Feb 7Liked by Jeff Childers

"...since Satan held a post-eviction press conference right outside the Garden of Eden." 😂😂😂😂😂

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In the middle of chaos and deceit by our corrupt “leaders” Jeff can make me laugh! Such a talent!

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I agree and he outdid himself with this one! I reread a couple of sentences and paragraphs several times just to enjoy the rush of endorphins from laughing!

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MRNA is in you food do this ASAP..... t.co/qmiCWZ8aCe

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No ads here please

“In YOU food” ? ummmm

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Beyond all the good things C&C has brought to the fore today, I’d like to point out that Bret Weinstein’s observations from his trip to the Darien Gap should be part of the focus of our conversations right now. Weinstein’s theory that the scores of military-age Chinese National males being allowed into our country who never received mRNA vaccines (no Chinese Nationals did—just regular vaccines) should cause us to connect some serious dots. Here’s the interview: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1753190238502170900

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Really tiresome to see even journalists on "our side" so slow to catch up with things Bannon's War Room viewers knew years ago.

I say let's skip the election and just install the War Room guests as our next government. When you run out of those, just appoint the members of the audience.

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Yes, he very slowly let the words out of his mouth... I'm thinking man catch up!!

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i am suggesting this for australia’s next federal election 😜

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What is their ultimate plan? How do we really prepare for what is coming? God is the ultimate decider of all things. We as a nation and free people need him to intervene.

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Great Reflect: Perhaps the reason for Jeff's ignoring Bret Weinstein's keen observations re: the Darien Gap has to do with where he lives - he lives in Portland - not San Mateo. Opps...

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THIS, please!

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I know, right?!? 😂

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That image brings a snarl to my lips and a gnash to my teeth! 😡

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He looks like a cadaver…. Ewwwww

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I believe Portlandia has been infiltrated by San Mateoans trying desperately to feel less lonely. Maybe they're ready to be renamed: Port San Mateo...

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Indeed ChrisB, such a wit is our Jeff Childers! I can't help but see the press gaggle in the Garden as the fallen angels that joined Satan on their grand mis-adventure.

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I read that out loud for my husband’s enjoyment!

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A gem! 😂

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“It was all wordplay, right from day one.”

Absolutely right, Jeff—and that goes for the entire COVID psyop. This is why I have been focusing on propaganda and the use of language to manipulate minds and curate reality since my first essay (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized).

As Jacques Ellul writes in “Propaganda,” which I urge everyone to read:

“Propaganda seeks to induce action, adherence, and participation—with as little thought as possible. According to propaganda, it is useless, even harmful for man to think; thinking prevents him from acting with the required righteousness and simplicity. Action must come directly from the depths of the unconscious; it must release tension, become a reflex.… An example that shows the radical devaluation of thought is the transformation of words in propaganda; there, language, the instrument of the mind, becomes ‘pure sound,’ a symbol directly evoking feelings and reflexes. This is one of the most serious dissociations that propaganda causes. There is another: the dissociation between the verbal universe, in which propaganda makes us live, and reality. Propaganda sometimes deliberately separates from man’s real world the verbal world that it creates; it then tends to destroy man’s conscience.”

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I remember when the "antivaxxers" were absolutely mocked for "doing their own research." Amazing such a large sector of society can fall prey to obvious propaganda, even to the point they were mocking anyone questioning the very "safe and effective" sacred miracle elixir.

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I was mocked for doing my own research by people who know I research for a living, as every writer does. Yet, with no ‘degree’ in medicine, I was told I didn’t know what I was talking about. Sadly, I did.

As soon as we get over our childish dependence on the ‘intelligence’ of those with degrees, and start thinking for ourselves, the sooner we will fix our society.

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I never understood the ferocious mocking of doing one’s own research. It’s not like I’m setting up a lab and running experiments; I’m doing what all of us were taught since grade school. Ever heard of “research project”?🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

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Maybe if we were to say, "Do your own homework" it would resonate better.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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That time Kari Lake was being interviewed and the journalist questioned her every response and Kari basically said: You read, correct? Well start looking into it yourself, it's not my job to educate you.

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Yes, and the necessary information was out there if you only looked.

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No, no, no!......we were supposed to BELIEVE the "Science" and ignore the evidence of our own eyes and ears. Try to keep up! /s

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and I trusted :the science" I had spent four years in university persuing a pre-med biology major. Never mind the "current noose" cycle to which we were subjected... HOW does a virus replicate? What are the means to stop them from doing so? What means to we have available daily to improve our ability to fend them off? How long can a viral particle exist in normal outdoor air when its 55 F outside and sunny? What prevents a virus, once having entered a cell, from replicating? At what temperature will a viral particle disintegrate? What is the temperature needed to cook any meat, such as chicken, pork, beef, bat, to tender state for making soup? What is tbe ean diamater of a corona virus? What is the size of the smallest openings in the material used to make the N95 mask? Compare. Will a section of chain link fence prevent mosquitos entering an area?

A handful of basic "science" questions that rattled about within my cranium as I pondered the "noose reports" daily impinging upon our consciousness. Once I had determined the answers to some if these issues I determined to scrupulously ignore everything assaulting us daily in the "noose" cycle. And did what I thus determined was the "safe and effective" path forward. Thus, as far as I was concerned, there WAS no pandemonic so I ignored it all. Never got sick.

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Good for you, Tio. If only the general population had done just that. My Spidey sense saved me although I haven't trusted the gubment in years.

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or take that next step - there are no viruses https://drsambailey.com/why-nobody-can-find-a-virus/

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Exactly. And what’s so ironic is the ones mocking you are the ones who believe everything they hear (from their side of course), without questioning. Cognitive dissonance.

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Well to be fair, they do desperately needed to trust and believe.... Fauci, FDA, CDC, WHO, HHS, their government, their media, their comedians, their doctors....the list goes on. As one person asked me a few years ago, "So you think you have more information than my doctor and the experts at the CDC?" And proceeded to laugh in my face. Well, seems as though I did!🤗

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A lot of people who were laughing are now bawling their eyes out. Or soon will be.

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My area of expertise is not medicine; I'm an accountant. But honestly when that first shutdown happened, I wondered to myself: "How long are people going to be willing to put up with this crap?"

I was shocked to find out that they were willing to put up with it WAY longer than I was. (In my mind I gave it 7 days and thought that people would rise up in protest if it went longer than that.) How stupid I was....

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Well yes because those people were not looking for any information except what they were told.

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I earned an advanced degree from a top university, which is to say, this isn't sour grapes: Yes, begad, some of the ones with the PhDs and other so-called experts, when they went out to speak about covid & related, they were and they remain moral and intellectual morons. (And the MSM reporters, bah.)

I would add, from what I saw in my personal and professional circles, it wasn't just, as you say, "a childish dependence on the ‘intelligence’ of those with degrees," it was, in addition, good old-fashioned sloth, and a childish dependence on unquestioningly conforming to what appeared to be de rigueur in the high-glamor status-in-group.

As for what appeared to be the high-glamor status-in-group, that was something at once already in place in the culture and manipulated by the psy-op.

In all, I agree. No matter what one's educational background and research skills may or may not be, the most essential for decision making are grounded common sense and self-respect (and that includes respect for one's own gut sense).

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My intuition was screaming at me to not take clot shot. I obeyed. No regrets. The jabbed had free will now their either dead or sick mentally and physically

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Good for you. I don't know a single soul who regrets not taking the covid jabs.

For those who promoted Jab Crow, I don't have bucketsful of sympathy. But I hope that you're wrong, I mean, while I do recognize that it's an epic disaster of death and injury from the jabs, I sincerely hope that many of the people who took the shots will be able to remain healthy and live out their normal life span. It does seem that some are OK. The batches were very uneven, so some people who took the jabs may actually have been jabbed with nuthin' much. And it also seems that some who are injured can be helped by the FLCCC protocols and other similar treatments.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

I knew it was necessary to take a vax, given my husband's position. So we very carefully took the J&J, because it was not MRNA.....still, not without trepidation.....that was in April 2021, and SO FAR we're okay. Yeah, we caught the virus, big deal (I was very prepared for that and still have a nice stash of the verboten medicine. ) Now we know to refuse any and all "vaxxes," no matter if he has to lose his job. Better that than dead.

