In which we tumble down the Great American Eclipse rabbit hole, finding at least one inexplicable element; while gracefully sidestepping the Avian Flu Pandemic rabbit hole.
I can't. I just can't handle any more b.s. How the hell is there an eclipse emergency? Give. Me. A. Break.
I used to teach astronomy to kids. We'd demonstrate how eclipses worked. There is nothing mystical, magical, spiritual, sinister, or dangerous about them at all. There's a new moon every 29.5 days. The sunlight is blocked by the moon every single month. We're just lucky that rarely, that shadow falls on the planet. When it does, it's amazing. Given a clear sky, you can see stars. STARS out in the daytime. Bright planets like Jupiter and Venus, if they are above the horizon, are visible. It's dark in the path of totality - very dark! It's like night, but only for a few minutes. And when it happens, if you are lucky enough to see it, for crying out loud LOOK AT IT. It will blow your mind! You will see the sun and moon are actually very "small" in the sky. I saw the one in 2017 and it blew my socks off. It was hands down the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I am going to chase this one if it looks like there will be clouds on Ohio and I WILL see it. Positive vibes are appreciated - this means a lot to me - and there had better not be chemtrail/contrail one in the sky that day.
The only hassle and danger is traffic and people who don't pay attention because the sky is going dark. Get off the roads, get settled in plenty of time, and get ready for the greatest show on earth.
We are quickly regressing into ancient history when the chiefs and tribal "leaders" would use weather and other natural events to control the people. It was used as an excuse for human sacrifice and as an opportunity to tell people that if they do what they are told everything will go back to "normal". It's uncanny that after hundreds and even thousands of years, human beings haven't changed at all and the monsters that lust after power and control still use the exact same crap to cull the herd. "Climate Emergency" (nevermind an eclipse emergency) is akin to a tribal leader telling the people they have to sacrifice to whatever god they believed in (ours is government) to make the scary storm go away. The insanity I've witnessed over the last 4 years is absolutely breathtaking.
I’m actually hoping that since we are arriving at the end of the Pfizer 2020 midpoint of insanity that perhaps things will start to swing back to greater normalcy like we used to have prior to 2017. I remember noticing that 2017 was the year that a lot of the mRna hype was really starting to come out. Also prior to then i never heard of BLM or the WEF, or even thought about trans nonsense. I felt safe in my own country and was optimistic about the future, and certainly never thought that my USA would ever try to inject me against my will.
2020 robbed us of our lifestyles and peace of mind. Wouldn’t it be nice to return to how it was before all of this?
Unfortunately, the vaccine tyranny is decades old, and since the 1986 Act, which removed liability from those who manufacture and administer vaccines, it has only gotten worse by the year. I gave the 12-minute rally speech below in 2015 in CA, before the “carve out” for home schoolers was added. Originally, the bill applied to every child in CA, 0-18, as it included those in daycare, public school, private school, and home school. The bill quickly became law in CA.
Vaccines, with no viable opt out options, have been, and continue to be, a requirement for an ever-increasing list of people: those in the military; children in daycare, and children in both public and private schools, in many states; many college students, those who work in hospitals and healthcare; those whose work takes them into hospitals, such as the elevator repairman; U.S. contractors who work in other countries; the children of those on government assistance; those in certain elder care housing situations; some surgery patients; some summer camp attendees; and likely more I have not listed.
Medical mandates cannot exist in a free and ethical society. Informed consent cannot happen in the presence of mandates. Exemptions to mandates are not an acceptable solution. A simple “no thank you” must always suffice when one wants to decline or refuse any medical treatment or procedure for oneself or one’s children, without any government interference, coercion, cost, or penalty. Vaccine mandates must be abolished, the 1986 Act must be repealed, and individual and parental rights with regard to healthcare and medical decision making must be fully restored.
Below is a link to my work, should you be interested to learn more :)
Don't Christian Scientists have the ability to decline medical treatments because their 'religion' tells them to (that's an oversimplification)? So there is precedent for this if we can figure out the right way to do it.
P.S. to my above post, regarding those required to be injected with vaccines. I thought of more categories of people to add to the list: foster children; families who foster children have to provide proof of vaccinations for their biological children, and for their pets, in many states; adopted children, including those adopted via private adoptions, are monitored by the state for one year, in part to ensure all those “well baby” appts are kept, and vaccinations had (I think this is nationwide, but not positive); mothers who want to adopt an embryo from a willing couple, so it won’t be “discarded”, must show proof of many vaccinations and/or titers (which prove nothing).
I may think of more yet to add to the ever-growing, tragic list.
Our foster child was forced to get shots. Injured by Dtap. Our biological were injured getting caught up in order to foster (didn’t know about religious back then) Then our second foster child was taken away because we were so vocal about injuries
Thank you for sharing your painful personal story with us, Susan.
We must stop this Vaccine Holocaust, and to do that, we must regain our right to refuse vaccinations. To that end, I wrote an article a few years ago which can be printed and shared, link below. To quote Maya Angelou, “When we know better, we do better.”
That great thing abour the seventies were exactly that no-one gave a fuck abour Carter and inflation. That's why the seventies will always top all decades. And people used psychedelics widely. We actually evolved as a species from the mid-60ties to the mid-seventies. All great grassroot movements started then: Anti-war, anti-racist, reasonable feminism, resaonable green anti-pollution etc.
