☕️ UNEASY ☙ Saturday, March 9, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
Fani Willis shockwave ripples through Georgia; Hill's vaxx injury op-ed; autoimmune epidemic; DEI airlines have a very bad week; post-SOTU polls pan Biden; DeSantis defends Trump; funny clips; more.
Good morning (or afternoon) C&C, it’s Saturday! Your Weekend Edition roundup today includes: Fani Willis update as the political shock wave continues rippling through Georgia; Hill op-ed reveals surging long vaxx and autoimmune problems; a curious epidemic of weird plane problems plagues DEI airlines; breaking post-SOTU poll shows Biden fatigue; DeSantis defends Trump and calls out Nikki Haley; Mike Johnson sprains an eyeball; and a new music video could make Biden a great campaign commercial.
🪖 Las Vegas update! The VSRF Covid Litigation Conference is now complete. Yesterday I successfully delivered the morning Keynote, followed by moderating a panel of legal experts discussing the PREP Act. I was gratified that my client Allen Martin was able to see that I discussed the tragic and unforgivable story of his beautiful and accomplished daughter Trista, who was killed shortly after her 18th birthday by covid injection.
After diligent searching and careful countermeasures, the Childers family has detected no scorpions in our hotel room. So far, it remains scorpion free, which I believe is sort of the minimum expectation for a mid-tier metro hotel. However, we remain vigilant.
I’m looking forward to tomorrow, since it’s my birthday, and Michelle has arranged some kind of fun surprise activity. So wish me luck and cross your fingers that my special birthday surprise does not involve clowns of any kind or variety.
I don’t hate clowns or anything. I’m sure that, under all that crazy makeup, some clowns are very good people. Probably. It’s just that I feel a little easier in my spirit when they’re not around, that’s all.
🔥 I wonder whether Fani Willis regrets yet her fateful decision to indict one of the most popular Presidents in American history under a thin, creative legal theory. True, she may have been encouraged — if not put up to it — by some covert and highly-illegal White House dirty tricks squad. But clearly, the luckless DA failed to comprehend the political nuclear weapon she detonated in her own back yard, right next to the broken refrigerator and that old truck up on cement blocks.
Yesterday I reported the curious timing of Judge MaCafee’s new election challenger. Well, apparently two can play at that game. Yesterday, Atlanta News First delivered more bad news for DA Willis in a story headlined, “Two candidates announce run against Fani Willis for Fulton County district attorney seat.”
As the headline reported, not one but two candidates for Fani’s job filed qualification papers this week. The first was Republican Courtney Kramer, a lawyer for one of the Trump defendants. In the linked clip, Courtney hinted that, if Judge MaCafee does disqualify Fani, no other district attorney at the Fulton County DA’s office is crazy enough to take on the Trump case. She also reported that bar complaints have now been filed against Fani and Nathan, which could be another devastating development for the embattled DA:
CLIP: Courtney Kramer discusses Fani Willis case and decision to run (4:40).
For any lawyer, even a groundless, spiteful, nonsensical bar complaint is a burden. Since the lawyer could conceivably wind up losing their license, all complaints must all be taken seriously, even if the complaint is no more than a handwritten rant. Dealing with nuisance bar complaints still takes up valuable time — nothing to be done about it — and heaps up unavoidable anxiety until the complaint is successfully resolved.
And that’s just for meritless complaints. A meritorious bar complaint is a thousand times more stressful, time consuming, and dangerous. Fani and Nathan’s bar complaints are probably in this second category. So.
But that’s not all. This week, another attorney filed to run against Fani, democrat Christian Wise Smith, who ran against her in 2020’s district attorney race. He seems like a nice enough fellow.