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As I used to tell my children; trust your gut, it has no agenda, but everyone else does.

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I like that!! So true.

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Yes the group think bandwagon mentality coupled with the thrill of virtue signaling was at the heart of it. There were a good many credentialed experts who disagreed with the prevailing narrative and they were bullied, belittled and insulted for their contrary views. Their credentials didn’t save them.

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Fear makes people do things they otherwise would not.

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Fear is the mind killer...

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I have an advanced degree. It isn't in the holding of the degree that is the problem. The #1 thing I learned from getting my advanced degree is that I don't know anything. There is so much to know, no one could ever know enough! The #2 thing I learned is to do your own research. I wonder if the problem exposed by Covid is more an issue of those who end up as beaurocrats with advanced degrees should be greatly feared! Unfortunately, that doesn't account for what happened with our medical community. The only thing I can think there is that they were too terrified of being fired so they got in line? I never trusted many beaurocrats before covid and I surely do not trust them now!

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Well said!

Realizing there is much you don’t know is a sign of humility which is something the jab pushers didn’t/don’t have.

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That's because they had a very specific mission: get as many people as possible to take this drug, no matter what it takes or who it hurts or kills. Humility had zero part in this, whereas normal people understand that there are things they don't know, and are quite willing to admit it.

I'm still wondering why Fauci and his cohorts are able to walk free. How much you wanna bet they have bodyguards?

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I don’t think that is true of the doctors and so called influencers who pushed it, but I agree with you about the people at the top levels.

Also agree about Fauci etc. Makes me sick.

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I have a nursing degree and read charts for the last 10 years for severity of illness, risk of mortality and to get more money through documentation and yet I was told I had no idea was I was talking about. So you’re in good company! I was laughed at in a meeting when I dare questioned why are we changing the rules with this virus? Ugh I could go on and on. Cheers to questioning the narrative cuz once again I am happy I didn’t get the shot

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Yes, and anyone who ever had to stay overnight in a hospitable knows that the whole place would grind to a halt without nurses. And I would, by the way, trust a nurse opinion over a doctor opinion because nurses actually see first hand what goes on. Including all of the 'mistakes'.

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Not all nurses. There are those out there who gladly took the shot and encouraged others to take it as well. Many are still wearing masks! It is unbelievable how they still believe all the lies.

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I know you are right. And also, I am showing my age because things have changed. The new 'medical products' of the 'educational' institutions are not the same as the people produced before everything got taken over and was made corrupt. So, so many people caved and bowed down to the C19 god. The bright patch was that, in the few who always make the difference, we got to see bravery, courage to truth ... on display.

You are totally right in what you say ... and good to see. Thanks!

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I have a friend that’s says patients go to the doctors office to see a doctor. Patients go to a hospital to see nurses. Primary care at the doctor’s office is time with the doctor. Primary care at the hospital is seeing the nurses. She told me that years ago. I totally agree with it.

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Yes, this is right. Just as you say. And thanks for taking the time.

And if I am biased, and I am, I just like nurses better. And I like female nurses better than males nurses because the ladies bring something different with themselves than men. And we feel that difference no matter how good the guys are. Or to flip the pancake, I also relate better to guys running jackhammers than if it was a women simply because I am a guy. And I also know that guys act different with guys, and women act differently with women ... and mix them all up in a room and the conversational tone changes immediately.

But also, and it may be said, that I much prefer smart nurses over dumb doctors like our doctor who recommended the fake vaccines because he, as he told us, 'did the research'. What he meant was he read the fake pharma and journal propaganda ... and knew nothing. Had he know something, he would have understood that Jab mRNA was really gene editing technology and therefore could not possibly be a vaccine, and therefore questionably ... moreover likely ... NOT safe and effective.

Okay! I am all over the charts here. It's because I am so, so excited about the Tucker Interview. It's got me orbiting earth. It is going to be a Moon Shot Interview. It's going to break the Internet in all time views ... Ripley and belief it or not!

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I have great respect for those in the medical field who had the courage not to give in to the pressure to get the shot. Good for you!

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Thank you! I lost a lot of friends in 2020 and more in 2021

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I hate that you lost so many friends but self respect and principles are priceless ❤️

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Great job fellow nurse… 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 as a stay at home mom that has watched this craziness/murderdom from the sidelines… I’m still just shaking my head at what has happened to our medical system… at this point I refuse to give this up… I continue to talk, reason, etc. with fellow nurses, family, church members, and anyone else that will listen…

I want to see justice for the victims!!!

I want to see treatment centers everywhere to treat the vax injured….

I want all of this to come pouring out like a lanced boil! You know THEY are going to try this again!

I want a true reckoning to our government and congress for what they have allowed to be done to us!

I lost another close friend last weekend… ANOTHER turbo cancer… I have tried so hard to warn others… it just makes me want to SCREAM!

I totally understand about people not listening, my nursing degree meant nothing when I tried to warn others. All I got was arguments and blank stares… just mind boggling… 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

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Does any one remember when they were giving the percentage of protection each vaccine maker's product would give you?

I remember a friend saying that she would now have 96% protection from her vaccines.

Question though: Did they have any protection at first with the strain that was prominent then? It seemed for a while no one was getting sick . 🤔

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Maybe you remember this video from 2021:


I'm surprised it's still there on YT. Hmmmm.

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Count the number of times Fauci blinks when he says, "Highly effective". Dead giveaway he's lying.

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🤞 Highly effective! Highly effective at what?

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Giving people life-altering illnesses and death.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 8

Lowering the number of people receiving benefits paid for, for decades, out of their earned income. Very effective at that.

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Ha, you can't click "like" anymore. And if you post on FB, you get the old "Missing context Independent fact-checkers say this information is missing context and could mislead people. You can choose whether to see it."


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What a horrible thing the creators of this video did to the magnificent "Hall of the Mountain King." NO composer's music - certainly not Grieg's - should have ever been subjected to association with the lies and devastation paraded, one by one, to the viewer.

But even I will have to admit...the music was almost made for that. It fits so perfectly. Poor Grieg.

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Well I hope Grieg has a sense of humor there where he is. It is pretty funny, I think.

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Thanks for the link. I just down loaded it. If YT takes it down I plan to keep re-posting it. I would suggest this for everybody. Don't let them hide the lunacy. Make it hurt.

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Yeah!! As my favorite Substack kitty says, meme them till they cry, then meme them crying.

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I just sent the video link to some now sheepish family members I know....

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Good luck with that. We’ve given up sending real information to the sheep. They never appreciate it and instead call us conspiracy theorists; doesn’t matter if our source is totally legit. :(

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Good one! Thanks!

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I downloaded it :)

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Absolutely brilliant compilation! I wonder why YouTube has not taken it down? They are the bastions of censorship.

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It looks like YT is heavily shadow-banning it. I also know that I saw it on another channel and it was then taken down. I don't know the answer to this question but my guess is, apart from Fauci speaking, the video is basically music and pictures (all the screenshots of news reports) so the bots don't catch it.

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Some may have seen this clip of Dr. David Martin speaking before the EU. He’s been one of the voices in the wilderness. Save & share. https://share.icloud.com/photos/0c9zMmfC23_NDljxEfWyPIttg

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Percentage kept going down and they clung to it anyway .

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These were the people that didn't know the difference between "relative" and "absolute." The same that would mock you if you did know the difference.

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It went down in Spring but also went down the next Spring by around the same amount, it was quite possibly a natural ebb that didn’t continue with each age-group rollout, there was never a time everyone took it at once. (Pre- massive “breakthrough infections,” looking at a longer period than just Spring, the shots seemed to provide a few months of protection except they lowered protection in the first few weeks after the first shot. Many got Covid, and, if very frail, died during this time.) After the breakthrough infections rose, they began to count the PCR test cutoff for positive differently for the unvaccinated, making them 20x more likely to test positive than the unvaccinated. Total shell game.