I wish times were before smartphones were created....that includes the blackberry phone....a phone is just a phone. now it just rots the brain of our youth
Ah I use my phone to read C&C and respond to work emails and read articles because otherwise I’d have to sit in front of my computer for all that… Without the internet, I couldn’t do parts of my job unless I lived in a very large city which I am glad I don’t have to do… especially nowadays.
If I carry your thinking further, we all love the technology that makes or lives better like the internent, we just want to stop the technology that makes lives worse like new vaccines that are bioweapons.
But you would sit in front of your old computer, if that was all you had. I remember those days. And it can still happen that way. :-) No matter what. We’d do what it takes.
I loved the 80s and 90s in the 80s and 90s. But you know what they say about hindsight - Wth was happening that we didn’t see or sense or wonder…or something?!? I admit a day doesn’t go by where I wish for just a moment that I was still asleep - ignorance is bliss and all that. But in all this loss of security and comfort I have gained much - namely a greater appreciation for my people (like-minded and very much awake) and a greater reliance on God. Jesus, I trust in you!
I've said this for YEARS. Once the cabal can kill the president in broad daylight, with a kooky explanation that doesn't hold a drop of water...well, you've just lost your country.
Right, I'd be what most consider pagan, but for me it means a deep reverence and respect for nature and all living entities. The only rule I follow (or do my best to) is "harm none." Traditional pagans knew how to use herbs to heal. That knowledge has been swept away by western medicine, but luckily some still study it. I'm not sure who or what is behind the evil happening, but it's not pagans.
I, too, prefer the word unbelievable in this situation rather than breathtaking. “Breathtaking” to me is describing something amazing in a wonderful way.
All that mumbo jumbo receded when Christianity took off. As Christianity recedes, it should be no surprise that the mumbo jumbo is coming back. We had an anchor, a Firm Foundation, and we threw it away... for superstition and magic.
Mumbo jumbo as in the freakout about the eclipse. The trans stuff. The "BLM and no one else" crowd, the Bohemian Grove nonsense, the Spirit Cooking garbage, whatever is going on under Denver airport... There's lots of mumbo jumbo to go around.
An eternal universe or eternal reality the universe popped out of without a creator would be superstitious and magical by that definition.
I imagine if skeptics studied people who have experienced miracles, demonic possession of both people and places, etc. - they'd reconsider. There's plenty of evidence.
Not according to Christians. An outsider would no doubt see the claims of miraculous intervention by God as "just another kind of magic", though. Which is why, according to Christians, God raised Jesus from the dead in a demonstrable and verifiable way.
(Which isn't to say that superstitions haven't accumulated over the years within the "traditions" of the christian community. Hence the Reformation, etc etc...)
Even if an angel were to appear to you and say Christianity is true, it would still be a matter of faith, since: 1) you might be hallucinating, 2) it might be a trick by the trickster Norse God Loki, 3) it might be Satan appearing as an angel of light and and attempting to mislead you to the wrong belief, and 4) it might be an experiment by aliens (if they exist), etc.
However, Christianity gives the ten commandments (which broken commandment would anyone want done against them?), the ability to live with a good conscience, and the tools for love, mercy, and forgiveness towards all. Who would not want God to love them? This is in line with a just universe. Further, Christianity has the testament of the Saints over the ages: signs, miracles, and spiritual discernment within this moral context. I have no doubt other beliefs have spiritual experiences, but to their interpretations of those spiritual experiences, I have doubt.
Well, it's rather less verifiable now than it was at the time, given how long has elapsed. But it's well attested in very early writings that the Christians *claimed* it, and that nobody produced Jesus' corpse in response; instead, people started to join them in preaching "the way".
Even non-christian historians acknowledge that the earliest believers were claiming a resurrection, and willing to die for that belief. Unless one rules out the supernatural to start with, one can reasonably conclude that Jesus actually coming back to life is a better explanation that any alternative proposed so far (search up "minimal facts argument for the resurrection" for more details, since the comment section isn't ideal for going far in-depth).
A long time ago, Steven Spielberg did a collection of short tales for the tv. One of those involved some college students traveling in central America who get "caught" in an eclipse. They're in a cave, and see carvings indicating that the sun was going to disappear FOREVER and they needed to make a virgin sacrifice to bring it back. What do you think these brain trusts did?
You and me both. It's a SOLAR ECLIPSE, people! They will do anything and everything to stir people up. Will there be traffic jams? Yep! That means people want to go to watch something beautiful, awe inspiring and amazing instead of the darn TV. The horrors!
Our store in closing the pharmacy from 3 -3:30. Why? So we can see the eclipse. I am not there anyhow, but appreciate the company's efforts to get its employees to see the show.
Given that the concerted effort to engage as much “creative destruction” and controlled chaos have been ramping up for a while now, it makes sense to catastrophize as much as possible. Brace for impact (or not) because it appears the target goal iOS the cancellation of this upcoming election.
So. Even though he repented. Okay. He’s one of the Best Bible teachers I know of. I don’t know him personally, but friends do. I take it that you don’t believe in repentance.
I don't know this preacher at all, but as a general rule I'd expect someone who had repented of anything serious to step down from ministry for a time, and only come back under the authority of another leader who's willing and able to hold them to account. Don't know if this guy has done that or not, just saying.
