It's time for Act III; Pres. Trump's acceptance speech; Windows crashes world; long knives out for President Lettuce as old man resists; Secret Service appalled by criticism; great legal news; more.
Maybe but I am going with DEI as a reason. 😉 or wait! Climate change, Putin, #ABV. Goodness. The clown 🤡 world we live in. Sometimes it gets me down. Today I am going with amusement and passing the popcorn.
As a system and network admin, I've never trusted Windows for mission critical hosts, and I've always known about the flaws and vulnerabilities with centralized cloud systems. Notice that this did not affect Linux and Mac hosts, which is expected.
It's another example like the recent auto dealer centralized software fiasco.
That list is good, but I'll add to it.
1. CrowdStrike is now vulnerable to an incomprehensible number of potential lawsuits.
(and future failures)
2. The world is manifestly over-reliant on a single computer platform (Windows).
3. The argument for replacing cash with digital currencies is over.
4. Banks are next to suffer from something like this, so get the bulk of your cash out before then. The day is coming soon when no ATMs will be working.
"Notice that this did not affect Linux and Mac hosts, which is expected"
They are completely different operating systems which require different development teams to create the software for them. In this case, they borked a windows driver that runs in the highest privilege mode (needed bc what their software does).
There are a few problems, and neither are related to windows vs linux/mac (and I'm not a windows fanboy here, just a developer that has done this sort of work)
1.) most tech companies have very few windows devs these days bc all the cool kids are using macs. Companies allow this bc it has become part of their culture. So they are pumping out updates to the largest part of the install base with the smallest part of their dev team
2.) the trajectory we gotten on with almost daily software updates has gotten us exactly what you can expect to have happened
3.) most software companies now have very few resources in the way of testing teams bc the culture of software now is "we'll fix it in tomorrow's update"
gbrown, I think your #3 attitude has spread to almost everything these days. I am repeatedly shouting into the void, "How do these people make such crappy stuff and become millionnaires off of it?!" It's even spread to medicine, wherein Fauci, et al., made a crappy product in 2020 that made them possibly even billionaires, and they're either avoiding finding out the actual user experiences or they're ignoring them and just fielding more crappy products based on the same platform. Back in the day, there was such a thing as integrity and pride in one's work and work product.
As the wife of a senior software engineer who’s worked for several large companies, I can tell you, you are spot on! Minimal testing, no real “teams” anymore. They set these somewhat arbitrary deadlines and then RUSH to get it out. We can always fix it later 😒
My updates are all on manual. I wait a few months and see if the world blows up before I even think about installing them Same with my phone. My trust level has been at an all time low since the beginning of personal electronics and my Commodore 64.
♥I have been going to write a Substack about this very thing, all based upon a quote from Aristotle: "Innovating for the sake of innovating can actually diminish, if not destroy the very thing from which it originated." The Greeks disdained innovation for innovations sake and I 100% agree. Especially important to think of it in terms of NOW in our lives. It describes our digital world and how we can soon expect it to resemble nothing it was born as...It has morphed into a giant WEB of a monster which infests all aspects of most people's lives, unless you make a conscience decision to disentangle from this monstrosity.
Oh no, Sadie Jay! You would take us back to the age of dinosaurs at this glorious time when so many young, bright, and diverse innovators, unburdened by what has been, are changing the world?? Forward, not backwards! <sarc> <not sarc> “This is what the Lord says: ‘Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said,’ ‘We will not walk in it’” (Jeremiah 6:16). Let’s take a wild guess. What happened to those who said, “We will not walk in it”?
The educational publishing industry humble brags about “building airplanes while flying them.” As if that’s the badge of multi-tasking go-getters. It’s more like the badge of scatter-brained go-goners. Good to see that industry tanking. Defund the DOE.
Quick story Tardigrade: Many moons ago the fire department I worked for informed us we were transitioning (I hate that word now) from paper journals to record daily activities, filled out in black or red ink only, to computers. The old canard of easier faster save paper etc were used to promote the change. I resisted bigly, but knew computers were the future so asked a 'geek' on shift to teach me how to use the new box. Plus I had a young child at home and knew she was doomed to having to use the things. Sitting at the keyboard the geek said push this button Push these two buttons at the same time. Now push this. Now open this program, on it went. I knew I would need a 'cheat sheet' just to turn the dang thing on!
I was a daily listener to Rush Limbaugh, and he was an avid mac guy. So I visited a mac store. The sales person asked what I was looking for.,"I have no idea" I replied. Sales guy said okay, what can I show you? So off to a demonstration computer we went. My first question was "how difficult is this to turn on"? A little puzzled the sales person said 'push this button' which I did and the old CRT came to life. I asked "what do I push to make it work"? The sales guy still a bit puzzled asked 'what do you want to do'? I replied "like write something". He said 'click on this icon' (shown on the the screen) that opened the word processor. 'Now type your letter or whatever'. I didn't know how to type, still don't, but managed to make a couple of words on the screen. I asked "that it? No other buttons or combinations to push"? "nope' was the reply. Thus I was sold on the Apple 'what you see is what you get' simplicity. Deciding on a new (expensive) beige box and keyboard to a mac II VX (better than what Rush was using!) and a Sony CRT, (don't ask me why), I was now a computer owner. Deciding on a mac that day I have never looked back, and have chuckled over the years as friends and family with the 'other brand' have been plagued with security issues and crashes.
Same here! I got my first 128K Mac just a few months after it was released in 1984. I've had 30 Macs since then, never Windows. I've never had a problem with my Macs, never even a virus! My Windows user friends always used to tell me Apple was going out of business soon. Ha!