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Odd, innit? how Spring brings return of sun high enough above horizon to offer us Vit D.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

I think it probably was pretty good at staving off the early strains for a time, but at what cost? It may have bought a few months protection against something you'd have recovered from fine anyway while causing a myriad of other health problems, up to and including death.

It probably saved some lives, but cost more lives.

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I was too. I'm glad I've never much given AF what people think about me. I was sort of surprised during the pandemic at the revelation that most surgeons/doctors are liberal/progressive. They're supposed to be 'smart', right? I'm an engineer, but I've also been somewhat of a rebel most of my life. I just don't trust authority. If you're observant and have worked in a lot of places, you know most people do what they're told, even in the medical profession. Combine that with Ch 10 of "The Road to Serfdom", and a person with critical thinking skills would ignore most general health/medical advice. Remember that time, the bulk of what we were told to eat by our FDA food pyramid was cereal/bread/grains?

Unfortunately, we're not going to turn into critical thinkers and start fixing our society. People are aware there is a wide variety of 'society' in the US and will continue to migrate to the parts of of their state or to other states which match their version of what constitutes an ideal society.

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Haha ya I was always the one that wanted it to make sense. I will happily follow a rule if it makes sense. I will also never just take something because someone pressures me to do so. Even in healthcare when shots are pushed I’d rather not so I did the alternative every time. 🤣

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Agreed! I’m a writer also and research endlessly.

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My college degrees made me above all a lifelong researcher.

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"Yet, with no ‘degree’ in medicine, I was told I didn’t know what I was talking about."

And yet how many of those people turned around and said doctors like Kory and others who were using ivermectin and other ‘early treatment' drugs were full of 💩and called them crazy conspiracy theorists? Don’t you just love the hypocrisy?

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Great point, Robin! I'm sorry you were mocked. I was mocked as well. I well remember being told, "You're not a doctor, what do you know?" "Just listen to the experts!" Well, I was listening to the experts. The experts were being censored. And when their voices slipped through the censorship cracks and were actually heard, they were called "quacks."

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PhD's, MA;s, High School degrees or zero degrees - we do well to consider other's insights widely and deeply. No one person can know it all. But they must never replace one's own perceptions and integrity.

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Yeah. I have tried to keep the smug look off my face when the vaxxers are talking about their illnesses and I am fine. They should have listened to me but they "knew" better. I am behaving better to them than they have and would to me.

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Yeah, who would have thought VAIDS is actually a thing? I feel terrible for those who were fooled by their doctors, the media and the government, and who were coerced to take it or lose their job. It's harder for me to feel sorry for the Piers Morgans of the world.

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I don't feel sorry for Piers.

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I only feel sorry for the ones who were truly forced to take it.

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But Christy for every person “forced” to take it, there were others who had the courage to say “no”, even if it meant finding a new job or moving to a new state. My son & DIL could have easily found new jobs with their skill sets (had tons of money in savings) and chose the easy way out so they could get into restaurants and ball games. 🙄 My 34yo DIL who took 2 Moderna, is now sick with something every 6 mos. And has had covid at least 3 times. My son took 1 JJ and is, so far, okay health wise. Luckily they have no desire for children. As I’ve no doubt they would shoot them up with every shot recommended. So many caved because it’s easier to go along, to get along.

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Agree 💯

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Because we are not mockers and scoffers...

It's tempting to say I told you so.

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And the comments about how I guess were just getting to “that age” when someone dies. Um NO in what world is it normal for relatively young people to die suddenly. Last year I went to more funerals than any year in my 62 yrs of life. Infuriating- the willful blindness.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

Or died of "natural causes" for people under age 50. What would kill a young population "naturally"? There has to be a reason. No baffled BS. We have 4 clients pass away this year alone. That was the pre-vaxx yearly average. Not the monthly average. I am sick of it.

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Very infuriating 🤨

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There’s such a thing as “childhood dementia” now, and the powers that be will make it seem like it’s been around for ages, just like strokes and heart disease.

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Or when they comment about how so many friends have recently been widowed.😔

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Exactly what kind of smug, moronic sheep thinks doing your own research is somehow dangerous or inappropriate? We were brought up all of our lives to always get a 2nd or even 3rd opinion. When the COVID vax rolled out we were expected to have no opinion, shut up, and do as we’re told!

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My sister explained to me just last weekend that she read that people were terrible at doing their own research. That we should be willing to trust experts.

There is just too much misinformation out there and people are too stupid to be able to evaluate it properly.

She was obviously referring to my decision not to vax and to use ivm.

It’s mind boggling to me how she could be so slow to see what is blindingly obvious to me.

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Because Jean, anything that didn't come from the CDC or Fauci was "MISINFORMATION"🤣

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"I remember when the "antivaxxers" were absolutely mocked for "doing their own research."

Sounds like Ms. Gay at Harvard and the other President wack-a-dos fell into the trap of failing to "do their own research" which also turns out to not be "safe and effective."

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Gay isn`t smart enough to do research

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It was the people who claim that "2+2=4" is racist claiming in the same breath that they "believe science." Science that they could not articulate.

They embraced "Appeal to Authority" and if you disagreed, they played the "Ad Hominem" card. "You hate grandma!"

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Just another silver lining to the Covid scam: more people are becoming aware of rhetorical devices.

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The most underappreciated aspect of "doing ones own research". Many based their conclusions on information from folks who had nothing to gain except helping people. Those who evaluated and recommended repurposed drugs had zero financial incentive. None. Remember when they tried to accuse Trump of having a stake in Ivermectin sales? The absurdity of suggesting he made pennies on every sale, when stakeholders of the vaccine were making millions.

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“Trust the experts” = don’t think for yourself.

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ONLY a JACKASS believes a single word in any legal document isn't there other than to mislead, excuse, discourage, defray, obfuscate, convolute, distract, dodge, emasculate, and corrupt bargain the signee and signators out of standing and allow a system referee over a flawed agreement where one or both parties are morally duplicitous and ill-intentioned. No wonder we have the situation we do; system of Laws to uphold a system of Lies for a population of selfish Liars and cheats.

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I am saving this excellent comment!

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Led by lawyers.

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Well put!

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It appears that they are using Orwell's 11th Edition Newspeak Dictionary.

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“Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.”

― George Orwell, 1984

I have been wearing this Orwell 1984 T recently: t.co/EKkMWeTAPG

Sheeps don't get it!

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I used to have something similar. (I wore it until it literally fell apart.) I would get people coming up to me and saying with a big smile, “I graduated in ‘84!” I would just smile back and say, “Actually, I graduated in ‘83.” The confusion in their eyes was depressing. But it was balanced by those who would say, “Love the shirt!” with a wink and a nod. They gave me hope.

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My hubby gave me that T for Christmas. Love it!

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What do you mean? There has only ever been ONE edition of the Newspeak Dictionary!

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That may be true, but Winston was assigned the task of changing the meaning of words as the speech evolved, and I can’t quote but the act of doing that resulted in a new tome every few years.

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I think you missed the point. "Oceania has always been at war with EastAsia."

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When you change the ways you look at things....

The things you look at will change.

Joseph Campbell

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Interesting tidbit. My boss's young adult children have refused or stop taking prescription medications due to the side effects. She asked them why they stopped and they said they did their own research and found the nasty side effects. I told her she has smart kids. Makes you wonder if they read about the clot shot side effects. Which their mom had them get. 🤔

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That was intense... We shouldn't think? Who should then? Those who deem themselves as gods and better than others? Those are the fools. Yes they can control populations but not destiny.

Propaganda are spells.

