now"?? They have no reply. Caught them in their stupidity.
“No words can describe the impact that Fauci has had on public health.”
Yes there are words, quite a few, and they’re all in RFK Jr’s book “The Real Anthony Fauci”. And his impact on public health has not been positive, except for big pharma profits. He has not been selfless at all, taking profits for himself during Covid to the tune of an extra $5M. When you read about some of the experiments he did, particularly on children and animals, and in partnership with Bill Gates, you find out he is a monster. He should be prosecuted.
Sounds like Target, the satanic artist, and PV are all grasping for air to claw back everything they’ve lost... I remember so many comments from people that said they’ve donated to PV in the past (I think Kim Dotcom was one) that said no more and that they were following James. So good luck with their argument that he stole anything from PV. They were donating to HIM and not necessarily the organization.
One of my *favourite* interviews on The Highwire is with D.B. and RFK Jr., where the latter finally says, "You're right Del; you've convinced me. He IS a monster." (I know you know who their subject was.)
Cancel target credit cards. Kohls, Walmart. All of them. Tell them why. I did it with my kohl's card yesterday. I must have been one of many because the customer service rep was not even surprised. He had been through this conversation before. Go woke go broke!
I love it!!! The power of the purse is owned by the American people! It’s time to start closing the purse tight! It’s hilarious the customer service reps aren’t even surprised. Hahahaha
Agree, but wish there was more American businesses to choose from. I try to shop American made & it’s proving to be quite the challenge. Everything is either from China or woke.
I was surprised when I saw the Pride advert for Walmart. They simply don’t need to fan the gay flame. They are so big it doesn’t seem necessary which brings up the phrase “too big to fail” or am I misunderstanding the phrase. Boycotting won’t make much of a dent there.
You would think. But I was downtown in the local bluer than blue prog town I live near. No pride signs or rainbows up. My hubby and I are shocked. Every little bit you do to push back is multiplied by everyone else who is doing the same thing. Walmart- don't shop there in June. Pride month should be lowest sales month.
It’s funny, I needed something at IKEA and couldn’t get there before yesterday, so at the start of (roll your eyes at the) rainbows month. I was annoyed that IKEA had sent out a “yay it’s pride month” email a few days ago. And touted their new rainbow bags. But when I was there yesterday, the ONLY thing I saw even remotely related to pride was a pile of the rainbow bags. No signage, other promotional items or anything. That made me feel like maybe they sent out the message to do the bare minimum and were trying to downplay it.
They had those bags out last year for June. Actually every time I went their afterwards it looked to me like they were trying hard to get rid of them. I wonder if the rainbow bags you saw were leftovers from last year!
You don't want to be at Walmart at the first of the month when the EBT accounts are freshly infused. At least don't go in the afternoon or evening. Anyway, that has been my observation. (I won't be re-confirming that observation in the future.) I expect that Walmart won't see a dent from any boycotting for a while. Maybe later in the month.
The name of Jesus is truly powerful! He drives out fear, and demons are forced to retreat at simply uttering His name. No surprise about ‘their’ rules regarding His name. One of many in their satanic Talmud.
"Face coverings are one of our strongest tools to slow the spread of covid19."
No, they are one of your strongest tools of propagating deceptive irrational fear of a virus that posed practically no threat to anyone, because the masks act - deliberately - as a constant reminder of the disease, while also causing great physical and emotional harm to the wearer. If you managed to evade the following lies, you wouldn't have even known there was a new "cold" going around:
New Normal ● Alone Together ● Build Back Better ● Flatten the Curve
Stay Home Save Lives ● Protect/Save the NHS ● We’re all in this together
Test, Trace, Treat ● Stay smart, Stay Safe, Stay Open ● We Stay Home!
Don’t Panic, Don’t Rush, Don’t Overstock ● Only You Can Prevent the Spread
Stay Home, Your Home is Your Lifeline ● Stay Home, Save Lives, Avoid Stage 5
NHS: We Stay At Work for You – You Stay At Home For Us ● COVID Ends With You
Follow The Science ● Trust The Science ● Believe In The Science
Be Informed, Be Prepared, Be Smart, Be Safe: Be Ready to Fight COVID-19
The vaccine will save us ● The booster will save us ● The 4th dose is the answer
Your freedom ends where your contagion begins ● Self Isolate!
I wear my mask to protect you and you wear your mask to protect me
There is no evidence of harm ● This is a pandemic of the un-vaccinated
Out of an abundance of caution ● No one is safe until everyone is safe
This is for the greater good ● It is Safe and Effective ● The science is settled
These are not science terms and phrases. They are hypnotic chants meant to induce an audience into a suggestive state of mind – this is why they are repeated over and over and over again. Furthermore, masking has historically been an integral part of an initiation ritual: in our case the initiation into the “new normal” the globalists have planned for us. Put another way—all of this was one giant world-wide psychological operation.
