That over a quarter million votes were not signature checked in Arizona is indeed a big deal. The vote tally differed by only 17K: 1287891−1270774 = 17117.

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It is also true in GA .Only approximately 12,000 votes separated Biden vs Trump .

A short summary of the voting “irregularities “:

From hearings in Georgia:

2506 felons voted illegally

66,248 under age voters registered

2423 non-registered voters voted

1043 voters with post office boxes only

4920 registered after the deadline to register voted

10,315 deceased people voted

395 voted in multiple states

15,700 people voted from the wrong address

40,279 moved across lines and did not re-register voted

For a total of 143,429 projected illegal votes

This was immediately after the election. Since then many other “irregularities “ continue to be discovered. The election in Georgia should never have been certified.

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So many cases like this around the country. The real question is, have the state legislatures actually fixed voting laws to ensure that 2024 is going to be a reasonably fair election? All this distraction over Trump v DeSantis obscures the fact that if we don't have a fair election, none of this matters.

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No they have not. And isn't that interesting? Why haven't they? They are all in bed together. And WE are the ones getting screwed.

WE need to DEMAND one day in person voting, ID required, paper ballots.

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The 'legislatures' ARE a major part of the problem, if NOT the problem. They all sit on their fat asses and collect their salaries and do almost nothing. Both parties are guilty

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Pennsylvania GOP shot themselves in the foot with legislation just before 2020 and then couldn't get it fixed. Useful Idiots are never in short supply.

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These illegal votes indicate existing laws are already not being followed.

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just like (Republican) Congress getting blamed for not reforming Immigration Law when the dammed enforcement of existing laws is ignored or subverted; please fix it again! who takes their car to the mechanic 20 times when it always comes back BROKEN!!!??

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

It’s what I’ve been saying since the J6 sabotage. I don’t know of one state that fixed their election laws, and some states like Michigan passed Constitutional amendments that guarantee voters here will never see a fair election again. The Legislature’s failed miserably to do their jobs in 2020 because they were in on it, just as Pence was in on it.

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A few improvements here and there, but nothing like what's needed.

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A friend has been a highly

sought after, certified poll

worker in a certain ATL Co. for over a decade. She was THE go-to gal, a TECH grad and loved her job. They started recruiting her weeks or months before every election, and usually asked her to gather friends and family on board as well.

That yr., they didn’t even call her! She applied for the job—crickets! Shockingly, she found out they were hiring from Smiling Faces or Happy Faces temp. agency so she applied via that route & got it. She, certified with over 10 yrs experience, watched chaos all around her for days, as temp. workers were at the helm, having zero experience in THE biggest election, ever. Once

workers realized she had so much experience, they formed a LINE to pick her brain.

NO ONE followed chain of command/custody. If you check out a box of ballots, blank or tabulated, you have a special hospital-type band you have to show, code in and sign a form. There are bands placed around ballot boxes to make access difficult for good reason. The bands are kept under lock & key BUT not that yr! They were in the middle of the room in a gigantic pile, like so much confetti, where anyone could take it and re-band any box!

The “leak” that caused all workers but like 4 to go home at 10:30, —which in a normal election, my friend had never stumbled home till at least 1-2am? She never saw one sign of it, no restroom closed, no water, no panic, no plumbing people!

They saw SHREDDING TRUCKS on Day 3! NEVER did anyone shred anything prior to week 2, typically! There was such a disturbing list of malfeasance, purposeful and general incompetence, she alerted several people right away, well before there was any sign of her candidate losing. Some higher ups were equally alarmed and some brushed it off as no biggie. *Every yr, people from organizations are asked to come watch the polls. They typically match dems to republicans in number. THAT yr., all the “watchers” were LGBTQ and NOW type organizations representing far more typically liberal/dem. It’s wrong not to have fairly equal representation.

AFTER the (botched) election, many complained their checks and the taxes taken out were WAY wrong. Like, not even in the ballpark. They couldn’t get Smiling Faces on the phone at all, so they went downtown to their “offices”, which turned out to be 4 card tables and 6 phones in an abandoned building!!! Most never did get their checks and withholding taxes straightened out at all. ***OF NOTE: Stacey Abrams, a CANDIDATE, is part owner of Smiling Faces or Happy Faces— whichever it is named. Conflict of interest at all???

THEN FULTON CO., GA had the audacity to ask for another half

million to a million $$ to run the next election. Who botches things up so badly that there are multiple lawsuits, complaints galore, incorrect checks and taxes taken out/not taken out, suspicion of shredding of evidence, video of malfeasance and then asks for a RAISE to do the same thing next time?!?

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

Stacey Abrams is nothing short of a crook, along with her sister judge Leslie Abrams Gardner. Rotten to the core. Hurry up military tribunals, we have two more waiting to be grabbed for TREASON

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Stacey Abrams you mean?

