Rockets and exploding meteors in Israel; a new proxy war to virtue-signal about; Lula embraces Xi; injection manufacturing problems; free spike brain injuries; bad news for maskers; and more.
Great super early round up! Regarding doctors knowing what's going on, a friend waited 45 minutes beyond her appointment time to see her doctor. The doctor was very flustered when she came in. She apologized for being late and said she was so tired of seeing vax injured women. Not that she didn't want to, but she's an OB-GYN and many women are coming to her because their family doctors gaslight them. The doctor said she received a letter early on, warning her not to say certain things. She realizes that someone could complain about her and possibly end her career. How is it possible that this continues? How is it possible that my recent Medicare statement included a statement urging me to get the booster shot in order to protect myself and others?
How is it possible? I have been asking that same question every day for the past 3 years. We've all done our research, we all have our theories. But I know this for sure: it is possible because to those who find it convenient for their purposes, our rights do not matter for spit-- not unless we stand to defend them. Free speech isn't the only right, of course, but it's the first one. And if my doctor doesn't have that freedom, then how can I can trust him? How can anyone? The situation is both absurd and appalling.
But it is wonderful to have Coffee and Covid. Also, for me, Brownstone, Steve Kirsch's Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, Children's Health Defense Fund, and the Health Defense Fund, among so many other efforts. My effort has been to transcribe censored and shadow-banned video from 2021-March 2023 for the historical record (and may it "wake up" anyone who isn't aware of what's out there beyond the mainstream press). It's a lot of dark stuff, many vaxx injury testimonies, hospital atrocities, and the like. But this one really raised my spirits, and maybe it will yours also:
Dr. Christiane Northrup Stands Up for Freedom with Maine Stands Up
"we are like the same people of 1776 come back again"
Transcriber, I would add FLCCC, The Highwire with Del Bigtree, substacks by A Midwestern Doctor and Dr. William Makis, Ed Dowd's research and book, Cause Unknown and many others. I regularly read heartbreaking vax injury stories on I have a stack of 10+ books by those who know what's going on, because, like you, I want to preserve history. Let's keep up the good work and pray for more people to wake up!
"Met" Edward Dowd March '22, continued to listen to him, and in so doing found the puzzle pieces coming together. So grateful for these bold and brainy investigators.
I have a whopping 400 followers on twitter and I don't really care. I mainly post tweets to document the madness. And I occasionally download all my tweets in case I lose my account.
Same. I have 549. Have been faithfully telling the truth (mostly with re-tweets) since right before Twitter canned Dr. Michael Yeadon in 2021. His tweets at that time were a lifeline. Since then, at least two phony Mike Yeadon twitterers have popped up who seek to malign the real Dr. Yeadon.
I learned of Maine Stands Up through a comment on another stack two mos ago, and although being a 'summer people', connected with a group in my area. And from this connection found the answer to my phone need (having lost it in Nov, and been completely unsure of direction to take in replacing)---a Mark37 ghost phone. Thanks for knowing HOW to do this video saving, and for doing it.
This reminds me: April 19 marks the anniversary date of the “Shot heard round the world,” the beginning of the American Revolution at Lexington and Concord. How many years did that war last? 8 bloody years. Folks, our Revolution is just getting started. Buckle up and hang on. With people like Jeff Childers leading the way, with the help of God Almighty, things will rise up for all righteous people.
They could also be "affordable housing" for illegal immigrants that the cabal is planning to Permit to Vote in the upcoming 2024 election (which may never happen).
"How is it possible?" That almost begs an unleashing of fury because we can't help ourselves. Why? Because the anger at this insanity just gets and eats away at us ... and then boils over. And so with whatever you all face daily, you have my total empathy.
I almost skipped that video of the freak 'explaining' the divine mystery surrounding personal pronouns usage. In the old days, we used to call such an up-welling ... verbal diarrhea. Well, no society can survive such a plague of mass produced freaks as has been deliberately engineered by government and the captive media. Therefore, I fear for us all.
A lot of this would be solved if there were real jobs and freaks would either have to labor or starve ... and if business owners were truly owners who set the standards as to behavior, dress, general appearance and grooming. For this happen, government would largely have to shrivel ... and there would have to be real money capable of price discovery. To the point, we would all have to live in a real world free of blather.
The Bible teaches self-restraint (obedience to God and God's Laws) and responsibility (first to ourselves, then family, then others). And I don't see much of this anywhere. And I don't see most churches teaching anything other than 'spiritual self-indulgence'. And what have we gotten for ourselves, so untethered from a moral universe? An Egyptian style plague of Man-eating clowns and freaks.
And now, this Sudan proxy war. But never a morally healthy country with real jobs and real borders. Life is getting to be a hell-hole ... and I'm a bit on edge today. I think it is the food supply that has launched me ballistic. All kinds of stuff they are doing and not just mRNA. I worry about things that cannot be killed with cooking, things like graphene. And shedding seems more and more a credible reality.
I also worry about my wife. And it's a hell of a world if one has a wife ... and children too. From Comments, I see that it's not just me. And I feel for the rest of you out there.
Dave--we ALL go through "cycles" now between "fear" and "hope for the future". I stand on the WORD OF GOD alone for my comfort and strength. If you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ...LEAN ON HIM...He will solace you and set your spirit FREE FROM FEAR AND ANXIETY!.