Remember when you could only buy them from Apple. I babysat for an eye surgeon who wrote an entire text on book retinas on an early edition Mac in the late 80’s and early 90’s. I couldn’t believe that little screen. Thought he was nuts.
"most (insert blue states' legislatures) software companies now have very few resources in the way of (insert Legislative staff in blue states) testing teams bc the culture of (insert legislation) software now is "we'll fix it in tomorrow's update." This problem is pervasive in Dem states where poor legislative agenda is never fixed throughout their legislative process even given enough time to do so. In CA we used to hear, "We'll just get it out of the policy committee and fix the issue(s) in Appropriations...blah, blah, blah." Complete incompetence or laziness are the reasons I can come up with.
That's all true for sure, and like you said more of the problem than simply the type of OS. The centralized cloud is much more of a problem than the OSes, plus all that you mentioned.
It's looking like the wheels are falling off the centralized networks next, then the engines start flaming out or blowing up, and the real sparks fly.
I think it is much more nefarious. I think what you state as the case is what they use as the "look here, not there" deployment of software intentionally deployed. Plausible deniability for a real attack.
This was a full scale test. Crowdstrike is not friendly software.
Has he discussed why he has made the 180 on Trump (I mean I KNOW, but has he addressed it publicly? From what I’ve read he was as bad as Liz Cheney - well, maybe not the devil herself.)
Fortunately--I'm on a LINUX host...but the banks I use and most of the medical centers in my part of PA were NOT!! Shameless and there are people "in the know" around the globe that are intimating this was INTENTIONAL on the part of "Clown"Strike to interfere with the transmission and audience' ability to view the Thursday evening broadcast of the RNC. Could be - but it didn't work out as "they" planned.
I also will NEVER upload ANY of my files to a "cloud" - the one experiment I ran with "cloud sources" blew up in my face royally. Thankfully--the files I lost were inconsequential! Would you believe I still have PAPER B.U. for all critical files!! YEPPIR--I'm "old school" and proud of it!!
I have several 1 and 2 TB hard drives for my personal storage, so I never use online storage either.
Although since hard drives also die eventually, I have duplicate drives since it's way too much for paper!
I basically have my own private data center server with several terabytes of storage for my music, video and data collections on. My own digital library.
Terabyte SSD drives are so cheap now! Relatively speaking.
Chances are high that Crowdstrike's "click this to say you agree with the thing you didn't read" license makes the customer liable for anything that might go wrong. Will be interesting to see if it goes to court whether that stands up or not.
I bank locally, two banks, and with a credit union. The larger local bank, which is listed on the stock exchange, went down. The smaller local bank and the credit union did not. I’m assuming they’re on a different system and plan to move out of the larger bank.
That supports my thought that small local banks and credit unions are not as centralized as the large ones. It's also another reason why anything centralized is bad. It's only good for the centralizers and hackers. Especially banks and governments!
I'm stashing some cash, and buying real assets with most of the rest, leaving only enough in my bank accounts to pay monthly bills and living expenses.
Not financial advice, just what I am doing.
(Real assets=gold, silver, food, real estate, cars, etc...)
and then to mock us 2 years ago, our children were put in visible cages, circles were drawn and we were dared to step outside them. but on the other hand, 500 tv channels.
and as you saw, people willingly walked into them, and took their children with them. The contempt with which the cabal hold the sheeple is not without cause.
I figure its just like being on the Titanic . I am pretty sure its gonna go all the way under............. but maybe if everyone else jumps then I'll be ok .
i am not FOR the depopulation plan . BUT i would say that as far back as 30 years ago I was thinking " damn, the amount of humans are multiplying like crazy ! " .
Of course, most people saw no danger in that . ( Do any of you ? )
Well.......... maybe "more the merrier" in some peoples thinking , however maybe 5 % are eating REAL food ( not processed or gmo or some list of 40 ingredients and additives with some fake flavoring . and SUGAR up the gazoo). And, though we speak of Love and God .......... when i walk through the valleys of civilization I just don't see it .
So , for my Sunday sermon i will shout out my WOES ... to what mankind has evolved into . ( i will not repeat George Carlin's opinion , but it does appear, to me at least, to be even worse then we he voiced it ) .
And in the spirit of "elections" , and "promises", I will watch the movie once again :
"Hope and Change : episode 2030" . Some organic popcorn, please ...........
Actually, you are not evil to think there are too many people. World population did jumped straight-up 8 fold after 1900s. So, we do have a problem. 8.1 Billion and going up.
I do hope globalists are reading this: We can all work together on a better solution!! For example, do educate young people about the current world population explosion, do tell people that computer driven machines are replacing human labor, .... Let's solve the problem by not having that many babies.
I say that about the keys to my gasoline guzzling car, but it certainly applies to my red meat too 😅 (coming from someone who lives in the land of Tesla, Prius and Rivian)
No need to rush out to the health food store. Crickets cost upward of $40 a pound, Trantula snacks even more. A fillet steak looks like a bargain in comparison.
Tell them if they don't ditch them, you'll take your business elsewhere. I was probably giving a local health food store ~$600 a year in business, until one day the owner and I got into a discussion on jab mandates . She was all for them. I never went back.
Back in the 1960s my father brought home a container of chocolate covered ants from the grocery store to gross us all out. I don't remember that they became a "thing." My own feeling is that we ordinary folk are more powerful than those hubristic oligarchs with their stupid plans for bugs and lab grown meat. We will beat them every time.
like cricket pee. It’s SO strong! We kept a bearded dragon— or some reptile— for a friend who was deployed for 18 mo. We had to buy ze bugs. Let me tell ya, the deployee couldn’t have come home soon enough for me!
The only
good thing abt the reptile in question was watching him ride around on the robo-vac like he was sailing the 7 seas.