‭‭‭‭‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭28:2‭-‬9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

[2] ....‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: “ ‘In the pride of your heart you say, “I am a god; I sit on the throne of a god in the heart of the seas.” But you are a mere mortal and not a god, though you think you are as wise as a god. [3] Are you wiser than Daniel? Is no secret hidden from you? [4] By your wisdom and understanding you have gained wealth for yourself and amassed gold and silver in your treasuries. [5] By your great skill in trading you have increased your wealth, and because of your wealth your heart has grown proud. [6] “ ‘Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: “ ‘Because you think you are wise, as wise as a god, [7] I am going to bring foreigners against you, the most ruthless of nations; they will draw their swords against your beauty and wisdom and pierce your shining splendor. [8] They will bring you down to the pit, and you will die a violent death in the heart of the seas. [9] Will you then say, “I am a god,” in the presence of those who kill you? You will be but a mortal, not a god, in the hands of those who slay you.

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That is very spiritually profound: ' Propaganda are spells'.

Yes they are like occultic spells as the people are mesmerized somehow into believing it all. And with it comes the illogical and hate filled emotionalism of a child..Indeed these are satanic things!

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

There are phenomena that register in our brains sometimes without our awareness.

Filth. Disease. Disgust. These all provoke Fear. There are other reactions that do the same. These ideas take root in one's brain, unbidden and unrecognized. Predictive programming.

This technique has been used before, many times, by conquerors and tyrants. A people group is accused of "spreading disease" and is genocided.

The use of these techniques to bend the will of the victim is called "lesser magick" by the occultists who use this practice.

Literal witchcraft.

Ephesians 5:11 (ESV)

"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them."

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

Knowing that it's propaganda has been encouraging but not useful so far. If the best a grand jury report can do is explain that we should all go home and be quiet about the scamdemic and the vax because the words were 'redefined', so that absolves anyone from responsibility, then I suppose we should be talking about the next round of mandates for climate change, or loneliness, or whatever. Or, stop being gaslighted by implications like 'the tide is turning' or especially 'we are winning'.

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As MAA has stated previously "Mistakes were not made."

The US Government via decades of Administrations have paved the way through laws and regulations to make the EUA of these poison injections on the populace, including use of propaganda, all legal.

Highly recommend also reading Sasha Latypova as she, along with Katherine Watt, have dissected the topic. One such article includes:


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Smith Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 helped solidify these opportunities to manipulate and control through propaganda. I continue to remain puzzled that people I used to value for their intellect fell so quickly for these schemes. However, I have never really been a crowd follower or needing to ‘belong’ to a club to feel valued.

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Thanks Obama!

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"Safe and effective" was not a lie. It was two lies.

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Yes like all the alphabet acronyms and distraction and obfuscation- all techniques helping these folks stay right at home in the dark but feeling “cared for”- a framework - the godless especially vulnerable.

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The godless are godless by choice.

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Yes kinda my point - without God man is fool

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Yes I’m not meaning to victimize then by saying vulnerable

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Understood, but nonetheless.... we reap what we sow.

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MAA - Yes! Wordplay and Gaslighting! They’ve proven the fact that if you tell a lie relentlessly, some people will believe it.

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Exactly. I remember a parent at a school board meeting saying it only takes fourteen repetitions for a child to believe it is true. Frighteningly, adults only require seven. I haven’t had time to track down the research she is referencing, but it rings true based on what we’ve witnessed the past four years.

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In some cases it seems to be that adults don’t even require seven times.

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"Repetition even made the adults in our study more likely to believe simple statements like “A wasp is the insect that makes honey.” This happened even though many preschoolers know that the real answer is bees!"


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Wow, fantastic work, Michael—thanks for the resource!

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Repetition is often used in marketing a product.

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People don't notice how a particular commercial might be played twice within a very short period of time. Repetition.

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So grateful for the voices of truth in this evil darkness we are living through!

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Excellent MAA!

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Ha! Ha! This is Right! Because not acting could lead to things like not acting on behalf of the War Machine … or not looking like a poor imitation of the Lone Ranger … or not doing bad things like shooting up with injected poisons. Who knows! Maybe valuable real estate might not burn up poof, like magic.

The word propaganda comes from an agricultural term which in Latin means ‘to propagate’, and with the sense that there are things which are good to propagate. However, one would have to know the difference between 'right' and 'wrong' in order to know what is the right thing to do or not do.

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Feb 7Liked by Jeff Childers

“To the neocons, the Middle East is a 22-year-old hot yoga instructor, and Ukraine is a middle-aged divorcee with a psychotic ex-husband, thirteen cats, and three drug-addled grown children who all live at home.” If I’d not already had my coffee, I would have spewed it.

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Feb 7Liked by Jeff Childers

Yep that one! And Satans post eviction press conference and the weekend at Bernie’s I had a hard time keeping coffee in my mouth! Jeff on a roll today!!

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Yes, the weekend at Bernie’s pic was awesome! 🤣

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Yes I laughed at all of those too!! 😂

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And we need these laughs!

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Yesterday, I was explaining the film ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ (in the context of Biden running again) to my dad, so the headline and meme were hilariously apt. And I agree, the hot yoga instructor vs divorcee is comedy gold.

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I can't get the image of Victoria Nuland "waddling" out of my head :)

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Nuland is the perfect image of the “model- aged divorcee”. Perhaps Biden should consider sending Taylor Swift (after she wins the Super Bowl) to broker a deal with Israel and Hamas.

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Middle East is too much to handle, the bar is so much lower with Ms. Ukraine....she was hot when she was 22 I'm sure.

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Ukraine is worse... more like Miss Havisham now from the Dickens novel.

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Or more like the trans version of Miss Havisham.

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She just aged really fast and somehow cannot do the yoga poses anymore.

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We need to fit in a Mrs. Kravitz neighbor, somehow!

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And Eddie Haskle!!!

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Sgt. Schultz

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I did. Had to read it to my bride.

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That was my favorite C&C line of the new year - thank you for your wit, Jeff Childers!!!

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Ukraine is more akin to the 38 year old divorcee who does crossfit.

I wonder what Jeff calls the people who started the war?

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Victoria Nuland

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Evan gershkovich.

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Evan would be a good trade.

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Then I said to you, ‘Do not be in dread, nor fear them. Yahweh your God, who goes before you, will Himself fight on your behalf, just as He did for you in Egypt before your eyes, and in the wilderness where you saw how Yahweh your God carried you, just as a man carries his son, in all the way which you have walked until you came to this place.’ But for all this, you did not believe Yahweh your God, who goes before you on your way, to spy out a place for you to encamp, in fire by night and cloud by day, to show you the way in which you should go.

— Deuteronomy 1:29-33

I will give you insight and teach you in the way which you should go;

I will counsel you with My eye upon you.

Do not be as the horse or as the mule which have no understanding,

Whose harness are bit and bridle to control them,

Otherwise they will not come near you.

Many are the sorrows of the wicked,

But he who trusts in Yahweh, lovingkindness shall surround him.

Be glad in Yahweh and rejoice, you righteous ones;

And shout for joy, all you who are upright in heart.

— Psalm 32:8-11


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Ah Janice, the promise that God fights for us is tremendously comforting.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

Yes very much so!!

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For our nation, the lesson of Deuteronomy 1 is incomplete without this ending:

...32 Yet, for all that, you did not believe the Lord your God, 33 who went in the way before you to search out a place for you to pitch your tents, to show you the way you should go, in the fire by night and in the cloud by day.

34 “And the Lord heard the sound of your words, and was angry, and took an oath, saying, 35 ‘Surely not one of these men of this evil generation shall see that good land of which I swore to give to your fathers, 36 except Caleb the son of Jephunneh; he shall see it, and to him and his children I am giving the land on which he walked, because he wholly followed the Lord.’ 37 The Lord was also angry with me (Moses) for your sakes, saying, ‘Even you shall not go in there. 38 Joshua the son of Nun, who stands before you, he shall go in there. Encourage him, for he shall cause Israel to inherit it.

39 ‘Moreover your little ones and your children, who you say will be victims, who today have no knowledge of good and evil, they shall go in there; to them I will give it, and they shall possess it. 40 But as for you, turn and take your journey into the wilderness by the Way of the Red Sea.’