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YES. I've had a series of brain lapses this week. I'll correct it. Thanks

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Stacey put her buddies on the school board and they destroyed gwinnett county schools in short order. Well after setting up a looting system.

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Why is it so hard to get this kind of information out to the public? This is far easier to understand than some of the technical stuff. This is basic cheating 101. And because of the censorship they put in place beforehand…..none of us have heard some of this for 2 1/2 years!!!! We knew it was happening. But this friend should have been testifying in court! What a sham.

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Atlanta is a designated 15 min city. Very demoratic.

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Wow. It is hard to understand how any Georgian puts up with this. The cheating couldn't get much more obvious.

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Well since I reside in JawGa let me respond. If the Repub politicians are NWO Globalists and the democRATS are NWO Bolsheviks and Each Work Together to Divide Up the sElection winners amongst themselves in the Primary as well as the General then there is little Relevant Choice.

Added factor of Low intel Repub Voters just pulling the "Best Known" lever in the Primary and it's Fait Accompli.

The CW in the Repub Party between Tea Party-MAGA & Pretend maga & RNC Corp $ has been OnGoing since 2010 in recent history., not just GA but FL, AL, SC, NC, VA, TN, MS, LA, TX, OK, AR, KY, AZ, NV, OH, IN, IA, MO, KS, NE, AK, MT, to name a "few"

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Please mention the rapidly diminishing Republick'ns in Colorado; they go along to get along for 50+ years, who implemented the nation's first Kill-Your-Embryo Legalization (1967), also set up the first ALL MAIL in voting system, weakly cry "foul!" when Dems tweak it to their liking and then DEFEND that controlled system (DOMINION in 62 of 64 counties) as being transparent, perfect, clean and infallible when any questions or criticisms arise!? How can you dare critique the Bank's Security System and the company who set it up?? Oh i dunno; the Bank owners and the security system company are crooks and loudmouths? I'm sure the Vault and Money inside have Never been more secure!

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Idaho should be added to the list above.*

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Since the fall of Boise.

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It's difficult to tell the Demopublicans from the Repocrats.

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GenEarly on 🔥🤣

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Looks like the South?

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"Yankee" Rebs are listed also and welcomed to CW 2.0

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Gabe Sterling was the brains behind recruiting from the leftist League of Women Voters and and LGBTXYZ advocacy groups for poll workers. There's a zoom call that circulated online around the selection verifying this.

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Wow. Did your friend tell anyone what was going on? Where are all the other stories from the trenches since she can't be the only one.

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She did. It’s a longggg comment, sorry. . I mentioned that she brought it up to her higher ups, which many say bc she is a republican although she & many others brought it up well before there was any clue that her candidate may lose. She brought it all up as a matter of principle. I know her; she’d have brought it up even if Trump had won. YES, there were

many workers and observers who were equally alarmed at what they saw and heard.

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If that wasn’t enough, this was from VoterGA website :

Six sworn affidavits of Fulton counterfeit ballots; (10s of thousands est.)

17,724 more votes than in person recount ballot images required to tabulate votes in Fulton

Drop box video surveillance representing 181,507 ballots destroyed in 102 counties

Improper Chain of Custody forms for 107,000 ballots statewide

Estimated Chain of Custody forms missing for 355,000 ballots statewide (Georgia Star)

86,860 voters in 2020 have false registration date prior to 2017 but were not on 2017 history file

Over 1.7 million original ballot images are lost or destroyed in 70 counties despite state, federal law.

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GA was a travesty, and Republicans signed off on it.

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Globalist traitors

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Marc Zuckerbutt of FB had a big role in the corruption as well. Opened offices in GA and gathered votes for Dems.

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I’ve heard eyewitness testimony of GA “irregularities” to put it mildly.

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My favorite was the number of mail in ballots that were never folded! The ballots MUST be folded to be mailed out! Nothing to see here. This was in Georgia.

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Thank you, Mary H, for reminding us of the Georgia corruption in the 2020 election under Brian Kemp (R) who, as I remember reading, purchased the Dominion voting machines with the assurance he would never lose another election, and Brad Raffensperger (R) are totally corrupt.



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In addition, not only did the deep state put their thumb on the scale, they parked their gargantuan ass on it over several years to make sure their team won.

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anything to stop that hateful Trump and his ungracious tweeting; Back-STABBING Wing of our Party

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Not to mention how May irregularities are “covered up” or “fixed” since then!

In NY my long dead mother, father and brother are still in the vote rosters. And since signatures change with age, it is conceivable that someone might want to secure absentee ballots fir them and vote along democrat lines

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mind-boggling disgraceful.

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at least in our local office, signatures were checked alright. But of course, that is only one small office

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GOOD JOB MARY H. Nice summary!

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I suspect this is also true in other blue states with close margins. I'm looking at you Pennsylvania.

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Pennsylvania definitely cheated.