Do me a huge favor and download that article ^ locally so it cannot be deleted. We can never forget what they've done.
Had to take my adult special needs daughter to Dr yesterday…. I was kicking and screaming as it makes me want to vomit to go into a Dr office anymore. It makes me physically ill but I had no choice. Anyway…. In the room discussing symptoms. Symptoms are the same as an issue she had 6 years ago. Exactly the same! Prior to the scamdemic should’ve been a clue, but whatever. Th nurse tells me through her muzzle they are going to do a covid swab. After I asked her to repeat herself 4 times because I couldn’t understand what she was saying 😂 (ok maybe that was on purpose 😉) I said…. “Nope. She’s not doing that.” The nurse peered at me over her snot diaper, shocked. Like how dare I go against the sacred covid swab. Hahaha 😂 😂 Then she asked me to repeat what I said because surely I couldn’t have been turning down the almighty covid swab. I said, “it changes nothing and she’s not doing it.” The reply was quick and stern, “ok I’ll tell the doctor”. 😂 As if that was supposed to put the fear of the DOCTOR in me and make me change my mind. Doctor came in practically in a hazmat suit and didn’t want my daughter to breath on her but didn’t say a word about their nose stick. 😂 😂
Really sick of anyone who still keeps up with the charade. It just clearly shows stupidity at this point. Having an RN or MD after your name certainly doesn’t indicate intelligence. Just merely gives the ability to fill out referrals for the fraud Ins companies or push big pHarma medicines. BTW. Diagnosis which I had already given both nurse and doc: ear infection. How about they pay me $200 for helping them make a diagnosis. 😉
MY husband went to the hospital for a possible stroke reoccurrence two days ago. We never go the vax and even though we got Omicron, he did have a stroke after he recovered from the omicron, over a year ago. But After all the tests were done and it was discovered they didn’t find anything wrong with
Him and in two days he was back to normal almost.
So I went to the hospital yesterday to get him out and was confronted by NURSE RATShit (ONE FLEW OVER THE COOKOO’S NEST movie) in person
A little midget girl no more than 25 told me she was very busy with sick people and didn’t have time to discharge him. It would take about 5 hours. She refused to look at me in the eye as she spoke and it was only 2 feet away. I told her to look at me when she was talking and she said she didn’t like my “tone”. I told her to “calm down” and then she said “now its going to take even longer.”
I said, “Oh really?” I turned to my husband who was already dressed because he knew I was coming that hour in the morning, and I said, “MIke, put your shoes on we are out of here.” And she ran away.....At that point the floor nurse came over and told me she would take care of the discharge, but it would take time. I said HOW LONG?
She responded, “15 minutes”. I said, “ok you have 15 minutes and then we are going. We were out of the building in exactly 20 minutes.
The only people left standing in this world will be the strongest. Stand up for those who cant and do not let the Nurse ratshits and doctor Doolittles exploit you ....EVER!!!!!
THAT was awesome! 💪🏻 💪🏻
I never fully understood how some of the people got held hostage in hospitals. That’s kidnapping. Take your family member and leave by any means necessary. We have to stand up and be forces to be reckoned with as law abiding citizens. No more being passive and timid. Know your rights and exercise them. Stand up and walk out.
Thanks for sharing this. It’s a good example to demonstrate that we must stick up for ourselves, when we’re being mistreated.
Cat -- WOW.
Thank you for pushing back against the brain swab and standing up for your daughter. And I ❤️ your pretending to not hear behind the face diaper. 😂 I'll have to remember to do that myself!
I'll second that. My new response to people who have indignantly said " I have family who are doctors" as a way to shut me up about the plandemic : " I wouldn't advertise that f I were you".
Good one. 👍
Awhile back, after mask mandates had lifted, I encountered a clerk in a local supermarket who was STILL all masked up , and wearing an N95 to boot! So I kept asking her to repeat herself over and over, and even after I figured out what she was saying I asked her to repeat it a few more times just to be naughty. Finally I said "Sorry, I just can't understand your speech through that mask because it muffles your words." The interesting thing was that I was in that same market a couple of days later and she was UNMASKED! Perhaps the encounter make her think a little. Or not. She was the only one I saw in a mask that day. My patience with masks is extremely thin at this point.
Nicely done
About 5 years ago l began having severe rashes and swelling break out on my forearms and lower legs, so severe it would bruise my heels and I could not walk… I was shuttled to 5 separate Drs . None of these Drs properly diagnosed what was going on with me nor did any suggest I do an elimination diet or try to find out if I was having an allergic reaction. One said the next course of action would be a ‘groundbreaking’ procedure where your immune system is deliberately shut off then turned back on. I said no we won’t be trying that…. I could go on but I was ultimately able to figure out that physllium
That I had taken for 20+ and I had developed a severe allergy to…..