This is hysterical! My grands got one of those critters… his crickets got loose. Their mom, who loved the little guy, was freaked out. Mealworms became his staple. 🤢
Taking a break from cleaning up this mess, it should be noted that the only ones affected by this disaster were PCs and servers that were left running overnight. The borked update got replaced shortly after it was released, and those that checked in later were not impacted. The fix is relatively trivial, though a huge PITA for remote users.
Wonder how much “open source” code they are using in their mission critical applications? How much REAL testing (beyond regression testing) are they doing?
Trumps speech, at least the first part, was amazing. The end got a little rambly. I LOVE that he’s talking about what he wants to do rather than just telling us why the other guy is bad. And that quote about Americans expecting better leadership gave me chills. Excellent.
You, and several other million women, me included! 😂 He has quite a fan club. I seldom disagree with him.
I haven’t had a chance to watch his entire speech from last night, only the clip Jeff posted today, but I’m looking forward to it.
I disagree with those who think he’d be a good VP, I want to see him as press secretary. Wouldn’t that be fun to watch him take down media stooges on a daily basis with his quick wit!
He may have a place in Trump's administration - but he is too valuable as a journalist. The stories he puts out there ! He is fine right where he is, I think.
Yeah, I kinda think he’s too much of a free spirit to take that job anyway. He seems to love his life away from Fox, being his own boss.
I’ve been so disappointed with people like Kaleigh McEnany, who I thought did a great job as Trump’s press secretary, but to work at Fox is anti Trump. They have a few people who come across as conservative, but I believe they’re very controlled, because Fox, as an organization, is not pro-Trump.
This is funny, was thinking about it earlier today as I watched his speech..... he's like a kid. A big kid - and yes, as Running Logic states - it's infectious as hell.
You sound so depressed. I didn’t think you ‘entities’ could get depressed. I have noticed that certain spiritual entities are happy when everything is chaotic, but depressed when people are filled either joy, have hope. You seem to bloom when you see chaos.
Why? I like it that he laughs all the time. I'm tired of being stressed and anxiety-ridden. He's so cheerful, but if you look around, there doesn't seem to be much to be cheerful about. How does he do it? What is his secret?
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22
Heard a discussion the other day about the cabal of evil “elites.” One comment was that they literally are in league with Satan, and are incapable of experiencing joy or gratitude. This rang true. Think of Soros, Hillary Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, all the Bidens, and on and on. Their eyes and faces show the truth of this.
Been reading a lot of ancient history, very intriguing material, especially with all the fairly recent archaeology finds and historical and religion revisions that may be ( should be ) required. Material on the ancient civilizations - Summerian / Annataki - address the differing influences and conflicts. Then, if you read background investigations on Epstein, Pizzagate, Child trafficking etc., you will better understand the historical satanic progression and those involved. Evil elites is an apt definition!
It’s amazing it’s been going on for so long but we mostly haven’t been aware if it, at least I haven’t, until the last eight years. President Trump pulled back the veil … his mere existence set them into a frenzy of hate and vitriol that exposed their slimy, satanic underbellies.
Watch many of his speeches and talks with the likes of Thomas Massie and John Rich. His Scottsdale speech in Wisconsin was great. He talks about his spiritual journey and his going to Maine to live. He’s definitely found something.
It's like he prayed after leaving the stage in Butler, “But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head” (Psalm 3:3). I hope he did.
I wondered about that--I only knew of his Vermont home. But a recent Ask TC made it seem that he was in Maine. There's been so much heavy news in last two mos I have not taken time to watch TCN
It is Maine, but way off the beaten path. If you go to Tucker, browse until you find the Scottsdale speech. He’s actually giving it in WI, but to a group who we all would call “salt of the earth”. He talks about Maine at length. I learned a lot about him through that speech.
GG I also believe Tucker exemplifies living with joy as a Christian. It is one of his gifts - you don’t see a lot of people able to laugh off absurdities.
Laughter really is the best medicine. Laughter produced serotonin which is produced by the body and does amazing things. It's a great research. We are fearfully and wonderfully made!!
I agree he is so cheeeful and its wonderful. The best part about the RNC was how hopeful and positive and joyful it was instead of non stop negative attack the left.
Here’s what I thought about President Trump’s speech.
1. How can he have such energy at this time of night? (I had had an unusually busy day and I was yawning my head off. I’m sure his day had been much busier.)
2. Because of the assassination attempt (Jill Biden and company meant it for evil, but God meant it for good (Genesis 50:20), I believe millions were watching, who had never heard Trump, raw and unfiltered, before. They now know how the media has lied. President Trump is far too brilliant to pass up the opportunity to reach them.
Rambling? Interesting that the ultra liberal Daily Beast used that same description.
Even in my tired and sleepy state, I judged it to be an outstanding, on target and incredibly purposeful speech.
When Trump walked stage left and embraced the mannequin with Comperatore's firefighter coat and helmet ... Both moving, and a display of true sincerity.
Now try to imagine Biden, Harris, or their handler, The Lightbringer, doing that.
I told my husband I don’t see another politician doing that. It was a bit odd but it WAS very sincere. I LOVE how the humanized Trump this round. Bravo to Lara Trump and co-campaign manager.
When did he do that exactly? Wanted to see it - I’m sure it’s powerful -I wasn’t able to watch the beginning last night and am trying to find it on the you-tube clip…….
My understanding is that he retired from that. Even if not, he was a Fire Chief. Just like I am a veteran. I may not serve any longer, but I am still a veteran.
We buried my fave uncle in Feb. He was a fire chief and a veteran. A bunch of guys from his fire dept. came to the funeral and one gave a speech.