Yes! I actually put a Faith > fear sticker on the back of my car not so that I can tell everyone but to remind us fellow believers that we do not have to fear or worry. I needed the reminder and I wanted to help others too. 💕
We do ... but there are always dark hours. And were it not so, there would not be such a concept as 'spiritual warfare' with war an arena of flux. (Nice to hear from you ... by the way. And the best to you all in your family.)
You know? I think all this awful chaos of various sorts is designed to be overwhelming. It is designed to throw folks off the edge into an abysmal pool of horrors. So you know what? This just means we all literally have NO choice to put ourselves and those we love into Jesus's completely capable hands. He, if He wills it to be, will keep us from harm or He has other plans - ALL of which will glorify Him. This is my solution when I start fretting (again & again) about the latest scary thing. I hope my note can encourage you to let your worry's float up to heaven when God can take the burden away.
An exorcist priest whose videos I follow agrees. He has seen a lot of dark things over a few decades. He has learned that Fear is an admitted favorite and powerful weapon of the d and is very effective. It can cause people to feel hopeless and lose the joy of the Lord, turning away.
However, even repeating a one line prayer like this (as often as needed/desired)
“Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world,”
And directing it at a special intention like our country or our elected or religious leaders or a particular person throws the d off his game. The more people who pray it daily the more off kilter the d gets.
I just had a bad moment. Not really in the Forever Pit of Deep Despair. Most of the time I am very cheerful. (I went outside, blew some stuff of the driveway and vacuumed out the car ... and sunny and blue. All's good here. Not to worry! But thanks!)
Eph. 6. [12] For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Transcriber B, "How is it possible." That's my answer.
There are still so many sleepers!! I wanted to travel in May to hike in Utah with a tour group but they still require “full jab” and a “booster”. After all the adverse events, how could anyone mandate the kill jab?? They won’t get my money.
Plenty else! The sheer arrogance and superiority so many of them have renders them incapable of right thinking and normal emotions — though many are very good at counterfeiting it. I think it’s a kind of instilled narcissism, if my own experience allows me to judge.
We all need to lean on God solely, fight bitterness and fear, and Pray for our enemies.
I only see my functional medicine MD, who runs her own clinic and doesn’t accept insurance. Doctors working for corporations and via insurance are inside a paradigm that doesn’t work for me.
There is, however, space between pushing the jab and recommending against it. You can use discernment with patients. You can opine. You can influence. You can inform. You can do that with discernment knowing that many are a lost cause and others may be more open. You can nurture doubt in the narrative where the door is more closed, and offer stats more openly when you sense that the patient is more receptive. We can all do something!
It’s about the MONEY! There is a letter going around from a hospital regarding the “bonus cash” docs etc would receive with each shot. Think about the payoffs they get when they push drugs. We the people need to do our own research and stop automatically listening to the medical masses.
Jesus made it clear, faith is illustrated in our actions, not in our piety. When the shot roll-out began, I had an appointment with an Ear Nose Throat doctor. When I walked in his office, none of his personnel were wearing a mask. When I met with the doc, the first thing he did was sit down and start talking to me about the "new vaccine" instead of the issue I was there for. He took at least 20 minutes to explain to me what a real vaccine was and why the new shot was not a vaccine. I assume he must have been doing this with every patient he saw.
I am done with people of authority using the excuse, "We're doing the best we can." If this doctor can do this, that condemns ALL the other doctors who do nothing out of fear or, worse, gas-light their patients. DONE....they all should be held accountable for the suffering and death they are all directly or indirectly responsible for. They should all lose their medical "license to kill".
I hope you gave the doctor a HUGE HUG for being COMPASSIONATE and CIRCUMSPECT in explaining the intricacies of this bioweapon jab technology. WHAT A PRINCE that doctor is!!
That's not biblical. We are blind NOW. Eye for an eye means the punishment should fit the crime. God was talking about the justice of His law. Real justice would remove the blinders and end all the gas lighting and give real "sight" to everyone. That is the meaning.
If the offense is mass-manslaughter and, in many cases, -murder then the just retribution would be…
We are to temper Justice with Mercy just as God has rendered to us. But not at the sacrifice of earthly Justice, which He has ordained. David asks God to mete out destruction to the cruel enemies of God’s people many times (lines curiously omitted from many church Psalm readings …🤔…).
Wow Politico. What city if you mind sharing? I would love to look up the freedom fighter. Can you just imagine how outraged many drs have to be?????? I can!
My favourite wisecrack-assy columnist hurriedly chimes in ↓↓ 😊
🗨 A Spanish saint, contemplating the horrors and brutality of that Civil War which was in reality an extermination of Catholics, used to repeat: “we must drown evil in an abundance of good.” ~~Itxu Díaz
Please forgive my quibbling over word choices, but I think we all (including me) sometimes unthinkingly call the Holy Spirit “it”, as if “it” were a force.
But HE is a PERSON in the Godhead. This has such profound significance that it’s worth noting and emphasizing — and pondering!
HE “is more powerful than we can hope, think, or imagine!”
Thank you for your words of encouragement and for you indulgence.
I believe that started centuries ago - the "it cycle" - I started using "he" when my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ became paramount in my life and I searched the Word more often.
They take an oath to do no harm. I was prepared to walk away from my job as a nurse if my community health employer decided to have us jab children. Thankfully, I didn’t have to & I was also “approved” for a religious exemption. There is always a way to make a living elsewhere, but it’s never convenient. I knew couldn’t live with myself if I harmed a child. Also, when adults sought out my opinion about the jab, I told them me & my family won’t take it & why.