So you might say the original Fani Willis cancer — a cancer tentacling throughout Georgia’s political system — has reached stage four and is now metastasizing. Just look at where we are: a nail-biting countdown to Judge MaCafee’s decision, which will only be the beginning of that litigation, new witnesses and evidence popping up and leaking all over the place, an Ethics Commission just getting its legs under it, bar complaints, new candidates challenging the judge and the district attorney, and who knows what else going on behind the scenes in Georgia as the political players sharpen their long knives to a razors edge.
Another way to look at it is, the blood is in the water now, and a frantic school of starving sharks is swimming circles around Fani Willis’s sinking political life raft.
As I’ve said before, everyone involved in this thing — even Biden’s political dirty tricks squad — are off the map. Nobody has ever persecuted a former president (or a presidential candidate) this way before, so nobody knows how things could play out. They are playing with unstable political dynamite.
💉 This week — remarkably — the Hill ran an op-ed penned by outstanding covid docs Paul Marik and Pierre Kory, headlined “Is it long COVID or long vax? Does the government want to know?”
I found it very encouraging and a great sign of progress the Hill agreed to publish the op-ed. In their article, the doctors quickly got to the point: Dr. Kory and Dr. Marik reported they’ve been treating a whole lot of ‘long covid’ patients through their FLCCC organization, but they aren’t sure it is long covid:
In two years, our practice has evaluated and treated over 1,000 individuals (for ‘long covid’). Approximately 70 percent of these patients said their reported symptoms occurred in the minutes, hours, days and weeks after COVID vaccination, as opposed to after COVID infection. This could be tied to a new condition that’s flown under the radar until recently.
The docs next cited a new Yale study that is currently pending peer review. In the study, researchers looked at 241 patients experiencing what they called “post-vaccination syndrome.” In other words, there’s even a clinical name for it now. (As usual, the Yale study included the increasingly rare but still obligatory jab endorsement claiming — without evidence — that PVS happens less often than long covid. So.)
Finally, Doctors Marik and Kory cited this alarming Scientific American op-ed from December:
The Scientific American article explained that a broad range of incurable autoimmune diseases — over 100 kinds — have suddenly, unexpectedly, and bafflingly surged to epidemic levels:
Autoimmunity is an epidemic. Most autoimmune diseases are being diagnosed in increasing numbers ranging from 3 to 12 percent annually across the globe. (Americans) could now have about a one in five chance of developing an autoimmune disease. The odds are greater for women, those with a genetic predisposition to autoimmunity, or those exposed to certain pollutants. These diseases include more than 100 lifelong and costly illnesses such as type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and multiple sclerosis. They are often difficult to diagnose and currently impossible to cure.
The doctors mentioned that, unlike long covid, autoimmunity is measurable. They can test for looming autoimmune problems, by testing for autoantibodies, which are antibodies programmed to attack the person’s own cells and organs, rather than programmed to attack some kind of invasive bacteria or virus:
Autoantibodies are markers for the presence, or the possible development, of autoimmune diseases. We are finding more people with autoantibodies—immune system proteins that, instead of ignoring our cells and organs, treat them as invaders.
Now, I’m just a lawyer and not an immune specialist, but I wonder if these researchers considered the possibility that the autoantibodies may be targeting people’s own cells because they were transfected with spike protein mRNA?
I’m only asking.
The researchers noted the fact that, one year before on December 29, 2022, the Biden Administration quietly and very timely set up a new Office of Autoimmune Research within the NIH. So they either saw the trend or knew it was coming.
Mainstream media is happen to drown us in propaganda about a flu epidemic but they have nothing to say about an autoimmune epidemic. Oh well. La, la, la, la, everything is going great!
(Disclaimer: One of my Conference panels this week included Dr. Marik. He’s great.)
🛩️ DEI Watch! Yesterday, Aviation Source ran a very awkward story headlined, “American Airlines 777 Clips Frontier A321neo in Miami.”
It was a backing out of the parking space accident.