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I believe Michigan had "irrigularities" as well.....

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Now to see what excuses the judicial branch makes for throwing out _this_ part of the case. :/

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I was listening to the trial last night. Even if the extremely narrow grounds are not satisfied, so much wrongdoing is being revealed. I suggest Robert Gouveia-a Phx. lawyer who livestreams these trials. He did a great job on J6.


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Robert puts the legal context of the trial in perspective. Then he lets the trial be heard without talking over testimony. He's doing a very good job.

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I don't know anybody who believes Hobbs legitimately won that election.

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I still can’t get over the fact that Katie Hobbs was election supervisor in an election in which she was running. I swear we used to have laws against this.

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Hard evidence was also found in 2020 that AZ signature matching didn't happen.

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Lets not pretend that even if they took time enough that a good-faith comparison could have been made that there would have been a large number of rejections of non-matching signatures.

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Looking at the signatures is not the standard for this trial. It's if they did perform "level 2 and 3" signature evaluation at all. The judge has created an impossible bar for Team Lake.

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"Lawfare" in the USSA. Domestic Enemies First, imo. For if We attempt to fight Foreign first, divided "6 ways to Sunday" as Sen Scummer liked to say..... then forgetaboutit.

But I did Upvote your astute comment :-)

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That Lake has gotten this far is amazing since Arizona law is set up for elections to a standard of "we tried." This judge is setting a very difficult standard for Team Lake.

All Maricopa has to show is that they "tried" to perform Level 2 & 3 signature evaluation. Team Lake has to show they didn't. No matter how lousy they did it, if they can show they did do something it appears this judge will once again toss the case.

That's where the case sits entering Day 2. - Horsey Legal 🐴

P.S. I've seen but maybe 10 minutes of the trial but with Robert on top of it, looks like that's enough to analyze the legal posture of the case. 🥴


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1775 or forgetaboutit. Long live King Phillip or Commissar Obama, .........as Hilarity Clintoon said about Benghazi, "What difference, at this point, Does it make?"

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South Dakota, too. It impacts the juggernaut turning our purple cities blue, and ballot initiatives that hurt the state. https://www.sdcanvassing.com/_files/ugd/944eb0_6b84122183df46d6b96e36431b357c96.pdf

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When we tried to recall Gascon in Los Angeles, something like 30% of the signatures on the petitions were disqualified. Also, supposedly, Gruesome Newsom wasn’t recalled. He claimed he even got Orange County, a very red county. Not suspicious at all. 🙄

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Musk’s Merciless Mischief-Making Maleficent Misfits Management Methodology merits mulling.

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Errol’s educated estimates expositing evil empires elicit enmity & exasperation -- expect execrable expressions emanating from established Euro-American executives expeditiously.

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

Ask dear old Dad where the evidence is of a Ukraine bio lab. He'll be tied up talking in circles like a Rumble grifter.

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Victoria Nuland - biological "research" labs...isn't Wuhan also a "research" lab? Aren't all biological laws labeled as "for research"???


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Sure, there's bio labs everywhere. If you want to find a certified bio lab creating a weaponized virus see Wuhan. You can also find dozens in Russia no doubt.

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But does the US fund those Russian labs like they do the ones all over the world, like Ukraine?

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We don't know anything. For all we know, they are lab testing on terrorists to turn them against ISIS in places unknown.

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"Rumble grifter" - OK, that was pretty clever. Nice.

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Too early for such "Merriment" LOL. Just how much coffee did you have this morning?

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😹 Muchos!

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Multitudinous mugfuls? 😆😁

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So, Anglo-Saxon Alliterative Hexameter, not unlike Beowulf, though in England you'd get flagged as susceptible to right-wing terrorist radicalization by the censorship industrial complex who are after readers of G.K. Chesterton and Tolkien for that reason. Nice to hear some fine alliteration on this very Armageddon morning lol

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It is He who made the earth by His power,

Who established the world by His wisdom;

And by His understanding He has stretched out the heavens.

When He utters His voice, there is a tumult of waters in the heavens,

And He causes the clouds to ascend from the end of the earth;

He makes lightning for the rain,

And brings out the wind from His storehouses.

Every man is stupid, devoid of knowledge;

Every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols;

For his molten images are deceitful,

And there is no breath in them.

They are worthless, a work of mockery;

In the time of their punishment they will perish.

The portion of Jacob is not like these;

For the Maker of all is He,

And Israel is the tribe of His inheritance;

The Lord of hosts is His name.

— Jeremiah 10:12-16 NASB1995

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Oh! Happy Ascension Day!

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Janice, I appreciate your scripture every day so I don’t go crazy eating the black pill jelly beans.

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Sure makes a good lens through which to view the insanity.

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I love this Janice.

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Powerless idols powerfully contrasted with Almighty God -- lots to love here!