41 “Then you answered and said to me, ‘We have sinned against the Lord; we will go up and fight, just as the Lord our God commanded us.’ And when everyone of you had girded on his weapons of war, you were ready to go up into the mountain.

42 “And the Lord said to me, ‘Tell them, “Do not go up nor fight, for I am not among you; lest you be defeated before your enemies.” ’ 43 So I spoke to you; yet you would not listen, but rebelled against the command of the Lord, and presumptuously went up into the mountain. 44 And the Amorites who dwelt in that mountain came out against you and chased you as bees do, and drove you back from Seir to Hormah. 45 Then you returned and wept before the Lord, but the Lord would not listen to your voice nor give ear to you...

Even in the midst of judgement, God promises to bless our children "who today have no knowledge of good and evil..."

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Yes, plus the rest of the Word that gets ridiculed or ignored . . . :(

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Im so excited for Tucker's interview, I can't wait to watch heads explode on the Left and the Right, its going to be so sweet, how on earth will the lying media frame this, or will they even air it. Hope all you C&C peeps have a great day!

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I wouldn’t be surprised if CNN and the other fake news will refuse to air Tucker’s interview ‘for the safety of their viewers’. Imagine when a news organization refuses to report THE NEWS because it’s for the public’s safety. That’s communism and should make any free-thinker bristle, but sadly the gullible who watch MSM feel ‘safe’ when told what to do. CRAZY!!

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They will not air it. Same as they refused to air Trumps speeches after winning Iowa and Maine Primaries. Someone should inform them that is called Censorship.

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If you have Twitter (X) Elon has said he would let everyone view it, zero censorship.

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Fake news will have nothing on it. Fakebook and its minions are actively censoring. The true freedom of speech sites will carry it.

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None of them sired Putin’s speech on why he was going into Ukraine and how it was legal under international law for him to do so. Plus the media stopped covering how Ukraine had been killing its own citizens because they didn’t want to be ruled by Nazis. Some did cover the Nazi problem after the 2014 coup saw them installed in the government, but after the war started they scrubbed their websites.

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I’m not getting too excited. Let’s not forget that Putin also poisoned his own countrymen with another deadly vax. He, like all world leaders, knew exactly what he was doing. It’s not about borders: it’s about money and keeping power snd control. The jury is still out on where Putin really stands, but I’m guessing more psyop nonsense.

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The first thing you need to understand is ALL heads of state are sociopaths. Some are worse than others.

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He was good buddies with Henry Kissinger. Basically this is a war between Soros (globalist/totalitarian) or Kissinger (multi-polar world/authoritarian). Both options suck and people need to say "hell no ".

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Yes he’s a player for sure in all of this. He was also a Weffie.

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That's what a lot of people don't understand.

Putin mandated the covid vaccine which killed a lot of Russian young men. He said it was safe and effective.

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All the world's (at least the advertised world) a stage.

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And every man an actor, playing his part.

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Didn’t they all mandate, including Ukraine? All countries did in lockstep and that’s what’s scary. Big Pharma spread its tentacles everywhere and influences every government and made them sign contracts. Horrible

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I think Ukraine did but I can’t confirm it. I do know Russia has one and enforced it aggressively.

Edward slavsquat’s substack covered it pretty extensively.

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https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-impose-mandatory-covid-19-shots-doctors-municipal-workers-2021-11-11/ For military as well. It’s very easy to find because all the governments did, almost every European country had very strict mandates. I think it was worse than here.

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Europe took Covid seriously. Way too seriously.

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Yuck. They shouldn’t have.

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Or, is that the narrative we are supposed to believe? Who knows?!?

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I feel that anything being advertised at this level has been “approved.” It IS the narrative.

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When Mr. Putin replied to the journalist's pointed question with 'we don't do that kind of thing here" it occurred to me that Henry II could have said the same about the death of Thomas a Becket. So helpful to have henchmen.

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Yes, you know it's a lie out the gate. Ridiculous. Which to me means he is very much invested in selling the fantasyland narrative.

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Putin is another evil leader but to shut out all his speech is wrong of the US. He should bring forth his case.

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Suspect that the interview content will have been carefully prescreened by Putin.

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Here's a question because I really don't know anything about it. Exactly what was the "vaxx" that the Russians used? Did they get it from DoD/Pfizer too or what?

Also, my understanding is the CCP didn't use a vaxx.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

Yes, they all did. China used Sinovac aka CoronaVac and Russia used Sputnik-V, both rolled out "on time" in late 2021. Neither was mRNA but still useless and poisonous, just like the other non-mRNA vaxxes like J&J and Astrazeneca which have also killed millions.

Boy these countries did AMAZING work all in tandem with Europe and the US, to get these developed and safety tested in just a few months! All different, yet all killers--what a coincidence, eh?

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Get the popcorn 🍿 ready! 😄😁😁 I plan to try an trigger as many normies as I can. 😅 Good times. 😉

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Funny (in the ignorance) comment on Twitter: It is against NATO for any one from its countries to interview someone from a communist country. I have to laugh at those Rip van Winkles who think Russia is still a communist country after more than 30 years!!! Were they sleeping in 1991??

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Did not Barbara Walters interview Cuba’s Fidel Castro to great fanfare? ‘Two tier’ has taken another twist.

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Yeah. Hopefully they were community fact checked or mocked mercilessly.

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I too am looking forward to it, however, the media will frame it all as misinformation and Tucker as a Russian agent and most of their readers will buy it.

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Oh probably but us people with actual functioning brains will know the truth. I hope Tucker's interview shuts the MSM down, it'll be like the "covid" scam all over again, who can lie the fastest and hide the truth first, LOL

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I think watching the fallout might be better than watching the interview. I need to buy more popcorn!

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Right, LOL

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Yes! Christiane Armonpur is soooo disingenuous. "Asking for years"? Still oblivious to the fact most the honest details would be left on the editing floor and that we would only get what "they"want us to hear. Evidenced by the fact she still works in mainstream media and has flushed her own hard earned career down the toilet.

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They’ll ignore it until they can’t. Ten million views? Twenty million? More?

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Probably, but its going to fun watching them all panic.

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Hannah - totally off-topic, but as a Canadian, what are your thoughts on two of the Coutts Four being released??

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Im extremely happy for them but sad they had to take a plea, this happened because Tru-dope lost his court case on the emergencies act and now's running scared. Im now waiting for the other two to get out and when all four are out, I hope they sue the ever-loving pants off the people who put them in prison in the first place. They spend 2 long years in "Remand" which is the worst place to be. Thanks for asking.

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I've been following the story since the beginning and compared their situation to the US J6 defendants. I cannot tell you how happy I am for them, but I know, too, that they will never be the same. I really hope for some sort of recompense and justice.

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I don't think those 4 guys are going to lay down and take what was done to them. Im happy to see they had interest in the US, and yes it was just like the J6ers, I think Tru-dope followed that to a tee.

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Back at you!!!

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What tough questions will he have for Putin?

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I will watch it but it's still a game for us that they perpetrate.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

You Tell on Yourself

You tell on yourself by the friends you seek,

By the very manner in which you speak;

By the way you employ your leisure time,

By the use you make of dollar and dime,

You tell what you are by the things you wear,

By the spirit in which your burdens you bear;

By the kind of things at which you laugh,

By the records you play on the phonograph,

You tell what you are by the way you walk,

By the things of which you delight to talk;

By the manner in which you bear defeat,

By so simple a thing as how you eat.

By the books you choose from the well-filled shelf,

In these ways, and more, you tell on yourself.


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Ahhh...from a time when respectability was a thing. Now we live in a world of narcissism and like Candace Owens has coined: a hooker culture. No wonder the Daily Mail hsd an article saying that STDs are out of control in the US and syphilis is on the rise.

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Very very nice. Thank you.

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Interesting how much our media and government has been lying to us about Russia and Ukraine.

How likely the events leading up to the Gaza war are also full of fake news and manufactured points of outrage? (Such as propagandist neocon-shill Ben Shapiro who spread a 'burned baby' photo that was actually AI generated). Can we ever trust western news sources again?