That said, though I do think God can (and has) used eclipses and other signs, the attempt to squash current events into a futuristic misinterpretation of Revelation is another red flag. If he really is legit, then I'd like to see him prove it with an actual clear prophecy and see it come true (without making any false prophecies in the process!).
2 Cor. 7:9 Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed to repentance: for ye were made sorry after a godly manner, that ye might receive damage by us in nothing.
10 For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.
11 For behold this selfsame thing, that ye sorrowed after a godly sort, what carefulness it wrought in you, yea, what clearing of yourselves, yea, what indignation, yea, what fear, yea, what vehement desire, yea, what zeal, yea, what revenge! In all things ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter.
The salvation Paul speaks of here is not in reference to our justification but our sanctified life in Christ being revealed at the judgement seat of Christ where our life in Christ will be examined.
In trying to use godly judgment/discernment of Mr. Staley, it did not appear to me that he had godly sorrow. I looked into him about 5 or 6 years ago because a dear sister in Christ (who was stablished in the faith) started to depart and was listening to this Torah HR false teacher, so I did some examining of him and his teachings. I would be glad to have a discussion with you as to why he's a false teacher if you would have readiness of mind to listen and consider and do your own due diligence to search the scriptures to see if what I say is truth. In order for someone to come unto the knowledge of the truth, one has to have a humble heart and a heart that seeks God's truth and not any man's teaching except it line up w/the word of God (God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged--Rom 3:4). Satan has deceived the world and the members of the body of Christ, the Church, as to what the gospel that saves is and the doctrine to and for the body of Christ.
2 Cor. 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
1 Cor. 14:37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.
38 But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.
We were right under the one in 2017. It was over our town, our house and it was amazing. There was no chaos...there were people renting out fields for RV's and those from out of town. It was a party. People are losing their minds. Like the scene in the movie Independence Day (first one) where all the idiots are on the roofs of high rises with signs saying "WELCOME" and then BAM. Dead.
I really felt blessed to be right in the path and it came right over the house. Yes, I meant people are losing their minds in a bad way, not a scientific/creation kind of way.
I like to use Mars Attacks as my go-to for an alien invasion scenario…laughing about the Martian ambassador at the White House, meeting the POTUS (Jack Nicholson) . Lately, I try to envision Brandon & Dr Jill in those hilarious scenes. 🙄🙄🙄
To see and record the eclipse safely without looking with your naked eye, use your smart phone video/photo option in 'selfie' mode to view it in your phone. You will be able to see it 'over your shoulder' in your phone, without damaging your your eyes. The old pinhole in the box works too.
and Nannyism! Don't forget that the drama is designed to promote and enforce the Nanny State to DO SOMETHING!!! My fellow Americans who buy into this nonsense are Ninnies for Nannyism.
My friend at work got a bad case of eye redness. Went to the doctor (after the doctor canceled several times) and my friend was told to wear sunglasses. The doctor (I don’t know the gender preference so) told her “It” had no idea what caused the inflammation but to go home and come back when she needed surgery. The silly doctor passed up a perfect opportunity to sell a new pandemic in our area but handled it with the pandemic idea of “ get worse so I make more money” rhetoric. Doctors, you can’t live with them...
That's true. It happened to me, and I've seen it happen to others now that I'm aware of it. However, I didn't have a choice since I was injured in the military during the Gulf War era and had to undergo some surgeries. It took me many years to realize it and I escaped in 2015. At least I figured out vaccines made me very ill when I was in and stopped taking them in 1996 when I got out. I swapped out the toxic food, hygiene, and cleaning products for real products. It has made a difference. Just eating real food makes a huge difference.
I woke up with conjunctivitis (pink eye) a few weeks ago. I do have backyard chickens, come to think of it. But anyway, I treated with sterile saline wash, a bit of colloidal silver dropped into the eye, my husband's contact lens cleaner dropped into the eye, and for good measure, I took some Ivermectin. It still had to run its course. Over in about a week.
I get Geo Engineering can control the weather. I get HARPP can cause earthquakes. I get that a cyber attack can steer a container ship into major bridge. But, a Solar Eclipse, is not man made. The Solar Eclipse Emergency Authorization by municipalities is definitely man made.
I am here in PA as well. I was reading the post exactly as the earthquake happened. We were in tokyo March 21 (2 weeks ago) and experience another earthquake. hmmm...
Well there is that crazy woman who has predicted a coming comet and earthquakes that will rip the USA open like a zipper from Ontario to New Orleans. She described a pole shift, but I don’t recall if she mentioned a solar eclipse.
LOL, I just made a comment on that, hope you weren't talking about me hehehe. I didn't describe a pole shift, but had read that comets, planetary alignments and the eclipse could cause agitation to volcanoes and cause eq, so quite possible she wasn't too crazy. The comet is to be also in with the planetary alignment, which probably won't help matters. Besides, I didn't learn about the eq in the NM area from any lady but a very ill man who was given word by the Lord.
There were 2 EQ’s back to back in Plumas County CA last night…4.8 just south of Mt Lassen… the last dormant volcano in the Cascade range, right where the Sierras begin.
