There are six things which the Lord hates,

Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him:

Haughty eyes, a lying tongue,

And hands that shed innocent blood,

A heart that devises wicked plans,

Feet that run rapidly to evil,

A false witness who utters lies,

And one who spreads strife among brothers.

— Proverbs 6:16-19 NASB1995

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There's going to be a reckoning with the Lord.

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Yes, there is. These people are so evil it’s beyond my abilities, sometimes to comprehend just how evil people are. Those without God are depraved , that sin nature has contaminated the whole human race. But by Gods grace, thru Jesus, I’m saved. Set free.

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I've always been a reader of history, so I was aware of the horrendous things humans have done over and over throughout the ages. But it's different when you read it in a book. Seeing it in real time with my own eyes has been something different. Shocking, depressing, almost unbelievable yet we all see it. Could Sodom and Gomorrah have been worse than now? It's hard to believe that it was. Now seems worse, far worse.

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I'm so glad I can't comprehend the depth of their depravity. Mine is bad enough.

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I am more surprised by people who are kind and say they believe in God (some go to church with me) but can not see the evil around them. It makes me wonder if they really do believe in God or do they just say they do.

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I know what you mean. I think there are some people though that just can’t deal with the evil and the reality. I have people in my life like that who love Jesus though and they just can’t deal with it. But I am a mom and a grandmother And my heart is on them not myself. This is no time for cowards and to be honest I get really annoyed no I get pissed off at apathy in the church and I think God does too. It’s rampid, but in the end times the Bible says the church will be lukewarm, and Jesus will spit them out. I think it means it’s filled with unsaved people.

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I don't know about the Lord but I dislike all of those items you mention. People who cheat and lie are on the top of my list but they're all there!

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It comforts me a lot to know that God hates all these things, that there is a standard we can live by, and that judgment is coming!

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Yes...I absolutely agree‼️

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Yep. This passage is applicable to every day’s news for sure!

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I think you actually do know the Lord. That’s why you don’t like those things. The further you get from him, the easier those things are to accept. All you have to do is to tell him to come into your heart. That’s it.

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There’s no asking him into your heart. He never once said to anyone, ask me into your heart. He said sin no more, and follow me.

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You have to receive him. There are none of us that are sinless.

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Thanks Mom but I don't believe in the same "Lord" those who read my entry do. I left christianity 40 yrs ago for more truthful and insightful paths that have taught me more than anything in christianity could come close to. I'm a believer that ALL organized religions of any culture are good places to start an understanding of the Supreme Deity but bad places to die in. No regrets either.

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Same here!!!

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Lying mentioned twice. More than the shedding of innocent blood even. He knows the heart of fallen man.

This is a good proverb to look at when you start your day. Know what the tendency of man is so guarding yourself from doing them is at the front of your mind. It is part of the armor we as Christians put on every day! This part being the sword of the spirit - which is the word of God. Thank you Janice!

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Great point! I don't think I even noticed that before. That makes me want to go look up the Hebrew words.

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"Lying" and "false" are translated from the same Hebrew word.

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I think this proverb is an excellent one to ponder. How many ways do my feet run toward evil? How is it that I might create strife among people? Is that less abominable to our Lord than killing innocents? Sometimes I take a good hard gulp in self recognition when the Holy Spirit gives me a good jab in the conscience about my dabbling with abominables.

An ex: I have a situation with someone who is Christian. I want to discuss it with someone in our group of Christians, but will not even though I really want to (ahem - BLAH). I had to examine what my motivations were because I think it was not really to sort out the problem, but actually might have served to create strife. It grieves me that I probably wanted that. I think it is good that I grieve it. Before, I probably would have stirred the pot with my biggest spoon. Glad the HS helped me keep my trap shut.

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'''and all liars" is the last "damned souls" to be cast into the lake of fire in the book Revelations.

Revelation 21:8

“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

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Kind of says it all.

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Well...we certainly have "all of those" prolifically now...and I hate all of them too!

Thank you, as always, for sharing Scripture at the top of every C & C newsletter, Janice. Manifest blessings to you and yours.

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Not always at the top. Sometimes I’m sleeping. 😊😴

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Mar 29, 2023
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You worked for Joe Biden??? 😬

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Here's some sample comments from donors to Dr. Littell. There's over 6,100 donations. It's still up you want to drop an amount ending with 2. https://www.givesendgo.com/Dr_Littell (Total is over $230K)...

USD $ 1002.00 Anonymous Donor

You saved my son’s life. Thank you.

USD $ 1002.00 Anonymous Donor

Proud High Springs FL Charter members of the Coffee and Covid Army (*not a real army). So. Dr. Littell, met you at the equestrian center conference and The Villages. Thank you for being a truth teller.

USD $ 1002.00 Anonymous Donor

Godspeed, from one physician to another.

USD $ 522.00 Anonymous Donor

Keep up the good fight. You have the power of God and the C & C Army and behind you. We’ve got your back!

USD $ 22.00 Coffee and Covid Army

We need more doctors like you and attorneys like Jeff. Thank you for fighting for our medical freedom. Praying for victory!

USD $ 22.00 Coffee and Covid Army

Thank you for your service to our country. Thank you for literally SAVING lives by using Ivermectin - EARLY TREATMENT is and has always been key. 90%? of people did not have to die!

USD $ 22.00 Anonymous Donor

You (and all front line doctors) put your careers on the line for us, we can do this for you! BTW…I used the FLCCC protocol of Ivermectin+ for Delta … it worked and I give it credit for keeping me out of the hospital. These medical Boards have become politically weaponized—they need to be investigated!

USD $ 22.00 Anonymous Donor

Thank you for standing up for what is right! I appreciate you! Ivermectin worked for me, my husband, my brother, and mother. My co-worker couldn’t get it in the hospital and died. I will be praying for you!❤️

USD $ 52.00 Anonymous Donor

We are “Coffee & Covid” readers. Keep up the fight. We will be praying for you and your team.