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Off topic... but this is one heck of a Covid related doozy/scam: I don't know how many recall the FEMA "assistance" for Covid funerals; you can qualify for up to $9k (I seem to recall funerals not being allowed during the height of Covid except for George Floyd, but hey, whatever). Don't even need to be a legal resident - qualified non-citizens and non-citizen nationals are eligible for the loot as well. The kicker was that the death can be listed as "may have been caused" by Covid. Best part: You can claim to have contributed to five "funerals"for a max out payment of $35k. If only I was making this up.

Anyway... I just checked the FEMA website yesterday... and they are extending this charade through September 2025. That's right... 2025. We'll never know the level of grifting that Covid wrought... and still does. Here's the link:


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Ernest Ramirez's 16 year old son was killed by the covid jab. He was told that he could get this money if he had his son's death certificate changed to say he died of covid. He refused the bribe. Unlike so many parents who refuse to either consider or say anything about the jab killing their children, Ernest will not be silenced.

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Lots of respect for that man. If everyone did that, this complete and utter fraud would be over before Fauci could say "science", like he even knows the definition of the word.

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Ernest is a stand up guy who wants justice for his son. So his death and others like him will not be in vain. My heart goes out to him. To lose a child is heart wrenching 💔. Add the insult of this scamdemic and the hypocrisy would send me over the edge. God bless you, Ernest. ❤️🙏

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As he has said, it is only his faith in God which keeps him going. He struggled with that for awhile after his son's death, but realized he could not abandon his faith.

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Is there a GiveSendGo for Ernest?

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Just donated . That man is a hero

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Thank you Anne. I met Ernesto last year. My heart breaks for him. Happy to donate.

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I knew about this as a friend who's dad supposedly died 'from covid' said they got a check from the government for funeral expenses. (although funerals are a lot more than $9K) But just occurred to me - NO WONDER the undertakers are not sounding the alarm about the blood clots - they don't want to mess up the cash cow as people have more $ to spend on funerals. Or maybe I am just too cynical these days.

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The only difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth these days is a few months :)

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I heard of a widow who was told by the funeral director if she put CV on the cert along with the cancer he died from it could help her pay his final bills and help her out with expenses she hadn't planned for. So there must also be $ in it for the funeral directors. The amount she was offered was 9 thousand.

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Stories like these really punch a hole in the 'one million died from Covid" narrative.

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Always follow the money is a pretty safe rule.

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100 percent true

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I know someone who died of end-stage esophageal cancer. He had been battling it for some time, and the last time I saw him pre-pandemic he looked like he had taken a downward turn. Hospital claimed he had Covid and it was listed as his cause of death. His wife got a check ($11k or 9k?) because he died from “Covid”. Nope.

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Everyone should check out Justin Hart's substack today. A woman took the fema money to make a documentary on hospital protocols. It's called Making A Killing. It goes by episodes. The link is in the today's substack. Holy Crap!!

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I’ve heard about all of this $$ issue but not the deep cruelty going on.

This brought me to tears. God bless this man!!!

I asked Patty how she got the money to make the new film, given that she had used up the government’s funeral payout. “I was at a Reawaken event with a sign that said, “My husband was killed by the hospital protocols.” A man saw it and came over crying. He gave me the money.”

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Del Bigtree did an interview with the lawyers on The Highwire...this is the lawsuit with the families from CA


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Thanks. I still cannot figure out how to link. Lol.

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What a coincidence. I had no ide!

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Someone posted a comment after mine with the link.

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Biggest gift of all was Joe Biden stealing the White House.

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Did you mean “grift”?

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Well Mar, the difference between gift and grift is perspective, right???

Later Jay

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And gift means poison in German so that works for all of us non Joe fans. He’s certainly helped poison this country 😡

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Friggen fool.

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What's ironic is that I'm pretty sure that Covid is what killed my husband, but since it was early in the game, the hospital didn't have any way to test him...no funeral coverage for me.

In truth, I was glad that we were able to have a funeral and the insanity of lockdowns didn't happen for another three weeks. I really pity all of those people who lost a loved one, possibly without a chance to say goodbye, and then couldn't even have a decent funeral.

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Paying for funerals of people they killed with the bioweapon. Not paying anything to those injured or killed by the shots. I will not comply next time. I will remain unvaccinated. If they kill me, I will be with Jesus. This whole agenda is satanic.

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Sorry for your loss. We believe we were infected in late 2019. Extremely ill, the both of us and many around us. Never "got covid" during the plandemic. This was way before the "plandemic" was announced.

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Wow 🤦‍♀️

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The government approved marijuana because they want us fat, drunk/high unaware sick and near death if not dead

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While I do believe there are medicinal uses for marijuana for those with seizures and other special medical needs (although I have no knowledge regarding its use with THC or without) they have blurred the field to pit us against each other. Just like everything else.