My own doctor (Cleveland Clinic) asked why I wouldn’t get jabbed. We have a great relationship & he respects my knowledge. He said, “well, I did it”. I said, “well, I’m not you” & listed my reasons. He now regrets drinking the Koop-aide & has shared that some patients have had adverse reactions.
Over It - I commend you, as I did my RN daughter, who also got her religious exemption ‘approved’. She works in surgery, so was fortunate to not have to jab folks. She still doesn’t feel ‘safe’ discussing the jab with the surgeons and anesthesiologists she works with, despite having excellent relationships with them. The doctors seem to keep quiet on the subject. Maybe some day.
Direct Primary Care. I would welcome more practitioners offering this type of care and then these M.D.s would be self-employed and not have to deal with employer mandates and the health insurers.
Doctors have been bullying their patients to get this shot. My mother was bullied to get the shot. She was having clotting issues from hip surgery after a fall when they bullied her to get the shot. Her clots went unabated. She had three massive strokes that left her paralyzed except for one arm and limited movement in her legs, unable to speak, and unable to swallow. She remained confined to a bed like this for a year. My step dad was her primary caretaker with me providing respite.
Those doctors were the bullies.
Died suddenly would have been more humane than what they did to her.
I repeat: I have no more compassion for the medical establishment that continues to go along with this just to save their jobs. Doing so is criminal.
I agree with you Cari. While I am outraged because I have a spine and they seem to not, I have less cost then they do. And I know my husband would comply to provide for his fam.
That “death jab bullet” is not always a fast acting one, though. There are short and long term consequences in the ClotShots which become apparent, and lethal, based on design.
You can’t have all your marks dying too closely together can you?
A realistic and astute thought. But Oh, I hope time diminishes this effect. I pray for my daughters and sons-in-law and all our benighted friends and relatives — and those many already suffering the pain of loss and suffering the effects.
But lest anyone who took the jabs be hurt and offended by comments from some of us who didn’t, it probably doesn’t matter. We’re all affected according to scientists who’ve examined the blood of both groups. We all eat the same mRNA laced food and all breathe the same Chem trail fragranced air.
When TPTB told us we’re all in this together, they momentarily were being truthful.
This study will soon enough be used as an excust to push more jabs. "Quality control failures caused problems with a teensy tinsy percentage of our otherwise Safe-And-Effective vaccines".
That is, after all, how this game is played. Wait for it.
Poor doctors and nurses. What did they think would happen when they went along with the narrative, for whatever reason? They are reaping what they sowed.
I retired from my nurse practitioner job as everyone had drank the kool aid and thought I was a nut case for questioning why young healthy staff would give up rights and be injected with experimental genetic material! Unbelievable!
I am sure that was hard for you. Also hard dealing with your coworkers when you find out they are sheeple. It is mind blowing. Kudos for staying true to yourself.
And they know exactly what they are doing....just like the teachers know good and well what they are indoctrinating our children with! Anyone with any conscience at all would walk away from such a corrupt occupation! There are choices people....go find them!
True. But I do disagree it is not all. I have a very good friend who told me it is still up to her what she does in the classroom. There is some latitude. It just doesnt mean my kid will be going because I have no idea what will be taught. Just like some nurses stand up.
I've always said there needs to be live video from these classrooms! Prove what our children are being taught and use our taxpayer dollars correctly and efficiently!
Medicare is the government's baby and the government is beyond corrupt. They KNOW it's extremely dangerous. They have from the start. The only reason they are still recommending it, IMO, is to kill off as many people as possible and weaken the rest of us so we are easier to control. Everything else they have done (stupid masking, lockdowns, brainwashing and constant terror) is a way to weaken the mind and soul, which makes a person easier to control. They're teaching children to be confused, through the public schools, and confused people are easier to control. The scamdemic's effects are still being screamed about, thus Arcturus, which leaves Covidiots feeling helpless, thus easier to control. It's all about control.
My dad never took the "boosters", but did the first 2, despite me losing my mind over it repeatedly to him, and now he has shoulder pain that can't be explained. He can't lift his arms past a certain point. I looked up his batch and it was one of the worst. I think the only reason he did not initially die was he was already on blood thinners and anti-clotting drugs. His depression and lack of energy is substantial - he is exhausted all the time. He's a ticking time bomb and I know this garbage is shortening his life and most definitely shortening the quality of it. We've lost friends to turbo cancer, strokes.
I don't want justice any more, I flat out want revenge.
Yes, he does. He's been on it for years, though, way prior to the scamdemic. I'm not sure if something like that has a cumulative effect (it may) but I will look into that... thanks for the response!
Medicare is the government. If people on Medicare die, the government has to pay far less not only for medical care for these people, their social security also stops. Follow the money in everything.'s because this is an ORCHESTRATED CONSPIRACY led by those affiliate with the WEF and other deep state/behind the curtain powermongers. They are purposely KILLING OFF and INJURING what "they" think are "useless eaters" and "excess population". It's not because this is an "accidental occurrence". It is INTENTIONAL and ORCHESTRATED...and unless WE THE PEOPLE push back...each of us who are "awake" and have "critical thinking" skills....and share what we know "one on one" with those God places in our path--more people will be INJURED and DIE.