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Don't get me started on Shapiro, they guy only has one tool and that's to emotionally-manipulate people through guilt. Probably learned it from his mother as all stereotypes have a kernel of truth at their core.

Every aspect of what we were told about Ukraine has been exposed as a lie, and everything the "traitors" claimed has been shown to be true. The whole thing was a psy-op as we all remember how the media flipped on a dime from Covid to Ukraine. The fact that guys like Shapiro told us we were obliged to support Ukraine (via one of his signature guilt trips) shows he's either part of the scam or a a gullible fool skilled at manipulating people.

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I’ve noticed that the nauseating ads to help feed poor starving Jewish people have ramped up. Because Jewish people aren’t wealthy enough to feed their own. Manipulation by guilt indeed.

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They certainly aren't the only religious group to use this tactic as I know from personal experience (1960/70's Catholic school nuns). But it certainly does seem to be an inherent part of their cultural ethos.

What I don't get is why non-Jews fall for it. If Jews want to make each other feel guilty then they can knock each other out. As a Christian, I really couldn't care less what Ben Shapiro thinks about my beliefs and opinions.

He has an agenda and uses guilt to manipulate others to go along with it. That says far more about his lack of ethics and willingness to use other people to his advantage than what it says about those who disagree with him.

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I don't listen to Ben Shapiro - he talks too fast and I can't keep up. However, there is a tradition in the US that we support Israel, and it's based upon the supposed "Judeo Christian" ethic, which I'm beginning to question. In theory, Christians and "practicing" Jews may share a common ethic, with strong emphasis on "practicing". Since the October 7 attacks, countless Christians across America are following the prescribed "We stand with Israel" motto of many Fundamental churches. I believe they are subject to a misunderstanding of scripture when it speaks of the Jewish people as "God's chosen people". Yes! Yes, they were chosen for a distinct purpose - and that purpose was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Fulfilled - completed - ended, as in New Covenant. Reading 1 Peter tells me that Christians are now God's chosen people.

It's complicated, but I believe that's why so many non-Jews fall for it.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

You are exactly right IMO. I fell for it for along time and never thought about it critically. Having two draft age teenage boys and a dementia patient as president made me take a much deeper look at things I long took for granted in this regard.

"Judeo-Christian" ethic is a made-up term that seems to have originated around the Eisenhower years, the implication being that we are one big nebulous religious blob. In truth, the two could not be further apart. After the fall of Jerusalem Christianity went it's way and Judaism spiraled into the absurdly-meticulous legalism of the Pharisees (which Christ Himself condemned in the Gospels over and over). That resulted in the Talmud which is completely at odds with Christianity. What ever commonality we may share from the Torah, is completely obliterated by the (quite literally shocking) contents of the Talmud.

So now we have Christian churches flying flags of the modern Israeli state (outright idolatry), and cherry-picked passages from the Bible (e.g. "bless Israel" and "seed of Abraham") being preached in Christian churches meaning that we must support Netanyahu and his ilk. Add to that a helpful dose of Jewish-fed guilt aimed at Christians over the Holocaust (which 99.99999% of us had nothing to do with) and it's really not to much of a surprise people fall for this actually. They have never really questioned what they've been force fed.

So the real question is how much of this happened by chance vs. being orchestrated by bad-faith actors whose main allegiance is to Israel. After having long resisted it, I've gradually come to the conclusion it's the latter.

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Exactly right Freebird and Jeff. The millennial theology that long ago infected the American church has perverted the Word and now the "Judeo-Christian ethic" has blinded the entire church. Daverkb where are you when I need you? As Jesus made it clear there is no relationship between the Word of God and that false construct.

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The apostle Paul made it crystal clear that God is not finished with the Jewish nation. The nation’s existence today is proof of His continued involvement.

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Please provide a scripture text to support your statement that God isn’t finished with the Jewish nation.

Here is one to support my view that inheritance of the promise now falls to believers in Christ…

”They are Israelites, and to them belong the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promises. To them belong the patriarchs, and from their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ, who is God over all, blessed forever. Amen. But it is not as though the word of God has failed.

“For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel, and not all are children of Abraham because they are his offspring”, but “Through Isaac shall your offspring be named.” This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring.“

‭‭Romans‬ ‭9‬:‭4‬-‭8‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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Correction -- *WAS* not finished at the time Paul wrote. Which was prior to AD70.

The time of patience is over; judgement came on those who refused their Messiah, and the way of the Old Covenant is no longer open.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

At the end of Luke 20, Jesus, talking to His disciples, said, "Beware of the scribes... These will receive greater condemnation." Then speaking of the Temple in 21:6, He said, "These things which you see—the days will come in which not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down." 7 So they asked Him, saying, “Teacher, but when will these things be? And what sign will there be when these things are about to take place?”

In verse 20 - 22, He says, “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her. For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled..."

After His resurrection, Jesus reiterates in Luke 24:44, “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.” He then continues 46, “Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, 47 and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, BEGINNING at Jerusalem..."

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He guilted his followers into taking the crap shots, too, calling them "dopes."

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Shapiro is an Israeli-controlled Zionist. His positions are those that serve Israel’s blood-thirsty government. To truly comprehend the depth of his depravity, just look at the barbarism being inflicted on Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

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What has been exposed as a lie?

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Can we ever trust western news sources again?

Simple answer, NO.

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The only thing I use Establishment Media for is to understand what lies they are now spinning. Similar to George Costanza on a "Seinfeld" episode: whatever the Establishment Media is pushing or promoting, go in the opposite direction and you'll save yourself a lot of trouble.

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At least not the traditional legacy sources. And for the others, “trust but verify.”

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We can neither trust the MSM nor our own government.

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Two sides of the same coin.

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I don't read it. I just pray for the innocents - the children or any population that is stuck in the evil quagmire. 🙏

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so why do the fake image? Once it's in your head it never leaves, and once it gets pointed out as a fake it diminishes all the real terrorist brutality that did occur that day.

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Because what actually happened was no where near the level of brutality and inhumanity Israel was planning to inflict on innocent, unarmed civilians?

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so the working conspiracy theory is: that it was an Israeli operation to fake-brutalize civilians or actors and blame Hamas so that Gaza could be razed and non-Israelis truly brutalized and driven out. The dead Jews weren't real, the hostages or actors were convinced their captors and rapists were truly Hamas, Hamas and their foreign supporters were and still are convinced that they actually were the ones planning the attack. At that point with Hamas so very heavily controlled and infiltrated by Israel what not take out the top 30+% of them and heroically free the fake hostages and then finish the job?

Or was it that Israeli Deep State incited, monitored, contained yet enabled the very real and very brutal Hamas plot as an opportunity to carry out their Gaza Operation, embellishing the burned beheaded babies to amp up retaliatory emotion and will? A Joint Israeli-Hamas operation of the highest and most evil order where both sides gladly sacrifice their own innocent to further the Globalist Occult Plans?

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The globalists would easily sacrifice 2,000 of the Israel population to evict/genocide Gaza people, so they can develop that nice Mediterranean sea front and harvest billions in natural gas off shore.

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ample examples of precedent have been set for thousands of years everywhere on the "globe", map. Ultra-Eminent Domain so to speak, for the greater good of the hierarchical leaders of humanity, weaponizers of technology, and master-stewards of Nature

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I see it more as your option 2 than your option 1…even though I have a healthy skepticism of government agencies and media, I am perhaps too naive to want to believe your first option. That said we do live in a clown world, so who knows! I just keep praying for the truth to be revealed!!!!

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Israel's 9-11; infiltrate, assist, initiate, contain, control, willing patsies take the blame and get snuffed afterward; a windfall for Deepstate with furtherance of agenda and setting table for the next several operations that are in the planning stages; also some nice memorials for a few generations to commemorate the whitewashed official narrative after the "investigation" of how and why, with a useful dose of increased patriotism and national loyalty with grief assuaged by funding fighting evil.