I know from first hand “recreational” use in my late teens and early 20s the complete and utter destruction it caused in my life and those around me. Nothing good came from it - at all. Not even a little bit. I hate government involvement as they can’t do ANYTHING right, but there has to be a way, like Jeff eluded to, to bring a balance for those that need it and those that just wanna stay high and useless. And yes, I know alcohol fits in the same category. Although no one really needs alcohol for medicinal use.

Just ask Colorado and Michigan how they like pot shops on every corner. Ask the residents there about drug addicted people laying all over their streets. Ask how their youth are doing? Ask Oregonians how the pot shop on every corner with all drugs being legal now is working out for them. Unfortunately, by the time they get all drugs legal everywhere it will be too late to stop that train and the damage will already be done. None of their “data” and drug addiction studies will even matter at that point.

If a medicinal issue could be helped by it - it should be able to be gotten. However, it should need to be proven it is actually needed. I have personal knowledge of teens in Oregon getting medical cards so easily because they had money in their pockets. Nothing more! There are doctors that are corrupt as with everything, (see 2020 and covid for proof of that) and money talks. It is disgraceful. Shame on grown ups for acting like clowns.

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As someone in Michigan and in my 50’s, I can attest to what it has done to our state. You, literally, can’t go anywhere without smelling pot in the areas around me. A “smoke shop” opened in a retail space in the same building I work in. Supposedly not licensed to sell pot but we smell it BAD every day. My eyes water and I have headaches. Thankfully I’m only part time but I feel sorry for my coworkers who are exposed more longer term. Supposedly the landlord is working on eviction but we’ll see.

I have a family member who recently had a schizophrenic type psychotic event for the first time in his 50’s. His live-in adult child regularly smokes/vapes marijuana and I truly suspect his constant exposure is somehow responsible. The area psychiatric hospitals are so full with waiting lists, he had to go to one that was 2 1/2 hours away.

The young people in our area live in pajama pants day in and day out. They’re rude, entitled, mouthy and don’t see a problem with any of it. And then they’re the first to step up for a hand out and think they’ve been given a bad break.

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We experience the same thing. In Oregon…the whole neighborhood smelled of it all the time. So sad. We have neighbors in Florida doing it too. Walked into a bowling alley and some dudes walked past me and I think I got high just from that. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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I would smoke the old style pot from the 70s. It got me thru many advanced math classes. I am not sure about all this pharma pot. I would check the ingredients. Do your due diligence. Can't trust anything msm medical and the government has their sticky fingers in. As always, it is not for your benefit but theirs. $$$

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Old pot was certainly milder than the pot of today. Smoked some in college, it just made me stupid and numb, I guess that’s the point for many. Can’t imagine how numb I’d be today.

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The cannabis is getting stronger and stronger in California. From what I've seen at local dispensaries, when cannabis was first legalized the percentage of THC was usually around the low-to-mid teens, with only the top shelf, expensive strains being above twenty, now I don't see anything below 20% THC. I am concerned about this. I think every once in a while very mild cannabis can be nice and it stimulates creativity, but when I smoke this stuff I just feel stupid and tired, so I stay away from it all together.

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Probably the same in Oregon. 😢😳

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I wouldn’t take it if government or pharma had their grubby paws in it. I don’t want to use it anyway. It just made me hungry and tired.

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Yep, hungry and tired was all I got out of it in the 70’s!

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I don’t know any Pharma pot. There are many independent growers too.

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Don't forget the stench of pot smoke everywhere in blue state cities like NYC and Las Vegas. The only plus - my teens were so turned off, they swore off pot!

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yeah we went to Vegas a few years back and I couldn't believe it...the stink was overpowering. It took over everything. It was turning the place to crap really. And we like the gummies...I'm not the type to have an issue with people doing what they want to do (I have done what I wanted to do in my youth). But it's impossible to deny it's turning Vegas into garbage and not that fun to walk around.

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Pot is like anything else, you have to have some restraint and not be stupid. I’ve smoked pot on and off since the 60’s and it’s been very therapeutic. Take a hit and take a walk, so good for my mental health. The downside of this are vape pens that are 80%!!! Took a hit at a friends house as he was telling me it was 80%! Yikes! I crawled over to his couch and called for a ride. Did not want to be where I was and I was forced to wait until the cavalry showed up. Moderation I learned in college when I was at a party and someone spiked the punch with psychedelics. I was out of my mind, didn’t know where I was , and at some point I looked around and I was the only person there. I just sat there and waited for my friends to come back. I don’t want to do anything that causes me to not be in full control of my faculties.

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yep..that's me. High and useless.

I'll put that on my cv.

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Alcohol was made legal to take the profits out of the hands of criminals. The same could happen for all drugs, and then a truly good relationship between doctor and patient could be arrived at.

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Oh my, you need to study a state where it’s happening… Oregon. Drug deaths, overdoses, wasted lives, all at record numbers.