I LOATHE these "deep state" potentates--I LOATHE Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Bourla, Klaus Schwab--those are the ones we KNOW ABOUT. There are many others whose names we will never know.
I pray for JUSTICE to be done...however it won't be done by the "government"--it won't be done by "corporate medicine"--it will be done because of the CRIES OF THE PREYED UPON--"WE THE PEOPLE" to RISE UP and protest and demand justice. REFUSE TO PAY OUR TAXES--they cannot put MILLIONS of us in jail.
Be creative about demanding justice for WE THE PEOPLE--other countries are protesting and most citizens know NOTHING about it because the MSM will NEVER cover it.
I honestly believe the 2024 "election" will never happen. TOO MUCH EVIL swirling around the world that is left "unchecked".
Thanks for that very helpful Corbett Report link, Dick. I just subscribed to the Corbett Report (the free version). Media Bias/Fact Check states it is "Pseudoscience" and "Tin Foil Hat" reporting--but, of course, nobody has ever found out how relevant the guy that operates Media Bias/Fact Check is. His name is Dave Van Zandt (no relation to Donnie--LOL!) and he was almost sued by a scientific media source from the UK for reporting that they were "pseudoscientific"...the UK group sent Mr. Van Zandt a "cease and desist" letter from their attorney (which Van Zandt did post to his MB/FC website and retract his "pseudoscientific" rating from the MB/FC website).
Hi Sharon. It’s often a good report, but I always use discernment with one presenting facts with such a strong pov. Great info yet very selective, too — unique and often insightful. Not my steady diet (like C &C is😎), but often very good! This one was excellent!
I know--I forgot to share that - I have been following Dr. Mercola since 2012 and Dr. Karen Becker is affiliated with him - she's a holistic veternarian and I read her blogs avidly for many years. If you have any dogs or cats--start getting Dr. Karen Becker's blog, Shari!! Truly!!
Do we know if "mRNA injected" cattle and pigs can spread the "spike protein" on to people who eat the meat of these animals?
I totally agree. My first Maltese rescue, Maisy, (puppy mill breeder) was unfortunately vaccinated every time I took her to the vet--I was ignorant then about what this does to the immune response in ANY mammals body--let alone a little 10 lb. canine. So...with my present Maltese rescue, Colby, (who was purchased from a pet store--probably also came from a "miller") for a woman and her family by her sister as a CHRISTMAS GIFT--can you believe that--"gifting" a puppy for someone who didn't ask for a puppy? They kept him for 4 years--but NEVER trained him and he was such a "ball of fear and spit" when I took him into my home and heart. Anyway...I won't get him vaccinated at all because he's had all of his "shots" from his previous "people". He gets an annual rabies shot because that is required by law in our state. He is fed royally--so very picky this little guy (he only weighs not quite 8 lbs.) but we discovered he WILL eat dehydrated chicken and pork--and we shop up fresh cabbage and give that to him. He'll eat cooked ground beef from time to time as well. NO DOG FOOD--never gave it to Maisy girl either. My dogs stay muscular and trim and have ZERO joint issues. Maisy was probably about 13 when she passed into the "forever land". Colby is about 10 now and still very "frisky".
My doctor was fired for not getting vaxed. I have deep respect for her yet mourn the loss of an honest, godly doctor. More need to speak up NOW. Blood on their hands if they don't.
Great super early round up! Regarding doctors knowing what's going on, a friend waited 45 minutes beyond her appointment time to see her doctor. The doctor was very flustered when she came in. She apologized for being late and said she was so tired of seeing vax injured women. Not that she didn't want to, but she's an OB-GYN and many women are coming to her because their family doctors gaslight them. The doctor said she received a letter early on, warning her not to say certain things. She realizes that someone could complain about her and possibly end her career. How is it possible that this continues? How is it possible that my recent Medicare statement included a statement urging me to get the booster shot in order to protect myself and others?
How is it possible? I have been asking that same question every day for the past 3 years. We've all done our research, we all have our theories. But I know this for sure: it is possible because to those who find it convenient for their purposes, our rights do not matter for spit-- not unless we stand to defend them. Free speech isn't the only right, of course, but it's the first one. And if my doctor doesn't have that freedom, then how can I can trust him? How can anyone? The situation is both absurd and appalling.
But it is wonderful to have Coffee and Covid. Also, for me, Brownstone, Steve Kirsch's Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, Children's Health Defense Fund, and the Health Defense Fund, among so many other efforts. My effort has been to transcribe censored and shadow-banned video from 2021-March 2023 for the historical record (and may it "wake up" anyone who isn't aware of what's out there beyond the mainstream press). It's a lot of dark stuff, many vaxx injury testimonies, hospital atrocities, and the like. But this one really raised my spirits, and maybe it will yours also:
Dr. Christiane Northrup Stands Up for Freedom with Maine Stands Up
"we are like the same people of 1776 come back again"
Source: instagram channel
posted July 16, 2021
Transcriber, I would add FLCCC, The Highwire with Del Bigtree, substacks by A Midwestern Doctor and Dr. William Makis, Ed Dowd's research and book, Cause Unknown and many others. I regularly read heartbreaking vax injury stories on I have a stack of 10+ books by those who know what's going on, because, like you, I want to preserve history. Let's keep up the good work and pray for more people to wake up!
"Met" Edward Dowd March '22, continued to listen to him, and in so doing found the puzzle pieces coming together. So grateful for these bold and brainy investigators.