It was about 45 minutes from me and within 20 minutes of Trumps Bedminster residence/golf club. At first, I thought the evil ones were going after Trumps property, but I guess it was really just an earthquake.
I’m an astrologer and I’ll give my two cents. The psychopathic would be controllers of the world time a lot of things according to astrology-so whether you believe in it they do. I would think of the eclipse as possibly an applifier. So getting everyone all riled up could applify fear which helps “them”. Instead amplify things we desire—especially getting closer to God and listening to what God would have you do. And hey if it isn’t amplified by an eclipse, you are still ahead.
But can you imagine if instead of millions getting more fearful, millions began walking closer to God. Just saying. It’s not like any of us can change anything by engaging in fear porn.
6 years 6 months 6 Days from the previous eclipse on 2017
The Devils comet shows up
The crossing point of the two eclipses almost unknown place “ The Devil’s Table “
I can understand why and how is that some people can be skeptical about things like this, but you need to understand
One, the battle is of the Lord
Two, He created everything we can see and know, before we were created
Three, Nobody and I mean NOBODY can manipulate the planets, the sun and the moon and comets.
We, are the only creatures that can see an eclipse and NOPE total solar eclipse crossing on one place patterns are extremely rare, only 8 times in 247 years in American history and always for times of war. And for the pattern of the eclipse to go on tope of 8 cities name Ninive.
I can go on and on into this, but as I learn long time ago
For those that understand
There’s no explanation needed
For those that don’t understand
No explanation is enough
From Genesis to Revelation, The Lord of Creation, The maker of the heavens and earth tells you that the love story is written in the skies and in His infinite love for His children warned us about going the wrong way and correct our path.
This is the last warning for America and our wrong ways…..We can change, still…
10 Richest people, fine 10 and “I will forgive”
7…etc. I’m Not a richest person but I try to change my ways every day more and more
First me, then my family then my friends then someone else
2 Chronicles 7:14
Nissan 1 (April 8) I will get on my knees and pray. Then I will try for others to do the same and repent for the sins of the Nation. With the Love of Christ everything is possible.
I work at a school (in a wealthy area) & they will not be allowing students to go outside bc “they don’t have eclipse glasses for everyone”. Such a wasted learning experience. They “are encouraging teachers to have students watch it on YouTube during class”
The schools in my part of Ohio that are in the path have all cancelled classes on Monday. Everyone has glasses; people are having eclipse parties for their kids and using this as a teaching moment.
I remember watching one with my kids classes back when. I didn’t have glasses but watched as it happened through a hole in a piece of paper with another piece behind it. I can still ‘see’ the shadow as it moved across. Very cool.
When I was in high school our science teacher had some sort of painted glass for us to look through and also a shadow box pinhole camera thing. It was obviously memorable and nobody lost their eyesight.
However, we were a lot better behaved than kids nowadays, and smaller class sizes, and parents with common sense.
Yep I got an email from my son's elementary school that they will be keeping students inside but parents could pick them up if we wanted to. Will be for sure! My son was amazed that he would get out of school for this :)
I can't. I just can't handle any more b.s. How the hell is there an eclipse emergency? Give. Me. A. Break.
I used to teach astronomy to kids. We'd demonstrate how eclipses worked. There is nothing mystical, magical, spiritual, sinister, or dangerous about them at all. There's a new moon every 29.5 days. The sunlight is blocked by the moon every single month. We're just lucky that rarely, that shadow falls on the planet. When it does, it's amazing. Given a clear sky, you can see stars. STARS out in the daytime. Bright planets like Jupiter and Venus, if they are above the horizon, are visible. It's dark in the path of totality - very dark! It's like night, but only for a few minutes. And when it happens, if you are lucky enough to see it, for crying out loud LOOK AT IT. It will blow your mind! You will see the sun and moon are actually very "small" in the sky. I saw the one in 2017 and it blew my socks off. It was hands down the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I am going to chase this one if it looks like there will be clouds on Ohio and I WILL see it. Positive vibes are appreciated - this means a lot to me - and there had better not be chemtrail/contrail one in the sky that day.
The only hassle and danger is traffic and people who don't pay attention because the sky is going dark. Get off the roads, get settled in plenty of time, and get ready for the greatest show on earth.
We are quickly regressing into ancient history when the chiefs and tribal "leaders" would use weather and other natural events to control the people. It was used as an excuse for human sacrifice and as an opportunity to tell people that if they do what they are told everything will go back to "normal". It's uncanny that after hundreds and even thousands of years, human beings haven't changed at all and the monsters that lust after power and control still use the exact same crap to cull the herd. "Climate Emergency" (nevermind an eclipse emergency) is akin to a tribal leader telling the people they have to sacrifice to whatever god they believed in (ours is government) to make the scary storm go away. The insanity I've witnessed over the last 4 years is absolutely breathtaking.
I’m actually hoping that since we are arriving at the end of the Pfizer 2020 midpoint of insanity that perhaps things will start to swing back to greater normalcy like we used to have prior to 2017. I remember noticing that 2017 was the year that a lot of the mRna hype was really starting to come out. Also prior to then i never heard of BLM or the WEF, or even thought about trans nonsense. I felt safe in my own country and was optimistic about the future, and certainly never thought that my USA would ever try to inject me against my will.
2020 robbed us of our lifestyles and peace of mind. Wouldn’t it be nice to return to how it was before all of this?