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All emotional responses.

It’s the job of other's to keep others safe from themselves. It’s saying, “You don’t need to be responsible. It’s the government’s job to do it.

That kind of thinking lands us in the quagmire we now find ourselves with censorship and threatening doctors licenses.

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It's tricky, tho - what about people who refuse to be responsible? They create a serious social/civil situation for those around them.

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Are you speaking of the irresponsible social/civil population who refused to take the mRNA shot?

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

I will say this: the only time in my adult years I did not suffer from extreme depression was when I was using pot. I was more productive, had zero problems with insomnia, and had an actual life, now I am just trying to get through each day and have terrible insomnia. I weigh much more now that when I used pot. I refuse to use big pharma's chemical crap, but I do use every natural thing I can find (except pot) and it helps some. There is a difference between use and abuse. For me, I could use a certain amount, but overdoing it made me MORE depressed so I never did that.

All of that said, I agree with your statement. Pot can definitely cause apathy. Add to that the scamdemic, the nonsense called "climate change", cutting off kids' sex organs, sexual predators pretending to be drag queens, out of control inflation, illegals everywhere, and wars and rumors of war, pot would be a great escape that would allow anyone to become so apathetic they did not fight back. Not good, but the government would love it. Also, I trust the stuff I used to smoke. Now I wonder what it is sprayed with. No thanks.

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Half a THC gummy every night helps me sleep. But I love my lungs too much to ever smoke it.

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Well said!

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Which is why the big push against Hemp derived CBDa! Not hallucinating, effective and Big Pharma can not patent it! BTW it works in my patients (albeit physician n=1). Be Well & Blessed, Phillip

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What kind of patients use CBDa? My son had HPV vaccine(we were hesitant on this, but the doctor talked my wife into it!#?#!?) in 2018 (he was 16)-this caused our life to be turned upside down. They say he has Fibromyalgia-but this seems to be what you have when doctors(we went to at least 10 different doctors) can't figure out what you have. He is 20 now. He has his medical card for the widespread body and joint pain, skin sensitivity, etc and it helps some-but he really wants to get off it as his tolerance level is now so high. The medical thc doctor really didn't give much guidance on how much to take--"take as needed". It seems to be that there is a point with TCH where too much is not good long term. So we are looking for alternatives to help him. He does not eat sugar, bread, etc Mostly carnivore diet at the moment. Seems to help. We have tried a LOT of different supplements. Some seem to help a little bit, but nothing takes his pain away completely.

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Man that is outrageous they gave that to him (HPV vax). Sickening.

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

Many people have been helped by reading Dr. Sarah Myhill’s book, “Diagnosiis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue and Myalgic Encephalitis”. The HPV vaccine has caused a lot of harm (Japan suspended the use), but boosters are also causing serious health issues.

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Thank you. I will check this out, we have read so many books-it feels like a rabbit hole every time we do research. I did read some comments on this book and it mentions ribose--this is something we just started. He is taking it with Mito Life (mitochondria support). Trying that with Ultralauren(Monolaurin) , Infla Mazing (reduce inflamation) and Bio-Fibrrin (Enzymes). The logic behind them seems sound, but time will tell. Also have boosted his Vit D to 8000 IU per day as his Vit D level is low and some sleep experts say without optimum Vit D in the body sleep suffers--and sleep for those with Fibro is very important. He also is taking a lot of magnesium(slowmag is one and I would need to look up the other one) at bedtime also now--and it seems to be helping that part of his issue.

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I'd be happy to give you a free consultation, my heart aches for all the injured. I was a Medical Director for a Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Clinic. Personal email: jockoccdoc@hotmail.com

Be Well & Blessed,


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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

The vit D is a good idea, but 8,000 IU is not a high dose. Take a listen to this.


My husband suffers a lot of pain. Unfortunately the muscle relaxation of alcohol is one of his few "treatments." Other less effective stuff is hot jade stone heating pads, valerian, and peppermint EO. Also, one we haven't tried yet is CBD plus Blue Tansy oil, a friend of mine with bad pain said that was the only pain relief that worked for her.

Melatonin and home made fermented foods have been quite beneficial to us as well.

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D-ribose powder and L-carnitine (I take the liquid) are helpful for energy. The muscle pain is more complex and inflammation needs to be addressed.

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Sarah Myhill’s book saved my life. I had downloaded it in 2011 before it was even published and had been stripped of her license by the UK NIH. She is a miracle.

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Wow! I am so happy to hear this! I sent her book to a family member and the recommended supplements have been helpful.

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So sorry to hear about your son. Doc did the same thing to my son….without my approval or knowledge until it was too late.

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

Thankful that the stupid bill going forward in CA has now NOT mandated for kids 13+. Although very confusing language because it is recommended still.

Lots more to fight!!