We literally met Drs. Paul Marik, Pierre Kory, Mobeen Syed and Keith Berkowitz last August. Such an honor! Somehow I managed not to cry.
I have a whopping 400 followers on twitter and I don't really care. I mainly post tweets to document the madness. And I occasionally download all my tweets in case I lose my account.
Same. I have 549. Have been faithfully telling the truth (mostly with re-tweets) since right before Twitter canned Dr. Michael Yeadon in 2021. His tweets at that time were a lifeline. Since then, at least two phony Mike Yeadon twitterers have popped up who seek to malign the real Dr. Yeadon.
Jeff is right-- they (masked maniacs) ARE brain-damaged!!!!! No amount of coffee will wake them up.
Ty for your most precious public service! 🤩
Thanks for reading
I learned of Maine Stands Up through a comment on another stack two mos ago, and although being a 'summer people', connected with a group in my area. And from this connection found the answer to my phone need (having lost it in Nov, and been completely unsure of direction to take in replacing)---a Mark37 ghost phone. Thanks for knowing HOW to do this video saving, and for doing it.
How do you like the Mark37 ghost phone. This is the first time I’m hearing about it.
This reminds me: April 19 marks the anniversary date of the “Shot heard round the world,” the beginning of the American Revolution at Lexington and Concord. How many years did that war last? 8 bloody years. Folks, our Revolution is just getting started. Buckle up and hang on. With people like Jeff Childers leading the way, with the help of God Almighty, things will rise up for all righteous people.
Also in Maine! Cheers!
Chevrus--I recognize your name from your many comments. And you are in Maine!
Thank you!!🙏🏻♥️
You are thinking straight and using logic, Transcriber B! I will look you up when we are in the GULAG together!
I see multiple “apartment “ buildings going up all over. Doesn’t matter the neighborhood. They call them smart cities, I call the reeducation camps.
They could also be "affordable housing" for illegal immigrants that the cabal is planning to Permit to Vote in the upcoming 2024 election (which may never happen).
Tacoma WA has a lot going up.
Happy to cross paths with you, but it won't be any in gulag, that's not on my schedule for this lifetime.
"How is it possible?" That almost begs an unleashing of fury because we can't help ourselves. Why? Because the anger at this insanity just gets and eats away at us ... and then boils over. And so with whatever you all face daily, you have my total empathy.
I almost skipped that video of the freak 'explaining' the divine mystery surrounding personal pronouns usage. In the old days, we used to call such an up-welling ... verbal diarrhea. Well, no society can survive such a plague of mass produced freaks as has been deliberately engineered by government and the captive media. Therefore, I fear for us all.
A lot of this would be solved if there were real jobs and freaks would either have to labor or starve ... and if business owners were truly owners who set the standards as to behavior, dress, general appearance and grooming. For this happen, government would largely have to shrivel ... and there would have to be real money capable of price discovery. To the point, we would all have to live in a real world free of blather.
You well describe the soical disease of comfort, spare time, and self-obsession that has crushed other empires prior to crushing ours.
The Bible teaches self-restraint (obedience to God and God's Laws) and responsibility (first to ourselves, then family, then others). And I don't see much of this anywhere. And I don't see most churches teaching anything other than 'spiritual self-indulgence'. And what have we gotten for ourselves, so untethered from a moral universe? An Egyptian style plague of Man-eating clowns and freaks.
And now, this Sudan proxy war. But never a morally healthy country with real jobs and real borders. Life is getting to be a hell-hole ... and I'm a bit on edge today. I think it is the food supply that has launched me ballistic. All kinds of stuff they are doing and not just mRNA. I worry about things that cannot be killed with cooking, things like graphene. And shedding seems more and more a credible reality.
I also worry about my wife. And it's a hell of a world if one has a wife ... and children too. From Comments, I see that it's not just me. And I feel for the rest of you out there.
Dave--we ALL go through "cycles" now between "fear" and "hope for the future". I stand on the WORD OF GOD alone for my comfort and strength. If you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ...LEAN ON HIM...He will solace you and set your spirit FREE FROM FEAR AND ANXIETY!.
Yes! I actually put a Faith > fear sticker on the back of my car not so that I can tell everyone but to remind us fellow believers that we do not have to fear or worry. I needed the reminder and I wanted to help others too. 💕
We do ... but there are always dark hours. And were it not so, there would not be such a concept as 'spiritual warfare' with war an arena of flux. (Nice to hear from you ... by the way. And the best to you all in your family.)
You know? I think all this awful chaos of various sorts is designed to be overwhelming. It is designed to throw folks off the edge into an abysmal pool of horrors. So you know what? This just means we all literally have NO choice to put ourselves and those we love into Jesus's completely capable hands. He, if He wills it to be, will keep us from harm or He has other plans - ALL of which will glorify Him. This is my solution when I start fretting (again & again) about the latest scary thing. I hope my note can encourage you to let your worry's float up to heaven when God can take the burden away.
An exorcist priest whose videos I follow agrees. He has seen a lot of dark things over a few decades. He has learned that Fear is an admitted favorite and powerful weapon of the d and is very effective. It can cause people to feel hopeless and lose the joy of the Lord, turning away.
However, even repeating a one line prayer like this (as often as needed/desired)
“Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world,”
And directing it at a special intention like our country or our elected or religious leaders or a particular person throws the d off his game. The more people who pray it daily the more off kilter the d gets.