USD $ 22.00 Anonymous Donor

We need MORE fearless physicians like you—not fewer! Shame on the establishment. GO GET ‘EM, Doc!

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Amazing. I made a small donation as many other did. Look at the impact of so many people giving a little. There is a life lesson there; maybe a survival lesson.

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I truly think Jeff’s multiplier idea is genius!!!

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I believe Trump had the same effect in donations. Many any small donations from regular folks got him much in campaign donations.

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Indeed! It’s great to watch

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Yes, imagine if huge numbers of people refused to comply in whatever manner they felt most aligned with their personality and capability. An army would emerge.

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Takes a village.

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I’m proud to be part of this community and the multipliers

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I'll add what my comment was:

"You were one of the first voices, to which I clung, offering hope instead of fear. Godspeed!"

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These are awesome, thank you for this update BFM!

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I like how one comment said C&C army (not a real army). I think we are!

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An information age army.

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I liked that too BFM! Cool to see and others to hear about!

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Mar 29, 2023
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Oh, I'm sure the C I A is here, watching closely. As are the rest of the malevolent agencies.

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What's that Stand for again? [Blanks] in action?

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Wow! So awesome. And a blessing too. ❤

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Have you all read/heard Margaret Anna Alice's poem (read by Tess Laurie) called, "Mistakes Were NOT Made"...It's incredible. In it she calls them " fact chockers". Her inspiration was a conversation she had with Mike Yeadon. Both were disgusted with talk of amnesty, mistakes, med professionals being baffled, etc. The point is, it was all planned and demonically executed. NOT a MISTAKE.

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Heartbreakingly beautiful to hear Tess read Margaret Anna Alice’s brilliant piece.

The longer version


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Wonderful anthem. It will have its place in history

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Yes, yes and yes. The perfect pin the tail on the donkey. Please all ... please, please, please continue to circulate on 'social media'.

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That is amazing! I loved the poem but this video using clips which harken back to all those shocking and traumatic moments is just so effective. Brilliant!

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“Reuters-Fact-Checkers” commenting on ANYTHING to do with VACCINES are euphemism’s for “you caught us, now we’ll bald-faced-lie our way out of it” as evidenced by Reuter’s CEO being on the board of directors at Pfizer (you can’t make this stuff up)…! https://www.pfizer.com/people/leadership/board_of_directors/james_smith

“Fact-Checker” Snopes’ CEO David Mikkelson was caught plagiarizing — sadly, too many dystopian-sheep believe their crap…!


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I'm surprised that snopes is telling the truth about those people.

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Sorry, fact chokers!!

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That’s even better and much more accurate than checkers actually 😆😁

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Oh no, choCkers was/is the tried & true way to go, a much welcome crossover between check & choke! 😁


PS 'Stack comments lend 'emselves to editing: look for a portal behind the 3-dotted ellipsis (in line with like & reply counts) 🙂

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That’s not the case for the app. If using the app there’s no way to edit. They need to update that feature.

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We’re setting up a substack/C&C group in PDX. Coffee on Saturday mornings to start. Let us know if you’re interested. Thx

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I'm interested! When/where?

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Me (& my dog) and one other so far. Saturday at 9am for coffee at I-5 Rosa Parks exit New Seasons. They have coffee and tables in the back for breakfast foods, etc. We wanted somewhere easy access, free parking and casual. Let me know if you’re interested.


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Good ol' big screens are here to stay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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*The ellipses are there- but the option to edit doesn’t show up on some devices 🫤

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😲 So what happens when you tap/click?

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Brilliant and beautiful. Thank you for the nudge to finally watch it. How do we make sure they "don't get away with it?"

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Well, we certainly can't rely on the "official" methods as they're all captured. Jim Jordan is Trey Gowdy.

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Yeah. The criminals all get a stern talking to. Must be so embarrassing 🤨

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Absolutely incredible 🙌

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Blue Cross Blue Shield paid pediatricians a $40,000 bonus for fully vaccinating 100 patients under the age of 2.

BUT here’s the catch, pediatricians lose the whole bonus unless at least 63% of patients are fully vaccinated, and that includes the flu vaccine.


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Yup, a local chiropractor recently spoke about these incentives on her radio show. And asked the question, “if you knew your doctor had these incentives, would it make you wonder about their recommendations for vaccination?” I know I would have liked to have had that information. I think they need to fully disclose these incentives as it is a clear conflict of interest.

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Among the other facts I'm sure the parents wish they knew prior to vaccinating their child. This was a Tweet by @catsscareme2021 on March 27th (I'm not sure if it is her original writing or not):

If you are a parent who follows the CDCs VACCINE schedule, here are some facts you need to know and understand to make an informed decision.

1. I understand that the pharmaceutical company who made this vaccine has NO liability.

2. I understand that I pay a $0.75 Federal Excise Tax per vaccine, used to pay

vaccine injured families through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) created by the government.

3. I understand that this vaccine contains neurotoxins such as aluminum that far exceeds “safe levels” deemed by the EPA.

4. I understand that this vaccine contains carcinogenic ingredients.

5. I understand that this vaccine was made from aborted fetal cell lines.

6. I understand that getting this vaccine does not ensure that I will be protected from the disease.

7. I understand that my child could get the very disease s/he was vaccinated for.

8. I understand that my child could be a carrier of the disease s/he was vaccinated for and spread it (“shedding”) for up to six weeks.

9. I understand that my doctor may get monetarily rewarded for having a high percentage of his/her patients who are fully vaccinated.

10. I understand that if my child is injured by a vaccine, my doctor would have to spend an exorbitant amount of hours filling out paper work in order to report it to VAERS (the only way to officially report a vaccine injury).