The fire truck parked outside & they ran the siren for 3 min. while they did a special announcement they do when one of their own dies. It was very moving.
He had been retired for over a decade yet the dept. still chose to honor him this way.
There was a veteran ceremony-ette as well, and the folded flag was presented to my aunt and her grown kids.
His speech was exactly as long as it needed to be. Unbelievable the hyper criticism about nothing continues in some minds and always will as far as DJT is concerned.
Maybe ClownStrike recently placed all of their high tech gadgetry on a slightly pitched roof. Did they run this through security first?
Sloped rooftops....the scourge of our times and kryponite to the inept. Who knew?
Maybe but I am going with DEI as a reason. 😉 or wait! Climate change, Putin, #ABV. Goodness. The clown 🤡 world we live in. Sometimes it gets me down. Today I am going with amusement and passing the popcorn.
As a system and network admin, I've never trusted Windows for mission critical hosts, and I've always known about the flaws and vulnerabilities with centralized cloud systems. Notice that this did not affect Linux and Mac hosts, which is expected.
It's another example like the recent auto dealer centralized software fiasco.
That list is good, but I'll add to it.
1. CrowdStrike is now vulnerable to an incomprehensible number of potential lawsuits.
(and future failures)
2. The world is manifestly over-reliant on a single computer platform (Windows).
3. The argument for replacing cash with digital currencies is over.
4. Banks are next to suffer from something like this, so get the bulk of your cash out before then. The day is coming soon when no ATMs will be working.
They have TOLD us what this software is really for. It's right in the name.
Names are very important.
Evil tells us everything they’re doing. Then pass it off as a joke, mistake, or misunderstanding. Every time.
Sometimes they’re straightforward. Like the scam artist I
encountered, whose surname was Wilharm. A quick internet search revealed that he had harmed, many times.
But this name, Wiseman, on the other hand, is obviously ironic :
Demons do telegraph. Another example: “Democracy dies in darkness.” Subtext, “We’re doing our best to make it so.”
I love your frequent play on words, Tom. I bet it drives your family crazy, eh? 😂
"Notice that this did not affect Linux and Mac hosts, which is expected"
They are completely different operating systems which require different development teams to create the software for them. In this case, they borked a windows driver that runs in the highest privilege mode (needed bc what their software does).
There are a few problems, and neither are related to windows vs linux/mac (and I'm not a windows fanboy here, just a developer that has done this sort of work)
1.) most tech companies have very few windows devs these days bc all the cool kids are using macs. Companies allow this bc it has become part of their culture. So they are pumping out updates to the largest part of the install base with the smallest part of their dev team
2.) the trajectory we gotten on with almost daily software updates has gotten us exactly what you can expect to have happened
3.) most software companies now have very few resources in the way of testing teams bc the culture of software now is "we'll fix it in tomorrow's update"
gbrown, I think your #3 attitude has spread to almost everything these days. I am repeatedly shouting into the void, "How do these people make such crappy stuff and become millionnaires off of it?!" It's even spread to medicine, wherein Fauci, et al., made a crappy product in 2020 that made them possibly even billionaires, and they're either avoiding finding out the actual user experiences or they're ignoring them and just fielding more crappy products based on the same platform. Back in the day, there was such a thing as integrity and pride in one's work and work product.
As the wife of a senior software engineer who’s worked for several large companies, I can tell you, you are spot on! Minimal testing, no real “teams” anymore. They set these somewhat arbitrary deadlines and then RUSH to get it out. We can always fix it later 😒
Yep, the new “sprint” thing. Get it done in 5 days for half the price. So progressive!
My updates are all on manual. I wait a few months and see if the world blows up before I even think about installing them Same with my phone. My trust level has been at an all time low since the beginning of personal electronics and my Commodore 64.
job security!😏
♥I have been going to write a Substack about this very thing, all based upon a quote from Aristotle: "Innovating for the sake of innovating can actually diminish, if not destroy the very thing from which it originated." The Greeks disdained innovation for innovations sake and I 100% agree. Especially important to think of it in terms of NOW in our lives. It describes our digital world and how we can soon expect it to resemble nothing it was born as...It has morphed into a giant WEB of a monster which infests all aspects of most people's lives, unless you make a conscience decision to disentangle from this monstrosity.
Oh no, Sadie Jay! You would take us back to the age of dinosaurs at this glorious time when so many young, bright, and diverse innovators, unburdened by what has been, are changing the world?? Forward, not backwards! <sarc> <not sarc> “This is what the Lord says: ‘Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said,’ ‘We will not walk in it’” (Jeremiah 6:16). Let’s take a wild guess. What happened to those who said, “We will not walk in it”?
Looking forward to that blog, SadieJay--I believe I subscribed to your Substack about 2 weeks ago!!
The educational publishing industry humble brags about “building airplanes while flying them.” As if that’s the badge of multi-tasking go-getters. It’s more like the badge of scatter-brained go-goners. Good to see that industry tanking. Defund the DOE.
I am so distrustful that I turn automatic update OFF.
me too....from the beginning.
'all the cool kids are using macs'
After 37 years, I'm finally cool. Sweet.
Quick story Tardigrade: Many moons ago the fire department I worked for informed us we were transitioning (I hate that word now) from paper journals to record daily activities, filled out in black or red ink only, to computers. The old canard of easier faster save paper etc were used to promote the change. I resisted bigly, but knew computers were the future so asked a 'geek' on shift to teach me how to use the new box. Plus I had a young child at home and knew she was doomed to having to use the things. Sitting at the keyboard the geek said push this button Push these two buttons at the same time. Now push this. Now open this program, on it went. I knew I would need a 'cheat sheet' just to turn the dang thing on!