I just had a bad moment. Not really in the Forever Pit of Deep Despair. Most of the time I am very cheerful. (I went outside, blew some stuff of the driveway and vacuumed out the car ... and sunny and blue. All's good here. Not to worry! But thanks!)
EXACTLY what I shared with Dave (see my comment above).
Excellent post, as always, Daverkb!
For some reason I always read your name as “Dave killer bee” 😂
Kinda fits. 😎
I did skip it. LOL
Mind boggling. On the level of that screaming Snow Flake in Washington. Unbelievable.
Eph. 6. [12] For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Transcriber B, "How is it possible." That's my answer.
Hmmm...Funny you should ask. Today’s James Corbett on just this 👇
Very good. Milgrim and Ceaușescu effects: one person can break the cycle in the group around him.
There are still so many sleepers!! I wanted to travel in May to hike in Utah with a tour group but they still require “full jab” and a “booster”. After all the adverse events, how could anyone mandate the kill jab?? They won’t get my money.
Will they have anyone healthy enough to hike?
Many of their tours are sold out! I am still surprised daily at the number of zombies walking around and so so blind to the truth!!
Too bad for them. And on so many levels.
I have no more compassion for doctors who are remaining silent to save their jobs.
Nor respect or trust. What else are they being complicit and lacking integrity in.
Plenty else! The sheer arrogance and superiority so many of them have renders them incapable of right thinking and normal emotions — though many are very good at counterfeiting it. I think it’s a kind of instilled narcissism, if my own experience allows me to judge.
We all need to lean on God solely, fight bitterness and fear, and Pray for our enemies.
I only see my functional medicine MD, who runs her own clinic and doesn’t accept insurance. Doctors working for corporations and via insurance are inside a paradigm that doesn’t work for me.
PattieWagon: Because you don’t need a license to drive a sammich!
There is, however, space between pushing the jab and recommending against it. You can use discernment with patients. You can opine. You can influence. You can inform. You can do that with discernment knowing that many are a lost cause and others may be more open. You can nurture doubt in the narrative where the door is more closed, and offer stats more openly when you sense that the patient is more receptive. We can all do something!
WONDERFULLY WORDED - perhaps we should PRAY for more of those types of medical practitioners, Volva!! I will do that right now!!
It’s about the MONEY! There is a letter going around from a hospital regarding the “bonus cash” docs etc would receive with each shot. Think about the payoffs they get when they push drugs. We the people need to do our own research and stop automatically listening to the medical masses.
Ding ding ding! Ka-ching 🤑 Patient needs or in the best interest in the patient is not a consideration. Show them the money 💰 🤑 💸
However, if followers of Christ, where is their faith? THIS is what I struggle with.
Jesus made it clear, faith is illustrated in our actions, not in our piety. When the shot roll-out began, I had an appointment with an Ear Nose Throat doctor. When I walked in his office, none of his personnel were wearing a mask. When I met with the doc, the first thing he did was sit down and start talking to me about the "new vaccine" instead of the issue I was there for. He took at least 20 minutes to explain to me what a real vaccine was and why the new shot was not a vaccine. I assume he must have been doing this with every patient he saw.
I am done with people of authority using the excuse, "We're doing the best we can." If this doctor can do this, that condemns ALL the other doctors who do nothing out of fear or, worse, gas-light their patients. DONE....they all should be held accountable for the suffering and death they are all directly or indirectly responsible for. They should all lose their medical "license to kill".
I hope you gave the doctor a HUGE HUG for being COMPASSIONATE and CIRCUMSPECT in explaining the intricacies of this bioweapon jab technology. WHAT A PRINCE that doctor is!!
Beware of staring into abyss for too long 😟
🗨 An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That's not biblical. We are blind NOW. Eye for an eye means the punishment should fit the crime. God was talking about the justice of His law. Real justice would remove the blinders and end all the gas lighting and give real "sight" to everyone. That is the meaning.
If the offense is mass-manslaughter and, in many cases, -murder then the just retribution would be…
We are to temper Justice with Mercy just as God has rendered to us. But not at the sacrifice of earthly Justice, which He has ordained. David asks God to mete out destruction to the cruel enemies of God’s people many times (lines curiously omitted from many church Psalm readings …🤔…).
Awesome to hear this!! And agree completely!
Wow Politico. What city if you mind sharing? I would love to look up the freedom fighter. Can you just imagine how outraged many drs have to be?????? I can!
This was in Panama City Fl. I already knew everything he said but I did enjoy hearing it from a doctor.
My favourite wisecrack-assy columnist hurriedly chimes in ↓↓ 😊
🗨 A Spanish saint, contemplating the horrors and brutality of that Civil War which was in reality an extermination of Catholics, used to repeat: “we must drown evil in an abundance of good.” ~~Itxu Díaz
Please forgive my quibbling over word choices, but I think we all (including me) sometimes unthinkingly call the Holy Spirit “it”, as if “it” were a force.
But HE is a PERSON in the Godhead. This has such profound significance that it’s worth noting and emphasizing — and pondering!
HE “is more powerful than we can hope, think, or imagine!”
Thank you for your words of encouragement and for you indulgence.
Many Blessings
I believe that started centuries ago - the "it cycle" - I started using "he" when my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ became paramount in my life and I searched the Word more often.
Yes. We do it all. Truth, love, mercy, prayer, faith, obedience to God’s Word — wise as serpents, and gentle as doves & all to His Glory and Honor.