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The imagery is part of the spiritual warfare element that sadly many are completely unaware exists. It affects your soul, prompting an emotional response - Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things

and beyond cure. Who can understand it?

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We should never have trusted MSM. The very reason it was created, was to deceive and manipulate...

I get it now. Not that I get it all but enough.

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Didn’t trust them from the start!

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FYI Michael knowles from the daily wire is excellent and the only podcast I listen to regularly. He is 100% aligned with c&c values.

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Try All of it. It's like the financial lords of the universe. We are supposed to believe they have been busted and fined multiple times for years of various criminal activities, price rigging, collusion , insider trading, but all of the activities they were not busted on are all on the up and up? The Gaza Israeli conflict MSM /Government reporting is as honest as the Russia Ukraine reporting. Anyone who cannot see this is very naive indeed. I posted yesterday on Israel Channel 13 disproving multiple Israeli claims of Palestinian atrocities. Not one single comment did I get. Sacred cows die very hard indeed. It isn't just the branch covidians who are in denial.

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No. Not ever. Haven’t been for 50 years.

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No we can’t. Not when it’s owned by four or five billionaires. It only puts out their propaganda.

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30K Palestinians dead, majority are women and children. Probably another 30,000 underneath all the rubble.

But let’s not call it genocide. And definitely let’s not call it a Holocaust.

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I can't think of a corporate western news source I would trust, especially not on foreign policy or war. But, it's accurate to call them legacy media - They are dying. Several articles came out in the past week or two detailing how much money they are losing, LA Times job losses, etc. There are individuals with integrity though, who wouldn't intentionally lie to us. They still believe in the honor of their profession, journalism, the job of keeping the public informed on important topics. So, there is an ongoing transformation of 'western media' into something that will be good. Regarding the Gaza War, the sociopathic, psychotic Likud party members are open and honest about what their goals are. They state it openly on camera with no shame. They want the Palestinians in Gaza gone, all 2 million of them, and they will bribe or blackmail any government official in the US to get what they want. They might say they just want to get rid of Hamas, but that isn't the whole truth. Their bigger problem is the lack of allies willing to go to war (again) in the middle east to guarantee their security.

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"lying" like saying Russia is winning the war?

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Adviivka is being evacuated now.

It's over man.

NATO takes another L.

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What happened to the Russian navy? Lost another missile corvette to Ukrainian drones.

Of course Jeff didn’t mention that 🤣

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Russia claims only avdiivka and nothing else?

Did avdiivka determine the fate of the entire war?

Enquiring minds want to know.

It was over when Russia took Kyiv, right?

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Feb 7Liked by Jeff Childers

I really bugs me that the Tucker clip headlines states that he “defends” his interview with Putin. Why should he defend it? Honestly, I don’t see this as a defense, more an explanation or discussion.

“We are here because we love the United States”

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As usual, Tucker had me at "Hello. Tucker Carlson here." I thought he provided an eloquent and moving explanation. Also appreciated, "and you are not a slave." Amen.

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Feb 7Liked by Jeff Childers

Is there another Substack that gets the reader engagement that C&C has? If so, I haven’t seen it. Seriously, I have learned so much from all of the wonderful, thoughtful comments. Thanks to all!

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I'm beginning to think, Jeff may have the longest list of comments on his Substack, comparatively to other Substacks

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Yes, we need more hours in the day.

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Same here. And Happy good morning! 🌞☕️🐣

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Feb 7Liked by Jeff Childers

You're on fire this morning, Mr. Childers. Unlike Jane Fonda who manned an NVA anti-aircraft battery for a photo op just down the road from the 'Hanoi Hilton' where John McCain among others were imprisoned, I believe Tucker Carlson when he says that he is going in as a journalist (remember when we had them?) looking for truth. That said, watching the D.C. 'Establishment' losing its collective mind over the interview of Putin, I genuinely fear for Tucker's safety.

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Tucker is more at risk when he returns. He just may be whisked off to a locale shared by the J6 "insurrectionists". For his own safety, y'know.

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May our Lord God put a veil of protection around His servant Tucker and his family, protecting him from all evil, danger and attacks of the evil one, AMEN. 🙏

Please pray for him.

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I hope he asks how Putin is going to rig Trumps's win in November, he's 1-1 right now and we need a win to break the deadlock tie. Throw a few Rachel MadCow inspired questions in Tucker, C'mon man! Ask about Clinton Dossiers, Bush-Cheney Neo-Coning, Obama's pliability, Russians and Epstein, ask about dissidents, remote assassinations, pipelines, Iran, Assad, perma-frost turning into perma-goo due to Climate Change, Joe Big Guy's LIST of demands of untouchable industries not to be touched by Russian Hackers, Russian CoVid and mandated Vaxxing, the History of Tsarist, Soviet, and Russian interference and influence in US Elections and media....Go For it Tuck!

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Maybe Putin is just lonely and Tucker is aiding in this crisis by providing companionship and a shoulder to lean on and a platform to share his feelings.

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Your "Waking Up" series was pretty profound.

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Thank you!

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How hard would it be for an American agent to get close enough to obliterate him, and give the deep state an excuse to hate Russia even more than the 75 years of training we’ve had.

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Ugh I sure hope not 😕

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Tucker will get the red carpet treatment in moscow because he's not a journalist.

Evan got thrown into a Russian prison because he is a journalist.

They aren't the same.

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I swear that there is something in the air or water in CA. These people are bonkers. Nuts! Only a lonely person can define their own loneliness. I am "lonely" and I love it. It absolutely is relative. I've chosen to live my life alone, never have children, not date, and am completely content with my life in that regard. I have a lot going wrong in my life and am depressed sometimes as a result of all the b.s. (like the rest of us) but being alone ain't one of my problems. I'm just content alone, and as they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. :)

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Feb 7Liked by Jeff Childers

I thought I was lonely. Turns out it was a hole in my soul that needed to be filled with God.

It feels weird to say that as I'm not one to proselytize or sing praises at every opportunity. But it feels true.

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God designed us that way.

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Agreed. And see, the thing is, I thought I was doing what I could to be in that state, but it turns out I was way off.

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We were made to live in community.

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Oh, that wasn't it. I interact with various groups and my Church.

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Yes, no man is an island.

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We all have a G-d-shaped hole in our hearts.

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The “problem” in CA ( and I lived there for 40 years!” Is most of the people have GOV (government)filling the hole in their soul, not GOD. I escaped in Aug 2020; have not looked back once.

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Yes. People fill that hole with a lot of different things. Government, activism, sports, drugs, alcohol, etc...

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Amen. Agree 💯

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Awesome Anthony 💝

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Speaking as a native Californian, I can vouch that only the coastal big-cities are where the fruits and nuts are located. The interior of the state are solid red, conservative folks. Sadly, the big cities have the largest voting block and the entire state is screwed. The bay area is the absolute worst!

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Yes. The vast majority of the fruits and nuts are not from California. They have destroyed a beautiful state and will never understand how to steward it. To them, earthquakes, big waves, receding beaches, water shortages, droughts, floods, Santa Ana winds, fires, hot and cold weather, and even haze are dangerous, caused by "Climate Change," and things that must be "managed and fixed" through coercion and control, even though they will continue as they always have. In reality, it is California in all of its beauty! A fifth generation Californian, I left in the mid 1980s. While I have always had hope at the beginning of every visit back, I am always looking forward to leaving after several days.

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I for one an VERY HAPPY to know that at least in CA no one will be left in solitary confinement ever again for refusing a gov mandate.

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That would be a good thing! CA made their own problem, along with the rest of the world... isolated people, drove people apart with the "virus" nonsense, destroyed friendships, etc. Throw in dividing people on race, sexual orientation, and approval or disgust of mutilating children, and now they wonder why people are lonely. Go figure.

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They always do this. They help create or exacerbate a problem, then wail and cry about the consequences as if they’d had no part in it. Like the children who are behind in school because of masks and lockdowns 😡

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More $$$ more education, more control, more $$$$, more resources, more attention, less stigma, did i mention more money?