I was a daily listener to Rush Limbaugh, and he was an avid mac guy. So I visited a mac store. The sales person asked what I was looking for.,"I have no idea" I replied. Sales guy said okay, what can I show you? So off to a demonstration computer we went. My first question was "how difficult is this to turn on"? A little puzzled the sales person said 'push this button' which I did and the old CRT came to life. I asked "what do I push to make it work"? The sales guy still a bit puzzled asked 'what do you want to do'? I replied "like write something". He said 'click on this icon' (shown on the the screen) that opened the word processor. 'Now type your letter or whatever'. I didn't know how to type, still don't, but managed to make a couple of words on the screen. I asked "that it? No other buttons or combinations to push"? "nope' was the reply. Thus I was sold on the Apple 'what you see is what you get' simplicity. Deciding on a new (expensive) beige box and keyboard to a mac II VX (better than what Rush was using!) and a Sony CRT, (don't ask me why), I was now a computer owner. Deciding on a mac that day I have never looked back, and have chuckled over the years as friends and family with the 'other brand' have been plagued with security issues and crashes.
Enjoy your mac Tardigarde.
Great story. And the rest is history as they say.
Same here! I got my first 128K Mac just a few months after it was released in 1984. I've had 30 Macs since then, never Windows. I've never had a problem with my Macs, never even a virus! My Windows user friends always used to tell me Apple was going out of business soon. Ha!
Remember when you could only buy them from Apple. I babysat for an eye surgeon who wrote an entire text on book retinas on an early edition Mac in the late 80’s and early 90’s. I couldn’t believe that little screen. Thought he was nuts.
"most (insert blue states' legislatures) software companies now have very few resources in the way of (insert Legislative staff in blue states) testing teams bc the culture of (insert legislation) software now is "we'll fix it in tomorrow's update." This problem is pervasive in Dem states where poor legislative agenda is never fixed throughout their legislative process even given enough time to do so. In CA we used to hear, "We'll just get it out of the policy committee and fix the issue(s) in Appropriations...blah, blah, blah." Complete incompetence or laziness are the reasons I can come up with.
Thanks for your insight!
That's all true for sure, and like you said more of the problem than simply the type of OS. The centralized cloud is much more of a problem than the OSes, plus all that you mentioned.
It's looking like the wheels are falling off the centralized networks next, then the engines start flaming out or blowing up, and the real sparks fly.
86: Then what teck/cloud alternatives are there?
None that are 100% reliable or trustworthy is the short answer to that.
I think it is much more nefarious. I think what you state as the case is what they use as the "look here, not there" deployment of software intentionally deployed. Plausible deniability for a real attack.
This was a full scale test. Crowdstrike is not friendly software.
I agree and so does this author.
Nice to hear JD Vance talk about trustbusting.
Has he discussed why he has made the 180 on Trump (I mean I KNOW, but has he addressed it publicly? From what I’ve read he was as bad as Liz Cheney - well, maybe not the devil herself.)
I believe he has. When he did would be telling.
(deleted, replied to wrong comment)
I agree. It’s always been highly disturbing that 911 call centers, healthcare organizations, and world financial markets run on Windows.
Well how about this 911 outage just a few hours ago?
More wheels falling off!
vote counting platforms....
Ominous for sure.
The auto dealer one was also Crowdstrike, with rumors of ransomware attack
Yes, that's why I mentioned it. Maybe we will not find out the real or whole story behind that either.
Fortunately--I'm on a LINUX host...but the banks I use and most of the medical centers in my part of PA were NOT!! Shameless and there are people "in the know" around the globe that are intimating this was INTENTIONAL on the part of "Clown"Strike to interfere with the transmission and audience' ability to view the Thursday evening broadcast of the RNC. Could be - but it didn't work out as "they" planned.
I've been running Linux since before most anyone even heard of it, since I knew it was the right way to go.
Fortunately, many companies also know that now and have their mission critical hosts on Unix/Linux/Solaris too. So not all are on Windows.
BTW, MacOSX is based on BSD Unix too. Courtesy of the UNC/Berkely.
Windows and Clownstrike are trojan horses that will bring them down in time.
I also will NEVER upload ANY of my files to a "cloud" - the one experiment I ran with "cloud sources" blew up in my face royally. Thankfully--the files I lost were inconsequential! Would you believe I still have PAPER B.U. for all critical files!! YEPPIR--I'm "old school" and proud of it!!
I have several 1 and 2 TB hard drives for my personal storage, so I never use online storage either.
Although since hard drives also die eventually, I have duplicate drives since it's way too much for paper!
I basically have my own private data center server with several terabytes of storage for my music, video and data collections on. My own digital library.
Terabyte SSD drives are so cheap now! Relatively speaking.
Chances are high that Crowdstrike's "click this to say you agree with the thing you didn't read" license makes the customer liable for anything that might go wrong. Will be interesting to see if it goes to court whether that stands up or not.
This is a good read about that subject.
I bank locally, two banks, and with a credit union. The larger local bank, which is listed on the stock exchange, went down. The smaller local bank and the credit union did not. I’m assuming they’re on a different system and plan to move out of the larger bank.
That supports my thought that small local banks and credit unions are not as centralized as the large ones. It's also another reason why anything centralized is bad. It's only good for the centralizers and hackers. Especially banks and governments!
Thanks for that link. I love Whitney Webb!
86 - "...get the bulk of your cash out..." So then, put cash where??
I'm stashing some cash, and buying real assets with most of the rest, leaving only enough in my bank accounts to pay monthly bills and living expenses.
Not financial advice, just what I am doing.
(Real assets=gold, silver, food, real estate, cars, etc...)
Oh yeah - Climate Change caused for sure...
