Mar 9Liked by Jeff Childers

I am waiting for the airline that advertises "All pilots unvaxxed, all crew and employees are merit based hires only. No trannies. You are safe to fly with us!" I will be the 1st to book a flight.

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Mar 9Liked by Jeff Childers

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEFF πŸŽ‚πŸŽΆπŸŽ‚πŸŽΆπŸŽ‚πŸŽΆ mine is today… pisces ROCK! So many great qualities, which you of course are filled with❣️❣️

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Mar 9Liked by Jeff Childers

The first symptom of autoimmune disease is a jabbing sensation in your shoulder.

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β€œAnd I am God.

Even from eternity I am He,

And there is none who can deliver out of My hand;

I act and who can reverse it?”

β€” Isaiah 43:12b-13 LSB

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Mar 9Liked by Jeff Childers

Happy Birthday Jeff!! Hope you have a clown free experience!! 🀑 I’ve said this before but it bears repeating; thank you from the bottom of my heart. Because of you and my friend, Peggy…my husband, daughter, and I refused covid shots despite the threat of job loss. You empowered us with knowledge. Fortunately, we didn’t lose our jobs or our long term health. You and this band of C and C’ers helped us to feel less alone during that crazy time. Thanks again and Happy Birthday!!!

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Anytime your body has to kill and process infected cells, there is the potential for it to accidentally select self-proteins, thus risking autoimmunity. This is why the mucosal immune system doesn't make specific antibodies because frequency of respiratory infections makes that a bad idea. Transfection, on the other hand, of potentially massive number of cells with a foreign protein away from the mucosa while generating a significant serum antibody response poses an incredible level of risk, while offering no ability to stop or minimize the infection in the first place. Science.

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Mar 9Β·edited Mar 9Liked by Jeff Childers

FInally!! I was having a panic attack, Jeff! Thank you for finding the time to get us our C&C fix despite your crazy schedule! Please also thank your wife and kids for allowing you the space to keep us informed and full of hope!!! (And as the spouse of a commercial pilot please know the skies are actually safer than you think, despite the recent news)

HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS from your biggest fan! (ok, I know, I just started fight club with that comment).

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Elder abuse @ 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

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Mar 9Liked by Jeff Childers

Amen, Allen Martin! I can't wait to see the day when we all come after the demons of these last few years. Too many kids, families and friends have been injured or murdered. Thank you, Jeff for all you do! Your work is critically important.

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Mar 9Β·edited Mar 9Liked by Jeff Childers

Ugh Jeff! Your story about the airlines and DEI. Just in time for my flight home from NC on Monday on American Airlines.

I’ll pray for you and your family too as you travel home from Vegas. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

And happy birthday! Loved seeing you on VSRF Thursday night. πŸ₯°

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"Some groups are more important than others"


Kristi Noem @KristiNoem

South Dakota has passed legislation to stop antisemitism. This will be model legislation that other states can implement to stand with our Jewish brothers and sisters and stand with our ally Israel.


Her priorities in a state with 350 Jewish people.

from:KristiNoem Christians 4 posts

from:KristiNoem Jewish 9 posts


The anti-White ADL gives Kristi Noem a thumbs up.

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Mar 9Liked by Jeff Childers

RIP Trista. A whole BUNCH of us will keep speaking the inconvenient truths until justice is served, and your family chose a great man to help you.

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Mar 9Liked by Jeff Childers

Happy birthday Mr Childers! Enjoy your weekend! πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‚

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Mar 9Liked by Jeff Childers

Speaker Johnson's eye rolls and facial expressions reminded me of my daughter. πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

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Mar 9Liked by Jeff Childers

Heartbroken for Tristan's family. Folks really need to be in prison...

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Mar 9Liked by Jeff Childers

You are indeed freaking awesome! God bless you Jeff Childers for the work you are doing. Those people deserve justice and healing. I pray for your success at a level we can't even imagine!

Why hasn't Fani been forced to resign yet?

I thought the fact that the shots cause autoimmune issues was undisputed at this point. Even the mainstream media is onboard and all the worst shot pushers have admitted it, including Pfizer.

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