11. I understand that my doctor has no incentive to fill out paperwork for a vaccine injury.

12. I understand that vaccine injury is under-reported.

13. I understand that vaccine mandates (like SB277) literally hand over new customers to pharmaceutical companies.

14. I understand that pharmaceutical companies have no incentive to make their product better.

15. I understand that pharmaceutical companies spend up to 4x more on advertising than they do on research.

16. I understand that corporate media gets 70% of their advertising revenue from pharmaceutical companies.

17. I understand that corporate media does not want to lose revenue, certainly not 70% of it.

18. I understand that when pharmaceutical companies conduct a study (on their own product) it is in their best interest to have a favorable outcome.

19. I understand that this vaccine schedule has never been tested on children.

20. I understand that this vaccine could cause injury or death, and my child could be one of them.

21. My doctor has informed me on all the risks and side effects and has reviewed the vaccine insert with me.

22. I understand that if my child dies from this vaccine I will be awarded no more than $250,000.

23. I understand that not one vaccine has gone through a saline placebo, double-blind study.

24. I am making an informed choice to vaccinate my child.

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I understand that the people who are supposed to be regulating and approving these products are often incentivized to ignore any adverse effects.

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- for personal, professional and financial gain

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Well that's true but parents don't even know that when their babies are born beside the hepatitis B vx they put in the hospital, they can put seven more before they take the baby out of the hospital. This parents blindly trust the medical institutions, the hospitals, the pediatricians. They don't ask questions they don't look at the records and then they don't know where the autism is coming from. And now they're gonna have to deal with dead babies.

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Did you know that SIDS almost entirely disappear during the PLANdemic, when no one was taking their children to doctors for scheduled shots??? Hmmm...........

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Do you have a link for that statement? I’ve never read that but it’s quite interesting and believable.

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Sadly, we parents had no reason to question the medical community about childhood vaccines. My children were born ‘88, ‘91, ‘97. I never saw or heard anything negative about vaccines. Only when a family member is harmed by meds is when parents start finding out about Big Harma. My husband and I didn’t know of corruption until one of our sons was diagnosed bipolar in 2015 and told he needed to remain on neuro toxic meds rest of his life. We were not accepting this life sentence and started pursuing alternatives. It’s so disgusting how media and journalists are complicit in remaining silent about all the many harms medication and shots cause.

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I agree. We had NO.IDEA.

I wish for everything that we had never allowed our young human to be injected with any of those routine shots.

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Yep, definitely same here.

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Dr. Ardis speaks to these unnecessary shots. How ridiculous it is to offer up your baby to be damaged, and how you should instead ask for the Decline all Shots papers. Why should a brand new God-created baby be injected with poisons on his very first days of life?? They get us at a very vulnerable time of our lives as new parents with a tremendous responsibility for a brand new life.... God Help Us!!!

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Mar 29, 2023
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Me too. I feel I must refuse them from now on. Just like babies w shouldn't be injecting our pets either.

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True. but the tide is shifting.

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My jabbed son and daughter in law are expecting their first child. I am terrified. We can no longer talk about the j Ab I pray daily the info will become common knowledge prior to the baby’s birth. I want to send them info like this, but it is a slippery slope.

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Is it worth your grandchild’s life? What if someone tells them out the baby is harmed and they say to you “Why didn’t YOU TELL US?!”

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"National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP)" Biggest F@#$ING joke that has ever been perpetuated on victims -bar none! Total kangaroo court. I am happy for anyone who has made it out of the other side of this farce.

I am hoping that with the new(er) paradigm shift that it will be possible for those injured to receive justice. If you have to go down this long road, be prepared.

Later Jay

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This should be part of informed consent! Thank you for this comment!

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Thanks for posting. Sent it to my family.

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Me too !

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It's definitely a sharer!

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I understand that the vaccine manufacturers pay $$$XXX (an enormous amount) of money to lobbyists to influence Congress for minimal pharmaceutical regulations.

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Mar 29, 2023Edited
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I agree!

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I work in the financial field and we have to disclose how we get paid with each product etc. The doctors should too.

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It may explain why we were “fired” from our pediatrician years ago

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My daughter was also told by her pediatrician to find another doctor when she refused to vaccinate her 4 kids.

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I found out about a General Practitioner leaving the establishment early this year. The Doc is going to blend in more Holistic Methods with Doc's independent new practice. There may be more doing this, it may be that we don't hear about it too often. This is coming from Commiefornia. I think the tide is turning.

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Yup. They just kick families out now. That’s absolutely happening in CT.

Refusal to treat families that won’t vaccinate on the whole AAP schedule.

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And if they don’t kick you out… they make you sign a paper that says ‘I know I am putting my child in harms way by not vaccinating’

It’s unbelievable.

Safest thing is to stop going to all MDs today… they’re no longer on our side.

I only go to the MD now for antibiotics… anything else they’re peddling… I don’t want it.

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Be thankful that it forces you to look for a more rational, less tyrannical, health professional.

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Unfortunately that doesn’t exist here in CT - in network.

Which means really only the richest people are getting decent care… because we’re all going to out of network private MDs… who will treat a person more holistically.

In the long run… it’s better to pay more …than be dead. But every time my husband signs up for benefits… I do wonder why we bother to pay for that crap at all… as we’re barely using it.

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This made me wonder if insurance companies can decide to not cover treatment for an illness that has a jab, if the person refuses said jab? Measles,

mumps, pertussis, etc?

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I understand your point… and they could maybe say that… like they discussed about covid for a hot second and the non vaccinated … not covering any hospital day/bills in the non vaccinated

however … honestly, when do you ever hear of these diseases being an issue in kids… pretty much never… and some will argue it’s because the vaccines are protecting people so well

But I have another take on it -entirely.

My thought is if most kids did present with these childhood disease, in a healthy kid… most likely it would probably NOT be a big deal or catastrophic event anyway

And look at tetanus… that’s a huge scam… isn’t even communicable and a lot of school requiring it. Why?

My point is… these pediatric vaccines are ideology (also)… more than they are about actual health… for example, my oldest daughter is fully vaccinated to satisfy AAP vaccine schedule for k-5th grade public school entry … and when you take her blood titers… she looks COMPLETELY unvaccinated.