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Nailed it.

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or going to a rally/protest and then getting entrapped by FBI hired thugs as being an insurrectionist or wanting to be.

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Oh they’d just justify it somehow 😕 Remember the “children are resilient” line 😒

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I spend a lot of time alone, but I am never lonely. I am content. There is always something new to learn and knowledge to be gained. I am surrounded by books, especially The Good Book.

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San Mateo is a very very wealthy county. If they are lonely, it is because they have the means financially to a) isolate themselves from the day-to-day interactions us working schmoes experience and b) have the time to navel gaze about it and c) "buy" solutions that don't actually fix their problem.

Anyone else notice the uptick in "mental health" concerns?

Sure, they are legit (it would suck to be a kid today without strong parents), were rampant before the pandemic and worse after, BUT I view every news item about them now as the "problem" in "problem, reaction, solution."

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San Mateo county is home to the Facebook HQ, in Menlo Park, so that explains a lot, but Jeff is giving them too much credit for creativity, which they have none of, as Britain declared loneliness to be a public health emergency and appointed a Minister of Loneliness, so they are just copying Britain. https://time.com/5248016/tracey-crouch-uk-loneliness-minister/

Still, I think actually conceiving of the idea that relationships matter is a huge step for the narcissists, who live to plug in to the cognitive infrastructure so the "experts" can do their thinking for them while they take selfies and try to be famous on social media and have zero interiority, so I'd say Portland still gets the Darwin Award. However, as you allude to, there are a lot of SuperFund sites in Silicon Valley.

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I think a lot of loneliness is not exercising enough. They also need a hobby or goal to something creative or constructive. Maybe seeing how many books they can read a month, helping out at the food bank or animal shelter.

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A 104 yr old MIL of a friend was asked what her secret was to living so long and so well. She replied, "Have a reason to get out of bed every day. Not just to go to the bathroom or the refrigerator. A real, compelling reason." I like that.

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These will be mandated activities, soon enough.

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Bingo. Join or make a community!!

And you barely spot-on about exercise.

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The problem with politicians these days, to suggest God as the fix to your loneliness would NEVER be suggested, as they want to jail anybody who even believes in God. Look what they did to those poor Catholic people in the Carolinas. (FBI raiding their home, etc.)

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Well, of course, suggesting to find God would make the public less controllable.

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You do have friends and family???

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I have acquaintances, I no longer have friends. Many had moved on in life - we just took different paths. I lost the rest of my friends during the scamdemic because they bought the narrative and I did not, thus the friendship ended. Some friends have died. I have not tried to make new friends as I go nowhere.

My family did similar: I lost most relationships during the scamdemic. I've lost others to death. I only have one really close relationship with a family member and I think they are getting ready to die.

I am a very solitary person. I always have been. Even when I was a kid, I wanted to be left alone and didn't want to play with anyone else. Nothing has changed, but I am happy this way.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

I can’t imagine living this way and being happy, personally. I think, though, that overall there is too much of a tendency to want to make everyone be the same. It’s possible for different people to be content with different choices in life. We are not all the same and it would be nice if everyone could accept that and let people live their lives. Just because I wouldn’t choose it doesn’t mean it’s wrong for someone else! You’re not harming anyone and it shouldn’t matter to anyone else how you choose to live! I’m glad you’ve found your happiness ❤️

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Thank you, me too :) I often joke at work that while everything my life might be upside down and crappy, coming home alone and being in peace makes the day ok again :) ❤️

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Love that!!

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Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith,

Than a house full of feasting with strife.

Proverbs 17:1

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Feb 7Liked by Jeff Childers

They also changed the definition of “vaccine” & “case”, PCR testing ramped up to 40 when it’s only reliable @ about 20 or so, they threw out every “pandemic” mitigation factor of 100 years for masks, distancing, lockdowns, antibacterial-everything & mandatory jabs for every person in the world, they claimed natural immunity was inferior, & “my body my choice” remained applicable only for murdering the unborn.

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I'll bet not a single branch covidian knows about the multiplications numbers run on the PCR tests, what they mean, what they do. The labs will not even tell the doctors what numbers they use, let alone the victim

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The "2+2=4 is racist" crowd will not possibly be able to deal with exponents.

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As far as I know, they’re still using the damn things (PCR) except now that the scam has run its course & lame st media is no longer shrilly running the phony “death” numbers, they’ve dialed PCR back to normal levels

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Good morning. Humble yourselves, then Pray for one another and that God will raise up humbled believers to serve in high and low places.

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Feb 7Liked by Jeff Childers

Great thoughts everyone! Sometimes I’m amazed that I have access to this kind of content and knowledge above so many of my friends and neighbors. I’m a middle aged mom of 3 in small, rural Midwest. I’m a healthcare provider that is actually extremely healthy! (Almost a unicorn around here). So many of my dear MD friends have lost their way. I’m blessed to be awake and have people like you helping me understand what the F is going on. The validation of my instincts through c19 has been very empowering and I have people like you all to thank or I would also be suffering from a health emergency like loneliness!!!! Have a wonderful day!

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Would you ever go to a Maverick USGRA conference or the Difficult Airway Conference? Let’s meet up, likeminded CRNA

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Good idea!

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You are a beautiful uniform!!! Well done sweet mama!!

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A map of vaccine exemptions shows states like TX, OH, MN and PA allow religious and personal belief exemptions.

Yet FL does NOT permit personal belief exemptions. What's the hold up, Florida?


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Exemptions valdidate mandates.

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Didn't Florida ban mandates? Banning mandates is better then having mandates and a religious exemption.

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Fl DID, but for COVID ONLY. DeSantis got a state legislator to change the wording in the bill and reserve FUTURE mandates for other plandemics. Yeah, nothing fishy or corrupt THERE!

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exemption is a temporary reprieve from an unjust Dictatorial edict that's forced on everyone else and one should be grateful and relieved? Horseshit on the devisers of hoops for us trained dogs to jump through for a treat or not being lashed

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Absolutely agree, but in the meantime, I'm not gonna let my grandkiddos be treated as voodoo dolls. So there's that! If covid showed us anything, it's that we need reform in every system....legal, medical, governmental, education, etc

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I agree, Gingerbread. “My body my choice” & the Nuremberg right to human dignity & INFORMED consent should have been the only criteria, not manufactured “religious” or “medical” “exemptions”

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Exemptions also demand that you share your PRIVATE medical history.

NEVER do that!!!

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I've not seen that in FL when filling out religious exemptions for school? Is this in other states?

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In PA—at least during COVID. Not sure about now.

Just learned of this in PA, on a side note. I wish there were folks fighting against electronic medical records!


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Florida has no mandates. The point is moot.

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Maybe not for covid, but also not for other jabs?

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A long time ago C&C reported vax exemption forms in Florida that don’t have any exemption criteria. Meaning. A single box to say I am exempt and a signature.

Your data is off

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That twitter thread is still useful, as it shows the thinking behind the leaders in those states.

Hopefully Florida (and all the states) will do better for Scamdemic 2.0.

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Leaders in Maryland wage war on exemptions every legislative session.

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And your penis is small. Or something.

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My son works in Florida at the largest nonprofit hospital system, and he received a vaxx exemption for religious and personal beliefs. No questions asked. And he is concierge/front line security-the first person guests, patients, staff and physicians see outside at the main entrance of a 1,000 bed hospital. Hundreds of people pass by him a day. He walks an average of 18,000 steps in an 8 hour shift! So-o-o-o.

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Not a lawyer, but from what I've read SCOTUS deems any "sincerely held belief" to be equivalent to a religion, so if somebody was denied a FL exemption because their belief "isn't religious in nature", they could probably sue and win (eventually).

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Jeff, there are days, when you make my day, leaving me laughing out loud.

Once again thank you for this fantastic substack! So appreciated!

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Jeff was ON FIRE with the snark today, and that’s my favorite way to start the day.

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🙌 same

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we tune in for the Jeff humor otherwise why would we want to participate?

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