Wow. But not surprised. Good job figuring it out and saying “no we won’t be trying that” 😂 😂 I love that response!
My wife is currently doing an RN travel contract for a large city hospital, doing Geriatric Psych. It is so depressing; think One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. The patients are virtual prisoners - not allowed to go outside, not allowed to leave AMA.
And for these patients, the hospital system is still clinging to the COVID policies preventing any visitors.
One patient became distraught telling my wife she (the patient) was going to Hell because of her sins. Since the patient was Catholic, my wife told her she would have a priest visit for the purpose of Confession and Absolution.
But when my wife went to her manager, the manager told her "Nope. No visitors - including priests."
Another patient recently asked my wife how she could get out of there. Sadly, my wife told her "You can't." A different patient was dropped off at the faciility by her cheating husband, and cannot get out either. She knows that her husband is cheating on her and spending *her* money on his paramour.
It's the most dystopian thing I've ever seen. These people are involuntarily confined, with nothing more than a spouse wanting them to be there, and they cannot even go outside to get some fresh air or have a visitor - or for that matter, an attorney.
Oh wow. Now that is awful and shameful. I don’t think we know the half of how abused some of these elderly are. Bless your wife for working with them.
At night when it’s quiet pay an inside worker to open the doors and have them all leave. Have relatives that are interested in helping these prisoners of war to wait in their cars. MONEY TALKS. the insider must destroy cameras and know the security system. DO THIS WITH COMPLETE SECRECY. $$$$$$works all the time.
You rock! Love your response. 👏👍
Can you find another Dr?
That’s a loaded question. I hesitated to comment this because it brings up lots of questions. The short answer is, I am working on it. It’s difficult because of the circumstances of being a parent of a special needs adult. She is on Medicaid and unfortunately there are so very few choices for this. We are extremely limited. It a really sad state of medical care in Florida. No doctor wants to accept Medicaid. Big surprise, there’s no money in it and it takes forever for the state to pay the bill. It took me a year to find this one and I feel stuck. But after this last visit I’m going to start workin on it. I’m just done with this doctor. She’s useless. I’m resigned that the rest will be from the same pool of brain dead referral writers though. For kids/adults with disabilities medical care is extremely challenging. Coupled with requirements from the state for us, as parents, to meet certain requirements because we had to obtain legal guardianship in order to be allowed to make her medical and financial decisions (that’s a whole other book!) it adds a lot of burden for parents. This is the first time in her life we’ve had to put her on Medicaid solely. We got exceptions for her to remain on our private insurance as she’s past 26 yrs old but that led to a whole host of other issues with billing and having a high deductible plan. It was a nightmare. So we opted to have her go fully on Medicaid, which we hated to do, but had to. She’s mostly healthy, but when something does pop up it’s agonizing. Sorry, that really was the short answer. 😂 🤦🏼♀️
Unfortunately FL, despite all the retirees, is not the state for Medicaid. You need a deep blue state for that.
It’s true! We moved from a deep blue state and had great coverage for people with special needs. We paid a lot higher taxes there too. However with insurance changes we may have ended up in the same boat. Doctors there were limited as well because they didn’t wanna accept it either. Based on what I’m hearing the Dr she saw there is all different now in the last three years and we probably wouldn’t be going there either. 😏
Sorry. And to think people want us all to be on government run healthcare.
Our doctor insists we wear a mask when we see her. She herself is double masked! Yet nobody else in the practice (other doctors and nurses) wear it require masks! The virus apparently knows where to attack! Not only that but many are wearing the masks with their nose out in the open. Real use
Same at my daughters Dr office. It is beyond ridiculous! Why would I continue to trust this doctors medical opinion/expertise when she can’t even see the reality of mask wearing in an open office like that. That’s the very basics of where her knowledge should start. The fact that her intelligence doesn’t go beyond her mask wearing obsession…. Tells me get out now!
I'm so sorry to hear that we still have "moes" like this in FL. ("Moes" is short for moe-rons, which derives from "morons.") Totally impressed that you stood your ground for yourself and your daughter.
Omg similar experience. Nurse asks - are you vaxed, yes I have necessary vaxes. Even cov19? Oh, thats not a vaxeen! I'll let the the doctor know. The first thing the doctor said is, I cannot get you the test you want if you won't take medicine.
Wow, Nice!
Wow. Amazingly unintelligent thing for a doctor to say. 🤦🏼♀️
Seems Surprising Currently for Florida, but I've been away before the Covid Catastrophe.
We were shocked at how bad the healthcare in Florida is. Another reason we hoped DeSantis would stop eyeballing a run for presidency and focus on what we elected him to do here. The insurance industry needs an overhaul as well as healthcare and yet he is doing nothing on those fronts.