In a statement, American Airlines explained "During pushback from the gate in Miami (MIA), the wing tip of American Airlines flight 929 with service from MIA to São Paulo (GRU) made contact with the tail of a parked aircraft. Customers deplaned normally and the aircraft was taken out of service to be inspected by our maintenance team. We apologize to our customers for the inconvenience this caused."
By “made contact with,” they meant “took a chunk out of.” Cue a joke about women drivers here.
Meanwhile, BNO news reported this week that United Airlines’ flight San Fransisco to Osaka lost an entire wheel, which just fell right off the plane and crushed two cars in the airport parking lot:
NBC reported that passengers on the United plane that lost the wheel said when it fell off, it made them feel “uneasy.” That’s probably the understatement of the year.
It’s been a bad week for United, an unbelievably bad week featuring no fewer than four dramatic mechanical failures. The UK Daily Mail ran a story this morning headlined, “United plane forced to make landing over 'complete hydraulic failure.’ I bet the complete hydraulic failure made the passengers feel uneasy, too. That was on United’s Mexico to San Fransisco. But the Mail also reported that, on top of the failed hydraulic flight, and the flight that dropped a wheel, a third United flight this week skidded off a runway, and a fourth had “flames shooting out of the engine.”
It’s probably fair to say at this point we are all feeling a little uneasy.
United, American, and Frontier are all pioneers in DEI hiring and promotion, including in the cockpit. I’m just saying.
📉 As the fog of hot-takes clears, Americans also seemed uneasy about Biden’s big speech, which according to the surveys looks in hindsight more like a wheel-dropping United flight. YouGov’s post-SOTU poll confirmed our take that Biden might have held ground, but he failed to move the needle:
It’s actually much worse than than that. The chart above shows that a full 70% of Americans who watched the speech — 7 out of 10 — did not think it improved Biden’s image.
Hardcore democrat partisans probably number around 34% — so the weak 30% positive rating fell below even that bottom-scraping standard. But, even worse for Biden, a related Washington Post article reported that post-SOTU polls normally trend very positive for the incumbent, because presidential allies watch the speech two-to-one over opponents.
According to CNN’s polling, Joe Biden just gave the lowest rated State of the Union address in 25 years. And the number of voters viewing this week’s speech favorably was fewer than the number who viewed favorably Biden’s SOTU last year. In other words, he’s trending down.
🔥 Fox ran a story this week headlined, “DeSantis criticizes Haley for not endorsing Trump: 'You signed the pledge’.”
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis who, like all Republican primary candidates, signed a pledge to support the ultimate Republican candidate, whoever it was. So when DeSantis withdrew from the primary, he endorsed President Trump — just like he promised.
But on Newsmax this week, Governor DeSantis properly complained that Nikki Haley has refused to endorse Trump — the only remaining viable candidate now that she’s out — instead only weakly “wishing him well.” Nikki broke her promise.
It was nice to see DeSantis taking up for President Trump. It would be better for all of us if those two will work together well.
🔥 Speaking of the State of the Union, I thought you’d enjoy this short clip of painful Mike Johnson moments, as the new Speaker — forced to sit right behind Biden’s left shoulder during the entire SOTU — struggled to keep a neutral facial expression.
CLIP: Mike Johnson may have sprained his eyeballs rolling them during the SOTU (1:34).
C&C’s midnight research department (Michelle) found this catchy little Tom Petty takeoff that I thought you might also enjoy:
CLIP: ‘Keeps Falling’ music video (1:22).
Watching that music video is like watching a clip of United Airlines mechanical failures. It’s horrifying, but you just can’t look away.
Have a wonderful weekend! And get back here on Monday morning, when C&C will absolutely make you feel easier about everything. We don’t do uneasy here.
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I am waiting for the airline that advertises "All pilots unvaxxed, all crew and employees are merit based hires only. No trannies. You are safe to fly with us!" I will be the 1st to book a flight.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEFF 🎂🎶🎂🎶🎂🎶 mine is today… pisces ROCK! So many great qualities, which you of course are filled with❣️❣️