How many kid’s immune systems are in the same boat… a LOT likely. Parents just are not aware… the vaccine isn’t even doing a single thing! But her vaccine record shows as ‘she’s vaccinated’

It’s a scam.

All of it. Just like the covid vaccine.

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They strong arm all these mothers…

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Yup! It is hard to find a pediatrician to care for unvaccinated children.

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It took a little effort but we finally found a small, not flashy, private practice of general practitioners who also happened to be Catholic. It had to close during the pandemic for several reasons but we continue to see our doctor at another office. Talking to her after the covid vaccine rollout was very interesting.

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"Talking to her after the covid vaccine rollout was very interesting."

Please disclose.

Thank you. ❤

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Mainly that science norms has been thrown out of the window. Most notably natural immunity. And also she was seeing coercion tactics in the medical community to increase uptake. Her daughter is a nurse in a hospital system. Our doctor had gotten the initial two doses but was not getting anymore. Two of my kids were enrolled in colleges requiring the vaccine but had gotten approved religious exemptions. When i told her this, she was visibly relieved for them. She said it was near impossible to get medical ones (we hadn’t asked her for any).

Backstory: she is not anti vaccine, just willing to work with us to make the best choices for our family.

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Yep. No money in unvaxxed kids.

Shows what's important to most Docs these days.

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Not to rain on this parade, but doctors have been doing this sort of thing for ages. I can tell you from experience when visiting a doctor - and for no particular ailment to describe here - he would ask the nurse to go to his dispensing cabinet and bring out some samples for me. Now, I’m not aware of any remuneration he would receive. However, Pharmaceutical salespeople visit doctors explaining the efficacy of their products for this or that and doctors happily give them to their patients. It may or may not work for the patient but I can you I was happy to get them to avoid the cost of buying them.

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Oh yes I’ve been aware of this for a while. Part of the reason I rarely go to the doctor and even more rarely take medications.

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Mar 29, 2023
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I got some relief from time to time. Nothing serious, so… But my husband was given SIX boxes of meds to try. After 4 capsules, his BP shot up. Into the trash. I think when given such meds, the best thing to do is to go online and search for side effects. Don’t read just the few half dozen potential symptoms. Go all the way to the bottom. There just might be something there you didn’t expect. In any case, I can’t bash all meds. There are some that save peoples lives and make their lives much more comfortable. You have to make the choice for yourself.

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THAT makes so much sense - it is sure to be ignored.

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The nurses must get in on this, too, which would help explain why my daughter was vaccinated against my will by a scarily aggressive nurse when she was two (we were on an alternate schedule and the nurse intentionally broke the agreement I had with the doctor).

It happened before I could even react. I'm still traumatized.

(And btw, if I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't give any of my children any of these death shots, nor would I even take them for "well visits" at all, which I now know are just shot-pushing appointments and little to nothing more.)

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Shocking to see what has become of the nursing profession. When I was in nursing school in the dark ages of the early 90s, we were constantly told to be the advocate for the PATIENT. That does not appear to be the case anymore.

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Same for physicians. So many are just scary now.

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You know you can charge someone with battery for doing something you did not give consent for? Assault is threatening to do something without your consent, battery is actually doing it. This applies to healthcare situations. We were taught that in nursing school.

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And medical school/residency. No physical injury is necessary, either. Touching them against their consent = battery.

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Some of these nurses remind me of the prog teachers that infest the schools. They hate themselves and especially hate children.

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This. They may be drawn to fields that give them access to harm. Hopefully most are there for good reasons, but that can’t be taken for granted. There are too many of the other kind in today’s twisted, warped world.

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It's been over 26 years but I am still traumatized by what was done to my newborn, against my specific instructions that my baby NOT be injected with anything.

Nor was he to have silver nitrate applied to his eyes.

Looks like I was about 18 years ahead of that particular curve:


In any event: I was denied access to my son for over 6 hours after his (traumatic) birth. While I was in post-op, he was placed in the neo-natal unit for "observation".

When he was finally brought to me: I discovered a bandaid on my baby's tiny foot. I asked a nurse what THAT was?

She said "Oh, we gave him a Vitamin K shot. It's very necessary. So that he won't bleed to death..."

That really upset me. How would he "bleed to death"? My son was NOT being "routinely" circumcised!


So they administered that shot while my baby was separated from me. Without my knowledge nor my consent.

I'm also still traumatized by what an emergency room physician did to my 11 month old infant over 25 years ago.

I was a single, over-protective new mom and had rushed my baby to Emerg after a playground incident.

"Just to be safe."

My baby was deemed fine but his skin was lightly scraped (not bleeding) and the doctor strongly recommended he be administered an intramuscular tetanus shot.

I strongly disagreed.

The attending physician proceded to literally FREAK ME OUT.

I bawled. But I caved.

😭 I'll never forget how my

baby howled during that (unnecessary) invasive procedure.

That was my child's 1st, and last, "childhood vaccine".

You see, by miraculous happenstance, I'd read "The Medical Mafia" by Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot prior to my pregnancy.



#AccountabilityNotAmnesty 💉☠☣💔

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That is infuriating and heartbreaking. So angry at all of these “experts” who harm with impunity because they think they know better 😡

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Something this (cancelled) scientist and mother said, towards the end of this Rebel News interview, really hit the mark.

She now questions EVERYTHING, including childhood immunization schedules...


She provided expert testimony in the ongoing, 1st of its kind National Citizens Inquiry on the Covid19 Response in Canada.

Fortunately, since I began questioning everything "the experts" were saying many years before this "pandemic" was created, I was well prepared to buck the tide.

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All vaccines kill.

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Or at the very least: carry that RISK.


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I would think that would be against your informed consent?? Wondering if there isn’t some kind of recourse in such cases??

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There is. Charge them with battery

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This was almost a decade ago. I usually hesitate to ever tell this story because I kind of hate myself for not doing anything about it at the time. But it was so long ago now. I had a two year old and four year old with me in the moment and was so shocked and traumatized. It is what it is at this point, but it's reason #247 why I have zero trust in the medical industrial complex.