FL Politicians are a tangled web of rinoRat Repubs and a few Patriots. DeSantis won't come thru for Constitutional Conservatives "too much", he's just out for himself, A Bushie RNC Repub climbing the ladder to wealth and fame. and the democRats are Far from Vanquished.
As a transplant, I hope you are now armed and trained for concealed carry.
please watch this https://rumble.com/v2q9pz4-may-26-2023.html
Yes, I have seen it and already shared it myself when it came out. 😂 Thanks for sharing it again. Hopefully more will see it!
Lol, I'm posting it around a bit. I listened to it 3 times already and still got more information each time. It gives me hope for humanity.
Thank you for creating this valuable reference of chants/nudges. “New normal” is the one I hate most. It attempts to be a memory-wiper.
I despised that phrase from the first time I heard its utterance.
I wanted to know WHO, exactly, had already arbitrarily decided that we would not ever go back to the normal normal. And why was everyone going along with that.
"Conservatives" want to "Go Back in Time" and as much as I would like that for so many reasons; We/Me/You must Think Futures and Create the Future Reality.
The "New Normal' is NWO Propaganda but "oppostion" alone is Not enough. We must have Our Own Vision.
#1? can the USA be maintained ? Undertanding the population is Divided politically and culturally, Irreconcilably? I am Not Woke and Never Will Be, so ...
#2? Can Virtue/Morality be Restored? Without violence? How? (not by "Government Edicts) It must come from We The People, which is ?#1 again.
#3? What/How Do We establish a Parallel Economy OutSide the Feral Reserve Banksters and "Too Big to Fail" banks and With another Currency?
#4? How do We The People Depose a Fraudulent Coup Gov-Corporist Hegemon? again back to #1?
When a Shrub is overgrown with dead branches it must be pruned to get new growth. Most of Us would agree that the feral Gov is "overgr.own", but "What" and "How Much" to Prune??? and then Not in My Wallet.... and back to ?#1 again.
I must say, History is Not Reassuring at this point into the Future, BUT It Still Must Be Confronted. "The Way Out is the Way Through."
"When a Shrub is overgrown with dead branches it must be pruned to get new growth. Most of Us would agree that the feral Gov is "overgr.own", but "What" and "How Much" to Prune??? and then Not in My Wallet.... and back to ?#1 again."
I think the only solution is to pull the Shrub up by its roots, and plant a new bush with edible berries.
There is a quote that gets attributed to Mark Twain but I believe it may have been said by a comedian. Regardless:
"Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason!"
“feral Gov”. I hope that was intentional, so funny, yet so true.
I just copied and pasted, so I can't take credit for that one, but LOL.
Or burn it with fire. There's something in the Bible about burning bushes. Even if it does refer to the pineal gland...
More than a few "trees" will be consumed in flame. The sooner, the better!
except for Paul and Johnson, and a few others, there is not much left of the shrub. I agree it would be better to start from scratch, just repotting the few worth wile people
Worthwhile? Yes.
We have too, too many that are "worth wile" 😈already. Wile and wiles as far as the eye can see.
"When a Shrub is overgrown with dead branches it must be pruned to get new growth."
I'm wondering if this is what they're doing/have done with the vaccine. Edward Dutton of the Jolly Heretic has an interesting angle on evolution and the industrial age, whereby those who would have died in child birth or infancy in a preindustrial society were raised in spite of genetic issues and matured in to.. what could be literally called Consumers. He has another name for them but it may not be appropriate to repeat here.
Anyway, the state of technology is such that Consumer's habits, encouraged in order to fuel the economy to R&D said tech., may now be almost obsolete. Perhaps.
To get new growth, branches must be trimmed.
I do agree the VaXXX is One of their NWO Pogroms to Depopulate the Earth. Whether this is a Laudable Goal should be Debated, especially amongst those scheduled for depopulation...... and are the Branches to be trimmed Governmental or People? .... as well as who is the Trimmer.
In my opinion, which is considered but not set in stone, they want to change and upgrade the way things are run.
The trimmers are civilisation-builders. The governments are useless on purpose. We must demand change because we can see how crappy it is, they're showing us constantly. Nothing in our civilisation (so-called) is fit for purpose anymore.
Many new agers say 'It's all vibration!' and they're not wrong, but what or who are the Phoenicians or mer chants (sea song) if not phonetic masters? Masters of the water or substrate or Substance. They're guiding us to the new world. It's like a big global birth- messy as hell but the good will come. Having faith is valuable.
"To get new growth, branches must be trimmed."
I am no fan of Milton Friedman's creative destruction.
"why was everyone going along with that"--excellent point. Would love to know why anyone thought that was okay. It's almost like they were really wanting to comply.
Agree. I throw it back in their faces every chance I get. If they complain about all the higher prices. I say "new normal." Use it as a weapon. They do not know how to respond to it.