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This year in Virginia, our school district made the hpv shot mandatory. But, if you scroll down, it says can be declined by just the parent saying so. I didn’t even say so lol. I would love it if they said anything to me about it.

But it makes me furious they are trying to trick people into giving a dangerous shot to their kids.

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Up side down is putting it mildly. Sorry. Stay strong. And know, they will never own up to the damage caused by those shots -at least on paper and the vaccine court is a freak'in joke unless you are getting paid by the court system.

My best to you and yours.

Later Jay

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So sorry this happened to your son. That's terrible! my MIL was just saying we should do this for our girls soon (they are 10 and 7). I was horrified. I have known for years that this is a bad shot...even pre-covid. Too many people have been hurt by this one. I looked it up, there are tons of lawsuits and they seem to be gaining ground lately. Needless to say, we won't be doing this or any of pharma's other poison darts anytime soon.

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Pharma and a lot of docs are so evil (not all docs obviously). I am so sorry. Evil.

I am no doctor, but given the same situation, I might try Rhus Tox for joint pain. This is a homeopathic remedy and probably about $13, not sure with inflation, but it's a cheap gamble that will do no harm if it does not work. I hope your son can find relief.

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Your son may have CRPS...please look it up, lots of folks suffer from this and it gets no attention...my husband has it

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I know someone who recovered from crps (she was in a wheelchair) using LifeVantage Protandim products.

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GnaWin - I'm so sorry to hear about your son. Did this get reported to VAERS? Want to be sure you're aware of the Vaccine Injury Court. https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation

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My doggies have a hemp cbd treat. All the ingredients are easy to understand and they love it. They are happier and healthier.

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Mine too!

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If you have a mild heart arrhythmia, CBD can aggravate the condition. That's why I stopped using it as a relaxing agent pre-bedtime.

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Maybe it's the formulation? There's no regulation. I've not seen that in my 4 years of recommending. But every Body is different!

Be Well & Blessed,


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and too stoned to work!

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Ditto, ditto, ditto.

We moved to Seattle on a mid-life crisis lark in 2017. All of my life, I'd been pro-legalization (though other than a couple of times in HS and college, did NOT partake.)

We were shocked at the pro-MJ culture and legality in Seattle Clever billboards advertising pot everywhere, and not even a fake medical card needed. I honestly thought at the time, "Wow, this is great!" even though I still wasn't a user. (I remember being stuck in rush-hour traffic one day - six lanes across, both directions - and smelling the MJ waft across the highway like someone had just announced "Smoke 'em if you got 'em!)

But over the three years, I began to see how closely linked the pro legalization movement is with the human degradation of the homeless camps. You cannot separate the two. You can't.

Every homeless encampment is covered with a haze of blue pot smoke, like LA was covered with a smog island back in the 70's. They're really not homeless camps - they're Heroin camps, because they're filled with people who are addicted to whatever mind-altering substance that was formerly illegal, but now was completely unenforced because the King County prosecutor's office long ago started tossing out EVERY drug-related arrest.

In 2020 we'd finally had enough of the public urination, shootouts, hundred's of thousands of roadside tents perched on heaps of garbage, and so we went back home to our beloved Oklahoma. But there was a nasty surprise awaiting us.

In the intervening 3 years, Oklahoma had legalized medical marijuana. Now the pot dispensaries were on every OKLAHOMA corner, and all the clever ads touting pot sales were right here in River City.

It deeply saddens me to see this. We also have more and more and more tents cropping up alongside our parks and streets, and I can spot the stoners wandering the city like the "drug zombies" I used to have to avoid in Seattle. IN ruby red OKLAHOMA!

The medical card thing is a complete sham. Got $40? You got a need for medical marijuana! Literally anyone can get one for any reason - the acceptance rate is 100%. You can smell the MJ smoke everywhere. One of my neighbors across the street recently told me that while some other people (an attorney and his adult son) formerly rented the house across from me while we were in Seattle she had to stop using her back patio, because the wafting marijuana cloud was so disgusting.

My RN wife recently took a travel contract in Oklahoma's largest city, where she works 3 days a week. Because the drive is too much to bear after her 12-hour shift in the hospital, she found a room in a doctor's house, who rents out to medical professionals. Guess what? They're all stoners too. She walked into the garage and doc and his gf were hitting a bong.

Another serious problem: Chinese nationals are buying up farmland to create grow operations here. They use imported Chinese slaves, and when the slaves get out of line, they put them on their knees and shoot them in the head. (Actual story, really happened.)

Don't try to tell me MJ is a victimless crime. I've gone from a pro-legalization position, to the realization that it needs to be illegal and re-criminalized.

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Wow 😳 This just confirms and reinforces my views. I feel like it is very insidious and evil. Like opium in China long ago.

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Put marijuana on the ballot in a swing state in a tight election year. All the potheads come out to vote democrat and pot.