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Totally get that 😞 I hate how parents are taken advantage of and even preyed on by the medical establishment.

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That happened to me too. I had a birth plan which included no hep b, no eye ointment, didn’t know about the horrible vitamin k! They jabbed her anyway. Next two births were at home and they are pure bloods.

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Condolences.💔 And congrats! 👍

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Where is BCBS getting the money to pay those incentives? I'm going to guess that if OMG were to investigate this, they'd find the money comes from pharma.

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From Pharma ... plus maybe a few "redirected" bucks via ActBlue.

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There is a bigger catch that is going to surprise everyone when it is revealed. Big Pharma is sitting on billions of $$ in profit from the contracts with the Fed Gov't and foreign gov'ts for the purchase of the C shot. What do you think they will do with a war chest of that size? What happens when Pharma starts buying up all the health insurance companies like Blue Cross? They will require everyone to be fully up to date on all vaccinations, including the C shot, in order to have health insurance coverage. It is the next step in the consolidation of the medical industry under the control of Big Pharma. This will not be announced until they have obtained total control and they roll it out all at once as a fait accompli.

Now DeSantis could announce that this will not be allowed in Florida and that FL will set up it's own health insurance companies free from Big Pharma control. If that happens, the FL premiums will be much cheaper than the rest of the country due to a lower claim rate as a result of not suffering the C shot adverse health consequences.

This will only end IF.....IF all responsible parties are held fully accountable for the genocide. I have little confidence that big pharma will be criminally charged, the CEOs sentenced to life, the companies broken up and divested and ALL their profits seized to provide compensation for the genocide victims.

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Omg Phil, you are probably right, I hope not though.

One thought, will Floridians be able to travel to other states, will medical companies in other states take their insurance if they are injured?

So many ‘what ifs’.

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That is another possibility. Big Pharma could also buy up big hospitals and impose the same requirements.

Bottom line: The medical industry is morally bankrupt from top right down to your family GP. We have to opt out and build alternative services and networks. Start by learning natural medicine. There are lots of good books and resources for that.

Trust no one and never enter a hospital.

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I agree. Boutique is likely the only way to go. But my concern too is them banning certain supplements from being made etc. UGH. and transactions from processing.

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“Medical industry” is accurate, as is “sick care”. Health is not in the picture.

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I think that is already happening. Many hospitals have been closed or bought by corporations? Big pharma?

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I thought we had anti-trust laws to prevent MONOPOLIES. oops.

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We need a Trump-type who will attack and break up Big Pharma into tiny pieces in a big anti-trust action.

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Of course not. It also ties in to the CBDC planned. And the icd10 going on! Its why I have been wanting @JeffChilders to talk about CBDC for a long time now! What CAN we do?!

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I've often wondered if there will be a day coming when they will require the jabs in order to collect social security or use Medicare $'s.

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You mean they might require the jabs to get our own money back? The money we were forced to pay to the government monthly during our lifetime of working? Over my dead body!!!

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IDK...but it’s crossed my mind. Look at what they've done over the last 3 years.

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Yep. They’re evil.

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P. Phil, You gotta talk to DeSantis about this. Maybe Jeff could hook you up? I like it. If you are in Friestatt von Florida, raise your hand in agreement!

Later Jay

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Funny. In the real world, employees working for a publicly owned & traded company, we had to sign an annual ethics agreement. In this agreement, we were not allowed to accept gifts of more than $25 value from our vendors or customers. "Gifts" included anything of value. Tickets, coupons, gift cards, any & all forms of gifts.

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Funny how CRIMINALS do not follow laws...

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I have a long and hated history with BCBS and so many family employed there. 😡 And like the hospital, physicians GROUPS here everyone is a slave to the same insurance and treatments. 😡😡😡

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it's criminal.

Did you catch Mike Yeadon "out on the streets", talking about retribution "?


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It’s sad to realize how many “So Called Drs” sold their soul to the devil for a bonus. When Elon paid the DEVIL $44B to tell the TRUTH. Drs treating older kids and adults had to obtain a larger group of patients to be compliant with 2 jabs and a flu shot. If a patient had a side effect from the 1st shot, didn’t follow through w/ their 2nd shot, Drs, RNs and MAs called patients in to convince them to get their 2nd shot and said their “side effects will likely dissipate” once they are fully vaccinated. 😵‍💫

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I’ve always had a crush on Antonio Sabato, now I love him even more 😉♥️🤣

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He tried to run for congress in CA in my district and did not win. :(

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Pediatricians have been given incentives like that for years, well before the vid.

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Oh yes it’s not new. Just not always very easy to find about it. They should be required to have a notice in their office and a paper to give parents or patients before vaccination stating any incentives and the type/amount.

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I have no problem with the tried and true vaccines. So a doctor gets a $100 bonus for getting a patient under 2 to make sure the childhood vaccines are up to date. Unless you are antivax, why is this a problem. This twitter post is from 2016 and has nothing to do with the Covid vaccines.

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I'm a retired physician who spent my entire career very pro-vaccine, who took even an experimental one at one time, who fully vaccinated my child (except for the new Group B mening.). Then. The silver lining of COVID and the overplaying of their hand was that we had time to read, to hear from people we didn't usually hear from, and to think about things in a different way. I read Dissolving Illusions, and I listened to RFK, Jr., for the first time. In retrospect, the mom with whom I argued when I first retired from medicine was right, and I was wrong. I thought I knew a lot, having earned my Master of Public Health from the top-rated university in the country, and I don't think any of my teachers, from medical school on up, ever thought they were misinformed or lying. It's an old problem. Had I to do it over again, our son would get few if any vaccines, and I have likely had my last, for life.