Target and Bud Light are enjoying the New Normal right now!
Like that?🤣
Perfect 🥰
Indeed. A new normal in negative flux.
The 'Reimagine' one makes me want to spit fire. LOL.
White liberal women are the worst. I am surrounded by these delusional nasty creatures. The havoc they wreak on their families, especially their children, the society et al is horrible. No decisions are based on law or fact. All is based on their feelings and agendas. It is all about them. They hate themselves and that is the prism that they spew on all aspects of their life. I am all for them wearing masks as it helps cover their faces. A win for the rest of us.
I know it’s mind boggling
could not agree more. Ever met a happy bolshevik ? It's an oxymoron.
A "Happy" Bolshevik, good one....... only "Satisfied" as the dead bodies pile higher & higher. I only wish and have hope more of Us realize the True Evil we are up against, Domestically with ProgreSSives.
Wow. I can't disagree. Delusional narcissistic women and soy boy men. There is going to have to be a separation. They leech off us. We have to disconnect from them and allow them to fail on their own.
Apparently there's a movement for women to marry themselves. Sounds perfect for these nasty narcissistic hateful women.
At least there's no pure replication of kind.
Wow, rather masochistic I'd say.
I'm surprised they even *have* families!
But, yes, they really do hate themselves. Wish they would at least stop externalizing that self-hatred. Leave everyone else alone.
Are you kidding, Lizzy? They’re the ones promoting, enabling & “affirming” tranny shit, starting w/ their own kids
There's plenty of soy boys (under age 40) and manginas (over age 40) men who apparently love nasty men hating lib women. Preferably with pink green or purple hair. 😉
Thankfully, insuring the extinction of their species. Imaginary apparatus spawns only imaginary progeny.
Correct. And they are they absolute worst to work for.
And increased chances of... Seems like the devil shooting his own foot. 🤷🏻♀️🙄
2 Timothy covers these women - verse 6: For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts
(2 Timothy 3: 6)
"Divers", indeed.
Hey Tritorch, The one that really got to me in the UK was the govt paid for advert claiming you could pop in and kill grandma on the way home if you were unvaccinated.
Absolutely despicable grade A Nazi propaganda! I will never forget it!
...while the UK government was actually killing grandma with midazolam.
There is a song by Kings of Leon and the lyrics keep going through my head these days;
'And as the hypocrisy unfolds-
Hell is truly on its way.'
I'll never forget their bizarre advert advising everyone to open their windows to let some green slime out (I'm not joking). This was after the Government had been busily incarcerating everyone in their own homes for weeks on end. Little did we know we were living with some evil green slime.
And don’t forget “social distancing “!
I STILL see those obnoxious “six feet apart” floor stickers !!
It was one magic virus. 6 feet and closer = superspreaders. 6ft + = you were safe. It sounds so stupid yet it was believed widely. 🙄
Trump rallies = dangerous
Mostly peaceful BLM race riots = safe
Covid had an independent mind and decided where to be and not be! Lol.
COVID never infected people who were eating and drinking!
Only if you were sitting down. 😉
Yep. “SCIENCE”. But when schools in our city were finally open again after the long period of distance learning, 3 feet or even less became safe! Because there was simply not enough space in the classrooms. It was a miracle I tell you! Ask SCIENCE and ye shall receive!
And we had one-way aisles at the grocery store cause the vid can't transmit if we're all going the same direction... it's mind numbing the complete ridiculous dumbness.
Even our churches had cordoned off pews!
And seating in the pews so no one was directly behind another, even with a whole pew between them. Families attending church together totally screwed with the seating chart nazis. 😂
I was in the county court hous recently. There were big yellow arrows showing where to go. I looked at the Marshal and said: “Look arrows on the floor that really do something significant, unlike covid” I think I won laugh of the day.
Pittsburgh VA hospital still has every other chair blocked off...Plexiglas still up.
Yeah. Our hospital complex now permits bare-faces in non-clinical areas. Presumably you still must wear masks in exam rooms.
Down the street, the dentist requires masks in the waiting room, but of course requires you to remove them in the exam room.
Because science...
So at first it was 3', then 6', Our Pastor had a personal fear distance of 12' and double masked, obviously without knowing that viruses travel thru the building comfort air systems. 🤡 Thankfully, we took the boot out. 🙌
The most ridiculous thing ever!!
Looks like you have some good content for a board game. Amazing the level of guilt they employ on the rest of us to make us feel "healthy."
How do you win the board game? By finding your way to reality and freedom? I like that idea.
Cognitive dissonance card gets you sent back to the beginning. Lol 😅
I love it!
True in life and fiction.
Hotel California!
That would be fun if someone could create a board game where all this shows up, but the players compete to defeat it. What a great way to teach our children to stand up!