Want to keep the F B I from raiding your house, add sloped walkways to each entrance. BINGO!
You've probably seen the meme selling the Slope 1000; "Protect your family from the Slope 1000, 1-888-SLOPE ME," On sale now for $299.
I can't quit laughing.
A friend just sent that one to me...hilarious!
Aka: wheelchair ramps
Good one!
"Cloud Seeding" brains with mind viruses for the neo-feudal surveillance security state.
They have special plans for us and I don't think we're going to like it....but ze bugs will be yummy!
Population reduction has been a goal from hell since the beginning. Literally.
You're spot on. If we look at all these "initiatives" like climate change and DEI, they are all very satanic and we need to realize this:
Unfortunately, a lot of people out there are comfortable in their tiny little comfort cages :(
and then to mock us 2 years ago, our children were put in visible cages, circles were drawn and we were dared to step outside them. but on the other hand, 500 tv channels.
and as you saw, people willingly walked into them, and took their children with them. The contempt with which the cabal hold the sheeple is not without cause.
sad but true. saying is people go insane in mobs and come to their senses one at a time. which includes me. which is why I keep hammering away.
I figure its just like being on the Titanic . I am pretty sure its gonna go all the way under............. but maybe if everyone else jumps then I'll be ok .
or, hell, what am i gonna do ? Swim to shore ????
You are absolutely right! Every negative thing happening now is focusing on achieving "Ze Depopulation" purpose.
i am not FOR the depopulation plan . BUT i would say that as far back as 30 years ago I was thinking " damn, the amount of humans are multiplying like crazy ! " .
Of course, most people saw no danger in that . ( Do any of you ? )
Well.......... maybe "more the merrier" in some peoples thinking , however maybe 5 % are eating REAL food ( not processed or gmo or some list of 40 ingredients and additives with some fake flavoring . and SUGAR up the gazoo). And, though we speak of Love and God .......... when i walk through the valleys of civilization I just don't see it .
So , for my Sunday sermon i will shout out my WOES ... to what mankind has evolved into . ( i will not repeat George Carlin's opinion , but it does appear, to me at least, to be even worse then we he voiced it ) .
And in the spirit of "elections" , and "promises", I will watch the movie once again :
"Hope and Change : episode 2030" . Some organic popcorn, please ...........
Actually, you are not evil to think there are too many people. World population did jumped straight-up 8 fold after 1900s. So, we do have a problem. 8.1 Billion and going up.
I do hope globalists are reading this: We can all work together on a better solution!! For example, do educate young people about the current world population explosion, do tell people that computer driven machines are replacing human labor, .... Let's solve the problem by not having that many babies.
Amen .............. ( will anybody listen ? )
I do wish we could go "back in time " ........
I will yell a little louder next time . ( will anybody listen ? )
Peace. Love. Less babies . Less chemicals . No greed and corruption.
As that song goes, "Everybody Wants to Rule the World", or at least the psychopaths do!
We actually all ingest a certain amount of bugs due to the FDA’s allowance of a “small” percentage in industrial manufacturing.
But don’t worry! If the FDA says it’s safe, we’ll be okay 👍🏼
This is why it's so important to buy real food and cook our own meals. Leave the boxes, bags and cans on the shelves.
I’ve been doing that for years! Definitely not changing that.
I can't remember where I read it, but coffee is allowed about 20% other material. I've since switched to buying whole bean.
All I've bought for decades. Makes better coffee too. When we travel, we take our own coffee , grinder, and French Press
I saw a man looking at different foods under the microscope -completely disgusting! on IG lately. Ignorance was bliss.
Ignorance is a blister, painful when popped.
The local health food store is already selling organic cricket snacks.
It'll become the foundation of the new food "compass" they introduced a couple years ago to replace the food pyramid.
All i know is the day they come for my medium rare filet is the day i storm the capital.
I hope everyone will support me in my Food Coupass!
As I said yesterday, don’t touch my ribeye! 🥩
They'll have to pry it from my cold dead hands
I say that about the keys to my gasoline guzzling car, but it certainly applies to my red meat too 😅 (coming from someone who lives in the land of Tesla, Prius and Rivian)
It will be "two pillars" of food. Or a food checkerboard. A food square-and-compass would be too obvious.
No need to rush out to the health food store. Crickets cost upward of $40 a pound, Trantula snacks even more. A fillet steak looks like a bargain in comparison.
Tell them if they don't ditch them, you'll take your business elsewhere. I was probably giving a local health food store ~$600 a year in business, until one day the owner and I got into a discussion on jab mandates . She was all for them. I never went back.
Back in the 1960s my father brought home a container of chocolate covered ants from the grocery store to gross us all out. I don't remember that they became a "thing." My own feeling is that we ordinary folk are more powerful than those hubristic oligarchs with their stupid plans for bugs and lab grown meat. We will beat them every time.
Yes we will. They underestimated us for too long.
Now they are scared of us.
Will pet owners realize that they are cheaper at the pet store?
Pet store crickets smell
like cricket pee. It’s SO strong! We kept a bearded dragon— or some reptile— for a friend who was deployed for 18 mo. We had to buy ze bugs. Let me tell ya, the deployee couldn’t have come home soon enough for me!
The only
good thing abt the reptile in question was watching him ride around on the robo-vac like he was sailing the 7 seas.
This is hysterical! My grands got one of those critters… his crickets got loose. Their mom, who loved the little guy, was freaked out. Mealworms became his staple. 🤢
probably better for you than 9/10s of what your grocery store is selling you
Thanks for letting us know...NOT buying!!!
Looks like the WEF is having their Me Too moment.
And most don’t know Elon Musk is directly involved in that one.