On an island,
Unfortunately, the vaccine tyranny is decades old, and since the 1986 Act, which removed liability from those who manufacture and administer vaccines, it has only gotten worse by the year. I gave the 12-minute rally speech below in 2015 in CA, before the “carve out” for home schoolers was added. Originally, the bill applied to every child in CA, 0-18, as it included those in daycare, public school, private school, and home school. The bill quickly became law in CA.
Vaccines, with no viable opt out options, have been, and continue to be, a requirement for an ever-increasing list of people: those in the military; children in daycare, and children in both public and private schools, in many states; many college students, those who work in hospitals and healthcare; those whose work takes them into hospitals, such as the elevator repairman; U.S. contractors who work in other countries; the children of those on government assistance; those in certain elder care housing situations; some surgery patients; some summer camp attendees; and likely more I have not listed.
Medical mandates cannot exist in a free and ethical society. Informed consent cannot happen in the presence of mandates. Exemptions to mandates are not an acceptable solution. A simple “no thank you” must always suffice when one wants to decline or refuse any medical treatment or procedure for oneself or one’s children, without any government interference, coercion, cost, or penalty. Vaccine mandates must be abolished, the 1986 Act must be repealed, and individual and parental rights with regard to healthcare and medical decision making must be fully restored.
Below is a link to my work, should you be interested to learn more :)
Don't Christian Scientists have the ability to decline medical treatments because their 'religion' tells them to (that's an oversimplification)? So there is precedent for this if we can figure out the right way to do it.
With regard to vaccine mandates, if there is not a religious, personal beliefs, or philosophical exemption available, they, too, must comply.
P.S. to my above post, regarding those required to be injected with vaccines. I thought of more categories of people to add to the list: foster children; families who foster children have to provide proof of vaccinations for their biological children, and for their pets, in many states; adopted children, including those adopted via private adoptions, are monitored by the state for one year, in part to ensure all those “well baby” appts are kept, and vaccinations had (I think this is nationwide, but not positive); mothers who want to adopt an embryo from a willing couple, so it won’t be “discarded”, must show proof of many vaccinations and/or titers (which prove nothing).
I may think of more yet to add to the ever-growing, tragic list.
Our foster child was forced to get shots. Injured by Dtap. Our biological were injured getting caught up in order to foster (didn’t know about religious back then) Then our second foster child was taken away because we were so vocal about injuries
Thank you for sharing your painful personal story with us, Susan.
We must stop this Vaccine Holocaust, and to do that, we must regain our right to refuse vaccinations. To that end, I wrote an article a few years ago which can be printed and shared, link below. To quote Maya Angelou, “When we know better, we do better.”
My son often says he wishes we could go back to the way things were in 2019 😞 I feel the same.
I'd probably pick a date in the '70s myself.
70s with Carter and inflation don’t appeal to me, personally. Maybe the 80s.
That great thing abour the seventies were exactly that no-one gave a fuck abour Carter and inflation. That's why the seventies will always top all decades. And people used psychedelics widely. We actually evolved as a species from the mid-60ties to the mid-seventies. All great grassroot movements started then: Anti-war, anti-racist, reasonable feminism, resaonable green anti-pollution etc.
Except they were doing it then as well:
I suppose it was less intense than today as they are now relentless, and it seems they will stop at nothing until they get their way.
She died at the age of 70 after fighting cancer for 11 years.
1965, 1966, Beatles, Monkees, Loving Spoonful. Ah the music then was so much nicer. And of course I was a kid LOL
Give this a listen INGRID, music law and conservatism by the ACLJ band:
I'd pick a any date before 2020 personally
yes, when rent and houses were affordable and we all had plenty of free time to play music, make art etc.
I notice great war spending and inflation followed this to make us all miserable wage slaves.
I wish times were before smartphones were created....that includes the blackberry phone....a phone is just a phone. now it just rots the brain of our youth
Ah I use my phone to read C&C and respond to work emails and read articles because otherwise I’d have to sit in front of my computer for all that… Without the internet, I couldn’t do parts of my job unless I lived in a very large city which I am glad I don’t have to do… especially nowadays.
If I carry your thinking further, we all love the technology that makes or lives better like the internent, we just want to stop the technology that makes lives worse like new vaccines that are bioweapons.
But you would sit in front of your old computer, if that was all you had. I remember those days. And it can still happen that way. :-) No matter what. We’d do what it takes.
Cell phones and the technocracy behind them rots ALL brains!
I want the 1950s.
I think I would like a lot of the 50s based on what my mom related about that time but there are things I wouldn’t be ok with.
I loved the 80s and 90s in the 80s and 90s. But you know what they say about hindsight - Wth was happening that we didn’t see or sense or wonder…or something?!? I admit a day doesn’t go by where I wish for just a moment that I was still asleep - ignorance is bliss and all that. But in all this loss of security and comfort I have gained much - namely a greater appreciation for my people (like-minded and very much awake) and a greater reliance on God. Jesus, I trust in you!
Yes! I repeat, “God I trust in You.” many times during the day.✝️
I would say the critical year is 1963 when they got away with murdering president, John F Kennedy. They covered it up and got away with it.
I've said this for YEARS. Once the cabal can kill the president in broad daylight, with a kooky explanation that doesn't hold a drop of water...well, you've just lost your country.