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I appreciate the honesty and introspection. The evil and brain washing goes very far and many are just blind. That is the beauty of the pandemic. It opened some eyes

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We certainly all have different experiences. I was 5 when my mother got polio. That was just before the vaccine came out. Iron lungs were the craze! Not a good time. Maybe the whole idea of vaccines has gone too far but for many, they saved lives. Too much government is never a good thing.

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I would have said the same, but I do encourage you to read more about it. Here, for example, is Dr. Sabin, in a paper he published in 1947, quoted in Dissolving Illusions, Chapter 12, The "Disappearance" of Polio, page 229: "...the most important question: why did paralytic poliomyelitis become an epidemic disease only a little more than fifty years ago, and as such why does it seem to be affecting more and more the countries in which sanitation and hygiene, along with the general standard of living, are presumably making the greatest advances, while other large parts of the world, regardless of latitude, are still relatively unaffected?" A Dr. Neel tested Xavante Indians of Brazil using Dr. Sabin's method as published in 1957 and found that "[a]ll specimens were positive for antibodies to all three types of poliomyelitis, providing additional confirmation of the validity of the findings [that the Indians were all immune and none of them paralyzed]. . . [O]ne must conclude that in the Peruvian altiplano most infections are subclinical or give rise to only trivial illness." The chapter also tells about the huge change in the case definition for polio that occurred between 1954 and 1955, the year the Salk vaccine was released (and I would point out that the 'case' definition for COVID was manipulated to affect perceptions and behaviors, though I'm not claiming that for polio). Only cases with residual paralysis lasting at least 60 days after onset were called cases of polio beginning in 1955, whereas in 1954 and earlier the requirement was for "partial or complete paralysis of one or more muscle groups detected on two examinations at least 24 hour apart." Beginning in 1955, the case numbers could only drop, and drop dramatically, since the vast majority of polio infections do not result in any paralysis, and of those with any paralysis, very few remain at or beyond 60 days. That reduction in 'cases' of polio was not the result of any vaccine, just of case definition, exactly like for COVID. Many viruses cause paralysis, not just polio, and before the polio vaccine products were fielded there was no reason to try to distinguish them from poliomyelitis, so cases caused by other viruses could have been categorized as polio. Errors by physicians in treating cases of polio actually caused paralysis, because they would splint, cast, and immobilize limbs for months or even years, even in unparalyzed children, resulting in dysfunction. Sister Elizabeth Kenny, a pioneer of physical therapy, helped change that error. A Dr. Douglas Kerr from Johns Hopkins is quoted in the chapter, from his foreword to a book called The Autoimmune Epidemic in2009, not long ago: "Infants as young as five months old can get transverse myelitis, and some are left permanently paralyzed and dependent upon a ventilator [the modern form of 'iron lung'--Fla Mom] to breath ... my colleagues at the Johns Hopkins Hospital and I hear about or treat hundreds of new cases every year." And there's more. The story isn't what we've been told.

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I checked the Xavante Indian research that Dr Neel did and it didn't stop in 1957. Others joined him. The report from the University of Michigan Medical School can be found here. Never was I able to find that all tested positive for the 3 different polio viruses. https://patuaback.iec.gov.br/server/api/core/bitstreams/7cef0dc2-b402-4e3f-a4bb-b77904aa803d/content

See pages 7 & 8.

There are many sites out there that show what the drop of polio cases were from year to year and they all started to drop significantly in most years following the vaccination program. It wasn't just in the US. I lost a cousin to polio. She was 5 when I was 3. 2 years later when my mom got it, we were all very worried for her. She was worried about the little girl in the iron lung on her floor and about me. The little girl died. I did not. Thankfully. She was in the hospital for a month and did rehab for a year. She never did regain the strength in her left arm or right leg. Her right leg was 2 inches shorter than her left after polio. A grade school girlfriend walked on crutches because of polio. These weren't misdiagnosed cases. Sister Kenny died in 1952 and new approaches in treatment were in wide use by the time the vaccine became available.

It is not hard to test for polio now. There shouldn't be any confusion about the diagnosis. Here's an interesting article if you're interested. https://medicine.yale.edu/news/yale-medicine-magazine/article/breaking-the-back-of-polio/

Others have mistaken my comment that was only to the twitter link for antoniosabata to mean that I am pro jab. I am not. I've been against it since day 1.

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I can appreciate this Bobbi.

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Simple: The childhood vaccines are not tried and true. Read it again.

1. I understand that the pharmaceutical company who made this vaccine has NO liability.

19. I understand that this vaccine schedule has never been tested on children.

23. I understand that not one vaccine has gone through a saline placebo, double-blind study.

And that doesn't even address the toxicity of the vaccines that are way above safety levels. My son is a doctor of pharmacology who is a national director for a pharmaceutical company and has three small children. He will not allow his babies to be vaccinated for anything because he DOES understand the real science. You will not find "proof" from official studies. They are all controlled by big pharma. Dive into the mountains of anecdotal evidence on the internet supplied by doctors and parents who have seen their children suffer the consequences of blinding accepting the recommendations of the medical, pharma controlled industry. There is the real proof.

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Did/does your son have difficulty in finding a pediatrician to see his unvaxxed children? Does your son tell the pediatrician about what he knows about harmful ingredients?

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Good question. He doesn't use doctors and doesn't have a pediatrician. Like someone else here said, I think pediatricians exist primarily just to push the vaxs. I'm 72 but when we were raising our boys we did not have a pediatrician either. I don't even think we had a family doc as we were all healthy. We would see a dentist and also saw a nutritionist (not the medically trained kind). That was about it. Anytime the boys got sick, we would pull out the references for natural or homeopathic medicine and treat it ourselves.

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Additionally, both my boys went all the way through college without have any vaccinations. Back then it was very easy to obtain a religious exemption in FL to satisfy any school requirements although we home schooled from 4th grade on. My youngest son had to get some vaxs when he entered the doctorate program at UF pharmacology school but by then his immune system was fully developed and I wasn't worried about that.

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Thank you for responding. Your children are very blessed and lucky to have you and your wife for their parents. Wonderful & glad your son is following the same path in caring for his children.