One thing about moving out of California was not having to smell second-hand pot. Then AZ legalizes it, darn it.

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I smoke daily...have an MBA (not that it means that much), great career.

I think the problem, just a hunch, is so many people are already screwed in the head that any add'l substances other than good food/water compounds their issues.

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It's our society's version of soma.

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There are ties of marijuana curing cancer. I’d try that before any pharmaceuticals!!

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I remember back in the 70’s you could smoke pot around the university and the police would not bother you. If, on the other hand, they saw you with an open beer or wine bottle you were in for trouble!

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May 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

My family has been harmed by high THC concentrates, aka marijuana. My son, who is a college graduate, has Cannabis Induced Psychosis and is severely addicted to marijuana. He is trying to turn his life around, but as with any addictive substances, it has been rough. The problem with marijuana is the thought, of many, that it is completely harmless. Check out everybrainmatters.org for more information.

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

Being a child of the 60's I can tell you marijuana is not benign. The weed back then was very mild compared to the crop produced today. I know of several who used it as recreation and became hard core drug abusers and several who died due to abuse. It dumbstruck you down in all directions of life. Legalization is a mistake.

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I agree with you and so very sorry about your son. I know all too well the reality of what you are going through. I hate and cringe when I hear people talk about pot not being addictive and completely harmless. Ya, until it happens to them.

All us pot smokers used to joke about how everybody else was high too - just to make ourselves feel better about what we were doing. So stupid.

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Thank you for sharing this website!

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A classmate went from Greece (during the junta years) to CalTech on full scholarship. Within two years he was so wasted, even the military didn’t want him. Pity. Just goes to show, everything in moderation

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May 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

There’s very little I believe about “Ukraine” but there’s nothing about it I believe less than “the world will be plunged into evil and darkness unless we give hundreds of billions of dollars to arguably the most corrupt people on the planet”.

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C’mon they give most of it back to us once it’s been nicely cleaned...

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May 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

How do we stop the downstream effects of recreational marijuana abuse?

- STOP PUTTING DISPENSARIES in all the college towns, small towns, big cities, etc.

Some places you drive in Michigan are littered with dispensary billboards advertising their product, especially around college towns. It’s insane!

What was kept open during shutdown? Dispensaries with lines around the block.

What makes it dangerous to drive? All the people high in our city and unaware of how badly they are driving.

What makes it miserable to have your windows open at night and not be able to enjoy the summer evenings? People in the neighborhood smoking pot. We are tired of being subjected to someone else’s drug addiction.

Yes, I have nothing good to say about marijuana. It’s rotting Michigan away. Thanks for legalizing it. You really helped society. Idiots.

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I detest that smell wafting around; noticed it constantly when I'd visit my kid in California (who has thankfully left that state). Even here in Florida, it's concerning when you're out driving around. I can tell more people are impaired.

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When I was in Rochester NY visiting a family member in the hospital the smell was so pervasive that I started referring to the city as Potchester 🙄😕

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Wow 😳

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Yup the smell is the worst of legalization (for those of us who don't smoke and don't have a loved one who does). I have to keep my windows closed on summer nights because some idiot gets up at 5am and smokes and wakes me up with the horrible smell. And the nasty stink when I'm out running trying to enjoy the beautiful spring smells...

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It’s so nasty! If I go out on an early still morning riding my bike around the neighborhood, I can tell exactly which houses have been smoking it. 😡

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Same when I go for a run in certain places 🤢 It literally makes me feel sick and I can’t even see anyone smoking so they must be inside the house (this happens in the winter too so I doubt the windows are open). It’s very pervasive and I highly resent being forced to smell and breathe that garbage when I’ve chosen not to. Cigarette smoke is bad enough but this is a whole other level. It’s like skunk smell on steroids. Just completely disgusting. I think edibles are probably better from that standpoint but am very leery of the whole thing in general. I think that using any substance to numb psychological pain or boredom is not going to end well in general. I am a little more sympathetic about physical pain especially since the medications prescribed for pain are often just as bad if not worse. I am not in favor of wholesale legalization. Plus people have become so blasé about it, like it’s no big deal, just like they are about getting falling down drunk 😕

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Exactly! We resent being forced to smell and breathe it just for living in the neighborhood and it’s not a bad neighborhood, it’s your regular American blue collar area. It’s so skunky smelling. Our daughter has taken to calling it Squirrel Fart when we are out and about and come across the smell.

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Smells like skunk!

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Imagine having to live near marijuana fields in bloom where that sickening skunk smell is in the air.

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No way! Do you really? That must be horrible.

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These are all very good arguments. I tend to be a live and let live person and I don't like the gov't getting involved in anything...but in this case it really does turn areas to complete crap overnight. They're not even enjoyable to be around. When I was in Vegas I just missed fresh air and couldn't wait to get back home to my fresh air and trees in South Carolina. It's beautiful here - hope it stays that way.

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