On an island,
I added a P.S. below to my previous post, as I thought of even more to add to the list :(
Yes, exactly this.
The fact that our leaders are calling for the emergency powers is a return to paganism.
Most people I know think it is all ridiculous.
paganism? LOL/ Youre on the right track but its not pagans. who were country people who worshipped Nature (look it up).
its The ILLUMINATI who are using any excuse to scare us into slavery.
Traditional Navajo elder talks about the darkening of the sun:
Right, I'd be what most consider pagan, but for me it means a deep reverence and respect for nature and all living entities. The only rule I follow (or do my best to) is "harm none." Traditional pagans knew how to use herbs to heal. That knowledge has been swept away by western medicine, but luckily some still study it. I'm not sure who or what is behind the evil happening, but it's not pagans.
Yes, yes is is breathtaking, but I also call it unbelievable. I just will never understand people who refuse to think.
Well, there has always been a lack of common sense in the world but now that schools train kids to actually be stupid, things have gotten worse.
I, too, prefer the word unbelievable in this situation rather than breathtaking. “Breathtaking” to me is describing something amazing in a wonderful way.
Well said. I guess it’s another case of “the more things change…” Or, maybe more appropriately, “there’s nothing new under the sun.”
All that mumbo jumbo receded when Christianity took off. As Christianity recedes, it should be no surprise that the mumbo jumbo is coming back. We had an anchor, a Firm Foundation, and we threw it away... for superstition and magic.
What is the mumbo-jumbo?
Mumbo jumbo as in the freakout about the eclipse. The trans stuff. The "BLM and no one else" crowd, the Bohemian Grove nonsense, the Spirit Cooking garbage, whatever is going on under Denver airport... There's lots of mumbo jumbo to go around.
And Christianity is not based on Superstition and Magic?
An eternal universe or eternal reality the universe popped out of without a creator would be superstitious and magical by that definition.
I imagine if skeptics studied people who have experienced miracles, demonic possession of both people and places, etc. - they'd reconsider. There's plenty of evidence.
Not according to Christians. An outsider would no doubt see the claims of miraculous intervention by God as "just another kind of magic", though. Which is why, according to Christians, God raised Jesus from the dead in a demonstrable and verifiable way.
(Which isn't to say that superstitions haven't accumulated over the years within the "traditions" of the christian community. Hence the Reformation, etc etc...)
How is the account of a resurrection demonstrable and verifiable?
How is it more verifiable than the account of Muhammad flying up
into the heavens on a magical winged horse like creature?
Even if an angel were to appear to you and say Christianity is true, it would still be a matter of faith, since: 1) you might be hallucinating, 2) it might be a trick by the trickster Norse God Loki, 3) it might be Satan appearing as an angel of light and and attempting to mislead you to the wrong belief, and 4) it might be an experiment by aliens (if they exist), etc.
However, Christianity gives the ten commandments (which broken commandment would anyone want done against them?), the ability to live with a good conscience, and the tools for love, mercy, and forgiveness towards all. Who would not want God to love them? This is in line with a just universe. Further, Christianity has the testament of the Saints over the ages: signs, miracles, and spiritual discernment within this moral context. I have no doubt other beliefs have spiritual experiences, but to their interpretations of those spiritual experiences, I have doubt.
Well, it's rather less verifiable now than it was at the time, given how long has elapsed. But it's well attested in very early writings that the Christians *claimed* it, and that nobody produced Jesus' corpse in response; instead, people started to join them in preaching "the way".
Even non-christian historians acknowledge that the earliest believers were claiming a resurrection, and willing to die for that belief. Unless one rules out the supernatural to start with, one can reasonably conclude that Jesus actually coming back to life is a better explanation that any alternative proposed so far (search up "minimal facts argument for the resurrection" for more details, since the comment section isn't ideal for going far in-depth).
A long time ago, Steven Spielberg did a collection of short tales for the tv. One of those involved some college students traveling in central America who get "caught" in an eclipse. They're in a cave, and see carvings indicating that the sun was going to disappear FOREVER and they needed to make a virgin sacrifice to bring it back. What do you think these brain trusts did?
Well, they certainly were not going to find a virgin among a group of college students.
I am so, SO sick of mindless, asinine drama.
You and me both. It's a SOLAR ECLIPSE, people! They will do anything and everything to stir people up. Will there be traffic jams? Yep! That means people want to go to watch something beautiful, awe inspiring and amazing instead of the darn TV. The horrors!
Our store in closing the pharmacy from 3 -3:30. Why? So we can see the eclipse. I am not there anyhow, but appreciate the company's efforts to get its employees to see the show.
Given that the concerted effort to engage as much “creative destruction” and controlled chaos have been ramping up for a while now, it makes sense to catastrophize as much as possible. Brace for impact (or not) because it appears the target goal iOS the cancellation of this upcoming election.
Maybe watching this will explain that eclipses and blood moons are significant and why.
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing this it looks like I did get a few details wrong in my earlier comment. Pretty cool.
Jim Staley is a criminal and a false teacher. We are to expose them. He teaches a works based salvation.
So. Even though he repented. Okay. He’s one of the Best Bible teachers I know of. I don’t know him personally, but friends do. I take it that you don’t believe in repentance.