Matthew 10:16, often forgotten quote from Jesus.
Are we? What is the best we can do? Tell the truth damn the consequences.
They take an oath to do no harm. I was prepared to walk away from my job as a nurse if my community health employer decided to have us jab children. Thankfully, I didn’t have to & I was also “approved” for a religious exemption. There is always a way to make a living elsewhere, but it’s never convenient. I knew couldn’t live with myself if I harmed a child. Also, when adults sought out my opinion about the jab, I told them me & my family won’t take it & why.
My own doctor (Cleveland Clinic) asked why I wouldn’t get jabbed. We have a great relationship & he respects my knowledge. He said, “well, I did it”. I said, “well, I’m not you” & listed my reasons. He now regrets drinking the Koop-aide & has shared that some patients have had adverse reactions.
Over It - I commend you, as I did my RN daughter, who also got her religious exemption ‘approved’. She works in surgery, so was fortunate to not have to jab folks. She still doesn’t feel ‘safe’ discussing the jab with the surgeons and anesthesiologists she works with, despite having excellent relationships with them. The doctors seem to keep quiet on the subject. Maybe some day.
Direct Primary Care. I would welcome more practitioners offering this type of care and then these M.D.s would be self-employed and not have to deal with employer mandates and the health insurers.
They took an oath to “above all else do no harm”!
Who are you calling a bully, Cari?
Doctors have been bullying their patients to get this shot. My mother was bullied to get the shot. She was having clotting issues from hip surgery after a fall when they bullied her to get the shot. Her clots went unabated. She had three massive strokes that left her paralyzed except for one arm and limited movement in her legs, unable to speak, and unable to swallow. She remained confined to a bed like this for a year. My step dad was her primary caretaker with me providing respite.
Those doctors were the bullies.
Died suddenly would have been more humane than what they did to her.
I repeat: I have no more compassion for the medical establishment that continues to go along with this just to save their jobs. Doing so is criminal.
We are truly “watched” all the time. Answerable to the Federal govment.
Teachers are paper pushers with reports on students & any other record keeping docs - all shared to ultimately the federal DOE.
Our medical records are complied by our docs who are similar paper pushers funneling our personal information to the Feds (thank ObamaCare)
Autonomy? Not so much.
In my past any records kept stayed with the entity involved.
Today - electronic records kept who knows where.
I agree with you Cari. While I am outraged because I have a spine and they seem to not, I have less cost then they do. And I know my husband would comply to provide for his fam.
That “death jab bullet” is not always a fast acting one, though. There are short and long term consequences in the ClotShots which become apparent, and lethal, based on design.
You can’t have all your marks dying too closely together can you?
A realistic and astute thought. But Oh, I hope time diminishes this effect. I pray for my daughters and sons-in-law and all our benighted friends and relatives — and those many already suffering the pain of loss and suffering the effects.
Dick, I hope so, too.
But lest anyone who took the jabs be hurt and offended by comments from some of us who didn’t, it probably doesn’t matter. We’re all affected according to scientists who’ve examined the blood of both groups. We all eat the same mRNA laced food and all breathe the same Chem trail fragranced air.
When TPTB told us we’re all in this together, they momentarily were being truthful.
This study will soon enough be used as an excust to push more jabs. "Quality control failures caused problems with a teensy tinsy percentage of our otherwise Safe-And-Effective vaccines".
That is, after all, how this game is played. Wait for it.
Great observation!
Granted, this is from harvard, but again, it's from harvard.
They basically find legal loopholes in this oath to do whatever they feel or want to do....
Good luck detoxing the never ending Gobstopper!
LOL, throwback to Willywonka!
And these are the same people with advance degrees in medicine. Wow!
Well, it’s not brain surgery! Oh, wait...
What a maroon. I doubt I'd trust that doc with a treatment protocol for a hangnail.
Poor doctors and nurses. What did they think would happen when they went along with the narrative, for whatever reason? They are reaping what they sowed.
I retired from my nurse practitioner job as everyone had drank the kool aid and thought I was a nut case for questioning why young healthy staff would give up rights and be injected with experimental genetic material! Unbelievable!
I am sure that was hard for you. Also hard dealing with your coworkers when you find out they are sheeple. It is mind blowing. Kudos for staying true to yourself.
And they know exactly what they are doing....just like the teachers know good and well what they are indoctrinating our children with! Anyone with any conscience at all would walk away from such a corrupt occupation! There are choices people....go find them!
True. But I do disagree it is not all. I have a very good friend who told me it is still up to her what she does in the classroom. There is some latitude. It just doesnt mean my kid will be going because I have no idea what will be taught. Just like some nurses stand up.
I've always said there needs to be live video from these classrooms! Prove what our children are being taught and use our taxpayer dollars correctly and efficiently!
Medicare is the government's baby and the government is beyond corrupt. They KNOW it's extremely dangerous. They have from the start. The only reason they are still recommending it, IMO, is to kill off as many people as possible and weaken the rest of us so we are easier to control. Everything else they have done (stupid masking, lockdowns, brainwashing and constant terror) is a way to weaken the mind and soul, which makes a person easier to control. They're teaching children to be confused, through the public schools, and confused people are easier to control. The scamdemic's effects are still being screamed about, thus Arcturus, which leaves Covidiots feeling helpless, thus easier to control. It's all about control.