Actually, that would make a great drinking game . . . wait, maybe not so great . . . the alcohol poisoning would be off the charts!
Don't forget "Locked Up Together Forever" that heartwarming gathering on our TVs with Oprah, Gates, Billy Joe, Gaga, and all the In-Crowd who made it cool and hip to isolate at home and decry lack of globalized resources to medically transform the world and flatten the curves. It was such a great live interactive global performance all that technology and collaboration and music and acting to knit us into a global community of the cowardly.
I no longer have any respect for any of those people. Obviously, even if they thought in the beginning, it was sane, zero safety studies, prove it is not. Shame on them all.
So early into the lock-down phase; the lineup for that "event-presentation" was quite informative as were the actions and funding they all advocated for. I could only stomach so much of it but KNOWING it was a purely engineered propaganda pandemic promotion piece I was like a moth to a burning flame and HAD to watch and listen to these FREAKS. Willing Globalist Leftists all of them; a waste of talent and gifting by their Creator. 2 weeks of curbside food delivery and FUN! 2 years of Fking up the World Together! "We Are the World, We are the Children, We are the Ones who..."
One of my favorites was Tom Hanks, telling everyone masking up was the least we could all do. Sure Mr. Hanks I’ll hang on to your every word because you’re a big superstar and you know what’s best! These Hollywood people really do have an inflated opinion of themselves.
Epstein's friend.
OH?! I did not know!
Never liked him anyway.
He was best in BOSOM BUDDIES, his early contribution to Transness being humorous on the road to it's current aggressive and domineering position; more recently his touching acting in OTTO again showcases his limitations (isn't he able to portray one or 2 characters at most? and we have to exclude his Forrest Gump (as other-neuro abled portrayals by Neuro-normal actors really can't count) but still the softly quaint trans character in Otto elicits one's sympathy and champions equality and kindness for all. Normalizing the non-normal. Hanks was "stuck" in Australia for the propaganda extravaganza how very relatable he and the Mrs. were.
I remember an interview with his wife after they recovered from the “virus” & were back from Australia. She stated she/they got chloraquine(not hydroxychloriquine). But no matter. The point is she/they got treatment at a hospital. Not told to go home and do NOTHING!!!
...in the mansions.
Whats a TV?
TV; a plant stand with a glass front and a power cord that is not plugged into a wall socket; Tabled Vegetation
other definitions may include : Trans Visibility, Trusting Vaccines, Trance Viewer, Thought Vacation, Trashy Voyeurism, Too Violent, etc.
Oh yah, I have one of those somewhere...
Evade? You mean like the Amish meme where they don't know it exists because they don't have TV?
Something like that. COVID was a mind virus, first and foremost, unleashed by the globalists in order to seize control of the world.
"Future generations will look back on TV as the lead in the water pipes that slowly drove the Romans mad.” — Kurt Vonnegut
I'm 54, but grew up without a TV. I haven't had one for 20 years now. The idea seems more absurd every day.
I love that one. I lived in the US during the 80's, and I threw my TV out in 1983. Then I bought a short wave radio so I could listen to something other than US propaganda. I still cringe when I think back to when Walter Cronkite said "And that's the way it is, the xxx day Americans have been held hostage in Teheran." Good grief.
We are reliving in Nero’s rule… the country is burning and what we fiddle about is the virus and that alphabet-soup agenda
I wonder what Vonnegut would have said about the new social media!
It was a test of faith too. I talked with a client who confessed she was fearful of what illness or cancers were brewing in her. This was after she related all the turbo cancers, illnesses etc she was witnessing. She is vaxxed and boostered. Big harma has her living in fear. She wouldn't be this way if she truly believed and had faith. She's a member of the branch covidian faith. She doesn't realize it. So sads.
I am surprised she even accepted the correlation.
She didn't openly accept it. As a well known unvaxxed I find many who scorned me now ask my opinion. Like it is a subtle admission that I was probably smart to avoid the shots so I must have insight. I play dumb. If you cannot openly address the issue, I am not going to do it for you. Let them squirm in their fear.
Nice compilation! Someone's had his Wheaties this morning.
Love to find other boomers who know what that means! (when commercials were actually creative and cute!)
Wow.....yes, downloaded it. Just yesterday a tennis friend contacted us to tell us on the way home she picked up a test...covid...and she was positive.......do you know what? I keep saying to them (over and over and over again)...’but’ I thought you were all vaxed and boostered?
I can’t get over people still testing. Crazy. My daughter just tested positive last week. She was sick about two days. I gave her homeopathic remedies. It’s all crazy.
I know. My son had Covid a few weeks ago. I know it was Covid because he had all the unique Covid symptoms. One friend group asked/ told me to test him. I said “why, what difference does it make?! Positive/negative result won’t change how we *treat* it. He will still isolate while feverish and rest and drink lots of fluids, etc. it’s all ridiculous. He’s bout was worse than a cold in some ways but not as bad as the flu. He’s fine.