I suspect they will find a way to blame Trump!
don't you know he is to blame for every evil in the world?
They would say Trump is also guilty of causing sun spots, too.
An interesting Cloudstrike connection:
I wonder if Crowdstrike has any connection to Dominion?
BOTH are corrupt and FUBAR.
I once backed out of buying a house because it had a flat roof & satellite photos showed standing puddles.
Can secret service snipers tolerate wet feet?
Can we sue Bill gates ? It affected hospitals!!!
Taking a break from cleaning up this mess, it should be noted that the only ones affected by this disaster were PCs and servers that were left running overnight. The borked update got replaced shortly after it was released, and those that checked in later were not impacted. The fix is relatively trivial, though a huge PITA for remote users.
Wonder how much “open source” code they are using in their mission critical applications? How much REAL testing (beyond regression testing) are they doing?
Never knew a wheelchair ramp was a threat to National Security
Software is not a gadget, having no physical existence.
sarcasm is unique to humans. try it out....the human part....
Good stuff, Ryan!
Nailed it Ryan! I think Vonu is a Star Trek character…name fits doesn’t it?
Isn't that what Mork from Ork was fond of saying....."vonu vonu" ?
I miss Robin Williams!!
may he RIP.
Nanu. Nanu.
He was the best.
lol, yep!
😉 🥂
So is grammar outside of yourself.
i know there's a human under that pedant suit
Pedant? I had to look that one up Ryan. You could have just said dick! 😆
I gave away my last suit of any kind many years ago.
Even the birthday suit?
😂 Hang in there with that suit, buddy! Never fold!
Trumps speech, at least the first part, was amazing. The end got a little rambly. I LOVE that he’s talking about what he wants to do rather than just telling us why the other guy is bad. And that quote about Americans expecting better leadership gave me chills. Excellent.
Also, I love it when Tucker cracks himself up.
Tucker giggling is completely contagious 🤣
He laughs at himself a lot; seems to have a great sense of self-deprecating humor without being falsely humble.
Yes! His laugh is so goofy I almost can’t help laughing too.
He does have a goofy and infectious laugh!
I heard someone say Tucker’s laugh is a national treasure. 🙂
I like Tucker a lot.
You, and several other million women, me included! 😂 He has quite a fan club. I seldom disagree with him.
I haven’t had a chance to watch his entire speech from last night, only the clip Jeff posted today, but I’m looking forward to it.
I disagree with those who think he’d be a good VP, I want to see him as press secretary. Wouldn’t that be fun to watch him take down media stooges on a daily basis with his quick wit!
He may have a place in Trump's administration - but he is too valuable as a journalist. The stories he puts out there ! He is fine right where he is, I think.
Yeah, I kinda think he’s too much of a free spirit to take that job anyway. He seems to love his life away from Fox, being his own boss.
I’ve been so disappointed with people like Kaleigh McEnany, who I thought did a great job as Trump’s press secretary, but to work at Fox is anti Trump. They have a few people who come across as conservative, but I believe they’re very controlled, because Fox, as an organization, is not pro-Trump.
Yes, agreed - he certainly seems to be enjoying his freedom....and the opportunity it brings. What terrific content !
Ya he is far better as a journalist.
Tucker for Press Secretary!
The greatest interview of his is 85 min. with John Rich or BIG & RICH fame. It. was. SO. GOOD!
My 1 criticism of Tucker was it felt like a speech he’d give at Heritage. Not a speech to RNC delegates.
And what would be wrong with that?
The Heritage Foundation is AMAZING
Nothing wrong with them. Just different. It didn’t feel like the RNC with him
I am a fan of Tucker… going with my spouse to see him live in Jacksonville in September
Harris needs to take laugh lessons from him.
In Tucker's case, it's sincere.
Cackling Kamala
KaRmala is what Tucker used to call her on FOX. Love it!
This is funny, was thinking about it earlier today as I watched his speech..... he's like a kid. A big kid - and yes, as Running Logic states - it's infectious as hell.
And the best part ? Lefties HATE that laugh !
Laugh on, Tucker, LAUGH ON !
It is refreshing compared to the Kamala cackle...
DEMS are going to place her into the Election to replace "Bitten". Really not looking forward to see and hear her for the rest of the Election Period.
Gosh I love that guy. Some are speculating Trump will try to hire Tucker as press secretary but IDK if Tucker would do it.
It is easy to be self-deprecating when one is a multi-millionaire.
One would think but how many do we actually see behaving that way?
Very few of them are in the public eye.
Oh, please...
I'm sure you are most welcome...
It's easy to be self-deprecating when one is a human.
No other creature would think us worth the effort.
You sound so depressed. I didn’t think you ‘entities’ could get depressed. I have noticed that certain spiritual entities are happy when everything is chaotic, but depressed when people are filled either joy, have hope. You seem to bloom when you see chaos.
No wonder you’re sad.
Try reading the Bible.
I am not an entity.
I'm not sad, I'm being bullied by hypocrites.
I was reading the bible until my psychowife stole it.
Just wish he didn’t do it so much
Why? I like it that he laughs all the time. I'm tired of being stressed and anxiety-ridden. He's so cheerful, but if you look around, there doesn't seem to be much to be cheerful about. How does he do it? What is his secret?
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22
His laugh is infectious, but in a good way!
Heard a discussion the other day about the cabal of evil “elites.” One comment was that they literally are in league with Satan, and are incapable of experiencing joy or gratitude. This rang true. Think of Soros, Hillary Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, all the Bidens, and on and on. Their eyes and faces show the truth of this.