My dad never took the "boosters", but did the first 2, despite me losing my mind over it repeatedly to him, and now he has shoulder pain that can't be explained. He can't lift his arms past a certain point. I looked up his batch and it was one of the worst. I think the only reason he did not initially die was he was already on blood thinners and anti-clotting drugs. His depression and lack of energy is substantial - he is exhausted all the time. He's a ticking time bomb and I know this garbage is shortening his life and most definitely shortening the quality of it. We've lost friends to turbo cancer, strokes.
I don't want justice any more, I flat out want revenge.
Does he take a statin? That could also explain muscle weakness like that? Just throwing it out there.
Yes, he does. He's been on it for years, though, way prior to the scamdemic. I'm not sure if something like that has a cumulative effect (it may) but I will look into that... thanks for the response!
Side effects can happen any time.
Medicare is the government. If people on Medicare die, the government has to pay far less not only for medical care for these people, their social security also stops. Follow the money in everything.
Could it be bcuz we—as in collective human we—recklessly let us forget the why behind our whats & hows? 🤨's because this is an ORCHESTRATED CONSPIRACY led by those affiliate with the WEF and other deep state/behind the curtain powermongers. They are purposely KILLING OFF and INJURING what "they" think are "useless eaters" and "excess population". It's not because this is an "accidental occurrence". It is INTENTIONAL and ORCHESTRATED...and unless WE THE PEOPLE push back...each of us who are "awake" and have "critical thinking" skills....and share what we know "one on one" with those God places in our path--more people will be INJURED and DIE.
I LOATHE these "deep state" potentates--I LOATHE Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Bourla, Klaus Schwab--those are the ones we KNOW ABOUT. There are many others whose names we will never know.
I pray for JUSTICE to be done...however it won't be done by the "government"--it won't be done by "corporate medicine"--it will be done because of the CRIES OF THE PREYED UPON--"WE THE PEOPLE" to RISE UP and protest and demand justice. REFUSE TO PAY OUR TAXES--they cannot put MILLIONS of us in jail.
Be creative about demanding justice for WE THE PEOPLE--other countries are protesting and most citizens know NOTHING about it because the MSM will NEVER cover it.
I honestly believe the 2024 "election" will never happen. TOO MUCH EVIL swirling around the world that is left "unchecked".
Posting this again here so we can all read it. Very germane & timely:
Thanks for that very helpful Corbett Report link, Dick. I just subscribed to the Corbett Report (the free version). Media Bias/Fact Check states it is "Pseudoscience" and "Tin Foil Hat" reporting--but, of course, nobody has ever found out how relevant the guy that operates Media Bias/Fact Check is. His name is Dave Van Zandt (no relation to Donnie--LOL!) and he was almost sued by a scientific media source from the UK for reporting that they were "pseudoscientific"...the UK group sent Mr. Van Zandt a "cease and desist" letter from their attorney (which Van Zandt did post to his MB/FC website and retract his "pseudoscientific" rating from the MB/FC website).
Hi Sharon. It’s often a good report, but I always use discernment with one presenting facts with such a strong pov. Great info yet very selective, too — unique and often insightful. Not my steady diet (like C &C is😎), but often very good! This one was excellent!
Sounds like the way I "peruse" Dr. Paul Alexander's Substack--are you familiar with his writing, Dick?
No, I’m not! I’ll take a look. What are your thoughts?
Corbett knows how to sniff out the truth.
What is James Corbett's background, "other James"?
25% of US population UNJABBED… the smart ones!!!
‘THEY’RE’ vaccinating our food👹
Look up Dr Mercola article today;
‘Big Ag in Tailspin Over mRNA Gene Therapy Leak’
I know--I forgot to share that - I have been following Dr. Mercola since 2012 and Dr. Karen Becker is affiliated with him - she's a holistic veternarian and I read her blogs avidly for many years. If you have any dogs or cats--start getting Dr. Karen Becker's blog, Shari!! Truly!!
Do we know if "mRNA injected" cattle and pigs can spread the "spike protein" on to people who eat the meat of these animals?
Always follow Dr Becker’s advice on animals!
I totally agree. My first Maltese rescue, Maisy, (puppy mill breeder) was unfortunately vaccinated every time I took her to the vet--I was ignorant then about what this does to the immune response in ANY mammals body--let alone a little 10 lb. canine. So...with my present Maltese rescue, Colby, (who was purchased from a pet store--probably also came from a "miller") for a woman and her family by her sister as a CHRISTMAS GIFT--can you believe that--"gifting" a puppy for someone who didn't ask for a puppy? They kept him for 4 years--but NEVER trained him and he was such a "ball of fear and spit" when I took him into my home and heart. Anyway...I won't get him vaccinated at all because he's had all of his "shots" from his previous "people". He gets an annual rabies shot because that is required by law in our state. He is fed royally--so very picky this little guy (he only weighs not quite 8 lbs.) but we discovered he WILL eat dehydrated chicken and pork--and we shop up fresh cabbage and give that to him. He'll eat cooked ground beef from time to time as well. NO DOG FOOD--never gave it to Maisy girl either. My dogs stay muscular and trim and have ZERO joint issues. Maisy was probably about 13 when she passed into the "forever land". Colby is about 10 now and still very "frisky".
My doctor was fired for not getting vaxed. I have deep respect for her yet mourn the loss of an honest, godly doctor. More need to speak up NOW. Blood on their hands if they don't.
Those are your finest indicators that the Towers are Faulty!
Not to mention criminal.