I don't know this preacher at all, but as a general rule I'd expect someone who had repented of anything serious to step down from ministry for a time, and only come back under the authority of another leader who's willing and able to hold them to account. Don't know if this guy has done that or not, just saying.
That said, though I do think God can (and has) used eclipses and other signs, the attempt to squash current events into a futuristic misinterpretation of Revelation is another red flag. If he really is legit, then I'd like to see him prove it with an actual clear prophecy and see it come true (without making any false prophecies in the process!).
Yes, I do believe in godly sorrow and repentance:
2 Cor. 7:9 Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed to repentance: for ye were made sorry after a godly manner, that ye might receive damage by us in nothing.
10 For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.
11 For behold this selfsame thing, that ye sorrowed after a godly sort, what carefulness it wrought in you, yea, what clearing of yourselves, yea, what indignation, yea, what fear, yea, what vehement desire, yea, what zeal, yea, what revenge! In all things ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter.
The salvation Paul speaks of here is not in reference to our justification but our sanctified life in Christ being revealed at the judgement seat of Christ where our life in Christ will be examined.
In trying to use godly judgment/discernment of Mr. Staley, it did not appear to me that he had godly sorrow. I looked into him about 5 or 6 years ago because a dear sister in Christ (who was stablished in the faith) started to depart and was listening to this Torah HR false teacher, so I did some examining of him and his teachings. I would be glad to have a discussion with you as to why he's a false teacher if you would have readiness of mind to listen and consider and do your own due diligence to search the scriptures to see if what I say is truth. In order for someone to come unto the knowledge of the truth, one has to have a humble heart and a heart that seeks God's truth and not any man's teaching except it line up w/the word of God (God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged--Rom 3:4). Satan has deceived the world and the members of the body of Christ, the Church, as to what the gospel that saves is and the doctrine to and for the body of Christ.
2 Cor. 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
1 Cor. 14:37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.
38 But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.
Ooooooo!! Good one! 💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥😇😇😇
We were right under the one in 2017. It was over our town, our house and it was amazing. There was no chaos...there were people renting out fields for RV's and those from out of town. It was a party. People are losing their minds. Like the scene in the movie Independence Day (first one) where all the idiots are on the roofs of high rises with signs saying "WELCOME" and then BAM. Dead.
I was losing my mind in 2017, but in the best way possible. I'd never seen something so amazing. I am looking forward to seeing this one!
I really felt blessed to be right in the path and it came right over the house. Yes, I meant people are losing their minds in a bad way, not a scientific/creation kind of way.
I like to use Mars Attacks as my go-to for an alien invasion scenario…laughing about the Martian ambassador at the White House, meeting the POTUS (Jack Nicholson) . Lately, I try to envision Brandon & Dr Jill in those hilarious scenes. 🙄🙄🙄
When I went to school, we all went out & watched it after making glasses that week. So much fun 🤩
But I am creeped out about this one.
and well you should be. Those who would control us will use it to their advantage.
being in denial wont help
Chronologist's view on eclipse:
I’m not in denial.. I know exactly what they have in mind 🙏
Navajo elder speaks about eclipse:
To see and record the eclipse safely without looking with your naked eye, use your smart phone video/photo option in 'selfie' mode to view it in your phone. You will be able to see it 'over your shoulder' in your phone, without damaging your your eyes. The old pinhole in the box works too.
Sorry if this has already already been said.
and Nannyism! Don't forget that the drama is designed to promote and enforce the Nanny State to DO SOMETHING!!! My fellow Americans who buy into this nonsense are Ninnies for Nannyism.
My friend at work got a bad case of eye redness. Went to the doctor (after the doctor canceled several times) and my friend was told to wear sunglasses. The doctor (I don’t know the gender preference so) told her “It” had no idea what caused the inflammation but to go home and come back when she needed surgery. The silly doctor passed up a perfect opportunity to sell a new pandemic in our area but handled it with the pandemic idea of “ get worse so I make more money” rhetoric. Doctors, you can’t live with them...
Read an article eons (over 40 years)ago in Reader’s Digest that stated the more you go to the Dr the sicker you will be.
Turns out they were right.
That's true. It happened to me, and I've seen it happen to others now that I'm aware of it. However, I didn't have a choice since I was injured in the military during the Gulf War era and had to undergo some surgeries. It took me many years to realize it and I escaped in 2015. At least I figured out vaccines made me very ill when I was in and stopped taking them in 1996 when I got out. I swapped out the toxic food, hygiene, and cleaning products for real products. It has made a difference. Just eating real food makes a huge difference.
Yes, that is the scientifically proven “nocebo effect”.
I woke up with conjunctivitis (pink eye) a few weeks ago. I do have backyard chickens, come to think of it. But anyway, I treated with sterile saline wash, a bit of colloidal silver dropped into the eye, my husband's contact lens cleaner dropped into the eye, and for good measure, I took some Ivermectin. It still had to run its course. Over in about a week.
That "doctor" is NOT a doctor.
Doctors, you can’t live with them … 😂😂😂😂. Very good cowgirl!
But the expression on the dairy worker, and on Dr House are priceless!
I get Geo Engineering can control the weather. I get HARPP can cause earthquakes. I get that a cyber attack can steer a container ship into major bridge. But, a Solar Eclipse, is not man made. The Solar Eclipse Emergency Authorization by municipalities is definitely man made.