My hope is a young parent will read your comments here and spare their child or future children from this cult of injecting toxins into innocent little ones.

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Read what again. My comment was based on the Antoniosabato twitter link that says nothing about how things were tested and was posted in 2016. There is no 1, 19 or 23!

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If your eyes have been opened to the criminal tactics and the gaslighting of victims of the covid vaccines, take the next step and see that it's always been this way for the entire schedule, just on a smaller scale. Yes, most babies survive the whole thing, just as most covid jabbers survive, but many don't (see: SIDS; SADS), and most end up with some sort of chronic health issue or a dampened immune system that no one ever traces back to the dozens of doses of poison they get throughout childhood. Plus, research how many more shots are given now than when Boomers or even Gen Xers were kids. Research the actual ingredients. You may be stunned.

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I don’t know, I personally would like to know if it’s incentivized. It makes me suspicious when I know someone is getting money in exchange for pushing a medical intervention. There should be transparency and the fact that they don’t seem to want people to know about this incentivization makes me wonder about their motives. If it doesn’t bother you, great, but some of us fo find it problematic.

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2016 BCBS Performance Recognition (Incentive) Pamphlet:

"Provider level 63%

$400 per Combo 10 completed for each eligible member"

See page 15 - each patient is "worth" $400 but ONLY if at least 63% of the practice is fully vaxxed to their satisfaction. http://thephysicianalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/2016-BCN-BCBSM-Incentive-Program-Booklet.pdf

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Bobbi, careful. Anti-vax is a crafted term by the CIA. Doubt that?

read last 5 paras in this post -- https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/215-quick-and-dirty-markers-for-gaslighting#details

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The problem is numbers. 0 - 18 years there are over 30 recommended vaccines and in my opinion that is too many. On top of that some of the recommended vaccines contain multiple vaccine coverage. I personally do not recall anywhere near that number growing up and plenty of people older than 50 could concur. We all made it just fine and frankly after the last 3 years I have ZERO trust in the public health machine.

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There is information on this out there. I believe it is now 66 shots on the schedule now. It was way less in the 80s.

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I posted a recent schedule

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Recommended schedule is 72 vaccines by age 18. Now imagine if annual COVID pokes were added.

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I absolutely have a problem with it! It is absolutely a conflct of interest.

The root of all evil is money! Biblical. If you line their pockets don’t you think they are swayed.

Then go and research shots. All. and you will see they are not harmless. Just like the drugs they list *20* bad side effects!!

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A $100 bonus is a problem because it supports the dr continuing to not look for possible harms of the routine shots. It perpetuates the myth that the routine shots are important public health measures - so important that the insurance company will pay the Dr extra for compliance.

I also spent my entire life supporting the routine shots. I now have read more widely and have come to reaki3 that the VID debacle is actually nothing new but is merely what the pHarma folks have been doing all along: creating a need via fear (measles infections were mostly rare well before the shot came out), creating a product that is supposed to protect from the scary thing, and then covering up and ignoring the harms done by the product.

Autism has increased exponentially over the last 20 years with no signs of stopping, and although it is truly multi factorial, the biggest risk factor is vaccines.

Alzheimer’s has increased. Alzheimer’s is associated with aluminum toxicity. Many of the adult vaccines contain aluminum, I believe. Coincidence??

I wish we had never had our young human injected with anything whatsoever.

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The bonus is actually $400 per child - but only if the practice achieves 63% of the population being fully vaxxed. http://thephysicianalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/2016-BCN-BCBSM-Incentive-Program-Booklet.pdf

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Here is a link showing how the schedule has grown from the 80s to 2000s.


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What? That’s absolutely heartbreaking, Based!

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“Reuters is useless garbage; maybe worse than useless.“

And yet, many enlightened 30 and 40 year olds who claim not to watch any msm, swear by Reuters.

And ActBlue is why I no longer give to WinRed. I would not be surprised if they did the same thing only on a less “boisterous” scale.

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Exactly! DNC AND RNC That's why I started donating to the candidate directly.

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I no longer donate to any candidate. I suspect most of the money goes towards TV ads and I never watch live TV other than a few sports games. To me, TV ads are about the worst way to spend a buck.

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This is how Reuters described the Trans terrorist (they make it sound like a red-capped (maga hat) Christian did it)


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Grrr 😡😡😡 They are experts at misrepresenting and misleading!!

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I received this daily inspiration and thought of this trans killer:

*"In the hearts of the meek the Lord finds rest, but a turbulent soul is a seat for the devil.”~St. John Climacus

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Weird stuff surrounding this story. It’s D.E.A.D. today.

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Ya, like some say her shoes were different (went in with black, came out with rainbow pattern). But it may be a lighting thing.

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And the talking heads are silent.

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Amen! I give directly to a candidate and if they use WinRed, and don't offer an alternative giving method, they don't get my money.

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Agree. I will not give to gofundme or winred no matter how good the cause.

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I had the same thoughts.

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I loved reminding folks that my body my choice was hypocritical when they demanded I get a shot that was harmful and ineffective.

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"...my body my choice was hypocritical when they demanded I get a shot that was harmful and ineffective."

I think they really mean, "Any body, my choice."

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That preacher is on to something. I’d extrapolate that responsible people, generally, are now the oppressors. You know, the people who pay the taxes, do the grunt work, stay out of trouble mostly. It’s clearly an oppressive trait. 🙄

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People say kids have changed. Kids don’t know anything. It’s adults who have changed. Adults do not prepare kids for the real world = life. Paraphrased - Frank Martin, S. C. head basketball coach

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Children know best has been a theme of Hollywood and Disney movies for decades, aimed at children.

Remember The Little Mermaid?


The most recent Incredibles?

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Another good one Jeff, and the Australia section on the excess adverse events, attributable entirely to the jab, is particularly powerful. Thanks once again for a great C&C!

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Lots of information coming out of Australia lately. I wonder why.