I know, it's like taking a pregnancy test after every sex act.
Add to the list the one posted above one of my local freeways and no doubt others’: “Get your life back! Get vaxed!” (That blood boiling passive aggressive threat did get taken down after a couple months when it became clear that nobody was going to get their life back any time soon, regardless of how compliant the population became.)
And also, “Get the facts. Then get vaxed”. Public service messages posted on bus stops throughout our town.
Billboards and other ads pushing vaccinations = me tuning out and not falling for it. If something works so great, it doesn't need to be mandated or pushed by taxpayer-financed ads.
Exactly! Not directly related, but it reminds me of the constant screaming of the MSM about the TOTALLY UNPROVOKED RUSSIAN ATTACK ON UKRAINE!
As a response to that statement I have seen T-shirts with "I am not a wife beater.", "I am not involved in trafficking." and "I do not deal drugs." The logic being that if you're NOT, you don't have to constantly tell people you're not.
There were some public service announcements on Tv, even fairly recently... ‘I did my research and I feel that the vaccines are safe and effective for my family, so they can get back to a normal life’
Paraphrasing of course and the actors were black. I think they had trouble convincing a lot of black people to take the shots after the syphilis experiments on blacks in the the 60’s or 70’s. Of course we’ll never see real numbers.
I always think of Thalidomide in the late 50's for rapid-test drugs. The harm done was outrageous.
Good point. The biggest thing that saved me from getting the shots, was Fauchi himself saying it takes years to develop a vaccine. I refuse to thank him though. 🤣
IV Tylenol was available in Europe for 10 years before it was fda approved here. 10 YEARS! IV TYLENOL. Not that our fda isn’t completely corrupt and bought out, they are, but at least they used to pretend to care a little better
I saw something recently about government money still being granted to community groups to continue pushing the vax. Even now. A lot of it was going to religious organizations in Black communities. I can't find specifically what I saw, but this article from Children's Health Defense tells some of the story of what Pfizer and the CDC did to push the propaganda to "communities of color in every state": https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/pfizer-funding-promote-covid-vaccine-mandates/
Still billboards up all over Portland, OR singing the praises of the vaxx.
Portland is a lost cause. Beautiful state but mail in voting destroyed the free and fair elections. Thus we are totally woke.
Ive said this too, but many of the native-born Oregonians buy into the tracking of the mail in voting. Shocking that your last Republican Governor was right before you started mail in voting, I say.... fortunately I wasn’t born there so I had most of my life in the Midwest
You are exactly correct FedUpInOR. I attended the 'verification' of the tabulators in my county prior to the '22 election. I asked the clerk performing the verification if the Secretary of State office sent her a receipt with the totals she sends (this is done daily). She said no, why?
So much for accuracy and integrity.
SPH, I wouldn't place the blame entirely on election fraud; the people in PDX seemingly love all the woke crap.
My wife just paraphrased: “get the misinformation and then inject the poison”!!!
Close second patronizing pablum for me - “We’re all in this together”.
Big red flag of narcissism.
Perfectly stated.
I can truthfully say, I never heard or saw the vast majority of that propaganda. I live in a large city, but I feel almost Amish in my disconnectedness.
But I’ve had 50+ years of experience in ignoring their propaganda crap. I think reliance on Holy Spirit discernment is key; a little alarm sounds and I block the messaging and move on in reality.
Wow! May I copy for prosperity? Sometimes I need to remind myself that we should forgive but not forget...no Amnesty!
I would forgive but they are not asking for forgiveness. They are asking for no accountability or let's just forget about what happened.
Anything “safe” still frosts me. Being safe, staying safe, keeping us safe are fear-inducing phrases. No one, nor any entity, has the power to ensure “safeness” for any person.
"Please, try to keep up. It’s a terrible burden always being the one to have to explain everything to the group. I’m not complaining, I’m just saying."
Jeff, you are hilarious. It's your ability to "explain everything " and to do so in a way that even my very simple brain can comprehend is amazing.
I've often wondered how little sleep you must get in order to be able to handle your work, your family and this little side gig.
Thanks for all you do!
And “…Billy Graham chasing him with a pop up revival tent”. 😆😂🤣. The snark in this post is AMAZING!!!
I loved the Fonzi shark jumping reference! 😂 😂
“Well powder my posterior” 🤣. As often as I spit coffee, I gotta start putting my iPad in a ziploc
I thought about that one but still didn't come up with the common phrase!
Such a great word picture
Someone needs to he chasing him and who better than Billy Graham!!
I wonder the same! Even just keeping up with the news and being able to distill it into something that makes sense would be a full time job.
Ditto that!
Amen! Thank you, Jeff! You are amazing and we appreciate you!