Been reading a lot of ancient history, very intriguing material, especially with all the fairly recent archaeology finds and historical and religion revisions that may be ( should be ) required. Material on the ancient civilizations - Summerian / Annataki - address the differing influences and conflicts. Then, if you read background investigations on Epstein, Pizzagate, Child trafficking etc., you will better understand the historical satanic progression and those involved. Evil elites is an apt definition!
It’s amazing it’s been going on for so long but we mostly haven’t been aware if it, at least I haven’t, until the last eight years. President Trump pulled back the veil … his mere existence set them into a frenzy of hate and vitriol that exposed their slimy, satanic underbellies.
I'm ancient. I saw it 50 years ago when I came to Jesus at age 20. The progression by the progressive has been a downhill snowball.
Pray without ceasing.
Their cult is the cult of death.
Watch many of his speeches and talks with the likes of Thomas Massie and John Rich. His Scottsdale speech in Wisconsin was great. He talks about his spiritual journey and his going to Maine to live. He’s definitely found something.
I think that is why he is able to laugh. He has found, not only something, but Someone. The same Someone Who slightly moved the President’s head……..
I am in agreement. Infectious joy from knowing you're on the right side, in the right place, on the right path. No wonder Dems are so gloomy.
I loved his comment “ I think we are going to be ok “.
His faith was so evident at that moment.
It's like he prayed after leaving the stage in Butler, “But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head” (Psalm 3:3). I hope he did.
I wondered about that--I only knew of his Vermont home. But a recent Ask TC made it seem that he was in Maine. There's been so much heavy news in last two mos I have not taken time to watch TCN
It is Maine, but way off the beaten path. If you go to Tucker, browse until you find the Scottsdale speech. He’s actually giving it in WI, but to a group who we all would call “salt of the earth”. He talks about Maine at length. I learned a lot about him through that speech.
Agree 💯. Sometimes laughing, giggling and smiling is the best response. 😄🙂😁
GG I also believe Tucker exemplifies living with joy as a Christian. It is one of his gifts - you don’t see a lot of people able to laugh off absurdities.
Laughter really is the best medicine. Laughter produced serotonin which is produced by the body and does amazing things. It's a great research. We are fearfully and wonderfully made!!
I agree he is so cheeeful and its wonderful. The best part about the RNC was how hopeful and positive and joyful it was instead of non stop negative attack the left.
Is that why people look at me sideways 🤣. I don’t think many days go by that I don’t laugh at myself!!!
Same. I am a target rich environment for my own humor. 😂
Love this!!
His responses to Aussie media were absolutely golden. Tucker for Trump's Press Secretary?
He'd make a great Press Secretary beginning in January.
It is!! I’m so glad to hear someone else has been doing the same thing.
I thought Trump’s speech was a bit long too but consider these possible reasons:
*he made up for lost speaking time last Saturday (😆).
*it was probably cathartic for him in some ways considering how close he came to death. Notice how much calmer and clearer he was?
Here’s what I thought about President Trump’s speech.
1. How can he have such energy at this time of night? (I had had an unusually busy day and I was yawning my head off. I’m sure his day had been much busier.)
2. Because of the assassination attempt (Jill Biden and company meant it for evil, but God meant it for good (Genesis 50:20), I believe millions were watching, who had never heard Trump, raw and unfiltered, before. They now know how the media has lied. President Trump is far too brilliant to pass up the opportunity to reach them.
Rambling? Interesting that the ultra liberal Daily Beast used that same description.
Even in my tired and sleepy state, I judged it to be an outstanding, on target and incredibly purposeful speech.
Unfortunately, there are still MANY who are still not paying attention.
Not paying attention, or enemies on here to harm?
There’s an awful lot of questionable posting on here.
Lots of new account names.
Lots of subterfuge.
What’s that old saying? You know you’re over the target if you’re taking a lot of flak?
I’m speaking of my own little circle of friends & family…which I imagine carries out exponentially.
Hopefully then, you’re just dealing with ignorance, willful or otherwise.
Plenty of that, too.
When Trump walked stage left and embraced the mannequin with Comperatore's firefighter coat and helmet ... Both moving, and a display of true sincerity.
Now try to imagine Biden, Harris, or their handler, The Lightbringer, doing that.
The coat and helmet have more flexibility than Biden.
And greater self-awareness.
Brought me to tears!
Got a little choked up when he did that
I told my husband I don’t see another politician doing that. It was a bit odd but it WAS very sincere. I LOVE how the humanized Trump this round. Bravo to Lara Trump and co-campaign manager.
I thought the most touching thing was when Trump kissed Comperatore's helmet and then touched the coat. That was incredibly moving.
When did he do that exactly? Wanted to see it - I’m sure it’s powerful -I wasn’t able to watch the beginning last night and am trying to find it on the you-tube clip…….
Embedded video is cued to this part of Trump's speech.
But why is his last named misspelled on that jacket???
It was spelled that way on his jacket long before yesterday. It was his actual jacket on display - provided by the Buffalo FD.
Supposedly not enough room for the complete spelling when it was made.
My understanding is that he retired from that. Even if not, he was a Fire Chief. Just like I am a veteran. I may not serve any longer, but I am still a veteran.
Both are something to be proud of.
We buried my fave uncle in Feb. He was a fire chief and a veteran. A bunch of guys from his fire dept. came to the funeral and one gave a speech.
The fire truck parked outside & they ran the siren for 3 min. while they did a special announcement they do when one of their own dies. It was very moving.
He had been retired for over a decade yet the dept. still chose to honor him this way.
There was a veteran ceremony-ette as well, and the folded flag was presented to my aunt and her grown kids.
Yeah, Trump's speech was a little too long, and Tucker's was too short.
His speech was exactly as long as it needed to be. Unbelievable the hyper criticism about nothing continues in some minds and always will as far as DJT is concerned.