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how can this not be front page news? I forwarded it to talk show host Rob Carson and to my friends.... I wish Tucker would look in it.

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And the weird thing is the incumbent Labor party government was almost unanimously voted back in the last election, the parliament runs with 2 politicians in opposition. Western Australia is a democratically elected dictatorship.

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Yes that is very revealing.

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But there new show, Farmer Wants A Wife, is a big hit. We were shocked how barren and ugly the outback is and so desolate.

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🔥🔥🔥It is not only the shot that is killing! The inability of doctors to make connections with other health issues is putting more and more at risk...case in point. The body stage 3 kidney issues. The body has narrowing of the spine arthritis. After cortisone injections in my back, I bled. PC checks for fibroids. No fibroids...result is cortisone, but different kinds of cortisone are more likely to cause bleeding. Bleeding occurs in 2%! I was never told what kind of cortisone was injected.

Now I went to a third back doc and was scheduled for cortisone this morning! My Heavenly Father spoke to me in the middle of the night like He does and prompted me to look up a connection between cortisone and kidney issues and bleeding. Under no circumstance should more cortisone be given to anyone who bleeds and cortisone decreases kidney function. Three back docs, two kidney docs and a PC...not one made that connection! This is totally unacceptable! I am writing this to say...do your research. Ask questions. Do not let the medical system kill you! I am very grateful today!

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So frustrating 😞 When the patient has to do all of this checking and ask these questions, what good are the doctors anyway??

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Docs hate to hear “I looked it up/googled/etc” from a patient for this specific reason. Research everything and have a med mal atty on speed dial.

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Great work on ActBlue by O'Keefe. Next he should do WinRed. I don't trust any of them.

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Yes! Would give him greater credibility with people of all political leanings as well.

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Me either

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Was WinRed part of a multiplier in the past? A way to send money to a multiplier that is. If so could they be using our names to give donations? Just wondering.

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The Kari Lake multiplier was through WinRed.

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And Kari Lake of all people, knowing how the GOP are such scum (look at their treatment of Trump) should be with independent fund raising.

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Yep, gave to that one …

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Had the same question !

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I dare a reverently vaunted AI chatbot to come up with anything remotely on par with Slava Ukraini Laundry Service operation 😂 Wait nope, let it be triple dare!

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It was great image, and a testament to the notion that Creative Writing is important, alive and well!

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I agree. The memoir of this era he'd write would be a page-turner, though it sounds so likely he might have remote-viewed it lol.

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daiva, !! Snark/humor/wit programming glitch. 😂😂

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Mar 29, 2023
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Yay! 🤸 Just umpteenth testament to superior *human* imagination/creativity 😉

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Wow, that ActBlue information while not surprising, is explosive. I hope James O’Keefe is watching his back 😕

—“does coincide with the Delta and Omicron waves.””

Yeah and Omicron was much milder than any of the previous strains so it’s interesting that they included it 🙄 They’re clearly grasping at straws.

This whole Trump circus is revealing yet again how much TDS has affected some people! They are out to “get him” at any cost and end up falling on their faces and looking foolish. They remind me of cartoon villains.

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as long as he is not investigating the Clinton klan, he doesn't have to worry about Arkanacide.

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Monetary incentives have been given to pediatricians for decades now for jabbing children. It's why these docs will drop you from their practice if you refuse cause you cut into their percentages!! How many people know this??

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I don’t think many do. I certainly didn’t until recently. I thought they’d kick patients out because of a philosophical disagreement.

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A philosophical difference is how it was framed to my husband when Dr Bucci handed us our walking papers. He took over the practice of our original pediatrician when he retired.

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Phylo$ophy is more like it.

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I didn't know the incentives were so specific and direct. I thought it was more a policy handed down by boards (who are obviously pharma affiliated) plus the general good will built by pharma reps wining and dining the doctors over time plus the framework of the institutional brainwashing from med school. I didn't know it was literally 'vaccinate x number of children and receive x number of dollars.' Dang.

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Same. When I heard the chiropractor on her radio show literally reading the incentives off the drug companies’ websites (I think it was a provider specific page), I was shocked and disgusted.

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About a year into the pandemic, I heard a talk by Dr. Dan Stock in which he laid out the incentive structure for admission and treatment of Covid patients. It was shocking.

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I tried to get in to see him to get my son a mask exemption but he was fully booked. It goes to show how many people are hungry for truth and transparency, as well as doctors who advocate for their patients like they are supposed to!

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Rack em and stack em.

Tag em and bag em.


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Well, it is certainly beginning to look like that’s the way things are going to go

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I think the trust of doctors and the medical mafia is exceptionally blind. The question for me is always is if the doc really cares about my health and curing my troubles or just wants to drug, test and invade my body for profits.

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The bonus is $400 per child - but only if the practice achieves 63% of their patient population being fully vaxxed. Here is the BCBS Incentive Program booklet


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I received a thank you letter from the Clinton foundation for my generous donation of $1,000. I suspected that either someone had stolen my identity, or they were using anyone with a name and address to launder dark money to the Clintons. Seems I’ve found my answer

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😮 I wonder if you could send your info to O’Keefe? Maybe it would help him further with this investigation?

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Wow. What did you do?

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Reuters is owned by "Thomas Reuters". Which in turn, is majority-owned by Blackrock. Pfizer is also owned by Blackrock. So when you see Reuters saying Pfizer is doing nothing wrong, both are owned by the same people. Reuters Foundation Chairman is also a board member of Pfizer.

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Thomson Reuters, but yeah, dead-on brother

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Excess deaths: My state (WA) Dept of Health reports covid deaths monthly, broken down by age, race, gender and vaccination status. Yet no all-cause mortality for 2021 or 2022. The covid model seems like a good one to use for reporting all-cause mortality; Public Health agencies could break all-cause mortality down by age, race, gender, and vaccination status. Backdated to 2021. Then we could see when the excess deaths were happening, and in which demographic groups.

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