BREAKING: Earthquake in NY
If it was California people would be yawning.
Ha me too been through big ones north and south
I felt it in Pa. Was interesting since I just read Jeff's update on earthquakes AFTER the eclipse.
I am here in PA as well. I was reading the post exactly as the earthquake happened. We were in tokyo March 21 (2 weeks ago) and experience another earthquake. hmmm...
Wow! I thought you were joking... had to go look it up!
Well there is that crazy woman who has predicted a coming comet and earthquakes that will rip the USA open like a zipper from Ontario to New Orleans. She described a pole shift, but I don’t recall if she mentioned a solar eclipse.
LOL, I just made a comment on that, hope you weren't talking about me hehehe. I didn't describe a pole shift, but had read that comets, planetary alignments and the eclipse could cause agitation to volcanoes and cause eq, so quite possible she wasn't too crazy. The comet is to be also in with the planetary alignment, which probably won't help matters. Besides, I didn't learn about the eq in the NM area from any lady but a very ill man who was given word by the Lord.
Yes. The poles are shifting but they actually do that every once in awhile.. I had no idea about that
There were 2 EQ’s back to back in Plumas County CA last night…4.8 just south of Mt Lassen… the last dormant volcano in the Cascade range, right where the Sierras begin.
interesting as the one in NY/NJ was a 4.5 under first reporting that I have seen
Was just about to post that and figured someone might’ve already done so 🙂
It was about 45 minutes from me and within 20 minutes of Trumps Bedminster residence/golf club. At first, I thought the evil ones were going after Trumps property, but I guess it was really just an earthquake.
4.8 is not exactly minor. I was near a palm tree for a 5 and it was loud, ground yanking
I thought Jeff would say that the X means the US is done for
Might as well put a red 'X' through it.
We are just about done.
Haha! Missed opportunity, Jeff!
unless you live in The Truman Show!
I’m an astrologer and I’ll give my two cents. The psychopathic would be controllers of the world time a lot of things according to astrology-so whether you believe in it they do. I would think of the eclipse as possibly an applifier. So getting everyone all riled up could applify fear which helps “them”. Instead amplify things we desire—especially getting closer to God and listening to what God would have you do. And hey if it isn’t amplified by an eclipse, you are still ahead.
But can you imagine if instead of millions getting more fearful, millions began walking closer to God. Just saying. It’s not like any of us can change anything by engaging in fear porn.
I love this
EXACTLY RIGHT. thank you!!!
Why let a crisis go to waste….
Nothing is random
They will do anything to justify their crimes
NASA. 3 Rockets tours the Eclipse
CERN to restart the Hidroncollider on April 8
6 years 6 months 6 Days from the previous eclipse on 2017
The Devils comet shows up
The crossing point of the two eclipses almost unknown place “ The Devil’s Table “
I can understand why and how is that some people can be skeptical about things like this, but you need to understand
One, the battle is of the Lord
Two, He created everything we can see and know, before we were created
Three, Nobody and I mean NOBODY can manipulate the planets, the sun and the moon and comets.
We, are the only creatures that can see an eclipse and NOPE total solar eclipse crossing on one place patterns are extremely rare, only 8 times in 247 years in American history and always for times of war. And for the pattern of the eclipse to go on tope of 8 cities name Ninive.
I can go on and on into this, but as I learn long time ago
For those that understand
There’s no explanation needed
For those that don’t understand
No explanation is enough
From Genesis to Revelation, The Lord of Creation, The maker of the heavens and earth tells you that the love story is written in the skies and in His infinite love for His children warned us about going the wrong way and correct our path.
This is the last warning for America and our wrong ways…..We can change, still…
10 Richest people, fine 10 and “I will forgive”
7…etc. I’m Not a richest person but I try to change my ways every day more and more
First me, then my family then my friends then someone else
2 Chronicles 7:14
Nissan 1 (April 8) I will get on my knees and pray. Then I will try for others to do the same and repent for the sins of the Nation. With the Love of Christ everything is possible.
Maybe watching this will explain that eclipses and blood moons are significant and why.
I work at a school (in a wealthy area) & they will not be allowing students to go outside bc “they don’t have eclipse glasses for everyone”. Such a wasted learning experience. They “are encouraging teachers to have students watch it on YouTube during class”
No, no, NO!!! Parents, pull your kids out that day and let them see the eclipse! Insanity!!!!
The schools in my part of Ohio that are in the path have all cancelled classes on Monday. Everyone has glasses; people are having eclipse parties for their kids and using this as a teaching moment.
I remember watching one with my kids classes back when. I didn’t have glasses but watched as it happened through a hole in a piece of paper with another piece behind it. I can still ‘see’ the shadow as it moved across. Very cool.
Same here in Indiana!
Outstanding :)
Good grief.
When I was in high school our science teacher had some sort of painted glass for us to look through and also a shadow box pinhole camera thing. It was obviously memorable and nobody lost their eyesight.
However, we were a lot better behaved than kids nowadays, and smaller class sizes, and parents with common sense.
Yep I got an email from my son's elementary school that they will be keeping students inside but parents could pick them up if we wanted to. Will be for sure! My son was amazed that he would get out of school for this :)