COVID-19 Boosters - Available for those who haven't died yet.
I have asked some vaxxed but not boostered why haven't they got the boosters. Don't they "follow the science now"?? They have no reply. Caught them in their stupidity.
Oh I would love to see their expressions 😂
That was a spit take. Hilarious!
“No words can describe the impact that Fauci has had on public health.”
Yes there are words, quite a few, and they’re all in RFK Jr’s book “The Real Anthony Fauci”. And his impact on public health has not been positive, except for big pharma profits. He has not been selfless at all, taking profits for himself during Covid to the tune of an extra $5M. When you read about some of the experiments he did, particularly on children and animals, and in partnership with Bill Gates, you find out he is a monster. He should be prosecuted.
Sounds like Target, the satanic artist, and PV are all grasping for air to claw back everything they’ve lost... I remember so many comments from people that said they’ve donated to PV in the past (I think Kim Dotcom was one) that said no more and that they were following James. So good luck with their argument that he stole anything from PV. They were donating to HIM and not necessarily the organization.
He is, indeed, a monster.
One of my *favourite* interviews on The Highwire is with D.B. and RFK Jr., where the latter finally says, "You're right Del; you've convinced me. He IS a monster." (I know you know who their subject was.)
He's a serial killer. He just does it through "medicine".
Fauci...killing people for 40 years.
Excellent points about the words describing the rat’s impact on the health of we the people.
(James O'Keefe) / Project Veritas
The song Boycott Target continues to top iTunes chart, beating out Taylor Swift. Multiply it by giving it a listen.
Cancel target credit cards. Kohls, Walmart. All of them. Tell them why. I did it with my kohl's card yesterday. I must have been one of many because the customer service rep was not even surprised. He had been through this conversation before. Go woke go broke!
If I had any I would cancel them.
I love it!!! The power of the purse is owned by the American people! It’s time to start closing the purse tight! It’s hilarious the customer service reps aren’t even surprised. Hahahaha
Agree, but wish there was more American businesses to choose from. I try to shop American made & it’s proving to be quite the challenge. Everything is either from China or woke.
I agree. It’s very challenging.
Andrew Torba of Gab (love him or hate him) has been very actively promoting a parallel economy and American small businesses.
Shop thrift stores. They're not generally woke, your chances of getting non-China goods is better.
How often I used to go to Target to get a few items and would end up with $200 worth of things. Never again!
Of course the customer service rep isn't surprised - they don't CARE. They can do nothing about anything, anyway.
If I had somebody coming in to cancel their card or do a return or whatever....I couldnt care less. I am there to do my job.
Coign.com - the Visa card for conservatives
It's still a visa. Visa takes most of the fees and donates against us.
Use Cash, the currency for conservatives.
I was surprised when I saw the Pride advert for Walmart. They simply don’t need to fan the gay flame. They are so big it doesn’t seem necessary which brings up the phrase “too big to fail” or am I misunderstanding the phrase. Boycotting won’t make much of a dent there.
You would think. But I was downtown in the local bluer than blue prog town I live near. No pride signs or rainbows up. My hubby and I are shocked. Every little bit you do to push back is multiplied by everyone else who is doing the same thing. Walmart- don't shop there in June. Pride month should be lowest sales month.
It’s funny, I needed something at IKEA and couldn’t get there before yesterday, so at the start of (roll your eyes at the) rainbows month. I was annoyed that IKEA had sent out a “yay it’s pride month” email a few days ago. And touted their new rainbow bags. But when I was there yesterday, the ONLY thing I saw even remotely related to pride was a pile of the rainbow bags. No signage, other promotional items or anything. That made me feel like maybe they sent out the message to do the bare minimum and were trying to downplay it.
They had those bags out last year for June. Actually every time I went their afterwards it looked to me like they were trying hard to get rid of them. I wonder if the rainbow bags you saw were leftovers from last year!
Could be!!
You don't want to be at Walmart at the first of the month when the EBT accounts are freshly infused. At least don't go in the afternoon or evening. Anyway, that has been my observation. (I won't be re-confirming that observation in the future.) I expect that Walmart won't see a dent from any boycotting for a while. Maybe later in the month.
Now Walmart is following the satan click. oh vey, it is the devils workshop.
“Oy vey” is correct, as it The Devil that they worship. Revelation 2:9, and also Revelation 3:9. Christ Jesus > Judaism.
You beat me to it, Ted. Also, saying His name in one of their homes is not allowed. Think about that for a second.
The name of Jesus is truly powerful! He drives out fear, and demons are forced to retreat at simply uttering His name. No surprise about ‘their’ rules regarding His name. One of many in their satanic Talmud.
Speaking of their Talmud...does anyone know where their satanic book claims that Christ Jesus is located today? Anyone want to play?
Just made that my ringtone! Awesome 👏